Cherokee Chatter - Cherokee Water Company
Cherokee Chatter - Cherokee Water Company
The August 2016 Cherokee Chatter Published by the Cherokee Water Co. • NK20 Lake Cherokee • Longview, TX 75603 Board Meeting Minutes News from the 19th Hole Cherokee Flag Travels LARC Ladies Bridge Boat Parade Preservation Club 2 8 11 11 12 14 First Friends Bulletin Board Shopper’s Corner Cherokee Fishing Club Keepin’ it Real Calendar Board Election Process To Begin Soon This year the applications for Board of Directors candidacy will be accepted in the CWC office from Friday, September 16, until no later than 5 p.m., Friday, September 30. Application forms are available in the CWC offices after September 1 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any shareholder or shareholder’s spouse who is in good standing may run for election as a Director on the Board if they are certified by the Special Election Commission. Examples of issues which may interfere with certification are such things as fines or assessments that have not been paid. 16 17 18 19 21 22 August 22 Longview, Tatum, Kilgore Boat Parade Winners Cherokee Water Co. NK20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 A Personal Watercraft (PWC) is defined as a type of motorboat which is specifically designed to be operated by a person or persons sitting, standing, or kneeling ON the vessel rather than INSIDE the vessel. Includes jet skis, wet bikes, wave runners, etc. All equipment requirements for regular motorboats also apply to PWC.In addition to those requirements: • • • Each occupant must wear a life jacket. If the PWC is equipped with a cut-off or kill switch, it must be attached to the operator or operator’s clothing. Inflatable life jackets are NOT approved for use on PWC. Operation of Your Personal Watercraft Open Theme 1st place Mike Lee, NO 23 NOTE: Children under 13 are specifically prohibited from operating a PWC unless accompanied on board by a person at least 18 years of age who can lawfully operate the PWC. All operational rules for regular motorboats also apply to PWC. In addition to those requirements, it is unlawful for any person to: 1. 2. Four people will be elected to the Board. This year, the three-year term expires for Bill Adler, Randall Latch, George Strunk, and Lynda Whalen who are eligible to seek re-election to a second three year term. Eight incumbent Board members who do not come up for election this year are: Wade Johnson, Mike Lee, Steve Lobue, Gary Mapes, Justin Smith, Larry Wayt, Sue Wilson and Darrell Wolven. Personal Watercraft Patriotic Theme 1st Place Michael Hendrick, SC 03 & Richard Bedford, SH 24 operate PWC at night (sunset until sunrise); operate PWC within 50 feet of another PWC, motorboat, vessel, platform, person, object, or shore except at headway speed (Headway speed-Slow, idle speed, or speed only fast enough to maintain steerage) without creating a swell or wake; and 3. operate a PWC and jump the wake of another vessel recklessly or unnecessarily close. **The Water Safety Act allows PWC’s to tow water skis, an aquaplane, a surfboard, a tube, or any other similar device so long as the PWC is one designed to carry on board a minimum of two persons. BUT, CWC Rules and Regulations are more stringent and prohibit any PWC from towing water skis, a surfboard, or other similar devices. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LONGVIEW, TX PERMIT NO. 390 2 ALL variance requests and applications for outbuildings MUST be turned in by 5:00pm the Monday before the Property Committee meets. 0. 017 are set at $1,000.0 -2 16 20 r fo es du al nu an The ll by October 1, 2016 fu in id pa be n ca es du The vantage of the split if you want to take ad ber 1, n pay $515.00 by Octo payment option, you ca pril 1, 2017. 2016 and $515.00 by A (10 days before the Board meeting) -or- The CWC Board Of Directors meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. August- August 8, 2016 September- September 5, 2016 October- October 10, 2016 November- November 7, 2016 December- December 5, 2016 ALL SHAREHOLDERS ARE WELCOME. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHEROKEE WATER COMPANY July 21, 2016 A meeting of the Board of Directors for Cherokee Water Company was held at 6:00 pm on Thursday, July 21, 2016, at NK 20 Lake Cherokee, Longview Texas 75603 with the following Directors present: Darrell Wolven, President Randall Latch, Vice President Lynda Whalen, Secretary Mike Lee, Treasurer Bill Adler Wade Johnson Steve Lobue Gary Mapes Justin Smith George Strunk Larry Wayt Sue Wilson Also present was Rick Faulkner President Darrell Wolven called the meeting to order. Lynda Whalen, Secretary, pronounced a quorum. Misty Conway with Republic Waste, sponsor of the Annual Independence Day Boat Parade, presented trophies and cash awards to the 1st and 2nd place winners in each of the two divisions. statement and certify bills paid for the period ending June 30, 2016. The motion passed. Lee reported the 2016-2017 Budget was presented by the Budget Committee to the full Board of Directors on Monday. A MOTION was made by Mike Lee and seconded by Lynda Whalen to approve the CWC Operating and Capital Budget for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017. The motion passed. Lee explained he would make a motion to bring the CWC and Board in compliance with the CWC By-Laws, Article V, Directors, Sec. 17, which reads: “The Board of Directors shall annually review the financial condition of the Corporation and set the leaseholders’ dues in an amount sufficient to meet operating expenses of the Corporation for the next fiscal year and to maintain adequate reserves for long-term development, maintenance and improvements to the Corporation’s infrastructure and assets”. The Board has determined that the leaseholders’ dues required to be in compliance with the By-Laws is $1,225, which would be a $300 increase for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017. The board also determined that this increase is too great to place on the leaseholders’ for the next fiscal year with such short notice, so the current Board has agreed to take the responsibility to comply with the By-Laws over the next four years. A $75 increase to each shareholder’s dues will be made for the next four fiscal years, including the current year 20162017. A MOTION was made by Mike Lee and seconded by Wade Johnson to increase the Leaseholders’ dues $75 per year for the next four fiscal years as follows: FISCAL YEAR: A MOTION was made by Sue Wilson and seconded by Randall Latch to approve the Minutes of the June 16, 2016 Board of Directors meeting. The motion passed. Mike Lee presented the Treasurer’s Report. The financial statements for June, 2016 were reviewed in detail at the committee meetings on Monday. The CWC is nine months into its budget year and continues to maintain a good cash position on the Balance Sheet. Operating Income and Expenses were in line with the budget. Oil and gas income is below the budget for the year. A MOTION was made by Mike Lee and seconded by Sue Wilson to approve the financial INCREASE: SHAREHOLDERS’ DUES: 2016-2017 $75 $1,000 2017-2018 $75 $1,075 2018-2019 $75 $1,150 2019-2020 $75 $1,225 The motion passed. Managers Memo - Report by Vicki Faulkner: • • The OSSF Class sponsored by Lake Cherokee was held July 9th and attended by 30 shareholders. Because of its success, arrangements were made for the class to be offered again on August 20th with pre-registration required. July 4th - There were 7 entries in the annual boat parade. There was a large audience by boats in the water and on-shore at the office. The fireworks were a success - on-time; no mishaps; no complaints and lots of compliments! Preparations for next year’s show have begun and will be held Monday night, July 3rd. • The contractor started installing the boat road markers in the deep area by the dam. George Strunk, Chair of the Property and Rules Committee, reported that the Committee did meet. There were three items for committee approval and two requests for variances reviewed. A MOTION was made by George Strunk and seconded by Mike Lee that the Board approve the recommendation of the committee for the following: the request FOR VARIANCE from Joe Gable, ST-111, to allow his daughter-in-law to reside in his home. The situation is to be monitored for updates annually at time of lease renewal. The motion passed. A MOTION was made by George Strunk and seconded by Steve Lobue that the Board approve the recommendation of the committee for the following: the request FOR VARIANCE from; Paul Blalock, NK-03, to construct an in-ground swimming pool that will be closer than 75’ from shoreline. The motion passed. Randall Latch, Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, reported that the Committee did not meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Mike Lee, Chair of the Natural Resources Committee, reported that the Committee did meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Sue Wilson, Chair of the Policy and Conduct Committee, reported that the Committee did not meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Lynda Whalen, Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee, reported that the Committee did not meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:12 pm. ATTEST: ______________________ Lynda Whalen, Secretary 3 OSSF MAINTENANCE COURSE CHEROKEE WATER COMPANY APPROVED ADDITIONAL CLASS BEING OFFERED! AUGUST 20, 2016 Last year the Board of Directors approved new rules related to on-site sewage facility (OSSF) systems on Lake Cherokee leased lots. The changes were designed to protect our property values and the quality of the Lake’s water resources. One rule that requires attention within the next few months is: III. ON-SITE SEWAGE FACILITIES E. After October 1, 2016, all OSSF -- other than existing conventional septic systems and holding tank systems--that have been installed in accordance with these permitting procedures and applicable local or State rules and regulations, must be covered by an annual maintenance agreement with a maintenance company licensed by the state. 1. If allowed by the State of Texas and the local permitting authority, a qualified leaseholder may inspect or maintain the OSSF located on the leased lot. 2. Qualification requires the completion of a Basic OSSF Maintenance Course or other training approved by the State of Texas or the local permitting authority. Please understand that if you elect to take this class, it is an option to satisfy the requirement by Lake Cherokee in lieu of proof of the annual maintenance agreement. This class WILL NOT satisfy additional inspection requirements that may be imposed by state or local governing entities. As an example, Gregg County currently requires additional certifications or licenses for a homeowner to inspect their OSSF. Lake Cherokee recognizes a course offered by Environmental Training Systems as an approved course that can be taken by a shareholder if they wish to inspect or maintain the OSSF located on their leased lot. The name of the 8 hour course is Troubleshooting & Repair of Aerobic Treatment Units, Electrical Controls, Spray or Drip Disposal. This course is offered periodically throughout the year and in different locations around the state. We had such an overwhelming response to the July class, we’ve arranged for this class once again to be taught at the CWC for the convenience of our shareholders. This class will be held on Saturday August 20th from 8:00 - 5:00 and the cost is $189 per person. This is the cost of the course and all monies go to their company. At this time, there are no plans for any future classes to be offered on site. If you would like to attend, please make your payment to Environment Training Systems and send to the Lake Cherokee office: NK 20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603. Make sure to specify the name of the person you are making the reservation for. Remember, beginning this year in order to get your lease renewed (due by October 1st), we will have to have a copy of your current annual maintenance agreement on file (unless you have a conventional septic or holding tank system) or a certificate showing that you have taken a CWC approved class and are qualified under Section III.E. to inspect your own system. WWW.CHEROKEEWATERCOMPANY.COM LAKE CHEROKEE SECURITY REPORT JUNE 2016 FACILITY CHECK: REMOVE DEAD 1,622 ANIMAL: 5 EXTRA PATROL FACILITY: 174 EXTRA PATROL SHAREHOLDER: 303 Welcome to Lake Cherokee June 2016 Transfers– 12 IMPOUND DOMESTIC ANIMAL: 9 CLEAR ROADWAY OF TREES/ WELFARE CHECK: DEBRIS: 17 DISTURBANCE: 9 5 OPEN DOOR: 3 SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE/ PERSON: 10 MAINTENANCE NEEDED: 2 ISSUE PERMIT: 12 BURGLARY/ THEFT: 1 ALARMS: 13 WATER RESCUE/ DROWNING: 3 VEHICLE/BOAT ACCIDENT: 0 CODE SET OUT/PICK UP VIOLATIONS: 3 TRAP: 7 ASSIST AGENCY: REMOVE ANIMAL 11 FROM TRAP/LOT: 2 If you have any questions regarding a property or stock transfer, please feel free to contact Erin Summerlin at (903) 643-3933 or [email protected]. 4 Lake Cherokee Family Fun Fest September 3rd 2016 11:00 a.m. Firecracker Park (The Island) The Lake Cherokee Preservation Club welcomes all shareholders for hot dogs, cold drinks, snow cones and more. There will be waterslides, games and activities for the kiddos. There will also be an art contest for the Preservation Club calendar. Bring your kids, grandkids, great grandkids, etc. All are welcome! If interested in volunteering please call 903-643-8003 or 903-643-0004 5 Randy’s Mobile Power Wash House Boathouse Maintenance Repair Randy Neeley Low Cost Spay/Neuter & Pet Wellness Clinic Date: Sunday, August 7, 2016 Time: 10:00 am-3:00 pm Benefitting the Elderville-Lakeport VFD Location: Elderville-Lakeport VFD 8875 FM 2011 • Longview, TX 75603 Offering vaccines, heartworm tests/prevention, flea/tick products, microchipping and more! - - Surgery is by appointment only - - For more information: (903) 590-7722 [email protected] Free Estim ates! Dangerous Tree Removal • Proper Tree Pruning (903) 687-3333 Tony Cevik • (903) 926-4707 • [email protected] WE SAVE SICK TREES State Licensed Arborist & ISA Certified Arborist “There is a difference” (903) 576 576--5519 [email protected] 6 ‘Official’ Lake Cherokee Merchandise Gas Grill or Kitchen available at Cherokee Water Company, NK 20 Outdoor entertaining is so much easier with an outdoor kitchen. Whether you envision a complete kitchen with all the appliances and accessories, or just a really great grill, we can help get you set up to entertain the style you want. Sink Refrigerator Dual or Single Burners Cooler Box Visit our Showroom & see all our grills & kitchens. Tee’s: small-xlarge 2xlarge Youth xsmall-xlarge Adult $10.00 $12.00 $8.00 Ceramic mugs: $10.00 Beach towels: $25.00 Tervis Tumblers: 16 oz. $20.00 24 oz. $24.00 Floating keychain: $2.00 Party cups: $5.50 or 4 for $20.00 Sealed card holder: $2.00 401 N. Martin • Kilgore • 984-2525 Toll Free 1-800-283-0332 Kilgore Family Owned & Operated Since 1938 For Area Obituary Notices: 7 CNB? That’s me! “Lake Cherokee is my home, let me help make it yours!” Kim Hicks-Graham Vice President and Branch Manager Longview NMLS #: 491196 (903) 643-9151 Ext. 4503 Member FDIC Citizens National Bank is honored to be named one of the best Texas employers for a second year. 877-566-2621 • Dreaming of a Lake Cherokee wedding? Maintenance Contracts Available Refer a Friend, get $25 off your Contract & Theirs! Contact Erin at (903) 643-3933 or [email protected] 8 by Celia Taylor As of today we have gotten 2 tournaments in: The Club benefit which was June 28th and the Firecracker Tournament which was July 16th. Whoo Hoo! The next Tournament – the Evening Tournament is August 20th at 5:30 pm it is a Pitch & Putt – 2 Person Best Ball Tournament. Sandwiches and snacks will be provided. Sign Up Sheets will be in the Pro Shop. Robert Mitchell, Southern Hills Golf Course, Alpine Golf Course, Wayne Hoskins, Carol Grimes, Paul Goettle, Sun Belt Supply, Mosby Mechanical, Terry Gebhardt, Hudson Printing, Fritz Restaurant, Glen & Peggy Kernonhan, Dan & Sharyn Rust, Kevin & Carol Payne, Marje Theiman, Jaye & Pat Hermann, Toni Erickson. Again a big thank you The Club could not have done this without everyone. I apologize if I missed anyone. If I did please let me know so we can acknowledge all. The Ladies Group plays every Tuesday and will Tee off at 8:00 am. All ladies invited to play and join the group. Anyone who is in the military, police or Sheriff’s officers, Firemen please come out and play and the Course will give you a 10% discount. The Club Benefit had a great turn out. There were 21 teams! The weather was nice and the play moved at a great pace. Everyone had a great time and the Club would like the thank everyone who I have sent pictures from the Benefit tournament and will be inserting some each month. All pictures can be viewed on our facebook page – Cherokee Country Golf. participated and the club earned a little over $3,000 to help in course maintenance and repairs. The Club would like to give Special Thanks to the following people or companies for their donations being either in sponsoring holes, donating gifts, suppling food, or money and playing in the tournament: Glenneth Jordan, Buzz & Tucy Everett, David & Terri Stokes, Celia & Mark Taylor, Tammie Spicer, Please visit our website: and our facebook page Cherokee Country Golf. The Firecracker Tournament had 7 teams. This was a fun tournament – each team got to shoot fireworks for birdies, eagles and just for the fun of it! 1st Place team was: Steve Roberts, Terry Gebhardt, Mike Clark and Glen Davis, 2nd Place team was: Earl Griffin, Jason Jamison, Glen Kernonhan, and Mandy Jamison. The Club is putting in a Rule a Month in the Chatter and Newsletter just for reminders: PRIVATE CARTS: Rule #2. The member, spouse, or designee can invite someone else to ride with him/her without extra charge. If a person who is not paying monthly trail fees uses a member’s cart in his absence to play the course, he/she must pay the normal trail fee cost. Quotes: “I’m hitting the woods just great, but I’m having a terrible time getting out of them.” “For most amateurs, the best wood in the bag is the pencil.” Free Golf in August The shareholders of the lots listed here are the winners of FREE GOLF at the Cherokee Country Golf Association Course during the month of August. Any member of the shareholder’s family should present the shareholder’s card for one FREE round of golf, including the use of a cart, during the month of August. SJ-27 NP-58 NK-37 SB-12 NW-01 The Saturday Group plays every Saturday morning and Tee off is 8:00 am unless there is a tournament scheduled. It is a lot of fun. “ The Home of your dreams is with INSIGHT. Call Today for a FREE estimate. The McHaneys Say “Hello” to our latest satisfied customers, the McHaneys. From left to right: Boone, Mary Caroline, John Clark, Matthew, Amy and Stephen McHaney. Find Us On Facebook Dustin Sullivan 903-790-2229 [email protected] 9 Solar Reduction Window Tinting Residential & Commercial ∙ Product Benefits ∙ reduce electric bill ∙ blocks 99.9% of UV rays ∙ protects interior furnishings from fading ∙ reduces glare ∙ life time warranty FREE Estimates Call - (903)746-6103 Email - [email protected] Carol Coolidge Real Estate Annual Fishing Contest June Winners Tom Visage, SH 10 5 lb. 13 oz. catfish Buster McCord, SB 53 1 lb. 15.2 oz. crappie Lee Scott, NB 08 13 oz. bream Happy 4th of July! Levi Sutphen, 10 month old grandson of Patti and Mark Wiggins, SB10 residents. Ready for some swimming at the Island! Ben Preston, SK 50A 6 lb. 13 oz. bass 10 Auuuss “SSSll”! WW llll PPPnn uu SB44 - 4/3.5 $830’s pdaaee accccc isssngg llll! yyyyy @ 903-643-3311 SD13 - 5/3.5 $790’s NG53-3/2.5 $620’s SN31 - 3/3 $690’s SS17 - 3/2.5 $595’s Ni9 - 4/3.5 $670’s NS12 3/2 $650’s ST75 4/3 $550’s SN55A 3/3 540’s Ng25 - 3/2.5 550’s ST83 - 3/3 - 390’s SB58-3/2 + 1/1 $399’S SL69 $330’s SG37A - 2/2 $250’s SS22B - 4/2.5 $420’S Sb42 1/1 $280 SG47 $240’s SH33 - 2/1 $260’s Si1 - 3/3 - $270’s SH44 3/2.5 $395 Ni8 1/1 $270 390’s SA8 - 3/2 - $180’s Si14 3/2 $260’s SA8 - 3/2 - $180’s 190’s Si20 - 3/2 $150’s ND2 2/2 $220’s Sg14 1/1 $100’s Ella and Logan Tippit grandchildren of Bob Tippit SH-31. Enjoying 4th 11 of July at the Lake. After spending time in the regions of Tuscany and Umbria in Italy, Allan and Karen Franklin ended their vacation in Rome. LARCS Ladies Bridge by Bette Slade The Larc’s Bridge Luncheon is usually held the first Wednesday of the month, however the busy schedules of our members called for a change of date to July 13th. Games were played in the recreation room of the Cherokee Water Company with Joan Porter, Donna Knox, Lynda Suter, Carol Ehl, Bette Slade, Susan Deeds and Peggy Kernohan present. The buffet table was laden with summertime recipes as shown in the picture. Pimento cheese sandwiches, dips, cucumber mix, orange congealed salad, fruit salad and bright red watermelon made for a delicious meal. Bridge hands were played with a rotating dummy. Donna Knox was our high winner followed up by Susan Deeds. You could be a winner too if you would come play with us on any Wednesday no matter what your skills are! Donna has perfected a game sheet that is easy to follow for learning the game. One minor basic rule is for “ a deal passed out”: “Only four hands are dealt at each table, one for each player. If a deal is passed (all 4 players pass) - the deal passes to the left and both sides score a zero for that deal” We are happy to teach you the game - just give us the chance to make your life a bit more fun! Don’t pass up this deal. Buckingham Palace J and Penni Mitchell NR2 Cheryl Bolt Parker NK25 12 Patriotic Theme 1st Place Michael Hendrick, SC 03 & Richard Bedford, SH 24 Open Theme 1st place Mike Lee, NO 23 Patriotic Theme 2nd place Jeffery Hargis, NH 20 Open Theme 2nd place Bryan Sorrels, NQ 16 Megan Hamner, NG 34 John Wilcox, ST 25 Maria Mills, NC 04 13 Boat Parade Judges Ronny Boswell- Suzanne Cook & Company, Clair Balliett- Suzanne Cook & Company, Linda VoylesSuzanne Cook & Company, Carolyn James- Carol Coolidge Real Estate, Kristina Coolidge- Carol Coolidge Real Estate and Jeanne CollinsHead Judge 14 Summertime, And the livin’ is easy Fish are jumpin’ And the cotton is high If you haven’t been out gamboling and frolicking on the lake….what are you waiting on? There’s a myriad of happenings in the summer around our lake community, possibilities….breakfast at Firecracker Park, meeting friends and neighbors at Sandy Point on the weekend, boat rides at night in the moonlight, fishing in the early morning, golfing before it gets too hot to swing, celebrating the magnificent sunsets, playing with the kids, games on the beach on a Saturday afternoon, grilling in the back yard…..the list is long and so much fun! Life on the water, just delightful. Hope everyone enjoyed the fourth with their family and friends. The weather was beautiful and the fireworks spectacular! We salute the CWC for the amazing display. Thank you Chuck Conrad for providing the musical accompaniment. Kudos to everyone involved for making it the event of the season. Put a star on your calendar, the Preservation Club is preparing for the Family Fun Fest during our next big holiday on Labor Day weekend. It will be Saturday, September 3rd from 11am to 4pm at Firecracker Park. Clayton Evans is the chairman of the event. If you would like to volunteer to assist in the fun, please call 903-643-8003 or 903-643-0004. Your daddy’s rich And your mamma’s good lookin’ So hush little baby Don’t you cry Summertime--George Gershwin There will be water slides, games, prizes, face painting, and other activities for the kids. Hot dogs, snow cones, and more for everyone. There will be an art contest for the Preservation Club calendar. This is free to all shareholders and their family and friends. It is our way of giving back to the lake, we want to express our gratitude for the community support that we receive throughout the year. So come on out and play! Don’t forget artwork for entries in the Kid’s Art Contest and Photos for the Lake Cherokee calendar. We will be accepting entries until August 31st. Please send your entries to Judy Owens at [email protected]. Or mail them to the address on the announcement in the Chatter. Keep your cameras ready and clicking! Summer is here and the time is right….. Happy boating to all, Jan Pelton, Secretary 2017 Preservation Club Calendar Photos of our beautiful lake needed! DEADLINE: August 31 SIZE: Set your camera or smartphone to its HIGHEST RESOLUTION. MOST smartphone photos do not reproduce well. The photos will be reproduced at an 8.5 x 11 size . The final image must be 300 dpi + FORMAT: JPEG, TIFF LANDSCAPE for calendar format! If possible, submitting your photo on a thumbdrive is best! Please send to: Judy Owens, SN 30 Lake Cherokee, Henderson 75652 Questions? Contact Judy at [email protected] or 903-445-0047. ALL are welcome! Family Fun Fest Saturday, September 3rd 11am to 4pm Firecracker Park 15 EASON IRRIGATION B.K. (Kim) Eason Cory Eason 903-238-7926 Casey Eason 903-235-9072 Lic # 16660 Prev. #3181 903-431-3900 Specializing in pumps & sprinkler repairs, updates & installations Boathouses, Retaining Walls, Decks, and Dredging Weddings • Reunions • Parties • Milestone Events A/K Photography 1997 FM 2011 Rd. Longview, TX 75603 903-720-7347 903-918-6034 16 by Jeanne Collins The July meeting of our First Friends group was on Thursday, July 21 at 11:30 am. at the Bistro restaurant on E. Tyler Street, in downtown Longview. Our hostesses were Marilyn Moulds and Bette Slade. Their program was on photography and was presented by Aaron May. Aaron showed us many wonderful photographs he has taken all over the United States, and several night-time photos taken on beautiful Lake Cherokee. Through 30 second progression pictures, he has developed a technique of showing the movement of stars across the night sky, and it makes very unusual and captivating pictures. He also gave us some tips to improve our own amateur photography efforts. Sitting, left to right - Marilyn Moulds, Holly Treadway, Sharyn Rust, Sonya Vaughn Standing, left to right - Jeanne Collins, Bette Slade, Debbie Hobson, Aaron May, Doris Cummings, Charlotte Kennedy, Susan Deeds, Karen Franklin Sharyn Rust Special guests were Charlotte Kennedy, guest of Doris Cummings and Holly Treadway, guest of Karen Franklin. The Door Prize was won by Sharyn Rust. Next month’s meeting will be on Thursday, August 18, at 11:30 am at the Jalapeno Tree, located on Eastman Road near Hwy. 80. The agenda will include information about a new program which helps our Military Veterans with home repairs, coordinated through Habitat for Humanity. We would love for you to join us – please call me at 903-643-7200 to get on our email list, or to get more information. Jeanne Collins, Coordinator 17 AIR, HEAT & PLUMBING SERVICES S&H CONTRACTORS Heating and Air Conditioning. Sales and Service. Call 903-643-9690. License #TACLA 021018C WATSON REFRIGERATION Air conditioning & heating service. Lic. #TACLA2575C Call (903) 758-9840 AFFORDABLE PLUMBING Why waste your money? SENIOR DISCOUNTS. All plumbing, new construction, remodel & repairs (no job too small.) Repipe, slab leak repair, water heaters, drain & rooter service, electronic leak detection. FREE ESTIMATES. (903) 643-9277 Michael Evans Lic. #M39951 BOAT /WATERCRAFT MAINTENANCE CHEROKEE BOAT MAINTENANCE WINTERIZE EARLY! Boat and watercraft maintenance and minor repairs. Oil changes, batteries and general up-keep. David Wilson NP35 903/235-6458 Longview Cycle & Ski SEA-DOO Maintenance & Repair. Have a certified Sea-Doo Technician come and prepare your water craft for summer fun. $50 per ski pick-up available for in shop repairs. Call Trey or Joseph at Longview Cycle & Ski (903) 236-8865 Today! CLEANING DECKS CLEAN & TREATED with product of your choice. Transparent, semitransparent or solid body. Call Mike at (903) 987-0592. OLGA AT YOUR SERVICE House cleaning, short or long term property management. Lake references available. 903-297-1766 home 903-746-5179 cell. LAWN AND TREE CARE POWER WASHING & DETAILING AMERICAN MOBILE DETAILING Need your car, boat, RV etc. detailed? Call today for an appointment. We come to you. 903-235-3914 Jose and Vicente Mowing, trimming, raking. Limb and tree removal. Free estimates. (903) 917-4495 or (903) 917-4794 LIMB PICK-UP REMODELING REMODELING: LAWN MASTERS Kitchens, baths, room additions, gutter screens & cleaning, tree service. .Free estimates. Any home repair or improvement. Call Rick Warner @ 903/7207540. MISC Insight provides home owners with quality home remodeling services at affordable prices. We provide a full range of home improvement services. Utilizing a design/build approach helps your project run smoothly, and more efficiently. From design to completion, we can provide you with everything you need to make your home renovation dreams a reality. Call today for a FREE estimate. Dustin Sullivan- 903/790-2229. No place to haul your limbs, leaves, etc.? Call 903/2352433 for monthly service. NEED A HAND? I CAN HELP! with almost anything. House sitting, checking mail, Watering plants (inside and out), pet setting, pet walking, running errands for elderly or sick. Moving in? I can unpack for you. Moving Out? I can clean for you. Call Selena 903-263-1059 (19-yr Lake Cherokee resident). INSIGHT REMODELING Angie’s Muddy Paws Grooming and pet sitting services. for the Lake Cherokee area. 903-746-7013 PAINTING PAINTING BY MIKE Custom painting, carpentry, pressure washing and general handyman. Over 25 years experience. 10 year Lake Cherokee resident. Call Mike at (903) 987-0592. TREE SERVICES Gonzalez Tree Service Insured & free estimates. Call 903/ 424-8840 or (903) 424-8267. Shopper’s Corner 18 FOR SALE Keyboard, Yamaha portable grand piano DGX500. $400.00 V Bottom heavy duty boat 400.00, Go devil motor 9 hp. 500.00 Call 9032414066. ft perception eclipse sit in kayak has rudder , paddle and skirt blue and white good condition sea worthy. $550.00 903 539 0818 2011 Chaparral 186, 190 HP Volvo inboard/outboard with 122 hours, 4 speaker stereo, bimini, cover, depth finder. Call 903-736-6268. Boat has been exclusively on Lake Cherokee. Can be seen at Plano Marine. Mosaic glass work supplies – saw $150 and glass pieces $2-$3 each 903.643.3434 2011 Sun Tracker 21 ft party barge. 903-7801694 It’s uncovered, cleaned & serviced. Lake ready pontoon boat with custom cover purchased from Bass Tracker on Eastman Rd. Extra upgrades on boat, 90 HP Mercury motor & trailer. Low hours, only fueled & used on Lake Cherokee. Removed from water & covered every winter. A deal for someone wanting a boat, like new boat minus the depreciation. $15,000 24’ Aloha Barge, 90 hp engine, good shape $3,700 903.643.3434 02’ Sun Tracker 25’ Regency Edition, 90Hp Tracker. Great Shape. $8000 SJ 35B Robert 903.738-0333 Fuel Center Hours Ethanol-Free May-September Tuesday-Friday 2:00-6:00 Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 12:00-6:00 November-February Closed March-April & October Tuesday 1:00-5:00 Saturday 1:00-5:00 Oil $3.25 Sea Foam $11.00 Credit Card ONLY Gift Certificates available at NK 20 16’ Whirlpool freeze or fridge. Can choose which. Replaced for a larger freezer. $100.00. Great for boathouse or whatever. (903) 643-2765 Iron spiral staircase, 140” tall, 5’ wide, 13 spiral steps. Great condition! $1,500 (318) 218-4949 Bennie or (318) 218-3376 ESTATE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE – Craftsman 7 hp Rear Tine Tiller w/ dual rotating tines and large wheels (used one time) $495.00 (cost: $850.00), Craftsman mini tiller/cultivator w/gas engine $95.00 (cost $299.00), Craftsman Clean and Carry power washer $165.00 (cost $299.00), Troy Bilt 7800 watt generator w/new battery $500.00 (cost $950.00), Hobart Stickmate LX welder w/ leads $375.00 (cost $550.00), Craftsman free standing high speed drill press $125.00, table top drill press $50.00, tripod mounted large telescope $75.00, Margaritaville Margarita Machine $125.00, antique mantel clock $50.00, Cajun Injector stand up electric smoker (used 1 time) $145.00 (cost $225.00), 4 passenger paddle boat $100.00, assorted cast iron skillets and cookware (some Wagner), boxes of new sockets, assorted sizes. You pick 50 cents each. SW6 Call 903-424-5517 17 Classic Skeeter Starfire 160 Fish & Ski, One owner, 150HP Evinrude, Factory trailer, 12-24 Eagle Trolling motor, 2 depth finders, stainless prop, several extras. $3,950.00. (903) 643-9541 For sale by owner: 2007 Nissan Murano SL, pearl white in color, tan leather interior, sunroof, backup camera, 2nd owner. My wife has driven it and it has been garage kept. It has been fully detailed for new owner. Small scratch on passenger door from parking lot at Wal-Mart. 65,000 miles. $11,750.00. Like new tires, all services up-to-date. Please call 903-646-0572. 2004 Bennington Deck Boat. 21’ with slimming platform and Bimini top. 5.0 MercCruiser engine with very low hours (estimated at 135 hours). Snap in carpet and silent exhaust option. $15,000. Location-SN53. Contact Will @ 972-762-7650 Solid pecan dining room set. 6 foot table with 2 leafs extending it to 10 feet, 8 chairs and a hunt board. Excellent condition. $1,500. Call (903) 738-3852 or (903) 738-4266 For Sale: ND 10 2/1 House with all new appliances, One bay Boathouse with Pier. 903.663.6836 903.736.8384 $130,000 FOR SALE NH 23 3 bedroom, 2 ½ bath 2,000 sq. ft. All new appliances, floors, carpet, 2 stall boathouse 1,200 sq. ft. deck, +1 acre lot Priced to sell! (903) 738-5557 WILL BUY individual seeking good, clean, used 3/4 ton or 1 ton truck. prefer regular cab with 8 foot bed. would like gas engine but will consider diesel. looking for original with no weird, loud or speedy modifications, just a basic, work truck in good shape. cash in hand for the right truck. calls only please 903-722-3259. Will buy your unwanted boat, barge, jet ski, trailer, motor, ATV/UTV, golf cart, RV or lawnmower and pay cash. Please call 903-658-2994. If no answer, please leave a message. Thank You. Cherokee Fishing Club News By Bo Besharse The October meeting had 54 members in attendance and one guest, for the July meeting. The July meeting speaker was Mike Gilbert and a lot of members thought that Mike was one of the best programs we have had at the meetings. The Cookie People for the July meeting were Mayre Drennan, Carol Staiti, Bonnie Haynes, Brenda Reagan, Bob Tippit, Wylie Thomas, and Genia Holland. The food was outstanding, as usual, and nothing but crumbs were found at the end of the meeting. Good job Cookie People! We did have a supply of new CFC caps and they went pretty fast. We have ordered an additional supply of fishing club caps and hope to receive them by the next meeting. Bob Tippit advised the group that Crappie are being caught on, almost all, the habitats that have been placed into the lake and the bites are coming very early in the mornings. Mike Gilbert was the program speaker at the July meeting. Mike has been the Superintendent of White Oak ISD for ten years and has been in the teaching profession for thirty-five years. He has served in the Elite Series Bass Tournaments as a Marshall and Tournament Judge for the Toyota Classic Bass Classic. Mike said he uses Proverbs 27:17 as his guide to improve himself through life and Bass fishing. The verse, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Whether fishing on working he tries to find someone smarter or sharper than himself, so he can be sharpened in his life. Mike started out in media events, Bass and FLW, in 2007 and fished as a co-angler pro in 2009. He has been in many bass tournaments and has been with some well-known names of Pro Bass Fishermen. Some of the fishermen he was in the boat with were Mike Iconelli, Stetson Blalock, Edwin Evers, Aaron Martins, Kevin VanDam and thirty-four other professional stars. He provided some funny stories on several of the fishermen he was in the boat with during the tournaments. We certainly appreciated Mike for his time and information that he provided. It was time for our monthly raffle and what a raffle it was for July. We had twelve items for our winning ticket holders. The winners were Yvonna Pinson, gift bag; Anna O’Brien, gift bag; Robin Palmer, Lew’s rod and reel combo; Melvin Jordan, gas can; Royce Palmer, small gun safe; Rebekah McClenny, gallon of boat motor oil; Don Ehl, life vest; Mark Eubanks, life vest; John Hall, life vest; Mike Jordan, life vest; Craig Randolph, Ice Chest; Bob Tippit, cap. Fishing Reports at the time of this article; Bass are very good early mornings and late in afternoon from 7:00 p.m. until dark on top-water, weightless flukes. 10.5” plastics along with Texas rigged Sweet beaver, craws and baby brush-hogs. Crappie are good during early morning on minnows and jigs, with some reporting minnows have been better for them. Please remember that the length limit is ten (10) inches for crappie and bag limit is 25 per person. Catfish fair, mostly shallow water and some in deeper water using chum. No reports on trot lines. Bream good with some being caught on habitat areas. Meal worms and crickets have been the bait of choice. Monday, August 8 at 7:00 p.m. is the next Cherokee Fishing Club meeting and is held at NK 20, downstairs of the CWC office building. 19 LEASE RENEWAL REMINDER The annual lease renewal is coming up. Payment is due on the first day of October, and is considered a late payment on the first day of November, and incurs a $100 late fee. An additional $100 will be charged for each month thereafter. If the Split Payment Option is chosen, the first half is due on October 1st and will not be accepted after October 31st. After November 1st, the Split Payment Option is no longer available. The second half of the split payment is due on the first day of April, 2017 and is considered late on the first day of May. Neither the lease application nor the annual lease payment can be accepted or processed by the staff until all of your fines, fees and penalties are satisfied. For late payment penalty purposes, the application or payment is not considered submitted until the day that the fines, fees and penalties are paid. NEED DIRT? CALL 903-576-0113 LAWN MASTERS “You grow it, we’ll mow it!” New fences Repairs Leaf Cleaning Guest Speaker Mike Gilbert Mowing Edging Trimming 903-235-2433 Free estimates on all fence and lawn work! Raffle winners John Hall, Rebeka McClenny, Don Ehl, Yvonna Pinson, Melvin Jordan, Robin Palmer, Anna O’Brien, Mike Jordan, Craig Randolph, and Royce Palmer. 20 Looking for a fast, always on Internet connection tailored to match the pace of your life? We have a package to fit. Stream movies and TV shows seamlessly, watch videos, download music and much more! We continually upgrade our network to ensure our customers get a reliable, secure experience. And, unlike most providers, we don't restrict your data. That means no data caps you receive unlimited service for one flat fee. It’s the no excuses, no exceptions, cando way of thinking that Zoom Broadband employees bring to work every day. Your complete satisfaction is our sole ambition. We're proud to serve Northeast Texas. Ask about our DishTV 2yr price qaurantee Protect Your Home *New customers receive a $20 monthly service discount for 12 mo. Service not available in all areas. Some restrictions may apply. guess was there’s just nothing happening or that has happened in August that would warrant a holiday, or maybe— it’s oversight? They—whoever they are—just forgot to add a holiday. Ready for that August Holiday? Holidays are important, fun, exciting, and wonderful things! They’re a bonus day off, an extra day to visit family, more time to eat too much, have a long weekend, maybe relax a little, do a few extra errands, get rid of a little stress, add a little exercise, and get excited because the work week is just 4 days instead of 5. All play! All fun! All day! On a sad note—and certainly bringing my excitement down a few notches—did you noticed that August doesn’t have a holiday? No extra day off—nada… zilch! Lately lots of people have noticed that August doesn’t have a single holiday, and they don’t like it either. No August holiday just seems wrong to me. So I went down the months checking to make sure I had a clear picture of what we were facing. January has two holidays, February has one, March and April usually have three or four between them—not national holidays but good ones anyway. May has one, June has one, July has one—now this sort of puts a person in the mood for a holiday in August! September has one, October has two, and of course, November and December with the big ones, but nothing in August. After our larger than life 4th of July celebration, August is a little disappointing. I had to ask the big question—why not? Why not an August holiday? My When I discovered that August was the only month that didn’t have a holiday, I took to the internet. Turns out I was wrong. August does have a lot going on that would make good holidays. The Internet is full of all kinds of August events, and I just kept finding things that happened in August. So maybe it’s murky indecision—we just can’t decide which holiday to celebrate. I did notice that some of the holidays listed might not be considered, well, good enough to be call holidays, but still we have options. In my book a holiday is a holiday and we should all celebrate! Well, ok then! It’s just... we haven’t decided to go with any of them on a permanent basis. One website suggests that we make up our own. I’m all for that, but it might be difficult to get family members and friends excited about a holiday for my cat. Another website listed all the great historical things that happened in August and suggested that we pick two or three and go with those. The third site listed birthdays—lots and lots of famous people have birthdays in August. The fourth site I ran across listed—well, as the website described—fun and wacky holidays. Still—reading down the list—a few popped out at me as really good ideas for a holiday celebration—Ice Cream Sandwich Day, Watermelon Day, Work Like a Dog Day, Roller Coaster Day, Chocolate Pecan Pie Day, Lazy Day, Creamsicle Day, Happiness Happens Day, Dog Appreciation Day! I couldn’t help thinking that these are my kind of holidays. The site did note that I missed Ice Cream for Breakfast Day back in February. Hmmm. I should mark that holiday on my calendar. I don’t want to forget that one next February! 21 On August 1 , Anne Frank wrote the last entry in her diary, and Francis Scott Key (author of the Star Spangle Banner), and Herman Melville (author of Moby Dick) have birthdays. On August 3rd, Christopher Columbus set sail on his famous trip to find us. More August birthdays on the 4th: Louis Armstrong the great jazz trumpet player. On August 6, Penicillin was discovered. Annie Oakley’s and Alfred Hitchcock’s birthdays fall on August 13th. This is just the tip of the iceburg for celebrations that we could choose from for August. st May and June each have Mother’s Day and then Father’s Day, but August has Girlfriend Day, Sister’s Day, Daughter or Son Day, Brother’s Day, Aunt and Uncle Day— who knew! Ok, you say, but we want more patriotic holidays—how about U.S Air Force Day on August 1st, or Coast Guard Day on the 4th , Purple Heart Day on the 7th, National Heroes Day on August 25th, or even Pony Express Day on August 28th,, just to name a few! I could go on—and on. You get the picture, though… right? There’s no lack of reasons to celebrate in August. So now I know it’s just simple oversight. Someone just forgot to men- tion we could have a number of holidays in August. Just think, we could be celebrating right now! While we wait for someone to remember and add a holiday in August, we can just choose one from all of these and go with it! For me, I think I’ll take Lighthouse Day on August 7th, I’ve never celebrated Lighthouse Day and I think I could really get behind this with a few decorations and some seafood! Or maybe, Prairie Day on August 28th, or Just Because Day on August 27th—I admit I say that a lot—just because! I can’t decide. You decide—here are even more historic events, birthdays, silly and fun things to celebrate in August! What will it be? History— august.html, fun, wacky or trivial holidays—, or famous Americans— But if we keep it real for a minute—at this point in the summer, what most of us are so looking forward to is... National Back to School day! Am I right? I know! Let’s just decide to move that one to August right now! Let the celebrations begin! CT J Auto Sales Ronny Summerlin Sales Manager (903) 407-1651 2101 E. Loop 281 Longview, Texas 75605 (903) 212-4386 fax [email protected] 22 1 August 2016 2 Ladies Bridge Luncheon NEW MOON Low Cost 7 Spay/Neuter & Pet Wellness Clinic Purple Heart Day 8 Fishing Club 7pm Deadline to Submit Variances and Requests for Outbuildings 14 3 9 No K, F & T 15 17 23 First Day of School Kilgore ISD Tatum ISD Longview ISD Senior Citizens Day 28 Sunday 11 12 13 19 20 18 CWC Board Meeting Preservation Club First Friends @ Noon OSSF Maintenance Course 8am FULL MOON Chatter Deadline 22 6 Golf Course Board Meeting 6pm Ladies Bridge Ladies Bridge 21 5 U.S. Coast Guard Birthday 10 16 4 24 National Aviation Day 25 Ladies Bridge 29 30 Women’s Equality Day Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Lyndon B Johnson Day Friday 1 Saturday 2 3 8 9 Family Fun Fest 10 15 CWC Board Meeting 16 CWC Candidate Filing Period Begins Applications available for Board of Director candidates NEW MOON 4 5 CWC Office Closed 6 11 Ladies Bridge Luncheon 12 13 Patriot Day National Grandparents Day 18 7 Deadline to Submit Variances and Requests for Outbuildings Labor Day Knife, Fork and Trowel 6pm Fishing Club 7pm 19 14 Preservation Club Meeting Chatter Deadline First Friends 21 Ladies Bridge 25 26 Golf Course Board Meeting 6pm Ladies Bridge 20 Air Force Birthday 27 31 September 2016 Monday 26 27 22 29 17 Kids’ Annual Catfish Tournament FULL MOON 23 First Day of Autumn 28 Ladies Bridge National POW/MIA Recognition Day Constitution Day and Citizenship Day 30 CWC Candidate Filing Period Ends 5pm 24 Sunset photos submitted by Bob Tippit 23 Fred Brink, SO 15,catching a catfish at sunset on Lake Cherokee . Photo subimitted by Courtney Brink Member WWW.BTHBANK.COM Earn up to 1.51% APY* With a Worry-Free CD 1.31% APY* on a 30 month CD (floor of 1.00% APY*) 1.51% APY* on a 60 month CD (floor of 1.21% APY*) or Earn up to 1.05% APY** With a Worry-Free Money Market 0.25% APY** up to $99,999 0.85% APY** for $100,000 to $499,999 (floor of 0.50% APY**) 1.05% APY** for $500,000 and over (floor of 0.75% APY**) 205 N. KILGORE ST. KILGORE, TX 75662 903-983-2265 1305 S. MAIN ST., SUITE A HENDERSON, TX 75654 903-657-3500 3805 N. SPUR 63 LONGVIEW, TX 75605 903-212-9000 *Annual Percentage Yield – The minimum to open and obtain the APY is $10,000. Rates indexed to the One-Year Daily US Treasury Yield Curve Rates and may change every three months after the account is opened. Withdrawal of interest will reduce earnings. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal. Refer to Truth-in-Savings disclosure for complete details. Interest rates and APY’s are effective for the month of July 2016. Additional deposits of at least $10,000 may be made to the CD. Available for personal and business accounts. **Annual Percentage Yield. Variable rate accounts. Rates are subject to change the first of each month. $10,000 minimum to open. $10,000 minimum balance to avoid the monthly service charge. APY’s effective for the month of July 2016. Fees could reduce earnings to the account. Available for personal and business accounts. 24 #1 Top Listing. Selling & Producing agency on Lake Cherokee (903) 643-2828 • ANNUAL FISHING CONTEST April 1-September 30 $50 prize monthly for: BASS/BREAM/CATFISH/CRAPPIE All fish MUST be caught on Lake Cherokee by Lake Cherokee shareholders. When? The 30th day of each month. April-September The monthly contest closes at 6:00 on the 29th of each month and a new contest begins at 5:00 the 30th of each month. Who? Lake Cherokee shareholders and eligible privilege cards holders. Contest Rules: All contestants MUST abide by the current CWC Rules & Regulations and of the Texas Parks & Wildlife. All fish MUST be weighed in alive. Please practice catch and release. Weigh-in stations: Bo Besharse SD 14, Skinners in Lakeport, Lee’s Creek Grocery & Cherokee Country Golf. Weigh-in receipts MUST be turned in at the Cherokee Water Company, NK 20 with the date, fish, weight, name, lot and number. Winners will be listed in the Chatter monthly. In case of a tie, the 1st entry weighed is the prize winner. NS 20 • $539,000 • 3/2.5 SM 32 • $466,000 • 2/2 GREAT VIEW, spacious, high ceilings, media room, enclosed boathouse Open floor plan, tankless hot water, great kitchen, 24x30 shop Stop by for more information NI 22 • $349,000 • 3/2.5 Fabulous view, near golf course, 2 story, great boathouse SS 24 • $375,000 • 3/2 Charming and cozy, updated, ski water cove, barge included 4009 Gardiner Mitchell Pkwy. Longview, TX 75603 Telephone answered 24 hours Carol Coolidge Broker Kristina Coolidge (903) 720-4838 Alice Berryhill (903) 643-3207 Patty Clark (903) 643-2833 Frances Everett (903) 738-2078 Carolyn James (903) 238-3404 Rick James (903) 445-3541 Paul Oberthier (903) 746-3314 SO 17 • $389,000 • 3/2 Move in ready, guesthouse, boathouse, large lot, professionally decorated SP 33 • $550,000 • 3/3 SKI WATER, excellent view, stucco, fireplace, open decks, concrete drive
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