ROTAN INTERNAL GEAR PUMPS The Advanced Internal Gear Pump DESMI Inc./ROTAN Pumps 4021 Holland Blvd Chesapeake, VA 23323, USA Phone: 1-800-64-DESMI Web: E-mail: [email protected] 1 DESMI ROTAN, one of the world´s leading manufacturers of internal gear pumps DESMI A/S, formerly known as A/S De Smitske, was founded in 1834. Today DESMI A/S develops, manufactures and markets pumps and pumping systems worldwide. The ROTAN pumps are marketed by the DESMI Extensive inventory and assembly capability in North America ROTAN division and are distributed by subsidiaries, sales agencies and distributors in more than 40 countries. The internal gear pump principle was developed in 1915 by a Danish American. In 1921, he licensed a Danish Company to manufacture the pumps, which have been continuously mar- 1 keted worldwide under the ROTAN name. The unique, modular concept of ROTAN pumps is generally recognized as the most advanced internal gear pump design available today. DESMI INC. facility in Chesapeake, VA 0DLQRI¿FHDQGIDFWRU\LQ$DOERUJ'HQPDUN The Advanced Internal Gear Pump 2 Method of operation ROTAN pumps offer the following additional advantages and benefits: Pumping capability in either direction (all models) allowing installation flexibility Modular, back pull-out (except GP) design The ROTAN internal gear pump has a standard in-line, opposing connection design. Oversized ports provide superior self-priming capability with gentle liquid handling as the direction of the liquid flow is changed only slightly. means high viscosity Construction is simple and rugged with only two rotating parts and a shaft seal, enhancing service life External axial adjustment of rotor/shaft for In addition to reduced NPSH requirements, this makes inspection and maintenance easy and shear sensitive materials may be readily pumped. Lubricating and non-lubricating liquids, with appropriate provisions, can be pumped. wear and repositioning after maintenance saves time and expense Large choice of configurations provide flexibility to handle a wide range of applica- 2 tions Substantial inventories are maintained, including stainless steel and mag drive pumps, to meet customer schedules Competitively priced, reducing customers´ Liquid inlet 3DVVDJHRIOLTXLG Liquid outlet initial and operation costs Computerized selection program available for customers needing immediate sizing and related application information Standard, integral relief valve mounted on casing saves space and simplifies piping ,62FHUWL¿FDWH (YHU\SXPSLVK\GURVWDWLFDOO\ DQGSHUIRUPDQFHWHVWHG 3 GP/CC Direct coupled pumps in cast iron, for clean and mildly abrasive liquids 3 GP monoblock pumps are typically used for handling various clean and mildly abrasive liquids. The simple and compact construction makes it a low cost pump, often used in modified versions by OEM customers. CC models are close-coupled, providing the ultimate compact construction. GP/CC pumps are designed for use with NEMA or IEC-flanged motors. Typical Applications: Pumping of: Clean oil Glycol Vegetable oil Solvents Lube oil Waste oil Fish oil Capacity range: Speed: Differential pressure: Suction lift: Viscosity range: Temperature: 4 Up to 225 gpm Up to 1750 rpm Up to 250 psi Up to 15 Hg vacuum while priming Up to 24 Hg vacuum while pumping Up to 7,500 cSt Up to 300° F HD pumps are specifically designed for difficult HD applications and those involving high viscosity liquids. Typical applications include pumping oils, asphalts, chocolates, paints, lacquers, molas- Heavy Duty pumps in cast iron, for a wide range of viscous, noncorrosive liquids ses, soaps, and other industrial viscous process fluids. HD pumps are known for their rugged and simple construction. Capacity range: Speed: Differential pressure: Suction lift: Viscosity range: Temperature: Up to 750 gpm Up to 1750 rpm Up to 250 psi Up to 15 Hg vacuum while priming Up to 24 Hg vacuum while pumping Up to 250,000 cSt Up to 500° F 4 Typical Applications: Pumping of: Oil Polyol Asphalt Viscose Chocolate Supphate soap Paint Maltose Lacquer Grease Molasses Pitch Soap Base oil Other Industrial Bitumen viscous liquids Polyester Additives 5 PD Petrochemical Duty Pumps in carbon steel, designed for 5H¿QHU\DQG3HWURFKHPLFDO applications 5 Typical Applications: Pumping of: PD pumps are designed for refinery and Fuel petrochemical applications, and are of steel Oil external construction. Gasoline Lube oil Typical applications include pumping fuel Grease oils, gasoline, lube oils, greases, and other Other hydrocarbon based fluids hydrocarbon-based Additives fluids. PD pumps are available to meet most API 676 standards. Bitumen Polystyrene Wax Capacity range: Speed: Differential pressure: Suction lift: Viscosity range: Temperature: 6 Up to 750 gpm Up to 1750 rpm Up to 250 psi Up to 15 Hg vacuum while priming Up to 24 Hg vacuum while pumping Up to 250,000 cSt Up to 500° F CD pumps are designed for handling corrosive CD liquids, primarily in the chemical processing, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Typical applications include pumping organic acids, fatty acids, alkalis, caustic soda, polymer Chemical Duty pumps in stainless steel, designed to handle corrosive liquids solutions, soap, shampoo, animal fat, vegetable fat, chocolate, and other special fluids. Capacity range: Speed: Differential pressure: Suction lift: Viscosity range: Temperature: Up to 750 gpm Up to 1750 rpm Up to 250 psi Up to 15 Hg vacuum while priming Up to 24 Hg vacuum while pumping Up to 250,000 cSt Up to 500° F 6 Typical Applications: Pumping of: Organic acid Chocolate Fatty acid Other special fluids Alkali Resin Caustic soda Paint Polymer solutions Rosin Soap Shampoo Animal fat 7 MD Capacity range: Speed: Differential pressure: Suction lift: Viscosity range: Temperature: Up to 400 gpm Up to 1750 rpm Up to 250 psi Up to 15 Hg vacuum while priming Up to 24 Hg vacuum while pumping Up to 10,000 cSt Up to 500° F Mag Drive sealless pumps, for ultimate protection against leakage 7 MD pumps are designed for applications Most important MD model IHDWXUHVDQGEHQH¿WV demanding zero emissions. Previously, these applications were typically isocyanate, solvents and other hazardous organic liquids. Maximum protection against leakage, sealless design provides assurance against environmental contamination The use of MD pumps is rapidly expanding to include many non-hazardous liquids. Advanced, patented cooling system based on an integral pump eliminates the need This is due to the increasing need to eliminate for external cooling leakage and subsequent pollution. Another advantage of installing MD pumps is the extremely low maintenance requirement. Dynamic axial balancing system minimizes axial loads, reduces energy consumption, and increases equipment MTBM They will often provide a cost-effective solution for installations where a conventional pump Inherent secondary containment system, would need frequent replacement of the shaft provided by completely enclosed magnetic seal(s). coupling housing, controls primary containment fails 8 leakage if Superior, positive thrust control feature available when required to assure proper maintains correct running clearances and pump operation eliminates failures common to other designs Genuine back-pullout design Wide choice of bearing materials available, including cast iron, bronze, carbon and Pump comes standard as close-coupled, tungsten carbide optional with bare shaft Standard magnet material is neodymium-iron- Both internal and external canister protection boron. Optional samarium cobalt permanent magnets allow operating temperatures up to 500°F Reversible pumping capability, available by changing the rotation of the motor, allows installation flexibility Optional external heating jackets for both front cover and magnetic coupling housing 8 Typical Applications: Where no leakage liquid or gaseous, is allowed: Suction (Discharge) Pumping of: Isocyanate Solvents Hazardous organic liquids Printing Ink Resin Pitch Alkyd resin Soyabean oil Linseed oil Discharge (Suction) Monomers Polyol Corn Syrup ROTAN MD SERIES PUMP The most advanced, magnetically driven, positive displacement pump available. 9 By indicating the options in the order below, the complete pump FDQEHLGHQWL¿HG 1) Pump series GP General Purpose, mono block pump in cast iron CC General Purpose, close-coupled pump in cast iron HD Heavy Duty pump in cast iron PD Petrochemical Duty pump in carbon steel MD Mag Drive pump, magnetically coupled, in cast iron, carbon steel or stainless steel CD Chemical Duty 2) Pump sizes 26 DN 25-1 33 DN 32-1¼ 41 DN 40-1½ 51 DN 50-2 66 DN 65-2½ 81 DN 80-3 101 DN 100-4 126 DN 125-5 151 DN 150-6 152 DN 150-6 201 DN 200-8 9 /XEULFDWLRQ U Idler bearing and main bearing lubricated by pump medium M Externally lubricated idler bearing and main bearing 0DWHULDOFRGHVIRULGOHUEHDULQJ &RGH,GOHU%XVK ,GOHUSLQ*3+'3' 1 Cast iron Hardened steel 2 %URQ]H +DUGHQHGVWHHO 3 Carbon Hardened steel 4 AI.oxide Cr.oxide coated steel 5 Carbon AI.oxide, polished 8 7XQJVWHQ 7XQJVWHQ carbide carbide 0DWHULDOFRGHVIRUPDLQEHDULQJ &RGH%HDULQJEXVK 6KDIW*3+'3' 1 Cast iron Carbon steel 2 %URQ]H &DUERQVWHHO 3 Carbon Carbon steel 4 AI.oxide Cr.oxide coated steel $YDLODEOHZLWKÀDQJHVRU137WDSSHGGHSHQGHQWRQWKHVL]HDQG PDWHULDO*3SXPSVDUHDYDLODEOHWKURXJKVL]H3'DUHQRW DYDLODEOHLQVL]H 8 B 7XQJVWHQ carbide Ball bearing &RDWHGVWHHO carbide Steel ,GOHUSLQ&' 329 SS 66 329 SS Coated AI.oxide, polished 7XQJVWHQ carbide 6KDIW&' 329 SS 66 329 SS Cr.oxide coated 329 SS 7XQJVWHQ coated 329 SS Not applicable )ODQJHFRQQHFWLRQVDFFRUGLQJWR ANSI B 16.1/B 16.5, ISO 2084, DIN 2501, BS 4504 1969 &RQ¿JXUDWLRQV E Suction/discharge connections in-line B Suction/discharge connections at 90° angle (optional) 6KDIWVHDOV B 7HÀRQLPSUHJQDWHGQRQDVEHVWRVSDFNLQJ 2 6LQJOHPHFKDQLFDOVKDIWVHDO Bellows or O-ring type 22 Double mechanical seal, O-ring type - 2QO\IRU0'SXPSV Hyphen 0DWHULDOFRGHVIRUZHWWHGSDUWV &RGH 7\SH &DVLQJ&RYHUV 5RWRU,GOHU 6KDIW 1 3 4 GP/HD Cast iron CD 316 SS PD Cast steel Cast Iron 329 SS Cast iron Carbon Steel 329 SS Carbon steel )RU0'SXPSVDOOPDWHULDOFRGHVPD\EHXVHG 10 /xx 0DJQHWOHQJWK[[FP N 0DJQHWPDWHULDO1HRG\PLXPLURQERURQ C 0DJQHWPDWHULDO6DPDULXP&REalt 6SHFLDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV S $OOVSHFLDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVDUHPDUNHGZLWK6 Selection of pump size To size a pump with the adjacent chart, the following is From the viscosity at the top of the needed: chart, follow the color-coded lines · The capacity downwards. Next, find the capacity · The viscosity at the right or left side of the chart and follow a horizontal line until it intersects with the viscosity line. The point of intersection of the two lines determines the pump size, defined by the diagonal lines. If there is not a precise intersection of the three lines, select the nearest size, giving either a slightly higher or slightly lower capacity. The required speed is found on the bottom scale, vertically below the point of intersection. The maximum 10 speed of each pump is indicated by the dot at the end of each pump´s line. This speed must be reduced by up to 50% when pumping abrasive liquids and/or emulsions. When the differential pressure is known, the shaft power can be calculated by the formula: BHP = 0.0015 x flow (gpm) x differential pressure (psi). The required shaft power is increased by up to 35% when handling higher viscosities (above 5,000 cSt), and conversely reduced by up to 35% when handling thin liquids. (below 500 cSt). 11 Denmark+HDG2I¿FH DESMI A/S Tagholm 1 DK-9400 Nørresundby Tlf. +45 96 32 81 11 Fax: +45 98 17 54 99 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Holland: DESMI K&R Pompen B.V. Tlf. +31 30 261 00 24 Fax: +31 30 262 33 14 Web: E-mail: [email protected] China DESMI Pumping Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Tlf.: +86 512 6274 0400 Fax: +86 512 6274 0418 Web: E-mail: [email protected] DESMI Danmark A/S Tlf. +45 72 44 02 50 Fax: +45 98 17 54 99 Web: / E-mail: [email protected] DESMI Contracting Tlf. +45 96 32 81 11 Fax: +45 98 17 54 99 Web: E-mail: [email protected] RO-CLEAN DESMI Tlf. +45 65 91 02 01 Fax: +45 65 90 88 77 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Korea DESMI Korea Tlf.: +82 31 931 5701 Fax: +82 31 931 5702 Web: E-mail: [email protected] England DESMI Ltd. Tlf.: +44 1782 566900 Fax: +44 1782 563666 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Norway DESMI Norge AS Tlf. +47 38 12 21 80 Fax: +47 38 12 21 81 Web: E-mail: [email protected] DESMI FHS Ltd. Tlf.: +44 1782 566900 Fax: +44 1782 563666 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Germany DESMI GmbH Rotan Pumpengesellschaft Tlf. +49 407 519847 Fax: +49 407 522040 Web: E-mail: [email protected] RO-CLEAN DESMI Ltd. Tlf.: +44 2380 829751 Fax: +44 2380 339190 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Ecuador RO-CLEAN DESMI LATINOAMERICA S.A. Tel.: +593 2 326 1939 Fax: +593-2 326 4844 Web: E-mail: [email protected] The Advanced Internal Gear Pump 12 Hong Kong DESMI PTS Hong Kong Limited Tlf.: +86 512 6274 0400 Fax: +86 512 6274 0418 Web: E-mail: [email protected] USA (North America) DESMI Inc. Tlf. +1 757 857 7041 Fax: +1 757 857 6989 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Applied Fabric Technologies, Inc. Tel.: +1 716 662 0632 Fax: +1 716 662 0636 Web: E-mail: [email protected] DESMI Inc./ROTAN Pumps 4021 Holland Blvd Chesapeake, VA 23323, USA Phone: 1-800-64-DESMI Web: E-mail: [email protected]