terparts - Cineluz


terparts - Cineluz
A life in Good Time
A Film By Sandra Werneck
Based on the book
Marina - A Vida Por Uma Causa
By Marília de Camargo César
There are women who follow their destiny, and for this reason are
successfull. There are women who fight against their destiny, and for this
reason are exceptional.
The story of Maria Osmarina Marina Silva Vaz de Lima, or simply Marina
Silva, challenges the limits of fiction.
Born on February 8th, 1958, in the small community of Breu Velho,
inSeringal Bagaço (Bagaço Rubber Tree Plantation), in Acre, Brazil, Marina
Silva fought since early childhood against her fate doomed to poverty,
diseases, illiteracy, oppression and exclusion in all senses of the words. Her
parents had 11 children, of which eight survived.
She was a true girl from the Amazon jungle, who would wake up at 4 AM,
cut some twigs and branches, take some pieces of rubber, light a fire, make
coffee and an egg with banana salad for breakfast.
There are women
who follow their
destiny and manage
to succeed. There are
women who fight
against their destiny,
they are exceptional.
Illiterate up until the age of 16, and victim of several diseases (three
hepatitis, five malarias and one case of leishmaniasis), the frail young girl
moved to the state capital, Rio Branco, and started to change her life. Ten
years later, she concluded her college education and dared to exchange
her religious vocation for political-social-environmental activities.
Partner in arms with Chico Mendes, Marina was elected to the offices of
city councilwoman, state deputy and state senator.
During the Lula da Silva administration, she was Minister of the Environment,
and, in the last presidential election, she came in third place, with almost 20
million votes and a political platform marked by ethics and the commitment
to sustainable development for all - in both Brazil and abroad.
Based on the book Marina, a vida por uma causa, by Marília de Camargo
César, director Sandra Werneck intends to film this unique saga – both
dramatic and touching, of regional and universal scope - of one of the
greatest, internationally renowned political leaders in the country.
Sandra Werneck’s movie will depict Marina’s childhood in the rubber tree
plantation, the most important facts of her personal and political history
up until her nomination for the 2009 Sofia award, in Oslo, granted every
year by the Sophie Foundation to the people and organizations that most
stand out in the areas of environmental and sustainable development.
Marina counts on renowned professionals in its technical team, such as
screenwriter Melanie Dimantas, director of photography Walter Carvalho,
art director Cláudio Amaral Peixoto, wardrobe designed by Kika Lopes, film
editor Sérgio Meckler and soundtrack by Jaques Morelenbaum. The movie
has José Joffily as delegate producer and Caique Ferreira as executive
The movie starts with the poor girl who used to go to the forests in the
early mornings to collect some lops. Marina lost her mother at the age of
15 and, one year later, she gave her first – and, maybe, the most important
– step to change her life: she asked her father the permission to go to the
capital (Rio Branco) for treating the first hepatitis she had, studying and
dedicate to the religious life.
Marina worked as housemaid to be able to support herself and study. She
was a dedicated student: ten years after being literate by the Mobral, she
graduated in History.
Decided to follow her religious vocation, she entered into a convent. However, during a mass, the eyes of the young novice were caught by a poster calling for a course of rural leadership given by Clodovis Boff (Leonardo Boff’s brother) and Chico Mendes. The young girl got curious, followed
her intuition and attended to the course.
This was the second great step to the turnover in Marina’s life. When she
met Chico Mendes, an environmental leader, the Liberation Theology ideas
and the Basic Ecclesial Communities, Marina felt like her religious vocation
was replaced with a strong and irreversible vocation in the social segment,
focusing mainly on the environment. In 1984, she was one of the founders
of the Unified Workers’ Central (Central Única dos Trabalhadores – CUT)
in Acre, which had Chico Mendes as its first coordinator and the young
Marina as vice-coordinator.
Living with Chico Mendes meant an intense learning in several ways. Besides sharing the same ideals, Mari¬na considered him as master in the
politics art – he used to listen to the others, be open to different opinions,
but he was also very firm and determined about essential issues.
The frail jungle girl
becomes a powerful,
renowned political
leader. Married,
mother of four,
Marina struggles to
conciliate her public
and private life, just as
every other woman.
Together with Chico Mendes, Marina participated intensely in the defense of the interests of the Amazon forest and the poor population. The
brutal death of the environmental leader in 1988 further strengthened
her principles and the ethical and ideological posture she would follow
throughout her life.
Affiliated to the Workers’ Party (PT), she was elected in 1988 as the most
voted city councilwoman of Rio Branco, at the age of 30. In 1990, she was
elected state deputy, with record voting. In 1994, at the age of 36, she arrived in Brasília as the youngest senator in the history of the Republic, being
reelected in 2002. In the Senate, she was the first politician to defend the
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a goal subsequently adopted by
the Executive Branch in 2009.
Invited by President Lula, she was appointed Minister of the Environment
in 2003, where she defended, among other causes, the promotion of
sustainable development. She resigned from office in 2008 and, in 2010,
launched her candidacy to the Presidency of the Republic under the Green
Party, obtaining more than 19 million votes. An unquestionable victory,
responsible, among other things, for forcing the presidential dispute to a
second round.
The frail jungle girl became a powerful, internationally renowned political
leader. Married, mother of four, Marina struggles to conciliate her public
and private life, just as every other woman.
Marina intends to tell the history of the Brazilian woman Marina Silva,
who fought against her fate of exclusion to become, in many aspects,
a personality way ahead of her time. Despite having been born in the
interior of the country – or, maybe, because of this –, she developed the
belief that the world will only be a better place if the living, health and environmental conditions are improved throughout the world. Never has a
country girl become so universal. That is what the movie intends to reveal.
and Goals
“This story of courage, overcoming of adversities and determination has
to be told to the largest number of people possible. Examples are made to
be followed. And a movie is still the best way to tell good story: due to its
format, its reach and the emotional impact that only a movie screen can
This is how director Sandra Werneck defines her effort to take to the screen the unique and victorious path of Marina Silva in her almost 30 years
of public life. Firm defender of ethics, sustainable development, and large
scale valorization of natural resources, the jungle girl became a respected
leadership in both the national and international scenarios.
Despite the political trajectory, the movie’s main focus is
on Marina’s trajectory as a human being, which, for several reasons, found, in politics, the most adequate way to
convey her ideas and produce changes
“I have been following Marina’s life for quite some time. Her struggles,
courage, honesty, perseverance – and the ethical behavior that characterizes her. As a personality, a leader and a politician”, says Sandra Werneck, a
director with several movies directed to the female universe.
Marina’s victorious path highlights a rare value in today’s public life: her
loyalty to her origins, ideas and beliefs.
“This story of
courage, overcoming
of adversities and
determination has to
be told to the largest
number of people
possible. Examples are
made to be followed.
And a movie is still
the best way to tell a
good story”...
This is and will always be Marina: frail but strong like the rubber trees of
the village in which she was born; religious but a firm defender of tolerance; rigorous and intransigent as far as her principles, but also open to
dialog and to the exchange of ideas. Calm and controlled in manner, an
exemplary listener, but also a highly convincing speaker, due mainly to her
Marina can and must accomplish several tasks: reveal the more contemporary issues in an accessible manner to the public by means of a gentle
Brazilian warrior, presenting the environmentalist, historian and teacher,
aware of both regional and universal values.
Development of the Project
Preparation of the project and Fund Raising
First treatment of the script
Improvement of the Script (other treatments)
First Casting for Lead Characters
First Location Visit in Amazonas /
Rio Branco (Acre) and Forest
Sandra Werneck
Director and Producer
Sandra Werneck was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 5th, 1951. She is one of
the most successful directors of the new wave of filmmakers that came to light with
the recovery of the Brazilian film industry in the 90’s. Her first fiction feature film,
Little Book of Love (1996), fascinated both the public and the critics by innovating
Rio de Janeiro’s romantic comedy genre, and was awarded with the best screenplay
prize at the Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena (Colombia, 1998); the special critic’s prize at the Shermi d’Amore – Festival del Cinema Sentimental e Mélo de
Verona (Italy, 1997); the best film prize at the Miami Film Festival (1997); the best
photography and best editing prizes at the Festival de Brasilia (1996).
Her following film, Possible Loves, another incursion into the romantic comedy genre, would attain the same level of success. The film won the best Latin American
award at the World Cinema section at Sundance/2001. Irene Ravache was awarded
with the best actress prize at the Brazilian Film Festival of Miami in 2001 and the
film won the prizes for best direction, best photography, best screenplay and second
best film at the 1st Cinema & Video Festival of the Amazon (2001).
However, Ms. Werneck’s career started long before that, making
socially oriented documentaries. Pena Prisão, a film that represented Brazil
in the “Cinéma du Réel” film festival at the Georges Pompidou Center (Paris, 1984),
won the public and best editing prizes at the 18th edition of the Festival de Brasília
in 1984; Damas da Noite (1987) was awarded with the public prize for best film at
Rio Cine Festival; Children’s War (1991) was nominated for the ACE AWARDS and
won the following prizes: best film and best direction at the Gramado Film Festival;
the Jury’s Special Prize at the Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam (1991); the
OCIC and best documentary film directed by a woman prizes at the Havana Film
Festival (1991); best documentary film at the Uppsala Film Festival – Sweden (1992)
and was elected the best film for children and adolescents at the 27th International
Youth Film Contest, in Germany.
In 1992, she directed the controversial short Pornography together with Murilo Salles.
The feature film “Cazuza - Time doesn’t stop”, in which Sandra shares the direction
with the awarded cinematographer Walter Carvalho, was the largest box office of
the Brazilian cinema in 2004 and won best film and best actor at the New York Film
Festival amongst many other prizes.
Her documentary “Teen Mothers” follows the daily lives of four young girls for a
whole year, during their pregnancy.
Sandra released in April 2010 her last feature, Stolen Dreams, where you can join the
lives of young girls living in the outskirts of the city, who find in prostitution a mean
of survival. The film was chosen by the audience as the best fiction in the Festival
do Rio, where Nanda Costa won the best actress prize. It also won acting prizes in
the 14º Brazilian Film Festival of Miami – Inffinito, Birritz Festival and the Brazilian
Cinema Festival in Paris.
CINELUZ was founded in 1992 by filmmaker Sandra Werneck. Since its
beginning, the company has produced prize-winning documentaries and
feature films for the Brazilian cinematographic market as well as established important international partnership and co-production agreements.
Amongst the company’s acclaimed documentary films are Teen Mothers,
selected for the Panorama Screening at the Berlin International Film Festival, and Kids War, prize winner at the Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival (IDFA) and the Havana Festival. CINELUZ also produces
projects conceived by filmmaker Maya Da-Rin, who directed the documentary Margin (Best Film at Tekfestival - Italy, and Honorific Mention at
the Forumdoc.bh - Brazil) and Lands, very well received by national and
international festivals, earning awards in Belgium, at the Guadalajara Festival, and many others in Brazil.
Over the past years, CINELUZ produced various feature films, which obtained rave reviews. Cazuza, Time Doesn’t Stop was Brazil’s box office hit in
2004 and was awarded more than 30 prizes at festivals in Brazil and worldwide. Possible Loves was a prize winner at the Sundance Festival (2001)
and at the Miami Film Festival (2001). The company’s first feature film,
Little Book of Love, received prizes at various festivals, achieving great
popularity among critics and audiences. Sandra’s last film was Stolen Dreams (2009), awarded in Rio’s Int’l Film Festival, in Biarritz Festival, Inffinito
Film Festival in Miami and the Brazilian Film Festival of Paris.
CINELUZ has always worked in partnership with renowned international
production companies, distributors and TV networks among which are
Triangle Films, Columbia TriStar, Lumiére, Arte Franco/Alemã, ZDF, IDE TV
and ILO (International Labour Organization). In Brazil, CINELUZ has established valuable partnerships with Petrobras, BNDES, Abrinq and Itaú
Cultural Institute.
Nowadays, CINELUZ is preparing the production of the feature film projects The Place of Desire and Marina: A Life in Good Time, while Maya DaRIn is studying in France for her masters degree.
Carvalho,Little Book of Love (1997) e Possible Loves (2001), by Sandra Werneck, Noticias de uma guerra particular (1999), by Joao Moreira Salles and Katia Lund, Amarelo
manga(2002) by Claudio Assis, Madame Sata (2002) by Karim Ainouz, Carandiru (2003),
by Hector Babenco, Entreatos (2004), Cazuza – Time doesn’t stop (2004), A maquina
(2005), by Joao Falcao, Veneno da madrugada (2005), by Ruy Guerra, Crime delicado
(2005), by Beto Brant, e Eu me lembro, by Edgar Navarro, O ceu de Suely (2006), by
Karim Ainouz, O baixio das bestas (2006), by Claudio Assis, Chega de saudade (2007), by
Laiz Bodanzky, e Cleopatra (2007), by Julio Bressane. A Erva do rato, by Julio Bressane
(2008), Stolen Dreams (2009), by Sandra Werneck. Director Janela da alma (2001), Lunario perpetuo, Moacir arte bruta (2005) Budapeste(2009).
Director and Producer
Sandra Werneck
Melanie Dimantas
Executive Producer
Executive Producer of O xango de Baker Street (2001), by Miguel Faria Jr., A partilha
(2001), by Daniel Filho, and O sabor da paixao (Woman on top / 2000), by Fina Torres,
Script: Nao quero falar sobre isto agora (1991, Carlota Joaquina (1995), Legitima de-
Sexo, amor e traicao(2003), by Jorge Fernando Se eu fosse voce (2006), by Daniel
fesa (1996), Olhos azuis (2009), O outro lado da rua (2003), Copacabana (2000), Duas
Filho. Besouro (2008), by Joao Daniel Tikhomirrof.. Assistant director Lara (2002), by
Vezes com Helena (2001). Co-writer: Avassaladoras (2002), by Mara Mourao,Gatao
Ana Maria Magalhaes, Sonhos de menina moca (1987), by Teresa Trautman, Orquidea
de meia idade (2006), by Antonio Carlos da Fontoura, Mulheres do Brasil (2006), by
selvagem (1990), by Zalman King, e da unidade brasileira de O curandeiro da selva
Malu de Martino, Irma Vap – O retorno (2006), by Carla Camurati, Nome proprio
(The medicine man/ 1992), by John McTiernan. Production director Carnaval, by Ar-
(2007), by Murilo Salles, Os porralokinhas (2007), by Lui Farias e Orquestra dos meni-
naldo Jabor (for italian TV), Manoushe (1990), by Luis Begazo, Jorge, um brasileiro
nos (2009), by Paulo Thiago.
Associated Producer
(1987), by Paulo Thiago, Anaconda (1997), by Luis Llosa, and Amazonia (1990), by
Julia de Abreu
Writer of the feature films: Fonte da Saudade (1987) and Sombras de Julho (1994),Amo-
Mika Kaurismaki.
Art Director res Possiveis (1999), Celeste e Estrela (2002) and Vendo ou Alugo (2006, In pré-produc-
Cláudio Amaral Peixoto
Art director Quem matou Pixote?(1996) by Jose Joffily and Little Book of Love (1996),
tion). A Casa do Tom: Mundo, Monde, Mondo (2007), 52’ documentary on Tom Jobim.
by Sandra Werneck, Dois perdidos numa noite suja (2002), by Jose Joffily, Lisbela e
Associated producer and fund raising in the films: Possible loves (1999), Teen Mo-
o prisioneiro (2003), by Guel Arraes, Cazuza – time doesn’t stop (2004), by Sandra
thers, (2006), Cazuza, Stolen Dreams (2010), by Sandra Werneck, Vida de Menina, by
Werneck and Walter Carvalho, Bendito fruto (2004), by Sergio Goldenberg, Noel - o
Helena Solberg(2004), Celeste e Estrela (2002) and Vendo ou Alugo by Betse de Paula.
poeta da Vila (2006), by Ricardo Van Steen, Muito gelo e dois dedos d’agua (2006),
Project elaboration and fnd raising consulting of the Associacao de Amigos do The-
by Daniel Filho, Polaroides Urbanas (2007), by Miguel Falabella, Meu nome nao e Jo-
atro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro (2003-2007) and Espaco Tom Jobim Cultura e Meio
hnny (2008) by Mauro Lima and 174 (2008), by Bruno Barreto, Reis e ratos (2009), by
Ambiente no Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro (2007-2011).
Associated Producer
Caíque Ferreira
Mauro Lima, Olhos azuis (2009), by Jose Joffily, O Bem Amado (2009), by Guel Arraes,
José Joffily
Besouro (2009), by Joao Daniel Tikhomiroff, Chico Xavier (2010) by Daniel Filho, Palhaco, by Selton Mello. Cenografia de Guerra de Canudos (1998), by Sergio Rezende,
Director,shorts-sequence: galeria Alaska e Copa mixta (1979)., Praca Tiradentes 77 e Alo
Orfeu (1999), by Carlos Diegues, Estorvo (2000), by Ruy Guerra, and Possible Loves
Teteia(1977). Voando com os pes no chao, Urubus e papagaios (1985). Script participation,
(2000), by Sandra Werneck.
O sonho nao acabou (1981), by Sergio Rezende, Parahyba, mulher macho (1982), by Tizuka
Yamasaki, Avaete - A semente da vinganca (1985), by Zelito Viana, A cor de seu destino
Costume Designer Kika Lopes
(1986), by Jorge Duran, Terra para Rose (1987), by Tete Moraes, O rei do Rio (1985), by
Make Up Juliana Mendes
maldicao do Sampaku (1991/94), Quem matou Pixote? (1996), O chamado de Deus, Dois
Sergio Meckler
perdidos numa noite suja (2002), Achados e perdidos (2006), Olhos azuis (2009).
José Moreau Loureiro
Sound Editor Waldir Xavier
Jaques Morelenbaum
Post-Production Marcelo Pedrazzi
Fabio Barreto and Stolen Dreams (2009), by Sandra Werneck. Director and Producer: A
Director of Photography Walter Carvalho
Director of Photography, Abril despedacado (2001), O primeiro dia (2000), Central
do Brasil (1998), Terra estrangeira (1995) Socorro Nobre (1995) e Krajcberg, o poeta dos vestigios (1987). Central do Brasil e Lavoura arcaica (2001), de Luiz Fernando
In addition to being a movie with the potential to produce positive and profitable revenues for its investors, the
screenplay, cast, technical quality and the theme ‘Marina’,
ensure an institutional return to the companies joining
the project.
Thus, we offer the INVESTOR the following counterparts:
Insertion of the company’s institutional signature as SPONSOR in
the initial and final movie credits and in all promotional material,
such as: website, posters, electronic banners, invitations, leaflets,
DVD and CD covers, making of,
Ads in the print media and press book.
Preview session for the sponsor’s target audience.
Invitations to special guests for commercial film previews.
DVDs, CDs, posters and/or other kinds of promotional material.
SPONSOR Banners and windows on the movie’s website; also, if interested, provision of the movie’s website content to be hosted on
the Sponsor’s website
Space for placement of the Sponsor’s promotional material during
the movie’s preview sessions.
Emphasis on the Sponsor’s participation in the movie in all interviews and presentations of the movie to the general public and
the press.
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Co- Produced by:Cineluz Produções, Lereby Produções, Globo
Filmes, Columbia Pictures
Best Actor Daniel de Oliveira - Prêmio APCA (Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte) 2004.
Best Actor Daniel de Oliveira - Prêmio PQBSP (Premio Qualidade Brasil - SP) 2005
Best Film - Prêmio PQBSP (Premio Qualidade Brasil - SP) 2005
Best Actor Daniel de Oliveira - Prêmio PQBRJ (Premio Qualidade Brasil - RJ) 2005.
Best Sound team - Prêmio ABC de Cinematografia 2005.
Best Fiction Feature Film - Grande Prêmio Tam de Cinema 2005.
Best Actor Daniel de Oliveira - Grande Prêmio Tam de Cinema 2005.
Best Photography - Grande Prêmio Tam de Cinema 2005.
Best Soundtrack - Grande Prêmio Tam de Cinema 2005.
Best Sound - Grande Prêmio Tam de Cinema 2005.
Best Editing - Grande Prêmio Tam de Cinema 2005.
Best adapted Script - Grande Prêmio Tam de Cinema 2005.
Best Actor Daniel de Oliveira - Andorinhas CINEPORT (I Festival de Cinema de Países de Língua Portuguesa) 2005.
Best Film - Júri Popular - Andorinhas CINEPORT - I Festival de Cinema de Países de Língua
Portuguesa) 2005.
Best Actor Daniel de Oliveira - ACIE (Associação de Críticos da Imprensa Estrangeira) 2005.
2004 best films - Festival CINESESC dos Melhores Filmes de 2004 (Critica e Publico)
Best Actor - Daniel de Oliveira - 9th Brazilian Film Festival of Miami
Best Film - 9th Brazilian Film Festival of Miami
Cinema Websites awards (public’s choice)
Male Revelation Daniel de Oliveira - Blockbuster Enterteinement Awards
Best Soundtrack - Blockbuster Enterteinement Awards
Best National Film - Prêmio CINEPOP 2004
Best Actor Daniel de Oliveira - Prêmio ADORO CINEMA BRASILEIRO 2004
Best Soundtrack - Prêmio ADORO CINEMA BRASILEIRO 2004
Best Supporting Actor Emilio de Mello - Prêmio ADORO CINEMA BRASILEIRO 2004
Revelation Actor - Daniel de Oliveira - Prêmio ADORO CINEMA BRASILEIRO 2004
Best Supporting Actress Marieta Severo - 100% Vídeo de Cinema Brasileiro
Best Actor Daniel de Oliveira - 100% Vídeo de Cinema Brasileiro
Director and Producer
Directed by Maya Da-Rin; Produced by: Cineluz Produções
Cameras on Diversity Award, 25º Festival de Cine de Guadalajara, México, 2010
Best Feature Film, Júri ABCV, Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema.
Special Juri Award, Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema.
Best Film “Caríssima Liberdade”, 9ª Mostra do Filme Livre, Brasil, 2010
Nominated for Dirk Vandersypen Award, Bélgica, 2010
2009 Stolen Dreams
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Produced by: Cineluz Produções
Best Actress: Nanda Costa - 14º Brazilian Film Festival of Miami – Inffinito – USA (2010)
Special Jury Award: Amanda Diniz - 14º Brazilian Film Festival of Miami – Inffinito – USA (2010)
Best Actress: Nanda Costa - Festival do Rio – Brazil (2009)
Best Fiction - voto popular - Festival do Rio – Brazil (2009)
Best Actresses: Nanda Costa, Amanda Diniz e Kika Farias - Birritz Festival – France (2010)
Best Actress: Nanda Costa - Festival de Cinema Brasileiro de Paris – France (2010)
Directed by Maya Da-Rin; Produced by Cineluz Produções
Best International Documentary - TekFestival - Rome, Italy (2008)
Honorific Mention - Forumdoc.bh - Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2007)
Teen Mothers
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Co - Produced by: Cineluz e Giros Produções
Invited for the Mostra de Berlim (2005)
Invited for the opening of the Festival É Tudo Verdade (2006)
Cazuza – Time Doesn’t Stop
Possible Loves
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Produced by: Cineluz Produções
Best Latin American Feature Film Award – Sundance Film Festival – USA (2001)
Best Actress Award for Irene Ravache – Brazilian film Festival of Miami (2001)
Best Direction Award, Best Photography Award, Best Script Award, and Second Best Movie Award – 1st Cine & Video Festival of Amazônia (2001)
Pra Terminar – Videoclip Ana Carolina
Best documentary for female director at Havana Festival - 1991
Prize Diva of the National Union for Understanding Among People at Havana Festival - 1991
Best film for the childhood and adolescence at 27th International Youth Film Contest, Germany
Best documentary at Uppsala Festival, Sweden - 1992.
Named for the Ace Awards (American cable TV award)
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Produced by: Cineluz Produções
2001 The World Tilts This Way
Directed by Maya Da-Rin; Produced by Cineluz Produções
1997 Little Book of Love
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Co - Produced by: Cineluz Produções e Lumière Latin America
Best screenplay at International Festival of Cartagena, Colombia - 1998
Critics’ special prize at Schermi d’Amore - Sentimental and Mélo Film Festival, Verona - 1997
Best film at First Brazilian Film Festival of Miami - 1997
Best photography and best editing at Festival de Brasília - 1996
Directed by Sandra Werneck, Produced by: H.P.A
Best soundtrack, best photography and best actress at Festival de Brasília, Brazil - 1989
Best film of the popular jury at Festival de São Luis, Brazil - 1989
Mr. Napumoceno’s Testament
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Co - Produced by: Cineluz Produções e Arté (TV Franco/Alemã)
Canudos – Two Sides of the Mountain
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Co - Produced by: Cineluz Produções, Televisão Alemã ZDF,
Televisão Francesa ARTE
Best Photography - Rio Cine Festival (1995)
Best Sound - Festival de Brasília (1995)
Profession: Child
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Produced by: Cineluz Produções
Geléia Geral
Directed by Sandra Werneck, Produced by: Lumiar Produções Audiovisuais LTDA
Best soundtrack, Rio Cine Festival, Brazil - 1986.
Prision Sentence
Directed by Sandra Werneck, Produced by: Lumiar Produções Audiovisuais LTDA
Brazilian representative at “Cinéma du Reel” Festival of the George Pompidou Center, Paris - 1984.
Best film of the popular jury and best editing at Brasília Festival, Brazil - 1984
Best screenplay of the II Fortaleza Festival, Brazil - 1984
1980 Rites of Passage
Directed by Sandra Werneck, Produced by: Corcina - Cooperativa dos Realizadores Cinematográficos Autônomos Ltda
Nominated by Embrafilme for the Brazilian Bishops National Conference (CNBB) prize.
Brazilian participation at the Cracow Festival - 1980
Directed by Sandra Werneck e Murilo Salles
1991 Ladies of the Night
Directed by Sandra Werneck, Co – Produced by: Lumiar Produções Audiovisuais; Embrafilme
- Empresa Brasileira de Filmes S.A.
Best film for the young public, Rio Cine Festival, Brazil - 1987
Best editing at Festival de Fortaleza, Brazil - 1987
Best sound, Rio Cine Festival, Brazil - 1987
Best film of the popular jury, Rio Cine Festival, Brazil - 1987.
Directed by Francisco Manso, Co – produção: Cineluz Produções, ADR Productions, Cobra
Films, Instituto Caboverdiano de Cinema, Instituto Português da Arte Cinematográfica e Audiovisual, J.L. Vasconcelos Lda., Radiotelevisão Portuguesa
Click’s Channel
Kid’s War
Directed by Sandra Werneck; Co - Produced by: Synapse, MP@ Produções, Lês Films D’Ici, FR3
Best film and best direction at Gramado Festival, Brazil -1991
Special prize of the jury at Amsterdam Documentary Film Festival, Netherlands - 1991
Prize of the OCIC at Havana Festival, Cuba - 1991
Prize Saul Yellen of the Latin-american Directors Comittee, Havana Festival - 1991
1976 Good Morning Brasil
Directed by Sandra Werneck
ent own
Do Downt
Rio de Janeiro, March 29th, 2001
Rua João Borges, 20 – Gávea
Rio de Janeiro – RJ
A/C Sandra Werneck
Ref.: Audiovisual Project Marina and the Time
Dear Madam,
Following our recent conversations about the production of the audiovisual cinematographic work named Marina
and the time, we confirm the Downtown Filmes interest in investing R$ 2.000.000,00 (two million reais) in the
co-production of the work.
The mentioned work will be produced by Cineluz Produções Cinematográficas Ltda.
Cineluz assures and states to have all the necessary rights and authorizations for the production of the work and will
send a copy of the chain of titles proving the mentioned rights. Downtown Filmes and the producer will negotiate
in good faith the terms for the co-production contract and distribution of the Work in Brazil and in Latin America
in cinema theatres, open and closed television, video, DVD or any other form of domestic use and in the internet
during the period in which the work will be protected by the copyright legislation in Brazil.
We are available to clear any doubts.
Downtown FIlmes Bruno Wainer
Rua João Borges, 20
Rio de janeiro – RJ
[email protected]
+55 21 2294.5963 / 2512.1770 / 2512.1371
Sandra Werneck - +55 21 9988 2784 | [email protected]
Impresso em Reciclato Branco Suzano®,
papel offset brasileiro 100% reciclado.