Thoughts From Our Principal - Mary Immaculate Catholic School


Thoughts From Our Principal - Mary Immaculate Catholic School
Mary Immaculate School Parents/Teachers Club Newsletter
Early Release on
Tues. Nov. 23 and
No School on
Wed. Nov. 24 thru
Fri. Nov. 26
Thoughts From Our Principal
With achievement testing over, we continue to
work our way towards the end of first quarter
and then on to the holiday season. The season
that is already upon us is Vision.
As most of you know, Vision was set up to help
the school grow and to provide funds for
advancements to the school as a whole.
Recently the school Advisory Council allocated
money from the fund to help provide more
technology for the classrooms. These
improvements will be seen by the children and
many of the teachers are very excited. It will
take time however, to implement the new
technologies into the classroom. Please be
patient with us as we learn to utilize these
devices to the best of our abilities.
November 2010
Congratulations to Jr. High
teacher, Thelma Glasgow, who
has been recognized this past
month for her outstanding
service at Mary Immaculate
School through the Catholic
Foundation’s Work of Heart
Recently we held our safety audit through the
diocese. Although we have yet to receive the
formal results, the maintenance staff and I are
working to address the areas that were reported
to us as concerns. Any changes that will be
made are completely with safety in mind.
Letters from Our
Leaders ............... 1
Feature Story:
Swim Champs ..... 3
News .................... 4
Events .................. 7
How to Help ......... 8
The most obvious you will see is the front door
and the new locking mechanism that will be put
in place. Unfortunately, due to the times we are
in, the front door will need to remain locked during
school hours when we do not have a person at
the reception desk. There will be a button to
push to request entrance which will be monitored
in the office to allow admittance.
I do not want anyone to feel like we are closing
off the school, or that we do not want volunteers
or parents in the building, this is just an added
step to our overall security. Once we receive the
full report, we may have other safety upgrades
that we will be required to put in place.
God Bless,
Matt Krause, Principal
Looking Ahead... 9
Serving Our
Community ........ 10
Thank Yous ......... 11
Sports Updates .. 12
Our MIS winners of the Fire Prevention Week
Poster Competition put on by the City of
Farmers Branch.
PhotoFinishes ... 15
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Doing Small
Things With
Great Love
Rita Ford
Marianne Megarity
(Pres. Elect)
Vice President
Mónica Quiñones
Christina Martin
Lori Norman
Debra Tullis
Volunteer Services
Julie Donnelly
Ana Schaller
Community Enrichment
Marie Coker
Tina Pelky
Spiritual Enrichment
Gillian Norman
Angela Guzniczak
Hospitality Chair
Ann Hunt
Jeanna Sanchez
Teacher Liaison
Sara Cusick
Mike Tullis
Jim Bitterman
Lisa Staberg
Charlotte Bickerton
Eddie Eason
Jim Stofer
Thom Suhy
Marcus Scrudder
Steven Hunt
Notes from the PTC
How ‘bout that Fall Festival? It was a wonderful,
and very successful event mainly due to lots of
great volunteers from the school and church. But,
if you think that was a great Festival, you should
On Saturday November 20th, the PTC will be
hosting it’s annual ladies luncheon and style
show in the Parish Hall. Attendees are
encouraged to decorate their table with a theme
and join your friends for an afternoon of fun. There
is more information somewhere in this issue of
the Mustang Express. Ten bucks for the first
person who contacts me and says they read it.
(Just kidding!)
The Festival of Tables has a long and rich
tradition at MIS. We’ve had at least three of
them, I think. Many of our parents count down
the days until the event, crossing off days of the
calendar with little number 2 pencils, worn down
to nubs after standardized testing week. “My
husband I chose MIS for our kids mainly based
on the idea that I would get to attend the Festival
of Tables each year,” says MIS mom, Ann Hunt.
“It absolutely clinched the deal for us.”
Margie Marshall and Janice McKemie, this
year’s coordinators of the event, have many great
plans up their sleeves. “There may be an A-list
celebrity guest at this year’s event! Or there
might not. He no longer returns my calls,” says
Marshall. “We’re having a dunking booth, and a
cake walk and, oh wait...I thought we were in
charge of the Fall Festival,” remarks a confused
As for me, I’ll be leaving my kids at home and
heading to MIS on Nov. 20th. Who knows what
I’ll find when I get there? Maybe I’ll find you!
Rita Ford
PTC President and Festival of Tables Devotee
P.S. This prayer was taught to me by my 17
year old son (and MIS grad) who prays it every
time he gets behind the wheel:
L - Dear Lord, please protect us and all we
pass by with a steady hand and a watchful
R - Please send your guardian angels to
protect the cars.
From the School Advisory Council
With Thanksgiving around the corner, there is
much we have to be thankful for. I want to say
thank you for a parish, community, and school
that gives our children a safe place to learn
and grow intellectually, spiritually, physically,
and emotionally. That is why we choose to be
at MIS.
A key piece of our school’s ability to continue
to meet our needs and wishes is building an
endowment to support the present and future.
The vehicle that makes that possible is
VISION, where your contribution is taxdeductible. VISION supports the school’s
current operations and also builds an
endowment to be used to fund and prepare for
major needs and strategic initiatives of our
school. 100 percent participation is as
important as any amount you discern you can
support, as participation allows our
development to focus on foundation gifts and
grants, which expect that level of support.
Throughout November, the MISAC uses
VISION participation and total contribution as
the leading edge of our budget activities when
we plan for enrollment and tuition for 2011-12.
It directly affects the needed tuition rates to
cover the costs of educating.
I used to flippantly say we’ll get 100%
participation when the Texas Rangers are in
the World Series. Well, guess what?!! It’s
time! Thank you for your support.
Michael Tullis, AC President
2010-11 Directory
The MIS Directory is being printed and will
be distributed to all the families via Kidmail
through the youngest child in the family. The
businesses in the ad section support MIS.
Please support these companies through
the year. The last page in the business
section includes a list of MIS students that
provide babysitting services.
L - Saints Christopher and Raphael,
R - Pray for us
L - Hail Mary, full of grace
R - get us safely to the place.
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Swim Team
MIS Swimmers Experience Unprecedented Success!
By Bill Newman
On October 21st, MIS sent 23 Varsity and JV
swimmers to the 2010 DPL Swim Meet. Over
the last few years, MIS has seen team success
at the DPL swim meets, beginning with the Girls
JV Championship in 2008-09.
While swimming is often measured by individual
accomplishments, the Mary Immaculate team
was blessed with a great combination of
swimmers that ended the 2010 DPL meet just
short of completely dominating the DPL schools.
At the end of an exciting evening of team relay
and individual successes, MIS came away with:
1) JV Girls Championship
2) JV Boys Championship
3) JV Overall Championship
4) Varsity Girls Championship
5) Varsity Boys 2nd Place
6) Varsity Overall Championship
The JV Girls team was represented by returning
sixth graders Maggie Baum, Casey Kohler,
Maria Tovar and Julia Walsdorf and newcomer
Elizabeth Egizio. The JV Boys team consisted
of returning sixth grader Matthew Newman;
newcomer sixth graders Will Guzman, John
Guzman, and Gordon Montgomery; plus fifth
grader Brandon Zimmer.
The Varsity Girls team consisted of returning
eighth graders Shannon Burton, Laura Evans,
Courtney Newman and Alexis Strong; new eighth
grader Grace Butler; and returning seventh
graders Pauli Kerr and Madeline Tovar. The
Varsity Boys team was made up of returning
eighth graders Fletcher Kerr, Edward Talatala and
Patrick Gleim; returning seventh graders
Matthew Tullis and Nate Young; and newcomer
seventh grader Jack Mulderrig.
With 5 of the 6 available DPL Championship
trophies in hand, MIS swimmers and fans
experienced an incredible end to the evening.
This was a great group of student athletes that
came together for a single evening of swimming
fun and competition and truly came out winners!
For MIS to continue to have success, we will
need new swimmers. If you have an interest in
being part of this DPL sport, consider an
organized swim team. Our swimmers are, or have
been, associated with the Dallas Mustangs (year
round USA swimming), Carrollton Aqua Racers,
Farmers Branch Barracudas and Walnut Hill
Swim Team (summer TAAF swimming) and
Brookhaven summer swim team, among others.
With a single DPL swim meet and limited access
to facilities, the real training comes from being
involved in swimming outside of MIS.
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If you have questions,
or would like assistance
in creating your
nomination letter,
Rosemary Martinez at
[email protected].
Eleven members of
our staff have been
presented with the
award since its
Joan Minigutti
Dec. 2005
Eileen Blair
Mar. 2006
Linda Coffin
May 2006
Cheryl Eliason
May 2007
Vivian Marino
Dec. 2007
Cyndie Nicodemus
Mar. 2009
Jennifer Watts
Apr. 2009
Ramon Vargas
Dec. 2009
Karen Saldana
Jan. 2010
Sandy Schluterman
Feb. 2010
Nancy Russell
Mar. 2010
Thelma Glasgow
Sep. 2010
Work of Heart Award
Do you know of a MIS teacher who excels at
unlocking the potential of our students? Or a MIS
admin staff member who goes above and beyond
in their job? Then take the time recognize them
for their outstanding work by nominating them
for the Work of Heart Award!
Anonymously established in October 2005 by a
family dedicated to Catholic education and
overseen by The Catholic Foundation, the Work
of Heart Award Program recognizes exemplary
teachers, administrators and staff within our
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Dallas.
Each month during the school year up to twenty
$500 awards are given out and each semester
up to four $5000 grand awards are bestowed.
The benefactors are looking for individuals who
should be recognized for going the “extra mile”
in serving our educational community.
Dallas Parochial League
2010-2011Scholarship Program
The Dallas Parochial League wants to recognize
the Student in the term “Student-Athlete.” It will
do this by offering 4-6 separate $500
scholarships to worthy students in the 2010-2011
school year. Funding for these scholarships will
be provided through various sources such as the
DPL Golf Classic, Championship Football T-shirt
Sales, etc.
The Dallas Parochial League will present the
winners with a $500 checks made payable to
the appropriate Catholic school in Spring 2011.
Who’s Eligible?
Any student currently in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade
during the 2010-2011 school year AND
Participated in at least one DPL sanctioned
sport during the prior year (school teams
playing in outside leagues do not fulfill this
requirement) AND
Displayed excellent conduct and
sportsmanship in their athletic endeavors
Concluded the prior year with no more than
one (1) “C” average in any course AND
Will be attending a local DPL member school
or Catholic High School in 2011-2011.
Here is everything you need to know in order to
submit a nominee for this award:
1) All nominations should be no more than one
page and submitted in writing to The Catholic
Foundation. The nominations should be
addressed to “Work of Heart” and sent to The
Catholic Foundation, 5310 Harvest Hill, Suite
248, Dallas, Texas, 75230; or you can fax to
[email protected].
2) Nominations can be submitted on an on-going
basis; all nominations will be retained for
consideration throughout the 2010-2011
school year.
3) Nomination letters need to identify the
nominee, their position at the school and
clearly state the reasons why the individual
is being nominated. Name, phone number and
relationship of the person making the
nomination must also be included.
4) Nominations can be submitted by teachers,
administrators, staff, chancery employees,
students, parents, families, and anyone
interested in Catholic education and the well
being of our schools. Candidates may not be
nominated by relatives.
5) The criteria for the award include: Additional
merit including tenure and leadership,
enthusiastic instruction, individual
unexpected acts of kindness or charity,
Christian example, mentoring, and going the
extra mile for an individual student, family or
the community.
What’s needed for Application?
Click to complete the application form & have
signed by school principal.
Provide three (3) brief letters of
recommendation, with at least one being from
a former coach.
Provide a copy of previous year’s final report
card for grade verification.
Submit a brief essay, not to exceed 250
words, that summarizes what the term
“Student-Athlete” means to you.
Priority will be given to:
Essay written by child
Quality of Grades
Quantity of Sports Played
Letters of Recommendation
Deadline for application will be December 15,
2010. All materials should be mailed to:
DPL, 5440 Harvest Hill Rd., Suite 160, Dallas,
TX 75230. Copies of candidates’ materials will
be sent to independent judges for review.
Winners will be notified in early March.
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School Efforts for Cancer
The students of MIS moved beyond their red and
blue team colors in support of Breast Cancer
Awareness Month. On last month’s JV and
Varsity games against rival St. Rita, the fans,
football players and drill team members sported
pink and sold pink baked goods to raise some
green for the American Cancer Society.
This event was one of several ways that the
families at MIS helped raise awareness of not
only breast cancer, but of all cancer types. Other
cancer awareness events this past month
included wearing pink on dress-down days, a
24-hour prayer vigil for those battling any type of
cancer, a special blessing at the Friday morning
student mass for all families currently affected
by cancer, and morning prayer focused on
strength for those with the disease.
“Our students are taught to look beyond our walls
to serve the larger community,” commented
Coppell resident Rita Ford, who is president of
the school’s Parent/Teacher Club. “It’s important
that they realize that even our small efforts,
when we join together, can make a dent in
something so huge like the fight against cancer.”
Well Mustang fans, we
weren’t able to pull out a
win against St Rita....but
we did score big for the
American Cancer Society
thanks to the generosity
of both Spartan and
Mustang fans!. Thank you
all for your support of our
bake sale and for flying
your “pink flags” today. It
was a great event and we
raised lots of “green” $380.00 which will be
donated to the American
Cancer Society in the
name of the MIS Football
and Drill Teams. Way to
go Mustangs!
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A new perspective on
community service
The 24 fourth graders in Girl Scout Troop 490
are used to the concept of community service,
as civic responsibility is established early on at
MIS. However, they gained an entirely new
perspective on community service at their
September Girl Scout Troop meeting.
The Junior-level Girl Scouts, who are beginning
work on their Girl Scouts Bronze Award, were
introduced to a broad spectrum of service
opportunities through a distinguished array of
guests who were gathered together for the
meeting by the troop’s Co-leader, Jamie Griffin.
“Meeting with people who dedicate their time or
even their life in service of their community
hopefully will inspire the girls,” said Mrs. Griffin.
“All three Girl Scout Awards require many service
hours and we plan on eventually handing out 24
Gold Awards. This can be a long road and we
wanted to build enthusiasm early.”
First on the agenda was Rodney Jarrell,
representing Berkshire Education and Financial
Services, a company that aids families in
financing higher education. Mr. Jarrell spoke to
the girls about how high schools and colleges
look favorably on students who spend their time
and energy helping others. He also explained
how the Girl Scouts Bronze, Silver and Gold
Awards contribute towards scholarships for
those that work hard to earn the honors.
From there the large group presentation shifted
into seven tabletop presentations that the girls
rotated through in smaller groups. Each small
group guest presenter focused upon a different
facet of the term “community” and gave the girls
several examples of service opportunities
available in their particular community.
Three of the presenters were familiar faces to
the Juniors: Barbara Durkee, MIS mom and
Brownie Troop Leader, spoke of service
opportunities that the Juniors could participate
in through the Girl Scouts community; Mr.
Krause, addressed options for serving their
school community; and Fr. Michael spoke of
ways the girls could serve through their church.
The other four presenters were less familiar to
the scouts, and the communities they
symbolized presented an expanded focus on
service opportunities: Farmers Branch Deputy
Mayor Pro Tem, Michelle Homes, presented citylevel service opportunities; new MIS parent Judge
Sally Montgomery, who is up for re-election for
Dallas County Court-at-Law 3, took time away
from campaigning to talk with the scouts about
community service at a state level; retired U.S.
Army Captain Mark Baker spoke with the scouts
regarding service projects they could perform in
their country community; and Girl Scout Service
Unit Leader Connie Jeska spoke of altruism that
would benefit the world community.
The Girl Scouts were impressed by the wide
variety of service projects that were presented
during the evening. “I was surprised at how many
different kinds of service projects we can do,”
said scout Marisa Martinez. “I really want to do
one that will help animals, like walking dogs at
the city shelter.”
“I never noticed how many different people need
our help,” added scout Kerry Gleim. “I learned
about how many things there are that I can do
to help.”
“Our goal was to illustrate the many communities
the girls are a part of: School, Church, City, State,
Country, Girl Scouts, and the World at large,”
said Mrs. Griffin. “As Girl Scouts leaders, we
focus on developing young women with the
necessary skills to be leaders who make a
difference not only in their neighborhoods, but
in their world.”
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Events This
Register NOW!
Basketball signup forms are due
November 4
Live Laugh Love
Lunch: Nov. 10
Our brown bag lunch
series continues to be a
great success. This
month, guest speaker
Marianne Megarity will
share some great ideas
for family activities during
the Advent season. Be
ready this year to make
Advent more meaningful
than ever before for you
and your children. Join us
on Wednesday November
10, 12-1:30 in the Parish
Hall. Bring your own lunch
and bring your friends.
This event is FREE and
no reservations are
Festival of Tables Luncheon and Style Show
Saturday, November 20, 11:00 – 1:30
All anyone needs is love. But a little help from our friends makes a big difference!
So renew your friendships at the Festival of Tables! At this casual luncheon, we celebrate our
friends and families by hosting or supporting a festive table for 8. You will enjoy a fine lunch
provided by the always-delicious Macklin’s Catering, an exciting style show sponsored by
our local CAbi retailer, and jewelry designs offered by MIS moms.
In keeping with every MIS gathering, there will be a raffle for
many wonderful prizes.
You can be a host by designing and decorating a themed table
and inviting 7 buddies (friends, sisters, moms, aunts…) to join
you at this luncheon. You can also talk one of your more creative
friends into hosting the table and you can join the fun as a guest.
Or…you can submit an individual reservation and trust the luck
of the draw to be placed at a merry table. Any way you choose,
the registration fee is $25.
Reservation forms are available at the MIS office. Join the many
women at MIS who enjoy this tradition. For theme ideas (hint,
hint…Beatles) and/or tips on how to get started, contact Margie
Marshall 469-951-5526, or [email protected].
Mary Immaculate Parish
Annual Craft Fair
Sat. Nov 13
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sun. Nov 14
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Key Dates This Month:
Tue Nov 2
PTC Board Meeting
Fri Nov 5
5B Mass
Wed Nov 10
Family Dinner Night
Buck-a-Jean Day
Parish Hall
homemade gifts crafts
home decor
Christmas decor
MIDs 4 on 4 Basketball Tournament: Fri. Nov. 19
Dads and grades 5 through 8 students of MIS, showcase your mad talents
and abilities in the game of basketball at the MID’s 4 on 4 Co-ed Basketball
Tournament on Fri. Nov. 19th from 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm! Teams will be
accepted on a “first come, first serve” bases until two divisions are filled, and
all games will be played at MIS.
Live, Laugh, Love Lunch
Fri Nov 12
6B Mass
Mon Nov 14
Advisory Council Meeting
Tue Nov 16
Safe Environment Training
Wed Nov 17
Service Project: Food Drive
Fri Nov 19
8B Mass
MIDs 4 on 4 Tournament
Sat Nov 20
Festival of Tables
Tue Nov 23
Early dismissal, 12:30 PM
Wed Nov 24 - 26 Thanksgiving Holidays
Rosary Guild meets Thursdays in the cafeteria at
2 p.m....all are welcome!
Click to view full details and to print the Basketball Tournament registration
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Calling all volunteers - you
can help and have fun all
at the same time!!
The upcoming “Texas
Hold ‘Em, Chili Cookoff,
and Bunko” event needs
your help!
Please consider helping
us on Dec. 4 with
registering participants at
the door, set-up, or teardown at this event.
We’ll even throw in a free
chili dinner for your helpful
Don’t have time to come
out that evening? We’d
love to accept your
donation of yummy
desserts or appetizers to
serve our participants that
evening. Thank you for
considering to help!
Please contact Dyan
[email protected] to
P.S. Just because you
volunteer doesn’t mean
you can’t participate in the
contests and activities. It’s
a great event to do both!
Scrip is now
sold in the
church Narthex
every Sunday
after the
10:30 a.m. and
noon masses.
Offering SCRIP Preauthorized
Monthly Payments
You asked for easier Scrip ordering…and you’re
getting it! Now MIS families are able to
preauthorize payments on scrip orders.
You tell us the amount per type of card that you
would like to start receiving on a monthly basis.
Then on the 5th of every month, your pre-ordered
cards will be available…and at your leisure, you
pick up your cards at the scrip table or in the
It’s that easy! No more money through kid mail.
No more forgetting to run in and place an order.
No more writing checks.
Just come by the scrip table to fill out a one
time Preauthorized Payment form, attach a void
check, and let us know how much and of which
card(s) you would like to start receiving every
month. We’re looking forward to your order!
For more info on Scrip, contact Paula McAfee
at [email protected].
2010-11 Yearbook
The yearbooks committee is ready and
willing to take your usable yearbook photos.
Please send photos to the yearbook committee
via kid mail (CD’s or flash drives labeled
([email protected]). Pictures from any
school activity are appreciated, such as School
Parties, Fall Festival, Tour de Branch, Sports
events, Service Projects, Field Trips, Cub
Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, PTC, MID’s,
AC, School Clubs, Children Masses, etc. Don’t
forget to bring your camera to all school events!
Please help our committee out by not sending
in blurry photos and submit only your best. It is
also helpful if the pictures are clearly labeled by
grade/activity so we know where to use them in
the yearbook.
If anyone is interested in being on the yearbook
committee, please contact Lori Norkett at
[email protected], for more information. We are
still looking for volunteers to assist with this year’s’s fun and easy to do!
Spirit Store: Christmas is coming!
The Spirit Store is a great way to start Christmas shopping. November will bring wonderful new
items for all good little boys and girls. And with every Christmas ~ a New Year follows. So it is out
with the old and in with the new with a Spirit Blow Out Sale November 19th. More details to follow.
Email Paula McAfee for further questions: [email protected]. Spirit Store Hours: Monday - Friday,
7:45 to 8:15 and 2:45 to 3:30.
Family Dinner Nights
Family dinner nights help our school simply by having you
do what you may already do... eating dinner out!
On the second Wednesday of each month this school year,
MIS will receive a percentage from
Chick Fil’A
(George Bush/Old
Denton in Carrollton)
J Macklin’s Grill
(N. Denton Tap, Coppell)
(Preston/Forest in
for dining with them on our designated night.
Enjoy a casual dinner out with MIS friends and families and turn in your receipt to the
location manager. A percentage of your bill will be donated directly to the MIS PTC.
Our September Family Dinner Night at all three locations is
Wednesday, November 10th.
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An Event You
Don’t Want to Miss!!
for a fun filled ADULTS ONLY evening on
No need to book a trip to Vegas - you can try
your luck at MIS’s very own
Turn up the heat and impress everyone with your lip smackin’ good chili won’t
even have to reveal your secret ingredients!
Coming soon!
and MIS Heart of Gold
Auction on Facebook!
Chili Teams are provided a 6' table plus wall space behind the table so you can get
creative with your decorating theme. Chili is judged on appearance, taste, palatability, the
“burn”, and originality. Prizes are given for the top 3 Chili’s as well as for the Best Booth.
Chili and Booth judging begins at 5 p.m. A bargain at $10 entry fee per team which
includes dinner for four!
Or, starting at 6:30 p.m., put on your best poker face and enter the Texas Hold ‘Em ($20
per player in advance; $25 at the door; $20 Buy Back In).
You can also choose to try a game of BUNKO! ($10 per person)
Texas Hold ‘Em prizes are $200 for 1st place, $125 for 2nd place, and $50 for 3rd place.
Bunko prizes are given for most wins, most Bunko’s, and most losses.
AND imagine this! Dinner is included for each participant — chili, of course —with all the
fixin’s (BYOB!) So, mark you calendars for this fun evening - we hope you can join us and hopefully win some great prizes!
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Serving Our
Gillian Norman
& Angela
To grow closer to Christ,
the Spiritual Enrichment
Committee of the Parent
Teacher Club would like
to invite you to the
following recurring events:
Children’s Mass every
Friday at 8:15 am.
Feast Days
November 1st: All Saints’ Day is a day to honor
all saints both known and unknown. Each child
at MIS will receive a saint card in celebration of
All Saints’ Day, these are provided by the PTC.
The saints are inspirational people whom we can
turn to as role models. We are all called to
become Saints…to be the very best Catholic
Christian that we can. Review your favorite Saints
this month with your child and ask them to tell
you about a Saint.
November 2nd: All Souls’ Day is a day to
remember and pray for the faithful departed
undergoing purification in purgatory. Church
teaching tells us our prayers help the souls in
MIS students will offer prayers for decease loved
ones as part of All Souls’ Day and to fulfill our
corporal work of mercy: to bury the dead. Paper
angels have been sent home for MIS families to
write the names of their deceased loved ones.
This month in Spiritual Enrichment:
This month’s Fruit of the Holy Spirit is
Faithfulness, our Corporal Work of Mercy is
“To bury the Dead” and the MIS Student
Service Project is a Food Drive for St.
Vincent de Paul.
The angels should be returned to school by
November 4th. Prayers will be said for these souls
during the “Prayers of the Faithful” at the
November 5th school Mass.
November 28th: First Sunday of Advent – be on
the lookout for a special send home flyer to help
your family reflect during Advent, provided by the
St. Therese, pray for us.
A Rosary is prayed every
Friday after Children’s
mass by MIS parents.
Additionally, Daily Mass
is offered at MI Church
Monday through Thursday
at 8 am.
Seventh grade students assisting in the service
project that aided the White Rose Women’s
Shelter last month.
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Thank you to our 7th grade
tour guides — Catherine
Beachner, Aaron Lim,
Melissa Cannon, Gabrielle
Lecca, Alex Motter and
Nate Young — for their very
articulate, informative and
well mannered assistance
with our prospective family
open house last week! We
had 21 new families
checking out the great
offerings at MIS!
Thank you, also, to all the
parents who provided
baked goods to the open
house guests...they really
appreciated the snacks
after our 2 hour
A healthy dose of appreciation to Dr. Talatala
for providing MIS and parish staff members with
flu shots!
6th Grade wants to thank Alina Gaubert for her
outstanding work with all of the fundraisers…. It
sure paid off! Many thanks to our awesome 6th
grade families for your hard work and support
through all of our did a fantastic
job!!! Now our children get to enjoy three days
of fun filled Christian interaction as they go
through the Leadership Program at The Pines!
Please keep our 6th graders in your prayers as
they head out to The Pines on Oct. 27th – Oct.
29th...and watch for pictures in the next Mustang
A huge thank you to Todd Kerr with Macklin’s
Catering Co. for the donation of the Spaghetti
The 2nd graders, teachers and families would
like to thank Rita Ford for all of her hard work.
She designed, created and helped decorate the
2nd Grade Putt-Putt Booth for the Fall Festival.
As if she was not busy enough, she put in much
time and effort making the Rosary workshop and
Rosary making go off without a hitch. Thank
you Rita for all of your hard work...the 2nd
graders of Mary Immaculate have benefited much
from your amazing talent and hard work.
Many thanks to these MIS moms and their
spouses for covering the MIS table at the St.
Ann Ministry Fair: Kathi Grainger, Karen
McMahon, Amy & Tyler Wilken, Holly Kerr,
Monica Quinones, Natalia Vela, Rita Ford, and
Christy MacMaster. It was a great opportunity
to illustrate to St. Ann families that MIS is
supported by their parish!
The success of the hearing and vision screening
week for kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th grade
students is due every year to the crew of
volunteers who assist with coverage in the
nurse’s office and help with the flow of students
in the screening room. This year, for 2 half days,
Nurse Sandy enjoyed the wonderful talents of
Nichole Peck, a Licensed Speech-Language
Pathologist to screen hearing exams. Nurse
Sandy would also like to recognize the following
parents for their help and extend a huge “thank
you!” and pat on the backs to the nurse’s office
helpers, Mondo Salinas, Nancy Koch, Sarah
Egizio and Deanna O’Hearn, plus high fives to
Alina Gaubert, Debra Tullis, Cathy Garrett, Julie
Donnelly, Catherine Bitterman and Margie
Thank you to the
Highsteppers for
coaching the Lil’
through their
younger girls had a
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Updates from
the A.D.
Michelle Jones is the
Athletic Director for MIS.
She can be reached at
[email protected] or
972-243-7105 x 15.
Varsity football this season has been a struggle with injuries and coming out on the losing end of
close games. However the boys and coaches have worked very hard and have a slim chance to
make the play-offs if they beat Christ the King in the last regular season game. I know they would
appreciate many fans cheering them on at the game. It is at 2:00 on Sunday, October 31 at Christ
the King.
JV football has had a very successful season and are currently in first place in the 6th grade West
division. This is very good since we have 5th and 6th graders on the team and a few of the teams
only have 6th graders. Christ the King is in 2nd place right behind our JV Mustangs. The last
regular season game will be important to get the coveted #1 ranking going into the play-offs. Game
time is at 12:00 Sunday, October 31 at Christ the King.
Volleyball season has officially ended. MIS had 5 out of 7 teams qualify for the play-offs. The girls
and coaches are poised to bring home several championship trophies as they have good placement
in the brackets. Mis will be hosting 6th D1 and 7th D1 games at 10 and 11 on Saturday, October 30
and 8th D1 along with 6th D1 semi-finals on Tuesday, November 2 at 6:30 and 7:30. It would be
great to fill the stands for the girls and coaches!
Basketball season is just around the corner. Sign-ups are due to the athletic office Thursday,
November 4. Players must have a physical form and medical release form on file in the athletic
office before they are allowed to attend any practices. An injury waiver must also be completed per
sport for all athletes.
If you would like to coach any of the teams you must complete all safe environment requirements
as required by the Diocese. Also you must attend or have attended a Play Like a Champion
workshop before you are allowed to coach in any games as required by the Dallas Parochial
League. There are only two dates that the PLC will be offered. This information can be found on the
DPL web site or on the MIS web site. You will also have to attend
at least one coaching clinic offered by the DPL as required by the MIS Athletic Department. These
dates will be posted in Mustang eMails as soon as they are made available.
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Follow Up
By Coach Craig Isaac
MIS Cross-Country 2010
Only on rare
occasions does a
Coach witness
such great effort
toward a
common goal.
every once in a
while it really
does happen.
Such is the case for this years’ 2010 MIS Cross
Country Team. We began our season as a
loosely assembled group of individual
personalities and over a short time (with lots of
hard/smart work) we became a cohesive group
focused on producing our best effort every outing.
There was only one question to be asked...did
we do your best? Well, not only did we do our
best, we also gave it our all, with Varsity Captains
Shannon Burton and Fletcher Kerr, and CoCaptains Emily Martinez and Austin Nguyen
leading the way.
Last year Shannon used her off season to
participate in several conditioning and training
programs. Her efforts were rewarded with a
strong finish in the Junior Nationals as well as
placing 5th in the DPL- Dallas City Champs held
on Saturday at Bishop Dunne. Shannon has
been showing steady improvement and
consistency throughout her Elementary School
Career and is looking forward to running CrossCountry and Track for one of the more
prestigious High School Programs in the Dallas
Area. Shannon is our inspirational leader.
Our Second Captain , Fletcher Kerr, took on full
responsibility for getting the team ready for
meets. In the off season Fletcher worked on his
technique and it showed. Fletcher lead warmups and acted as Assistant Coach on occasion.
He ran his personal best at our last meet of the
season while placing 16th overall out of 71
contestants .
Co-Captain and 1st timer, Emily Martinez, placed
in the top half and took this opportunity to
improve on her endurance and reaction time, thus
adding to her multi-sport resume.
Co-Captain Austin Nguyen became our team
coordinator. He made certain we were in the right
place at the right time and that everyone
understood their individual assignments. Austin’s
attention to detail was critical to our success.
Casey Kohler was our entire JV Girls Team.
Single-handedly she challenged the “Big Teams”
and improved her times by placing in the top 2/
3’s at meets. Casey also helped her team mates
by “scouting” the Cross Country Course and
letting us know its condition before each run.
Varsity Girls Allie Armato performed her best
times while qualifying for the City Championships
while getting us in the Team Competition
Category. Allie is another one of our secret
On Varsity Boys, Braxton Smith was another
secret weapon. Braxton placed in the top half of
a crowded field of 71 runners. Braxton passed
several runners in the last 400 meters while
finishing the Championship Event. We anticipate
great things from Braxton next year.
Our JV Boys worked together and took the
competition by complete surprise. The team,
comprised of David Martinez, Matthew “ Mr.
Smooth” Newman, Alex Wiklund, Patrick
Kersey, Jonah Brunel, and John Guzman, placed
2nd in the Dallas Parochial League
Championships just behind the St.Rita
powerhouse. David, Alex, and Patrick are all new
to Cross Country and did remarkably well.
Matthew Newman is our returning veteran who
smashed his previously best times and sealed
our 2nd place result.
Reversing their roles from the previous meet,
John Guzman placed 2nd and Jonah Brunel
placed 4th. It was quite a shock to the other 10
teams, who never expected MIS to ever be in
the hunt.
One can find the details in the DPL Meet
Results...but what you won’t find is the spirit of
friendship and concern for others exemplified by
our MIS athletes. As Coach, I knew this group
was different, I just didn’t know how very different.
At our first meet of the season, Jonah Brunel
led the field for most of the race and was battling
for the top spot in the final straightaway. He put
so much effort into his race that he went into
oxygen deficit and became disoriented less than
50 meters from the finish. In less than a minute,
another competitor passed Jonah and finished
ahead in 2nd place. Just as in the parable of the
Good Samaritan, no one took heed of his
plight…except John Guzman. He was also
behind the leaders but had the presence of mind
to notice that Jonah was in trouble and stopped
to help Jonah to the finish line. To everyone’s
amazement John placed Jonah ahead of himself
thereby insuring that both qualified for the
Championship Event.
Can’t tell you how many coaches and parents
told me what a great team we have. But we
already knew.
Happily Jonah fully recovered and place 4th in
the Cross-Country Champs whereas John
finished 2nd overall.
It’s not the racing or the competition that made
this team so special. It’s the level of concern for
one another and the way in which everyone on
the team made sure that their teammate Jonah
was ok.
Good Samaritans all….Heroes in the making.
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Follow Up
We would like to thank
Coach Isaac for his years
of hard work and
dedication to MIS athletics.
Coach Isaac has coached
Cross Country and track for
four years and has decided
that this would be his last
year of coaching. He has
coached at Ursuline
Academy as well over the
years and has a daughter
in college. Coach Isaac
always taught our children
to be a complete and well
rounded athlete —
focusing on grades, doing
your best and helping
others. Our kids loved his
cheer before every meet:
What Are We?
What’s a Mustang?
A Wild a Dangerous
Mustangs on three!
1, 2, 3 Mustangs!
Thank You Coach Isaac,
you will be missed!
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Big thanks to Mr. Krause
and the teachers who
inspired their students to
run by participating
themselves in the Tour de
Branch: Sarah Cusick,
Kimberly Murawski, Rose
Harrelson, Judy Feldman,
Linda Strong, Cindy
Nicodemus, Kimberly
Phaffenberger, Ashley
Griffin, Pat Bauman,
Thelma Glasgow and Mr.
Krause. The classes that
had teacher support were
the winning classes in
The 4th Annual Tour de Branch Fun/Run opened
up the 2010 Fall Festival with a record 237
registrants. Winners of the class participation
awards were: 5th grade: 56 participates; 6th
grade: 45 participants; 2nd grade: 42
participants; 7th grade: 27 participants, and
Kindergarten: 21 participants. A total o $1400 in
participation money provided by North Texas
ObGyn Associates and Questcare Obstetrics
was awarded to the classes with the most
registered students, parents, and friends.
Male (60 to 64): 1st Rudy Tovar - 31:51
Winners in the 2K run from Mary Immaculate
School were: Male: (1 to 9) - 3rd, Brett Bozarth
- 10:05; Male: (10+) - 1st, Robert Marburger 9:44, 2nd Cole Morin - 9:48, and 3rd Nick Motter
- 10:00.
Male (65+): 1st Geronimo Teran - 28:35
In the female division, the winners were: Female
(1 to 9) - 1st, Kate Wilken -10:20; 2nd, Samantha
Flores - 11:22, and 3rd, Sue Ann Slater - 12:09;
Female: (10+) 1st, Pauli Kerr - 8:48, 2nd,
Madison Feldman - 9:15, and 3rd, Madeline
Tovar- 9:35.
Female (40 to 44): 1st Gari Gonzalez - 26:29,
2nd Teresa Serna - 27:58, and 3rd Alyssa
Lambert - 42:07.
Age category winners were:
Female (0 to 14): 1st Hannah Vance - 33:39
Female (20 to 24): Amy Wilken - 22:18
Female (45 to 49): 1st Carolyn Tovar - 23:38,
2nd Rosemary Martinez - 39:58, and 3rd Kathy
McCoy - 41:20.14.
Winners in the 5K: Overall: 3rd place - Patrick
Ryan - 22:59 - fastest dad, 2nd year in a row; 2nd place - Carolyn Tovar - 23:38, fastest mom.
Female(50 to 54): 1st Amie Lay - 35:37
Age category winners were:
1 mile participants: Male: 1st Earl Clark - 8:33,
2nd John Mahaffey - 20:58, and 3rd Richard
Cusick - 27:01.
Male (0 to 1): 1st - Matthew Tullis - 31:58 and
2nd - Wyatt D”Lizarraga - 40:17
Male (35 to 39): 1st- Patrick Ryan - 22:59
Female(60 to 64) 1st Ruth Teran - 39:18.
Female: 1st Dana Burke - 10:59, 2nd Debra
Tullis - 15:13, and 3rd Karen Morin - 15:18.
Male (40 to 44): 1st Michael Tullis - 24:36 and
3rd Mondo Salinas - 31:00
Male((45 to 49): 1st Todd Kerr - 27:01, 2nd James
Clark - 29:21, and 3rd Ted Young - 30:27.
Male (50 to 54): 1st Rock Beachner - 26;09,
2nd Dennis King - 26:40
Thank you to our sponsors: Mary Immaculate
School and Church, Catholic Arts and Gifts,
Macklin’s Catering Co., Coker Construction,
Turner Hardware, Lewisville Mitsubishi, State
Farm Insurance, Edward Jones Financial Advisor,
Thames Orthodontics, the Lara, Mahaffey, and
Tovar family.
Special thanks to Carol and Tim Dougherty for
providing leadership for the Fun Run and the
White Rose Organization for the 4th year in a row.
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View more Fall Festival
photos at http://
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An old-fashioned pep rally revved up students
prior to the MIS vs. St. Rita games last month.
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Girl Scout Troop 3199
recently attended a
Camping Trip a few of my
girls attended on the
weekend of September 2526th. This camping trip
was set up through
Service Unit 111 for girls
throughout the Farmers
Branch/Carrollton area.
The girls got to horseback
ride, do archery, hike,
swim, camp and learn Girl
Scout Camp Songs!
Girl Scout Troop 490 recently entered vases at
the Dallas Rose Society Fall Rose show held Oct
16th. They also camped in Glen Rose with their
families in early October.
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Eighth graders teaching
rosary making to the
second graders.
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Eighth grades
preparing for the
puppet shows
they perform for
the younger
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