Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church & School 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186 “ A Stewardship Parish of Perpetual Adoration” Third Sunday of Easter Parish Office Phone: (305) 386-4121 Fax: (305) 386-6881 www.ololourdes.org May 4, 2014 “Were not our hearts burning within us?” Luke 24:32 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Closed for Lunch: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Pastor Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger Parochial Vicars Sacramental Life of the Parish Rev. Andrew A. Pietraszko BAPTISM: Families must make arrangements for Baptism at least 2 months prior to Rev. Elvis A. Gonzalez date of Baptism. For more information, call the Office of Christian Formation. Deacons MARRIAGE: Please visit our website at www.ololourdes.org, for more information Dcn. Michael Plummer regarding the Sacrament of Matrimony. Dcn. José Naranjo Dcn. Isidoro Villa Holy Boutique Schedule of Masses, Reconciliations, Devotions and general information 305-383-1618 Weekday Masses English Masses - Monday - Saturday ................................................................... 8am Chapel Parochial School Spanish Masses - Monday - Friday.......................................................................7pm Chapel Phone: (305) 386-8446 Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil ................................................................... 5pm (English), 6:30pm (Spanish) Fax: (305) 386-6694 Sunday - English Masses ................................................. 7:15am, 10:15am, 11:45am, 5pm - Spanish Masses ..............................................................8:30am, 1:30pm, 6:30pm Mr. Thomas Halfaker Principal Holy Days of Obligation: (no confessions / no confesiones) .........Vigil: 7pm (Bilingual) ............................... 8am (English), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (English), 8pm (Spanish) Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, 11th day of every month (Bilingual) ...........8pm Grotto Christian Formation Divine Mercy Chaplet (English), Sundays ...........................................................3pm Chapel Phone: (305) 386-4894 French Mass, 1st Saturdays of the month........................................................9:30am Chapel Fax: (305) 386-6670 Mass honoring the Blessed Mother; 1st Saturdays of the month (Bilingual)...... 8am Chapel Office Hours: Novena honoring Our Lady of Perpetual Help w/ Benediction, Mondays (English) .............................................................. 7:30pm Chapel Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Reconciliation / Confesiones ................................................ one hour before daily Mass and ........................................................... Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm Chapel Dcn. Michael Plummer No Confessions on Holy Days of Obligation / No Confesiones en Días de Precepto Director of Christian Formation Holy Boutique Store Hours: ...................................... Mon-Thurs 5pm-8pm; Fri 2pm-8pm .................................... Sat 8:30am-1:00pm & 5:30pm-8pm; Sun 8am-3pm & 5:30pm-8pm Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Message from Our Pastor ____________________________ My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes, I congratulate and thank all of our parish family for a beautiful celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and for all the hard work and good spirit that went into our most successful Festival ever. We had a ―thank you‖ party last Saturday for our festival volunteers – over 400! Our celebrations are as beautiful as they are because they are truly efforts of the whole parish family. If you would like to join in next year’s effort just send me an email at [email protected] – we get started again tomorrow! As I mentioned, the carnival was a terrific success. Once again this year, the Lord supplied the nice weather and we took full advantage of those beautiful days. Just as last year’s festival was the most successful ever, we can say the same again this year. The net income from this year’s festival was $152,000 which is $11,000 over last year. We saw increased participation in almost every area. I’m sure you noticed that we had a huge increase in the number of sponsors for this year’s festival. That gave us a big boost and we hope to expand our efforts in this area. What will we do with that money? Our normal budgeting practice is to use the weekly collection to cover our regular operating expenses. This year, however, we will have to use some of this money to cover what we owe the Archdiocese of Miami for last year’s assessment. Next we will help to fund our new Center for Christian Formation. I have challenged all our staff and volunteers working in Christian Formation to rally behind this effort and have agreed to use festival proceeds (and other monies if necessary!) to match all funds that they raise for the new Center either through the sale of raffle tickets or in other ways. Finally, as I mentioned in my March 30th message, the Archbishop has given approval for the relocation and renovation of our baptistery. This type of special project is what we normally look to the festival to fund and it will again this year. The beauty of the Festival is that while being a joyful celebration in honor of Our Lady and of our parish family it is also our biggest fundraiser. All this directly benefits our efforts to bring Christ and His Life to our brothers and sisters here in Miami. Mass Intentions SATURDAY, May 3, 2014 8:00 am Severino Danao † Humberto Viana † James Abarno † 9:30 am Roger Perodin † 5:00 pm Aurora Leng † Kemli Saoud † Special Intentions of Teresa 6:30 pm Juana Vazquez Garcia † Gerardo Antonio Ramirez † Marcel y Ceferino Medina † SUNDAY, May 4, 2014 7:15 am Kleber Edison Jara † 8:30 am Familia Parroquial 10:15 am Emmanuel Schutt-Aine † Thanksgiving for Jackmalcom Saint Juste William Lewis Sr. † 11:45 am Robert Mayorga † For health of Linda Mayorga Sara Silva † 1:30 am Carlos Saboya † Victoriano Santamaria † Julio R Berrio † 5:00 pm Guillermo & Gustavo Mirabal † For health of Luis Enrique Bonilla James & Susan Abarno † 6:30 pm Rosa Nunez † Eufracia Rojas † MONDAY, May 5, 2014 8:00 am Hilda Currier † Maria de J Diaz † Sylvia Bru Lamar † 7:00 pm Pilar Restrepo (B-day) Ana Rosa Correa † Yolanda Bravo † Again, thank you and congratulations! Msgr. Schwanger Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Tercer Domingo de Pascua Mass Intentions TUESDAY, May 6, 2014 8:00 am Carol Kennedy † Walter Spaulonci † For health of Martha & Maria Lorena Santos 7:00 p Ana Rosa Correa † Salud de Anselmo Chuecos Accion de gracias a Divina Misericordia WEDNESDAY, May 7, 2014 8:00 am For Souls in Purgatory Intentions of Ashley & Stephanie Margarita Rodriguez † 7:00 pm Berta Serrano † Ana Rosa Correa † Roberto Ramos † THURSDAY, May 8, 2014 8:00 am Laurent Chaumin (B-day) 7:00 pm Antonio Poveda † Noah Luciano Wettstein Condolo † Mayron Walsh † FRIDAY, May 9, 2014 8:00 am Intentions of Dara Mellon Thelma Williams † Ana Menzies † 7:00 pm Itala y Rafael Amaya † Gigi Ormachea † Maria Cenaida Sanchez † SATURDAY, May 10, 2014 8:00 am Fernande Gonel Antoine † Ruth Harris † Fernanda Toledo † 5:00 pm Thanksgiving to Divine Mercy Antonio Rego † Javier J Fernandez † 6:30 pm Familia Parroquial “Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into His glory?” Luke 24:26 4 de Mayo 2014 Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco ____________________________ Mi Querida Familia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, Felicito y agradezco a toda nuestra familia parroquial por una hermosa celebración de la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes y por todo el duro trabajo y el buen espíritu que resultó en el Festival más exitoso que hemos tenido. Tuvimos una fiesta de agradecimiento el sábado pasado para nuestros voluntarios del festival - ¡más de 400 personas! Nuestras celebraciones son tan hermosas porque son verdaderamente los esfuerzos de toda la familia parroquial. Si usted desea unirse a este esfuerzo el año que viene envíeme un correo electrónico a [email protected] ¡empezaremos de nuevo mañana! Como ya he mencionado, el carnaval fue un éxito fenomenal. Un año más, el Señor proporcionó el buen clima y nos aprovechamos de esos hermosos días. Así como el festival del año pasado fue el más exitoso de la historia, podemos decir lo mismo este año. El ingreso neto del festival de este año fue de $152,000 dólares, que es $11,000 más que el año pasado. Vimos una mayor participación en casi todas las áreas. Estoy seguro de que se ha dado cuenta de que teníamos un enorme incremento en el número de patrocinadores para el festival de este año. Eso nos dio un gran impulso y esperamos ampliar nuestras actividades en esta esfera. ¿Qué vamos a hacer con ese dinero? Nuestra práctica presupuestaria habitual es utilizar la colección semanal para cubrir nuestros gastos ordinarios de funcionamiento. Este año, sin embargo, vamos a tener que utilizar parte de ese dinero para cubrir lo que se le debe a la Arquidiócesis de Miami por la valoración del año pasado. Después de eso vamos a ayudar a financiar nuestro nuevo Centro de Formación Cristiana. He desafiado a todo nuestro personal y a los voluntarios que trabajan en la oficina de formación cristiana a unirse a este esfuerzo y he acordado utilizar los ingresos del festival (¡y otros fondos si es necesario!) para igualar todos los fondos que ellos recauden para el nuevo Centro, ya sea a través de la venta de boletos de rifa o en otras formas. Por último, como ya había dicho en mi mensaje del 30 de marzo, el Arzobispo ha dado su aprobación para el traslado y renovación de nuestro baptisterio. Este tipo de proyecto especial es lo que normalmente proyectamos financiar con el festival y lo haremos de nuevo este año. La belleza del Festival es que mientras es una celebración gozosa en honor de Nuestra Señora y de nuestra familia parroquial es también nuestro mayor método de recaudar fondos. Todo esto beneficia directamente nuestros esfuerzos para llevar a Cristo y su vida a nuestros hermanos y hermanas aquí en Miami. De nuevo, ¡gracias y felicitaciones! Mons. Schwanger Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 SUNDAY 5/4 MONDAY 5/5 10:00 a Neocates Convivencia (ER) 6:00 p Jubilee YG (PH) 3:00 p Divine Mercy Chaplet (Chu) 2:00 p 7:30 p 7:45 p 8:00 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p Young Once (PH) Bible Classes Eng (BFI) Novena Benediction (Chu) Hijos de la Madre de Dios (PH) Comunidades de Base (Rm 112) Totus Tuus (Rm 113) Esc. Evangelizacion (Rm 119) Sep/Div - Spanish (Rm 120) Nueva Vida (Rm 122) Legion of Mary - Spa. (Rm 123) TUESDAY 5/6 WEDNESDAY 5/7 7:30 p Bible Classes - Spa.(BFI) 8:00 p OLOL YAG (TLg) 8:15 p Neuroticos Anonimos (Rm 111) 8:15 p Respect Life (Rm113) 8:15 p Emmaus Women Eng. (Rm 114) 8:15 p Cursillos (Rm 116) 8:15 p Emmaus Men Eng (Rm 118) 8:15 p SOE (Rm 119) 8:15 p Legion of Mary Eng. (Rm 120) 8:15 p Talleres de Oracion (Rm 122) 10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace (PH) 8:00 p Cenaculo de DM (Cha) 8:15 p MEV (StB) 8:15 p Neocates 1st Com (ER) 8:15 p Neocates 3rd Com (Rm 109) 8:15 p Neocates 2nd Com (Rm 111) 8:15 p SVDP (Rm112) 8:15 p Legion de Maria (Rm113) 8:15 p Escoge (Rm115) 8:15 p Niños en Victoria (Rm116) 8:15 p Comunidades de Base (Rm119) 8:15 p Emaus Women Spa (Rm 120) 8:15 p Salve Regina (Rm 121) 8:15 p Divine Will (Rm 122) 8:15 p Sep/Divorced Eng (Rm123) El Ministerio de Emaus de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes se complace en invitar a todas las mujeres mayores de 25 años a vivir esta gran experiencia. Retiro #38 - ―La Experiencia de Emaus‖ Comenzando: Viernes 16 de Mayo, a las 6:30 p.m. Hasta el Domingo, 18 de Mayo con la misa de 6:30 p.m. Donde: Nuestra Señora de Lourdes Costo: $ 145.00 (Incluye Cuarto, alimentación, materiales) Para mas información o para registrarse favor llamar Sara Patino - 786-543-3292 o Ana Contreras 786-487-7412 The Ministry of the Women’s Spanish Emaus is having their retreat beginning May 16th at 6:30pm, ending May 18th with the 6:30 pm mass. For more information please contact phone numbers listed above or email: [email protected] Divine Will Ministry Invites you to attend The Eucharistic Thursday, May 15, 2014 in the chapel in adoration, intercession, and reparation Rosary 6:30p.m. ~ Holy Mass 7:00p.m. Adoration 7:40p.m. The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat reigning among creatures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ El Ministerio de La Divina Voluntad Los invita a participar en El Jueves Eucaristico, 15 DE Mayo 2014 en la capilla en adoración, intercesión y reparación Rosario 6:30p.m.~ Santa Misa 7:00p.m. ~ Adoración 7:40p.m. Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Tercer Domingo de Pascua THURSDAY 5/8 4 de Mayo 2014 FRIDAY 5/9 7:30 p Benediction, Mary Queen of Peace (Cha) 7:30 p Grupo de Oración Esp (BFI) 8:15 p Boy Scouts (Rm 105) 8:15 p Neocates 3rd Comm (Rm 109) 8:15 p Neoroticos Anonimos (Rm 111) 8:15 p Talleres de Oracion (Rm 112) 8:15 p Emmaus Women Eng.(Rm 113) 8:15 p Esc. Evangelización (Rm 114) 8:15 p KOC (Rm 120) 8:15 p Comun. de Base (Rm 121) 8:15 p Divina Voluntad (Rm 122) 11:00p Preciosa Sangre (Cha) SATURDAY 5/10 10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace (PH) 6:00 p Friends of Jesus & Mary (Rm 105) 6:00 p Señora de los Pueblos (Rm 121) 7:00 p Neocates Prac. Liturgy (Rm 112) 7:00 p Sparks MSYG (ER) 7:30 p Cub Scouts (Rms 113-114-115-116) 7:30 p Couples for Christ (Rm 118) 7:30 p Girl Scouts (Rms 107-109110-111) 8:00 p Talleres de Oracion (Spa) (Rm 120) 8:00 p Padres y Madres Orantes (Rm 122) 8:00 a Talleres de Oracion (BFI) 1:30 p Feeding the Homeless (Kit) 6:00 p Neocates Liturgy (ER) KEY: Key: BFI - Bishop Fernando Isern Hall Chu -Church Cha - Chapel ER - Expansion Rm Kit - Kitchen MS—Middle School PH - Parish Hall Rm - School Classroom StB - St. Bernadette Hall TLg - Teachers Lounge OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI FOOD PANTRY On MAY 10 & 11, 2014 the Food Pantry will be distributing empty grocery bags at the church. We hope you will fill them with non-perishable/non-expired food items to be used to feed families in our parish who are experiencing a time of need. Filled bags are to be returned to OLOL Church the following weekend, MAY 17 & 18, 2014. Feed Your generosity is greatly appreciated The ―For it is in giving that we receive‖ Hungry MONTHLY DEVOTION TO OUR LADY OF LOURDES We invite you to join us to pray the rosary, The 11th of each month at 8:00pm In front of the Grotto in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes. DEVOCION MENSUAL A NUESTRA SRA. DE LOURDES Los invitamos a que vengan a rezar el Rosario cada 11 del mes a las 8:00pm al frente de la Gruta en honor a Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. The ministry of ―Escuela de Evangelización‖ is having a two day retreat in Spanish on May 24th and May 25th. For more information see contact numbers/emails below Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Ministerio de Evangelización ESCOGE Reuniones y Actividades Mayo 2014 Me quieres seguir?... Mayo 14 - Tema “El Verdadero Sentido de una Comunidad Cristiana” por la Dr. Maria Teresa Montero - Aula 115 a las 8:15 pm Mayo 31 y Junio 1 - Retiro de Niños en la Iglesia de Madre de Cristo No tiene que haber vivido el retiro para asistir nuestras reuniones. Para mas información (Spanish Events and Activities by Escoge Ministry - for information call # below) (786) 362-1374 ...si Senor, TE SEGUIRE!” “On the cross, the fountain of My mercy was opened wide by the lance for all souls – no one have I excluded!” Respect Life Ministry would like to make everyone aware If you are suffering from the trauma of a past abortion, God desires you to experience His Love and Mercy Project Rachel is a one on one, post abortion counseling and reconciliation program available to women and men. Rachel's Vineyard are weekend retreats offering a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. To learn about Post-Abortion Healing, contact: Local: 954-981-2984 Toll Free 1-888-456-4673 I strongly suspect that if we saw all the difference even the tiniest of our prayers make, and all the people those little prayers were destined to affect, and all the consequences of those prayers down through the centuries, we would be so paralyzed with awe at the power of prayer that we would be unable to get up off our knees for the rest of our lives.” Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy, Boston College The Respect Life Baby Bottle Campaign will begin the weekend of May 17/18. It will be at the front of the church 3 weeks running. La Campaña de Biberones de Bebe del ministerio Respeto a la Vida comenzara el fin de semana del 17/18 de Mayo, en la parte delantera de la Iglesia, con una duración de tres semanas. Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org See May 11th bulletin for more Information Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Tercer Domingo de Pascua 4 de Mayo 2014 Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School has a Job Opening for The Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School Registrar is responsible for supporting Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School by coordinating the admission process for new and current students of the school. Primary duties are coordinating the prerequisite admissions documents, arranging admissions tests for new students and sending acceptance letters to students. This individual will be responsible for managing and controlling accounts receivable transactions and producing report cards. The Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School Registrar performs all duties and responsibilities in alignment with the mission, vision and values of the Catholic Archdiocese of Miami. QUALIFICATIONS Education and Experience Minimum: High school diploma and 5 years of clerical office experience in a customer-service environment. Non-profit helpful. Preferred: Bachelor’s Degree with 3 years of school experience. Experience in a Roman Catholic environment a plus. Language Skills Good oral and written English-language communication skills, including clear speaking voice. Good Spanish-language spoken communication skills strongly preferred. Other Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes Knowledge and schools admissions processes, particularly Catholic schools. Ability to maintain confidentiality concerning student files and sensitive information. Knowledge of basic tenets of Catholic Church. Proficiency in MS Outlook, Word, and Excel. Good computer literacy, including ability to navigate online applications and search engines effectively. Type at least 60 wpm with 90% accuracy. Good spelling and grammar required. Excellent customer service skills, including ability to maintain focus on professionalism with people in challenging situations, both in person and by phone. Good time management, including ability to manage several projects at the same time. Must be able to multi-task and retain accuracy in an environment of competing deadlines. Must be supportive of the mission and tenets of the Roman Catholic Church. Must have a professional demeanor. Any interested applicants should submit their resume to Adriana Rodriguez by e-mail to [email protected] JARGON Monday, May 5 Deadline for Summer Camp Packet 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Practice for 1st Communion Tuesday, May 6 Cafeteria closed - Prepaid Pizza in classroom National Teachers’ Appreciation Day Wednesday, May 7 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm Practice for 1st Communion Thursday, May 8 Student Council visits Jackson to deliver baby items - 8:30 am to 2:00 pm 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Practice for 1st Communion Friday, May 9 8:00 am - 9:00 am Mother’s Day Breakfast 9:00 am - 10:00 am 3A Mass / 4A Bake Sale 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Saturday, May 10 9:30 am - 11:00 am First Communion Mass and Ceremony Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Respect Life Respect Life exists to uphold the sanctity and dignity of each human life from conception to natural death. We are a ministry of the Archdiocese of Miami, faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. We work in union with the Respect Life Sunset office. We seek to implement the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life activities. We are committed to respond to all issues with respect to the dignity of each person. We seek to support our brothers and sisters who are most defenseless and most vulnerable: the unborn, the elderly, the incurably ill, the marginalized, the children and the youth. We pledge to live and spread God's teaching about creation and the sacredness of life. Promote pro-life changes in our society and laws. Give a voice to the unborn. Communicate God's compassion and forgiveness to post-abortion women (Project Rachel). For more information contact: Martha Lopez-Valladares (786) 386-9985 [email protected] Society of St. Vincent de Paul Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads men and women to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person services to the needy who live within the parish community boundaries. Some of our services include food, medicine, rent assistance, information and referral services to government agencies and programs, utilities and thrift store referrals. Funding is raised through coffee and donuts, and our Walkathon, held in September of every year. We also receive funds from Secret Collections, Contributing Members, and a share in the Church's Poor Box. Our list of services is endless. "No work of Charity is foreign to the Society." For More information contact: Parish Office 305-386-4121 ext. 300 Couples for Christ Couples for Christ is a pro-life advocate which will defend life as a gift from God. CFC members are active participants in parish life at Our Lady of Lourdes--- at the Health Fair Screening, the Ministry Fair, the Annual Carnival, and the Ministry to the Sick. Couples for Christ seeks to raise up Christian families under the lordship of Jesus Christ. CFC reaches out to families through its various ministries: Couples for Christ, Handmaids of the Lord, Youth for Christ, Kids for Christ, Singles for Christ, and Servants of the “ Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least of my brothers, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 A Quick Journey Through the Bible Join us at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church In English on Mondays At 7:30pm in Bishop Isern Hall Explore our Catholic roots and our relationship with the Bible with our weekly series of Scripture Study. Un Rapido Recorrido Por La Biblia Únete a nosotros Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes En Español los Martes A las 7:30pm en el salón de Bishop Isern Exploremos nuestras raíces católicas y nuestras relación con la Biblia con nuestra serie semanal de estudio de las Escrituras. (Para mas información (for more information contact) pongase en contacto a través del correo electrónico (email): [email protected] / teléfono (phone): 305-386-4121 ext. 404) Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Tercer Domingo de Pascua 4 de Mayo 2014 Would you like to be a volunteer at the Sanctuary of Lourdes, France? Would you like to go on Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Lourdes, France? Dates of Volunteer Service: September 5 - 15, 2014 Dates of Pilgrimage: September 8 - 15, 2014 Optional for both groups: Spiritual Retreat in Nevers, Pilgrimage in Paris (Sept. 15-19, 2014) For more information contact: 786-216-2607 or [email protected] Desea ir de voluntario o de peregrine al Santuario de Lourdes en Francia?’ Fechas del Voluntario: 5 al 15 de Septiembre 2014 Fechas del Peregrinaje: 8 al 15 de Septiembre 2014 Para mas información contactar números mencionados anteriormente Not only does Jesus continuously shower His graces upon us and our loved ones, but after 2000 years, He allows us to share in the work of redemption. We become participants now in his original work of redemption. The late Archbishop Fulton Sheen said of the Holy Hour Devotion, “...it is not a devotion; it is a sharing in the work of redemption.” And this is precisely what we do here at Our Lady of Lourdes; we participate in the work of redemption. faith is not believing that god can, it’s knowing that he will. Jesus no solamente continua derramando gracias sobre nosotros y nuestros seres queridos, pero después de 2000 años, Él nos permite compartir en la obra de la redención. Nos convertimos ahora en participantes de su trabajo original de la redención. El fallecido arzobispo Fulton Sheen dijo acerca de la Devoción a la Hora Santa, "... no es una devoción, sino que es una participación en la obra de la redención." Y esto es precisamente lo que hacemos aquí en Nuestra Señora de Lourdes; participamos en la obra de la redención. Want to be part of our Perpetual Adoration Ministry, as an adorer or hour captain? Quieres pertenecer a nuestro Ministerio de Adoración Perpetua, como adorador o capitán de hora? Call: Guido Perez (786) 738-4715 or Gaby Gonzalez (786) 286-9173. Let us also pray for all the residents of W. Kendall Baptist Hospital, Heartland Rehabilitation & Nursing Home and the assisted living facilities surrounding our Parish Community. Melida Aguirre Ana Maria Alarcon Michael Alexander Pedro Algarbe Athena Kimberly Alfonso Lucas Algeciras Patricia E Amaya Joe Antol Walter Arango Edgar Arango Sylvia Arzalluz Jose Antonio Bode Robert Bodden Stephan Calafel Noemi Castillo Christian Castro Hilda De Paula Stephanie de Quesada De Troyban sisters Emily Eismont Jim Feeney Gloria Fernandez Hilda R. Fernandez Barbara Francar Rosa Gamundi Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org Andres Gonzalez Solange D. Gutrierrez Oscar Helver Ines Helena Hernandez Christian J. Karmeris Cedric Kellman Walte Kunzle Manny La Rosa Mariana Lasprilla Portugal Leal Susana Linares Carlos Lincoln Geraldine Lincoln Diego Lopez Solange Mago Steven Medina Byron Arango Molina Elsa Ordonez Juan Ordonez Jorge Peña Joseph Pietraszko Pepe Plata Halvert Peguero Judith Portugal Angela Restrepo Laurin Reyes Antoinette Rocco Amaury Rodriguez Cristina Sabina Narah Salgado Bruce Siegel Christian Cruz Sosa David Stadthaeen Jeff Stewart Ramon Suarez Concepcion Tariche Gustavo Tobon Fernando Valdes Wendy Valle Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Monthly Offertory Gifts $ 96,966.00 Debt Reduction Collection $ 8,786.00 Faith Direct Gifts $ 15,540.45 Debt Reduction - Faith Direct $ 1,515.00 Total Monthly Gifts $ 112,506.45 Carnival Net Income $ 151,913.00 Don’t cancel life insurance policies you no longer need! By naming our parish as beneficiary, you’ll provide lasting financial support and possibly qualify for tax benefits as well. Pass on your catholic heritage, faith and love by naming our parish as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. For more information, contact the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110. ¡No cancele las pólizas de seguros de vida que ya no necesita! Al nombrar a nuestra parroquia como beneficiaria, proporcionará un apoyo financiero duradero y posiblemente también calificará para recibir beneficios fiscales. Transmita su herencia católica, su fe y su amor, nombrando a nuestra parroquia como beneficiaria de su póliza de seguro de vida. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110. Readings for the Week of May 4 - May 11, 2014 Sunday, May 4th: 1st: Acts 2:14,22-23 Res. Ps. 16:1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11 2nd: 1 Peter 1:17-21 Gospel: Luke 24:13-35 Monday, May 5th: 1st: Acts 6:8-15 Res. Ps. 119:23-24,26-27,29-30 Gospel: John 6:22-29 Tuesday, May 6th: 1st: Acts 7:51-8:1A Res. Ps. 31:3CD4,6&7B&8A,17&21AB Gospel: John 6:30-35 Wednesday, May 7th: 1st: Acts 8:1B-8 Res. Ps. 66:1-3A,4-5,6-7A Gospel: John 6:35-40 Thursday, May 8th: 1st: Acts 8:26-40 Res. Ps. 66:8-9,16-17,20 Gospel: John 6:44-51 Friday, May 9th: 1st:: Acts 9:1-20 Res. Ps. 117:1BC-2 Gospel: John 6:52-59 Saturday, May 10th: 1st: Acts 9:31-42 Res. Ps. 116:12-13,14-15,16-17 Gospel: John 6:60-69 Sunday, May 11th: 1st: Acts 2:14A,36-41 Res. Ps. 23:1-2A,3B-4,5,6 2nd: 1 Peter 2:20B-25 Gospel: John 10:1-10 Would you like to become a member of our Parish Community? It is at the moment you register as a parishioner that you officially make yourself known, and you acknowledge God’s call to be part of a community of faith. By providing us with your email address, we will be able to initiate the registration process for you Last (Apellido) Name:____________________________First (Nombre) Name:________________________ Email:___________________________________ Phone:_________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________ Place this form in the collection basket on Sunday, or, drop it off at the Parish Office. You will receive an application for registration by email. Once you have completed your APPLICATION you will be officially registered. Diria que es este momento cuando se inscribió como parroquiano porque es cuando entonces nos hacemos conocer oficialmente. Es cuando aceptamos ese llamado de Dios de ser parte de una comunidad de fe. Deposite esta hoja en las canastas de la colecta el Domingo o déjela en la Oficina Parroquial. Usted recibirá una solicitud de registro por correo electrónico. Una vez que haya completado su solicitud y su registro es miembro oficial de nuestra parroquia y nuestra arquidiócesis. Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL
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305-383-1618 ..............................................................................................
Our Lady of Lourdes
Mondays (English) .............................................................. 7:30pm Chapel
Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm Reconciliation / Confesiones ...................................
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Rev. Andrew A. Pietraszko
Rev. Elvis A. Gonzalez