LADONNA 8x14 BIO - Faith Beyond Abuse Global Initiative for


LADONNA 8x14 BIO - Faith Beyond Abuse Global Initiative for
Making a Difference for a Better Tomorrow
To find out more about LaDonna’s domestic violence advocacy and partnering
online portals please visit the following:
Faith Beyond Abuse Global Initiative for Women & Girls Christian Domestic Violence
Blessed by Faith Christian Social Network for Women
Safe Zone Spot Life Skills Solutions for Teen Girls
B.A.D.G.I.R.L.S. Social Network for Teen Girls
Empower to Inspire Publishing • Offering Empowering and Educational Tools to Combat
Domestic Violence
If you are interested in LaDonna speaking at your special event or conducting a
tutorial webinar with any of her series please contact us today.
A Domestic Violence Survivor, Activist, Multifaceted Self Made Entrepreneur & Author
• Email: [email protected]
• Email: [email protected]
• Call Toll Free: 866.594.8884 Monday • Friday 9am to 6pm EST
LaDonna Audio Messages & Video Interviews Available at;
“...God is the essences of me and my existence. He placed me here in such a time as this.
All that I am is from Him for me.”
A Crusade for Delivering Inspirational Messages of Hope and Healing
Topics by LaDonna
Unleashed from Iniquity • Turning Obstacles into Triumph
A Message of Clarity to Eliminate & Prevent Domestic Violence
A Domestic Violence Survivor, Activist, Multifaceted Entrepreneur & Author
LaDonna Marie Choate McGee is a survivor of domestic violence with an inspirational story of hope,
faith and reliance. Some know LaDonna as a nationally recognized fine artist in the home show industry
who gained her success during the 1990’s. LaDonna’s rags to riches story started in 1989 when she left
an abusive marriage. From there LaDonna and her 4 children relocated from Monroe Louisiana to the
south suburbs of Illinois. In less than 2 years she made a national name for herself with her beautiful
works of art generating revenue and liquidated assets worth well over 1.5 million in 1992.
As a talented, multifaceted and self made entrepreneur, LaDonna has reinvented herself by
tapping into a series of personal innate abilities. She cultivated these talents into productive skill sets
that lead her to work as a scenic artist and production designer within the movie and commercial
industry in Michigan. LaDonna has also worked as a web developer, computer graphic designer and
online brander for many businesses and organizations.
Many were not aware of the horrific subjection to domestic violence from both her biological parents.
The constant torment LaDonna and her 6 siblings endured started as young as 4 years of age that
consist of neglect, hunger, periodical abandonment, verbal and physical abuse. The abuse graduated
to many sexual assaults by her biological father starting at the age of 11. This continued until her escape at the age of 17. The few that were aware of the LaDonna’s unfortunate experience were concerned that the physiological impact would tarnish LaDonna for life. Well, LaDonna proved them wrong.
After more than 40 years of silence LaDonna is speaking out, openly and candidly with a brutally
honest, powerful series of messages that educate, empower, inspires, minister and transforms.
She addresses her experience as a survivor of child and adult emotional, physical and sexual abuse,
her bouts of grappling with demonic traps of uncertainty and hopelessness associated with the residue
of abuse, and how she found the will to move beyond the hindrances of abuse.
In the past 10 years LaDonna has wrote and published her memoir along with several evidence based,
empowering, educational and transformational series. All designed to implement in the private sector,
church, schools and community organizations that address domestic violence awareness and
prevention for women and girls.
In 2013 LaDonna dedicated her life as an advocate for domestic violence and formulated what she calls
her, “Empowerment Portals” that includes several online venues for the purpose of enhancing the well
being of women and girls. She founded and became executive director in 2014 of Faith Beyond Abuse
Global Initiative for Women and Girls Christian Domestic Violence Advocacy for Women and Girls. A
nonprofit organization established to assist survivors and those who seek knowledge and resources
regarding domestic violence, Blessed by Faith Christian Social Network for Women - this only one of its
kind network brings women and others together in a online social environment that empowers and
supports. LaDonna’s campaign to fight against domestic violence is a movement that is here to say!
Did God Forget About Me?
An Inspiring Message of Hope and Courage
LaDonna shares with her audience renders in a monologue
Using her chilling and uplifting experience as a backdrop,
format of her heartfelt journey how she faced her personal
LaDonna shares her perspicacity into what allowed her to move
of domestic violence encounters and by virtue of
beyond the pains and hindrances of child abuse and domestic
turned tragedy into triumph whilst being carried and delivered
violence. She takes you on an empowering journey through her
by God.
heartfelt presentation that shares her personal techniques that helped
her leverage extraordinary challenges as stepping-stones for
Accomplishments Timeline at a Glance...
2015 LaDonna and her team of successful, dynamic
women whom are also domestic violence survivors...
Her interactive message addresses the connect between biblical
principles and sinful iniquity traits within the context of domestic
Completed a 10 year journey that involved the
development of an evidence based series of
empowerment workbook guides centered around
Through this LaDonna delights her audience with a since of clarity of
awareness and prevention of domestic violence.
how to develop a certain mind set of faith, hope, emotional, and
Designed for women and girls, these guides intent is
spiritual strength utilizing the armor of scripture to eliminate
to educate and strengthen family unity whilst
personal iniquity traits, how to eliminate generational (curses) iniquity
eliminating abuse.
traits through family and how to cope with the tragedy of any form of
domestic violence to find inner peace, lead victoriously and joyous
These guides are being distributed globally within
the Christian community, private sector and will
be translated into 10 commonly spoken languages.
You will be enlighten with tangible takeaways with domestic
violence preventative applications that will truly educate, motivate,
2013 LaDonna became Founder and Executive
inspire, Christian audiences of all types.
Director of Faith Beyond Abuse Global Initiative for
Women and Girls a Christian Domestic Violence
The 7 Blessings of Healing for Change
Advocacy 501c3 Organization.
An Enlighten Message Instilling Personal Inner Peace & Clarity
2004 • 2013 Retired web developer, computer
graphic designer, and consultant to startup and
At some point in our lives, we will all be tested and sometimes end up
small business branding agency.
downstream or upstream of where we set out to sail. The truth about
life is that none of us truly has our hands on the script.
2008 published her memoirs & started development
LaDonna knows firsthand, that life can change in an instant.
of a series of domestic violence awareness and
prevention, educational and empower workbooks
In this insightful and practical presentation LaDonna’s delightful message of empowerment utilizes 7 practical principles supported by scrip- for women and girls.
ture. All with the intent to catapult her audience to a higher
1998 • 2004 Production design, scenic artist
understanding of self awareness to succeed in all aspects of your life
in films and commercials.
and beyond any challenge.
Through scriptural context she captivates you with her ineffable witty
sense of humor and down-to-earth delivery as she brings simplistic
understanding of how God has given us what we need to be victorious.
More About LaDonna...
1989 • 2001 Became a self made entrepreneur
and nationally recognized fine artist within the
home show industry.
LaDonna has been married for over 11 years to theologian, Dr. T. Nathan McGee. She has 4 biological children
& 4 children by marriage. LaDonna has engaged in many interest in her life that includes; Ministering, writing, painting
(fine art), gardening, has a desire to fly planes, horseback riding, cooking, playing chess, web development & computer
graphic design, decorating, fishing, nature trailing, sewing, dancing, children, enjoys family, helping
and giving herself to others and just loving what God has given us all.