prefabbricazione leggera per il retrofit -
prefabbricazione leggera per il retrofit -
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Dipartimento di Architettura Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura – Progettazione Architettonica Laboratorio di Progettazione dei Sistemi Ambientali B - Tecnologia prof. arch. Sergio Russo Ermolli a.a. 2014-2015 PREFABBRICAZIONE LEGGERA PER IL RETROFIT Passive House Institute-Wood façade systems (architects Naumann & Stahr) The basic design of the building system is a wood frame structure. Every 1.283 m an I-wood beam is located with OSB panels in between to the inside of the inner belt. The outer casing is made of thermo-wall plaster tiles that are nailed to the beams. Neither the outer nor the inner shell have load bearing functions allowing alternatives like ventilated timber formwork, wood cement board with paint or a mixture of various facade systems. The wall panels are manufactured basement high and an overall building height of five floors is possible Solar-active façade systems (GAP solution) A stable honeycomb structure made of natural materials is the innovative component in this façade system. The rays of the winter sun penetrate deep into the honeycomb and increase their temperature. This autonomous zone reduces heat loss to almost zero and reduces thermal bridges. During summer much of the radiation is reflected due to the comb structure itself. Depending on the orientation the improvement of the Uvalue of the exterior wall is up to 90% or more. GlassXcrystal Phase Change Materials (PCM) A triple insulating glazing unit provides the system with excellent thermal insulation of a U-value of U=0,48 W/m2K. A prismatic pane in the outermost airgap reflects the solar radiation at high altitudes in summer and transmits it at altitudes below 35° in winter. As a key component acts the slim heat storage module, equivalent to a storage capacity of about 20 cm concrete. The storage material is a salt hydrate PCM (Phase Change Material). Solar heat is stored in the PCM by means of a melting process. During night time and the following days the stored heat is delivered to the interior during recristallisation. The salt hydrate is contained in a Polycarbonate box. The interior toughened glass pane could optionally be coated with a screen printing. The whole system appears as a translucent wall. Energy façade systems Optimised building equipment (heating, cooling and ventilation) and/or renewable energy are integrated in these façade panels, which are mainly used for new development and office buildings. i-modul façade The i-module Façade is a cladding system with integrated building services for heating, cooling, ventilation and heat recovery as well as lighting and sound insulation within unitized cladding panels which measure a mere 20 cm in depth. Photovoltaic (PV) integration For the integration of PV in facades, new fixing systems were developed (for example in the framework of the EU-funded project: “PV-Enlargement”). They comply with load bearing requirements and at the same time fulfill high aesthetic design expectations. Hybrid façade systems In hybrid façade system new “smart-material“, such as nano-, aerogel and vacuum insulated panels, are integrated. Most of these materials are still very young technologies and further development and research is necessary. Most promising development can be found for Vacuum Insulated Panels Insulating effect of VIP is 5 - 10 times better compared to conventional insulation systems. VIP is still a very young technology and less suitable for processing at construction site, as they can easily be damaged. Accordingly this material is suitable for prefabricated building elements or sandwich elements. Individual demonstration projects have been realized, however, further experience is necessary focusing on the following aspects: thermal bridges, moisture problems, fire resistance, risk of damage by building users, durability of the vacuum (currently 30 years), maintenance or replacement of single panels. Vacuum Insulated Panel • • • • Conductivity 0.007 W/m.K Product Thickness : 20 mm Modular Panels Lower Impact on Human Health Vacuum Insulated Panel BALCONI Prospetti nord dell’edificio residenziale “ SHE.AG1” Progettisti: Mingozzi / COPES Fonte: Costruire in laterizio n° 125, Settembre/ottobre 2008 BALCONI PREFABBRICATI in c.a. La piattaforma è inclinata e con un sistema di canaletti convoglia l’acqua nei tubi davanti Attacco a parete Profilo di supporto in alluminio Fonte: BALCONI PREFABBRICATI in c.a. Installazione veloce Attacco a parete Materiali di alta qualità Fonte: BALCONI PREFABBRICATI in c.a. I balconi prefabbricati che presentano la parte inferiore liscia da cassero, vengono realizzati in stabilimento secondo le più svariate esigenze di progetto. Pezzi speciali per taglio termico, gocciolatoi e sponde fermagetto vengono già inseriti in fase di produzione Fonte: CONNETTORI A TAGLIO TERMICO PER BALCONI Il sistema Isolan è un componente strutturale utilizzato per collegare i balconi esterni in calcestruzzo alle solette interne. Esso fornisce continuità sia all'armatura del calcestruzzo sia all'isolamento termico del muro che protegge l'edificio dagli effetti dei ponti termici. Fonte: