Key Figures - Observatoire du tourisme de la Côte d`Azur
Key Figures - Observatoire du tourisme de la Côte d`Azur
2014 E d i t i o n Key Figures côte d'azur TOURISM The dataset focuses on the Côte d'Azur (French Riviera), defined as the department of the Alpes-Maritimes and the Principality of Monaco TOTAL COMMERCIAL ACCOMmODATION CAPACITY: 150,000 beds 46% of hotel capacity is ranked 4* or 5*. Nearly 170,000 secondary residences, of which 48,000 are foreign. 8 convention and exhibition centers, and 250,000 convention attendees (air travellers) per year; 1 out of 5 visitors travelling "on business or for a conference". 15 ski resorts provide almost 700 km of slopes and 96 lifts; 600,000 stays (not counting Riviera residents) in the high country. 8 million entries to the tourist attractions with 3.32 in 100 museums and monuments. 858,493 cruise passengers in 5 harbours, 18,402 dock spaces in 35 harbours. 11 million TOURISTS STAY AN AVERAGE OF 6.3 NIGHTS, I.E. 70 MILLION OVERNIGHT STAYS 7.7% of foreign overnight stays in French hotels. 4.2% of the total number of French and foreign overnight stays in France. 28% of tourists arrive by plane and 55% by car or bike. Nice: 2nd airport in France with 11.5 million passengers. Nice-Cannes-St Tropez is the 2nd European hub of business aviation. 200,000: the average number of tourists present, ranging from 50,000 in mid-January to 650,000 during the August 15th weekend. MORE THAN 1 OUT OF 2 STAYS TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE THE SUMMER MONTHS The peak month - August - represents only 14.6% of annual stays. FOREIGN VISITORS: 48% OF STAYS AND t stays 51% of overnigh 17% of foreign tourists come from Italy, 16% from Great Britain-Ireland, and 8.5% from Germany. KEY FIGURES 71% of tourists have already stayed in the region, and 9 out of 10 are "very satisfied". TOURISTIC EXPENSES RELATED TO STAYS: €5 billion GENERATING A total REVENUE OF €10 BILLION 60% of the expenditure comes from foreign clientele, and one quarter is generated by business clientele. The average expenditure (2012/13) for visitors travelling by air is €61 per day for French people and €88 for foreigners. The business clientele spends €138 per day and even €210 for conference attendees. Average price of a hotel room: €142 taxes included (RevPAR: €86) in 2012. 15 casinos (4 of which are in Monaco), for a gross profit of €360 million in 2012/2013. 75,000 jobs in "TOURISM" Or about 16% of total employment; seasonal employment accounts for only 17.5% of the annual total. Together with indirect employment, the total number of jobs generated by tourism could reach 150,000. THE GREAT FRENCH RIVIERA: 1% OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS IN THE WORLD! The French Riviera, as a tourist destination, actually extends over three territories: the French departments of the Alpes-Maritimes and the Var, and the Principality of Monaco. It is the "Great French Riviera", 1st tourist destination in France after Paris, with 20 million tourists generating over 130 million overnight stays, as well as over 1.2 million cruise passengers. The Great French Riviera constitutes the 1st French tourist destination, in front of the city of Paris, for domestic clientele with 3.8% of total trips and 5.5% of overnight stays (2012-13 average). For foreign clientele, the region is ranked second, with nearly one out of 10 foreign stays in France, and a remarkable 1% share of the global market. The Great French Riviera’s share of secondary residences in mainland France is 11%, and 24% for sole foreign secondary residences. It is also the second hub of touristic investment in France, after the SavoieMont-Blanc mountain range. TRANSPORTATION NICE CôTE D’AZUR : 2nd airport in FRANCE AFTER PARIS It is directly connected to 105 destinations in 34 countries through 53 airlines. In 2013, its total traffic reached 11,554,251 passengers (+3.3%). Visitors staying in the Alpes-Maritimes or in Monaco represent 54.6% of the total traffic. THE 2nd EUROPEAN HUB FOR BUSINESS AVIATION Côte d’Azur (Nice-Cannes-St Tropez) is the 2nd business hub in Europe after London, with 46,936 aircraft movements in 2013 (+2.8%). more than 850.000 CRUISE PASSENGERS In the harbours of Nice, Villefranche, Monaco, Cannes, Antibes: 633 cruise stopovers in 2013 and a total of 858,493 cruise passengers. 93% of passengers are stopping over and 7% are embarking. 35 marinas provide 18,402 dock spaces. TOURISTS PRIMARILY ARRIVE BY CAR Airplanes are used by 16% of French people and 40% of foreigners. Train 15% Airplane 28% % of 2013 arrivals Boat 2% Car or bike 55% ACCOMMODATION 150,000 BEDS IN COMMERCIAL ACCOMMODATION Capacity by accommodation type ESTABLISHMENTSBEDS on 1/01/2014 Ranked hotels* Ranked according to NS Tourism residences* Ranked according to NS Ranked Campsites* Ranked holiday villages and "family homes" Youth accommodation centres Country house lodges** 643 59,616 543 54,960 70 29,308 54 23,158 92 23,301 113,397 13 1,094 514 2,296 Total ranked accommodation excluding furnished rentals 1,343118,012 Unranked campsites 29 36 27 56 359 4 5,003 2,875 5,674 1,517 2,099 228 Total unranked accommodation 511 17,396 Bed capacity in registered commercial accommodations, excluding unranked hotels, furnished rentals, time shares, children’s centres, student residences or language schools, boats, and caravans. *Including accommodations ranked according to previous standards; NS: new standards. **Country house lodges certified "Gîtes de France" only; a portion of the bed and breakfasts are certified "Gîtes de France". beds HOTELS REPRESENT 1 out of 2 ranked Distribution of ranked capacity Holiday villages, centres & youth accom. Campsites Country house lodges (Gîtes) 2% 4% 19% Hotels 50% Tourism residences (Apartment hotels) 25% % 2014 beds 89% of beds in hotels and residences are reclassified according to the new standards. ACCOMMODATION NEARLY 1 OUT OF 2 HOTEL ROOMS HAS A 4-5* RANK CATEGORYhotels%rooms% 5* 4* 3* 2* 0/1* Total 32 5 102 16 218 34 224 34 61 10 643 100 HOTELs: 4 OUT OF 10 STAYS, 3,544 12 9,907 33 9,104 31 5,539 19 1,244 4 29,308100 t stays 15% of overnigh Other accommodations 9% Secondary residences 1 13% 39% Friends and Relatives Hotels 2 3 4 5 22% 7% 6 10% Tourism residences (Apartment hotels) Rentals % of arrivals For overnight stays, the portion of accommodations is reversed due to different lengths of stays: non-commercial accommodations (secondary residences and friends or relatives) generate one out of two overnight stays, and the hotel industry only generates 15%. OCCUPANCY AND STAYS Ranked hotels annually receive 4.2 million stays and 9.6 million overnight stays; Tourism residences receive 0.7 million stays and 3.5 million overnight stays. 2013 OCCUPANCY RATE ArrivALS OVERNIGHT STAYS aVERAGE LENGHT (%) (in thousands) (in thousands) (nights) Hotels 59 0*/1* 57 2* 55 3* 60 4*/5* 60 MONACO65 tourism res. 62 CAMPSITES43 4,226 222 812 1,212 1,635 345 712 175 9,572 442 1,644 2,763 3,823 900 3,547 1,035 2,3 2,0 2,0 2,3 2,3 2,6 5,0 5,9 ACCOMMODATION SECONDARY RESIDENCES: 1 out of 4 overnight stays Nearly 170,000 secondary residences in the Alpes-Maritimes, including Monaco (i.e. 835,000 beds), of which 48,000 are owned by foreigners (ranked 1st in France with 15.7% of the national total). 5.6% of the registered secondary residences in France are in the Alpes-Maritimes. 13% of stays and 24% of overnight stays occur in secondary residences. NICE CÔTE D'AZUR METROPOLIS: ONE THIRD OF the accommodation CAPACITY Of the total number of beds in commercial accommodation and in secondary residences, 32% are located in the Nice Metropolis area, 27% in the CannesMandelieu hub, and 19% in the Antibes-Sophia Antipolis hub. AREAhotelstourism res. Nb cannes-mandelieu casa antibes-sophia including Antibes Beds Nb SECOND. RES. Beds Nb Beds 132 13,612 3514,58743,606 218,031 119 8,764 21 7,752 32,785 163,924 74 5,264 15 5,359 23,593 117,963 including Villeneuve-Valbonne 45 3,500 62,3939,192 45,961 nice côte d'azur metropolis 285 25,758 31 8,395 52,656 263,276 includ. western seaboard metropolis 42 2,410 51,6489,811 49,054 including the City of Nice 168 19,356 13 2,645 24,897 124,483 includ. eastern seaboard metropolis40 2,732 41,1456,549 32,743 including the mountain metropolis 35 1,260 9 2,957 11,399 56,996 MENTON - FRENCH RIVIERA 42 3,258 8 2,381 19,964 99,822 REGION OF GRASSE 20 1,394 1 216 4,021 20,107 13,281 66,406 MOUNTAINS, OUTSIDE METROPOLIS 32 874 3 811 MOUNTAINS, TOTAL 67 2,134 12 3,768 MONaco TOTAL 134,956 643 58 616 0 99 24,680 123,402 0 34 142 696 3,480 167 009 835 046 OTHER FACILITIES A rich and DIVERSE TOURISTIC PROPOSITION 8 convention centres, providing 114 meeting rooms 5,623 restaurants (excluding Monaco), 38 of which are Michelin-starred 17 golf courses, 10 of which are "18-hole" courses 15 casinos, including 4 in Monaco and 3 in Cannes 200 beaches under concession agreements 28 spas and thalassotherapy centres Many protected areas: Mercantour National Park, the Préalpes d'Azur Regional Natural Park, 15 natural departmental parks. VISITOR NUMBERS 11 million TOURISTS Tourists stay an average of 6.3 nights (in 2012-13, i.e. 5.7 nights for the French, 6.6 nights for Foreigners), a total of 70 million overnight stays throughout the year. Excursionists (i.e. day trippers) number in the multimillions each year. These figures do not take Riviera resident stays into account. AN AVERAGE OF 200,000 VISITORS A DAY Depending on the day, there are between 50,000 and 650,000 tourists on the Côte d'Azur; the lowest level is in mid-January, and the peak of each year is the August 15th weekend. These figures do not take excursionists into account. 700 000 2011/2012/2013 Average Aug. 14th 600 000 mid-July 500 000 400 000 300 000 mid-May 200 000 end-October end-February 100 000 0 son : FEWER THAN 1 OUT OF 2 The summer sea ARRIVALS, BUT 6 OUT OF 10 OVERNIGHT STAYS June to September comprises 46% of arrivals and - due to longer stays during vacation periods - 60% of the total annual overnight stays. Distribution of arrivals throughout the year % 15 14,6 11,6 12 10,0 9 6 3 5,4 5,7 J F 7,2 M 10,1 10,1 7,5 7,3 A M J J A S O 4,9 5,6 N D Occupancy rate by month (%) 2013 J F M A M J J A S O N D Year Hotels 36 41 48 55 71 77 78 86 75 58 39 35 59 Tourism Res. 43 52 54 56 67 71 80 90 77 60 41 46 62 VISITOR NUMBERS NEARLY 4 OUT OF 10 tourist stays ARE IN Nice Mountain Grasse area Monaco 4%4% 4% Menton 6% Antibes CASA Nice city 38% 17% Cannes Mandelieu 17% 10% Nice Metropolis/seaside BUT 3 OUT OF 4 TOURISTS ALSO VISIT OTHER PLACES The primary destination for day tripper tourist excursions is the Principality of Monaco, which welcomes 7.5 million visitors. The most popular tourist attraction is Marineland, which welcomes 1.2 million visitors. 8 million ENTRIES TO THE TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Main attractions Marineland Visitors 2013 1,2 million Parfumerie Fragonard - Grasse 900,000 Musée Océanographique de Monaco 709,014 Verrerie de Biot 700,090 Parc floral Phoenix - Nice 442,233 Parfumerie Molinard - Grasse 300,000 Other attractions Musée Matisse - Nice 182,982 Fondation Maeght - St-Paul 176,362 Musée national Chagall - Nice 165,111 Fondation Rothschild - St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat 164,057 MAMAC - Nice 159,195 Jardin Exotique - Eze 148,732 Jardin Exotique - Monaco 134,339 Musée Picasso - Antibes 129,094 Confiseries Florian - Tourrettes, Nice 125,541 Palais Lascaris - Nice 102,520 59%: proportion of the total number of entries recorded at the 10 principal museums and monuments (out of 100 museums and monuments, totalling 3,333,000 entries in 2013). THE OTHER CôTE D’AZUR 600,000 TOURISTS IN THE HIGH COUNTRY The mountains, the "other" Côte d'Azur, receive 5% of the tourists (excluding French Riviera residents), and 6% of the total overnight stays due to longer lengths of stays. There are 150,000 beds in the mountains, including 130,000 in secondary residences and 20,000 in commercial accommodations. The Mercantour National Park attracts around 400,000 visitors. 15 resorts PROVIDING NEARLY 700 KM OF SLOPES Overall, the resorts provide 233 downhill ski runs, 29 cross country ski trails, and 96 lifts. Lodging capacity amounts to nearly 10,000 beds. The resorts receive around 300,000 non-Riviera tourists in the winter, and 120,000 in the summer. 200,000 TOURIST STAYS IN the summer During the summer of 2009, the average length of mountain tourist stays (excluding the Préalpes d'Azur area) was 9.3 nights. One third of the clientele was foreign. Visits to the principal cultural sites in the mountains Visitors 2013 Alpha le Temps du Loup - St Martin Vésubie Merveilles Museum - Tende Mercantour National Park - Tende Monts d’Azur Reserve - Haut Thorenc - Andon Notre Dame des Fontaines Church - La Brigue Monastery - Saorge Marcel Kroenlein Arboretum - Roure (excluding natural sites and recreation centres) 56,373 35,460 19,402 19,000 10,420 8,423 7,805 clientele NEARLY 3 OUT OF 10 FRENCH TOURISTS ARE FROM Paris French visitors: 5.7 million stays, 32 million overnight stays (2011-13 average) Area of origin (from mainland France) North 3.2% Paris 24.5% Paris Region East 5.0% West 5.5% East 5.3% Paris Region West 4.8% South East 19.0% South West 6.7% Mediterranean Coast 26.0% purpose of STAY: 1 OUT OF 5 VISITORS ness travelling on busi Business Leisure Tourism and others 14% 58% 5% 23% Conferences Visiting Friends/Relatives On average, business stays last 4.9 nights, and leisure stays last 6.7 nights. 45%: rate of business trips (among air travel visitors) carried out for connectionsmeetings-appointments (32% for conferences-seminars, 11% for exhibitions-trade fairs, 3% for education-training, and 9% for other professional reasons). 250,000 convention attendees (air travel visitors) who spend €210 per day (2012-13 average). clientele Principal markets in 2013 Stays (in thousands) % Including Hotels/Resid. (in thousands) % 1 Italy 903 16.8 300 11.9 2 Great Britain/Ireland 865 16.1 395 15.6 3 Germany 457 8.5 217 8.6 4 USA 435 8.1 254 10.1 5 Scandinavia 384 7.1 169 6.7 6 Russia 299 5.5 183 7.2 7 East. Europe, excl. Russia 291 5.4 137 5.4 8 Switzerland 262 4.9 125 5.0 9 Belgium 217 4.0 89 3.5 10 Spain 180 3.3 87 3.4 11 Netherlands 158 2.9 59 2.3 12 Africa 154 2.9 35 1.4 13 Middle East 110 2.0 67 2.7 14 Oceania 103 1.9 62 2.4 15 Latin America 102 1.9 65 2.6 16 Asia, excluding Japan/China 87 1.6 53 2.1 17 China 85 1.6 58 2.3 18 Canada 80 1.5 46 1.8 19 Japan 65 1.2 51 2.0 20 Others* TOTAL 152 2.8 73 2.9 5,389 100 2,525 100 *in order: Austria, Turkey, Greece, Portugal Foreigners : HALF OF TOURISM ATTENDANCE 48%: rate of foreign clientele out of total stays 29%: rate of non-European clientele out of total foreign stays who are the leisure visitors? Travelling 3 + adults 3% Seniors (age + 60) 18% Travelling alone (age 25-59) 23% Young people 10% (age - 25) 30% 16% Families Couples or 2 adults (age 25-59) (Visitors travelling by air 2012/13) ECONOMY TOURISTS DIRECTLY SPENd €5 BILLION, GENERATING €10 BILLION IN revenue Tourism expenditures are reported by tourists and associated with their stay, without taking transportation to destination into account. Expenditures reach €5.1 billion a year (2011-13 average). This doesn’t include proceeds from casino games, which exceeds €360 million in 2012/13 (49% of which came from Monaco). Because of the multiplier effect, unreported intermediate tourist expenditures, and day tripper expenditures, the total revenue generated by tourism is estimated at €10 billion. Visitor expenditure (air travel): €591 per stay, i.e. €81 per person per day (2012-13 average). 25%: proportion of total expenditures resulting from business travel 60%: proportion of expenditures resulting from foreign tourists Average expense/day (visitors travelling by air) e 90 €168 Short stay (1-3 nights) Long stay (4 nights-4 months) €72 €119 Commercial accommodation Non-commercial accommodation €49 Staying at home of Friends/Relatives€44 Secondary residences €61 Business travel €138 Leisure travel €74 hotel PERFORMANCE 2012 5* (1) 4* 3* 2* 0-1* Average Average Rev. e88 80 70 60 e61 50 40 30 20 10 0 French Foreigners Foreigners daily expense RevPar 417 155 92 64 51 142 € taxes included, exclude restaurants expenses (1) Exclude exclusive hotels 138 58 36 28 86 Highest spenders 1 Middle East - Iran 2Australia 3 USA - Japan - Turkey - Russia 4 China - India - Malaysia - Brazil 5Greece 200 € 130 € 120 € 110 € 105 € Lowest spenders 1Portugal 2 Poland - Hungary 3 Ireland 52 € 54 € 59 € 75,000 DIRECT jobs in TOURISM In the summer of 2007, INSEE estimated that 52,494 salaried jobs and 10,000 nonsalaried jobs in the Alpes-Maritimes (excluding Monaco) were directly related to tourism. Seasonal employment accounted for only 17.5% of total salaried employment. Together with indirect employment, the total number of jobs generated by tourism could reach 150,000. THE côte d'azur TOURISM OBSERVATORY Tourism is a complex market, with multiple products, clienteles, and rapid changes. Measuring it requires the establishment of a system of tourism statistics (STS). The Côte d'Azur Tourism Observatory - a hub of the Côte d'Azur Regional Tourism Committee - started developping the STS Touriscope in 1984. The Observatory is bound by conventions to the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region, to the Alpes-Maritimes Departmental Council, to the Nice Tourist Office, and to the Principality of Monaco. On the technical front, it collaborates with INSEE, the CCI Nice-Côte d’Azur, the trade unions, and specialized consultants, and develops the methodology and statistical databases on tourism supply and demand. The Côte d'Azur TOURISCOPE system It consists of all the surveys that enable the statistical monitoring of supply and demand as well as an innovative data operating system based on the systematic cross-referencing of information and the exploitation of sources according to their respective relevance. The statistical results are integrated into the Côte d'Azur Touriscope database. This signature guarantees the official source and the consistency of the numeric information concerning Côte d'Azur tourism. Design: Comité Régional du Tourisme Côte d’Azur - © R. Palomba The principal on-going surveys l Hotels (CRT-INSEE-Ministry of Tourism) l Tourism residences and holiday residences (CRT) l Campsites (CRT-INSEE) l Hotel Performance (MKG-CRT) l SDT French Visitors (TNS Sofres-Ministry of Tourism) l Visetran Foreign Visitors (CRT-Tourist Offices) l Visavion Air Travel Visitors (CRT-MTA) l Museums and sites (CRT) Documents for dissemination l The Observatory’s website: l The annual "key figures" leaflet l The Dossiers (annual reports by topic) l The Tourism Barometer (monthly conditions and annual trends) The thematic factsheets and markets reports 455, Promenade des Anglais - Horizon - CS 53126 - 06203 NICE cedex 3 - France Tel. 00 33 (0)4 93 37 78 78 Fax 00 33 (0)4 93 86 01 06 and TONS RECOMMANDÉS (4) MINEFI MIN_11_0000_RdVFrance_Q Date le 22/06/2011 A NOUS RE TOURNER SIGNÉE JFB AVEC V OTRE ACCORD OU V OS CORRECTIONS ACCORD DATE CYAN MAGENTA JAUNE NOIR
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