2000 - Australian Clay Target Association
2000 - Australian Clay Target Association
A U S T ' R A L I A N SHOOTING N E W S VOLUME NO. 53 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Patron The Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser. A.C., C.H. President MI Glenn Woadhatch Chairman, Management Cammittee, 43 Prouses Road, Bendigo, Vic 3550 Ph: (03) 5440 2538 BH ISSUE NO. 4 APRIL 2000 OFFICIAL JOURNAL O F THE AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED A n n u a l subscription Rate: $30 May issue cioses March 3 1 June issue closes o n April 3 0 MI Bill Jones (Vice-President),chairman, Finance Committee. 25 Links Cres, Pon Macquatie. NSW 2444 Ph: (02) 6562 5662 Mr Mark Buiiuss 16 Exmouth Coun, Leanyer. NT 0812 Ph: (08) 8948 2323 BH Mr Ailan Kenny Chairman, Promotion 8 Development Committee, 94 Central Ave. Dewent Park. Tas 7009 Ph: 03 6273 2199 MI Robert Nugent PO Box 231, Roma. aid 4455 Ph: (07) 4622 2507 Mr Ron Traiii Chairman Nationai championships Committee PO Box 77. Rochester, Vic 3561 Ph: (03) 5484 1356 Mr Graham Micheil Chairman, Shooting Committee, 12 iiimanAve. Murray Bridge, SA5253 Ph: (08) 8531 1394 Mr Ross Siivester Chairman, Coachlng Council, PO Box 91, Boyanup. WA 8237 Ph: (08) 9791 42W BH Commitlee Mr Bronte Evans PO Box 8645. Alice Springs. NT 0871 Ph: (08) 8952 1933 N a t i o n a i Office Andrew Sanders Executive Officer Mrs Elaine Foward Chairman. Rules/SafetylRefereesCommittee. PO Box 68, Tambeiiup, WA 6320 Ph: (08) 9825 1137 Daniel B o n d Accounts Mr Tom Meadows 180 Deiancey Street. Ormiston, Qld 4160 Ph: (07) 3286 2607 Karen Bryce Membership CTSN. Mrs Nannette McCailum 1876 Lyeii Highway Lawitta, Tas 7140 Ph: (03) 6261 3852 Rebecca Blair General Enquiries CTSN David Jocelyn Ground Curator Contact: AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION INC. PO BOX 466. WAGGA WAGGA N S W 2650 PHONE: (02) 6931 0182 FAX: (02) 6931 0125 eMnr~: [email protected] Mr Mark Mcinnes Wesabunna" Narrabri. NSW, 2390 Ph: (02) 6792 2956 Mr Vince Moiiica. 2 Thistle Street, Essendon, Vic, 3040 Ph: (03) 937-96015 Mr John H. Bymes, PO Box 395, Waikerie, SA 5330 Ph: (08) 8541 3209 Honorary Life Registrations L. G. Connors (P.P.) G. H. Hail (P.P.) N. Hardy E. F. Hawkins (P.P.) R. M. Holtfreter (P.P.) L. J. Marlin IP.P.l C. Matt R. H. Movse R. Mules A. N. Rawe' J. K. Scott (P.P.) J. Mliyquin (P.P.) N. Weiis R.F. Buchan J. Murphy Australian Clay Target Shwting News Nationai Director of Coaching Vacant Designed and Typeset by Midland Typesetters 30 Hubbie Steet, Maryborough. Vic 3465 Printed by Newsprinten Pty Ltd. Melbaurns Road, Soulh Sheppation, Vic 3630 No responsibility is accepted by the pubiisher for the accuracy of information contained in the text, iil~strationsor adverlisements. The Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of the pubiisher. Coverphoto; Newnationaloflice. Wagga Wagga, inset Col Bun, Cenfreline Constructions. Lonato, Italy in June and Tampere, Finland in July gave us a number of medals. Firstly, Lonato yielded 4 silver and 1 bronze, so it was to Tampere where we witnessed arguably the most outstanding individual performance for the year and the most significant team feat of all time. Michael's determination when all seemed lost came through and he finished with the World Championship title. His second gold medal came when, teaming with Russell and Glen Kable, we won our first ever World Championship gold. Suzie Trindall also shot extremely well a t this event, winning bronze in the Junior Women, an excellent achievement. PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL REPORT NOTES It is with pleasure I bring to you my 1999 Annual Report. I believe the most significant step in the year was moving into our new National Office and the work that has been completed so far on the Complex to ensure the future of the ACTAand the sport of clay target shooting. To date our work is well within budgeted estimations and contrary to some rumours, we have not borrowed money, nor have we used any funds from the Legislation Account. During the year we experienced some staff changes, with Graeme Brown finding the life in the country difficult to adjust to after living all his life in the City. Graeme resigned his position and Andrew Sanders was appointed Executive Officer. Deborah Brown left to take up a senior position with another Wagga Wagga company and with her went our best wishes. Rebecca Blair and Daniel Bond joined our staff as receptionist/typist and Accounts Clerk respectively, and we look forward to their time with us. Our total membership for the year was 12,381. I believe this figure shows that the Association was able to maintain a significant number of the members who joined during the period of uncertainity in firearm ownership. Again in 1999 our shooters continued to achieve outstanding results in all segments of our sport, both internationally and at home. In Down the Line our teams excelled a t the World Championships in Wales with the Open, Veteran and Junior teams winning gold and our ladies team the silver. ~h~ mostsignificant individual performance was the silver medal won by Terry Walls. ISSF events our shooters continue to lead the world. Our first gold medal for the year was won by Russell Mark in trap at the World Cup in Peru. Other medais won there were silver, in both the trap and double trap teams, and Clive Barton shot extremely well to win bronze in skeet. From the Cyprus World Cup we gained 1 silver and 1 bronze. On to Kumamoto, Japan, where Michael Diamond's efforts earned him the gold medal in trap and our team picked up silver. In double trap our men's team were the bronze medal winners. Page 2 New Zealand hosted the Third Commonwealth Championships and here Nidal Asmar, Craig Tilley, Nessa Jenkins, Suzie Balogh and Natalie Rahman all performed exceptionally well winning individual gold medals. Many hours of tireless work is put in by our National Executive members to ensure the best for all. Our only Executive change for the year saw Bronte Evans return as the delegate for Northern Territory replacing Tony Brown. Welcome back Bronte and our thanks to Tony for his contribution whilst a member of the team. Special thanks must he accorded to all our sub committees and their chairpersons for their positive input to the Association. It is unfortunate that often these members are subjected to unfair criticism, particularly the Rules subcommittee. We certainly welcome disagreement and debate, but always in a spirit of co-operation and, please, in the pursuit of a common goal. To each executive member individually, I say thank you for your support and your work during '99. I must note a special thank you to my Vice President, and chairman of the Finance Committee, Bill Jones. Bill's judgement in both positions makes my task so much easier. Thank you Bill. Let us remember with affection those among our numbers who passed away during the year. To their families left, we express Our sympathy. The Association is indebted to the Australian Sports Commission for their continued support. To our very valued sponsors, a very genuine and sincere thankyou, your conribntion is irreplaceable. We must also express our thanks to the City of Wagga Wag@ and their council for the way in which they have assisted us in so many ways in our relocation to their city We have now moved into a new millenium and a new chapter in the Australian Clay Target Association. Let us all work for the betterment of our sport and our organization together. I firmly believe our future has never been brighter. Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 @ 9 Ausira1kn Ckrq Target Associcllion lnc. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION INC PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1999 Insurance Legal Legislation Expenses IasE on Disposal afAs~ets Management Cammittee Members Semicea National Championships Committee National Coaching Council National Gmund Maintenance National Gmund & Office Transfer National Shwting Committee National Training Squad Oceania Games OfficeCleaning Office Expenses Pawer/Heating Office General Expenses Ofice Equipment Maintenance office saaries Officiating ISSF Judges Olympic Athletic Rogram Expenses Overseas World Teams Postage Presidential Allowance Presidential Medal Printing & Stationery Pmmotional & Development Committee Romotionsl Expenses Rates & Twes Rules & Referee Committee Seminars & Meetings StaffSeleetion Costs Staff Amenities StalfTraining Staff k e l Staff Uniforms State Assmiation Per Capita Subscriptions & Publieations Sun* Expenses Superannuation Contribution Taipan Shield TelephondFax Training Squad (ISSF) Trans-Tasman Teams Workcare World Cup - DTL Championships World Cup Final 1998 Commonwealth Games 2000 Olympic Games 2 - Registration Pees f i l i a t i o n Clubs f i l i a t i o n States Clay Target Shwting N e w -Advertking 1 Clay Taget Shwting News M'Ship Conhibution 1 Clay Target Shwting News Subscriptions I Gwemment Grants Olympic Athletic Pmgram Grants Interest Received General Interest J Newton Thomae Interest Legislation Len, Legislation Levy National LYI'L Championships National DTL Levy National ISSF Championships National Skeet Championships National Skeet Levy National Sprting Clays Championship Interest DTL Levy Interest Skeet Levy International Clay Target Junior Development %ding Donations Sundry Reeeipts Gmund Hire - - - - - TOTAL lNCOhC3! 534,611 35,WO 875 117.492 45,660 568 60.000 175,498 32.863 152 10,969 6,180 24,772 10,870 12W 9,277 8.340 (1911 1.459 537 4.227 7,623 10,890 9,401 2421 - 1110,724 1999 $ EXeENDlTIlRe 650 4,488 0 3,720 468 448 10,203 730 3,497 0 444 0 2,357 101,311 110,837 5,232 0 32.W8 5.830 5W 0 0 April 2000 Advertising (Externall filiation Annual General Meeting AudiVAcmunting Fees Australia Cup Australian /New Zealand High Gun Australian ShwtingAssmiatian Bad Debts Bank Charges Commonwealth championships Computer Charges Computer Lease Computer Maintenance CTSN Pmtage CTSN Printing and Production Costs Depredation Donations Executive Committee Executive Dimtor Finance Cammittq Glen Cup -Trap Glen Cup Skeet - - Notes 816802 TOTAL EXPENDITURE $ LEssTR4NsFERG 21,104 155 7,827 11,395 0 Notes h s f e r to Legislation Levy reserve h s f e r to J Newton Thomas Jnr Award Reserve Transfer to Skeet Levy Reserve Transfer to LYI'L Levy h e r v e Transfer to ISU Levy Reserve 40,481 TOTAL TRANSFERS 72896 NET SURPLUS Australian Clay Tsirget Shooting News 3 A U S T R A L I A N CLAY T A R G E T A S S O C I A T I O N I N C . BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 1999 1899 MEMBERS Fms B ~ at~ I ~ surp1vs g~ 8 No& i ~~ ~~ i PLUS: Laplation Levy Resene e*n Thomea Junior Arard Resene DTL Levy Rewne Skeet Levy Resslve 1SU h v y R e r n e R ~ v ~ O I ~ ~ P ~ ~ ~lhphii? ~ ~ ~ o U~ ~ Less on Sale of Esrex Road Bwldlng ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ 753.917 ~ . 9 341,465 3,558 2,060 20,120 0 39,430 6 7 8 I TOTAL MEMBERS FUNDS 1 REPRESENTED BY: CURRENTASSETS Cssh on Hand \vagcr scmant Sundry Expense acmunt 1CT Junior Development amount Stmk on Hand 400 1.092 197 4227 64,600 44,520 104,160 4,353 2. INSURANCE Includes Combinsd Publiemmduct Lisbility- Gmu Permnal accident. Travel: Busin& mmhined: Computer bmakddown; denerafpraperly and WorGers eompensstion. 3. LOSS ON DISPOSALOF ASSETS Dispssol afabsalsto pinnt & njuipment. (.TRADE CREDITORS This indudcs an amount ofS75.000 being final paymcnt for mat afbuilding 5. STATE ASSOCIATION PER CAPITA TheAC'lAreimhurses $10 per h I I Re&red whom they am anilialed. 6. DTL LEVYRESEEP Openmg bnlance interest received Nations1 DTL Champianships - Levy Suh-totrl less: World DTL Champiomhip Closing Balance 1.SKEET LEVY RESERVE Opening halnncc lntemst received Nstional Skeet Championships - Levy Sub-btol k s s : Oreanin Nomination6 Closing Balance mQ&6 338.126 TOTAL CURRENIASSETS 0 o 0 0 40,000 84.561 166,7891 0 0 51,814 PlXED ASSETS Nationd Once Building Netionsl Events OEce kalehold imomvaments. ~ ~omee~ ~ Shrd Ground Impmuements Perpetvsl lhphier atValvation 0m.e Furniture & Equxpment - a t cost Less:Armmulald Deprsiation Shaoting Ground Plant & Equipment - at mat k%Acmmulated DepR"iiti0" t 8.1SU LEVYRESERVE Opening halnnce Nations1 I.S.U. Championships. Levy Transfer to ovcrscaa toams Closing Balance s 22,486 9. RECONCILIATION OF LEGISLATION LEVY TO LEOISLATlON LEVYTERM DEPOSIT Legislation Levy Investment seeouot ogw B,l,",, TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 243 345 6 mSIMENTa Legislation IE NAB ~ o n r a l % e amounts d 810,m TOTAL~STMENTS Shooter to the Slale body with Interest rereired New hlemhela <ontribution~ Sub.tatal - TOTALASSETS 10. m v E S T M E m Consolidsled accounts Year end accrued surplus DTL levy Sk~tleq J. Newton-ThomasJunior rund Term Depo~it"0.2 nccount CURRENT LIABILITIES Legidahon Levy Paid in addar.de Re 'strations Paid in advanre lhatlon Fees in advanre Advetiiaing Paid in advance Subaeriptians Paid in Advance Natiannl DTL Chnmpianship3 1999 Trade Craditars Pmvidon For GST Pmviaion for Com uter Derdopment Rariaion far ~OliSayPay 2- STATEMENI BY UlaCIPI'IVE COMMllTEE In the opinion ofthe Executive committee: The nccom nylng stotement ollncome and Expenditure is drawn up so as to given true and fair view oEhc results ofthe Association far the year endnd 31atDember 1999. The accompanyingStskrnont orAssul? and Liobililies is drawn up so aa to give a true and fair view afthestate ofailairs ofthehraciahon as at 318t December 1999. At the date orthis statement there are renaonnhle grounds tobelicvcthat the Asraeiation will be able to pay its debto o3 rnd when they fall due. The scmmpanying accounts arthe Association have been made out in ncmrdana with spplicshle appm'd ncmvntin stondcrds. Far and on behnlro!thc Executive committee by authority r.ralutian arthe Cavneillors made on the7th day ofhlarch. 2000 G. G Woodhstrh, Pmidsnt W. Jonas, mce President TOTALCURRENILIAnILITIEs 1,OW NON.CURRENTLIABILlTIES JNewtonThomas JunioiAward l h s t I,wO ~ 81s.ni $1,MW1 A L N O N LIABILITIES ~ C ~ TOTAL LIABILITIES NeTASSETS NOTES TO ACCOUNTS I. CLAY TARGET SHOOTINGNEWS 125,520 Jnwas , 1,203 AdreBs~ng 51.620 Sukriotiona 110,837 101,311 Printing and pmdurtion mats Poatsge 103.106 lw,421 zoi,121 (i) thcstoto ~ r ~ l l~n ri ~t ~h ~ ~ as s at ~ 31at i ~~ecember t i ~ ~1999 and orthe results of the Association for the year ended on that date: and (ii) the other lh ) the nceaunting mordd add dthhh hhhhdd add tho re stom muired by thC Code lo be kept by thehwcistia" have h e n pmper1y kept:" scmrganre with the provision orthat Cad". Dald this 7th day ofhlareh, 2000 (40,381) Page 4 rcouirad bv Division 4 ~ f ~3.6~ofthe r llaw to be desitwith Australian Clay Target Shooting News B. M. Baehm CIA. April 2000 THE FACTS RiO SHOTSHELLS Are MANUFACTURED by UEE Spain, Europe's largest manufacturer of shotshells. * Are MANUFACTURED under strict quality control procedures using state of the art equipment by professionally qualified personnel. Are MANUFACTURED using matched and integrated componentry - Cases, Powders, Primers, Wads and Shot have all been developed by UEE to produce the best possible results. * Are MANUFACTURED to produce comfortable recoil, consistent velocities and optimum patterns. RIO 20's and RIO 50's are designed and MANUFACTURED specifically for competition shooting in Australia and New Zealand. * Are MANUFACTUREDto give you a performance shotshell at a sensible and realistic price. * RIO Shotshells are MANUFACTURED not simply assembled. (Winches"rr Australia are nowadays ASSEMBLERS, not integrated MANUFACTURERS' who use mixed componentry from a variety of suppliers) Ph: (03) 9312 7500 Mob: 0418 522 059 Fax: (03) 9312 7600 presents the 7TH ACT-SAA SPORTING CLAY NATIONALS TO BE HELD AT THE A.C.T.A NATIONAL GROUND SATURDAY MAY 20 AND SUNDAY MAY 21,2000 Events to commence at 9.00am daily. SATURDAY MAY 20 Event 1 - 1OOtgt ACTA Sporting Clays Championship OIA Sash and Cash Trophy 1st AA, A, B, C Grades - Cash Trophy Noms: $50.00 SUNDAY MAY 21 Event 2 - 100tgt Commonwealth Sporting Clays Championship OIA Sash and Cash Trophy 1st AA, A, B, C Grades - Cash Trophy Noms: $50.00 NATIONAL SPORTING CLAY CHAMPION In conjunction with Events 1 and 2 Overall winner: Royal Blue Sash and Trophy AA, A, B, C Grades: lst, 2nd and 3rd each Grade LadieslJuniorsNeterans eligible for sections as well as Open Open to all ACTA, SSAA and Field & Game Members Three person Team. Members must be affiliated with the same ACTNSSANField & Game BranchIClub Page 6 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY NATIONAL SPORTING CLAYS CHAMPIONSHIPS 1. in the event of anv shooter not belno able to oroduce hlslher Handlcao Card, a duplicate shell be issued for tee duratioh of the National champ/onships. This card will then be forwarded to the Club Secretary to enable scores shot to be recorded. Note: A $20 fee wiil be charged for the issue of any duplicate Handicap Card. 2. Squads of 5 shooters to shoot 100 targets in four rounds of 25 per day. 3. The Organising Committee wiil decide the order of shooting. 4. Regulation Skeet or Trap targets wiil be thrown, as well as mini, midi battue, rockett rabbit or flash or any other sporting clay target approved by the Association. Target type for any stand wili be at the discretion of the shoot ofiicial, but shall number five (5) in total. 5. Shooters will be squadded as per ACTA rules and regulations and any interpretation of this wili be the responsibility of the Tournament Director. 6. Each shooter is to take enough cartridges to shoot at 25 targets 7. Shooters who fail to appear in time for their squad may be re-squadded towards the end of the event, but this is not guaranteed and non-participation is a possibility. 8. Shou a a snooter be ng late for his sq.aa then e ect to withdraw irom the event he may not be el:gio e for any refuna of nom natons pad. 9. All shooters must sign the score sheet after each 25 targets. Once a shooter has signed his score sheet he has accepted his score and grade. Any score sheet not carrying the shooters signature will be credited with the lowest score recorded. 10. Any competitor may be called upon to referee and/or score throughout the period of competition. The persons' designated to referee and score must fulfill their obligation to do so. Failure to either referee or score mav incur a oenaltv , , of the LOSS OF ONE TARGET. 11. Shooters will be drawn from each dav's , last round sauads to referee ana score the f,rst rouna of the fol owmg aay, be ng reaay to oHcfate at the aoverised stan ng tune. Shooters an0 fall to fu fil tnelr responsloi IW may be penaltsed one target. Wn e replacement referee and scorers are permisslo e, the penalty of a loss of one target for they're tai ng to off,c. ate snal oe made aga nst tne OHc ally des gnalea person. 12 Any unaulhor sea snooter interfer ng w th or attempt ng to nlellere w.tn the trap may oe penal sed F VE (5) TARGETS 13. Ail disputes must be in writing together with $20 deposit, which is refundable subject to the appeal being upheld. 14. All disputes and deposits must be lodged with the Tournament Director, who shall arrange a hearing with the appointed jury. 15. Any eligible competitor paying nominations is entitled to receive awards in the Open section, Womens, Juniors or Veterans section, however the overall winner cannot take any section prize. 16. A minimum of three persons must compete in any Grade or Section, including High Gun before sashes, medals trophies andlor cash are awarded, irrespective of nomination paid. 17. Nominations will close daily at 11.00am or at the discretion of the Tournament Director. 18. Anyone participating in the practice of card playing at the National Championships is expected to be considerate of the requirements of others, and the presence and behavior of the card players must not cause inconvenience or disturbance. Tournament Director to adjudicate. 19. Any interpretation of the program and conditions of entry will be the responsibility of attending members of the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final. 20. An acceptable standard of dress is required for all competitors, Tournament Director to adjudicate. 21 Reaucea Nom~nat~ons These sha apply to J-nlors and tne secona fam ly memoers enter ng Into tne same event, they being wives and n-sbanas Shooters paylng reaucea noms are eigole lor Open as we1 as section prizes. ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ .~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 150 Targets DTL * 100 Targets Skeet Age Groups 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 plus. Grades AA. A. B. C. Everyone can be a Master A week of sports action in over 30 sports for over 30's Everyone can be a master Apart from the minimum age there are no selection criteria SOCIAL FUNCTIONS EVERY EVENING ~~ Enjoy a week at a beautiful Coff.. Harbour on NSW's mid-norfh coast Minimum age can vary slightly from sport to sport : A~smAumnuA 22. All Com~etitorsmustcom~lvwith Firearms Licensing Laws in'their State of residence and in the State hosting the National Trap Championships. Aplil 2000 Australian Clay Tar6:et Shooting News Page 7 SPORTING SHOOTERS A S S O ~ T I O NOF AUSTW ( QD ) INC. STATE 5 STAND & TOWER CARhTKAL ( FRSSFERN . BOONAH Qj3) - SAT 29TH & SUN - 30TH APRIL Nomination Will Close at 1 0 . 0 0 am Each Day 100 TGT 5 STAND & 100 TGT TOWER Sunday 29th Avril - 9.00am Event 1. 1st 50 tgt 50tgt 5 Stand.. State Championships Nom $18.75 Event 2. 1st 50tgt 50 tgt Tower State Championships Nom $ 18.75 Swiday 30th Avril - 9.00am Event 1. 2nd 50 tgt 50 tgt Event 2. 2nd 50tgt 50 tgt 5 Stand State Cham ionships Nom $ 18.75 O/A. S.S.A.A. Silver Badge. Sash & ash Award State Medals & Cash Award !st & 2nd & 3rd AA. A. B . & C Grade 8 Tower State Championshi s Nom $ 18.75 O/A. S.S.A.A. Silver Badge. Sash Cash Award State Medals & Cash Award !st & 2nd & 3rd AA. A. B . & C Grade Total Nom $ 75.00 Sashes Graded H/G AA. A. B. & C Sashes Ladies Veteran Junior l Overall Hi hGun 9ct Gold . adge , Sash & Cash Awards li Ladies, Junior & Veterans Reduced Noms $65 PRACTICE and THE NUMBERS GAMZ is available on FRIDAY afternomt and MONDAY Sweepstakes on Night Five .Stand Saturday Night SSAA QVEENSLAhrD shall offerfinancial assistance to ten persons who wish to represent OUR STATE at the 2000 NATIONAL lTVEEAND GHAMPIONSHIH in NEWCASlLE on AUGUST 12/13, One team shall comprise of the top five shootersfrom the above lTVEEAND event and the other team shall comprise of the top A,B,C,L,Vfrom the above lTVEEAND event .In addition to the STATE TEAMSELECTION the above FNESAND EVENTshall be an elimination event for the 2001 INTERNATIONAL TEAM which is determinedfiom pointr scoredfrom one elimination and to NATIONAL FlVESTAND GUAMPIONSHIPS. AMMUMTION and h4EAL.9 are available at the CLUB. Ample mmping with shower amenities is available on the grounds. Accommodation is available at the B o d Motel. Ring fellow shooters Chris and Kin1 ph 0754631944 THE COMMITTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ALTER THE PROGRAM IF NECCESSARY Forfirther information ring Steve Goan on 0754635728 Steve Laffq 018754461 Darryl Groundwater 0732854500 F T OOWOOMBA IPSWCH BRISBANE O GOLD COAST BOONAH S.S.A.A FASSlFERN WARWICH Page 8 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 Glen Innes Gun Club Hosting the Northern Zone Dap Carnival After months of preparation by the members of the Glen Innes Gun Club, the grounds were ready to host the NSW Northern Zone Trap Carnival. During the previous month the Club had received notification from the landowners that its lease would not he renewed and the club would have to relocate. The club grounds looked a picture with plenty of shade tents, flowers &shrubs in vases. Another innovation was members wives or daughters handing out pieces of fruit (beat that Mick Shields!) winner 93 shooters nominated from Clubs as far south as Canherra, Orange, Sydney & SW QLD. The conditions were perfect for the first eventwhich was a graded cash divide in which 39 possibles were recorded. Event 2 was the Olympic Targets Northern Zone Double Barrel C'Ship and giving some indication of what was going to happen later on 30 possibles were squadded for the shoot off. Glen Innes had a reputation of heing a hard Club to shoot a big break off. In fact John Farrell from Coffs Harbour held the ground record of 240 shot a t a previous zone carnival. This shwt off was to continue into the next day to finalize overall & AAGrade with 3 contenders left - Tony Schafer, John Farrell &Brad Hooper. Brad was the first to miss with his 419 target. John Farrell missed his 506 target, giving victory to Tony Schafer from Cessnock with a great score of 5061506. The Northern Zone Single Barrel C'Ship was started on Saturday afternoon once the Double Barrel shoot off was in 1 squad. Surprisingly there were only 2 possibles -Tony Schafer & Jim Hunter (who had driven 16 hours to attend this shoot). This event was also finalised on Sunday morning with victory going to Jim Hunter from Eromaugai who shoots with the Scrubby Creek Gun Club, with a score of 86/86. Tony Schafer's break finally came to an end with his 85th target, giving him a long break of 611 - congratulations. After the shoot offs the first event on Sunday morning was again another graded cash divide with 38 possibles sharing in the sweepstakes. The Northern Zone Point Score C'Ship was the next event and no possibles. Col Burt and Tony Schafer on 1481150 shot off for the Overall, which was over after only 2 targets, giving victory to Col Burt of Tamworth with a score of 1541156 fmm Tony Schafer 1531156. The Zone Teams were finalised after this event and good luck to those competing against the other zones later on in the year. The last event was the 50 Target Double Barrel Sapphire Coast event and after the 50 targets there were 15 possibles. A gusty head wind kept the shot off to a shorter version compared to the Double Barrel C'Ship. Ian Burey from Glen Innes claimed Overall victory with 114/114 from Brad Hooper of Kempsey with a score of 1131114. No shoot offs were required for High Guns. Tony Schafer claimed Overall, Brad Hooper AA Grade, Ian Burey A Grade, Peter McGuire B Grade &Ian Thompson C Grade. The Ladies High Gun was won by Cindy McBean, the Junior by Scott Wallis and Les Kennedy was successful in the Veterans. Some good scores were recorded and the secretary has placed orders for plenty of break badges and the handicapper assisted with thanks by Barbara Nash saw plenty of shooters break into higher grades. April 2000 The hard working band of wives in the kitchen assured us that lunch and afternoon tea were well catered for and many thanks for their dedication. Full results of this shoot appear in the results section. I was just putting the finishing touches to this report when I was advised of the sudden passing of Col Burt from Tamworth. No doubt there will appear tributes to Col from the Tamworth Gun Club, but I would like to say that to attend a shoot with Col be i t from a club monthly shoot through to a No*hern 'One winner' Nationals, a s I and many others have had the privilege of, we knew we would enjoy his company, competitiveness and his humor. The Club extends its condolences to his wife Jenny and to his family. Andrew Futter On Saturday 29 January 2000, a t Nepean Clay Target Club, the Commonwealth Ball Trap Championship was contested in fine weather with a light breeze. This is normal for Nepean as the scores indicated. At the end of the first 50 targets Peter Mills (Cerberus) 50150 was ahead of Chris Carrol (Cerberus) and Craig Henwood (Melbourne) with 49150, but they could not keep the pressure on and Peter finally won overall by two targets. AA: P Down 931100, K Rose 911100, C Henwood 901100 A&OIA: P Mills 951100, C Carrol 1001107, E Allison 991107 B: L Howell 9U100, N Quick 891100, M White 861100 C: G Beckworth 871100, D White 8U100, AHolloway 801100 . Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 9 Sunday February 13th saw 52 shooters chas~ngthe trophies at rhe Burdekin Gun Clubs Annual 100 Targct Double Barrcl Day. The day began with hot and sultry conditions in the morning and saw a slight breeze picking up after lunch. Traditionally this sort of weather produces outstanding scores at this club despite the oppressive humidity. This day was to prove no exception. The day began with a 10 Target Pointscore sweeps to clear away the cobwebs. Then it was down to business in the first mund ofthe loo Target. l3 shooters managed to make the they wanted by putting together the first 25. Nothing too outstanding in that, and 22 Out of a field of around 52 shooters' The shooters managed the 25. At the halfway mark nine shooters had the 50150. Round three saw only 2 shooters fall by the wayside as 16 possibles were recorded. Seven shooters made up of AA Graders, Graders and of 75175. In an excepGrader started the last round with a tional performance all 7 held their nerve to shoot off the last 25 clean. With no Overall trophy on offer, Port Denison shooter Geoff Dalton could put his gun away and settled down to enjoy the shoot olT safe in the knowledge the case of shells for B Grade was his. Burdehn members Hay Colinson and Max Nicolaidus knew they were guaranteed a place as they went out to shoot off for AA Grade. M, let a,vay and had to settle 41st target ofthe shoot off for the half ease of shells. was, 4 shooters and only2 A ~~~d~ was ,,,here all the places, First to drop out was Port Denison Junior Matt Gall who missed target 5, followed by the Burdekin Clubs House Manager, steve ~i~~~ at target 17. we were down to the serious business and local club president Glen Rea prevailed in the end with a score of 1361136, from another Burdekin member Robert Falco, Second in B Grade saw Ian Turner of Charters Towers and Peter Giardino of Burdekin shooting off with 991100. 37 Targets later and Ian was successful. Pat Dury fmm 'Ibwnsville took first in C Grade with a score of 951100. A score of 94100 saw local members Mario Emmi and Dee Coils tied for second, Mario winning the shoot offwhen Dee missed her second target. ~h~ winner was Annette Vassalini with a very good score of 981100, The good scores saw five shooters go up at least one grade. Squad 7, which consisted of 5 shooters, shot a combined score of 2491250 over the last 50 targets. The only AA graded in the squad (and I ur name Doug Killick) being the culprit on his The ACTA has received several letters from Clubs expressing their concern over the GST and what their involvement will be when it is introduced. We suggest that if YOU need any advise, YOU phone the GST Hotline on 132478, as we do. Daniel Bond, Accounts especially amongst ~h~ day ended with some very tired the locals who not only had to shoot in the hot humid conditions, but also were involved ~~in -runnine the shoot. help ~h~ club would like to thank the visitors who travelled make this the successful event that it turned out to be. Carol Betteridge ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ - ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ Dealers License 405578863 302 Bunvood Rd, Belmore NSW 2192, Australia. Phone: (02) 9740 9760. Mobile: 0419 294 744. Fax: (02) 9740 9761 SHOTGUNS - RIFLES - SAFES - CLOTHING - KNIVES - SCOPES -ACCESSORIES -AMMO. NEW SHOTGUNS ALL RIZZINI SAME WITH RIZZINI CASE Rizzini Artemis with 5 chokes 28" Rizzini Artemis fixed chokes M/F 2 Rizzini Aurum with 5 Chokes 28" Rizzini 5-2000 Sporter with 5 Chokes 29. Rizzini S-2000 30" Rizzini Premier 32" with Rizzini Premier 30 Rizzini Premier 31 Rizzini Vertex 30" Spor Rizzini Vertex 28" Spor Rizzini S-780 31" with 5 chokes sporter Rizzini 5-790 EL Trap adj Stock Large select range of new and second h a n d shotguns. We also buy and sell a large range of quality English and European SxS Shotguns. S h o t s h e l l s 28gr $1051500 32gr $110/500. F i o c c h i Italian Make 28gr $1121500 PRIMES, WADS, LEAD AND POWDER ALSO AVAILABLE. Page 10 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 New Pitch Spacers 46.5% of the "All-American" trapshooters use KICK-EEP~. , $75 KICK-EEZTM pads reduce more recoil and do it faster than any other pad. Jones Stock Adjuster - only 11c thick. Ladles. this puts the pad on you shoulder where it belongs1 Drilled and tapped tor most Pachmayr or Klck.eez recoll pads. Steel threads. Pad & Installofionnot Included. Polymer Buttstock Spacers Bore Micrometer Black Bunrtock Epacsn made from strong lighlweight, polymer plarlic for superior sanding and finishing char- 112" = $12.00 each Stock Model FORCING CONES: 2" long. beoutifuiiy polished. $75/barrei PORTING: The original and the best. Now at 5- angle - doesn't clog. Forget the "Johnny come lately's", go for Seik pattern precision porting. $75/barrei. CHOKE REAMING: Chrome or non-chrome. $75/barrei Dead Mule Can't Kick senxlnonai recoil reducer flts in stock hole blt in center hole. so you can remove stock with wrench without hassle. April 2000 TIGHTENING GUNS: I use ail new parts, supply &fit new firing pins, hammer springs, top lever springs, etc. Action face, ejectors etc, ail polished up like new. The main aim is to make your gun as close to factory new as possibie king for prices for different guns. $85Dm Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 11 Three Days Three ~undred-~ar~ets Three Championships Easter Weekend 2000 Saturday 22 April 100 Tgs C/Ship Sunday 23 April 100 Tgt C/Ship Monday 24 April 100 Tgs Side X Side Championship Cash Trophy Event. Two 25 target courses in operation. One Layout all new Laporte. Auto Traps, Laporte Targets. (Supplied by Shooting World Pty Ltd) Free Ticket in Raffle of Shotgun for all shooters nominating for full programme (Sat & Sun) Nominations Sat & Sun $120.00 Ladies, Juniors, Veterans Noms $100.00 Nominations for Monday Cash Trophy $50.00 (Min Cash $1000.00) The cash event will be divided into two sections Side X Side & U/O $500.00 on each section with sash & cash for the Overall & AA,A,B,C, Side X Side Winners. Cash only for U/O Winners. Trophies will be awarded on each Championship. Overall & 1st & 2nd AA,A,B,C High Guns over 200 Targets Sat & Sun. Overall, AA,A,B,C. Ladies, Junior, Veterans. Presentation & Raffle Draw Sunday after shoot. Food, Hot Showers, Ammo available on grounds. Camping on ground (Limited power) Come &join us in a great weekend of sporting clay shooting. Shoot over the superb Laporte Traps. (Tuesday 25 April is Anzac Day) Forfurther information contact: Keith Cameron (02) 6746 3366 Rod Prior (02) 6766 1537 Page 12 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 Cessnock Clay Target Cluh held it's 2 day open shoot on the weekend of the 27th and 28th of November 1999. With the dawn of Saturdav mornmg, thc ivcnthcr appeared fine, with the arounds looking exocllcnt, and npproximntely $8000 wonh of trophies on offer We lined up for the first event, a 20 target double barrel cash divide. A total of 20 possihles were shot and they were: A Jackson, G Pringle, G Forster, T Morris, RVanbeek, KMorgan, D McMillan, L Hawkins, A Jones, V Kennedy, P Richardson, N Xenos, T J Turner, P Pemberton. T Schaffer. R Raiseheck. M ~ e i i h tL, inlay, J rompt ton and L Kohler. Then it was On to event 2, being a 50 target double barrel event. With 11possibles shot, the shoot Overall high gun T. J. Turner. offs were going to be as good as the event, Alan Cullis fmm cess. noek eventually won over all aRer a 130 break shoot off with the other winners being: ~~ Yvonne Height, ladies high gun with c lub president. ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ 14 possihles shot in this event, Singleton shooter Peter Poile eventually won with 2nd heing J Crompton 3rd T Brind 4th A Stevens. Event 2 for the day was the 30 target Champion of Champions (10 DB 10 SB 10 PS) with only Alan Jones and Tony Schafer shooting the only possihles it was up to them to fight it out with Alan taking overall. AAgrade 1st T SchaXer 50/50,2nd G Rootes 49/50 A grade 1st B Whipps 48/50, 2nd J Blazley 47/50 B grade 1st T Saville 49/50, 2nd G Pringle 49/50 C grade 1st P Poile 48/50, 2ndY Height 47/50. Event 3 for the day and the last for the weekend was a 30 target point score. Overall winner was Chris Lindsay after another lengthy shoot off. AAgrade 1st N Xenos 90/90,2ndA Jones 90190 A grade 1st D Porteus 88/90, 2nd T Mitchell 88/90 B grade 1st N Gay 89/90,2nd G Pringle 89/90 C grade 1st R Davies 84190,Znd P Poile 79/90 High Guns went to: O/A: T J Turner 384, AA: C Rootes 381, A: T Mitchell 381, B: C Pringle 376, C: R Davies 358, VET:D McMillan 371, LAD: Y ~ ~ i350, ~ JNR: h t D seve 359. Scores for the weekend were up to normal hopefully due to the ::, " e " ~ ~ O ~ ~ l f ~ S ~ , ~ $ ~ ~ , " n ~ " , ~ d ~ ~ , " Fighting Fit trophy winner Terry Mitchell. AA grade 1st G Kennerson 50/50,2nd G Kahle 50150 t & ~ ~ l t ~ Peter Poile, winner of handicap event with Helen Gay from RetraVision. weekend was a great success with many competitors making pos:A:.." ""...".A" L b L V S L",.,,.,=,.-. A grade 1st A Jones 50/50,2nd T Mitchell 50150 Many thanks must go to our sponsors and supporters - Fighting B grade 1st D Cnlley 50/50,2nd G Pringle 50150 Fit, CGE from K u m Kurri and Singleton Retrivision, without C grade 1st M Ferguson 48/50, 2nd ADavies 47/50. them we would not he able to offer the trouhies we did. Thanks ~~-~~ On to event 3 the last event of the day being 50 target Point Score. must also go out to the Members and ~ o m d t t e for e the The point score event sorted them out with only 1possible shot to grounds and organising such a good s h w t as well a s the competitake overall, well done Terry Mitchell. tors for participating i n such a great shoot. AAgrade 1st B Smith 1491150,Znd J Crompton 148/150 Agrnde 1st I. Kohler 1~t8/150,2ndD Ponrus 146 150 TRADE PRACTICES ACT B made 1st E Emerv 1451150.2nd R i-lancock 144150 The attention of advertisers is drawn to the Trade Practices Act 1974 and ; R Davies 133/150. C grade 1st Y ~ e i g d 1t 4 ~ 1 5 02nd the provisions in the Act which apply to advertising. It is not possible for Sunday morning saw the weather excellent and competitors keen the A.C.T.A. to ensure that advertisements which are published in this to get into it. magazine comply in ail respects with the Act and the responsibility must therefore be on the person, company or advertising agency submining the Event 1 for the day was the 30 target CEC Barnard Memorinl advertisement for publication. The A.C.T.A. reserves the right to refuse Handicap. Each competitor was givcn 5 targets uurnpiimcntary t o any advertisement without stating the reason. start the day nnd get their cycs in before the event, with anothcr Australian Clay Target S1looting News April 2000 Page 13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ TRAPS & TARGETS Traps: Fantastic finance deals on full range of the world's No 1 traps. Traps available from $100 per month. Trapsfor: Skeet Olympic Trench D. T L. Sporting Targets: Blackfrom$65per1 (SOFT D.T.L.) (Sales Tax Incl.) O w e from $75 per 1 (Sales Tax Incl.) White from $75 per 1 (sales Tax incl.) Full range of exotics available. Contact: Michael (Gundy) Manning " Laporte Sporting Australasia" at Shooting World Pty Ltd. PO Box 144,Nerang Qld. 4211 Tel: (07)5591 31 72 Fax: (07)5591 3999 Marvboroonh Tib Bits Qld tuwm.ntc!c.urg.au There are two great events this month. The first being the ACTA Nationals, the other the wedding of Manvic Manalon to Karl Nasarenko and the wording of the ceremony would be like this. Do you Karl take Marivic in squad 4 on lane 3 to be together as in Deauvllle Doubles and remember that in Denuvlllc 1)oubles there is no malfunction. Do you Marivic take Karl for better and never complain about your new handica~? Best wishes and best of luck to both of you. Have a great lifetime together. I t reminds me of the young couple getting married and the groom to be said to his future wife, "We don't know a lot about this safety stuff and we don't want children straight away, so you go and see your mate in the chemist and she will give you good advice". So the next day the bride went to the chemist and talking to her girlfriend told her their position, getting mamed and not wanting children, etc. So the girlfriend showed her several gadgets and after thinking for a while she chooses something like balloons without blowing them up. So she said "How do you buy them" and her girlfriend said "Loose in packs and most colors". So then the bride to be said, "I will have blue, green and yellow packs". So eight months after the wedding the wife returned to the chemist and asked her girlfriend could she fit her with a nursing brassiere and her friend said sure no trouble all I need to know is what bust? And the wife thought for a while and said it was the yellow one's that L ..- " 1 1 ""Law ~ ~ ~ Best of luck to those off to the Nationals; hope you have good weather. As I stated - -our . -wehsite address is m . m c t c . 0 r e . a ~and our first correspondence was with Kcith Miles U S A 6 ~s dod ~ kept in tourh with Bill MeCullogh who was SerEditor of Australian Clay Plgcun Shooting News in the fifties His dad r n ~ ~ ~ afrom t e d \Vales to USA In 1909 and was enlisted in Washlnbxon Srate Trap Shooting H3II of Fame. I am not up to all this website stuff as this is the work of Holly, our secretary, and talking about websites, a lady told me she puts her order on the web and has it the next day. I said fiRy years ago the order man came in the morning and delivered that afternoon, I think we are going backwards. 25-1-00 On this day, Ted Turton received news that he had a leg in carrying the torch for Sydney 2000. Ted carriedthe torch in 1956, so he knows what it is all about. Ted isn't sure where his part of the run is yet but thinks it's on Fraser Island. Watch those dingoes Ted. Good luck Ted. Today is Australia Day, and of course I am upset about nor getting 3 plnrc in the honour list. But wouldn't have been able t u gu out and accept it as codny is the day to put out the rubbish bin and 3 super game of cricket. 91-1-00The Day the Bible Came They say the truth always comes out and that may be the case in MTB, which said Paul Anderson on the whisky, I said won the whisky, but I could be wronp. Also we have a new shooter. Gino Dollisson. I will have to see of h i has paid up. Bundaberg Presidents a n d Patrons Tribute Shoot. 30-1.00 You can't keep a good shooter down, as in the case with Graham, he said he was going to Bundy even if he had to walk. His wife wanted the car, Graham started walking from Rocky with his gun, ammo, ham sandwich and his book of dirty jokes, just before daylight, and was lucky going through Gladstone and saw Ray Wise and got a lift to Bundy. Graham gave me a few jokes for MTB, and I put them in bleach overni~ht . but they didn't come clean. Good to see you again Graham. Talking to Cherryl in the kitchen and she has spread her wvlngs and bought Dudd's Convenience. Store out of Bundy, Con&~atulations Chenyl and best of lurk. Not knowing what convenience really meant ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ April 2000 I looked it up in the dictionary, which said 'ease, suitability. A lavatory'. I suppose it would be handy if your plumbing is stuffed up. Well were . ~vi-itnrs ~...,. ~. ... &ham Rudd~, Vie Hvde. -~, ~h. o~-d ~to~see . ~vou~back shouting Vie,, Jlm Riggs, the story tcllcr Graham ~ h ~ r f i c l d ~ ~ o r k y ) . Kay Wisr.Allen & Peter Purkis,Adam Healey tGlndscone),Tony Cofo (Sanna,, B a n y Zlmplu ~>lunbmngoj,mum and son comb~nat~on Beth & Ben Zlllman, Frank Robinson (Central Burnett), Phrlllp Warren, Brucc Walker, Pcrcr Pagl~nnno,Harry Walker and )ours (Marynorougnj. New shooters to join Bundy on the day were StafFord Smith and Malcome Dawson. Welcome to Bundy. Kitchen staff were Cherryl, Edie, LeeAnn and Auriel. Thanks for a great job, as we left early we took numbers on whisky quickly board and Auriel said if we won she would deliver it for a nip. So Monday morning and Stafford rang and told me I won the quicky board but instead of whisky, it was $20 and Auriel dropped it in my mailbox while shopping. So I was looking for its arrival, as Auriel couldn't get a nip of whisky I was willing to cut the corner of the $20 hut she was too slick for me as I had the bible and most likely had my head in it. Thanks a lot Auriel, you would make a good posty. And I forgot to include Irvine Wynyard in the visitors who is from TLGC. Irvine and Peter Pagliarino are both shooting in the NZ Nationals, which should.be over when this is out, best of luck and good shwting fellas. The meat tray raffle was won by Graham Harriman and in the results, he is every where. Good shooting Graham. As we left early, Kaye sent on the results, Thanks Kaye. 1.50T D/B Doug Knudsen Championship OlASash & AA: Irvine Wynyard, 2nd Barry Zimple; A: Vic Hyde, 2nd Graham Harriman; B: Tony Coco, 2nd Peter Purkis; C: Allen Purkis, 2nd Harry Walker. 2.50T DIB FTS Presidents & Patrons Championship OIA, Sash & A : Graham Harriman; AA. R Rehbein, 2nd B Zimphell, 2nd Vic Hyde; B: Tony Coco, 2nd Peter Purkis; C: Keith Palmer, 2nd Allen Purkis; The Pedro Peterson Memorial Shield Which was a total of events 1& 2. OIA: Graham Haniman; AA: Barry Zimpel; A: Vic Hyde; B: Tony Coco; C: APurkis. 3. 50t Gordon Doblo Memorial CONT CIS: OIA&AA: Jim Riggs, 2nd Rob Rehbein; A: Graham Hamiman, 2nd Graham Whitfield; B: Tony Coco, 2nd Peter Purkis; C: Adam Gardner, 2nd Janice Butters. The High Guns for the day were: OIA: Graham Harriman; AA: Jim Riggs; A: Vic Hyde; B; Tony Coco; C: Allen Purkis. I was hoping Kaye. didn't know that Auriel took mv $20 and slinned another one in with the re;ults. No such luck. ~~~~h~~good shuut, wrepprd up in the history blHlk.pundy A,,,,) 11R PI.S . = .. ..7,,,3 -..- -. - - -SF^- 0-, s.-D.I..~ Kingaroy 2 Day Shoot 516-2-00 Thanks for the results Max, glad you had a gwd shoot. As I would be guessing some of the christian names I will go with the results. With fine and hot weather, 82 shooters tried their skill. In event 1 DB Sweeps a total of 33 possibles were shot, too many to name. Event 2. SB CIS: O1A:G Fett; AA: M Hass,, 2nd A Pack; A: W Murray, 2nd C Gurski; B;D Osborne, 2nd V Forsythe; C: A Grant, 2nd R Brittain. Event 3. CONT CIS: OIA: G Sckaf; AA: M Hass, 2nd A Pack; A: W Murray, 2nd G Brown; B: V Forsythe, 2nd D,Hamwd; C: R Brittain, 2nd M Behm. Event 4. DB CIS Sunday: OIA: D Smith, and ifthis is Doug Smith the legion, it takes me back to Kingaroy 2 day shoot 617-11-71, the event South Burnett Double Barrel 16M CIS badge and tmphy first, tmphies second and third nomination $3.00 and D Smith, R Glasgow, A Stewart and myself were called for the shoot off. After I shot 88, my auto wouldn't thmw out the first empty, after it did it twice, Doug was off to the car and came back with a WD40 spray pack. Taking the ~~ ~ Australian Clay Target Shooting News ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ .. Page 16 wood off,sprayed the spring and we were back shooting. I carried on until 108 and put my 109th in to the back of the trap house. The shoot ending up with Doug Smith 133, Rob Glasgow 132, a Stewart 120, and I forgot to thank Dougfor the oil. Hope I have the right D Smith, ifsu Thanks Doug all those years back. AA. A Pack, 2nd P Northcott; A: R Wieden. 2nd N Liesegang; B: R IIoad, 2nd K Vicary; C: R Smith, 2nd L Brown. Event 5.30T WCAP: 1st M Hass, 2nd V Forsythe, 3rd L Murray, 4th R Hood; JNR: 1st L Murray, 2nd A Grant & R Wwdmw. Event 6. FTS CIS: OIA: T Busiko; AA: G Fett, 2nd I Wynyard; A: R Woodrow, 2nd A McDonald; B: R Hood, 2nd L Stolberg; C: L Brown, 2nd A Grant. Event 7.15 PR: OIA: R McGill,AA:PJ Forner, 2nd G Sekaf;A: J Egan, 2nd B Peterson; B: L Stolberg, 2nd R Woodrow; C: R Smith, 2nd M Behm. High Guns for the meet: OIA: M Hass; AA: PJ Forner; A: A Thorp; B: R Hood; C: M Behm; JNR: L Murray. Looking a t the results there were a lot of good scores, which means good shooting. Thanks again Max. How are the vegies going? Kingaroy Shoot April 2nd DB FTS CONT. Gympie 13-2.00 after SEZ Meeting. Congratulations and welcome to Brian Goddard doing his first stint as Club president. A big improvement in the shwt, but I wasn't impressed in doing two events in sunshine and the last two in the rain. It's back to the drawing board with that idea Brian. Best of luck Brian. And Brian has Tony Clark See and Wal as treasurer, who will see you through "I think:" Visitors for the shoot were Vinee Dollisson, Peter Pagliarino, Harry Walker, Norm Dale (Maryborough), Kevin Howard, Brett Brown, Craig Morris, Phill Groves (Sunshine Coast), Tom Meadows (Brisbane), Dennis Harwood (Toowoomba), Drew Maywalda (Gold Coast), Marivic Manalon & Karl Nasarenko (Cobaoolture). I asked Marivic and Karl if the wedding was still on course and Karl said he has to build up the dowry money before they could set a date. Wilma and Ned Berry dropped in to see friends and said he was driving home from Norfolk island, I tho.ught you had to fly to Norfolk but Neil must know a short cut! Gary Forsythe from Tin Can Bay Game and Field had a shoot thanks to Yvonne and Marge in the kitchen. Craig Morris drew the jackpot but only shot three, better luck next time Craig. And lucky Glenda Post won the meat tray rame, the Posts eat again! The shoot went: AA: Glenn Durre DB CD; Karl Naseranko FTS; Phill Groves CONT and AAGHG; in A: Kevin Howard DB CD; Brett Brown CONT and Chris Post PTS & AGHG; B: Dennis Harwood DB CD CONT; Gary Carew FTS and Brian Goddard BGHG; C: Ted Adkins DB CD (this is Ted's first win good shooting Ted), Harry Walker PrS, Marivic Manalon CONT and CGHG with WCAP. 1st in WCAP with metre Lex Stolberg, 2nd Bill Stolberg, 3rd Gary Carew. Gympie shoot April 9th 10.30 start DB PTS WCAP 30T MED. I was looking at the uniforms to be worn by the workers a t Sydney 2000, you will lwk very handsome Phill. Bundaberg 14-2-00 In overcast and hot conditions Bundy held their February shwt with the following results. AA: Irvine Wynyard WCAP, Stafford Smith share SB; O/A&AACONT CIS with Rob Rehbein DB CD; share SB & OAHG; A: Gino Sergiacomi DB CD & SB, while Bradley Petersen WCAP and CONT CIS; B: John Butters DB CD, Kaye Rehbein SB and Ryan Howie WCAP and CONT CIS; C: Doug Baggley DB CD, Janice Butters SB and Mal Dawson WCAP and CONT CIS. Lucky Stafford Smith eats again by winning the meat tray, gwd luck Stafford. Bundy Shwt April 2nd. Aa Maryborough shoot 27 February we will be too late for this month, as CTSN closes 29-2-00. Sa two excitine reaults next month. Mamborough shoot Apnl 23rd 12 noon afterkeetlng 10 30 am, being t i e Jlm Kng Memonal25 DB 50T FTS CIS and Jim Knf: Horn &CAP Gwd shooting to all till next time. See you at the shoots. Loat Bird. ~ It is our pleasure to support you and the new ACTA National Ground at the 2000 National DTL Championships where Canterbury Voice Releases provide the best and fairest platform for all competitors. Page 16 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 'B erg Clay Target CW, Im - Bundaberg Clay Target Club held its Annual Presidents and Patrons Tribute shoot on Sunday the 30th January. Thirty-eight shooters attended the shoot to try out for the Cash Trophies that were up for grabs. Relatively new Clay Target shooter, Graham Harrinlan took out the Overall High Gun for the shoot. With an excellent score of 2421250 pipping Jim Riggs from Gladstone with a score of 2411250 and Rob Rehbein on 2401250. Shield ~ r a h s m~ & i h a n , Cheryl Petersen. High gun winners, over aii Graham Haniman, AA lrvine Wynysrd andA Jim Riggs. Results of the shbot Evvnt 1 50 Target Iloug Knudsen hlemonal Double Barrel; Overitll and 1st in A4 grndc lwine Wynynrd 50 51). 2nd AA gr3dr. Bnrrv Zimoel49 50. A eradc 1st Vic Hvde 19 iO.2nd A made Crahum Hilrrimah 48/g0: B &deVlst Tony ~oed(~arina)'48/50, i n d B grade Peter Pefersen "Pedro peters& shhld event", C grade winner A. Purkis. ough, Ccntral Rurnctt, Mun~wngo,Tennora1.nkcs and local shooters Past member, Ray Duffy rcturncd to shoot the Gordon 1)ohlo Mrrnonal L)aublc B ~ r r cContinental. l . R;IY. shot 41150. Next shoot for the club will be our monthly shoot in February. It is on the 13th February commencing with skeet a t 9.00am and Trap a t 12.00 noon. For further information on the club please contact Kaye Rehbein on 41513194 or a t Rehbeins Guns & Got One Fishing 35 Targo Street. MOUNT ISA GUN CLUB FEBRUARY SHOOT The Mount Isa Gun Club held its shoot on Saturday night. Thank you to the shooters who came across from Cloncurry to the shoot. You offered some great competition to our shooters and it is good to catch up with yon all. It was great to see Rino Zanette shooting 66 targets in a row without dropping any during the night. Rino also clean sweeped the prizes in "B"grade for down the line shooting, and Peter Bosel for "C" grade. Well Done. The conditions for the shooters were very hot and humid in the afternoon. The clouds built up and there was lots of lightning in the distance and the rain held off,A breeze later in the evening made the conditions more pleasant for the shooters. Purkis 45/50: C grade 1st Alan Purkis, 2nd C grade Hany Walker 42/50. Event 2 50 Target Presidents and Patmns Double B a w l Points Champinnshin: Overall Graham Harrison 1461150:AA made Rob Rehbein 1441150. 2ndr~g:rwdcIkbrly %~~npel:Ai:~adr lrr &ha& Hnrnman 1 4 6 150. 2ndA p a d * Vtr. Hydt 140 150; B grade 1st Tony Coco 144 150, 2nd B grade Percr Purk~s143 150, Cgrndc 1st Ketrh Pnlmer 125 l50.2ndCgrndeAlan Purkli 118150 Pedro Pererrcn Me~nur!alshield \\as shot in conlunerlon ~ 1 1 1 cvenr 1 1 and 2, pulnti to count Ovzrnll G~nhnmllnrnman 194 200;Mgrade Bnrly Ztmpel 1Y3 200: Awade VLc Hvdc 169 1.0:B . made Tony Coeo 1921200 and C grade Alan ~ u r k i 1621200. i . Event 3 50 Target Gordon Dobla Memorial Continental Championship; Overall and AAgrade 1st Jim Riggs49150,SndAAgrade Rob Rehbein 47/50: Agrade 1st Graham Haniman 48/50,2nd Agrade Graham Whitfield 47/50: B grade 1st Tony Coeo 46/50,2nd B grade Peter Purkis; C grade 1st Adam Gardner 39/50,2nd C grade Janice Butters 36/50. Overall High Gun for the shwt was Graham Harriman 2+2/250;AApade Jim Riggs 24U250: B grade Tony Coco 2381250 and C greddAllan Purkis 1951250. Shooters came from Rockhampton, Gladstone, Sarina, MaryborApril 2000 The first event of the day was the 25 Targets Skeet Handicapped. Dave Stitt won 1st place with 43145 and second went to Kevin Streeter with 45/48 and third to Jamie Cameron with 34139. Secuncl event was 25 Target5 Sk'er Graded. hllek hlrG.II with a perfect score of 25 25 wan "A" k ~ a d e"Bm , grade went lo Kevw Strceur with 2225 and "C" gmde had u, go to n shoat a l l tu deride who was the winner Nmek Culemiln wan with 32 I oRer deluting .lam~eComeron !n a shuut off. Event rhrrc was 25Targew Skeet 1)oubles. Mlck XcCill wirh 2:125 won-A" grade, 'B" blade once ngnin went ru K w l n Strecrer with 19 25, nnd -C' grndc uguin went to Slirk Culeman wirh 182'. Onrc the sun vent down tt was time for event 4, 25 T.trgets Douhle Harrcl Equal SLOIL. IniA" g a d e hlick hlcGlll and Rod Cusnck bath shut 1'5 25 and had topoout for u shoot offtoder>dethc wlnncr >lcGill won our \nth 27 27. B " p d e ulsn had Kmnu Zanetre and Adrian Pope shooting 25123. Zanerre won rhc eradt 27 27. Peter liorel x o u 'C"~ l i r d ewith 20 2 5 Event 5 was 25Targrrs Double Barrel Point %ore 011 15 melNL. Once RgOln two shooters Rod Cusnck and Ted >latrhewr ehor 2425 and \rent in the shoot ONnhirh Cusnck won with 98 99. Hino Zunertr. ncuin wan "U" made with 74/15 and "C" grade once again went to Peter ~ o s ewith i 55/75. The final Event on the program for the evening was 25 Targets Continental Single Barrel off 15 metres. "A" grade had Ron Power, D a m 1 Grant and Rod Cusack all shwting 25/25. Power won the grade with 24/27. Zenette again wan T grade with 23/25 and "C" grade by Boael with 19125. That concluded the days events. Australian Clay Ts~rgetShooting News Page 17 The carnival was attended by 57 shooters and the zone thanks those shooters for their attendance; the carnival could be described as a 'Happy carnival' as it was held in good weather and the competitors responded by exhibiting their good fellowship to each other and the results showed their competitiveness. Wendy Wellam won the handicap with 33133 from S khorback Glen Hayden won the PIS OIA with 98/99 from G Thomson Alan Pollock won the D/B with 86186 from Glen Hayden Tony Bradshaw won the S/B with 34134 from GiCwk Hieh Gun winners: OIA Glen Harden 142J145 ~ a d i e Kerrie s Wythe 1241145 Junior T Gull 138/145 Veteran J Matthey 1291145 Page 18 and junior T~GoM. Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 RIO-KEMEN LOYALTY SCHEME D.T.L. NATIONALS WAGGA APRIL 2000 As part RZO & Kemen's ongoing commitment to reward our valuable customers we are pleased to announce a generous loyalty incentive scheme for this year's D. T. L. Nationals. Open to all shooters using our products exclusively for the duration of the National Championships. Grand Australian Handicap National Double Barrel Championship National Single Barrel Championship National Australian & NZ Trap National Double rise Championship National Champion of Champions Cup National High Gun National High Gun RIO PRIZE WEMEN PRIZE Overall winner 2500 shells Kemen KM4 JuniorLadiesNeterans 500 shells PLACE Overall winner Overall winner Overall winner Overall winner Overall winner t o be eligible for any Kemen Loyalty prize, shooters must use a combination Rio cartridges and a Kemen gun exclusively for the duration of the competition. Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 19 Bernice Goodwin It is with regret that we announce the passing of Bernice Goodwin, long time secretary and dear friend to us all a t Wakehurst Clay Target ----- Cloh. After a long illness, Bernice left us on the 26th of November 1999. Wahehurst CTC .Col Burt Dear Members, I write this vale with a very heavy heart, the loss of Mr Col Burt was a great shock to myself and all that knew him. He was the epitome of what a true sportsman should be, kind, considerate, unassuming and always the true Gentleman. I have only known Col for approx. 10 years but in that time considered him to be a friend and positive influence to all that met him. Our sport van not afford lose such a fine man ;tz CoI, hut can only hope his influence and memory will live on in those who he touched throughout his long sporting career. 'To hls fam~lyand many fnends, especially hts beloved Tamwonh club, we at Sydney CTC ~ x r e n dour dccpcst sympathy, hc wtll ho sadly mlssed by all Gary Kennerson Sydney CTC Colin Burt It has been our pleasure and pnvilcgc to have known and hcen 3ssociated with a true gentleman, sportsman and dedicated ambassador for the sport of Clay Target shooting in Australia. My first memories of Col began many years ago while attending a New Year shoot a t Caffs Harbour Gun Club. A ~- couole of lone haired surfy lads druve ~ L have C a luuk They were soon talked into having a shot. Col was onc of thcvc lads and he participated in most of the shoot offs and eventually won scvcrnl of the malor events. Col in my opinion was one of the best conches in Austmlia and had n gift for being able to communicate with junior and new shooters. With his easy going attitude and joking manner he could lift a shooters morale and have them achieve their best. On Many occasions I have seen Cul w ~ t ha cur I,ved ofjunlor shuurers on board, driving to major shoots all over Australia. One rnemorable oouaslon was a trip to Darw~n. I a m sure Col eot tremendous iov and satisfaction watchine his pupils comperewand rise to hi&& and highcr achievement. Cnl himsrlfwa3 one ofthr top shots in Australla, takinppart in all disciplines of Clay Target shooting. He excelled in all. We have lost a friend, gentleman and sportsman. God bless you Col and thanks for your friendship. Tom %mer Cessnoeh CTC ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ .- - ~ ~ ~~~. ~ ~ ~~ Colin Laurence Burt "Burty" 24-8-1952 14-2-2000 - Eulogy a s delivered by Ross Freestone a t Colin's Funeral Service on 18th February, 2000 Please be patient whilst I read this a s I felt in could not be condensed. Jenny, firstly I w ~ s hto express my appreclatlon to you in request~ n gmyself to pcrfurm this very honorable pnwlege Just before I proceed with Colin's Eulogy, I wish, on behalf of Page 20 Jenny and the related families to express their sincere gratitude for your thoughtful and kind representation here today for the Celebration of Colin's life. Burty, although it is difficult far us to accept and deal with the thought of your permanent absence, alternatively we will seek solace and calm from your givings and the indelible pleasant and rewarding memories that you have so naturally instilled within us. Our consoling factor is knowing that yon are now i n the hands of your maker i n the tranquil and beautiful expanse of Heaven where you have been called Home to Rest. Colin would not want his Funeral Service any other way than for you all to extract some further happiness that this may provide. The world has not enough of him in it although we must be extremely thankful for what we have had. Well, it all commenced on 24-8-1952 a t Inverell the 7th precious child and 4th son - named Colin Laurence to Robert and Nita Burt. Inverell High Scholl provided the culmination of Colin's secondary education prior to his joinery apprenticeship to Bill Baker of Mt Russell - which he completed in 1971. A move to Tamworth pmvided him an emolovment undertakine with Dickenson Constructtons allowing him the opponunity to attain his certificate as Iluilding Foreman and Clerk of Works which 1974 ylcldcd for him. His skill, imaginable foresight and workmanship standards i n all facets of building construction was accurately superb with impeccable adherence to detail. His serious shooting skill initialized a t Inverell RShI Gun Club in 1972 and later when he packed his bags to move to Tamworth i t came too. A shoteun was not his first involvement with firearms or the hku. 11was ~wnpowder,which reigned supreme. Whllst still at lnvemll at the ripe old age of23 hc decided to&<vehis then 10 ycar old nephew. Swphun a lesson in evploslves So a 21b tin of gunpowder was emptied down a n ant's nest and he proceeded to throw matches until the entire thing blew up spreading the ant and the ant bed into a n area the size of a tennis court. Anyway, he settled in Tamworth and turned up a t Attunga where the local grounds were situated for his first local shoot - and Graham Wilson - that's Roo Wilson - thought who is this long haired lout - definitely not the polished look that Roo was! Col's blondie colour hair draped to shoulder length but gee could he shoot! He didn't need that second barrel much either - but when he did i t didn't seem to work as well as it should have. We never checked that 2nd tube in that double barrel gun for straightness though. Roo and Col were responsible for the present location of the Tamworth Clay Target Club in excess of some 23 years ago. Col making the major decisions on its position, aspect and building design. With Colin's exceptional construction skills and Graham's father - The late Bill Wilson - donating the sawn timber from his property provided the necessary building materials. The slab was poured in the cold winter month and Colin's extreme concern uf froat damage to the newly poured slab encouraged him to slccp un slt in ;t whut,l barrow wlth a few bags for blankets - so he would be rcadv. to Ilchr - fires to keep rhe frosr off the slab if ncoessary. The bar was not constructed then however 6 packs had just reached vogue. Col never missed a working bee and always doubled the effort of any individual. He also carted the timber for that complex in his utility and about this time he was shortly elevated to Presidential status of the cluh and his self employed business - Centreline Building Constructions had well and truly evolved. The Loomberah range was up and running, it is Skeet Carnival time and the boys have been having some pre shoot practice the dav before. Adrian Cousens arrives in Tamworth for the first time . one thine leads to another and Adrian discloses his fancv of shooting targets from the hip - so Colin is summoned forward nnbeknown to Adrian of Col's harnessed skill within. Burty could shoot 23/25 off the hip on a skeet layout and he was just a s effi- Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 cient a t double rise. Remember, he'd given you that cheesy grin of a scoundrel and his famous words were - "watch this" - closely followed by his peculiar laugh. The duel between Colin and Adrian finishes halfway around the skeet layout on station 4 - Col has a target lead and Adrian states - 7 think you better call him off'. Roo wins the first days championship, Burty wins the next day and High Guns the whole event and the next year Adrian fairly disgraces any opposition and later on becomes Australia's best skeet shot and world chamnion. Some ofyou may not be aware ofthis but Colin was Australia'~No. 1 - h e was Mr. Exception - h e was the very best and unequalled as the nations loudest snorer!! So bad that when Col and Roo were at a Sydney location and were sleeping apart on a verandah - that Roo got so esaperated he tossed his boot a t Burty - there was a slight silence momentarily - then Burty recommences snoring Roo reaches for his other boot and hears "Don't throw that one a t me" a s he pretended to be asleep. At an event in Griffith his snoring was so atrocious his camper van was reverberating. The lads decided i t would be best to relocate i t a further 300 yards away and guess what - Burty didn't miss a beat. It is now 26-10-1985 - a t least he has someone to love and care for him - Burtv marries Jennv Etheridw - she endeavors to form Col into some organizational standard,-however not a thing changes. Her patience still persists and Col would have definitely been overwhelmed with her dedicated effort. He'd forget his lunch. his appointments and his arrangements - but n e v e p ~ l u bshoots'and definitely not the Dog. On 26-4-1988 he gained his level 3 coaching Accreditation and was 1of onlv 4 a t that stage in Australia. He also sewed on the NSW Clay %;get State ~ x G u t i v efor almost 20 years and held various responsible positions including Vice President and Handicapper. He was also the State Coachine Director for 5 vears - not onlv that -there is more Burty was the King of the Kids - Hal and Shirley Burke's daughter Kate - when she was about 16 or 17 - not that far backexpressed how she would like to go to the show - so Col sympathetically volunteered when she stated that she bad nobody to take her. Not much time had elapsed when they both returned. Hal and Shirley - bewildered a t their early arrival and Kate explains - Col got sick on the rides! Well, back home on the range he provided his professional coachs a couple of young boys who are real keen and puts ing s e ~ c e to in countless voluntary hours for a close mates sons. His good mate was Col Barton - but he was always "mongrel" to Burty - but I knew he didn't mean it. The sons of course, Clive and George. His time and dedication eventually pays off as they represent Australia a t International events and enjoy extreme National success also. Further and supplementary to his coaching he seeks local sponsorship to assist Clive with his financial burden towards his overseas success. In 1996 Colin flew to Kuala Lumpur to watch Clive compete in the Commonwealth Games - a trip Burty self subsidized. You know Burty was also a difficult contender on a snooker table -anything that demanded eye movement or any form of alignment he was the master. But Learner Days -they were the best value of the lot. When new shooters showed interest in learning clay target shooting - the Down-The-Line layout would be used and Col would hide totally out of sight around the side of the skeet layout which shared common ground and hit their targets for them - especially if they missed - or even before they fired! With his shooting he had exceptional psychological discipline - he never detracted this focus from the next target procedure. If you would have asked - say through a 25 target trap event how many targets remaining - he would have had to count his shells left to provide the answer. Recently in Wagga he achieved National Champion in Skeet Shooting - he had won titles of most forms of clay target shooting and a t various Zone and State Levels. His trophy room is indicative of his immense talent and his success too numerous to mention. I enjoyed a lot of rifle shooting expeditions with Colin and one night in the spotlight he shot a duck in full flight using his ......... April 2000 - unsighted .22 rifle like a pistol. Some 12 years back I contacted him to see if had a bit of spare time to assist me in the new found art of using a shotgun . He would always down tools or whatever and state - "It wont take us long - or it's not far to the gun club". A thoughtful, considerate and unselfish man - a perfect and true inspiration to mankind - but step well aside if you ever stood on his toes On a more serious note, in the mid 90's Col is diagnosed with cirrdia myopsthy - and in 1996 receives a pacemaker w keep him tired up. Prior u, this he had warning signs when he blacked out one day whilst a t work. It was medically revealed that he was in trouble and options were short on. This new artificial addition never impcdcd his dtivc or dctcrmination, as hard work was never considered a n obstacle. His life obviously was somcwhat lenb~hmcdbut a mab4o wand could nor be waved. From May 1999 he made tremendous structural improvement and additions to the ACTANational Shooting Ground a t Wagga. Ahrief return to Tamwortb for a break caught him up on accumulated odd jobs a t home and then he returned to Wagga on 9th February for another final stint - which was to last about 2 months. Rcgrettably someone supcnor decided that he was needed elsewhere for a well earned rest as he had put the equivalent of nearly 96 ycars in down here and given his all. Please be thankful for the fulfillment he has provided, how he has sewed, the various ways he has successfully achieved, the lessons we have so generously learnt, the laughter we have shared with his humorous and jovial interaction with us during his existence. From all of us Col, Good Luck, Gad Bless and Farewell on your new journey - you are 110 out of 100 - you could never be duplicated - your memories will be forever immortalized - our lives have been so much more enriched by your being. Thanks mate for what we have all received - and Dear Lord, because he is so special could you please take good care of him for US. STATE NOTES NSW Dept Sport & Reo A WEB SITE! If you are an Internet user, why not visit the Website at www.dsr.nsw.gav.au and find out the latest happenings in Sport in NSW. Richmond River CTC The Richmond River CTC located a t Lismore is conducting a 2 Day Open S h w t over the Easter weekend. Please contact Ernie Balagh an (02) 6628 5575 for further details. Jack Pollard Publishins The above publisher has comp~ledn stunning laminated porter of all the Australian Cold Medallists in the modern Olymptad, for sale to those interested. The ~ 0 1 7 2 sare a\.a!Iable by s~leclnlpurehose in bulk for 530 cnch if interested this product please fontact m i on (02) 6361 4443. Newoastle LM CTC Please be advised that there is a change of date for Newcastle LM CTC 2 Day Novelty Field Shoot, from the 10th & 11th June ta the 17th & 18th June. Cessnock CTC Pleure be advised uf s shoor ul Cuusnwk CTC on Sorurdny 27th \fay The shoul commences ut 10.30am and features a Mixed Target Chnmp>onshsp The shoot was mlared in the lllue Hook. a p o l u ~ e sw the Club. NSW Masters Games The 2000 N S W Mnrrerr Games wml be conducted er CuffsHarbour fmm 12rh - 18th July. You ran access the Wehsire on www nswmnsrers.com au or phone (0'2,6658 6793 for funher details. Central Zone Skeet Carnival Please be advtsed of a change of date from the 16thApnl to the Sunday 16th July 2000. Nationals a t Waeea. -NSWCTA will have on sale at Wagga Nationals an array of merchandise including hats, long and short sleeve shirta and jumpers. Look for the NSW sign for details and times available. Make sure you check the dates for the Nationals. This year they start an Friday 7th April 2000. Australian Clay Tsrget Shooting News Libbie Douglass Page 21 they do not throw with any bias (of either too many targets favoring any one angle, or not enough targets to any one angle). Yours sincerely GeoffKidd Dear Editor Thank you for the series of articles published under the heading "Cuzzo's Ramblings". I'm sure that like myself many readers find Adrian Cousen's uncommon sense and thought provoking style of writing both enlightening and refreshing. The February article regarding rule variations and chivalry amongst the top echelon of shooters are fme examples of how our sport should be. Yours faithfully Tony Edgar Dear Editor I write in response to Mr L Crema's letter as published in the Tour Say" section of the Feb 2000 Edition of the News. I agree with Mr Crema, that the Targets thrown a t State and National Championships should be of suitable or best quality, and not just what can be brought at the cheapest price. No one in business just blindly accepts the cheapest quote. What is Dear Editor, needed is the BEST price for a suitable or acceptable quality I If I am the woman referred to in the letter from Bill Aawood in contend that the only acceptable quality for competitors, who ihe February Edition ofyour magazine, as the person who went are paying top dollar at these Championships, is the BEST to Japan without having "wan the right tn wear" the Australian POSSIBLE TARGET QUALITY. If the ACTA buys cheaper Jacket, I write to correct this statement. targets that prove to he unacceptable, then the ACTA can be subject to criticism for that decision. No Club or Organisation Like many other competitors, I have spent countless hours in has the right to throw a substandard target (perhaps ESPEtraining and many dollars in my quest to achieve the highest CIALLY the governing body). performance I was capable of. Before representing my Country at the Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, several World I do, however, strongly disagree with Mr Crema's approach to Championships, and many World Cups, I was averaging the issue of the suitability of the newer Traps (and also to Mr between 15 and 30 hours a week in training. At the time I was Cousen's article in the December News), and I do so for the folalso holding down a fairly demanding full time job and rearing lowing reasons: three children single-handedly 1.Between them, they have not put forward a scrap of evidence Thanks to the support of my family, coaches and the training I on the facts of this matter, even though between them there is did, I was privileged to win nineteen International Medals, over half a century of, so called, experience. mostly in World Cups, but including gold and silver at one 2. The newer Traps, including those at Wagga Wagga, use the World Championship. same principle of a drive motor and linkage to oscillate the trap Since retiring frum compecition, I have cuached shooters, taken as was the case in what appears to be their fondly remembered teams away as either a manager or coach (sometlmc both) and "good old days". promoted all forms of target shooting in any way I can. 3. The computer in the Traps at Wagga Wagga, or as Crema As the nominated Section Manager for Shooting a t the Sydney calls it, the "electronic means", does not determine the position Olympic Games i t is a requirement that I travel with Clay of the nest target. I have again looked into i t with the ManuTarget shooters as a manager. Whilst I am a newcomer to Clay facturer today, and it is clear that Mr Crema does not underTarget, apart from nearly shooting offa cruise ship many years stand how these traps actually function. ago, I believe I have earned the right to wear the Australian Jacket. 4. My wlfc Janenne, has acoumulated first hand uridcnce iron, the Traps at our Club that shows that the spread of Targets (s Yours sincerely not biased in any particular direction. We would be happy to Y~onne Hill. provide that information if necessary. This data supports the advice and data given to us by the n a p supplier. 5. When Messrs. Cousens and Crema remember the 'Good old davs' of continuouslv oscillatine Trans. Dear SirMadam, . . (or do thev mean those traps fitted with a n interrupter) are they remembering or were With reference to Cuzzo's Ramblings in the December 99 Clay they watching the traps that lrsding shooiers used to ^read", Target Magazine, and Mr Crema's letter on page 18 of the Febw t h a n ossociatcd higher pcrcenwge of straight-aways, or do ruary 2000 Issue of the CTSN. they actually have any facts to put funuard? I for one would like to congratulate the NSWCTA and the ACTA 6. Whilc Mr Crema may have stated 32 years "involvement" in on their choice of traps installed at the Wagga Grounds. For the the Sport, I question how much of that has been actually cornfirst time in their history they have been able to provide an vet in^, down on the firinr! in - line, looking- closelv at the targets, absolute level playing field for the DTL competition. As a result the last decade or two. of their choice no competitor attending future State or National Titles held a t Wagga is disadvantaged. Coming from me, the 7.Most shooters in NSW know what brand of Trap is installed statement may be biased, but that does not change the fact that on the National Ground. I am surprised that the ACTA would i t is true. .allow the unproven and unsubstantiated attacks on the very basis of that Company's product by Mr Cousens and Mr Crema The fact that these machines do not require a trapper for the through your shooting news. throwing of double nse targets is an added bonus, but it may well have been the deciding factor in why the where purchase. 8. Those same Gemini Traps have been installed a t my Clubs Grounds (Sydney CTC) (where they are used every Wednesday, Congratulations to everyone concerned. every Friday, some Saturdays and every Sunday). Apart from As far as Mr Crema's statement as to how these machines funcsome issues with the springs, I have to say that, from my tioned, nothing could be further from the truth. As he was observations, they have behaved well, are unreadable by the given a 9 page document some 4 years ago explaining how they cheats and we have proven, at least to our satisfaction, that April 22WO Page 22 Australian Clay Target Shooting News - EPS SERIES 2000 ES AA GRADE S Guest, B Rose, P Headon, A Turner, R Duthie, T Knight, J Whittakers all 150 / 150 for $9 1.20 each AG EE Allison 144 / 150 for $48.60, S Balogh 142 / 150 for $24.30 and T Plum 140 / 150 for $8.10 BG EC Patten 141 / 150 for $59.40, B Wimshurst 138 / 150 for $29.70 and J Marshall 135 / 150 for $9.90 CG 2000 E - Nil Entries EPS ES IS ON Contact the Sweepstakes Co-ordinator forfurther information. (02) 6361 4443 Next CTSN - 99 Final Winners Draw You've G o t To Be In It To Win It!!!!!! April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 23 functioned, the following is relevant " you can lead a Horse to Water, but you can't make it drink". Before I go on lets name these machine a t Wagga. They are t h e Gemini Clay Target throwers, and by naming the place, (as most shooters know what is installed a t Wagga) the letter and the article have identified t h e machines and their statements are directed toward one product only, so lets stop kidding yourself. Cuzzo's Ramblings in the December 99 Clay Target Magazine. None of the statements, assumptions and conclusions drawn by the author or anyone else in t h e article with respect to the throwers has any bases of fact. I n the way the article describes these machines the reader is entitled to come to t h e conclusion that the Gemini machined used a t Wagga are totally unsuitable for the purpose that they were designed for. The article serves only one purpose. I t gives support to all the unsubstantiated existing rumors and creates some new ones about the Gemini throwers. I n order to limit the amount of damage (and the phone calls tell me so), that the article has and will cause in the future, I have no option but to reply with a factual lengthy detailed article in the next Issue. Because of the details required I will be forced to disclose factual propriety information t h a t was never intended for public consumption, a s a result, other manufacturers will gain valuable information a s to what makes the Gemini machine tick. I n paragraph 6 & 7 with reference to pick-ups the author continues a s he started, jumping to conclusions without any facts. I n order to draw any valid conclusion h e needs to know the answers to all the following questions: Total energy required breaking a target? Distance from the gun to where the target was hit? Velocity of the shell being used and the choke of the gun? Shot size being used? Angle of the shot pellets relative to the target were the marks made? Which side of the spinning target were these marks made? Unless he can walk on water, (in Wagga I observed him wearing gum boots, just a bit of insurance I hear you say), there is no possible way to know the answer to any one of the above questions. I n coming to these non-factual conclusions be maligns a perfectly good product. What was the intention of his article? Reading between the lines of the article he seems to suggest (and I may be wrong), t h a t a shooter that places 3-4 stray pellets on a target out of a possible no of 365 (28gr. load) deserves to receive a score of (one) for that effort. Finally I wish AA's like Bill Iles could teach all of u s average shooters, how to put the pattern in the middle, the subject of throwers and hard targets would never arise. Kind regards Ludwig Kohler L.K Precision Eng PIL. ~ ~ JAMES MIATT MFG PO Box 1868, Launceston, Tas 7250 Page 24 ~ The main event for the day was the Championship Event, event three, 25 targets points score. At the completion of squad shooting, three shooters were required back on the walks for a shoot off afcer posting 74/75. After a short shoot off, part time shooter Dave Reynolds was victorious after hitting his last target with a very skinny second barrel. The other shooters not able to stay with Dave were Craig Morris and Karl Nasarenko. Event three produced the best shooting for the day. Four 49/50 scores were posted requiring a three way shoot off to determine the AA grade winner. Phil Grove dropped out a t the 88th target leaving Wawe Murray and Quinto Porfiri to continue on. Another 40 odd targets were required before Quinto missed his 132nd target leaving Wayne Murray the AA grade title. Three scores of 48/50 were recorded in Agrade requiring a shoot off to determine second in this grade. Terry Crowson dropped out first followed by Frank Robinson (Mundubbera) one target later leaving Kev Howard the spoils. For a change, the Overall High Gun was not won by Quinto Porfi~i but by a regular visitor to the club, Karl Nasarenko from Caboolture. Karl's shooting appears to improve when he is not busy assisting in the office. Wes Humphreys shot well to take out the AA grade high gun. A shoot off was required to decide the A grade high gun winner. Teny Crowson being the eventual winner from Scott Trafford. l k o other visitors to the Club took out the B and C grade high guns, Lex Stolberg from Gympie and Rob Smith from lbowoomba. EVENT 1. 25'Rlrgcrs Douhlc Barrel Swecpstnkcs AAGradc - 1st K. Nixsilrenka, P. Grove, \V. Humphreys, Q.P<.rRri2525 ,\Grade - 1st S. Davnsor). C h l o r i s 25 25: 2nd I<. Iloward. F Rablnsan. D. Portors 24125 B Grade - 1st J. Davison 24/25; 2nd L. Stolberg 23/25; 3rd B. Dunne 22/25 C Grade - 1st M. Marshall 24/25; 2nd R. Smith 22/25; 3rd R.Benington 18/25 - C Grade - 1st M. Marshall 47/50: 2nd R. Smith 45/50 EVENT 3: 25 Targets Points Score Championship Overall - Dave Reynolds 94/96 AAGrade - K Nasarenko 85/87 A Grade - C. Monis 92196 B Grade - L. Stolberg 72/75 C Grade - R. Smith 71/75 EVENT 4: 15 Pair Double Rise AA Grade - P. Grave 27/30 A Grade - S. Trafford 27/30 B Grade - L. Stolberg 23/30 C Grade - R. Smith 25/30 HIGH GUNS Over All - Karl Nasarenko 172/180(Caboolture) AA Grade - Wes Humphreys 1701180 A Grade - '&.my Crowsan 166/180 B Grade - Lex Stolberg 1571180 (Gympie) C Grade - Rob Smith 163/180 (lbowoomba) The next major shoot for the SCCTC will be the two-day Trap Winter Carnival to be held over the weekend of the 15th and 16th of July. ~~ TRAP, SKEET, FIELD MODELS EXTRA BARRELS, ADJ STOCKS ETC NEW & USED GUNS IN STOCK ~--~ Last Sundav. the 20th Februarv. Clav ", the Sunshine Coast ~,Target ~ -~ Club ( S C C ~held ~ J thcir monthly Shoot. 30 keen shooters participsud in very good shooting conditions. "Ssc~nbrconditions h w e improved sumcwhsr after a rcccnt bushfire burnt out the majority of the dead trees in the background. The lcnb~hof one shoot off in particular bigblights the quality of the shooting conditions. Australian Clay Talrget Shooting News ~~ April 2000 ~ SHOT GUNS FOR TRAP, SKEET AND SPORTING FOR THE FAIREST AND VERY BEST VALUE FOR QUALITY EVER OFFERED IN AUSTRALIA The craftsmanship of these firearms is of an extremely high quality - quality guns fitted with some of the most superb walnut wood ever l~kelyto be seen today in guns within thelr prlce range. Now available for all disciplines - Trap, Skeet, Sporting and Field in a The guns are superb - The Price, even better! BE QUICK - SEND NOW FOR A CATALOGUE OF THESE HIGH NS, AVAILABLE FROM STOCK AND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TONY Y O SPORTS IMPORTER FOR AUSTRALIA 460 WILLIAM STREET PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6000 TELEPHONE: (08) 9328 4981 - FAX: (08) 9328 4981 YOU MAY HAVE HEARD OF ME BEFORE, BELIEVE ME WHAT I OFFER YOU IS AN .oletel&uenched. .. . evervone - retired for the nieht. " First event on Sundav was the 25 Target Points with Ladies Silver Bracelets as trophies. Al Grimshaw shot the only possible taking Overall. Trevor Meaney was first in AA and Pat Bredhauer second after a shoot off. Bill Scarborough picked up his second win from as many events, with Richard Woolcock taking second in A Grade. Warren Jensen turned the tables on Ray Copping in B Grade and Ross Shield collected the C Grade Bracelet from John Young. Ian Mohr from the Sunshine Coast shot his Single Barrel superbly, not dropping a target Handicap winner Max Barton. throueh the 25 and into the shoot iff He was the Overall -~~ winner with AAgoing to Bruec Potvcll and Pnt Bredhauer second. Peter Hcndcrson also shot his 25 and won A Grldc wirh Kcn Mackay second. Pctrr Prcsidcnt, Ilrerv Smith and Ken Perrctt ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Adrian Cousens Groups or individuals Page 26 Copping The 25 Target Handicap saw nine possibles and after a fairly long shoot off Toowoomha's Max Barton was the Winner of the Television. Bill Nixon took home the microwave for second. Paul Maguire, Richard Woolcock and Peter Field filled the other placings. We had an 18mtr Double Barrel as the last Event so that I could get the paperwork finished up. Peter Filed was the Overall Winner, with Leon Dodd and Al Grimshavr first & second in AA. Norm Keech shot a possible to win A Grade with Bill Pavy second. There will be no excuse for no meals a t Barton Downs with Warren Jensen and his partner Katrina Cutting winning the camp ovens far B Grade. Loretta Larsen continued to shoot well to win C Grade with Ross Shield second. The weekend had seen some very tidy shooting and when the totals had been added we finished with outright winners for all the High Guns. Grant Barton dropped only four targets to win the four man tent for Overall. Pat Bredhauer and Peter Henderson both shot 2451250 and in doing so won the swags for AA and A respectively. Ray Copping took the B Grade High Gun and took the step up to A Grade. Loretta Larsen must be congratulated on her shooting over the weekend taking out C Grade. Loretta has been shooting for only twelve months. The Veteran winner was Cliff Grimshaw. Junior went to Ross Jamieson and Katrina Cutting won the Ladies High Gun making i t four High Guns to Springsure. Congratulations to all trophy winners, and thank you to everyone who attended making our shoot successful. I must mention trap boys, Tyson Bliss and Bryan Vincent who worked tirelessly over the two days and kept clays flying. Thanks too, to everyone who cooked and heleed in the kitchen and bar. I cannot close without thanking Bryce and Margie Smith for their years of service to our Club. They have taken over the local butchers shop and we wish them every success. No doubt both of them will look forward to leaving the Club when they want to and not when everyone else does! Bruce Powell has taken over the President's position this year along with Janine Mahady as our new Treasurer. We look forward to welcoming old shooters and new to Springsure throughout the coming year. Our Club shoots are held on the second Sunday of every month starting a t loam, so come along and enjoy yourselves. Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 I'm a great believer in the old adage "tell it like you see it". I try hard to live by that rule and I f i d y believe the world would be a better place if everyone else did the sarhe. However, although it. vew liberal with v o w constructive criticism. . .nllowa -. - <v-n-13 to - -b - -. and to dish out plenty of stick to thdse you believe are wrong, it unfortunately requires you to come clean when you're the one who's in error. So this month, for a nice change, instead of examining areas wherc I think other people are wrong, I want to focus on some aress where I hsvc recently been proven incorrect. Let's stan with my oscillator theory on Trap Machines. - Back in last December's magazine, I elaborated nt length on several ideas that Marc McInnes and I hod in trying to explain the lowness of the scores at the NSW Trap Carnival. One suggestion was that the recent change frim manually load& White Flyer machines to automatic Geminis may have caused an adverse change in the ratio of swineers to straight awav targets. I theorized that changing the dGve angle ofihe osciilator mechanism from 180 degrees on the White Flyer to 270 degrees on the Gemini might produce this effect. Guess what? Nice try Cuzzo, but not even close! Ludwig Kohler, the manufacturer of Gemini Trap Machines, phoned me one night after the article was published to discuss this and several other matters with me. He very politely and patiently explained the whole situation to me in layman's terms so that I could understand it. My first error was not in the observance of the Gemini throwing more swingers than sh-aight-aways, but in not realizing that I have been watching White Flyers do exactly the same thing for years without noticing it. My second error was in theorizing that changing thc oscillator drive angle could alter this effect, which it clearly can't. I am now totally connnced that all machines that derive their oscillation from a random circular crank mechanism, which both White Flyer and Gemini do, will produce an identical pattern spread of targets. Furthermore he explained why he elected to utilize an oscillation system driven by a separate intermittent motor and precisely how that system worked. That understanding has also totally convinced me that Leni Crema's theory on the adverse affect of Ludwig's intermittent oscillator is as erroneous as my own, and that the Gemini system will produce exactly the same target pattern as the continuous oscillator on a White Flyer. However, the advantage of Ludwig's system is that it makes the trap theoretically unreadable, which is not necessarily the case with a White Flyer, particularly if the interrupter is disconnected, as most of them are, due to being mechanically troublesome. It's now also clear that changing the arm drive from a coil spring to a leaf spring can have no affect on the target once it leaves the arm, and as the trajectory is fixed by the rulebook, launch velocity variations appear to be out as well. So the only other obvious area where the change in machines could affect the competitor's ability to break the targets is a potential difference in the spin rate generated by each individual macbine design. Ludwig claims that his machine imparts a rotation speed on the target which is very similar to that of the White Flyer, and that he is in the process of documenting quantitative evidence to support that claim. Given that fact, the only other major area I can see which would affect scores is target "hardness" or breakability. I personally think this is most of the problem and as I said back in December. I believe it stems from our decision to trv to shoot T r~~r a~ and skeet which are >~ iust too iob - ~ ~with - - tareets ~ ~~- hard For the ~"~ at hand. Anyone who h i s been to either the Grand American Trapshoot or the World Skeet Championships will attest to the facc that the targets they shoot over there are much softer and easier to "puff up" than those whch we shoot here in Australia. Mast first time visitors to the U.S. spend the first couple ofdays ~~~~~~ wondering how their chokes got so much tighter on the fight over. The obvious answer is to revert back to "softer"targets here in Australia. However, such a solution is fraught with other dangers and may not provide an instant trouble-free "quick Ex", except perhaps where manually loaded White Flyers are used. Because our Traps have enjoyed the luxury of hard targets for so long, even the more sophisticated hopper-fed machines, which lower the target onto the throwing arm with a lifter plate, may need some fine tuning to accommodate softer targets. And some of the more cost effective macbine designs, which drop the target onto the arm. mav be even more difficult to adapt 6 ~ m e r i c a nstyle targets I had a first hand experience with this problem recently at Tamworth's Annual Two-Day Skeet Shoot. They decided to use a batch of Olimpyc's new "improved" targets at the shoot and the machine breakage rate was definitely above par. However it was not bad enough to spoil a great shoot and I'm sure that with some maintenance work on the traps, they'll soon get that problem under control. The flip side though was better scores, bigger shoot-offs and longer breaks. Many people recorded personal bests, at least three 200 breaks were shot and the National Skeet Long Run Record finally tumbled after almost 15 years. And not a ventilated pick-up was to be found. Well done Tamworth Gun Club! They now hold the National Record in both Trap and Skeet. And my personal congratulations to Olimpyc. They clearly had some serious quality control problems recently, resulting in some very hard targets, but they certainly seem to be making up for it now. I spoke to Alan Kenny some time ago about controlling target quality and he believes we need to develop a target quality specification and then devise a method of testing targets to meet that standard. I couldn't agree more. I also spoke to Bill Jones and his thinking is very similar to Alan's. Bill suggested that our rulebook should not only dictate the physical dimensions of the target but could also include a relative density standard and/or some sort of measurable crush test. I'm told the ISU rulebook originally had a type of target crush test where a specific weight was dropped from a certain height onto the target. Although workable, such a method seems a bit crude and would have only provided a "go-no go" type of result. A much more quantitative measurement would seem to be easily and economically attainable. After a little tinkering I have devised a simple portable crusher where the force is applied to the dome of the target by a hydraulic jack and a spring damper. The applied force can then be measured by either a pressure gauge on the jack, or a linear indicator on the spring. During the developmental stage ofthe design process I came up with another of my theoretical brainwaves that turned out to be a fizzer in prilutiuc. I figured that a more realistic simulation ofthe breaking force ofthe pellets could be achieved by putting four rounded prongs the same diameter as a #7 pellet on the end of the crusher. Unfortunately they simply punched neat holes through the target and thus emphasized once again the important pnn that centrifugal force plays in the breaking of a clay target. Plcase give this whole matter some thought and feei freeto contact me if you have any suggestions. ~ e & e e n the whole twelve odd thousand of us, surely we should be able to come up with some sort of simple viable testing standard. ~~ ~~ April 2000 Enough technical stuff, Ict's get back to my blunder.?. Haw about Decembers STQ. Who was the last lcfi handed shooter to win the National Double Barrel? Well now I can tell you who it wasn't. It wasn't Gary McDonald! How do I know thnt? Because hnlfthe shooters in the Northcrn Territory hove called up to set Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 27 me straight. So how could I possibly have made such a faux pas? Well, I considered thinking up a good story to explain it away, but eventually I decided to go with the truth, no matter how much I hate it, so here it is. When I originally typed out the question, it had just popped into my head and I had no idea who the answer was. I guess I figured that later on I would glance down the list of previous winners and work it out. because I was Drettv sure that I would recognize each name well enough to be 'able io bring the person to mind. However when everyone that responded suggcstcd it was Gary, I fell in, hook line and dinker Anyway, now I'm going to have to makc amends. Gary Mcl)onnld alrcndy has his prize, and he's too big to get it back from, so that's out. Fortunately I still have a couple of unclaimed prizes left over from last years budget. For a start we had better give one to Victor Fertiklis from Darwin, because h e really did outshoot all the big boys in the Double Barrel down in Tassie a few years back and unfortunately for me, h e is a molly-duker. Why couldn't his mother have cracked him over the knuckles a t a tender age and made him carry his Teddy i n the other hand. And while we're a t it, we'd better give another one to the much traveled Gary Quan Sing, because he was the first one to ring me up and inform me of my error. Congratulations boys and I hope to see all three of you in Wagga i n a couple of weeks, shooting the National Double Barrel a t my expense. Vale. The 2000 Skeet Nationals will see the second consecutive occasion when the reigning National Skeet Champion will be unable to defend his title. It will also mark the second consecutive year that I have suffered the painful loss of a very near and dear friend. Col Burt was one of the nicest blokes I ever met, in or out of shooting. He conformed to the dictionary's definition of a gentleman and to my definition of a true sportsman: humble in victory and gracious in defeat. He was a great shooter, a great competitor, a great friend and a wonderful ambassador for our sport. He dedicated the last year of his life to building a magnificent facility for all of us to enjoy a t the National Shooting Ground, and I a m hopeful that our organization will see fit to honour that achievement in some wav. The shootine world will miss him. The world in gcncrnl will miss him. I miss him already. And in closing 1 must also add my condolences to Mark McInnc.~,who lost his wife Kim the same week we lost Col. - This month's Shooting Trivla Question. I havc won the National Skcct High Gun five times. The highest score I ever shot was 398x400. On only one occasion was I equaled on that score and forced to shoot on. Name the other shooter? Mail your answer to Shooting Trivia, P.O. Box 265, Bairnsdale 3875, to arrive by 25-04-00. The first correct answer drawn shall receive a free entry to this year's National Skeet Championship. The correct answer to February's STQ was: By winning the C of C in 1951 and the Skeet 29 years later in 1980, George Biggs became the shooter whose individual National Championship wins i n Trap andfor Skeet spans the greatest number of years? The first correct answer drawn was submitted by Carol Betteridge f?om Home Hill in Queensland, who wins a free entry to the National Paintscore a t Waeea later this month. Conaatulations Carol. If anyone has a gicd trivia question or a n ikteresting subject for discussion in this column, please forward it to me a t the above address. Hope to see you at the Trap Nationals . . . . Adrian Cousens (0418-516395) liL13f1S13 AT#BrF13 : Shoot Reports are to be received at t h e ACTA Office n o later t h a n 7 days from d a t e of Shoot. Results will b e published i n t h e following months CTSN. ISSF Elite.Junior Development Camp On Friday 21st J a n u a j , 2000 we assembled Juniors from Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales a n Queensland, some 22 in all, with coach John Maxwell and me a s the Camp Manager, a t a training camp which was held inconjunction with the Australia Cup a t Cecil Park Gun Club. Our accommodation for the weekend was a t the Hunt's Motel complex a t Liverpool and our transport was a 12 seater bus and some private cars, this proved 'oh-so-squeezy' both to and from the airport with all of our luggage. The accommodation and recreation area which included a swimming pool and tennis courts was quite good and I had a n apartment near the pool where we could do our breakfast cooking for those who wanted it in the mornings. We also had the use of quite a large barbecue that the motel loaned to us and some extra bowls and dishes where we had a barbecue both Friday and Saturday nights and I must thank Dot Trindall, Maria Rahman, Sophia Psarakis and Susie Trindall for making up all of the salads, cutting up rock and water melons, etc, etc, and to Andy Sanders for cooking the barbecue on Friday night. These two evenings were quite special where we even utilized the rubbish bin for eskies and I believe everyone enjoyed themselves whether swimming or playing tennis till it was 'lights out'' time a t around 11 o'clock each night. The vcnuc for the Training Camp was the Sydney International Shooting Ground (Cecil Park Gun Club) where wcjoined in with the Senior Australian Tralninr! Squad and the Olvmvic . . Shadow Team who were competing in Ehekustralia Cup. The reason that we had combined the two events was to enable John and I to observe the Juniors i n a friendly competitive atmosphere and I believe that the Juniors themselves could learn by shooting alongside and observing the likes of Michael Diamond, Russell Mark and Deserie Waktield-Baynes, some of the best shooters in the world, seeing how they prepare themselves, their stance and how/where they held their guns. Watching is learning. Most of the Juniors shot both Trap and Double Trap so we could see which discipline they may be best a t whole. Those who shot Skeet mixed in with the Australian Team and the shooters from the Netherlands who had come out to do some training with us. John worked tirelessly throughout the 3 days on multiple coaching and one-to-one coaching and maybe we did not get a s much done a s we would have liked, one thing that I learned was that we will need more Coaches and helpers a t future camps. All of the participants were given a commemorative polo shirt and a book on the history of the A.C.T.A. to those who wanted one. At the completion of the event on Sunday afternoon, John and I named the 10 person Team that we selected to go to the New Zealand ISSF National titles. This team wai not necessarily selected from the scores that were shot during the camp but those Juniors whom we believed would get the most benefit out of a competition of this nature. John and I could not fault the behavior or the wllin~mrssto learn uf any of the J u n l o r ~and while thc A.C.1:A. has young shootcrs of this caliber comlna through the ranks. I believe the future of clay target shooting% looking very bright. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the A.C.TA. for sponsoring this event and especially the Shooting committee and Bill Jones of the Financc Committee for making all of this possible. John and I would like to see all of the Juniors from this first camp, participate a t another camp, in the near future. Graham Miehell -~-~.. ~ Late results MAY NOT be published. Page 28 ~, Australian Clay Trtrget Shooting News ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ISSF Junior Development Camp Camp Manager April 2000 'Xecommendations on these aspects were agreed on a t the Sydney Summit and have already been passed on to the WADA Board," Minister Kelly said. 'We will continue to discuss these issues with the IOC and the WADA!' In the declarations from the Summit, the governmknts agreed, in the interests of all athletes and youth, to work with WADA to p"SUe a n effective, world-wide concerted campaign against drug abuse in sport. As well, long-term educative strategies will be developed based on sociological research and targeted a t all levels Of sport. Sports drug testing laboratories should be accredited by a n independent agency and accreditation standards will assess laboratories on the basis of their scientific capability, quality management and ethical standards. The delegates agreed this function should be the responsibility of the WADA. These moves are expected to intensify and co-ordinate the fight against drug cheats to levels - and bring in a hard-hitting systematic approach - never seen before. nvo top Australian athletes attended the Sydney Summit, rowing .%old Olympian, Kate Slatter and St. George - Illawarra star hooker, Nathan Brown. "Everybody in the sporting world I've spoken to is right behind the nations' pro-active stance," Kate Slatter said. "There have been too many drug-related scandals in sport and all the countries of the world have to pull together; we all have to make sure the determination shown a t the Sydney Summit is carried through into action," she stressed. "Drugs are a huge problem in the general community as well; sporting people are a role model for young people and must show the way by example." Kate, from ~ d e l a i d eand in training a t the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra, represented Australia a t the Barcelona and Atlanta Olympics. -1 hope to be able to bc proud to represent my country at a tawlly drug-frec Olympics in the year 2000 and it's b ~ c a to t see Australia at the forefront of the effort to stamo out the druc users: we all want to be harder, faster and better n; our sports --but on'a level, drug-free playing field. 'Thc bcsr-practice organisarional structures and protocols I saw being put i n place at thc Sydney Summit will ensure that all the world's Olympians will respect the rules and abide by them. 'The Sydney Olympics will be the best ever fur world span and for clrnn competition free from the stigma and shame of drug abuse the ktds out there deserve nothing less." Kace said. Australia has put drug cheats planning to attend the Sydney 2000 Games on notice. Top scientists are being enlisted to fine tune the most sophisticated methods ever devised to detect drug cheats. 1, the of the dopers, their drug-induced performancehas depended increasingly on synthetic EPO (erythropoietin) which works by increasing the number of red blood cells, lifting oxygen levels to boost performance. Often used in plasma replacing the bodys entire blood supply, synthetic EPO has taken doping techniques to new heights and has been difficult to detect, but with the attention of the world on the Sydney Olympics, all the forces of legitimate science are being marshalled to try to ensure the Sydney Games are clean. During the summit Minister Kelly pledged Australia rvould provide $1.5 million to validate a way to test for EPO, subject to the IOC accepting a n Australian submission for funding support. The IOC subsequently announced its support for the Australian research project on 9 December. Minister Kelly told the summit that researchers from the Australian Institute of Sport and the Australian Sports Drug Testing Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 29 Key nations representing all regions of the world have come together i n a n unprecedented move to get drugs out of sport. Governments have demonstrated their pivotal role in ensuring all athletes compete on the level playingfield of natural ability in the lead up to the Sydney 2000 Games and into the new millennium. The latest moves flow fmm the International Drugs in Sport Summit held recently in Sydney and initiated by Australia. ~h~ sydney c o m m u ~ q u issued e after the conference showed the determination to root the dopers: the 25 nations represented at the summit advocated a system of 'cinternationally applicable and equivalent sanctions across all sports, such as a two-year minimum ban for first-time offenders". ~h~~ committed to establishing national drug testing including year round, no notice, out-of-competition testing. Delegates also stressed that athletes' rights would be protected throughout the sample collection, analysis and result management process, with the right of appeal and arbitration. other moves, the rights of athletes would be protected by promoting the ethics of dooine-free - soort. They agreed drug testing will be conducted in accordance with internationally accepted procedural standards, specifically the International Standard for D a ~ i n aControl. Policies will include an independent system for prior approval to use substances from n predetermined list >r.lte~r there are genuine therapcurie reasons and no thrrapcutic :~lt~.rnar~vcs, and such usc is permitted by the rules of rhc nrhlctc's sport As a result of the Sydney Summit nations are also expected to boost their border controls to help stop the traffic in anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing hormone preparations and will review penalties for trafficking in anabolic steriods to ensure they adequately reflect the governments'strong anti-doping policy. Governments will also review processes to enhance the-flow of intelligence information between regulatory and enforcement agencies and anti-doping agencies. The delegates - ameed - that urioritv must be eiven to research into detecting endogenous subsrencui such as growth hormone and E1'0, and that rcscnrchers must increase levels ofcanperation, collaboratlon and inforrnatwn sharing. Educntwn programs for athlcres will be stepped up and there will be an lncrease in the nunher of bilatcr:~land mulr~lntrrnldrug testing agreements. The summit also addressed the issue of the World Anti Doping Agency recently established by the Intcl'nnrlonal Olympic Cornmitter (IOC.. Australia's Minister for Sport 2nd Tourism, Jackie Kelly, pointed out that before the Sydneqsummit, there was no agreemen? about how a world anti-doping agency could truly enforce "pure performance" in sport on a global basis. "Thanks to the pressure from world governments a t this summit a new standard has been set for the effective operation of the world anti-doping agency," the Minister said. In a n unprecedented show of international co-operation, all nations represented unanimously agreed to boost the accountability, transparency, independence and global representation of the new World Anti-Doping Agency. ~h~ summit agreed to set up a consultative drawn from the governments of the world to ensure that the commitments made a t the summit are carried through. The group will also work with WADA to ensure that i t has equitable geographic representation on its board. The WADA board of members will be selected from public authorities from all geographic regions. The consultative group will also make recommendations on several other issues raised regarding WADA, such as its location, governance and decision-making processes. A . Apzil 2000 - Laboratory have found "foolproof and demonstrable scientific bases" for detecting synthetic EPO in blood samples. The joint IOCIAustralian Government funding will help researchers to undertake "validation studies" during the next six to nine months to ensure the EPO test is "reliable and robust". The Australian study will be done in collahoration with scientists fmm France, Canada and Norway and with sports institutes and authorities from China, France, Italy and the United States. The IOC has already given its approval for blood samples to be taken from athletes competing in in Sydney for the Olympics. If a reliahle method for detecting EPO is determined samples will be collected to detect use. If it is not found, the samples will be taken from athletes on a voluntary basis and used for research. Minister Kelly said the IOC decision to support the Australian research project gives us a critical boast in our efforts to try to develop a foolproof test in time for the Sydney 2000 Games. '"The IOG's support sends a very loud and very welcome message that it is a s determined as we are to keep sport drugs free," she said. Top Australian and rvorld athletes have thrown their support behind these unprecedented international efforts to get prohibited performance-enhancing drugs out of sport. In Minister Kelly's words, everything possible is being done to ensure the Sydney Olympics will he "pure performance". '3nhancing drug detection research to keep up with, and where possible keep ahead of, the latest doping practices is a key part of the Australian Government's Tough on Drugs in Sport strategy. "We're totally committed to getting .drugs . and drug .cheats out of sport," the Minister stressed; World sporting and government leaders agree the International Drugs in Sport Summit in Sydney has made a level of progress never seen before by achieving a global breakthrough in the war against drug cheats. Their deliberations will result in the hroadest range of obstacles ever faced by sport dopers. High quality national drug testing programs will be set up in conjunction with national sporting organisations and drug testing resources will be applied strategically world-wide to maximise the attack on problem areas. "Australia's Tough on Drugs in Sport Strategy is all about doing the right thing by our kids; it's all about showing them the right way," Minister Kelly said. "Hosting the summit has demonstrated Australia's commitment to drug-free sport and recognises our position a s a world leader on anti-doping issues. "I am delighted it resulted in other governments committing themselves to estahlish comprehensive national anti-doping programs that are modelled on the Australian approach set out in our Tough on Drugs in Sport strategy "This includes strategies for government action in a range of areas including policy, protection of athletes' rights, sanctions, drug testing, education and information services, research, supply, control and international collaboration. "It proves that goucrnmcnts rhe world over have a strong role to play in the fight against drugs i n sport." MorningGon C l a y Target Club Inc lOOT Sonnv Cross Memorial Shoot - 8th Januarv 2000 Page 30 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 Behold the shooter (from a shooter News possibly in the 60s) The photo shown turned up when going through my late husband Scotty Gibson's papers. It was taken at the Perth Nationals in 1980 and the story as I remember may be of interest to readers. Doug Smith, a winner of many Championships, and Russell Mark a t that time was still a Junior, were in a shoot off for the Double Barrel Championship. Doug was using factory loaded shells given to him to use. As the shoot off progressed, these shells produced a third missfired and the result 'lost target" from the Referee was as per the rule:-a rule that was introduced when home-loaders' shells were frequently producing misfires...due to the lack of precision and care in putting together their home-loads! The rule did not differentiate between home load and factory load. He spends much time, energy and income attempting to do something that he already knows is well nigh impossible. He clutters up the home with such oddments as guns, cleaning gear, gun cases, loaded and unloaded shells, every conceivable piece of reloading equipment, rags, oils, shooting jackets, badges and patches, to say nothing of books newspaper cuttings and magazines - all about guns and shooting. He goeth to shoots full of enthusiasm and hope, spends more than he can afford, and brings home either nothing or a t best a trophy that his wife and family have no use for. He sometimes takes his wife and family to a shoot, then sets about ignoring them while discussing with other fanatics such interesting subjects as loads, swing, breaks, lost birds, chokes, high combs and patterns. There is no hope for this person, as invariably he threatens to 'give it away' and systematically sets about repurchasing another gun and more gear (by this time it has all advanced in price), and from then on, much more shooting occurs and more strife on the home front. When he finally enters Heaven???? his password to St Peter will probably be "Pull". -Gunsmoke WifeThis would still be apt today, I'd say. Are there others with tales to tell? (Scotty in the 60's diddo!!) The oval oak dining table with four holes bored into i t to take the reloader of the day!!! The wooden clothes horse with a large sheet of brown paper pinned to i t used ....to pattern the gun!!!! Is it still full of holes and no doubt lead shot!!!! Nancy Gibson The decision created consternation amongst some of the of'fcials. Pressure was put on the Shoot Marshall, Tim Catling, to bend the rules for this important Championship. Even Russell's Dad expressed dismay that Russell should win such a technicality, however the final decision was as per the rule. Doug who accepted the decision without question did comment to Tim, "this decision would be tough on one who had never won a major trophy". When it came to the presentation, Russell had to he persuaded by Tim to come out of the tent he was in, to accept the Sash and Trophy that were rightfully his. The Referee was Scotty Gibson, well known for his - knowing the Rules...and sticking to them! Just an incident from the past! Yours Nancy Gibson April 2000 NRTIONRLLY Advertising Space Is Available Clay Target Shooting News will access your product or service to approximately 7,000 readers across Australia (02)6931 0122 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Apr 29-30, May 1 Sept 29,30-0ct 1 Page 32 Whiteman Park Flora & Fauna ISSF Trap & Skeet Carnival DTL Pre Nationals ACTA DTL Nationals Suncorp Metway North Queensland Games Easter Carnival QCTA South-East Zone Sporting Boort/Cohuna 3 Day Shoot QCTA State Trap Carnival VIC ISSF Grand Prix Victorian State Skeet Carnival SA State Skeet Carnival Tas State ISSF Trench Championships QCTA Western Zone Skeet ACTA Sporting Clays National Annual Golden Fox Open Shoot Victorian UIT Grand Prix QCTA State Sporting Clays QCTA State ISSF Carnival ACTA Central Zone Skeet VIC ISSF Grand Prix Whiteman Park lOOt Skeet Championship QCTA Western Zone Trap Newton Thomas lOOt Skeet Championship QCTANorthern Zone Skeet NSW CTA Skeet Carnival VIC ISSF Grand Prix Tas State ISSF Skeet Championships NSW CTA ISSF Carnival QCTA Northern Zone ISSF Central Victorian Grand Prix SA State ISSF (Olympic Disciplines) Carnival VIC ISSF Grand Prix QCTA State Skeet Carnival VIC State ISSF Titles NSW CTA Trap Carnival TasState Skeet Championships QCTA Northern Zone Trap ACTA National ISSF Championships QCTA South East Zone Trap Macquarie Masters Open Shoot Victorian State Trap Carnival 75pr State ISSF Double Trap Championship 25pr State Skeet Doubles Championship Skeet Pre Nationals ACTA Skeet Nationals Australian Clay Target Shooting News WAGC, WA ACTA National Ground, Wagga NSW ACTA National Ground, Wagga NSW Townsville, Mt Isa, Cairns, Mackay Mildura, VIC Caboolture Boort/Cohuna CTC, Vic Townsville, Qld Werribee Victorian CTC, VIC Melbourne Gun Club, VIC SA Gun Club, Bolivar, SA Hobart GC, Tas Roma ACTA National Ground, Wagga NSW Dubbo, NSW Mildura CTC, VIC Gemfields, QLD Townsville, Qld Gemfields Frankston Australian CTC, VIC WAGC, WA Central Burnett WAGC, WA Charters Towers ACTA National Ground, Wagga, NSW Melbourne GC, VIC Tasmanian GC, Tas Newcastle LM CTC, NSW Normanton Maryborough GC State Shooting Park, SA Echuca CTC, VIC Townsville, QLD ACTA National Ground, Wagga, NSW Hobart GC, Tas Burdekin Brisbane GC, Qld Brisbane Dubbo, NSW Echuca CTC, VIC WAGC, WA ACTA National Ground, Wagga NSW ACTA National Ground, Wagga NSW April 2000 :- ., , ,,,, , New receiver Elegant and modern engravings complete the receiver, enriched by the gold plated New technical checkering. This new checkering combines aesthetic and functionality, thanks to a new, versatile and reliable technology. dimensions improve the point of impact and the I~~raovative case Co~~ajillete packaging Warnan@ 1 + 2 years (Optiitra-Bore) New gloss wood oil finish A new finishing process that enhances the wood grain and the walnut quality. Anrericurr Trnp (Optiirm-Bore) At?rericnrr Skeef (Opfitr~u-Bore) New Optima-Bore barrels Internal protile studied specifically to smooth the felt recoil. - PO Box 4258 DandenMlg South. VIC. 3164 Ph. +61 3 9793 9999 9793 3912 -Fax +61 3 97347499 - Adjustable stock with the exclu~iveBeretta mechanism: tund in &or "long"to achieve an Homogeneous pattern. Internal or external baszovar*t'vecase Co~tlyketepackaging Warrcrrzsiy I + 2 years Are . y QU ~ Q Q Kf ~ i~the Qr ~b,ar .* $wa[$tp . .;, eha[l the . .. ~figbt .. pqi~91 . , i ,* . J a , . , ., d LQiQK , " r " . u ( ' "~ . ," .~~'*t "' 3 .; % *., I - 4 , ' !, s S* .# A . . .i ,_ 6, a! FURTHER!/ I i-A .* .'"a .~~,'z,*P '% .. ** IF as" .,d .-I 4 & J S,<-V~* a i ~ .k '.t Call for information about the product or to locate your nearest stockist. lmported and distributed by: Elite Shooting Supplies Pty Ltd. PO Box 4258-Dandenong South, VIC, 3164 Ph. 03 9793 9899 9793 3912 Fax 03 9794 7499 - - Now available in Australia from your local gundealer OVER & UNDER SHOTGUNS Imported and distributed P O B ~ I M - ~ V u U I Y C C t l W RI.*613BiSltMSB-0~>~12-F~+6tfSiBl74nO North East Zone I VCTA April Program Saturday 1st .................................................................... 33 ............................................... 43 .................................................................43 .....................................................43 Victoria Northern Territory Tasmania South Australia Western Australia New South Wales Queensland ................................................. 46 .................................................. 47 ............................................................ 56 Benalla - 12 noon start Pre Nationals Warm Up - 10tgt D/B E/O C/D 50tgt Pts C/Ship AA.A.B.C 1 & 2 50tgt D/B C/Ship AA.A.B.C 1 & 2 Overall High Gun (reduced "oms where applicable) Bendigo - 12 noon start 50tgt Sporting Clays C'Ship 50tgt Skeet C'Ship Sundav 2nd Shepparton - l l a m start lOtgt S/B E/O, 50 tgt Pts Grd C/Ship 50tgt Handicap, 20pair D/R Grd C/Ship (There will be a Rules Seminar and Referee Examination commencing at 9am to be held in the Clubrooms prior to this shoot) Saturday 15th Bendigo - 12 noon start l0tgt Cont. P/S E/O, 25tgt Cont., P/S C/Ship 25tgt S/B C/Ship, 25tgt D/B C/Ship. Mansfield - l p m start 15tgt E/O (5 DB, 5SB. 5PTS) 75tgt State Champion of Champions Night: BBQ Tea 30tgt State Night D/B Tower Walls 1547154, 2nd R Felmingham 1531154; B: J Bergman 53154, 2nd P Gorrie 23124; C: D Devanny 12/15: 01.4: B Henshell 84185: JNR: M Vanderguilek: LAD: M Felmingham. Ararat 6-2-00 Windy (33) lOT PIS El0 Cm: C Dunn, B Rafferty, A Wohlers 30130; 50T DIB GR CIS: OiA: L Cook 68168; AA: 1st J McVitty 1201122, 2nd T Knight 1191122; B: 1st M Illifkson 50150, 2nd N Patterson 50153; C: 1st W Harris 41/50, 2nd B Knight 46/50; 1WT MXD: OiA: L Cwk 1651168; A: 1st D Barry 1471153. 2nd C Dunn 14W150; B: 1st ATink 1451150, 2ndA Wohlcrs 1361150; C: 1st W Harris 1411150, 2nd MJ Gruar 1301150; HIGH GUN: L Cook. - Sunday 16th Deniliquin - 11.30am start 80tgt Medley Cash Divide - AA.A.B.C Saturdav 22nd Euroa - l p m start lOtgt Pts Gift, lOtgt Trophy Handicap lOtgt S/B Gift, 1Otgt D/B Gift, lopair D/D Gift Sunday 23rd - Numurkah 12 noon start 5tgt Pts E/O, 25tgt Pts C/Ship AA.A.B.C 25tgt D/B C/Ship AA.A.B.C, 20 Pair D/R AA.A.B.C High Gun. Tuesdav 25th Colbinabbin - 12.30pm start 25tgt Pts C/Sbip, 25tgt S/B C/Ship 25tgt D/B C/Ship Fridav 28th Mathaura - 7.00pm start lOtgt D/B Handicap C/D, l0pr Auto & Driven OA & 2 Grades, 20tgt S/B Tower 1,2,3 Saturdav 29th St James - 12 noon start l0tgt E/O, 20gt D/B C/Ship 25tgt NEZ Pts Cont. C/Ship, 15tgt Handicap Sunday 30th North East Zone DTL Carnival, Echuca - loam start (See advertisement this edition CTSN) Wangaratta - The NEZ Skeet Championships that were advertised in the 2WO Program Booklet to be held on this day have been transferred and will now be held at Wangaratta CTC on the 21st May 2000. For further inquiries, contact the respective clubs, whose details are in the 2WO VCTA Program Booklet. April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 33 NORTH EAST ZONE - VCTA 2000 DTL Carnival Echuca Clay Target Club 22/25: 2ST Mini CIS: O / A U R Ross 48143,Znd R Peatling 42/43; B: 1st G Smith 33134,Znd R Langridge 32/34; C: B Saunders 22/25: 20T WALK UP CIS: O/A&AA: S Landsborough 19/20. 2nd R Peatling 13/20; B: 1st R Lea 12/20, 2nd R Lsnglidge 1U20; C: 1st A Langlidp 21/30. 2nd B Savnders 20130. Callawadda~Stawell19.2-00 - Sunday the 30th of April 2000 10.00 am Start Event 1. 25 Target N.E.Z Pointscore Championship Overall Sash (takes grade) AA.A.B.C. - 1st & 2nd Prizes -Cartridges Sweeps $1 Noms $12 Event 2. 25 Target N.E.2 Single Barrel Championship Overall Sash (takes grade) AA.A.B.C. - 1st & 2nd Prizes -Trophies Sweeps $1 Noms $12 Event 3. 25 Target N.E.Z Handicap Overall Sash, 2nd. 3rd, 4th Prizes -Cash Noms $12 Event 4. 25 Target N.E:Z Double Barrel Championship Overall Sash (takes grade) AA.A.B.C. - 1st & 2nd Sponsored by the Shepparton Clay Target Club Prizes - h o p h i s Sweeps $1 Noms $12 Event 5. 15pair N.E.Z. Double Rise Championship Overall Sash (takes grade) AA.A.B.C. - 1st & 2nd Prizes -Cartridges Sweeps $1 Noms $12 OVERALL HIGH GUN Ladies, Juniors, Veterans High G u n s Secretary - Peter Beaman 03 5449 6742 (H) 03 5440 2520 (W) President - Ron Trail1 03 5484 1356 (H) Hot & Windy (20) - 10T C O W D B EIO: A Camemn, D Barry, R Joy, R Lehmann, D Petrie,ABriggs, P Seatt, D Bertalli 1W10; 2ST CONT DiB CIS: OlA&A: P Scott 29129. 2nd J McVitty 23/29; B: 1st D Pehie 25/26, 2nd B Jenkins 24/26; C: 1st L Cocking 21/25, 2nd J Fielding 17/25: 25T DiB CIS: O/A& RLehmann 36/36,2nd D Barry 35/36; B: 1st A Briggs 27/28, 2nd D Petrie 46/47: C: 1st L Cocking 25/25, 2nd J Fielding 18125; HIGH GUN: D Barry 75/76. Castlemaine 12-2.00 Wild (52) - 25T S/B CIS: OIA& S White 33/34, C Knight 32134; B: A Stevenson 2U26, G Moore 25/29; C: P Bird 21126, C Bird 20/26: 25T DIB: A&O/A: B Rafferty 30130, M Stuehbree 28/30; B: A McChrystal 29/30, J Hill 27/29; C: I Seown 30132, P Clark 29/32; LAD: N Blake; JNR: T Gull 45/50. Castlemaine 28-2-00 15T DIB: A: Noel Blake 15/15,2nd G Hawdon 33/36; B: Nola Blake 15/15, 2nd A M Chrystell 24126; C: P Bird 15/17, 2nd A Langridge 14/11; 15T CD: A: G Passalaqua, M Sturchbree 25/25; B: A M Chrystell 23/25, T Archer 22125: C: P Bird, D Butterworth 18/25: HIGH GUN: M Starchbee 39/40; JNR:B Blake 25/40. Cerberua 5-2-00 Fine & Breezy (391 - 10T PTS: B WDonnell, L Irons, W Bennett, A Bradshnw, J Rowe, C Cnrral.ACrawford, W Woodward 3W30; IOOT DIB: O/A&AA: A Bradshaw 1071108, C Calrol 1W108, P M~lls157/159; A: A Crawford 9W100, J Stone 971100, L Howell W W ,B: N Quick 9EJ100. D Hammond 941100, W Dalzell 9W100; C: P Noy 931100, J Luis 9W100, R Bold 781100; OTF: T Rowe. Cohuna 11-UHI Mild Evening (34) - lD'I EIO:B P e w , T Kight, R Whyte, I Phtllips, M Absnlom, R Peatling, S Burns, G Hipwell, R Boss, T Moroni, A Momni, A Peatling; 25T CONT PIS: AA&O/A: C Lee 90190, 2nd T Moroni 89/90; A: 1st D Pay 73/75,2ndGBradley 81/84; B: 1st G Smith 67/75, 2nd F Dick 61/75: C: 1st D Donehue 67175.2nd B Daley 62/75; 25 NWZ CONT DIB: AA&O/A: C Lcc 42/42,2nd G Hipwell 41/42; A: 1st B Perry 32/33. 2nd C Knight 27/28; B: 1st W Hester 24125, 2nd F Dick 29/31; C: 1st D Donehue 35/36, 2ndASutherland 22125: LAD: R Brown 21/27: JWR: A Peatling 27/28. Deniliquin 20-2.00 Overcast & Rainy (35) 10T CONT D B WO: C Mffirabb, P Headon, T Wells, R Glenn. G Castellaro, B Doyle, R Anderson 10110; 20T CONT D B CID: AA: L Knight, R Glenn, B Doyle, T Wells 20120: A: T Knight, J Deekcr 20120; B: C Connell; C: P Conwell 13/20; 50T SIB CIS:AA&O/A: LKnight 50150, 2ndR Glenn 53156;A: J Petersen 46150, 2nd F Pard 45/50; B: C Connell4W50, 2nd B MeAlliater 37150; C: P Connell 34/50, 2nd B Cormaek 33/50; 25T D/B CIS: AA&O/A: R Glenn 37/37, 2nd R - Southern Peninsula Program for April NIGHT SHOOT Saturdav 8th A ~ r i7.00~m l 2 State Titles Event 1. 50 Tgt State Cont Night O/A Plus 1 & 2 AA,A,B,C Plus Vet & Jnr. Event 2.20 PR State DID 22m 1.2.3 Plus best Pair with HICap off 15m or less. EXCELLENT CANTEEN AVAILABLE. Event 1. 10 Tg BIT E l 0 C/D Event 2. 50 Tgt BIT S.W.Z BIT C'Ship CERBERUS GUN CLUB Saturday 1st No Shoot - Zone Teams Event at Wonthaggi. Anzac Day Tuesday 25th 10 Tgt Points $4.00 75 Tgt Medley 25 D/B 25 S/B 25 PTS $24.00 ANZAC Crests for each Grade Secretary: Cl~risCarrolO3 9775 7926MHMelways 194 HZ MORNINGTON CLAY TARGET CLUB Saturday 8th 10 Tgt Pts $4.00 100 Tgt Double Barrel $28.00 Secretary Wendy Roberts 5979 2746 Melways 146A I1 NEPEAN CLAY TARGET CLUB Saturday 15th 150 Tgt Challenge ($1000.00) $45.00 50 Dm, 50 S/B, 50 PTS Friday 21st 6.30pm 50 Tgt Simulated $19.00 Secretary: Rod Scott 5986 8445 Mehvays 200 K 2 Page 34 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2'100 Werribee-Victorian Clay Target Club Midura Clay Target Club Frankston-Australian Clay Target Club Melbourne Gun Club Echuca Clay Target Club Victorian State ISSF Titles (TBA) PROGRAMME: NOMINATIONS: HIGH GUNS: May 6th & 7th June loth, 11th & 12th (Queens Birthday Weekend) July 22nd & 23rd August 12th & 13th September 2nd & 3rd September 29th, 30th & October 1st Olympic Trap: 125 Targets + 25 Target Final Double Trap: 75 Pair + 25 Pair Final. Overall,AA,A,B,C,lst & 2nd (if 3 or more competitors) + Best Junior &Woman. Olympic Trap $50: Double Trap $60: + $5 Junior Levy per event. Juniors do not pay Junior Levy. International Rules will apply. No ported barrels. 24 gm cartridges only. Sponsorship of the Olympic Trap Graded High Gun Series by Elite Shooting Supplies & Beretta Australia. Sponsorship of Double Barrel Trap Graded High Gun (TBA) As the format may vary from Club to Club, please check individual club advertisements. All prizes on a cash payout basis with 40% of nominations to the shooters plus additional sponsorships by the host Please note: Selection of the Shoulder to Shoulder Teams to the National ISSF Titks in Brisbane will be best score of 3 out of 5 Grand Prk? plus the Victorian State Titles in both disciplines. Enquiries Jean Wray (03) 9749 4295. Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 35 Rossiter Rd, Carrum Downs Telephone 9782 1626 1 .I 00 Target Skeet 2. 50 Target Skeet Doubles 3.50 Target Double Barrel 4. 25 Pair Double Rise 5.50 Target ISSF Skeet Cash Divide 1 .I 00 Target Skeet 2.50 Target Skeet Doubles 3.50 Target Double Barrel 4. 75 Target ISSF Trap & Final Cash Divide AA,A,B,C Wednesday 12th April Holland & Holland Expo Some Shooting Events & Practice will be available. Sunday 16th April 1st Event to commence at 11.30 I . 25 Target Points 2.30 Target Double Barrel 3. 30 Target Points 4.25 Target Skeet 5.I00 Target Skeet AA,A,B,C Cash Divide Cash Divide Sundav 23rd April 1st Event to commence at 11.30 4.50 Target Skeet Doubles 5. 50 Target ISSF Skeet 6. 75 Target ISSF Trap & Final AA,A,B,C Sundav 30th April 1st Event to commence at 11.30 1. 20 Target Points AA,A,B,C Cash Divide 3.75 Target Skeet 4.25 Target Skeet Doubles 5. 50 Target ISSF Skeet AA,A,B,C Cash Divide Ail Juniors 112 Noms Minimum 2 Shooters in each Grade for full First prize to be paid. Minimum 3 shooters in each Grade for second prize to be paid. Double Barrel Shoot Offs will be shot Double Barrel to finality Skeet Shoot Offs to be shot American Skeet to finality Field & Game Practice every 4th Saturday Trench & Double Trap Practice available. Skeet, DTL and Double Rise Practice available. Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday loam - 5pm Australia's most progressive Clay Target Facility We use and recommend Mattarelli Automatic Traps. Check our internet site at www.shooting.org.au Page 36 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 Victoria Rd, Lilydale. PhIFax: 03 9739 1771 Event 4. J u n $6, $10 Open lOOT Skeet C'Ship AA.A.B.C Jun $14, $30 Open Event 1. 75T Trench O/A.A.B.C $18 Jun, Event 4. Event 5. 20T DL3 Cont. CID $5 Jun, $9 Open lOOT Skeet C'Ship AA.A.B.C $24 Jun, $30 Open Saturdav 15th Event 1. 75T SportingAA.A.B.C.Vet, 2nd Trophy $18 Jun, $30 Open Event 2. 25T SiB Trophy AA.A.B.C $6 Jun, Event 3. 50T Mixed C'Ship AA.A.B.C $12 Jun, Event 4. (25 Points 25T Cont.) 25T D/B C'Ship AA.A.B.C $6 Jun, Saturdav 22nd Easter Saturday Practice Skeet & Trap Saturdav 29th Skeet 5 Man Teams Challenge Melbourne v Frankston Australian. Shooters must be registered with Club. Event 1. lOOT Skeet C'Ship AA.A.B.C Trophy 2nd. $24 Jun, $30 Open Event 2. 50T Points C'Ship AA.A.B.C $12 Jun, Event 3. April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shooting News 50T D/B C'Ship AA.A.B.C $12 Jun, Page 37 ay Target C O'herns Road P.O. Box 93, Epping 3076 vic. Ph/Fax 03 9401 3134 Reg No. A 5465 METROPOLITAN ANNUAL VICTORIAN JUNIOR CLASSIC Saturday 29th April 2000 Start time 10.00 am Practice time before shoot prior to 10.00 a m We will be starting at 10.00 a m and noms for event one will close at midday Event 1 20 Targets Double Barrel Event 2 20 Targets Single Barrel Event 3 20 Targets Double Barrel Pts Event 4 25 Targets Skeet A $5 fee will cover event one, two & three A $4 fee will cover skeet or $8 fee will cover all events on the day Overall High Gun Boys (Prize - Silver Badge, Tailor Made Shooting Jacket) Overall High Gun Girls (Prize - Silver Badge, Tailor Made Shooting Jacket) Junior Boys Yrs 12 & 13 Junior Girls Yrs 12 & 13 Intermediate Boys Yrs 14 & 15 Intermediate Girls Yrs 14 & 15 Senior Boys Yrs 16 & 17 Senior Girls Yrs 16 & 17 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Best non placed performer - Achievement Awards - (Certificate & Trophy) All shooters must have a junior permit AMMUNITION SUPPLIED FOR COMPETITION SHOOTERS ONLY. SAME AS LAST YEAR MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN PRIZES AND HOPEFULLY WITH BETTER WEATHER Please contact one of the following numbers for any inquiries President Domenic Tigani 9465 2598 After hours 9436 4770 Vice President Cliff Milroy 0412 997 533 Secretary Peter Signorotto 9252 7259 After Hours 9308 2936 Committee Bill Iles 9718 1413 Skeet & 5 Stand Sporting practice for parents on the day BBQ for all (Juniors free) from 12 noon onwards Parents & children are welcome to stay for competition shooting on Sunday the 30th. Page 38 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 5th W Hawker 28/28: 25T CLUB DIB CIS: AA & OIA: D Flavel 28/28, N Shamoek 24/25;A: C Joogensen 27/28, R Jorgensen & G Eagles 24125; B: J Hawker 25126, G Shausa ?5/21:C: L Cocking 22125, W M21/25, An Inter Club meeting held prior to the shwt called for an earlier atart than usual, resultingin one shooter forgetting to bring his shotgun. % now call him no gun Blaekie". Jeparit 20-240 Humid &Dull (20) 15T CONT DIB 51s:A: W Hawker, 0 Hayek 15/15; B: C Maybery, JPitt, JHawker, B Blackwood, D Hanis 14/15; C: S a t m a n 18/16, W Mnnn 11/15;25T CONT PIS CIS: A&OlA: W Hawker 72175, 2nd D Flavel68/75; B: B Blackwwd 71/75, D Harris 6W5;C: S Altman 61/75, W Mann 69/15: 20T CASH SIS: A: D Flavel, W Hawker, D Heinrich 19120; B: 1st A Hawker 20120, 2nd C Maybery & B Hawker 19/20; C: 1st S Altman 16/20, 2nd J Senders & W Ma",, 14/20. - Kereng 4-2-W Hot (16) 10T PIS EYO: C Radeliffe, I Phillips, D Pay, B Dunstan; 3OTNWZ NIGHT MED CIS: AA: B Dunstan 28/30, I Phillips; O/A&A: G Wikinson 3W30, G Bradley 28/30; B: A Street 21/30, R Wilkinson 23130; C: M Schmidt 29134, C Radcliffe 28/34; 20T PIS: A: S Batea 57160, G Wilkinson 56/60; B: A Street 48/60, R Wilkinson 45/60; C: hi Schmidt 58/60. C Street 54/60. - Eyneton 23.1-W Fine & Cool 10T SIB E/O: A: C Penno 9110, N Frankling, R Lendon 7/10, M Spencer 7110; B: D Hill 10110, R O'Meara, B Stewart, K O'Meara - Darby 15120, R Hendry 14/20 - - . . . . - .- . Hot & Sticky - 1OT El0 CD: D Leulf, W Forrest. G Mcglure, C Fellows, D Hudswell, A Golin, A Kirley, M Ilickaon, W Parks, C Asquith, S Parks, C Patten, J King, P Leahy; IOOT D/B MEM CIS: OIA: W Parks 9911W. AA: 1st B North, 2nd G McClure, &d C Patten; A: 1st W Forrest. 2nd S Parks, 3rd L Irons; B: 1st 0 Hudswell, 2nd D Barns, 3rd M nickson; C: 1st D Dcvnnny, 2nd J Wellman, 3rd C Fellows. . Marybomugh 29-1-00 Windy Summers Afternoon (24) 25T GR SKEET: AA: G Passalaqua 20125, S Rerne 15/25; A: B Refferty 25125, B Coates 20125; B: P Casey 25125, J Hill & J McVitty 23125; C: D Bertalli 22/25, J Corbett 21/25; 60T B/P CIS: O/A&A: D Bertalli 51154, 2nd J McVitty 5W54; B: P Chiperfield W50, S Reyne 43/50; C: B Coatcs 38/50, M I s p n 31/50. O'herns Road PO. Box 93, Epping 3076 Vie. PWax 03 9401 3134 Reg No. A 5465 Sundav 2nd 12.00 nam&,& - nIaryborough 9-2-00 Hat Summer Evening (23) 10T PIS WO:T Knight, N Bromley, T Moroni, J Shepherd, T Gull 30130; 20T SIB C/S: OIA: L Johnson 20120; AA: N Bmmley & G Cassells 19120; B: J Hill 18/20; C: L Cocking & B Knight 17120; 2OT PIS TROPHX AA: N Crneknell 8W81; A: T Knight 62/63: B: J Hill 57160; C: LCoeking 60160; NOVICE: J Bowen 45/60. - MARYBOROUGH & DISTRICT GUN CLUB INC Wednesdav. April 12. 2000 - 7 pm 1 0 Tgt POINTSCORE EYE OPENER 50 Tgt STATE NIGHT HANDICAP CHAMPIONSHIP Sash - Overall Winner Saturdav. Mav 27. 2000 - 1 pm Ev 3. 50 tgt Skeet OIA 1st & 2nd AA. A. B. C. Noms $20. Red $16. Jnrs $12 Ev 4. 25 tgt 5 Stand Sporting OIA 1st AA. A. B. C. Noms $10 Reds $8. Jnrs $6 Y Ev 1. 50 tgt Simulated O T G noms close 1.00 pm Ev 2. 25 tgt Simulated OTG &.a&v 1st & 2ndAA.A. B. C. Noms $20. Red $16. Jnrs $12 Ev 5. 15 tgt Ray Burrill Testimonial Tower C'Ship 1st Sash 1st to 5th Noms $10. Red $8. Jnrs $6 Ev 6. 25 tgt 5 Stand Sporting OIA 1st AA. A. B. C. Noms $10. Reds $8. Jnrs $6 High Gun Sash ouer Events 4 & 5. Sundav 23rd 11.00 Ev 1. 75 tgt Simulated OTG noms close at 1.00 pm v 29th 10.00 am start 1 0 Tgt POINTSCORE EYE OPENER ANNUAL VICTORIAN JUNIOR CLASSIC 20 Pair STATE DEAUVILLE DOUBLE Please see full page aduertisement CHAMPIONSHIP S a s h - Overall Pair 25 Tgt POINTSCORE CHAMPIONSHIP s V.C.TA Shte Skeet Carnlnra Melbourne 6un @lab 16th 11.00 am start RAY BURRILL TESTIMONIAL C'SHIP 3 Red $9. Jnrs $7 Ev 3. 50 tgt Skeet OIA 1st & 2ndAA. A. B. C. Noms $20. Red $16. Jnrs $12 Ev 4. 60 tgt Novelty Noms $25. Red $20. J n r $15 All ACTA events 50% ofyour nomination in the euent goes into the prize pool & other euents if timepermitting, Flash target prizes on ACTA shoots May687 Full d e h k &ex#Issue April 2000 L METRO CHARITY SHOOT ALL SHOOTERS WELCOME Australian Clay Target Shooting News PRACTICE Tower & 5 Stand Sporting et, Tue 12pm to 5pm - DTL, Page 39 Mildura Clay Target Club Inc. Friday April 21, Saturday April 22, Sunday April 23, Monday April 24. - Thursday April 20 Welcome Barbecue Tea to all Thursday Arrivals Friday Fish Meals Midday and Evening. Saturday Night Bonanza Draw, Sunday, Monday meals catered for. - %&&dl? 21- 9-30am 1. 25 Target ACTA Sporting Clays. Graded AA,A,B,C Winner each Grade - Trophy Second each Grade -Trophy Ladies, Juniors & Veterans Trophy. $10.00 2. 15 Target DB S/S 15m. 3. 15 Target DB SS 15m. $10.00 4. Easter Carnival Point Score Championship 25 Targets point Score 15m Graded AA,A.B.C Winner each Grade -Trophy Second each Grade - Trophy Overall Winner receives Grade Trophy 8 Sash. Ladies, Juniors & Veterans Trophy. S $15.00 w V $10.00 b &&d 22 - 9.30- 5. 10 Target DB SS 15m $8.00 6. Ken &June McPherson WB Championship $20.00 LJV $15.00 25 Targets 15m Graded AA,A,B,C Overali - Sash &grade Trophy Winner each Grade - Bread makers Second each grade - Trophy Ladies, Juniors & Veterans Trophy 7. K & S Dohefty Pty Ltd "Honda" DB Championship 20 Targets from ACTA Handicap Winner "Honda" Lawn Trimmer - Value $400 Second -Trophy Third - Trophy $25.00 LJV $15.00 *-*+* We are most grateful to and acknowledge our Easter Carnival Sponsors: Ken &June McPherson, K & S Doherty PR (Kevin & Sue Doherty), HESCO Hydraulic Engineering Service Co (Ralph Dellar), Airgas Engineering PA. (John Soppi), Matson Family. Harvey World Travel, Mildura, Lee lrvine Photographic & Sports Store, Cash Tyre Service PR, Mildura. Page 40 10. HARVEY WORLD TRAVEL MiLDURA D/B CHAMPIONSHIP. $30.00 25 Targets 15m Graded AA,A,B,C LJV $20.00 Overall Winner - Sash & New Zeaiand Nationals Trip for 2, 2001. Waikato Gun Club, Hamilton, Qantas Airlines. 2x Return Flights, Melbourne. Sydney or Adelaide. 5 night accommodation. TwinIDoubie Share, Blue Pass - Flexi Stay. Hertz Rental 5 days. Winner each Grade - Trophy Second each grade - Trophy $30.00 11. Airgas Engineering Ry Ltd DB Championship 25 Targets 15m graded AA.A,B,C L.J.V $20 Overall Winner - Sash & 29 Ltr Engel Fridge Value $1250 Winner each grade - Coleman Ice Box Second each Grade -Coleman Cooler Ladies. Junior & Veterans Trophy. Adults $15.00 Children Free 24 - 9-3012. 10 Target DB SS 15m $8.00 13. Len lrvines Photographic and Sports Store DB Championship. $20.00 WV $15.00 25 Targets 15m Graded A4.A.B.C Overall Winner - Sash & Eagle Fish Finder Value $250 Winner each Grade - rod & Reel Second each Grade - Fish Tackle Box Ladies, Juniors &Veterans Trophy $25.00 14. Mildura Clay Target Club DB Championship 25 targets from Graded AA.A.0.C LJV $10.00 First - 'Honda' Lawn Mower, Value $770 Second -Trophy Third -Trophy Ladies, Juniors &Veterans Trophy 15.Cash Tyre Service Ry Ltd Double Rise Championship $20.00 20 Pairs of Targets from 15m LJV $12.00 Graded AA,A,B,C Overall Winner - Set of Car Tyres, value $400.00 Winner each grade -trophy Second each Grade -Trophy Ladies, Juniors &Veterans -Trophy . Matson & Family overall High Gun - Sash & Trophy Over Events 5-15 AA,A,B,C Grade High Gun Sash &Trophy Over Events 5-15 Ladies, Juniors & Veterans -Trophies 2 or more entries. Ray 9. HESCO Hydraulic Engineering Service Co graded DB Championship. $15.00 WV $10.00 25 Targets 15m graded AA,A,B,C Winner each Grade - Sash &Trophy Second eachgrade -Trophy Ladies, Juniors &Veterans Trophy $25.00 WV $15.00 25 Targets 15m Graded AA,A,B,C Overali - Sash & P.C. 17502 Pressure Cleaner Value $599 Winner each Grade - Trophy Second each Grade -Trophy Ladies, Juniors & Veterans Trophy 8. Easter Carnival "Honda" Handicap R&d 23 - 9.30awc. S- $15.00 WV $10.00 wc.wornmend CO: BOOK UKLY FOR MOTEL ACCOMMODATION. Exccllcnr Club fncilitiu. lawn n m hi rcnr and w n s i r s on gmund. & r j ( r t k r &mi&c o n r a Ln~n~nii ~ Connor, Australian Clay Target Shooting News s~mta.r~an~gcr (03) 50.232567 April 2000 Swan Hill Rainv All Dav I181 - 10T EIO: A -- .> .. ..-- .- .. Flnc & Wlndy (37. - 26T D/B C S: 0 A & AA: R Duthie 44144.2nd G ilnyden 43I44: A S Rundell 4243, 2nd G Dynon 2526; B: M Hollowny 27 29, 2nd M Wylhe 2 6 2 9 C. FClut~r.rburk 27132. 2nd S Wyrhe 2 6 Y2; MEAT KAFFLE. S Chnrnkrs; 25T P S C S O A & AA: R Duthlc 93-J9. 2nd G Heyden 923U93: A. P V n u ~ h s n7476, 2nd W Wombvcll 70175: B K Dyson 6675. 2nd H Durbndpc 8075. C. F dro 14U151. Melbourne 6-2-04 Windy & Hot - 25T SIB: AA: P DaSilva 24126;A: L McKeon 25/26; B: M Bending 22126; C: F McConnell - It's on again! Nepean Challenge $1000-00 plus jackpot (February $315-00) for shooting the programme with a clean score. (Points to count) Ne~ean Clav Target Club (Melway 259 F2 ) Saturday April 15th 12. O'clock start 50tgt DBarrel + 50tgt SBarrel + 50tgt Points. O v e r a l l trophy and the g r a d e Breadmaker v a l u e $100.00 AA. A. B. C. grades 1-2-3 trophles Value $60-00 - $35-00 - $25-00 (Ladles, Jumor, Veteran trophy if three or more contestants) $45-00 + OIS $1-00 Per 2 5 Norm Quack President 0417 596 377 Rod Scott Secretary 59 86 4886 WANGARATTA Clay Target Club Inc. - Saturday A ~ r i 15th l DTL 12.30 Start Event 1. 10 Tgt Single Barrel Eye Opener $6.00 Event 2. 20 Tgt Single Barrel Championship. 1st & 2nd ABC & BIJ Full $10.00, Reduced $8.00, Jnrs $4.00, OIS $2.00 Event 3. 10Tgt Handicap 1st. 2nd & 3rd Full $10.00, Reduced $8.00, Jnrs $4.00, OIS $2.00 Event 4. 20 Tgt Single Barrel Championship 1st & 2nd ABC Full $10.00, Reduced $8.00, Jnrs $4.00, OIS $2.00 Open & Ladies High Gun Trophy over program Ladies & veterans (over 65) reduced nominations. - Sunday 30th Aoril Skeet 12.00 Start Event I. 50 Tgt Skeet Championship 1st & 2nd ABC Full $18.00, Reduced $14.00, Jnrs $9.00 Event 2. 50 Tgt Skeet Championship 1st & 2nd ABC Full $18.00, Reduced $14.00, Jnrs $9.00 Note: N.E.Zone Skeet Championships will now be held on Sunday 21st May, to avoid clashing with the Zone DTL Carnival. President: Brad Henshall Ph (03) 5721 9327 Secretary: Bev Penney Ph (02) 6024 4215.AH April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shwting News Page 41 Clutterbuck 55/75. 2nd S Wythe 65/84; SPOT: J Matthey; 25M MISS OUT: P Cleggett 616. DID CIS Sm: 1st J Harris & D Honebone 46/46, 2nd C Knight & T Knight 45/45. ..--- -- - .- Very Hot (141 - 10T PTS C/D: N Frankling, B Billing, N Patersan; 20T SIB GR TWR CIS: A: D Munm 23/24, 2nd W Phillips; B&O/A:ATink 24/24, 2nd A James 19/20; C: R Greenwood 20124,Znd T Greenwwd 19/24; D: H Weitzel 15120; VET: N Frankling 27/31: 15T D B GR TWR CIS: A: B Billing 3U31,Znd D Munm 30131; B: ATink 15/15,ZndAJames 14116: C: R Greenwood 15/15, 2nd P Fergeus 14/15, WERRIBEE VICTORLAN CLAY TARGET CLUB INC. POSTAL ADDRESS: PO BOX 806, WERRIBEE VIC 3030. Wangaratta 50.1-09 Fine & Sunny (271 - 50T SKEET CIS: OIAM: D Jaekel50150,2nd T Harris 49/50; 8: 1st K Auld 63/68, 2nd G Rudd 60166: C: 1st R Phefley 45/50, 2nd J Bergamin 44&0; BEST JNR:L B a m 4U.50; 50T SKEET CIS: A: 1st D Ja&l82183,2nd R Murray 81/83: O/A&B: G Rudd 50150, 2nd H Memen, 47/50; C: 1st N Cooper SU58, 2nd D Brockwell 50158. APRIL 2000 PRACTICE EVERY WED & SAT FROM 1.30PM SUNDAY 2ND EV 1 . 7 5 TGT TRENCH & 25 TGT FINAL $30 SASH OIALL, 1ST & 2ND A-B-C EV 2.75 TGT SKEET $25 SASH OIALL, 1ST A-B-C EV 3 . 1 5 TGT DL3 $8 EV 4. 15 TGT PISCORE $8 EV 5 . 1 5 TGT DL3 CONT. $8 EVENTS 3,4 & 5 CASH FOR lST, 2ND & 3RD OVERALL PLUS 1ST IN EACH GRADE. SUNDAY 9TH EV 1. 10 TGT PIS E l 0 C/D $6 EV 2 . 2 5 TGT GRD DL3 $10 SASH OIALL, 1ST & 2ND A-B-C EV 3. 25 TGT PISCORE $10 SASH OIALL, 1ST & 2ND A-B-C EV 4 . 1 5 TGT D/B CONT. $8 SASH OIALL, 1ST & 2ND A-B-C EVENTS 2,3 & 4 DTL HIGH GUN SASH SPONSORED BY "BRIAN MARK REAL ESTATE" EV 5.50 TGT SKEET $18 EV 6.50 TGT TRENCH $18 EVTS 4 & 5 lST, 2ND & 3RD OIALL PLUS 1ST A-B-C SUNDAY 16TH EV 1.75 TGT TRENCH & 25 TGT FINAL $30 SASH OIALL, 1ST A-B-C EV 2.100 TGT SKEET $30 SASH OIALL, 1ST A-B-C VENETOIABRUZZO DTL SHOOT ON THIS DAY ALSO. SUNDAY 23RD EASTER NO SHOOT SUNDAY 30TH NOVELTY DAY DEAUVILLE DOUBLES ...DTL (20PAIR) $15 DEAUVILLE DOUBLES...TRENCH (25 PAIR) $15 25 PAIR DOUBLE TRAP $15 25 TGT SKEET $10 25 TGT TOWER $10 DTL PRACTICE ALSO AVAILABLE Wangaratta 19.2-09 Sunny & Humid E/O: P Green, B Henshall, G Walls. K Maurey; 20T SIB CIS: OIA & A: B Henshall 23/28, 2nd D Hunt 29/23; B: D Brockwell 23/24, 2nd B Hartley 21/23; C: M Gribben 18/20, 2nd P Smith 17/20; BESTJNR: J HoRman 18/20; 20TPlS CIS: OIA &A: R Ehlera 60160, T Walls 14/15; B: K Maurey 94/96, M Felmingham 91196; C: M Gribben 54/60, 2nd P Smith 50160; 50T D B CiS: O/A & A: W Poshash 138/138, D Hunt 1371138: B: B B m n 49/50, M Felmingham 63/65: C: P Smith 49/50, M Gribben 48150; 10T JNR S/B: M Brockwell9/12: OPEN HIGH GUN; R - - .. . .... Very Hot (281 10T PTS CB: N Frankling, N Blake, N Blake, J Hill 30130; WATTLEVALE MXD GR CIS: A&O/A: N Fradding 34135, 2nd N Morrison 46/49; B: 1st D Honebone 45149,Znd G Clarke 43/49; C: D Buttenvorth 38/49, 2nd J Harris 36/49: D: P Fergcns; OVER 50: J Hill; 30T - WOODS POINT GUN CLUB Woods Point - Mansfield Rd Woods Point SnOOT DATES FOR REMA OF 2000 Sunday 23 April Sunday 28 May Sunday 2 5 June Sunday 2 3 July Sunday 2 7 August Sunday 2 4 September Sunday 22 October Sunday 26 November Sunday 10 December Secretary: Alan Guppy 03 5777 0522 Page 42 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 Ehlem 1371150; LAD: M Felmingham 1321140. Wemibee Victorian 18nO.2-00 - Hot (40) 2WT TRENCH & 25T FINAL: OIA: A Vella 2101225. 2nd B Northern Tasmania. Hobart 21.244 Fine & S v m y (32) - 25T Dm. AA: S Browning 82/02:A: J Briggs 34/35; B: G Cleary 42/42; C: G Lynden 22/25; 25T PIS: AA: A Kemy 87/81; A: D Dennison 71P15; B: R Kingston 14/78: C: F Morgan 71/75; 25T DIB C O W AA: S Browning 66/66; A: D Dennison 25/26; B: N Mayne 24125: C: G ~ y n d a n20125; 5 m ACTA SKEET A: S Bmwning 49150; B: R Smith 47/50; C: D Dennison 36/50. Woods point 12-2-00 Taarnnnian 29/30-100 Sunny & Windy, Perfect (133) STATE DIR CIS: OIA: J Whittekers 59f70;AA: KKney 56/10; B: S French 42/50; B:AHallam49/60; C: B Kenley 36/50; LAD.N McCallum 40150; JNR: A Brady 40150; VET T Symon 40150; STATE DIB CIS: OIA: B Webb 15U151; AA: R Thompson 1501151:A: S French 50150; B: J Stunaker 49\51: C: L Holmberg 42/50; LAD: C Arnol 49/50; JNR: A Bracy 5W50; VET. K Larsombe 50150; STATE PIS CIS: OIA: R Nisbett 1861189:AA: R Christopher 1851189: A: C Kenny 1491150: B: G - Wemibee Vlotorian 13.200 5 PIR DIR E/O: M Tigani. W Calaby 9110: 15 PIR SEZ DIR: OIA: M Tigani 22/30; A: W Calaby 21/30, 2nd S Tigani 17/30; B: I Urch 14/30, 2nd A Cauchi 13/30; C: L Chamberlain IWO, 2nd A Faranda 9/30; 15 PIR SEZ DiD: OIA PIR: T Psaila & W Calaby 17/22. 2nd PIR: S Ureh & I Ureh 16/22; 25T DiB: OIA: M ngani 34/34: A: W Cslaby 33/34. 2nd T Psaila 32/33; B: I Urrh 25/25,2nd R Chamberlain 23/25; C: L Chemberlain 22/25,2nd P Rhodes 2YZ6. Tasmanian 13-2-00 sunny & windy (23) 75T SKEET A: T Symons 75/75; B: J Sturzaker 73/75; C: GStunaker 63/75; 75T Dm: AA: G Blaakett 75/15; A: L Axton 79/82; B: T Symons; C: A Black 62/16; 01A HIGH GUN: R Gmves 1471150. - 60175; C: B Follett 67115. 2nd A Pearson 55/75; LAD: D Gooding 62115; VET: D Gates 56/15. A: D Colbert 46/50: B: T Laker 47/50; C: D Atkins 4460; 20 PIR Dm; AA: R King 29/40; A: G Bateson 29/40: B: V Padovan 26/40; C: GAllan 23/40, Darsvin 2 4 3 4 0 Raining - 50T DiB: AA: R King 49/50; Top E n d 20-2-W Fine & Hot (91 - SOT SKEET: A: B Munt 49/50; B: B Dalgleish 49150; C: E Rayner 44/50. ,/ AA: R Gmves 50151; A&OlA: M GOES 54/56; B: D Hallam 3W31; C: L Lapcornbe 19/20; BEST VISITOR: K %iffitt 19/20; 20T D m AA&O/A: G Blaakett 101/101; A: G Ellis 1011101; B: R Darey 49/50; C: B Gardner 19/20; BEST LAD: S Ellis 20/20; 20T D m AA: R Gmves 52/53; A&O/A: M Goes 53/53; B: R Kniea 37/33; C: P Smith 26/21; BEST VET: L Axton 86/81; 2UT D/B CLUB US:AA&O/A: B Groves 52/53; A: J Cmsswell; B: D Hallsm 25126; C: B Gardner 19/20; BEST JNR: J Blaskett 18/20; BEST LAD: D Oroves 2W22: BEST VET L Axton 19/20; BEST VISITOR: K %iffitt 20120; BEST NOVICE: P Blackwood 17/20; BEST NEW LAD:L Duff April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 4 3 Two Day Shoot 20th & 21st May 2000 WEST DARLING CHAMPIONSHIPS $14000 worth of Trophies & Sashes SATURDAY 20TH 8.30AM START GARY RADFORD & SONS WEST DARLING HANDICAP 20TGT HANDICAP MARKS Noms: $25.00, OptISweeps $3.00 1st Sash & STlHL Pressure Cleaner Value $700 2nd STiHL BG 55 Air Broom Vaiue $375.00 3rd Viking Air Broom Value $175.00 4th $100 Trophy 5th $50 Trophy 5 Person Team shot in conjunction SHANNON ELECTRIC'S GIFT 25TGT DIB 15M GRADED OIA, AA,A,B,C Noms $30.00, LJV $18.00 Opt Sweeps $3.00 OIAii Winner Sash & Makita Tool Chest Value $399.00 1st AA,A,B,C Sash & Makita 12 Volt Cordless Drill $285.00 2nd & 3rd each Grade Trophy Ladies, Veteran &Junior Trophy Plus Novice Junior Trophy. SILVER CITY B E T A ELECTRICAL DOUBLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP. 25TGT 15M GRADED O/A,AA,A,B,C Noms $15, LJV $9.00, Opt Sweeps $3.00 OIAll Winner - Sash &Trophy Value $150.00 1st other 4 Grades Sash & Trophy. Value $100.00 2nd each Grade Trophy Ladies, Veteran &Junior Trophy Plus Novice Junior Trophy. SUNDAY 21ST 8.30AM START AUSTRALIAN INLAND ENERGY PISCORE CHAMPiONSHiP 25TGT 15M GRADED O/A,AA,A,B,C Noms $15.00, LJV $9.00, Opt Sweeps $3.00 OIAil Winner - Sash &Trophy Value $150.00 1st other 4 Grades Sash &Trophy Valued $100.00 2nd each Grade Trophy Ladies, Veteran &Junior Trophy Plus Novice Junior Trophy. 5 Person Team shot in conjunction MAX SMITH YAMAHA DIBARREL GIFT. 25TGT 15M GRADED O/A,AA,A,B,C. Noms $30.00, LJV $18.00. Opt Sweeps $3.00 OIAil Winner - Sash &Viking Lawn Mower Valued $575.00 1st Other 4 Grades Sash & STiHL Brush Cutter Vaiue $325.00 2nd Grade STlHL Electric Trimmer Vaiue $125.00 3rd Grade Trophy Value $50.00 Ladies. Veteran & Junior Trophy Plus Novice Junior Trophy. WINCHESTER SINGLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP. 25TGT 15M GRADED O/A,AA,A,B,C Noms $15.00, LJV $9.00 OIAil Winner - Sash & 1 112 Cases Winchester Shells 1st other 4 Grades Sash & 1 Case Winchester Shells 2nd each Grade 112 Case Shells Ladies, Veteran & Junior Trophy Plus Novice Junior Trophy. Total DTL Noms $130.00 Total LJV Noms $88.00 KYM AND PRO HART OIALL HlGH GUN SASH & PAINTINGS AA,A,B,C,LADIES,VETERANS & JUNIORS HlGH GUNS SASH & 112 CASE SHELLS. High Gun conducted over events 1,2,3,4,5,6 points to Count. Ladies.Veterans &Juniors 60% Noms on ail events except Handicap. The Broken Hiii Gun Club wishes to thank our sponsors: Gaiy Radford 8 Sons, Winchester, Max Smith Yamaha, Australian Inland Energy, BH Credit Union, Silver City Betta Electrical, Stewart Giiiman Sashes, BH Musicians Club, Silver City Drillers, Shannon Electric's. CAMPING AVAILABLEATGUN CLUB (POWERED SITES & HOTSHOWERS) Ail visitors most welcome at the Broken Hill Musicians Club. Bistro, Restaurant, Pokies, Entertainment, Legal Two Up. For further information and accommodation inquiries please contact: President: Len Gray Ph (08) 8088 2417. Treasurer: Wayne Channing Ph (08) 8088 3905 all hours. Persons nominating LadiesNeteransNuniorswill be eligible for WN Trophies or Grade (not both). NOMINATIONS TAKEN & PRACTICE FROM 3PM FRIDAY 20TH MAY. Page 44 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 1611175; JNR HIGH GUN: B lacey 23125. Mid North 63-00 Very Windy (19) - 25T PIS TWR GR: A: P Dayman 74/75; B: T Bowman 69115; C: W Bowman 54/75; 26T PIS GR: A: T Higgins 71175; B: L Cottell 68/75; C: A Phillips 56/75; 25T NIGHT WCAP: 1st J Bowden 23/25. 2nd A Phillips 22/25, 3rd P Dayman 21/25. Port Lincoln 20-260 (10) - 25T SKEET DBLS. P Beale 23/25; 25T D/B: A: S Edmonds 25/25; B: B Briteher 21/25; C: J Moran 16/25; 25T P B A :P Beale 65115; B: B Briteher 60115; C: JMoran 46/75; 25T CONT: A: P Beale 24/25; B: I McArther 24/25; C: B Hutt 15/25; O/A HIGH GUN: P Beale. P t P i r i e 6.2-W Hot & Windy - 110 TGT MXD: 1.t R Hindmarsh 90/110, 2nd B Thomas 8W110. 3rd J Smith 8M10, 4th A Jones 83/110,5th N Ellis 17/110. M t Gambier 11.m Overcast & Very Windy (26) 50T SKEET CIS: A: 1st R Cwmbes 53/55, 2nd W Hetherington 48/50; O/A&B: G Height 58155. 2nd D Small 46150; C: 1st G Monson 39/50. 2nd N Earl 42/54; 25T PTS CIS: O/A&AA: G Height 78/31,2nd P Green 7W5; A: 1st L Lavia 74/81, 2nd B Spring 11/81; B: 1st F Kentish 77/81, 2nd T Telford 69/15: C: 1st P Green 62/75, 2nd H '&ford 60115; 25PR Dm US: AA: 1st G Height 40/50,2nd P Green 6; K Holmes; A: 1st L Lavia 35/50, 2nd T Gilchrist 32/50: B&O/A: C Wakefield 41/50, 2nd F Kentish 38160; C: 1st H Telford 22/50, 2nd P Green 20150; HIGH GUN: G Height - 9.30am Start PT. PIRIE MASTERS G A M E S 2000 April CLAY TARGET SHOOTING Fri -1 Practice from 9.30 am Lunch &tea Available at Club Rooms P.P.G.C. Levy $10 50 tgt Double Barrel D.T.L. Practice from 9.30 am Lunch &tea available at Club Rooms P.P.G.C. Levy $10 Sundav 9th 10 am start 50 tgt Point Score 25 tgt Single Barrel Practice from 9.30 am lunch available at Club Rooms P.P,G.C. Levy $15 Minimum age 30 Men & Women Age groups 30 to 39.40 to 49.50 to 59 60 to 69,70 plus. For more information coitact Rod Hindmorsh p h . 08 8632 2230. April 2000 ALL MEALS AVAILABLE Further inquiries contact Vince Bone 08 8627 7251 or Tony Shaw 08 8644 0125 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 45 tional 2, 2471250, R Dean 50, B Aloi 49, R Manno 48, S Parente 50, B Wimshvrst 50; STATE S/B CIS: O/A&AA: D Olivien, 5W50, 2nd J Bymes 49/50; A: 1st P Hendy 48/50, 2nd R MeGregor 71/14: B: 1st B W i k h 46/60, 2nd A Hawker 53/53; C: 1st P Green 42150, 2nd I Hein 4U50; LAD: L Beelitz 43150; JNR:6 .. Hawker 46/50; VET: J Ellis 44/50; CARNIVAL PIS CIS: O/A&AA: D Nichols 176/177. 2nd D Oliviero 175/177: A: 1st K Reseott 1471150, 2nd P Mules 14W150; B: 1st L Smith lW150,Znd K Mules 143150; C: 1st P Green 142/150, 2nd D Meaney 1601174: LAD: L Beelitz; JNR: B Laeey 154/159; VET: K Mules 1431150; R&P MACK TROPHY: T Rohrlach 41140; SA SCHOOLPERSON CIS: 1st S Parente 50150, 2nd J Meaney 51/53, 3rd L Smith 50153; OIA HIGH GUN: OPEN: D Oliviero 3941400; LAD: L Beelitz 3701400; JNR: S Parente 3771400; VET: K Polst 3681400; CHAMPION SA SHOOTER: D Oliviero 3941400; CHAMPION SA JNR SHOOTER: B Laeey 3041325; ZONE TEAMS: OPEN: Western Zone - 1251125 (370/37$); LAD: Central Zone 68/15 (192/225); JNR: Eastern Zone 68/15 (20U2253; VET: Central Zone 7U75 (209/225); STATE TEAMS: OPEN: D Oliviem 245, M Medhurst 244, D Nieholls 243, S Chambers 243, D Beelitz 243, E Hall 242. C Bentley 242, B Radford 241, T Rohrlach 241, A Vilcins 240, K Mulea 240, R Sith 240, C Jacobs 240, S Thompson 238, T Shaddoek; LAD: L Beclitz 225, L Smith 213, S Bymes 213, P Green 209, S Thompson 205, T Smart 204; JNR: S Parente 232. B Lacey 231, J Meaney 231, RManno 227, AHawker 226, B Hawker 223; VET: KPolet 228, KMules 224, JEllis 218, P Quire 206, S Zounis 145, F Atkinson 141; INTERSTATE POSTAL TEAM: OPEN: 144011500 HIGH GUN: D Nicholls/D Oliviero 143; LAD: 3491375 HIGH GUN: L Beelitc 74; JNR: 3481375 HIGH GUN: B Lseey 73; VET: 3281375 HIGH GUN: K Mules 71; STATE SHOULDER TO SHOULDER TEAMS: OPEN: D Oliviero 394, D Niehalls 392, C Bentley 388, M Medhvrst 387, R Smith 386, RESERVES: T Rohrlach 384, D Beelitz 384, E Hall 332, B Radford 381; LAD: L Beelitz 299, L Smith 283, P Green 280, RESERVES: S Thomp~on276, T Smart 267, S Bymes 267; JNR: B Lacey 304, S Parente 303, J Mesney 298, RESERVE: R Manno 296. A Hawker 294: VET: K Palst 297. K Mules 295, J Ellis 279, RESERVE: P Quire 269. South Australian 18-260 Beautiful (36) JOE RICHARDS MEM SKEET US: O/A& A Goodall 5W50, D Burton 6U62; B: P Casey 69113, C Marinis 68/13; C: R Spinells 45/50, C Giles 42/50; WINNING TEAM: SAGC 2361250; JOE RICHARDS MEM TRENCH CIS: O/A&A: B Piteo 23/25, P Mmoionni 15/25: B: P Hendy 2v25. PMamidale 21125; C: T Shaddock 32/39, M Ryan 3U39; WINNING TEAM: International 61175; GR PB: A: B Augvst 71175, P Hendy 70115; B: B Newell 6W75, C Marinis 67115; C: D Pauazzolo 6M5, S Zounis 64/75; ST KILDA DiB CIS: A&O/A: B August 55/56, W Spackman 55/57: AA: N Marini. 53/54, T Shaddock 52154; B: C Marinis 55/56. K Redford 48/50; C: S Zounis 46/50, D Panazzolo 44/50; OIA HIGH GUN: T Shsddodi 182/200. - Southern 28-160 Fine, Windy, Cool Conditions (21) 21st, 22nd, 23rd April 2000 Friday 21st April - Practice 12.30pnl Event 1. 1.Wpm. Bay of Isles D/B Championship. "oms $14 25 Targets, 15m. Sash to Overall, Tmphies to 1st & 2nd Event 2. District SIB Championship. noms $14 25T,15m. Sash to O v e r d , Tmphies to 1st & 2nd. AA,A,B,C. - 25T DiB 15M:A: 1st R Shubert 25/25, 2nd T Kirby 27/28; B: 1st A DalleMolle 24/25,2nd WReily 2M8; C: l e t C Vowlea 22/25, 2nd D Humphrey 25131; 25T DiB CIS: A: 1st T Kirby 34135.2nd J Hisgins 33/35: B: 1st K Polst 27/29, 2nd P Depledge 23/25; C: 1st D Humphrey 2U25.2nd R Leake 20125; 25T CONT: 1st J Higgins 25/25, 2nd R Shvbert 26/27, 3rd D Hamann 23/25; HIGH GUN: J Higgins 84/37. South East 6-2-00 Fine & Warm (17) - 25T WCAP: 1st B Lacey 25/25, 2nd & 3rd divided by 9 shooters 24/25; 25T DiB CIS: O/A&AA: G Helght 59/59, S Chambers 53/59; A: S Henderson 30131. T Gilehrist 29/31: B: K Mules & A Moody 22/25; C: R Burton 22/25, D Taylor 17/25; 25T CON? A: S Chambers 25/25, G Height 24/25; B: K Mules & J Kljun 22/25; C: D Taylor 22/25, R Burton 17/25. Wilkawatt 20-2-00 \\7ndy & Warm (12). 251'CR DiWA: 1st U Beelitr 2V25, 2nd J Carnuell 2425; B 1st B Sh>llaber.r27 27.2nd I Dunbar 2627. C. 1st T Roacnzreig 24/2/26.2nd J Kemp 20 25; 20 PR DID DIP l i t I Dunbar & D Ueelitz 18 20. 2nd J Kemp & R Rvndle 16/20: 26T SKEET A. R Maywald 2325: B: D Uerlrtr 22/25, C. T Rasenzweig 23125; HIGH GUN. P Hundle 60 65. Sponsored by Steelmark Eagle & Globe. Saturday 22ndApril- Breakfast 6.30am Practice 8.00am Event 4. - Sponsored by JB's Hardware. Dishict D/B Points Championship. noms $14 25 Targets, 15m. Sash to Overall, Trophies to 1st & 2nd Sash to Overall, Tmphies to 1st & 2nd. Sponsored by E J Billington Sunday 23rd April - Breakfast 6.30am - Practice Event 7. Event 9. 10 Targets Handicap P/S Eye Opener. noms $10 1st Overall - Bar Fridge ( Value $330) Sponsored by Norval. A. Watts Accountant Sponsored by OD Transport Hsny Miller Memorial Grand Prix. "oms $28 50 Targets DIB, 15m. Sash to Overall Coloured TV to 1st AA,A,B,C. Bread Makers to 2nd HIGH GUN OVER EVENTS 3-9 Eastern Goldlields 30-1-00 Fine. No Wind 25T SKEET:A: 1st S O'Brien 24/25: C: 1st T Chaplin 19/25. - Eastern GeldlieIda 15.2.00 Hot. No Wind 10T CONT EIO: 1st B Hooper, M Neve. B Pritchard 1W10; 25T CONT CIS: A: 1st A Free 22/25: C: 1st M Neve 19/25; 25T CONT 18M: A&B: 1st R Day 23/25; C: 1st M Neve 19/25. - Geraldton 27-01-00 Geraldton 20.2-00 Hat (11) 25T CONT 20M: 1st J Chandler & S Johnston 2112% 25T D/B: OIA: S Johnston 25/25; 25T SIB: OIA: V Oliveli; HIGH GUN: J Chandler 66/75; MOST IMPROVED: F Bombara. - Northern B Districts 20.2-00 Fine (18) - 75T nmm: A: Ken Dew 1221125: 9:Roy Holtfreter 1191125: C: Fred Carnaby 114/125. BBQ with hood ( v a l u e $430) OVERALL HIGH GUN Spoilsored by: Esperance Appliance Centre. TROPHY: INTERMEDIATE HIGH GUN Sponsored by Cronin Shearing. TROPHY: JUNIOR HIGH GUN Sponsored by Winchester Australia. TROPHY: LADIES HIGH GUN Sponsored by Westpac TROPHY: VETERANS HIGH GUN Sponsored by Sotrthenr Edge Clothing Co. West Aushalian 1 5 4 6 0 25T SKEET CID: AA: 1st R Wendt 25/25. 2nd M Ponta 24/25. 3rd C Bertini 23/25: A: 1st S Ogrien 25125, 2nd J King 22/25, 3rd C Ellis 2U25; B: 1st S Lee & M Voke 24/25, 3rd A Bmwn, L Walsh & B Maley 22/25: C: 1st G Day 23/25, 2nd KAbbott 20/25, Page 46 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 3rd M Goldman 19/25; 75T SKEET AA&A: C Bertini 74175.2nd M Ponta 80181, 3rd R Wendt 79/81: B: 1st S Lee 73/75, 2nd M Voke 71175, 3rd L Walsh 65175; C: G Day 71175, 2nd I Jackson 6On5.3rd M Goldman 59/75, west Australian 20-2.00 25T CONT CAI AA: 1st D Knight & R Bailey 25/25, 3rd T Morris & M Alexander 23125; A: 1st J Rose, G Cameron & a Vandeleur 25125; B: 1st D Bcrry 24/25, 2nd K Mahalingham & L Hemley 23/25: C: 1st K Abbatt 23/25, 2nd C Langdon 22125, 3rd T O'Brien 21/25: 50T CONT CIS: OIA: K Mehalingham 49150;AA: 1st T Morris 56/60,2nd M Alexander 55/60,3rd R Bailey 46/50; A: 1st A Vandeleur 57/80. 2nd J Rose 56160, 3rd F Shim 63/68; B: 1st J Bigg 47/50, 2nd D Berry 44/50, 3rd D Fracam 43/50; C: 1st C Mezsatesta 46150,Znd KAbbott 46150.3rd J Panara 43/50. West Australian 21.2.00 IWT STASTE ISSF TRAP QUALIFIER: A: 1st M Alexander 91/1W: B: 1st L Hemley 84/1W, C: 1st J West 8711M): lOOT STATE ISSF SKEET QUALIF1ER:A: 1st C Bertini 9Wl00, B: 1st S Lee 871100, C; 1st B Maley 81/100. Albury Wodonga April Classic Sundav 9th April 10.00 am Start Ev 1. Barellan 18.2.00 Windy (21) 10T DIS OFF WCAP Cm: T Stivens 10/10. B lrvin 9/10, R Foster. B Charles. A Bound. D Turner, G Dennis. 'S Whitcross. T Murray, T Salafia. N MeDermott: 25T WCAP: 1st S Papasidem, 2nd T Salafia, 3rd R Foster, FMI: T Stivens, BIM: D l b n e r , JNR: B Irvin, VET: R Collier; 15T DIS OFF 15M CAI 15/15 B Boyd, D 'hner, K Whytcross. T Salafia, A Paonnc & N McDelmatt: 9T QUAIL DRIVE: 719 B Charles, D 'hrner. K Whyteross; HIGH GUN: T Salafia. - AZbury Wodonga Clay Target Club 29th & 30th April 2000 1O.OOAM START Event 1. 50 Target Handicap $25.00 Event 2. 50 Target Single Barrel $25.00 Event 3. 40 Target Points Score $25.00 Event 4. 50 Target Double Barrel $25.00 P H O W S OVER ALL LAYOUTS Zone team to be selected from events 2,3 & 4 Overall sash for each event and medals for 1st & 2nd in each Grade. BBQ Tea and Camping facilities available 10 TGT P/S C/D Noms $5 Ev 2. 30 TGT P/S Frank Plas Air Conditioning Championship Noms $13 L/V $10 JNR $5 O/A + 3 Grades 2nd in 4 Grades Ev 3. 30 TGT S/B Frank Plas Air Conditioning Championship Noms $13 L/V $10 JNR $5 O/A + 3 Grades 2nd in 4 Grades Ev 4. 30 TGT D/B Frank Plas Air Conditioning Championship Noms $13 L/V $10 JNR $5 O/A + 3 Grades 2nd in 4 Grades Ev 5. 20 TGT Handicap Noms $9 L/V $7 JNR $4 1st $50 2nd $30 3rd $20 JUNIOR TROPHY ON EVENT 4 FREE NOMS TO NEXT SHOOT $150 OPEN ORDER FROM ELKS HUNTING & FISHING FOR POSSIBLE SHOT OVER FULL PROGRAMME. H/G OVER FULL PROGRAMME - HALF CASE SHELLS SKEET SHOOTERS Anzac Shoot 25th April 10.00 am Start Cash Cash Cash Ev 1.50 TGT Skeet C/D O/S Ev 2.50 TGT Skeet C/D O/S Ev 3.50 TGT Skeet C/D O/S NOMS FOR EACH EVENT $20 L/V $14 JNR $8 H/G SASH OVER FULL PROGRAMME JUNIOR, LADY & VETERAN TROPHY OVER FULL PROGRAMME Greg Pinner President 02 6025 3610 Ross Carter Secretary BH 02 6021 8222 April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shwting News Page 47 B a t h u r s t S16.Z-W Fine & Hot (37) - 15T Dm EIO: 12 possibles; 50T D/B CIS: O/A: I Stewart 68168: AA: R Ehlers 67/68. F Seve 60161, J Caltabinno 86186; A: P Haley 48/50, P Roseoni 47150, M Campbell 49/53; B. R Salvin 63164. P Lohse 82/83, P Vella 8U68: C: G Moorby 49/53, W Wenzel 48/53, T Dalbell 44150; 30T WCAP: 1st J Caltabinna 52152, 2nd E Dobrawlski 5U52, 3rd G Moarby 37/38, 4th D Hunt 34/35, 5th R Slavin 32/33; 15T DIB EiO. 12 possibles; 90T CWCH: O/A: R Ehlers 1491150; AA: P Graham 1461160. J Finn 16U170, J Caltabiano 1581170; A: M Campbell 1381150. A Brown 1331150, G Jancs 1321150; B: P Vella 1331150, M Harber 132J150, P Lahse 1291150; C: G Maorby 1421150, G Christlo 1291150, T Dolbel 12U150; HIGH GUNS: JNR: G Moorby 2441260; LAD: K Gault 2321260; OIA: R Ehlers 2441260. Cecil Park 28-1-00 10T PTS El0 CD. AA: G Rwtes, R Galea, P Farrugia 30130: A: M Bajada. I Clisdell 30130; 8 : G Hapeshi, S murgelis, B Bartalo 27130; C: J Vella 22/30; 25T DIB C/D: AA: G Rootes, R Galea, S Bell 15/25; A: I Clisdell 25/25; B: G Hapeshi, B Bartolo 25125; C: L Cauchi 22/25; 25T PTS CONT WTROPHY. AA: 1st G h a t e s 74/75. 2nd P Fnmgin 85181: A: 1st K Bosanko 72/75, 2nd G Gcorgievski 95/99;B: 1st G Hapeshi 71fl5, 2nd B Baillvro 66/75; C: 1st L Morabito 70175. 2nd C Beeehnm 66115. Saturdav May 13th 9am 30T Steve Staughton DB Classic 15m $20 Overall 1st & 2nd AA,A,B,C 30T Stan McMaster Memorial Cup DB 15m $20 Overall 1st & 2nd AA,A,B,C 30T DB Handicap $20 1. 3. Sundav Mav 14th 9am 30T Liverpool Plains SB Championship 15m $20 Overall 1st & 2nd AA,A,B,C 30T Tally-Ho Cup P/Score 18m $20 Winning Team $250.00 2nd Team $100.00 Best Individual Score $50.00 30T Continental 15m Cash Divide $15 Total Noms $1 15.00 4. 5. OVERALL & GRADE HIGH GUNS FULL CAMPING FACILITIES Bombals 19-2-00 Hot (17) - 1OT DIB CIM E/O: D Blewitt, K Dawe, C Vcness, T Roberts, A Robere, 20T DIB CONT C M OIA: H Kennedy: A: A Roberta, B:.KCrawford: C: C Vcncss; 50T PIS CIM. OIA: A Roberts: A: 1st K Dawe, 2ndD Blewitt; 8 : IstHKenncdy, 2nd A CrswLrd; C: 1st C Veness, 2nd A Niesar; JNR HIGH GUN: C Clear; HIGH GUN. A Robe*. Canbema International 20.240 Warm & Windy 75T TRENCH WCAP: 1st J Rusrell 62+15. 2nd R Vanbeek 58+22; 25T SKEET CD: 1st S Balagh 23/25, 2nd I Betkingham 2U25. 3rd T Forrest 21/25; 25PR SKEET CL? lat S Bnlagh 46150.2nd I Beckinghsm 42/50, 3rd G Betar 39150.4th T Forrest 39150. - Canawindra 20.2-W Hot (261 - 25 D m AA: 1st J Laspina, 2nd J Caltabiano; A: 1st A Drogemuller. 2nd P Taylor; B. 1st J Rae, 2nd R Campbell: C: 1st K Thumll. Club reserves the right to alter the program. NSW STATE NIGHT SINGLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP Pres: Trevor Campbell 02 6744 1381 Sec: Wayne Tailby 02 6742 2 130 To commence at dark Page 48 Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 IN THE OUTBACK 9am Start Event 1. Event 2. Event 3. Event 4. Noms $10 20tgt Double Barrel C/D E/O 15m Noms $18 25tgt P/S Barwon & District C'ship 15m AA,A,B,C O/S graded $2 Noms $25 50tgt D/B Barwon Classic C'shlp 15m AA,A,B,C O/S graded $2 NIGHT Noms $10 20pr D/D Barwon & District C'Ship 20m 1st & 2nd Pairs O/S graded $2 Event 5. Event 6 Event 7 Event 8 Noms $10 20tgt Double Barrel C/D E/O 15m Noms $18 25tgt S/B Barwon & Distrlct C'shlp 15x1 AA,A,B,C O/S graded $2 Noms $25 20tgt P/S John Ryan Memorial Handicap lst, 2nd & 3rd O/S graded $2 Sponsored by Brewarrina RSL Club Noms $18 15pr D/R Barwon & Distr~ctC'sh~p15m AA,A,B,C O/S graded $2 Total Noms $134 Optional Sweeps $10 Ladies, Juniors & Veterans reduced nominations (if whole programme shot) OVERALL HIGH GUN & G W E HIGH GUNS OVER EVENTS 1-3,5-8. Ladies,Juniors &Veterans High Gun (3 or more competitors & whole programme shot) Camping facilities available including hot & cold showers; breakfast facilities provided. Cartridges and refreshments available on grounds. Saturday evening meal will cost $5. The club reserves the right to alter the programme. The Club would like to thank their sponsor ACCOMMODATION: Royal Hotel (02) 6893 2283; Swancrest Motel (02) 6839 2397; Brewarrina Hotel (02) 6839 2019. For further information: Colin Betts (02) 6839 2051 AH; David Hagarty (02) 6839 2352 AH; Mary Ann Boyd (02) 6839 2054. I I April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 49 15/20, D Casbolt 1Y20; HIGH GUN: C Cunningham 137/150. 1 Newcastle Dubbo 52.00 Warm & Wbdy (30) WZ SKEET U S 100T: O/A: F Hedley 98/1W; AA: A Lveehitti 98/104, L Luechitti 97/104, A: K Heywwd 88/100; B: R Machul 1001110, D Coaker 99/110; C: C S e e 9U100, J M-s 891100; 20T DIB C/D: P Kenyon. C Strike, D Aleoek, E Tucker, D Coaker 20120: 25T DIB WCAP US: OIA: G h e t h 3U34: 1st C McLauehlan 33/34, 2nd M Heywwd 28/29; 15PR D R Cm:K Heywwd 28/30, M Heywood 25/30. K Fuller 24/30, P Kenyon 23/30, K Watton 23/30, C Strike 23/30, D Coaker 23/30. - Clay Target Club Greniell 13-2-04 Windy (18) SOT CONT US: OIA & AA: J Caltabiano 5U57,2nd C Foster 55/59; A: ADrogemuller 53(57,2nd P Walmsley 44/50; B: G England 52l.6'56, 2nd I Malovic 39/50; C: C Crass 33/50; 25T HCP: 1st M Sinclnir 31/32. 2nd M MeAllister 30132, 3rd J Caliabiano 34/36; 25T P/SCD: AA: G Sinclair 74/75, 2nd M MeAllister 72175;A:ADrogemuller 701'75,Znd M Williams 68/75; B: M Sinelair 67/75, 2nd G England 66175; C: C Crass 55/75; HIGH GUN: M McAllistcr 921100. - Glen Innes 64-00 Hot & Windy (96) - 20TDIB CID 15M: kA: K Cummins, M Lillyman, G Baxter, R Varley, J Farrell, S Wallis, B Hoaper, J Kent, K McBean, T Sehafer, R Xdal, C Burt, J Poole, G Laneaster, A Fuller, J Hunter, R b y , F Petriella 20120; A: I Burcy, L Kennedy, W Lssker, B Rumbel, P Wright, B M&y, AYme, B Finch, E Balogh, C Hayes, C Cunningham. M Klinger,Aby, R Morrison 20120; B: S Anderson. R Weeslink, P McGuire, R Gaden, B Hunter, H Finch 20120; C: I Thompson 20/20, J Klinger, P Mesham, J Hayes, S MeBean, M Wynne 18/20; SOT PIS NZ CIS: OiA: C Burt 154/156;AA: T Schafer 153/156, S Wallis 150/153, B Hwper 1491153: A: J Nash 159/162. N Campion 1561162, L Kennedy 1551159; B: M Stibbard 1571152, D Pickle 1561162. M Debortoli 147/153; C: S MeBean 141/150, B Marjoram 127/150, B Bloxaome 121/150; 50T Dm TROPHY. O/A: I Bvrey 114/114; AA: B Hwper 113/114, R Vidal 86/37, G Laneaster 73/74: A: E Little 78/19. E Balqgh 51/52. J Nash 91/92: B: B Hunter 58/59, R Patter 57159,-R Palmer 56/59: C: S MeBean 44/50, B Marjoram 43/50, J Klinger 43/51: HIGH GUNS: OiA: T Schafer April2000 Apl.lil9th 100 Targets Sporting Nominations for the day $50 LJ&V $35 Clays Only $30 9.30am Start Graded: AA.A.B & C Trophies: 1st. 2nd & 3rd each Grade 1st & 2nd Ladies, Juniors and Veterans Overall High Gun 50 Target 16 Station Layout. Food and Refeshments available Come along and enjoy the day Visitors most welcome Camping available on the grounds at Wilton Rd. Awaha Accommodation: Lakeside Motor Inn 02 4948 9666 Toronto Caravan Park 02 4959 1271 Cardiff Motor Inn 02 4954 6738 Pippies at the Point 02 4958 1022 Contact: Peter Dawson 02 4953 3161 or G r a h a m G o s l i n g 02 4965 6673 WeQ.m;-~~~~~sers.hunterlink.net.au/cIayi?rget or Sezifch *NLMCTC" Australian Clay Target Shooting News 'age 5 1 N.S.W. GUN CLUB LTD APRIL 2000 O/A&A: J L Headon 19/20; B: I Meeleod 14/20; C: G Davies 17/20; 10T SIB CLUB MUG: J L Headon 1711?; HIGH GUN: J L Headon P Lyons & M Lyons 49/60; LAD HIGH GUN: V Kibblewhite & R La6gley 64/80; O/A HIGH GUN: P Lyons 75/80. Maj19.1-M) 10 PR Dm: OlA: B Skinner 36/40;AA: D Reed 34/40; A: T Spadunan 17/20; B: L Kibblewhite 16/20; C: AAtkins 12/20; 20 PR DID C I S 1st B Skinner & R Ellis 32/33. 2nd P Lyons & J Allsn 31/33. Moree 5.2-W Fine & Hot (15) - 25T SKEET: A: L 11. et Championship - 25t El0 CID + 50t (See ACTA Shooting News - March Issue) 11.00am Practice. 100t + Final 11.00am Practice Q - W 2.00pm - 9.30pm Practice 7.00pm - Charles Waterhouse Memorial Shoot 30t DO3 - $20 7.00pm Trap Competition - 30t - $12 Saturdav 15th Auril200Q 1.00pm - Trap Competition Duffys Forest Championship 25t El0 CID - $9 50t DL8 - $25, lOpr DJRise CID - $9 11.00am Practice 1.00pm - Trap Competition Terrey Hills Championship l o t El0 CID - $9 - l O O t DO3 - $50 11.00am Practice Wurdav 29th Aunl 200Q 1.00pm - 5 Stand Competition 25t El0 CID + 50t 11.00am Practice EVERY WEDNlESDAY 7.30pm Trap Competition - 30t - $12 2.00pm - 9.30pm - Practice Location: 131 Booralie Road, Terrey Hills, N.S.W. 2084 Phone (02) 9450 1775; Fax (02) 9486 3497 Info: Club Captain: Sergio Zuffo (02) 9948 8182, Sue Nicholls (02) 4579 6332 Mattarelli Traps are now in use on Olympic Trap, Skeet Trap & ISU Layouts - 5 Stand Layout now in use. ALL LAYOUTS ARE COIN OPERATED IN GROUND PHONO PULL SYSTEMS Wednesday Nights All layouts shooting under flood lights Page 52 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Buxton 25/25, 2nd M Dalsanto & P Tattam 24/25; C: B Ping Kee 22/25, L Hattenfels 17/25; 25T DM: AA: P Tattam & M Dalssnto 24125; A: B Ping Kee & L B u t o n 22/25; C: T Robinson 24/15, 2nd R Bezliero & B Kneipp: 10 PRDlR CIS:CHAMPION: T Robinson 16/20; AA: 1st P Tattarn 15/20,2nd M Dalssnto lU20;A: 1st L Buxton 15120,2nd B Ping Kee 15/20; C: 1st L Hattenfells 14/20, 2nd B Farlow & B Kneipp 1U20. --"* 30t MXD: TRAP COMPETITION: AA: N Xenos 25/30; A: T Lionatos 22/30: B: P Stevenson 2U3O: C: T NSW 5-2-00 Hot & Sunny SKEET COMPETITION. SOT C/D: l e t R Clarke A Hickma 49/50, 2nd A ~"cchitd, F Mareellino 48/50; SOT AA: 1st M Newman 50+18, 2nd T Vallelonga 50+11; A: 1st P Kouroupis 45150,Znd N Watehorn 44/50; B: 1st T Hickman 48+4, 2nd E Mareellino 48+3; C: 1st T Limatos 39. Gun Club flnc - Newcaatle 5-2-00 Very Hot (16) SOT MXD: A: J Blaxley 971100; B: K Lonsdale 9W100; C: K Hugo 80/1W. 20PR D/R: AA: TJ h e r 38/40; A: G Foster 42/50; B: K lamdale 28/40. - Newcastle 18.240 Windy (59) - lOOT NOV FIELD: OIA: F Seales; AA: G Cdley 94/111, P Wells 98/111, G Sweeny 901111. A: D Ball 80/1W, G Condran 791160, D Jackson 78/100; B: A Jackaan 78/1W, M Doherty 781100, P Pembeton 8 5 / l l t C: T Wright 76/1W, W Hayea 6W100, J Adams 64J100; LAD: A Lotimar 7W100, R Sesburn 72/100; JML: J Sweeny 7W100; VETS: G Hopkins 731100, J h h b s l d 691100. NSW 12.240 Overcaat & Humid - lOOT OLYMPIC TRAP: OIA: G Kable 116; AA: T lbrner 103;A: H Kassianou 108: B: J Rusael91; C: RRosai 61; 25T WO:1st T Lionatos, D McTaggart. M Dfclnnes, L Diamond 25/25, 2nd P Spiropoulos, T Arvanitakis 24126; 30'7 MXD: AA: 1st T Arvanitakis 50+5,2nd P Spimpados 50+4; A: 1st T Lionatos 48, 2nd R Beer 46+2: B: 1st R Squire 46,ZndT Dforaitis 45; C: l a t S Kueller 43, 2nd A Comino 40; 20PR DIR: 1st M Melnnes 38, 2nd T h a n i t a k i s 36, 3rd R Northeatt 32, 4th R Squire 31. NRW 7. . - .. 9 ..2 -44. Night Shooting (40) - 25T EiO: 1st J Lucchitti 25/25, 2nd T Bowting 24/25, P Gullotto, T Vsllelonga, P Kouroupis; SOT: OIA: J Lucehitti 48+12: AA: 1st A Lucchitti 48+12, 2nd T Vallelonga 48+11; A: 1st P Kouroupis 42: B: 1st F Mareellino 49, 2nd P Gdlotto 41; C: 1st S Mueller 44. 2nd T Bowing 43. 30T TRAP: AA: 1st T Arvanitakis, i n d N Xenos; A: let T Czinker, 2nd T Abela, D Perri; B: l s t A Moraitis, 2nd C Valle- Sydney C.T.C Proudly Presents 2000 Easter Championships Good Fridav 21st Aoril 5.30om start. ... ... 20TGT D/Barrel C / D $8.00 50TGT D/Barrel S o u t h e r n Zone Night Championship $24.00 O/All S a s h plus 1st & 2nd each grade. Come and shoot the friendly club Easter Sundav 23rd Aoril 9.30 start ... SOTGT Eoster D/B Championship $24.00 Optional $5.00swp 5OTGT Eoster SIB Championship ...$24.00 Optional S5.W swp 50TGT Eoster PIS C h a m p i o n s h i p $24.00 Optional $5.00 swp ... O/ALL & GRADED SASHESALL EVENTS CASH AND CARTRIDGES O/ALL H/GUN EACH EVENTSHOT ONE VISIT TO TRAP Gaiy h Karen Kennenon M 9588 3968 . Location: 3km from Scone on the Gundy Road Saturdav 15th A~ril2000 Commencing: 10 am Event 1. 20 D.B Cash Divide 5.00 2. 25 Club D.B Championship 01s 2.00 3. 25 Club P.S. Championship 2.00 10.00 4. 25 Club S. B. Championship 2.00 10.00 5. lOPR Club D.R. Championship 2.00 6. 10 D.B. Night Eye opener 3.00 7. 25 Nth Zone Night S.B. Championship All championships 1st & 2nd each grade Overall, Ladies, Juniors & Veterans 60% Noms + O/S Catering, Drinks &Ammo available Camping on club grounds - hot showers Sundav 16th A~ril2000 Commencing: 9 am 100 Novelty Field Shoot 46.00 Trappers 4.00 ALL SHOOTERS GRADED ON DAY LADIES, JUNIORS, VETERANS PENSIONERS $28+$4 OVERALL, LADIES, JUNIOR & VETERANS HIGH GUNS TROPHIES IST, 2ND & 3RD IN ALL Janenni, Kidd 02 9523 9W4 The committee reserves t h e right to alter t h e program. April 2000 Australian Clay Ta)rget Shooting News Page 5 3 - Richmond River Clay Target Club Wyrallah Road Lismore NSW 1 9 6 4 0 Fine & S-y (251- 10T El0 DIB: 1st R Northcott, G Donling, P Spimpoulos, N Xenos, W Maryska, T Arvanitakis, A Abraham 10110; lOUT DIB: AA: 1st P Spiropovlos 99, 2nd N Xenw 98; A: 1st G Yarak 95, 2nd C Auditare 94; B: 1st J Tsifris 92,2nd R Bate 91; C: 1st T Wtight 90, 2nd T Budd 89: lOPR DIR: l e t R Narthmtt. NSW 23.240 Night Shwt -Fine (221 5WT MXD: AA: T h a n i t a k i s 98+3,2nd N Xenos 9810; A: M Norriti 96/100, 2nd T Moraitis 94/100; B: R Squire 95/100, 2nd B Squire 94/100; C: J Holt 92/100, 2nd lbny C 86+9. - NSW 26-240 Warm & Sunny (541 lOOT NOVELTY SPORTING: O/A: D Robinson '77; AA: G Condmn '70,2nd J Lueehitti 61: A: D Jaekaon 76,2nd J Gubetina '73: B: C Milner '75,Znd R Bate 73: C: P Koumupis 67, 2nd R Ellis 64; VEF R Dawson '72, 2nd G Hopkins 70; LAD:A latimer 58. - 22nd 8L 23rd April Satwdav 22nd 9.30am Start 1. 50 Target D/Barrel Continental 2. O/All Sash & Trophy (Shotgun) & 1st & 2nd Each Grade 50 Target DjBarrel C/Ship O/All Sash & Trophy 1st & 2nd Each Grade. Sundav 23rd 9.30am Start 3. 4. 50 Target Handicap 1st to 5th (1st Shotgun) 50 Target Dparrel C/Ship O/All Sash & Trophy 1st & 2nd Each Grade P~rkes1ZUH) Wet (181 lUT D B WO: C Wad, T Hawke, B Boyd. D Wilson, C Foster, B Thompson, G Buckley, J Lawrence; 25T D B C D AA: C Hawke; A: J watts, G Buekley; B: C Ward: C: R Burns; 25T PIS C/S: OIA: C Hawke '75:AA: C Foster 74/15; A: J Nash 74/15;B: J Breaden 67/15; C: R Noek 67/15: 25T TROPHY: 1st G Buekley 52/53, 2nd J Breaden SUSS, 3rd D Wilson 29/31; HIGH GUN: C Hawke 138/135. - Port Msequarie 26.1-64 Hot & Hvmid (25) 25T PIS: AA: S Wallis 74/15;A: L Whitten 13/75; B: K McWhirter, B Machul 72/75; C: W Thurlow 67/75; SOT MXD CIS: AA&O/A: W Jones 69/70, 2nd R Machd 61170;A: 1st D Maekie 64/10, 2nd B Maehul 63/10; B: 1st 0 Leys 7'7/84,2nd L MachdT3/84; C: 1st W Thurlow 49/10, 2nd R Curtis 42/70; 25T D B WCAP: 1st J Shepherd, 2nd I Leys, 3rd K MCWhirter; HIGH GUN: R Maehul. - Richmond River 11-Z.W Fine(26)- 25T D B C.WA& SAnder son, T Scheider, I Epsery, P Batson 25/25; A: G Mengel, P McGuire. K O'Btien 25/25; B: G Ley6 25/25; C: M Ci&, R Deane 24/25; W I NZ WE CONT CIS: OIA: G Mengel 46/50; AA: 1st T Denaon 45/60, 2nd T Schneider 44/50; A: 1st D Martel 4W4.2nd K O'Btien 45/64; B: l e t C Balogh 36151,Znd KGibbon 35/51; C: 1st TMilgate 42160,Znd M Crimmin. 40150; HIGH GUN: G Mengel 7v75. Shoalhaven 13.Z.W Cwl & Fine (241 loT WO:R Ehlera, C Cmeker, P Sehrieber, W Higginbothom, K Chiaveriai, F l b t 10110; lO0T MXD PBES C/S: AA-A&O/A: K Chiavetini, 2nd REhlers, 3rd W Higginbotham; B: 1st J McMillan. 2nd G C&er, 3rd S Toson; C: 1st P Iveg 2nd R Hatcher, 3rd B Baffle. - Singleton 13-UH) Cwl, Windy & Some Dtizde (301 20T D B CONT CD: AA: B Smith 20/20,A J Ones. J Hunter 19/20;A: P Jackeon 19/20, D Smith 18120; B: A Fayth 19/20, N Gay 18/20: C: R Fenwick 16/20, 0 Lighenolo 16/20; 25T D B CONT C/S: AA & O/A: B Smith 28129;A: T b e r 34!36: B: N Gay 23/25; C: G Fenwick 20R5; 25T PIS CONT CB. AA & O/A: A Jones 74/15;A: ANorris 7U75;B: M Haltan 65175: C: 0 Lighezrolo 6v75; 20T DB CONT CD: AA: T Sshaffer 2W20, J Hunter 19/20; A: A Raisebeck. B Mackson, D Smith 18/20: B: D Seve, T Brind, N Gay 17/20; C: G Fenwick 18120, P Poile 16n0. - Sydney 28.140 Mild Night (421 10T PIS E/O - C Davenport. P Marlow, G Grammitakie, M Hoaus: SOT DIB: AA: 1st T Psarakie 49/50, 2nd T Dracapulas 48150; A: 1st C Andrew 50150.2nd R Smith 63/64, A: 1st D Tatain 5W0, 2nd J Adamopdas 49/50; C: 1st T Chrpsavelaris 46/50, 2nd T TsiWaa 46/63; HIGH GUN: G Grsmmitakis 79/80. - Port Maoquarie 6.2-00 HIGH GUNS O/A EACH GRADE "2 SHOTGUNS TO BE WON" TOTAL NOMS $130.00 AY FROM IPM. All Welcome President: Ernie Balogh 6628 5575 (w) Secretary: Peter Brown 6621 2307 (w) Page 54 Orange 219-00 Clavdy & Humid (321 - 12DI MED: O/A: J W Smith 17W180; AA: G Reed 1'741180,2nd W Hawkins 172/180; A: P Fitralan 174/180,2nd J Fedele; B: R Stanford 16U180, 2nd T SkeUy 156/180: C:RSadler 16U180,ZndAF Petersens 133/180. Hot & S-y (151 5WT D B C/S:AA: 1at.W Jones 50/50,2nd M Mehnnell 49150; A: 1st L Whitten 48/60, 2nd K NeiU 45/50; B: 1st T Duek 69/61,2nd D -Ma&ie 58161; C: 1st D Aitken 43/50, 2nd R Curtis 39/50; 25T D B WCAP: 1st A Miller 25/25, 2nd K Miller 24/25,3rd G Lays 34/36; 15PR DIR: AA: A Miller, W Jones 26/30; A: W Neil, L Whitten Zm0; B: G Ley8 W30, D Mackie 22/50; C: C Leys. R Curtis 15/30; HIGH GUN: A Miller 991105. Singleton Clay Target Club Inc. CORRECTION OF PRINTING ERROR Our two day Novelty Field Shoot will be held as usual on the Queens Birthday weekend on June the 10th and 11th and NOT as advertised in N.S.W. Blue Book. See May Shooting News for fufiher advert Bruce Smith President 6572 3353 Australian Clay Ta.wet Shooting News Ap1il2000 Comboyne Rd, Wingham PO Box 178 Wingham, NSW 2429 Flying Fox Carnival Commonwealth DB Continental Championship 29/30 April 2000 - - Saturdav 29th 10.00am Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 25t DB - Cash Divide. Graded $10 Olympic Targets PS C'Ship 25t PS 15m - $15 O/A & 1st i n grade - Sash and Trophy 1st other grades - Trophy 2nd each grade - Trophy HARRINGTON HOLIDAY Commonwealth DB Cont. Championship 50t DB Cont. 20m - $30 Overall Sash & 7 Night Family Spa Villa Holiday 1st each grade Sash & 2 Night Family Spa Villa Holiday 2nd each grade Trophy Sundav - 30th - 9.00am 25t DB - Cash Divide. Graded $10 Shelly Beach Store Anzac H/Cap 25t DB WCap - $15 Overall Sash and Trophy Trophy 2nd to 4th Gemini Traps Flying Fox Fifty Championship 25t DB 25t PS 15m - $30 O/A & 1st in grade - Flying Fox Trophy & $150 cash 1st other grades $100 cash 2nd each grade $50 cash - Event 6 NOMINATIONS $110 & $5 OPT SWEEPS ON EVENTS 3 & 6 (OFF THE GTJN) OVERALL HIGH GUN - (EVENTS 1- 6) SASH & $200 CASH AA-A-B-C GRADE HIGH GUN - SASH AND $100 CASH LADIES, JUNIOR, VETERAN HIGH GUN - SASH AND TROPHY (REDUCED NOMS) CAMPING MEALS AND AMMO. AVAZLABLE ACCOMMODATION Harrington Holiday Park 02 6556 1228 Wingham Motel 02 6553 4295 Wingham Country Lodge 02 6553 0300 Australian Hotel 02 6553 4511 Wingham Hotel 02 6553 4007 April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 55 Yarak 20120; SZ MXD CIS: AA: 1st N Xenos 63flO,2nd T Psarakis 60110;A: 1st C Andrew 64170, 2nd G Yarak 77llOS; B: 1st M Hbous 55110,Znd G Hapeshi 7U105: C: l e t C Auditore 48170, 2nd A Unievor 46/50; HIGH GUN: N Xenos 1201130. 841150; 6T DIB HICAP: T Bartan, D Cacciappali. G Cestellaro. W Barton, R Baker, E Faulks, E Barton, D Power; 20T DIE WCAPTROPHY: 1st R Blake 19120, 2ndB Mayo 22/25,3rd D Power 2U25: HIGH GUN: T Barton 208/230. 24/26; HIGH GUNS: 0 1 ~G: Stevens 1711115; LADY: M Page 1551175; JNR: M Cilli 16411'75; VET A Page 1681175. Bundaberg 30.1434 Very Light W~nd& Dry (37) 50T DD CIS: O k J Wynyard 50150; AA: I Wynysrd 50150, 2nd B Zimpel 49150; A: 1st V Hyde 49160,2nd G Harriman - WaLehvrst 13.2434 Fine (7) - JERRY COLE 50T ISU WCAP: 1st E Dickens. 2nd G Mumhv, 3rd T Haines. PRELIFIMARY NOTICE Ballandean Clay Target Club Inc. Ah SHOOT A MAY 2 1, 2000 8.00am Shoot Commencing 8 . 3 O a m Practice Shoot Saturday May 20, 2000 - 2.00pm Nominations T h e Forest 20-2.04 Fine & Hat (22) - lO0T MXD CLUB CIS: CLUB CHAMP: G Cough1sn;AA: J Dematos, 2nd K Chiaverini; A: G Coughlan, 2nd P Melntash; B: D Eagles, 2ndAKeeiing; C: G Field. 2nd F Gould. Tottenham 19-2-00 Fine & Hot (50) 10T El0 CID GR: AA: B Thompeon. N Barnes. M Hillman, R Maehul, J Lawrence. P Taylor, N Owen. C Foster. S Osborne, K Fu1ler;A: K Fisher, J Wild, A Boyd; B: R Squire, P Langford. P Wyner, M MePhee, P Baldwinson; C: T Baldwinson. G Larkings, T Kilmartin; 25T PIS:AA: 1st PFitzalan, 2nd B Manns; A: 1st J Wild, 2nd R Bmdin; B: 1st P Wyner, 2nd R Squire; C: 1st GAnder son, 2nd T Baldwinson; TO'M'ENHAM CLASSIC S/B: AA: 1st N Barnes, 2ndA'hmer;A: 1st G Jones, 2nd G McDonald: B: 1st S Kinsey, 2nd S Bennett: C: 1st T Kilmartin, 2nd G Anderson; 25T DM: AA: 1st T Turner, 2nd S 0sborne;A: 1st B Powell, 2nd R Brodin; C: 1st M Shields, 2nd S Kinrey; D: 1st GAndemon, 2nd T Kilmartin; DIE AA: let ATurner, 2nd T Turner; A: 1st M Stephens, 2nd G McDonald: B: 1st R Fitzolan, 2nd P Wyner; C: 1st T Baldwinson, 2nd G Anderson; HIGHGUNS: JNR: T Kilmartin; VET: A Boyd; AA: S Osborne; A: C Baldwinson; B: P \Vya:yner; C: G Larkings; OIA: ATurner. Contact George Costanzo (07) 4683 2480 or Joanne Musumed (07) 4681 1967 fa: 107) 4681 2262 - to be held a t CLAY TARGET CLUB 22nd & 23rd April 2000 9.30 a m start both days I 0 0 Targets each day Noms $40 per day OVERALL, 1ST & 2ND EACH DAY OVERALL HIGH GUN he Zone Team will b e picked from the last 5 0 targets Saturday & the first 50 targets Sunday Further information contact: Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 Central Bvrnett 19-2-00 Cloudy (12) 25T DIE SWEEPS: A: F Robinson 25: B: J Butters, B Walker, G Linsket 24: C: E Zillmao; 25T DIB PTS SWEEPS: A: R Smith 74; B: K Vicnry, G Linsket 71; C: J Butters 61; 25T S(B: A: R Smith 21: :B K Vieary 21; C: E Robinson 18; 25T WCAP SWEEPS: 1st F Robinson 25, 2nd B Zillman 24,3rd E Robinson 18; DTL: R Smith. 3 visiting shooters fmm Bundaberg Club, 2 &rnwn events followed by a BBQ and 2 night events. - Sunday 16th 9.30 am Trap Event 125T DIE Cash Divide Graded AA,A,B,C Event 2 50T DIE 15mApril High Gun Graded Trophies 1st & 2nd eaeh grade Event 3 25T SIB 15m Gradod Trophies 1st & 2nd each grade Event 4 25T DIB 15m Continental Graded Trophies 1st & 2nd each grade Total Program $40.00 60% Noms for VeterandLadieslJuniors Club Jackpot - 2 draws Unlimited Tickets $1.00 eaeh BBQ Lunch Afternoon Tea Refreshments Kingamy E2d0 Fine &Hot (90) 25T DIB CIS OFF 15M: OIA: D Smith 11UllkA.4: l s t A - Cash Bonus! $500.00 Cash Bonus for possible shot i n either trap or Sporting Money divided if more than one possible. Tllc iommittec rcacmei the righl l o oitcr the program without noSm iinecersnry GUMPIE CLAY TARGET CLUB INC BANKS POCKET ROAD GYMPIE 1 Gold City One Day Shoot 2281235; A: A ~ h o r p2231235: B: R H o d 2231235: C: M Behm 2011235; JNR:L Murray 2201235. Sunday 14th May 2000 9 am Start AMMUNITION TROPHIES - EVENT 3 & 4 PROGRAMME Event 1 25 Target Double Barrel - 15m (SwISt 60% 30% 10% each grade) $8 Event 2 25 Target Double Barrel championship - 15m $13 (Overall, AA A B & C) Event 3 25 Target Handicap $20 (1st - 5 cases 2nd 1 112 cases 3rd 1 case 4th 112 case) Event 4 30 Target Medley - 15m - D/B SIB PTS (AAAB&C)$14 Tolal Noms $55 Veterans, Ladies &Juniors $40 Coinsnitfeereserves the right to alter tile pmgmmmeat any rime I Page 58 Contact: Brian Goddard - 07 5486 7036 (Pres.) Tony Clark - 07 5482 2265 (Sec) Gympie 132.00 - Clomdy & Muggy (28) 2ST Dm: AA: G Durre 28128;A: KHoward 25/25: B: Australian Clay Target Shooting News April 2000 nua o Day Skeet Carniva 13-14 May 2000 SHOT OVER 3 LAYOUTS Practicefrom Midday on Friday - Barbecue on Friday Night PROGRAM Saturdav 13 Mav Start 9.00am Sharp Maranoa Skeet Handicap 50 Target Skeet Handicap 1 to 5 Event 2. Roma Open Skeet Championship 50 Target - O/A, AA,A,B,C First and Second Saturday Night - "BestRumps in the West" Event 1. Sundav 14th Mav Event 3. Event 4. Start 8.00am Sharp Western Zone Skeet championship 50 Target - O/A,AA,A,B,C Sash provided by Western Zone QCTA "Retreat" Skeet Doubles Championship 25 pairs O/A,AA,A,B,C Overall,AA,A,B,CGrade High Guns on Events 1 to 4 Western Zone Team selected on Events 1 to 3. 60% norns - Veterans,Ladies and Juniors **QualtfyingEvent Overseas Skeet Contingent** Hot showers and power available for campers. The committee reserves the right to alter the program if necessary. President: Robert Nugent (07) 4622 4399 (BH).Secretary: John Robinson (07)4622 1405 Treasurer: Betty Fawcett (07) 4622 6081. Club Grounds: Geoghegan Road (07) 4622 5255 April 2000 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 59 Queensland Clay STATE TRAP TOWNSVILLE Sat 29th & Sun 30th April and Mon Ist May SATURDAY 29TH APRIL Event 1. Event 2. SUNDAY 30TH APRIL Event 3. Event 4. - 9.00AM 25 Tgt Winchester Point Score Event $22.00 Awards - OIA, 1st & 2nd AA,A,B & C Grades Women, Junior & Veteran 50 Tgt State Double Barrel C'Ship $25.00 OIA - QCTA Silver Badge, Sash, 0 W Smith Perpetual Trophy and Winchester Perpetual Trophy. Cash Awards 1st & 2nd AA,A,B & C Grades. Conducted in conjunction l l t h State Women's, Junior & Veteran State DB C'Ship Cash Awards 1st & 2nd in each Section. - 9.00AM 50 Tgt State Single Barrel Championship $25.00 OIA - QCTA Silver Badge, Sash & Cash Award Castlemaine Perpetual Trophy Cash Awards 1st & 2nd AA,A,B & C Grades Conducted in conjunction l l t h State Women's, Junior & Veteran State PS C'Ship Cash Awards 1st & 2nd in each Section. 25 Pair State Double Rise Championship $25.00 OIA - QCTA Silver Badge, Sash & Cash Award Richard Dean Remembrance Trophy Olimpyc Targets Perpetual Trophy Cash Awards 1st & 2nd AA,A,B & C Grades Conducted in conjunction l l t h State Women's, Junior & Veteran State DR C'Ship Cash Awards 1st & 2nd in each Section. MONDAY 1ST MAY 8.00AM Event 5. Event 6. Page 60 50 Tgt State Point Score Championship $25.00 OIA - QCTA Silver Badge, Sash & Cash Award MIM Holdings Perpetual Trophy Cash Awards 1st & 2nd AA,A,B & C Grades. Conducted in conjunction l l t h State Women's, Junior & Veteran State SB C'Ship Cash Awards 1st & 2nd in each Section. 25 Target Cash Handicap $22.00 OIA - Sash and Cash Award 2nd to 5th Cash Awards Australian Clay Target Shwting News April 2000 - Target Association CARNIVAL GUN CLUB Nominations will close at 10.00 am each day. 49TH INTER-STATE TRAP TEAMS MATCH OPEN STATE TEAM TOP 15 - FROM EVENTS 2,3 & 5 WOMEN, JUNIOR & VETERAN STATE TEAMS TOP 6 - FROM EVENTS 2,3 & 5 OPEN TEAM WlLL THEN SHOOT 50 TARGETS POINT SCORE WOMEN'S, JUNIOR & VETERANS TEAMS WlLL SHOOT 25 TARGETS POINT SCORE. THE COMBINED TOTAL OF THE 3 ELIMINATION EVENTS PLUS THE TEAM SCORE WlLL THEN DETERMINE THE SHOULDER TO SHOULDER TEAMS 5 PERSON OPEN 3 PERSON WOMEN'S 3 PERSON JUNIOR - 3 PERSON VETERAN. WOMEN, JUNIOR & VETERANS 60% NOMINATIONS WITH NO DISCRIMINATION IN THE ALLOCATION OF AWARDS. THE COMMITTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ALTER THE PROGRAM. - - - - - - - QUEENSLAND CHAMPION Agg. Events 2,3 & 5 Plus Team G.R & M Porter Perpetual Trophy Sash & Cash Award JUNIOR HIGH GUN Queensland Gun Exchange Perpetual Trophy Sash & Cash Award OPEN TEAM HIGH GUN R.A Dean Perpetual Trophy & Sash VETERAN HIGH GUN Stevens & Sons Perpetual Trophy Sash & Cash Award WOMEN & JUNIOR TEAM HlGH GUNS Sash & Cash Awards - OVERALL HlGH GUN RACQ GI0 Perpetual Trophy 9CT Gold Badge, Sash & Cash Award WOMEN'S HlGH GUN Tom & Thel Meadows Perpetual Trophy Sash & Cash Award Donated by T & T. Meadows April 2000 2 PERSON TEAMS OVER EVTS 1 TO 6 A.B.Long Perpetual Trophy and Cash Awards QCTA Robert Nugent 07 4622 4399 BH JennyBurt0267625525 TOWNSVILLE Tom Comerford 07 4780 4807 Australian Clay Tsrget Shooting News Page 61 2nd C Peadon 31/33. 3rd A mkb 25/21: 15P DIRA.4: J Walsh35/40,A: B Smtt 23/30; B: S Cutting 3U40; C: P Shaw 23/30; 50T SKEET: AA, B SeaL 46/60; A: J Rim 47/50; B: K Hhlpower 4W50; C: J Walah 47150; OIAHIGH GUN: J R i m 116'130. Old Koreelah Sporting Clays PO Box 2068 Toowoomba 4350 Old Koreelah Novelty Sporting Clays Rockh-pton 52.00 Warm & Blustery (32) 25T DM: AA: J Riggs45145; A: APowellZY25: B: P Purkia 2 W . C: L Hhlpower 24128; 25T W B WCAP. 1st P Purkis 32/33, - S S A A. (NSW) AffII Sat 87th - commencing 8.00am Event 1. Event 2. 26T (1 Round) Cash Diwde Gr8ded $20 00 60T (2 Rounds) Angus Wickham Memorial $40.00 O/A plus lst, 2nd, 3rd 4 Grades - Lad Jnr.Vet Killarney Dons Club - Catering both days. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Saturday night entertainment by Local Country Band. ExcelZent campmg facilities on the banks of Old Koreelah Creek with toflets a n d hot showers. Event 4 - commencing 8.OOam 25T (1 Round) Cash Divide Graded $20.00 50T (2 Rounds) Old Koreelah Champ~onsh~p $40.00 O/A plus lst, 2nd, 3rd 4 Grades - Lad,Jnr,Vet Sun 88th Event 3. Toogoolawah Clay Target Club Easter in the Valley Shoot 23rd Aoril. 10.00 Toogoolawoh ShowgrounOr 50 T a r g e t D l 8 B r i s b o n e V a l l e y 1st & 2 n d Chornplonshlp AAA.6.C 50 T a r g e t Polnts K l n g of the V a l l e y 1st & 2nd AA.A.6.C. O v e r o l l on 1CO Targets N o m s . $35 CQ L J V. $3000 B.B.Q. LUNCH & REFRESHMENTS Two loyouh working The committee reserves the right to oiter M e program M a n Guthrle 54 231 468 Gregg Blotchiy 54 264 582 - - - - INVITAIrlON Texas Clay Target Club Inc. Cordially Invites All Shooters and families To The Annual 2 Day Shoot To be held on HIGH GUNS Sash plus Cash - O/A - AA,A,B,C Grades L&es - Junior Veteran Every nornlnation for the complete pmgramme vvlll be elmble for the draw to wm a free Norninatlon for Old Koreelah 2001. PLEASE NOTE: W shooters must have a shooters licence and be a finandalmember of A.C.T.A., S.S.A.A. or Field & Game. The Committee reserves the right to alter the programme if necessary. For further mformation Max Barton 07 4632 1138, Keith Murphy 07' 4666 5123 Page 62 Easter - Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd April 2000 Commencing loam Sat. Bring the family for an Easter Week-end Camping faciilties available "GOOD FRIDAY PRACTiCE SHOOT" Followed by Cod &Yellowbelly Dinner FRIDAY PRACTICE & FESTIVITIES BEGIN 2PM Come & h d the Easter Bunny PROGRAM Saturdav 22-4-00 loam S u n d a v 23-4-00 9am 25 Target Double Banel -Trophy 25 Target Point Score -Trophy 30Target Double Barrel -Trophy 15 Pair Double Rise -Trophy 25 Target Double Barrel -Trophy 25 Target Continental -Trophy 50Target Double Barrel -Trophy Noms $60.00 Noms $60.W Two Day Nomination $110.00 Ladies. Juniors &Veterans reduced noms Sash High Gun each Grade All Trophy Evenls AA.A.6.C Grades For more information contact: Michael Forrest (President) Wk: 07 4653 1246, Hm: 07 6453 1161 ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE: Texas Motel07 4653 13W. Royal Hotel 07 4653 1310. Yellow Rose Guest House 07 4653 1592. Camping enthusiasts ring Ray or Michael for a 7opSpol'on the river bank. Everyone welcome. Australian Clay m e t Shwting News - - April 2000 Twwwmba 13-249 Cloudy (10) - 25T DB WD: D Makim & A Smith 25125, T Gill & A Page lbamsville 20-2W Cloudy & Showers (37) - 25T SKEET: W Holmes. B Edwards 24/25; 25T SKEET: W Taylor 24/25, A lbmsan & E Reeves 23/25; 25T TWR: A: K Knvth & G Reeves 25/25; B: B Edwards 25/25, K Stout, L Carty, E Reeves & Glem Reeves 2 4 4 C: P Break Badges Home Club Achieved At Brealt Anderson S Dalby Yamba Twwaomba Glen Innes Arvanitakis T Auditare F Axton L Bennett D Sydney Cecil Park Tasmanian Majura Park Marconi Marconi Cressy Glen Innes Biviano J Bower T Bmwn G Burey I Calandm L Causens A Dely J Davey R DeGori J Eade A Fahri T Fanrell J Sydney Ko'onup cduna Glen Innes Shepparton S t Helens Illaw-a Orange Cecil Park Caffs Harbour Newcastle wagin Bendi a Glen dmes Numurkah Tamworth Tamworth Cressy Mareoni hfareoni Mamni Glen Innes Felmingham R Galea L Gall M Goss M Groves B Gmves R Hallam D Harris P Hbous M Heely C Ho gard E ~ o f m e Ps Hooper B 300+350+400 Hunter B Ilickson M Knig e A ~ n i g fTt Lacey B Lawery E Mahalingham K Manicaro R Marlaw P McChrystai A McPartland P Morrison R Newman M Numurkah Cecil Park Port Dennison Numurkah Mamni Burdekin Kempsey Glen Innes SKEET 1W DTL 50+75+ 100+150 DTLZW DTL 150 DTL 75 DTL 50+75+100+ 150t200 DTL 50 DTL 50 DTL 200 DTL 1W+150 DTL 50 SKEET 553 SKEET 75 DTL 50 DTL 75 DTL 50 DTL 1W DTL 300+350+400~ 450+500 DTL 200 DTL 100 DTL 75 + 100 DTL 75 DTL 100 SB 50 DTL 50 DTL 100+150 DTL 75 DTL 75 CONT 50 DTL 250 DTL Glen Innes BenaIla Sydney Bendigo Mount Gambier Glen Innes DTL 50+75 Ararat DTL 50 Marconi DTL 75 Metropolitan DTL ZOO SATA DTL Carnival DTL 50 Frankston Australian SKEET 50 West Australia CONT 50 Lake Macquarie DTL 50 Marconi DTL 50 1 Beaufort DTL 50 Wagin DTL 50+75 Glen Innes DTL50+75+100 Tamworth ? E E T 150 + Member Allan W West Australia Cecil Park Sydney Beaufort West Australia Warwick 0"" Nieolaides M Norris J Burdekin Cooma Norris M Cooma Okan Z Cecil Park Parente S International Rosasch W Rumbel B Schafer T Guyra Wa'angaratta Guyra Cessnock F p r 2 I pNarromine Slaven R Stewart I Taylor R April 2000 Newcastle-Lake Macquarie Bathurst Tamworth Burdekin Newcastle-Lake Macquarie Neweastle-Lake Macquarie Neweastle-Lake Macquarie SATA DTL Carnival Warren Glen Innes Wangaratta Glen Innes Glen Innes Neweastle-Lake Maequarie Bathurst Tamworth Tamworth Tower 75 Thompson 1 Tiganl S Tour elis S ~all$nga T Walle G White D Wildman P WittA Wynyard D Xenos N Xenos N Coffs Harbour Metm olitan Cecil $ark Eehuca Yamawonga Melbourne Cmokwell Sunshine Coast NSW NSW Glen Innes Metropolitan Mmni Tamworth Tamworth Numurkah Wangaratta Melbourne Cmokwell Sunshine Coast Tamworth Marconi Newcastle-Lake Macquarie DTL 50 DTL 1W DTL 75 : P E T 150 + SKEET 200 ZUU DTL 200 DTL 1W DTL 50 DTL 75 SKEET 50 SKEET 100 DTL 100 DTL 100 BARCALDINE CLAY TARGET CLULI: At the AGM held on 12 February 2000 the following committee were elected Prestdent . Kim W~lltsms,See. retary . Ron Clive. Club Handicap er Members of the elected committee comprising of Kim W!lllams. Paul 'ylor and Ron Clive. Club Coaches. the club haa no neeredated coaches. Club Delemte Kim Williams. - the month in &arch. May, June and July all beginning a t the n o k a l 12nwn SHARP. DYSART GUN CLUB MC: Held it's AGM on 6th February 2WO and the fallowing onlce bearers were elected: President - %"or Curtis, Secreta Ray Meaney. Treasurer - Cind Mwre, Club Delegate - Eddie Bates. Dysart Gun Club Ine is not sKwting an the clubs gmunds until further notice. 8; GERALDTON CLAY TARGET CLUB: At the reeentlv held AGM the fal- DTL 50 - DTL 50 John Page, Patmn F r a i k Bambara. DTL 50 DTL 50 DTL 100 DTL 100 DTL 100 DTL 100 DTL 3W+400+ 450+500+550+ 600. SIB 50+75 MORNINGTON C W TARGET CLUB: At the AGM on 30th November 1999, the followin commttee was elected: Pres~dent- Graham Beckworth, Vice President - %rad Johnston, Secretary - Wendy Roberts. Treasurer lbny Tebonems. DTL 75 DTL 50 SKEET 100 SKEET 200 SHOALHAVEN CLAY TARGET CLUB INC: At the AGM held on 14th January 2000 the following committee was elected: President Mr Richard McGee, Vice President Mr Bruce Parker, Secreta Mr Ian Parker, %asurer - Mr Ron Hatcher, DTL Captain Mr R o g e r T ~ e r sSkeet , Captain Mr Richard McGee. Field & Game Captain Mr Laurie Cwk. - - - - - WESTAUSTRALL4N G!JN CLUB: At the AGM held an Ssturds February 19th 2000 the following members were elected: Plesident - h r John King. Captam - M I Murray Alexander. Secretary Mr Michael Limmer. Australian Clay Target Shooting News - Page 63 Australian Clay Target Association Inc 2000 ANNUAL REGISTRATION & CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (To be handed to the Club Secretary with your Registered Shooter Record Book) Registered Number Shooters Licence Number Surname Christian Name Address Post Code Telephone Number I Date of Birth 1 My existing (or last recorded shooting details are: Australian Common Mark I.S.S.F. Trap Grade Australian D.T.L. Handicap I.S.S.F. Skeet Grade Australian Skeet Ball Trap Grade Tower Grade Sporting Clays Grade I hereby apply for membership of the as a ncontinuing, or 0 new member, together with my application for A.C.T.A. registration for the year ending 31st December, 2000. I have previously been a registered member with the A. C. T. A. Type of Membership: (Membership includes Insurance) Club Life Member Club Membership A.C.T.A Annual Registration Adult Fee Second and Successive Adult Family Member of Common Address Veteran Concession (Over the age of 65 years at date of registrations) Long Service Concession (overthe age of 60 years at date of registration with 30 yesrs continuous membership with the A.C.T.A) Junior membership (Under gthe age of 18 at the date of registration) ~ Levy to all New Adult Shooters Legislation ~ i g h t i nFund Fees are G.S.T. inclusive Total $ I undertake to ebide by the Rules and By laws of the abovementioned Club, my State Assaciation and the Australian Clay Target Assaciation and I advise that I conform with my State of Residence Firearm Regulations and shall notify my club immediately upon "on renewal, cancellation or suspension of my shwters licence. Signature Date / I THIS ACCOUNT IS TO BE PROCESSED BY YOUR CLUB - THE FORM WHEN COMPLETED IS TO BE RETAINED BY THE CLUB COMPLETE RANGE FOR SPORTING *:?x,T,;.x ,i"*:- ...I, : ./. ',.. . . . .. . . .... ... .. . > ..,--. / . . .;.*,. . . . -;:,;-s&g2 ;.,. RABBIT MACHINE 450 TARGETS I MIDI - MINI 1 - BATTUE MACHINE 400 TARGETS All machines &equipped with an electric motor available in 24OV, 110V A.C. or 12V D.C. Power consumption 350W. The release s o l e ~ i operates d from 12V to 24V D.C. On request we can supply feeding boxes anrl trimsr acttvating systems allawing for manual, phono m"' or radio control. TEAL MACHINE 400 TARGETS FIXED MACHINES - 550 TARGETS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: SERGIO ZUFFO, 24 Heathcliff Crescent, Balgowlah Heights, NSW 2093 Telephone: (02) 9948 8182 Fax: (02) 9948 8182 Mobile: 0419 269 888 Join me & make Wincnester Your Partner Ilr:"-forsuccess in 2000 ' .>' ,.- - , ? 1999 was a great year for Winchester Australian made -mmunjtion, with success an the international scene as well as one of the best years on recard locally. Achievements included:- I Every Open Championship at the 1999 D.T.1 Nationals. And an impressive record at the U.I.T. Nationals. // / / New Au&alian Double Trap Record - 793,200 - Brisbane World Cup - Cold - Olympic Trap 146/150 - Peru World Team - Gold Olympic Trap - Finland World Cup Final - Bronze - Olympic Trap - Kuwait - Australia Cup - Sydney-Jan 21-23,2000 - Mens Skeet Gold - David Cunningham Mens Double Trap - Gold Russell Mark Womens Double Trap - Cold - Desirie Wakefield-Baynes If you are serious about this years Natianals, make sure you have the campetitive edge and choose for the 84 advantage.