MAY 2014 - Cherokee Water Company
MAY 2014 - Cherokee Water Company
MAY 2014 Preservation Club Easter Egg Hunt page 8 The Cherokee Published by the Cherokee Water Company NK 20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 LEASE RENEWALS Payment was due April 1st for those shareholders that took advantage of the split payment option for the 2013-2014 lease renewal. A $100 late fee was added May 1st to the amount due but unpaid. If not received in the CWC office by May 31st, another late fee of $100 will be due. The President’s Perspective In this Issue . . . Board Meeting Minutes Boater Ed. Registration Manager’s Report Preservation Club Sprouts LARC Ladies Bridge First Friends News From the 19th Hole Free Golf Bulletin Board Shopper’s Corner Cherokee Fishing Club Knife, Fork & Trowel Calendar Cherokee Water Co. NK20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 I hope shareholders have had a chance to see how beautiful Lake Cherokee looks from the water. The azaleas and dogwoods have been spectacular the last few weeks. Lake Cherokee is truly a unique and wonderful place to live. 2 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 16 18 19 22 At the last CWC committee meetings held April 14, the CWC Board heard from Encore media concerning our upcoming launch of our new web page. Our new web page is on schedule to be up and running by July 4th. Thanks to the Long Range Planning committee for all their work. CWC management informed the board that the spring cleanup was a success. If a shareholder has a suggestion on how CWC could improve the next clean up, please contact the CWC office with your suggestions or comments. CWC has signed a contract with Miller Construction to begin the upgrade all of the CWC roads. The construction is to begin sometime in May and if all goes as planned, all of the CWC roads will be repaired during 2014. The Building and Grounds committee have been working on this project for over a year. Thanks to all on the committee for their hard work. There have been special events held the past two weekends at Lake Cherokee. The Fishing Club held their annual Spring fishing tournament two weeks ago, and this past weekend, the Preservation Club held their annual Easter Egg hunt. Both events were highly successful. For more information on how to get involved with these two organizations contact Bo Besharse with the Fishing Club, and Jane Wolven with the Preservation Club. I mentioned in a previous President’s article that I may use this platform to address misinformation concerning CWC and its operations. As I arrived at the Thursday CWC Board meeting last week, I was asked by a shareholder if there was any truth to the rumor that the CWC was planning on building a new office complex on the property just East of the current CWC office. The shareholder mentioned there were red stakes on the property. 1) CWC doesn’t own that property; 2) The red stakes were in place to mark off the Preservation Club’s Easter egg hunt. I would encourage any shareholder that has heard a rumor concerning the operation of the CWC, to contact the CWC office for the facts. In my opinion, rumormongers and anonymous newsletters and the like are designed to undermine the CWC and its operations. Those that publish rumors, half-truths and misrepresentations feed the chronically uninformed and diminish good faith efforts to inform shareholders. The anonymous rumormongers shun public discussion either because they don’t have the facts to defend their statements or they simply prefer to dodge accountability. Either way, in a democracy, each may express an opinion and it is the duty of the rest of us to judge the value or credibility of the opinion, if any. But much of the energy wasted on anonymous blogging could be saved by a simple call to the Lake Manager. Gary F. Mapes Cherokee Water Company Board President PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LONGVIEW, TX PERMIT NO. 390 2 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of the Cherokee Water Company Draft for Approval April 17, 2014 THE CWC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETS THE 3RD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH AT 6 P.M. ALL SHAREHOLDERS ARE WELCOME. NEXT MEETING: May 15 A meeting of the Board of Directors for Cherokee Water Company was held at 6:00 pm on Thursday, April 17, 2014, at NK 20 Lake Cherokee, Longview Texas 75603 with the following Directors present: Gary Mapes, President Tommy Visage, Vice President Mike Lee, Treasurer Mike Pemberton, Secretary Dickens Wilkinson Sue Wilson Darrell Wolven Bill Adler Randall Latch George Strunk Lynda Whalen Also present was Ned Muse. President Gary Mapes called the meeting to order. Secretary Mike Pemberton pronounced a quorum. A MOTION was made by Tommy Visage and seconded by Bill Adler to approve the Minutes of the March 20, 2014 Board of Directors meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Mike Lee presented the Treasurer’s Report. The financial statements for the six months ending March 31, 2014, were reviewed in detail at the committee meeting on Monday, April 14, 2014. The Balance Sheet continues to remain in very good condition, with cash/cash equivalents being 93% of current assets and 53% of total assets. The liabilities represent normal operating expenses with no unusual items. The operating income is tracking in line with the budget at 52% for the first six months. Oil & gas income is 6% over the budget, but is still $26,441 less than last year at this time. All of the expense categories are within budget or have been previously explained. The total expenses are 42% of the budget which is approximately $137,000 under the budgeted amount. A Budget Committee has been established and is working to develop the budget for the 2014- 2015 fiscal year. The committee will have a budget ready for final review and approval at the June 17, 2014, board meeting. A MOTION was made by Mike Lee and seconded by Dickens Wilkinson to approve the March 31, 2014 financial reports and certify the bills paid for the six months ended March 31, 2014. The motion passed unanimously. Ned Muse presented the Manager’s Report 1. We have met with representatives of Samson Lone Star, LLC, the golf course and the CWC to locate a site for a water well to serve the golf course and Lake Cherokee. The well will be drilled on the south side of the golf course. The well is part of the compensation being received by the CWC for fracing water for an off lake gas well. We expect the water well drilling to begin in the next few weeks and last several days. 2. CWC staff and the Long Range Planning Committee are working with Encore Multimedia on a redesign of the website. Encore has produced a draft of the homepage. We expect that the new website will launch in early July. 3. We have completed the first Lake wide cleanup. Preliminary numbers indicate that we had 169 participants and eliminated 180 yards of debris, not counting recyclables, from the Lake. We have a little more than two utility trailers full of TVs, appliances and other recyclable materials that are not included in the total. We received numerous positive comments from shareholders and know of no issues. We would like to begin planning future similar events. 4. Winn Professional Engineers and Constructors have completed the required annual inspection of the dam and spillway. The inspection noted only minor issues involving erosion, mowing, debris removal and animal control. These items have already been scheduled for completion by the CWC or to be dealt with under the warranty on the recently completed spillway project. 5. During March the CWC opened 20 files on various rule violations. We have been forced to send 11 violation letters to shareholders and we continue to work with the remaining shareholders to obtain voluntary compliance. Sue Wilson, Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee, presented that the Committee did meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Wilson reported the work on the new webpage is on schedule and some ideas submitted at the past Town Hall meeting are being worked through to possibly implement. Darrell Wolven, Chair of the Property and Rules Committee, reported that the Committee did meet. They reviewed 7 variance requests, 4 Committee request, and 7 were approved to bring before the Board. A MOTION was made by Darrell Wolven and seconded by Sue Wilson that the Board accept the recommendation of the committee to approve the following variances: 1) Mike Nimmo, NF-42B, to build a new home closer than 75’ from the water. 2) Chad Powell, NP-79, to build a covered patio/outdoor kitchen addition that will be closer than 75’ from the water. 3) Kathryn Courville, NP-93, to move a shed from her lot at SR-34 to her lot at NP-93. It will be painted to match the home. 4) Glenn Wallace, NP-99, to renovate and enlarge and existing boathouse that will extend further than 50’ from shoreline and encroaches on sideline setback. 5) Lucretia League (on behalf of her mother Judith Hiebert) SK-53, seeking approval for Ms. Hiebert to continue to reside in the home after the stock is transferred to her daughter for special circumstances. 6) Jackie Clayton, SQ-41, to add a 22’X14’ single stall boathouse and walkway to an existing boathouse and pier. The existing pier extends more than 50’ from shoreline but it will meet sideline setback requirements. 7) Robert Johnson, ST-67, to renovate existing boathouse further than 50’ from shoreline. Adjustments were negotiated from the original application and it is approved with the agreed to modifications. The motion passed unanimously. A request was received to purchase CWC Park lot SL-33. The Committee reviewed the offer and determined the lot is not for sale. A revision to the Rules and Regulations is needed to comply with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Safety Act. A first reading was done and the second reading will be done with a request for Board adoption during the May, 2014 meeting. Article VI Boating Section D. 1) To operate a boat powered by a motor of 15 horsepower or more, wind-blown vessels over 14 feet, and all personal watercraft (jet-skis) , a Privilege Card holder must be born before September 1, 1993 unless the operator is 13 years of age or older and has passed a boater education course approved by Texas Parks and Wildlife; or is accompanied by a person onboard who is at least18 years of age and can lawfully operate the watercraft. Dickens Wilkinson, Chair of the Natural Resource Committee, reported that the Committee did meet and had three action items to bring before the Board. A MOTION was made by Dickens Wilkinson and seconded by Darrell Wolven that the Board approve the April, 2014 amended Water Conservation Plan as required by the Texas Water Development Board. The motion passed unanimously. A MOTION was made by Dickens Wilkinson and seconded by Tommy Visage that the Board approve the April, 2014 amended Drought Contingency Plan as required by the Texas Water Development Board. The motion passed unanimously. A MOTION was made by Dickens Wilkinson and seconded by Mike Lee that the Board adopt the following Resolution: Whereas, the Cherokee Water Company Board of Directors deems it desirable and in the best interestsof this corporation to acquire that certain property described as 16.10 Acres in the Dinsmore Simpson Survey, A-37, Recorded in Vol.318, Page 498, County of Rusk County, State of Texas (the “Property”). Please see Minutes page 3 Minutes 3 continued from page 2 Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that this corporation acquire the Property for fifty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($58,500.00) and upon such terms and conditions as the President of this corporation, Gary F. Mapes,may, in his discretion, deem advisable. Resolved Further that the President is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to execute, for and on behalfof this corporation and in its name, any and all documents required in connection with the purchase of the Property, including but not limited to purchase agreements and escrow documents. Adopted this 17th day of April, 2014 by the Cherokee Water Company Board of Directors. The motion passed unanimously. Tommy Visage, Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, reported that the Committee did meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Visage reported and thanked the Committee members, Bill Adler, Mike Lee, Lynda Whalen, and Darrell Wolven along with Lake Manager Ned Muse for their work on securing and executing a final agreement to begin the repairs on the lake roads. Kyle Bridges Patrol Officer FIREWORKS The Annual Lake Cherokee Fireworks will be held on Friday, July 4th at dark. There will be no rain out date. Mike Pemberton, Chair of the Policy and Conduct Committee, reported that the Committee did not meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Mapes reported the Town Hall meeting April 14th produced some good ideas and comments. The next scheduled meeting will be July 14th. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:23 pm. ATTEST: _____________________ Mike Pemberton, Secretary ALL variance requests and applications for outbuildings MUST be turned in by 5:00pm the Monday before the Property Committee meets. (10 days before the Board meeting) May- May 5 June- June 9 July- July 7 August- August 11 September- September 8 October- October 6 November- November 10 December- December 8 Donations are still being accepted and appreciated! 4th Annual Lake Cherokee Summer Classic Car Show Save the Date – June 28th The Cherokee Club will host the 4th Annual Lake Cherokee Summer Classic Car Show at NP 02 on Saturday, June 28th from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. We invite all vintage, classic and unique current cars and trucks to participate in the show. Entry forms can be mailed, faxed or emailed. Please call (903) 757-5136 or email joemcmurrey@cablelynx. comfor the forms or pick one up at the Cherokee Water Company (NK 20) or the Cherokee Club (NP 02.) Trophies will be awarded to the first five places as voted by the attendants and there will be prizes for the first fifty entrants so let’s show the cars of Lake Cherokee and enjoy a Saturday afternoon on the lake! 4 Mark Brown Patrol Officer Derrill Davis Patrol Officer Robert Dunn Patrol Officer 5 Boater Education Course NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK May 17th-23rd 2014 This year, the Boater Education Course has been set for Saturday, May 31st at the Cherokee Water Company, NK 20 Lake Cherokee. As Americans anticipate the warm weather of the summer months, we look to our Nation’s abundant outdoors and waterways for relaxation and recreation. America’s lakes, rivers, and oceans are enjoyable, but can sometimes pose dangers to water-goers. National Safe Boating Week is an opportunity to highlight the importance of safety precautions and sensible behavior when spending time on the water. May 31st The class will run from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with a 30 minute break for lunch- hot dogs will be served. Students may only attend the class if they are at least 12 ½ years old by the date of the class. Pre-registration is required and will need to be received no later than Friday, May 23rd. Please complete the registration form and mail it, along with $20.00 to: Cherokee Water Company NK 20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 (All checks must be made payable to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.) If you were born ON or AFTER September 1, 1993, you MUST complete an approved Boater Education course to operate a PWC, windblown vessel over 14 feet in length or a boat with more than a 15 horsepower rating unless supervised from someone who is 18 years of age or older, who can lawfully (born before September 1, 1993 or completed an approved Boater Education course) operate the watercraft and is on board when the vessel is underway. For questions, please contact Erin at (903) 643-3933 or [email protected]. Safe boating is responsible boating. Individuals can prepare for excursions by taking boating safety courses and filing float plans with family members, relatives, or friends. To prevent accidents and drowning while on the water, boaters should remain aware of weather conditions, perform vessel safety checks, and ensure each passenger wears a life jacket and all required safety equipment is on board. Safe boating is also sober boating. Alcohol use is a leading factor in fatal boating accidents, so limiting alcohol use while on or operating a boat can save lives. Each year for National Safe Boating Week, the United States Coast Guard partners with boating organizations to raise awareness on the importance of taking proper precautions while boating. By embracing responsible boating practices, Americans can avoid preventable injuries and enjoy the majesty of our Nation’s waterways. In recognition of the importance of safe boating practices, the Congress, by joint resolution approved June 4, 1958 (36 U.S.C. 131), as amended, has authorized and requested the President to proclaim annually the 7-day period prior to Memorial Day weekend as “National Safe Boating Week.” As residents of Lake Cherokee we are fortunate in that Boating Safety is a priority of CWC management. Lake Cherokee stands out, not only for consistently making the Texas Boating Safety class available year after year, but for presenting one of the best managed and well attended classes in Texas. Please plan on taking advantage of the opportunity to learn more about Texas boating laws, local CWC boating rules, and boating education in general. We will have a representative from the TPWD Boater Education department as a guest this year, along with our local game warden Todd Long, and several of our local CWC patrol and staff. This will be a great way to close the week of focus on National Boating Safety. Please plan on joining us, ….bring your neighbor…………and your kids…… and your grandkids! Have a safe Memorial Day! Mike Brady Texas Boating Safety Instructor The Cherokee CHATTER All Shareholders are urged to contribute articles, event news, photos, inquiries and information of interest to residents of Lake Cherokee for publications in The Chatter. Advertising rates can be obtained by calling the Cherokee Water Company at 903-6433933; fax 903-643-2717, or office e-mail at Chatter@lkcherokee. com. The Cherokee Chatter is published by the Cherokee Water Company and is printed by the printing division of the Longview News Journal. The Chatter does not endorse or accept any liability for any advertisements contained within the publication. 6 By the time you read this, the CWC should have signed a road repair and maintenance agreement for all 49 miles of lake roads with Miller Construction from the Judson area. Miller Manager’s was selected based on their proposal for the work needed on Report our roads. They were the lowwith Ned Muse est price as well as being highly qualified to do the work. We expect that work will begin shortly on the south side of the lake and continue until all of the roads have received the needed attention. Much of our road system is in good shape and will only receive a seal or overlay. Those areas that need additional work will receive the degree of repairs that are appropriate. The plan is to have completed all of the maintenance and repairs no later than the summer of 2015 and then transition into a preventive maintenance program to repair and maintain approximately seven miles of lake roads each year. That should mean that our roads will last for many more years. The Building and Grounds Committee has spent a lot of time selecting this contractor and getting ready for work to commence, so give Tommy Visage the committee chairman and the other committee members (Bill Adler, Mike Lee, Lynda Whalen and Darrell Wolven) a thank you next time you see them. On another subject, we have just completed our lake-wide clean up and it was very successful. All of you that participated give yourselves a pat on the back. During the four days of the cleanup we collected about 180 cubic yards of material from approximately 169 different shareholders! This does not include the recyclables like old computers, appliances, TVs, etc. that were sent to an area recycler. Lake-Wide Spring Clean Up The staff involved received numerous compliments from participants for the effort and one almost universal question—“When are you going to do this again?” Rest assured that we are already making plans for the next cleanup, but we would like to solicit comments and suggestions from both those who participated in this effort and those who wish they had. If you have anything you would like to suggest, please send your suggestions to me by email at ned@lkcherokee. com and we will consider them in our planning for the next event. Finally, you need to keep your eyes open in the next few months for a new CWC webpage. The Long Range Planning committee is overseeing a complete redo of the site. The work is being done by Encore Multimedia from Longview. Encore presented the staff and committee with the prototype of the new page during the Committee’s April meeting. When complete, the Lake Cherokee community will have access to a more modern functional webpage for CWC and Lake Cherokee. The plan is to have a “soft” launch of the new website in June with the formal kickoff in time for the Fourth of July. VI. BOATING A. TEXAS WATER SAFETY ACT: 1. All shareholders are responsible for abiding by the current provisions of the Texas Water Safety Act concerning all boats, personal watercraft and other water vessels operated on Lake Cherokee, except as herein provided by the CWC. • A complete copy of The Texas Water Safety Act is available at the following link: l2000_0014.pdf B. AUTHORIZED WATERCRAFT: 1. Only boats, personal watercraft and other water vessels registered in the name of a leaseholder or leaseholder’s spouse are authorized to be placed on Lake Cherokee 2. A leaseholder may put a boat, personal watercraft or other water vessel on Lake Cherokee for the purpose of trying out the boat before purchasing same by securing a permit from the Patrol Officer which will be valid for four (4) hours. C. LOT NUMBER ON ALL BOATS, PERSONAL WATERCRAFT AND OTHER WATER VESSELS: 1. The owner of all boats operated on Lake Cherokee is required to affix such owner’s lot number on which he has a lease, on each side of the boat, preferably half-way between the bow and stern. All lot numbers, shall be at least three (3) inches in height and one-half (1/2) inches in width. The color of the numbers shall contrast with the background color of the boat. Each boat must be required to have a current identification decal on both sides of the boat. D. OPERATION OF MOTORBOATS OR PERSONAL WATERCRAFT: 1. If you were born ON or AFTER September 1, 1993, you MUST complete an approved Boater Education course to operate a PWC, windblown vessel over 14 feet in length or a boat with more than a 15 horsepower rating unless supervised from someone who is 18 years of age or older, who can lawfully (born before September 1, 1993 or completed an approved Boater Education course) operate the watercraft and is on board when the vessel is underway. 2. No shareholder shall permit any unauthorized watercraft to go on the waters of Lake Cherokee. 3. Violation of any of the rules pertaining to the operation of personal watercraft in a manner in which in the opinion of the Lake Patrolman, CWC Boating Rules disregards the safety of others will subject that watercraft to be excluded from operation on Lake Cherokee, in addition to other penalties otherwise provided. Excluded watercraft will have a red tag affixed to the handle bar with a 30-day minimum of exclusion. Removal of the red tag before expiration of the exclusion will subject the shareholder/owner of the watercraft to a fine of $1,000. 4. Subject to appropriate registration and use restrictions as provided in these Rules and Regulations, a Plug-In Craft (shuttle craft or equivalent) may be used to pull water skis, surf boards or other similar devices. 5. The operator of a class “A” motorboat (less than sixteen (16) feet in length) or Class “1” motorboat (more than sixteen (16) feet and less than twenty-six (26) feet in length) while underway, shall require every passenger under thirteen (13) years of age to wear U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device. A life belt or ring buoy does not satisfy this requirement. 6. No child may attend the CWC Safe Boating School unless they are thirteen (13) year of age on June 30 of the year in which they make application to attend said school. 7. The leaseholder owner of motorboat or personal watercraft shall be responsible to ensure than any operator of their vessel is a legal operator. 8. One Coast Guard approved personal flotation device in good and serviceable condition must be provided for each person on board. E. BOATS PROHIBITED ON LAKE CHEROKEE: 1. All boats greater than twenty-eight (28) feet in length. 2. All houseboats. 3. All boats with permanent sleeping facilities. 4. All boats with sanitation pump out facilities. 5. All amphibious aircraft 6. All airboats or swamp boats F. PROHIBITED WATERCRAFT EQUIPMENT: 1. No motors with open exhaust will be allowed to operate on Lake Cherokee. 2. No sirens except by Lake Cherokee Patrolman and law enforcement personnel on duty. G. SPEED LIMITS AND BOAT SAFETY: 1. No boat, jet ski, personal watercraft, or water bike shall be operated at a speed in excess of forty (40) mph on open or ski waters during daylight hours and twenty (20) mph during nighttime hours (thirty (30) minutes after sunset to thirty (30) minutes before sunrise); twenty (20) mph upon named boat roads; ten (10) mph upon access boat roads and idle speed upon all other areas of the lake unless otherwise posted. 2. No watercraft shall be operated in the waters of Lake Cherokee in a careless manner so as to endanger others or their property and shall be operated in compliance with all posted speed limits 3. When meeting an oncoming watercraft on a boat road, operators must reduce their watercraft speed to headway speed (idle speed, no wake speed) from the point the two watercraft are within fifty feet of one another, until the two watercrafts’ sterns have passed each other. H. WATER SKIING: 1. Water skiing and other similar activity is restricted to the area marked by buoys placed by CWC in open water and at a distance no closer than one hundred and fifty (150) feet from piers and boat houses. 2. Any boat pulling water skis or other similar devices shall have a minimum of two (2) people in the boat so that the driver can keep a proper lookout and the other person can watch the skier. All skiers are required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device. 3. It is prohibited for a personal watercraft to pull a person or persons on water skis, surfboard or similar devices on Lake Cherokee. I. PROHIBITED BOATING AND FISHING AREAS 1. No boat shall be permitted nearer than one hundred (100) feet of the spillway crest. 2. No boating is allowed in the SWEPCO canal or in the City of Longview water intake area. 3. Tying boats to buoys is prohibited. J. SWIMMING: 1. Only CWC privilege card holders and their guests are permitted to swim in Lake Cherokee. 2. Swimming is prohibited from the spillway to Section NB, from the dam, the valve tower, in the SWEPCO canal, the boat roads, the City of Longview water intake area, from the Lake Cherokee Community Activity Complex piers. 3. Swimming outward from shore, a pier, Cherokee Club or a boathouse further than one hundred (100) feet is prohibited. K. BIKINI ISLAND AND FIRECRACKER PARK: 1. Overnight camping on Bikini Island or Firecracker Park is prohibited. Persons using the park areas must keep the areas clean. Martin A. Pessink Director of Operations Negligent and Reckless Operation of a Vessel Negligent and reckless operation of a vessel is illegal in Texas. Negligent and reckless operation of a vessel is defined as the failure to exercise the care necessary to prevent the endangerment of life, limb, or property of any other person. The following are examples of negligent and reckless operation. • Boating in restricted areas that have been clearly marked by buoys or in some other manner. • Allowing passengers to ride on the bow, gunwale, transom, seat backs, seats on raised decks, or any other place where there may be a chance of falling overboard. • Operating at speeds that are not reasonable and prudent based on boating traffic, weather conditions, visibility, or other potential hazards. If no limits are posted, you should operate a vessel so that it does not endanger others and so that it can be stopped safely. • Causing damage to a person or property with a vessel’s wake in posted “No Wake” areas. In these areas, you should operate a vessel slowly so that it does not throw a wake. In addition, you should reduce your speed when passing: o Near a swimming area o Close to a shoreline o Another vessel where people are fishing, water-skiing, diving, or anchored • Encircling people engaged in water activities. Unless you are retrieving a downed water-skier or person engaged in a similar activity, do not operate a boat or PWC in a circular course around: o Any person swimming o Any other boat or PWC when the operator or any passenger is fishing, water-skiing, or participating in a similar activity Remember … As an owner of a vessel, you are liable if you allow others to operate your vessel in a reckless manner. The watercraft decals are teal this year. ALL boats operated on Lake Cherokee MUST be registered in the name of the leaseholder or leaseholder’s spouse; have the owner’s lot number affixed on each side of the watercraft, preferably half-way between the bow and stern and must be at least 3 inches in height and one half inches in width contrasting with the background color of the boat; and have the current teal decals affixed on each side close to the lot number. Fines for an unauthorized boat or expired decals start at $100. Replacement decals for watercraft are $50 per set. The Cherokee Water Company offices will be closed on Monday, May 26th Memorial Day. We will resume normal office hours on Tuesday, May 27th. Have a great Memorial Day weekend Lake Cherokee! in Observance of 7 8 PHOTOS Needed for 2015 Lake Cherokee Preservation Club calendar I’m sure everyone had an egg-stra special time at the Easter Egg Hunt! Egg-specially the kids, big and small. Thanks again to our lovely Karen Nimmo for all the hard work. We couldn’t do it without her. She did an egg-cellent job. Be sure you have Saturday, June 6thon your calendar, circled in red, with a star on it. That’s right! It’s time for Wet and Wild! We’re all excited, it should be fantabulous as usual. Lots of fun and prizes for everyone. So come on out and play with your friends and neighbors. Get Wet and Wild! Don’t forget about photos for the 2015 calendar. Did any of you get some good shots of the pelicans? Photos taken with a camera are much better for printing than those taken by most phones. So watch your resolution! All the information is outlined in the guidelines for entry in this issue, so get ready. We’re adding a little something different this year. We’re looking for original artwork from the younger crowd, below 18, of Lake Cherokee. Send your entries in before July 31st. Our Sweet Judy Owens is in charge of the calendar and you will find all the info in the adjacent article. Have fun and we’ll see you on the lake! Happy boating to all. Possible ideas for entries: Pelicans, Mallards, etc. Firecracker Island with kids playing in the sand, volleyball, etc. Hot air balloon over the lake Fisherman, kayaker, sailboat, etc - Silhouette with beautiful background Evening photo of US flag on the island and fireworks Boat Parade All digital images need to be at least 10” x 7”, 300 dpi, and Horizontal format. For example, if a photo is scanned from an original 8x10 at 100% it needs to be scanned at 300 dpi and saved as a jpeg, tif, or eps. If the original is a 5x7, it would need to be scanned at 100% 600 dpi, or 200% 300 dpi. Gif, png, and photos taken with an iphone do not reproduce well. Send your awesome pics to Judy Owens: [email protected] or SN 30 Lake Cherokee. Thanks! Be Snap Happy! Tommy Pelton, Secretary Enter your drawing of what Lake Cherokee means to you for a chance to be in the 2015 Lake Cherokee Preservation Club calendar. Be sure to include name, age, and title of your drawing. Deadline: July 31, 2014 Contest is open to anyone under the age of 18 years. Drawings should be 8” x 10” and in a horizontal format. Submit to: Judy Owens SN 30 Lake Cherokee, Henderson, TX 75652 [email protected] 9 SPROUTS 10 LAWN MASTERS “You grow it, we’ll mow it!” New fences Repairs Leaf Cleaning Mowing Edging Trimming 903-235-2433 Free estimates on all fence and lawn work! Boathouses, Retaining Walls, Decks, and Dredging 11 LARCS LadiesBridge by Bette Slade The LARC Bridge Club held its April luncheon at the CWC building on April 2nd prior to the Bridge session. An Easter theme was carried out in the decorations by Mary Novak. Large and colorful eggs in fushia, blue and yellow nestled in green grass. An Easter bunny, dressed in “Sunday Best” centered the display. Quarter tables for egg-themed cups, plates and napkins. The April menu was topped by beef tips and rice, well pre- Carol Ross, Carol Ehl, pared by Carol Ehl. Knox, Frances Beavers Donna Wanda Wallace, Debbie Hobson Joan Porter, Mary Nowak, Lynda Suter and Peggy Kernohan Debbie Hobson, who co-chairs the club with Keryl Kalb, presided. The Lord’s Prayer was offered as the innvocation. Frances Beavers, who has been absent recently, was back again and given a big welcome. High score at Bridge went to Peggy Kernohan. LARC Bridge is open to all Lake Cherokee shareholders and their guests. Play begins at Noon each Wednesday except on the 1st Wednesday of the month when the group meets at 11:00 am for lunch. For further information on the club, contact Debbie Hobson at (903) 643-9077. Weddings • Reunions • Parties • Milestone Events GoZoe Wireless NOW provides the FASTEST speeds on the lake, true broadband, fixed Wireless internet service to nearly 100% of all Lake Cherokee areas with quicker response/unsurpassed service and SPEEDS significantly improved up to 20Mbps. Now, a backup system is in place. Equipment is vastly upgraded, “tripling system capacity” with exceptionally improved RELIABILITY. Extreme winds/lightning might sometimes pose challenges. Jackie Ray Photography 1997 FM 2011 Rd. Longview, TX 75603 903-720-7347 903-918-6034 12 Next Chatter Deadline MAY 14 Submit photos and articles of interest to [email protected] April Brenda’s Good Eat s & Black Dog Gallery On April 17th, First Friends picked up chicken salad box lunches from Brenda’s Good Eats and headed out to Black Dog Gallery in north Longview to have lunch in Gary and Carol Jones wonderful art studio. Carol’s beautiful paintings adorn the walls of a very unique gift store. Carol and Gary can turn any ordinary cabinet or piece of furniture into a work of art; they have several furniture pieces displayed for sale, and they do custom work, as well. They also make, sell, and ship the most delicious cinnamon pound cake, made from Gary’s grandmother’s secret recipe. A visit to their studio will earn a sample - well worth the trip! First Friends will vouch for that! Next month first Friends will meet on May 15th at 11:30am at the home of Judi Morgan for a “Potluck” Salad Luncheon. If you have not joined First Friends for lunch yet but would like to, just call or e-mail me, Susan Deeds, at 903-643-9499 or”[email protected]”. We’d love to have you join us! From top- Susan Deeds, Judi Morgan, Fredna Stuckey, Carolyn Matter, Wylene Smith, Peggy Kernohan, Debbie Hobson, Carol Ehl, Pat Hewitt, and Lynda Suter Door prize winners Fredna Stuckey, Lynda Suter, and Judi Morgan Jerry Hays Patrol Officer 13 14 usually entailed the normal men(tality) of wise-cracking, golf course humor, and hoorahing at errant golf shots! We had a fivesome that day which included me, by Celia Taylor (Dave Clark), W.C. Rogers, Tim Watson, Ed Dooley, Wayne Richards, and one red fox squirrel. Yep-a ball stealing red fox The 2nd tournament of the year was squirrel! a blast. This was the Shamble Tournament. There were 10 team and everyone had a great We were playing the #2 hole - W.C. Rogers time. Chicken Spaghetti was served with a salad and bread. There were lots of desserts teeing off last. As soon as his tee shot settled & the Board wants to thank everyone who at the base of the large pine tree located at the brought something. Peggy Kernohan (Glen’s point of the dog-leg fairway leading up to the # wife - Glen has retired from the board) is still 2 green, a squirrel zipped down that tree, grabbed coming out to decorate the Club House and W.C.’s ball, and scampered back up the tree claimserve. We really appreciate all Peggy does for ing a spot on a limb about twenty feet off the the club. Peggy is creative and always has beau- ground! tiful decorations. There was a tie for 1st Place Although I had now seen this event take with -7 (63): place two different times, W. C. said that the same The teams consist of: Buzz Everett, Tucy squirrel, same location, had taken off with his ball Everett, Wayne Hoskins, Jodi Berryhill & other on numerous occasions. I don’t have a clue how team: Butch McKinley, Robbie Nodine, David the squirrel always selected W.C.’s ball ad ignored Stokes, Bill Perry. The 2 teams split the prize the others! Maybe-because of the chartreuse colfund of $312.00 getting $156.00 each team. or balls that W.C. played, or maybe because W.C. Way to go. The next tournament is always a more often than not (not intentionally) drove his great one and anyone who can needs to sign tee shot through the top of that squirrel’s tree up and play. This is a string Tournament- Each play ground! In retrospect, I truly believe that team will get 15 feet of string to use on the vengeance was the motive! Just had to be! green to save a stroke - be careful with the sting. W.C. was an avid and passionate golfer, a Strategy always pays a key part in this. This is good sport and a lot of fun to share a round of a 4 Person Scramble. The tournament is May 3rd at 9:00. Hope to see you there. Don’t for- golf with. He was manager of Jim Mankins’s get the Benefit tournament for the club June Eagle Trucking Co. (oilfield equipment hauling), 6th & 7th. If you can’t play on the original date and in my opinion was a “salty and crusty soul.” (Saturday) we have opened it on Friday the 6th You can imagine the sight to see and hear as W.C. at 9:00. If you have donations, give away for tried to coax that squirrel into dropping his ball! door prizes, sponsor a hole, items for our auc- While W.C. was conversing with the squirrel, the tion - everything is appreciated. This benefits rest of us were laughing and wise-cracking at W.C. the club for maintenance for the course. You as we putted out on the #2 hole. Meanwhile, may drop off items at the club anytime or call back at the tree, the squirrel seemed to ignore the club or anyone on the board and we will W.C.’s gestures and descriptive phrases! This is not to say the squirrel didn’t change locations in pick up. the tree when W.C.’s #2 iron went whirling by within inches of his head. Dave Clark has given us another GREAT story: I did not know there were so many descripTHE VENGEFUL SQUIRREL tive names (laced with colorful expletives) that If my memory serves me correctly, it as you could call a squirrel. Tree Hugger, Bushy a beautiful, sunny, early summer afternoon Tail, Tree Rat, and my favorite - Ball Bearing at the Cherokee Country Golf Course A Acorn Container, were among the vocal sounds perfect day for golfing and fellowship which that raced through the air. To add fuel to the fire, someone in the group managed with a straight face to explain to W.C. he would have to re-drive his tee shot and take a penalty stroke for an unplayable lie. Then another suggested he be penalized another stroke for slow play! W.C.’s response to this was short - not too sweet!! I don’t give a flying blanket-blank what you sorry blankety-blanks do, say, or think!! Nosiree - not today, not tomorrow, not never, will I take penalty strokes because of that damn squirrel! Eyes were brimming over the tears from laughter as the group proceeded to #3 hole. W.C. finally gave up on his conversation with the squirrel and rejoined the group. As he approached he defiantly told the group scorekeeper to give him a par on #2 hole! To which the scorekeeper responded - a par?? You haven’t made a par on that hole in two weeks of play!! Par my foot!! To which and to everyone’s amusement and hilarity, W.C. replied, “I know-but this time I would probably have birdied that hole if the damn squirrel hadn’t off with my ball! And you know - he might have!! Although the squirrel and W.C. are both long gone, every time I play the #2 hole, I glance up at the limb where the squirrel sat with W.C.’s ball in his mouth, and in memory, flash a grin for appreciated and fun times at Cherokee Country Golf Club. Thanks David! That is a great story - I know I enjoyed it and look for more stories over the years you can tell us! Don’t forget Ladies Group plays on Tuesdays at 9:00 am and would love to have more women to play – come and join the fun. Also the Saturday Friends group plays a scramble every Saturday morning – lots of fun and lots of visiting – Everyone is invited to come and play – good way to meet new people and since the weather is finally getting nice good way to enjoy it and being outdoors. See you on the course! 15 Free Golf in MAY The shareholders of the lots listed here are the winners of FREE GOLF at the Cherokee Country Golf Association Course during the month of May. Any member of the shareholder’s family should present the shareholder’s card for one FREE round of golf, including the use of a cart, during the month of May. NB-03 SI-16 NI-22 SB-15 SG-27 16 S&H CONTRACTORS Heating and Air Conditioning. Sales and Service. Call 903-643-9690. License #TACLA 021018C WATSON REFRIGERATION Air conditioning & Heating service. Call 903-7589840 AFFORDABLE PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR Why waste your money! Senior discounts. All plumbing, heating & air repairs. (No job too small) Repipe, slab leak repair, new installations, drain & rooter service & electronic leak detection. Free estimates on plumbing & new installations. Call Michael Evans @ 903/6439277 Lic. #M39951. NEED A HAND? I CAN HELP! with almost anything. House sitting, checking mail, Watering plants (inside and out), pet setting, pet walking, running errands for elderly or sick. Moving in? I can unpack for you. Moving Out? I can clean for you. Call Selena 903-263-1059 (19-year Lake Cherokee resident). BATES PAINTING Residential & Commercial 903/931-1283 Blakely Bates Owner/Operator 5410 Curtis Black Rd. Hallsville, TX 75650 PAINTING BY MIKE CHEROKEE BOAT MAINTENANCE Custom Painting, Carpentry, Pressure Washing, General Handyman. Over 25 years experience. Call Mike @ 903/987-0592. (7 year Lake Cherokee resident) Boat and watercraft maintenance and minor repairs. Oil changes, batteries and general upkeep. David Wilson NP35 903/235-6458 AMERICAN MOBILE DETAILING Need your car, boat, RV etc. detailed? Call today for an appointment. We come to you. 903-235-3914 OLGA AT YOUR SERVICE House cleaning, short or long term property management. Lake references available. 903-2971766 home 903-746-5179 cell. COMPLETE DETAIL Restore, compound & wax boats and jet skis. Replace carpet. Full detail. 28 years experience. 26 years working in a fiberglass shop. Call me if you want to see your boat good & shiny. You’ll be glad you did! Call me today @ 903/235-6376. MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE Good Rates, Major Companies-Blue Cross, Mutual of Omaha, Conseco, American Pioneer, Etc. Call Don Pinkerton 903-643-0354. ON THE LAKE, LAWN CARE Family owned & operated. Free estimates. Clockwork schedules. Contact Eric Jacobs, SH-04 @ 903/353-5093 INSIGHT REMODELING Insight provides home owners with quality home remodeling services at affordable prices. We provide a full range of home improvement services. Utilizing a design/build approach helps your project run smoothly, and more efficiently. From design to completion, we can provide you with everything you need to make your home renovation dreams a reality. Call today for a FREE estimate. Dustin Sullivan- 903/7902229. Senior and military discounts available. REMODELING: LAWN MASTERS No place to haul your limbs, leaves, etc.? Call 903/235-2433 for monthly service. STUMPS & OLD PIERS CUT UNDERWATER Up to moderate size. Underwater search, locating, and marking items. Call Bill Sharp 903-7585669. Kitchens, baths, room additions, gutter screens & cleaning, tree service. .Free estimates. Any home repair or improvement. Call Rick Warner @ 903/7207540. Gonzalez Tree Service Insured & free estimates. Call 903/424-8680 or 903/ 424-8840. Bob McFarland Patrol Officer Shoppers’ Corner FOR SALE: 23’ red/white 2000 Chaparral Sunesta ski boat with trailer, cover and bimini shade top; 7.4 liter 310 Mercury Cruiser V-8; 225 hrs; $15,000; 903.757.4777 WILL BUY your unwanted boat, barge, jet ski or trailer and pay cash. call 903-658-2994. FOR SALE: 1998 Correct Craft/ Ski Nautique for sale. Good condition and runs well. The boat has a 351 ford V-8, back ski platform, ski tower, radio and CD player, drive on trailer in good shape. 14,500.00 Call Alan 903-235-7198 or Karen 903-452-3257 HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER: SP 31, Four bedroom, three bath 2565 sq. feet on ski water (directly across the lake from the water company on the south side). Two boat boat house with large sitting area and storage (1833 sq. ft under roof) with 4 ceiling fans. Good water (still had water under the boat house during the drought). $ 396,000 Call Alan 903-235-7198 or Karen 903-452-3257 FOR SALE: 1996 Mid American 20ft. Pontoon. 55hp Johnson. New seating throughout. Stereo system, sun deck. Runs great! No trailer $3800. Sh4. 903-353-5093. FOR SALE: Glock 17 (9mm Gen4) 25th Year Anniversary Edition. High capacity mags. $500 Call 903/918-5110 FOR SALE: 2004 & 2005 GTX Limited 3 Seat 4 stroke 215 Turbo hp Bombardier sea doo’s Adult owned and driven, kept in boat house, low hours , excellent condition $5,500.00 each 903-235-0581 FOR SALE: 14’ John Boat and Trailer. 12” tires, foot controlled trolling motor, no gasoline motor, swivel boat seats. $695.00 Phone 903-753-7807 MOVING SALE: SN-14, Friday May 16 and Saturday May 17. Radial arm saw, lots of tools, generator, universal gym, yard tools, Furniture, house hold items, and a BBQ smoker. hours are Friday 8:00 to 5:00 and Saturday 8:00 to 12:00. 17 18 Cherokee Fishing Club’s Donors 2014 Spring Bass Tournament Cherokee Fishing Club News By Bo Besharse I have written and rewritten this portion of the article tonight. It is so difficult to put into words what took place after our meeting. I could not bring myself to write an article about all of the fun things that happened at our meeting and leave out such a sad and tragic thing that happened to such a good, caring and longtime member of the Fishing Club. So, without giving details of the event, I would like to tell our members and shareholders, who know and respect Jim Muirhead, a very short and abbreviated portion of what transpired on Monday, April 14th, after the meeting. Jim was discovered, in his vehicle, with a possible life threatening illness. An emergency call was made to 911 and Jim was transported by ambulance to the hospital a short time later. At the time of this article, Jim is in ICU at the hospital. Our prayers go out to Jim and his family. The meeting for April was held on Monday, April 14th and just one full day after the Spring Open Bass Tournament. We had 46 members in attendance and 1 guest. Marshall Houghton joined our club last month but was unable to come to the meeting last month when his wife Gloria turned in her membership form. He was able to come to the April meeting and was recognized. Our Cookie People continue to save the day for those that do not get a chance to eat before the meeting. I know that we had 48 hotdogs and 50 chicken salad sandwiches along with chips and an abundance of tasty desserts. Those saving the day were Brenda Wyche, Genia Holland, Bob Tippit, Mayre Drennan, Wylene Smith, Mike Kalb and Bonnie Haynes. The CFC Spring Open Bass Tournament took place on Saturday, April 12th. We had a total of 34 boats and 66 people entered. The wind was howling and it was a tough day for the fishermen. We caught a total of 311 lbs. of fish during the tournament and only 2 died. The 2 that did not make it were not wasted. The fishermen took them home to clean. We paid 8 places for the heaviest stringer, and 2 places for big bass. The top 4 winning teams for heavy stringer were; 1st place: Leonard Martin, 2nd place: Larry Lacewell, 3rd place: Joey Garner, 4th place: Charles Pinson. Large Bass: Leonard Martin- 7.38 lbs. and 2nd Large Bass: Gary Adams- 6.14 lbs. We also had places for largest women’s bass and youth bass but did not have any winners. Of the 34 boats, all but about 5 teams brought in 5 fish limits. Every Larry Lacewell 2nd place heavy stringer with 18.67 pounds of fish. Leonard Martin, Winner of the Spring Tournament with big bass and stringer with tournament fisherman that came to heavy the weigh-in walked away with door 18.92 pounds. prizes and all prizes awarded were worth more than what their entry fee cost. We did have a large number of businesses and individuals that donated door prizes. We ask that you support them the way that they have supported the shareholders that fished in the tournament. Guest speaker Tommy Stanley Joe Travis, Fisheries Director reported that he is in the process of filling the catfish ponds and the catfish will be ordered soon. We are waiting to make sure that the number of cormorants has decreased before placing the fish in the ponds. Steve Brown’s fishing table Tommy Stanley, Reel repair and Custom Rods, was the speaker for the meeting. Tommy gave some good tips on how to clean and maintain fishing reels. He has been in the reel repair business for over 30 years. Tommy also gave some suggestions of which reels to purchase for your use and suggestions on which reels you may want to avoid. If you need reel repair or want to have him make a custom rod, you can get in touch with him through East Texas Sonar. Raffle Time! Steve Brown and Genia Holland were preparing to begin our monthly raffle and we had some great prizes. One prize was a table, designed and developed by Steve, that connects to the bottom of the boat seat. The table is a wonderful step saver and I will try to get a photo of it in the Chatter next month. During his description of the uses, Steve pointed out the measuring stick on the table, the place designed to hold your drink, and a place to place your dye. When he started talking about the red dye, he told everyone about the time I used his boat and accidently spilled the red dye on his seats and carpet in the boat. The spill did take place and I was really concerned on how to get the dye removed. Just after he told everyone about the dye being “spread all over his boat,” I had to come up with an explanation of how the dye spill really happened. I advised the group, “Being an old Navy man and in keeping with the tradition of christening seagoing vessels, I had to christen his fishing boat to maintain the tradition of seafaring sailors.” Steve’s boat was christened as “Old Red” and, by doing so, will give him unending luck and happiness. I don’t know if everyone believed me but it was a good excuse! Our winners in the raffle were Joe Rogers, Willard Jordan, Don Anderson, Larry Lacewell, John White, John T. Smith and Bob Tippit. Raffle winners (l to r) Joe Rogers, Bob Tippit, Our May meeting will be held on Monday, John T. Smith, Don Anderson, Larry Lacewell, May 12th and we will have Rick Loomis as and Willard Jordan WOOD DUCK HOUSE our speaker. Rick is a guide on Lake Fork, has appeared on numerous television fishing programs and has been a winner in the Skeeter Owners Tournament. I am sure he will provide some good tips on deep water fishing. With so many events taking place in our fishing club and the deadline to submit the article, some photos and club information will have to be placed into next month’s Chatter. Please remember Jim Muirhead and his family, as you offer up your prayers each day. All of the below individuals or businesses provided donations of Cash, Merchandise, Gift Cards, and VISA cards to be used as door prizes for the shareholders of Lake Cherokee who fished in the Spring Tournament. Their names, business locations/address, and items they donated will be placed on the Cherokee Fishing Club’s website for the remainder of 2014. As you can see, we had individuals or companies from Tatum, Lakeport, Longview, Flint, Bullard Kilgore, Gladewater and Marshall make donations. I hope each of you that read this list will support those individuals and businesses, like they have supported our Lake Cherokee community. The CFC website address is and we hope you visit the site and see how much support they provided. Although we try to be perfect in listing all the donors, someone may have been left off the list. If you donated, and your name does not appear, please contact Bo at 903-738-3090 or email [email protected]. Skeeter Boat Company, Kilgore; Front porch Antiques and Gifts, Longview; Shipp’s Marine, Gladewater; Boat Hoist USA, Longview; Tracker Boat Center, Longview; Longview Cycle and Ski, Longview; Pizza King, Longview; Dukes Fish Shack, Lakeport; Sonic Drive-in, Lakeport; Lively Cadillac-GMC, Longview; Gary Lawrence Allstate Ins. Co., Longview; Fishermen’s Market, Longview; Café Italia Pasta and Pizza, Marshall; East Texas Vacuums, Longview; Citizens National Bank, Lakeport; Spring Hill State Bank, Longview; Smotherman Scenery, Longview, Tidwell Tire, Longview; Eagle Nest/ Emerald Glen RV Park, Tatum; Chic-Fil-A, Longview; H&W Marine, Flint and Bullard; R & K Distributors, Longview; Cherokee Water Company, Longview; Butcher Shop, Longview; Crawfish Cove and Shrimp, Longview; Plano Marine of East Texas, Longview; Texas Bank and Trust, Longview; Lee’s Creek Grill, Henderson; Bill’s Closeouts, Longview; Carolyn Matter, Longview; Cherokee Shores Real Estate, Longview; Chip and Nancy Peralta, Cherokee Shores, Longview; Linda Voyles, Cherokee Shores Realty, Longview; Dianne Swank, Cherokee Shores Realty, Longview, Ronny Boswell, Cherokee Shores Realty, Longview; Clair Balliett, Cherokee Shores Realty, Longview; Mickie Klotz, The Safe Store, Longview; Cody Klotz, The Safe Store, Longview; Fowler Transportation, Marshall; Patty Clark, Real Estate, Longview; Scott Mullins, RSM Supply, LLC, Longview; Allstate Ins, Larry Dodge, Longview; Skinner’s Corner Store, Lakeport; Nichols Marine, Longview; Sisk Buick, Longview; East Texas Sonar, Longview; Southland Feed, Richard Massingill, Longview; Ellis Pottery, Longview; Hayes RV Center, Longview; Jake’s Feed, Longview; Brown Duck, Longview; McAlister’s Deli, Longview; Pegues Hurst Ford, Longview; Automotive Supercenter, Longview; H2O Hand Carwash, Longview; Milano’s Pizza, Tatum; Tatum Hardware, Tatum; K&L Lube, Tatum; West Drum, Longview; Tri State Battery, Longview; The Home and Garden Center, Longview; NAPA Auto Center, Tatum; Toot Toot’s Sassafras Boutique, Longview; Bodacious BBQ, Tatum; Bodacious BBQ, Longview; Bodacious BBQ, Kilgore; Golden Flake Bakery, Longview; Buffalo Wild Wings, Longview; Gandy Branch Boutique, Tatum; Wal-Mart, Henderson; Texas Roadhouse, Longview; Dr. Megan Hamner, DDS, Kilgore 19 by Susan Deeds Knife, Fork and Trowel members met April 8th for our first spring dinner of the year. We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful evening - perfect weather that made our lake sparkle! Our hosts and hostesses for the dinner were Barbara and Danny Coats, Bonnie and Charlie Haynes, Pat and James Hewitt, and Carol Ehl. Debbie Hobson worked her decorating magic to create a fresh and festive atmosphere! The dinner entree, smoked pork loin, was paired with Carol Ehl’s special potatoes - yummy! Everyone else supplied a potluck vegetable, salad, or dessert to create bountiful banquet. Charles and Lydia Martin were our guests for the night. Charles makes beautiful, unique custom knives and knife holsters and brought several with him to show the group, both service knives and show knives. He answered questions from the group about his craft and his collection. Charles will make knives or holsters by order for gifts or for personal collec- Guests, Charles and Lydia Martin tion. He and Lydia live here in Elderville; we are lucky to have such a fine, local craftsman. Charles offered one of his knives for a door prize, which David Dunlap won! Lake Cherokee Next month KFT will meet on Tuesday, May 13th, downstairs at the CWC office at 6:00pm. Hosts and hostesses will be Pete and Carol Staiti, Wendy and Eddie Gomez, Bo and Gena Beshare, and Elton and Gwen Brock;they will prepare chicken parmigiana with pena pasta and everyone else will supply bread, salads, or desserts. If you have not attended any of our dinners yet, this would be a great first one! Just give me a call, Susan Deeds at 903-643-9499, or e-mail at “[email protected]”; I’ll be happy to give you any information that you may need. Feel free to bring a guest (or guests); just let us know so that our hosts will have an accurate count. We like to have plenty of food! I hope to see you there! Host and Hostess Danny and Barbara Coats with Decorator, Debbie Hobson Emcee for the evening, Gwen Brock Charles Martin displays some of his custom knives and holsters. Charles Martin presents Door prize winner, David Dunlap, with one of his knife sets. Hosts and hostesses Pat Hewitt, Bonnie and Charlie Haynes, Carol Ehl, and James Hewitt Byron Sartor Patrol Officer MOTHER’S DAY 2014 Sunday, May 11 Lee White Patrol Officer (A friendly reminder...) 20 401 N. Martin • Kilgore • 984-2525 Toll Free 1-800-283-0332 Kilgore Family Owned & Operated Since 1938 For Area Obituary Notices: NEED DIRT? CALL 903-576-0113 21 22 May 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday Saturday New Fuel Center hours begin 1 2 3 8 9 10 16 17 Law Day Loyalty Day National Day of Prayer 4 5 6 Deadline to Submit Variances & Applica- National Nurses Day tions for Outbuildings 7 Bridge Club Luncheon 11 a.m. Golf Course Board Meeting 6 p.m. Cinco de Mayo 11 Mother’s Day 18 12 Fishing Club Meeting 7 p.m. 19 13 KF&T 6 pm 20 14 15 Bridge Club @ Noon First Friends @ Noon Chatter Ad Deadline CWC Board Mtg 6 p.m. FULL MOON Preservation Club 21 Armed Forces Day National Safe Boating Week 22 23 24 29 30 31 Bridge Club @ Noon National 25 26 Memorial Day Safe 27 Boating 28 Bridge Club @ Noon CWC Offices Closed NEW MOON Week JFK’s Birthday Boater Education 8am-5pm 23 JUNE 2014 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday WednesdayThursday 3 4 5 Bridge Club Luncheon 11 a.m. 8 9 Fishing Club Meeting 7 p.m. Deadline to Submit Variances & Applications for Outbuildings 15 16 10 KF&T 6 p.m. 17 11 Bridge Club @ Noon 18 Bridge Club @ Noon Father’s Day 22 Chatter Ad Deadline 23 24 25 Friday 6 D-Day 12 13 Golf Course Board Meeting 6 p.m. 19 First Friends @ Noon 30 7 Wet & Wild Boat Rally 1pm-6pm 14 Flag Day FULL MOON 20 21 First Day of Summer CWC Board Mtg 6 p.m. Preservation Club 26 27 Bridge Club @ Noon 29 Saturday NEW MOON 28 Lake Cherokee Summer Classic Car Show 9:30am-3pm 24 CAROL COOLIDGE REAL ESTATE ANNUAL FISHING CONTEST April 1st - September 30th $50 prize monthly for: Bream / Catfish / any kind of Bass / Crappie One Prize awarded each month to each entrant. ALL FISH MUST BE CAUGHT IN LAKE CHEROKEE BY LAKE CHEROKEE SHAREHOLDERS!! WHEN? The 30th day of each month: April-Sept. The monthly contests close at 6 p.m. the 29th of each month and a new contest begins at 5 p.m. the 30th of each month. WHO? Lake Cherokee Stockholders and eligible privilege card holders. CONTEST RULES: All contestants must abide by the current Rules and Regulations of Lake Cherokee and of the Texas Game & Fish Commission. All fish must be caught in Lake Cherokee. All fish must be weighed in alive. Please practice catch and release good sportsmanship rule and return fish to the lake after weigh in, if possible. Weigh in stations are: Skinners at Lakeport, Lee’s Creek Grocery, & Cherokee Golf Club. Weigh in receipts must be turned into Cherokee Water Company, NK20 with date, name and number. Winners will be listed in the Cherokee Chatter monthly. In case of a tie, the first entry weighed is the prize winner. #1 Top Listing, Selling & Producing agency on Lake Cherokee Carol Coolidge 903-643-2017 Paul oBerthier 903-746-3314 kristina Coolidge 903-720-4838 aliCe Berryhill 903-643-3207 kyle MCMurrey 903-918-8064 FranCes everett 903-738-2078 Call 903-643-2828 Patty Clark 903-643-2833 Carolyn Matter 903-643-3969 Carolyn JaMes 903-643-1075
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