mArch • APril 2010 mArch • APril 2010
mArch • APril 2010 mArch • APril 2010
MARCH • APRIL 2010 cHANeY eLectRONIcS, INc. P.O. Box 5408 Scottsdale, AZ 85261 We have the electronic components and items you are looking for at discount prices All Prices Valid Thru 05/01/2010 HELP US SAVE TREES! Sign up for our email Newsletter and help us reduce paper usage! Place your order online 24/7 at www.goldmine– We Accept: Toll Free Order Line: 1-800-445-0697 Fax Line: (480) 661-8259 Mini Drill Press for PC Boards Compact and and PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 300 Scottsdale, AZ Nicely made drill press has 3 selectable speed Precise ranges by way of a belt and aluminum pulleys, plus a variable speed control for each range, and a die cast aluminum base. Has handy feed lever with depth indicator, adjustable head height on heavy duty column, and adjustable collet for bits up to 1/4” diameter. We use this drill press for drilling PC boards here at the Goldmine and it is able to make the smallest holes in our PC boards with great accuracy. This compares to mini presses over $200! Operates on 110VAC 50/60Hz. RPM ranges 5000, 6500, and 8500. Size of base 6-3/4” square, max height 6”, and maximum throat depth 4-3/8”. Brand new in retail box. G17382 $79.95 ea. Scissor Cut Ultra Thin Copper Clad Ultra thin scissor cut copper clad has copper on both sides of the thin glass epoxy material. Thickness is only 0.01” (0.25mm). Great for making small prototype boards as this copper clad can be cut with scissors. Please note: this is copper clad not just a sheet of pure copper -it is so thin that some customers don’t believe it’s copper clad (with insulating board in the middle) but as soon as you etch it you can see that it is! 5” x 8” G17455 8” x 10” G17456 $1.25 ea. $1.99 ea. Our Most Powerful Solar Cell! 4 Amp - 4” x 6” These powerful silicon solar cells are made with the “molten ribbon” process and were recently manufactured. These are easy to solder your leads to and are ready for you to make into powerful solar panels. Each cell puts out 0.55V at 4 Amps ±10%. These are very thin so we package them very carefully to prevent breakage in shipment (if when handling this cell you break it, we cannot accept a return on it). If this should happen you can still solder the broken pieces in parallel for the same power output. These were prepped with some solder on the front and back to facilitate attaching with ribbon wires for making panels. We include a 9” piece of flat ribbon wire as a special offer with each cell. G17387 $8.95 ea. 4 for $24.00 Powerful Heavy Duty 12VDC Motor on Bracket Powerful heavy duty motor is 3”L x 2.1” diameter. It has a 1”L x 0.32” diameter shaft with a small removable timing belt pulley attached. This motor develops 1800 rpm at 12VDC at 0.15 amps (unloaded). Brand new mounted on steel brackets (easily removed by removing screws). G17454 $5.95 ea. Our Lowest Priced VOM Compact digital multimeter measures DC and AC voltages, DC current, resistance, transistor gain (hFE), diode test and signal injector position. Measures DC voltage from millivolts to 1000 volts, DC current from microamps to 10 amps, resistance from 1Ω to 2MegΩ and AC voltage up to 750V. Has 19 switch/range positions, 3-1/2 digits that are 1” tall for easy viewing! Size about 2.75” x 5”. Brand new with built in 9V battery (included). In retail blister packaging. G17407 $7.95 ea. Visit Our Website for Our Newest Promotions. We have over 5000 items online! Our online store makes ordering from us easier or you can call us toll free. 2 Watt Cree Bulb Flashlight Our Absolute Best Blinding White Flashlight! This black metal case flashlight produces the brightest white beam from any flashlight we have seen (obviously there must be more powerful ones out there, but we haven’t sold one). This flashlight throws a beam that is blinding and can reach great distances. It operates on 2 AA batteries (not included) and has a push on/push off switch in the tail cap. Size of flashlight is about 6-1/2” L. Brand new in blister pack with carrying pouch. G17385 $19.95 ea. Unique White LED Strobe/Flashlight This very unique small rubberized grip flashlight operates on 3 AAA batteries (not included) and has a mode switch on the tailpiece. One push of the switch lights the 7 LEDs at half power, a second press lights the 7 LEDs at full power, a third press and the LEDs flash (strobe) at full power at a fast rate, and a fourth press turns the flashlight off. Makes a very unique attention grabber and useful item. Size about 3.8” x 1.35” diameter. Brand new in sealed blister package. G17388 $7.99 ea. Our Handiest Glow in the Dark Flashlight Our handiest flashlight is easy to find in the dark because it “glows” a faint green color all night. Operates on 3 AAA batteries (not included) and produces a nice white beam from 8 white LEDs. Has comfortable rubberized grip with attractive metal accents. Complete with carrying strap. Now you can find that flashlight quickly when the lights go out. We have four different colors available (all of them glow green in the dark). Size about 3.5”L x 1.1” diameter. Has on/off pushbutton in the tail piece. G17396 G17397 G17398 G17399 White Pink Yellow Blue VISIT US ONLINE AT: www.goldmine– TOLL FREE: 1-800-445-0697 Page NEW ARRIVALS Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 MAIL ORDERS TO: The Electronic Goldmine P.O. Box 5408 Scottsdale, AZ 85261 Online: Toll Free Order Line:...........1-800-445-0697 Fax:........................................... (480) 661-8259 Customer Service Line:............. (480) 451-7454 MINIMUM ORDER: $10.00 Page# + SHIPPING Stock Number ALL PRICES IN THIS FLYER EXPIRE 05/01/10 Name:_________________________________________________________________Cust#:_ _____________ Shipping to: (circle one) Home Business Company Name: _ ______________________________________ Street Address: _ __________________________________________________________________________ City: _ ___________________________________ State/Province:_ __________________________________ Zip Code: _________________________________ Daytime Phone #: (_ ________ ) _______________________ Description of Item Qty. X Unit Price CHECK METHOD OF PAYMENT: PERSONAL CHECK CASHIER’S CHECK AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY CHECK VISA/MASTERCARD MONEY ORDER CREDIT SLIP AMT.______ Check here if more space was needed for ordering and an extra sheet of paper was used. Make sure the subtotal from the extra sheet is indicated at right. Credit Card Information: Credit Card Number:_____________ | ______________ | _____________ | ____________ (Circle type of card) Expiration Date:___________ / ____________ MASTERCARD Cardholder Name as it Appears on Card (print):___________________________________ VISA AMERICAN EXPRESS Billing Address:____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The Electronic Goldmine disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, arising in connection with the sale of any product described in this sales flyer. In no event shall The Electronic Goldmine be liable for any claim for incidental or consequential damages arising out of in connection thereof with the manufacture, sale, delivery or use of any product in this flyer. NOTE: Specifications, prices and availability of items are subject to change without notice. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. ALL SALE PRICES, PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNTS AND COUPONS IN THIS FLYER EXPIRE ON MAY 01, 2010. Total Price Sub Total Front: Sub Total From Extra Sheet: AZ Residents Only Add Tax (8.1%): Shipping & Handling $7.00 Min. (See Terms): Extra Shipping Charge for Heavier Items (See Terms): Special RUSH Service UPS Blue Label (See Terms): TOTAL AMOUNT OF ORDER: Check here if you would like a credit slip for items you have ordered that may be sold out. If you check this box, we will issue you a credit slip worth 20% more than the actual amount that is sold out (with a maximum value of $20.00). You can return it with your next mail order and deduct the amount from your total. If you do not check this box, we will issue a refund check for any items that may be sold out. The above only applies to orders paid by check or money order. Obviously, if your order is paid for by credit or bank card, we will charge you only for the items that are in stock. *ORDERS RECEIVED WITHOUT SHIPPING CHARGES INCLUDED WILL BE RETURNED UNPROCESSED AAA and AA Alkaline Batteries Handy Nut Driver Set Magnatron industrial series alkaline AAA and AA batteries. These fresh batteries outlast standard and heavy duty types. Fresh (use by 2012) alkaline batteries for use in all electronic devices including high drain flashlights! In retail box. Perfect for use with any power drill, this set of heavy duty steel nut drivers include: 3/16”, 1/4”, 9/32”, 5/16”, 11/32”, 3/8”, and 7/16” fractional nut sockets plus 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm metric nut sockets. You get 14 nut driver sockets in all. Each is about 1.5” long. Brand new with handy belt mount holder. In retail blister package. G17401 G17403 G17404 $6.95/set Energizer Max® “D” Size Alkaline Battery 10” x 12” Ziplock Antistatic Bags Energizer MAX® “D” size alkaline battery is brand new with a use by 03/2014 date code. This heavy duty alkaline “D” battery is rated 1.5VDC at 20,500mAH. We sell these individually or as a package 12. (Package of 100) High quality antistatic silver grey transparent zip lock bag is great for all static shielding uses. These are standard 3.2 mil thickness made by SECO. Worth about $48 for a package of 100. Blowout pricing -prime new stock. G17394 G17450 G17450A $15.00/Package of 100 Small Lightweight 5VDC at 700mA Adapter/Charger cut off connector Small lightweight charger made by Samsung part# ATADM10JBE has standard plug for AC outlet and special connector on other end. Cut off the connector and you have a nice lightweight charger/ adapter capable of putting out regulated 5VDC at up to 700mA. Size of adapter body only 2.3” x 1.1” x 1.4”. Can operate from 100VAC up to 240VAC. New in sealed bag (you can cut off connector if you desire). G17395 All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 $2.29 ea. 10 for $20.00 $1.59/Package of 4 AAA Batteries $1.69/Package of 4 AA Batteries $1.49 ea. $12.99 for Package of 12 Giant Heavy Duty Gear Head Assortment Giant gear assortment contains mostly nylon gears but also may contain some metal types. These were made for copy machines and have various amounts of teeth and inner bores. Overall outer diameter ranges from about 1.15” up to 1.96” and inner bore diameter ranges 0.23” and larger. Some may have a built in pulley. This a great way to find a gear combo for a heavy duty robot! Assortment contains 10 gears. G17411 $10.00/Assortment Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page NEW ARRIVALS Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 Jumbo 5mm Super Bright White Flashing LED Our Largest First Surface Mirror Super Bright Flashing 5mm clear lens white LED is rated 10,000MCD. Operates on 3.6VDC at 30mA. Viewing angle is 20º. Flash rate about once per second. Use a 330Ω resistor in series with either lead to operate from 9VDC. High quality large first surface glass mirror has a blue peel off protective film. Size 17” x 1-3/4” x 15/64” thick. Great for laser applications. 2 for $8.00 G14264 $4.95 ea. G17381 $1.25 ea. Hartman Precision Mosquito Forceps 10/$10.00 • 100/$80.00 Small DC Motor and Propeller Small motor can operate from 0.5V up to 9VDC. Will operate from most larger solar cells (over 2”). Red 4.4” long plastic propeller is attached to the shaft of the 0.94” diameter x 0.57” thick motor. Motor has color coded flexible leads and solder eyelets (either can be used for power hookup). G17384 $1.99 ea. These are very precision made straight type stainless steel forceps. They are tiny 3.5” long locking mosquito forcep types and are great for use with tiny parts. They are brand new precision made in Pakistan and normally sell for about $40 each. G17449 $5.95 ea. International Universal Travel Adapter Turns any incandescent bulb (up to 150 watts) into an automatic light controlled socket. Just screw this 2-5/8” x 1-3/8” diameter socket into any 120VAC socket and screw any bulb (up to 150 watts) into the socket. When it is dark the bulb turns on and when it is light it turns back off. Note: the unit must be located near a window so that light will strike its CDS cell and the unit will decrease bulb output by 20-25%. Great for international travel, this adapter/converter adapts US 2 and 3 prong AC plugs to Eusopean, China, UK, Japan, Australia, Spain. Very compact and lightweight. Size only 2.9” x 2” x 1.6”. All prongs fold up so that it fits into a compact carrying bag. Has red LED indicator. Note: this is not a transformer for converting voltage -it is an adapted for different plug types. Brand new in retail card packaging. G15455 G17446 Outdoor/Indoor Light Control Socket $1.49 ea. Sanyo Denki San Ace 109X9812T0H016 Heat Sink and Fan for Pentium® Made for the Intel Petium® 4µPGA478 cpu processor, this fan operates on 9 to 13.8VDC at 0.21 Amp. The fan is attached to a large aluminium heat sink and the overall size is 95mm x 71.3mm x 62.5mm. Has standard 3 slot female connector attached: yellow (+), black (–), green (sensor). G17457 Powerful Mosfet - Fairchild SFG9154 Powerful P-channel mosfet is rated 150V and 18A continuous drain current. It features lower leakage current (10µA max) and lower RDS(ON): 0.14Ω. The leads on the T03P case have been factory cut for PC board mounting as shown. Popular mosfet at a blowout price! $1.25 ea. Sealed Bag of 30 for $25.00 All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 $2.49 ea. Standard Panel Mount DPDT 5A 125V Toggle Switch Standard DPDT chrome bat handle toggle switch mounts in a 1/2” hole. Complete with panel mounting nut. Contacts are rated 5 Amp 125VAC or 3 Amp 250VAC. Size of body about 1.1” x 0.79” x 0.61” (excluding bat handle, bushing and solder eyelets). G17393 $1.49 ea. Special Miniature Solar Panel Wide Response Small glass solar cell puts out 2.5VDC at about 20µA under typical fluorescent lamp lighting. in direct sunlight the panel puts out 3.2V to 3.5VDC and has a short circuit current of about 2mA. Size 1” x 0.34”W x 0.05” Thick. Has 2” long flexible insulated leads. Great for use in tiny robots! G17448 $3.95 ea. G17453 Handy big display calculator features eight 0.5” tall digits, tilt screen, 4 memory keys, and large buttons for fast easy operation. Operates from 1 A610 battery (included) and has multiply, divide, add, subtract, square root, and percentage functions. Size of calculator about 7-3/8” x 5-1/2”. Brand new in blister package. $1.29 ea. Brilliant white 1 Watt LED has water clear lens, 120º viewing angle, 3.2V to 3.6V forward voltage and forward current of 350mA. Size of LED (excluding leads) is about 8mm diameter x 5.4 mm high. The negative cathode lead has a (–) symbol stamped onto the top of the lead. Factory Prime. G17458 G17447 Very Bright Bright 100! Lumens $4.95 ea. Visit our website for other high power LEDs and view our entire LED selection! This bright green LYTEC (R) EL wire was made by the best manufacturer of EL wire - ELAM. Its bright neon light glow can’t be equaled by off-brands. EL wire (electroluminescent wire) requires a driver or other source of high voltage 80-120VAC @ 400-4000HZ. Typically the higher the frequency for a given voltage the brighter the wire will glow. The wire consists of an outer plastic coating and an inner phosphorescent material. It has 2 internal wires for hookup and can be cut to any length. It is flexible and can be formed into names, art sculptures, computer lights, car lighting accents, etc. Price given is for a 1 foot piece but it is sold in continuous lengths when you order more than 1 foot (up to 50 ft. maximum). $1.50/foot G16780 Big Display Calculator Miniature dual case photodiode with leads formed as shown. Great for robotic applications. Size only about 4.6mm x 5mm x 3.6mm. Brand new but no data available. Green 2.3mm Electroluminescent (EL) Wire G17413 Brushless ball bearing type 5VDC fan by Delta operates from 4VDC to 6VDC at 160mA, speed 13000 rpm, airflow 4.06 cfm, and noise 29.5dBA. Size only 25mm x 25mm x 10mm. Fan has long flexible color coded leads and 2 position female connector on .1” centers. Brand new! Model AFB02505HHB. Dual Photodiode 1 Watt White Super Bright 100 Lumen LED $4.00 ea. G17460 $6.95 ea. DELTA AFB02505HHB 25mm Miniature 5VDC Fan $3.49 ea. 3AG 1-1/2 Amp Fast Acting Fuse 100 Pack by Littlefuse 31201.5 Littlefuse 3AG 1-1/2 amp fast acting fuse is rated to 250V. These are factory boxes of 100 fuses in the original Littlefuse box marked 31201.5. This is a $19 value! G17452 $12.00 Box of 100 3AG 5 Amp Slo-Blo Fuse 100 Pack by Littlefuse 313005 Littlefuse 3AG 5 amp 313 series slo-blo fuse is rated to 250V. These are factory boxes of 100 fuses in the original Littlefuse box marked 313005. This is a $60 value! G17451 $30.00 Box of 100 Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page Sale Items! Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 DC Gear Motor w/Encoder & Anti-Backlash Nut/Lead Screw Asb Unique assembly consists of a 9 1/4” x 6” metal platform with a Buehler 6 to 12VDC gear motor (type with encoder attached to a metal bracket. The shaft of the gear motor has a 120mm long screw assembly with plastic anti-backlash friction nut attached to it. The top of the plastic anti-backlash friction nut is a bracket that moves forward or reverse linearly depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to the DC motor. The motor has an encoder attached which has an input requirement of 5V and an output signal that is TTL compatible with 50 pulses per rev. Screw lead 4.3mm (travel per rev). This nicely made assembly has been removed from new equipment. G16478 $30.95 SALE! $19.95 ea. RF–520C–17410 Efficient DC Motor This motor operates from 9 to 15VDC and has good torque and efficiency. At 12VDC the speed unloaded is 5,500RPM, the current is 0.035Amp. At maximum efficiency (12VDC), the speed is 4,700RPM, current 0.18Amp, tourque is 35g–cm and output is 1.51Watts – Stall torque is 220g–cm and current at stall 1.6Amp. Size is 1.29”Dia. x 1.09”L. Has 2mm diameter “D” shaft which is 0.3”L. Motor has two noise suppression mono capacitors already installed and flexible 4”L leads terminating in a two pin male connector. New. G16280 $1.99 SALE! $1.29 ea. Buehler 12VDC Motor w/ Pulley Nice precision made heavy duty motor by Buehler features yellow 2 wire sinusoidal encoder output. The red and blue wires are used for DC in and can be connected to 3VDC up to 18VDC. High power output for its size. To reverse direction simply reverse battery polarity. Great for making robots with rubber band drives because the pulley is already attached to shaft. Size of Motor: 2.2”L x 1.33” dia. Size of Pulley about .39” in overall Dia x .25” Wide. New. G14783 $2.49 SALE! $1.99 ea. Mini Cassette Assembly Precision made mini cassette assembly is the perfect Robot builder’s source for various small gears, springs, pulleys, drive belts and even a small efficient super quiet 1.5V to 7VDC motor (Dia=1”). Overall approximate size of the assembly is 2 1/4” x 2 1/2” x 7/8”. Brand new-no data and no electronics. G4586 $2.98 SALE! $1.99 ea. Enclosed 12VDC Motor Small DC motor operates from 6VDC up to 18VDC. Size only 1.66”L x 1.12” Dia. Has .6”L 2mm dia. shaft and 2 solder eyelets for connection. To reserve direction that shaft rotates just reverse the polarity to the motor. Speed at 12VDC (unloaded) is 2200 rpm. Current draw at 12VDC (unloaded) is 40mA. Case is fully enclosed and may have slight discoloration on it, however it does not effect the performance. Has 2 mounting ears on 1.4” centers. G16580 $1.49 SALE! $1.00 ea. All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 Robot Builders Delight Powerful Gearhead Motor with Wheel Mounted Here’s a perfect item for making a powerful robot that can operate on most surfaces. Features a 4.9” diameter wheel with removable rubber tire (o-ring) and a 2.75” x 3” gearbox that has 4 threaded mounting holes for 10-32 bolts. Operates from 6VDC up to 30VDC, to reverse direction just reverse voltage to the motor. At 12VDC the wheel turns at about 22 rpm. Requires only about 45mA (unloaded current). This solves one of the common problems with robots -connecting a gearbox motor to a wheel. G17222 $9.49 SALE! $7.00 ea. Robot Builders Bonanza! Motor and Wheels Here’s a retail blister card which contains 4 rubber tires, 4 chrome wheels, 1 small DC motor, 4 screws and 4 spacers. This is a robot builders dream come true. The small, high RPM motor can operate from 1.5VDC up to 6VDC and with a little imagination you should be able to use these parts as the basic building block for a robot. Originally, they were designed as a “tune up” parts set for small toy race cars. Brand new in blister pack. Sorry, no robot plans to use these available. G9816 $1.75 SALE! $0.99 ea. Buehler DC Motor with Gear Train and Optical Detector Powerful Buehler DC motor type operates from 6VDC up to 24VDC. Motor has large brass worm gear attached to shaft which drives a two piece plastic gear assembly. At 6VDC the large black gear rotates at 24RPM. The larger black gear has a slot in it that is detected by an optical detector. Sorry, we have no info on hookup but it should be simple since it is only three leads for the optical detector. To reverse direction just reverse polarity of voltage to the two motor leads. Size of motor 2.4”L x 1.24”Dia. Size of overall assembly about 5.5” x 2.9” x 1.95”Thick. Removed from equipment -good condition. G16468 $18.95 SALE! $14.95 ea. 24VDC/5500 rpm TRW Globe Motor Powerful motor type 403A185 by TRW Globe is rated 24VDC 165mA, 5500rpmNO LOAD. Stall torque 15oz. -in at 3Amps. Armature resistance 8.3Ω. Body size is 1 1/2”Dia. x 2 5/8”L. Shaft is 5/16”L x .156”Dia. “D” type. Has 4 tapped holes on face of motor for mounting. G15906 $5.95 SALE! $3.95 ea. Small DC Motor Assortment Assortment containing 3 different small DC motors. Handy for selecting the right motor for a small robot or motorized project. All new and prime, one may have gear attached. Picture is for illustration only-styles may vary. Assortment of 3 motors. G6622 $2.00 SALE! $1.49/Pkg of 3 Mini Motor with Gears & Tach Disk Brand new assembly made for a CD drive consists of a small 1” dia. motor and 3 gears, one with a black plastic tach disk. The disk has slots that operate in conjunction with a tiny opto interrupter. Motor operates from 1.5VDC up to 12VDC. Sorry, no other specs or info. Size about 2.2” L x .7” thick x 1.1” high (excluding final gear which extends .38” below). G12770 $4.95 SALE! $2.95 ea. Mini Stepper Motor 2 phase bi-polar / Quadrature miniature stepper motor. Small 0.8” diameter x 0.68” thick stepper motor features a knurled 0.3”L x 0.06” diameter shaft. Has 5 leads, however we include a schematic of a simple 3 IC driver circuit (see web for details) that will drive this stepper motor. The stepper motor features 20 steps per revolution and is perfect for miniature robots. The stepper motor is brand new precision made with 4 pin female connector on end of 2.8”L leads. Motor and schematic only. G14197 $1.99 SALE! $1.00 ea. Johnson HC615G Heavy Duty DC Motor Johnson type HC615G heavy duty motor features a no load speed of 2300 RPM at 24VDC. Operates from 6VDC up to 24VDC. Torque (mNm) stall 42.63 and max power 21.32. Efficiency is 61.27%. Features .5”L x .125”Dia shaft. Body of motor is 2.26”L x 1.4”Dia. To reverse direction just reverse voltage polarity. Great motor for robots! G16811 $3.25 SALE! $1.49 ea. Precision Mini Gearhead Motor Sayama 12SM-AT3 Very nice precision made miniature gearhead motor by Sayama part# 12SM-AT3 operates from 1.5VDC up to 12VDC. No load current is about 18mA and RPM at 12VDC is about 58. Size of motor and gearhead is .48”Dia. x 1.42 Long. Shaft is 2mm “D” type about 5mm Long. With solder eyelets for connection. Motor features 60Ω resistance, weight 12.8 grams, gear ration 279/1. New! G16300 $11.95 SALE! $8.95 ea. Super Pager Motor Assortment Super assortment of 5 different small pager motors. Each of these operate from 1VDC up to 5VDC. Each has a small weight attached to the shaft. Perfect for making tiny robots. All are brand new. Package of 5. G17147 $2.99 SALE! $2.49/set Solenoid/Mechanical Clutch Assembly Metal assembly consists of a rotating 3/4” gear that can rotate in one direction but is prevented by a plastic cog mechanism from rotating in a reverse direction until power is applied to the solenoid. Operates on 24VDC. Metal bracket is about 3.6” x 1.6” x 2.1”. Solenoid can be removed and used separately. New in box. G16327 $2.49 SALE! $1.99 ea. Axicom V23079-A1011-B301 4.5VDC DPDT Relay Small DPDT relay by Axicom part# V23079A1011-B301 has 4.5VDC coil and DPDT contacts rated 2Amps at 250VAC. Standard non-latching coil has 145Ω resistance and will operate on as low as 3.38VDC. Size of relay 0.57”L x 0.28”W x 0.38”H. Has 8 pins on bottom for connection. This relay is fully enclosed to keep out dust and moisture. G17319 $1.25 SALE! $0.89 ea. Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page Sale Items! Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 Reciprocating Motor Assembly These use a gearhead motor made by Buehler. The assembly has a 4 7/8” plastic reciprocating arm and a photo sensor on a notched wheel. Strokes are about 112 at 6VDC and 225 at 12VDC. Movement of stroke is almost 1”. Size of assembly 9 3/8”L x 6”W. These were removed from equipment -good condition. Sorry no other data available. G16827 $23.95 SALE! $18.95 ea. Johnson HC685G Heavy Duty DC Motor Heavy duty Johnson motor type HC685G operates from 6VDC up to 24VDC. At 24VDC the current draw is .35Amp, the speed is 7800 RPM and the torque is 23.2 gram/cm. These have a shaft on each end. The shaft on one end is .32”L and on the other end it is .58”L. Shaft is .125” in Dia. knurled surface. Motor body is 1.4” Dia. x 2.3”L. Has 20” long color coded leads with 2 slot female connector with .1” spacing. To reverse direction of rotation just reverse polarity to leads. Great motor for robots! G16810 $3.49 SALE! $1.99 ea. 6” x 1-5/8” Robot Wheel Great for making larger robots, these hollow plastic wheels feature a 0.3” internal diameter hole for your axle and an outer diameter as shown. Even though these plastic wheels are hollow, they can support a heavy load. Brand New! Black color. Sold individually. 6” diameter x 1-5/8” thick. G13889 $1.79 SALE! $1.00 ea. Solen 121K13261 DC Solenoid Solen 121K13261 solenoid operates from 12 to 24VDC. At 24VDC the plunger pulls in .9”, at 12VDC it pulls in .6”. Size of plunger 2.1”L x .475” Dia. Size of solenoid body is 1.1” x 1.2” x 2.15”L. Has flexible leads and 2 pin connector with male pins. G16940 $3.49 SALE! $2.75 ea. 12VDC Solenoid Solen 121E10941 Nice quality 12VDC solenoid features a 62Ω coil and a 1.75”L x .31” Dia slotted plunger with keeper pin to attach a spring if you have one. Size of body is .85” x 1” x 1.75”L. Plunger can pull in .5” at 6VDC and will pull in .8” at 12VDC. Has flexible insulated wire leads. G16939 $2.49 SALE! $1.99 ea. 9V to 24VDC Large Tubular Solenoid Solen 121E18711 large tubular solenoid panel mounts in a .75” Dia. hole (comes with panel mounting nut). Features a .44” Dia x 2.4”L plunger with slot and hole on one end. Size of solenoid about 2.4”L x 1”Dia. Operates on 9VDC up to 24VDC. At 12VDC the plunger pulls in about .6”. At 24VDC the plunger pulls in about 1”. Coil resistance is 46Ω. Has flexible wire leads terminating in a standard 2 pin male connector G16829 $2.99 SALE! $1.49 ea. All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 Heavy Duty 6V to 24VDC Merkle-Korff Gearhead Motor Heavy Duty gearhead motor by Merkle-Korff features operation from 6VDC to 24VDC. At 6V rpm is 15, 12VDC rpm is 30 and at 24VDC rpm is 60. Current draw unloaded at 12VDC is .180Amp. Size about 4”L x 2”Dia. Shaft is .8”L x .25”Dia “D” type. These have 2 flexible wire leads. Removed from equipment -good condition. G16819 $12.95 SALE! $9.95 ea. Buehler Compact 12VDC to 24VDC Gearhead Motor Compact gearhead motor by Buehler part# features speeds of 225RPM at 12VDC and 450RPM at 24VDC. Requires about 0.08Amp (No Load) and features high torque. Small size, only about 2.53”L x 1.38”Dia. Has two flexible color coded leads for power hookup. Shaft is 0.89L (22mm) x 5mm diameter “D” type. Has three tapped holes on top faceplate for mounting. To reverse direction, just reverse voltage polarity to leads. Removed from equipment -good condition. G16476 $19.95 SALE! $14.95 ea. Koyo Micro Miniature Ball Bearing Tiny ball bearing features an inner bore for 3mm shaft and an outer diameter of 8mm, overall thickness is 4mm. Precision made by Koyo type W693ZZ. Brand new. Great for making small robots. G16008 $0.99 SALE! $0.69 ea. 7 1/4” Diameter Robot Wheel These wheels are designed for larger robots. They can support a tremendous amount of weight yet are lightweight and made from sturdy plastic material. Very nice quality attractive wheels. (Outer Diameter 7 1/4”, Tire Width .82”, Bore .32”, Weight .35 lbs.) G15595 $5.00 SALE! $1.49 ea. Precision Stainless Steel Roller Bearings We have miniature stainless steel roller bearings. These are very smooth action precision made. The length shown is related to the OD portion of the bearing and the ID portion is slightly longer. 0.55”L x 0.20” ID x 0.44” OD. G16288 $1.49 SALE! $0.99 ea. 4 Channel Keychain Code Transmitter w/433MHz Receiver Great combo of a small 4 channel keychain rolling code transmitter and a matching 433MHZ rolling code receiver module. Type in “rolling code kit” into Google– there are several entries that show schematics and instructions on how to use these items as a basis for a complete 4-channel rolling code remote control. We are selling the keychain transmitter and matching receiver as a set, you need to provide all other components. No documentation comes with the units. Transmitter keychain operates on one 12VDC battery type and each transmitter has one already installed. Receiver requires 5VDC. The above circuit requires a couple of 4013 CMOS ICs and 4 relays plus various passive components for operation. Our set of transmitter and receiver is new 100% prime. G16544 $20.95 SALE! $9.95 ea. Night Popper Robot Kit The Night Popper waits until it gets dark and then it starts its random exploring. While it explores it sets off a brilliant almost firework looking display from it’s 3 white lamps and emits a crackling popping sound from its on board piezo speaker. Features 2 small DC motors, 2 photodarlington transistors, a relay/CDS cell circuit and 4 drive transistors. The special bonus with this robot is that you get 2 snap off PC boards with 21 components that you solder in before building the robot. By doing this, you can gain ample soldering experience before building the Night Popper. Robot itself is about 3 1/8” square. With the learn to solder boards attached the PC board is 4” square. Requires 2 AA batteries and 1 9V battery (not included). With all parts and instructions. Skill Level 1. G13696 $17.95 SALE! $15.95 ea. Mabuchi RS-380-SH-4045 7.2VDC Motor Prime RS-380SH-4045 DC carbon-brush motor from Mabuchi operates from 3-9VDC with a 7.2VDC Nominal Constant Voltage. Perfect for many hobby applications and projects where a highly efficient yet powerful motor is needed. Features a 3.3 Dia. x 13.8mm Long shaft. Overall length of motor from tip of shaft to base is 57mm. Diameter of motor is 22.7mm. Motor features two JIS M2.6x0.45 tapped holes with a usable machine screw length of 4.0 max from motor mounting surface so that you can easily mount your motor. No Load speed at 7.2V is 16200 RPM 0.50Amp. At maximum efficiency, RPM=14060 and current draw is 3.29Amp. See complete data sheet online. Hurry, this is a excellent motor at an unbelievable price! G16473 $2.89 SALE! $1.49 ea. Precision Made Sub-Miniature DPDT Locking Toggle Switch Made by Alcoswitch this precision made locking toggle switch prevents accidental activation. To operate you must pull the handle outward before changing position. Features DPDT contacts rated 2A@125VAC. Panel mounts in a 0.25” hole and comes with panel mounting nut. Body of switch is only 0.36” x 0.32” x 0.39” (excluding bushing handle and terminals). Model TT-23P by Alcoswitch. These are worth over $12 each! Hurry we have a limited supply! G17274 $4.00 SALE! $2.99 ea. Mini Panel Mount Pushbutton Switch Nice quality panel mounting pushbutton switch features SPDT contacts rated 6Amp@125 VAC. Momentary action type. Size about 0.52”L x 0.33”W (body) x 1” Long from bushing to end of body. Mounts in 0.25” hole. Complete with 2 nuts and washers. Shaft is chrome plated 0.39”L x 0.12” Dia. No knob available. G14077 $0.99 SALE! $0.49 ea. Right Angle PC Mount DB-37 Female Connector Nice quality DB-37 right angle PC mount female connector by ITT. Has metal shroud around connector and 2 threaded screw holes. G17300 $1.49 SALE! $1.00 ea. DB-44 Female Connector Panel mount DB-44 female connector has gold plated pins for connections. Has threaded mounts on 1.85 centers. Made by ITT. G17331 $1.49 SALE! $1.00 ea. Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page Sale Items! Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 .47 Farad 5.5VDC Super Cap Large value .47 Farad (470,000µF) super cap is rated 5.5VDC. These can be used for memory backup or as rechargeable power sources for LEDS and small robots. Size about .80”Dia. x .29”Tall. Leads are on .18” centers. Brand new made by Panasonic. Weighs 7.88 grams. G16573 $3.95 SALE! $1.49 ea. 3uF 450VDC Film Capacitor High power film capacitors made by Aerovox. Perfect for making high voltage power supplies, lasers, night vision, strobes etc. All feature full length axial leads. 3uF 450VDC. Size: 1.4”L x .9”H. G12714 $2.45 SALE! $1.00 ea. High Quality 16-100pF Ceramic Trimmer Capacitor High quality ceramic trimmer capacitor has adjustment slot and a range of 16-100pF. Size about 0.57”L x 0.37”W x 0.32”Thick (excluding metal mounting bracket). G17246 $1.00 SALE! $0.79 ea. 0.003µF 4KV Film Capacitor High quality film capacitor with long axial leads. Rated 0.003µF@4KV. Size about 1.78”L x 1.22”W x 0.5”Thick. Leads are 3” long. Great for high voltage, tesla, and laser strobe applications. G17263 $1.25 SALE! $0.69 ea. “Snap in” Capacitor Assortment Assortment of 5 different value “snap in” capacitors as found in many power supplies, computers, TVs, etc. All are fully marked and 100% new! G17258 $2.98 SALE! $1.99/Asst Compact 47µF 450V Radial Electrolytic Capacitor Compact 47µF 450V radial electrolytic capacitor is rated for 105ºC. Size only 1”Tall x .72” Dia. Has full length leads on .3” centers. G16918 $0.79 SALE! $0.59 ea. Tiny Inverter Transformer Tiny Inverter Transformer - Designed for tiny strobe lights this small inverter transformer converts 3VDC into 200VAC when used with a simple 2 transistor circuit. Size only .4” square x .35” H. Has 4 pins. Complete with schematic of a simple strobe using this transformer. G13599 $3.99 SALE! $2.99 ea. Precision Crystal Oscillator Assortment Small metal case crystal oscillator assortment contains a variety (at least 5 different) of frequencies. Each has 4 pins and each operates from 5VDC. All are new, prime and have standard markings. Any one of these is worth many times the price of the whole package. Package of 10. G16490 $2.49 SALE! $2.00/asst All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 Bourns 50K Model 3266 Pot 2N3772 High Power NPN Silicon Transistor G13410 G13054 Tiny 12 turn Model 3266 trimmer by Bourns is only 7mm x 6.8mm x 4.4mm and features PC mounting with top adjustment slot. Rated .25watt at 70 degrees. Low temperature coefficient of +/-100 PPM per degree C. Model 3266W 503. The 2N3772 is a silicon epitaxial-base NPN transistor mounted in a Jedec TO-3 metal case. They are intended for linear amplifiers and inductive switching applications. TO-3 package. ALEPH Sensitive Magnetic Proximity Switch in Holder 2N6576 Power Transistor $1.25 SALE! $1.00 ea. This proximity switch is very easy to use. Consists of an enclosed reed switch mounted to a metal bracket. Switch has N.O. contacts that close when a magnet is near the switch. When the magnet is removed the contacts open again. Switch has 2.5”L wire leads and a 2 slot female connector. Metal bracket is 2”L x .6”W. Contacts are rated 10 watt max (.5 amp max current). Part# PS-3870-Long Life. These are perfect for hundreds of applications including security alarms, door chimes, etc. No magnet included. G17100 $1.00 SALE! $0.79 ea. Ceramic Base Si Photodiode Type S875-16R 4F We believe this was made by Hamamatsu, however we can not find any S875-16R 4F in their catalog. It is precision made with gold plated leads and an active area of about 10mm x 2.5mm. We tested one in sunlight and it produced and open circuit voltage of .555Volt and a short circuit current of 1.95mA. Overall size 15mm(L) x 2.7mm(W) x 1.5mm (Thick). Each is marked with the full part #. We are blowing these out at a ridiculous price! These are brand new- Hurry these will sell out fast! G15405 $1.99 SALE! $1.49 ea. Tiny Pressure Sensor Made by Motorola, these were made to measure pressure ranges that you would find in medical devices (up to 300mm Hg). We are not sure of the exact pressure range spec on this one but it is similar to the MPX2011DT1 or MPX2301DT1 sensors. They all have the same hookup. These are based on piezoresistive technology. The case is the white plastic chip PAK and is only .38”Tall x .26”W x .10”Thick. Has small fitting with a black colored gel inside for mounting to your hose. The size of this fitting is .123”Dia. The sensor is brand new on tape and reel. They are marked with a customer specific number (not the part #). The hookup is pin 1 Vcc, pin 2 (+) out, pin 3 (–) out, pin 4 ground. Sorry no other details available but there is schematics, app notes, etc on the internet for similar sensors. Great experimenter item for building pressure sensing or pressure activated devices. G15473 $1.49 SALE! $0.99 ea. Stanley Micro Tiny Phototransistor PS5022 Stanley phototransistor PS5022 features a 3.4mm diameter axial lead case with clear lens. Specs: PC = 100mW, VCEC = 30V, IC = 30mA, Peak Sensitivity = 880nm, Collector Emitted Dark Current = .2µA, Photo Current = 2mA. Great for various optical phototransistor projects!. G17146 $1.25 SALE! $0.79 ea. IR Receiver Module Assortment Consists of 5 different factory new IR modules. Each is very sensitive to IR signals from remote controls. Great for experimentation, remote control, robots etc. We have no specs or data for these but we will include one representative schematic for driving a relay with one of the modules (using this you should be able to figure out the rest of them as each has only 3 leads). Brand new - Prime. G12958 $5.00 SALE! $2.99 ea. $2.34 SALE! $1.00 ea. 2N6576 T03 Power Transistor - Factory prime fully marked T03 case transistor. G13076 $2.49 SALE! $1.49 ea. Our Best Heat Sink Assortment Assortment of 10 aluminum heat sinks for semiconductors of various sizes and configurations (at least 5 different types in each assortment). Assortments may vary from picture. G17260 $5.00 SALE! $4.00/Asst Wickmann Subminiature 80mA Fuse Small 8.5mm Dia. x 8mm high fuse opens at 80mA. Rated up to 250V. These feature a sealed black epoxy case with rating marked on top. Leads are about 20mm long. On tape and reel. G16372 5/$1.49 SALE! 5/$1.00 Insulated Chassis PC Mount Standard Fuse Holder Fuse holder for standard size fuses mounts onto a PC board or a metal chassis by screw and nut (not included). Fully insulated heavy duty type. Size of base about 1.7”L x 0.46”W x 0.25”T (excluding metal terminals). G17328 $1.25 SALE! $1.00 ea. Rohm ROM7138-V4 37.9kHz IR Receiver Module The resin mold side view Rohm ROM713 modules are IR remote control receivers. These are smallsized, light-weight, and have low power consumption. Center frequency is 37.9kHz. 5VDC supply voltage. 0.95mA typical consumption current. 600µs ON/OFF pulse width. Size: 5.85mm x 6.35mm x 4.55mm. Full length leads are bent at a right angle. G16943 $1.09 SALE! $0.69 ea. MIM 5383H4 Miniature Infrared Module Tiny IR receiver for remote control/robotic applications features separate PIN diode and preamplifier IC assembled on a single leadframe with a built in special IR filter. Type MIM 5383H4 is a 38.0 KHz module which operated from 5VDC@2mA. Size .22”W x .31” (excluding pins). This tiny module has a metal case for shielding against electric field disturbance and features a high immunity against ambient light. Complete specs available on internet. New - Blowout Pricing! G16737 $1.29 SALE! $0.79 ea. Toslink TX Transmitter Module High quality toslink transmitter module is designed for high speed signal transmission (16Mbps, NRZ signal). Its input is TTL compatible and operates from a +3 ~ +5V power source. Red LED output can be coupled to a standard toslink digital fiber optic cable. Module has a “trap door” that automatically opens when you insert your fiber optic cable (such as DT3HP). Perfect for replacement or new construction. Module has 3 pins: 1=GND, 2=VCC, 3=VIN. Size of module: 12mm (w) x 11mm (h) x 13.5mm (deep). Brand new at a blowout price! G16911 $1.49 SALE! $1.00 ea. Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page Sale Items! Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 4W Audio Power Amplifier TDA1013B Integrated audio amplifier circuit with DC volume control in a 9 pin single in-line plastic package. Operates from 10 to 40 volts DC and can be used in all types of power amplifier applications. Requires only a few external components. The DC volume control has a range of more than 80db and is controlled by a DC voltage of between 2 and 6.5V. Brand new with complete data sheet package. G4271 $2.49 SALE! $1.99 ea. TDA7396 45Watt/2Ω Bridge Car Radio Amplifier Super high power TDA7396 amplifier IC only requires 5 capacitors and 2 resistors, yet can deliver 45Watts into a 2Ω speaker load (65Watts max). Operates from 8Volts up to 18V. Total quiescent current is 100mA. See internet for full specs and simple PC board layout. Brand new made by ST microelectronics. G15415 $2.29 SALE! $1.49 ea. Toshiba TA8251AH 4ch x 18W Audio Amp The Toshiba TA8251AH is a 4 channel BTL audio amplifier IC that features built in standby function, muting function, junction temperature detection circuit and an Aux. amplifier that can provide a beep signal, etc., output to 2 channels. High power 18Watts to each channel at RL = 4OHM, VCC = 13.7V, Low distortion THD = .02% (Typ.), and easy to use 25 pin package (HZIP25P-1.27C). This operates from 9VDC up to 18VDC. These are brand new. Requires very few additional components and comes with hookup info. We are offering these at a very low initial price for a limited time only! These usually sell from $8.95 up to $14.00 each! G15382 $1.25 SALE! $0.99 ea. TDA1518BQ 2x12Watt Stereo Power Amplifier The TDA1518BQ is a class-B output stereo power amplifier in a 13 lead SIL(single-in-line) plastic power package. It requires very few external components, can be used as stereo or a 24Watt mono BTL. Features operation from 6 to 18V, quiescent current of 30mA, output rated for 4Ω load. New. See complete specs online. G16633 $1.29 SALE! $1.00 ea. Audio Opto Coupler Tiny audio optocoupler is about the size of a pencil eraser and has 4 leads. These are used extensively in audio compressors, audio level controls, audio limiters, expanders/noise gates, guitar tremolo effects, guitar amplifiers and music effect boxes. Inside the black epoxy case is a 2 lead photocell (not a photodiode or phototransistor) and a 2 lead LED. This is why the device finds extensive use in audio applications (photocell instead of photodiode). The LED requires about 10-16mA current and the resistance of the photocell varies from 150K up to megohms when the LED is off to under 400Ω when the LED is on. New. NOTE: Dot on case marks the cathode (–) lead of the LED. Blowout price! G15396 $0.99 SALE! $0.69 ea. Rainbow Color Changing 3mm Fader LED Unique 3mm crystal clear lens LED continuously fades from red to green to blue and then red again. Very unique and colorful. Requires 3VDC at 15mA for operation. As a color fades and a new one lights different combinations of colors emerge! Unique colorful and easy to use, simply connect the longer lead (anode) to (+) 3V and the shorter lead (cathode) to (–). For 9VDC operation use a 480Ω resistor in series with one of the leads. G17296 $1.00 SALE! $0.79 ea. All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 Sony Color LCD Module ACX705AK SONY ACX705AKM 6.92cm Diagonal Reflective Color LCD Module. This 512 colors LCD color module is brand new and is made for PDAs. Features an active matrix thin full color reflective TFT-LCD module with built in bright front light unit and driving board. The module provides low power consumption which is realized by built in 3-bit digital interface circuitry. Total number of active dots = 115,200. Module dimensions 71.4mm x 52.0 mm x 4.8mm (parts area 6.55 mm tall max). Effective display dimensions 57.6mm (H) x 38.4mm (V). Has 22 pin (.5mm spacing) flex cable with gold plated fingers. Great for all types of miniature full color displays. See complete specs on internet! Brand new and worth over $88 each. G13752 $19.95 SALE! $17.95 ea. Optrex Color LCD Display New very high quality Optrex F51167NCU-FW-AA color LCD display. Features 320 x 240 dots, a viewing area of 122.0mm(W) x 92.0mm(H), 8bit parallel data transfer and an overall size of 167.1mm(W) x 109.0mm(H) x 8.0mm(D). LCD supply voltage 5VDC. CFL voltage requirement (starting voltage) = 700Vrms - operating voltage = 430Vrms. G16239 $21.95 SALE! $15.95 ea. 1 x 24 Character LCD Display Module Samsung 2.25” x 5” Full Range Speaker Nice quality speaker by Samsung features an impedance of 8Ω, and a rating of 1.5W RMS. Has metal frame with mounting holes as shown and two solder eyelets. Weight about 0.5 lb. G16405 $1.95 SALE! $1.49 ea. 5W 8Ω 2-1/4” x 5” Full Range Speaker Nice quality speaker features paper cone and solid construction. Impedance is 8 ohms and this speaker can handle 5WRMS. Overall size is 2 1/4” x 5” x 1 3/4” Deep. Features a 1 1/2” Dia. x 7/8” deep magnet. Has metal frame with 4 mounting holes and solder eyelets on back of speaker for wire connection. Overall weight is 0.35 lbs. Brand new from Zylux. G16458 $1.79 SALE! $1.49 ea. 12VDC Tone Alert Electric tone alert operates on 12VDC and produces a loud electronic tone. Size about 1.1” diameter (excluding ears) x 0.6” tall. Has 2 pins for power on 0.55” centers. Mounting ears are on 1.35” centers. G17111 $1.79 SALE! $1.25 ea. 1 x 24 Character LCD Display Module WDC2401P-16NNA. Compact display module by Wintek features build in driver IC. Has 14 pin male header with pins on .05” spacing. Size about 4 1/4” x 3/4”. Brand new - Nice quality. Ultra Thin Cell Phone Microphone Miniature LCD Display with Backlight Miniature 45Ω Speaker G15318 $1.99 SALE! $1.49 ea. High quality miniature 2 line 16 characters per line display features an overall size of 53mm x 20mm. Standard 5 x 7 dot display with cursor and LED backlight. Viewing area is 36mm x 10mm. Has 16 pin flat ribbon cable for connection. This display module has a built in LCD controller IC, and driver IC. Display has LED backlight. The part number that is printed on ribbon cable is HDM16216L-S-LC1P. Brand new display and is worth over $9 each G16081 $3.95 SALE! $3.19 ea. Optrex DMC16205NY-LY LCD Display 16 Characters x 2 Lines with Backlight Optrex DMC16205NY-LY LCD display with yellow/ green backlight. Has 2 lines of 16 characters each. The display fonts are in 5 x 8 format and the outline dimensions are 88mm (W), 34mm (H), 16.1mm (D). The LCD type is NTD-7494 and the viewing area is 59.5mm (W) x 16mm (H). Has 14 pin male header for connector. Operates on 4.5-5.5VDC. Has LED type backlight. Spec sheet is available on the internet. Brand new! These sell for over $14 each! G17320 $6.95 SALE! $5.49 ea. Large Ferrite Interference Reducer Designed for larger ribbon cables, this ferrite interference reducer features 2 large 2.6” x 1.13” x 0.2” thick ferrite bars that have removable clamping holders. For use with up to 2” wide ribbon cables. G17228 $5.00 SALE! $3.49 ea. Ultra Thin Cell Phone Microphone Type ERBSXK1079654 cellular microphone features a removable rubber cover. Size of microphone without the cover is .28”Dia. x .06”Thin. Nice quality -brand new. G15620 $1.00 SALE! $0.79 ea. Tiny speaker is only .46”Dia x .34”H (excluding pins) Great to produce tones, beeps, sounds, etc. Impedance is 45Ω. No driver electronics-just a speaker. G16840 $1.25 SALE! $1.00 ea. Ultra Thin Cell Phone Microphone These tiny microphones type ERBSXK1079654 were made for use in cell phones. They have a special conductive elastometer connector in the easy to peel off rubber boot. When you peel off the boot two tiny gold plated surfaces are exposed which it appears you could easily solder to. We have no data on these, however, they are brand new and are probably the smallest microphone we have ever seen. Size 0.23” Dia x 0.06” Thick. G17276 $1.29 SALE! $0.79 ea. Black Earphone with 3.5mm Mono Plug Brand new black earphone with long flexible cable terminating in a 3.5mm male mono plug. Impedance is 8Ω. Brand new in sealed factory bag. G16736 $1.00 SALE! $0.69 ea. Stereo Earbuds with 2.5mm Mono Plug These are not like your usual 3.5mm stereo earbuds. They are wired for mono and terminated in a 2.5mm mono jack. If you wish to use them for stereo you would need to cut off the mono plug and separate the wires out. Brand new in bag. Great for applications where you wish the same (mono) sound in both ears. G16252 $1.99 SALE! $0.99 ea. Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page Sale Items! Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 Large High Power Xenon Strobe Tube Giant 10 Piece LED Assortment This large powerful xenon strobe tube by Perkin Elmer features massive right angle connector for the electrodes and thin wire for the trigger voltage. Operates on 1000VDC and 4KV for trigger. This tube is 5.6”L x .36” Dia (excluding connection terminals). Connecting terminal pins are on 6 3/4” centers. Brand new packaged in sealed factory box. Sorry we have no other information or hook up data. This assortment features giant size LEDs (8mm and 10mm types). Assortment contains ultrabright clear lens types and standard brightness diffused lens types. Assortments will typically contain red, yellow, and green types but may have white also. G16679 $3.00 SALE! $1.49/Asst G16669 $15.95 SALE! $9.95 ea. Bright Xenon Strobe Tube 10,000-12,000MCD White LED G13722 $1.00 SALE! $0.79 ea. Extremely Bright Micro Xenon Tube G16402 Micro xenon strobe tube features a brilliant flash. Requires about 200V cathode to anode voltage and any 4KV trigger coil. Size is .78” L x .14” Dia. (excluding leads). This is the most brilliant intense Xenon strobe tube for its size that we have ever seen. It’s a 0.8” long tube mounted in a 0.4” x 1” plastic lens with chrome reflector. It features 3 color coded flexible leads and is brand new. Perfect for making wing strobes on small RC flying planes. These are amazing! Requires about 180V anode to cathode and any 4KV trigger coil. G4584 $3.00 SALE! $1.99 ea. Dimple Finish Reflector Large reflector perfect for use in high power strobelights, color organs, lamps, etc. Size is 6” L x 4 1/4” W x 1” deep. Has 9/16” hole in center. “Dimpled” finish on plastic surface. G4387 $2.25 SALE! $1.69 ea. Bright Green 120VAC Electroluminescent Panel G16461 $3.95 SALE! $2.49 ea. Giant Neon Lamp Light Bar This light bar is about 16”L x .67” wide. It has 20 bright neon lamps that light up when 120VAC 60Hz is applied to the flexible 5” long input leads. We are not sure of its original use but it is new and very unique. G15288 $7.95 SALE! $6.95 ea. Premium Front Surface Mirrors High quality front surface mirrors are very nicely made. These are brand new and individually wrapped in protective packaging. Perfect for laser applications or other optical applications. Size 6 1/4” x 1” x 3/16”. G16620 $2.75 SALE! $1.49 ea. Size 9” x 3/4” x 3/16”. G16622 $3.49 SALE! $2.25 ea. G16624 $3.99 SALE! $2.25 ea. All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 $0.59 SALE! $0.49 ea. Full Color RGB SMD LED -NICHIA NSSM016CT Full color SMD LED has Blue, Red, and Green LED chips inside a small 5.5mm Sq x 2.5mm 6 lead SMD package. Rated output for each color is as follows: Blue 400MCD, Green 1200MCD, and Red 700mCD. Current draw is 20mA. Voltage is: Blue 3.2VDC, Green 3.2VDC, and Red 2.1VDC. Brand new made by Nichia Part# NSSM016CT G17330 $1.25 SALE! $0.89 ea. Giant 100 Piece LED Assortment Assortment of all types, colors, sizes and shapes of prime quality LEDs. You’ll receive LEDs in these colors: red, orange, yellow and green. Stock up now and save! Assortment of 100. G8063 $5.00 SALE! $3.99/Asst Ultraviolet Purple 400-405nm LED This 11.5” Long x 0.6” High Electroluminescent Panel features three separate segments that can be lighted together or separately. Each segment is a different length: 8.25”, 1.93” and 0.85”. Has four wire leads about 10” Long terminating in a four slot female header. Operates from 120VAC. Size 11 1/4” x 9/16” x 3/16”. Crystal clear T1 3/4 (5mm) case brilliant white LED is rated 10,000 to 12,000 mcd output. Operates from 3.2 to 3.4VDC @ 20mA. These are very bright and factory prime. We know you will like these LEDs. Special pricing! Super Bright Ultraviolet Purple 400-405nm LED - These are brilliant 400-405nm purple UV 5mm LEDs that are perfect for use in inspecting money, lighting up invisible UV inks, blacklight posters, etc. Crystal clear 5mm (T1 3/4 lens). This uses Cree Megabright LED dice and features a forward current of 30mA, DC operating voltage of 3.7 to 4.5VDC. Note: This LED produces intense ultraviolet light. Exposure to UV radiation can be harmful to your health. Protect your eyes and skin when operating. Buyer assumes all risks using this LED. Brand new. G13533 $2.49 SALE! $2.19 ea. Unique Green Neon Indicator Very unique and rare green neon indicator lamp uses a small neon bulb that has a white colored phosphor that glows a bright green when 120V to 125VAC is applied. The neon bulb is enclosed in a see thru green holder which also contains a series resistor. Bulb can be easily removed from case by grasping the white flange at the base with a pair of cutters and pulling off the see thru green lens. G16489 $1.29 SALE! $0.79 ea. Tiny Bright Fluorescent Lamp Four LED Bright SMD Green Light Display This nifty display consists of 4 bright green 1206 size SMD LEDs wired together. Operates on 5VDC. Size of small PC board containing the LEDs is .3” x .7”. Has 3” long insulated wire leads attached. G16942 $1.49 SALE! $1.25 ea. Super Bright Blue Flashing Giant 10mm LED Crystal clear lens giant 10mm LEDs flash brightly from a built in IC. All operate from 3VDC or can be used with a 9V battery if you connect an 82 ohm resistor in series with one of the leads. We have three colors available. G16424 Giant CDS Cell Giant light sensitive 1” Diameter CDS cell with dark resistance in megΩ and light resistance less than 1KΩ. Prime! G1296 $1.00 SALE! $0.69 ea. Medium “Pancake” CDS Cell Flat .43” x .40” oval shape CDS cell features epoxy dipped surface for moisture blocking. Resistance varies with light. Dark resistance over 1MohmLight resistance less than 200ohm. Full length leads. G15178 $0.99 SALE! $0.79 ea. 2.5”L 8mm Axle Stainless steel axle is about 2.5”L x 8mm. Features bevelled ends and precision machining. Great for robot applications! G16066 $1.99 SALE! $1.00 ea. Optical Tilt Switches These optical tilt switches made by SOLICO are great for use in alarms, games, seismic equipment, vending machines, etc. They consist of an IR LED, photo transistor and stainless steel ball all enclosed in a black glass filled polyamide housing. Provides a safe alternative to mercury switches. Has 4 PC leads. LED operates on 1.2VDC. We have 3 tilt angles of operation available. Size about .55”L x .31”W x .42”Tall. With typical circuit diagram. ON SALE! RP-CUB-45 Degree G16881 $1.99 G16877 $1.99 G16882 $1.99 RP-CUB-30 Degree RP-CUB-15 Degree 1 Your Choice $ 49 each Center Off SPDT Miniature Toggle Switch Small center off SPDT panel mounting toggle switch mounts in a .25” hole and features contacts rated 6Amps@125VAC and 3Amps@250VAC. Has chrome plated miniature bat lever. Complete with panel mounting nut and hardware. Bright white fluorescent lamp is only .85”L x .78”H (excluding glass seal tip) x .18” thick. This lights up a nice bright white when connected to a high voltage. Its original use was for backlighting a small LCD display and it probably was a very costly item. Lamp has peel off backing to expose 2 adhesive pads on back for “press on” mounting, however this should be used in conjunction with the terminals to hold lamp in place. New-prime. G16678 G13406 G17272 $1.99 SALE! $1.00 ea. $2.99 SALE! $1.75 ea. $1.00 SALE! $0.79 ea. 4.5” Box Joint Pliers Handy cutting box joint pliers for electronic assembly. These have cushioned grips and spring return. Made of high-carbon steel -hardness 48-52 HRC. New. -made in China $1.99 SALE! $0.99 ea. Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page Sale Items! Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 Vicor 5VDC 40Amp Power Supply Small footprint power supply by VICOR model VI-LU0-EU FlatPAC (LU Series) features an input voltage range of 100 to 240VAC and an output voltage range of 5VDC (regulated) at up to 40Amps (200Watts). Size only 9.25”L x 2.5”W x 1.37”High. Includes booklet from Vicor that contains Application Notes, Functional and Mechanical Layout and Installation and Operation Guidelines. Hookup info is printed on the top of the supply. Brand new. G16217 $47.95 SALE! $39.95 ea. Lambda Regulated Power Supply Part # PWG0050 by Lambda features Regulated +5VDC at 7amps and +3.3VDC at 10amps output. Input is 100VAC to 240VAC 50-60HZ. Open frame switching supply with .156” headers for output and input. Size only 6” x 3 1/2” x 1 1/4”. Weighs 0.82 lbs. Brand new in manufacturer’s box. Lightweight 6VDC Powerful Solar Panel This 4-3/4” x 1-3/4” x 3/16”Thick solar panel features a sturdy plastic lens enclosure and an output of 6VDC open circuit voltage and a short circuit current output of 100mA. Has 2 solder tabs with 3” long insulated leads attached. This solar panel can charge many PDA batteries, operate small robots or small solar cars. Weighs only 27 grams. Great experimenter item. G15555 $8.95 SALE! $7.95 ea. 4VDC 0.100 Amp Polycrystalline Solar Panel High quality solar panels consisting of polycrystalline silicon solar cells connected in series. Features a weatherproof glass front and weatherproof base surface with wire leads for power. Voltage and current are +/- 10% tolerance. Size of panel: 2 11/16”W x 4 1/2”H. 4VDC at 0.100Amp. G4481 $6.95 SALE! $4.95 ea. Giant 3 ft x 1 ft 20 Watt Solar Panel with Wire Tabs Our most powerful solar panel measures 3ft x 1ft. Features an open circuit voltage of 19 to 21VDC and a short circuit current of 1Amp. Perfect for charging 12V lead acid batteries, water pumping, emergency power, etc. These are new, although some may have slight edge chips, or color variations (Does not affect their output). The small metal power takeoff tabs already mounted allows you to simply solder your hookup wires to the panel with standard rosin core solder. Sorry, we can’t ship this Blue or Red rush service due to its size. Enjoy free power from the Sun G16132 $89.00 SALE! $69.95 ea. Giant 3.5 Amp Solar Cell 15VDC 0.15Amp 6” x 12” Glass Solar Panel Type A126 rotary keylock switch features 3 pole, 3 position rotary switch operated by a key. Key can be removed in positions 1 and 3 but not in position 2. Comes with panel mounting nut and bezel. Contacts rated 2.5amps@120VAC switching or 5 amps continuous carry. Silver plated contacts and terminals (may have slight tarnish on terminals). High quality, precision made. Each comes with hardware and 2 keys. Worth $13 each! Manufactured by C & K. Giant silicon solar cell is slightly less than 5”sq with corners as shown. Output is 0.5V open circuit voltage and short circuit current is an incredible 3.5 amps in full sunlight. These have pre-attached metal ribbons on front and back of cell to make it easy to interconnect to another cell using our flat ribbon wire or any flexible small guage wire and standard rosin/resin core solder. Super nice quality with anti-reflection coating on top. Make super power solar panels with these cells. G8081 G17277 G16390 G12705 $12.95 SALE! $8.95 ea. C&K Keylock Rotary Switch $2.49 SALE! $1.49 ea. R.O.H.S. Compliant 3 Conductor Business Machine Cord Black 3 conductor AC line cord has molded female connector for business machines on end. This is R.O.H.S. compliant, and is 7ft long. Rated 10Amp@125VAC. G17239 $2.79 SALE! $1.99 ea. AC 3 Conductor Flat Line Cord Latest type 3 conductor flat line cord with molded 3 conductor female connector on end. Rated 125VAC 2.5Amp. About 5 1/2 ft long. High quality black cord. G17238 $2.49 SALE! $1.79 ea. This small size MEMs (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) assembly made for a blinding output video projection unit. Consists of a .76” x .62” assembly which contains over a million mirrors mounted to a flexible PC cable with tiny gold fingers. Each mirror represents one pixel. We have no info on these however, these were rejected by QC for slight imperfections or scratches. Sold “AS IS” only–No returns. The original cost of these was over $100 each! $2.99 SALE! $1.99 ea. Flash Camera Inside Assembly These assemblies look like they were to be installed into a disposable camera. The assembly consists of a complete photo strobe flash with xenon flashtube reflector and neon ready light. We are selling these “AS IS” -No returns. Size about 4.3” x 2.2” x 1.2”. Blowout price! G16329 $1.29 SALE! $0.99 ea. All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 20ft Giant Heavy Duty Fiber Optic Light Pipe Twenty foot long flexible metal sleeve fiber optic light pipe contains an internal bundle of optical fibers and polished ends. These were designed for use in factory automation type equipment made by Scientific Technologies Inc. and have some sort of unusual screw on connector at each end. The entire length of the flexible metal pipe is covered with a see-through plastic sheath. Great for transmitting light to hard to reach places and experimenting with an enclosed bundle of optical fibers. Unused. Worth much more than our Blowout price! G16465 $49.95 SALE! $34.95 ea. Small MEMS Assembly G15426 $8.00 SALE! $6.95 ea. Gold Plated RCA Audio Video Cable Nice quality flexible 5 ft. cable consists of three separate shielded cables joined together with color coded (red/yellow/ white) gold plated RCA jacks on each end. Great for connecting camcorder, VCR, DVD, camera, etc. to a TV. This is the standard set up for stereo audio and video. Brand new in sealed manufacture bags. G16328 $1.99 SALE! $1.49 ea. Beautiful IC Mask These are actual glass masks used in the process of making sophisticated ICs. Each mask is in a heavy plastic case. These masks cost a fortune to manufacture and they are fascinating to study the patterns under a magnifying glass or microscope. Sizes vary, but overall minimum size of the glass mask is at least 6” x 0.25” to 0.5” thick. G14259 $25.00 SALE! $15.00 ea. Compact 6” x 12” glass solar panel is perfect for powering hundreds of electronic devices and recharging 12VDC rechargeable batteries including lead acid types. Includes a piece of special solder, a diode and two metal tabs that you solder to the panel with the piece of special solder. Minimum output is 15VDC open circuit voltage and 0.150Amp short circuit current (may be higher). Panel may have slight cosmetic defects (edge chips, discoloration, etc.) however, these will not effect output. $13.95 SALE! $9.95 ea. Handy Power Strip Breadboard Handy breadboard for handling power consists of 10 rows of 5(+) = 50 connection points and 10 rows of 5 (–) = 50 connection points. You get 100 connection points (2 sets of 50 tie points connected in common). Size about 0.37”W x 0.37”H x 6.5”L. Has peel and stick foam pad on bottom. G17225A $1.49 SALE! $1.00 ea. Quorum A-160 Passive Infrared Detector This sensitive PIR detector contains a sophisticated 9 IC circuit and a sensitive PIR sensor. The unit operates from 1 9V battery (not included) and is about 5” x 3” x 2”. The unit has a built in transmitter which was to transmit the intruder detection alert at 433MHz (Our kit C6849 picks up this signal). We do provide you with simple directions on how to connect up a relay to this PIR unit to allow you to set off sirens, lights etc. when the unit detects an intruder. This sensitive PIR unit has a detection range of 40 feet with a cone of coverage of about 90° wide. These brand new units cost a fortune originally but we are blowing them out while the supply lasts. Manufactured by Quorum. G4567 $14.95 SALE! $4.95 ea. 6 foot x 3/8” Black Thera-Band® Tubing This durable natural rubber tubing was manufactured by Thera-Band® for resistive exercise applications. It can be stretched and has a fair amount of resistance when pulled. We can think of many other applications for this unique item - robotics, mechanical assemblies, door returns, sling shots, etc. Use your imagination and have fun! Brand new. G17046 $2.49 SALE! $1.99 ea. Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page Sale Items! Place your Order ONLINE at: www.goldmine– March-April 2010 Super Quality Lighted Helping Hands Super quality lighted soldering helping hands features a more powerful and higher quality 4X magnifier. This one has a 2 Magnification 1/2” 4x magnifier that has a built in 5/8” Dia 3x additional magnifier lens for super closeups on tiny parts. Has 2 bright white LEDs for illumination (requires 3 AAA batteries not included), has 2 adjustable clips to hold PC boards, and handy soldering iron holder. This item just came in and it’s the best helping hands we have seen for holding a circuit board while soldering parts to it. Brand new in retail box. G17273 $8.95 SALE! $7.95 ea. See-Thru Silver/Grey Static-Shielding Bags SCC 10” x 26” Anti-Static Bags. These high quality 3mil thick bags are fabricated utilizing metallized polyester film laminated to anti-static polyethylene film to provide “Faraday Cage” like static protection. These have very good seals and are tear resistant 4 layer construction. Brand new, highest quality used throughout the electronic industry. Compare our price! Sold in package of 100 only. G15283 $35.95 SALE! 100/$20.95 3/32” Router Bit We sell out of this popular size router bit quickly each time we offer it. This tungsten carbide router is 3/32” Dia. and features a 1/8” shaft and green collar. These are slightly used and are still very sharp. G17267 $1.25 SALE! $1.00 ea. Handy 20 Drill Bit Set for PC Boards Handy drill bit set contains 20 different steel drill bits from size 61(.039”) down to 80(.0135”). You can use these if you are careful with a hand held hobby tool to drill the holes in PC boards (unlike tungsten carbide bits that break instantly if not used in a drill press). Of course tungsten carbide is sharper and harder than these, however we find these tiny steel bits to be great for drilling PC boards when you don’t have access to a drill press. Comes in a small metal box inside of cardboard packaging which will have stains on it (drill bits are coated with oil for protection). G17294 $5.00 SALE! $3.00/set 120VAC 18 White LED Standard Bulb Small LED bulb screws into a standard 120VAC lamp socket. Sealed inside the bulb is an efficient converter to change the 120VAC to a lower voltage DC to power the 18 bright white LEDs. The bulb is energy efficient compared to incandescent bulbs and will last much longer. Equivalent light output to a 25Watt bulb. Brand new in retail blister package. G17279 $7.95 SALE! $5.95 ea. 120VAC 24 White LED Standard Bulb This is similar to the 18 white LED bulb we sell (G17279), however, it has 24 white LEDs and outputs light equivalent to a 30Watt incandescent bulb. This one also screwd into a standard 120VAC light bulb socket. We took one apart to show its internal components (same as G17279 w/more LEDs). Brand new in retail blister package. G17281 $8.95 SALE! $6.95 ea. All prices in this flyer Expire 05/01/2010 3 in 1 UV, Laser Pointer, and White LED Flashlight This compact metal case flashlight is actually 3 different lights: a 4 LED UV flashlight, a 4 LED white flashlight, and a red laser pointer. Titanium color metal body features a push on/push off switch that controls the different functions. The red laser seems powerful and the unit is nicely made. The UV light is great for looking at invisible UV inks, florescent objects, etc. and the white light makes a great flashlight. Comes with 3 “AAA” batteries and a carrying pouch. Size about 4.4”L x 1”Dia. In sealed retail package. G16693 $19.95 SALE! $16.95 ea. Powerful 8 Ultraviolet (UV) LED Light This compact metal case flashlight features 8 powerful UV LEDs that can light up blacklight posters, invisible UV inks, etc. The UV LEDs in this light produce long wave UV light. Operates on 3 AAA batteries (included). Brand new in retail blister package with batteries and carrying case. G16614 $9.95 SALE! $8.95 ea. Handy Pocket Ratchet for Screwdriver Bits Digital Multimeter with Backlight We sold out of these and could not get re-stocked until now! This is our best digital multimeter with backlight and data hold. Has resistance in 5 ranges from 0 to 2 megaohms, current in 5 ranges 0-10 Amps, AC and DC voltage from 0 to 600V. It even has diode transistor gain (hFE) and continuity sound position. This deluxe digital VOM is only 5-1/2” x 21/2” x 1-1/2”. Comes complete with included 9V battery, flexible test leads and removeable insulated holder. This is the best digital VOM we have ever offered. G12941 $16.95 SALE! $12.95 ea. 12-in-1 Ratchet Screwdriver Set Heavy duty compact ratchet has 12 bits. Simply insert the required bit for your job and the ratchet handle with magnetic bit holder makes it a snap to install or remove fasteners, screws, bolts, etc. Comes with 2 handy tool holders (one holder will fit inside the handle). Has 12 of the most popular bits: PH0, PH1, PH2, slotted 1/8”, 5/32”, 3/16”, star 1, star 2, square S1, S2, torx T15, and T20. CRV steel bits are very strong and the ratchet makes projects go much faster. Retail Blister Package - high quality item! We use these here at the Goldmine and find them very useful! G17282 $9.95 SALE! $7.95 ea. Handy ratchet for use with almost any bit (such as those found in our G13712 Security Bit Set) allows you to tighten or remove fasteners quickly and easily. Features hand lever to select “tighten” or “remove” function and clicking ratchet type action. Reduces hand fatigue and allows for greater torque. Ratchet only –no bits. Size about 4 3/8” long. Attractive heavy duty brushed aluminum handle comes complete with mounting bolts. These mount to panel holes spaced 4.5” apart. Height above the panel about 1.15”. Brand new nicely made with threaded holes for included bolts. Super Black Light Handy Hand held Illuminated Magnifiers G16185 $2.49 SALE! $1.99 ea. Super power blacklight glows a deep purple and brilliantly lights blacklight posters, invisible ultraviolet inks, some currencies, certain minerals, etc. Unit is complete with a sophisticated circuit board and was designed for use by a cosmetic company for use in detecting skin problems. High quality completely assembled unit is about 7”L x 3”W x 2 1/4”D. It uses a 12VDC 500ma adapter (included) and its circuitry allows the unit to be turned on for one minute then it resets after another minute. The circuitry could possibly be modified for continuous on, however, we don’t have any info on how to do this or if it is even possible. We will tell you that the output of this is very bright and covers all of the longwave spectrum. Brand new in manufacturer’s box. Very unique and worth many, many times our price. G9589 $6.95 SALE! $5.95 ea. F15T8BLB Black Light Tube Prime Fluorescent Black Light Tube. We made a special purchase of many of the most popular blacklight tubes and are passing the savings on to you! Type F15T8BLB Blacklight Tube. Watts: 15, Base: G13, Size: 17” x 1” Dia. G13258 $12.00 SALE! $3.95 ea. High Quality 8” Hemostat High quality stainless steel hemostat/forceps made in Pakistan. These are very nice 8” long straight hemostats that you can lock onto a wire, part, fiber, etc. Great for all types of hobby applications. New! G17288 $3.98 SALE! $2.49 ea. Clear Plastic Box Handy hinged crystal clear plastic box is great for holding parts or mounting an electronic project inside. Size about 2.1” x 2.1” x 2.15”. G17321 $1.29 SALE! $0.79 Heavy Duty Brushed Aluminum Handle G17312 $2.49 SALE! $1.99 ea. We now stock a range of hand held illuminated magnifiers. Each of these operate from 2 “AA” batteries (not included) and have a high quality magnifying lens with handle. The handle has a slide switch and the body is black in color. These are perfect for use in working with tiny SMD components, reading part numbers on ICs, reading fine print, etc. Brand new in white box. We have several types listed below. DIA 2” 2.5” 3” 3.5” POWER 10X 6X 5X 3X G17301 G17302 G17303 G17304 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50 $3.75 SALE! $1.25 ea. SALE! $1.50 ea. SALE! $1.79 ea. SALE! $1.99 ea. Deluxe Bike Warning Flasher/Signal Device Deluxe Bike Warning Flasher/Signal Device flashes a brilliant red “BIKE” and also flashes bright yellow turn signal arrows automatically when you turn. This is a well built unit that was made in the U.S.A. Has 33 super brilliant clear lens red LEDs and 10 super brilliant clear lens yellow LEDs, 2 gravity controlled tilt switches (which automatically activate the left and right yellow flashing turn signals) plus various other components to flash the LEDs. Size is about 5.5”L x 2.4”H. Comes complete with mounting bracket for your bike frame. Attractive black and chrome unit with built in lenses provides a professional looking accessory for any bike. Has on/off switch and mode switch to turn off directional arrows while still leaving “BIKE” flashing. Complete with 4 AAA batteries inside a sealed blister pack. These batteries may have gone dead from storage. Sold “AS IS” only. G16997 $9.95 SALE! $4.00 ea. Place your order online 24/7 at: www.goldmine– or call toll free: 1-800-445-0697 Page 10