Holy Family Parish Holy Family Parish Star of the
Holy Family Parish Holy Family Parish Star of the
Holy Family Parish Star of the Sea Parish Living Water Catholic March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord LIVING WATER CATHOLIC NEWS W elcome! We are glad you are here to join us in worship in the celebration of the Eucharist (Mass). At the Eucharist, the Church comes together to hear the Word of the Lord, to pray for the world's needs, to offer the sacrifice of the Cross in praise and thanks to God, to receive Christ Jesus in communion, and then to be sent forth in the Spirit as disciples of the Gospel. If you are not familiar with the Mass, the Order of the Mass can be found on pages 3-29 of the Breaking Bread hymnal. We call particular attention to the text of the Gloria on page 6 and the Nicene Creed on page 9. The scripture (Bible) readings for today's Mass can be found on pages 121 & 148. Holy Family Parish - Masses: Saturday 4:00 p.m., Sunday 7:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m. Star of the Sea Parish - Masses: Saturday 4:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m.. & 11:00 a.m. ~ T.C., Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:00 a.m. ~ T.C. (B.C. = Beach Chapel and T.C. = Town Church) Holy Days for both Parishes as Announced Concerned about Your Adult Child and the Church? Question of the Week: What are some of the things you need to clear out of your life so as to be a better person? How can the merciful Christ help? Has an adult son or daughter stopped going to Mass? Found another religion? Stopped believing in God? Doesn’t seem to care any more? Talking, nagging, begging not working? Come to an introductory meeting to talk about it and the possibility of starting a group for parents concerned about their adult children and the Church. The group could be a safe place to support one another by sharing worries, despair and strife while at the same time exploring tools and strategies to draw your child back to the Church. The meeting will be held on Sunday, April 10, at 6:30 p.m. in the first floor conference room of the Parish Center in Amesbury. Everyone who comes on April 10 will receive a free copy of Brandon Vogt's book, Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church. Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration, Tuesday, March 29, 6:30 -7:30 p.m. at Holy Family Parish and on Wednesday morning, March 30, 9:30 -10:30 a.m. at Star of the Sea Parish. 1 S T SUNDAY OF TH E MONTH DIVI NE M ERCY SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE DIVI NE M ERCY IS ON APRIL 2 N D & 3 R D STAR OF THE SEA: PETTENGILL HOUSE HOLY FAMILY: OUR NEIGHBORS’ TABLE JESUS, WE TRUST IN YOU! On the first weekend in April, Divine Mercy Weekend, please bring a bag or two of groceries when you come to Mass, and place at the main entrances to one of our churches. Cereal; juice boxes; vegetable, fruit, tuna, and chicken canned goods; as well as snacks for kids; and personal care products for families are all needed. In this, the Church’s Jubilee of Mercy, as Jesus has shown us Divine Mercy, let all of us show mercy as well in helping our materially poor neighbors. For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat… Day of Recollection for Grieving Families Grief: An Encounter with God's Healing Love Saturday, April 23, 8:45 am to 5:00 pm Holy Family Parish Center Living Water Catholic (Holy Family/Star of the Sea) and the Newburyport Collaborative (IC. Holy Redeemer) extends an invitation to parishioners who are experiencing grief following the loss of a loved one. Join us for a holy and sacred time of prayer, reflection, sharing and song where participants will learn how to embrace God's healing love as they discover a new and different kind of hope that exists in times of sorrow. For more information and to register, please contact Sue Greaney at the Holy Family Parish office: (978) 388-0330 ext 104 or [email protected]. Morning refreshments and lunch included. Matt. 25:35 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Second Sunday of Easter The Feast of Divine Mercy will be celebrated at Star of the Sea Parish on Sunday, April 3 at 3:00 p.m. Please join us as we pray : The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” 2 March 27, 2016 Holy Family Parish ~ 9 Sparhawk Street, Amesbury, MA 01913 Religious Education Offertory, March 13, 2016 Sunday, March 27, 2016 No classes - Happy Easter Monday, March 28, 2016 Grades 5 - 6, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Parish Center Next Class: Financial Figures were not available at the time of publishing. Special Collections March 27 - Easter Sunday, April 3, 2016 Grades K-4, 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. - Parish Center, Monday, April 4, 2016– Final Class Grades 5 - 6, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Parish Center This Week At Holy Family Parish Monday, March 28 10:00 a.m. - Bible Study- Parish Center - Rm7, 3rd Flr 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study– Lower Church Wednesday, March 30 7:00 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal - Upper Church Thursday, March 31 7:00 p.m. - Living Water Praise & Worship - PC-Rm 5 THE GIFT OF LIFE Amesbury Lions Community Blood Drive Thursday, April 7, 2016 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm Holy Family Parish Hall “Give the Gift of Life”? Appointments 1-800-733-2767, ext. 2 WINGS (Women In God’s Spirit) Meetings at Holy Family Parish, 4:30 p.m. Parish Center, Rm 5 Sunday, March 27: Easter - No meeting. Sunday, April 3: Speaker TBA Sunday, April 10: Susan Conroy, author of “Mother Teresa, Lesson of Love and Secrets of Sanctity”: Journeyed alone to Calcutta to work with Blessed Mother Teresa. She will speak on the Corporal Works of Mercy. Please remember in your prayers those who are sick: Jackson Bailey, Pat Ponticelli, David Morrow, Marcy Schuy, Isabel Wohl, Michael Moughan, Eric B., Herb Waithe, Frank Durkin, Peter Sudak, Rosemary Mijal Bonny Dumas Star of the Sea Parish ~ Town Church, 18 Beach Road & Chapel, 141 N. End Blvd. Salisbury, MA 1952 Religious Education Offertory, March 13, 2016 Financial Figures were not available at the time of publishing. Sunday, March 27, 2016 No Classes - Happy Easter! Next Class: Special Collections Sunday, April 3, 2016 Grades 1-4, 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. - Fr. Morgan Hall Grade 1 Mass –9:00 a.m. - Upper Church Grades 5-6, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Fr. Morgan Hall Grades 7-8, 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. - Fr. Morgan Hall March 27 - Easter Prayer shawls, lap robes, chemo caps, and baby blankets will be blessed at the 9:00 a.m. First Friday Mass on April 1. They are free. If you know someone who is grieving, recovering from surgery, is lonely, has been diagnosed with a serious illness, etc., please give them a blessed prayer shawl. God’s love will give them comfort and peace and you will make a difference in someone’s life. Please call Annette at Please remember in your prayers those who are sick: Eileen Callahan, Edward Thompson, Lt. James Ballou, Gordon Blaney, Jr., Bill & Heidi Moulton, Wayne David, Simon Pelletier (978) 462-6056 with any questions. All are welcome after the 9:00 a.m. Mass for refreshments in Fr. Morgan Hall 3 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord HOLY FAMILY PARISH EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS We gratefully acknowledge the following donors and their loved ones who are memorialized or honored in our Easter Flowers. Holy Family Parish In Loving Memory / Honor of by Holy Family Parish In Loving Memory / Honor of by Blanchard Bartlett and Families/Claire Bartlett Patricia & Vincent Lucy/Kathy Lucy Alice Carbonneau/Jay & Sharon McDermot Everett Swenson, Alyssa Blanchette, Philip & Rita Blanchette, Harold& Edith Swenson & Robert Sulesky/Marie Swenson Robert L. Gosselin/Brenda Gosselin George Dudley, Mary Dudley, Robert Dudley & Claire Kelly/ Mary Ellen Rancourt Bellavance Family/Albert Bellavance Jr. Kelsey Marie Cates Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Proulx, Robert Allsopp, Edgar Proulx, Armand Proulx/Elizabeth Allsopp Silvio P. Uliano Sr./Darrell & Clarissa Taylor Jean & Turgeon Families/Al & Dottie Jean Nelson, Hall, Kelly & Murphy Families/Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Nelson Mr. & Mrs. William W. Cowie, Mr. John Downes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mueller/William J. Cowie Welch & LaBranche Families/Alan & Deb LaBranche Donald Elario, Gloria Elario, Kathy Laue, Laurie Elario Valoon/Patricia Elario Richard Howe/Elizabeth Howe Jeffrey Moughan & Gerald Moughan/Mrs. Jackie Moughan Joe Juscen, Lillian Juscen, Gail Christmas & Frank Goldsmith/ Jim & Lee Simmons Philip & Lucia Michaud/Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Michaud Jr. Robert McCoy & Derek Tivnan/Mr. & Mrs. John Horgan Fowler & Bergeron Families/Robert Fowler Jr. Yvonne & George Cote, Daniel & Normand Cote, Marie DesCoteaux & Louisa Roger/Gene & Alisa Cote Charles & Charlotte Mills/Edward Mills William & Grace McCarthy, Robert McCarthy & Mr. & Mrs. William Melanson/Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy Helen & Edward Willwerth/Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Willwerth Our Loved Ones/Joe & Karin Hendgen John Swistak/Dianne Swistak Bertolgli, Droese & Ouellette Families/Linda Droese Fr. Jack Gentelman/Sandra Jutras Bobby Levesque/Robert & Doris Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bartley, Daniel J. Bartley, Rev. David Donovan, SJ, Rev. David J. Bartley, Rev. John W. Gentleman, Rev. James A. O’Donohue/Mary Louise Bartley Frances & Kurt McGloin, Bill & Chris Sherwood/ Fr. Louis Palmieri & Fr. Michael Farrell/Terry Beecroft Don Madden, Pottie & LaPlante Families/Claire Madden James H. Kenney Jr. & Margaret Kenney/John Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGurty & Mark McGurty/Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Hill Leahy & Kennedy Families/John & Maureen Leahy Loved Ones/Ruth Ann Frost Tom & Gertrude Kammer, Tanya Millett, Harrison & Marge Milllette/Mary & Daniel F. Millett Tilman P. Gautreau, Margaret Gautreau, Rita Gautreau & Tony Tassinari/Norman Gautreau Vincent Malionek & Virginia Winslow/Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Malionek Robert Castryck, Collette Castryck, Elsa C. Gaab, Hemann Gaab/ James & Karin Castryck Mr. & Mrs. Jospeh Tirone, Kelleher Family & James Del Principe/Bob & Mae Kelleher Ryan & Clark Families/Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan Page & Carroll Families/Claire Carroll Beatrice Plourde/Ann Marie Mason Everett & Elizabeth Arthur, Peter & Helen Bingle, Elianna Emmells/Leo & Mary Ellen Emmells Howard Piper/Rosemary Piper Mr. & Mrs.. Albert Marshall & Mr. & Mrs. George Dooling/Mr. & Mrs. Leo Dooling Judy Zaremb & John L. White Jr./Joseph & Gail Kowalczyk Mr. & Mrs. S. Wallaga & Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Doherty/Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Wallaga Leo J. Pouliot/Nancy Pouliot Mary DelloIancono & David Risso/Linda Orsini Michelle Conlon & Michael Conlon/Chris McElaney Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Belletete/Margaret Belletete Dunham/Washak Families & Friends/Rose & Greg Wahak Mr. & Mrsl Leo R.LeBlanc/Claudette LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Reynold St. Germain & Mr. & Mrs. William Croteau Sr./Mr. & Mrs. William J. Croteau Doyle & Grillo Families/Anthony & Nancy Grillo Axten & Bertolini Families/Terry Axten Adrienne Cameron, Jeffrey Cameron, Theresa Cameron, George R.Dodier Sr./Mrs. Lorraine Dodier Chester & Emma Murphy Ruth Meekins & Olga Meekins/Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Meekins Stanley & Barbara Marston, Peter W. Marston, Diane E. Symmes, Clayton P. Harding, Albert & Rita Senchal & Billie G. Ferrick/Marageret M. Senchal William Axten, Alexander & Dave Iworsky, Anglina Baptista & Tino Bertolini/Dennis & Karen Iworsky Bastien & Foley Families, Victor Gilbert, Anna Paul Getchell/ Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bastien Alice Gurczak & Frank Gurczak/Mr. Francis J. Gurczak Anna Graziano & Corneilus Driscoll/Michael & Laurie Driscoll Blood & Belletete Families/James Blood Kasenenko, Prentiss & Cuddahy Families/Mr. & Mrs. R. Prentiss Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Belanger, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Nadeau, Family & Friends/Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Nadeau William, Jessie, Audrey & Earl LeBlanc, Ralph Mercadante, Michael, Florence, Patrick Sciarappa, Pat & Marie Kane/Audrey Sciarappa Mark Taylor/Jay & Sharon McDermot Our Parents/John & Connie Curran John & Yvonne Sonier, Ronald A. E. A. Sonier, Rita M. Scott & Michael L. Phillips/Jack Sonier Beliveau, Coyle , Grazio & Ragonese Families/David & Tracey Grazio Benjamin Bunnell & John & Eleanor Tomaz/Julie A. Tomaz Deborah Byrne/Patrick & Jacqueline Phelon Paul Moughan Sr. & Loved Ones/Mrs. Paul Moughan 4 March 27, 2016 STAR OF THE SEA PARISH EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS We gratefully acknowledge the following donors and their loved ones who are memorialized or honored in our Easter Flowers. Star of the Sea Parish In Loving Memory / Honor of by Star of the Sea Parish In Loving Memory / Honor of by Father Thomas Morgan John J. Cameron, Nora Mahoney, Joan Mahoney, Daniel Donny/Mary T. Cameron Richard E. Sullivan/Laurine Sullivan Edward & Anna Giordano & David & Nancy Sheafer/David & Sandra Sheafer Maria Mannix, T. Joseph Mannix, Richard Spils & George Ousler, MD/Robert J. Mannix David E. Gagnon, Albert & Elizabeth Gagnon, Beatrice E. Field, William C. Brooks/Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Gagnon McCaughey Family & Martin Murphy/Helene A. Murphy Virginia & Joseph Conte, Susan Conte, Rose M. DiPaolo & Salvatore J. DiPaolo/Jean Conte John & Cecile O’Neill/Maureen Mulcahy Deborah Byrne/Patrick & Jacqueline Phelon Peter & Laurel King, Raymond & Anne Gargan/Mark Gargan Father Louis Palmieri/Loren & Mary Quinn George & Virgina Busch, Raymond & Nancy Gamble, Marie Busch/John & Cheryl Gamble Marguerite Peterson & Albert J. Peterson/Albert C. Peterson Doherty & Clinch Families and Agnes Romano 97th Birthday/ Catherine Clinch Conrad & Bernadette Rousseau, Marguerite & Dick Hanno/ Patrick & Susan Hanno Betsy Beaulieu, Raymond Clarkson, Patrick O’Keefe/ Dianne Lucey Edward J. Thornton, Mr. & Mrs. William Tatro Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Carl Foshey, Mrs. Evelyn Tatro/Betty & Wil Tatro Evalyn Cote, Sylvio Cote, Evalda Cote/Joseph Cote Hefron & Greenwell Families, Barb Cooney & Toni Callery/ Mary Hefron Tom & Grace Foley, Charles & Lucy Butler, Helen French, Callahan Family & Br. Alexus Joseph CFX/Charles & Mary Beth Butler Mary & Gus Reusch, John Reusch, Larry Reusch, Bruce & Jim Zahn/Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Howshan Mr. & Mrs. James DiResta, Frank Calobrisi, John Calobrisi/ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Diresta Mario Buzzotta, Jargaret & Joe Maggio/Geri Buzzotta Roderick Gorman Jr. & Kenneth M. Gorman/Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Gorman Arthur & Eva Pepin Families/Marguerite Swap Josie Saporito & Helen French/Lori Butler Rosario & Sarah Macarione/Virginia Macarione Irene Vignault/Paula Girard Peggy & Bile Bille/Mr. & Mrs. John Holtgrefe II Nicosa & Makarewicz Families/Mr. & Mrs. Thadeus Makarewicz Daniel J. Port/George & Ann Port Vincent Depauw/Rose Donnelly Judy Bracci, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs. Margarito DeLuna/Eileen Fleming Clara & Reynolds Ilg & James & Mary Ryan/Claire Ryan Elizabeth Gillen, Meaghan Cancelmo & John Cancelmo/Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Gillen Helen Johnson, Patty Natale, Mary Drown, Margaret Bascom/ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bascom Daniel & Regina Sheehan, Daniel Sheehan Jr./Susan True Marion E. Devine, Leontine & Simeon St.Hilaire/Mr. & Mrs. Robert St. Hilaire Theresa J.Morris & Thomas J. Childs/Susan Vincent Domenic & Nancy DiClemente, Pierino & Concetta DiClemente/ Pamela DiClemente Cecile & Lloyd Cookson, Roland Cookson, Robert Cookson, Anne McCarthy/Carol Cookson Yolanda Potito, Alfio Potito, Li Prisco/Mark & Diane Appolloni Francis Hession, Evangeline Hession, Virginia Hession, Anna Fairbanks, Frederick Beale/Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hession Marge & Jerry Hughes, Margaret & Leo Gallagher, Anne & Frank Hughes, Dora & Paul Watson/Mrs. Paul Watson Taft, Thomas & Mahoney Families/Robert & Sue Taft Walter Lynch, Charlotte Lynch, Gloria Sobolewski, Walter Sobolewski/Kelly Lynch Star of the Sea Parish Reverend Frederick Sweeney October 4, 1927 - March 6, 2016 A Memorial Mass for Father Sweeney will be held on April 9, 2016, 11:00a.m. St. John the Baptist Parish 110 Lincoln Ave., Haverhill, MA. Many of you know Father Sweeney who assisted Father Morgan and Father Palmieri with weekend Masses at Star of the Sea, until his health began to fail. Please remember him and his family in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual Light shine upon him. 5 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Contact Us: Holy Family Parish: …….……...….(978) 388-0330 Star of the Sea Parish: ……………. (978) 465-3334 Collaborative Staff Reverend Scott A. Euvrard Pastor Reverend I. Ixon Chateau Parochial Vicar Reverend Mister Raymond Doucette Deacon Reverend Mister Paul Specht Deacon Paula Blair Business Manager Collaborative Offices’ Mailing Address: 11Sparhawk Street Amesbury, MA 01913-3315 Collaborative Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Holy Family Parish Religious Education Office: Sunday: 8:00 - 10:15 a.m. Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., Both Parishes Follow us on: Our Web site: www.livingwatercatholic.org On Twitter: @John410Catholic On Facebook: Living Water Catholic [email protected] Sue Greaney Admin. Assistant/Cemetery Secretary [email protected] Helen Theriault Receptionist/Bulletin Editor [email protected] Religious Education Coordinators: Kathy Larsen Holy Family Parish [email protected] Maureen Mulcahy Star of the Sea Parish [email protected] Holy Family Parish Mass Intentions Star of the Sea Parish Mass Intentions Saturday, March 26, 2016 9:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer at Star of the Sea Parish 7:30 p.m. - Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Saturday, March 26, 2016 4:00 p.m. - Easter Vigil at Holy Family Parish Sunday, March 27, 2016 9:00 a.m. - Easter Sunday 11:00 a.m. - Easter Sunday Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:30 a.m. - Easter Sunday 10:30 a.m. - Easter Sunday Monday, March 28, 2016 9:00 a.m. - Souls in Purgatory Tuesday, March 29 , 2016 9:00 a.m. - Intention of Pope Francis Wednesday, March 30, 2016 9:00 a.m. - Intentions of the Celebrant Thursday, March 31, 2016 9:00 a.m. - Souls of Purgatory Friday, April 1, 2016 9:00 a.m. - Prayer Shawl Ministry Saturday, April 2, 2016 9:00 a.m. - Religious Vocations 4:00 p.m. - George E. Cote Jr. Saturday, April 2, 2016 4:00 p.m. - Barbara Cameron Sunday, April 3, 2016 7:30 a.m. - Susan Quinn Yelle 10:30 a.m. - Helen McKinnon & Ella Fink Sunday, April 3, 2016 9:00 a.m. - Rev. Thomas Morgan 11:00 a.m. - Jean Raftelis Holy Family Parish, March 2016 Host & Wine In Loving Memory of William Axten By Teresa & Family Star of the Sea Parish, March 2016 Host & Wine In Loving Memory of James Barry By Nene & Bobby Barry Sanctuary Candle In Loving Memory of William Axten By Teresa & Family Sanctuary Candle In Loving Memory of John & Frank Calobrisi By Rose Marie Diresta 6 bscribe to DEnis MERChant he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Your LocAL reAL eStAte ProfeSSioNAL 46 Elm Street • Amesbury Eucharistic Minister | Retired Military of wisdom from Pope Francis Knight K of C cal coverage of Past newsGrand and events throughout the archdiocese Past President Lions nal and International Church-relatedClub news Since 1948 978-273-6006 is relating the teachings of the Church to current events 20 Market Street | License MA/NH Mike Gonthier elated articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese 978-388-0199 M IKE’S ELECTRICto SERVICE Subscribe Mike Keller Space Available Hampton,Perspective NH GetSouth the Catholic and be fully informed. 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Meeting to follow Hospitality: Greek Theme Refreshments will be served Msg. & data rates may apply Co-Workers in the Vineyard Conference STON BO SAINT JO M S SE INAR N’ Y H The Pope Francis Effect and Media: Pastoral Applications for Evangelization and Discipleship Friday, April 1, 2016, 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. St. Patrick Parish, Watertown, MA Mass with Cardinal Sean at 9 a.m. Co-Sponsored by CatholicTV and Our Sunday Visitor Celestyal Institute Cristal Join Father Tim as we retrace the footsteps of St. Paul Cruising St. Paul’s Missionary Journey 10 days from $3,998 • Departing October 29, 2016 Register at 617-779-4104 ext. 1 | www.sjs.edu Includes: first class accommodations and meals, Mass daily, and airfare from Boston Ephesus Support your priests at the Easter collection Text PRIEST to 56512 Msg. and data rates may apply. 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