Deborah Tavares -


Deborah Tavares -
 Deborah Tavares is a 3rd generation land developer of residential construction and has been self‐employed in a family operated business for over 30 years. She specialized in land feasibility studies, acquisitions and building permit processes, including required Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), along with furnishing Department of Real Estate (DRE) subdivision requirements and the entire construction build‐out to completion. It was during this process that the restrictions of property rights became evident under the creeping constraints of the United Nation’s AGENDA 21, through land use limitations, restrictions, regulations, fees and increased liability exposures. Deborah is spreading the word, exposing the connections between mysterious global trends of man‐made and corporate/military controlled technologies, weaponized frequencies, the falsified science of the “global warming” movement, and other major programs intended to cause damage to health and reduce the population and to eliminate freedom for all people for all time. A primary example of this is the multi‐national program to install electromagnetic‐
radiation‐emitting electric meters (Smart Meters) and programs that will create scarcity of electricity, gas and water.
Deborah’s highly visible opposition to Smart Meters has been heard on national and international radio shows, digital media, magazine and newspaper coverage, a discussion with Ted Turner—Depopulation 95%/Cannibalism (on YouTube—Ted The Terrible Turner), Russia TV (RT) television coverage at Bohemian Grove/2011, smart meter protests, community awareness campaigns and countless city, county and public utility meetings. For more information on her research, she has a variety of websites, including:
“When you accept the intolerable, you
wake up to a nation that is enslaved.”
INFORM your utility company that any attempt to deploy a Smart Meter on your property or residence will constitute
trespass, stalking, wiretapping and assault
FORBID and DENY consent of any installation and use of any monitoring, eavesdropping, surveillance and radiation
emitting devices on your property or place of residence
COPY THIS FLYER from and distribute to all your neighbors, family, and friends . . .
even out-of-state and out-of-the-country
WRITE comments on articles and blogs. Use Social Media to get the word out to Refuse Smart Meters
POST Refuse Smart Meters SIGNS, BANNERS, and Magnetic BUMPER STICKERS in high visibility locations
PUT Refuse Smart Meter signs on your windshield, when parked
TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS you don’t want their personal data and toxic radiation
emitting from their meter onto your property
Enslavement, surveillance
KEEP your Safe Electric Analog Meter - “Never negotiate your rights, safety and health
away, giving up those things damages you”
POST Do Not Install Smart Meter stickers on your gas and electric meters and
protect your meters with a cage -
REMOVE your Smart Meter - NOW! Go to for the
Safe Electric Meter Replacement Kit and Instructions
SAY NO to your utility company, who has partnered with ICLEI (International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives) – U.N. Agenda 21 – International Policies Overriding the U.S. Constitution
rationed energy resources
radiation poisoning
SAY NO to health effects from RF radiation and dirty electricity:
DNA breakage, sleep disruption, headaches, heart
palpitations, infertility, cancer, disorientation, ear ringing,
disruption of working memory, muscle spasms, etc.
(See Symptoms Flyer)
JOIN IN ON PROTESTS - Flyer your neighborhood
ATTEND your local city meetings
You don’t negotiate with harmful
policies. Don’t let the utility companies
commit crime along with an essential
public service. Crime is crime.
TELL ALL – Utilities are deploying Smart Meters because they believe that we must
reduce our CO2 emissions (carbon footprint). The utilities support the false science
of man-made global warming. These meters forced upon us are based upon a
scientific fraud.
SAY NO to the real reason the utilities are deploying Smart Meters- absolute control of all energy resources, electricity,
gas, water, food - to require behavioral changes- changing forever how we live in our homes
SAY NO to energy rationing, higher costs, and required appliance replacement to appliances with RFID, radiation
emitting tracking chips
SAY NO to “uninsurable” liability consequences - Execute a Landlord Tenant Liability Waiver- To limit liability claims in the ‘Hot Topic Area’
WATCH IRON MOUNTAIN—Blueprint for Tyranny
We must understand the extent of the threat in
WATCH The Technocracy video
order to engage in the required level of resistance.
READ The Technocracy Papers by Patrick Wood
READ the New World Order Exposed, 1969; An unbelievable plot to control “everyone”
This is being implemented RIGHT NOW upon all of us without our knowledge or consent
READ the Declassified Secret Military Documents – The Grid is Weaponized
SAY NO to the Global Grid--Standardized Operation Schemes controlled by major banks, a few mega corporations by
policies that customers have not been told about to bring about a One World Government
The assault upon us is an “invisible” attack using frequencies that we do not see, taste, or touch.
These are silent weapons for a quiet war.
It is our obligation to STOP destructive policies.
Functional Impairments from Dirty Electricity
Electromagnetic Field Exposure (EMF)--Radiation (RF)
Short term memory loss
Inability to focus
Brain fog/sluggish thinking
Difficulty concentrating
Vision disruption or eye problems
Eye pain
Head or chest pressure
Difficulty breathing
Respiratory problems
Slow reaction time
Sleep disruption
Night sweats
Balance Problems
Nausea or vomiting
Flu-like symptoms
Digestive difficulty
Nose bleeds
Hair Loss
Rapid Aging/oxidative damage
Skin problems including rashes
Skin irritation/dryness
White Noise 24/7
Ringing or buzzing in ears
Ear pain
Bed wetting
Urinary problems
• Behavioral problems in
Pets get jumpy
Mood disorders
Chronic fatigue
Lost productivity/sick days
Loss of employment
Unusual family conflicts
Disintegrating relationships
Violent behavior
Weakened immune system
Physical weakness or pain
High blood pressure
Leg cramps
Stiff neck or back
Shuts down the cells-cell death
Changes in genetic makeup
DNA breakage
EMF causes mercury dental
filling vapor to leak causing
organ and brain damage
Autoimmune disease
Damages mitochondria
Free radical damage and aging
Worsening existing poor health
Demineralization of cells/tissue
Birth defects
Life span decreases by +/-8 years
Heart Attack
Pacemaker defibrillation
Circulation problems
Joint difficulty
Muscle pain
Personality changes
Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s. ALS
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Childhood cancers increase
Brain tumors
Rare Deadly Brain Gliomas
Heating beamed on humans that
mimics a high fever
Rhinitis (inflammation nasal
Allergies such as hay fever
Food allergy
Atopic dermatitis
(inflammation of the skin)
Itching and chapped skin on the
(painful condition of the joints
and muscles characterized
pain and stiffness)
Benign uterine fibroid tumors
Bone loss/osteoporosis
Kidney damage
*Bio Initiative Report: Over 2,000 Scientific Studies
*AAEM-American Academy of Environmental Medicine - Position Paper “Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency
Fields Effect on Human Health”, including Wireless Technologies and Smart Meters
*Department of the Army - Fort Mead "Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons" Radiofrequency directed
energy and Microwave (EMF/RF Radiation) on Targets
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. We will not be held guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
Electrical Sensitivity
Electrical Sensitivity (ES) is also known as Electrosensitivity, Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS), EMF Sensitivity, Electrical
Hypersensitivity (EHS), Microwave Sickness, Radio wave sickness, Wireless Stress Syndrome and Rapid Aging Syndrome. A key
determining factor in evaluating whether or not someone has ES is how they feel away from EMF and RF and whether or not their
health symptoms improve with prudent avoidance.
The symptoms of ES vary widely with each person, depending on the strength, type and length of exposure as well as exposure to
other toxins in the environment, individual constitution and basic health practices. Symptoms can be mild to severe and include:
tinnitus, chronic fatigue, headaches, insomnia, concentration, memory, learning and immune system problems, dermatitis, heart
palpitations. nausea, joint pain, swelling of face, neck, eye problems, rashes, and cancer.
Suggestions for Healing
Practice Prudent avoidance of electricity, electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies
Reduce or eliminate cell, cordless phone and wi-fi use (unplug and remove)
Use a corded phone and wired internet connections (confirm the DSL router is wired)
If necessary move away from high EMF or RF environment (power lines, cell towers)
Sleep in an electricity free bedroom
Sleep in a metal free bed. Consider a wool bed.
Reduce electrical exposures as much as possible (use breaker box to turn power off )
Remove dimmer switches, CFL’s, fluorescent lights
Install Stetzer filters to mitigate “dirty electricity”
Use a notebook computer on battery with an external (wired) keyboard and wired mouse
Never use the computer on your lap
Work offline when possible
Have your home, car and work tested for EMF and RF (click here for a detailed review of meters to buy or rent)
Alternative health care can be very beneficial: Chiropractic, acupuncture, herbs, massage.
Eat fresh local organic foods.
Follow all rules for basic good health and take it slow: Healing comes with time and distance
Work with policy makers to create responsible public policy to reduce EMF and RF in the environment.
Mast-Victims.Org an online community where people “living under the threat of masts and antennas can
record their case histories and share their thoughts online.”
Radiation Research Trust EHS TEST
Electrical Sensitivity E-SENS online discussion group
Susan Parsons: “Living with Electrohypersensitivity-A Survival Guide”
Lucinda Grant: Electrical Sensitivity Handbook
Sarah Dacre electro-sensitivity story
Katie Hickox EHS story
EMF Electrician Michael Neuert: “Electromagnetic Fields and Your Immune System”
Dr. Christine Aschermann:“Observations from a Psychotherapy Practice on Mobile Telecommunications and
DECT Telephones”Aschermann2009
Forced to Disconnect – Electrohypersensitive fugitives e book by Gunilla Ladberg
Go to the EMF Tab of for the various links on this page
Watch - Radiation: The Silent War Against You
Barrie Trower / Scientist - 13-Part Series