Flight Four Forum 12
Flight Four Forum 12
Tuesday Express Newsletter #12 November 27, 2012 Flight Four Forum 5th & 6th Grade Families, A very special congratulation to Seth Brinton for reading over a million words and achieving Honor’s Reader, to Alexis Beller for reading two million words, and to Katya Schwieterman for becoming the third 5th grade million-word reader. We also need to congratulate Larrea Horner, Urijah Kolb, Katya Schwieterman, Kai Sorenson, Aspen Lopez, Austyn Norris, Dagan Schwartz, Marly McLeland, Isacc Ungaro, Lyla Hayutin-Baril, and Alexis Beller for achieving their second quarter goals. We already have twelve students on the AR wall. Students on track to achieve their AR goals should have 63% of their points by this Friday. We have plenty of other good news to share. The following four 5th graders were nominated for the National Young Scholars Program: Katya Schwieterman, Alexis Beller, Logan Green, and Carly Horn. The first two Flight Four recipients of the Exceptional Eagle Award were Harley Ewert (respect) and Logan Green (achievement). Finally, Jade Ellenberger won the Delta County Soil Conservation 6th grade poster contest and Jaquelin Mora’s design was selected as the new PES logo for Eagle gear. Congratulations to all! The 6th grade Math Counts competetion is December 7th at the Delta Center. Teams will be announced next week. Noetic Learning Math Contest awardees will be recognized this week. The PES Christmas Concert will be Thursday, December 13th. The end of second quarter, the day of our holiday parties, and the start of Christmas break is Friday, December 21st. The 6th grade Denver Museum of Nature & Science Camp-in will be February 1-2. Forms and reservation $10 are due back Thursday. Here are the highlights of what we “plan” to do over the next week: Reading & Vocabulary: - Vocabulary test Thursday - 5th read aloud: Hoot - 6th read aloud: The Outsiders - Book Club books: Banner in the Sky, Coraline, Tuck Everlasting, The Great Ghost Rescue, &, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - Independent reading & testing (AR) Writing - Diagramming test Wednesday - Grammar (DOL) test Friday - 5th: Persuasive Writing - 6th: Narrative Writing Math - Math pretest today, test tomorrow Social Studies - 5th: Nonfiction text & media - 6th: People of the Americas Science - 5th: Earth’s History and Resources - 6th: Astronomy Check the school website for past copies of this letter: http://pes.deltaschools.com/. We encourage you to contact us at any time. Mr. Bushta also wants students to call him at home (anytime before 10PM) for math help. Mrs. Pizey Mrs. Stewart Mr. Bushta 527-4657 527-3639 527-5370 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]