Rule Changes 2014 – summary


Rule Changes 2014 – summary
Rule Changes 2014 – summary
General.......................................................................................................................................................... 2
World Archery references ..................................................................................................................... 2
Compound Division sights ..................................................................................................................... 2
Tie-breaking both arrows miss.............................................................................................................. 2
Scorecards with errors .......................................................................................................................... 2
Archery Canada staff may compete in tournaments ............................................................................ 3
Equipment Divisions and categories
01 January 2015 .......................................................................... 3
Compound Unlimited name change ..................................................................................................... 3
Compound Fixed Pins division name change ........................................................................................ 3
Youth Compound division incorporated into Compound Unlimited Division ...................................... 3
Hunter and Hunter Fingers divisions developmental not for championship ....................................... 3
Common Divisions for all disciplines..................................................................................................... 3
Fixed Pins sights .................................................................................................................................... 5
Number of sight pins for Hunter Division ............................................................................................. 5
Target ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Half-FITA Round removed ..................................................................................................................... 5
WA Championship 720 rounds ............................................................................................................. 5
Match Round scoring formats .............................................................................................................. 5
Para-archery event categories .............................................................................................................. 6
Indoor scoring for Para-W1 Open compound....................................................................................... 6
Para-W1 Open outdoor round .............................................................................................................. 6
Tie Breaking for entrance to matchplay ............................................................................................... 6
Fred Usher Memorial Cup maximum score .......................................................................................... 7
Indoor rounds inner-10 scoring for all compound categories .............................................................. 7
Canadian 300 Round outer-10 X scoring for all categories................................................................... 7
T2S 900 Round outdoors....................................................................................................................... 7
Records with maximum score ............................................................................................................... 8
Field and 3D .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Tie breaking (non-critical) ..................................................................................................................... 8
Shooting position for Field and 3D ....................................................................................................... 8
Shooting time for 3D ............................................................................................................................. 9
Use of umbrella ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Cameras and Communications on courses ........................................................................................... 9
Archery Canada (AC) NOTE: Some participants are often unclear on the naming of bow Divisions that use
the compound bow. There are several separate divisions that use compound bows – such as the Hunter
Division. However, there is only one Compound Division with distinct specifications.
World Archery references
All references to FITA have been removed. Since FITA no longer exists, and references were misleading.
The 1440 Round name replaces FITA Round
World Archery Star replaces the FITA Star – a personal achievement award based on the 1440
The FITA1 and FITA2 indoor references and other references will be removed. The correct
reference used.
Compound Division sights
World Archery and AC now accept the use of “peep elimination” sights and multiple pin sights for
Compound Division in events with marked distances, such as Indoor Target events and marked Field
Archery Canada already accepts the use of these sights on courses with unmarked distances in other
divisions using compound bows, such as Hunter Division.
"Peep Elimination" sights can be used in Compound Divisions and assuming such a sight does not
incorporate any electric or electronic device.
Multiple sight pins and peep eliminator devices are allowed on marked courses only.
Tie-breaking both arrows miss
World Archery recently amended the wording for critical tie breaking in the event that both archers miss
their targets. This provides for continued shooting until the tie is decided. Although identified for target
archery, this has general application to target, field and 3D archery.
A single arrow shoot-off for score;
o If the score is the same the arrow closest to the centre of the target face shall resolve the
tie and if the distance is the same, successive single arrow shoot-offs, until the tie is
o If both athletes miss the scoring area of the target, both athletes will shoot an additional
Scorecards with errors
The recording of scores from scorecards submitted with errors has been clarified consistent with
common procedure:
Should a discrepancy be found in the sum total where:
• two paper scorecards are used, the sum total of the lower arrow scores will be used for the
final result; if the score on a single scorecard (and in the case of double scoring, the score is
the same on each scorecard), is lower than the actual score, the lower score on the
scorecard will be used, and if
one paper scorecard and one electronic scorecard are used, the sum total of the paper
scorecard will be used for the final result unless the sum total reflected on the scorecard is
greater than the actual score (in which case the lower actual score is used).
Archery Canada staff may compete in tournaments
The prohibition for AC technical and executive staff participation in tournaments is removed. Ref
Equipment Divisions and categories
01 January 2015
Compound Unlimited name change
The former Bowhunter Open (BHO) division is renamed the Compound Unlimited division to better
reflect the style of equipment. The details of the division remain the same.
Compound Fixed Pins division name change
The former Bowhunter Release (BHR) division is renamed the Compound Fixed Pins division to better
reflect the style of equipment. The details of the division remain the same.
Youth Compound division incorporated into Compound Unlimited Division
The former Youth Compound division is amalgamated with Compound Unlimited division. There is no
change in the equipment requirements. The equipment is functionally the same and the limitations on
draw weight for youth are amalgamated.
Compound Unlimited Division
The peak draw weight shall not exceed:
 80lbs for men and
 60bs for women, Junior, Cadet & Cub
 40 lbs for Pre-Cub &PeeWee
Hunter and Hunter Fingers divisions developmental not for championship
The Hunter and Hunter Fingers divisions will no longer be recognized for Archery Canada championship
tournaments. The divisions remain useful as developmental divisions at other events. Participants in
these divisions may wish to participate in the Compound Fixed Pins division.
AC 22.11
Hunter Division
Is recognized as a developmental division. It is not recognized for
Championship tournaments.
the same equipment for Compound Unlimited is permitted except:
AC 4.3
***-The Hunter Division is recognized as a developmental division. It is not
recognised for Championship tournaments. It may be used by Clubs at their
Common Divisions for all disciplines
Recognized divisions are made more accessible across archery disciplines – target, field, 3D. However
there are some limitations regarding their recognition for championship events.
Instinctive Bow and Longbow added to Canadian Field - consistent with WA and 3D
Recurve Division is added to Canadian 3D for non-championship tournaments at the organizers
discretion - to accommodate archers shooting Recurve Division
Although most divisions are recognized in all disciplines, not all are offered at Championship
tournaments, either because they are directly excluded or are excluded Conditional Categories (see AC
AC 4.3.2
for Target Archery:
 Recurve Division
 Compound Division
 (Barebow Division *)
 Compound Unlimited Division(former BowhunterOpen)
 Compound Fixed Pins Division (former Bowhunter Release)
 (Bowhunter Finger Division*)
 (Hunter Division***)
***-The Hunter Division is recognized as a developmental division. It is not
recognised for Championship tournaments.
*-excluded Conditional Division.
AC 4.3.3
for Field Archery:
 Recurve Division
 Compound Division
 (Barebow Division *)
 (Instinctive Division *)
 (Longbow Division *)
 Compound Unlimited Division (former Bowhunter Open)
 Compound Fixed Pins Division (former Bowhunter Release)
 (Bowhunter Finger Division *)
 (Hunter Division***)
AC 4.3.7
for Canadian 3D Archery:
 (Recurve Division****)
 Barebow Division
 Instinctive Division
 Longbow Division
 Compound Unlimited Division
 Compound Fixed Pins Division
 Bowhunter Finger Division
 (Hunter Division***)
 (Hunter Fingers Division ***)
 Traditional* Division
***-The Hunter Division is recognized as a developmental division. It is not recognised for
Championship tournaments.
****-The Recurve Division is recognised in Canadian 3D as a developmental division. It is
not recognised for Championship 3D tournaments
Fixed-pin sights
The description for fixed-pin sights is made more consistent for Compound Fixed Pin and Hunter
AC 22.9.1; 22.11.1
Bow sight must be fixed and:
must not be adjusted on the course during competition, whether or not
the sight can be moved without the use of tools.
use pin, cross-hair, or circle style pins
o circle style pins are permitted if the circles are of one size;
shall not incorporate any lens, whether magnifying or not
may incorporate a levelling device
may incorporate a light to illuminate the sight
Number of sight pins for Hunter Division
The restriction on the number of sight pins for Hunter Division equipment is removed. The fixed-pin
sight may now use more than 4 pins. Ref:AC 22.11.1
Half-FITA Round removed
The former Half FITA Round based on ½ 1440 Round (18 arrow rounds) is removed. However, Clubs may
still be interested in using this round, but it has no standing outside local events.
WA Championship 720 rounds
The format for the (outdoor) World Archery Championships and World Archery Youth Championships
will be the 720 rounds. Archery Canada Outdoor Target Championship continues to use the 1440Round
and the 720 Round.
 for the Recurve Division, a Qualification Round consisting of a 70m Round followed by an
Olympic Round and;
 for the Compound Division, a Qualification Round consisting of a 50m Compound Round followed
by the Compound Match Round.
Match Round scoring formats
WA revisions now make the formats for matchplay consistent, withsets scoring for all recurve and
cumulative scoring for all compoundmatchplay events; and the same for indoor and outdoor
o Individual elimination and finals matches consisting of the best of five (5)SETSof three
arrows;(note – a win is 6 set point)
o Team elimination and finals shooting match consisting of the best of four (4)SETS of 6
arrows (2 per athlete);(note – a win is 5 set point)
Mixed Team elimination and finals shooting match consisting of the best of four
(4)SETSof 4 arrows (2 per athlete);(note – a win is 5 set point)
o Individual elimination and finals matches consisting of five (5) ENDSof three arrows with
cumulative scoring
o Team elimination and finals matches consisting of the best of four (4) ENDSof 6 arrows
(2 per athlete) with cumulative scoring;
o Mixed Team elimination and finals matches consisting of the best of four (4) ENDSof 4
arrows (2 per athlete) with cumulative scoring;
Para-archery event categories
All para-archers are being reclassified according to new standards. Thus some athletes may be
reassigned to different classifications and some former para-atheletes may be excluded from pararchery events, but able to compete with able-bodied athletes in open competition and sometimes with
prosthetics and other aids that enable them to participate.
Also, the categories for para-events have been re-organized, combining Standing and Wheelchair W2
classes into Open categories for Recurve and Compound Divisions, and also combining W1 Recurve and
W1 (modified) Compound divisions into W1 Open categories.
The available categories are indicated in the following table.
Para Recurve
Recurve Women Open RWO
Recurve Men Open RMO
Para Compound
Compound Women Open CWO
Compound Men Open CMO
W1 Open
Women W1 Open (Rec/Comp) WW1
Men W1 Open (Rec/Comp) MW1
Indoor scoring for Para-W1 Open compound
Para-archers classified W1 and using a compound bow or a recurve bow will score the recurve (outer) 10
ring for indoor events. All other categories of the Compound Division continue to use the compound
(inner) 10 ring.
For the Compound Division only the inner 10-ring shall score 10, the rest of the yellow scoring
zone shall score 9, provided that the Compound W1 Division, with athletes using recurve sights,
will use the recurve 4cm 10-ringTarget face, …).
Para-W1 Open outdoor round
Para-archers classified W1 and using a compound bow or a recurve bow will shoot the 50m Round for
Tie Breaking for entrance to matchplay
World Archery recently amended the wording regarding a clarification of critical ties for 8th place
entrance to elimination rounds. The change now recognizes that tie-breaking is required to determine
8th place because those archers will have an advantage of byes before they have matches.
For ties deciding the entrance to the Elimination Rounds, in Matches, or in the top 8(in cases
using the matchplay chart with 104 athletes)… there shall be shoot-offs to break the ties (the
system of the number of 10’s and X’s (9's for indoors) shall not be used):
Ties deciding the entrance to the Elimination Roundor the entrance to top 8 shall be broken on
the distance shot last ….
Fred Usher Memorial Cup maximum score
The maximum score for a team to achieve with their handicap has been changed to a maximum score
per end rather than a maximum score per match.
The total points for each 6-arrow end for a team is calculated as the sum of the
team’s actual arrow scores plus the team’s total per-end handicap points as indicated
above. A team’s total score per end may not exceed 60 points regardless of
handicap points.
Indoor rounds inner-10 scoring for all compound categories
The scoring of indoor 18m Round and the 25m Round for all compound bow categories has been made
consistent – they all score the inner 10 (compound target).
AC Note:
This includes the Compound Division, Compound Unlimited Division (former BHO),
Compound Fixed Pin Division (former BHR), (Hunter Division).
This includes all age classes;
WA applies to all other Divisions shooting the compound bow (except Para W1).
The Para-archery W1 category still shoots the outer (recurve target) 10 zone.
Canadian 300 Round outer-10 X scoring for all categories
Scoring of the Canadian 300 Round is changed to outer-10 scoring for all categories and the inner-X ring.
The Canadian 300 Round consists of 30 arrows shot at 18m on the 40cm target face or the
40cm triple face with both inner- and outer-10 zones.
the inner-10 ring shall be scored as “X” and the outer-10 ring shall be scored as 10
for all categories.
Also: only for the Canadian 300 Round, the inner-10 ring shall be scored as “X” and the
outer-10 ring shall be scored as 10 for all categories.
T2S 900 Round outdoors
A new Canadian round identified as the T2S 900 Round is described and intended as a developmental
club round.
The T2S 900 Round consists of 90 arrows on the full 80 cm target face with 30 arrows
at each of the following three distances
35m, 30m, 25m
Distances for Peewee Men and Peewee Women may vary.
The T2S 900 Round is a developmental club round for personal achievement and not
intended for competition.
Records with maximum score
There is now a Canadian procedure to recognize Indoor Records that include the maximum score for the
round (600).
Should more than one archer claim a perfect score in Indoor Target Archery (600/600),
 the first archer who claims the record will be declare the record holder; and
 all the others (except if shot the same day) will be recognized and listed under the
record holder.
Field and 3D
Tie breaking (non-critical)
The decisions for breaking Field and 3D ties that are non-critical (i.e. do not involve elimination from
competition or the winning of awards) has been standardized by WA and AC so it is now consistent for
target, field and 3D.
For ties occurring in all Rounds, except for those ties as set out below:
o Individuals and Teams:
 Greatest number of 6's for Field rounds and 11's for 3D rounds;
 Greatest number of 5's for Field rounds and 10's for 3D rounds;
 After this, athletes still tying shall be declared equal
Shooting position for Field and 3D
The position of the athlete at the shooting peg for 3Dis changed. Now, in all cases for Field and 3D, the
athlete shoots from a position within one metre beside or behind the peg and the athlete does not have
to touch the peg. For Field, this is based on the use of one or two pegs with two archers shooting at the
same time.However, in Canadian 3D archery there is only one archer at a time at the peg.
WA 23.1.2
In Field and 3D Rounds the athlete can stand or kneel up to approximately 1m in any
direction beside or when the athlete is shooting alone at a peg and no safety concern is
caused, behind the shooting peg ….
... If two athletes are shooting simultaneously, the athlete with the lowest competitor
number shall shoot from the left peg (or left side of the peg if only one), the athlete
with the higher number shall shoot from the right peg.
AC 23.1.2
AC 23.1.2
In Canadian 3D Rounds:
Outdoors - the athlete must touch the stake with a portion of his body.
Indoors - the athlete must shoot from the designated shooting position. …
In Canadian 3D Rounds the shooting stake (outdoors) or the shooting position (indoors) shall
accommodate only one athlete.
Shooting time for 3D
90 seconds is now the time allowed to shoot an arrow during a regular Canadian 3D archery round. At
World Archery events one (1) minute is allowed.
ref AC 24.7.1
ref AC 26.4.1
NOTE: the time permitted at the stake is not actually timed. While athletes are expected to respect this time it is not
enforced unless an athlete or a group of athletes causes delays in the progress of the tournament. The time remains
the same for both Indoor and Outdoor 3D events. The time limit is controlled and enforced during a tie-breaking
Use of umbrella
Use of an umbrella is no longer permitted to assist an athlete while the athlete is at the shooting
position. However, in the case of blinding sunshine, protective shade to a maximum size of A4 (approx.
30cm x 20cm) may be provided.
Umbrellas are specifically allowed as protective accessory equipment on courses and ranges, but not
while shooting.
AC 28.2.6
is removed
AC 22.6
Accessories for all divisions
Umbrellas for protection from rain and sun may be used on the competition course, but
must not be used to assist an archer or near an archer while shooting.
Cameras and Communications on courses
Accessory equipment rules now permit the use of cameras and communication devices on courses and
practice areas in Canadian context only. Cameras may be used for general photography, but are not
permitted for estimating or technical documentation of the course. Communications equipment such as
cellular phones may be on the course, but must remain off and must not be used to receive nonemergency calls, texts, etc. They are permitted on the course solely for emergency communication with
the organizers for emergency services.
AC 22.6.1
Cameras and electronic devices containing cameras may be used on a course or practice
area solely for the purpose of recording pictures. Any flash device (during shooting) or
communication capabilities or sound capabilities must remain off. See WA 22.7 and AC
22.7.2 regarding restrictions.
AC 22.7
For athletes of all divisions the following equipment is not permitted:
AC Note 22.6 and 22.7: Also applies to all others(e.g. coaches, spectators, etc.) on a
course (except Officials).
AC 22.7.2
except that an electronic communication device (mobile phone) may be carried and
used solely for the purpose of communicating with Organizing Committee in the event
of an emergency. During all other times the device must remain off.
See also WA 22.7.3, .4, .5