Tidings October.indd - Swansboro Area Chamber of Commerce
Tidings October.indd - Swansboro Area Chamber of Commerce
Chamber ������� TheMonthly Monthly Newsletterof of theSwansboro Swansboro AreaChamber Chamber ofCommerce Commerce – Volume15, 14, Number12 5 The The MonthlyNewsletter Newsletter ofthe the SwansboroArea Area Chamberof of Commerce––Volume Volume 14,Number Number 5 SACC President Ginger Robles, left, is SACCwith, President Ginger Robles, is pictured from left, Emerald Isleleft, Maypictured with, from left, Emerald IsleMayor Mayor Edward Barber, Cape Carteret or Edward Barber, Cape Carteret Mayor Dave Fowler and Swansboro Mayor Dave Fowler and Swansboro Mayor Scott Chadwick during at the chamberʼs Scott Chadwick during at the chamberʼs general membership meeting. general membership meeting. An active community ����������������������� ����������������������� Summer has passed and fall is upon us … but the “Boro” message is clear: andThe its surrounding communiSwansboro the towns that ties are message still and abuzz plenty The is with clear: surround it are mission … of activities … on and thereʼs Swansboro and thea towns that a missionittofor make part of… something everyone! surround are on athis mission Carolinaʼs one Representatives of apart variety aNorth mission to makecoastline this of the best places to visit orone of community organizations North Carolinaʼs coastline (lucky you) call home. shared theirplaces fall events to or of the best to visit So, whatʼs been happening chamber members during the in (lucky you) call home. these coastal towns? Four Swansboro Area Chamber of in So,cozy, whatʼs been happening area representatives answered Commerce September general these cozy, coastal towns? Four this question for the answered Swansboro membership meeting at the area representatives Area Chamber Commerce at Icehouse Waterfront Restaurant this question forofthe Swansboro its February general member-at Sept. 9. Area Chamber of Commerce ship meeting at Ribeyeʼs Steak Fall is festival season, and its February general memberHouse in Cape Swansboroʼs largest annual ship meeting atCarteret. Ribeyeʼs Steak Capeinthe Carteret MayorMullet Dave festival, Swansboro House Cape Carteret. Fowler emphasizing Festival, is thisbyweekend, Oct. Capebegan Carteret Mayor Dave st that Cape Carteret was no the lon10 and 11. In its year, Fowler began by61 emphasizing ger aCape sleepy little town. festival celebrates the that Carteret wasmuchno lonwoke up(not and found ourloved local fish the haircut) ger“We a sleepy little town. and if selves inwoke the with loads of21 family Over “We upst century, andfun. found ourstYfood we donʼt do ʻX, and Z,ʼ weʼre 100 art,incraft and vendors century, and if selves the 21 we donʼt do ʻX, Y and Z,ʼ weʼre will line the historic downtown waterfront, and yes, plenty of going to behind the rest of mullet is fall served, country style. the world,” Fowler Plus live entertainment going to fall behindexplained. the by resta of Carteret estabvariety ofCape acts will keep toes theThus, world,” Fowler explained. lished theCape Green Ribbon Coma-tappinʼ including The estabTams Thus, Carteret mittee and embarked coland Carl Newton and on theaComFifth lished the Green Ribbon laborative effort, joining Avenue Band. mittee and embarked on aother colCarteret County Thousands aremunicipalities expected to laborative effort, joining other in sending 1,700municipalities surveys attend theCounty two-day event, to soloCarteret cal businesses residents to donʼt miss 1,700 it! andsurveys in sending to lodetermine the needs and Another fallactual treat for visitors cal businesses and residents to wants of itsthe citizens. and locals alike is offered determine actual needsby and “Weofneed to fill State in thePark. gaps Hammocks wants its Beach citizens. for “We our citizens,” said. Ninety-minute cruises, need tomarsh fillFowler in the gaps “Weour want to make sure that if complete with a variety ofsaid. for citizens,” Fowler our something, guest speakers, will be offered “Wecitizens want toneed make sure that if theycitizens donʼt need drive 30 at 1 Wednesdays andtoSaturdays our need something, milesdonʼt to getneed it.November. We need to p.m. through they to drive 30develop ourget towns economically “Each cruise has a differmiles to it. We need to deto meet thetowns needs of our ent speaker and some willcitizens velop our economically and atdifferent the time not killthe the have themes, like to meet thesame needs of our citizens goose laid the golden egg, ʻGhosts ofsame Swansboroʼ and at that the time notcruise kill the andOct. that is laid our pristine on 28, so itʼs towaters goegg, goose that thefun golden and that is our pristine waters more than once,” Friends of the Hammocks and Bear Island and our environment.” representative Pam Pearson told business growth chamber members. Otherand topics andArea our environment.” exciting newWildlife events were the will include in the Park Area business growth and topics17), fornew Cedar Point Town (Oct. Costume Cruise (Oct. exciting events were the Manager Chris 31), and Bootlegginʼ topics forSwansboro CedarSeaberg. Point Town “We18). have few new (Nov. Toaregister forbusieach Manager Chris Seaberg. nesses oura big is a cruise, go online tonews www.fhbi. “Webut have few new busilarge, 40,000-square-foot org/calendar. minimum $10 nesses but ourAbig news ismedia cal center for specialists,” he donation secures each reservalarge, 40,000-square-foot medisaid. “Itʼll for be of great our he citition.center Friends the for Hammocks cal specialists,” zens because wonʼt and Bear Inc. a have nonsaid. “ItʼllIsland, be they great forisour citi-to drive to Morehead City orhave Jackprofitbecause 501 (c) they 3 corporation or-to zens wonʼt sonville forsupport medicalCity help.” ganized to and promote drive to Morehead or JackExciting new events dotted Hammocks State Park. sonville for Beach medical help.” theExciting Cedar Point inThe Swansboro Areadotted Denewcalendar, events cluding thePoint inaugural “Festival velopment Foundation is now the Cedar calendar, inof its Lights” during the 2013 in 13ththe year of working toholicluding inaugural “Festival day season, aquality big success the improve theduring lifefor for of Lights” theof2013 holiparticipating Swansboro andthe day season, area abusinesses, bigresidents successacfor cording The annual visitors. to ItsSeaberg. efforts continue participating businesses, ac-this cording to Seaberg. The annual (See ACTIVITIES, page 2E) AREA, page 2A) (See AREA, page 2A) Thanks Sponsors! ThanksTo To Our Our Annual Annual Sponsors! Thanks To Our Annual If youʼd like liketotobecome becomeananSponsors! annual If youʼd annual sponIf youʼd like to become an annual sponsor and support the chamberʼs sor and support the chamberʼs mission sponsor and support the chamberʼs mission through annual pledge, through an annualan pledge, please call the mission through an annual pledge, please call the at chamber office at (910) chamber office (910) 326-1174! please call the chamber office at (910) 326-1174! 326-1174! MARY RAWLS REALTY MARY RAWLS MARY RAWLS REALTY REALTY TT deland News deland News T deland News Check us out on the Web: Check us out on the Web: www.swansborochamber.org www.swansborochamber.org 2E–Tideland News, October 7, 2015, Swansboro, N.C. Activities ... (Continued from page 1E) month by hosting its annual Halloween by the Sea Costume Ball on Saturday, Oct. 24, at Cape Carteret Aquatic and Wellness Center. “Itʼs always fun to come out and see the costumes,” SADF President Dr. Tina Siegel told the membership. “People really put a lot of effort into them. Weʼll have a DJ and dancing, too.” This yearʼs event is co-hosted by the Cape Carteret Trail Committee, and contributions raised will be shared between the two organizations. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. For more details, visit the SADFʼs website … www.sadfnc.org. The Swansboro Parks and Recreation Department will host its fourth annual Halloweenie Roast on Friday, Oct. 23, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Olde Town Square. Come dressed to impress in your Halloween costume and enjoy Halloween fun and a free “weenie” roast. “This year, in partnership with the Swansboro Historical Association, we will offer ʻTales of Olde Swansboro,ʼ complete with a hayride that goes through town,” Swansboro Parks and Recreation Director Brittany Shipp explained. The small fee for each hayride will be donated to the Swansboro Historical Association for Swansboroʼs Heritage Museum. Cedar Pointʼs “Festival of Lights” will also continue this year, running from Nov. 28 to Dec. 12. “We estimate approximately 10,000 people will come to see AL BARNES CARPETS Carpet Hardwood Floors Ceramic Tile • Vinyl October SACC/Area Calendar the lights during these weeks. Thatʼs 10,000 potential customers to our area,” Festival of Lights chair Don Redfern noted. Each weekend will be filled with various activities, including Santaʼs appearance at the famous Octagon House in Cedar Point and a live nativity scene. Unfortunately, some popular area fall events have already passed us by. The SADF hosted literary royalty Oct. 3 when Gerald Charles Dickens came to town, performing “Doctor Marigold,” written by his great-greatgrandfather, the beloved British novelist Charles Dickens. On Sept. 13, St. Peterʼs by-the-Sea Episcopal Church brought lobsters to town for its biggest fundraiser of the year. Whole Maine lobsters were available for purchase with net proceeds going to the churchʼs local outreach program, according to church spokesperson Anne Hume. And for the third year, Swansboro and Emerald Isle restaurants joined with North Carolina craft breweries to participate in Flavor 2015, the Swansboro Area Events Organizationʼs largest fundraiser of the year. Hundreds came out to experience the tastes of North Carolina. Proceeds from the event were distributed among Swansboro High School, Croatan High School, Onslow Community Outreach and the Hope Mission of Carteret County. For more information on these and other area activities, go online to www.swansborochamber.org and remember you can follow the SACC on Facebook. October 7 – The Executive Board and Board of Directors of the Swansboro Area Chamber of Commerce will meet at 8 a.m. at the Swansboro Plaza Conference Center. October 10 and 11 – The 61st annual Swansboro Mullet Festival of North Carolina will take place. Visit www.swansborofestivals.com for more information. October 13 – Business After Hours, hosted by Stevenson Chevrolet, will be 5:30-7 p.m. Bring your business cards and enjoy networking. October 14 – SACC general membership meeting at Icehouse Waterfront Restaurant begins at 8 a.m. Stephanie Cashwell, market development manager for CenturyLink, will be our guest speaker. The cost is $10 per person and includes breakfast, tax and tip. October 15 – SACCʼs Governmental Affairs Committee will host a Mayor and Commissioner Candidates Forum, 6-8 p.m., at the town of Cape Carteretʼs Debbie E. Stanley Board of Commissioners Room. October 15 – The Seaside Arts Council Performing Arts Series will host Bill “Sauce Boss” Wharton, 6-7:30 p.m., at the Swansboro Town Hall Community Room. Tickets are available at the chamber office and COSTUMES We give free estimates! HWY. 24 SWANSBORO 910-326-6250 online at www.seasideartscouncil.com. For more information call (252) 393-6565. October 14-17 – Swansboro Rotary Five-O King Mackerel Tournament will be fished. Event happenings will take place in downtown Swansboro at Olde Towne Square and the adjacent waterfront. A free concert, featuring Spare Change, will take place the evening of Oct 17. For more information on the event visit.www. swansboro50.com. October 22 – SACCʼs Governmental Affairs Committee will host a Swansboro Commissioner Candidates Forum, 6-8 p.m., at the Swansboro Town Hall Community Room. October 17 – The fifth annual Crystal Coast Con will take place at Mac Daddyʼs in Cape Carteret, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Renewals Thank you to the following businesses and individuals for renewing their memberships in September … Aflac-Diane Holland B & B Office Products Cedro De Azmar Community Lumber & Supply Coastal Carolina Community College Crystal Coast Graphics Edward Jones Investments/Cedar Point Silver Sponsor - First Citizens Bank Money Mailer of Coastal NC Saltwater Grill S.C.O.R.E Second Wind - Eco Friendly Cycling, Kayak Tours & Yoga Swannsborough Yacht Club Swansboro Historical Association, Inc. Swansboro Paddle Boarding October 23 – Swansboro Parks and Recreation and the Swansboro Historical Association will co-host the annual Halloweenie Roast and Hayride beginning at 5 p.m. in Olde Towne Square. October 24 – “Halloween by the Sea,” co-hosted by the SADF and Cape Carteret Trail Committee, will take place at the Cape Carteret Aquatic and Wellness Center in Cape Carteret, 7:30 p.m.-midnight. October 24 – The Museum of the Marine celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII, 6-10 p.m., at Lejeune Memorial Gardens in Jacksonville. For more information call (910) 937-0033. October 25 – “Trunk or Treat” at Hammocks Beach State Park will be 2 p.m.-5 p.m. For more information, call (910) 326-4881. November 4 - The Executive Board and Board of Directors of the Swansboro Area Chamber of Commerce will meet at 8 a.m. at the Swansboro Plaza Conference Center. November 4 – The SACC Military Affairs Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Swansboro Plaza Conference Center. ����������� ��������������������������� CAROLINA P ARTY PARTY Expert Installation 604-A Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point 252-393-3165 [email protected] Weekly – Hammocks Beach State Parkʼs Fall Marsh Cruises Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p.m. (rain or shine). For more information call (910) 3264881. Waterway Realty DRY STACK MARINA 301 Water St. Swansboro 910-326-4462 Fax: 910-326-4628 email: [email protected] Premiere Service ... Premiere Company ... Premiere Agents 910.326.4152 Hwy. 24 • Swansboro www.c21waterway.com ����������������������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������� ����������������� ������������������� �������������� Nationwide Insurance & Financial Services Nationwide Is On Your Side.® ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� Tideland News, October 7, 2015, Swansboro, N.C..–3E Land of great water Howʼs your drinking water? (Have you even given it much thought lately? Most of us havenʼt.) Is it tasty, clear and refreshing like it should be? And look around your home. Are calcium deposits scaling up your shower? And, speaking of the shower, do you actually feel CLEAN after you take one? Or is soap residue giving you that dry and sticky feeling all too common with hard water? If youʼre not completely satisfied with the standard of your water, whether it be your home or a business, itʼs time to call your Culligan Man. Thatʼs right, take the advice of the classic Culligan radio ads of years past (“Hey Culligan Man!”) and call your local Culligan Man, Eric Leiblein. Culligan has long been known as a world-leader in the water treatment industry. As a matter of fact, next year will be the companyʼs 80th anniversary. Culligan has also led the way in the bottled water industry, making traditional bottle coolers a must-have for both home and business. Todayʼs Culligan now offers Bottle-Free water systems with built-in filtration to ensure fresh water is as easy and convenient as possible. The Culligan location in Cape Carteret was originally named Croatan Water. When Al Easton, Leibleinʼs father-in-law, purchased Croatan Water in the late 1990s, he already had over 35 years of experience in the water treat–––––––– ment business. Now the family Spotlight is involved in –––––––– eight Culligan locations servicing all of eastern North Carolina. “The first thing I always ask is what bothers you about your water? How do you want it to be? Then I tell you what it takes to get it there,” Leiblein explained. “Often, the answer is just as simple as applying an inline filter.” Water analysis is always free of charge. “After we analyze the water, we sit with the customer and find out what they want their water to be like. Then we develop a plan to get them there,” he continued. Leiblein emphasized that itʼs never too early to think about your water … even when your dream house is still in its planning stages. “Itʼs so much easier to prepare your home for possible water upgrades, even if you donʼt decide to take action right away,” he noted. Pre-plumbing a home for a future water system can save a lot of time and money when you are ready to purchase. Transferring a prescription is easy! ���������������� ����������������������������������� ���������������������������� �������������������������� �������������� ���������������������� ����������� ������������ ��������������������� ������������������������ From left are Eric Leiblein, branch manager, Misty Jenkins, Kyle Jones and Calcium is usually the culprit when you find white scaling in your bathroom or appliances. And chlorine is a constant problem that is often overlooked, and so easy to eliminate,” Leiblein observed. “If you have dry, itchy skin, chances are it comes as a result from too much of one of these in your water. A change in your water should help.” For customers who are on well water in the area, Culligan of Cape Carteret offers water treatment solutions for problems like iron (rust) and sulphur (rotten egg smell). For someone who wants the best drinking water for the home … enter reverse osmosis, a water purification technology that uses a semi-permeable Bill Lee – the “Culligan Men and (Women)! membrane to remove dissolved particles from drinking water. Water treated by reverse osmosis will be up to 99 percent pure. If you buy bottled water from Culligan in Cape Carteret you can choose among spring, distilled or premium, all purified by reverse osmosis. “Weʼre unique because we have our own bottled water company, NC Bottled Water Company, located in Goldsboro,” Leiblein said, referring to the familyʼs own bottling company. All North Carolina bottlers are regulated by the National Sanitation Foundation. Culligan bottlers are held to an even higher standard because they are also regulated by the International Bottled Water As- Computer Sales Computer Repairs and Services Administrative Services Hwy. 24 across from Mills & Thomas (910) 326-6600 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m-6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Next to Taco Bell 910-325-7462 259 Western Boulevard Jacksonville (910) 353-1940 (800) 682-1515 sociation. The IBWA mandates more stringent bottling practices and much stricter guidelines on the quality of water being produced by the bottler. NC Bottled Water Company has received the “Excellence in Manufacturing” Award for the last several years. “Because we bottle for ourselves we can ensure that the water is bottled fresh and distributed quickly from all our eastern North Carolina stores,” Leiblein noted. Culligan of Cape Carteret is conveniently located at 903 W. B. McLean Drive (Hwy. 24). To request an estimate, call (252) 393-6907. Business hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information, go online to www.culligannc.com. 4E–Tideland News, October 7, 2015, Swansboro, N.C. Swansboro Area Chamber Members 24/7 Electric, Inc. Linwood Hood (252) 393-3600 Advanced Office Solutions, Inc. Joe Bradshaw Jr. (252) 393-1112 Aflac Diane Holland (910) 478-8319 Al Barnes Carpet Jamie Wallace (252) 393-3165 Albert J. Ellis Airport Chris White (910) 324-1100 All Pro Tire and Auto Service Steve Huffman (252) 764-2008 Allstate Roger Brown Agency Tammy Fry (910) 326-5383 American Dream Cakes Gunilla Kroshus (910) 346-2347 or (910) 526-6585 American Legion Post #78 Mike Larson (910) 340-7055 American Red Cross Vicki LaBelle (910) 347-3581 Anderson and Slack, P.A. Wayne Anderson (910) 326-3611 Atlantic Chiropractic and Rehab Dr. Christina Saracina (252) 764-9182 B&B Office Products Kim Beasley (252) 393-6282 BB&T-Cedar Point Nyra Hogeland (252) 393-6789 BB&T-Emerald Isle Nyra Hogeland (252) 764-4010 Bake, Bottle & Brew Jack and Debra Harnatkiewicz (910) 325-7550 Bank of America Gina Murphy (910) 326-5138 Battlefield Tire Service Tony Battle (910) 326-4178 Ben & Jerryʼs Ice Cream of Emerald Isle Eddie Barber (252) 354-8448 Best Western Plus Silver Creek Inn Ella Ensign (252) 393-9015 Bluewater Real Estate Jordan Daniels (877) 371-0803 Bobʼs Auto Center Bob Mills/Bobby Mills (910) 346-3776 Bogue House Alex Gardner (252) 393-3030 Joanie Bold Individual (910) 326-7708 BORO Café and Bakery Randy and Nancy Swanson (910) 325-0511 Jack Bright Individual (910) 577-7558 Paul Buchanan Individual (910) 238-4499 Buglisi Eye Care Dr. Joe Buglisi (910) 234-2253 Bullseye Advertising Eddie Holland (910) 389-3781 By The Sea – A Consignment Boutique Nancy D. Morton (910) 326-4191 Carolinas Center for Surgery Angela Clark (910) 325-0211 Carolina East Internal Medicine Debbie Zang (252) 393-9007 Carolina Party, Inc. Diane Delorier (910) 326-6250 Carobell, Inc. Vanessa Ervin (910) 326-7600 Carrols Corporation dba Burger King Store #184 (910) 326-1615 Carteret Chiropractic and Family Wellness Dr. Anthony R. Montero (252) 764-0574 Carteret County Chamber of Commerce Mike Wagoner (252) 726-6350 Carteret General Hospital Michelle Lee (252) 808-6336 Carteret OB-GYN Associates, PA Cindy Knox (252) 247-1600 Cedro De Azmar Georges El-Asmar (910) 326-7494 CenturyLink Stephanie Cashwell (252) 378-8022 Century 21 Waterway Realty Barry Matthews and Lana Carpenter (910) 326-4152 Chalk & Gibbs Insurance Bonney Boyette (252) 393-1284 Chocklett Press Tubby Kubik (800) 533-4146 Church Street Inn, Deli and Pub Marty Proctor (910) 326-7572 Cirila Cothran Real Estate Cirila Cothran (910) 378-0659 Clarity Photos Elizabeth Cockrell (803) 634-2224 Class Act Catering Phyllis Manning (910) 389-7498 Rep. George G. Cleveland Individual [email protected] Coastal Bank & Trust Keith Betts (910) 577-3200 Coastal Carolina Community College Krystal Phillips (910) 938-6234 Coastal Carolina Orthodontics – Willis, Vanek, Ball, Fisher & Richards, PA Pam Smith (910) 353-5234 Coastal Carolina Regional Airport Tom Braaton (252) 638-8591 Coastal Imaging & Vascular Associates, a division of Coastal Radiology Associates, LLC Cindy Comer (910) 353-3759 Coastal Petals Chris Kollar (252) 764-2761 Community Lumber and Supply Diane Rush (910) 326-5051 Copy Pro Tracey Mitchem (252) 414-0395 Country Aire Rental of Swansboro Criss Goodwin (910) 326-8588 Crystal Coast Electrolysis Natasha Robinson (910) 545-3338 Crystal Coast Graphics, LLC Chris Ulmer (910) 219-7720 Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity Kris Durham (252) 223-2111 Crystal Coast Hospice Robin Nelson (252) 808-2244 Crystal Coast Tent & Event Rentals, LLC Chris Kollar (252) 764-2761 Culligan of Cape Carteret Eric Leiblein (252) 393-6907 Darden Insurance Agency Beth Velthoven and Barbara Darden (910) 326-3041 Daveʼs Marine Services David Freidrichs (910) 325-1374 Dayngr Zone Media Trish Forant (252) 226-0885 Dudleyʼs Marina, Inc. John Dudley (252) 393-2204 Duke Energy Progress Millie Chalk (800) 452-2777 Dunkinʼ Donuts Rick Holloway (252) 764-0323 Edward Jones Investments/Cedar Point Clayton Cottle (252) 393-8028 Edward Jones Investments/ Swansboro Alice Cundiff (910) 326-8468 Emerald Coast Inc. Junior Freeman (910) 330-1650 Emerald Isle Business Association Morgan Shipp Sanderson (252) 646-8283 Emerald Isle Realty Jason Voelpel (252) 354-3315 Emerald Plantation Cinema Susan Allen-Harker (252) 354-7263 Emerald Isle Wine Market Nancee Allen (252) 354-Vino (8466) Emerald Owl Productions Inc. Michael and Rheta Meyer (252) 764-7628 Escrow Consulting & Accounting LLC Dawn Cash-Salau (252) 531-4241 Excel Learning Center Pete Stokes (910) 325-0124 Eye Care Center Dr. Tina Siegel (910) 326-3050 Fairway Outdoor Advertising Angie Cooper (910) 389-4008 Family Care Pharmacy of Swansboro Robert E. Fuller (910) 326-6600 First Citizens Bank Jo Barrow (910) 326-2281 Food Lion Jeff Williams (910) 326-3534 Fox 8/14 Eastern NC Lyle Schulze (252) 638-1212 Friends of the Hammocks and Bear Island Pam Pearson (910) 326-4881 Frosted Cakery, LLC Kimberely Turner (910) 326- CAKE (2253) Glory Bee Kathy Zuccarelli (910) 325-9099 Golden Traits Jewelry-Custom Bob Nichols and Harriette Proctor (910) 326-1500 Golfinʼ Dolphin Tania Rhame (252) 393-8131 Goose Creek RV Park Angela Burns (252) 393-2628 Gray Dolphin Gifts, LLC Janet Bennett (910) 326-4444 Greater Topsail Area Chamber of Commerce Tammy Proctor (910) 329-4446 Greenwater, Inc.-Managing Water Profitably Joe Nance (910) 326-1070 Col. Peter and Peg Grimes (USMC Ret.) Individual (910) 326-6607 H&H Landscaping Kasey Kellum (910) 326-3977 H&R Block Joanne Kopanski (910) 326-1555 Hammocks Beach State Park Sarah Kendrick (910) 326-4881 Hampton Inn & Suites Dixon Putnam and Linda Thornley (910) 325-9000 Cecil and Annette Hargett Individual (910) 326-3627 Roy and Ann Herrick Individual (252) 903-1364 Terry Hogeland Individual (910) 330-7907 Holiday Trav-L-Park Tammy Collins (252) 354-2250 Horizon Coach Lines Jill Howell (910) 577-4422 Howell Roofing and Restoration Joseph D. Howell (336) 612-1531 Hurst Realty Company Chuck Douglas (910) 326-5784 Icehouse Waterfront Restaurant Randy and Nancy Swanson (910) 325-0501 In Touch Home Care Wanda Temple (252) 726-6780 Island Essentials Gwen Hanford (252) 354-8887 JS Enterprises of Swansboro, LLC Jim Stallings (910) 326-6637 Jacksonville Dental Care Emmett Jones (910) 455-6977 Jacksonville/Onslow Chamber of Commerce Laurette Leagon (910) 347-3141 Jacksonville-Onslow Economic Development Sheila Pierce Knight (910) 347-3141 James W. Bean Jr. CPA James Bean Jr. (910) 326-3499 Jerri Builders, Inc. Jerri Jo Miller (252) 393-5217 Jones Funeral Home Bert Jones and Bart Jones (910) 455-1281 Jones Onslow EMC Steve Goodson (910) 577-6348 Justice Realty Vanessa Justice (910) 325-7888 Kenneth N. Glover, Attorney and Counselor at Law Kenneth N. Glover (910) 326-5557 Kiwi Cottage Co. Cathy Bakalar (252) 714-8836 David Knappenberger Counseling David Knappenberger (910) 382-1300 La Parrilla Taqueria Alex Gorostieta (910) 325-1131 Lady Swan/Swansboro Boat Tours Timothy M. Simpson (910) 325-1200 and (910) 3890746 Las Fincas Mexican Restaurant Ricardo Padilla (910) 325-7861 Liberty Tax Cindy Serbus (910) 353-3880 Light House Boutique Betty Murray (910) 326-6482 Light of the Lamb Christian Bookstore Lois Sanderson (252) 393-1139 Liz Honeycutt Advertising and Marketing Liz Honeycutt (252) 393-7411 Local Edge Mike Pozey (910) 313-1998 Longley Supply Company Rhonda Hooks (910) 455-3311 Lovelyʼs Boutique Charlene Nichols (910) 859-6949 Lowes Foods John Sheehan (252) 393-1602 Mac Daddyʼs Mac Holz (252) 393-6565 Main St. Studios Luis Robles (910) 382-6411 Marine Chevrolet Cadillac Michael Alford and Tommy Snowdon (910) 455-2121 Marine Corps League – Swansboro Detachment George W. Ayers (910) 326-5796 Marine Federal Credit Union Sandy Drew (910) 355-5664 Rod and Patti Martin Individual (910) 326-2300 Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant Sherri Hitchock-Hutson (910) 358-7782 Tideland News, October 7, 2015, Swansboro, N.C..–5E Swansboro Area Chamber Members Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant Celeste Hobgood-Prusaitis (910) 381-3131 Mary Rawls Realty Mary Rawls (910) 326-5980 MCCS Camp Lejeune Sarah Wiltgen (910) 451-5558 Mikeʼs Farm Mike and Theresa Lowe (910) 324-3422 Mills and Thomas Furniture Pete Timmins (910) 326-4694 Mirror Magazines Joanne Hanley (252) 717-3648 Molly Maid of the Crystal Coast Beryl Packer (636) 328-3960/(314) 681-2948 Money Mailer of Coastal NC Addie Humphrey (252) 354-6717 Moore Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Megan Johnson (252) 808-3100 Mrs. Vingerberʼs Sweets Ed and Maria Harris (910) 330-0167 Murray Commercial Roofing Systems Rufus Murray and Sharon Jacobs Murray (910) 326-7800 Museum of the Marine G.W. Ayers, Ph.D (910) 326-5796 Nancy Lee Fishing Center Lee Manning (910) 326-4304 National Dodge VW Subaru Robbie Yates (910) 347-3777 National Marble Products Tracy Mann (910) 326-3005 NC Coastal Federation Sarah Phillips (252) 393-8185 NC Farm Bureau Insurance John Stanley and Eddie Holland (910) 326-8701 NC State Employees Credit Union Amanda Beck (910) 326-0120 News Channel 12 WCTI Lyle Schulze (252) 638-1212 Ole Porte Racquet Club Joe Baile and Kerry Baile (910) 326-1655 Omega World Travel Jill Christie (910) 455-9077 OneClick Cleaners #117 Larry and Karen Jenkins 855-98CLICK Onslow County Partnership for Children Anna Hurst (910) 938-0336 Onslow Memorial Hospital Amy Sousa (910) 577-4736 Onslow County Travel and Tourism Theresa Carter (910) 347-3141 ONWASA Teresa Zavala (910) 937-7518 Organo Gold Coffee Erinn T. Harp (812) 972-6909 Papa Johnʼs Pizza Bradley and Jessica Buckley (910) 325-1775 Peak Performance Sports and Physical Therapy Jay Figueroa (252) 636-9800 Pinnacle Tax & Accounting Services, Inc. Mandi Byrne (910) 326-4033 Platinum Corral/Golden Corral Billy Sewell (910) 347-3971, ext. 222 PNC Bank Danae Wilson (252) 393-3500 Port OʼSwannsborough Hal Silver and Dave Pinsky (910) 326-3128 Premier Designs Christine Thompson (910) 545-5145 Quilt Cottage Sandra Schulz (910) 325-1125 Racing Realty Roger Burns (910) 389-7117 Realty World Swansboro Properties David Pearson (910) 326-2400 Ribeyeʼs Steakhouse Henry Gurganus (252) 393-2509 Riggs Pork Market Tony Riggs (910) 743-4526 Rotary Civic Center David Pearson (910) 326-6175 Russellʼs Olde Tyme Shoppe Maxine and Greg Russell (910) 326-3790 S&H Feed and Garden Supply Inc. Michael Stanley (910) 326-5690 S.C.O.R.E. John Smith (252) 222-6126 Salt Marsh Cottage Leah Evans (910) 708-1166 Saltwater Grill Kim Pierce and Mike Egan (910) 326-7300 Salty Air Open Market at Cedar Point Jeff Miller (910) 545-0643 Samʼs Club Renee Ulloa and Kenya Peoples (910) 346-3267 Sanders Ford, Inc. Tom Chandler (910) 326-1801 Santoriniʼs Mediterranean Grille Georgio Harvalias (910) 708-1213/(910) 708-1422 Scentsy RoseMarie “Roe” Fantini (910) 915-3547 Fred and Cyndi Schachter Individual (910) 330-9570 Art and Diane Schools Individual (252) 354-2916 Seashore Lighting (Gallant Bennett, Inc.) Crystal Gallant (252) 393-7722 Seaside Arts Council Angie Cooper and Kathy Kelly (910) 389-4008 Seaside Dentistry Lisa Sparks (252) 764-2784 Second Wind Kayaks April Clark (910) 325-3600 Secure Background Screeners, LLC Brian Poore (910) 459-3013 SecurCare Self Storage Betty Hopkins (910) 326-3375 Sewell Insurance Agency, Inc. Brandon Sewell (910) 326-5754 SFI Group, Inc. Scott Wheeler (910) 327-3388 Mary Anne Sharpe Individual (910) 353-6697 Shorewood Real Estate Shelly Daffron (252) 354-7873 Robert and Anne Shuller Individual [email protected] Sight Sound Media Darryl Marsh (910) 326-5430 Smith Custom Homes, Inc. Todd Smith (252) 723-3351 Sound Bank Terri Ashby (252) 393-8460 Sound Medical John Rickabaugh, MD and Karen Skarda, MD (252) 354-1970 Southern Coast Realty Group LLC Ginger Robles (910) 382-3141 Special Events Catering Linda Hatcher (910) 346-9249 St. Peterʼs by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Rev. Bert Eaton (910) 326-4757 Star Hill Golf Club Mick Brown (252) 393-8111 Stevenson Chevrolet Paul Pittman (910) 326-1804 Sun-Surf Realty Warren Chesnutt (252) 354-2958 Swannsborough Yacht Club Drew Lutheran and Laura Bertino (910) 326-6054 Swansboro Area Events Organization Darryl Marsh (910) 330-8750 Swansboro Baseball and Softball Association (910) 340-1713 Swansboro Dance Studio Christy Williams (910) 326-1152 Swansboro Festival Committee Judy Hailey (910) 326-7370 Swansboro Food & Beverage Co. Lori Sakiewicz (910) 708-1305 Swansboro High School Christine André (910) 326-4300 Swansboro Historical Association Inc. Joan Gerdsen and Cyndi Schachter (910) 326-6771 Swansboro Paddle Boarding Brent Lanier (910) 389-1471 Swansboro Port Realty Jeff and Beth Price (910) 326-8855 Swansboro Recycling Center Patrick Chen and David Evans (919) 273-0080 Swansboro Soccer Association John Davis 910) 376-0883 Swansboro United Methodist Church Rev. Dr. Ed Gunter (910) 326-4822 Sweet Dreams Adrienne Jolly (252) 393-8100 Taco Bell Candy Miglio (910) 326-4200 John E. Tantum, PA, Attorney and Counselor at Law John and Pat Tantum (252) 393-2235 Teresa G. Conley, DDS Teresa Conley (910) 326-2030 The Country Club of the Crystal Coast Chip Chamberlin (252) 726-1034 The Daily News Mike McHugh (910) 353-1171 The Geek and the Grammar Queen Tiffany Mitchell (910) 325-7462 The Holler Group Sharon Holler (252) 222-0500 The Islander Suites Walter Hancock (252) 354-3464 The Little Bank Chris Moncourtois (910) 353-8600 The Mercantile Billy Hiott and Bonnie Hemmerlein (910) 325-7004 The Mosquito Authority Joseph Riggs/Daniel Lewis (910) 650-4000 The Poor Manʼs Hole Joseph and Diane Rhue (910) 326-1953 The Salty Sheep Yarn Shop Peggy Baddour (910) 325-0018 The UPS Store Geraldine Tyndall (252) 393-8209 Through The Looking Glass Hal Silver and David Pinsky (910) 326-3128 Thunder Country 96.3 (Inner Banks Media) Mona Poole (252) 422-4422 Tideland News Jimmy Williams (910) 326-5067 Tidewater Gallery Ray Voelpel (910) 325-0660 Time Warner Cable Summer Hamdan (877) 340-3466 Torionʼs Knife Sharpening Timothy Orion (407) 242-4391 Total Package Events Judy Hailey (252) 354-9500 Town of Cape Carteret Karen Zornes and Dave Fowler (252) 393-8483 Town of Cedar Point Chris Seaberg and Barbara Sandlin (252) 393-7898 Town of Emerald Isle Eddie Barber and Frank Rush (252) 354-3424 Town of Swansboro Paula Webb and Scott Chase (910) 326-4428 Transportation Impact Travis Burt and Sharon Johnson (252) 764-2885 Union Home Mortgage Corp. Stephanie Benedict (910) 672-6743 UNC General Administration Ashley Adamovage (910) 451-9077 UNCW/Onslow County Dr. Lisa Keenan (910) 455-2310 United Way of Onslow County Craig Wagner (910) 347-2646 University of Mount Olive at Jacksonville Shanna Simmons (910) 455-1677 U.S. Cellular/Cellular Express Stephanie Bise (910) 326-2355 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Swansboro Flotilla Tommy Lee (919) 300-7969 VFW Post No. 9960 Victor Letourneaut (252) 393-8053 Walgreens (910) 325-0038 Michael Douglas Waters Ace Hardware Carl Waters (910) 326-5372 Waterway RV Park Angela Burns (252) 393-8715 Wayneʼs Service Center, Inc. Wayne and Kim Wood (910) 326-5195 Richard & Kristi Welton Individual (910) 548-8985 White Gold Marine James Lawler (360) 775-1373 White Oak Mirror Joanne Hanley (252) 717-3648 White Oak River Bistro Gene Heath and Denise McNamara (910) 326-1696 White Oak Shores, LLC Robin Comer (252) 393-3244 Williams Scarborough Smith Gray, LLP Steven N. Scarborough (910) 455-2196 Woodmen Life Bob Kenward (252) 342-6002 Yana Mamaʼs Memorabilia Shoppe Evelynn Moore (910) 326-9052 Yanaʼs Ye Olde Drugstore Restaurant Evelynn Moore (910) 326-5501 Yardworks Landscaping, Inc. Jimmy Farrington and Barbara Owens (252) 393-9005 Steven and Traci Yoho Individual (910) 650-7209 6E–Tideland News, October 7, 2015, Swansboro, N.C. Innovative technology for all Back when rotary phones were still plentiful, the phone company met the phone needs of the consumer … nothing more. Such was certainly the case with Oak Ridge Telephone Company, the beginning of todayʼs global CenturyLink. The Louisiana-based company started with a switchboard and 75 paying customers in the 1930s. “Weʼre not the plain old phone company anymore. Weʼre so much more than that,” CenturyLinkʼs Market Development Manager Stephanie Cashwell is quick to explain. “Yes, we are a global company with 40,000-plus employees worldwide but we are still your local source for innovative technology here in Swansboro. We are your local provider right around the corner.” CenturyLink is a one-stop shop, so to speak, where you can find solutions for both residential and commercial communication issues. “We have an option that will fit your needs, no matter what they are,” she emphasized. “We have a personalized experience just for you!” With “bundle,” a very familiar catch phrase these days, CenturyLink works to bundle all of your needs together, offering customers efficient and economical ways to get the job done, whatever that job may be. From its humble beginnings, CenturyLink now offers bundles that include everything from high-speed Internet, television, security options and phones for the home to cloud, managed IT services and security for business and commercial –––––––– Spotlight use. “When –––––––– it comes to bundles, we need to sit and talk and determine what your needs are before we quote any prices,” Cashwell noted. “We donʼt want to sell you something you donʼt need. We will customize your package to suit you. “The first thing we will ask you is ʻHow much Internet do you use and what do you use it for?ʼ Thereʼs nothing worse than paying a lot of money for something that you arenʼt using,” she continued. According to Cashwell, fast Internet is a key concern for customers and CenturyLink offers fast Internet at very competitive prices. To help small businesses, CenturyLink offers CoreConnect, bundling Internet, voice, and business applications like email and web presence into one bundled service each month. “This is great if youʼre a new business, just starting up, and donʼt exactly know what you will need in the future. You can sign up for CoreConnect and then decide what your business needs later on. You can customize your package afterwards. Itʼs a good starter pack,” she advised. ʻRemember, we never want to sell you something you donʼt need.ʼ Stephanie Cashwell One of the newest programs CenturyLink offers is Fiber Plus, a product that brings mega-fast Gigabit Internet right here to Swansboro, giving small to mid-size business customers the fast Internet they need. “I want to emphasize that Gig services for business are already here, and you have access to this right now in Swansboro,” Cashwell explained. “Weʼre ahead of the Raleigh area in that aspect.” And, of course, this can be bundled with voice services and business applications, tailoring the best bundle for you. “Remember, we never want to sell you something you donʼt need,” she continued. “This is an option for a business that uploads and downloads a lot. If you donʼt, you can still use the Fiber Plus but only purchase 40 or 100 Mgs, instead of a full Gig.” Larger businesses will want to work with Cloud products, or Big Data. So, what exactly is the CenturyLink difference? Not only do they work to customize the technology needs to fit your business and offer local service, but they also have their own fiber network. “Other companies that offer NMP Poor Man’s Hole ��������������� �������� Handmade Furniture, Gifts & Vintage Artifacts ��������������� �������� ���������������� ������������������� ������������ ��������������� ��������������������������� Specializing in cruise, tour and vacation planning 325 White St. Jacksonville (910) 455-9077 • (800) 406-6776 131 N. Front St. Downtown Swansboro 910-326-1953 Stephanie Cashwell, market development manager for CenturyLink, said the company tailors its plans to its customers. fiber options may already be piggy-backing off our fiber network,” Cashwell emphasized. “Why pay someone else for use of our network when you can go directly to the source? CenturyLink has a huge global network that all this data travels through and itʼs our own. Itʼs 450,000 miles of sheath fiber that can circle the globe 18 times.” Residential customers can save money with exclusive offers bundling digital television, high-speed Internet, home phone, wireless services, home automation and security. And quotes, whether they are home or business, are always free of charge. For more information on CenturyLink check them out on the web, www.centurylink. com. Stephanie Cashwell can be reached at (919) 562-2515. JOHN E. TANTUM ATTORNEY AT LAW For all your Real Estate needs Visit our new location: 626 W. Corbett Ave. Swansboro 910-326-8855 www.swansboroportrealty.com 604-C Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point, NC 28584 252-393-2235 Tideland News, October 7, 2015, Swansboro, N.C..–7E Swansboro Area Chamber ribbon cuttings Stevenson Chevrolet’s New Dealership • 1435 W. Corbett Ave. Swansboro (910) 326-1804 • www.stevensonchevrolet.com Great time of year Fall is here! Our area is showing signs of the season with maple trees beginning their transformation into brilliant colors of red, gold and orange. Events and festivals are in abundance during the month of October, one of the many reasons why vacationers return to our area each year, savoring every moment as if it were their last. Our rich maritime history, pristine beaches, unique shopping opportunities, waterfront restaurants, beautiful sunsets and outdoor recreation make our area a playground for adventures and just an exceptional place to spend quality time with family and friends during the crisp days of fall. Your chamber staff serves as the “front door” to the Swansboro area, providing visitors, new residents and folks just passing through with valuable information about our area. We love serving the business community and promoting all of the many wonderful things that our area has to offer. Folks come to visit and discover what –––––––– Chamber Chatter By Donna Hammonds –––––––– we already know: thereʼs no place like “our” home. If youʼre a newcomer to the Swansboro area, come see us. Weʼll be glad to share all that is good in our area with you. If youʼre a new/existing business interested in learning how to gain more exposure in the Swansboro area, we certainly embrace the opportunity to help you promote the products and services that you have to offer our coastal area. Enjoy the fall breezes and magnificent coastal sunsets! A great time of year! New Members! Crystal Coast Electrolysis 714 W. Corbett Ave., Ste. #11 Swansboro, NC 28584 • (910) 545-3338 Contact: Natasha Robinson Email: [email protected] www.crystalcoastelectrolysis.com Crystal Coast Electrolysis • 714 W. Corbett Ave. • Suite No. 11 • Swansboro (910) 545-3338 • www.crystalcoastelectrolysis.com New d elan d s T New d an del sWould Carrols Corporation dba Burger King Store #184 1401 West Corbett Ave. Swansboro, NC 28584 • (910) 326-1615 you like to have your businessʼs name and contact information in 3,000 homes ... in a format that is “customer friendly” and readily available? With our help, you can do that. Tideland News, with a weekly circulation of 3,000, is invited into the homes of the people you want to reach and in a format – print – that is easy to retrieve and always available. Join us as we go into the homes of our loyal readers each week, let them know what your business has to offer in a display ad designed by our award-winning production department. We have a variety of products that will fit any budget. Call Karen Felix, Tideland News ad representative, at (910) 326-5066 so she can find the ad campaign that is right for you. 8E–Tideland News, October 7, 2015, Swansboro, N.C. Enjoying Yacht Club after hours Kristi and Rick Welton, Kathy Zucarrelli and Leah Evans Linda Freeman and Ann Herrick The Swannsborough Yacht Club hosted the Swansboro Area Chamber of Commerceʼs September Business After Hours. Club manager Laura Bertino showcased the new bar/grill area and extended outdoor seating. Members were treated to peel-and-eat shrimp, shrimp salad, Buffalo shrimp, beer-battered shrimp and homemade chicken salad wraps, among other items on their menu. Everything was delicious! Many thanks to the Yacht Club staff; they were exceptional hosts. Members in attendance had a wonderful time networking and, as always, enjoyed the incredible sunset views from the deck. Yes, the sun did peep out a few times amongst the clouds. If you havenʼt visited the Yacht Club lately to check out whatʼs new, youʼre missing out. Great food and a great waterfront location for folks of all ages! Candidate forums on tap The month of October ushers in the fall season and brings not only cooler temperatures but also many festivals and events celebrating our areas rich culture. The Swansboro Mullet Festival of North Carolina, a variety of fishing tournaments, Halloween celebrations and more. In addition to these socially oriented events there are also events that are political in nature with municipal elections the first Tuesday in November. Preceding the elections will be two candidate forums: one in Cape Carteret Oct. 15 and one in Swansboro Oct. 22. These events are an invaluable opportunity to not only meet the candidates, but to also hear their positions on a variety of subjects directly impacting the citizens of this area. With recent developments and decisions made by our current leaders, now is the opportunity to let your voice be heard. Educate yourself on the candidates, as there are many new faces, then get out and exercise your constitutional right –––––––– President’s Message By Darryl Marsh –––––––– and duty as an American citizen, and vote! I further encourage you to set a goal to get at least one other person who may not have voted in the past and take them with you to the poles – especially the younger generation, your children, employees, friends, etc. It is more important than ever that we get the 18- to 25-year-old demographic more involved in becoming educated on local, state and federal government and voicing their opinion through voting. Make sure you get registered through Carteret or Onslow counties boards of elections 30 Cape Carteret Mayoral/Commissioner Candidates Forum will be Oct. 15, 6-8 p.m., at the Town of Cape Carteretʼs Debbie E. Stanley Board of Commissioners Room. Swansboro Commissioner Candidates Forum will be Oct. 22, 6-8 p.m., at the Swansboro Town Hall Community Room. days before the election to be eligible to vote. You may register in person at the elections office, the Department of Motor Vehicles, or any county public library. You may also register by mail. A voter registration form may be picked up at any library, town hall, or the elections office. Your county voter registration will permit you to vote in national, state, county or municipal election. See you at the polls! Cecil and Annette Hargett Michelle Dobbs, Hal Silver and Bob Kenward Officers 2015/16 Executive Board Darryl Marsh, President, Sight Sound Media Chris Kollar, Past President, Crystal Coast Tent & Event Rentals LLC Brandon Staton, President-Elect, Transportation Impact Mike McHugh, Vice President, Jacksonville Daily News Nyra Hogeland, Treasurer, BB&T Linda Thornley, Secretary, Hampton Inn & Suites Board of Directors Nancee Allen, Emerald Isle Wine Market Terri Ashby, Sound Bank Clayton Cottle, Edward Jones, Cedar Point Mike Eagan, Saltwater Grill Junior Freeman, Emerald Coast Inc. Betty Hopkins, North State Storage Sharon Jacobs-Murray, Murray Commercial Roofing Systems Inc. Latisha Jones, Marine Federal Credit Union Kelly Nicholson, Emerald Isle Realty Dr. Nicholas Reid, Eye Care Center Hal Silver, Through The Looking Glass Nancy Swanson, Icehouse Waterfront Restaurant Pat Tantum, John E. Tantum, PA Attorney and Counselor at Law Richard C. Welton CAPT USN (Ret.), Individual Member Kathy Zuccarelli, Glory Bee Committee Chairs Steve Yoho, individual, Military Affairs Committee Chairman Cirila Cothran, Cirila Cothran Real Estate, and Richard C. Welton, individual, Governmental Affairs Committee Co-Chairmen Dr. Tina Siegel, Eye Care Center, Swansboro Area Development Foundation Chairman
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