2015-06 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
2015-06 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
TRI-CITY GUN CLUB TCGC REGULAR MEETINGS: Goldsby Community Center, 122 E. Center Rd., Goldsby, OK Friday, June 5th at 7:30PM PRESIDENT Mark Ericksen June 2015 Friday, July 3rd at 7:30PM 405-627-2844 [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT Jamie Schmidt 405-310-9544 [email protected] SECRETARY Annual Swap Meet at the June 5th Membership Meeting! Ronny Robertson 405-664-2101 [email protected] TREASURER Scott Stehno 405-201-9456 [email protected] MEMBER-AT-LARGE Eric Bauman 405-820-3916 [email protected] SCHEDULED TCGC RENEWAL SESSIONS 2016 MEMBERSHIP SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 AT 8:00 A.M. at the Range SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 AT 1:00 P.M. at the Range MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 AT 6:00 P.M. at the Range SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2015 AT 8:00 A.M. at the Range SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2015 AT 1:00 P.M. at the Range CRSO Ken Anderson 405-249-9804 [email protected] MEMBERS MAY PAY THEIR DUES AT THE REGULAR MEETINGS. ORIENTATION MUST BE ATTENDED BY OCTOBER 18, 2015 TO AVOID LATE ORIENTATION FEE OF $125.00. SCHEDULER Brad Corn 405-249-2556 [email protected] WEBMASTER [email protected] RANGE MAINTENANCE Bill Hutcheson NEW MEMBERS ORIENTATION SESSIONS MEMBERSHIP BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2016. AT GOLDSBY COMMUNITY CENTER (tentatively) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 8:00 A.M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 1:00 P.M. [email protected] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, June 18th at 6:30 PM in the TCGC Range Stat House, 450 Jerry Black Lane, Goldsby, OK Current Membership Dues: Associate Working - $80.00—Associate Non-Working - $160.00—Regular Working - $60.00—Regular Non-Working - $140.00 Spousal - $25.00—Junior - $0.00 — NSF Fee $25.00 New Associate Members One Time Initiation Fee $125.00 1 The 2015 Friends of NRA Grant Ammunition and supplies have been arriving! The Youth Program has received: 1,600 lbs. of Shotgun Shells, 6 - Genesis Bows and Accessories, 4 - Morrell Yellow Jacket bags, 5 Traditions Tracker 209 50 Cal Rifles, 10 - 22 Reactive Target paddles, Arrows, Ammunition, Cleaning supplies, Targets and Safety items Tony Lawson is looking for more support for the second amendment lawsuit. Anything you give will be appreciated by those that realize the importance of this issue. The wind and rain has eroded mountains over time. This could happen to your second amendment. Mike Whitaker, 405-245-1621, is taking donations for the young man that lost his hand in a black powder rifle mishap. All for the events including Women On Target, Brownell’s NRA Day, Boy Scout Camp and Shoot and Venture Crew. We are also still taking donations to help Kyle McGreggor compete in a national FFA shotgun shoot at Grand Isle, NE in June, contact me for donations, 405-627-2844. All of the shotgun shells, and most of the pistol ammunition, have arrived. As you can imagine, pistol ammunition and .22 bullets are shipping slower than other requested items. !*!*!* When the renewals start, there will be fewer of them and it will be to your benefit to have COMPLETELY filled out the form and paid in advance, either by mail or on line. In 2015, Oklahoma Friends of NRA donated over $560,000 of Equipment, Supplies and Ammunition to Youth and Women Programs in Oklahoma! This includes 4H, FFA, TCGC, BSA, WOT and others. Your help is needed to continue funding these shooting programs. The weather has caused the cancellation of some events and the flooding of part of the range. The flooding seems to be happening because the waterways are blocked by dead trees. We will be looking into clearing them out as soon as possible to help with the drainage. There will be plenty of time for you workers to get your hours in as soon as it stops raining. We will be having raffles at the gun club and I would encourage everyone to attend the local banquets. The next banquets are: Canadian County Friends of NRA – June 6th and Cleveland County – June 12th! You are over twenty one and classified as an adult, you read it, checked each box and signed it at the bottom agreeing to the terms, and took your copy with you. You know what I'm talking about, "Just Do It" like NIKE says. If you have a business that would like to help sponsor the event please let me know! Hope to see you at the Range! Thanks goes to all the volunteers and the EC for their time and effort to make our gun club a better place to shoot. There are many members that put in many hours above and beyond what they are required, a special thanks goes to you. Jamie Schmidt Vice President Tri-City Gun Club VICE-PRESIDENTS CORNER PRESIDENTS CORNER The Women on Target event went well, some of them got to enjoy the power of the mighty 50BMG thanks to Jessy Curran for bringing a rifle to shoot. [email protected] Thank You Mark Ericksen/Pres. TCGC [email protected] The “Hangfire”, published monthly, is the publication of the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc.,, P.O. BOX 1604, Norman, OK 73070-1604 Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. is not responsible for the content of articles submitted and published in the Hangfire, even though all newsletter articles, and advertisements are approved by the Vice-President and Editor for relevance only. Technical and/or hand loading data are for informational purposes only. No responsibility is accepted by Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. for results obtained by persons using such data, and all liability for any consequential injures or damages is disclaimed. Information regarding match schedules or specific dates and locations for events should be verified prior to monetary or travel commitments. References to any specific commercial manufacturer or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the Tri-City Gun Club Executive Committee, its membership, nor the publisher. The articles, opinions, and letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, publisher or the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc., and may be edited for content or brevity. ALL design, layout, match reports are copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission. Articles , announcements, your comments or suggestions are welcome. © 2014 Lea Greenleaf 2 SAFETY CORNER Greetings Tri City Gun Club Members Tri-City Clay Busters Great News: Thanks to all RSOs and Coaches who supported the Women on Target. Your knowledge and skill ensured fun and safe shooting activities for all. My wife was a participant and she spoke highly of your professionalism and making sure the ladies were successful, safe and had a good time. Skeet and Trap Competition 2nd Sunday of Each Month The next shoot will be on the 14th of June from 8:00 a.m to 1:30 p.m. A big thanks to Mike Franks for serving as our EMT for Sportsfest and Women on Target. There will be a Handicap from the 22 yard line with a total of 75 targets shot. Also, after this shoot, there will be a Trap and Skeet Orientation from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cost of the Trap and Skeet key is $25.00 cash or check. No Credit Cards. Not So Good News: Violation of Range Rule # 6. “Since you are responsible for preventing ricochets, always be sure of your target and that your bullet will impact a berm." This rule is probably one of the simplest range rules to follow, yet the most commonly violated. Bottom line, when the bullet leaves your firearm and passes through your target it must hit the berm. If your bullet hits the ground and ricochets you don’t know where it is going to end up and you are in violation of Range Rule # 6. You are responsible for your bullet impacts if they ricochet, because of your negligence, and injure someone you could be held financially and criminally liable. Mike Whitaker – Match Director Tara Nelson – Match Coordinator (405) 245-1621 What I have observed: On the Pistol Range, in many instances shooters cannot see their bullet impacts because they are obscured by the target. In these instances shooters must make sure they mount their targets to the frames and make sure their bullet path is parallel to the ground. On the Short Range incorrect target placement and shooting pistols. On the Long Range Shooters place the Short Targets out in the open, not in front of the Berms as required. Tall Targets should not be closer than the 100 yard line to ensure bullets hit a berm. Watch for more information! Better yet, come to the next club meeting to discuss the times and dates with Mike! [email protected] TCGC COMMITTEES & CHAIRPERSONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Activities Joe Mays 405-354-7342 [email protected] Archery Simm Rudnick 405-360-4346 [email protected] Grant Writing Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 Insurance Whitney Boutin 405-579-0453 Maintenance Bill Hutcheson 405-664-1128 [email protected] Membership Ronny Robertson 405-664-2101 [email protected] Please note, if I or any other Club Member observes your bullets ricocheting, we will advise you of such and will expect you to take the appropriate corrective action. If you choose not to correct the situation, expect a cease fire to be called, for an unsafe shooting situation, which will continue until the correction is made. CONTACT INFO Safety Tip of the Month: As a reminder - firearms are not to be placed on the tables or benches behind the Yellow Line on the Short, Pistol and Long Ranges. They must be made safe placed on the shooting bench or in the rifle racks Mosquitos: The range is now overrun with mosquitos and they are huge. When you come to shoot, be sure to dress appropriately by covering as much bare skin as you can and using mosquito repellant. Safety Ken Anderson 405-249-9804 [email protected] Opportunities for RSOs to Serve: NAPA Shoot on Thursday 06/11 to support one of our club member’s Kevin Addkisson. Time is from 9:30 to 2:30, lunch is served. Need a total of 4 – 5 RSOs to support rifle, shotgun and pistol shooting activities. Skeet Range Mike Whitaker Be safe and shoot straight, make sure your bullets impact the berm. Youth Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 [email protected] 405-245-1621 Ken Anderson Chief Range Safety Officer 405 249-9804 [email protected] 3 RANGE ACTIVITY SCHEDULE Volunteer Slots have been filled for 2015. The schedule is full, our members are some awesome folks for volunteering their time to work this table and I have all slots filled for 2015. If there are any concerns/questions please let me know. To Schedule range or facility use contact: Brad Corn at 405-249-2556 or email: [email protected] Unless noted there is always one range open Rick Hipps 405-799-7262 [email protected] See legend for range designations Date Location Event Times JUN 5 JUN 7 JUN 7 JUN 11 JUN 13 JUN 14 JUN 14 JUN 18 JUN 20 JUN 21 JUN 27 Goldsby sh lr sa lr lr sk, sh sh ALL 19:30-21:00 07:00-09:00 07:00-15:00 10:30-14:30 08:00-12:00 08:00-12:00 08:00-13:00 18:30-20:00 08:00-12:00 sr 08:00-13:00 JUN 28 JUL 3 JUL 4 JUL 5 JUL 5 JUL 11 JUL 12 JUL 16 JUL 18 JUL 25 sr Goldsby 08:00-13:00 19:30-21:00 sh lr lr sk sh sh ALL sr 07:00-09:00 07:00-15:00 08:00-13:00 08:00-13:00 18:30-20:00 08:00-12:00 08:00-13:00 JUL 26 sr 08:00-13:00 Sport/Activity 2015 Claude Hall Gun Shows Membership Meeting Practical Pistol Match Practical Pistol Match NAPA MBABR Match M-I Match TCGC Clay Breakers Executive Committee Meeting WORK DAY FATHER’S DAY Military Revolver/Semi Auto Pistol Match .22 Rifle Match Membership Meeting Independence Day Practical Pistol Match Practical Pistol Match MBABR Match TCGC Clay Busters Executive Committee Meeting WORK DAY Military Revolver/Semi Auto Pistol Match .22 Rifle Match JAN 10 & 11 JAN 31 & FEB 1 MAR 14 & 15 MAY 16 & 17 JUN 20 & 21 JUL 11 & 12 AUG 8 & 9 OCT 10 & 11 Tri-City Gun Club Youth Program. 2nd and 4th Thursday Monthly 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Rain or Shine. Community Youth 10-18 years old. (do not have to be a member) No Charge! Everything Provided! Shotgun, Archery, and Air Rifle at the present time. Check TCGC Website for Latest Calender! Legend: ar = archery range, lr = long range, sr = short range, sa = shotgun area, pr = pistol range, all = all ranges, sh = stat house, sk = skeet range, tr = trap range Always looking for more Instructor Volunteers. Just once or twice a month. email: [email protected] for more information or to let us know you are coming. MATCH DIRECTORS Congratulations to our Youth for earning NRA Marksmanship Awards! MILITARY BOLT ACTION BENCH REST MATCH—MBABR Steve Vannoy [email protected] (405) 769-2126 Jase Jarlsberg Skeet Marksman 1st Class and Trap Pro Marksman Connor Young Skeet Marksman 1st Class Braden Young Skeet Sharpshooter Grady Hixon Skeet Marksman and Trap Pro Marksman Owen Pate Trap Marksman Rusty Tate Skeet Pro Marksman MILITARY REVOLVER & SEMI-AUTO PISTOL MATCH Ed Pulver [email protected] (405) 830-7466 PRACTICAL PISTOL SHOOTERS Shawn Sanderson [email protected] (405) 495-3533 WINTER WARS Tony Lawson [email protected] Jeff Anderson [email protected] Several of the Youth will compete in the 4H Trap Shoot at El Reno on June 13th. . (405) 485-8062 (405) 921-2998 Jamie Schmidt SHORT MAGAZINE LEE-ENFIELD & VINTAGE BATTLE RIFLE MATCH Gerald Goodnight [email protected] (405) 387-5249 P.S. Please help support "Friends of NRA" local committees. Our ammunition and equipment have been provided by Friends of NRA for the past 3 years. SHOTGUN Shotgun - Mike Whitaker (405)245-1621 www.friendsofNRA.org/OK If you are aware of any changes or anyone that has been left off of this list please notify Vice President at: [email protected] 4 ITEMS OF NOTE: TRI-CITY GUN CLUB STORE We offer for sale clothing and hats with the TCGC club logo on them all at reasonable prices for our members. We will continue to sell our current inventory with the old logo at 1/2 price until it is gone. We will, however, sell the coffee cups, TCGC stickers, and cleaning patches at their regular prices. We have a new logo and hope to have some new inventory soon. Reg. Price Sale Price TCGC Coffee Cups $10.00 TCGC Stickers $1.00 Cleaning Patches: 22 cal - 100pk $1.00 30 cal - 200pk $3.00 Sale and/or New Items will be announced in the "Hangfire". Money generated in sales will be used to buy additional merchandise. The club appreciates your business. Linda Miller (405) 615-8421 [email protected] 1. Waivers: Have Guests sign waivers when you bring them on Range Property! 2. Only Club approved targets will be allowed on TCGC Property. Violations of this rule could be grounds for your membership to be reviewed. 3. GATE: Allow for the gate to fully open or close before entering gate code; if you do not gate will freeze and have to be reset. DO NOT allow people you do not know to follow you through the gate. 4. Any member has the right to ask to see someone’s club badge. Those not having the proper credentials should be asked to leave. Sharoyn Tomlinson, 405-740-5948, [email protected] Please contact Sharoyn in April and May. MAINTENANCE CORNER The next work day is June 20th 0800-12100 hrs. The rain just keeps coming down but the water has no place to go. Water is running across the road at the gate in several places. The Archery Range is flooded. Short Range, Long Range and Pistol range have standing water. Shot gun range is doing ok. Trap houses are ok. With the amount of standing water you might want to bring mosquito repellant. Their numbers and size are multiplying. PLEASE be careful when you come to the range. After this rain quits and the water subsides there will be a lot of clean up to do. If you want to help, feel free to do what you can when you are at the range or contact me and I will point you in a direction. This is your range. Thanks for your help. Bill R. Hutcheson (405) 664-1128 [email protected] 5 Treasurer Corner Looking at the May expenses we have enough funds to run June, July, and August. We will need to move $52,000.00 out of our reserve savings account into the checking account to finish 2015. This will leave around $50,000.00 for backup or emergencies. We are looking at spending $14,000.00 in November or December for a load of clays. This will bring our reserve savings down too $36,000.00. I will be adding the membership fees that will be paid in September, October, and December in the reserve savings for 2016 budget year. At the current membership levels we will have a yearly income of $125,440.00 for 2016 with a average monthly income of $10,450.00. Our expenses are $156,000.00 yearly or average $13,000.00 monthly. We are short $30,560.00 in our income. This amounts to $29.82 per paying member per year. I will be asking the board to increase all fees around $30.00 for all types of memberships. The above information does not account for the $125.00 application fee for new member that we use for equipment purchases. During the month of June and July I will be looking at budget line items to suggestions where we can make cuts in the budget. The monthly cost to edit, print and mail the Hangfire should be reviewed. There are other areas that can be reviewed. If anyone has questions or would like more details please send me an email with your phone number. May your books always balance!!! Scott Stehno Treasurer [email protected] 405-201-9456 2015 6 Donations Being Accepted: Congratulations to Kyle McGregor for winning the State 4H Competition. Kyle will be representing Oklahoma and McClain County 4H Club at the National Competition in Nebraska. Skeet, Trap and Sporting Clay Shotgun competition. Help is needed Fund Kyle's Trip. Donations are currently being accepted by the Executive Committee. Skeet and Trap Orientation: Sunday June 14th. After Clay Breaker Competition. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cost of the Trap and Skeet key is $25.00 cash or check. No Credit Cards. 9 Upcoming banquets for Friends of NRA Canadian County Friends of NRA banquet is Saturday, June 6 at 6:00. The location of the banquet is: Mustang Town Center 1201 N. Mustang Rd Mustang, OK 73064 Contact: Brad Homer Phone: (405) 203-9208 EMAIL: [email protected] Cleveland County Friends of NRA banquet is Friday June 12 at 6:00. The location of the banquet is: Embassy Suites 250 Conference Dr Norman, OK 73069 Contact: Bruce Roberts Phone: (405) 213-9747 EMAIL: [email protected] Sponsor Information Available at: Sgt Everett's Gun Range 5626 HUETTNER DR. NORMAN, OK Find out about Sponsorships and Raffles Banquet June 12, 2015 [email protected] Bruce can let you know other committee members that you can buy tickets from if you are interested in attending. Newcastle Friends of NRA banquet is Tuesday August 4 at 6:00. The location of the banquet is: River Wind Casino 1544 W. State Hwy 9 Newcastle, OK 73072 Contact: Steve Saunders Phone: (405) 203-7445 EMAIL: [email protected] Steve can let you know other committee members that you can buy tickets from if you are interested in attending. Heartland Friends of NRA banquet is Thursday August 13 at 6:00. The location of the banquet is: National Cowboy Hall of Fame 1700 NE 63Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Contact: Gail Bussell Phone: (405) 850-3524 EMAIL: [email protected] Gail can let you know other committee members that you can buy tickets from if you are interested in attending. You can also contact DARREN DELONG at [email protected] If you would like to know more about the Friends of NRA or go to the website at http://www.friendsofnra.org/aspx 10 MEMBER-AT-LARGE I hope everyone escaped major damage from the record rainfall of this past month. Venture Crew 82 has begun the new year with a membership growth. With rain comes mosquitos, so it would be a good idea to throw insect repellant into your gun bags when heading out to the range. For the first time in the thirteen (13) years of Crew tenure the youth membership exceeds the adult leaders. As noted elsewhere, we have greatly reduced the number of renewals this year, as a large portion of the year was being set aside to accommodate all the renewals and new member orientations. We currently have 17 youth and 13 adults. Five (5) of the 17 youth are young ladies. One young lady transferred from a shooting sports Crew in California. The photo ID's will take less time this year, as we have all the existing member's photos in the database, and we'll just have to print out the cards. Venturing Crew 82 is offered by the TCGC with emphasis on the shooting sports for young men and women who are 13 through 20 years of age. This will also allow new members to be ushered in by the first half of December, rather than the first few months of the next year. The Program’s purpose is to provide positive experiences to help young people mature and to prepare them to become responsible and caring adults. The Executive Committee will try and get everyone through as quickly as possible and if there are any members who wish to get their work hours in, please let us know and you may assist in the renewal process. If you know of a young man or woman who may be interested in the Venturing Program, call: Enjoy the warm weather, and be safe shooting! Amil Lyon, Crew Advisor, at (405) 364-8753 or email [email protected] Eric Bauman [email protected] SCHOLARSHIP FUND If you would like to give to donate to the Gene Adkisson scholarship fund please make your check to: Tri-City Gun Club. In the memo line please put: Scholarship Fund. Any member of the Executive Committee can accept your check for deposit. Thanks FOR SALE PolyTech M14S .308 (M14/M1-A) semi-auto rifle. Not pretty, but exc. shooter. $800.00 Armalite AR-24 (CZ 75) 9mm pistol w/black finish & fixed Ruger No. 3 .45-70 Govt. single shot rifle. Unfired. $850.00 sights. Exc cond. $450.00 SKS (Norinco) 7.62x39 w/ plastic stock and detachable Ruger MK III .22LR target pistol w/bull bbl, blue finish & mag. VG cond. $350.00 adj sights. Exc cond. $375.00 And, finally: S&W Model 22A .22LR pistol w/adj sights and 2 tone finBarrett M82 CQ .50 BMG semi-auto rifle w/20” bbl. Exc ish. Exc cond. $200.00 cond (only 26 rnds fired!). Taurus M94 .22LR SS 9 shot revolver w/2” bbl. Exc cond. Negotiable/Trade $300.00 Argentine F.A.L. 308 semi-auto rifle, standard infantry config. Very nice cond. $850.00 Contact Del Presley: [email protected] or 405-664-3789. IAC (Norinco) M1897 12 ga pump shotgun (Winchester 97). Exc cond. $300.00 (Trade for nice .30 FN49 or 1941 Johnson) (07/15) 11 Military Bolt Action BenchRest Match Director: Steve Vannoy RSO: Terrie Vannoy 9 May 2015 The nasty weather leading to and predicted for the day of this match scared most away. But there was none of that tornado and hail activity from earlier in the week and the heavy rain held off until after the match; so the day turned out to be pretty decent for a match. Match director Steve Vannoy was back after his pilgrimage to Nashville for the Annual NRA Convention last month and he brought Terrie along to RSO for us. Our next match will be June 13 at 0800. To be added to the roster, please contact Steve Vannoy with your request. Rank Last name First Name Rifle 1 Anderson Jeff 03A3 100 6 99 2 100 6 299-14 2 Lawson Tony 03A3 99 5 100 7 98 4 297-16 3 Adams Martin 03A3 97 3 96 1 96 4 289-8 4 Maynard Frank M38 Swede 96 0 98 1 92 2 286-3 5 Morris Bill #4 Mk1 97 3 92 1 96 1 285-5 6 Ott Paul 03A3 94 1 96 0 92 2 282-3 7 Greenleaf Lea 03A3 95 2 93 1 93 1 281-4 8 Pulver Ed M39 92 0 89 0 87 1 268-1 Last name First Name Rifle Group 1 Group 2 Best Group 1 Lawson Tony 03A3 1.319 2.815 1.319 2 Anderson Jeff 03A3 2.819 2.722 2.722 3 Greenleaf Lea 03A3 2.986 3.829 2.986 4 Ott Paul 03A3 3.063 4.344 3.063 5 Morris Bill #4 Mk1 3.225 3.401 3.225 6 Adams Martin 03A3 4.669 3.276 3.276 7 Maynard Frank M38 Swede 3.747 3.921 3.747 8 Pulver Ed M39 5.164 5.983 5.164 Rank Score 1 X Score 2 X Score 3 X Aggregate 12 Vintage Battle Rifle Match Director: Gerald Goodnight RSO: Ken Anderson A great day for a match. With a good time had by all. Congrats goes to Paul Ott on wining his first match with his new M1A. Rank Last name First Name Rifle Score 1 X Score 2 Score 4 X Score 3 X X Score 5 X Offhand Offhand Aggregate 1 Ott Paul M1A 99 4 69 0 98 3 66 0 99 1 431-8 2 Lee Keith M1A 100 1 68 0 95 2 63 0 99 4 425-7 3 Pulver Ed M1A 96 1 62 0 97 4 72 1 94 3 421-9 4 Goodnight Gerald M1A 93 1 68 0 96 2 62 0 95 0 414-3 5 McAdams Joe M1 91 0 77 0 91 1 61 0 89 0 409-1 6 Riley Kevin M1 93 0 46 0 92 1 57 0 94 1 382-2 7 Harris Kent M1 77 0 50 0 88 0 43 0 93 1 351-1 8 Tomlinson Jerry M1 85 0 54 0 63 0 44 0 63 0 309-0 9 Nelson Ryan M1 Carbine 75 1 43 0 55 0 55 0 70 0 298-1 10 McAdams Toby M1 Carbine 84 1 31 0 68 0 28 0 70 0 281-1 . 22 Rifle Match Scores April 26, 2015 1st- Richard Miller 2nd- Shawn Sanderson 3rd- Tony Smith 4th- Fred Frankenburg 5th- Ron Doggett 6th- Larry Miller 7th- Louis Hanna 8th- Ray Firestone 9th-Ed Pulver 10th- Gerald Goodnight 11th-Vic Goodnight 12th- Nelson Ryan 13th-Stan Miller 14th- Nathan Hase Next Month’s Supplemental will be center fire rifle 20 rounds at 80 meters. 13 General Membership Meeting — May 1, 2015 1. President Mark Ericksen called the meeting to order at 7:30. 2. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. 3. The treasurer’s report was given. It was noted that the tractor has ten more payments. 4. 99 people were signed up for Women on Target. 5. They Bylaws are available on the website. 6. There was discussion regarding a proposed FAA lawsuit. The suit is regarding limitation of workers right to carry in the parking area. Funds are being raised to pay for the suit. This could be wide reaching if successful. See the Hangfire for details on how to donate. 7. Mike Whitaker can help shooters get skeet and trap keys. 8. The Hangfire was late for unknown reasons. It was sent for printing on time. 9. Please attend FNRA banquettes. Support them, so they can support us. 10. A NAPA shoot will be added to the calendar. 11. Steel gongs on the pistol range are up. 12. Please do not use airsoft, pellets, BB’s etc., they WILL come back at you. 13. Please do not place targets in front of the gongs. 14. Orange weed eater cord is available at the range as a chamber indicator. 15. Concrete blocks have been used to hold down targets. DO NOT DO THAT!!! 16. Take care when carrying, casing, and uncasing firearms. Nobody knows if it’s loaded or not. So, please don’t sweep people. 17. Drink water and use sunscreen at the range. 18. Concerns about the steels at the pistol range were raised. 19. Volunteers were asked for upcoming events. 20. Jaime presented info for FNRA. There are several great guns being raffled off. 21. Joe Mays showed an M72 LAW rocket launcher. It fired a 66MM HEAT round. 22. Kevin Riley thanked members for their assistance with Sportsfest. 23. There was some discussion about Norman Music Festival. President Mark Ericksen adjourned the meeting at 8:26PM. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick [email protected] 405-209-0371 14 Executive Committee Meeting — May 22, 2015 1. President Mark Ericksen called the meeting to order at 6:30ish. 2. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. 3. All officers were in attendance. 4. Boy Scout Bill K. presented an Eagle Scout Project to install a horse shoe pit. Options, including pricing were requested by the board. 5. Boy Scout Brice D. presented plans to install a fence as an Eagle Scout Project. A mo- tion was made to approve $800 to complete the project. This motion was seconded and approved. 6. Friends of Scouting asked for the club’s continued support. A motion to donate $150 to FoS was seconded and approved. 7. Richard Starks with Prairie Rock Architecture came to discuss the pole barn. Details were discussed to ensure the barn meets the club’s needs. 8. Van accessible parking was discussed. 9. Donating funds or other resources to the proposed FAA Lawsuit was discussed. Dona- tions, raffles, and a fund raiser shoot were discussed as options. Eric will talk to Tony about a fundraiser. 10. Women on Target was discussed. 11. Club logoed ink pens were discussed. Nobody was interested. 12. The treasurer will be getting a CPA to perform a review of the books, as per the bylaws. 13. Member renewal/application was discussed and updated. The $125 late renewal fee is now reflected. 14. Membership upgrades were discussed. Two requests for regular member upgrades and one for life membership upgrade were submitted. All were approved. 15. A proposed bylaw change was floated by a member. 16. Renewal and new member registration dates were discussed, as were late renewals. Renewals will be held 09/19 at 8AM, 09/20 at 1PM, 09/21 at 6PM, 12/05 at 8AM, and 12/06 at 1PM.250 renewal forms and 250 new member applications will be printed. 17. The Hangfire will be fronted with the renewal schedule in large red font. 18. Private .50BMG used at WOT will be reimbursed. 19. The budget was presented. 20. We are going to try to get the water way cleaned up to help with drainage. There are two beaver dams in it. 21. Steel targets were discussed. We may build doghouses for them. A motion to approve $300 for the proposed dog houses was seconded and approved. President Mark Ericksen adjourned the meeting at 9:08 PM. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick [email protected] 405-209-0371 15 FOR SALE: Shooting Books on Sale at The Book Stall Glock G19 15rd 9mm magazines. I have three of these for sale for $20. each. These are new-in-a-box,factory original magazines. Dave 405-408-2328. (7/15) I have placed on consignment, at THE BOOK STALL, most of the Gun Books I have collected over the years. There is a lot of good info in them on Rifles, Handguns and Shotguns and they are priced right, very right. Received NIB M1 Carbine magazines. Retiring Shooters collection of gun books on Rifles, Handguns and Shotguns. Lots of other good info also. 15 Round Magazines $30.00 each. (75) 30 Round Magazines $45.00 each (28) THE BOOK STALL 300 W. Gray Suite 108 NORMAN, OK Hours: 11:00 am-6:00pm Tuesday through Saturday Discount if you want all of them! Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 Robert Pickard [email protected] (7/15) Remington 30.06 with Scope, Sling, Case and 40 Rounds of Ammo. I am asking $400.00 Nicolas L. Garza [email protected] 405-834-8934 16 (8/15) Tri-City Member’s 10% Discount! Aballtime LLC Insurance & Real Estate Trusted Choice Agency -- Independent Agent 2862 Classen Boulevard Norman, OK 73071-4059 405.579.0453 FAX405.579.7840 www.aballtime.com Christine M. Kane [email protected] Auto, Home, Life, Health, and Business. 17 TRI-CITY GUN CLUB P.O. BOX 1604 NORMAN OK 73070-1604 TRI-CITY RECYCLING PROGRAMS Aluminum Cans & Plastic Bottles Thanks for your efforts in the Recycling program. Please help with the cardboard. Flatten all boxes, it only takes a few seconds. Brass / Shell Cases Do you reload your brass? If you don’t, rather than trash it, recycle it for those who do! Place your used brass from the day’s outing that you collected from the range and put into the gray barrels. Collected and Sorted Brass Casings will be sold at the TCGC General Meetings. All funds collected from the sale of brass goes directly back into club projects!! 18
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ar = archery range, lr = long range, sr = short range, sa = shotgun area, pav= pavilion pr = pistol range, all = all ranges, sh = stat house,
sk = skeet range, tr = trap range
2015-03 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
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