Bicolor Basketweave Afghan


Bicolor Basketweave Afghan
Bicolor Basketweave Afghan
Designed by Isela Phelps
Loom: KB
Afghan Loom,
using 196 pegs,
regular gauge.
Yarn: Worsted
weight yarn,
100% merino,
110 yds/50g per
skein. Sample
was knit using
Knit Picks Swish
in Dusk and
Dove Heather.
Stitches: Knit
stitch, purl
Knitting tool,
tapestry needle.
Level: Advanced
Pattern notes:
The item is
worked flat.
CO=Cast on
K=knit stitch
P=purl stitch
CC=Dove Heather
© 2013 Authentic Knitting Board
Using MC, CO 196 sts using the crochet cast on method. Continue with MC.
Row 1-Row 4: *k4, p4: rep from * to last 4 sts, k4.
Row 5-Row 8: *p4, k4; rep from * to last 4 sts, p4.
Row 9-Row 12: *k4, p4: rep from * to last 4 sts, k4.
Row 12-Row 16: p4, k4; rep from * to last 4 sts, p4.
Cut MC leaving a 6 inch yarn tail. Join CC.
Rep Rows 1-16 using the CC. (32 rows total)
Rep last 32 rows 7 more times (or until blanket measures desired length), maintaining the
color sequence as established.
Last 16 rows: Rep Rows 1-16.
Bind off with basic bind off method.
Weave ends in.
Block lightly.
You will repeat this sequence for the remainder of the afghan until you have achieved the desired length. This afghan was knitted with cables with 30 rows of RIGHT CABLE and 30 rows of
When you have worked the cables for desired length (approximately 50 inches), move stitches
again as in the beginning to work 6 rows of Open Rib for the ending border. Then move the
stitches back to normal setup, and work one row of Stockinette Stitch.
Bind off loosely with alternating 1 over 2 and 2 over 1 stitches for the bind off. Bind off to
remove the anchor yarn and work loosely alternating 1 over 2, and 2 over 1 stitches for a lovely
finish. Pull out the anchor yarn and remove.
© 2013 Authentic Knitting Board