Draft 12-07-2014.pub - Church of the Assumption
Draft 12-07-2014.pub - Church of the Assumption
Church of the Assumption 20 East Ave. Fairor, NY 14450 December 7, 2014 ——- Second Sunday of Advent Mission Statement: We are an inclusive, welcoming, compassionate community united by a faith that is alive and growing. As sisters and brothers baptized in Christ, our mission is to be Christ for one another, our community, and the world, by teaching as Jesus did, loving as Jesus loved, serving as Jesus served, and by seeing in every face the face of our Lord Jesus Christ. Good News — RAIHN Good News from those who have enjoyed Assumption hospitality through RAIHN:* “Wow, thanks! Safe, affordable housing found!” “My husband and I and our children love the people here.” “Thanks for the meals. You rock!” “If I could get here, this is where I would come to church all the time.” *Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network W e make room in the INN at Assumption! Homeless families will be our guests from 1:30 pm Sunday, January. 4 until about 1:30 on Sunday, January 11. Please call our RAIHN coordinator, Sue Owens 377-1027 to see where your hospitality is needed: play with children for a few hours chat with adults prepare a meal help with set up or clean up or storage or laundry provide breakfast or lunch foods stay overnight one night Look for the big red RAIHN bucket in our foyer to donate your gifts of: personal items and toiletries snacks, beverages, fresh fruit diapers, socks, mittens, & knit hats Large items for our RAIHN guests can be brought to the lower level. Please label your gifts “for RAIHN.” Your greatest gifts are your prayer and presence. It warms our hearts to know that Temple Sinai hosts homeless families every Christmas with a feast, gifts and Christmas good wishes & interfaith hospitality. What a pleasure it is to be part of a parish that collaborates so well in welcoming and serving people in crisis. Blessings, Deni Church of the Assumption (585) 388-0040 [email protected] www.AssumptionFairport.org Sunday Masses 4:00 pm (Saturday) 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Confessions Saturday: After 4:00 pm Mass Thursday: After 11:15 Mass Other times upon request —— Stephen Ministry Our church is equipped with a hearing loop. Switch your hearing aid to the “T-Mode” position. Page Two Church of the Assumption, Fairport, New York Assumption Datebook Sacred Liturgy Sunday, December 7—Second Sunday of Advent Is 40:1-5, 9-11/2 Pt 3:8-14/Mk 1:1-8 Vigil Mass-4:00 pm: Anthony Ciaccia—Bill & Marie Claus Helven Ievers—School of Religion Margaret M. Gillis—Cathy, Kelly, Deb & Jim 8:30 am: Joan Emling—Family Andrew Mason—The Resurrec!on Choir Julianne Stolt—Joyce & Harry Westbay 11:00 am: Leo Mularz—Family Jean Flanagan—Jean Murphy Caterina Posella—The William DiRisio Family 6:00 pm: Angelo Rigano—Bosy Family Richard Cieri—Nora Cieri & the Monopoli Family Michael Anthony & Mike J. GaGo—Angela GaGo Monday, December 8—Feast of the Immaculate Concepon Gn 3:9-15, 20/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38 6:45 am: For all who are awai!ng the birth of a child 11:15 am: Jean Flanagan—Jo BartoloGa Warren LaCourse—Walpole Family Peter Zanghi—Margaret (wife) 5:30 pm: For parents as true evangelizers (papal inten!on) Tuesday, December 9—St. Juan Diego Is 40:1-11/Mt 18:12-14 6:45 am: For the working poor 11:15 am: Peter Georger—George & Vera Brydges Margaret Walker—Pat DellaPietra & Family Wednesday, December 10—Blessed Adolph Kolping Is 40:25-31/Mt 11:28-30 6:45 am: For the sanc!ty of family life 11:15 am: Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion Thursday, December 11—St. Pope Damasus I Is 41:13-20/Mt 11:11-15 6:45 am: For pa!ence as we wait upon the Lord 11:15 am: Bob Warth—The Prayer Ministry Team Friday, December 12—Our Lady of Guadalupe Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47 6:45 am: Memorial Scroll 11:15 am: Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion Saturday, December 13—St. Lucy Sir 48:1-4, 9-11/Mt 17:9a, 10-13 9:00 am: For those suffering from loneliness 4:00 pm: Bill Murphy—Jean (wife) Raymond Cudzillo—Irene (wife) Robert W. Rankin—Admissions,-St. John Fisher College Sunday, December 14—Third Sunday of Advent Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 8:30 am: Francesco & Annamaria DiPaolo—The Marchiolis Antonio DiPaolo—Gemma & Antonio Marchioli Maria & Nicolo Tiberio—Gemma & Antonio Marchioli 11:00 am: Carol Maue (anniv.)—Pat DellaPeitra (sister) William & Anthony DiRisio—The William DiRisio Family Caterina Posella—Connie DeBello 6:00 pm: Ellroy SchuG—Family Richard Reid—Edna & Family Fritz & Joe Dobiac/Arlene & Harold Impson —The Impson Family Today, Sunday, December 7 8:00-10:30 am: Music Ministry Coffee Hour—Living Rm. 12:30-1:30 pm: Bap!sms 12:30-5:30 pm: CYO Games—Great Hall 4:00-5:30 pm: Technology Workshop—Living Rm. Monday, December 8—Immaculate Concepon of Mary (No School of Religion) 7:00-8:00 pm: Health Ministry—Living Rm. 7:30-8:30 pm: Men’s Prayer Group—Chapel Tuesday, December 9 8:45-10:45 am: Good New People—Living Rm. 6:00-6:45 pm: Youth Choir—Music Office 6:30-7:45 pm: SoR Advent Ac!vity—Church & Great Hall 6:30-9:00 pm: Girl Scouts Caroling for Cans—Parking Lot 7:00-8:00 pm: Instrumental Music Ensemble—Music Office 8:15-9:20 pm: CYO Prac!ce—Great Hall Wednesday, December 10 12:15-2:15 am: Good News People—Living Rm. Noon-2:00 pm: 50+ Club Christmas Party—Great Hall 4:00-5:00 pm: RCIA—Living Rm. 5:45-9:20 pm: CYO Prac!ce—Great Hall 7:00-9:00 pm: Sunday Choir—Church 7:00-9:00 pm: Caring for God’s Crea!on—Living Rm. Thursday, December 11 9:45-11:00 am: RENEW (Peggy Whitney)—Rm. 2 5:45-9:20 pm: CYO Prac!ce—Great Hall 6:00-9:15 pm: Igna!us Spiritual Ex.—Living Rm. & Rms. 9-13 7:00-8:00 pm: Hand Bell Choir—Music Office 7:30-8:30 pm: Parish Prayer Group—Chapel Friday, December 12—No School of Religion 5:45-9:20 pm: CYO Prac!ce—Great Hall 7:00-7:30 pm: Evening Prayer—Church Saturday, December 13 8:30 am-3:00 pm: CYO Games—Great Hall 9:00-11:00 am: Leadership Program—Living Rm. 6:00-9:15 pm: CYO Games—Great Hall Our Sunday Offertory Gifts (attendance for November 22-23: 1,640) Envelopes ...................................................................... $8,691 Electronic Funds Transfer.............................................. 12,852 Loose ............................................................................... 1,983 Children ..................................................................................2 Total ............................................................................ $23,528 Weekly Budgeted Sun. Coll. (2013-2014 budget): ...... $21,496 Difference from budget this week: ............................... +2,032 Fiscal-Yr.-to-Date Actual Sunday Collections: ......... $471,687 Fiscal-Yr.-to-Date Budgeted Sunday Collections:..... $472,912 Total Fiscal-Year-to-Date Diff. from budget: ........... ($1,225) Thank you very much for your generosity. December 7, 2014 Church of the Assumption, Fairport, New York Faith Formation/Religious Education School of Religion News Annual SoR Advent Project: Donations to this special collection are coming in slowly this year. Please join our School of Religion students in their donations of NEW warm winter items (hats, scarves, mittens, gloves and socks) when they come to class during the next few weeks. Donations will be accepted through December 9. Items will be distributed to children in various communities in time for Christmas party giving. Our children learn to care for others the way Jesus did by participating in activities like this, and by watching you take part in similar projects. Students in grades 6, 7 & 8 will gather to “pack and wrap” these donations on Tuesday, December 9 at 6:30 pm. Page Three Today, the Church throughout the world prays with Mark 13:33-37 We ask God: When have I received comfort? And we ask ourselves: When have I given comfort? The scriptures today remind us to look around—Who in our world gathers people, feeds them, carries them and leads them with care? Nurses in pediatrics wards? Pre-school staff? Kindergarten teachers and aides? Aides to people with disabilities? People who staff nursing homes? Could they possibly be filled with God’s Spirit? Many are—and so are you. Please pick up SUNDAY by SUNDAY for December 7 and December 14 from the pamphlet rack in the foyer, where you will also find our new Advent booklet by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, Light for the World: Daily Advent Reflection and Prayer. Or pick up A Quiet Chamber Kept for Thee by Michelle Van Loon. Please leave a donation if you are able. Mark your calendar: Monday, December 8—No SoR classes. Feast of the Immaculate Conception Masses are at 6:45 and 11:15 am and at 5:30 pm. Please plan to attend Mass with your family on this holy day that honors Mary, the mother of our Lord and patroness of our parish. Tuesday, December 9—Pack and Wrap Activity for all middle school students from 6:30 – 7:45 pm. No other 6, 7 or 8 grade classes this week! Monday, December 17 – Christmas Recess at the SoR begins. Classes resume for grades 1 through 8 on Monday, January 5, 2015. Advent Penance Services with Individual Confessions You are welcome to celebrate Reconciliation at any of these times: Noon, December 15 at Assumption 7:00 pm, December 15 at St. John of Rochester 7:00 pm, December 16 at St. Joseph's in Penfield Noon, December 22 at Resurrection Lighting the Advent Wreath Candles—We may still be looking for people to light the Advent Wreath candles on the Third and Fourth Sundays of Advent at the Vigil 4:00 pm, and Sunday 8:30 and 11:00 am Masses. Please check the sign-up sheet in the ushers’ room Immaculate Conception Masses— Tomorrow, December 8, we will celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Masses for this Holy Day are at 6:45 am, 11:15 am and 5:30 pm. Our Christmas Dinner Program needs your help— This Thanksgiving, our parishioners provided dinners for nearly 600 people who were so grateful for everything they received. About half of the parishioners who helped indicated they could only participate for Thanksgiving, so we are in need of more givers again at Christmas. And at the same time, our list of those in need continues to grow. Could you — or a group from your workplace or a circle of friends— help at this time? Please sign up in the foyer, bring gift cards to the church office, donate to the parish Mercy Fund or call Maureen Nupp (377-1237) to discuss how you would like to help. When planning what to provide for dinner, please ask if there are any foods they cannot eat. Figure on 1 ½ pounds of turkey per person. Try to bring many of the ingredients your own family enjoys at Christmas and add some veggies, fruit, eggs, bread and milk if you can. Many thanks! Advent Evening Prayer—Please join us for Evening Prayer this Friday, December 12 and next Friday, December 19 at 7:00 pm in the church. If you would like a peaceful break from the busyness of December and a chance to participate in an ancient prayer tradition, this is the perfect opportunity. The service will last approximately half an hour. Page Four Church of the Assumption, Fairport, New York Outreach/Social Ministry Deacon Speakin’ LEADING TEENS CLOSER TO CHRIST Marie Claus, Youth Minister 388-0040 [email protected] Note to Teens: When we stay rooted in Christ, we are ready to receive His call! Today, Sunday, December 7—2nd Sunday of Advent! 4:00-5:30 pm—Diocesan Technology Workshop in the Living Room 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass, followed by Life Night (Senior High Youth Group) right after Mass and ending at 8:30 pm. ~Calendar Dates~ EXALT—Eucharistic Adoration. Benediction. XLT. Whatever you call it, please join us at 7:30 pm on Sunday, December 14 as we adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. A wonderful way for all of us to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus. Please come prepared to worship with song, reflection on Scripture, and sacred silence. ~Teen Gospel Reflection~ In many different areas of the world I do believe that we witness heroism in all people, though it takes many forms. In this Gospel, John the Baptist heroically prepares the way for Christ. He lives his mission and reminds me that I need to Outreach/Social Ministry live out God’s call to prepare people’s hearts for Christ – that may mean changing my plans in order to do that. God’s plan is greater than mine and there is great joy in knowing that. ~Dylan, 17 Questions? Call me! Keep reading the bulletin. Be virtuous, be God’s, Marie The Mercy Fund thanks you for your outpouring of support this Thanksgiving! Needed: • Small kitchen table for 2 and 2 chairs, toaster oven and queen size sheets. Call Tracey at 214-9014. • Loveseat for the Mercer family. Call (315) 359-0423. • Mother of three needs a grow light. Label “Kathleen” and leave at the office. • Electric can opener. Label “Lisa” and leave at the parish office. - Calling all angels! If you are one of the wonderful “angels” who have taken or will be taking a tag from our Angel Tree, please remember that the DEADLINE for bringing the gifts and placing them under the tree is 10:00 am, Sunday, December 14. It is very important that we have the gifts on time so that we can check them off and get them to the various organizations in time for their Christmas parties. I am responsible for all the gifts going to Miss Maggie’s kids (tags with an MM number). If you lose your MM tag or for some reason you cannot purchase the gift, PLEASE let me know by phone (388-0040 x304) or email [email protected]). Thank you for making Christmas brighter for so many children. ~Deacon Ron Grieving during the holidays? Darkness often overwhelms us when we lose a loved one or experience any profound loss, wondering if we have the strength to face another day. For family and friends, finding the right words to help can be difficult. Thankfully, God promises that He is “close to the brokenhearted” –Psalm 34:18. In times of intense sadness, turn to Him. “When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.” –Mark 7:8. The holidays often intensify our feelings of loss. Going through a difficult time? A Stephen Minister is ready to ‘walk with you in total confidentiality’ not only during the holidays, but for as long as it takes to recover. Start to heal, meeting with your own Stephen Minister weekly. Contact us at 388-0040 x340. Caring for God’s Creation: Come pray tonight, Sunday, December 7, from 6:00 to7:00 pm at St. Monica Church, 831 Genesee St. in Rochester. Lights for Lima Prayer Vigil is being held all over the globe in prayer for a strong international agreement to ward against catastrophic climate change. As Christ’s disciples, we are called “to be united with all men of good will for the protection and defense of nature and the environment” because creation is a “gift entrusted to us from the hands of the Creator.” (Pope Francis 11/8/14) This Wednesday, December 10, scientist Peter Zuris will show us clear science through videos, photos and charts to help us choose wisely how best to care for God's creation. Please join us in the parish living room from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. December 7, 2014 Church of the Assumption, Fairport, New York Parish Announcements Christmas Ministries—We need lectors, commentators, ushers, sacristans, Communion ministers, altar servers, video techs and “Good Samaritans” at our Christmas Masses. Please look for sign-up sheets in the sacristy or ushers’ room, or contact the coordinators of these ministries. Baked goods needed for our Cantata— Can you help us by baking some Christmas goodies to serve at the reception following our Cantata performance on December 14? Sign-up sheets are in the foyer so that we can make sure to have enough. Thank you for your help! Join us for Parish Prayer Group- Thursdays! I joined the Prayer Group about three years ago. I initially went to pray for a friend who had cancer. I found the Prayer Group to be a humble place to pray and a powerful source through which to request prayers and offer prayers of thanksgiving. Each Thursday, a group of men and women of all ages, prays the Rosary in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Many people call in and ask for us to pray for their needs. We also pray for those listed in the prayer books. Mary's intercession is awesome! All are welcome to join us on Thursdays at 7:30 pm for about an hour, in the chapel. Questions? Contact Libby at [email protected]. Share your Advent Blessings Advent reminds us that hope is on the way, in the coming of our Lord and in the ways we reach out to our fellow humans each day. Let your gratitude for the blessings in your life transform you into a messenger of the hope that Jesus promises to all. Please give to the CMA and help us meet our parish goal of 100% by Christmas Day. What a wonderful gift of your faith in action and a meaningful way to make a difference for those who need our support Parish Goal: $187,587 Pledged to Date: $140,547 % of Goal: 74.91 # of Families: 551 % of Families: 20.5 While we are close, we need every family to participate. Your gift of any amount will be the difference, please give generously within your means. Let our gratitude and giving this Advent season be God’s presence in our parish, Diocese and community. ~The Stewardship Committee Page Five In the words of our pope: “All Christians and people of good will are thus called today to struggle not only for abolition of the death penalty, whether it is legal or illegal and in all its forms, but also to improve prison conditions, out of respect for the human dignity of persons deprived of their liberty. And this I connect with life imprisonment. Life imprisonment is A hidden death penalty.” ~Pope Francis (October 23, 2014, to the Int’l Assn of Penal Law) Our Annual Assumption Angel Tree supports requests from Eastern Service Workers Association (ESWA), Partners in Community Development for the Pines of Perinton, Miss Maggie’s Kids and other local families in need during the holiday season. To participate, select a tag, purchase the gift requested on the tag, and return the wrapped gift with the tag attached to the Angel Tree no later than 10:00 am on Sunday, December 14. *All gift cards must be returned directly to the parish office and not left under the tree!* Questions? Please contact Amy Fernaays at 223-8048 or 880-2174. May God bless you for your generosity. Great gift idea for the lady in your life! Body, Mind and Soul, the 2nd annual Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference, is coming on March 28, 2015 to the Aquinas Institute in Rochester. This is a wonderful gift idea for your wife, mother, daughter, sister, grandmother, aunt or best friend! Her day will include Mass with our Bishop, national speakers, Catholic devotions, local vendors for shopping, and a delicious lunch. Contact Maria Mruzek at [email protected] for more info or visit Rochestercwc.org to register her online. Christmas Mass Times—Our Christmas Eve Mass Schedule has changed. We’ll be celebrating Mass at 2:00, 4:00, 6:30 and 10:30 pm. Our Christmas morning Masses will be at 8:30 and 11:00. We’ll have a special blessing of children’s toys at the 11:00 am Mass. Please see our Advent -Christmas brochure for information about what’s happening here at Assumption during this special season. Caroling for Cans—Tuesday, December 9, from 6:30 to 9:00 pm the Girl Scouts will be stationed at the south end of COTA’s parking lot (along High St.), caroling and collecting canned food and other non-perishable food items for donation to the Perinton Food Shelf. Current Food Shelf needs include: salad dressing, oatmeal cookies, family size applesauce, pasta mixes, tomato products, gravy, rice, jello, pudding, grape jelly, strawberry jam, facial tissue, paper towels, and laundry detergent. Page Six Church of the Assumption, Fairport, New York Parish Office 388-0040 Parish Ministers…..The People of the Parish Assisted by the Staff Amy Fernaays, Pastoral Minister ext. 311 Bethany Lyle, Ministry Staff Assistant ext. 330 Cathy Tocci, Religious Ed. Dir. ext. 308 Chris Heisman, Religious Ed. Cord. ext. 307 Deacon John Pattison, Parish Deacon ext. 326 Deacon Robert Corsaro, Parish Deacon ext. 346 Deacon Ronald Tocci, Pastoral Minister ext. 304 Deacon Stephen Carroll, Parish Deacon ext. 343 Debby Orosz, Parish Secretary ext. 301 Deni Mack, Pastoral Associate ext. 314 Fr. Edward L. Palumbos, Pastor ext. 303 Fr. Michael Costik, Parochial Vicar ext. 332 Hank Maher, Maintenance 702-882-5145 Home Repair Ministry ext. 302 Janie Marini, Music Director ext. 327 Kathy Shon, Spiritual Exercises ext. 324 Karen Webb, Finance Director ext. 313 Marie Claus, Youth Minister ext. 305 MaryKay Robinson, P/T SOR Secretary ext. 309 Maura Walsh [email protected] Mike Mason, Director of Maintenance 585-749-4991 Sheryl Zabel, Pastoral Associate ext. 312 Stephen Ministry Confidential Hotline ext. 340 Steve Smith, IT Coordinator [email protected] More Parish Announcements 50+ Christmas party will be held at noon on Wednesday, December 10 in the Great Hall (gym). There will be a catered luncheon of hot turkey and ham etc. plus dessert and coffee. Amy Watts, harpist, will entertain us while we will write out Christmas cards for servicemen and women at Walter Reed Hospital. There will be gifts for those attending and a Silent Raffle of gift baskets. Reservations and payment are required by December 8. The cost is $10/person. Make your check out to COTA, put it in an envelope clearly marked “50+ Group”, and drop it in the collection basket, or leave it in the parish office. Questions? Call Chris at 425-2734. Pete DuPre’s CDs—Need a stocking stuffer that is unusual and raises money for a great cause? Pete DuPre, our harmonica guy, has a CD for you! The CDs, of harmonica and piano, include 10 Christmas songs and 7 favorite hymns. Each CD is $5 and all money raised benefits Music Ministry Ensembles (Sunday Choir, Youth Choir, Hand Bell Choir, and Instrumental Ensemble). For more information, or to purchase a CD, contact Janie Marini at 388-0040 x327 or [email protected]. Please pray for our sick: Our Sanct"ar# Lamp This week our Tabernacle Candle is burning in memory of Frank Marra at the request of Family. We pray for the repose of the souls of Brian O’Reilly, LaVerne Myers, and Patricia Cobb (mother of Kate Condello) May they and all the recently departed rest in peace. Bob Bach Noah Banister Warren Boyer Sandy Ciaccia Adam Cole Edward John Fagan Rebecca Fillers Theresa Genza Nancy H. Robert Hanley Art Ingalls Dennis Kachinsky Madalynn Perry Kelly Angela Potter Hailey Kern Allen Ruster MaryAnn Kinbaum Stephen Selvaggio Joseph Lazarus Jeanne Stewart John Liberatore John Stio Stephen Mack Kathy Vaughan Edward Maloney Laurie Wilson Harry Matteson David Ostrander Yolanda Parnell Matt Pentlicky Cantata 2014—Our first performance is today, 3:00 pm at Holy Trinity Church in Webster. Come hear The Promise of Light by Joel Raney, performed by our own Cantata singers, joined by the Youth Choir and ensemble of guest musicians, and directed by Janie Marini. We have two additional performances: Friday, December 12, 7:00 pm—St. Kateri Tekawitha Parish at Christ The King Church Sunday, December 14, 2:00 pm—COTA CD’s will be available for $10 (picked up at COTA) or shipped for $15. Order ahead, and have yours by Christmas. Seating is free, but if you want to reserve your spot for the December 14 concert here at COTA, please consider sponsorship to help with the cost of the materials and payment for the musicians—and save your seat! Level One: $10-$49—1 CD Level Two: $50-$99—1 CD, Reserved seating for up to 4 at the December 14 performance Level Three: $100 and up—1 CD, Reserved seating for up to 6, and reserved parking for one car on December 14 performance For more information, please contact Janie Marini at [email protected] or 388-0040 x327.