The Mission Echo - The South Carolina United Methodist Conference


The Mission Echo - The South Carolina United Methodist Conference
The Mission Echo
J UN E 2 0 1 4
Assembly 2014
2014 Executive Team
President-Linda DuRant
[email protected]
V. President-Marlene Spencer
[email protected]
Secretary-Beth Addis
[email protected]
Treasurer-Maureen Thomas
[email protected]
Tina Waters
[email protected]
Program Resources
Judy Roumillat
[email protected]
Social Action
Betsy Graham
Spiritual Growth
Evelyn Pauling
[email protected]
Education & Interpretation
Sue Owens
[email protected]
Membership Nurture & Outreach
Cathy Ford
[email protected]
Doris Sullivan
[email protected]
Mission Echo Page 2
Musings From The President
Linda DuRant
Wow, this has certainly been a busy time for all of us in the South Carolina Conference of United Methodist Women. We had
hardly finished Legislative Day when we plunged into Day Apart celebrated by all 12 Districts in the month of March when we
geared up for Assembly! We certainly did “Make It Happen” in Louisville, Kentucky, as we worshipped and sang and shopped
and ate and learned about new initiatives and celebrated United Methodist Women. I felt such a kinship with women from across
the nation and around the world. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made in His image and we are alike in our concerns and in
things that can bring us to tears or fill us with joy. The young people who clogged for us and sang for us, the Native Americans
who helped to kick off the Assembly, the beautiful smiles and exotic dresses of our Korean sisters all helped us to see that we
must be doing something right as we strive to support one another through our PURPOSE as United Methodist Women. The
Assembly Offering became an action step as half of that offering will go towards maternal health projects worldwide. If you
want to know more about how your mission giving supports maternal and child health worldwide go to
We had no sooner gotten back from Louisville than we packed our bags and headed out for the Spiritual Growth Retreat at
Lake Junaluska. Our speaker, Reverend Becky Shirley, entertained and challenged us with her topic “Purses, Pocketbooks and
Totes: Carrying the Essentials for Christian Discipleship.” The weather was beautiful and over 500 of us gathered to learn and to
Before we know it we will be heading to Myrtle Beach for a fun day at Come Together Be Together. We are dressing as children about to spend a day at the beach and once again we will choose 8 of the best costumed to compete for donations to help
Wallace Family Life Center, one of our 5 mission projects. As of the cut-off date for registrations the total count, including the
speaker and other special guests was 358! WOW!!! I told several people who were worrying about being at Myrtle Beach during
Bikers Week that I was not the least bit concerned...300 United Methodist Women can certainly handle a few thousand bikers!!!
And in the midst of all this busy-ness, I find that I need to stop and take a moment to be still and to know that He is God and that
He is still in control. Even the most devoted and enlightened among us can be overcome with “doing” things. Even when they
are good and spiritual and spirit filled, too many of us just don’t take time to breathe and to appreciate all that God has done and
is doing in our lives because we are so busy doing what we think He wants us to do. I think about the story of Mary and Martha,
and I readily admit that I am more sympathetic to Martha every time I read that story. I too would have worried that we might
not have enough food or that things weren’t just right, because after all JESUS was stopping by. And I too would have been upset that Mary had skipped out without doing her part...but I wouldn’t have tattled! I think there is a lesson for all of us. Sometimes we just need to sit and let ourselves relax and lean into His arms. He is always there for us and we only have to claim his
peace as our own.
I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your sweet cards and e-mails and phone calls and
especially the Gifts in Memory that were sent to me following the death of my mother, Margaret Jones.
She lived a long and productive life and while we will miss her every day of our lives we know exactly
where she is and that we will see her again. Your love and support during this difficult time has been
deeply appreciated. I am fortunate to be a part of such a tremendous group of women. You truly have
been my supportive sisterhood.
With much love,
Mission Echo Page 3
Education & Interpretation
Sue Owens
What a busy time of year it is!!! I know you are working on your crafts for the Craft Room at Mission u, July 24-26. Are
you making lots of beautiful things to be sold there? Are you taking advantage of the sales on sugar in preparation for making jams and jellies? Do you watch the Sunday ads for sales on yarn, like I do? Have you dusted off and oiled your sewing
machines and started making those wonderful coin purses, pillow cases, and whatever “elses” that you are famous for? If
you are unable to bring your crafts to Mission u, please send them with someone from your district (Your district Education
and Interpretation Coordinator would be a good place to start looking for a transporter). Our Craft Room has moved this
year. It will be located in the Art Room of the Ellis classroom building—down the hall from registration. Look for us as you
register. Please bring your crafts as soon as you arrive on campus as we need to set up and open up. Anything not sold can
be picked up by Saturday lunchtime. Anything left over will be given to Wallace Family Life Center for a shopping spree
for the children who will want to give good gifts to their families at Christmas.
Are you saving used stamps? I hope so!!! These recycled stamps will be collected, trimmed (unless you have already
trimmed them, leaving about a quarter inch margin around the stamp) and sent to the Marion Storehouse in Marion, Indiana,
all during the year, so don’t save them just for our Annual Meeting in October. Recycling/collection boxes for stamps will
be available at Conference events all during the year. Or you can mail them to me.
But how are these stamps used by the Storehouse? The stamps are sold to stamp collectors all over the world. The
proceeds are used to send shoes, medical supplies, clothes, and other supplies to Methodist Churches in Zambia
and Republic of Congo where they are distributed. It costs $15,000-$20,000 to ship a forty-foot semi-trailer-sized
container which travels for almost six months before reaching its destination. This is a painless way that we can
support people across the globe.
Why are shoes so important in that part of the world? There are parasites that live in the soil which enter the body
through the feet, causing devastating illness. That thin strip of a shoe sole makes a major difference in the lives and
health of children.
Who runs this Marion Storehouse? It is run completely by volunteers. There are no salaries for CEOs or for janitors or for anyone in-between. All proceeds from the sale of these stamps and from other contributions go to securing and shipping supplies.
Also available at Conference events will be a recycled collection can for $$$$ to pay for postage for the stamps to go to
Indiana. Please donate so that our pledge money can be used for the women, children and youth of our National and International Mission Projects.
As you are bringing your used stamps to events, don’t forget to bring new stamps and gift cards for our five mission projects from across the conference.
Elsewhere in the Mission Echo, you will find information about the fourteen Advance Special Ministries that need our financial support during a special offering November 2. Please emphasize these in your local congregations. Educate the
masses as to what these ministries do.
And, lastly, you will find a Mission Today Action Checklist in this edition of the Mission Echo. You may already be working on this. Note that this is the same form that every district will now be using. You will be reporting actions that your unit
has taken from your last district Annual Meeting to this year’s district Annual meeting, a change for some of you.
See you at Mission u!!!!
One Mission Echo is sent to each church. If your church is not receiving one, please check with Tina
Waters, Communications Coordinator, to verify the mailing address. Individual subscriptions are also
available. The cost is $8 per year for printed copies. Email subscriptions are free. The Echo is also
posted on the website and Facebook. These addresses can be found on the last page of this issue.
Mission Echo Page 4
The Vice President’s Corner
Marlene Spencer
My Dear Sisters in Christ,
Peace and grace be with you in the name of Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Savior. The first
half of 2014 has been extremely active for the South Carolina Conference United Methodist
Women. Our team has worked hard to ensure that this time has been successful. The enthusiasm, ideas, prayers and dedication have helped to make all of our events moving experiences. The presence of the Lord has surely been with us.
As we move into the second half of the year, there is still work to be done. In addition to
turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the
World, there are many events to prepare for.
I am very excited about this fall’s Annual Meeting. There will be a few changes, but for
now, I need to tell you that we will celebrate forty two years of United Methodist Women in
South Carolina with the theme: “And What Does the Lord Require of You?”. This year’s Annual Meeting will be held on October 24-25, 2014, at Carteret Street United Methodist
Church in the beautiful city of Beaufort, South Carolina. Please mark your calendars. The
registration form is in this edition of the Mission Echo and can be found on line as well. Hotel information will be available on the website soon.
May God Bless and Keep each of you.
Mission Echo Page 5
Mission Echo Page 6
The 2014 Spiritual Growth Retreat was accented by Purses, Handbags and Totes; following the theme
“Carrying the Essential Contents for a Life of Discipleship.” The 2014 retreat logo was displayed on large screens
that added to the creative stage design displaying an assortment of hand bags, purses, totes, and an enormous
white cross. Last, a bible was carefully placed on a table stating “In God We Trust.”
Rev. Becky Shirley, the key note speaker for this event did an amazing job in illustrating and teaching the
520 plus ladies the importance of carrying the essential contents for a life of discipleship. As usual, the beautiful,
calm, and peaceful atmosphere of God's divine nature at Lake Junaluska enhanced this year’s message. Souls
were blessed through an array of music and songs permitting the Holy Spirit to be magnified. As Psalm 9:1-2
states, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let’s extol Him with
thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.” Thus, the song leader and the musician were success at accomplishing this mission. Nevertheless, with the combined talent of the key note special speaker (Rev. Becky
Shirley, pastor of Platt Springs United Methodist Church in W. Columbia, SC), the song leader (Pastor Lola Sexton, pastor of Signs & Wonders Life Center, Charlotte, NC), and the Rev. Ann Hoyt, (retired pastor) the divine
presence of God was allowed to radiate throughout Stuart Auditorium. My prayer is that these ladies continue to
allow God to expose their talents and win souls for his kingdom.
Furthermore, the positive feedback from attendees concerning the retreat and lives that were forever
changed lifted my spiritual being. My response is that this event was a team effort from God and the women from
the Spiritual Growth Committee. Praise God for all that service in honor of his name! It is in him that we are armed
with strength and our path is guided. Although we are very appreciative and are honored to receive such positive
feedback, we ask that you thank and give God the glory. As a song writer once sung, “If it had not been for the
Lord on our side,” this year’s retreat would not have turned out to be such a success.
As this was my first time chairing the Spiritual Growth Retreat, you overlooked my shortcomings and encouraged me through your smiles, hugs and kind words. Therefore, I would like to give thanks to the Spiritual
Growth Committee for being team players and carrying out God’s mission. Individually our talents came together
as a great team and the final result was positive. I thank God for each one of you and pray that God will continue
to bless and lay his hand upon you. I also would like to thank God for Dr. John Ewing (Executive Director of Lake
Junaluska), LuAnn Davis, (Event Coordinator), Debbie, Mark, and the guys who gave great effort in having everything prepared for us. God bless you all!
Lastly, SCCUMW thank you for supporting the 2014 Spiritual Growth Retreat. It was a joy seeing and interacting with you all at the lake shore. I look forward to serving and being with you all at future events.
May God continue to bless you!
Evelyn Pauling,
Spiritual Growth Retreat Chair
Mission Echo Page 7
Mission u 2014
Spartanburg Methodist College
1000 Powell Mill Road, Spartanburg, SC
July 24-26
Fasten your seat belts and get ready!
Mission u 2014 is on the way! Mission u 2014 will offer the above three courses of study, but with a twist. First of all, what is Mission u? Mission u, formerly called the “School of Christian Mission,” is an event which provides in depth mission education that
leads to personal change in order to transform the world. Mission u helps us understand the mission of the church and our responsibilities in the fulfillment of that mission. Participants will have seven (7) hours of our spiritual growth study, “How Is It with Your
Soul?” and six (6) hours in their choice of a second study either, “The Roma of Europe,” or “The Church and People with Disabilities.” Mission u also includes worship and singing, hands-on-missions, mission encounters with our five SCCUMW missions, and
fellowship including the UMW Unlimited Talent Show and BINGO.
Mission u is open to UMW members including clergy and non-members. Everyone, ages 18 and older, is encouraged to attend with
the event ending on Saturday so pastors, choir members, musicians, and Sunday school teachers are not required to be absent from
their churches on Sunday. CEU credits are available.
Now about that twist…Important changes to note this year:
1. The opening plenary from 4:15-5:00 p.m. in Camak Auditorium is before dinner, after registration in Ellis Hall from 1:00-4:00
2. The event ends on Saturday with closing worship/ plenary ending at 5:00 and dinner is available.
3. Everyone is registered for the spiritual growth study, “How Is It with Your Soul?” held in Bridges Arena (the gym, lower level of
Camak) and a second study choice of either “The Roma of Europe” or “The Church and People with Disabilities. “ Collection jars
will be in Bridges Arena for the Roma mission.
4. Bishop Holston will lead the Bible study on Friday afternoon.
Important Things to Know about SCCUMW’s Mission u 2014 at Spartanburg Methodist College:
1. Ellis Hall is Mission u Central: Registration, Craft Room, Resource Room, Under-Forty and First-Timers Orientation, Limitless
Lounge (women under 30), Mission Exhibits/Encounters, Hands on Mission, Ice Cream Social, Open Mic UMW Talent Unlimited
2. The site is accessible. If you have special needs, please contact Rebecca Rochester at 864-466-6981 or [email protected] by
June 1, 2014. Golf carts shuttle for all activities (wheel chair accessible)
3. Our insurance will not cover children other than nursing babies; therefore, no other children will be allowed at the Mission u
4. Limitless Women (Ages 30 and under) Wi-Fi lounge second floor above registration in Ellis Hall.
5. Open Mic (UMW Talent Unlimited) & BINGO will be Friday after the SCCUMW- 5 - Missions Encounter and Ice Cream Social.
6. Bess Dowling Ware Scholarship Available: call/text Rebecca Rochester (864) 466-6981
7. Questions concerning registration, call Jean Doscher (843) 870-3717
TEXTBOOKS: Order in advance from Resource Center, United Methodist Women Orders,
P.O. Box 742349, Atlanta, GA 30374-2349, or purchase from the United Methodist Women’s Conference Events’ Resource Room [All need How Is it with Your Soul? text]
REGISTRATION DEADLINE is June 30, 2014; Registrations are transferable. No refunds after June 1.
Registration Form and full details are available in Mission Echo and online at http// then click on Ministries and
click on United Methodist Women or go to htttp://
Mission Echo Page 8
2014 SC Conference UMW Mission u (formerly called School of Christian Mission)
Theme: “Working Together for the Transformation of the World”
Spartanburg Methodist College, Spartanburg, SC
Thursday, July 24- Saturday, 26, 2014
Dean: Rebecca Rochester Assistant Dean: Ann Alexander Registrar: Jean Doscher
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Registration: Thursday afternoon from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. & 6-6:45p.m. – Ellis Hall Atrium
First Session: Thursday 4:15pm to 5pm Gathering and opening plenary. Ellis Hall Auditorium
First Class: Thursday evening 7pm to 9:30pm Camak Gym Spiritual Growth
Resource Room: Thursday, 2pm to 4pm (set up 1pm to 2pm)
Craft room: Thursday: set up 1pm to 2pm. Open 2pm to 4pm
First-Timers and Under 40’s Orientation: Thursday, 3pm to 4pm. Ellis Hall
Closing Worship: Saturday 4:15pm-5pm, Camak Gym
Courses: All students will take the Spiritual Growth Study as well as one of the other two courses.
Offering: An offering will be received at the Friday evening session.
Housing: Resident students will be housed in college dormitories. Bring bed and bath linens, bath mat, soap,
light blanket or spread for a single bed, pillow, coat hangers, alarm clock, comfortable clothes, walking shoes,
hat, flashlight, umbrella, extension cord, reading lamp, Bible, pens, notebooks, trash bags, jacket or sweater,
and other items necessary for your comfort away from home. Dorm rooms may be cold–bring appropriate
linens as needed.
Cost: Resident student ($160) – Includes 6 meals and 2 nights lodging. There will be an extra charge of $50
if you arrive on Wednesday evening. Day student ($100) – Includes 6 meals.
Refund Policy: Requests must be submitted to the Dean via email by June 1, 2014. NO REFUNDS AFTER
June 1, 2014. Remember that registrations are transferrable if you have to cancel.
Keys: The key deposit is $10 and is refundable at checkout.
Textbooks: You may purchase in advance by ordering toll free from the Mission Resource Center 1-800-3059857 or by FAX 1-770-280-0061, or the Resource Room on campus, open during registration from 2:00-4:00
p.m. For information about each of the 2014 studies or Order
texts through:
Craft Room: Please bring crafts to be sold to Ellis Hall by 2:30 Thursday. Proceeds will be divided among
the five Mission Projects.Hand made crafts, baked or preserved goods, and new items for sale. Let’s put
crafts back in the Craft Room. No more white elephants please.
Walking Problems? Don’t Worry! Golf carts will be available to get you from place to place on campus. The
drivers are fun, experienced, willing and ready!
Only nursing infants allowed, Child Care will not be offered.
Emergency Numbers: College Switchboard 864-587-4000. Campus Security-864-587-4003.
Registration Form
2014 SC Conference UMW Mission u (Formerly called School of Christian Mission)
Pick up registration packets 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., Thursday, July 24, 2014 in Ellis Hall
Late registration 6pm to 6:45pm, Ellis Hall
Please Type or Print Clearly
Name _____________________________________ Roommate _____________________________________
Street __________________________________________ City ___________________________________
State _________ Zip _____________ Phone _________________ Email _____________________________
District ________________________________ Church ____ _______________________________________
Would you like your confirmation letter emailed or mailed? _______________________________________
Registration without remittance will not be processed. Make checks payable to SCCUMW
Registrations that are postmarked after JUNE 30, 2014, must include
a $10 late fee and must be received by the Registrar NO LATER
THAN JULY 5, 2014. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS AFTER JUNE 1, 2014. Registrations are transferrable if you have to cancel.
Check all that apply.
Under 40
____ Conference Officer
Attending for First Time
____ District Officer
Resident Student - $160
_____ Active _____ Retired
Day Student - $100
Missionary _____ Active _____ Retired
Arriving Wednesday – Additional $50
(If you have a physical condition that requires our consideration, please specify as above and mail as soon as
The rooms are limited and it is essential that we are able to plan for you in advance.)
In case of emergency, please contact ________________________________________________________
Telephone ________________________________ Cell Phone ____________________________________
All Students will take the Spiritual Growth study “How Is It With Your Soul?” and will be assigned to either of
the following courses as well. Every effort will be made to place you in your first choice.
___ Geographic Study: The Roma of Europe
_____Social Action study: The Church and People With Disabilities
Are you interested in participating in a plenary or opening session? ____ Yes
____ No
If your answer is yes, please call Ann Alexander, Assistant Dean: 803-222-4958 or [email protected]
Are you interested in driving a golf cart? __________ Yes ____ No
Mail completed form with payment by June 30, 2014 to: Jean Doscher
SCCUMW Mission u
2432 Vistavia Road
North Charleston, SC 29406
(843) 870-3717
You will receive a confirmation letter on or before July 15, 2014 . Please contact the registrar if you have not received this
by July 20, 2014 . IMPORTANT-Please see General Information Sheet for more details about the school.
Mission Echo Page 10
Membership Nurture & Outreach
Cathy Ford
The Prayer Boxes from Lake Junaluska Spiritual Growth Retreat are now in my home. These boxes
contain hand written prayer requests from the attendees. They have been prayed upon individually and
collectively, both silently and spoken aloud. I will continue to pray for them daily. They will travel with
me to United Methodist Women's events. I invite you to include the Lake Junaluska Prayer Boxes in
your daily prayers. God knows what is on each prayer request. All we need to do is ask Him to take
care of them.
It was great seeing you all at Assembly and our Spiritual Growth Retreat. I look forward to more time
with you at our Come Together Be Together and Mission u. We will have a Limitless Lounge for all our
young UMW to enjoy at Mission u. There will be more fun and games during talent night. Come ready
to study hard and enjoy great fellowship and fun. See you there!
1Corinthians 13:13 So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
To my fellow South Carolina Conference United Methodist Women (SCCUMW), I just want to take this time to
share my Assembly experience with you, and also to thank you for your continued support of the SC Limitless
Team! For the past two years we have been working to share the mission and purpose of the United Methodist
Women (UMW) while assisting in building membership amongst the younger generation. By doing so, our plan is
to create an ever evolving foundation, providing support and longevity of the organization. Three of your SC Limitless team members were privileged to attend the Limitless: Redefine Tomorrow Reunion held in Louisville, KY at
Assembly 2014. This reunion gave us a platform to reflect and dialogue with our fellow Limitless colleagues and the
national office about our experiences, challenges, successes, and our not so great successes. It also provided means
for our individual core groups to develop new ideas for problem solving and maneuvering around many of the common roadblocks faced along this journey thus far.
The Assembly workshops and worship services were absolutely phenomenal, to say the least. It was a joy to see my
fellow South Carolinians in the hallways, on the trolleys, walking up/down Fourth Street, waving across the auditorium, on the escalators, in the elevators, and of course during snack time! I thoroughly enjoyed the pre- Assembly
Ubuntu Day of Service, a day of mission where more than 600 participants volunteered, providing many different
services in and around the Louisville area. Ubuntu is a Zulu word which demonstrates the concept “I am human because you are human.” I was afforded the opportunity to serve at the Cabbage Patch Settlement House, which provides services to children and their families. This particular house was the inspiration for the “Cabbage Patch Kid”
dolls, which were quite popular in the 70’s and 80’s.
This was a memorable and life changing Assembly, so as we return to our local communities to assist in the progression of the UMW organization we are committed to expanding our views, for the betterment of the lives of women
and children everywhere. Assembly 2014 has reenergized and reassured us as leaders. It has encouraged us to do
more LEADING. As the forerunners of this LIMITLESS MOVEMENT, and with your continual prayers and assistance, we will continue to…MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Love always,
Azaviea Brown, SCCUMW: Young Adult Limitless Team Member
Unit President______________________________________________Date____________
Unit_Name_____________________________________Number of members in unit________
Units, which include all circles, must complete at least 10 of the following items. All units must complete #1.
Your unit
____1. Made and met its Pledge to Mission.
____2. Used the Prayer Calendar at each General Membership Meeting of the unit to pray for people in mission and for our
mission work with women, children and youth.
____3. Added at least one or more members to its roll.
____4. Had at least one member who subscribes to Response Magazine.
____5. Had at least one member (other than a conference or district officer) attend Mission u and/or a
district or local mission study.
____6. Had at least one member (other than a conference or district officer) attend the District Annual Meeting.
____7. Had at least one member (other than a conference or district officer) attend the Conference Annual Meeting.
____8. Had at least two members who wrote to at least five people listed in the Prayer Calendar
at least once during the year.
____9. Participated in the Campaign for Children.
___10. Is a Five Star Unit, contributing to all five channels of Mission Giving.
___11. Had at least one person complete one of the plans in the Reading Program.
___12. Invited a district or conference officer, other than a member of the unit, to one unit
meeting during the year.
Your unit, circle, or subgroup
___13. Included a Response Moment where an article from Response Magazine was lifted up as a way to tell the mission
story in at least three meetings
___14. Had at least two programs from the Program Book.
___15. Implemented the Charter for Racial Justice Policies in at least two ways.
Mission Echo Page 12
Secretary of Program Resources
Judy Roumillat
Thank you very much for coming by to see me in the Resource Room at Lake Junaluska
during the Spiritual Growth Retreat. It was encouraging to see your warm smiles and to receive comments on specific items I’ve included in this space in previous issues. I’m sure
many of you read our UMW Conference newsletter, but it meant so much to have comments
about specific things mentioned in this column. I have enjoyed sharing information with you
and love knowing that you are benefiting from it.
There are a couple of new resources from the UMW printing office. Our new membership
brochure is We Are United Methodist Women. Also, a new booklet, On a Path for Mission, is a perfect item for new members and/or potential members of the UMW and will be of
interest to long time members, too. It gives historical and current information about UMW.
Both of these items are now available through the Mission Resource Center and can be obtained at district and conference resource rooms.
Please, be reminded that the reading year has been moved to align it with other reports and
awards at district annual meetings. Reading done from annual meeting to annual meeting, not
calendar year, will be reported in the future. There has been strong support for this change.
However, concern has been expressed. There is fear that readers will not be able to get their
books early enough to read enough books by the next annual meeting. Districts that I’ve talked
with said they just continue to read from the full list of books until the books on the new lists
are available.
Remember that the UMW Reading List is comprised of books on the lists for FIVE years.
Right now there 163 books on the current reading list which will continue to be on the list next
year. The new reading year will include books for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
The new list comes out in the fall and sometimes the books may not be available for those
early annual meetings. When the new list is emailed to me from the UMW, I send it on to the
District SPRs and encourage them to make the list available to you. You may want to email
your SPR and ask her to forward it to you when it comes to her.
If your church or district is having great success with your Reading Program, please let me
know what’s working for you and I’ll share it to inspire other groups. I’m especially interested
in hearing about any Reading Circles or Reading Clubs which may be working well.
[email protected].
Contact information for resource materials
UMW PO Box 742349 Atlanta, GA 30374
Mission Echo Page 13
A Note from the Treasurer
Maureen Thomas
Ladies, in our last report we shouted Halleluiah! for achieving 97% of our Conference goal and now we are doing
Halleluiahs and more for exceeding our National pledge. As you can see, we can accomplish much doing it TOGETHER. I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am to be a part of such a great group of women. You really show
your “love, faith and hope in action” every time you support those in need. It’s hard to imagine what the world would
be like without you. Keep up the good work, spread the word, and share the good news. To God be the Glory!
Mission Echo Page 14
Send to: Doris Sullivan
1304 Elm Hall Circle
Summerville, SC 29483
Mission Echo Page 15
In years past, this very special Sunday has gone pretty much unnoticed in our churches. On this particular Sunday, an offering will be received to
help fund the work of these special ministries who network together to see, cultivate, and share a wide range of United Methodist resources to support and strengthen them. Below are some highlights of the work/mission of these Ministries. For more information, look at the Advance Special
Ministries link on the website.
ALSTON WILKES SOCIETY has expanded its ministries to include, not only rehabilitative services to adults released from correctional institutions, but also at-risk youth, homeless veterans, other homeless individuals, and the families of these groups of people.
BENNETTSVILLE CHERAW AREA COOPERATIVE MINISTRY serves persons living in Marlboro and Chesterfield counties of SC. Its
programs and ministries focus on meeting the holistic needs of families through weekly Bible studies, prayer, workshops and seminars, and school
enrichment. In addition, it sponsors programs for children and youth, VBS picnic, quarterly leadership trainings, health screenings, soup kitchen,
food distribution, and summer day camp--to name a few.
BETHLEHEM COMMUNITY CENTER (COLUMBIA) strives to educate and enrich the lives of individuals and families in the Midlands to
help them achieve their success. Programming includes an afterschool partnership program and an introduction to mini-film production for children.
BETHLEHEM CENTER (SPARTANBURG) is a multi-service agency providing an array of programs to residents in Spartanburg County. Services include an afterschool program for children, Bible Study and adult morning out programs, food pantry, and computer lab.
COASTAL SAMARITAN COUNSELING CENTER, located in Myrtle Beach, provides counseling, pastoral and spiritually integrated psychotherapy, education and consultation to individuals and families in crisis due to mental illness. It works hand-in-hand with pastors and local churches to stabilize families and improve mental health.
COOPERATIVE MINISTRY is fighting poverty by working to increase the economic self-sufficiency of people in the Midlands through crisis
assistance and sustainability programs. It works to assist those in need, while also preventing duplication of services.
INTERFAITH COMMUNITY SERVICES, found in Columbia, has a mission to convene, educate, and coordinate faith and other community
partners to build strong families and strong communities in the nearby complex called Riverside Apartments.
KILLINGSWORTH is a transition home for women in crisis. This ministry supports, empowers and advocates for women recovering from crisis
within a safe, nurturing Christian environment. In addition to room and board, it offers counseling, education, spiritual development, job development and work support, life skills training, and community re-orientation.
P.A.T.H. has a mission to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and give financial aid to those in crisis in York School District #1 (York, Sharon,
Hickory Grove, Smyrna, and McConnells). It has a food pantry and a thrift store to help those who need them. The Lions Club takes referrals for
optometric care. Two dentists provide emergency dental care when needed.
RURAL MISSION INC. serves the people of the Sea Islands, addressing basic human needs families have such as decent housing through renovations and construction, educational, spiritual, and emotional concerns they face. Crisis assistance is offered when funds are available. They network with other community-based organizations, churches, schools, and businesses.
TRACY JACKSON PROGRAM OF G.I.F.T. (GENERAL INSTRUCTION FOR TOMORROW) provides free services for the children of
Abbeville and Anderson counties. These services include approved lunches weekdays, physical activities, mind-building experiences, and back-to
school supplies.
UNITED METHODIST VOLUNTEERS IN MISSION (UMVIM) provides opportunities for South Carolinians to get personally involved in
short-term mission projects at home and abroad. Its services include construction, medical care, education, agriculture, Early Response to disaster,
long-term recovery teams and supportive services.
UNITED MINISTRIES OF GREENVILLE is a direct service agency focused on solutions to poverty and homelessness. Its mission is to provide life changing opportunities and advocacy for people in the Greenville community who lack education or employment skills, who are
in financial crisis, who are homeless, and those who can help.
WALLACE FAMILY LIFE CENTER is a family-oriented facility whose mission is to provide educational, cultural, recreational, and religious
programs to enrich the lives of the people who live in the Wallace/Bennettsville communities. A variety of programs are offered to people of all
These brief descriptions of the fourteen ministries that are included in the Advance Special offering on November 2 barely touch the surface of
what they do on a daily basis. Get involved. Take action. GIVE!!!! on November 2 so that these ministries will continue to be funded and able to
help the people under their care.
The South Carolina Conference
United Methodist Women
Non-Profit Org.
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Summerville, SC
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Summerville, SC 29483
The Organized Unit of
United Methodist Women
shall be a community of
women whose PURPOSE
is to know God and to
experience freedom as
whole persons through
Jesus Christ; to develop a
creative, supportive
fellowship; and to expand
concepts of mission
through participation in
the global ministries of
the church.
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“South Carolina
Conference United
Methodist Women”
Special Notes
South Carolina Mission
Projects Emphasis
Wallace Family Life
Center, Bennettsville
Columbia Bethlehem Center
Tina Waters
Communications Coordinator
303 Factors Walk
Summerville, SC 29485
E-mail: [email protected]
Cost: $8.00 per year
Rural Mission
Incorporated, Johns
Killingsworth, Columbia
Bethlehem Community Center, Spartanburg