Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church & School 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186 “ A Stewardship Parish of Perpetual Adoration” Parish Office Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Phone: (305) 386-4121 Fax: (305) 386-6881 www.ololourdes.org “Then Office Hours: repay to Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Ceasar Closed for Lunch: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm what Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm belongs Pastor to Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger Ceasar... ...and to God what belongs to God.” Matt 22:21 Parochial Vicars Rev. Andrew A. Pietraszko Rev. Elvis A. Gonzalez Sacramental Life of the Parish Deacons BAPTISM: Families must make arrangements for Baptism at least 2 months prior to Dcn. Michael Plummer date of Baptism. For more information, call the Office of Christian Formation. Dcn. José Naranjo MARRIAGE: Please visit our website at www.ololourdes.org, for more information Dcn. Isidoro Villa regarding the Sacrament of Matrimony. Youth Minister Maria Elena Murdock Schedule of Masses, Reconciliations, Devotions and General Information Holy Boutique Weekday Masses Caridad Sierra English Masses - Monday - Saturday ................................................................... 8am Chapel 305-386-4121 ext. 404 Spanish Masses - Monday - Friday.......................................................................7pm Chapel Parochial School Phone: (305) 386-8446 Fax: (305) 386-6694 Mr. Thomas Halfaker Principal Christian Formation Phone: (305) 386-4894 Fax: (305) 386-6670 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Dcn. Michael Plummer Director of Christian Formation Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil ................................................................... 5pm (English), 6:30pm (Spanish) Sunday - English Masses ................................................. 7:15am, 10:15am, 11:45am, 5pm - Spanish Masses ..............................................................8:30am, 1:30pm, 6:30pm Holy Days of Obligation: (no confessions / no confesiones) .........Vigil: 7pm (Bilingual) ............................... 8am (English), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (English), 8pm (Spanish) Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, 11th day of every month (Bilingual) ...........8pm Grotto Divine Mercy Chaplet (English), Sundays ...........................................................3pm Chapel French Mass, 1st Saturdays of the month........................................................9:30am Chapel Mass honoring the Blessed Mother; 1st Saturdays of the month (Bilingual)...... 8am Chapel Novena honoring Our Lady of Perpetual Help w/ Benediction, Mondays (English) .............................................................. 7:30pm Chapel Reconciliation / Confesiones ................................................ one hour before daily Mass and ........................................................... Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm Chapel No Confessions on Holy Days of Obligation / No Confesiones en Días de Precepto Holy Boutique Store Hours: Mon-Weds-Thurs 5:30pm-8:00pm; Tues 5:30pm –8:00pm; ……………………………..Fri 2:00pm-8:00pm; Sat 8:30am-1:30pm & 5:30pm-8:00pm; …………………………………………………..Sun 8:00am-2:00pm & 5:30pm-8:00pm Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Message from Our Pastor ____________________________ My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes, Off to Lourdes we went! By now I hope you have heard some of the remarkable experiences we had in Lourdes during our volunteer service. I had been to Lourdes as a pilgrim three times prior to this visit, but to have served the sick and pilgrims as part of the Hospitalité de Lourdes, changed everything. Speaking for myself, I can say that a fruit of my volunteer service was to deepen my consecration to Jesus through Mary. I can see even more clearly now that our being the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes is no mere coincidence. It carries a blessing for us and calls us to share with Our Lady in a very important mission of healing and conversion. We have some pictures of our visit on the website. You can see that we offered Mass for you at the Grotto and lit a big candle for the intentions of our parish family that must have burned for a week! You were constantly in our thoughts and prayers and everyone is so excited to bring the blessing home. We will have a presentation about our visit and the possibilities for service in the coming year during our celebrations of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes in February. The North American Volunteers also have a program that invites the youth to come to Lourdes and serve when the sick from America are brought over to visit the Grotto and Baths of Lourdes – generally August. We are working to make this service possible for the young and young adults of Our Lady of Lourdes. So, check out our website and the website of the North American Volunteers (there is a link on our page) and consider joining us next year. During your Holy Hour or in your visit to the Grotto ask our Lord and His mother to help you discern when it is your time to come and serve and to make it possible for you. To serve is to make healing possible for people around the world: 6 million people a year visit Lourdes and it takes 8,000 volunteers a week to make that possible. To serve is to also find that healing for you! It is beyond description. Mass Intentions SATURDAY, October 18, 2014 8:00 am In honor of Our Lady of Schoenstatt Humberta Viana † Bhp. Isern’s Intentions 5:00 pm Parish Family 6:30 pm Dr Ramiro Abaunza † Lucia y Gregorio Triana † John Paul Lobo † SUNDAY, October 19, 2014 7:15 am Eduardo Santos † Thanksgiving to St. Pancracio Health of Nicasion Urbina 8:30 am Altagracia Hernandez † Caridad Galvez Contreras † Aura Maecha Camar † 10:15 am Healing for Anthony Chao Thanksgiving to Holy Trinity Francisco Miranda † 11:45 am Genoveva Gonzalez † Judith Benitez † Health of Evy Suarez 1:30 am Pedro Verastegui † Maria Teresa Armendariz † Fernando Ruiz † 5:00 pm Thanksgiving to St. Jude Matteo di Giovanni (B-day) Elvira Salguero Santander † 6:30 pm Wadith Kafruni † Accion de gracias por Patricia Alfonso (15th B-day) Lourdes Consuelo Martinez † MONDAY, October 20, 2014 8:00 am Fernando Santiago † Naika Montreuil † Thanksgiving to St. Therese & St Michael Archangel 7:00 pm Albert M Perez † Silvina Samuel † Maria Abigail Barquero † Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. St. Bernadette, pray for us. Msgr. Schwanger Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Vigésimo noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Mass Intentions TUESDAY, October 21, 2014 8:00 am Steve T Prebonick † Thanksgiving to St Jude & St Pancracio For Souls in Purgatory 7:00 pm Abigail Barquero † Evelyn Hazenstaub † Aurelio Zaldivar † WEDNESDAY, October 22, 2014 8:00 am Thanksgiving to St Anthony & St Barbara Helen Blandon † Raquel C Fernandez (B-day) 7:00 pm Ofelia Quintero † Abigail Barquero † Marta Mafrau † THURSDAY, October 23, 2014 8:00 am Gloria Wong Leng † Leonor Torres † Thanksgiving to Jocelijne 7:00 pm Douglas Wallace † Abigail Barquero † Rodolfo Coya † FRIDAY, October 24, 2014 8:00 am Alicia Meralles † Danielle Elie (B-day) Thanksgiving to Divine Child & Lord of Miracles 7:00 pm Olga Teresa Calvo † Rafael Fernandez † Peter Romero † SATURDAY, October 25, 2014 8:00 am In honor of St Joseph Humberto Viana † Thanksgiving to St Expedito & St Gregorio de la Rivera 5:00 pm Alvaro Carbajalin † Health of Danilee Ann Chin Elucia & Geurin Jean-Pierre † 7:00 pm Patricia Castro † Salvador Moncada Florencia Belandria † 19 de Octubre 2014 Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco ____________________________ Mi Querida Familia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, ¡Y a Lourdes nos fuimos! Espero que para este momento usted ya haya escuchado algunas de las notables experiencias que tuvimos en Lourdes durante nuestro servicio de voluntariado. Yo había estado en Lourdes como peregrino en tres ocasiones antes de esta visita, pero haber servido a los enfermos y peregrinos, como parte de la Hospitalité de Lourdes cambió todo. Hablando por mí mismo, puedo decir que un fruto de mi servicio voluntario fue profundizar mi consagración a Jesús por María. Puedo ver aún más claramente ahora que el hecho de nosotros ser la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes no es una mera coincidencia. Lleva una bendición para nosotros y nos llama a compartir con la Virgen en una misión muy importante de sanación y conversión. Tenemos algunas fotos de nuestra visita en el sitio web. Puede ver que ofrecimos una Misa para usted en la Gruta y encendimos una vela grande por las intenciones de nuestra familia parroquial ¡que debe haber estado encendida por una semana! Usted estuvo constantemente en nuestros pensamientos y oraciones y todo el mundo está tan emocionado de traer la bendición casa. Tendremos una presentación acerca de nuestra visita y las posibilidades de servicio en el próximo año durante las celebraciones de la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes en febrero. El programa de Voluntarios de América del Norte también tiene un programa que invita a los jóvenes a ir a Lourdes y servir cuando los enfermos de América son llevados a visitar la Gruta y los Baños de Lourdes – generalmente en agosto. Estamos trabajando para hacer este servicio posible para los jóvenes y jóvenes adultos de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Por lo tanto, chequee nuestro sitio web y la página web de los voluntarios de América del Norte (hay un enlace en nuestra página) y considere unirse a nosotros el próximo año. Durante su Hora Santa o en su visita a la Gruta pida a nuestro Señor y a su madre que le ayude a discernir cuándo es su tiempo para ir a servir y para que sea posible para usted. Servir es hacer la sanación posible para la gente de todo el mundo: 6 millones de personas al año visitan Lourdes y requiere de 8.000 voluntarios a la semana para hacer eso posible. ¡Servir es encontrar también la sanación para usted! Es indescriptible. Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, ruega por nosotros. Santa Bernardita, ruega por nosotros. Monseñor. Schwanger Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY 10/19 October 19, 2014 MONDAY 10/20 7:00 a Emmaus Women Retreat (Stb-ER) 3:00 p Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cha) 6:00 p Blaze HSYG (PH) To receive this weekly bulletin digitally to your email address plus see all the wonderful things happening at OLOL, scan the QR Code below and ENJOY! 2:00 p 6:00 p 7:45 p 8:00 p 8:00 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p Young Once (PH) All Saints Talk (Chu) Novena Benediction (Cha) Hijos de la Madre de Dios (PH) English Bible Classes (BFI) Emmaus Men Eng. (Rm109) Comun de Base (Rm112) Totus Tuus (Rm113) Esc de Evang (Rm119) Sep/Div-Spa (Rm120) Nueva Vida (Rm122) Legion de Maria (Rm123) TUESDAY 10/21 WEDNESDAY 10/22 7:00 p Consecration to Jesus Movie Night (PH) 7:30 p KOC 4th Degree ((StB) 8:00 p OLOL Young Adults (TLg) 8:00 p Spanish Bible Classes (BFI) 8:15 p Neuroticos Anonimos (Rm111) 8:15 p Talleres de Oracion (Rm112) 8:15 p Emmaus Women Eng (Rm114) 8:15 p Emmaus Men Eng (Rm118) 8:15 p Legion of Mary-Eng (Rm120) 8:15 p Com. de Base (Rm122) 8:15 p Hermandad del Señor (Rm123) 10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace (PH) 8:00 p Why Catholics (PH) 8:00 p Cenaculo de DM (Cha) 8:15 p Neocates 1st Com (ER) 8:15 p Choir Practice (Rm108) 8:15 p Neocates 3rd Com (Rm109) 8:15 p Neocates 2nd Com (Rm111) 8:15 p SVDP (Rm112) 8:15 p Escoge (Rm115) 8:15 p Ninos en Victoria (Rm116) 8:15 p SOE (Rm119) 8:15 p Emaus Women-Spa (Rm120) 8:15 p Salve Regina (Rm121) 8:15 p Divine Will (Rm122) 8:15 p Sep/Div-Eng (Rm123) 8:15 p MEV (StB) Para recibir este boletín semanal digitalmente a su correo electrónico además de ver todos los eventos maravillosas sucediendo en la parroquia, ¡explore el código QR (QR Code) y disfrutar! Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church All Souls Day Please join us for a special multilingual celebration, Sunday, November 2, 2014 at the 1:30 pm mass, to remember our loved ones called home to the Father. “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15 El Día de los Difuntos Por favor, únase a nosotros para una celebración multilingüe especial. Domingo, 2 de Noviembre en la misa de la 1:30 pm, para recordar a nuestros seres queridos llamados a la casa del Padre Our Lady of Lourdes marriage preparation ministry “Fully Engaged” is looking for greater fulfillment through helping others to volunteer their time to mentor couples who want to confirm their commitment to each other and/or prepare couples for Christian marriage. The next “Fully Engaged” facilitator training will be offered November 7 & 8, 2014 For more information, please call Mercy Baglio at 786-547-9577 or email: [email protected] “FULLY ENGAGED” MINISTERIO El Ministerio de preparación al Matrimonio Plenamente Comprometido de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes está buscando parejas casadas que ansíen encontrar mayor realización mientras ayudan a otros, regalando su tiempo para guiar a las parejas que quieren confirmar su compromiso el uno con el otro y/o preparando parejas para un matrimonio cristiano. El próximo entrenamiento para Facilitadores Plenamente Comprometidos será ofrecido el 7 & 8 de noviembre, 2014. Para más información, por favor llamar Mercy Baglio a 786-547-9577 o envíele un email a [email protected] Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Vigésimo noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario THURSDAY 10/23 6:00 p 7:00 p 7:30 p 7:30 p 7:30 p 8:00 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p Parents Meeting (StB) Salve Regina (BFI) Scouts (ER) Benediction-Legion de Maria (Cha) Spirit Day (PH) Consecration to Jesus (StB-ER-SchLib) Boy Scouts (Rm105) Neocates 3rd Com (Rm109) Neuroticos Anonimos (Rm111) Emmaus Women Eng (Rm113) Esc. De Evang. (Rm114) SOE (Rm118) RCIA English (Rm119) KOC (Rm120) Com. de Base (Rm121) Divina Voluntad (Rm122) FRIDAY 10/24 10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace (PH) 6:00 p Friends of Jesus & Mary (Rm105) 6:00 p Nstra Senora de los Pueblos (Rm121) 7:00 p MSYG Sparks (ER) 7:00 p Salve Regina (BFI) 7:00 p KOC (BFI) 7:00 p Girl Scouts (PH) 7:00 p Neocates Liturgy (Rm112) 7:30 p Girl Scouts (Rms107-108109-110) 7:30 p Cub Scouts (Rm113-114-115-116) 7:30 p Couples for Christ (Rm118) 8:00 p Cursillos (Rm119) 8:00 p Talleres de Oracion (Rm120) 8:00 p Legion de Maria (Rm122) 19 de Octubre 2014 SATURDAY 10/25 7:00 a Salve Regina-Life in the Spirit (BFI) 6:00 p Neocates Liturgy (ER) Notice: Anyone wanting to include their loved ones in our All Souls Day presentation, please bring your pictures to the Parish Office during office hours (see bulletin cover for times). Make sure the names and dates of death are clearly written on the back of the pictures. Thank you and God Bless! Ministerio de Evangelización ESCOGE KEY: Key: BFI - Bishop Fernando Isern Hall Chu -Church Cha - Chapel ER - Expansion Room Kit - Kitchen MS - Middle School PH - Parish Hall Rm - School Classroom StB - St. Bernadette Hall TLg - Teachers Lounge Me quieres Seguir? Octubre 29 - Tema: “El Kerigma” por Claudia Carrillo No necesita haber vivido el retiro para asistir a nuestras reuniones Para mas información llamar al - (786) 362-1374 (Above is the upcoming list of events given by the ministry “Escoge” for the month of October. For more information call number listed above. Next weekend (Oct. 25/26) the Respect Life Ministry members will be collecting the items for the Baby Shower to help mothers in need. Please take your gift to the Parish Hall before or after every mass, and during the week. We want to thank each of you for your generosity and ask for your prayers for those mothers and their babies. “Human life is sacred and inviolable at every moment of existence, including the initial phase” Evangelium Vitae St. John Paul II Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Próximo fin de semana, miembros del ministerio Respeto a la Vida estaremos recogiendo los artículos del Baby Shower para ayudar a madres necesitadas. Por favor lleve su regalo al salón parroquial, antes ó después de cada misa y durante la semana. Queremos agradecerles a cada uno de ustedes por tanta generosidad y pedimos sus oraciones por las madres y sus bebés. “La vida humana es sagrada e inviolable en cada momento de su existencia, incluyendo la fase inicial” Evangelium Vitae, St. John Paul II Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Invitamos a todas a unirse a nuestra comunidad parroquial para la Celebración de la Fiesta del Señor de los Milagros Domingo 26 de Octubre 2104 comenzando con la Santa Misa de la 1:30 p.m. seguida por la Bendición de la Nueva Capilla del Señor de los Milagros ¡Los Esperamos! The Parish Community is inviting everyone to join them in the celebration of the Feast of the Lord of Miracles Sunday, October 26th, 2014 beginning with the Mass at 1:30 p.m. in Spanish followed by the Blessing of the New Chapel of The Lord of Miracles Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Vigésimo noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 19 de Octubre 2014 If you have a Child, Grandchild or a Nephew/Niece between the ages of 8 and 13 that would like to have fun while learning about our Lord Jesus Christ, and the doctrines of our Church, this invitation is for YOU. The Escoge Children's Ministry cordially invites you to bring the children to participate in our bi-weekly meetings. The next meeting is scheduled for October 29 - 8:15 pm in classroom 118. For more information contact: Wally Garcia (305) 962-7386 / Manny Garcia (305) 283-4985 El Ministerio de “Escoge Children’s Ministtry” cordialmente le invita a llevar a los niños a participar en nuestras reuniones quincenales. La próxima reunión está programada para el 29 de Octubre - 8:15 pm en el aula 118. “Do everything without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent children of God, without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.” Philippians 2:14,15 Un retiro de formación cristiana, de género mixto y bilingüe. Para edades de 14 - 21 años. Para mas información llamar a Cristina Lopez - (786) 308-0958 Christ Rules Everything Around Me ESCOGE Invites all young adults from 14 - 21 years old to our Youth Retreat October 25 - 26, 2014 At Mother of Christ Catholic Church 14141 SW (Coral Way) 26 Street, Miami A formation retreat, mixed gender and bilingual We want to work that God lives in all hearts For more information contact: Cristina Lopez - (786) 308-0958 The Food Pantry Ministry would like to thank everyone for their generous donations during the recent “Food Drive”. May God continue to bless us. Charity - Unity - Fraternity - Patriotism Join the Knights of Columbus Join the men in our parish who are making a difference in people’s lives. Feel the inner rewards and the feeling of helping others. Contact Phil Cabase at 305-801-6370, or Alec Leal at 305-495-1169 Únete a los hombres de nuestra parroquia que están haciendo una diferencia en la vida de las personas. Siente la recompensa interior que da la sensación de ayudar al prójimo. Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 The Knights of Columbus Need You, Come help, and have Fun! November 15th 2014 The Knights of Columbus will be hosting the first annual Charity Golf Tournament. Proceeds will benefit Knights of Columbus Charities. It will be held at Redland Golf and Country Club, located at 24451 Krome Ave., Homestead. For more nformation, please contact Mario Caballos at 305-360-9811, Randy Sosa at 305-9752173, or Frank Garcia at 786-412-2240. Los Caballeros de Colon seremos los anfitriones del primer Torneo Anual del Golf de la Caridad. Las ganancias serán a beneficio del Consejo 10201 de Los Caballeros de Colón. October 25th - The Knights of Columbus… ...once again would like to invite you to come out and support our church by assisting with cleaning and repairs within the church grounds. We are calling out to all parishioners who can assist with this initiative. The plan is to work between 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM. We will then retreat to the softball field where the Knights will be serving hot dogs, and refreshments. Everyone is welcome so don’t hesitate to bring your spouses and friends. If interested please RSVP by calling Alec Leal at 305-495-1169 Los Caballeros de Colon quiere invitarles a unirse y apoyar nuestra Parroquia en la limpieza y reparaciones dentro de la propiedad de la iglesia. Estamos invitando a todos los parroquianos que puedan ayudar con esta iniciativa. El plan es trabajar entre 8:00 am y 1:00 pm. Después nos iremos al campo de softball donde los Caballeros de Colon servirán hot dogs y refrescos. Todos son bienvenidos, así que no tenga duda en invitar también sus esposas y amigos. Si está interesado por favor avise de su asistencia llamando a Alec Leal al 305-495-1169 When we come before Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament, we come to Him as we are. He already knows us. He has called us to Himself. He ardently loves us and longs to be with us. Jesus wants to see us “face to face” to commune with us “heart to heart,” not like it was a long distance phone call. He wants to listen to us, to love, heal and care for us. All of our cares are His cares. All of our joys are His joys. All of our concerns are His concerns. All of our loved ones are His loved ones. “Come to me all of you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you.” Mt 11:28; “Cast all your anxieties on Him for He cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 Cuando venimos frente a Jesús expuesto en el Santísimo Sacramento, venimos hacia El tal como somos. El ya nos conoce. El nos llama hacia Si. Nos ama ardientemente y añora estar con nosotros. Jesús nos quiere ver “cara a cara” para estar en comunión con nosotros de “corazón a corazón”, no como una llamada a larga distancia. El quiere escucharnos, amarnos, sanarnos y cuidar de nosotros. Lo que es importante para nosotros lo es también para El. Nuestros gozos son Sus gozos. Nuestras preocupaciones son Sus preocupaciones. Aquellos que amamos son amados también por El. “Vengan a mí todos los que están afligidos y agobiados, y yo los aliviaré.” Mt 11:28 “Descarguen en él todas sus quietudes, ya que él se ocupa de ustedes.” 1 Pedro 5:7 Want to be part of our Perpetual Adoration Ministry, as an adorer or hour captain? Quieres ser parte del ministerio de Adoración Perpetua? Call/Llamar: Guido Perez (786) 738-4715 or Gaby Gonzalez (786) 286-9173 Vigésimo noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 19 de Octubre 2014 OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY New Altar Server Training 2014 Saturday October 25th, 1:00pm—2:30pm Main Church If you have completed your First Communion, are at least 9 years or older and are interested in becoming an Altar Server, join us at the training session listed above. Registration forms are available at the parish office. If you have any question or need more information, please contact Daniel or Suzette Elie at 305 903-7688 or [email protected]. Nuevo Entrenamiento de Monaguillos 2014 Sábado 25 de octubre, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Iglesia Principal Si has completado tu primera comunión, tienes por lo menos 9 años de edad o mayor y estás interesado(a) en ser Monaguillo únete a nosotros en la sesión de entrenamiento que aparece arriba. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en la oficina parroquial JARGON Thursday, October 23 Jeans Day Cancer Awareness - pink shirt day 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm - First Communion Parent Meeting (mandatory) Friday, October 24 First Report Cards - go home 9:00 am to 10 :00 am - 5B Mass 11:00 am to 1:00 pm - 5A Bake Sale Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Gifts of stock avoid capital gains tax! If you own appreciated stock, you may wish to consider giving the stock to the parish rather than cash. You are able to deduct the full value of the stock, avoid capital gains tax and make a substantial gift to the parish. For more information, call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110. Good Stewardship is... ...fundamental to ¡Las donaciones de acciones evitan los impuestos sobre las ganancias de capital! Si usted posee acciones apreciadas, puede considerar ofrecer esas acciones a la parroquia en lugar de dinero en efectivo. Usted podría deducir el valor total de las acciones, evitar el impuesto sobre las ganancias de capital y hacer un regalo de importante a la parroquia. Para obtener más información, llame a la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110. Readings for the Week of October 19 - October 26, 2014 Sunday, October 19th: 1st: Isaiah 45:1,4-6 Res. Ps. 96:1,3,4-5,7-8,9-10 2nd: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5B Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Monday, October 20th: 1st: Ephesians 2:1-10 Res. Ps. 100:1B-2,3,4AB,4C-5 Gospel: Luke 12:13-21 Tuesday, October 21st: 1st: Ephesians 2:12-22 Res. Ps. 85:9-10,11-12,13-14 Gospel: Luke 12:35-38 Wednesday, October 22nd: 1st: Ephesians 3:3:2-12 Res. Isaiah 12:2-3,4BCD,5-6 Gospel: Luke 12:39-48 Thursday, October 23rd: 1st: Ephesians 3:14-21 Res. Ps. 33:1-2,4-5,11-12,18-19 Gospel: Luke 12:49-53 Friday, October 24th: 1st: Ephesians 4:1-6 Res. Ps. 24:1-2,3-4AB,5-6 Gospel: Luke 12:54-59 Saturday, October 25th: 1st: Ephesians 4:7-16 Res. Ps. 122:1-2,3-4AB,4CD-5 Gospel: Luke 13:1-9 Sunday, October 26th: 1st: Exodus 22:20-26 Res. Ps. 18:2-3,3-4,47,51 2nd: 1 Thessalonians 1:5C-10 Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 Let us also pray for all the residents of W. Kendall Baptist Hospital, Heartland Rehabilitation & Nursing Home and the assisted living facilities surrounding our Parish Community. Aloma Ahkin Heather Ahye Ana Maria Alarcon Michael Alexander Kimberly Alfonso Lucas Algeciras Patricia E Amaya Joe Antol Edgar Arango Fredy Arango Walter Arango Zuly Arango Max Arnoux Patricia Arnoux Sylvia Arzalluz Jose Antonio Bode Robert Bodden Cristian Bonilla Grazia Buscema Matthew Cabase Eida Cajigas Stephan Calafel Noemi Castillo Christian Castro Sara Chico Danilee Ann Chin Michele Ciccazzo Christian Cruz Sosa Alexander Csconka Angel Dalmau Hilda De Paula Norma Echeverry Guisa Delgado Frank Evans Jim Feeney Gloria Fernandez Sergio Giraldez Andres Gonzalez Ariel Gonzalez Marta Gordillo Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Jorge Miguel Guiroz Pedro Gutierrez Solange D. Gutrierrez Mary Ann Harris Ines Helena Hernandez Mayda Hernandez Camilo Jarquin Daniel Jimenez Christian J. Karmeris Cedric Kellman Walter Kunzle Manny La Rosa Mariana Lasprilla Portugal Leal Carlos Lincoln Geraldine Lincoln Milady Liz Diego Lopez Isabella Lopez Jackie Lopez Solange Mago Steven Medina Max Omphalius Elsa Ordonez Juan Ordonez Joanne Ortolan Cesar Alberto Ovando Nela Pacheco Jorge Peña Joseph Pietraszko Pepe Plata Halvert Peguero Daniel Pino Judith Portugal Silvia Pulido Modesta Quintana Melba Remior Angela Restrepo Laurin Reyes Antoinette Rocco Amaury Rodriguez Eustaquio Rodriguez Kathy Rodriguez Renee Rousseau Cristina Sabina Narah Salgado Evelyn Sandoval Bruce Siegel David Stadthaeen Ramon Suarez Concepcion Tariche Ti-zo Gustavo Tobon Wendy Valle Robert VannHassel Heather VannHassel Rosa Zapata Lisa Zemba Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL
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Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
our All Souls Day presentation, please bring your pictures to the Parish Office
during office hours (see bulletin cover for times). Make
sure the names and dates of