Chinook`s Edge School Division
Chinook`s Edge School Division
Chinook's Edge School Division January 2015 Dates to Remember: Dates to Know: Jan 15-School Council Hugh Sutherland School Notes from Admin Jan 15-School Council We hope that everyone had Jan Jan 22-Last 22-Last Day Day for HighHigh School School Semester I a great Christmas and New Jan 30-No School EXAM DATES: ATES: D M A EX Jan 13-English 30 Diploma (A) Jan 14-Sociaal 30 Diploma (A) Jan 20-English 30 Diploma (B) Year and is excited to get back at it in January. It was great to see the spirit of Christmas at Hugh Suther- Jan 13-English 30 Diploma (A) land School during Decem- Jan 14-Social 30 Diploma (A) ber. We brought in over -Math 30 Diploma 4,500 food items for the Li- Jan 21-English 30 Diploma (B) Jan 23-Social 9 PAT Jan 26-Science 9 PAT Jan 20-English 30 Diploma (B) -Physics 20 Final Jan 27-Physics 30 Diploma Jan 21-English 30 Diploma (B) on’s Hampers, had door -Math 10-3 Final -Science 10 Final Jan 23-Social 9 PAT -English 20 Final Jan 26-Science 9 PAT -Social 20 Final Jan 28-Social 10 Final -Math 30 Diploma -English 10-2 Final -Chem 20 Final -Physics 20 Final Jan 27-Physics 30 Diploma -Math 10-3 Final -Science 10 Final -English 20 Final -Social 20 Final Jan 28-Social 10 Final -English 10-2 Final -Chemistry 20 Final decorating contests, band/choir/grade 4-5 con- Congratulations to HSS on bringing in over 4,500 cans of food for the food hampers!! This is a school record and members of the Lion’s Club were busy sorting through to deliver to families in our community. THANKS HUGH SUTHERLAND!!! certs, brought in many Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and even bought two goats for Free the Children. Our school community is great and we love to see the kids get behind some good causes. Well done HSS. In January, we have a busy month coming up. For the high school students, Semester I is coming to an end and we are busy preparing for school, provincial exams and diplomas for our grade 12’s. We wish all of our students the best of luck and we know that their preparation will pay off. In the middle school, Quadrant 2 of our grade 7/8 options will be coming to a close at the end of the month. Great work so far in your option classes. We really want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and are looking forward to getting 2015 off to a great start. From the HSS Admin Team: George, Dean & Laura Lee Working toward optimal health and wellness together A Message from the Superintendent In Chinook’s Edge, we know that ensuring a healthy physical and social environment in our schools can positively impact student performance and academic achievement. When students and staff in our schools are healthy and well, they are better able to learn, to lead, and to achieve success. People in our schools work hard every day to help each of our students reach their full potential. This begins with ensuring a sense of wellness, which is a balanced state of emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual well-being. To that end, we have worked hard over several months, with multiple staff groups from across our division, to create our new ‘Welcoming, caring, respectful, safe and inclusive schools’ administrative procedure to foster a sense of belonging and well-being among all members of our school community. I thank everyone whose efforts helped define this important admin procedure to support our priorities, and I wish all of our Chinook’s Edge families a happy and healthy new year. Kurt Sacher Superintendent of Schools KODIAK Athletics Basketball season is up and running. We have approximately 80 students playing organized basketball this year on one of eight teams. The new gym is being put to good use, and we are using both of the old gyms for practices. Thank you to all the coaches for all the volunteer hours they put in with our students. We are trying to get a curling program going on Wednesdays after school for grade 9 to 12 students. If you are interested, please see Mrs. McCambly as soon as possible. School curling bonspiels happen in February. One-to-One Reading Hugh Sutherland School will be starting a new session of its One-toOne Reading Program in February 2015, and we are looking for more committed volunteers to read with our younger students! Volunteer expectations: Commitment of at least 1 hour per week to read one-on- Page 2 Welcome to Kindergarten! Beginning in January, we will be accepting Kindergarten registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. Children must be five years old by December 31, 2015, to begin attending Kindergarten in the fall of 2015. If you are interested in information on Pre-Kindergarten programming, please contact us! There are no school fees for Kindergarten students in Chinook’s Edge. KINDNESS is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. PINK SHIRT DAY is Feb 25, 2015 The sea of pink will be bringing in waves of respect, generosity, integrity, leadership and collaboration. There will be an assembly on the 25th, time TBA. Parents are welcome. Imagine accepting everyone. Imagine if we all thought everyone was beautiful. Imagine a world of peace. We need to join as one and stop bullying. one with students One morning or afternoon of volunteer training in January or February Criminal record check, child welfare check, and confidentiality agreement School! Students greatly benefit from having one-on-one reading time with adults, and it helps children learn literacy skills for life. For more information, please contact Michaela Allen at [email protected] or 403-337-3326. We look forward to This is an excellent opportunity for working together with families in family members to become involved in the community to build strong readers and help students develop a student learning and to support and encourage literacy at Hugh Sutherland love for reading! H U G H S U T H E R L A N D SC H O O L Page 3 Kodiak Snack Shack 5 6 CLOSED Mac’N’Cheese $3.50 January 7 Chicken Caesar Salad $3.50 8 9 Burgers $3 Pizza Doubles $4 12 13 14 15 16 CLOSED Taco in a Bag $3.50 Basics & Pizza ReHeat Burgers $3 Pizza Doubles $4 19 20 CLOSED Perogies $3.50 21 Chicken Caesar Salad $3.50 22 23 Burger $3 Pizza Doubles $4 26 27 28 29 30 CLOSED Taco in a Bag $3.50 Basics & Pizza ReHeat Basics NO SCHOOL Science Fair “We WANT YOU!!” The 2015 Science Fair season is quickly approaching. It is never too early to start thinking about doing a science fair project. At this time we just want to get this reminder out to all families. Some students have already started their projects. More information to follow. The JV Boys Basketball team will be hosting tournaments on January 9-10 as well as February 6 -7. Everyone is encouraged to come out and support the Kodiaks JV boys. This year’s team has been working hard and is looking forward to playing in front of a strong supportive home crowd. Drama Club Auditions for "Haphazardly Ever After" will be from 3:30-4:30 on Jan 7 & 8. Auditions are open to students in grades 4-12. Interested students can contact Miss Strand or Mrs. Sadek for scripts. Stay tuned for more information about practice dates and times in the New Year! Thank YOU!!! ~To Mary Smith and Maurice St Onge, the Sweere Family and Carstairs RV for their donations to the Breakfast Program! ~ To all parents and students who participated in our annual food drive in December. We brought in over 4500 cans. ~To audience and participants in the band concert and grade 4/5 concert. ~ To everyone who took part in various Christmas activities, bake sales and classroom parties! Congratulations to the grade four/five students for a wonderful concert on December 11. The grade 6-12 band/ choir concert held on Hugh Sutherland School RR#1 Carstairs AB T0M 0N0 December 10 was also a fantastic Phone: 403-337-3326 Fax: 403-337-3918 CHINOOK'S EDGE SCHOOL DIVISION event. Mrs. Bosomworth took the Grade 8 classes to Mio Sushi Restaurant in Airdrie to enjoy an authentic Japanese meal. This was a wrap up ac- Where Students Come First tivity for our study of Japan in Social Studies. The students sampled sev- eral foods such as sushi, California rolls, vegetable & shrimp tempura, dumplings & chicken teriyaki, as well as traditional Japanese tea & dessert. It was a fantastic experience! Thanks to all the parents who volunteered to drive! The Athletic Department will be selling Subway Cards for $10 each in January. The cards give you over $70 in savings in free Subway Sandwiches. See Mrs. McCambly or Mr. Cashato to purchase your card. Congratulations!!! to 5MA on getting FIRST PLACE in the Door Decorating contest! Second place went to Mrs. Paulgaard’s grade 7’s and Third Place went to Mrs. Bosomworth & Mrs. Pollock’s Grade 8’s. Good job everyone!!