we were homeward bound confused deflated
we were homeward bound confused deflated
528 Lath rop Av en u e • River F orest, Il li n oi s 60305 -1835 we were homeward bound confused deflated seeking safety and healing at the familiar hearth where it had all begun the vision painted by a prophet of love made global and power that could conquer the world we were pretty naïve then living on the surface unaware of the resistance true love engenders not guessing that his death might interfere with dreams of peace yet in our darkness light appeared a stranger’s gentle conversation on the road reshaped our vision revealing depths in our ancient tradition that we had missed entirely his prayer over our humble bread announced the presence of divine love in the form of one we had seen entombed we jumped from the table as though rising from the dead and flew back to Jerusalem to show the others good news alive in us who had seen our beloved leader revealed as the Christ risen and present in our lives and in our home his love unchanged but made explicit to tell them of faith and vision reborn hopes reconstituted in newfound wisdom such a message cannot be quietly pocketed it must be shared in the heart of his community as it is being done this year in your hearing E.M. Jeep Ma y 4, 2014 • Third S unda y of Eas ter Monday, May 5, 2014 6:30 am † Richard Keller 8:00 am † Sarina Conmy Tuesday, May 6, 2014 6:30 am 8:00 am † Nancy McLinden Carr Wednesday, May 7, 2014 6:30 am † Mary Connolly 8:00 am † Bob Barder Thursday, May 8, 2014 6:30 am The Blessed Sacrament Ministries 8:00 am † Jim Dierickx Friday, May 9, 2014 Readings for the Week of May 4, 2014 Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/1 Pt 1:17-21/Lk 24:13-35 Monday: Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51–8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42/Jn 6:60-69 Next Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41/1 Pt 2:20b-25/Jn 10:1-10 ©Liturgical Publications Inc 6:30 am 8:00 am † Michael J Dooley Saturday, May 10, 2014 8:00 am † Maletta Moreno Monday - Friday, May 5-9, 2014 Gerald Bennett, Margaret Boyer, Willard Boyer, Tom Cusack, Stephen Kehoe, Frank Kurr, John Lennon, Paul S. Novak, Joseph Organ, Kelly Petersen, Tom Trankina, Michael Gerard White 8:00 am Mon-Fri: A Hendricks, W Hendricks Saturday, May 10, 2014 5:00 - Mass Intention: † Jim Butler Servers C Donlin, J Doss; Cross Bearer: M Peterson Readers Yates Hafner, Tamara Hicks Euch Min R Jandeska, C Madden, K Nelson, B Peterson, H Peterson, M Shalloo, MB Smedinghoff Sunday, May 11, 2014 Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the scriptures? ~Luke 24:32 7:30 - Mass Intention: The People of St Luke Parish Servers J Atkins, A Hendricks; Cross Bearer: B Graves Readers Marianne O’Donoghue, Terry Roche Euch Min K Nelson, J Sullivan, M Sullivan 9:00 - Mass Intention: † Suzanne C Hanley Servers C Stephany, C Westerman; Cross Bearer: C Hanley Readers Tony Graefe, CJ Kerstetter Euch Min J Duszynski, LM Froelich, M Martinez, G Rara, C Saunders, H Slowik, J Slowik 10:30 - Mass Intention: † Helen Coleman Servers C Doyle, C Llapa Gonzalez; Cross Bearer: M Brennan Readers Noel Moore, Doug Kurtenbach Euch Min D Beacom, P Brennan, S Brennan, B Coleman, M Coleman, M Moore, B Stumbris 12:00 - Mass Intention: † Williams, Karasis, Kurr Families and Roy Servers M Hopkinson, J Valenti; Cross Bearer: S Leavy Readers Sheila Price, Gene Lawrence Euch Min M Arenas, J Courtney, T Harnett, A Valenti, D Valenti How often do we take the time to see what Jesus wants from us? Are our prayers always petitions, asking Jesus to do things for us? If so, that’s a onesided relationship. Living our faith means developing a personal relationship with Jesus. So, just like any friendship with another person, there is give and take, each side listening to the other and helping each other out. Take time in silence to listen to what Jesus is saying to you. Cover Art: “The Pilgrims of Emmaus on the Road” was created by Easter Total To Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 67,235.00 Easter Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 80,000.00 French painter James Tissot between 1886 and 1894 and is now owned by the Brooklyn Museum. (Used with permission through Wikimedia Commons) 2 WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 From the weekend of April 27, 2014 Weekly Giving Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,000.00 Actual Weekly Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8, 713.00 2013-2014 Fiscal Year to Date (From 7-1-13) Weekly Giving Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $656,000.00 Actual Weekly Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . $608,492.00 Goal to Date for Year +/(-) . . . . . . . . . $ (47,508.00) We are always very grateful for the sacrifices you make to support the mission, goals, and ministry of St. Luke Church. Thank you for your generosity! MAY 4, 2014 • Third Sunday of Easter 3 On Saturday, April 26, 2014, the St. Luke School Development Committee hosted an Alumni Event. The celebration began with the 5:00 Mass that included remarks from alumnus and co-chair of the Development Committee, Peter Kennedy ‘95. Peter welcomed the alums and reminded us all of the value of a Catholic school education, especially during those formative years when a foundation of faith is built for the child’s entire life. The celebration continued in Waldron Hall, where alumni from the Classes of 1937 to 2003, along with current parishioners and school parents, shared memories and caught up on their post-St. Luke years. “This was a wonderful way for our alums to reminisce about their time at St. Luke, compare experiences and make new friendships with fellow graduates,” commented Sheila Price, Director of Stewardship and Development. “It was an honor to meet our alumni and learn of their accomplishments and continued love for St. Luke School.” 4 WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 Heart-felt thanks to all the parishioners who responded generously to this year’s Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. Here are the results to date: 2014 Parish Goal .......... $58,109 Amount Pledged ............. $75,135 Paid to Date .................... $53,800 Balance Due .................... $21,335 Fr. Ken has received a letter from Cardinal George thanking us for our “recognition that the Annual Catholic Appeal is a way to give to others and transform the world and so be God’s presence. … “Please share my gratitude with your parish community,” the Cardinal said in his letter, “and know that all the people of St. Luke are remembered in my prayers each day as I count on all of your prayers for me.” Congratulations! And thank you. At all the Masses next weekend we will have a special blessing for all the mothers who are present. At the 9:00 am Mass our Children’s Choir will sing. This will be the last time the children sing before summer break. Families with young children are especially invited to worship each Sunday at the 9:00 am Mass. 1. We serve anyone in need regardless of their race, ethnic background or religious affiliation. 2. We helped more than 1 million people last year at our 157 programs at 162 sites in Cook and Lake Counties. 3. Each week, we invite hundreds of hungry and homeless men, women and children to have a meal at our supper programs. 4. Four hundred eighty-five thousand nourishing meals were served through senior nutrition programs, and at our skilled and supportive living facilities. 5. We provide care and education to over 1,000 children ages 6 weeks to 12 years at our nine Child Development Centers. 6. We provide counseling and case management to children, youth and families in schools, homes, and other settings. 7. Every month, we provide food, clothing and shelter to over 10,000 people with critical needs. 8. We provide over 1,500 affordable apartments to elderly senior citizens on low, fixed incomes. 9. Each day, we have to raise $700,000 to keep our programs serving all of our clients. 10. Ninety-two cents of each dollar we raise goes directly to help people in need. Please use the special envelope you received and make a generous donation to the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal next weekend. Thank you. Sixty-four children from the parish will receive their First Eucharist on Saturday, May 17, at the 5:00 pm Mass and on Sunday, May 18, at the 9:00 and 10:30 am and 12 noon Mass. There is a meeting today (May 4) at 1:00 pm in Waldron Hall for all volunteers and students participating in the Summer Service Trips. Please bring any remaining paperwork and final payments to this meeting. See you there! ~Patti Muldoon, Trip Coordinator We would love to have you come and celebrate this beautiful day. Please keep these children and families in your prayers. MAY 4, 2014 • Third Sunday of Easter 5 Fr. Ken and the PPC are undertaking the process of selecting new PPC members to begin serving three-year terms starting this June, and want to explain the selection process to all parishioners. The PPC: Our 12-member Parish Council is designed to advise and counsel the pastor on matters related to the pastoral life at St. Luke, and to work to improve pastoral life at St. Luke. Two major foci during the next three years will be initiatives to increase parish vitality and welcome new parishioners. Prospective PPC members should be willing and able to learn more about these issues and to commit themselves to a significant role in addressing them. Three council members fill the positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary – positions that each last for one year. And, two council members represent St. Luke at our Deanery IV-B. (The deanery is a collection of nearby parishes that is the interface between the Cardinal and Archdiocesan parishes.) The PPC meets once a month from September through June. PPC meetings are held on Monday nights in Waldron Hall and last for approximately 90 minutes. The Selection Process: PPC members are not elected. Rather, they are selected by a process that is designed to be open to the entire parish, and to result in selecting those parishioners who are in the best position to serve on this council at this time. Traditionally, parishioners who have been active in one or more committees, ministries, groups or volunteer positions within our parish community decide to take the “next step” and indicate their interest in serving on the Parish Council. The process begins with this announcement. Next, there will be a general information meeting in Waldron Hall on Monday, May 19, at 7:00 pm. Departing and returning PPC members will be there with Fr. Ken, to explain what the PPC does, how it operates, and the rewards and challenges of serving on our Parish Council. A significant amount of time is set aside to answer questions. Following the May 19 informational meeting, interested parishioners will be invited to a gathering designed to prayerfully discern those new members who will join the PPC in June. We hope you can make it on May 19. If you are interested in being considered to serve on the council but cannot make this meeting, then please contact any member of the Parish Council or Fr. Ken, and arrangements will be made to fill you in on what you missed, and answer your questions. Fr. Kenneth J. Fischer [email protected] Linda Binder 771-5005 [email protected] Ben Keith Max Brown 771-6886 [email protected] C.J. Kerstetter [email protected] Bill Mear Jim Doyle 6 771-8250 262-501-1042 312-203-2502 [email protected] 488-9881 [email protected] 773-414-4160 [email protected] Laura Gancer 488-9233 [email protected] Patti Muldoon Doug Hoey 689-0079 [email protected] Joe Willoughby 773-992-7723 [email protected] WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 771-5456 [email protected] St. Luke students really care about saving the Earth! During the week of April 20-26, the students were given many opportunities to show what this planet means to them. On Earth Day (April 22), the whole school attended a prayer service celebrating God’s wonderful creation. Students also participated in activities all week that help take care of our planet. These included recycling old gym shoes, walking, riding their bikes to school, carpooling, bringing a zero garbage lunch, and creating a poster about giving back to the Earth. All participants received a raffle ticket, and one lucky student will be the winner of a new bicycle! The lesson for everyone is to remember that every day is Earth Day! Mary A Celebration Honoring Our Blessed Mother The St. Luke Women’s Club is hosting a special “Pack the Pews” Saturday, May 10 5:00 Mass Then join us after Mass in Waldron Hall for an evening devoted to our Blessed Mother. ALL ARE WELCOME! Dinner, special treats and activities will be provided. * BYOB * Suggested Donation: $20 per family / $5 seniors & singles We are looking for volunteers to bring fruit and desserts. To RSVP or to volunteer to bring something, please contact Katie Planek at [email protected] or 708-848-6547. MAY 4, 2014 • Third Sunday of Easter 7 On Sunday, May 18, the Prime Timers will attend a performance of “No Witness” at the Open Door Theater in Oak Park. It is the story of Sam Giancana and his rise to power leading to his assassination in Oak Park. This is a new play with music written by playwright Ted May. Tickets are $22 for seniors. Please call Pat Corti at 771-2744 for further details. The first meeting of the Prime Timers Stitching group was a lot of fun. They will be meeting again in the near future. New members are always welcome. Call Betsy Maloney at 708-948-7176 for more information. May is traditionally a month of special devotion to Mary, especially the praying of the rosary. Each weekday, Monday through Saturday, the rosary is prayed in church immediately after the 8:00 am Mass. Everyone is cordially invited to join in this Marian devotion during May. Stop by the Catholic Relief Services booth at the World Fair Trade Day event May 7-8 at Daley Plaza and pick up a free canvas tote bag. CRS will have an exhibit in Booth #13 illustrating the connection between our faith and international Fair Trade policies. Vendors will also be selling crafts, oil, coffee and other Fair Trade products to help create a more socially conscious world. Learn more about this and other local activities at ChicagoFairTrade.org. The St. Luke Athletic Committee congratulates the following winners of the 500 Club drawing: Paul & Sandy Brennan Thank you to all who have purchased memberships in the Club, the proceeds of which go directly to fund the school’s athletic programs. 8 WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 Rev. Kenneth J. Fischer, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Leroy A. Wickowski, (Retired) [email protected] Jim Doyle [email protected] Paul Faherty [email protected] Terry Norton [email protected] Bob Slobig [email protected] John O’Neill (Retired) 435-8915 435-8917 262-501-1042 771-5986 771-6635 771-6430 528 Lathrop Avenue, River Forest 60305-1835 [email protected] 771-8250 Sue Gamache, Office Manager [email protected] 435-8912 519 Ashland Avenue, River Forest 60305-1824 [email protected] 366-8587 Therese M. Craig, Principal [email protected] 366-8587 519 Ashland Avenue, River Forest 60305-1824 [email protected] 771-5959 Sr. Colleen Nolan, O.P., Director [email protected] 771-5959 Music Director Arlene Michna [email protected] Parish Business Manager Glenn Wagner [email protected] Director of Stewardship & Development Sheila Price [email protected] Communications Coordinator Bradley Collins [email protected] Hospitality House (former Convent) Sr. Mary Ann Mueninghoff, OP 435-8926 435-8921 435-8927 435-8910 771-5280 Weekend Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am and 12:00 noon Weekdays Monday- Friday 6:30 and 8:00 am Saturday 8:00 am Monday- Friday: After 6:30 & 8:00 am Masses Saturday: After 8:00 am Mass, and by appointment
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- St Luke Parish
Rev. Leroy Wickowski, (Retired)
lwickowski@ stlukeparish.org
Rev. Kenneth Fischer, Pastor Emeritus