k - Jharkhand
k - Jharkhand
jjR trdq ttrftq +s-d Vd'fr-SrgEIU-s rrGq $tcfrfluFr ftCFr JJ Trfiur ftors ftqFr + q-dafu w.cu.fr. qfi. Td. {r{ sfn noi 6sr-24o1974,2446or9 lrdtlt ttEtR Website:U4!0&b!!!!:dd!!, E-mailld: c-dio ..79.tttd 4..:.Js gss. ur ^4) Ao Io :f D ft ./ fr{io St .....d. g-.0 z.|.?=o|( flo fc-qffqqr +fl $s o.dqrcrfi lr,ft ffit c-sTffi-$6 frtq qfuqr it, gt{{iro-g d qMtncr fuqrEq-{ \if$, I t BqEffi ftss 6 qtiu t o-rqr t frqq: svlrP-Mrs srel E{t TETVFI, d e-s'e t fo frtcrfr, $ *tqrrq futTn, qmur fuors qaroq, qrca gcon, c-{ ftefr e-r c'it4, t-z/zo1a-m ftqio 11.01.2016 *i6.q d{A gq 6iqT t fo Mrs data of qeqdl Ts srk{6-dr t gun dd tg Mrs data d qR Unlfeeze Atl'll qlEcl 6 cll itlQ lc'lti rtllq mls.lswm(Algmall.COm qt q? 9llKl cfl flli ---------\ j\ --\ --------\ Htdor:wMolqqrolqryr \rt-l('t.-t(I): q".t t({ft I ftrqsqrqq, a J\} k," (fr0 ordqrdfi qsfufr-q-e-ffis sfoq ts ffi6 vrqi6', ....fl.].,... """""4'f,*o'e'rol( \Pilfr-ftfu ftiq-s, cfrfufr- ri'ffud fudT d ffirc niq{ wcoc qn erqsrfo off {s-{Tef \ki Tq fu nftor Ew r 6rdqrmo. qfuqr vto t 1; _vtt/ No.l-2l20ld-TE Government of Indi:r Ministry of Rural Development Deparament of Land Resources 6th \r4r- (ss-'^ \ drlcrg\ j\/1tl comptex/ftr' Floor, Block 11, ceo Lodbi Road. New Date: 1ls Delhi Januar"v, 2016 To ctro, SLNA All States Subject: Correction of Data in IWMP - MIS Sir. In continuation to this office letter of cven number dated 29.10.2015 (copy enclosed) I 'am directed to say ihat &e upgradation of 1WMP * MIS is being uadertakea by the Department. .To enable the MIS to be used as a management tool for day to day reporting and decision making, it is important thdt the data in the MIS is update, corect and are reliable. To facilitate the States so that the data entered by the SLNA. WCDC and PIA are correet, a new module has been created in the MIS. In this mtxlule" the financial data submitted by the Stales through their Utilization Cerlificales/ Audited Staternent of Accounts and the consolidated infotmation based on dala entered in the MIS together are being shown side by side so that the two numben can be compared easily, Further the eonsolidated data of Slates can be further broken down right upto &e projecr level. States are now requested to correet the data in fhe MIS (from 2008-09 to Current) so that the information compiled on the trasis of MIS is reconcilecl with that sent through the UCs of the respectiye States. 2. The corection of data in the MIS can be done in the following ways: (a) The expenditure information of erery project of all the previous months (sinoe 2008- 09 10 cunent) can be changed in the MIS and reconciled *'ith intemal paper reportslrecords of SLNA, WCDC, PIA and WC respectively. ft) The reconciliation at gross level in the MIS can be done by only changing one data for March of the particular financial year. Y Al&ough the iecond method appears easier, by following this method for correction of old data : ,. Valuable infrrmatiolregarding implementation and monthly progress will become redundant and unusable. .Tlitrcfrre the- SLNAs are..requested that as far as possible the legacy data sbould be '. . coirectdd irrojict, *iie'.month wiie, $hri Naveen Agarwal, PSA NIC/ MlS-Support, may be contacted for firrther details or help in this regard. : 3.: : As in'formed vide-letter of refererce, it is expected that due diligence and monitoring is being eiercised and tls States are ensuring that tlre correct information on expetrdihu€ and physical achievement are being reported on the MIS for the current financial year. 4. Stares are accondingly requesied to immediately take up the reconoiliation of MIS data, This exercise may be conpleted in one month time. Yours ftithf:lly, r\6*, E n, I r 6r (AmitKumar) Director(WM) c^Lxrc Copy to: Chairman, SLNA All States for informarion Copy to: l. PS toJS(WM) 2. DrGF(Ny DrCF(rWMPyDc 3. Sr Tech Director (NIC)/ Stui Naveen Agrawal t"-1 tl r No. l-212014-TE (WM) Govel'nment of lndia \4inistq of Rural Development Department of Land Resonrces Watershed Management Division . 6r' Floor, Block 1 1, CGO Conrplex, New Delhi Date : 29tr' October, 2015 To, cHo si_liA Pradhan Mantri Kr-ishi Sinchai y<rjeuta (Watershed Componelt) All States Sub: Updation of IWIIII, [IlS (pMKSy WD Componcnt) Sii. I an directed to i'fonn that the Department of Land Resour.ces has proposed to take up revam;:ing and updation of IWMP MIS in a mission mot1c. This ircludes cetain improvemenls in the IMWP MIS format, alignment rvith the requirements of lhe pN4Ksy, ensuring the trueness of the data i' the MIS and using the MIS fbr process flow ie. sanction of grants, sharing of reports and using it as a monitoring tool at all the levels. 2. As a part ofthe revamp, appropriate dashboards are being designed for the use ofDol-\ SLNA' WCDC and PIAs which shall proi,ide information on key performance metrics regarding the implementation of the programme. 3: Howe'er, before the MIS can begin to be used as a management tool, it is absolulely important to errsure that the data in the N{IS, both linancial anct physical is correcl. Correction of thc data inputed by rhe various agencies throughout the states namely, sLNA, wcDCs and llAs is of the highest priority and this work has to be taken up by the States in right earnest, 1.o sta* with, the filemost attention is to.be given to the expenditure data that has been inputed by the States since inception ofthe programme. 5' As coueetion of the expenditure data in the MIS lvill require review and reconciliation of many accounls across the States, it has been'decided that the States will realign their expenditur€ data with the Utilizariol Certilicare that lras been submitted since 2009-10 (post audil)' The stalement showing year wise opening balance, firnds released by Center and States, other recsipls, Expenditure and closing balance avail:ble with the i)oI-R as submiated by the States over thc last 6 1'ears will be uploaded shorlly on the MIS and Slates will have to reconcile =---\ i IW rtV./ * &q \\./ )/ iurd PIA levels) so the State totals are realigned *ith,thi, infonnilion, Vide this letter.rill the CEOs are requested that the reconciliation and that this allgnnient bf thd finansibl infoimarion should be started immediately in the States so thgin corrstiiu;lt&.accounts . (at-SlNA, WCDC task can be completed in a time bourid matrner. . 6. : on the MIS Furtheg:it is biing coriternplated by the Departmert that hertafter' the 'lata will .be treated sacro3a&et and ni: data on financial or physical lt oglts$ shall be e4tertained by to submit pmposals for tbe Depaltnenf bypassing the MIS, As tbere is enough time for the States by the &e Zd in*alt1t6nt-;:it is troped lliat coireclions of lhe data in the MIS will be completed time r.rrhen dernands for 2nd installment becomes due. .}.ilgoe!withoutsayinjthaithistaskwillrequiresustainedefb.t,commimentandclcse ..monitorillg at all levels..?herefore it is advised that the SLNAs should appoint specific persons at *d, PtA. levdls witir the responsibility to oversee the reconciliation and SLNA, should also reiligirn4ent of tl}e financial and physical data throughout their state. Aocounlability of &e clear at vadous levels rind there should be close monitoring till the completion *ClC Ue maaei task. :. g. Further details and instructions on behalf of the Departmcnl course. SLNAs are welcome to providb suggestions in this regard' will be provided in due Yours faithfirlly, l\41 '1al*\'{ A\r. ' AmitKumar . Director (tWM) Phone: 011-24362569 Email: [email protected] , ,copi fonrar.ded to ttre cnairmarl:state Le.vel Nodal Agency, Pradhan Yojana flMaiershed Component), All States Copy f-or information: L 2. PSIoJS(WM) DIGF(Ny DC(WlvD / Sr. Tech Director (hIIC) Manti Krishi sinchai I I