protected open space chaplin, connecticut
protected open space chaplin, connecticut
k Rd Zlotn ic Ba ke r bb ing Rd ton Rd Be d Tutko Rd d Rive r Rd ury R Kingsb Harakaly Rd Go od Rd e ad Qu c M Natchaug State Forest Natchaug State Forest Natchaug State Forest Natchaug State Forest Goodwin Brook Natchaug State Forest y Rd d Crane Brook Whitman Brook Natchaug State Forest Station Any privately owned lands (excluding land trusts) that are primarily open space, such as fish and game clubs and camps. n Laurel L State owned property such as parks and forests, flood control areas, and preserves. Primarily property owned by the Department of Environmental Protection. Rd State Rd ey R Mor Marc Municipally-owned parcels that include undeveloped open space parcels and parcels that are less than 50% developed in terms of buildings and facilities (ball fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc.). Private Griffin Natchaug State Forest Natchaug State Forest Natch aug St d Hill R Bernard Church Woods Tow er H ill Natchaug State Forest pkin P um ff Natchaug State Forest ell Rd d Cavanaugh Rd ir Edge C R jak Bu to Cu Parcels owned by a land trust. Land trusts are generally private, nonprofit entities that own land for preservation. Municipal Rd Co lts Po nd Mansfield Rd Noll et R d s od Wo Land Trust Natchaug State Forest Upson Lake Mount Hope Federally owned land. Examples include Army Corps of Engineers property such as Mansfield Hollow or Thomaston Dam properties. 198 Reeds Pond Natchaug State Forest McLaughlin Pond e Rd Silvermine Brook R nd Po lls Ha Grants Brook Mount Hop E A S T F O R D Natchaug State Forest Bujack Road Pond Knowlton Pond Brook Description Federal Natchaug State Forest Rd Odd Pond LEGEND Category d Lower Colts Pond PROTECTED OPEN SPACE CHAPLIN, CONNECTICUT Symbol Ro a Cowles Ext Natchaug State Forest so n Bujak Unknown Unknown n Rd Chapli A S H F O R D Natchaug State Forest ner Ke n Unknown d Anderso n R Haberman Haven Rd Upper Colts Pond Ln Haberman Haven Bebbing ton Church Farm n Bolduc L n L k Boldu Natchaug State Forest t on Sin Fede ral Rd Chickery Hill Brook Mount Hope River Interstate Highway n eL Ln Bear Hill Lin kk ila Ln Unknown Rd C Pine Acres Lake Route 8 9 Mansfield Hollow State Park Diana's Pool Water Access York Rd Old Bedlam Corner South Chaplin Pool Dianas d Ol Rd Po tte r Mo Clark Hill d Natchaug State Forest n W oods e Rd tts B ridg Rd Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Bass e tery Parker Rd Rd ant ic Mansfield Hollow State Park Bates Rd Rd Ma ns fie ld 6 La nn Ca iL re n fre eL n Ol d Unknown Sta tion Tucker Pond Unknown Unknown Airline State Park Trail (North Trail) Natchaug State Forest Unknown Lynch Pond Two Sister's Tract Two Sister's Tract Unknown Lyn c Unknown hR d Ames Brook Unknown Shaw Hill Unknown Rd Windham Center R d Windham Road Ex t Parish Sco tlan dR d Beaver Brook State Park Scenic Reserve River Road Brook Rd ck Rd H il Parish Hill l g Zie Rd S C O T L A N D R ler er y Tin Ave Windham Atlantic White Cedar Bog k Ba Natchaug River Dam Windham Airport Natchaug State Forest r ave Be Willimantic Reservoir 203 Beaver Brook State Park Scenic Reserve Ba August 2011 Hams Pond North Windham Beaver Brook State Park Scenic Reserve Parish Hill High School Rd 6 ute Ro Burnha m Ln va rd Map prepared by CT DEEP 6 Mosley Pond Beaver Hill Bo ule t Rd Boston Pos Ln Windha m Rd State H wy 203 Storrs Rd W I N D H A M Sp enc er Rd Rd ok St ok Bro Rd ost nP o t s te 6 Bo Rou Old d l O Bur nha m Bro Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Cal vin Unknown H ill Natchaug River d Unknown Rd State Plane Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3526 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection North American Datum of 1983 d ic R ant lil im W Ma ns ure R Unknown Wil lim rneL Hawtho n Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Ho llo w Unknown t ll S pe ap Ch Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Ext wRoad llo Ho ld ld ie sfie nsf Ma Miles Rd Unknown n Ma 0.8 N yb e rg R d Cavanaughs Pond Mansfield Hollow Mansfield Hollow Hampton Clarks Corner Par k Dr Hall R pl i 6 Fisk Rd Rd Echo Rd Natchaug State Forest Cedar Swamp Brook d Neef R d Neff R Buttonball Brook 6 ut e Ro ke p rd T rtfo a H in k ew Ch Ch a Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Rd Nyberg Hill Sherman Corner Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Shub a Ln 6 d Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Dr me Ce MAP LOCATION Unknown US Hwy R ton mp Ha Echo Lake Ol d 6 Rd 6 Piaseczny Dr Ln Kaya Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Jac kso nL n Mansfield Hollow Dam Echo Lake l Ln Ro ss e au r in L Rd a unt Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area r Rd Mille Pin e Woods Ln Rd Mansfield Hollow State Park ute Ro James L. Goodwin State Forest s os Cr Mansfield Hollow Wildlife Area Turnip Meadow FOR MORE INFORMATION about the POSM project, contact the Land Acquisition Division of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection at 860-424-3016. Map is not colorfast Protect from light and moisture H A M P T O N Rd Bear Hill Rd n ille L Joshuas Tract Wildlife Area STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 79 Elm Street Hartford, CT 06106-5127 on p Rd Cedar Swam Unknown MAP SCALE INFORMATION - This map is intended to be printed at its original dimensions. Printing this map at a scale greater than 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2000 feet) may result in inaccuracies in parcel boundaries and locations. This map is intended to be printed at original size (48 x 36 in) n an Ca Unknown Bed lam Rd MAPS AND DIGITAL DATA Visit the CT ECO website for other natural resource and environmental maps at . Visit the CT DEP GIS website to download any of the digital spatial data shown on this map at . Cedar Swamp aL n Atw ood ville Atwoodville odv Atwo Turner Brook na d Mansfield Hollow State Park DATA SOURCES 0.6 11th Section Rd Eleventh Section Rd M A N S F I E L D Park Rd 0.4 Old State Rd Old Chaplin Elementary Old Town Po und Rd Rd hen Gos Types of property that are not on this map include administration buildings, airports, athletic fields, commercial campgrounds, cemeteries, country clubs, golf courses, dog poinds, landfills, fire department lands, historic homes, libraries, marinas, museums, parking facilities, police stations, and others. Generally, parcels under 10 acres that contain buildings are not included and parcels with developed recreation facilities such as ballfields are not included unless the facilities comprise less than 50% of the total parcel area. Palmer Rd Governors Island Rd Only parcels that meet the criteria of protected open space as defined by the POSM project are included. Protected open space is defined as: Land or interest in land acquired for the protection of natural features of the state's landscape or essential habitat for endangered or threatened species; or Land or interest in land acquired to support and sustain non-facility based outdoor recreation, forestry and fishery activities, or other wildlife or natural resource conservation or preservation activities. C H A P L I N James L. Goodwin State Forest nd gla En d Elizabeth R Types of property that may be included in this map are landholdings of Federal, State, municipal, or other government entities; land held by private land conservation organizations or trusts; and church, religious, or non-profit open space lands. Stevensons Pond ad Ro lin St Chap Ln er This map identifies parcels of open space land for towns included in the Department of Environmental Protection's Protected Open Space Mapping (POSM) project. Because this project is ongoing and incomplete, some towns are not represented. As towns are completed, new data will be added to the map. H Nova Pond ory ick Ridge Rd uld Bo Rd Atwoodville Brook 0.2 19 8 Broo ksid Rd Sunset Hill D 4W Rd ry y r dle lbe Bra Mu EXPLANATION 0.1 nixv ille Natchaug State Forest Rd Davis Railroad Unknown Black Spruce Pond Hubbard Pond t Hill Juniper Ln Local Road Utley Rd Estabrooks Rd Sunse Highway Ramp 0 Fuller Brook Hubbard Santuary Tower Hill 89 State Route Highway BASE MAP DATA is based on data originally from 1:24,000-scale USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps published between 1969 and 1992. It includes political boundaries, railroads, airports, hydrography, geographic names and geographic places. Streets and street names are from Tele Atlas copyrighted data. Base map information is neither current nor complete. Middle Rd 198 US Route Highway PROTECTED OPEN SPACE DATA - This map is based on information from various sources collected and compiled during the period from March 2005 through the present. These sources include municipal Assessor's records (the Assessor's database, hard copy maps and deeds) and existing digital parcel data. The data collected represents conditions on the date of research at each city or town hall and is not updated. James L. Goodwin State Forest Edwards Rd Warrenville Rd State H d County Boundary Garrison Park R Hill State Boundary wy 8 9 e Rd ak d L ak e n u fo L New ound F w Ne Rd Sta te H wy rm wo Wo Rd er Tow Town Boundary Unknown Unknown Natchaug River Pho e l Rd Hil Stonehouse Brook od River, Brook, Stream Darling Pond H ill Rd Ln Hansens Pond Open Water gle Unknown New eg tm Nu Rd James L. Goodwin State Forest Merrick Brook d