The Loom October 2015pdf
The Loom October 2015pdf
The Loom The newsletter for Abbotsleigh Old Girls | October 2015 President’s message Hello everyone! In Term 3 we were again blessed with many great events for generations of Old Girls. Since our last newsletter we have held the Archibald exhibition before-hours tour and morning tea, the Mother Daughter Dinner, the Bowls Day and, most recently, the final assembly and welcome lunch for the current Year 12 girls. All these activities have been well supported and it has been wonderful to see new faces at every event. At the Year 12 luncheon and final assembly I was privileged to welcome our very newest Old Girls on your behalf. This year has been a particularly poignant one for me as my eldest daughter is one of the Class of 2015 preparing for their final HSC requirements. We wish them all good luck and calm minds in their exams. Importantly, I also want to remind you that our AGM is not far away (18 November). If you have ever considered being part of the Committee or want to know more about what we do, please get in touch or come along on the night – it is always an informative and fun night to finish off our year. Our Facebook page continues to grow and is an easy way to keep up-to-date on what’s happening with all things Old Girls. We welcome your input and news. Kim Boniface (Anderson, 1985) Honorary President, AOGU News and congratulations Dr Karen Simmer (1973) was made Officer of the Order of Australia in June for distinguished service to medicine in the field of paediatrics, particularly neonatal and perinatal nutrition, to medical education as an academic, researcher and clinician, and to the community. Dr Simmer studied in Sydney and London and is respected and well known in her field. She is Professor of Newborn Medicine at the University of Western Australia and the Director of the Neonatal Intensive Care Units at King Edward Memorial Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital for Children in Perth. She is also Director of the Perron Rotary Express Milk Bank (human milk bank) which was established in 2006 and is viewed around the world as the ‘best practice’ human milk bank. Karen Simmer New staff appointed Deputy Head of the Junior School Annual General Meeting of the Old Girls’ Union and end of year function After a thorough and extensive process of advertising, interview and demonstrated practice, Abbotsleigh found the best and most suitable candidate on its own staff. It was with the greatest delight that the Headmistress announced Miss Kate Grzanka as new Deputy Head of the Junior School. The Annual General Meeting of the AOGU is always an entertaining evening. There is a short overview of the year’s work, the new committee is voted in and then all the Old Girls who attend spend some time sharing a glass of wine or two. This year there will be additional special business because of a suggested change to the constitution. Please read the notice below with care. We would love to see you there to vote, but also to celebrate another year of close cooperation with the School and the active engagement of Old Girls of all ages. Kate Grzanka Notice of the Abbotsleigh Old Girls’ Union Annual General Meeting 2014 Wednesday 18 November 2015 The Annual General Meeting of the Abbotsleigh Old Girls’ Union Incorporated will be held in the Resident Staff Room at Abbotsleigh, 1666 Pacific Highway, Wahroonga, on Wednesday 18 November 2015 commencing at 7.30 pm and all are welcome. Special Business 1.Change to the Constitution of Abbotsleigh Old Girls’ Union Incorporated Proposed resolution: THAT the words “unless previously approved by the outgoing Committee” shall be added to clause 16 (a) (ii) of the Constitution, so that clause 16 (a) shall be amended to: 16. (a) Officers and members of the Committee, other than Life Members of the Committee, shall be: (i) elected at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with clause 17; and (ii) eligible for re-election provided that no officer shall hold the same office for more than four consecutive years unless previously approved by the outgoing Committee. Kate’s first qualification was a Bachelor of Commerce and she began her career with Ernst and Young as a Senior Consultant. Her passion for lifelong learning and commitment to educating young minds became evident as she completed a Master of Teaching from the University of Sydney. Kate joined the Abbotsleigh Junior School staff in 2012, having returned from teaching in the United Kingdom where she had held a leadership role at Danes Hill School in Surrey. This year, Kate has completed a Master of Gifted Education through the University of NSW. She is currently leading the Year 6 team of teachers and students, after three years of teaching Year 5. Ordinary business 1. To receive and consider the Annual Report of the Honorary President, the Report of the Honorary Treasurer, the Financial Accounts of the Association and the Auditor’s report thereon for the year ending 30 June 2015. 2. To appoint the auditor for the year 2015/2016 3. To elect the committee for 2015/2016 4. To appoint an AOGU representative on Abbotsleigh Council 5. To conduct any matters of general business, including minor matters raised from the floor. At the meeting all positions will be declared vacant and nominations are now invited for all positions. Head of Environmental Education It was with great pleasure that the Headmistress announced Mrs Susan Filan was appointed to this ELC through to Year 12 position, which leads our educational and organisational move towards environmental sustainability. We advertised broadly for this position, receiving applications from interstate and internationally. After a thorough search, we knew the most passionate and capable applicants were within Abbotsleigh. Sarah Hofman is available to nominate for a second term as AOGU Representative on the Abbotsleigh Council. Nominations of candidates for positions on the Committee and on School Council shall be signed by the proposer and seconder and be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee. Nominations must be sent by 3 November 2015 to: The Honorary Secretary, AOGU, Locked Bag 1666, Wahroonga, NSW 2076. A nomination form for the positions on the Committee and for the position of AOGU Representative on the Abbotsleigh Council has been attached to this email. Members of the AOGU who wish to receive a ballot paper for the election of the Committee, including the Council Representative, must write to the Secretary requesting a ballot paper by Monday 2 November. Ballot papers must be returned by Tuesday 17 November to: The Honorary Secretary, AOGU, Locked Bag 1666, Wahroonga, NSW 2076. Dr Meredith Burgmann Speaker at the Business Breakfast Thursday 15 October ‘Why aren’t we running the world? After 120 years of women’s rights in Australia, why are we still so under-represented in decision-making levels in our society, including business, politics, education and the professions?’ This is the question Dr Burgmann will ask on the day. It’s a question she has been asking and trying to find an answer to for most of her life. Could it be because she was an Archdale Girl? Meredith Burgmann attended Abbotsleigh (1961–64) and then the University of Sydney, where she was radicalised by her anti-war and anti-apartheid activities. She subsequently became involved in the early feminist movement in the 1970s. She worked as an academic for 18 years, researching areas such as equal pay and the situation of Aboriginal women. She did her PhD on the early environment movement. She was the first woman president of the Academics Union of NSW. She was elected to Parliament in 1991 and was president of the NSW Legislative Council from 1999–2007. She is the longest serving woman presiding officer in Australia. She was always involved in aid and development issues and on her retirement she became a consultant with the UNDP and was elected president of the Australian Council for International Development, the peak body for Australian aid organisations. She is a founding member of the National Pay Equity Coalition and Emily’s List and a founder (1993) of the Ernie Awards for sexist behaviour. She has written three books, about the urban environment movement, misogyny and ASIO. She is a foundation member and proud ambassador for the Sydney Swans. The AOGU Business Breakfast will be at The Strangers Dining Room, Parliament House, 8–10 am on Thursday, 15 October. The cost is $35. If you would still like to attend please RSVP and pay by clicking on this link Susan Filan Susan has an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from Mount Holyoke College and a Master of Arts in Biology from Harvard University. She further studied Education at Macquarie University and has been teaching in our Science Department since 2013. Her speciality area has been Earth and Environmental Studies at the HSC level. We look forward to the next stage of our exciting program on integrating environmental education throughout all Key Learning Areas and furthering our sustainable practice throughout our operations. It is sure to be a fascinating day. For more information or to book a group, please contact Mrs Susan Filan at [email protected]. 2014 Carpe Diem Lunch In 2015 a group of Old Girls identified the need for a lunch in the city for more mature Old Girls. Under the enthusiastic leadership of Cathie Bartholomew (1963) they approached the Queen’s Club and, as a result, the first AOG Carpe Diem lunch was held on the last Monday in November 2014. This year the lunch falls on Monday 30 November and the host at the club is Annabel Baxter (Marr, 1965). Replies are streaming in. Remember, places are limited so if you would like to attend please contact Heleen Fourie at the Alumni Relations Office (02) 9473 7740. Last years Carpe Diem Lunch Reunions in Hong Kong and London in October There will be two international reunions for Old Girls in October. The Headmistress is heading off to Hong Kong to join Old Girls there for a luncheon and following the success of last year’s reunion in London, a number of Old Girls decided to reintroduce this as an annual event. The Hong Kong reunion will be on 10 October and the idea behind the reunion is to create an opportunity for Old Girls from Singapore, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Malaysia and Japan to get together. If you are interested or know of someone who would like to go, please contact Georgia Dawson 1993 [email protected], Carli Yung 1994 [email protected] or Heleen Fourie in the Alumni Relations Office on 9473 7740 Reunion dates Date Event Saturday 10 October 1985 leavers 30 year reunion, contact Lisa (Krieger) Stein [email protected] and Cathy Pegler [email protected] Saturday 17 October 1990 leavers 25 year reunion, contact Anthea Deschamps [email protected] and Elizabeth Henderson [email protected] Saturday 24 October 1975 leavers 40 year reunion, contact Celia Vild [email protected] Saturday 24 October 1995 leavers 10 year reunion, contact Alise Engelen (Ramshaw) or Heleen Fourie, Alumni Relations Manager Weekend of 14/15 November 1965 50 year reunion, contact Libby Tracy (Lee) [email protected]; Philippa Bowmaker (Wilkinson) [email protected] and Dimity Riley (Wood) [email protected] Sunday 1 November 1960 leavers 55 year reunion, contact Helena Ackroyd [email protected] Saturday 21 November 1955 leavers 60 year reunion contact Heleen Fourie, Alumni Relations Manager Saturday 21 November 2010 leavers 5 year reunion, contact Kietah Martens-Shaw [email protected] and Isabel Hawken [email protected] Friday and Saturday 11/12 December 1995 leavers 20 year reunion, contact Amanda Turner [email protected] The 2015 London AOG luncheon will be on 24 October in a central London restaurant. The two contact people are Alison Burrell (+44 1227 455595 email: [email protected]) and Caroline Curnock (+44 1225 445032, email: [email protected]). They have also extended a warm welcome to any (non-UK) Old Girl passing through London on that date. If you are interested in attending, please contact Alison or Caroline and they will be happy to include you. Heleen Fourie Alumni Relations Manager Phone 02 9473 7740 Email [email protected] Locked Bag 1666, Wahroonga NSW 2076 Help us look after the environment and get The Loom delivered to your email inbox Complete the attached form and fill in your email address Grace Cossington Smith Gallery workshops Grace Cossington Smith Gallery workshops The workshops remaining for 2015 are: MANIPULATING TIME A workshop linking to the current Scanlines exhibition Date: Saturday 10 October Cost: $110 Tutor: DLuxMedia arts facilitator PHOTOGRAPHY For art resource and portfolio Date: Saturday 14 November Cost: $110 Tutor: Effy Alexakis STOP MOTION ANIMATION A workshop linking to the current Scanlines exhibition Date: Saturday 17 October Cost: $110 Tutor: DLuxMedia arts facilitator ENCAUSTIC FOR PAINTING Date: Saturday 21 November Cost: $130 Tutor: Sarah Mufford Information and booking at: A stimulating program of events is planned for the 2016 GCS Gallery calendar. 27 January to THE ART OF CICADA PRESS Printmaking from UNSW Art & Design. 5 March This will be one of the gallery’s major fundraising events and works by artists Vernon Ah Kee, John Coburn, Elisabeth Cummings, Euan Macleod, Chris O’Doherty, John Olsen and many other well known artists will be available for sale. 10 March to 16 April MOP An artist-run initiative in Chippendale will exhibit selected contemporary artworks. 23 April to 26 May CREATIVITY IN WARTIME is an Anzac Centenary Exhibition commemorating the First World War by reflecting on the human and creative side of wartime experiences. Works for this exhibition have been provided by generous alumni and community supporters. 1 June to 25 June An exciting exhibition of LIGHT artists is planned to coincide with VIVID and adventures in light from Abbotsleigh’s TAS Department. 7 July to 11 August To coincide with Abbotsleigh’s Literary Festival the gallery will host Shaun Tan: The Art of Story, Discovering The Lost Thing – Book to Film. 16 August to 20 August The annual Year 12 Showcase by Visual Arts, History and English students. 24 August to 17 September Works by Abbotsleigh ex students. Please contact the gallery to inform us about your work and allow us to curate an exciting exhibition. 20 September to 31 October Two exhibitions to be confirmed from the CALL FOR PROPOSALS invited by the gallery. 5 November to 10 December Grace Cossington Smith art award. The gallery is developing strategies for greater support. We have a volunteer program, are planning a Friends group and would appreciate founding a creative alliance with alumni. We are also seeking financial support to ensure we continue to offer an inspiring creative program of events. The 2015 Grace Cossington Smith Gallery calendar will conclude with our very own Grace Cossington Smith art award. The award places Abbotsleigh in the public sphere as a school supporting creativity and the arts and provides a unique event for contemporary Australian artists to exhibit in a high quality gallery environment that is quickly becoming a venue of choice for professional artists. This year the award drew around 300 outstanding submissions. We are honoured that highly regarded members of the art community accepted the roles as selector and judge. The selection panel was Anneke Jaspers, Assistant Curator Contemporary Art, Art Gallery NSW, and Dr Stephen Little, Head of Painting, National Art School. The judges – Geoffrey Legge, Director, Watters Gallery and Damien Minton, Gallery Manager, Watters Gallery – will announce the winner of the acquisitive $15,000 award on Saturday, 7 November at 3 pm. You are warmly invited to celebrate this special event, so please note the date in your calendar. One of the strategies helping the GCS Gallery mitigate the cost of the exhibition program is a series of art workshops designed for Senior High School students and adults. See above left for details. Grace Cossington Smith Gallery Old Girls update Please update your contact details below, especially your email address. Please return this form to the Abbotsleigh Alumni Relations Office, Locked Bag 1666, Wahroonga NSW 2076, fax to 61 2 9483 9740 or email [email protected]. Full name (including title) Maiden name (if applicable) Email Address Suburb State and post code Mobile Work phone Home phone Reunion year* Day girl or boarder * The reunion year is the year in which you would have completed either the Higher School Certificate or the Leaving Certificate, had you stayed at School even if you actually left earlier. I am interested in □Speaking to students in Assembly – □Networking events – Topic Profession □Mother Daughter Dinner □Organising a reunion □Golf Day □Bowls Day □Card Day □Art gallery visits □Joining the AOGU committee □Area reunions – □ M edical practitioner/science group □Performing/Visual arts group □Suggesting a new event – Location □Careers Night – Profession News for Around Abbotsleigh Ideas
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