The Oklahoma City Gun Club “Primer”
August 2013 The Oklahoma City Gun Club “Primer” Your news and information about the nationally recognized Oklahoma City Gun Club. Box 21067, Oklahoma City, OK 73156 Bullseye Division Happenings Changes are happening at the Bullseye range. If you haven’t noticed, there is a new building at the bullseye range. We have completed the installation of a wall separating the stat house from our storage garage. Hopefully in November, we will have the funds in order to complete the interior. We plan to have a handicapped restroom, a small kitchenette with a microwave and refrigerator. We will have enough room to have tables for meetings and social get-‐togethers. Here at the bullseye range we are always looking for new shooters in order to keep our sport competitive. I will personally make sure that a good time will be had by all and you can’t find a nicer bunch of people to shoot with. So, when you get a chance come out to the bullseye range and give it a try. We always have a free bullseye training session the first Saturday of every month so bring out a 22 pistols some ammo and join in on the fun. I want to send out a special thanks to Toni Steele and Connie Roberts for doing an outstanding job of installing the sign that was originally installed on the old Bullseye building. It looks fantastic and I thank them both so much for their efforts. Thanks Toni and Connie! Hope to see you all at the range, Mark Thomas Bullseye Division Chair President Suzi Rouse 818-6125 Club Officers 1st VP Secretary Mark Vaughan Bill Norfleet 528-5237 722-2721 Treasurer Matt Johnson 728-8516 September 2013 Primer Classifieds Strictly From Commercial The Primer is availavle online at or mailed to our computerless members. It is not emailed directly to anyone.. Commercial Advertisements are free for Gun Club members only. They run until you ask to have them removed or leave the gun club. Keep them as short as possible. There is limited space in this publication. Leroy’s Roofing Service. Roofs, Gutters, Carports, and Patio Covers. Insurance jobs welcome 405 7990381 Ladies conceal and carry fashion garments. Both vests and jackets available - complete with inner pocket and Mylar holster. Prices start at $69. Contact Pat @ 789-1368 or [email protected] Martin Sharp is a senior club member and the owner of MAS GunWorks in OKC. I have some of the best prices on suppressors in the country. I also sell short-barreled rifles and other class III items, .22 AR conversions dedicated .22 AR uppers and other items. Transfers for club members $10. See or call 405-819-8215. JD Outfitters, Edmond, OK. Firearm transfers $10 per gun. For new rifles, shotguns, pistols, optics and related accessories call Jerry D Noblin, Esq. at 405-822-1564 or email [email protected] for a price quote. Customer service is my top priority. OKC Gun Club member. Need Computer work done? Cash or trade. I’m a gun club member with 12+ years IT experience and can do about any IT related task for your home or business; wiring, network setup/securing, cable TV outlets, Computer repair and much more. I’ll trade for just about anything but specifically firearms, reloading equipment or ammo (.45, .223) please call me at 405-426-5792 or email [email protected] Thanks Missouri Bullet Company. All types of bullets. OKC Gun Club members receive a 5% discount. Discount code is: ocgc-gc Contact Customer Service 816 597-3204 Legal services including commercial, oil & gas, property, probate, trusts, injury contact Perry Kaufman OKCGC member. Goolsby, Proctor, Heefner and Gibbs, P.C. 405-524-2400 or [email protected] Legacy interiors is a custom wood shop that builds custom furniture and cabinets. I also do light remodel work and refinishing. Please call Kyle at 405-203-9663 FFL transfers $20 Steel Targets Poppers, Heavy Pistol, AR 500 Rifle targets Bill Addis 405-370-0808 Come check out Cold Hand Arms, a new Class III dealer with a retail storefront. We specialize in AR-15 rifles, parts. Short barrel rifles. Short barrel shotguns, AOW’s and suppressors. All OKCGC members get a 10% discount off regular retail price. 7210 N Broadway Extension, STE 201, OKC. 405-418-GUNS RU Motorcycle Fairings for all of your Harley Davidson and removable fairing audio needs. From speaker upgrades to full system replacement ARC Audio #1 Motorcycle Audio Dealer 405-343-5050 or [email protected] Brad Sullivan Tag Agency 2511 N Western Avenue OKC 73106 OKCGC Senior Member NRA Life Member Foresight Firearms LLC of Edmond, OK Translates to “Low Prices and Great Service” Give us a chance to provide both during your next FireArms purchase. Transfers for Club members $10 per gun. Contact us for a price quote at 405-596-6662 or [email protected] 2 September 2013 Primer Classified Ad Information Classified ads are free for club members, however they only run one month. If you do not sell your item, email me @ [email protected] to continue the ad. I must receive the email by the 23rd of the month. I will email you back to confirm. If you do not have email, call me at 405-326-0311. Leave a message if I do not answer. When I am at work or driving, I may not answer. I will return your call. Make your ad as short as possible. I will edit as needed. Commercial ads are also free and will run without interruption. Definitely Individual Sales Ruger old army black powder stainless 45 cal revolver with a 7.5 inch barrel like new original box and paper work $400 cash ftf Chris Gober 8202163 Quote of the Month "Our legislators are not sufficiently apprized of the rightful limits of their power; that their true office is to declare and enforce only our natural rights and duties, and to take none of them from us." -Thomas Jefferson Letter to F. W. Gilmer, 1816 3 September 2013 Primer www.a-‐human-‐ 4 September 2013 Primer MEMBERSHIP OKLAHOMA CITY GUN CLUB AT THE JUNE BOARD MEETING, THE OKCGC BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOTED TO CLOSE MEMBERSHIP AFTER THE JUNE 15TH ORIENTATION THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN WILL BE IN MID DECEMBER FOR 2014 MEMBERSHIPS WE WILL RETAIN ALL APPLICATIONS WE CURRENTLY HAVE AND WILL REINVITE THOSE WHO CANNOT MAKE THIS ORIENTATION TO THE ONE IN DECEMBER I KNOW THERE WILL BE SOME FOLK WITH VALID EXCUSES, BUT THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUPS WE EXPECT TO BE AT ABOUT 2200 MEMBERS AFTER THIS ORIENTATION, AND THIS IS A NEW HIGH LEVEL FOR US-‐WE WOULD LIKE TO EVALUATE WHETHER WE WANT TO GO ABOVE THAT IN THE FUTURE 5 September 2013 Primer Action Pistol Division 77 shooters turned out for the August IPSC match, for 6 stages of fun. In spite of a slightly late start, with everyone’s help the last squad finished by 3PM and the place was deserted well before 4 – not bad at all. Thanks everyone for helping with the match as well as a good turnout on Friday to build the stages (and contribute to the complexity/evil/challenge of each of them).] The August Steel Challenge match was cancelled. The August 3-Gun results will be reported next month. The monthly IPSC match results are as follows: st nd rd IPSC Limited Limited-10 Open Production Revolver Single Stack # 32 2 9 22 4 8 1 Place Brad Crotsley Dave McGuire Eric Crotsley Chris Pershall Chris Comer Matt Johnson 2 Place John Hensy Darrell Heck G.T. Dolan Mike Cyrwus Roger Davis Beau Harris 3 Place Michael Rush --Chris Gober Rob Elston Javier Martinez Bill Dickinson July 3-Gun TI TO Open 6 15 1 Kurt Miller Jake Burki Warren West Will Richter John Hensy --- Rusty Harris Matt Rigsby --- By now – or shortly – you will see some construction beginning at the Action Pistol range. We have gotten approval from the Board to build a building on the north end for storing the war wagon, an office, and bathrooms. We will also be building shade covers on the northern bays, including the rifle bay. There is also some berm work, grading, and graveling planned that will improve the rifle berms and access to them. These changes will make the north bays much more useful and enhance our matches. The wheels often grind slowly, but we’re making progress. Our next IPSC match will be September 7th. Come on out and play! Bring a friend. ALWAYS CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR LAST MINUTE UPDATES & SCORES… See you on the range!! John Bent 6 September 2013 Primer 7 September 2013 Primer Rules for AR Steel Plate Challenge Jim Fields-Match Director Cell – 405-203-1268 e-mail – [email protected] SAFETY 1. Safety is the Number One Concern While Competing in This Match 2. Eye & Ear Protection is Required to Compete in This Match 3. Upon Completion of Your Course of Fire, & Before Leaving Your Shooting Position, Magazines Out, Safety Flags in Chamber. We provide safety flags. 4. No Armor-Piercing Bullets Allowed on the Silhouette Range, regular FMJ OK. 5. Do Not Shoot at Any Silhouette Targets Either During the Match or While Practicing on This Range. Shoot at Swinging Steel Plates Only!!!!! 6. Pick Up Your Brass Immediately After Completing Course of Fire. We provide a brass catcher. MATCH FORMAT 1. This is a 20-Round Match - Five (5) Shots Are Fired on Steel Plates at Each Distance. Club members as well as non-club members may shoot in this match. 2. There Are Two (2) Courses of Fire - SHORT COURSE - 100 Meters, 150 Meters, 200 Meters & 300 Meters - LONG COURSE – 200 Meters, 300 Meters, 385 Meters & 500 Meters – You May Shoot Either or Both – As noted on your scorecard, you may shoot in either the open sight or Scope Category or Both. Be Sure to Check the appropriate Box 3. Entry Fees Are $10.00 Per Entry – There is no additional charge if you shoot the 20-round speed event providing you shoot both the short range course & long range course. You May Shoot a Re-entry for $5.00 After Everyone Has Completed Their Course of Fire, But This Score is Not Counted in the Match. Please Mark Re-entry on Your Scorecard 4. You Shoot Off a Bench With Supplied Front Rest or if You Prefer & Your Rifle Is Equipped With a bi-Pod You May Use It. You may also shoot in the prone position on a shooting mat if you like. 5. You Are Allowed a Spotter to Score Your Hits - X=Hit – 0=Miss 6. This is a Elapsed Time Event – Your Time For 20-Rounds Will Be Recorded by a Designated Person With a Very Accurate PACT Timer 7. Please Note; Tie scores Will Be Broken by Shooters Total Elapsed Time Score. Example: Two Shooters Tie with a score of 15x20, Shortest Elapsed Time Determines the Winner. If a Tie Still Remains, a Shoot-off Will Then Take Place Between Competitors. NOTE: You Have a Limit of Four (4) Minutes to Fire Twenty (20) Rounds; Any Late Shot Will Not Count. 8. Sign Your Scorecard After Completing Your Course of Fire, Once You Sign it, You Are Responsible For Any Mistakes. 9. If Your Gun Malfunctions During Course of Fire & You Can’t Resolve the Problem Within a Reasonable Amount Time, Safety Flag in Magazine Out!!! 10. Make Sure You Fill Out Your Score-Card Correctly From Top to Bottom 11. This Match is Designed to Have Fun With Your AR, So Please Abide by the Rules Set Forth, So We Can Continue Shooting This Match. We Will Shoot the Last Saturday of Each Month, March thru September, Starting at 9:00 am, you may go to our web site, & check the event calendar for exact dates. 12. A new event for 2013 will be a 20-round speed event where you will have one minute to fire 20 rounds on steel plates from 100 meters, out to 300 meters; 5 rounds on each plate. There is no charge for this match providing you have paid for two other matches. 8 September 2013 Primer 9 September 2013 Primer 10 September 2013 Primer Division Contacts Division Action Pistol League (IPSC) Air Gun Silhouette Archery Benchrest Iron Sight Ultimate Squirrel Rifle .22BR Fellowship Shoot Military Bolt-Action Rifle Military Revolver Schutzen Prairie Dog Match Blackpowder Cartridge Rifle Silhouette Bullseye Pistol International Pistol Director Collegiate Division Cowboy Action Shooting High Power Rifle Contact [email if available] Matt Johnson John Bent Jim Fields Dave Barker Gary England William Morgan Whitie Blanshan John Imes Ben Homer --Bob Dumont Ron Doggett Joe Garcia George Dugan --Joe Garcia Mark Thomas John Milligan Phone 728-8516 321-5049 721-2186 315-6082 202-3288 359-0515 737-2236 720-1900 266-6405 --232-6497 942-0488 381-2470 376-2868 --381-2470 615-1434 801-300-8371 Charles Meloy 834-3020 John Horton J.R. Hile Dan Arnold Darrell Blanchard Curt Bohlman Darrell Blanchard Bill Norfleet Bill Norfleet Melissa Rickman Bobby Jump Jim Bishop Highpower Rifle Silhouette Information Membership Muzzleloader NRA-ORA Contact Pistol Silhouette Women’s Jim Fields Marc McCormick Martin Sharp Steele Ford Jack Arbogast Buck Sifford Suzi Rouse Jack Arbogast Spencer Keepers Suzi Rouse Website John Bent Workday Coordinator/Shotgun Training Youth Jack Arbogast Brian Pribil Plinking Range Primer Shotgun League Training 819-9327 373-1472 307-0171 706-6822 250-3624 722-2721 722-2721 751-9502 732-0518 721-2186 749-6952 819-8215 326-0311 340-5403 769-7317 842-8828 340-5403 317-5674 842-8828 321-5049 229-1271 340-5403 340-3353 (613-8755) 11 September 2013 Primer Oklahoma City Gun Club P O Box 21067 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 Directors Kent Shomber Jim Fields Joe Garcia Si Fentress Bobby Jump Suzi Rouse Mark Vaughan Mike White Whitie Blashan Jack Arbogast David Baker Leon Strickland Matt Johnson Brian Pribil Marc McCormick Charles Meloy 12 205-3689 203-1268 381-2470 621-9378 751-9502 842-8828 528-5237 642-5672 737-2236 340-5403 325-6082 391-7078 728-8516 340-3353 749-6952 834-3020 “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Established to ensure protection from tyranny Read the Bill of Rights
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