631 N. JEFFERSON STREET • ROANOKE, VA 24016 Phone: 540-344-9814 • Fax: 540-344-7879 • Web: www.standrewsroanoke.org Parish Office Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 5:30 pm • Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 11:30 am Daily and Holydays: Schedule inside bulletin Children’s Liturgy of the Word: 9:00 & 11:30 Mass for children ages 4–8. A nursery for infants and toddlers is available during the 9:00 & 11:30 Masses. “Twinning with the Viet Toc Mission” PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Mark White [email protected] COUNCILS & COMMITTEES Parish Pastoral Chair: Harry Montoro Parish Finance Chair: Cathy Connell Christian Formation Chair: David Boyer Buildings & Grounds Co-Chairs: James Molinary and David Stocker Worship Chair: Larry Thompson Justice & Peace Chair: Jan Dilling Evangelization Chair: Nancy Eck Please call the Parish Office at 344-9814 for contact information DIRECTORY St. Andrew’s Cemetery: Frank Mauceri 342-9180 located at 3601 Salem Turnpike The Mausoleum at St. Andrew’s Church: 344-9814 Our Lady of the Valley Retirement Community: 345-5111 St. Francis Food Pantry: 342-7561 R.A.M. (Roanoke Area Ministries): 345-9786 Madonna House: 343-8464 Commonwealth Catholic Charities: 344-5107 K of C Council #562: 774-8296 Ancient Order of Hibernians: 556-8883 ROANOKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Principal: Patrick Patterson Offering classes from pre-school through 12th grade. For information call 982-3532. Parochial Vicar: Rev. Matt Kiehl [email protected] Deacon: Rev. Mr. Mark D. Allison Deacon: Rev. Mr. Barry D. Welch Pastoral Associate: Chuck Frost • [email protected] Minister of Music: Kelly J. Wheelbarger • [email protected] Coordinator of Christian Formation: Kathy Boyer • [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Evangelization: Caroline Stanfill [email protected] Middle-School Youth Ministry: Kris Levy • [email protected] PARISH ADMINISTRATION Business Administrator: Jill Blanchard • [email protected] Parish Secretary: Jeannie McIntyre • [email protected] Facilities Maintenance Coordinator: Wayne Gould • [email protected] Custodian: Kathy King SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00-4:30 pm in the Chapel or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms at St. Andrew’s occur both during Mass and outside Mass throughout the year. First time parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Class. For more information or to schedule a Baptism, please contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Contact the Parish Office for information on scheduling a wedding and preparation requirements. PASTORAL CARE Please contact the Parish Office if a family member or friend is hospitalized or homebound and would like to receive Communion and/or the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. YOUTH MINISTRY Middle School: Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 pm and High School: Sundays 6:30-8:00 pm High School Scripture Study Sundays 10:15-11:15 am CHRISTIAN FORMATION CLASSES Grades K-11 Sundays (as scheduled) 10:15-11:15 am ADORATION Thursdays 12:30-7:00 ROSARY AND DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Saturdays 9:00-9:45 am ST. ANDREW’S CATHOLIC CHURCH ROANOKE, VA Parish News NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY: A pictorial directory is a powerful tool in our church to help each of us know each other better. Our last directory is now out-dated and it is time for a new one. Please make an appointment to have your picture taken today. You can go to the church website and click on the link to sign-up online or schedule your appointment by calling the Parish Office at 3449814. Bishop DiLorenzo's statement following deaths in Louisiana and Minnesota: "Today, I would like to express my deep sorrow and sadness for the loss of life that has occurred in Louisiana and Minnesota. During these difficult times, let us turn our hearts and minds to Jesus Christ for strength, compassion and mercy. It is through Him that we will find hope and peace.” “In this Year of Mercy, may we all continually pray for peace in our country. It is my hope that the demonstrations across our nation remain peaceful and they encourage mutual respect and dignity for all. May God comfort all the individuals, their families and communities affected by these recent events and that a fair, just and peaceful resolution is found." Bishop DiLorenzo's statement following the Dallas shootings: "With great sadness I learned of the heartbreaking violence that occurred last night in Dallas when multiple law enforcement officers were shot, five of them fatally, in the last minutes of what had been a peaceful protest march. I pray for those officers, who sacrificed their lives to protect the peace, their families, and for the city of Dallas. Yesterday, I appealed to the people of our Diocese to turn our hearts and minds to Jesus Christ for strength, compassion and mercy in the wake of deep concern about two shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota. Today I once again urge all to pray continually for peace throughout all the communities in our great nation. Let us pray that future demonstrations are peaceful and we continue to work as a people toward mutual respect, dignity and justice. May God comfort the brokenhearted, and let peace prevail! Every family photographed for the directory will receive a copy of the directory and an 8 x 10 portrait at no additional cost. You will also have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits at the time of photography. So please, sign-up today! INTERESTED IN HOMESCHOOLING? Roanoke Valley Catholic Homeschoolers is a co-op comprised of Catholic homeschooling families from all the parishes in the Roanoke area. Our classes are held at St. Elias Maronite Catholic Church. We offer support, weekly academic and enrichments classes taught by parents, field trips, mom's night out, and celebrations. Our classes include Pre-K through 12th grade. If you are interested, please contact Joanne Ernst at 915-9304 or email [email protected] or Tamela Frick at 342-1072 for more information. SUMMER ADORATION Summer is ideal to spend time with our Lord. Consider coming together as a family. Join us Thursdays from 12:30—7:00pm. All ages are welcome! Come be with the Lord! OLIVE WOOD CARVINGS We welcome Bethlehem Christian Families from the Holy Land next weekend, July 23 and 24. They will be selling beautiful Olive Wood carvings to support Christian families in the Holy Land. Please be sure to stop by the Social Hall and support this worthy ministry. July 10, 2016 Sunday Maintenance Fund Total received Total income needed per month Better (Worse) Week $21,700 $ 2,913 $24,613 What shall I return to the Lord for all His goodness to Me? Psalm 116:12 ~Create a legacy of giving~ Please remember St. Andrew’s in your estate plans Month $42,318 $6,979 $49,297 $106,708 $(57,411) SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish & Community News JULY 17, 2016 Parish & Community News ATTENTION ALL COMMITTEES, CLUBS AND ACTIVITY GROUPS: We are building our calendar for the next fiscal year which runs July 1, 2016—June 30, 2017. Please contact Jill Blanchard to add your events to the calendar! [email protected] or 344-9814. THE GIFT SHOP AT ST. ANDREW’S is open Sundays from 10:00—10:30am and 11:00—11:25am. The Gift Shop has new Bibles, The Catechism in English and Spanish and Sunday Missals in the 3-year cycle for sale. THE OFFICE OF ASIAN MINISTRY Annual Youth Retreat will be held August 12—14 at Shalom House Retreat Center, 15340 Robert Terrell Road, Montpelier, VA 23192. This year’s theme is “Dalisay Na Puso”, (a pure heart offer to God). All youth, rising 9th graders to college freshman, are invited on a weekend spiritual journey dedicated to deepen your relationship with Christ through talks and small group sharing designed especially for you. Cost: youth, $65 (includes lodging, meals and materials), adult chaperone, $80. Please register online at www.regonline.com/oamyouthretreat16. Discounted lodging is available for parents dropping off youth. For more information please contact Pam Harris, Director, Office of Asian Ministry, [email protected] or (804)622-5262. www.richmonddiocese.org/oam. The discounted cost is made possible by the Diocesan Annual Appeal. JOIN THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF RICHMOND Office of Worship as we present another series of workshops for singers. This workshop is for cantors, choir members and ensemble singers, who seek greater understanding of the music they sing and enhanced skills for reading it from the printed page. The workshop in our area is at Our Lady of Nazareth on Saturday, July 23 from 9:00am—3:00pm. Registration is $5.00 and includes lunch. For more information and to register, please visit www.richmonddiocese.org/worship or contact Vy Barto at [email protected] (804) 622-5235. ST. FRANCIS FOOD PANTRY Please consider adding a few extra nonperishable items to your grocery basket and bring them to church with you. Thank you for your continued generosity! ROANOKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL is accepting applications for a Varsity Head Volleyball Coach and for a Varsity Head Baseball Coach for the 2016-2017 school year. Please contact Matt Peck at (540)293-3791 or [email protected] for more information on these opportunities to help shape our young athletes. ROANOKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL is accepting applications for a part time bus driver for field trips and athletics for the 2016—2017 school year. Applicants must possess a CDL. Please contact Matt Peck at 540-293-3791 or [email protected] for more information or to apply. GENERAL INFORMATION Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm. In Case of Emergency contact the office telephone 24 hours a day at 344-9814 and the answering service will help you if the staff is not available. Prayers for the Sick are included in the bulletin each week. Names will be removed from the prayer list after four weeks unless you call to tell us to leave them on. THE MAUSOLEUM AT ST. ANDREW’S This beautiful, indoor facility provides our parishioners and their immediate families the opportunity to be interred on the hill. Please call Jill Blanchard at the Parish Office to schedule an appointment or for more information. DID YOU KNOW? The monthly utilities of water, electric and gas is approximately $6,000? ST. ANDREW’S CATHOLIC CHURCH JULY 17, 2016 Mass Intentions Monday (12:00 pm) Tuesday (12:00 pm) Wednesday (11:00 am) Events this Week Susan Francisco (12:00 pm) (12:00 pm) Friday (12:00 pm) (6:30 pm) Evangelization Team Wednesday (1:00 pm) Stitching Group (6:30 pm) Evangelization Team The Intention of Louise Maguire Mass at 11:00 is at Our Lady of the Valley Thursday Tuesday Saturday (5:30 pm) Wayne Franklin Sunday (7:30 am) Richard Pyne, Sr. (9:00 am) Preston Dunavant (11:30 am) The people of St. Andrew’s Thursday (12:30—7:00 pm) Adoration Saturday (9:00 am) Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet Sunday (1:00 pm) St. Vincent DePaul training Vivien Osourah, Joshua Grace, Baby Peyton, Nancy Assaid, Pete Carlson, Mary Ann Bently Reynolds, Beverly Quinn, Lisa Crigler, Barbara Fox, Suzanne Gallagher, Ray Sweeney, Kathryn Debnar, Jack Stilton, Joseph Kosty, Ed Harris, Mary Beaman, Andrew Winterer, Linda Weatherman, Rosemary Bilyeu, Judy Ratliff, Michael Whalen, Ben Mayhew, Carol Mauceri, John Crocco,, Kim Gibson, Danielle Alexander, Wayne Gibson, Ricky Nichols, Connie Overton, Cathy Flynn, Vicky Massie, Mary Sboray, Terri Berks, Charlotte Baker, Elaine Kozlowski, Edward Kwiatkowski, Molly Frink, Fred Will, Bonnie Vest, Elaine Hendricks, Raine Walters, Father Paul Binh Nguyen, Sister Margaret Flynn, Katherine Chestnutt and Father George Koychick. Unless otherwise requested, names will remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks Remember in your prayers these parishioners and family members who are actively serving our country in the military: Mason Alexander, Reeve Alexander, Matthew Allen Crofton, Dustin Stewart, Joseph Lavinder, Chris Bennett, Gilman Fortin, Madison Carroll, Brendan Carroll, Ian Carroll, James Dilling, Reuben Flores, David Jacobs, Robert Clifford, Michael Joslin, Dillon Sims, Daryl Peltier, Kyle Norris, Jarred Shockey, Will Klos, Mark B. Buchy, Frank Jacob Dowie, Charlie Company 4th Platoon Reserves from Roanoke and Lynchburg, Joshua Davis, Zachary Osborne, Marcus Ollie, Steven Jeremy Ayers, Jacob Brookshier, Ches Mitchell, Tommy Nichols, Allen Palumbo, Michael Nghia-Nguyen, Joseph Amos, Timothy M. Brady, Brian X. Conlan, Michael Dale Davis, John W. Downs, William Farmer, Josh Ford, Jamie Guilliams, John Hinkel, Stephanie Lynn Holliday, Anthony Huff, Jarrod Huff, Herbert Jones, Michael Keller, Jeffrey Robert Klein, Tim McAtter, Matthew McCorkel, Colin McGuire, Ronnie Stout, Pamela T. Schmecht, Joe Spegele, Dustin Stewart, and Andrew Wertz. Readings for the Week of July 17, 2016 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8/Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16-17, 21, 23 Mt 12:38-42 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 85:2-8/Mt 12:46-50 Jer 1:1, 4-10/Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17/Mt 13:1-9 Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13/Ps 36:6-11 Mt 13:10-17 Jer 3:14-17/Jer 31:10-13/Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Jer 7:1-11/Ps 84:3-6, 8, 11/Mt 13:24-30 Gn 18:20-32/Ps 138:1-3, 6-8 Col 2:12-14/Lk 11:1-13 ST. ANDREW’S CATHOLIC CHURCH ROANOKE, VA SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 17, 2016