Bealeton Fly In - DCRC Radio Control Club
Bealeton Fly In - DCRC Radio Control Club
AMA CHARTER CLUB NO. 329 VOLUME 49 Bealeton Fly In see page 2 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2003 John King, takes his son Johnny for a little ride at this years DCRC Bealeton DCRC Fly In Monthly Club Meeting Friday, September 19, 2003 County Council Building Auditorium 100 Maryland Avenue Rockville, MD Meeting Program: Maynard Hill and Team discuss the Trans Atlantic Model TAM Board Nominations Mikey makes another successful RC jump Meeting Raffle By Doug’s Hobby Shop Hanger 9 Aresti 40 ARF Evolution .46 nt engine from Hobby Works Rockville You better get to the meeting early and get lots of chances on the raffle. If you bring in your airplane to the model shop you get 3 free raffle tickets. 2003 Marks the 50th anniversary of the DCRC Club. Commemorative shirts are available for a limited time. Contact Andy Finizio for more information. Page 2 PRESIDENT: V.P. District of Columbia Radio Control Club Jim McDaniel Walt Gallaugher BOARD OF DIRECTORS Scott Davies 301-770-9150 Mike Dooley 301-843-8818 Andy Finizio 301-983-8557 Walt Gallaugher 301-253-4074 Kevin Jackson 301-963-6091 Jim McDaniel 301-916-0366 Jeff Mervis 301-762-0020 Fred Nielsen 301-299-4375 Mike Peizer 301-589-8299 TREASURER: Scott Davies MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Andy Kane 305 Natick Court Silver Spring, MD 20905-5875 RECORDING SECRETARY: Mike Peizer SHOW TEAM MANAGER: Paul Howey NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Andy Kane 301-236-9222 [email protected] MEETING PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Walt Gallaugher The DC/RC Newsletter is published monthly by the District of Columbia Radio Control Inc. Deadline for submitting materials for publication is the last Friday of each month. Any part of the newsletter may be reproduced for non-profit purposes unless otherwise noted. Please credit the Newsletter and Author if named. Articles may not reflect the opinion of the club, but that of the author. Visit us on the web: Each month at the regular club meeting, raffle tickets are 6 for 5.00, and the prizes are always great. Did you know that any airplane brought in to the model shop will receive 3 free raffle tickets. Bring in your models each month for your free tickets, and to share ideas. TABLE OF CONTENTS BEALETON FLY IN CLUB MEETING MINUTES MISSON KIDS/ BOARD MINUTES BEALETON AIRSHOW GOOD STUFF/CALENDAR BEALETON PHOTOS PG 2 PG 3 PG 4 PG 5 PG 6 PG 7 Cover: The Bealeton Flying Circus Stearman Flown by John King with his son Johnny King Wing-walker photo by Andy Kane September 2003 Bealeton Fly IN BY ANDY KANE This year I think was the best Bealeton and club event ever. The planning begins long before the event starts, but as always the DCRC club members step up and make this event very easy for me. Then we has some Warbirds, Gerri's P- Jim McDaniel and family is always there to help and make the administration run smoothly, Jay Stargel was there to prep the field and get the grass looking great. and all the DCRC Members who attended make this event very memorable. On Friday the weather was very hot, but we still have over 35 pilots that enjoyed the venue and were able to get in lots of flying, Applebee's was the dinner spot on Friday and a large group showed up to eat and drink a lot, “sweet” On Friday night a cold front came through making the weather the rest of the weekend picture perfect. Clear skies low humidity and temps made the flying fantastic. There were planes in the air all day. At noon we shut down the flight line and invited all the spectators to view the planes up close, At 12:30 we had a mass Cub launch, 11 cubs in the air at once, bet you’ve never seen that before!, 47 and David's AT-6 were constantly racing and I think David always won, Rod Jaeger from Charlottesville brought his Corsair and his beautiful B-25, both flew all weekend. Saturday evening wound up with a lovely meal an and show at the large circus tent, about 100 people stayed for dinner and to see who was going to win the JR 10X Radio raffle. Hog Wild BBG did a fantastic job this year. Many comments were made on how great the food was. We had pork, chicken, beans, salads, rolls and even Peach cobbler, coffee and tea, just a wonderful meal, Even had seconds. The 10X radio ticket was pulled by Michelle Creighton and the winner of the radio was our own Jeff Mervis, We also gave a Stearman ride away to one of the kids present. Donated by Dave Brown. The movie was Ultimate G’s an Aerobatic movie after some technical difficulties the movie went on OK. Sunday was more flying, cleanup and DCRC Air show. Just a great weekend, It as great seeing you there, or sorry I missed you. ~ September 2003 District of Columbia Radio Control Club by Mike Peizer The meeting was called to order by DCRC president Jim McDaniel at 8:07 PM. Guests: Duane Lundahl who was a member many, many, many years ago. New members: Rick, whose son has an airplane and Ron Bozzonetti has been teaching him to fly. Bill Thurgood and his boys who want to learn how to fly. Bill Costello. Jim opened the meeting by announcing that this was the first year that model aviation has been represented at the Montgomery County Fair. The 4H Aeronautics Club, led by Rachel Harris, had a demonstration setup at the fair. Rachel and the 4H Aeronautics Club are doing a great job. Next, Jim announced that Maynard Hill had succeeded in flying a model airplane across the Atlantic from Nova Scotia to Ireland. Roy Day described the feat. There was quite a bit of media coverage by the local media in Nova Scotia. According to Roy, Maynard worked on this project for about five years and thought about it for five years before that. It turned out to be more difficult to accomplish than Maynard first thought. They lost telemetry for about three hours, and presumed the plane was down in the North Atlantic when, suddenly, they received an update from the aircraft. After they reacquired the aircraft the big concern became fuel consumption. The next thing they knew it had landed in Ireland, guided by Bob Brown, with 1.8 ounces of fuel in reserve. The crew in Nova Scotia was very excited to say the least. Maynard had problems right up until a few weeks before the flight. He sacrificed a great deal to pursue this goal. It is a terrific accomplishment. He should have set a new world record for distance and duration. Maynard and his wife are on their way back home. They are driving back with all the gear, and plan to stop and visit friends on the way. Lastly, Jim said the runway has been sealed and relined. According to third party reports it looks like a good job. Newsletter/Membership: Andy Kane reported the club has 229 members at this time and they are all having fun. Events: Andy Finizio reported October Fest is Sunday, September 28th, the last weekend in September. It is for members and their families only. It will be a very low-key event, so bring a plane to fly. Glow, electric, gas, park flyers to 1/3 scale. All are welcome. There will be free hotdogs and burgers. October Fest will start at 11:00 AM and go until late afternoon. Old Business: Bob Yount mentioned that flight training is tomorrow. Come on out to help. Page 3 Andy Kane said Bealeton is next week. It is one of the DCRC events you shouldn’t miss. It has been happening every August for twenty-five years. The event starts on Friday and goes through Sunday afternoon. There is open flying before 8:00 AM and after 5:00 PM, Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. Saturday night we will have a pig roast and a special video presentation. Andy went on to say that this weekend is the Wings of Freedom air show at the Fredrick Airport. It is always a full and fun day. Andy will be the CD for the next JR Challenge in Punta Gorda, FL, on March 4-7. Plan to attend to get away from the cold winter weather. Raffle: Tonight’s raffle prizes are furnished by Hobby Works of Rockville. The Alpha Trainer was won by Steve Davis. It was built by Maria and her two children, Glen and Alistair, and anyone else who wanted to help out. Model Shop: David Harris showed his new Balsa USA ¼ scale Sopwith Pup. He modified it to be more scale. It weighs 14 lbs. I believe, it is powered by a Zenoah G-23. He is having RF interference problems, but hopes to have it flying for the Bealeton event next week. Andy Kane showed his Euro Sport www.composite-arf. com jet. It is manufactured in Thailand. The airplane has a functional canard and delta wings with elevons, which makes it incredibly maneuverable. It weighs 26 lbs., and carries 140 ozs. of fuel. That’s enough for 10 minutes of flight at full throttle, or 14 minutes of normal flight. It feels like a heavy war bird in flight. The characteristic of a jet engine that takes the most time to get used to is the time it takes for the engine to spool up to full power. Andy Finizio showed a BVM Bobcat jet trainer. It’s a kit not an ARF. If you slow down the Bobcat it flies like a pattern plane. It weighs 19 lbs. and carries 134 ozs. of fuel in three tanks. Andy Kane’s jet flies much more slowly and is more aerobatic. The Bobcat is faster. Bob Aberman showed a Slow Stick from GWS. It took only 1½ hours to build. Francis Person showed a Goldberg Tiger II. He modified it with Goldenrod pushrods. Sergei Gaidamakov gave a small PowerPoint presentation on Combat aircraft. He explained the differences between the classes of combat aircraft. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.~ Anyone interested in purchasing Randolph Dope and Thinner please contact Bob Droege 301-299-9094 Page 4 District of Columbia Radio Control Club September 2003 Flight Demo For Central Union Mission Kids BY WALT GALLAUGHER On July 30th, Mr. Collin Seager and approximately 20 kids from the Central Union Mission enjoyed a radio controlled airplane flight demonstration put on by Jim McDaniel and myself. The Central Union Mission sponsors a summertime camp for inner-city kids. The Mission also runs a faith based homeless shelter and mens program in D.C. The Mission has been in existence for over 119 years. Before the flight demonstration, Jim and I talked to the kids about how radio controlled airplanes are built and fly. The kids were very interested and ask many good questions. Jim started the flight demonstration by flying my Great Planes Patriot. This is a fast 46 size swept wing airplane with retracts. The kids loved it as Jim put it through its maneuvers. He then flew aerobatic maneuvers with my Hangar 9 Edge 540. We then gave a few of the kids a turn at flying one of the DC/RC club trainers. We held a raffle to select the lucky flyers. I wish the kids had more time to spend at the field because you could see the disappointment on some of the kid’s faces that did not get a chance to fly. Mr. Seager and the kids from the Mission were very appreciative of the experience. by Mike Peizer The meeting of the DCRC Board of Directors was called to order by Jim McDaniel at 8:12 PM at the home of Andy Finizio. In attendance were Mike Dooley, Scott Davies, Jim McDaniel, Andy Kane, Walt Gallaugher, Jeff Mervis, Andy Finizio, Fred Nielsen, Kevin Jackson and Michael Peizer. Andy Herold attended as a guest. Jim McDaniel received an envelope from the MNCP&P Commission. It contained notification of a guidebook for “Public/ Private” agreements. This means there is now an instrument in place to allow an organization to donate money to capital improvements, for a county facility. DCRC was the second group in the county to have a “private/public” agreement. SoccerPlex was the first. That’s how we got the shelter built to our specifications. The ramifications of this new capability need to be discussed by the Board sometime in the near future. Our legal counsel will look over the document and give the Board his feedback at the next meeting. County Appreciation Day turned out to be a success. The event brought in $1152.85, which means the club broke even. OctoberFest is Sunday September 28th, according to Andy Finizio. Walt and Jim explaining how RC planes are built and fly. Jim teaching a few of the young men how to fly. Jim McDaniel brought up the subject of Maynard Hill and honorary membership as a way of honoring him for his transAtlantic achievement. The only problem is that an honorary member looses his right to vote in club issues according to the club by-laws, and Maynard does not want to give up his voting rights. After much discussion the Board decided to initiate a new award by DCRC for contribution to the field of radio control. Jim McDaniel moved that the Board create an “Outstanding Achievement Award Presented by DCRC for contribution to the field of radio control”, to be presented at the discretion of the Board. Kevin Jackson seconded the motion. The motion passed with eight members voting yes, and one abstention. Reports: Treasurer: Scott Davies reported seven expenses over $100.00 since last May, when he was last able to attend a meeting of the Board. The Board instructed Scott to replenish the checking account for the expenses of sealing the runway and placing the concrete pad for the new shelter from the club’s CDs. Old Business: Andy Finizio, on behalf of certain members, asked about the safety fence along the runway and whether it will be moved. The consensus of the Board was that the members who want the fence moved should present a petition at a regular club meeting to have the fence moved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.~ September 2003 District of Columbia Radio Control Club DC/RC AIRSHOW BEALETON BY DOUG HARPER The DCRC Air show Team had the honor of flying again this year on August 24 at the Bealeton Flying Circus in Bealeton, VA. The DCRC club has been hosting an event at this venue for at least 25 years. It started out as a scale contest and in more recent years has evolved into an IMAA fly in. It is a great 3-day event with over 120 models in attendance. We were honored this year to have our District VP, Bliss Teague, in attendance. This wonderful event culminates on Sunday afternoon when the Bealeton Flying Circus performs their weekly show before a crowd of several hundred people. The Air show team is asked to perform just before the full-scale show and we are always enthusiastic. Not only do we get to perform before a large crowd but we get to fly with the Flying Circus personnel. We are all kindred spirits with our love of all things aviation. We started our show as usual with our banner plane welcoming one and all flown by Team Manager Paul Howey. Able banner catcher Paul Savage was in top form as the banner floated into his hands after release from the banner plane. As the banner plane setup for a landing, two 1/3 scale Cubs, one in L4 livery, took off and proceeded to climb at a steep angle. The L4 was being flown by consummate pilot Andy Kane and the other by Doug Harper. As the Cubs reached altitude, announcer Jim McDaniel had the crowd looking skyward. Suddenly, a small dot appeared below the L4 – it was skydiver “Mikey” piloted by Tony Massiello. Mikey is a veteran of many dives and is always ready to do a show. Mikey’s chute opened perfectly and he started to float to earth. The two Cubs flew circles around Mikey as he descended and both touched down for perfect landings, followed by Mikey who floated in like a veteran. The crowd cheered enthusiastically. Next we had two of our younger members, Andrew Davies 15 and Will Seggel 16, fly a duet act with their aerobatic planes – a Cap 232 and an Extra 300. The crowd is always pleased to see young flyers and we are equally pleased to have them in the show. Andrew and Will put on a lively demonstration of aerobatic flying and both did perfect landings. Team Manager Paul Howey then took off to perform his dazzling helicopter demonstration. The crowd is always amazed to see how planes without wings fly and Paul always does a great job demonstrating the flying characteristics of model choppers. Next we had two of the prettiest models in the show take off. Scott Davies flying his ¼ scale Stearman (modeled after the full-scale version in Army colors at the Flying Circus) and guest flyer Dave McQueeney flying his 1/3 Balsa USA Stearman proceeded to give the crowd a beautiful flying treat. The sky was pure blue and these two classic airplanes were just beautiful as they did their aerobatics and flybys. We were honored again this year to have a pair of guest flyers join us. Bob Klenke and his son Louis, 4, from Richmond, VA, fly a Kangaroo jet with great skill. While Bob is on the controls, Louis is right there by his side as his “technical advisor”. Louis even cheers when his Dad makes a particularly good maneuver. This team put on a great show and the crowd was cheering them on. People outside the hobby are amazed at the look and sound of Page 5 a model jet flying. It is truly spectacular. As the jet landed, two guest flyers – Rob Sarlan and Ray Wolf – took off with a pair of 3D electrics. They proceeded to do every maneuver in the book. Electrics have come a long way and these small planes are very impressive, especially in the hands of competent flyers like Rob an Ray. With no forewarning, a rogue pilot took off right in the middle of the electric act. Who was it – the infamous Red Baron. We all know how evil he is and on this day he was up to his dirty tricks again. Fortunately help was close by since Snoopy and his Flying Doghouse, flown by Harry Grattan, is ever ready to help keep the world safe. Snoopy easily conquered the evil Baron and, predictably, he went down in flames one more time. While everyone likes this act, the kids are especially fond of Snoopy. Our show climax was provided by able flyers Andy Kane and Rob Sarlan, both flying Composite ARF 42% YAKs. These planes are big, loud and very impressive. The motor gremlins got to Rob on this day but Andy soldiered on and did his usual dazzling show. Andy had the crowd on the edge of their seats as he did every trick in the book (and a few no one had ever seen before). He is a truly great flyer and is at his best in these shows. Andy is also the CD of the Bealeton Flyin and has been flying since elementary school. We closed as usual with the “That’s All Folks” banner plane and another show was in the can. We truly enjoy being at the Flying Circus and want to thank them for giving us this opportunity every year. It is a weekend full of airplanes, big and small, and a beautiful location. We look forward to going there again next year. Page 6 District of Columbia Radio Control Club THE GOOD STUFF BY DON GRAY With all the rain we have had this past spring and early summer, there were fewer good flying days to enjoy our hobby, and for a number of us, it feels as if the summer has come and gone before we know it. Hopefully there are still several good “dry” flying days ahead for us to enjoy before old man winter settles in. During this time of the year, we began to notice that the days are becoming shorter, with earlier sunsets along with a drop in the air temperature, especially after the sun begins to fall behind the trees. As I mentioned around this time last year, for those of us who sometimes fly in the late afternoons and early evenings, the rapid reduction of available light as sunset approaches can become a problem, especially during that one last flight of the day you are trying to squeeze in. Your model may have good visibility while still up above the trees, with the sun shining on it and the sky as the background; but as it drops below the tree line and you begin setting up for your landing approach, the darker background of mainly trees can significantly reduce your models visibility and make landing much more difficult. So the message to those lowtime pilots who may not have experienced this, land while there is still enough sunlight to clearly see your model below the tree line. The first photo this month is of Mel Swerdloff with his 28 % scale Laser 2000. The model is from Kangke USA and is distributed by Super Kraft and Chief Aircraft. It is powered by a Zenoah G-62 and uses a Futaba radio for guidance The next photo shows Jim Cokinos with his Raptor 50, which is powered by an OS 50. The model is equipped with a Futaba Super 8 radio. Jim is another pilot who flies both airplanes and helicopters. He became a certified airplane pilot in July of 2002 and started flying helicopters about three months ago. He has advanced very quickly in both types of models. He is mainly flying helicopters, which he says are more challenging. The third photo is of Chi Lin with his Great Planes Extra 300. The plane is September 2003 has been only flying helicopters for about one month. His model is powered by an OS engine and he is using a JR XP 8103 radio. Remember, flying is no accident and, stay within the flight box. Until next month. September 13 Swan Harbor RC Giant Scale IMAA Fly In, Swan Harbor Flying Field Havre de Grace, MD 16-20 Greenville, South Carolina, The Don Lowe Masters 19 DCRC Club Meeting, Maynard Hill tells about his Trans Atlantic Adventure Fred Nielsen, Nominations 20 DCRC Training 20-21 PGRC Q-500 Races, Bowie, MD 24 DCRC Board Meeting, Fred Nielsen 28 DCRC OctoberFest, Germantown, MD powered by a Magnum 91 four stroke. Chi is using a Futaba Super 7 radio. And the final photo shows Supot Chersokal with his Raptor 30. Supot is a relatively new club member and October 1-5 Superman 13 Metropolis, Illinois CD: Jerry Caudle 4 PGRC Open House, Bowie, MD 4 DCRC Training 11 PGRC Q-500 Races, Bowie, MD 17 DCRC Club Meeting, Jim McDaniel, Elections 18 DCRC Training 22 DCRC Board Meeting, Jim McDaniel, New Board November 1 DCRC Training March 2004 September 2003 District of Columbia Radio Control Club Page 3 Andy Kane 305 Natick Court SILVER SPRING MD 20905-5875 FIRST CLASS MAIL Harry Grattan gets Snoopy ready for another Sortie. Hi I'm Doug! Welcome to my Hobby Shop. "May I help you?" That's what I said to my customers when I first started in the hobby business. It was a small 2,500 SQ. FT. retail store built to serve hobby enthusiasts in the southern Maryland area. Well, Thirty years have gone by and my goal is still the same, complete customer satisfaction and I still work long hours to attain this. The only difference I see today are 1) I am now serving hobbyist all over the United States and 2) I am supported by a tremendous staff, the D.H.S. Team, who share my aspirations. The D.H.S. team feels that complete customer service can only be attained by serving you better today than we did yesterday. We offer quality merchandise at fantastically low prices along with expert friendly assistance. It is our pleasure to support the DCRC Club Raffle E-mail us at [email protected] Doug's Hobby Shop 2935 Crain Hwy. Waldorf, MD 20601 Orders 1-888-DOUGS RC (368-4772) Local (301)843-7774, (301)932-9405 Will Seggal gets his first AKRO ride. Can I ask Just one more question?