Our Lady Queen of Peace
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Our Lady Queen of Peace Most Holy Trinity May 26, 2013 4696 Notre Dame Lane, House Springs, Mo 63051 636-671-3062 www.olqpparish.org May 26, 2013 PASTOR Reverend Michael Murphy SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Evening 5:00 pm (Rosary before Mass - Fatima Prayers included on 1st Sat.) ASSOCIATES Reverend James Beighlie, C.M. Reverend Donald F. Molitor, Retired Sunday Holy Days Weekdays DEACONS Reverend Dr. Thomas Gerling Reverend Mr. Paul Turek, Sr. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for prayerful Adoration the last Wednesday of each month from 1:00 to 8:00 pm. MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Bob Ellison 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am as announced 8:00 am PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS Tuesday after 8:00 am Mass GRADE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL/PRESCHOOL Ms. Renée Chauvin ROSARY FOR VOCATIONS 2nd Monday of each month after 8:00 am Mass PSR COORDINATOR Mrs. Debra O’Donnell ROSARY FOR PEACE Every Monday evening at 7:30 pm YOUTH MINISTER COORDINATOR Mrs. Terry Ostlund SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM First and third Sunday of the month after 11:30 am Mass Make arrangements by calling Parish Office PARISH COUNCIL Thomas Broadbent, Sandee Burkemper, Bev Gregory, René Heibeck, David Holmes, Taylor Layton, Dave Mills, Donna Otzenberger, Jan Schultheiss, Tim Webb, Linda Weber Parish Office School Cafeteria 671-3062 671-0247 375-5335 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 pm or by appointment SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY As soon as marriage is contemplated, please contact one of the parish priests, 636-671-3062. Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Registration forms may be found on our website (olqpparish.org/parishregistration.htm), in the Church lobby or you may stop by the Parish Office to fill one out. If you have recently changed your status, married, moved out of your Most Holy Trinity Upcoming OLQP Parish Events 2013 June Sat 8 Thur 27 OLQP Picnic OLQP Blood Drive July Sun 7 Hope Builders Summer Service Week August Sat 17 Sun 25 Knights of Columbus Fairmont Horse Races Daughters of Isabella Tailgate Sale Ladies Auxiliary Quarter Auction and Vendor Fair September Sun 22 Sun 29 OLQP Quilt Social Fall Festival October Sat 12 Harvest Moon Auction Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May 27th, in observance of Memorial Day!! Parish Activities Mon May 27 Tues May 28 Wed Sat May 29 June 1 Cemetery Mass (House Springs), 9:00 am Rosary for Peace, 7:30 pm, Church Perpetual Devotions after 8:00 am Mass Quilters, 9:00 am - 3 pm, 6:00 - 8:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration, 1:00 - 8 pm, Church One more week until OLQP PICNIC May 26, 2013 Memorial Day Just a reminder that we will celebrate Mass at the House Springs Cemetery on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27th, at 9:00 am. There will be no 8:00 am Mass in the Church. In the event of rain, the Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 am in the church. For many, Memorial Day has evolved into the official “kick off” date for summer. It’s a lot of fun grilling pork steaks and burgers, sipping on a cold beer, playing washers and enjoying time with family and friends. But please do not forget why we celebrate this day. On Memorial Day we remember, honor and pray for all the men and women who died in the line of duty defending our country and preserving our freedom. Do not take their sacrifice for granted. Enjoy the day, but take time to remember and pray for these men and women who are no longer with us, having paid the ultimate price for our country and for our freedom. Only Two Weeks Away School is out for the summer and the OLQP Picnic is only two weeks away. I look forward to this time of year. After the intense busyness of April and May with weddings, graduations, Confirmations, First Communions, Holy Week and Easter and all the other assorted crisis, problems and challenges, it is good to relax a little bit and enjoy life. As pastor, I do not like to schedule too many meetings during the summer because people need some time to back away from responsibilities and recharge their “batteries”. However we can’t back away from everything. The OLQP Parish Picnic/Festival is very important as a fundraiser, but it is also a very important opportunity to bring our parish family together to work and play. It is a wonderful way to meet new friends and visit with old friends. Once again, here’s what you can do to prepare: Jeremy Pope and Lisa Lorentz OLQP ~ June 15, 2013 On Monday, May 27th, we will not have our brown bag lunch. Celebrate Memorial day with your family and friends. Take the time to volunteer to work for a couple of hours. Pray for good weather. Invite family, friends and relatives to come and enjoy the Chicken dinners, games, SH-BOOM, the fireworks and Deacon Paul’s deep fried exotic carnival food. Buy and sell raffle tickets. The success of the picnic depends on all of us and as I stated last week, the goal isn’t JUST to raise money for the parish. It is time to celebrate and have fun!!! ~ fr. mike Most Holy Trinity School News: The faculty and staff wish all of the students of OLQP a safe, happy, and fun summer! A special thanks to the parish for all of the support you gave to OLQP School during the 2012-2013 school year. May 26, 2013 Youth Council News Congratulations on your High School Graduation, class of 2013. We especially congratulated you for making the most of your high school experience. Many of you graduated in the top 10% of your class, others were leaders in faith and/or your school, and others shared their talents with their school, community and our parish. Some of you did all of the above. We at OLQP are very proud of you. We pray blessings upon you and your future dreams. Our prayer for all of you is that you stay active in your Catholic faith forever, the Church needs you. Jogging for Jesus 5K OLQP Grade School Run Club is hosting a 5K at Route 66 Park on the morning of June 8th. At this time, we are looking for sponsors to donate $50 for a spot on the T-Shirt. If you are interested in being a sponsor contact Julia Enghauser ([email protected]) or April Pieper ([email protected]). All proceeds will benefit the school and parish. Wednesday, June 5th All high school youth (including all of the newly confirmed) are invited to help set-up for the parish picnic from 5:00 - 8:00pm. From 8:00 - 9:00 pm we will have a meeting with the teens. Our youth council leaders, David Holmes and Taylor Layton want your input and ideas to help shape the youth group you want here at OLQP. Thursday, June 6th St. Louis Super Saints, our Junior High Youth Group, (includes next year’s 7th and 8th grade youth) will help with Picnic set-up from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. From 8:00 - 9:00 pm we will have snacks and play some Resource Book We are gathering information for our 2013 Resource Book. Does our database have YOUR family membership record correct? Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children still at home and are they all included in your membership record? Here is your chance to update YOUR record for our annual Resource Book & Directory (if you haven’t already done so). Do you want your name, address and phone number published in the Resource Book? If you have not already informed the Parish Office about changes to your record, please let us know now so the information in the Resource Book and Directory is correct. Please call the Parish Office, 636-671-3062, or email [email protected] to update your records. Thank you for your help!! games. Find out how fun helping can be. Many Thanks!!!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who donated to our Hope Builder collection last weekend. You helped us raise $1,170. Our goal is $2,500. If you would still like to make a donation please write the check to OLQP with Hope Builders in the memo or drop your donation in an envelope marked Hope Builders in the collection basket. Your donations help us buy the needed supplies to complete the work for four of our parishioners. Thank you for your generosity. Most Holy Trinity May 26, 2013 What is Scrip??? OLQP Building and Facilities Wish List Scrip is the easiest fundraiser we can do!!! How does it work? Scrip is just plain gift cards. You don’t pay extra for them and most of them are for places and items that you already pay for! Everyone grocery shops, buys gas, goes to Wal-Mart/Target/Kmart at least a few times a month and we have gift cards that you can use making these purchases. 1. We’re looking for someone to paint the chain link How does it help the Parish? Our parish makes money on every card you purchase. A percentage is ours...just for buying something we already spend money on!! Plus, they come in all kinds of denominations which means it is great for grabbing a last minute gift for teachers, coworkers, birthday parties and family! Even if you decide to go out to dinner...we have the card!! 3. The alcove at the Church’s rear Baptismal Font How do you get the cards? Cards are available after all Masses (in the Church lobby) and in the Parish Office Monday through Friday (8:00 am - 4:30 pm). Plus, if we are out of the card you are looking for, we can order it (we place orders every Monday morning) and it will be ready for pick up by Thursday afternoon!! Since we can’t carry every card (hundreds are offered) just let us know and we can order any card on the master list! Just ask...we will have it ready for you after Mass! Example of how this all works: Your family buys: Shop N Save - $50 and Shell—$50, you’ve spent: $100. The parish makes Shop N Save - $3; Shell - $1.25 = $4.25 for one week. $4.25 x 4 weeks = $17 goes to the parish just from you! Then 300 parishioners buy that amount = $5,100 per month!!! Even better $5,100 by 12 months would be $61,200 to the parish in just one year. Just for buying items you already purchase! Add in an occasional restaurant card, birthday present, etc. and it is just more easy money for the parish!! Let’s work as a parish family and make a commitment to purchase Scrip and watch our free money grow!! If you have questions please do not hesitate to call the Parish Office, 636-671-3062, or Kim, 314-210-8451. Thanks for your support and let’s get in the habit of buying gift cards whenever possible. fencing around the sewerage treatment plant, we have the tools and materials needed. 2. We’re also looking for someone to paint the exterior of the new Modular building along with, the ramp and exit stairways. needs painting, the candles have turned the off white to charcoal gray. For any questions or more information, please call Deacon Paul, 314-954-0378. Parish Work Day Saturday, June 1st We will have a Parish Work Day on Saturday, June 1st, from 9:00 am until Noon. There are bushes and hedges to be trimmed, weeds to be pulled and other miscellaneous yard work that needs to be completed. We will be spreading mulch in several gardens around the campus. If you are able to share an hour or two of your time, it would be greatly appreciated. Bring your trimmers, rakes and blowers and join in on the fun. SOS – Help – SOS Volunteers Needed We’re looking for a few grass cutters, and yes trimmers also, for the summer “grass growing season”. There are some restrictions and training required. We have all the equipment, but if you like to use your own equipment, that would be fine. The more volunteers that we have the better, we can set up a rotation so as not to burden just a few. Please call Deacon Paul, 314-954-0378, with any questions and to set up the training required. Most Holy Trinity Picnic Volunteer Sign up After all Masses May 11th through June 2nd Join in the fun at the parish picnic by volunteering. We need your help to make this year’s Picnic (June 8th) a huge success. Sign up online or after all the Masses until June 2nd. OLQP Book Club Lunch/Dinner May 26, 2013 Eucharist Ministers Wanted A few weeks ago many of our youngsters made their First Holy Communion (Barb and I flew out to LA to be part of our grandson’s). It was heartwarming to see the awe and reverence with which these children approached the Blessed Eucharist. It would be wonderful if this awe and reverence lasted. One way to show your reverence for the Eucharist, and demonstrate this to your family, is to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. We are always looking for more volunteers. You can email me [email protected], contact the Parish Office, 636-671-3062, or fill out one of the Eucharist Minister surveys on the cabinet in the Church lobby. Joe Nenninger Do you enjoy reading and learning more about yourself? Please join us to discuss the book, “Doer of the Word”, by Archbishop Timothy Dolan. We will meet on Thursday, May 30th, at Cinco de Mayo in House Springs for lunch (11:30 am) or dinner (6:30 pm). Please contact Sue Syers, 314-974-6587, or email [email protected] for more information. St. Vincent De Paul You are performing a good work, far greater than you may think. Your nickel, dime or quarter is multiplied by the coins donated by others for St. Vincent de Paul. May your heart be glad because of your Almsgiving. A sincere Thank You! SVDP Volunteers Annual Memorial Day Mass House Springs Cemetery 9:00 am In the event of rain the celebration of Mass will take place in our Church at 9:00 am, we will send a parish email to notify you of the change. D We would like to thank Rockwood Bank for advertising in our parish bulletin. Because of their generosity we do not pay for our bulletins to be printed. Please patronize our advertisers and thank them for supporting our parish. Please Recycle Paper id you know that our parish has a paper recycling program call the Paper Retriever? You can recycle all of your newspaper, magazines, shopping catalogs, office and school papers and mail 24 hours/7 days a week right here in our green and yellow bin (located by the school). This is an easy way for you to recycle your paper every week and help us raise money for the parish. By recycling paper, not only do you save water and energy, but our parish earns money for every pound of paper you help us collect. Please put all of your magazines, mail, newspapers and office papers in the green and yellow bin; please do not include cardboard, plastic (of any kind) or phone books! Remember to add recycling to your errand route and bring your paper to help our parish and the environment. Most Holy Trinity Do You Have a Green Thumb? The (Picnic) Plant Booth is currently looking for plants of all kinds to be donated. Trees, perennials, annuals, aquatic plants and all other plants will be accepted. We will even come to your house to pick up and/or dig up the plants if that is easier for you. Plants can also be dropped off in the Parish Office. Please contact Debbie Fritts, 636-274-2601, to make arrangements for plant pick up or to ask any questions. May 26, 2013 Attention Bakers and Crafty People We Need You!!! If you crochet, embroidery, sew, paint, do woodwork or cook, we need you. Here is your opportunity to help make this year’s Picnic a success. We are currently looking for your donated items to help fill the shelves of the New Country Store!!! Please donate items such as: Jams/Jellies, Breads, Pies, quilts, scarves, embroidered items, birdhouses and other handcrafted wooden items, or whatever it is that you enjoy creating. Share your God given talents for all our picnic visitors to enjoy! Non-perishable items can be dropped off in the Parish Office from now until the Picnic. Please bring perishable food items the morning of the Picnic (June 8th) to the Country Store. Thank you and please contact James Bolte, 314-805-9622, with any questions. Memorial Fundraiser For Cancer Research The 7th Annual Pizza Shack Fundraiser in memory of Gary David will be held Saturday, June 1st, at the Pizza Shack Restaurant in St. Clair (130 Hwy AB at the service road). This year’s Cruising for a Cure Poker Run will begin at Fast Eddies Bonair in Alton, IL and end at the Pizza Shack. Registration begins at 10:30 am. All cars, trucks and motorcycles welcome. The grand prize of a 2013 Camaro will be awarded for a Royal Flush. Food, fun, 50/50’s, prizes and raffles are also included at the restaurant throughout the day until 8:00 pm. So come out for a good time even if you do not cruise for the Poker Run. All proceeds will go to Cancer Research at the Siteman Cancer Center. For more information, please call Joanne David, 636-274-0590. Entry fee is $25.00. You may also go on Facebook and search for Pizza Shack Cruising for a Cure. Wanted: Cook and/or Housekeeper IL RITIRO Franciscan Retreat is looking for a person to assist in preparing meals. That person would also be responsible for cleaning the kitchen and dining room and purchasing food and supplies. A second position that is available is for a person to assist in housekeeping. This position could be combined with the cook’s position, if desired. Both positions are best suited for a student or retired person who does not need full time employment or benefits. If you are interested in being part of this ministry please contact Fr. Paul, 636-274-0554 or [email protected]. A TASTE OF THE BLUE OWL BINGO Every Friday Night Knights of Columbus Hall Doors Open at 4:30 pm Bingo starts at 6:45 pm Everyone welcome! The Blue Owl & The Blue Owl Sweet Shoppe present ‘A Taste of The Blue Owl’, Friday, June 28th, to benefit The Rose Foundation, whose mission is to raise funds for a CURE FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS! Doors open at 6:00pm. Tastings 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Samplings of Blue Owl Favorites! Dessert Tasting 7:30 pm. Ice Cream at The Blue Owl Sweet Shoppe! Music by “Wack-A-Doo” – Vintage Swing Band. Cost $3. For reservations please call Linda, 314-952-7944 or The Blue Owl, 636-464-3128. Checks to be made payable to: The Rose Foundation, 2702 Bloomfield Dr. St. Louis, MO 63129. All proceeds go directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! Get your tickets TODAY! Most Holy Trinity St. John the Baptist Gildehaus (Villa Ridge, MO) Two Teaching Positions Available Two teacher positions open at St. John the Baptist Gildehaus Grade School. Possibly 6th & 7th grade; for more information please contact the rectory, 636-583-2488 or the school office, 636-583-2392. Retrouvaille of St. Louis Help for Troubled Marriages! The St. Louis Retrouvaille Program starts with a weekend June 7-9, 2013, (Friday night thru Sunday) and has 6 follow-up sessions. If you are facing financial difficulties, we can work with you. For confidential information about Retrouvaille, please call toll free, 1-800-470-2230, or visit www.HelpOur.Marriage.com. The Definition of Marriage – According to God (Q & A to follow) In response to the USCCB’s Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty, Dr. Ed Hogan, Director of Paul VI Institute and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary will be presenting a talk Thursday, June 6, 7:00 ‑ 8:30 pm at Immaculate Conception Church, 7701 Highway N, Dardenne Prairie, MO 63368. All are invited to this free event. May 26, 2013 Seven Days of Inspiration Take one a day… and feel great all week! Day 1 You touch more lives than you think. Day 2 Every act of kindness counts. Day 3 You don’t need a million dollars to make a difference! Day 4 You deserve less stress! Day 5 You’re the best gift of all! Day 6 Dance to the music in your own heart. Day 7 For every minute you’re angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. Save the Date!! Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus June 30, 2013 Celebrating 100 years of Service in the Archdiocese of St. Louis On June 30 the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of their ministry in St. Louis with a Mass of Thanksgiving, celebrated by Archbishop Robert J. Carlson. The Mass will take place at 2:30 pm at St. Francis Xavier Church on the campus of St. Louis University. An open reception will follow in the ballroom below the church. All are invited to celebrate this joyous occasion with the Apostles. The reception is complimentary, but reservations are requested. To RSVP or for more information please call Caroline Ernst, 314-606-1872, or email [email protected]. Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with Family and Friends Is your heart broken over a family member or a friend who has left the faith, or never knew God in the first place? Have you ever had a family member or friend criticize the Church and found yourself speechless? You are invited to attend this half-day conference on Saturday, June 15, at the Cardinal Rigali Center in Shrewsbury from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm. For registration, click on Evangelization at www.archstl.org/laityandfamilylife or find the Office of Laity & Family Life on Facebook. Most Holy Trinity Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, May 29 May 26, 2013 Our Gi s to God and Parish Special Collections Communications $ 282.00 New Building Fund Lavender Envelopes Total Received to date $ 165.00 $ 746,113.19 Offertory “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest”. (Matthew 11:28) I’ll be waiting for you from 1:00 until 8:00 pm in the Church. “Come to me”. Sunday Envelopes Sunday Loose Above and Beyond Ascension Present and Future Total Offertory Offertory Goal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,380.00 575.00 11.00 46.00 30.00 13,042.00 16,500.00 Thank you for your generosity. 741 registered members 199 online, loose and envelopes used this week As of May 20, 2013 Parish Office email [email protected] OLQP Web Site www.olqpparish.org submit articles for bulletin [email protected] Deadline Friday at 4:30 pm (9 days before publication) Loose cash error Flowers (not in parish revenue) Contributions Year To Date Projected Year to Date Budget $ (945.00) $ ( 25.00) $ 596,766.44 $ 775,500.00 Scrip Gift Cards Sales Profits/tuition reduction $ $ 2,515.00 115.75 Scrip Gift Cards are available in the Parish Office from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday and every weekend after Mass. Did you know our parish has an online store where you can find over 12,000 items? Visit Parish WebStore by simply clicking on the Parish WebStore banner found on our parish website today! Parish WebStore’s mission is a unified effort of Catholic companies to further answer the call for the “Year of Faith”. One stop resources to help you help parishioners. 12 % back to our parish from each purchase. Help Catholic vendors over secular company purchases. Stewardship Start With Prayer “But when He comes, the Spirit of truth, He will guide you to all truth...” John 16:13 Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know the truth. So why not talk to the Holy Spirit about your stewardship? Are you sharing your time and talent with God and others? Do you give a fair amount of your treasure to do the work of the Lord? Can you hear the Holy Spirit’s answer to those questions in your heart now? What more is He calling you to do? Most Holy Trinity May 26, 2013 Mass Intentions Please pray for those who are ill (parishioners are in bold) Audrey Hastings Paul McDonnell Joyce Stenger Shirley Bokern Ray Wieschhaus Vi Hoeft Leonard Hirtz Dot Hirtz Greg Hirtz Scott Beck Glenda Clayton Vicky Duckworth Jackie Helbig Ellen O’Brien Ed Kelemen Patsy Boyer Jan DeClue Jean Duda Peggy Bauer, sister of Katie Tutass Kevin Dwyer, brother of Barb Nenninger Regina Maria Parker, sister of Michael Chiodini Donna Lee Sprinkle, sister of Michael Chiodini Barry Ritter, son-in-law of Joella Ketcherside John O’Donnell, father of Dennis O’Donnell Edward Carley, father of Mark Carley Joe Politte, brother-in-law of Ken DeClue Carolyn Jordan, niece of Vi Hoeft Allen Chott, nephew of Judy Mottert ~those serving in the military, the homebound, shut-ins of the parish and all in nursing homes. If you would like Father to visit while you are in the hospital please call the office, because of the privacy laws we are not notified that you are in the hospital. To add a name please call the Parish Office, 671-3062, names will be removed after 3 weeks. Mon May 27 9:00 am Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 June 1 Sun June 2 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am May every Mass/Eucharist be a celebration of our charity in thought, word and action! June 1st and June 2 Special Ministers of the Eucharist 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Proclaimers 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Tom and Mary Heeley Scott Reimer, Frieda Siebel-Spath Maria Webb, Patricia Larson Gary and Carol Freihaut 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Augie Eimer, Sara Eimer, Clare Schickler A. Block, Andrew Bridges, Tabetha Otzenberger Reagan Becnel, Sara Osborne, Noah Sudholt Madison Bruggemann, Jesse Mose, Lexi Schmidt 5:00 pm Bill and Donna Clifton, Bart Heinzer, Jeff Heibeck, Pat Hoskins, Dave Mills D. Bjornstad, Steve Morlock, Gerald Bachmann, Jeff Eschbach, Larry Lammert, John Nahlik Butch Mattingly, Sam Pierceall, Jeff Queen, Ralph Schultheiss, Tom Broadbent, Tim Diffey Jim Robertson, Al Schuld, David Witt, Larry Bottchen, John Holmes, David Holmes Servers Ushers 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Absent from the body present with our Lord. In your kindness pray for the repose of the soul Nancy Huck, sister-in-law of Sylvia Huck Kathy Wallach Rustige, former parishioner May God welcome them home, fill them with peace, and bless those who will miss them. *Larry and *Margaret Bottchen, Joe and Barb Nenninger, 3 needed *needed, *Linda Weber, 5 needed *Maria Webb, *Bruce Gallion, 5 needed *needed, *needed, 5 needed * You are responsible to clean the vessels after Mass Attention all Eucharistic Ministers You should have received the Eucharistic Minister survey via email by now. If you didn't get it, or don't have email please pick one up from the box on counter (on the west side) in the Church lobby. It is very important that you get this filled out and back to us as soon as you can. We will be making some very important decisions on how we schedule Eucharist Ministers and how many we will schedule for each Mass. Thanks for your cooperation and service to our parish. Joe Nenninger House Springs Cemetery Dave and Chris Orlowski (NO 8:00 am Mass today) Kenny Reeves Bill Hammett Joan Wieschhaus Marge Godar Arleen Lammert Poor Souls Alice Nahlik David Taylor People of the Parish May 31 Donna O’Malley, Theresa Haug, Mary Copeland and Ed Kelemen Most Holy Trinity Tenth Sunday after Easter Body and Blood of Christ Cycle C THEME: “Do this in remembrance of me.” Each year, we end the Easter Season with the Feast of Pentecost – the birthday of the Church. We move back into Ordinary Time by celebrating the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, by considering the most profound mystery of our faith, by considering how our God relates to us and how we, created in the image of God can be like Him and respond to His triune offer of Himself to us in a loving relationship by responding in kind, by creating something good of ourselves to give back to God and entering into God’s spirit of love for all creation. The final aspect of our transition back to Ordinary Time comes with the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, a feast that celebrates the fact that, in our relationship with God, we have all that we need; we have the means to live Ordinary Time in a full and loving relationship with our revealing God, we have the means we need to produce good fruit, to make something good to give back to our God. In celebrating this feast of the Eucharist, remembrance is the key issue. In biblical terms, remembrance does not mean simply to recall, but to actually make present again. The Eucharistic meal we share is not just a reminder of Jesus Christ and His loving sacrifice for us. It actually makes present to us in our time the saving act of Jesus Christ, the access we have to God our Father through Him, and the beginning of our sharing in eternal life with our God. May 26, 2013 THE READINGS: FIRST READING: Genesis 14:18-20 The idea of Eucharist is inextricably tied up with the notion of priesthood. It is the role of the priest to bless the people in the name of God and to offer sacrifices for them. In return, the people make an offering back to God. The priest, is the mediator of this God-human relationship and, in Jesus Christ, we have a priest who has accomplished this role of mediatorship by one perfect sacrifice, one that does not need to be repeated, but only made present again. The first reading, then, taken from the Book of Genesis considers an ancient concept of priesthood. Melchizedek, whose name means something like “my king is righteousness” brings out bread and wine to present to Abraham and blesses him. He is the king of Salem – a derivative of shalom, peace. In the Israelite sacrificial system, grain and wine offerings were, generally, offerings in which some of what was offered was burned up on the altar – dedicated to God, and some was consumed by those offering the sacrifice. This was communion in the truest sense of the word, a meal of thanksgiving for the good things of the earth shared between Yahweh and His people. In the imagery and symbolism of the reading, righteousness, living a right relationship with God, a relationship characterized by communion with God and each other, issues forth into the kingdom of peace. SECOND READING: I Corinthians 11:23-26 The second reading is from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians. This reading contains the earliest written account of the Institution Narrative – the giving of the Eucharist and the institution of the priesthood for its continuation – at Jesus’ Last Supper. The focus is on remembrance, making present again, and what is made present is the death of Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice offered once and for all on the altar of the cross. For Paul, Jesus was the Messiah, someone anointed by God to carry out a special role for God’s people. In particular, Jesus, for Paul, was the Messiah in His death and resurrection. The death of Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice that reconciles us with God once and for all and His resurrection was the first step in carrying out what the sacrifice accomplished – eternal life with our God. In our communion, in our sharing in this sacrificial meal, we make present again the sacrifice of Jesus and its offer of reconciliation and eternal life. We make active in our time the saving action of God for the sake of all humanity. We take into ourselves all that we need to live our time in a loving relationship in union with our God. Most Holy Trinity GOSPEL READING: Luke 9:11-17 The Gospel reading for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ is Luke’s account of the feeding of the five thousand. This story is matched with the parallel story of the feeding of four thousand that takes place on the other side of the Sea of Galilee and it has long been recognized that these two stories have Eucharistic symbolism. There are some details in the story that are worthy of note. The disciples do not have the resources to meet the needs of the people who are gathered. It is Jesus, who takes what the disciples have to offer, fills up what is lacking, and meets the needs of the crowd. Not only are the needs of the crowd met, but there are twelve baskets left over. This story takes place in Jewish territory and, symbolically, there is enough left over from what the disciples have to offer, from what Jesus does with the disciples’ offering, to meet the needs of the Twelve Tribes of Israel – all the Chosen People. (Note that in the parallel story, the location of the multiplication of bread is in Gentile territory and seven baskets are left over. In Genesis, seven is the traditional number of all the Gentile nations, so what is left over from what the disciples have to offer is enough to meet the needs of all the world.) Faith and sharing are the keys. As we live our time, as we share in the meal that makes Christ’s saving work always present to us, we are assured that we have all that we need. And we are asked to meet the needs of others – not just spiritually, sharing our faith with them, but bodily and materially. In a world where poverty, hunger, disease, and oppression are so pronounced, we are asked to meet the needs of others. But we are asked to do this with the assurance that Jesus will take whatever we have to offer and make up for what is lacking, that what we have to offer is a communion with our God, that there is give and take, and that on God’s side there is no limit to the grace and love that flows out from our communion with Him and each other to the entire created world. May 26, 2013 FOR REFLECTION: What does it mean to me to affirm that in the Eucharist I have all that I need? When there are bills to pay or illness in the family, when I or those I love face some problem and crisis, do I find all I need in the Eucharist? What peace do I find, personally, in sharing in the Eucharist? Does the peace I find bring peace to others? Does our celebration of the Eucharist as a believing community serve to establish God's Kingdom of peace in the world? Does what God asks of me sometimes seem overwhelming. When I have tried to respond to God, what has been my experience of God filling up what is lacking in my giving? Does my answer to Jesus' call to celebrate Eucharist in remembrance of Him include action to meet the bodily needs of others, or do I focus on spirituality only? How are material life and spiritual life interconnected? In baptism, we all receive a share in Jesus' priestly role. What does this mean to me? How do I share in the priestly role of Jesus? What is that role for me?
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Registration forms may be found on our website (olqpparish.org/parishregistration.htm), in the Church
lobby or you may stop by the Parish Office to fill on...