October 2015 - Trinity View


October 2015 - Trinity View
Volume 7, Issue 10
October 2015
On Wednesday, September 16th,
Trinity View Executive Director
Sharon Conoley, along with Nativity
Lutheran Pastor Mark Fitzsimmons
and Trinity View Chaplain Steve
Ridenhour, held a garden dedication
in honor of the late Rev. Ernest
Ridenhour. The gathering consisted
of residents, staff, residents’ families,
and the Ridenhour family, who drove
several hours to attend the
Our Mission:
Empowered by Christ, we walk together
with all we serve.
Chaplain Steve addressing residents and family at dedication.
Trinity View
2533 Hendersonville Road
Arden, NC 28704
dedication. Following the service, attendees enjoyed
a delicious picnic style lunch prepared by the dining
services department. The new memorial garden is
located behind the community where the preexisting
flower bed had been maintained by the late Chaplain
of Trinity View, Ernest Ridenhour. The local B.B.
Barns’ garden specialist designed the new garden,
expanding the foundation and enclosing the new
foundation in rock. Several varieties of plants were
replaced including the rose bushes. A dedication
plaque has been ordered that will be displayed in the
garden for residents and visitors alike. A special
Bible versus was selected by the family which says,
“God is our refuge and strength.” Psalm 46:1.
Rev. Ernest and Evelyn Ridenhour in 2013.
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In mid-September, the Trinity View Community and many
from beyond our immediate community gathered to
dedicate the garden built and planted in memory of my
father The Rev. Ernest W. Ridenhour.
Dad loved the
outdoors. He enjoyed living on the “wooded side” of this
facility. He enjoyed caring for the flower garden that he
and others diligently and joyfully kept throughout the years.
He took pleasure from the beauty of the flowers and plants
that grew there. He hoped that others would enjoy this
space as well. We take much comfort in knowing that this
space is being preserved for many to enjoy in the years to come.
The gathering for the dedication last week was a remarkable event. Many gathered
outside and many who could not come outside watched from their windows and with
their hearts. Living in community was very important to Dad. He loved to eat, to
laugh, to share stories. He enjoyed this community and the fellowship created here
among each resident. He believed that God created us to live in community and he
believed that our lives are richer as a result. This service of dedication lifted up the
values that we hold dear in this community and the entire event was deeply meaningful
for our family and our life together.
Once again, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of my mother and our
family to thank Mrs. Sharon Conoley for arranging to have this Memorial Garden built
and for the celebration we share surrounding this dedication. We are grateful to the
Rev. Mark Fitzsimmons for his presence with us to lead the dedication. We are
grateful for the many extra efforts put forward by the Trinity View staff to see this
project completed and to put together this special day. Your many efforts are deeply
In Ministry,
Pastor Steve Ridenhour, Chaplain
On Sunday November 1, “All Saints Day” our Chapel Service
will be held in the meeting room. During this service, we will
share a time of remembrance when we will name our loved ones
who have passed before us during the past twelve months and in
recent years. In the coming weeks, you will be given an
opportunity to share those names in writing so that we may
prepare appropriately for the service. Please watch your boxes
for more information.
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Mrs. Barbara Cronin moved to the community during the first
part of September. Mrs. Cronin was born in Hampton Roads,
VA., and has lived in Winchester, Boxford, Princeton,
Massachusetts, and Kirkland, Washington. Mrs. Cronin
attended Winchester, MA public schools, Skidmore College,
and the Phil Sattman School of Modern Music in Boston. Her
love of music led her to a musical career. She was employed
with some Congregational Churches and some school districts.
She also volunteered as a Sunday school teacher, Cub Scouts,
and various musical activities. She met her late husband John
through a mutual friend. Mrs. Cronin is interested in piano,
organ, choir director, needle work, tennis, gardening,
swimming, Boy Scout leadership, reading, bridge, and church activities.
Please welcome Mrs. Cronin to the community!
On September 2, 2015 Mr. Frederick Franklin and Mrs. Edna
Hansen were united in marriage in the emergency room of Mission
Hospital by the Rev. Mark Fitzsimmons from Nativity Lutheran
Church and Trinity View Chaplain Steve Ridenhour, per the
couple’s request. Family members were present during this special
bedside ceremony. The Franklins had moved to the Trinity View
Community during the month of August and were making plans for
a ceremony that would be held at Nativity Lutheran Church in
Arden. On September 8th, Mr. Franklin passed away, with family
and his new bride by his side. Mr. Franklin was born in the city of
Bochum, Germany to the late Otto and Bertha Franklin. He was an active usher and
greeter at the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Arden and was a 15-year volunteer at
the Charles George VA Medical Center and for Meals on Wheels. Fred was extremely
proud of having served his country as a Sergeant in Battery D 843rd Battalion AntiAircraft Artillery during WWII. He was a true American patriot. He is survived by his
wife Edna who was born in Brooklyn, NY and was the youngest of five children. She
was a model and then secretary for the VP of Atlantic Richfield Oil Company. Mrs.
Franklin is still residing in the Trinity View Community.
Our hearts and prayers go out to the Franklin family as well as Mrs. Edna!
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It is that time of year again! Maxim Health will be at Trinity
View on Thursday, October 15th at 10:30 a.m. till 1:30 p.m. in
the Meeting Room to administer this year’s flu vaccine. Please
be sure to sign up! The vaccine for this year protects against
both the seasonal flu and the H1N1 flu.
Below is a list of acceptable insurance, consent questions, and
certain conditions that may require you to contact your
physician before receiving this vaccination.
Maxim will accept the following insurance: a) Medicare
b) Blue Cross Blue Shield c) Humana Gold d) Aetna or $30.00 cash.
Please bring your insurance card or cash with you for your flu shot. Maxim must
have your insurance card or cash before administrating the vaccination.
You will be asked to fill out a one page consent form that asks for:
Name, Address, Phone Number, Date of Birth and your Insurance Card
You must contact your physician before receiving the vaccine if you have any of the
following conditions: Sensitivity to latex, allergic to eggs or egg product, allergic to
Thimerosal (preservative found in cleaning supplies), exhibiting any symptoms other
than mild coughing, running nose, or diarrhea, history of Guillian-Barre Syndrome
or active neurological disorder or a serious reaction after receiving the influenza
vaccine in the past.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Wanda Stafford, Health Service
Coordinator at ext. 05500.
Mark your calendars for Trinity View’s Annual Fall
Festival on Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 11:00
a.m. till 2:00 p.m. This year, Trinity View will be
taking donations that will benefit the local Habitat for
Humanity in Henderson County. The festival will
consist of games, BBQ, and live music. Volunteers
are needed for this annual event. If interested, please
sign up in the information center or see Jonathan for
more details.
Also in November, Trinity View will be holding its fall clothing drive for the ABCCM
that is held twice a year. This is a tradition that the late Mrs. Lucie Hermann helped
with every year. More information about the drive will be discussed at the November
coffee hour.
Residents enjoyed a month filled with a variety
of activities, which included hiking through
the WNC Nature Center, Jump Off Rock in
Hendersonville, exploring the Pisgah Fish
Hatchery, competing in the Tour D’Apple, and
attending the WNC Fair.
Meeting Room (MR) Lobby (L) Recreation Room (RR) Assisted Living (AL) Chapel (C) Dining Room (DR) Game Room (GR) Asterisk (*) Need to Sign up in Activity Book
9:30 –12:30 Trinity View Shuttle to Area
9:30-11:30 Pool Time Aqua 2*
10:00-10:45 Strength Training (RR)
9:30-10:30 Dessert for Farmers’
3 10:00-2:00 Aroma Touch
1:00-1:30 Balance Class (RR)
12:30-1:30 Ingles
1:45-2:30 Ingles
1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (AL)
Market (Lobby)
9:45-10:15 Chair Exercise (RR)
10:30-11:15 Trinity View Singers (MR)
2:00-3:00 TV Farmer’s Market
3:00-4:30 Before Dinner Movie:
Follow the River (MR)
2:00 departure for Song of Sky Chorus
Concert at AC Reynolds*
6:30-8:00 Kings in the Corner (Library)
9 9:30-10:30 Dessert for Farmers’
10 10:00-2:00 Aroma Touch (GR)*
Market (Lobby)
9:45-10:15 Chair Exercise (RR)
9:30-1:30 Hiking Club at Mt. Mitchell*
10:30-11:15 Trinity View Singers (MR)
2:00-3:00 TV Farmer’s Market
6:30-7:30 Piano Music with David
McClintock (MR)
10:00-12:00 WNC AG Center presents:
Autumn Rails Train Show*
3:30-4:30 Music with Jackie (AL)
6:30-8:00 Kings in the Corner (Library)
16 9:30-10:00 Oktoberfest Dessert
17 10:00-2:00 Aroma Touch
6 9:30-10:00 Chair Exercise (RR)
7 9:30-11:30 Pool Time Aqua 2*
8 10:00-10:45
1:00-1:30 Balance Class (RR)
12:30-1:30 Ingles
1:45-2:30 Ingles
1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (AL)
Strength Training (RR)
Churches (New Church Schedule)
6:00 Chapel Service (C)
10:15-11:15 Monthly Coffee Hour with
Trinity View Staff (MR)
No Exercise Classes Today!
1:30-3:30 Errands in Skyland and
Wal-Mart Shopping Center
10:00-10:45 Bible Study (Library)
11:00-11:30 Chapel Service (C)
1:00-1:30 Balance Class (RR)
1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (MR)
6:30-7:30 Games (Library)
12:30-2:00 Bridge (Library)
1:15 departure for Sky Top Orchard in
6:30-7:30 Music with Nancy McGimsey
11 9:30 –12:30 Trinity View
12 8:00-1:00 Dr. Appointments*
13 9:30-10:00 Chair Exercise (RR)
14 8:30-9:30 Monthly Breakfast (DR)* 15 10:00-10:45
Shuttle to Area Churches (Fall/Winter
Church Schedule)
2:00 departure for Brevard Little Theatre:
“Little Thing Called Love”*
9:30-11:30 Pool Time Aqua 2*
10:00-10:45 Strength Training (RR)
10:45-11:15 Balance Class (RR)
3:00-4:00 Residents’ Association
Meeting (MR)
4:00-5:00 After Meeting Social with
Nancy Tuttle (Lobby)
10:00-10:45 Bible Study (Library)
11:00-11:30 Chapel Service (C)
1:00-1:30 Balance Class (RR)
1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (MR)
6:30-7:30 Games (Library)
9:30-11:30 Pool Time Aqua 2*
12:30-2:00 Bridge (Library)
11:30-3:00 Lunch and Tour at
Burntshirt Vineyard*
3:00-4:00 Memory Trippin with Tom
Edwards (MR)
10:30-1:30 T.V. Flu Shots (MR)*
12:30-1:30 Ingles
1:45-2:30 Ingles
1:00-1:30 Balance Class with Jeff (RR)
1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (AL)
6:30-8:30 Thursday Night Movie (MR)
9:45-10:15 Chair Exercise (RR)
10:30-11:15 Trinity View Singers (MR)
1:00-3:00 Shopping at Bonworths’ *
2:00-3:00 Oktoberfest Social (Lobby)
3:30-4:30 Oktoberfest Music with
Sharon (MR)
6:30-8:00 Kings in the Corner
19 9:30-11:30 Pool Time Aqua 2*
20 9:30-10:00 Chair Exercise (RR)
21 9:30-11:30 Pool Time Aqua 2*
22 10:00-10:45
23 9:30-10:00 Dessert for Farmers’
24 10:00-2:00 Aroma Touch
Shuttle to Area Churches (Fall/Winter
Church Schedule)
2:00 departure for Hendersonville
Community Band Concert *
6:00 Chapel Service (C)
9:30-3:00 Carolina Mobile Optics (MR)
10:00-10:45 Strength Training (RR)
10:45-11:15 Balance Class (RR)
1:30-3:30 Errands in Skyland & Target
Shopping Center
3:30-4:30 Music with Jackie (AL)
10:00-10:45 Bible Study (Library)
11:00-11:30 Chapel Service (C)
1:00-1:30 Balance Class (RR)
1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (MR)
6:30-7:30 Games (Library)
6:45 BRCC: Yun-Ling Hsu on Piano*
12:30-1:30 Ingles
12:30-2:00 Bridge (Library)
11:30-3:00 Parkway Leaf Tour and
1:45-2:30 Ingles
Lunch at Pisgah Inn*
1:00-1:30 Balance Class with Jeff (RR)
3:30-4:30 Music with Brother Day Kelly 1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
2:00-3:00 Meet Hershey (2nd Floor)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (AL)
Market (Lobby)
9:45-10:15 Chair Exercise (RR)
9:30-1:30 Hiking Club Gathering*
10:30-11:15 Trinity View Singers (MR)
2:00-3:00 TV Farmer’s Market
3:00-4:00 Wii Bowling (Lobby)
6:30-8:00 Kings in the Corner
6:30-8:30 Trinity View Dance Club (RR)
25 9:15 –12:30 Trinity View
9:30-11:30 Pool Time Aqua 2*
27 9:30-10:00 Chair Exercise (RR)
28 8:30-9:30 Monthly Breakfast (DR)* 29 10:00-10:45
30 10:00-11:00 Desserts
Shuttle to Area Churches (Fall/Winter
Church Schedule)
2:00 departure for Carolina Cinemas*
10:00-10:45 Strength Training (RR)
10:45-11:15 Balance Class (RR)
1:30-3:30 Errands in Skyland & Wal-Mart
Shopping Center
2:00-3:00 Candy Bags for Festival (AL)
3:00-4:00 Pumpkin Carving Contest
10:00-10:45 Bible Study (Library)
11:00-11:30 Chapel Service (C)
1:00-1:30 Balance Class (RR)
1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (MR)
6:30-7:30 Games (Library)
9:30-11:30 Pool Time Aqua 2*
12:30-2:00 Bridge (Library)
2:00-3:00 Afternoon Ride Leaf Looking
3:00-4:00 Crafts with Pat (AL)
9:30 –12:30 Trinity View
Strength Training (RR)
Strength Training (RR)
Strength Training (RR)
12:30-1:30 Ingles
1:45-2:30 Ingles
1:00-1:30 Balance Class with Jeff (RR)
1:30-2:00 Exercise with Jeff (AL)
3:00-4:00 Bingo (AL)
Halloween Social (Lobby)
9:45-10:15 Chair Exercise (RR)
10:30-11:15 Trinity View Singers (MR)
1:30-3:00 Shopping at Belk’s in
2:00-3:00 Pre-Halloween Social
3:00-4:00 Wii Bowling (Lobby)
10:00-2:00 Aroma Touch (GR)*
11:00-2:00 Trinity View’s Annual Fall
6:30-8:00 Kings in the Corner