Live Well Perris Program at Mercado Park


Live Well Perris Program at Mercado Park
925 South D Street
Facebook: Live Well Perris
Sabrina Chavez, Assistant Director
101 North D Street
Perris, CA 92570
Live Well Perris Program at Mercado Park
The City of Perris is proud to introduce Mercado Park, located in downtown Perris at 925 South D Street.
Mercado Park was built in an underserved neighborhood that had 0 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents.
Mercado Park sits on 3.25 acres of land that was formerly vacant and underutilized. It was the
community’s vision during the Downtown Perris Specific Plan update and a series of community design
charrettes that inspired the development of Mercado Park. The community wanted to revitalize blighted
land uses in the downtown area with focal points known for civic events, cultural activities,
entertainment, and a vibrant, family-friendly atmosphere. Through Proposition 84, California Parks Bond
Act funding, the community’s vision came to fruition and the grand opening of Mercado Park was held on
July 13, 2013.
Park Design
Mercado Park is the first park in Perris that introduces new innovative park design to the community,
providing a variety of amenities for the differing age groups, and presenting a diversity of the arts and
culture to the community. Mercado Park has been designed with vibrant and colorful elements consisting
of; shaded canopies shaped like flowers, a playground with features for kids of all ages, drought tolerant
landscaping throughout the park, an interactive water play area, an outdoor amphitheater, basketball and
volleyball courts, picnic and open turf areas. The park is heavily used, especially the interactive water
play area during the summer months as temperatures in Perris rise up to 100 degrees.
Park Program
Mercado Park serves as the prominent location for Live Well Perris Program activities. The City of Perris
Live Well Program offers residents of all ages, the opportunities to focus on healthy living by offering free
fitness focused programs and activities, as well as nutrition-based educational program. The program has
attracted thousands of residents and has drawn rave reviews from elected officials, nutritional experts
and fitness gurus throughout the region. Through the program, free activities for all ages are held at
Mercado Park, which include: boot camp, zumba, farmer’s market, hula hoop, biggest loser contest,
movies in the park, line dancing for senior citizens, winter exercise activities, and boxing training camp for
The City promotes the Live Well Perris Program on the city’s website, facebook, twitter, and newsletter.
Residents are able to visit any of these social networking sites for dates of upcoming health and wellness
activities. City staff has also compiled a list of email addresses from residents participating in the City’s
biggest loser contest, which has helped in the promotion of events at Mercado Park to program
participants. Through community wellness grant funding and community partnering sponsorships, the
City contracts with local recreational instructors to implement activities, and purchase incentive materials
for participants of all ages (e.g. free t-shirts, water bottles, exercise equipment, bikes, hats, healthy
snacks, water, and etc.). It is a combination of community partnerships, staff assistance from all city
departments coordinating activities, and City elected officials hosting events, that are key factors in
producing this successful program at Mercado Park.
For example, the City has partnered with the elementary school district to participate in “Walk to School
Day”, which occurs each year. The starting point of the walk was designated at Mercado Park. Last year,
approximately 200 students participated in the walk. Students made “walk to school” posters, as well an
enjoyed the healthy breakfast snacks provided by staff. The Summer Free Lunch Program is also offered
at Mercado Park through the city and school partnership.
Through the Live Well Perris Program, Mercado Park has gained exposure from communities throughout
the City, and program activities have been in demand in surrounding parks. Mercado Park is a one-stop
shop, while parents get their fitness training and their kids enjoy the park’s amenities.
Live Well Perris Program at Mercado Park