Chatter - Cherokee Water Company
Chatter - Cherokee Water Company
The Cherokee Chatter Published by the Cherokee Water Company NK 20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 July 2015 Board Meeting Minutes Flag Travels Manager’s Report Cherokee Fishing Club First Friends News from the 19th Hole Free Golf in July Bulletin Board LARC Ladies Bridge Shopper’s Corner Preservation Club Calendar 2 5 6 10 12 15 15 19 20 20 21 22 PRESIDENT’S NOTE I am writing to inform the shareholders that the Board of Directors has decided not to re-new the contract for Lake Manager Ned Muse. Ned has served as our manager for nearly three years and has been an asset to our community. The Board felt that it was time to take a new approach and direction in this position. Please join me in thanking Ned for his service to the Board and the entire CWC community and in wishing him the very best. For the time being, Martin Pessink will be the interim lake manager. Please welcome Martin to that role as well. To each of you, thank you for your support of the Board and for supporting Lake Cherokee. Tommy Visage, President July 4th Boat Parade Sponsored by Allied Waste/Republic Services The Lake Cherokee Annual Boat Parade will be held on Friday July 3rd at 10:00 am. So be thinking about what you want your boat or barge decoration theme to be. No registration is required. All you have to do is show up in the area east of the island at 10:00 am and join the procession in front of the judges’ stand at the CWC office pier. You can follow the traditional patriotic theme or let your imagination carry you into the open theme category. Cherokee Water Co. NK20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 Preservation Club Wet and Wild Rally pictures on page 21. The Annual Lake Cherokee Fireworks will be held on Friday July 3rd at dark. There will be no rain out date. IMPORTANT REMINDER TO ALL SHAREHOLDERS: On the night of Friday July 3rd, before The Annual Lake Cherokee Fireworks Display, the afterhours Patrol line (903-643-7321) MUST be kept free for emergencies ONLY! We receive numerous calls on this line from shareholders requesting the start time. Please tune in to QXFM 100.3. If there are any long delays, the radio station will notify the listeners. Thank you for your consideration. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LONGVIEW, TX PERMIT NO. 390 2 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of the Cherokee Water Company June 18, 2015 The CWC Board Of Directors meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. ALL SHAREHOLDERS ARE WELCOME. failures were discovered with some culverts due to the flooding. The maintenance department was able to repair a couple and patch others until they could be rebuilt by the construction contractors. A meeting of the Board of Directors for Cherokee Water Company was held at 6:00 pm on Thursday, June 18, 2015, at NK 20 Lake Cherokee, Longview Texas 75603 with the following Directors present: Tommy Visage, President Darrell Wolven, Vice President Dickens Wilkinson, Treasurer Mike Pemberton, Secretary Bill Adler Wade Johnson Randall Latch Steve Lobue George Strunk Lynda Whalen Sue Wilson Also present was Ned Muse and Rick Faulkner President Tommy Visage called the meeting to order. Mike Pemberton, Secretary pronounced a quorum. A MOTION was made by Sue Wilson and seconded by Dickens Wilkinson to approve the Minutes of the May 21, 2015 Board of Directors meetings. The motion passed. Dickins Wilkinson presented the Treasurer’s Report. Wilkinson first expressed appreciation to the Budget Committee comprised of Bill Adler, Lynda Whalen, Darrell Wolven and staff for the work done to formulate the 2015-2016 budget. He also reminded everyone that the fireworks show has been increased this year and challenged the other Directors to make additional contributions to the fireworks fund. The financial statements for the eight months ending May 31, 2015, were reviewed in detail at the committee meeting on Monday, June 15, 2015. The extreme rains and flooding have delayed the road repairs so payment of those budgeted expenses will be coming. Expenses and income line items had nothing unusual to note. A MOTION was made by Mike Pemberton and seconded by Steve Lobue to approve the financial statement and certify the bills paid for the period ending May 31, 2015. The motion passed. Ned Muse presented the Manager’s Report • Miller Construction has been able to get back on paving projects that had been scheduled. Additional • The contract with Champion EMS is in review with the attorneys but should be ready for signatures soon. • Nominees to serve as members of the 2015 Election Commission have been received and are presented for confirmation: Nominee: Tommy Pelton Lot #: NE-14 Mark Camp SP-31 Judy Trickey Timpton SD-05 Edward Harbour SJ-11 Mike Lee NO-23 John Morgan NH-10 Bill McCranie SL-15 Tressie Grant ST-34 Mike Toon NJ-15 David Funderburk ST-68 Steve Ramsey ST-04 James Wilson SS-13 No objection was made for any Nominee and they were confirmed unanimously. Mike Pemberton, Chair of the Property and Rules Committee, reported that the Committee did meet. They reviewed 1appeal for dismissal of a fine, 3 variance requests, and 2 requests for committee approval of out buildings. They have two were approved to bring before the Board. A MOTION was made by Mike Pemberton and seconded by Bill Adler that the Board approve the recommendations of the committee to approve the following: 1) Consider the Committee recommendation regarding the request from Matt Russell, NP-48, to install an aerobic system that will have the spray heads installed on an adjacent lot NP-47, subject to the transfer of NP-47 to his name. 2) Consider the Committee recommendation regarding the request from Patrick Owens, SL-07, to al- YOU ARE INVITED TO THE NEXT CHEROKEE WATER COMPANY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING July 16, 2015 Shareholders are welcome and invited to attend the monthly business meeting of the Board of Directors. The first part of each meeting will be devoted to shareholder questions, comments or concerns. For the shareholders that want to speak, please complete the speaker card prior to the meeting. The speaker cards are located on a table in the entryway to the board room. Please complete the card in its entirety, including contact information. Each speaker may speak up to four minutes. The Board and/or Lake Management will try to address any questions or concerns raised; although research may be required resulting in the response being provided later when the research is completed. Following the shareholder comment portion of the meeting, the Directors will begin their business meeting. During the business meeting, the directors will discuss the company’s business among themselves, and they will not engage the audience during those discussions. If a question or issue comes to a shareholder’s mind during the business meeting, the Directors and Lake Manager will welcome discussing it after the meeting is adjourned. The Board will give its respectful attention to each speaker and, in return, the Board asks that the audience respect the Directors’ meeting and refrain from questions and comments until after the meeting. RULES REMINDER: I. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. FINES AND PENALTIES 6. Any shareholder whose family member or guest is adjudged in violation of a CWC rule is responsible for paying any fine and/or upholding any punitive action. BOTTOM LINE You are responsible for your guests behavior! Citations will be issued to the shareholder- not the guests. low her married adult daughter and her family to reside at that home until the home they have under contract is closed Darrell Wolven, Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, reported that the Committee did meet this month and has one action item to bring before the Board. Discussion was held within the committee regarding the erosion at Firecracker Park and possible remedies. Management is to research some options. Also the committee received, evaluated and negotiated an offer from Vic and Barbara Nyvall to purchase lease lot NT-13. This lot is above Silvy Bridge on Beaver Run and one of the undeveloped lots that have been for sale for over four years. This particular lot has a petroleum line running through it. A MOTION was made by Darrell Wolven and seconded by Mike Pemberton to accept the offer from Vic and Barbara Nyvall to purchase lease lot NT-13 for $68,200. The motion passed. Sue Wilson, Chair of the Policy and Conduct Committee, reported that the Committee did not meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Bill Adler, Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee, presented that the Committee did meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. George Strunk, Chair of the On Site Sewage Committee, reported that the Committee did meet this month. Strunk presented the draft of the On-Site Sewer Rules and Regulations for Board and Shareholder review. The reasons for the establishment of this committee were explained and the purposes and importance of the Rules and Regulations that the Committee and Board have been working on. Visage added that the water is the Lakes’ biggest asset and the Board has been unanimous on working through the process and related issues. Copies of the drafted rules and regulations were available for the shareholders. It was noted that copies are available for shareholders at the office and also on the CWC website under the Forms and Rules tab. The plan is for the Board and shareholders to review and make comments and the committee will make any agreed revisions to bring back for the Board to vote for approval at the July meeting. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm. ATTEST: ______________________ Mike Pemberton, Secretary 3 Notice - Island Closure For safety reasons, Firecracker Park will close, Friday July 3rd when the fireworks trailer arrives and begins setting up. This usually happens mid afternoon and it will remain closed until after the fireworks show that evening. Please keep this closure in mind when scheduling any plans you have at the island that day. HELP! As of 6/22/15, donations have been received for only 61% of the cost for the fireworks display this year. DONATIONS This has become a cherished annual family event for the NEEDED CWC shareholders and guests. Please consider helping to fund this display by sending a check made payable to: Cherokee Water Company NK 20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 or you can donate with a credit card by calling in the number and amount to the office at (903) 643.3933. All fireworks donations of any amount are greatly appreciated! WATERCRAFT DECALS The watercraft decals are orange this year. All boats operated on Lake Cherokee must be registered in the name of a leaseholder or leaseholder’s spouse; have the owner’s lot number affixed on each side of the watercraft, preferably half-way between the bow and stern and must be at least 3 inches in height and one half inches in width contrasting with the background color of the boat; and have the current yellow decals affixed on each side close to the lot number. Fines for an unauthorized boat or expired decals start at $100.00. Replacement decals for watercraft are $50.00 per set. Fireworks Broadcasts Live on QX-FM, 100.3 Just after sunset on Friday July 3rd, we will be treated to the annual Lake Cherokee Fireworks celebration. The soundtrack will be broadcast live on QX-FM, 100.3 FM, which is easy to receive anywhere on Lake Cherokee. This is a great opportunity to put your speakers out on your deck or on the dock and crank up the volume while we observe this year’s celebration of our nation’s independence. It is the one time when your neighbors really won’t mind hearing your music. The music played in the radio broadcast will be synchronized with the fireworks, which always makes for some enjoy- able viewing. This year’s show will run approximately twenty minutes and should be spectacular. Look for it to start sometime around 9:30 p.m. Chuck Conrad, general manager of QX-FM and a Lake Cherokee shareholder, is planning to bring the radio station’s portable sound system to the CWC Lake Office grounds so people who want a great view can enjoy the show with full audio accompaniment. All that’s required on your part is to bring your own lawn chair or blanket. Allied Waste/Republic Services are underwriting this year’s radio broadcast. We appreciate the services they provide the lake and the investment of community support they show year after year. Playing “America’s Original Classics,” QXFM is locally owned and programmed. Everything originates on the station’s studios in Chalk Hill. There isn’t another station quite like it anywhere else on earth, but thousands of people from every corner of the world tune in every month via the internet to listen. It is truly something quite unique to our community. Your friends and relatives can listen too: just visit When you visit, click on the picture of the old microphone or follow one of the links provided on the home page and you’ll be listening in no time. 4 Boater Education Course Receives an A+ The Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart- ment, Boater Education Program sponsored by Cherokee Water Company was taught at the ELVFD on Saturday, June 13th. A VERY big ‘thank you’ goes to instructors Mike Brady, Vicki Faulkner, Erin Layman and Robert Dunn for presenting the course. This year it was attended by 32 students, ranging from ages 13 to 47. The course curriculum involves instruction, video segments, and demonstrations designed to affect and edu- cate boaters so that they act safely, responsibly a new Sea Doo to display and use as a tre- and knowledgeably. Door prizes and gifts are mendous teaching aid. CWC Sergeant Rob- given for active participation and achieve- ert Dunn discussed the Lake Cherokee rules ment. Another VERY big ‘thank you’ to Plano and regulations that are dissimilar and stricter Marine, Nichols Marine and Pink Cadillac for than those of the Texas Water Safety Act. donating some AWESOME prizes! This year, Champion EMS provided an ambulance and H&W Marine very generously loaned the class tour, along with stories of accident victims they have dealt with. Martin Pessink offered up his culinary skills and cooked over 60 hot dogs for the students, allowing the class to continue learning while they were fed. Other CWC security officers on duty that MOTOR COMPANY AUTO SALES Ronny Summerlin Sales Manager (903) 407-1651 2101 E. Loop 281 • Longview, TX 75605 Fax (903) 212-4386 • [email protected] day stopped in to introduce themselves. This allows, especially some younger students, to become familiar with the officers and understand their roles to enforce rules and laws for the protection of boaters and property and also to help with any problems that they may encounter, making it a safer place for enjoying all aspects of Lake Cherokee. Lake Cherokee Listings NP-88 | 4br/4ba | $899,500 Bud Summers Broker (903)240-0095 NI-17 | 4br/3ba |$499,500 Bud Summers (903)240-0095 NP-71 |6br 7.5ba| $3,000,000 Bud Summers (903)240-0095 SG-45 |1.04 ac Lot |$164,500 Bud Summers (903)240-0095 ST-54 | 4br 3ba | $789,500 Bud Summers (903)240-0095 BAHAMAS Jana Cox NL-34 Next Chatter Deadline Wednesday, July NGG-2 | 2br/2ba | $695,000 Linda McGarvey Realtor (903)736-5744 15 Submit photos and articles of interest to [email protected] Zach Tippit, NE-45 with 8lb 6oz bass 5 6 The continued rain has played havoc with the lake roads. There has been widespread damage to the roads in the form of potholes and base failures. In addition, at least 6 culverts on lake roads have seen various degrees of damage. Both Lake Cherokee and contractor crews have begun addressing these issues. In some cases CWC crews are making temporary repairs designed to keep the roads open until more permanent repairs can be made. The weather and the need to address the damage have caused continuing delays in the ongoing road maintenance effort in addition to adding to the list of needed repairs. The CWC contractor continues to work on the planned maintenance, but the weather will result in delays in completing this phase of the project. It really does not seem possible, but Memorial Day is over and it is almost the Fourth of July. As in the past, the Lake will be a busy place for the weekend of the Fourth. We will start things off with fireworks on the Lake the night of July 3. The fireworks will be provided by a new contractor this year and the Board of Directors has authorized additional Welcome to Lake Cherokee May 2015 Transfers– 13 funds for them. We have had a number of very generous contributions to the fireworks, but additional support is always appreciated. Please contact Vicki if you can help. The Boat Parade is scheduled for Friday, July 3. Manager’s Report This event always brings with Ned Muse Your responses to the Onout the best in the shareSite Sewer Inventory have holders creativity and is great fun to watch or participate in. This been great. As of the date of writing this, we have received over nine hundred year’s event is scheduled to begin at 10 responses. We really appreciate this efAM. Judging will take place from the fort, but we still have about five hundred pier at the Lake Office with awards to be presented later in the day. Please contact shareholders who have not responded. We will shortly begin contacting those the office for more details. who have not responded or who have The Lake Office will be open with asked for a little help in completing the reduced staff on July 3 as most of the inventory. staff will be involved in getting ready for The Lake Cherokee Board of Directors the fireworks and other activities. The has been working on revising the rules office will be closed on Monday, July 6 relating to On-Site Sewer facilities on so that the staff can spend some quality time with their families. Security will be the Lake. The changes that are being considered will have little direct impact fully staffed on both days. on the large majority of Lake Cherokee The CWC has completed negotiations leaseholders. The proposed changes are with Champion EMS to allow them to LAKE CHEROKEE SECURITY REPORT MAY 2015 FACILITY CHECK: REMOVE DEAD ANIMAL: 8 2,654 EXTRA PATROL FACILITY: 37 EXTRA PATROL SHAREHOLDER: 555 IMPOUND DOMESTIC ANIMAL: 5 CLEAR ROADWAY OF TREES/ WELFARE CHECK: DEBRIS: 35 DISTURBANCE: 4 10 OPEN DOOR: 7 If you have any questions regarding a property or stock transfer, please feel free to contact Erin Layman at (903) 643-3933 or [email protected]. convert the old fire station on SWEPCO lane to an EMS station to serve Lake Cherokee and the surrounding area. The company does not expect any issues and hope that we will see Champion break ground in the near future. SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE/ PERSON: 14 BURGLARY/ THEFT: 1 MAINTENANCE NEEDED: 11 WATER RESCUE/ DROWNING: 8 ISSUE PERMIT: 26 VEHICLE/BOAT ACCIDENT: 2 ALARMS: 10 SET OUT/PICK UP CODE TRAP: 17 VIOLATIONS: 31 REMOVE ANIMAL FROM TRAP/LOT: 17 ASSIST AGENCY: 11 Fuel Center Hours Ethanol-Free May-September Tuesday-Friday 2:00-6:00 Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 12:00-6:00 November-February Closed March-April & October Tuesday 1:00-5:00 Saturday 1:00-5:00 Oil $3.25 Sea Foam $11.00 Credit Card ONLY Gift Certificates available at NK 20 designed to protect our property values and the quality of the Lake’s water resources. One area that will change if the proposed rules are adopted involves the very small number of leaseholders who use unleased CWC land for wastewater disposal. The proposed rules allow those the affected shareholders to continue to do so without any charge until the share is transferred to someone other than a spouse. After that time, annual charges will be made if the leaseholder continues to utilize unleased property for sewer waste disposal. No permit fee will be charged in those grandfathered cases. The proposed rules discourage any additional use of unleased CWC property for disposal by providing that new permits will only be issued in those cases where the shareholder can demonstrate that there is no other available alternative. In those cases, an initial fee and annual fees will be charged. The proposed rules can be read online at our website (, or you may request a copy by calling or coming by the Lake Office. Lake Cherokee Library The library was established for the benefit of all Lake Cherokee shareholders and the volunteers welcome everyone to stop by and visit. You may be surprised at the selection of material that has been donated to the library since its inception. Our bookshelves are overflowing with fiction and non-fiction books, including biographies, history, science, religion, health, audio books, movies and children’s books. Many VHS movie tapes have been donated if anyone is interested in this medium. No library card is required, nor is there a limit on number of selections borrowed. You may return the selections at your convenience, retain them or share with others. In the event no volunteer is present, you can borrow a key from the Cherokee Water Company office Monday-Friday from 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Whenever you visit, please sign the Visitor Register and thanks for coming. NK 21 Lake Cherokee • Longview, TX 7 We hope everyone is having a great is on individual lots. Please read the summer! related article in this month’s Chatter for tips in combating mosquitoes. All of the rain this year has created ideal situations for mosquito breed- The CWC began spraying for mosing (along with other issues). We quitoes in May and hope to be able have seen water standing in areas to continue doing so all summer that have traditionally been dry by long. Any time you start applying summer, containers that may have pesticides it creates a concern and dried out from summer temperatures rightfully so. The CWC uses a safe are still holding water, and the grass, product called Vector Ban Plus weeds, and undergrowth make good which contains Permethrin as its achiding places for these pests. We are tive ingredient. This product is used trying to address these areas as best in warehouses, homes, livestock we can but the more important role housing facilities, milking parlors, poultry houses and residential yards. repairs on culverts. If not, please be It is not only effective for mosqui- patient, to fix them right it needs to toes but spiders, roaches, and other have dried out. pests. The Independence Day celebrations We try to come onto individual lots on the lake are always a high point of to spray. If you DO NOT want us the summer and we believe it will be spraying on your lot please call the even better this year. We are still accepting donations to help defray the office and let us know. cost of the fireworks program if you The flash floods have created a lot of would like to help out. repair issues while I write this it is still pouring down, I hope by publi- Please remember that Firecracker cation time it has dried out enough Park and Bikini Island will close for us to make some substantial early this year because we have a bigger show and it will take more prep time. These areas will be off limits during the show. Additionally, there is a 560 foot safety zone that will be off limits to all boat traffic during the show.(basically a circle the distance of the swim area to the far side of Bikini Island). We will not be able to begin the show until the area is free of boats. Martin A. Pessink Director of Operations, Cherokee Water Company Residents can help control, protect themselves from mosquitoes Original article Texas A&M AgriLife Extension by Paul Schattenberg and Steve Byrns, Texas A&M AgriLife Communication Anticipating a significant increase in the state’s mosquito population, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service entomologists are offering tips on how Texans can help slow mosquito breeding in backyards and protect from being bitten. “Mosquito populations are booming throughout the state and will likely not go away anytime soon after all our rains and flooding,” said Dr. Mike Merchant, AgriLife Extension urban entomologist in Dallas. “Not all of the mosquitoes swarming us right now are likely to carry disease, but West Nile virusinfected mosquitoes are beginning to show up in traps.” Extension livestock/veterinary entomologist in Stephenville. According to Swiger, an infected mosquito can pass tiny heartworm parasites on to any uninfected dog it bites. Heartworm causes lasting damage to heart, lungs and arteries, and can affect the dog’s quality and length of life. The entomologists referred to what they called “the four D’s” as a general means for people to help manage mosquitoes and protect against bites. These are: — Dusk/Dawn – Avoid being outside when mosquitoes are searching for a blood meal, which is usually in the early morning hours and just before the sun goes down. While some species are daytime biters, most prefer to feed at dusk and dawn. The Asian tiger mos— Drain – Empty standquito shown here is ing water from “containone of the two mosers” around your home quito species known and work areas, such as to commonly transmit (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service photo by buckets, wheelbarrows, Dr. Mike Merchant) the chikungunya virus. kiddie pools, toys, dog The other is the closely related yellow fever bowls, water troughs, tires, bottles, etc. Make mosquito. Both species are found in Texas. improvements that allow standing water to (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service run off following rains. photo by Dr. Mike Merchant) For more information about where mosquitoes can breed, and how to identify Aedes and other mosquitoes, Merchant suggested going to AgriLife Extension’s Mosquito Safari website, Humans are not the only ones to suffer from mosquito-borne diseases, AgriLife Extension experts noted. “Mosquitoes can also be vectors for dog heartworm,” said Dr. Sonja Swiger, AgriLife — Dress – If out during mosquito feeding hours, wear long sleeves and pants in plain colors. Avoid attracting them by wearing excessive amounts of perform or aftershave. — Defend – Any time you go outside for an extended period of time, wear an insect repellent. The entomologists agreed that repellents with DEET remain the gold standard for protection. Dr. Charles Allen, AgriLife Extension entomology program leader in San Angelo, said mowing tall weeds and grass can help eliminate some mosquito resting areas. Cell: (903) 736-4837 Business: (903) 757-2111 Fax: (903) 757-3031 Email: [email protected] 1127 Judson Road, Suite 146 Longview, Texas 75601 Put my lifelong association with Lake Cherokee and my 45 years as a licensed Texas attorney with substantial real estate, probate and business transactions experience to work for you. 8 “ The Home of your dreams is with INSIGHT. Call Today for a FREE estimate. The McHaneys Say “Hello” to our latest satisfied customers, the McHaneys. From left to right: Boone, Mary Caroline, John Clark, Matthew, Amy and Stephen McHaney. Find Us On Facebook by Mike Brady CWC Boat Lanes Special considerations regarding rules, etiquette, and safety Navigating on Lake Cherokee has been made easy and convenient with the creation of numerous boat lanes, boat roads, and channels. Each channel and boat road has been given a unique name and is clearly indicated on the lake map. The main channels run the distance of the wooded portions of the lake, on both the North and South sides. They have been cleared to a width of 75 feet and have white and red lateral markers that indicate the edge of the safe, navigable water. In addition, these lateral markers have red and green lights for navigation at night. (Thanks to the Preservation club) However, all boaters should bear in mind that sometimes these markers can shift due to changes in water depth, incidental movement from storms or high winds etc. For this reason it is always best to stay in the middle of the channel unless passing or over-taking. Remember that the maximum speed in the main channels is 20 mph. There are numerous smaller boat roads that crisscross the lake and intersect the main channels. These named boat roads can be navigated by locating the pair of pilings on each side of the boat road, and passing between them, keeping the piling with a green sign on your port (left) side and the piling with the red sign on your starboard (right) side . These named boat roads also have a maximum speed of 20 mph. Un-named access lanes have a maximum speed of 10 mph. All other areas on the lake are to be navigated at idle speed unless otherwise posted. Passing: On-coming boats: The most common complaint regarding traffic in the boat channels is being swamped by the wake of an on-coming boat that has not reduced speed, or has not slowed adequately to avoid creating a hazardous wake. CWC rules for passing in the boat roads and channels are strictly enforced, so all boaters should be familiar with the following procedure: 1. Slow to headway speed (idle speed) when you are within 50’ of the bow of the on-coming boat. 2. Pass the other boat, to the right, as you would in a vehicle on the roadway. 3. Maintain headway speed (only) until the stern of each vessel passes the other. Once the stern of each vessel crosses the other you can regain your previous speed. Passing slower boats: (Over taking): Over taking other boats in the boat channel is normally discouraged as it has several inherent safety hazards. Extra caution is necessary. First, over-taking slower boats requires more time and distance vs. passing oncoming boats, thus exposing both vessels to increased danger from navigational hazards (such as stumps). Secondly, the vessel being over-taken must be alerted so that it may respond and take appropriate action to be overtaken safely. When it becomes necessary to over-take a slower boat in the boat channel the following procedure should be followed: 1. Once you are within 50’ of the stern of the slower vessel, sound 2 short blasts (toots) on your horn to get the attention of the other vessel. 2. Wait to receive acknowledgement from the boat in front (ahead). Proper protocol would be for the boat ahead to repeat the 2 short blasts (or toots). However, it could also be in the form of hand signals from the other boat motioning you to proceed. Dustin Sullivan 903-790-2229 [email protected] 3. The boat being overtaken should slow to headway speed and bear to starboard (right), as close to the right side of the channel as safety and prudence permits. 4. Providing that there are no other on-coming boats, the overtaking boat can then proceed, passing the boat ahead to the left, slowly, taking care not to create an unnecessary wake. Remember, you should never overtake a boat in front of you without making your intent clear, and then proceed only after the boat ahead has acknowledged your intent and has taken appropriate action to be passed. Never overtake the boat ahead of you until you are granted permission from the operator of the boat in front. Navigating and passing in the boat roads with the above considerations will help assure the safety of those in your boat, the safety of others on the lake, and avoid costly damage to your hull or power unit. Of course, there is no substitute for good-ole fashioned common sense, consideration, and courtesy! Fortunately most CWC boaters have an abundance of all of these traits. Oh, …….and remember to wave as you go by! 9 10 June We had a total of 67 people sign in for the June meeting and we had three new members and four guests. Our new members were Ben Preston III, Dillon Taylor and Maria Mills. Our guests included Riley Pond, De Ann Elliott, Brent Abernathy and Jimmy Burgess. Jeff Keaton has been a member but this was his first time attending a CFC meeting. With the addition of three members at the meeting, our total membership is now 160. Our “Cookie People,” consisting of Brenda Wyche, Mayre Drennan, Genia Holland, Bonnie Haynes, Carol Staiti, Mike Collier, Karen Loper, Mary Ann Harris, Bob Tippit and James Hewitt, supplied all the good food for the meeting. If you brought food to the meeting and we did not list you, please let me know. Speaking of food, next month we will be having hamburgers for the main dish, so come early and be sure to get your hamburger. Joe Travis, VP and Fisheries Improvement Director, advised the group that all the fish for 2015 have been placed into our hatchery ponds. We have Catfish, Coppernose Bream, Crappie, Bass, and Tilapia. We will feed the fish until October and they will be released in mid-October. Last month, Joe also advised everyone that when the fish release begins, we will transport fish to various parts of Lake Cherokee to be released. Steve Brown advised the group that name badges have been made and he will bring them to our next meeting. After the list was supplied to Steve, several new members’ names were not in the first list and we will get those names to Steve. Steve introduced the speaker for the night. Brent Abernathy is the sales manager at Shipp’s Marine. Brent has been interested in boats and boating for years and at one time, raced boats. The Phoenix Boat came into the market during 2009 and he brought a new Phoenix boat for our members to see. Sales for the Phoenix have increased drastically since 2009 and believe the Phoenix will soon be in the top three boats being sold, according to Brent. Brent took a lot of questions and then met members outside to get a look at the boat. Our monthly raffle winners and their winning items were; Leonard Martin, “Speed fill” gas can and $15.00 cash; Guest Riley Pond, Cyber WP; Larry Lacewell, Fish scales; Regan Wyche, Cooler and Stump Grabber; Wiley Thomas, $40.00 Cabela’s Gift Card; John White $45.00 Academy Gift Card; Bill Drennan, Stump Grabber, Buff and shirt; Bob Tippit, Shirt and Stump Grabber; Nancy Landham, 3 bank battery charger; and Bob Tippit, free oil change. June 13 was the date set for Lone Star Warriors Outdoors to attend the “Day on Lake Cherokee.” A total of thirty-nine veterans and some family members were due to participate. However, many of them were getting concerned about the weather on the 12th of June. We had passed the point of no return on having the event because of the fresh foods had been purchased and ready to go. As it turned out 4 guys from the Outdoor Warrior group attended. We had a group of 9 Veteran shareholders that also came out for the day. It was surprising to see so many people coming to support the event. The Preservation Club provided breakfast, the PA system and a host of people ready to provide a great day for our country’s military veterans. The Cherokee Fishing club provided hamburgers, drinks, and boats, as well. Our guests included Felix Zerilla and Jesus Reyes, driving all the way here from Fort Worth. Brandon Gibson came in from McK- Cherokee Fishing Club News By Bo Besharse inney, Texas and Steve Graff from Longview. Even though weather played a big role in decisions made by those that did not attend. these four guys went out with our fishermen and had their day on the lake and a good portion of that day was fishing in the rain. The guys from Fort Worth wanted to continue fishing in the rain but because of lightning and thunder, we contacted those still on the lake and advised them to come back to Firecracker Park. Brent Abernathy, Guest Speaker Maria Mills, New Member Jeff Keaton There always seems to be a New Member/ first meeting lot of good, when plans do not go right on events like this. During the day, club members from both clubs had the opportunity to meet, carry on Ben Preston SK-50A Crappie 1.69lbs conversations and get to know each other a little better. We had outstanding support from our Lake Cherokee Community and neighbors. Those donating merchandise were Harley’s on Estes Parkway; Wal-Mart on Estes Parkway; Sam’s Club, Longview; Wal Mart Store, 4th Street, Longview; Brookshire’s, Gilmer, Texas; R&K Distributors, Longview; Kroger Store, Longview; Wal Mart Store, Gilmer, Texas; Bob Tippit provided drinking water and the Cherokee Water Company provided support and gas. Citizens State Bank, Cherokee Shores Real Estate, Dirk Lee, Willard Jordan, and the Cherokee Fishing Club provide cash donations to help pay for expenses of holding the event. I want to make sure we thank the Cherokee Water Company Lake Patrol for their assistance and all those businesses that supported this event. Please support them, the way they support us. We had so many members of the Cherokee Fishing Club and the Preservation Club providing much needed support, time and efforts and every one of you deserve our thanks and gratitude for your support. Dillon Taylor New Member Maggie Hamlin SK-12A Crappie 1.87 lbs On Saturday, May 30, the second round of Concealed Handgun License course was held at the Cherokee Water Company office and we had 12 shareholders complete the requirements for concealed handgun license. We do not intend to offer another course in the near future, unless we have more shareholders that desire to take the CHL class. For the next meeting on Monday, July 13, our program speaker will be H.R. Tarpley, sponsored by Santone Lures. H. R. is a tournament fisherman and his topic will be on Bass fishing. Come join us for that meeting and don’t forget that we will be having hamburgers at the July meeting. We will also be having pulled pork sandwiches at the Monday, August 10th meeting, so be sure to note that date on your calendar. We would like for all of you to consider joining our fishing club, if you are not a member. Membership forms can be downloaded from the CFC website at www. or may be picked up at any of our monthly meetings which are held on the second Monday of each month. WHEN MEETING AN ONCOMING WATERCRAFT ON A BOAT ROAD, OPERATORS MUST REDUCE THEIR WATERCRAFT SPEED TO HEADWAY SPEED (IDLE SPEED, NO WAKE SPEED) FROM THE POINT THE TWO WATERCRAFT ARE WITHIN FIFTY FEET OF ONE ANOTHER, UNTIL THE TWO WATERCRAFTS’ STERNS HAVE PASSED EACH OTHER. 11 Steve Graff, LSWO Guest and Bo Besharse Felix Zerella and Jesus Reyes LSWO Guests Brandon Gibson, LSWO Guest, and George Steele EASON IRRIGATION B.K. (Kim) Eason Cory Eason 903-238-7926 Casey Eason 903-235-9072 Lic # 16660 Prev. #3181 903-431-3900 Specializing in pumps & sprinkler repairs, updates & installations 12 June Dallas Summer Musicals Cinderella First Friends is taking to the Highway for a few road trips this summer. Jeanne Collins organized our June 18th trip to Dallas Summer Musicals to see Cinderella! We had lunch on the way at Appleby’s in Terrell, then on to Fair Park. You would think there could be no new surprises for us in this classic, but there were! The music, singing, dancing, and cast were wonderful! They threw in a bit of magic that we tried to figure out the whole way home! July’s plans are still in the works, so details will go out by e-mail. If you are not on our e-mail list but would like to be, please write me at “susan.deeds@gmail. com” or call me at 903-643-9499. We would love to have you join us! $649,500.00 *3/4 bedroom 2.5 baths custom brick. *landscaped yard *Pool *Tiki bar with all amenities * 2 boat & 2 jet ski lift in boat house *garage/man cave with 1/2 bath *Beautiful mural paintings throughout the home *Chef’s kitchen w/ granite, double ovens, pantry fireplace *study *security *large utility CWC maintenance department spot treats top-water vegetation, as time and manpower allows. Some residents, for varied reasons, prefer and enjoy the vegetation in front of their lots. Residents who do NOT want the water vegetation sprayed, should notify the CWC office and request to be placed on a “no spray” list. For those identified lots, the maintenance department will not apply herbicide. LAWN MASTERS “You grow it, we’ll mow it!” New fences Repairs Leaf Cleaning Mowing Edging Trimming 903-235-2433 Call Linda at 903-983-9218 today for your appointment! Mobbs Real Estate Group 1101 E. Lantrip St. Kilgore, TX 75662 903-986-1857 ATTENTION: WEED LOVERS Top row: Pam Kutzer , Bobbie McKnight, Jeanne Collins, Susan Deeds Front Row: Sharon Fussell , Mary Hale, Gwen Skinner, Delores Toon, and Jean McLaurin Free estimates on all fence and lawn work! VARIANCE REQUESTS ALL variance requests and applications for outbuildings MUST be turned in by 5:00 p.m. the Monday before the Property Committee meets. (10 days before the Board meeting) July- July 6 August- August 10 September- Sept. 7 October- October 5 November- Nov. 9 December- Dec. 7 BRUCE BUSSEY’S BALLOON OVER FIRECRACKER PARK 13 14 Carol Coolidge Real Estate Annual Fishing Contest MAY WINNERS: Bass Don Anderson, NF-57 8.64 lbs. Bream Mike Weed. NT-21 1.19 lbs. Catfish Don Anderson, NF-57 36.1 lbs. Crappie Maggie Hamlin, SK-12A 1.87 lbs. NEED DIRT? CALL 903-576-0113 401 N. Martin • Kilgore • 984-2525 Toll Free 1-800-283-0332 Kilgore Family Owned & Operated Since 1938 For Area Obituary Notices: 15 June is starting off to still be a wet one. I haven’t received any new news so this is just some information and pictures. (don’t have a lot of pictures yet either) by Celia Taylor The firecracker tournament is June 27th – come out and be patriotic and have a good time with the fireworks provided and have fun with all the golfers. The Annual Fund Raiser tournament is just around the corner – July 25th. If you haven’t signed up the sign-up sheets are in the pro shop. We are looking for donations, raffle donations silent auction donations. This is a 2 person scramble. ALL proceeds go to the club. There are a lot of projects coming up this year in maintenance on and around the course. This is what the money goes to every year. Anyone wanting to provide snacks during the tournament are appreciated. Everything is appreciated even if you just want to help set up or help during the day – take water around to the players or take pictures. The club thanks you in advance. If you are not sure what to do call the golf course or any board member. The club would like to thank Dan & Sharyn Rust and Pat Hermann for all the hard work they have put in on painting the trim on the building and planting plants. Also the board would like to thank Glen Davis for a donation for purchasing the plants. Thanks to Carol Grimes for purchasing the side tables in the lounge. The club also would like to thank The Ladies Group for donating the money for the painting of the trim. There has been so much done in the last couple of months to make our club house and grounds look nice. A big Thanks to all!!!!! Please turn in any news you might have pertaining to golf or any other news you might have for anything. Have a safe and great 4th! See you on the course! shareholders of Free Golf The the lots listed here are the winners of FREE in July GOLF at the Cherokee NO-13 ST-34 NC-06 SR-29 SD-22 Country Golf Association Course during the month of July. Any member of the shareholder’s family should present the shareholder’s card for one FREE round of golf, including the use of a cart, during the month of July. The Cherokee CHATTER All Shareholders are urged to contribute articles, event news, photos, inquiries and information of interest to residents of Lake Cherokee for publications in The Chatter. Advertising rates can be obtained by calling the Cherokee Water Company at 903-6433933; fax 903-643-2717, or office e-mail at Chatter@lkcherokee. com. The Cherokee Chatter is published by the Cherokee Water Company and is printed by the printing division of the Longview News-Journal. The Chatter does not endorse or accept any liability for any advertisements contained within the publication. Watercraft Rules Unique to Lake Cherokee This month we’re going to address some boating rules on Lake Cherokee that may differ from those that might be encountered on other Texas lakes. The rules of the Texas Water Safety Act apply to all lakes in Texas, including Lake Cherokee. However, in some cases, Lake Cherokee has adopted rules more stringent than provided for in the Water Safety Act. The first one that comes to mind relates to Personal Watercraft. The Water Safety Act allows PWC’s to tow water skis, an aquaplane, a surfboard, a tube, or any other similar device so long as the PWC is one designed to carry on board a minimum of two persons. BUT, CWC Rules and Regulations are more stringent and prohibit any PWC from towing water skis, a surfboard, or other similar devices. Another difference is the Water Safety Act requires vessels towing water skis or a similar device to have an observer, other than the vessel operator, 13 years of age or older on board or a rearview mirror no less than four inches square to give the operator a full, complete view beyond the rear of the vessel at all times. BUT, CWC Rules and Regulations require there to be a minimum of two people in the boat so that the driver can keep a proper lookout and the other person can watch the skier. A lone driver using a rearview mirror is not permitted on Lake Cherokee. Also, please remember, it is illegal by Water Safety Act standards and CWC Rules for a boat to tow a person on water skis, or other devices between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. The last difference I’ll point out relates to speed limits on the water. The Water Safety Act dictates that operating at a speed that is not reasonable and prudent based on boating traffic, weather conditions, visibility, or other hazards is negligent and reckless operation and, therefore, illegal. BUT, CWC Rules and Regulations set actual speed limits. In addition to operating at reasonable and prudent speeds based on conditions, remember that on open or ski water during daylight hours the maximum speed limit is forty mph and twenty mph during nighttime hours (30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise); twenty mph upon named boat roads; ten mph upon access boat roads; and idle speed upon all other areas of the lake, unless otherwise posted. It’s always important as you travel to other lakes around Texas to recognize that the governing board of any lake may make more restrictive rules and regulations than The Water Safety Act requires, especially if it results in increased public safety. So, if you trailer your vessel to other lakes, please make it a practice to research that possibility before you launch your watercraft. 16 Tatum Floral (903) 947-2216 Serving Tatum, Beckville and Lake Cherokee * * Flowers for all occasions * * 170 E. Johnson/Hwy. 43 Tatum, TX 75691 Michael Walker – Owner Jan Daniels – Manager/Designer Sheldon Lattery Photography Mary’sP lace Miss •• Weddings Reunions •• Parties Milestone Events 1997 FM 2011 Rd. Longview, TX 75603 903-918-6034 903-720-7347 17 18 HOME FOR SALE ED C U D E R E C PRI Dreaming of a Lake Cherokee wedding? Contact Erin at (903) 643-3933 or [email protected] $499,000 NE-19 3/3 Home & Boat House OR $749,000 with NE-18 Adjoining Park Like Lot *Will pay Broker’s Buyer Commission* For property details see: Call: (817) 773-2083 19 AIR, HEAT & PLUMBING SERVICES S&H CONTRACTORS Heating and Air Conditioning. Sales and Service. Call 903-6439690. License #TACLA 021018C WATSON REFRIGERATION Air conditioning & Heating service. Call 903-758-9840 AFFORDABLE PLUMBING Why waste your money? SENIOR DISCOUNTS. All plumbing, new construction, remodel & repairs (no job too small.) Repipe, slab leak repair, water heaters, drain & rooter service, electronic leak detection. FREE ESTIMATES. (903) 643-9277 Michael Evans Lic. #M39951 BOAT / WATERCRAFT MAINTENANCE CHEROKEE BOAT MAINTENANCE SUMMERIZE!!! Boat and watercraft maintenance and minor repairs. Oil changes, batteries and general up-keep. David Wilson NP35 903/235-6458 Longview Cycle & Ski SEA-DOO SUMMERIZING Have a certified Sea-Doo technician come and summerize your machine. $50 per ski pick-up available for in shop repairs. Call Longview Cycle & Ski @ (903) 236-8865. CLEANING DECKS CLEAN & TREATED with product of your choice. Transparent, semitransparent or solid body. Call Mike at (903) 987-0592. OLGA AT YOUR SERVICE House cleaning, short or long term property management. Lake references available. 903-297-1766 home 903-746-5179 cell. LAWN AND TREE CARE Jose and Vicente Mowing, trimming, raking Limb and tree removal Free estimates (903) 917-4794 (903) 917-4495 (903) 736-9835 ON THE LAKE, LAWN CARE Family owned & operated. Free estimates. Clockwork schedules. Contact Eric Jacobs, SH-04 @ 903/353-5093 LIMB PICK-UP LAWN MASTERS No place to haul your limbs, leaves, etc.? Call 903/235-2433 for monthly service. MISC NEED A HAND? I CAN HELP! with almost anything. House sitting, checking mail, Watering plants (inside and out), pet setting, pet walking, running errands for elderly or sick. Moving in? I can unpack for you. Moving Out? I can clean for you. Call Selena 903-263-1059 (19-yr Lake Cherokee resident). Angie’s Muddy Paws Grooming and pet sitting services. for the Lake Cherokee area. 903-746-7013 LAKE WEED REMOVAL PRESSURE WASHING STAINING GENERAL MAINTENANCE Call Chad @ (903) 746-4854 PAINTING BATES PAINTING Residential & Commercial 903/931-1283 Blakely Bates Owner/Operator 5410 Curtis Black Rd. Hallsville, TX 75650 PAINTING BY MIKE Custom painting, carpentry, pressure washing and general handyman. Over 25 years experience. 10 year Lake Cherokee resident. Call Mike at (903) 987-0592. POWER WASHING & DETAILING AMERICAN MOBILE DETAILING Need your car, boat, RV etc. detailed? Call today for an appointment. We come to you. 903235-3914 REMODELING REMODELING: Kitchens, baths, room additions, gutter screens & cleaning, tree service. .Free estimates. Any home repair or improvement. Call Rick Warner @ 903/720-7540. INSIGHT REMODELING Insight provides home owners with quality home remodeling services at affordable prices. We provide a full range of home improvement services. Utilizing a design/build approach helps your project run smoothly, and more efficiently. From design to completion, we can provide you with everything you need to make your home renovation dreams a reality. Call today for a FREE estimate. Dustin Sullivan903/790-2229. TREE SERVICES Gonzalez Tree Service Insured & free estimates. Call 903/ 424-8840 or (903) 424-8267. 20 LARCS LadiesBridge by Bette Slade It was a “blue” June 3rd when the Ladies Larc Bridge group met for the bridge luncheon date. for all attndees had on blue except one! That was just a happenstance! It was a delightful afternoon of bridge hands. Lucky one for me was after the bidding and ready to play, I could see that the only trick I would lose would be the ace of spades. Once in a lifetime? Mary Nowak won overall high for the day and Carol Ehl took home the traveling deuce prize. Wanda Wallace, Bette Slade, Carol Ehl and Peggy Kernohan We usually discuss business at these luncheon meetings and it was brought up that we had enough money that we did not have to collect dues this June. We met at 11am and had a delicious lay out on the buffet table. Our bunch can bring some of the best dishes and the conversation just flows. Lake shareholders are invited to play with us on any Wednesday. Check your chatter calendar for times! No reservations are required Donna Knox, Debbie Hobson, Lynda Suter, Joan Porter and Mary Nowak Shoppers’ Corner FOR SALE: Complete dive equipment with 2 tanks. $2,000 (903) 331-7640 FOR SALE: 21’ 2011 Sun Tracker Party Barge for sale. 60hp 4stroke Mercury Big foot motor. Motor doesn’t even have break in hours on it yet. Cover and life jackets included but no trailer.$16k call or text 903-235-2616. Can send pictures 1990 Galaxie 18 foot Ski Boat with trailer, 6 cylinder I/O with SS power prop, runs good. $3,000.00. 903-646-7696. FOR SALE: Bought NEW July, 2014. G3 V20C Sun Catcher party barge with Yamaha 70 hp 4 stroke motor. Mooring Cover. PiranhaMAX Fish Finder. Stereo w/Bluetooth. Under Shield. Much more. Original Owner. Approx. 15 hrs on water. Has never left Lake Cherokee. Housed in boat house. $17,500. No trailer. Call 903-643-8399 (can leave message) or 903-431-4205. Moose Lodge Decorations. Bears, Deer. Mirrors, light plate cover, basket, rug. A bargain box FULL! $50.00 (903) 643-7292 12ft aluminum V bottom boat with small trailer. Boat is in good condition & does Not leak. Has 2.5 hp motor that did run but plastic gas tank has small leak. No title but I have bill of sale. $250 for all. 903-646-2639 Peddle boat $75. 903-646-2639 FOR SALE: 2000 21 ft. Suntracker Party Barge, 2 hours since new motor top, motor converted to premix fuel/oil, seats and top in great condition, includes full cover, $3,900.00. Can be seen at NG-02, call Pat Cannon (214) 649-2286. 2000 Sport Nautique for sale without trailer. The boat is located on Lake Cherokee and has been serviced by the Correct Craft dealer since it was purchased. Open bow and tower. Asking below market value at $9,000.00. For additional details please call 214.490.4243. will buy you unwanted boat, trailer, barge, jet ski, ATV, UTV or RV and pay cash. Call 903-658-2994. If no answer please leave a message. Thank You. Aqua Toy Paddle Boat for sale. Needs rudder. $300 903.220.9177 Dylan Crawford (bottom right) is the great grandson of Carolyn Matter. He is the catcher and Mick Doggett is the coach of the Wildwings in Center, TX. The East Texas Wildwings are Texas 8U AAA state champions. They competed in a 16 team bracket of the highest level of 8U baseball to capture the title. The Wildwings boast a record of 34 wins and 4 losses to earn the top rank in Texas baseball. The team is #1 in power rating in Texas and #12 in the nation. They are competing in the world series in Destin, Florida on July 4th weekend. WET AND WILD BOAT RALLY DONORS! Nichols Marine Carol Coolidge Real Estate Cherokee Shores Real Estate R & K Distributing Will & Leighann Abernathy Lorin Boyd Cherokee Water Company Clayton’s Mini Mart Inc. Denny’s Restaurant Tina Eustace Vicki & Rick Faulkner Finally Here Boutique Susan Gage Giglio Distributing Pam & Bobby Gosschalk H & W Marine Harley’s Liquor Stores Home & Garden Center Just The Right Thing Kilgore Eye care Lee’s Creek Grocery Louis Morgan Drugs #1 Mabe Welding Danny Maherne Jan & Tommy Pelton Plano Marine of East Texas QXFM Radio Steve & Linny Ramsey Mike & Donna Reader Rose Retirement Shipp’s Marine Bruce & Dianne Swank T Blancos Texas Pest Toot Toots Boutique Tucker and Mo Dudley West Loop Animal Hospital Lynda & Charley Whalen White Lights Salon Jim & Sue Wilson Jane & Darrell Wolven Also thanks CWC and Lake Patrol 21 The Wet and Wild Boat Rally was another fabulous day of fun and sun for our Lake Cherokee community. The weather came in as ordered, sunshine no rain! Yipppeee!! The boat houses and hosts were simply phenomenal. It was a first for many people who were very impressed with how hospitable and entertaining our community can be. A special thanks goes out to our President, Jane Wolven, and the co-chairs for this event, Bart Owens and Darrell Wolven. The Preservation Club is grateful for the generosity of our boat house hosts and their crew. You make this a remarkable event. SL 49, Sharon and Randy Graves, Key West Party NP 20, Connie Bechtold, Cherokee Beach Party NP 84, Karen and Don Nimmo, Swim on In NP 93, Katheryn Courville, Cuba Libre SN 18, Lorin Boyd, Major League Thanks to our many sponsors for their generosity providing prizes for the raffle and the contest. The money that is raised goes to support our many events such as the Easter Egg Hunt and Family Fun Fest. We have recently completed the Navigational light project making the lake safer for all. The Preservation Club spent an estimated $26,500 for the green/red lights that mark the boat roads aiding our travel across our water. Our fabulous photographers Jim Wilson and Cindy Dragisac helped to save this event for posterity. We love the photo evidence of the celebration at Wet and Wild! Thanks to everyone behind the scenes who helped to make the day so successful The Fishing Club hosted the first Lone Star Warrior Event fishing with Vets. The Preservation Club supported them in this endeavor. There was a generous outpouring of boats and people to entertain the veterans that arrived on Saturday, June 13th. Thanks to Bo Besharse and Genia Holland for initiating a new and worthwhile event, it was an awesome day. We will be celebrating Labor Day again this year with the Family Fun Fest at Firecracker Park. It’s a great opportunity to share this time with our children and extended families. We’ll have water slides, games, face painting, hot dogs, etc. Lots of fun for the kids and adults, too. Clayton Evans will chair this event. He did a most excellent job last year, so we twisted his arm again! Thank you Clayton. And we’ve begun preparation for the Chili Fest in November. Don’t forget artwork for entries in the Kid’s Art Contest and Photos for the Lake Cherokee calendar. We will be accepting entries until August 31st. Please send your entries to Judy Owens at [email protected]. Or mail them to the address on the announcement in the Chatter. Keep your cameras ready and clicking! Fourth of July is upon us, can’t wait for the fireworks! Everything should be bigger and better this year. Get set to be dazzled! Come join us in the fun, get involved with your neighbors, submerse yourself in the camaraderie and the beauty that is Lake Cherokee. Happy boating to all, Jan Pelton, Secretary 22 JULY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday 1 2 6 7 8 Deadline to Submit Variances and Applications for Outbuildings Bridge Club 12 Flag Day 19 13 Fishing Club Meeting 7 p.m. 20 14 NO KF&T meeting 21 CWC- limited staff will be available due to 4th of July preparation Fireworks @ dark Bridge Club CWC Office Closed 3 15 9 Parents’ Day 27 28 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 Golf Course Board Meeting 6 p.m. 16 First Friends @ Noon Chatter Ad Deadline CWC Board Mtg 6 p.m. NEW MOON Preservation Club 22 29 Independence Day 11 Bridge Club Bridge Club 4 10 Bridge Club 26 Saturday Boat Parade 10am FULL MOON 5 Friday FULL MOON Sunday 2 Monday 3 23 AUGUST 2015 Tuesday WednesdayThursday 4 Friday Saturday 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 21 22 Bridge Club 9 10 Fishing Club Meeting 7 p.m. Deadline to Submit Variances and Applications for Outbuildings 16 17 11 NO KF&T meeting 18 Bridge Club 19 Bridge Club 23 30 24 31 25 Golf Course Board Meeting 6 p.m. 20 First Friends @ Noon National Aviation Day CWC Board Mtg 6 p.m. Chatter Ad Deadline Preservation Club 26 Bridge Club Women’s Equality Day NEW MOON 27 Senior Citizens Day 28 29 Lyndon Baines Johnson Day FULL MOON 24 ANNUAL FISHING CONTEST April 1-September 30 $50 prize monthly for: BREAM/CATFISH/BASS/CRAPPIE All fish MUST be caught on Lake Cherokee by Lake Cherokee shareholders. When? The 30th day of each month. April-September The monthly contest closes at 6:00 on the 29th of each month and a new contest begins at 5:00 the 30th of each month. Who? Lake Cherokee shareholders and eligible privilege card holders. Contest Rules: All contestants MUST abide by the current CWC Rules & Regulations and of the Texas Parks & Wildlife. All fish MUST be weighed in alive. Please practice catch and release. Weigh-in stations: Bo Besharse SD 14, Skinners in Lakeport, Lee’s Creek Grocery & Cherokee Country Golf. Weigh-in receipts MUST be turned in at the Cherokee Water Company, NK 20 with the date, fish, weight, name, lot and number. Winners will be listed in the Chatter monthly. In case of a tie, the 1st entry weighed is the prize winner. #1 Top Listing, Selling & Producing agency on Lake Cherokee (903) 643-2828 • D L O S SK 55 D L O S SQ 07 D L O S NW 21 D L O S NG 56 D L O S SU 05 D L O S NH 22 We’re buying and selling at Lake Cherokee! D L O S ST 14 D L O S SB 19
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