2009 - Bike Works


2009 - Bike Works
Annual Report
toour Community
Educating Youth!
• 214 youth served in our Earn-a-Bike classes, drop-in hours, camps,
and community partnerships
• 2,917 hours of community service logged by youth
• 40% of youth earned bikes, and 90% earned parts and accessories
• 40% of youth were youth of color
Promoting Bicycling!
• 40% of youth received scholarships to cover class fees
Financial Report
Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/2008
Earned Income from Shop & Programs
Corporate Sponsorship & Matching
Individual Contributions
Special Events / Auction
Total Revenue
Fundraising & Special Events
• 86 free activities offered, including neighborhood rides, mountain
biking, BMX trick riding, track racing, safety rodeos, and community events
• 501 youth engaged in Street Burner rides and activities
• 6,700 miles ridden by youth on Bike Works rides, and another
133 trips taken with family and friends
Recycling Bicycles!
Building sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling
Total Expenses
Where the Rubber Hits the Road
This past March, Bike Works’ Bicycle Leaders, seven of our oldest and most
advanced youth, anxiously awaited their spring break; they were about to
embark on a new adventure with us with the weather unpredictable and
severe. On March 30, the passes were still closed and the Spring Leadership
Trip through Eastern Washington had to be drastically altered. Instead, the
young leaders would travel along the coast staying in yurts. But the content
of the trip remained the same: talking about aspects of leadership.
Michael was in fourth grade when he first learned of Bike Works, which was
right around the corner from his school. He enrolled in our Earn-a-Bike class.
To say Michael instantly excelled as a mechanic would be an exaggeration, but
he loved the class and found a place for himself at Bike Works. Soon, he was
showing up for every drop-in hour and BMX ride available. Staff jokingly
referred to the organization as “Mike Works”! Over the years, he continued
to attend everything he could, from the old Camp Freestyle to the Advanced
Mechanics class to the first ever Ride All Day (RAD) Camp.
ADVANCED BIKE TOURING: Reaching Greater Heights
MICHAEL: Biking for Life at Bike Works
At the time, Michael’s main interests were BMX and downhill mountain biking.
Long-distance riding was difficult for Michael, but he joined the Bike Works
group that was training for the Seattle to Portland (STP) group ride in 2005.
Michael struggled to keep up during the training rides and decided he wasn’t
ready for the STP after a particularly tough 60-mile ride. Still wanting to be
involved, he rode in the group’s STP support vehicle, acting as navigator and
support staff for his team.
Eventually a change of schools took Michael away from Bike Works. Michael
says it was his bike that brought him back. He had started commuting to school
on his BMX bike, and one day it just rode him back to us. When he returned
to Bike Works this year, he was a transformed cyclist! Fast and sleek, Michael
had expanded his cycling horizons to include road riding, commuting, racing,
and even urban fixed-gear riding. Michael dove back into Bike Works head first,
sharing his experience and enthusiasm with newer cyclists as a Bicycle Leader.
He acted as Youth Instructor in the R.I.D.E.S. Camp, participated in the sevenday Advanced Bike Touring Camp, and will soon be serving as a Bike Shop
apprentice. Something tells us he’ll have no trouble keeping up now.
• 6,994 customers served in our community bike shop
One of Bike Works’ greatest strengths is in the long-lasting relationships that
we build with youth like Michael: 46 percent of youth who participated in
programming in 2007 continued to be involved in Bike Works in 2008.
• 2,476 bikes donated to Bike Works
PERMIT #5529
• 95% (2,346 bikes) returned to the community
(2% recycled), including:
This advanced ride would prepare the youth to instruct with us over the
summer or in future camps and tours. The weeklong journey was amazing.
From risk management, ride leading, conflict resolution, and social- and
environmental-justice issues to leave-no-trace ethics, facilitating activities, and
hands-on practice, everyone learned something along the way. Over the
summer, the youth used what they had learned as they took on “youth
instructor” roles at our camps.
Come August, we gathered back together for the final Advanced Bike Touring
trip—another challenging bike tour, this time around Hood Canal. During the
immensely rewarding trip, the youth applied and expanded on the themes of
the previous ride. One youth who used to struggle with long-distance riding
“Remember when I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, all those hills’? They killed me! But
now I have an appreciation for the terrain. It’s all open and it’s so big and we’re
so small. Not many people realize that the world is super bigger than all of us.
Just riding, I felt great. I’d do it again. I wanted to keep going—I wanted to go
to California!”
The seven young Bicycle Leaders on this journey know that they will be the
ones carrying us into the future. Hopefully, after this experience, they go
forward with a little more insight and a greater hope for the world around
them. Bike Works creates a space for the young people in our programs to
grow and become leaders in their lives and communities.
BIKE WORKS 3709 South Ferdinand Street / Seattle, WA 98118
PHONE 206.725.9408 / EMAIL [email protected] / WEB bikeworks.org
SHOP HOURS Tues – Fri noon – 6pm / Sat: 11am – 6pm / Sun: 11am – 5pm
• 137 bikes donated to nonprofits
• 602 bikes sold through our shop
• 207 bikes distributed to youth in our programs and Kids Bike Swap event
• 1,400 bikes sent to villages in Ghana and El Salvador
This past year has been a great
experience for me—making friends,
helping others, and learning to repair
and maintain bikes. I really enjoy
riding the bike I earned and built.
— Brian, Age 12
At the top of the
vanced Bike Tour
climb on the Ad
ing Trip
Michael helps prepare dinner on the Advanced Bike
Re pa iri ng a bike
the co mmun ity du rin
Ea rn -a- Bike drop -in
ho ur s.
Touring Camp.
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Program Profiles
Program Highlights
Thank-You to Donors
Support Our Work
Annual Report
our Community
Where the Rubber Hits the Road
• 2,917 hours of community service logged by youth
• 40% of youth earned bikes, and 90% earned parts and accessories
• 40% of youth were youth of color
Promoting Bicycling!
• 40% of youth received scholarships to cover class fees
Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/2008
Earned Income from Shop & Programs
Corporate Sponsorship & Matching
Individual Contributions
Special Events / Auction
Total Revenue
• 501 youth engaged in Street Burner rides and activities
• 86 free activities offered, including neighborhood rides, mountain
biking, BMX trick riding, track racing, safety rodeos, and community events
Fundraising & Special Events
• 6,700 miles ridden by youth on Bike Works rides, and another
133 trips taken with family and friends
Recycling Bicycles!
Total Expenses
Michael was in fourth grade when he first learned of Bike Works, which was
right around the corner from his school. He enrolled in our Earn-a-Bike class.
To say Michael instantly excelled as a mechanic would be an exaggeration, but
he loved the class and found a place for himself at Bike Works. Soon, he was
showing up for every drop-in hour and BMX ride available. Staff jokingly
referred to the organization as “Mike Works”! Over the years, he continued
to attend everything he could, from the old Camp Freestyle to the Advanced
Mechanics class to the first ever Ride All Day (RAD) Camp.
This past March, Bike Works’ Bicycle Leaders, seven of our oldest and most
advanced youth, anxiously awaited their spring break; they were about to
embark on a new adventure with us with the weather unpredictable and
severe. On March 30, the passes were still closed and the Spring Leadership
Trip through Eastern Washington had to be drastically altered. Instead, the
young leaders would travel along the coast staying in yurts. But the content
of the trip remained the same: talking about aspects of leadership.
Eventually a change of schools took Michael away from Bike Works. Michael
says it was his bike that brought him back. He had started commuting to school
on his BMX bike, and one day it just rode him back to us. When he returned
to Bike Works this year, he was a transformed cyclist! Fast and sleek, Michael
had expanded his cycling horizons to include road riding, commuting, racing,
and even urban fixed-gear riding. Michael dove back into Bike Works head first,
sharing his experience and enthusiasm with newer cyclists as a Bicycle Leader.
He acted as Youth Instructor in the R.I.D.E.S. Camp, participated in the sevenday Advanced Bike Touring Camp, and will soon be serving as a Bike Shop
apprentice. Something tells us he’ll have no trouble keeping up now.
ADVANCED BIKE TOURING: Reaching Greater Heights
At the time, Michael’s main interests were BMX and downhill mountain biking.
Long-distance riding was difficult for Michael, but he joined the Bike Works
group that was training for the Seattle to Portland (STP) group ride in 2005.
Michael struggled to keep up during the training rides and decided he wasn’t
ready for the STP after a particularly tough 60-mile ride. Still wanting to be
involved, he rode in the group’s STP support vehicle, acting as navigator and
support staff for his team.
• 214 youth served in our Earn-a-Bike classes, drop-in hours, camps,
and community partnerships
Financial Report
Building sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling
Educating Youth!
MICHAEL: Biking for Life at Bike Works
• 6,994 customers served in our community bike shop
One of Bike Works’ greatest strengths is in the long-lasting relationships that
we build with youth like Michael: 46 percent of youth who participated in
programming in 2007 continued to be involved in Bike Works in 2008.
• 2,476 bikes donated to Bike Works
PERMIT #5529
• 95% (2,346 bikes) returned to the community
(2% recycled), including:
This advanced ride would prepare the youth to instruct with us over the
summer or in future camps and tours. The weeklong journey was amazing.
From risk management, ride leading, conflict resolution, and social- and
environmental-justice issues to leave-no-trace ethics, facilitating activities, and
hands-on practice, everyone learned something along the way. Over the
summer, the youth used what they had learned as they took on “youth
instructor” roles at our camps.
Come August, we gathered back together for the final Advanced Bike Touring
trip—another challenging bike tour, this time around Hood Canal. During the
immensely rewarding trip, the youth applied and expanded on the themes of
the previous ride. One youth who used to struggle with long-distance riding
“Remember when I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, all those hills’? They killed me! But
now I have an appreciation for the terrain. It’s all open and it’s so big and we’re
so small. Not many people realize that the world is super bigger than all of us.
Just riding, I felt great. I’d do it again. I wanted to keep going—I wanted to go
to California!”
The seven young Bicycle Leaders on this journey know that they will be the
ones carrying us into the future. Hopefully, after this experience, they go
forward with a little more insight and a greater hope for the world around
them. Bike Works creates a space for the young people in our programs to
grow and become leaders in their lives and communities.
BIKE WORKS 3709 South Ferdinand Street / Seattle, WA 98118
PHONE 206.725.9408 / EMAIL [email protected] / WEB bikeworks.org
SHOP HOURS Tues – Fri noon – 6pm / Sat: 11am – 6pm / Sun: 11am – 5pm
• 137 bikes donated to nonprofits
• 602 bikes sold through our shop
• 207 bikes distributed to youth in our programs and Kids Bike Swap event
• 1,400 bikes sent to villages in Ghana and El Salvador
This past year has been a great
experience for me—making friends,
helping others, and learning to repair
and maintain bikes. I really enjoy
riding the bike I earned and built.
— Brian, Age 12
At the top of the
Re pa iri ng a bike for
the co mmun ity du rin
Ea rn -a- Bike drop -in
ho ur s.
Touring Camp.
Michael helps prepare dinner on the Advanced Bike
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Program Profiles
Program Highlights
Thank-You to Donors
Support Our Work
Annual Report
ing Trip
vanced Bike Tour
climb on the Ad
our Community
Where the Rubber Hits the Road
• 2,917 hours of community service logged by youth
• 40% of youth earned bikes, and 90% earned parts and accessories
• 40% of youth were youth of color
Promoting Bicycling!
• 40% of youth received scholarships to cover class fees
Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/2008
Earned Income from Shop & Programs
Corporate Sponsorship & Matching
Individual Contributions
Special Events / Auction
Total Revenue
• 501 youth engaged in Street Burner rides and activities
• 86 free activities offered, including neighborhood rides, mountain
biking, BMX trick riding, track racing, safety rodeos, and community events
Fundraising & Special Events
• 6,700 miles ridden by youth on Bike Works rides, and another
133 trips taken with family and friends
Recycling Bicycles!
Total Expenses
Michael was in fourth grade when he first learned of Bike Works, which was
right around the corner from his school. He enrolled in our Earn-a-Bike class.
To say Michael instantly excelled as a mechanic would be an exaggeration, but
he loved the class and found a place for himself at Bike Works. Soon, he was
showing up for every drop-in hour and BMX ride available. Staff jokingly
referred to the organization as “Mike Works”! Over the years, he continued
to attend everything he could, from the old Camp Freestyle to the Advanced
Mechanics class to the first ever Ride All Day (RAD) Camp.
This past March, Bike Works’ Bicycle Leaders, seven of our oldest and most
advanced youth, anxiously awaited their spring break; they were about to
embark on a new adventure with us with the weather unpredictable and
severe. On March 30, the passes were still closed and the Spring Leadership
Trip through Eastern Washington had to be drastically altered. Instead, the
young leaders would travel along the coast staying in yurts. But the content
of the trip remained the same: talking about aspects of leadership.
Eventually a change of schools took Michael away from Bike Works. Michael
says it was his bike that brought him back. He had started commuting to school
on his BMX bike, and one day it just rode him back to us. When he returned
to Bike Works this year, he was a transformed cyclist! Fast and sleek, Michael
had expanded his cycling horizons to include road riding, commuting, racing,
and even urban fixed-gear riding. Michael dove back into Bike Works head first,
sharing his experience and enthusiasm with newer cyclists as a Bicycle Leader.
He acted as Youth Instructor in the R.I.D.E.S. Camp, participated in the sevenday Advanced Bike Touring Camp, and will soon be serving as a Bike Shop
apprentice. Something tells us he’ll have no trouble keeping up now.
ADVANCED BIKE TOURING: Reaching Greater Heights
At the time, Michael’s main interests were BMX and downhill mountain biking.
Long-distance riding was difficult for Michael, but he joined the Bike Works
group that was training for the Seattle to Portland (STP) group ride in 2005.
Michael struggled to keep up during the training rides and decided he wasn’t
ready for the STP after a particularly tough 60-mile ride. Still wanting to be
involved, he rode in the group’s STP support vehicle, acting as navigator and
support staff for his team.
• 214 youth served in our Earn-a-Bike classes, drop-in hours, camps,
and community partnerships
Financial Report
Building sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling
Educating Youth!
MICHAEL: Biking for Life at Bike Works
• 6,994 customers served in our community bike shop
One of Bike Works’ greatest strengths is in the long-lasting relationships that
we build with youth like Michael: 46 percent of youth who participated in
programming in 2007 continued to be involved in Bike Works in 2008.
• 2,476 bikes donated to Bike Works
PERMIT #5529
• 95% (2,346 bikes) returned to the community
(2% recycled), including:
This advanced ride would prepare the youth to instruct with us over the
summer or in future camps and tours. The weeklong journey was amazing.
From risk management, ride leading, conflict resolution, and social- and
environmental-justice issues to leave-no-trace ethics, facilitating activities, and
hands-on practice, everyone learned something along the way. Over the
summer, the youth used what they had learned as they took on “youth
instructor” roles at our camps.
Come August, we gathered back together for the final Advanced Bike Touring
trip—another challenging bike tour, this time around Hood Canal. During the
immensely rewarding trip, the youth applied and expanded on the themes of
the previous ride. One youth who used to struggle with long-distance riding
“Remember when I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, all those hills’? They killed me! But
now I have an appreciation for the terrain. It’s all open and it’s so big and we’re
so small. Not many people realize that the world is super bigger than all of us.
Just riding, I felt great. I’d do it again. I wanted to keep going—I wanted to go
to California!”
The seven young Bicycle Leaders on this journey know that they will be the
ones carrying us into the future. Hopefully, after this experience, they go
forward with a little more insight and a greater hope for the world around
them. Bike Works creates a space for the young people in our programs to
grow and become leaders in their lives and communities.
BIKE WORKS 3709 South Ferdinand Street / Seattle, WA 98118
PHONE 206.725.9408 / EMAIL [email protected] / WEB bikeworks.org
SHOP HOURS Tues – Fri noon – 6pm / Sat: 11am – 6pm / Sun: 11am – 5pm
• 137 bikes donated to nonprofits
• 602 bikes sold through our shop
• 207 bikes distributed to youth in our programs and Kids Bike Swap event
• 1,400 bikes sent to villages in Ghana and El Salvador
This past year has been a great
experience for me—making friends,
helping others, and learning to repair
and maintain bikes. I really enjoy
riding the bike I earned and built.
— Brian, Age 12
At the top of the
Re pa iri ng a bike for
the co mmun ity du rin
Ea rn -a- Bike drop -in
ho ur s.
Touring Camp.
Michael helps prepare dinner on the Advanced Bike
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Program Profiles
Program Highlights
Thank-You to Donors
Support Our Work
Annual Report
ing Trip
vanced Bike Tour
climb on the Ad
2008 Program Highlights
Kids, Bikes, & Sweat Equity
Naïma came to Bike Works as a 9-year-old in 2003—the only girl in her
Earn-a-Bike class.Two years later, she joined our first All-Girl Earn-a-Bike class
as a mentor to the new girls. Now, at 15, she is still attending Earn-a-Bike
drop-in hours, riding bikes, and generally being a rock star. Over the years we
have watched Naïma grow—as a mechanic, a rider, and a role model. After
earning her first BMX bike at 9, she is excited now to explore BMX on a
“real” bike, practice tricks, and skill-build. As long as the bike matches the
cycling cap that she also earned, she’s happy. Thanks Naïma for holding down,
throwing down, and keeping your own in the land of boys; we’re proud to be
the place you come back to each year. Last year, 67 youth participated in our
Earn-a-Bike classes and 75 youth came to our drop-in hours; together they
logged over 2,917 hours of community service and helped Bike Works repair
and donate 137 bikes to families in need.
Community Partnerships
In 2008, Bike Works reached 139 youth through community partnerships
with six organizations and schools. One partner, Seattle Girls School (SGS),
empowers fifth- through eighth-grade girls to become leaders. Over 40
percent of students are girls of color, and 30 percent receive need-based
financial aid. Since 2003, Bike Works has partnered with SGS to teach
students the joys of bike repair. In 2005, with the help of a sixth-grade teacher
who raced bikes, a new type of partnership was born. Now, during the last
two months of school, Bike Works and the entire sixth-grade class (roughly
40 girls) train two hours each Friday to prepare for a year-end three-day
camping trip on Lopez Island. The pride is apparent as the group leaves the
ferry to ride to the campground. On day 2 they make a 25-mile loop around
the island—more miles than most of the girls have ever ridden before—and
stop at the local ice cream shop. By day 3, the girls feel like seasoned pros.
Every fall, it is inspiring for us to see these girls riding to school, excited to tell
us about their new bike gear: lights, locks, and helmets; in other words, true
bike commuters.
Starting in 2009, Bike Works is helping to incorporate new lessons into the
SGS sixth-grade curriculum. In class, students will explore bicycles as simple
machines, as well as the interaction between bikes and the human body when
we ride. To quote Susan B. Anthony: “The bicycle has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.” Ride on girls!
We are powerful people!
—Darryl, age 13, at the top of a remote and
challenging hill along the Chief Sealth Trail
Our youth-led bike club is dedicated to bike fun and community engagement
in any form the members democratically decide. On any given Saturday, you
may spot them jumping on BMX bikes, knocking the ball around bike-polo
courts, or creating bike art. One May morning, the club inaugurated the First
Annual Taco Truck Time Trial & Alley Cat South End Invitational! Strictly
speaking, the ride was not an alley cat or time trial. Five youth and three
instructors rode a 10-mile loop, visiting several taco trucks and competingnot on speed, but on eating capacity. The day’s winner, Nick, consumed three
tacos, two burritos, and one soda! Let’s just say the ride back was heavy and
slow. In 2008, 501 youth participated in 86 free activities and rode a total of
6,700 miles. See you at the taco truck!
Ride, Investigate, Discover
the Environment & Society
BMX riding is extreme, mountain biking is intense, and bike touring is epic, but
urban cyclists have their fun every day, using the roads to commute and
explore! Bike Works’ RIDES camp combines street biking and mapping
activities in community bike rides. Campers engage the urban environment,
using maps to mark how far they have come and to chronicle what they have
found on the way. Each day, the riders tackle more and more challenging rides,
starting with a ride to Seward Park and finishing with one to West Seattle.
Campers develop as confident road riders, able to handle their own bikes safely
and work as a team navigating the streets and traffic with care. In 2008, Bike
Works offered five summer camps, including two riding camps and three
bicycle tours.
Bike Shop
Kim came to the Bike Works shop with a dilemma: she loved her bike, but as
she is missing parts of most of her fingers, the hand brakes were difficult for
her right hand and impossible for her left. The shop switched the rear wheel
for one with a brake that Kim can work with her feet. For extra safety, a single
brake lever now works both brakes from her right hand. By mounting the
lever facing Kim, she can engage the lever by pushing with her palm instead of
pulling with her fingers. Kim is thrilled! Last year in our bike shop, we served
6,994 customers, sold 602 refurbished bikes, sent 1,400 bicycles to villages in
Ghana and El Salvador, and recycled many tons of scrap metal!
U 2008 Donors
A Huge THANKto
Foundations & Corporate Grants
Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation • Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation • The Paul Glaser Foundation • John G. Griswold Foundation
Group Health Community Foundation • Charlotte Martin Foundation
New Belgium Brewing Company • Public Health - Seattle & King County,
Healthy and Active Rainier Valley Coalition • Public Health – Seattle & King
County, Steps to Health Initiative • REI • Satterberg Foundation
The Seattle Foundation • SmartWool
Individuals & Local Businesses
Aaron's Bicycle Repair
Elizabeth Ablow & Dick Wall
Steve & Diane Adam
Lance & Leah Adams
Adobe Systems
Adventure Cycling Association
Adventure Fit, Inc.
Meg Agnew & Steve Rupp
Tom Alberg and Judi Beck
Alchemy Goods
David Allen & Margaret Clements
Alpine Hut
Mollie Alworth
Jeff & Phoebe Anderson
Anderton Law Office
Bob Anderton & Wendy Woldenberg
Geraldine Angell
Jerry Arbes
Argosy Cruises
ATOC, Inc.
Anthony & Becca Aue*
Chuck Ayers
Dara Ayres & Mark Newell
Backcountry Bicycle Trails Club
Brodie Bain
Shawn H. Banta
Barefoot Wine
Susan Barkan
Erin Beck & Jonathan King
James Becker & Mary Freeman
Mary Beddoe & Craig Mitchell
Stephen Beimborn & Carol Carlson
Geoffrey Bellman & Sheila Kelly
Bruce Benard
Grace Bennet & Mark Curtin
Mearl Bergeson
Elise Bernardoni
Peter & Amy Berner-Hays
Mangeniello Bernstein
Better World Club
Bicycle Adventures
Bicycle Doctor Mobile Repair Service
Bicycle Paper
Emily & Cameron Birch
Graeme & Cathryn Blake
Benjamin & Jill Blegen
Jabez Blumenthal & Julie Edsforth
Bobcat West
Pam Boehm
Cynthia Bolton
Michelle Bouterse
Anna Brandt
William Branum
Jonathan Brown & Brynnen Ford
Michael Brown
Richard Bruno
Beth Brunton
William Bruzas
Kurt A. Buchwald
Carole Burger
Burke Museum
Dick Burkhart & Mona Lee
Collene Burns
Nancy Buyers
Cameron Catering
Floyd Campbell
Heather & Sean Campbell
Roland Campbell & Linda St. Clair
Mark Canizaro
Allison Capen
Suzanne Carlson
Carnation Golf Course
Johnny Carrillo* & Jennifer Klotz
Cascade Bicycle Club
Cascade Designs
Case Design & Project Management
Margot & Scott Case
Ross Case
Chuck Cathey
Century Ballroom
Patricia Chase & Jason Antonoff
Chinook Book/Celio Group Media
Daniel Christensen
Marianna Clark
Matthew Clark
Robin Clark
Click! Design That Fits
Columbia City Acupuncture and Herb
Columbia City Cinema
Columbia City Farmers Market
Columbia City Gallery
Councilmember Richard Conlin*
Dana Cook & James Brestschneider
Pamela & Patrick Cook
Stephanie Cooper
Catherine Corban
Julie Corman
Adam Cornelius & Anne Kagi
Corpore Sano LLC
Dennis & Phyllis Counts
Kathy Cox
Wendy Crabb & Dave Watson
Cranium, Inc.
Steven & Megan Crawford
Katherine Crichton
Karl Critz
Barbara Crook & Richard Ely
Cross Fit North
Kerry Crossley
Cycle University/NWCC Training Center
Lesli Dalaba
Jennifer Davis
Mary De Rosas & Paul Peterhans
Brian Debenedetti & Lyla Perl
Curtis Degasperi
James Degel & Jeanne Berwick
Bailey de Iongh
Bruce & Pamela Deitz
Marty Delismon
Frank Denman & Jean Millican
Bruce & Glyn Devereaux
Mark Dexter & Deborah Cowley
Ted Diamond & Carol Hert
Richelle Dickerson
Dean Differding
Dimitriou's Jazz Alley
James & Camelia Dobrick
Doe Bay Resort
Dawn Dort & Ian Lurie
Leslie Dozono & Jason Thibedeau
Councilmember Jan Drago
Catherine Duva & Leo Shannon
E.B. Foote Winery
Stacy, Randy, Bohdi & Joshua Earlywine
Nicki Edison
Egan & Associates, LLC
Ruth Egger & Mark Epstein
Patrick Eggers & Mary Jo Reid
Waldron Elliot
Susan Ephron & Randy Daniels
Michael Erickson
Teresa & Steven Erickson
Susan Ernsdorff
Benjamin Ernst
Margaret Evans
Frank Evanson
Farm Girl Works
Laura Feinstein & Justin Fallstrom
Mary Jane Ferguson
Julia Field
Jeff & Deb Finken
Abraham Flaxman
Erich Fleck
Corinne Fligner & Mark Wener
Matthew Fontaine & Tamara Paris
Stephen Fortunato
Foss Maritime Company
Albert Foster & Maureen Horgan
Andrea Franzen
Free Range Cycles
Jonathan Freedman
Jim & Lisa Frenkel
Karin Frey & Thomas Dorrance
Ruth Frobe*
Everett Fruehling & Lynne Thomas
Frye Art Museum
Brian Fung
Carol Furry
Galvin Flying Service
Garden Source
Georgetown Brewing
Claude Ginsburg & Lynne Hyerle
Richard Glassman
Global Energy Concepts
Louise Goldman & Wayne Buck
Meg Goldman
Councilmember Jean Godden
Corliss Gooch
Good Sport Promotion
Chris Gossard & Lee Ann Johnson
John Graham
Julie & Marvin Gray
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Amy Greenberg & Chris Robison
Jim Greiner & Heather Graham
John Greico
Birgit Grimlund
Brock Grubb
Albert Guadagno
Megan Guenther
Don Guthrie & Elizabeth Herbert
Suzanne Hagner
Anne Hallett
Fred Hanson
Amy Harris
Steve Hatzenbeler & Joan Emery
Melissa Haumerson
Headlines Salon
Heather Elizabeth Designs
Annette Heidi-Jessen-Hill & Brian Hensley
Dee Hein
Teri Hein
Nancy Helm & Ruth Callard
Jeanette Henderson
Henry Art Gallery
Donald & Lloyd Hillman
Carol & Jim Hoch
Jennifer Hodgdon
Holdcroft-Raynor Trust
James Hopper
Diane Horn
Lisa Hornfeck
Bruce Hosford
Justin Howard & Mark Burke
Alison Howard
John Hoyt & Lisa Fitzhugh
Robert Hunter & Alynn Jackson
Jack Hunter* & Jessica Ludders
I Do Foundation
Il Vecchio Bicycles
Intiman Theater
Terri Iverson
Mary Jacka
Patty Jackson
Lola Jacobsen
Lawrence Jacobson & Heather Trim
Ruth & Louis Jacobson
Dale Jarvis & Diana Lee
Omar Jepperson
Kent Jewell
Jillian's Billiard Club
Jim Jones
Peter Jones
Dano & Jennifer Jukanovich
Gracie & Ed Kane
Ben Kaplan
Sonnia Karlsson
Phil Katzen & Joan Kleinberg
Sarah Kavage* & Rob Zverina
Anne Kearney
David Keppel
David Keyes
Reiley & Deborah Kidd
Saul Kinderis
Ellen Kissman
Senator Adam Kline
Michael Klotz & Natalie Durflinger
Patrick Koenig
David Kositsky & Maya Riser-Kositsky
Vasantha & Scott Kostojohn*
Frank Kroger
La Medusa
Ellen Lackerman & Neal Stephenson
Peter Lagerwey
Edward Lambert & Gretchen Siegrist
Daniel Landis
Jenna Lange & Kevin Taylor
Chris LaRoche
Donald Larson
Jeffrey & Cheryl Laufle
Ann Lawrence
Jay Lazerwitz & Dionne Haroutuniarn
Micah LeBank
April Lee & Jen Cook-Karr
Anne Lee
Felix Lee
Mark Leek & Cathy Reiter
Serena Lehman
Debra Leith & Gregory Edmiston
Beth Lenholt
Bill Leon
Jennifer Lesher
Joseph Letterman
Marni Levy
Heather & Evan Lewis
Karen Lewis
Mike Lewis
Rayburn Lewis & Elizabeth Upton
Arthur Lewy
Councilmember Nick Licata
Micki & Bill Lippe*
T. R. & Sara Longworth
Ted Loomis & Megan Somerville
Loose Ends
Nubia Lopez*
Craig Lorch* & Julia Haack
Glenn & Claire Lorch
Amy Loscher
Lotus Yoga
Hannah Love
Richard & Ann Ludders
Dawn, Karl, Rick & Jillian Lum
Kathy Lusher
Melanie Lyons
Erin MacDougall
Theo Mace & Lorna Stone
Jennifer Macuiba
Madrona Solutions Group
Mildred Magner
Jeff & Ben Maki
Laurence Malleis
Nathalie Manfull
Ann Manley
Patrick Marek
Market Street Cycling
Scott Marlow & Jennifer McIntyre
Barry Martin
Larry & Linda Martinez
Marymoor Velodrome Association
Gary Mather
Dan Matts
Dina Maugeri
Christine McBride
Kathy McCabe
Rob McCann
Britt McColley-Ward
James & Sandy McCrae
Jim McCulloch
Lucia McDonald & Todd Luney
Joseph & Paula McGee
Shelley & Scott McIntyre
Casey McLaughlin
Mary McLaughlin
David McLean & Norma Steveley
Brandon McRae
Catalin Melincianu
Metro Dog
Melina Meza & Matt Delcomyn
Microsoft Corporation
Bradley & Ronda Miller
Laura Miller
Nelson Miller
Phil Miller
Bruce Milne
Rachel Minnery
Heather Mirczak
Charles & Nancy Mitchell
Donald & Pamela Mitchell
Josh Mitchell & Bess Sorenson
Todd Mitchell
The Michel-Schottman Family Fund
Guenter & Muriel Mittelstrass
Cholada Mizer
Donald Moe
Eric, Kim & Miles Moen
Debra & Michael Morales
Helen Morrison
John Mostrom
The Mountain 103.7 FM
The Mountaineers Books
David Mozer*
Harold & Susan Mozer
Bobby Mullins
Laurence J. Murphy
Musha Mukadzi Designs
National MS Society, Greater WA
Dennis, Joy & Greg Neuzil
New Belgium Brewing Company
Nigel O Stonework & Creative Masonry
Steve Nimocks & Jane WestgraardNimocks
Nine Yards Music
Erica Nixon-Mack & Brandon Mack
Randall Nordfors
Brian & Laura Northridge
Northwest Film Forum
Northwest Outdoor Center
Northwest Trek Wildlife Park
Elizabeth Norvell
Carol & Ralph Nussbaum
Teri O’Brien
Sean O’Connor
Thomas O’Keefe
On The Boards
Shane O'Neil & Marya Granger
Jory Oppenheimer
Elissa Ostergaard
Kristin & Thadeus O'Sullivan*
Outdoor Research
Outdoors NW Magazine
Zachary Owens
Pacific Northwest Float Trips
Pacific Science Center
Ashton Palmer
Carl Parker
Donald & Sharon Parker
D. Parsons
Kimberly Pate & Eileen Cuba
Leigh Pate
Sara Patton
PCC Natural Markets
Jim Peschel
Dwight Pelz
Chuck Perov & M.J. Bishop
Lynda & Ryan Peterson
Claire Petersky & David Levine
Kent Peterson
Lisa Petke
Donald Phelan
Phil’s South Side Cyclery
Judy Pigott
Pike Brewing Company
Pike Place Market Creamery
Karen Pillar
Pioneer Organics
Amy Poel
R. Alex Polson
Mary Jo Porter
Walter & Sarah Puckett
Fred & Mariana Quarnstrom
William Quetel & Suzanne Wertman
Chris Quigley & Jennifer Bennett
R & E Cycles
R.E. Load Bags
Stephanie Ragland-Johnson & Jerry Johnsen
Rainier Investment Management
Dan Ramier & Ange Hill
Leslie Ramier
Raegen Rasnic
Ray’s Boathouse
Recycled Cycles
Prashanthi Reddy & Charlie Anthe
Dagmar Rehse & Michael Rausch
John Remington
Richard Hugo House
Nancy Ritzenthaler & Al Odmark
Jenna Rizzo & Nicolas Bratton
Gerry & Kris Ronningen-Fenrich
Mia Roozen
Roger & Fernne Rosenblatt
Margaret Rosenfeld & Daniel Weld
Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd.
Roy's BBQ
Jeffrey Rueckhaus
Kara-Lee Ruotolo & Andrew Bae
Benjamin Russell & Susan Hatch
Rodney Rutherford
Jodi Ryznar & Mike Inocencio
Saint Gobain Performance Plastics
Donna Sakson & Jonathan Mark
Julie & Eric Salathe
Salkin Architecture
San Juan Excursions
Scarecrow Video
Steven & Patricia Schmidt
Trevor Schraufnagel
Erik Schweighofer
Katrina Schwieterman
Seal Line
Seattle Aquarium Society
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Arts and Lectures
Seattle Athletic Club--Northgate
Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF)
Seattle Rainier Lions Club
Seattle Shakespeare Company
Seattle Sonics
Seattle Symphony
Seattle Theatre Group
Seattle Tilth Association
Second Wind
Ken Selander & Jeannie O’Brien
Jim Shackleton
David Shapiro & Jennifer Dixon
Teresa Sharp
Mario Shaunette
The Shed Boys
James & Joyce Shedd
Lynn Shimamoto
Samuel & Sylvia Shiroyama
Phillip Singer & Margaret Moore
Joel Sisolak & Julie Watts
David & Catherine Skinner
Rebecca Slivka
Gretchen Sloan
Ben Smith
Kyle Smith & Renea Saade
Patricia Sobczyk
Mary Sorman & Bonnie Verhunce
Jeff Sorrentino & Patricia Davis
Ingrid Sparrow
Spectrum Dance Theater
Thomas Standaert
Starbucks Coffee Company
Starbucks Columbia City
Elsa & Russ Steele
Paul Steele
Paul & Kristen Steele
Rebecca Steiner
Harry Stern
Richard Stevens
Julie Stohlman
Eric Stollnitz
Stone Gardens
Gary Strauss
David Strong
Karen Stuhldreher
Sunrise Fly Shop
Sunset Hill Green Market
Super Jock N Jill
Sustainable Ballard
Bradley Svigel & Stacie Bain
Doug & Susan Swan
Jan, Tracy & Cassia Tackett
Taproot Theater Company
Teal Echo Creations
Laurie Thompson
Ti Cycles
Larry & Cynthia Tighe
Tillicum Village
Korel Tippetts
TKTJ Design
Duy Tran* & Young-Suk Oh
Chris Tremonte
Kris Trenka
True North
Leslie & Ian Tubbs
Tutta Bella Pizzeria
Scott Ulrich
University of Washington Athletics
University of Washington School of Drama
Joshua Urness
In honor of Eric Valpey
Ron & Kerry Van Der Veen*
Gwen Vernon & Bob Ellis
Vertical World
Verve Wine Bar and Cellar
Viking Sport Cycling
Todd Vogel* & Karen Hust
Kristina Voros
Hannah Voss
Mary Vu Tripoli
Connie Walker-Gray & Bruce Gray
Trevina Wang
Aliana Warner
Reid Warner
Washington Mutual
Washington Trails Association
Stacy Waterworth
Meg & Rob Watson
Tracy Wayman
Markus Welcker
Briana Wentworth
Leslie Weppler
Marty & Eddie Westerman
The Westin
Alex Wetmore
Melicent Whinston
Whistler Blackcomb
Liza White
Robert & Sara Wicklein
Ruth Wilson
Windermere Real Estate NW, Inc.
Charlie Winter
Fritz & Susan Wollett
Jim Wright
Michael Xenakis
Mark A. & Suzie Ann Yamamoto
David Yeaworth
YPS, Inc.
If your name is missing from this list or
incorrect, we sincerely apologize, and
please let us know.
*Current or former Board Members
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exp Works
Build bikes at Volunteer Mechanic Thursday nights
Volunteer at our events
Mentor in our classroom
Make a contribution!
Give a gift at
Donate an item for our Auction
Donate Stock
Make a corporate matching gift
Road Bikes Mountain Bikes Kids Bikes
2008 Program Highlights
Kids, Bikes, & Sweat Equity
Naïma came to Bike Works as a 9-year-old in 2003—the only girl in her
Earn-a-Bike class.Two years later, she joined our first All-Girl Earn-a-Bike class
as a mentor to the new girls. Now, at 15, she is still attending Earn-a-Bike
drop-in hours, riding bikes, and generally being a rock star. Over the years we
have watched Naïma grow—as a mechanic, a rider, and a role model. After
earning her first BMX bike at 9, she is excited now to explore BMX on a
“real” bike, practice tricks, and skill-build. As long as the bike matches the
cycling cap that she also earned, she’s happy. Thanks Naïma for holding down,
throwing down, and keeping your own in the land of boys; we’re proud to be
the place you come back to each year. Last year, 67 youth participated in our
Earn-a-Bike classes and 75 youth came to our drop-in hours; together they
logged over 2,917 hours of community service and helped Bike Works repair
and donate 137 bikes to families in need.
Community Partnerships
In 2008, Bike Works reached 139 youth through community partnerships
with six organizations and schools. One partner, Seattle Girls School (SGS),
empowers fifth- through eighth-grade girls to become leaders. Over 40
percent of students are girls of color, and 30 percent receive need-based
financial aid. Since 2003, Bike Works has partnered with SGS to teach
students the joys of bike repair. In 2005, with the help of a sixth-grade teacher
who raced bikes, a new type of partnership was born. Now, during the last
two months of school, Bike Works and the entire sixth-grade class (roughly
40 girls) train two hours each Friday to prepare for a year-end three-day
camping trip on Lopez Island. The pride is apparent as the group leaves the
ferry to ride to the campground. On day 2 they make a 25-mile loop around
the island—more miles than most of the girls have ever ridden before—and
stop at the local ice cream shop. By day 3, the girls feel like seasoned pros.
Every fall, it is inspiring for us to see these girls riding to school, excited to tell
us about their new bike gear: lights, locks, and helmets; in other words, true
bike commuters.
Starting in 2009, Bike Works is helping to incorporate new lessons into the
SGS sixth-grade curriculum. In class, students will explore bicycles as simple
machines, as well as the interaction between bikes and the human body when
we ride. To quote Susan B. Anthony: “The bicycle has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.” Ride on girls!
We are powerful people!
—Darryl, age 13, at the top of a remote and
challenging hill along the Chief Sealth Trail
Our youth-led bike club is dedicated to bike fun and community engagement
in any form the members democratically decide. On any given Saturday, you
may spot them jumping on BMX bikes, knocking the ball around bike-polo
courts, or creating bike art. One May morning, the club inaugurated the First
Annual Taco Truck Time Trial & Alley Cat South End Invitational! Strictly
speaking, the ride was not an alley cat or time trial. Five youth and three
instructors rode a 10-mile loop, visiting several taco trucks and competingnot on speed, but on eating capacity. The day’s winner, Nick, consumed three
tacos, two burritos, and one soda! Let’s just say the ride back was heavy and
slow. In 2008, 501 youth participated in 86 free activities and rode a total of
6,700 miles. See you at the taco truck!
Ride, Investigate, Discover
the Environment & Society
BMX riding is extreme, mountain biking is intense, and bike touring is epic, but
urban cyclists have their fun every day, using the roads to commute and
explore! Bike Works’ RIDES camp combines street biking and mapping
activities in community bike rides. Campers engage the urban environment,
using maps to mark how far they have come and to chronicle what they have
found on the way. Each day, the riders tackle more and more challenging rides,
starting with a ride to Seward Park and finishing with one to West Seattle.
Campers develop as confident road riders, able to handle their own bikes safely
and work as a team navigating the streets and traffic with care. In 2008, Bike
Works offered five summer camps, including two riding camps and three
bicycle tours.
Bike Shop
Kim came to the Bike Works shop with a dilemma: she loved her bike, but as
she is missing parts of most of her fingers, the hand brakes were difficult for
her right hand and impossible for her left. The shop switched the rear wheel
for one with a brake that Kim can work with her feet. For extra safety, a single
brake lever now works both brakes from her right hand. By mounting the
lever facing Kim, she can engage the lever by pushing with her palm instead of
pulling with her fingers. Kim is thrilled! Last year in our bike shop, we served
6,994 customers, sold 602 refurbished bikes, sent 1,400 bicycles to villages in
Ghana and El Salvador, and recycled many tons of scrap metal!
U 2008 Donors
A Huge THANKto
Foundations & Corporate Grants
Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation • Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation • The Paul Glaser Foundation • John G. Griswold Foundation
Group Health Community Foundation • Charlotte Martin Foundation
New Belgium Brewing Company • Public Health - Seattle & King County,
Healthy and Active Rainier Valley Coalition • Public Health – Seattle & King
County, Steps to Health Initiative • REI • Satterberg Foundation
The Seattle Foundation • SmartWool
Individuals & Local Businesses
Aaron's Bicycle Repair
Elizabeth Ablow & Dick Wall
Steve & Diane Adam
Lance & Leah Adams
Adobe Systems
Adventure Cycling Association
Adventure Fit, Inc.
Meg Agnew & Steve Rupp
Tom Alberg and Judi Beck
Alchemy Goods
David Allen & Margaret Clements
Alpine Hut
Mollie Alworth
Jeff & Phoebe Anderson
Anderton Law Office
Bob Anderton & Wendy Woldenberg
Geraldine Angell
Jerry Arbes
Argosy Cruises
ATOC, Inc.
Anthony & Becca Aue*
Chuck Ayers
Dara Ayres & Mark Newell
Backcountry Bicycle Trails Club
Brodie Bain
Shawn H. Banta
Barefoot Wine
Susan Barkan
Erin Beck & Jonathan King
James Becker & Mary Freeman
Mary Beddoe & Craig Mitchell
Stephen Beimborn & Carol Carlson
Geoffrey Bellman & Sheila Kelly
Bruce Benard
Grace Bennet & Mark Curtin
Mearl Bergeson
Elise Bernardoni
Peter & Amy Berner-Hays
Mangeniello Bernstein
Better World Club
Bicycle Adventures
Bicycle Doctor Mobile Repair Service
Bicycle Paper
Emily & Cameron Birch
Graeme & Cathryn Blake
Benjamin & Jill Blegen
Jabez Blumenthal & Julie Edsforth
Bobcat West
Pam Boehm
Cynthia Bolton
Michelle Bouterse
Anna Brandt
William Branum
Jonathan Brown & Brynnen Ford
Michael Brown
Richard Bruno
Beth Brunton
William Bruzas
Kurt A. Buchwald
Carole Burger
Burke Museum
Dick Burkhart & Mona Lee
Collene Burns
Nancy Buyers
Cameron Catering
Floyd Campbell
Heather & Sean Campbell
Roland Campbell & Linda St. Clair
Mark Canizaro
Allison Capen
Suzanne Carlson
Carnation Golf Course
Johnny Carrillo* & Jennifer Klotz
Cascade Bicycle Club
Cascade Designs
Case Design & Project Management
Margot & Scott Case
Ross Case
Chuck Cathey
Century Ballroom
Patricia Chase & Jason Antonoff
Chinook Book/Celio Group Media
Daniel Christensen
Marianna Clark
Matthew Clark
Robin Clark
Click! Design That Fits
Columbia City Acupuncture and Herb
Columbia City Cinema
Columbia City Farmers Market
Columbia City Gallery
Councilmember Richard Conlin*
Dana Cook & James Brestschneider
Pamela & Patrick Cook
Stephanie Cooper
Catherine Corban
Julie Corman
Adam Cornelius & Anne Kagi
Corpore Sano LLC
Dennis & Phyllis Counts
Kathy Cox
Wendy Crabb & Dave Watson
Cranium, Inc.
Steven & Megan Crawford
Katherine Crichton
Karl Critz
Barbara Crook & Richard Ely
Cross Fit North
Kerry Crossley
Cycle University/NWCC Training Center
Lesli Dalaba
Jennifer Davis
Mary De Rosas & Paul Peterhans
Brian Debenedetti & Lyla Perl
Curtis Degasperi
James Degel & Jeanne Berwick
Bailey de Iongh
Bruce & Pamela Deitz
Marty Delismon
Frank Denman & Jean Millican
Bruce & Glyn Devereaux
Mark Dexter & Deborah Cowley
Ted Diamond & Carol Hert
Richelle Dickerson
Dean Differding
Dimitriou's Jazz Alley
James & Camelia Dobrick
Doe Bay Resort
Dawn Dort & Ian Lurie
Leslie Dozono & Jason Thibedeau
Councilmember Jan Drago
Catherine Duva & Leo Shannon
E.B. Foote Winery
Stacy, Randy, Bohdi & Joshua Earlywine
Nicki Edison
Egan & Associates, LLC
Ruth Egger & Mark Epstein
Patrick Eggers & Mary Jo Reid
Waldron Elliot
Susan Ephron & Randy Daniels
Michael Erickson
Teresa & Steven Erickson
Susan Ernsdorff
Benjamin Ernst
Margaret Evans
Frank Evanson
Farm Girl Works
Laura Feinstein & Justin Fallstrom
Mary Jane Ferguson
Julia Field
Jeff & Deb Finken
Abraham Flaxman
Erich Fleck
Corinne Fligner & Mark Wener
Matthew Fontaine & Tamara Paris
Stephen Fortunato
Foss Maritime Company
Albert Foster & Maureen Horgan
Andrea Franzen
Free Range Cycles
Jonathan Freedman
Jim & Lisa Frenkel
Karin Frey & Thomas Dorrance
Ruth Frobe*
Everett Fruehling & Lynne Thomas
Frye Art Museum
Brian Fung
Carol Furry
Galvin Flying Service
Garden Source
Georgetown Brewing
Claude Ginsburg & Lynne Hyerle
Richard Glassman
Global Energy Concepts
Louise Goldman & Wayne Buck
Meg Goldman
Councilmember Jean Godden
Corliss Gooch
Good Sport Promotion
Chris Gossard & Lee Ann Johnson
John Graham
Julie & Marvin Gray
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Amy Greenberg & Chris Robison
Jim Greiner & Heather Graham
John Greico
Birgit Grimlund
Brock Grubb
Albert Guadagno
Megan Guenther
Don Guthrie & Elizabeth Herbert
Suzanne Hagner
Anne Hallett
Fred Hanson
Amy Harris
Steve Hatzenbeler & Joan Emery
Melissa Haumerson
Headlines Salon
Heather Elizabeth Designs
Annette Heidi-Jessen-Hill & Brian Hensley
Dee Hein
Teri Hein
Nancy Helm & Ruth Callard
Jeanette Henderson
Henry Art Gallery
Donald & Lloyd Hillman
Carol & Jim Hoch
Jennifer Hodgdon
Holdcroft-Raynor Trust
James Hopper
Diane Horn
Lisa Hornfeck
Bruce Hosford
Justin Howard & Mark Burke
Alison Howard
John Hoyt & Lisa Fitzhugh
Robert Hunter & Alynn Jackson
Jack Hunter* & Jessica Ludders
I Do Foundation
Il Vecchio Bicycles
Intiman Theater
Terri Iverson
Mary Jacka
Patty Jackson
Lola Jacobsen
Lawrence Jacobson & Heather Trim
Ruth & Louis Jacobson
Dale Jarvis & Diana Lee
Omar Jepperson
Kent Jewell
Jillian's Billiard Club
Jim Jones
Peter Jones
Dano & Jennifer Jukanovich
Gracie & Ed Kane
Ben Kaplan
Sonnia Karlsson
Phil Katzen & Joan Kleinberg
Sarah Kavage* & Rob Zverina
Anne Kearney
David Keppel
David Keyes
Reiley & Deborah Kidd
Saul Kinderis
Ellen Kissman
Senator Adam Kline
Michael Klotz & Natalie Durflinger
Patrick Koenig
David Kositsky & Maya Riser-Kositsky
Vasantha & Scott Kostojohn*
Frank Kroger
La Medusa
Ellen Lackerman & Neal Stephenson
Peter Lagerwey
Edward Lambert & Gretchen Siegrist
Daniel Landis
Jenna Lange & Kevin Taylor
Chris LaRoche
Donald Larson
Jeffrey & Cheryl Laufle
Ann Lawrence
Jay Lazerwitz & Dionne Haroutuniarn
Micah LeBank
April Lee & Jen Cook-Karr
Anne Lee
Felix Lee
Mark Leek & Cathy Reiter
Serena Lehman
Debra Leith & Gregory Edmiston
Beth Lenholt
Bill Leon
Jennifer Lesher
Joseph Letterman
Marni Levy
Heather & Evan Lewis
Karen Lewis
Mike Lewis
Rayburn Lewis & Elizabeth Upton
Arthur Lewy
Councilmember Nick Licata
Micki & Bill Lippe*
T. R. & Sara Longworth
Ted Loomis & Megan Somerville
Loose Ends
Nubia Lopez*
Craig Lorch* & Julia Haack
Glenn & Claire Lorch
Amy Loscher
Lotus Yoga
Hannah Love
Richard & Ann Ludders
Dawn, Karl, Rick & Jillian Lum
Kathy Lusher
Melanie Lyons
Erin MacDougall
Theo Mace & Lorna Stone
Jennifer Macuiba
Madrona Solutions Group
Mildred Magner
Jeff & Ben Maki
Laurence Malleis
Nathalie Manfull
Ann Manley
Patrick Marek
Market Street Cycling
Scott Marlow & Jennifer McIntyre
Barry Martin
Larry & Linda Martinez
Marymoor Velodrome Association
Gary Mather
Dan Matts
Dina Maugeri
Christine McBride
Kathy McCabe
Rob McCann
Britt McColley-Ward
James & Sandy McCrae
Jim McCulloch
Lucia McDonald & Todd Luney
Joseph & Paula McGee
Shelley & Scott McIntyre
Casey McLaughlin
Mary McLaughlin
David McLean & Norma Steveley
Brandon McRae
Catalin Melincianu
Metro Dog
Melina Meza & Matt Delcomyn
Microsoft Corporation
Bradley & Ronda Miller
Laura Miller
Nelson Miller
Phil Miller
Bruce Milne
Rachel Minnery
Heather Mirczak
Charles & Nancy Mitchell
Donald & Pamela Mitchell
Josh Mitchell & Bess Sorenson
Todd Mitchell
The Michel-Schottman Family Fund
Guenter & Muriel Mittelstrass
Cholada Mizer
Donald Moe
Eric, Kim & Miles Moen
Debra & Michael Morales
Helen Morrison
John Mostrom
The Mountain 103.7 FM
The Mountaineers Books
David Mozer*
Harold & Susan Mozer
Bobby Mullins
Laurence J. Murphy
Musha Mukadzi Designs
National MS Society, Greater WA
Dennis, Joy & Greg Neuzil
New Belgium Brewing Company
Nigel O Stonework & Creative Masonry
Steve Nimocks & Jane WestgraardNimocks
Nine Yards Music
Erica Nixon-Mack & Brandon Mack
Randall Nordfors
Brian & Laura Northridge
Northwest Film Forum
Northwest Outdoor Center
Northwest Trek Wildlife Park
Elizabeth Norvell
Carol & Ralph Nussbaum
Teri O’Brien
Sean O’Connor
Thomas O’Keefe
On The Boards
Shane O'Neil & Marya Granger
Jory Oppenheimer
Elissa Ostergaard
Kristin & Thadeus O'Sullivan*
Outdoor Research
Outdoors NW Magazine
Zachary Owens
Pacific Northwest Float Trips
Pacific Science Center
Ashton Palmer
Carl Parker
Donald & Sharon Parker
D. Parsons
Kimberly Pate & Eileen Cuba
Leigh Pate
Sara Patton
PCC Natural Markets
Jim Peschel
Dwight Pelz
Chuck Perov & M.J. Bishop
Lynda & Ryan Peterson
Claire Petersky & David Levine
Kent Peterson
Lisa Petke
Donald Phelan
Phil’s South Side Cyclery
Judy Pigott
Pike Brewing Company
Pike Place Market Creamery
Karen Pillar
Pioneer Organics
Amy Poel
R. Alex Polson
Mary Jo Porter
Walter & Sarah Puckett
Fred & Mariana Quarnstrom
William Quetel & Suzanne Wertman
Chris Quigley & Jennifer Bennett
R & E Cycles
R.E. Load Bags
Stephanie Ragland-Johnson & Jerry Johnsen
Rainier Investment Management
Dan Ramier & Ange Hill
Leslie Ramier
Raegen Rasnic
Ray’s Boathouse
Recycled Cycles
Prashanthi Reddy & Charlie Anthe
Dagmar Rehse & Michael Rausch
John Remington
Richard Hugo House
Nancy Ritzenthaler & Al Odmark
Jenna Rizzo & Nicolas Bratton
Gerry & Kris Ronningen-Fenrich
Mia Roozen
Roger & Fernne Rosenblatt
Margaret Rosenfeld & Daniel Weld
Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd.
Roy's BBQ
Jeffrey Rueckhaus
Kara-Lee Ruotolo & Andrew Bae
Benjamin Russell & Susan Hatch
Rodney Rutherford
Jodi Ryznar & Mike Inocencio
Saint Gobain Performance Plastics
Donna Sakson & Jonathan Mark
Julie & Eric Salathe
Salkin Architecture
San Juan Excursions
Scarecrow Video
Steven & Patricia Schmidt
Trevor Schraufnagel
Erik Schweighofer
Katrina Schwieterman
Seal Line
Seattle Aquarium Society
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Arts and Lectures
Seattle Athletic Club--Northgate
Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF)
Seattle Rainier Lions Club
Seattle Shakespeare Company
Seattle Sonics
Seattle Symphony
Seattle Theatre Group
Seattle Tilth Association
Second Wind
Ken Selander & Jeannie O’Brien
Jim Shackleton
David Shapiro & Jennifer Dixon
Teresa Sharp
Mario Shaunette
The Shed Boys
James & Joyce Shedd
Lynn Shimamoto
Samuel & Sylvia Shiroyama
Phillip Singer & Margaret Moore
Joel Sisolak & Julie Watts
David & Catherine Skinner
Rebecca Slivka
Gretchen Sloan
Ben Smith
Kyle Smith & Renea Saade
Patricia Sobczyk
Mary Sorman & Bonnie Verhunce
Jeff Sorrentino & Patricia Davis
Ingrid Sparrow
Spectrum Dance Theater
Thomas Standaert
Starbucks Coffee Company
Starbucks Columbia City
Elsa & Russ Steele
Paul Steele
Paul & Kristen Steele
Rebecca Steiner
Harry Stern
Richard Stevens
Julie Stohlman
Eric Stollnitz
Stone Gardens
Gary Strauss
David Strong
Karen Stuhldreher
Sunrise Fly Shop
Sunset Hill Green Market
Super Jock N Jill
Sustainable Ballard
Bradley Svigel & Stacie Bain
Doug & Susan Swan
Jan, Tracy & Cassia Tackett
Taproot Theater Company
Teal Echo Creations
Laurie Thompson
Ti Cycles
Larry & Cynthia Tighe
Tillicum Village
Korel Tippetts
TKTJ Design
Duy Tran* & Young-Suk Oh
Chris Tremonte
Kris Trenka
True North
Leslie & Ian Tubbs
Tutta Bella Pizzeria
Scott Ulrich
University of Washington Athletics
University of Washington School of Drama
Joshua Urness
In honor of Eric Valpey
Ron & Kerry Van Der Veen*
Gwen Vernon & Bob Ellis
Vertical World
Verve Wine Bar and Cellar
Viking Sport Cycling
Todd Vogel* & Karen Hust
Kristina Voros
Hannah Voss
Mary Vu Tripoli
Connie Walker-Gray & Bruce Gray
Trevina Wang
Aliana Warner
Reid Warner
Washington Mutual
Washington Trails Association
Stacy Waterworth
Meg & Rob Watson
Tracy Wayman
Markus Welcker
Briana Wentworth
Leslie Weppler
Marty & Eddie Westerman
The Westin
Alex Wetmore
Melicent Whinston
Whistler Blackcomb
Liza White
Robert & Sara Wicklein
Ruth Wilson
Windermere Real Estate NW, Inc.
Charlie Winter
Fritz & Susan Wollett
Jim Wright
Michael Xenakis
Mark A. & Suzie Ann Yamamoto
David Yeaworth
YPS, Inc.
If your name is missing from this list or
incorrect, we sincerely apologize, and
please let us know.
*Current or former Board Members
re t
sha ual
way the an
n th nors, a
ople ith do
You rience uctio
exp Works
Build bikes at Volunteer Mechanic Thursday nights
Volunteer at our events
Mentor in our classroom
Make a contribution!
Give a gift at
Donate an item for our Auction
Donate Stock
Make a corporate matching gift
Road Bikes Mountain Bikes Kids Bikes
2008 Program Highlights
Kids, Bikes, & Sweat Equity
Naïma came to Bike Works as a 9-year-old in 2003—the only girl in her
Earn-a-Bike class.Two years later, she joined our first All-Girl Earn-a-Bike class
as a mentor to the new girls. Now, at 15, she is still attending Earn-a-Bike
drop-in hours, riding bikes, and generally being a rock star. Over the years we
have watched Naïma grow—as a mechanic, a rider, and a role model. After
earning her first BMX bike at 9, she is excited now to explore BMX on a
“real” bike, practice tricks, and skill-build. As long as the bike matches the
cycling cap that she also earned, she’s happy. Thanks Naïma for holding down,
throwing down, and keeping your own in the land of boys; we’re proud to be
the place you come back to each year. Last year, 67 youth participated in our
Earn-a-Bike classes and 75 youth came to our drop-in hours; together they
logged over 2,917 hours of community service and helped Bike Works repair
and donate 137 bikes to families in need.
Community Partnerships
In 2008, Bike Works reached 139 youth through community partnerships
with six organizations and schools. One partner, Seattle Girls School (SGS),
empowers fifth- through eighth-grade girls to become leaders. Over 40
percent of students are girls of color, and 30 percent receive need-based
financial aid. Since 2003, Bike Works has partnered with SGS to teach
students the joys of bike repair. In 2005, with the help of a sixth-grade teacher
who raced bikes, a new type of partnership was born. Now, during the last
two months of school, Bike Works and the entire sixth-grade class (roughly
40 girls) train two hours each Friday to prepare for a year-end three-day
camping trip on Lopez Island. The pride is apparent as the group leaves the
ferry to ride to the campground. On day 2 they make a 25-mile loop around
the island—more miles than most of the girls have ever ridden before—and
stop at the local ice cream shop. By day 3, the girls feel like seasoned pros.
Every fall, it is inspiring for us to see these girls riding to school, excited to tell
us about their new bike gear: lights, locks, and helmets; in other words, true
bike commuters.
Starting in 2009, Bike Works is helping to incorporate new lessons into the
SGS sixth-grade curriculum. In class, students will explore bicycles as simple
machines, as well as the interaction between bikes and the human body when
we ride. To quote Susan B. Anthony: “The bicycle has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.” Ride on girls!
We are powerful people!
—Darryl, age 13, at the top of a remote and
challenging hill along the Chief Sealth Trail
Our youth-led bike club is dedicated to bike fun and community engagement
in any form the members democratically decide. On any given Saturday, you
may spot them jumping on BMX bikes, knocking the ball around bike-polo
courts, or creating bike art. One May morning, the club inaugurated the First
Annual Taco Truck Time Trial & Alley Cat South End Invitational! Strictly
speaking, the ride was not an alley cat or time trial. Five youth and three
instructors rode a 10-mile loop, visiting several taco trucks and competingnot on speed, but on eating capacity. The day’s winner, Nick, consumed three
tacos, two burritos, and one soda! Let’s just say the ride back was heavy and
slow. In 2008, 501 youth participated in 86 free activities and rode a total of
6,700 miles. See you at the taco truck!
Ride, Investigate, Discover
the Environment & Society
BMX riding is extreme, mountain biking is intense, and bike touring is epic, but
urban cyclists have their fun every day, using the roads to commute and
explore! Bike Works’ RIDES camp combines street biking and mapping
activities in community bike rides. Campers engage the urban environment,
using maps to mark how far they have come and to chronicle what they have
found on the way. Each day, the riders tackle more and more challenging rides,
starting with a ride to Seward Park and finishing with one to West Seattle.
Campers develop as confident road riders, able to handle their own bikes safely
and work as a team navigating the streets and traffic with care. In 2008, Bike
Works offered five summer camps, including two riding camps and three
bicycle tours.
Bike Shop
Kim came to the Bike Works shop with a dilemma: she loved her bike, but as
she is missing parts of most of her fingers, the hand brakes were difficult for
her right hand and impossible for her left. The shop switched the rear wheel
for one with a brake that Kim can work with her feet. For extra safety, a single
brake lever now works both brakes from her right hand. By mounting the
lever facing Kim, she can engage the lever by pushing with her palm instead of
pulling with her fingers. Kim is thrilled! Last year in our bike shop, we served
6,994 customers, sold 602 refurbished bikes, sent 1,400 bicycles to villages in
Ghana and El Salvador, and recycled many tons of scrap metal!
U 2008 Donors
A Huge THANKto
Foundations & Corporate Grants
Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation • Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation • The Paul Glaser Foundation • John G. Griswold Foundation
Group Health Community Foundation • Charlotte Martin Foundation
New Belgium Brewing Company • Public Health - Seattle & King County,
Healthy and Active Rainier Valley Coalition • Public Health – Seattle & King
County, Steps to Health Initiative • REI • Satterberg Foundation
The Seattle Foundation • SmartWool
Individuals & Local Businesses
Aaron's Bicycle Repair
Elizabeth Ablow & Dick Wall
Steve & Diane Adam
Lance & Leah Adams
Adobe Systems
Adventure Cycling Association
Adventure Fit, Inc.
Meg Agnew & Steve Rupp
Tom Alberg and Judi Beck
Alchemy Goods
David Allen & Margaret Clements
Alpine Hut
Mollie Alworth
Jeff & Phoebe Anderson
Anderton Law Office
Bob Anderton & Wendy Woldenberg
Geraldine Angell
Jerry Arbes
Argosy Cruises
ATOC, Inc.
Anthony & Becca Aue*
Chuck Ayers
Dara Ayres & Mark Newell
Backcountry Bicycle Trails Club
Brodie Bain
Shawn H. Banta
Barefoot Wine
Susan Barkan
Erin Beck & Jonathan King
James Becker & Mary Freeman
Mary Beddoe & Craig Mitchell
Stephen Beimborn & Carol Carlson
Geoffrey Bellman & Sheila Kelly
Bruce Benard
Grace Bennet & Mark Curtin
Mearl Bergeson
Elise Bernardoni
Peter & Amy Berner-Hays
Mangeniello Bernstein
Better World Club
Bicycle Adventures
Bicycle Doctor Mobile Repair Service
Bicycle Paper
Emily & Cameron Birch
Graeme & Cathryn Blake
Benjamin & Jill Blegen
Jabez Blumenthal & Julie Edsforth
Bobcat West
Pam Boehm
Cynthia Bolton
Michelle Bouterse
Anna Brandt
William Branum
Jonathan Brown & Brynnen Ford
Michael Brown
Richard Bruno
Beth Brunton
William Bruzas
Kurt A. Buchwald
Carole Burger
Burke Museum
Dick Burkhart & Mona Lee
Collene Burns
Nancy Buyers
Cameron Catering
Floyd Campbell
Heather & Sean Campbell
Roland Campbell & Linda St. Clair
Mark Canizaro
Allison Capen
Suzanne Carlson
Carnation Golf Course
Johnny Carrillo* & Jennifer Klotz
Cascade Bicycle Club
Cascade Designs
Case Design & Project Management
Margot & Scott Case
Ross Case
Chuck Cathey
Century Ballroom
Patricia Chase & Jason Antonoff
Chinook Book/Celio Group Media
Daniel Christensen
Marianna Clark
Matthew Clark
Robin Clark
Click! Design That Fits
Columbia City Acupuncture and Herb
Columbia City Cinema
Columbia City Farmers Market
Columbia City Gallery
Councilmember Richard Conlin*
Dana Cook & James Brestschneider
Pamela & Patrick Cook
Stephanie Cooper
Catherine Corban
Julie Corman
Adam Cornelius & Anne Kagi
Corpore Sano LLC
Dennis & Phyllis Counts
Kathy Cox
Wendy Crabb & Dave Watson
Cranium, Inc.
Steven & Megan Crawford
Katherine Crichton
Karl Critz
Barbara Crook & Richard Ely
Cross Fit North
Kerry Crossley
Cycle University/NWCC Training Center
Lesli Dalaba
Jennifer Davis
Mary De Rosas & Paul Peterhans
Brian Debenedetti & Lyla Perl
Curtis Degasperi
James Degel & Jeanne Berwick
Bailey de Iongh
Bruce & Pamela Deitz
Marty Delismon
Frank Denman & Jean Millican
Bruce & Glyn Devereaux
Mark Dexter & Deborah Cowley
Ted Diamond & Carol Hert
Richelle Dickerson
Dean Differding
Dimitriou's Jazz Alley
James & Camelia Dobrick
Doe Bay Resort
Dawn Dort & Ian Lurie
Leslie Dozono & Jason Thibedeau
Councilmember Jan Drago
Catherine Duva & Leo Shannon
E.B. Foote Winery
Stacy, Randy, Bohdi & Joshua Earlywine
Nicki Edison
Egan & Associates, LLC
Ruth Egger & Mark Epstein
Patrick Eggers & Mary Jo Reid
Waldron Elliot
Susan Ephron & Randy Daniels
Michael Erickson
Teresa & Steven Erickson
Susan Ernsdorff
Benjamin Ernst
Margaret Evans
Frank Evanson
Farm Girl Works
Laura Feinstein & Justin Fallstrom
Mary Jane Ferguson
Julia Field
Jeff & Deb Finken
Abraham Flaxman
Erich Fleck
Corinne Fligner & Mark Wener
Matthew Fontaine & Tamara Paris
Stephen Fortunato
Foss Maritime Company
Albert Foster & Maureen Horgan
Andrea Franzen
Free Range Cycles
Jonathan Freedman
Jim & Lisa Frenkel
Karin Frey & Thomas Dorrance
Ruth Frobe*
Everett Fruehling & Lynne Thomas
Frye Art Museum
Brian Fung
Carol Furry
Galvin Flying Service
Garden Source
Georgetown Brewing
Claude Ginsburg & Lynne Hyerle
Richard Glassman
Global Energy Concepts
Louise Goldman & Wayne Buck
Meg Goldman
Councilmember Jean Godden
Corliss Gooch
Good Sport Promotion
Chris Gossard & Lee Ann Johnson
John Graham
Julie & Marvin Gray
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Amy Greenberg & Chris Robison
Jim Greiner & Heather Graham
John Greico
Birgit Grimlund
Brock Grubb
Albert Guadagno
Megan Guenther
Don Guthrie & Elizabeth Herbert
Suzanne Hagner
Anne Hallett
Fred Hanson
Amy Harris
Steve Hatzenbeler & Joan Emery
Melissa Haumerson
Headlines Salon
Heather Elizabeth Designs
Annette Heidi-Jessen-Hill & Brian Hensley
Dee Hein
Teri Hein
Nancy Helm & Ruth Callard
Jeanette Henderson
Henry Art Gallery
Donald & Lloyd Hillman
Carol & Jim Hoch
Jennifer Hodgdon
Holdcroft-Raynor Trust
James Hopper
Diane Horn
Lisa Hornfeck
Bruce Hosford
Justin Howard & Mark Burke
Alison Howard
John Hoyt & Lisa Fitzhugh
Robert Hunter & Alynn Jackson
Jack Hunter* & Jessica Ludders
I Do Foundation
Il Vecchio Bicycles
Intiman Theater
Terri Iverson
Mary Jacka
Patty Jackson
Lola Jacobsen
Lawrence Jacobson & Heather Trim
Ruth & Louis Jacobson
Dale Jarvis & Diana Lee
Omar Jepperson
Kent Jewell
Jillian's Billiard Club
Jim Jones
Peter Jones
Dano & Jennifer Jukanovich
Gracie & Ed Kane
Ben Kaplan
Sonnia Karlsson
Phil Katzen & Joan Kleinberg
Sarah Kavage* & Rob Zverina
Anne Kearney
David Keppel
David Keyes
Reiley & Deborah Kidd
Saul Kinderis
Ellen Kissman
Senator Adam Kline
Michael Klotz & Natalie Durflinger
Patrick Koenig
David Kositsky & Maya Riser-Kositsky
Vasantha & Scott Kostojohn*
Frank Kroger
La Medusa
Ellen Lackerman & Neal Stephenson
Peter Lagerwey
Edward Lambert & Gretchen Siegrist
Daniel Landis
Jenna Lange & Kevin Taylor
Chris LaRoche
Donald Larson
Jeffrey & Cheryl Laufle
Ann Lawrence
Jay Lazerwitz & Dionne Haroutuniarn
Micah LeBank
April Lee & Jen Cook-Karr
Anne Lee
Felix Lee
Mark Leek & Cathy Reiter
Serena Lehman
Debra Leith & Gregory Edmiston
Beth Lenholt
Bill Leon
Jennifer Lesher
Joseph Letterman
Marni Levy
Heather & Evan Lewis
Karen Lewis
Mike Lewis
Rayburn Lewis & Elizabeth Upton
Arthur Lewy
Councilmember Nick Licata
Micki & Bill Lippe*
T. R. & Sara Longworth
Ted Loomis & Megan Somerville
Loose Ends
Nubia Lopez*
Craig Lorch* & Julia Haack
Glenn & Claire Lorch
Amy Loscher
Lotus Yoga
Hannah Love
Richard & Ann Ludders
Dawn, Karl, Rick & Jillian Lum
Kathy Lusher
Melanie Lyons
Erin MacDougall
Theo Mace & Lorna Stone
Jennifer Macuiba
Madrona Solutions Group
Mildred Magner
Jeff & Ben Maki
Laurence Malleis
Nathalie Manfull
Ann Manley
Patrick Marek
Market Street Cycling
Scott Marlow & Jennifer McIntyre
Barry Martin
Larry & Linda Martinez
Marymoor Velodrome Association
Gary Mather
Dan Matts
Dina Maugeri
Christine McBride
Kathy McCabe
Rob McCann
Britt McColley-Ward
James & Sandy McCrae
Jim McCulloch
Lucia McDonald & Todd Luney
Joseph & Paula McGee
Shelley & Scott McIntyre
Casey McLaughlin
Mary McLaughlin
David McLean & Norma Steveley
Brandon McRae
Catalin Melincianu
Metro Dog
Melina Meza & Matt Delcomyn
Microsoft Corporation
Bradley & Ronda Miller
Laura Miller
Nelson Miller
Phil Miller
Bruce Milne
Rachel Minnery
Heather Mirczak
Charles & Nancy Mitchell
Donald & Pamela Mitchell
Josh Mitchell & Bess Sorenson
Todd Mitchell
The Michel-Schottman Family Fund
Guenter & Muriel Mittelstrass
Cholada Mizer
Donald Moe
Eric, Kim & Miles Moen
Debra & Michael Morales
Helen Morrison
John Mostrom
The Mountain 103.7 FM
The Mountaineers Books
David Mozer*
Harold & Susan Mozer
Bobby Mullins
Laurence J. Murphy
Musha Mukadzi Designs
National MS Society, Greater WA
Dennis, Joy & Greg Neuzil
New Belgium Brewing Company
Nigel O Stonework & Creative Masonry
Steve Nimocks & Jane WestgraardNimocks
Nine Yards Music
Erica Nixon-Mack & Brandon Mack
Randall Nordfors
Brian & Laura Northridge
Northwest Film Forum
Northwest Outdoor Center
Northwest Trek Wildlife Park
Elizabeth Norvell
Carol & Ralph Nussbaum
Teri O’Brien
Sean O’Connor
Thomas O’Keefe
On The Boards
Shane O'Neil & Marya Granger
Jory Oppenheimer
Elissa Ostergaard
Kristin & Thadeus O'Sullivan*
Outdoor Research
Outdoors NW Magazine
Zachary Owens
Pacific Northwest Float Trips
Pacific Science Center
Ashton Palmer
Carl Parker
Donald & Sharon Parker
D. Parsons
Kimberly Pate & Eileen Cuba
Leigh Pate
Sara Patton
PCC Natural Markets
Jim Peschel
Dwight Pelz
Chuck Perov & M.J. Bishop
Lynda & Ryan Peterson
Claire Petersky & David Levine
Kent Peterson
Lisa Petke
Donald Phelan
Phil’s South Side Cyclery
Judy Pigott
Pike Brewing Company
Pike Place Market Creamery
Karen Pillar
Pioneer Organics
Amy Poel
R. Alex Polson
Mary Jo Porter
Walter & Sarah Puckett
Fred & Mariana Quarnstrom
William Quetel & Suzanne Wertman
Chris Quigley & Jennifer Bennett
R & E Cycles
R.E. Load Bags
Stephanie Ragland-Johnson & Jerry Johnsen
Rainier Investment Management
Dan Ramier & Ange Hill
Leslie Ramier
Raegen Rasnic
Ray’s Boathouse
Recycled Cycles
Prashanthi Reddy & Charlie Anthe
Dagmar Rehse & Michael Rausch
John Remington
Richard Hugo House
Nancy Ritzenthaler & Al Odmark
Jenna Rizzo & Nicolas Bratton
Gerry & Kris Ronningen-Fenrich
Mia Roozen
Roger & Fernne Rosenblatt
Margaret Rosenfeld & Daniel Weld
Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd.
Roy's BBQ
Jeffrey Rueckhaus
Kara-Lee Ruotolo & Andrew Bae
Benjamin Russell & Susan Hatch
Rodney Rutherford
Jodi Ryznar & Mike Inocencio
Saint Gobain Performance Plastics
Donna Sakson & Jonathan Mark
Julie & Eric Salathe
Salkin Architecture
San Juan Excursions
Scarecrow Video
Steven & Patricia Schmidt
Trevor Schraufnagel
Erik Schweighofer
Katrina Schwieterman
Seal Line
Seattle Aquarium Society
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Arts and Lectures
Seattle Athletic Club--Northgate
Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF)
Seattle Rainier Lions Club
Seattle Shakespeare Company
Seattle Sonics
Seattle Symphony
Seattle Theatre Group
Seattle Tilth Association
Second Wind
Ken Selander & Jeannie O’Brien
Jim Shackleton
David Shapiro & Jennifer Dixon
Teresa Sharp
Mario Shaunette
The Shed Boys
James & Joyce Shedd
Lynn Shimamoto
Samuel & Sylvia Shiroyama
Phillip Singer & Margaret Moore
Joel Sisolak & Julie Watts
David & Catherine Skinner
Rebecca Slivka
Gretchen Sloan
Ben Smith
Kyle Smith & Renea Saade
Patricia Sobczyk
Mary Sorman & Bonnie Verhunce
Jeff Sorrentino & Patricia Davis
Ingrid Sparrow
Spectrum Dance Theater
Thomas Standaert
Starbucks Coffee Company
Starbucks Columbia City
Elsa & Russ Steele
Paul Steele
Paul & Kristen Steele
Rebecca Steiner
Harry Stern
Richard Stevens
Julie Stohlman
Eric Stollnitz
Stone Gardens
Gary Strauss
David Strong
Karen Stuhldreher
Sunrise Fly Shop
Sunset Hill Green Market
Super Jock N Jill
Sustainable Ballard
Bradley Svigel & Stacie Bain
Doug & Susan Swan
Jan, Tracy & Cassia Tackett
Taproot Theater Company
Teal Echo Creations
Laurie Thompson
Ti Cycles
Larry & Cynthia Tighe
Tillicum Village
Korel Tippetts
TKTJ Design
Duy Tran* & Young-Suk Oh
Chris Tremonte
Kris Trenka
True North
Leslie & Ian Tubbs
Tutta Bella Pizzeria
Scott Ulrich
University of Washington Athletics
University of Washington School of Drama
Joshua Urness
In honor of Eric Valpey
Ron & Kerry Van Der Veen*
Gwen Vernon & Bob Ellis
Vertical World
Verve Wine Bar and Cellar
Viking Sport Cycling
Todd Vogel* & Karen Hust
Kristina Voros
Hannah Voss
Mary Vu Tripoli
Connie Walker-Gray & Bruce Gray
Trevina Wang
Aliana Warner
Reid Warner
Washington Mutual
Washington Trails Association
Stacy Waterworth
Meg & Rob Watson
Tracy Wayman
Markus Welcker
Briana Wentworth
Leslie Weppler
Marty & Eddie Westerman
The Westin
Alex Wetmore
Melicent Whinston
Whistler Blackcomb
Liza White
Robert & Sara Wicklein
Ruth Wilson
Windermere Real Estate NW, Inc.
Charlie Winter
Fritz & Susan Wollett
Jim Wright
Michael Xenakis
Mark A. & Suzie Ann Yamamoto
David Yeaworth
YPS, Inc.
If your name is missing from this list or
incorrect, we sincerely apologize, and
please let us know.
*Current or former Board Members
re t
sha ual
way the an
n th nors, a
ople ith do
You rience uctio
exp Works
Build bikes at Volunteer Mechanic Thursday nights
Volunteer at our events
Mentor in our classroom
Make a contribution!
Give a gift at
Donate an item for our Auction
Donate Stock
Make a corporate matching gift
Road Bikes Mountain Bikes Kids Bikes