Mid-Season Horse Auction 2014 – 2015 Thoroughbred, Non
Mid-Season Horse Auction 2014 – 2015 Thoroughbred, Non
Mid-Season Horse Auction 2014 – 2015 Thoroughbred, Non Thoroughbred & Unknown breed On Friday 16 of January 2015 3:30 p.m. At The Parade Ring REC Grandstand th Racing & Equestrian Club Al Fourisiya Street, Al Rayyan P. O. Box 7559 Doha, Qatar Tel: +974 44197648/45, Fax +974 44802734 Email: [email protected] www.qrec.gov.qa قواعد وتعليمات مزاد الخيل بنادي السباق والفروسية ******************************************************* أوال :الجهة المنظمة للمزاد (نادي السباق والفروسية ). ثانيا :نموذج تسجيل المزاد رقم (: )1ـ يقوم المزايد الذي يرغب في الشراء بتعبئة نموذج تســــجيل يحمل رقم ( )1على أن يكون النموذج مستوفيا جميع البيانات المعدة لذلك والتوقيع عليها من المزايد . ثالثا :التأمين المؤقت المسدد من المشتري :ـ يقــوم كل مشـتري بسداد تأمين مؤقت قدرة 10111لاير قطري (فقط خمسة عشرة ألف لاير قطــــري ) نقدا لخزينة نادي السـباق والفروسية ليتم تخصيص رقم مزايدة لكل مشتري مســـــــجل وذلك لالستخدام الشخصي أثناء المزاد على أن يتم رد مبلغ التأمين بالكامل في حال عدم الشراء أو عدم تعديل أي شراء مقابل أي سعر شــــراء أو نفقات ناشئة . رابعا :قبــــــــــول المزايدة :ـ ال تقبل المزايدات ســـــوى من المزايد المسجل الذي يحمل رقم مزايدة وفي كل مرة يقوم فيها المزايد برفع رقم المزايدة الخـــــــــاص به ترتفع قيمة المزايدة بمبلغ يعلنه مسؤول المزاد عن كل عملية بيع . خامسا :أخالء مسؤولية نادي السباق والفروسية من الخيل المباعة بالمزاد:ـ يقر المزايد بأنه عاين الخــــيل محل المزايدة المعاينة التامة النافية للجــــــهالة ،وأن النادي ال يقدم أي ضمانات على أي عملية شـــــــراء تتم وعلى المشترون التأكد من حالة ووصف الخيول ويجب عليهم التأكد منها دون الرجوع للنـادي ( منظم المزاد ) بأي طلبات تثبت وجود تدليس يخص الخـــــيل المباعة حيث أنه ليس من اختصاص مسؤول المزاد /المنظمون تحمل أي تبعية لعملية الشـــــــراء لتصبح كل رأس خيل مباعـــة ملكا لصاحب أعلى مزايدة عند قيام مســــؤول المزاد بالطــــــرق بالمطرقة واعتبارا من يوم المزاد يتحمل المشــترون مســــؤولية جميع التكاليف والنفقات ذات الصلة برعاية الرأس التي يتم شـراؤها والعناية بها والمحافظة عليها ومراقبتها وفي حالة اإلخفاق ألي مزايدة بااللتزام بهذه الشروط يتم مصادرة التأمين الخاص به . لذا فان الجهة المنظمة للمزاد ( نادي السباق والفروسية ) ليس عليه أدنى مســـؤولية قانـــونية تجاه وجود أي أصابات بالخــــــيل المباعة أو أمراض بأنواعها وخاصــــة التناسلية أو كونها باطح أو غير ذلك وعلى المزايد التأكد منها مســـبقا دون الرجوع على النادي بأي مسؤولية مستقبلية بعد البيع . سادسا :عدم أحقية المالك في الرجوع عن البيع :ـ ال يحق للمالك الرجـــوع عن البيـــــع اذا ما تمت المزايدة علي الخـــــيل على أعلى ســــعر حتى تؤول اليه ملكية الخيل المعروضة في المزايدة . سابعا :تحديد المالك لسعر البيع للخيل المملوكة له :ـ على البــــائع تحديد ســــعر البيع للخيل المملوكة له قبل بدء المزاد على أنه في حالة ما اذا كان سعر الجياد الذي أرسي عليه بالمزاد جاء بأقل من السعر المحدد منه فيتم رجوع الجياد له مرة آخري وأال أخبر ادارة النادي بالموافقة على الســـــعر الذي أرسي عليه بالمزاد . ثامنا :رســـــــــوم المزاد :ـ تفرض رسـوم بنسبة %0من اإلجمالي على كل رأس خيل يتم بيعها تحصل لصالح الجهة المنظمة /نادي الســــباق والفروســــــية . تاسعا :نموذج رقم ()2المعد إلتمام البيع :ـ عند إتمام كل عملية بيع يقوم المشتري فورا بتعبئة نموذج تأكيد الشــــــراء والتوقيع عليه وهو نموذج يحمل رقم (. )2 عاشرا :سداد مبلغ الشراء كامال لنادي السباق والفروسية :ـ يقوم المشتري بسداد مبلغ الشراء كامال لنادي السباق والفروسية نقدا أو بشيك مقبول الدفع ،على أن يتم نقل الملكية وتغيير جواز السفر بعد سداد المبلغ كامال أو صرف قيمة الشيك . أحدي عشر :نقل الخيول المشاركة بالمزاد:ـ الخيـــول الغير مباعة يلتزم مالكها بنقلها خارج النادي خالل 22ســـــاعه من المزاد . وبالنسبة للخيل المغادرة لخارج الدولة يتم نقلها الى الحجر البيطــري في اليــوم التالي ليوم المزاد وذلك بمقابل مادي 111لاير قطري عن اليوم الواحد . أما بالنسبة للخيل المباعة والتي تبقي داخل الدوحة فيتم دخولها الي اسـطبالت المنتزه لليوم التالي للمزاد بالمقابل المادي وهو 111لاير لليوم الواحد في حال عدم استكمال إجراءات الشراء. ثاني عشر :سداد نسبة مقدمة من مبلغ المزاد :ـ يلتزم المشــتري بالقيام بســـــداد نسبة %21نقدا على األقل من مبلغ المزايدة على الخــــــــيل في يـــــــــــوم المزاد على أن يتم ســـــــداد الموافق 2110/1/20م . باقي القيمة قبل يوم الخميس ثالث عشر :أخفاق المشتري في سداد قيمة الرأس المباعة :ـ في حالة أخفـــــاق المشــتري في ســـــداد المبلغ كامال في الموعد المحدد للســداد تؤول ملكية الرأس المباعة الى المالك األصلي دون إنـذار أو أخطــار بالســداد على أن يتم مصادرة التـــــــــأمين المدفــــوع من المشـــتري لصـــالح الجهة المنظمــــة ( نادي السـباق والفروسية ) . رابع عشر :نقل الخيل المباعة :ـ يتحمل المشترين مسؤولية نقل الخــيل المباعة وكافة تكاليف تصديرها طبقا للقوانين المنظمة والمتبعة لدولة قطــــــــر ووفق لوائح وإجـراءات التصدير ،على أن يمكن للمشـترين مراجعة نادي السباق والفروسية عن تلك اإلجراءات واللوائح . خامس عشر :قانون المزايدات رقم 22لسنة : 2002ـ فيما لم يرد نص في تلك البنود يطبق بشأنها قانــون المزايدات رقم 22لسنة 2110لدولة قطـــــــــــــــــــــــــــر. وهللا الموفق ،،، المسؤلون مسوؤل المزاد ريان سكلتون محمد سالمة عاشور االسطبالت جهاد األحمد – 00525052 محمد جميل ـــ 00250511 منصور رضا اسماعيل – 55120153 فادي رضا اسماعيل – 22102132 إستيراد و تصدير د .يوسف إبراهيم كساب 00211311 محاسب محمود عبد الرحمن 00515112 مصطفى حجاج مكتب تسجيل الخيل عبد القادراالمين – 22521550 الل ماني ياداف00525121- نبيل شيخاني Officials Auctioneer: Ryan Skelton Mohammed Salama Aashour Stables: Jehad Al Ahmed Mohamed Jameel Mansoor Redha Fadi Redha Import / Export: Dr. Yousef Kassab Accountant: Mahmoud Abdul Rahman Mustafa Hajaj 55923534 55635901 33125738 66052184 55471817 55979704 Horse Registration & transfer of ownership Abdul Kader Al Amin 66921995 Lal Mani Yadav 55329741 Nabeel Shekhani Alphabetical list of Horses in Auction Thoroughbred, Non/TB, and Mixed Horses NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 HORSE NAME AL GHARIYAH VI (QA) (10) AL JALWA (QA) (13) AL MUTHANAA (GB) (07) AL NAIF CITATION (QA) (10) AL SHAQAB (QA) (09) ALBIDAA (USA) (11) ALWAYS IN FASHION (IRE) (07) AMANI (QA) (10) ANDHESONTHERUN (IRE) (11) ANSETT 2 (02) ATHENA (QA) (13) BARIQ (QA) (10) BASMATI (QA) (11) BENHUR (01) BINT AL KHALEEJ (QA) (11) BRIEF CHAT (USA) (09) BRUCE (06) CANDYMAN (07) CARUSO Z (03) CLASSICAL MISS (CAN) (03) DARTFORD (USA) (09) DUBAWI COAST (GB) (11) DYNAMIC DUO (IRE) (09) ELWAZEER (USA) (08) FIRST SEA LORD (IRE) (08) FLORISTA GG (URU) (03) FORCE FREEZE (USA) (05) FRANKIE PE (IRE) (11) GANDALAK (FR) (09) GENERIST (GB) (04) GOOEY (IRE) (08) GROOVE ON (IRE) (10) GULL ROCK (GB) (09) HAIZOOM (QA) (14) I LIKE TO WIN (IRE) (09) INDIAN NARJES (GB) (08) INSTANT UPDATE (IRE) (10) JIG TIME (GB) (04) JUBILEE DIAMOND (IRE) (10) KALLEIDOSCOPE (GB) (08) KING OLIVER (GB) (10) LA LUNA (03) MALLAH (QA) (10) MAQAMAAT (IRE) (10) MASOUD (GB) (11) MISDEMEANOUR (IRE) (09) MOOJ AL GHARIYAH VI (QA) (11) MUTAWASSAL (QA) (09) NAJLA (QA) (13) OHUD (QA) (09) OMISSION (GB) (01) OSAILAA (QA) (11) PANDORA (05) PIRATE’S SONG (GB) (07) POWER PUNCH (IRE) (08) POYLE JUDY (GB) (08) RAKAN III (11) SEX F F G M M F F F M G F M M G F F M G M F G F M G M F G M G F F G F M M F G F F F G F G M M F F M F M F F F M M F M SIRE MOSAIC (GB) DOMESTIC FUND (IRE) PIVOTAL (GB) CHELSEA MANOR (GB) KHELEYF (USA) BENNY THE BULL (USA) ALHAARTH (IRE) PAPAL BULL (GB) CAPTAIN RIO (GB) ARGENTINUS MAJOR WILLY (GB) MAIDAAN (GB) HOCKNEY (GB) CAMUS TINNERS WAY (USA) PLEASANT TAP (USA) BREITLING W CONTELLO CARETANO Z STRAVINSKY (USA) GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (USA) DUBAWI (IRE) IFFRAAJ (GB) OASIS DREAM (GB) GALILEO (IRE) GULPHA GORGE (USA) FOREST CAMP (USA) ARAKAN (USA) OASIS DREAM (GB) GENEROUS (IRE) HIGH CHAPARRAL (IRE) IFFRAAJ (GB) ISHIGURU (USA) SEA’S LEGACY (IRE) STRATEGIC PRINCE (GB) SLEEPING INDIAN (GB) PIVOTAL (GB) SADLER’S WELLS (USA) REDBACK (GB) PIVOTAL (GB) KYLLACHY (GB) LALOCK ELLIOTS WORLD (IRE) OASIS DREAM (GB) PASTORAL PURSUITS (GB) AZAMOUR (IRE) MOSAIC (GB) ELUSIVE CITY (USA) DOMESTIC FUND (IRE) MOTIVATOR (GB) GREEN DESERT (USA) PASTORAL PURSUITS (GB) PAY BAHAMIAN BOUNTY (GB) MEDICEAN (GB) ICEMAN (GB) RAKAN YTIEM / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / DAM IFTIRAAS VII (BHR) ELUSIVE JAMIE (USA) MAIL THE DESERT (IRE) STICA (IRE) JAM (IRE) EXCLUSIVE DANIELLE (GB) ALWAYS MINE (GB) OUT OF THE CAGE (IRE) HARVEST JOY (IRE) GRANNI AL SITARA (QA) DHART AL KHALEEJ VII (QA) MISS PHARLY (GB) VAJA FAST AND FLUID (USA) SAMBAC (USA) CAPRERA GREAT STAR QAOMA VAN HET KASTANJEHOF HIGHER LEARNING (USA) APPLE OF KENT (USA) PORTMEIRION (GB) COLLADA (IRE) HAZIMAH (USA) QUIET MOUSE (USA) FLOR DE FANGO (URU) ANTIFREEZE (USA) EGLINGTON (IRE) GRAND VADLA (FR) AMIDST (GB) ALMOND MOUSSE (FR) DANCE ON (GB) PETROVNA (IRE) REGAL VEIL (GB) JUSTINE AU JARDIN (IRE) FLORA BURN (UAE) INSTANT SPARKLE (IRE) WESTERN APPEAL (USA) NICE ONE CLARE (IRE) BRUSH STROKES (GB) CONFETTI (GB) PITA FAIRY QUEEN VII (BHR) TAJAAFI (USA) MISS BEAUDACIOUS (IRE) MISS TAKEORTWO (IRE) IFTIRAAS VII (BHR) LILLLIBITS (USA) SARD (GB) SUBYA (GB) NEGLIGENT (GB) DOVE MEWS (GB) PIK BELLE FLEUR SOVIET TERMS (GB) PENEIA (USA) POYLE JENNY (GB) ADHAB BR. NTB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB UN/B TB NTB TB UN/B TB TB UN/B UN/B UN/B TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB` TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB UN/B NTB TB TB TB NTB TB TB TB TB TB UN/B TB TB TB UN/B 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 RAVANELLO (00) REGAL VEIL (GB) (05) REWAYAAT (QA) (04) RULE MAKER (GB) (07) SAREEH (QA) (12) SARTORIALIST (IRE) (11) SEE ME SOMETIME (GB) (11) SERENITY NOW (USA) (09) SHEMAQ (USA) (92) SIR BEDIVERE (IRE) (09) G F F G F G M F F G REGARDEZ ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) PRINCE OF ANDROS (USA) LEMON DROP KID (USA) GRIPT (GB) ORATORIO (IRE) OBSERVATORY (USA) CONSOLIDATOR (USA) BLUSHING JOHN (USA) DANSILI (GB) / / / / / / / / / / DORA SHARARAH (GB) INTEFADHA (QA) RHUMBA RAGE (USA) S W THREE (GB) PERSONAL DESIGN (IRE) NICE TIME (IRE) BASHFUL CHARMER (USA) GERALDINE’S STORE (USA) MISS IVANHOE (IRE) 68 SISTER CLEMENT (IRE) (06) F OASIS DREAM (GB) / MISS PARTY LINE (USA) TB 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 SOUL SACRIFICE (GB) (10) SPANISH NEEDLE (GB) (04) SPRINGINMYSTEP (IRE) (09) STATESMANSHIP (GB) (08) STORMDERE (USA) (08) SUDEST (IRE) (12) SUNPASS (GB) (09) SWEET AMAALIE (IRE) (11) TAQARUB (IRE) (06) THAAQAB (QA) (12) THANDAH (QA) (12) THAWRA (QA) (10) THUNDER BULLET NF (QA) (08) TRUE SATIRE (GB) (08) UMLJNOB (IRE) (11) VALLEY OF DESTINY (GB) (09) WALKURE VAN SOMBEKE (99) WEDDING LIST (GB) (06) WINNITOU VAN HET HEUVELHOF YEE HA (QA) (10) ZINGANA (GB) (09) Country Wolf (GB) (09) GHAZWAN (IRE) (09) M F G M F G M F F M F F M F F G F F G M F F G INDIAN HAVEN (GB) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND (GB) DUBAWI (IRE) STORMY ATLANTIC (USA) TAGULA (IRE) PIVOTAL (GB) ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) MARJU (IRE) ART ADVISOR (IRE) MAIDAAN (GB) MILK IT MICK (GB) NOVERRE (USA) OASIS DREAM (GB) ACCLAMATION (GB) THREE VALLEYS (USA) MR BLUE PIVOTAL (GB) WIENSENDER EMERALD LODGE (GB) ZAMINDAR (USA) AMADEUS WOLF (GB) HURRICANE RUN (IRE) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / DREAM DANCE (GB) HASTA (USA) JOYFUL (IRE) STATE SECRET (GB) ARDERE (USA) BOLD BUNNY (GB) TEBEE (GB) AMALIE (IRE) MARAATIB (IRE) QOOT AL QALOOB (QA) OBE BOLD (IRE) TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB UN/B TB UN/B TB TB TB TB THUNDEROUSAPPLAUSE (GB) JAMRAT JUMAIRAH (IRE) NATIVE JUSTICE (USA) DAMJANICH (IRE) NOUVELLE LUNE (GB) LA BELLE VAN SOMBEKE CONFETTI (GB) BIPYSY M FEE YAAFEE (FR) CHANGE PARTNERS (IRE) NAHARHOOK (GB) LAURENTINE (USA) UN/B TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB TB Sire Reference of all Entered Thoroughbred Horses: Acclamation (GB) 1999 Bay Horse by Royal Applause out of Princess Athena. Won 6 races between the age of 2 and 4 over 5 and 6 furlongs which include a Group 2 at Ascot and a Listed at Goodwood. Placed second in King’s Stand Stakes (Gr2) at Ascot. Retired to Stud in 2004 and sire of the winners of 867 races including EQIANO (FR) King’s Stand Stakes (Gr1) winner. Alhaarth (IRE) 1993 Bay Horse by Unfuwain (USA) out of Irish Valley (USA). European 2 Year Old Champion in 1995, Won the Dewhurst Stakes (Gr1) at Newmarket, Prix du Rond-Point (Gr2) at Longchamp and American Bowl International Stakes (Gr2) at the Curragh. Sire of dual Group 1 and Classic winner HAAFHD and triple Group 1 winner PHEONIX REACH. Amadeus Wolf (GB) 2003 Bay Horse by Mozart out of Rachelle. Winner of 4 races from 2 to 4 Years (6 furlongs), won the Middle Park Stakes (Gr1) at 2 Years Old, Gimcrack Stakes (Gr2) and The Duke of York Stakes (Gr2) at 4 Years Old. Sire of HAMZA (IRE) 6 time winner and FOREST EDGE (IRE) 16 time winner. Arakan (USA) 2002 Bay Horse by Nureyev (USA) (1977-Stud 1981), Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1980, 2 wins. 7f.-7½f., Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Djebel, M'Laffitte, L.. Sire of 218 Stakes performers (77 Group winners, 58 Listed winners) out of Far Across (GB). Sire of TOORMORE who was Champion 2 Year Old in Europe in 2013. Gr1 National Stakes winner and was 3rd in the Queen Elizabeth Stakes Gr1 in 2014 Art Advisor (IRE) 2005 Bay Horse by Noverre (USA) out of Monarchy (IRE). Winner at 2 years, 2007 and £21,034 and placed twice inc. 2nd Norfolk S., Ascot, Gr. 2. Azamour (IRE) 2001 Bay Horse by Night Shift (USA) out of Asmara (USA). Multiple Group One winner who sadly deceased in 2014. Trained by John Oxx, the son of Night Shift won the Beresford Stakes as a juvenile before claiming the St James's Palace Stakes at Royal Ascot and the Irish Champion Stakes at Leopardstown in his three-year-old career. He was kept in training as a four-year-old, he won the Prince Of Wales's Stakes at the Royal meeting when it was run at York and triumphed in the King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Stakes, which was run that year at Newbury. He finished his racing career with a third place to Shirocco in the Breeders' Cup Turf of 2005 Bahamian Bounty (GB) 1994 Chestnut Horse by Cadeaux Genereux out of Clarentia. Third top rated 2 Year Old in Europe in 1996 and third top rated 2 Year Old in England in 1996. Won 3 races at 2 Years Old from 5 to 6 furlongs, Middle Park Stakes at Newmarket (Gr1), Prix Morny Piaget at Deauville (Gr1). Retired to Stud in 1998 and sire of the winners of 906 races including GOODRICKLE (GB) (Gr1) winner, PASTORAL PURSUITS (GB) (Gr1) winner. Benny The Bull (USA) 2003 Bay Horse by Lucky Lionel (USA) out of Comet Cat (USA). Awarded the Eclipse Best Champion Sprinter in 2008, multiple graded Stakes winner. Retired to Stud in 2010. Blushing John (USA) 1985 Chestnut Horse by Blushing Groom (USA) out of La Griffe (USA). Winner of the 1989 Champion Older Horse Eclipse Award, finished 3rd in the Breeders Cup Classic in 1989. Captain Rio (GB) 1999 Chestnut Horse by Pivotal (GB) out of Beloved Visitor (USA) Top rated 3 Year Old Sprinter in Europe in 2002, Top rated 3 Year Old Sprinter in England and Ireland in 2002. Won 4 races at 2 and 3 Years old over 6 furlongs. Retired to Stud in 2004 and sire of the winners of 858 races including RED BADGE (IRE) & BRAZILIAN PULSE (NZ) Chelsea Manor (GB) 1996 Bay Horse by Grand Lodge out of Dock Lands. 3 wins, La Coupe De Maisons-Laffitte, Gr. 3 – (2000 m – Msn), and placed 6 times, and Prix Ganay, Gr. 1, Lon, 3rd Prix D’ispahan, Gr. 1, Lon, 2nd Prix D’Harcourt, Gr. 2, Lon, 3rd Prix Messidor Gr. 3, Dea. Retired to stud in 2002 in France. Sire of winners in France. Imported from France to Qatar in 2005. Sire of wnner in Qatar Al Naif Way (QA). Consolidator (USA) 2002 Chestnut Horse by Storm Cat x Good Example (FR). Multiple Graded Stakes Winner, participated in the 2004 Bessemer Trust Breeders Cup Juvenile. Dansili (GB) 1996 Bay Horse by Danehill (USA) out of Hasili (IRE). Top rated older miler in Europe in 2000, Top rated older miler in France in 2000. Won 5 races between the age of 2 and 4 Years old over a mile including Prix Du Muguet, Saint Cloud (Gr2), Sussex Stakes, Goodwood (Gr1), Prix de la Foret, Longchamp (Gr1). Retired to Stud in 2001 and sire of the winners of 1600 races including DANK (GB), FLINTSHIRE (GB) & THE FUGUE (GB) Domestic Fund (IRE): 2005 Bay Horse by Sadler's Wells (USA) out of Market Slide (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 5 years at home and in Qatar and £45, 430, second in Juddmonte Beresford Stakes, Curragh, Gr. 2. Sire in Qatar. Dubawi (IRE) 2002 Bay Horse by Dubai Millennium (GB) out of Zomaradah (GB). Top rated 3 Year old miler in Ireland and France in 2005, top rated 2 and 3 Year old in Ireland in 2004 and 2005. Won 5 races at 2 and 3 Years old from 6 furlongs to a mile. Retired to Stud in 2006 and sire of winners of 720 races including the Coral Eclipse Stakes winner AL KAZEEM (GB) Elliots World (IRE) 2002 Bay Horse by King’s Best out of Morning Welcome (IRE). Won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and £80,809 including Acomb Stakes, York, L., placed 8 times including second in On The House Stakes, Goodwood L. and third in Hampton Court Stakes, York, L. Elusive City (USA) 2000 Bay Horse by Elusive Quality (USA) out of Star of Paris (USA). Third top rated 2 Year Old Colt in Europe in 2002, Champion 2 Year Old colt in France, Winner of the Prix Morny (Gr1) in Deauville. Retired to stud in 2004 and sire of the winners of 808 races including ELUSIVE WAVE (IRE) & XANADU (NZ) both of whom are Group 1 winners. Emerald Lodge (GB) 2002 Bay Horse by Grand Lodge (USA) out of Emerald Peace (IRE). Won 2 races (6f.) at 2 years, 2004 and £10,424 viz AW Conditions (Category C3), Lingfield Park and AW Maiden (Category D4), Lingfield Park, placed once viz third in Maiden (category D4), Yarmouth. Footstepsinthesand (GB) 2002 Bay Horse by Giant’s Causeway (USA) out of Glatisant (GB). Winner of three races at 2 and 3 Years old over distances between 6 furlongs and a mile. Won the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket (Gr1) and retired to stud in 2005 and sire of winners of 595 races including SHAMALGAN (FR) & SANDIVA (IRE) Forest Camp (USA) 1997 Bay Horse by Deputy Minister out of La Paz. Graded Stakes winner. Blacktype winner of $339,984, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc. Sireof 10 crops of racing age, 536 foals, 399 starters, 20 black type winners, 1 champion, 315 winners of 973 races and earning $22,511, 013, including Camp Victory ($587, 552, Triple Bend H. [G1] (BHP, $150,000) etc.), Galileo (IRE) 1998 Bay Horse by Sadler’s Wells (USA) out of Urban Sea (USA), Champion 3 Year Old in Europe in 2001. Won 6 Races at 2 & 3 Years old from 1 mile to 1 ½ miles including the Irish Derby (Gr1), King George & Queen Elizabeth Stakes (Gr1) and Epsom Derby (Gr1) to name only a few. Retired to Stud in 2002 and sire of the winners of 1626 races including INTELO (GER), MAGICIAN (IRE), RULER OF THE WORLD (IRE) and the amazing FRANKEL (GB) Generous (IRE) 1988 Chestnut Horse by Careleon (USA) out of Doff the Derby (USA). A legend in his own right, rated 139 and Timeform European Champion of Decade. Winner of the Dewhurst Stakes (Gr1) at Newmarket, Derby Stakes at Epsom (Gr1) and Champion 3 Year Old in Europe in 1991. Giants Causeway (USA) 1997 Chestnut Horse by Storm Cat (USA) out of Mariah’s Storm (USA). Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2000 (9.5-10.5f.), 2nd top rated 3yr old in Europe in 2000, won 8 races (6f.-10f.) at 2 and 3 years including Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Coral Eclipse Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr.1, Esat Digifone Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.1, Champagne Lanson Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, King of Kings EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr.3 and Castlemartin/La Louviere Gladness Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed 3 times second in Entenmann's Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Sagitta 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; also won 1 race (7f.) in France at 2 years and £624,764, Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1, placed second in Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, (Aidan O'Brien); sire, champion sire; own brother to YOU'RESOTHRILLING (USA), Tumblebrutus (USA), Tiger Dance (USA) and Freud (USA). Green Desert (USA) 1983 Bay Horse by Danzing (USA) out of Foreign Courier (USA). Winner of the Flying Childers Stakes at Doncaster (Gr2), July Stakes at Newmarket (Gr3), July Cup at Newmarket (Gr1) and Vernons Sprint Cup at Haydock (Gr2). The greatest living stallion son of Danzing, world class sire of sires including CAPE CROSS and INVINCIBLE SPIRIT. Gript (GB) Bay horse,2000, by First Trump (GB) out of Needwood Epic (GB), 6 wins at 2 to 4 in France and £ 70,403 inc. Prix Montenica, L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd Prix Georges Trabaud , L., 3rd Prix Le Vase d’Argent, L. and Grand Prix Inter-Regional des 3 Ans, L., raced in Qatar, winner once, placed 3 times in 2004 & 2005. Total prize money won Qr. 80, 300. High Chaparral (IRE) 1999 Bay Horse by Sadler’s Wells (USA) out of Kasora (IRE). Top rated 3 year old in England and Ireland in 2002 over 11 to 13 furlongs, top rated older horse in Ireland in 2003. Won 10 races between the age of 2 and 4 years old which include the Irish Derby (Gr1) and the Breeders Cup Turf (Gr1). Retired to stud in 2004 and sire of the winners of 751 races including TORONADO (IRE) & SO YOU THINK (NZ) Hockney (GB) Brown horse 2002, by Zafonic (USA) out of Doliouchka (GB). 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £65,659 inc. Derby de l'Ouest-Grand Prix de L'Asselco, L., Prix Michel Houyvet, L. Sire in Qatar. HURRICANE RUN (IRE) 2002 Bay Horse by Montjeu (IRE) out of Hold On (GER). Tattersalls Gold Cup G1, Budweiser Irish Derby G1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S G1, P.de l'Arc de Triomphe Lucien Barriere G1, Prix Niel Casino Barriere d'Enghien G2, Prix Hocquart G2; 2nd Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud G1, Prix du Jockey Club G1, Prix Foy Gray D'Albion Barriere G2; 3rd Emirates Airline Champion S G1, P.de l'Arc de Triomphe - Lucien Barriere G1. Sire of 41 Stakes Performers including 8 Group winners and 2 Year Old winner & Prix Niel winner – ECTOT. Iceman (GB) 2002 Bay Horse by Polar Falcon (USA) out of Virtuous (GB). Winning distance at 2 years old 6 furlongs, winner of the Coventry Stakes (Gr2) at Ascot who defeated Group 1 winner Oratorio, Liberttist, Goodricke and Wilko. Iceman was one of the best looking individuals amongst the juveniles, being strong and good-bodied. He was also one of the best movers showing a quick and fluent action. Iffraaj (GB) 2001 Bay Horse by Zafonic (USA) out of Pastorale (GB). Won 7 races at 2 to 5 from 6 to 7 furlongs which include the Lennox Stakes, Goodwood (Gr2), Park Stakes, Doncaster (Gr2) twice. Retired to stud in 2007 and sire of the winners of 341 races which include WOTTON BASSETT (GB) & CHRISELLIAM (IRE) Ishiguru (USA) 1998 Bay Horse by Danzig (USA) out of Strategic Maneuver (USA). At 3 Years old he won The Miller Flying Five at Leapordstown (Gr3) over 5 furlongs, Sire of HELLVELYN (GB) winner of the Coventry Stakes at Ascot (Gr2). Kallachy (GB) 1998 Bay Horse by Pivotal (GB) out of Pretty Poppy (GB). Champion older sprinter in Europe in 2002, winner of 6 races between the age of 2 and 4 years old over 5 furlongs. Retired to stud in 2003 and sire of the winners of 1062 races which include SOLE POWER (GB) & KRYPTON FACTOR (GB) Kheleyf (USA) 2001 Bay Horse by Green Desert (USA) out of Society Lady (USA). Won 3 races at 2 and 3 years old between 5 to 7 furlongs, including Jersey Stakes, Ascot (Gr3). Retired to stud in 2005 and sire of the winners of 761 races which include PENNY’S PICNIC (IRE), SAYIF (IRE) & NEED YOU NOW (IRE) Lemon Drop Kid (USA) 1996 Bay Horse by Kingmambo (USA) out of Charming Lassie (USA). Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2000, won 10 races in U.S.A. from 2 to 4 years including Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Woodward Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Brooklyn Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed 6 times including second in Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2 and third in Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Maidaan (GB) 1996 Bay by Midyan (USA) out of Panache Arabelle (GB). 7 wins and 15 places in Ireland & England, UAE & Qatar, won HH the President Cup. L, Abu Dhabi, 2nd Victor Challenge stakes, Gr. 2. Newmarket, 3rd Aon Macdonaugh Boland stakes, Gr. 3. Curragh, sire in Qatar. Major Willy (GB) 2005 Bay Horse by Xaar (GB) out of Dame Blanche (IRE). Won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2009 in Qatar and £158, 745 and places 9 times. Marju (IRE) 1988 Bay Horse by Last Tycoon (IRE) out of Flame of Tara (IRE). Winning distances at 2 and 3 years old 7 to 8 furlongs. At 2 Years old he won the Avondale New Zealand Graduation Stakes at York over 7 furlongs. Winner of the St James’s Palace Stakes at Royal Ascot (Gr1) & Cravens Stakes at Newmarket. Medicean (GB) 1997 Chestnut Horse by Machiavellian (USA) out of Mystic Goddess (USA). Winning distances at 3 Years old and over 8 to 10 furlongs. At the age of 3 Years old he won the Celebration Mile at Goodwood (Gr2) over 8 furlongs, at 4 Years old he won Coral Eclipse Stakes at Sandown Park (Gr1) over 10 furlongs, the Juddmonte Lockinge Stakes (Gr1) over 8 furlongs and the Queen Anne Stakes at Ascot (Gr2). Milk it Mick (GB) 2000 Bay Horse by Millcom (GB) out of Lunar Music (GB). 28 Career starts over stakes and on the flat with 8 career wins before retiring to stud. Mosaic (GB) 2002 Bay or Brown Horse by Singspiel (IRE) out of Ela Romara (GB). 3 wins at 3 years, 2005 in France and £42, 344 inc. Prix Scaramouche, Chantilly, L. placed once viz second in Prix de la Porte de Madrid Saint Cloud, L. Motivator (GB) 2002 Bay Horse by Montjeu (IRE) out of Out West (USA). Top rated 3 Year old in England in 2005, won 4 races at 2 and 3 over a mile to a mile and a half which include the Derby Stakes, Epsom (Gr1), Dante Eclipse Stakes, Sandown Park (Gr1). Retired to stud in 2006 and sire of the winners of 406 races which include the outstanding TREVE (FR) Noverre (USA) 1998 Bay Horse by Rahy (USA) out of Danseur Fabuleux (USA). Winning distances at 2 and 3 Years old 5 to 8 furlongs. At 2 Years old he won the Champagne Stakes (Gr2) over 7 furlongs & the July Stakes (Gr3) at Newmarket over 6 furlongs. At 4 Years Old he won the Sussex Stakes (Gr1) at Goodwood over 8 furlongs, and finished 2nd in the Queen Elizabeth Stakes (Gr1) at Ascot. Oasis Dream (GB) 2000 Bay Horse by Green Desert (USA) out of Hope (IRE). Champion 2 Year Old in Europe in 2002, champion 3 year old sprinter in Europe in 2003. Won 4 races at 2 and 3 from 5 to 6 furlongs including the Darley July Cup (Gr1) at Newmarket, Shadwell Stud Park Stakes (Gr1) at Newmarket, Victor Chandler Nunthorpe Stakes (Gr1) at York and third in the King’s Stand Stakes (Gr2) at Ascot. Retired to Stud in 2004. Sire of Group 1 winners including MIDDAY (GB), POWER & PROHIBIT (GB). Observatory (USA) 1997 Chestnut Horse by Distant View (USA) out of Stellaria (USA). Winning distance at 2 years old and over 6 to 9 furlongs. Champion 3 Year Old Miller in Europe, winner of the Queen Elizabeth Stakes (Gr1) at Royal Ascot, Jersey Stakes (Gr3), Prix d’Isphan (Gr1) at Longchamp. Oratorio (IRE) 2002 Bay Horse by Danehill (USA) out of Mahrah (USA). Winning distances at 2 and 3 Years old 6 to 10 furlongs, Winner of the Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere at Longchamp (Gr1), Irish Champion Stakes at Leopardstown (Gr1) and the Coral Eclipse Stakes at Sandown (Gr1). Palpal Bull (USA) 2003 Bay Horse, by Montjeu (IRE), out of Mialuna (GB). Won 6 races, value £507,185, at 2 to 4, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 5 furlongs, King Edward VII Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Princess of Wales's wbx.com Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, CGA Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, MBNA Europe Bank Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3, also placed second in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Rheinland-Pokal Stadtsparkasse Kolnbonn, Cologne, Gr.1, Princess of Wales's wbx.com Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, and third in Dubai Duty Free Arc Trial, Newbury, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2009. Pastoral Pursuits (GB) 2001 Bay Horse by Bahamian Bounty (GB) out of Star (GB). Winning distances at 2 Years old and over 6 to 7 furlongs. Winner of the Coral Sirenia Stakes at Kempton Park (Gr3), Railway Park Stakes at Doncaster (Gr2) over 7 furlongs and the July Cup at Newmarket (Gr1) over 6 furlongs. Retired to stud in 2006. Pivotal (GB) 1993 Chestnut Horse by Polar Falcon (USA) out of Fearless Revival. Winning distances at 2 and 3 Years 5 to 6 furlongs. Winner of the Nunthorpe Stakes at York (Gr1) over 5 furlongs and the King’s Stand Stakes at Ascot (Gr2) over 5 furlongs. Prince of Andros (USA) Bay Horse by Al Nasr (FR) out of Her Radiance (USA). Won 10 races in Europe including the Tattersalls Gold Cup (Gr2), Hoover Cumberland Lodge Stakes (Gr2) and 8 times Group 1 winner. Leading sire in Qatar and the sire of Monita Al Nefos (QA), Nomas (QA) and Qannas. Redback (GB) 1999 Chestnut Horse by Mark of Esteem (IRE) out of Patsy Western. Winning distances at 2 and 3 Years 5 to 7 furlongs. Winner of the Ford Solario Stakes at Sandown Park (Gr3) and the Lane’s End Greenham Stakes at Newbury (Gr3). Royal Applause (GB) 1993 Bay Horse by Waajib out of Flying Melody. Champion older Sprinter in Europe in 1997. Winner of 9 races including the Haydock Park Sprint Cup (Gr1), Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket (Gr1) and The July Cup at Newmarket (Gr1). Retired to Stud in 1998 and sire of the winners of 1570 races. Sadler’s Wells (USA) 1981 Bay Horse by Northern Dancer out of Fairy Bridge (USA). Champion 3 Year old miler in France in 1984, Won the 2000 Guineas (Gr1) at the Curragh, Eclipse Stakes at Sandown (Gr1) and the Phoenix Champion Stakes (Gr1). Sire of many champions: MONTJEU (IRE) winner of the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe (Gr1) and GALILEO (IRE) Derby Stakes (Gr1) at Epsom to name only a few. Sea’s Legacy (IRE) 2005 Bay Horse by Green Desert out of Urban Sea. Half brother to the multi champion Sea The Stars (IRE). Sea’s Legacy is unraced. Sleeping Indian (GB) 2001 Bay Horse by Indian Ridge out of Las Flores (IRE). 122 Rated consistent stakes winner beating Group 1 winners Spinning Queen, Peeress, Attraction and Court Masterpiece. Stormy Atlantic (USA) 1994 Bay Horse by Storm Cat (USA) out of Hail Atlantis (USA). Won 6 races at the age of 4 over 4 to 5 ½ furlongs including 2 Listed races at Delaware Park and Pimlico. Retired to stud in 1999. Strategic Prince (GB) 2004 Bay Horse by Dansili out of Ausherra. Starvinsky (USA) 1996 Bay Horse by Nureyev out of Fire the Groom. Stravinsky is an American-bred, Irish-trained Thoroughbred racehorse and sire. In a racing career which lasted from August 1998 until November 1999 he ran eight times and won three races. He showed promising form as a twoyear-old and was regarded as a serious Contender, but ran disappointingly over distances of seven furlongs and one mile in early 1999. He reverted to sprint distances to record impressive wins in the July Cup and the Nunthorpe Stakes, earning the title of European Champion Sprinter. At the end of the season he was retired to stud where he has had some success as a sire of winners. Tinners Way (USA) 1990 Chestnut Horse by Secretariat out of Devon Diva. Born in Kentucky and sired by 1973 Triple Crown winner Secretariat and out of Devon Diva, whose sire was The Minstrel, grandsire to Cigar. Born in 1990 to Secretariat's final crop, he was his sire's last graded-stakeswinning colt. His five year racing career spanned multiple countries, tracks and surfaces. He began running on European turf in 1992 and concluded three and a half seasons later with wins and strong performances against top-rated fields on American dirt courses. His earnings exceeded $1.8 million which established him, along with Risen Star, Lady's Secret, and others as one of his sire's top performers. Tinners Way won the G1 Pacific Classic in consecutive years, in 1994 and again in 1995. Zamindar (USA) 1994 Bay Horse by Gone West (USA) out of Zaizafon (USA). Winner of 2 races at 2 Years Old over 5 to 6 furlongs, the Prix de Cabourg (Gr3) at Deauville. Retired to Stud in 1998 and sire of the winners of 652 races including TIMEPIECE (GB) & ZARKAVA (IRE) Non-Thoroughbred Lot No. AL GHARIYAH VI (QA) f. b. 14 Feb. 2010 Property of: Al Ghariyah Stud IN THE WINGS (GB) SINGSPIEL (IRE) GLORIOUS SONG (CAN) MOSAIC (GB) ELA-MANA-MOU (IRE) ELA ROMARA (GB) ROMARA (GB) AL GHARIYAH VI (QA) ALLEGED (USA) PURPORTED (USA) KAUAI PRINCESS (IRE) IFTIRAAS VII (BHR) UNKNOWN HAKEEMA UNKNOWN Racing Performance: 4 Starts during the 2013/14 Racing Season. Placed once over 1600m in the Qatar Local Thoroughbred Oaks. Current Handicap Rating: 15 Thoroughbred Lot No. 2 AL JALWA (QA) f. b. 02 Feb. 2013 Property of: Mr. Mubarak Saeed Al Naimi NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) SADLERS WELLS (USA) FAIRY BRIDGE (USA) DOMESTIC FUND (IRE) GULCH (USA) MARKET SLIDE (USA) GRENZEN (USA) AL JALWA (QA) GONE WEST (USA) ELUSIVE QUALITY (USA) TOUCH OF GREATNESS (USA) ELUSIVE JAMIE (USA) CARR DE NASKRA (USA) JAMIE’S PENNY (USA) ANOTHERN PENNY (USA) Unraced 1st Dam: Elusive Jamie: 2008 Heirrogant One, f. by Wildcat Heir. 74. Winner at 5 2009 =Jolnar (QA), f. by Wildcat Heir. Unraced in Qatar. 2010 =The Queen (QA), f. by =Chelsea Manor (GB). Unraced in Qatar. 2011 Barren. 2nd Dam: Jamie's Penny, by Carr de Naskra. HR. 95. 8 wins, 3 to 5, Dam of 1 foal-Elusive Jamie (f. by Elusive Quality). See above See Sire Reference. Thoroughbred Lot No. 3 AL MUTHANAA (GB) g. ch. 11 Mar. 2007 Property of: Mr. Ghanim Bin Shaheen Al Ghanim & Sons NUREYEV (USA) POLAR FALCON (USA) MARIE D’ARGONNE (FR) PIVOTAL (GB) COZZENE (USA) FEARLESS REVIVAL (GB) STUFIDA (GB) AL MUTHANAA (GB) GREEN DESERT (USA) DESERT PRINCE (IRE) FLYING FAIRY (GB) MAIL THE DESERT (IRE) FORMIDABLE (USA) MAIL BOAT (GB) BOATHOUSE (GB) Racing Performance: 34 Runs in Qatar accumulating 8 wins and placed 13 times. Won each time over 7 to 8 furlongs on Turf, finished second on Dirt over 8.5 furlongs. Prior to arrival in Qatar he won at Ripton over 8 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 99 1st Dam MAIL THE DESERT (IRE), won 2 races at 2 years including Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, placed 6 times including second in Grosser Porsche Preis, Hoppegarten, Gr.2, Touchdown in Malaysia Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, third in Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Milcars Star Stakes, Sandown Park, (L.); dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age:- POSTMAN (GB) (2006 g. by Dr Fong (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and placed 4 times. AL MUTHANAA (GB) (2007 g. by Pivotal (GB)), see above. (2008 g. by Medicean (GB). She also has a 2009 filly by Pivotal (GB). Thoroughbred Lot No. 4 AL NAIF CITATION (QA) m. ch. 06 Feb. 2010 Property of: Mr. Jassim Mohammed Al Ghazali & Sons CHIEF’S CROWN (USA) GRAND LODGE (USA) LA PAPAGENA (GB) CHELSEA MANOR (GB) THEATRICAL (IRE) DOCKLANDS (USA) DOCKAGE (CAN) AL NAIF CITATION (QA) SADLERS WELLS (USA) IN THE WINGS (GB) HIGH HAWK (IRE) STICA (IRE) HIGH TOP (GB) PRETTY LADY (GB) THE DANCER (FR) Racing Performance: 6 Career starts having being placed twice over 9 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 25 1st Dam: STICA (IRE) unraced Dam of: Manx Fizz (GB) 2000 filly by (Efisio) placed once at 2 Years 2nd Dam: PRETTY LADY 2 wins at 2 years including a Listed win at Haydock Park. Dam of 2 winners: LACINA (GB) 2 wins at 2 and 3 Years, placed 3 times. Broodmare PRETAIL (IRE) 3 wins at 3 and 4 Years, placed 9 times MANNEQUIN (IRE) placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years. Dam of a winner: EDMO YEWKAY (IRE) 2 wins at 2 years old and place once ATACAMA (GB) unraced, dam of 3 winners inc|: SURVEYOR (GB) 2 wins at 2 years, placed 3 times TUMBLEWEED INCA (IRE) winner at 2 years also winner in Macau. Thoroughbred Lot No. 5 AL SHAQAB (QA) m. ch. 25 Jan. 2009 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Al Attiya DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) KHELEYF (USA) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) SOCIETY LADY (USA) LA VOYAGEUSE (CAN) AL SHAQAB (QA) BLUSHING GROOM (FR) ARAZI (USA) DANSEUR FABULEUX (USA) JAM (IRE) LYPHARD (USA) JEZEBEL MONROE (USA) ALLICANCE (USA) Racing Performance: Having had only 10 Career starts his win was over 6f and paced 4 times over 6 to 7 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 59 1st Dam JAM (IRE), ran once at 3 years; Dam of: . 2003 Youralittlemiller (GB) (f. by Kalanisi (IRE), placed twice at 2 years . 2004 Sontag (GB) (f. by Efisio), unraced. . 2005 Dream of Olwyn (IRE) f. by Nayef (USA), placed twice at 3, 2008 . 2006 (f. by King Charlemagne (USA). Thoroughbred Lot No. 6 ALBIDAA (USA) f. b. 06 May 2011 Property of: Mr. Khalfan Mohammed K Al Suwaidi MT LIVERMORE (USA) LUCKY LIONEL (USA) CRAFTY NAN (USA) BENNY THE BULL (USA) BIRDONTHEWIRE (USA) COMET CAT (USA) GRANNYS KITTY (USA) ALBIDAA (USA) GULCH (USA) THUNDER GULCH (USA) LINE OF THUNDER (USA) EXCLUSIVE DANIELLE (GB) THEATRICAL (IRE) HASTA (USA) SLEW THE QUEEN (USA) Unraced 1st Dam: EXCLUSIVE DANIELLE (GB), won 1 race (11f.) at 3 years, 2004 including a Maiden (Category D3), Catterick Bridge, placed third in Maiden (Class D), Newcastle 2nd Dam HASTA (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. Dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age:EXCLUSIVE DANIELLE (GB) (2001 f. by Thunder Gulch (USA)), see above. Hakumatata (GB) (2002 c. by Zafonic (USA), in training. She also has a 2003 filly by Cadeaux Genereux Thoroughbred Lot No. 7 ALWAYS IN FASHION (IRE) f. ch. 01 Feb. 2007 Property of: Mr. Ali Bin Ahmed Al Humaidi NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) UNFUWAIN (USA) HEIGHT OF FASHION (FR) ALHAARTH (IRE) IRISH RIVER (FR) IRISH VALLEY (USA) GREEN VALLEY (FR) ALWAYS IN FASHION (IRE) DOYOUN (IRE) DAYLAMI (IRE) DALTAWA (IRE) ALWAYS MINE (GB) LOMOND (USA) MAMOURA (IRE) MAMOUNA (USA) Unraced 1st Dam: ALWAYS MINE (GB): ran 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2005 Thoroughbred Lot No. 8 AMANI (QA) f. b. 04 Feb. 2010 Property of: Mr. Salim Fadgam Al Hajri & Sons SADLERS WELLS (USA) MONTJEU (IRE) FLORIPEDES (FR) PAPAL BULL (GB) ZAFONIC (USA) MIALUNA (GB) MAMALUNA (USA) AMANI (QA) DANEHILL (USA) DANEHILL DANCER (IRE) MIRA ADONDE (USA) OUT OF THE CAGE (IRE) SADLER’S WELLS (USA) MANON’S SONG (IRE) MARSEILLAISE (IRE) Racing Performance: This filly has had 5 starts and has been unplaced each time, her best result was her only start during the 14/15 Racing season where she ran over 6 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 10 1st Dam: OUT OF THE CAGE (IRE), unraced Thoroughbred Lot No. 9 ANDHESONTHERUN (IRE) m. b. 07 Feb. 2011 Property of: H. H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Thani POLAR FALCON (USA) PIVOTAL (GB) FEARLESS REVIVAL (GB) CAPTAIN RIO (GB) MISWAKI (USA) BELOVED VISITOR (USA) ABEESH (USA) ANDHESONTHERUN (IRE) DIESIS (GB) DAGGERS DRAWN (USA) SUN AND SHADE (GB) HARVEST JOY (IRE) FOREST WIND (USA) WINDOMEN (IRE) LUCKY COIN (GB) Racing Performance: 8 Career starts, having ran 7 times in England and France. Won 3 races over 5 to 6.5 furlongs and placed once over 5 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 95 1st dam Harvest Joy (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 4 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd William Hill Gods of Poker Star S., (L); Above is her first foal. 2nd dam WINDOMEN (IRE): unraced; dam of 7 foals; 6 runners; 3 winners: Touch of Ivory (IRE): 5 wins, inc. 3 wins at 3 and placed 7 times; Slice (IRE): 2 wins including a winner at 2; also winner at 4, 2011 in Germany. Rebisia (IRE): placed 4 times at 2 and 3, 2012 in Italy. UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 10 ANSETT 2 g. b. 19 Jan. 2002 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya ARGENTINUS ANSETT 2 GRANNI Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. Thoroughbred Lot No. 11 ATHENA (QA) f. b. 25 May 2013 Property of: Al Sadd Stud ZAFONIC (USA) XAAR (GB) MONROE (USA) MAJOR WILLY (GB) BE MY GUEST (USA) DAME BLANCHE (IRE) STREETCAR (IRE) ATHENA (QA) CAMDEN TOWN (GB) CAMDEN LAD (IRE) BACKWOODSGIRL (IRE) AL SITARA (QA) PUMPS (USA) HAMDANI (IRE) NIGHT’S COMET (IRE) Unraced 1st Dam: AL SITARA (QA) - Dam of: BRAVE COLT – 2008 - Raced in Qatar. Maiden COLT FOURTY FIVE – 2009 – Unraced STRONG HEART – 2010 – Unraced SHATER – 2011 – Unraced AL JOOD – 2012 – Unraced ATHENA – 2013 – See Above See Sire Reference. NON-Thoroughbred Lot No. 12 BARIQ (QA) m. b. 18 Apr. 2010 Property of: Al Mazrooah Stud MISWAKI (USA) MIDYAN (USA) COUNTRY DREAM (USA) MAIDAAN (GB) NASHWAN (USA) PANACHE ARABELLE (GB) BELLA COLORA (GB) BARIQ (QA) UNKNOWN DHARAT AL KHALEEJ VII (QA) UNKNOWN Unraced See Sire Reference. Thoroughbred Lot No. 13 BASMATI (QA) m. ch. 01 Mar. 2011 Property of: Mr. Adil Abdulla Mohanna Al Naimi GONE WEST (USA) ZAFONIC (USA) ZAIZAFON (USA) HOCKNEY (GB) SAUMAREZ (GB) DOLIOUCHKA (GB) PARTY DOLL (GB) BASMATI (QA) LYPHARD (USA) PHARLY (FR) COMELY (FR) MISS PHARLY (GB) GREEN DANCER (USA) PLEASANT LAND (GB) NO RELATION (GB) Unraced 1st Dam: 2004 – Murdoch – colt by Mutamarkiz (IRE) raced 8 times 2008 – Rakiz (GB) – colt by Mutamarkiz (IRE) raced once. 2011 – Basmati (QA) – colt by Hockney (GB) see above See Sire Reference UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 14 BENHUR g. b. 04 Jul. 2001 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya CAMUS BENHUR VAJA Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. Thoroughbred Lot No. 15 BINT AL KHALEEJ (QA) f. ch. 26 Mar. 2011 Property of: Mr. Abdul Aziz Hamad Atiq Al Marri BOLD RULER (USA) SECRETARIAT (USA) SOMETHINGROYAL (USA) TINNERS WAY (USA) THE MINISTREL (CAN) DEVON DIVA (USA) DEVON DITTY (GB) BINT AL KHALEEJ (QA) PROUD BIRDIE (USA) BIRDONTHEWIRE (USA) SILK AND WRAPPER (USA) FAST AND FLUID (USA) BLACK TIE AFFAIR (IRE) LOVE SPIEL (CAN) DELIGHTFUL DAMSEL (USA) Unraced 1st Dam: Fast and Fluid (USA) – Multiple Stakes winner with 67 Career Starts to include 5 wins, placed 25 times. Total racing earnings $217,540 with a Handicap Rating of 97. Thoroughbred Lot No. WITHDRAWN 16 BRIEF CHAT (USA) f. b. or br. 11 Feb. 2009 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Jabor Al Khayarin HIS MAJESTY (USA) PLEASANT COLONY (USA) SUN COLONY (USA) PLEASANT TAP (USA) STAGE DOOR JOHNNY (USA) NEVER KNOCK (USA) NEVER HULA (USA) BRIEF CHAT (USA) RAISE A NATIVE (USA) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) GOLD DIGGER (USA) SAMBAC (USA) KINGS LAKE (USA) KINGSCOTE (IRE) BOLD FANTASY (GB) Racing Performance: 17 Career Runs, having been placed 7 times with the best placements being over 6 furlongs on the Dirt and 8.5 furlongs on the Turf. Current Handicap Rating: 62 1st Dam: SAMBAC (USA), won 3 races at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age:FULL MEASURE (USA) (2002 f. by Southern Halo (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed twice. SPINNING GLOBE (USA) (2000 c. by Spinning World (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in France and placed once. Brief Chat (USA) (2009 f. by Pleasant Tap (USA), see above. UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 17 BRUCE m. ch. 22 Mar. 2006 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya BREITLING W BRUCE CAPRERA Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 18 CANDYMAN g. gr. 05 Mar. 2007 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya CONTELLO CANDYMAN GREAT STAR Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 19 CARUSO Z m. b. 12 May. 2003 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya CARETANO Z CARUSO Z QAOMA VAN HET KASTANJEHOF Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. Thoroughbred Lot No. 20 CLASSICAL MISS (CAN) f. b. 01 Apr. 2003 Property of: Mr. Mohannad Jassim Al Yaqout NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) NUREYEV (USA) SPECIAL (USA) STRAVINSKY (USA) BLUSHING GROOM (FR) FIRE THE GROOM (USA) PROSPECTOR’S FIRE (USA) CLASSICAL MISS (CAN) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) FAPPIANO (USA) KILLALOE (USA) HIGHER LEARNING (USA) TOM ROLFE (USA) HIGH BROWSER (USA) BROWSER (USA) Multiple winner in Canada, Placed in the Gr3 Breeders Cup Stakes in 2005 1st Dam: HIGHER LEARNING, by Fappiano. Unraced. Dam of 8 registered foals, 8 of racing age, 8 to race, 4 winners, including-Kid Rigo (g. by Summer Squall). Winner at 3 in Panama, 3rd Clasico Dia del Trabajo, Premio "Bingo 90"; 25 wins, 4 to 12, $298,061, in N.A./U.S. Classical Miss (f. by Stravinsky). Black-type-placed winner, see record. Duchamp (c. by Pine Bluff). 7 wins, £69,996, in England. (Total: $113,280). Thoroughbred Lot No. 21 DARTFORD (USA) g. ch. 09 Apr. 2009 Property of: Al Zekreet Racing STORM BIRD (CAN) STORM CAT (USA) TERLINGUA (USA) GIANTS CAUSEWAY (USA) RAHY (USA) MARIAH’S STORM (USA) IMMENSE (USA) DARTFORD (USA) ROBERTO (USA) KRIS S (USA) SHARP QUEEN (USA) APPLE OF KENT (USA) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) PROFLARE (USA) FALRE PASS (USA) Racing Performance: 29 Career Starts both on Turf and Dirt. Placed 3 times in the United Kingdom on the All Weather, placed 6 times in Doha with the best placings being over 8 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 56 1st Dam: APPLE OF KENT (USA), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed 3 times including second in Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and third in Hempstead Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; Dam of three winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age: Imperial Pippin (USA) (2008 f. by Empire Maker (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2012 at home and in U.S.A. and placed 4 times. KENTISH (USA) (2007 g. by Storm Cat (USA), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years, 2012 at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 8 times. FLOWER OF KENT (USA) (2004 f. by Diesis), won 1 race at 2 years. DARTFORD (USA) (2009 c. by Giant's Causeway (USA), see above. PAGETS (USA) (2010 c. by Forestry (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2012. MAIDSTONE (USA) (2003 f. by Aptitude (USA), unraced Thoroughbred Lot No. 22 DUBAWI COAST (GB) f. b. 09 Feb. 2011 Property of: Mr. Ahmed Hassan H A Al-Jehani SEEKING THE GOLD (USA) DUBAI MILLENNIUM (GB) COLORADO DANCER (IRE) DUBAWI (IRE) DEPLOY (GB) ZOMARADAH (GB) JAWAHER (IRE) DUBAWI COAST (GB) DANZIG (USA) POLISH PRECDENT (USA) PAST EXAMPLE (USA) PORTMEIRION (GB) AHONOORA (GB) INDIA ATLANTA (IRE) PLACE OF HONOUR (GB) Racing Performance: 3 Career starts between the United Kingdom and Qatar, having being unplaced on all three starts. Current Handicap Rating: 57 1st Dam: PORTMEIRION (GB) won 3 races at 4 & 5 Years and placed 6 times including second in a listed race at Chester. Dam of winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age. 1. Song of Snowdon (GB) 2010 by Singspiel won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times. 2. Conjouror’s Bluff (GB) 2008 by Tiger Hill, placed 3 times at 2 and 5 years. 3. Dubawi Coast (GB) 2011 filly by Dubawi. She also has a 2013 filly by Manduro (GER) Thoroughbred Lot No. 23 DYNAMIC DUO (IRE) m. ch. 05 Mar. 2009 Property of: Mr. Abdulla Bin Mohammed Al Kuwari & Sons GONE WEST (USA) ZAFONIC (USA) ZAIZAFON (USA) IFFRAAJ (GB) NUREYEV (USA) PASTORALE (GB) PARK APPEAL (IRE) DYNAMIC DUO (IRE) GREEN DESERT (USA) DESERT PRINCE (IRE) FLYING FAIRY (GB) COLLADA (IRE) ALLEGED (USA) BRIGHT SPELLS (USA) SUNNY BAY (USA) Racing Performance: 13 Career Starts including a winner at Kempton Park over 10 furlongs. Placed 6 times with his best placings over 8 to 8.5 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 72 Own Brother to Cai Shen (IRE) 2008 who has 5 career wins and has been placed in Group 3 and Listed Races. 1st Dam COLLADA (IRE), ran a few times at 3 years; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingCai Shen (IRE) (2008 c. by Iffraaj (GB), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2011 and placed 9 times including second in Blue Square Winter Derby, Lingfield Park, (Gr.3), Makfi Newmarket Stakes, Newmarket, (L), third in Ambant Gala Stakes, Sandown Park, (L) and Novae Bloodstock Ins. Fairway Stakes, Newmarket, (L) DYNAMIC DUO (IRE) (2009 c. by Iffraaj (GB), see above. CRYING TIME (IRE) (2007 g. by Chevalier (IRE), placed twice at 2 years. AL WUKIR (IRE) (2010 c. by Jeremy (USA), in training. She also has a 2011 colt by Kodiac (GB). Thoroughbred Lot No. 24 ELWAZEER (USA) g. b. 13 Mar. 2008 Property of: Dr. Fahad Bin Abdulla Al Attiya Sons DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) OASIS DREAM (GB) DANCING BRAVE (USA) HOPE (IRE) BAHAMIAN (IRE) ELWAZEER (USA) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) GONE WEST (USA) SECRETTAME (USA) HAZIMAH (USA) STORM CAT (USA) ELRAFA AH (USA) BUBBLES DARLENE (USA) Racing Performance: 41 Career Starts which include 6 wins between the United Kingdom and Qatar and having being placed 15 times with the best placings over 7 to 8 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 105 1st Dam: HAZIMAH (USA), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizELWAZEER (USA) (2008 g. by Oasis Dream (GB)), see above. BOWSERS BRAVE (USA) (2006 g. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years, 2011 and placed 4 times. MUTAJASSER (USA) (2005 g. by War Chant (USA)), placed 4 times at 5 and 6 years, also placed once over hurdles. WAAFID (USA) (2009 c. by Hard Spun (USA), ran once at 2 years, 2011. ELGHAYOOR (USA) (2010 f. by Ghostzapper (USA), in training. She also has a 2011 filly by Daaher (CAN). Thoroughbred Lot No. 25 FIRST SEA LORD (IRE) m. b. 18 Apr. 2008 Property of: Eng. Ali Ahmed Saleh Al Jumaily NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) SADLERS WELLS (USA) FAIRY BRIDGE (USA) GALILEO (IRE) MISWAKI (USA) URBAN SEA (USA) ALLEGRETTA (GB) FIRST SEA LORD (IRE) FAPPIANO (USA) QUIET AMERICAN (USA) DEMURE (USA) QUIET MOUSE (USA) LOMOND (USA) FIFE (IRE) FIDDLE –FADDLE (GB) Racing Performance: 27 Career Stars with 2 wins and 2 placements. All 4 starts in the United Kingdom was unplaced, best distance 7 to 8 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 51 1st Dam QUIET MOUSE (USA), unraced Dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingUGO FIRE (IRE) (2003 f. by Bluebird (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including C L Weld Park Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and Hackett's Waterford Testimonial Stakes, Curragh, L., placed 10 times including second in Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Concorde Stakes, Tipperary, Gr.3, Knockaire Stakes, Leopardstown, L., third in Dimitrova 1000 Guineas Trial Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, EBF Fairy Bridge Stakes, Tipperary, L. and Blue Square Fillies Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of 2 winners. DANSEUR DE FEU (IRE), 1 race at 3 years, 2013 and placed 8 times. 2012 f. by Raven’s Pass (USA). 2012 c. by Fastnet Rock (AUS). Thoroughbred Lot No. 26 FLORISTA GG (URU) f. ch. 24 Sept. 2003 Property of: AL SAKAB STUD VICE REGENT (CAN) DEPUTY MINISTER (CAN) MINT COPY (CAN) GULPHA GORGE (USA) BUCKFINDER (USA) FIND YOUR WAY (USA) BUSY STREET (USA) FLORISTA GG (URU) LILOY (FR) VILLON (ARG) VIRTEF (ARG) FLOR DE FANGO (URU) HEART (URU) COALA (URU) CONQUETTE (URU) Racing Performance: Champion 3yr old filly in Uruguay in 2006, won 2 races in Uruguay including G. P. Polla de Potrancas (1000 Guineas), Hipo Maronas, L., placed once (3rd) in Clasico Produccion Nacional, Hipo Maronas, L., own sister to FANDANGO GG (URU) and TICO TE (URU); 1st Dam: FLOR DE FANGO (URU), won 8 races in Uruguay including Premio Adolfo Artagaveytia, Hipo Maronas, (L), Premio America, Hipo Maronas, (L), Premio Asamblea General Legislativa, Hipo Maronas, (L) and Premio Eugenio J Lagarmilla, Hipo Maronas, (L), placed 10 times. Dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age:FLORISTA GG (URU) (f. by Gulpha Gorge (USA)), see above. FANDANGO GG (URU), won 4 races in Uruguay and placed 6 times. FUMIGADOR CHAN (URU), won 3 races in Uruguay and placed 5 times. SPRING FLOWER (URU), won 2 races in Argentina and placed 3 times; dam of winners. SENTIMIENTO GG (URU), winner in Uruguay. SPRING FOLIE (URU), winner to 2010 in Uruguay. TICO TE (URU), won 1 race at 3 years, 2010 in Uruguay. FOGON GG (URU), placed 11 times in Uruguay. Thoroughbred Lot No. 27 FORCE FREEZE (USA) g. dK. or br. 04 May 2005 Property of: AL SADD STUD VICE REGENT (CAN) DEPUTY MINISTER (CAN) MINT COPY (CAN) FOREST CAMP (USA) HOLD YOUR PEACE (USA) LA PAZ (USA) CLASSY CRAFT (USA) FORCE FREEZE (USA) T V COMMERCIAL (USA) ITS FREEZING (USA) ARTICANA (USA) ANTIFREEZE (USA) GOLDEN EAGLE (FR) I’M REALLY SMOKIN (USA) PATRISCH (USA) Racing Performance: 9 Time winner in the US and the UAE which include a Group 2 winner in the 2012 Champion Sprint Stales at Gulfstream Park, was 2nd in the Group 1 Breeders Cup Sprint at Churchill Downs in 2011. Current Handicap Rating: 98 1st Dam: ANTIFREEZE, by It's Freezing. 108. 3 wins at 3 and 4, Dam of 16 foals, 13 race - 13 winners-FORCE FREEZE (g. by Forest Camp). 117. TF 123. Black type winner, see above BARBER (g. by Storm Boot). 121. 6 wins, 2 to 5 Years Old Ice Legend (g. by Bertrando). 115. 4 wins, 2 to 4 Years Old Declan's Fast Cat (g. by Bluegrass Cat). 90. 2 wins at 3 Years Old Stormy Gigi (f. by Storm Boot). 95. Winner at 3 Years Old. Dam of-G. G. RYDER (c. by Chhaya Dance). 107. 6 wins at 3 Years Old Sweetdetermination (f. by Alphabet Soup). 102. 4 wins, 3 to 5, Woman Onfasttrack (f. by Wild Deputy). 99. 6 wins at 3 and 4 Years Old Torcello (g. by Ecton Park). 97. 8 wins, 3 to 7 Years Old Jazzy Jeanne (f. by Fighting Fit). 87. Winner at 2 and 4 Years Old Heartless (f. by Heatseeker (IRE)). 77. 2 wins at 3 Years Old Classical Hy (g. by Political Force). 79. Winner at 3 and 4 Years Old. Dixie Chill (f. by Bertrando). 57. Winner at 2 Years Old. De Froster (g. by Star de Naskra). 83. Winner at 4 Years Old. Thoroughbred Lot No. 28 FRANKIE PE (IRE) m. b. or br. 28 Mar. 2011 Property of: Al Zekreet Racing NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) NUREYEV (USA) SPECIAL (USA) ARAKAN (USA) COMMON GROUNDS (GB) FAR ACROSS (GB) CITY EX (GB) FRANKIE PE (IRE) FAIRY KING (USA) VICTORY NOTE (USA) THREE PIECE (IRE) EGLINGTON (IRE) SHIRLEY HEIGHTS (GB) WHITE CAPS (IRE) GRECIAN SEA (FR) Racing Performance: 9 Career Starts having been unplaced each time, best result was 6 furlongs on the dirt in February 2014. Current Handicap Rating: 50 1st Dam: EGLINGTON (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice. Dam of 1 runner from 4 foals of racing age. 2nd Dam: WHITE CAPS, placed once at 2 years. Dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSHAMPOOED (IRE), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 4 times; also won 7 races over hurdles and placed 4 times and won 4 races over fences and placed 8 times. DIPINTO DI BLU (IRE), won 6 races at 2 to 6 years in Italy and placed 17 times. COURT CIRCUITS (IRE), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in Italy, placed 16 times. CLASSIC GODDESS (IRE), unraced; dam of winners. BLUE GODDESS (IRE), 3 races at 2 years and £86,546, all her starts; dam of EDGE CLOSER (GB), 8 races including Countrywide Steel & Tubes Hopeful Stakes, Newmarket, L. and Cathedral Stakes, Salisbury, L., placed 5 times. Thoroughbred Lot No. 29 GANDALAK (FR) g. b. 02 Mar. 2009 Property of: Mr. Salim Fadgam Al Hajri & Sons DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) OASIS DREAM (GB) DANCING BRAVE (USA) HOPE (IRE) BAHAMIAN (IRE) GANDALAK (FR) CHIEF’S CROWN (USA) GRAND LODGE (USA) LA PAPAGENA (GB) GRAND VADLA (FR) BIKALA (IRE) VADLAVA (FR) VADSA (USA) Racing Performance: 24 Career Starts with 3 of them being winners in the Untied Kingdom over 6 to 7 furlongs. Placed 6 times. Since arrival to Qatar he has been unplaced. Current Handicap Rating: 79 1st Dam: GRAND VADLA (FR), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix de Saint-Cyr, Deauville, L. and Prix Herod, Longchamp, L., placed once viz second in Prix Amandine, Deauville, L.; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age including: GANDALAK (FR) (2009 c. by Oasis Dream (GB)), see above. GHAZALI (FR) (2010 c. by Dalakhani (IRE)), placed 3 times at 3 years, 2013 in France. GANNDAR (FR) (2011 c. by Acclamation (GB)), unraced to date. She also has a 2012 filly by Siyouni (FR). Thoroughbred Lot No. 30 GENERIST (GB) f. b. 01 May 2004 Property of: Mr. Saleh Naji Sh A Al Yafei NIJINSKY (CAN) CAERLEON (USA) FORESEER (USA) GENEROUS (IRE) MASTER DERBY (USA) DOFF THE DERBY (USA) MARGARETHEN (USA) GENERIST (GB) MISWAKI (USA) MIDYAN (USA) COUNTRY DREAM (USA) AMIDST (GB) SPARKLER (GB) ASPARK (GB) ABIDE (GB) Racing Performance: 21 Career Runs with no wins and having being placed twice over 7 to 8 furlongs on Soft Ground in the United Kingdom. 1st Dam: AMIDST (GB), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of three winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age including:AGO (GB), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Spain and placed 5 times. APLOY (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and £11,276 and placed 6 times. ATWIRL (GB), see above. Thoroughbred Lot No. 31 GOOEY (IRE) f. b. 24 Feb. 2008 Property of: Al Jeryan Stud NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) SADLERS WELLS (USA) FAIRY BRIDGE (USA) HIGH CHAPARRAL (IRE) DARSHAAN (GB) KASORA (IRE) KOZANA (GB) GOOEY (IRE) IRISH RIVER (FR) EXIT TO NOWHERE (USA) COUP DE FOLIE (USA) ALMOND MOUSSE (FR) SHAREEF DANCER (USA) MISSY DANCER (GB) MADAME EST SORTIE (FR) Racing Performance: Placed 4 times at 3 & 4 Years in France. 1st Dam: ALMOND MOUSSE (FR), won 3 races at 3 years in France and £142,403 including Prix Ceres, Saint-Cloud, L., placed 22 times including second in Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Fille de l'Air, Toulouse, Gr.3, Prix Casimir Delamarre, Longchamp, L., Prix Occitanie, Toulouse, L., third in Peugeot Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Grand Prix de Vichy, Vichy, Gr.3, P.Collectivites Locales Gd.Hcp Deauville, Deauville, L., Grand Prix de Marseille, Marseille Borely, L., Prix Altipan, Saint-Cloud, L., Grand Prix de la Riviera Cote d'Azur, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L. and fourth in Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix Petite Etoile, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix de Compiegne, Compeigne, L. and Prix Automne, Longchamp, L. Dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age including- WONDERFUL WIND (IRE) (c. by Lawman (FR)), won 3 races at 2 years, 2013 in Italy and placed 3 times including third in Premio Alberto Giubilo, Rome, L. BISCOTTI (IRE), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years, 2013 abroad and placed 23 times. Thoroughbred Lot No. 32 GROOVE ON (IRE) g. ch. 30 Apr. 2010 Property of: Al Jasra Stud GONE WEST (USA) ZAFONIC (USA) ZAIZAFON (USA) IFFRAAJ (GB) NUREYEV (USA) PASTORALE (GB) PARK APPEAL (IRE) GROOVE ON (IRE) NIJINSKY (CAN) CAERLEON (USA) FORESEER (USA) DANCE ON (GB) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) DANCE SEQUENCE (USA) DANCING TRIBUTE (USA) Racing Performance: 13 Career Starts between the United Kingdom and Qatar having being unplaced on each start in Qatar but successful on the All Weather tracks in the UK over 6 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 60 1st Dam: Dance On (GB), won 2 races at 2 years and placed 3 times including third in Faucets Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, L.; Dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age:KYLLACHYKOV (IRE) (2008 g. by Kyllachy (GB)), won 2 races at 5 years, 2013, placed 5 times. STRICTLY (GB) (2006 f. by Falbrav (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years, placed 8 times. GROOVE ON (IRE) (2010 c. by Iffraaj (GB)), see above. DANCE CARD (GB) (2005 f. by Cape Cross (IRE)), won 1 race at 4 years and placed once. DANCE AWAY (GB) (2002 f. by Pivotal (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of 3 winners. MEDICI DANCER (GB), 1 race at 2 years, 2012 and placed twice. She also has a 2012 filly by Kodiac (GB). Thoroughbred Lot No. 33 GULL ROCK (GB) f. b. 03 Mar. 2009 Property of: Al Majd Stud NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) DANZIG (USA) PAS DE NOM (USA) ISHIGURU (USA) CRYPTOCLEARANCE (USA) STRATEGIC MANEUVER (USA) PRAYER WHEEL (CAN) GULL ROCK (GB) PETONG (GB) PETARRDIA (GB) WHAT A PET (GB) PETROVNA (IRE) ENTITLED (IRE) EFFICIENT FUNDING (IRE) LATE SUMMER (IRE) Racing Performance: 26 Career Starts having gained 6 winners on Turf and Dirt surfaces over 6 to 7 furlongs, Placed 6 times on Dirt. Current Handicap Rating: 79 1st Dam: PETROVNA (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and placed twice; Dam of five winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age:BRUNELLESCHI (GB) (2003 g. by Bertolini (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 6 years and placed 8 times. NOVABRIDGE (GB) (2008 g. by Avonbridge (GB), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years, 2012 and placed 10 times. BESTY (GB) (2007 g. by Compton Place (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 8 times. MITZI CASPAR (GB) (2001 f. by Kirkwall (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice. GULL ROCK (GB) (2009 f. by Ishiguru (USA), see above. Thoroughbred Lot No. 34 HAIZOOM (QA) m. b. 06 Mar. 2014 Property of: Al Mazrooah Stud DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) SEA’S LEGACY (IRE) MISWAKI (USA) URBAN SEA (USA) ALLEGRETTA (GB) HAIZOOM (QA) WAAJIB (IRE) ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) FLYING MELODY (IRE) REGAL VEIL (GB) SHARARAH (GB) MACHIAVELLIAN (USA) RAKNAH (IRE) Unraced 1st Dam: REGAL VEIL (GB), won 1 race (6f.) at 3 years, 2008 and placed 4 times. 2nd Dam: SHARARAH (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; Dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age:REGAL VEIL (GB) (2005 f. by Royal Applause (GB) She also has a 2006 filly by Diktat (GB) and a 2007 filly by Royal Applause (GB). Thoroughbred Lot No. 35 I LIKE TO WIN (IRE) m. b. 23 Apr. 2009 Property of: Sheikh Faisal Bin Hamad Bin Jassim Al Thani DANEHILL (USA) DANSILI (GB) HASILI (IRE) STRATEGIC PRINCE (GB) DIESIS (GB) AUSHERRA (USA) PRINCESS OF MAN (IRE) I LIKE TO WIN (IRE) MISWAKI (USA) BLACK TIE AFFAIR (IRE) HAT TAB GIRL (USA) JUSTINE AU JARDIN (USA) DANZIG (USA) DANCEY KATE (USA) TAYLOR PARK (USA) Racing Performance: 17 Career Starts having being placed 3 times. Best distance on the Turf between 7 to 8 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 59 1st Dam: JUSTINE AU JARDIN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed twice; Dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age:JOSS THE BOSS (IRE) (2002 c. by Xaar (GB), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in France and placed 17 times. MAWAASEM (IRE) (2006 g. by Elusive City (USA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years, 2011 in Greece and placed 7 times. CERIZE (IRE) (2004 f. by Tobougg (IRE), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in France and placed 8 times, under both rules. JARDIN ROYAL (IRE) (2001 f. by Royal Academy (USA), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in France and placed 4 times; dam of a winner. PRINCESS MORGANE (USA) (2000 f. by Judge T C (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in France and placed 18 times, under both rules. BROOKLEY GIRL (IRE) (2008 f. by Byron (GB)), ran 3 times at 3 years, 2011. I LIKE TO WIN (IRE) (2009 c. by Strategic Prince (GB) see above. Thoroughbred Lot No. 36 INDIAN NARJES (GB) f. b. 10 Mar. 2008 Property of: Mr. Abdulla Hassan A A Al-Maadeed AHONOORA (GB) INDIAN RIDGE (IRE) HILLBROW (GB) SLEEPING INDIAN (GB) SADLERS WELLS (USA) LAS FLORES (IRE) PRODUCER (USA) INDIAN NARJES (GB) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) JADE ROBBERY (USA) NUMBER (USA) FLORA BURN (UAE) LOMOND (USA) QUEEN’S VIEW (FR) MILL PATH (GB) Racing Performance: 17 Career Starts, placed 5 times on Turf and Dirt surfaces with the best performance being over 8 furlongs on Turf and 6 furlongs on Dirt. Current Handicap Rating: 49 1st Dam: FLORA BURN (UAE), unraced; Dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age:Indian Narjes (GB) (2008 f. by Sleeping Indian (GB), see above Thoroughbred Lot No. 37 INSTANT UPDATE (IRE) g. b. 17 Jan. 2010 Property of: Mr. Jassim Mohammed Al Ghazali & Sons NUREYEV (USA) POLAR FALCON (USA) MARIE D’ ARGONNE (FR) PIVOTAL (GB) COZZENE (USA) FEARLESS REVIVAL (GB) STUFIDA (GB) INSTANT UPDATE (IRE) DANZIG (USA) DANEHILL (USA) RAZYNA (USA) INSTANT SPARKEL (IRE) SADLERS WELLS (USA) IN ANTICIPATION (IRE) APTOSTAR (USA) Racing Performance: 15 Career Starts having won over 9 furlongs on the Dirt, placed 6 times over distances between 6 to 8 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 69 1st Dam: INSTANT SPARKLE (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; Own sister to IRRESISTIBLE JEWEL (IRE) Dam of 1 foal of racing age:Instant Update (IRE) (2010 g. by Pivotal (GB), see above Thoroughbred Lot No. 38 JIG TIME (GB) f. b. 28 Apr. 2004 Property of: Al Sadd Stud NEARCTIC (CAN) NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) NATALMA (USA) SADLERS’S WELLS (USA) BOLD REASON (USA) FAIRY BRIDGE (USA) SPECIAL (USA) JIG TIME (GB) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) GONE WEST (USA) SECRETTAME (USA) WESTERN APPEAL (USA) THE MINSTREL (CAN) ZAIZAFON (USA) MOFIDA (GB) Unraced Dam of 4 foals to date. 1st Dam: Western Appeal (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed twice including third in Prix de Saint-Cyr, Deauville, (L); Own sister to ZAMINDAR (USA), ZAFONIC (USA) & CHARM SPIRIT (USA) Dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age:CALM (GB), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Australia and in France. FULL STEAM (GB), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed once Breeding Information: Confirmed in foal to Namid (GB) – covering date 10th March 2014. Thoroughbred Lot No. 39 JUBILEE DIAMOND (IRE) f. b. 01 Apr. 2010 Property of: Mr. Ghanim Bin Shaheen Al Ghanim & Sons DARSHAAN (GB) MARK OF ESTEEM (IRE) HOMAGE (GB) REDBACK (GB) PRECOCIOUS (GB) PATSY WESTERN (GB) WESTERN AIR (GB) JUBILEE DIAMOND (IRE) STORM BIRD (CAN) MUKADDAMAH (USA) TASH (USA) NICE ONE CLARE (IRE) REACH (IRE) SARAH CLARE (GB) NORTHERN DYNASTY (GB) Racing Performance: Won over 5.5 furlongs in September 2012, placed twice over 5 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 77 1st Dam: NICE ONE CLARE (IRE), won 6 races at 3 and 5 years including Betdaq Diadem Stakes, Ascot, (Gr2) and Betabet Sceptre Stakes, Doncaster, (L), placed 12 times. Dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age:ALHAWEJA (IRE) (2007 f. by Indian Ridge), won 2 races at 4 years, 2011 in Qatar and placed 11 times. JUBILEE DIAMOND (IRE) (2010 f. by Redback (GB), see above. GRAND COURT (IRE) (2003 f. by Grand Lodge (USA), placed once at 3 years. She also has a 2011 filly by Bushranger (IRE). Thoroughbred Lot No. 40 KALLEIDOSCOPE (GB) f. ch. 22 Apr. 2008 Property of: Al Jeryan Stud NUREYEV (USA) POLAR FALCON (USA) MARIE D’ARGONNE (FR) PIVOTAL (GB) COZZENE (USA) FEARLESS REVIVAL (GB) STUFIDA (GB) KALLEIDOSCOPE (GB) YOUNG GENERATION (IRE) CADEAUX GENEREUX (GB) SMARTEN UP (GB) BRUSH STROKES (GB) SHIRLEY HEIGHTS (GB) COLORVISTA (GB) REPROCOLOR (GB) Racing Performance: 5 Starts with a winner over 7.5 furlongs in 2010. 1st Dam: BRUSH STROKES (GB), unraced Own sister to Christian Name (GB); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCraft Fair (IRE) (g. by Danehill (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed 8 times including third in Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, Le Lion D'Angers, (L) Thoroughbred Lot No. WITHDRAWN 41 KING OLIVER (GB) g. ch. 24 Mar. 2010 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Al Attiya POLAR FALCON (USA) PIVOTAL (GB) FEARLESS REVIVAL (GB) KYLLACHY (GB) SONG (GB) PRETTY POPPY (GB) MOONLIGHT SERENADE (GB) KING OLIVER (GB) GROOM DANCER (USA) BLUSHING GROOM (FR) FEATHERHILL (FR) CONFETTI (GB) FABULOUS DANCER (USA) FABULOUS (GB) LOON (FR) Racing Performance: 22 Career Starts, still a Maiden but having being placed 5 times over 6 furlongs on Turf. Current Handicap Rating: 67 1st Dam: CONFETTI (GB), ran twice at 3 years Dam of one winner from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age:WEDDING LIST (GB) (2006 f. by Pivotal (GB), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once. KING OLIVER (GB) (2010 g. by Kyllachy (GB), see above. SNOW RIDGE (GB) (2008 g. by Iceman (GB), placed twice at 2 and 4 years, 2012. GOLDEN CONFETTI (GB) (2011 f. by Virtual (GB)), unraced to date. UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 42 LA LUNA f. b. 01 May 2003 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya LALOCK LA LUNA PITA Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. Non-Thoroughbred Lot No. 43 MALLAH (QA) g. b. 17 Apr. 2010 Property of: Mr. Ibrahim Saeed Al Malki KINGMAMBO (USA) KINGS BEST (USA) ALLEGRETTA (GB) ELLIOSTS WORLD (IRE) BE MY GUEST (USA) MORNING WELCOME (IRE) DAWN IS BREAKING (GB) MALLAH (QA) UNREGISTERED FAIRY QUEEN VII (BHR) UNREGISTERED Unraced Thoroughbred Lot No. 44 MAQAMAAT (IRE) m. b. 02 Mar. 2010 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Hassan A A Al Abdul Malik DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) OASIS DREAM (GB) DANCING BRAVE (USA) HOPE (IRE) BAHAMIAN (IRE) MAQAMAAT (IRE) SHARPEN UP (GB) DIESIS (GB) DOUBLY SURE (GB) TAJAAFI (USA) TURTLE ISLAND (IRE) TURTLE BOW (FR) CLARA BOW (FR) Racing Performance: 7 Career Starts, including being placed 3 times, once in France over 8 furlongs and twice in Qatar over 6 and 7 furlongs. Maiden Current Handicap Rating: 57 1st Dam: TAJAAFI (USA), placed twice at 3 years in France Dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age:Maqamaat (IRE) (2010 c. by Oasis Dream (GB), see above. She also has a 2012 filly by New Approach (IRE) Thoroughbred Lot No. 45 MASOUD (GB) m. b. 02 Mar. 2011 Property of: Al Zekreet Racing CADEAUX GENEREUX (GB) BAHAMIAN BOUNTY (GB) CLARENTIA (IRE) PASTORAL PURSUITS (GB) MOST WELCOME (GB) STAR (GB) MARISTA (GB) MASOUD (QA) DANZIG (USA) ANTONIUS PIUS (USA) CATCHASCATCHCAN (GB) MISS BEAUDACIOUS (IRE) BATSHOOF (GB) SO PRECIOUS (IRE) GOLDEN FORM (GB) Racing Performance: 12 Career Starts in Qatar between November 2013 and current date. Unplaced to date. Current Handicap Rating: 52 1st Dam: MISS BEAUDACIOUS( IRE) is unraced. 2nd Dam: SO PRECIOUS (IRE), won 2 races at 2 and 6 years and placed 3 times, also won 1 race over hurdles and placed twice. Dam of one winner from 1 runner and 4 foals of racing age:OIL MAN (IRE) (c. by Pyrus (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2009 at home and in U.S.A. and including Cinema Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed 3 times. Thoroughbred Lot No. 46 MISDEMEANOUR (IRE) f. b. 09 Mar. 2009 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Abdul Aziz Ali Al Badi NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) NIGHT SHIFT (USA) CIBOULETTE (CAN) AZAMOUR (IRE) LEAR FAN (USA) ASMARA (USA) ANAZA (IRE) MISDEMEANOUR (IRE) DANEHILL (USA) DANEHILL DANCER (IRE) MIRA ADONDE (USA) MISS TAKEORTWO (IRE) NAIYLI (IRE) PRINCESS LEONA (IRE) LITTLE TRILBY (GB) Racing Performance: 21 Career Starts with 2 winners at Kempton Park (UK) over 8 furlongs on the All Weather. Placed 3 times between 10 to 12 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 77 1st Dam: Miss Takeortwo (IRE), won 3 races at 2 years and and placed 4 times including third in Faucets Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, (L) Dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age:MISDEMEANOUR (IRE) (2009 f. by Azamour (IRE), see above. MISS TAKEN (IRE) (2007 f. by Dubai Destination (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 5 times. (2010 c. by Kheleyf (USA). She also has a 2011 filly by Phoenix Tower (USA). Non-Thoroughbred Lot No. 47 MOOJ AL GHARIYAH VI (QA) f. b. 01 Feb. 2011 Property of: Mr. Abdulla Bin Mohammed Al Kuwari & Sons IN THE WINGS (GB) SINGSPIEL (IRE) GLORIOUS SONG (CAN) MOSAIC (GB) ELA-MANA-MOU (IRE) ELA ROMARA (GB) ROMARA (GB) MOOJ AL GHARIYAH VI (QA) ALLEGED (USA) PURPORTED (USA) KAUAI PRINCESS (IRE) IFTIRAAS VII (BHR) UNKNOWN HAKEEMA UNKNOWN Unraced See Sire Reference Thoroughbred Lot No. 48 MUTAWASSAL (QA) m. b. 22 Feb. 2009 Property of: Mr. Patrice Nicolet GONE WEST (USA) ELUSIVE QUALITY (USA) TOUCH OF GREATNESS (USA) ELUSIVE CITY (USA) DAYJUR (USA) STAR OF PARIS (USA) LITURGISM (USA) MUTAWASSAL (QA) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) KINGMAMBO (USA) MIESQUE (USA) LILLIBITS (USA) SADLER’S WELLS (USA) MESSINA (IRE) MAGIC OF LIFE (USA) Racing Performance: 9 Career Starts here in Doha having had 2 winners, one winner on dirt over 9 furlongs and the other on turf over 8 furlongs. Placed twice on turf over 6 and 7 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 62 1st Dam: LILLIBITS (USA) is unraced. 2nd Dam: MESSINA (IRE), placed twice at 3 years. Dam of three winners from 3 runners and 7 foals of racing age:GLATIT (GB), won 3 races at 3 years in France and placed 3 times. RAIDER NATION (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. MULUK (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years, 2007 and placed once. Thoroughbred Lot No. 49 NAJLA (QA) f. b. 29 Dec. 2013 Property of: Bin Ghanem Stud NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) SADLERS WELLS (USA) FAIRY BRIDGE (USA) DOMESTIC FUND (IRE) GULCH (USA) MARKET SLIDE (USA) GRENZEN (USA) NAJLA (QA) CADEAUX GENEREUX (GB) BAHAMIAN BOUNTY (GB) CLARENTIA (IRE) SARD (GB) POLISH PATRIOT (USA) CLINCHER CLUB (GB) MERRY ROUS (GB) Unraced. 1st Dam: SARD (GB): won 1 race at 3 years, 2010 and placed twice in the UK. 2nd Dam: CLINCHER CLUB (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 4 times; Dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSIR REGINALD (GB) (2008 c. by Compton Place (GB), won 1 race at 2 years, 2010 and placed 3 times HENRIK (GB) (2002 c. by Primo Dominie), won 1 race at 2 years and placed twice, died at 4. BISHOP’S LAKE (GB) (2000 f. by Lake Coniston (IRE), won 2 races at 2 years and placed 3 times including second in Empress Stakes, Newmarket, L.; dam of winners. SPRITZERIA (GB) (1999 f. by Bigstone (IRE), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 8 times; dam of a winner includingESPRIT DE MIDAS (GB), 4 races at 3 years, 2009 and placed 4 times. ADABI (GB) (2004 g. by Soviet Star (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in Qatar. LALECTRA (GB) (2003 f. by King Charlemagne (USA), unraced; dam of a winner:GOODWOOD TREASURE (GB), 1 race at 2 years, 2010 and placed twice, from only 4 starts. UNIVERSAL SPEED (GB), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2010 in Italy. She also has a 2009 filly by Pivotal (GB) Thoroughbred Lot No. 50 OHUD (QA) m. b. 21 Apr. 2009 Property of: Mr. Mishal Bin Ali Al Attiya SADLERS WELLS (USA) MONTJEU (IRE) FLORIPEDES (FR) MOTIVATOR (GB) GONE WEST (USA) OUT WEST (USA) CHELLINGOUA (USA) OHUD (QA) NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) NIGHT SHIFT (USA) CIBOULETTE (CAN) SUBYA (GB) ARCTIC TERN (USA) ASHSHAMA (USA) SHEER FANTASY (USA) Racing Performance: 27 Career Runs with 4 of them being winners over 7 to 8 furlongs, having won on both Turf and Dirt surfaces, placed 8 times. Current Handicap Rating: 55 1st Dam SUBYA (GB), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Tripleprint Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, (L), Bonusprint Masaka Stakes, Kempton Park, (L) and Milcars Star Stakes, Sandown Park, (L), Dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age:BATTLE OF HASTINGS (GB) (g. by Royal Applause (GB), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Virginia Derby, Colonial Downs, Gr.2, Colonial Turf Cup Stakes, Colonial Downs, Gr.2, Baldwin Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, River City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and La Puente Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed 9 times including second in Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Oak Tree Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2, San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, American Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, third in Frank E Kilroe Mile Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Budweiser Arcadia Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2. VILLA CARLOTTA (GB) (f. by Rainbow Quest (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Italy including EBF Blue Wind Stakes, Cork, (L) and Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, (L), placed 9 times including second in Pearl & Coutts Severals Stakes, Newmarket, (L) and third in Peintre Celebre EBF Mooresbridge Stakes, Curragh, (L); dam of 5 winners. CEILIDH HOUSE (GB) (f. by Selkirk (USA)), 2 races at 2 and 3 years BOTHY (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; also 3 races over hurdles SUBYAN DREAMS (GB) (f. by Spectrum (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times SEEYAAJ (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; also won 2 races over hurdles and placed 5 times and won 4 races over fences and placed 13 times. COLOR MAN (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; also won 6 races over jumps in Czech Republic and in Slovakia and placed 4 times. OHANA (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; also won 1 race over hurdles and placed 3 times and won 1 race over fences and placed 7 times. BOLD PHOENIX (IRE), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years and placed 5 times. JEMIMA'S ART (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times. FAME IS THE SPUR (GB), see above. DOMINATOR (GB), won 1 race at 2 years. SUPERLOVE (IRE), unraced; dam of 3 winners. SUPER HECTOR (GER), 9 races in Germany and placed 20 times. SUPER EAGLE (GER), 8 races at 3 to 7 years, 2011 in Germany Thoroughbred Lot No. 51 OMISSION (GB) f. gr. 05 May 2001 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Bin Ahmed Bin Mohd. Al Attiya NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) DANZIG (USA) PAS DE NOM (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) SIR IVOR (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) COURTLY DEE (USA) OMISSION (GB) LORENZACCIO (GB) AHONOORA (GB) HELEN NICHOLS (GB) NEGLIGENT (GB) ROAN ROCKET (GB) NEGLIGENCE (GB) MALPRACTICE (GB) Unraced Dam of one winner - DOUGIE PEEL (GB) 2006 by Diktat – winner of 3 races at 2 Years Old. 1st Dam: NEGLIGENT, Champion 2yr old filly in England in 1989, won 1 race at 2 years including Bottisham Heath Stud Rockfel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed 3 times including third in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Reference Point Strensall Stakes, York, L., from only 5 starts. Own sister to Ala Mahlik; Dam of six winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age including- BLATANT (GB) (g. by Machiavellian (USA), won 3 races at home and in U.A.E. including Shadwell Farm Sheikh Maktoum Challenge I, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3 and Ruby Stakes, Tralee, L SONGLARK (GB) (g. by Singspiel (IRE), won 3 races at home and in France including Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and totesport.com Pontefract Castle Stakes, Pontefract, L. NABONASSAR (GB), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 4 times ASAD (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years; also placed once at 5 years in U.A.E. SHAWANNI (GB), won 1 race at 2 years dam of 6 winners. Breeding Information: Covered by Windsor Palace (IRE) - Last covering date: 10/04/2014 Thoroughbred Lot No. 52 OSAILAA (QA) f. ch. 15 Feb. 2011 Property of: Al Sakab Stud CADEAUX GENEREUX (GB) BAHAMIAN BOUNTY (GB) CLARENTIA (IRE) PASTORAL PURSUITS (GB) MOST WELCOME (GB) STAR (GB) MARISTA (GB) OSAILAA (QA) INDIAN RIDGE (IRE) NAMID (GB) DAWNSIO (IRE) DOVE MEWS (GB) BAHAMIAN BOUNTY (GB) FLYING FULMAR (GB) WEST HUMBLE (GB) Unraced 1st Dam: DOVE MEWS (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2009 and placed 4 times. 2nd Dam: FLYING FULMAR (GB), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years nd placed 3 times; Dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age:DOVE MEWS (GB) . UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 53 PANDORA f. dk. b. or br. 07 May 2005 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya PAY PANDORA PIK BELLE FLEUR Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. Thoroughbred Lot No. 54 PIRATE’S SONG (GB) m. b. 01 Mar. 2007 Property of: Mr. Abdulla Bin Mohammed Al Kuwari & Sons YOUNG GENERATION (IRE) CADEAUX GENEREUX (GB) SMARTEN UP (GB) BAHAMIAN BOUNTY (GB) BALLAD ROCK (IRE) CLARENTIA (IRE) LAHARDEN (IRE) PIRATE’S SONG (GB) NUREYEV (USA) SOVIET STAR (USA) VERUSCHKA (FR) SOVIET TERMS (GB) KRIS (GB) SHARP TERMS (GB) BY CHARTER (GB) Racing Performance: 41 Career Starts having accumulated 7 winners between Qatar, Newmarket, Yarmouth and Sharjah over 6 furlongs. Placed 9 Times Current Handicap Rating: 100 1st Dam: SOVIET TERMS (GB), ran twice at 2 years. Dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age:PIRATE'S SONG (GB) (2007 c. by Bahamian Bounty (GB), see above. IT'S MY TIME (GB) (2009 f. by Green Desert (USA), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years, 2014 and placed 11 times. DOLCE LA HULPE (GB) (2011 f. by Kodiac (GB), won 1 race at 2 years, 2013 in France and placed 3 times. She also has a 2013 filly by Exceed And Excel (AUS) Thoroughbred Lot No. 55 POWER PUNCH (IRE) m. b. 30 Jan. 2008 Property of: Mr. Ibrahim Hassan Al Malki Al Jehaani MR. PROSCETOR (USA) MACHIAVELLIAN (USA) COUP DE POLIE (USA) MEDICEAN (GB) SOTRM BIRD (CAN) MYSTIC GODDESS (USA) ROSE GODDESS (IRE) POWER PUNCH (IRE) NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) NUREYEV (USA) SPECIAL (USA) PENEIA (USA) PRIVATE ACCOUNT (USA) PIQUETNOL (USA) AVIANCE (IRE) Racing Performance: 32 Career runs to date over both Turf and Dirt surfaces, one winner to date over 8 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 85 1st Dam: PENEIA (USA), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in France. Dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age:NURENBERG (IRE) (2002 g. by Giant's Causeway (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 5 times. LA QUINTA (IRE) (2004 f. by Indian Ridge), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice. ADDICTED (IRE) (2003 g. by Machiavellian (USA), won 1 race at 3 years, placed once. DALY (IRE) (2006 f. by King's Best (USA), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years. POWER PUNCH (IRE) (2008 c. by Medicean (GB), see above. (2009 f. by Hurricane Run (IRE). She also has a 2010 colt by Diamond Green (FR) Thoroughbred Lot No. 56 POYLE JUDY (GB) f. b. 27 Feb. 2008 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Ali Gh A Al-Maadeed NUREYEV (USA) POLAR FALCON (USA) MARIE D’ARGONNE (FR) ICEMAN (GB) EXIT TO NOWHERE (USA) VIRTUOUS (GB) EXCLUSIVE VIRTUE (USA) POYLE JUDY (GB) WARNING (GB) PICCOLO (GB) WOODWIND (FR) POYLE JENNY (GB) SHARROOD (USA) POYLE AMBER (GB) HITHERMOOR LASS (GB) Racing Performance: 43 Career Starts including 1 winner in Qatar on Dirt over 6 furlongs, 2 winners at Chepstow over 8 furlongs, winner at Pontefract over 8 furlong and a winner at Kempton Park over 7 furlongs. Placed in Doha 9 times Current Handicap Rating: 66 1st Dam: POYLE JENNY (GB), unplaced. Dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age:POYLE JUDY (GB), see above. 2009 f. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB) UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 57 RAKAN III m. b. 15 Feb. 2011 Property of: Mr. Khalid Nasser H. A. Al Nuaimi RAKAN YTIEM RAKAN III ADHAB UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 58 RAVANELLO g. ch. 15 Mar. 2000 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya REGARDEZ RAVANELLO DORA Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. Thoroughbred Lot No. 59 REGAL VEIL (GB) f. b. 08 Feb. 2005 Property of: Al Mazrooah Stud TRY MY BEST (USA) WAAJIB (IRE) CORYANA (IRE) ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) AUCTION RING (USA) FLYING MELODY (IRE) WHISPERING STAR (GB) REGAL VEIL (GB) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) MACHIAVELIAN (USA) COUP DE FOLIE (USA) SHARARAH (GB) NIGHT SHIFT (USA) RAKNAH (IRE) FEAR NAUGHT (IRE) Racing Performance: Raced in the United Kingdom and Qatar having a winner in 2008 at Kempton Park over 6 furlongs. 1st Dam: SHARARAH (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; Dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age:REGAL VEIL (GB) (2005 f. by Royal Applause (GB), see above. 2006 filly by Diktat (GB) 2007 filly by Royal Applause (GB) 2nd Dam: RAKNAH (IRE), won 4 races at 3 years and placed 5 times Dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age:MY PLEASURE (GB), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 5 times; also won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in U.A.E. and placed 21 times. MURJAN (FR), placed 3 times at 2 years; also won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.A.E. and placed 19 times. SHARARAH (GB), see above. Breeding Information: Covered by Windsor Palace (IRE) - Last covering date: 31/03/2014 Thoroughbred Lot No. 60 REWAYAAT (QA) f. b. 11 Feb. 2004 Property of: Mr. Jassim Bin Mohammed Ahmed Al Badi LYPHARD (USA) AL NASR (FR) CARETTA (IRE) PRINCE OF ANDROS (USA) HALO (USA) HER RADIANCE (USA) RISSA (USA) REWAYAAT (QA) BLUSHING GROOM (FR) MARIGAN (USA) MADELIA (FR) INTEFADHA (QA) IRON DUKE (FR) RAPID D’OR (IRE) PARAXELE (FR) Unraced. 1st Dam: INTEFADHA (QA) Winner of her one and only start. Dam of: Al Muzaej (QA) 2005 by Prince Of Andros (USA) Motawajed (QA) 2006 by Mahasi (USA), placed in Qatar Rewayaat (QA) see above 2nd Dam: RAPID D’OR (IRE) Bay 1988 by Iron Duke (FR) out of Paraxelle (FR). Dam of: Intefadha (QA) see above Fitna (QA) by Groom Star (USA) winner and placed in Qatar Ayon Al Maha (QA) by Groom Star (USA) unraced El Asiad (QA) by Camden Lad (IRE) placed in Qatar Shafoq (QA) by Prince of Andros (USA), multiple winner in Qatar. Farhood (QA) by Camden Lad (IRE), placed in Qatar. Thoroughbred Lot No. 61 RULE MAKER (GB) g. b. 04 Mar. 2007 Property of: Sheikha Mariam Bint Mishal Bin Hamad Al Thani MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) FUSAICHI PEGASUS (USA) ANGEL FEVER (USA) ROMAN RULER (USA) SILVER DEPUTY (CAN) SILVERY SWAN (USA) SOCIABLE DUCK(USA) RULE MAKER (GB) STORM BIRD (CAN) STORM CAT (USA) TERNLINGUA (USA) SAMBRA (USA) ENCINO (USA) PHOENIX SUNSHINE (USA) TRUXTON’S SUNSHINE (USA) Racing Performance: 46 Career Runs including 3 winners, broke his Maiden at Windsor over 8.5 Furlongs, 2 wins in Qatar over 8 and 10 furlongs. Being placed 15 times. Current Handicap Rating 89 1st Dam: RHUMBA RAGE (USA), placed once in France; Own sister to FOTITIENG (USA) Dam of five winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age:CROCODILE STAR (USA) (2003 g. by Woodman (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in Spain. TOUGH MEN (USA) (1997 c. by Woodman (USA), won 3 races at home and in U.S.A. DAIWA RUBIANO (USA) (1998 c. by Rubiano (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in Japan. ATHEER (USA) (2000 f. by Lear Fan (USA), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of a winner. RULE MAKER (GB) (2007 c. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), see above. She also has a 2009 colt by Red Ransom (USA) Thoroughbred Lot No. 62 SAREEH (QA) f. b. 25 Mar. 2012 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Bin Abdulla Al Sulaiti PRIMO DOMINIE (GB) FIRST TRUMP (GB) VALIK A (GB) GRIPT (GB) MIDYAN (USA) NEEDWOOD EPIC (GB) EPURE (GB) SAREEH (QA) SHIRLEY HEIGHTS (GB) SLIP ANCHOR (GB) SAYONARA (GER) S W THREE (GB) PRECOCIOUS (GB) ANNA KARIETTA (GB) KARIETTA (GB) Unraced 1st Dam: S W THREE (GB), placed 4 times at 2 to 4 years, 2002 including second in Bathwick Tyres Maiden Stakes, Bath, EBF Douglas Maiden Fillies Stakes, Salisbury Own sister to JUST HEAVENS GATE (GB). Thoroughbred Lot No. 63 SARTORIALIST (IRE) g. b. 11 Feb. 2011 Property of: Mr. Abdulla Hassan Ali Abdul Malik DANZIG (USA) DANEHILL (USA) RAZYANA (USA) ORATORIO (IRE) VAGUELY NOBLE (IRE) MAHRAH (USA) MONTAGE (USA) SARTORIALIST (IRE) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) TRADITIONALLY (USA) PERSONAL ENSIGN (USA) PERSONAL DESIGN (IRE) KNOWN FACT (USA) GLENMARA (USA) PLENTIFUL (USA) Racing Performance: 5 Career Runs to date, won at Ascot in July 2013 over 6 furlongs, being placed twice over 5 and 6 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 74 1st Dam: PERSONAL DESIGN (IRE): unraced 2nd Dam: GLENMARA (USA): placed twice at 3 years in France; Dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 7 foals; LEITRA (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed 5 times BARBEIRI (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2010 and placed once. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) and a yearling colt by Azamour (IRE) Thoroughbred Lot No. 64 SEE ME SOMETIME (GB) m. ch. 12 Mar. 2011 Property of: Mr. Jassim Bin Mohammed Ahmed Al Badi MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) DISTANT VIEW (USA) SEVEN SPRINGS (USA) OBSERVATORY (USA) ROBERTO (USA) STELLARIA (USA) VICTORIA STAR (CAN) SEE ME SOMETIME (GB) TAUFAN (USA) TAGULA (IRE) TWIN ISLAND (IRE) NICE TIME (IRE) DOMINION (GB) NICEA (IRE) NISHILA (USA) Racing Performance: Placed once at 2 Years Old. Current Handicap Rating: 61 1st Dam NICE TIME (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and placed twice. Dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age:See Me Sometime (GB) (2011 c. by Observatory (USA), see above. 2nd Dam NICEA (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years, from only 2 starts. Dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age:PROSE (IRE) (c. by Priolo (USA), won 7 races at home and in U.S.A. placed second in Kokopelli Handicap, Turf Paradise. LEAMINGTON LAD (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 4 times; also won 3 races over hurdles and placed 14 times and won 1 race over fences and placed 3 times. DEFINITE GUEST (IRE), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years and placed 18 times. NICE TIME (IRE), see above. Thoroughbred Lot No. 65 SERENITY NOW (USA) b. f. 11 Apr. 2009 Property of: Mr. Abdulla Hassan A A Al-Maadeed STORM BIRD (CAN) STORM CAT (USA) TERNLINGUA (USA) CONSOLIDATOR (USA) CRYSTAL GLITTERS (USA) GOOD EXAMPLE (FR) DIVONA (USA) SERENITY NOW (USA) SEATTLE SLEW (USA) CAPOTE (USA) TOO BALD (USA) BASHFUL CHARMER (USA) CARO (IRE) GOLDSPELL (USA) LUCKY SPELL (USA) Racing Performance: 7 Career Starts during the 2012/13 Racing Season in Qatar. Unplaced in all starts. Current Handicap Rating: 36 1st Dam: BASHFUL CHARMER, by Capote. 82. 2 wins at 2, $57,225, Palatine Breeders' Cup S. (AP, $31,260). Dam of 13 foals, 13 to race, 9 winners-SATURDAY'S CHILD (f. by Storm Cat). 86. 2 wins at 2, $34,920, Hildene S.-R (DEL, $25,320). Producer. Unbridled Charmer (f. by Unbridled). 96. 2 wins at 4, $47,040. Dam of-Tiz Nik (f. by Tiznow). 100. 2 wins at 3, $66,833, 3rd HBPA H. (ELP, $5,500). Producer. Wednesday's Child (f. by Storm Cat). 81. Winner at 2, $27,512. Dam of-Selective (f. by Tapit). 96. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $111,639, 3rd Pocahontas S. [G3] (CD, $10,819). Wednesday's Out (f. by Out of Place). 81. Placed at 3, $25,910. Dam of-FINALITY'S CHARMER (f. by Finality). 78. 3 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2014, $101,172(USA), Sadie Diamond Futurity-R (HST, $57,000(CAN), CTHS Sales S.-R (HST, $28,500(CAN), 2nd British Columbia Cup Debutante S.-R (HST, $10,000(CAN). Mesa Sunrise (c. by Sky Mesa). 111. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $184,446. Classic Investment (g. by Mt. Livermore). 96. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $43,338. Call Me Glory (g. by Unbridled). 81. 2 wins at 3, $42,001. Bejar (g. by Hansel). 5 wins, 3 to 6 in Germany, $27,435 (USA). Silver Jack (c. by Grand Slam). 3 wins at 2 in Mexico, $16,808 (USA). Big Band Music (c. by Dixieland Band). TF 89. Winner at 3 in England, $16,585 (USA). Serenity Now (f. by Consolidator). See above Breeding Record: Covered by Namid (GB) - Last covering date: 22/05/2014 Thoroughbred Lot No. 66 SHEMAQ (USA) f. b. 03 Apr. 1992 Property of: Mr. Mubarak Saeed Al Naimi RED GOD (USA) BLUSHING GROOM (FR) RUNAWAY BRIDE (GB) BLUSHING JOHN (USA) PRINCE JOHN (USA) LA GRIFFE (USA) GRAFITTI (USA) SHEMAQ (USA) RAISE A NATIVE (USA) EXCLUSIVE NATIVE (USA) EXCLUSIVE (USA) GERALDINE’S STORE (USA) NODOUBLE (USA) CHAIN STORE(USA) GENERAL STORE (USA) Racing Performance: 6 Career Starts in the UK including 3 winners over 7 and 8 furlongs. Thoroughbred Lot No. 67 SIR BEDIVERE (IRE) g. b. 16 Mar. 2009 Property of: Mr. Hassan Ahmed Hassan Al Malki Al Jehani DANZIG (USA) DANEHILL (USA) RAZYANA (USA) DANSILI (GB) KAHYASI (IRE) HASILI (IRE) KERALI (GB) SIR BEDIVERE (IRE) SHARPEN UP (GB) SELKIRK (USA) ANNIE EDGE (IRE) MISS IVANHOE (IRE) ROBELLINO (USA) ROBELLINO MISS (USA) COR ANGLAIS (USA) Racing Performance: Won 1 Race in the UK as a 4 Year Old over 1 mile 2 furlongs and placed 3 times. Unplaced since arrival to Qatar. Current Handicap Rating: 87 1st Dam: MISS IVANHOE (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years at home and in France including Prix de la Cochere, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed 6 times Dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age:KNIGHT OWL (GB) (2010 g. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years, 2013 and placed 6 times. SIR BEDIVERE (IRE) (2009 g. by Dansili (GB), see above. She also has a 2012 colt by Cape Cross (IRE). Thoroughbred Lot No. 68 SISTER CLEMENT (IRE) f. b. 13 Mar. 2006 Property of: Zakhir Stud DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) OASIS DREAM (GB) DANCING BRAVE (USA) HOPE (IRE) BAHAMIAN (IRE) SISTER CLEMENT (IRE) CLEVER TRICK (USA) PHONE TRICK (USA) OVER THE PHONE (USA) MISS PARTY LINE (USA) BOLD FORBES (USA) LA MIMOSA (USA) CHAMROUSSE (USA) Racing Performance: 2 Career Wins at 3 Years old and has been placed 3 times. 1st Dam: MISS PARTY LINE (USA): winner at 3 years in France and placed 3 times; Own sister to ALL CHATTER (USA) Dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 6 foals; CORSARIO (FR) (c. by Zafonic (USA): winner at 2 years in France, Listed Race at La Teste De Buch, placed 3 times. BENTONG (IRE): 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and placed 3 times. LINE OF REASON (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and placed 3 times. SISTER CLEMENT (IRE): see above. NOAFAL (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed once. Thoroughbred Lot No. 69 SOUL SACRIFICE (GB) m. ch. 02 Mar. 2010 Property of: Mr. Nasser Owaida S M Al Hajri AHONOORA (GB) INDIAN RIDGE (IRE) HILLBROW (GB) INDIAN HAVEN (GB) LEGEND OF FRANCE (USA) MADAME DUBOIS (GB) SHADYWOOD (GB) SOUL SACRIFICE (GB) SHARPEN UP (GB) DIESIS (GB) DOUBLY SURE (GB) DREAM DANCE (GB) SADLERS WELLS (USA) BELLA BALLERINA (GB) BELLA COLORA (GB) Racing Performance: Raced 7 times including 6 runs in France. Placed 3 times over 10 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 71 1st Dam: DREAM DANCE (GB), ran twice at 3 years; Own sister to Design Perfection (USA); Dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age:TRIPLE AGENT (IRE) (2008 g. by Monsieur Bond (IRE), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years, 2013 abroad and placed 14 times. LIMBARA (IRE) (2009 c. by Indian Haven (GB), won 1 race at 3 years, 2012 in Italy. SOUL SACRAFICE (GB) (2010 c. by Indian Haven (GB), see above. DANCING ADMIRAL (GB) (2011 c. by Kyllachy (GB), unraced to date. Thoroughbred Lot No. 70 SPANISH NEEDLE (GB) f. b. 23 Mar. 2004 Property of: Eng. Hassan Ali Abdul Malik NORTHERN DANCER (CAN) DANZIG (USA) PAS DE NOM (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) SIR IVOR (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) COURTLY DEE (USA) SPANISH NEEDLE (GB) NUREYEV (USA) THEATRICAL (IRE) TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (IRE) HASTA (USA) SEATTLE SLEW (USA) SLEW THE QUEEN (USA) INCA QUEEN (USA) Racing Performance: Won 2 Races in Austria & Germany, Placed 9 times. 1st Dam: HASTA (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. Dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age:APRIL PRIDE (GB) (f. by Falbrav (IRE), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2009 at home and in U.S.A. placed 8 times. EXCLUSIVE DANIELLE (GB), won 4 races at 3, 4 and 7 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed 13 times. SPANISH NEEDLE (GB), see above. STORMY MONDAY (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 4 times. Breeding Information: Not in Foal Thoroughbred Lot No. 71 SPRINGINMYSTEP (IRE) g. b. 11 Feb. 2009 Property of: Injaaz Stud STORM CAT (USA) GIANTS CAUSWWAY (USA) MARIAH’S STORM (USA) FOOTSTEPSINMYSTEP (IRE) RAINBOW QUEST (USA) GLATISANT (GB) DANCING ROCKS (GB) SPRINGINMYSTEP (IRE) DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) JOYFUL (IRE) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) OPTIMISTIC LASS (USA) LOVELIEST (USA) Racing Performance: Winner of 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 4 times, Unraced since arrived to Doha. Current Handicap Rating: 81 1st Dam: JOYFUL (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years; Dam of five winners from 6 runners and 12 foals of racing age:ROKER PARK (IRE) (2005 g. by Choisir (AUS), won 6 races and placed 11 times ENABLING (IRE) (2008 g. by High Chaparral (IRE), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in Hong Kong and placed 7 times. SPRINGINMYSTEP (IRE) (2009 g. by Footstepsinthesand (GB), see above. DORSET (IRE) (1999 c. by Sadler's Wells (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in France and placed 3 times. COODEN BEACH (IRE) (2000 f. by Peintre Celebre (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; dam of 3 winners. SHAWEEL (GB) (c. by Dansili (GB), 2 races at 2 years, Aileen's Gift (IRE) (1998 f. by Rainbow Quest (USA), unraced; dam of 5 winners. SAMITAR (GB) (f. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE), 6 races at 2 to 4 years, 2013 at home and in U.S.A NIJOOM DUBAI (GB) (f. by Noverre (USA), 1 race at 2 years placed twice. AL BAZ (GB), 3 races at 2 years, 2013 and placed 3 times. HAMMANA QUEEN (IRE) (2011 f. by Mastercraftsman (IRE), unraced to date. She also has a 2013 filly by Mastercraftsman (IRE). Thoroughbred Lot No. 72 STATESMANSHIP (GB) m. b. 07 Mar. 2008 Property of: Dr. Fahad Bin Abdulla Al Attiya Sons SEEKING THE GOLD (USA) DUBAI MILLENNIUM (GB) COLORADO DANCER (IRE) DUBAWI (IRE) DEPLOY (GB) ZOMARADAH (GB) JAWAHER (IRE) STATESMANSHIP (GB) DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) STATE SECRET (GB) MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) IT’S IN THE AIR (USA) A WIND IS RISING (USA) Racing Performance: Placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years, 2012, won on the dirt since arrived to Qatar Current Handicap Rating: 67 1st Dam: STATE SECRET (GB), won 1 race at 2 years in France and placed once Dam of three winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age:SONG OF SILENCE (USA) (2003 f. by Unbridled's Song (USA), won 2 races at 3 years, placed 7 times dam of 2 winners. NAHAB (GB) (2007 f. by Selkirk (USA), won 2 races at 4 years, 2011, placed twice. AIAAM AL WAFA (IRE) (2009 f. by Authorized (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years, 2012 and placed 4 times. STATESMANSHIP (GB) (2008 c. by Dubawi (IRE), see above. She also has a 2011 filly by Shamardal (USA). Thoroughbred Lot No. 73 STORMDERE (USA) f. ch. 22 Jan. 2008 Property of: Mr. Mubarak Saeed Al Naimi STORM BIRD (CAN) STORM CAT (USA) TERLINGUA (USA) STORMY ATLANTIC (USA) SEATTLE SLEW (USA) HAIL ATLANTIS (USA) FLIPPERS (USA) STORMDERE (USA) SADLERS WELLS (USA) EL PRADO (IRE) LADY CAPULET (USA) ARDERE (USA) ROUSILLON (USA) FLAMING TORCH (IRE) FLAMING PEACE (USA) Racing Performance: 5 Career Runs to date, placed twice in Deauville. Maiden with a Current Handicap Rating of 50 2nd Dam: FLAMING TORCH, won 5 races in France and in U.S.A. including Athenia Handicap, Belmont Park, (Gr.3) and Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate, (L) placed second in La Prevoyante Invitational Handicap, Calder (Gr2) third in New York Handicap, Belmont Park, (Gr2) (twice); Dam of: FLAME CUTTER (USA) (1996 f. by Miswaki (USA), won 1 race and placed once. TOUCH LIGHT (USA) (1999 c. by Distant View (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years. ARDERE (USA) (2001 f. by El Prado (IRE). FINAL ALERT (USA) (2002 c. by Distant View (USA), in training. She also has a 2003 filly by Lear Fan (USA). Thoroughbred Lot No. 74 SUDEST (IRE) g. b. 02 Apr. 2012 Property of: Mr. Sheail Bin Khalifa Al Kuwari STOP THE MUSIC (USA) TAUFAN (USA) STOLEN DATE (USA) TAGULA (IRE) STANDAAN (FR) TWIN ISLAND (IRE) JOLLY WIDOW (IRE) SUDEST (IRE) WARNING (GB) PICCOLO (GB) WOODWIND (FR) BOLD BUNNY (GB) BOLD LAD (IRE) BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL (GB) WESTERN GEM (IRE) Racing Performance: Placed once at 2 years, 2014, unraced since arrived to Qatar. Current Handicap Rating: 78 1st Dam: BOLD BUNNY (GB), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years; Dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age:JARAYAAN (GB) (2007 c. by Needwood Blade (GB), won 1 race at 3 years in Sweden and placed 13 times. MRS WARREN (GB) (2010 f. by Kyllachy (GB), won 1 race at 3 years, 2013, placed 6 times. SUDEST (IRE) (2012 g. by Tagula (IRE), see above. She also has a 2013 colt by Majestic Missile (IRE). Thoroughbred Lot No. 75 SUNPASS (GB) m. ch. 19 Mar. 2009 Property of: Dr. Fahad Bin Abdulla Al Attiya Sons NUREYEV (USA) POLAR FALCON (USA) MARIE D’ARGONNE (FR) PIVOTAL (GB) COZZENE (USA) FEARLESS REVIVAL (GB) STUFIDA (GB) SUNPASS (GB) SHARPEN UP (GB) SELKIRK (USA) ANNIE EDGE (IRE) TEBEE (GB) DANEHILL (USA) MASSARRA (GB) RAFHA (GB) Racing Performance: 14 Career Runs to date which include one winner over 10 furlongs at Epsom in 2012. Placed three times, Current Handicap Rating: 70 1st Dam: TEBEE (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age:SUNPASS (GB) (2009 c. by Pivotal (GB), see above. TEBEE’S OASIS (GB) (2010 f. by Oasis Dream (GB), in training. She also has a 2011 colt by Dansili (GB). Thoroughbred Lot No. 76 SWEET AMAALIE (IRE) f. b. 07 Mar. 2011 Property of: Mr. Salim Fadgam Al Hajri & Sons TRY MY BEST (USA) WAAJIB (IRE) CORYANA (IRE) ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) AUCTION RING (USA) FLYING MELODY (IRE) WHISPERING STAR (GB) SWEET AMAALIE (IRE) NUREYEV (USA) FASLIYEV (USA) MR PS PRINCESS (USA) AMALIE (IRE) RAHY (USA) PRINCESS AMALIE (USA) ICING (IRE) Racing Performance: 7 Career Runs to date, placed third in Wolverhampton over 6 furlongs in 2013. Current Handicap Rating: 52 1st Dam: MALIE (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years, from only 2 starts Dam of two winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age:ELSHABAKIYA (IRE) (2008 f. by Diktat (GB), won 1 race at 4 years, 2012 and placed 5 times SHAFAANI (GB) (2010 f. by Green Desert (USA), won 2 races at 3 years, 2013 and placed 3 times. SWEET AMAALIE (IRE) (2011 f. by Royal Applause (GB), see above. Thoroughbred Lot No. 77 TAQARUB (IRE) f. b. 24 May 2006 Property of: Al Jeryan Stud TRY MY BEST (USA) LAST TYCOON (IRE) MILL PRINCESS (IRE) MARJU (IRE) ARTAIUS (USA) FLAME OF TARA (IRE) WELSH FLAME (GB) TAQARUB (IRE) DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) MARAATIB (IRE) AFFIRMED (USA) SHUROOQ (USA) FROLIC AND FUN (USA) Racing Performance: Won 1 race at 3 years, 2009 in France and placed twice. 1st Dam: ARAATIB (IRE), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times Dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingKHASAYL (IRE) (f. by Lycius (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France; dam of a winner. LABADEEL (USA), winner to 2009 in France and in U.S.A. MUKLAH (IRE) (f. by Singspiel (IRE), won 2 races at 2 years, placed once, from 4 starts; dam of winners. SHABIB (USA), 2 races at 3 years, 2009placed 3 times, from 6 starts. ZIFAAF (USA), 1 race at 3 years, placed 5 times, from only 7 starts. NEBL (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years and placed twice; dam of a winner. AL AALI (GB), won 2 races at 3 years and placed twice. THABAAT (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 6 times. HEWARAAT (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times. TAQARUB (IRE), see above. MUWAJAHA (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of a winner: - DOON KALAL (IRE), winner of 2 races at 3 years from only 3 starts. Thoroughbred Lot No. 78 THAAQAB (QA) m. b. 08 May 2012 Property of: Al Mazrooah Stud RAHY (USA) NOVERRE (USA) DANSEUR FABULEUX (USA) ART ADVISOR (IRE) COMMON GROUNDS (GB) MONARCHY (IRE) ROYAL RUMPUS (IRE) THAAQAB (QA) CAMDEN TOWN (GB) CAMDEN LAD (IRE) BACKWOODSGIRL (IRE) QOOT AL QALOOB (QA) ANTHEUS (USA) VENTURINA (FR) MOIKA (FR) Unraced Thoroughbred Lot No. 79 THANDAH (QA) f. b. 06 May 2012 Property of: Al Mazrooah Stud MISWAKI (USA) MIDYAN (USA) COUNTRY DREAM (USA) MAIDAAN (GB) NASHWAN (USA) PANACHE ARABELLE (GB) BELLA COLORA (GB) THANDAH (QA) LURE (USA) ORPEN (USA) BONITA FRANCITA (CAN) OBE BOLD (IRE) ALZAO (USA) CAPABLE KATE (IRE) KATIE KOO (IRE) Unraced 1st Dam: OBE BOLD (IRE), won 5 races at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2006 and £34,445 including Family Funday Handicap, Redcar and Manny Bernstein Credit and Debit Betting Maiden Stakes, Redcar and placed 22 times 2nd Dam: CAPABLE KATE (IRE), unraced Dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age:OBE BOLD (IRE), see above. LINDA'S COLIN (IRE), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2007 and placed 8 times. EYES TO THE RIGHT (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 4 times; also won 1 race over hurdles and placed 5 times and placed 3 times over fences. GOLDEN BIFF (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 6 times. RODY (IRE), placed once at 3 years. Thoroughbred Lot No. 80 THAWRA (QA) f. ch. 09 Feb. 2010 Property of: Al Moqeerat Stud CYRAND DE BERGERAC (IRE) MILLKOM (GB) GOOD GAME (GB) MILK IT MICK (GB) KOMAITE (USA) LUNAR MUSIC (GB) LUCKY CANDY (GB) THAWRA (QA) WAAJIB (IRE) ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) FLYING MELODY (IRE) THUNDEROUSAPPLAUSE (GB) SELKIRK (USA) TRUSTTHUNDER (GB) ROYAL CAT (GB) Unraced. 1st Dam: THUNDEROUSAPPLAUSE (GB), won 1 race (7f.) at 3 years including Handicap (Class 4), Chester, placed 5 times . Thoroughbred Lot No. 81 THUNDER BULLET NF (QA) m. b. 14 May 2008 Property of: Mr. Saoud Abdul Aziz Ali Abdulla Al Qhathiri BLUSHING GROOM (FR) RAHY (USA) GLORIOUS SONG (CAN) NOVERRE (USA) NORTHERN DANCR (CAN) DANSEUR FABULEUX (USA) FABULEUX JANE (USA) THUNDER BULLET NF (QA) NUREYEV (USA) POLAR FALCON (USA) MARIE D’ARGONNE (FR) JAMRAT JUMAIRAH (IRE) SASSAFRAS (FR) CORYANA (IRE) ROSOLINI (IRE) Racing Performance: 12 Career runs to date including one winner over 7.5 furlongs and placed 3 times. Has raced on both Turf and Dirt surfaces Current Handicap Rating: 39 1st Dam: JAMRAT JUMAIRAH (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice from only 4 starts. Dam of two winners from 2 runners and 6 living foals of racing age:HARIPUR (GB) (1999 c. by Rainbow Quest (USA), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 3 times. ALRABAB (GB) (2000 f. by Nashwan (USA), won 4 races at 3 years and placed twice, all her starts, died at 4. JOHANN HILLER (IRE) (2007 g. by Singspiel (IRE) Thoroughbred Lot No. 82 TRUE SATIRE (GB) f. b. 06 Mar. 2008 Property of: Mr. Abdulla Hassan A A Al-Maadeed DANZIG (USA) GREEN DESERT (USA) FOREIGN COURIER (USA) OASIS DREAM (GB) DANCING BRAVE (USA) HOPE (IRE) BAHAMIAN (IRE) TRUE SATIRE (GB) HOIST THE FLAG (USA) ALLEGED (USA) PRINCESS POUT (USA) NATIVE JUSTICE (USA) LE FABULEUX (FR) FABULOUS NATIVE (USA) ALYNE QUE (USA) Racing Performance: Placed twice at 3 Years Old. Raced once in Doha over 7 furlongs but finished unplaced. 1st Dam: NATIVE JUSTICE (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in France including Prix de la Pepiniere at Longchamp, (L), placed 6 times Dam of two winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age:NATION STATE (GB) (2001 g. by Sadler's Wells (USA), placed twice at home and in France; also won 1 race over hurdles and placed 6 times, won 2 races over fences and placed 4 times. WROTHAM HEATH (GB) (2009 c. by Dansili (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2012 and placed once. TRUE SATIRE (GB) (2008 f. by Oasis Dream (GB), see above. 2010 f. by Beat Hollow (GB). 2011 c. by Yeats (IRE). Breeding Information: Covered by Windsor Palace (IRE) - Last covering date 25/02/2014 Thoroughbred Lot No. 83 UMLJNOB (IRE) f. b. 16 Apr. 2011 Property of: Mr. Mohammed Nasser Rashid Al Ramzani WAAJIB (IRE) ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) FLYING MELODY (IRE) ACCLAMATION (GB) AHONOORA (GB) PRINCESS ATHENA (IRE) SHOPPING WISE (IRE) UMLJNOB (IRE) DANZIG (USA) MULL OF KINTYRE (USA) RETROSPECTIVE (USA) DAMJANICH (IRE) DESERT STYLE (IRE) LIONS DEN (IRE) KAROI (IRE) Racing Performance: 10 Career Runs to date, currently a Maiden which has been placed 3 times with the best result over 9 furlongs on the dirt. Current Handicap Rating: 68 1st Dam: DAMJANICH (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once. 2008 – TAMAREEN (IRE) g. by Bahamian Bounty (GB), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years, 2012 at home and in Qatar 2009 Dead Foal 2010 – DEWI CHINTA (IRE) f. by Tagula (IRE), placed once at 2 years, 2012 2011 - f. by Acclamation (GB). 2012 - f. by Fast Company (IRE). 2013 Barren. Thoroughbred Lot No. 84 VALLEY OF DESTINY (GB) g. ch. 24 Apr. 2009 Property of: Mr. Abdul Latif Ali Al Mesnad SHARPEN UP (GB) DIESIS (GB) DOUBLY SURE (GB) THREE VALLEYS (USA) NINISKI (USA) SKIABLE (IRE) KERALI (GB) VALLEY OF DESTINY (GB) RAHY (USA) FANTASTIC LIGHT (USA) JOOD (USA) NOUVELLE LUNE (GB) PERSIAN BOLD (IRE) SARAH GEORGINA (IRE) DANCE BY NIGHT (GB) Racing Performance: 9 Career Runs to date which include 2 winners and placed 5 times. Won at Epsom in 2012 over 8.5 furlongs on heavy ground. Won in Doha on the dirt over 9 furlongs. Current Handicap Rating: 82 1st Dam NOUVELLE LUNE (GB), unraced; Dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age:MAVERIK (GB) (2008 g. by Iceman (GB), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2012 at home and in Switzerland. VALLEY OF DESTINY (GB) (2009 c. by Three Valleys (USA), see above. GLOSSY POSSE (GB) (2010 f. by Dubawi (IRE), won and placed in Qatar. UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 85 WALKURE VAN SOMBEKE f. gr. 01 Jun. 1999 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya MR BLUE WALKURE VAN SOMBEKE LA BELLE VAN SOMBEKE Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. Thoroughbred Lot No. 86 WEDDING LIST (GB) f. ch. 15 May 2006 Property of: Eng. Hassan Ali Abdul Malik NUREYEV (USA) POLAR FALCON (USA) MARIE D’ARGONNE (FR) PIVOTAL (GB) COZZENE (USA) FEARLESS REVIVAL (GB) STUFIDA (GB) WEDDING LIST (GB) BLUSHING GROOM (FR) GROOM DANCER (USA) FEATHERHILL (FR) CONFETTI (GB) FABULOUS DANCER (USA) FABULOUS (GB) LOON (FR) Racing Performance: Won at Chelmsford on the All Weather over 6 furlongs. 1st Dam: CONFETTI (GB), ran twice at 3 years. Dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age:WEDDING LIST (GB), see above 2nd Dam: FABULOUS (GB), unraced Own sister to LA PIAF (FR) and Legendary (FR) Dam of 2 runners from 3 foals of racing age:Sumptuous (GB), placed 5 times at 2 and 4 years at home and in New Zealand. Breeding Information: In foal by King of Westphalia (USA) - Due date: 10/03/2005 UNKNOWN BREED Lot No. 87 WINNITOU VAN HET HEUVELHOF g. gr. 20 May. 1999 Property of: Internal Security Forces (I. S. F.) - Lekhwiya WIENSENDER WINNITOU VAN HET HEUVELHOF BIPSY M Notes: Previously used as a Show Jumping Horse. Thoroughbred Lot No. 88 YEE HA (QA) m. b. 12 Jan. 2010 Property of: Mr. Ali Ahmad M H Al Sulaiti CHIEF’S CROWN (USA) GRAND LODGE (USA) LA PAPAGENA (GB) EMERALD LODGE (GB) GREEN DESERT (USA) EMERALD PEACE (IRE) PUCK’S CASTLE (GB) YEE HA (QA) DANZIG (USA) ANABAA (USA) BALBONELLA (FR) FEE YAAFEE (FR) FORT DE FRANCE (ARG) LA FRANCESA (ARG) LA ENDIA BLADA (ARG) Racing Performance: 3 Career Runs to date. Maiden colt with a Current Handicap Rating of 10 See Sire Reference Thoroughbred Lot No. 89 ZINGANA (GB) f. b. 07 Apr. 2009 Property of: Mr. Mubarak Saeed Al Naimi MR. PROSPECTOR (USA) GONE WEST (USA) SECRETTAME (USA) ZAMINDAR (USA) THE MINSTREL (CAN) ZAIZAFON (USA) MOFIDA (GB) ZINGANA (GB) NINISKI (USA) HERNANDO (FR) WHAKILYRIC (USA) CHANGE PARTNERS (IRE) EXCELLER (USA) FAVORABLE EXCHANGE (USA) LOUISADOR (USA) Racing Performance: 19 Career Starts to date including a winner at Newbury over 7 furlongs in 2011. Current Handicap Rating 33 1st Dam: CHANGE PARTNERS (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 6 times Dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age:LADY WILLA (IRE) (2007 f. by Footstepsinthesand (GB), placed twice at 3 years; also won 2 races over hurdles and placed 4 times, won 1 race over fences and placed 6 times. LADY BRIDGET (GB) (2008 f. by Hawk Wing (USA), placed twice at 2 years; also won 1 race over hurdles and placed 4 times. ZINGANA (GB) (2009 f. by Zamindar (USA), see above. HEAVEN KNOWS WHEN (IRE) (2006 f. by Dansili (GB), placed once at 2 years. She also has a 2011 colt by Sleeping Indian (GB). ADDITIONAL HORSES: Thoroughbred Lot No. 90 COUNTRY WOLF (GB) f. br. 10 Apr. 2009 Property of: Al Murqab Stud DANEHILL (USA) MOZART (IRE) VICTORIA CROSS (USA) AMADEUS WOLF (GB) MARK OF ESTEEM (IRE) RACHELLE (IRE) ROSE VIOLET (USA) COUNTRY WOLF (GB) RAHY (USA) FANTASTIC LIGHT (USA) JOOD (USA) NAHARNOOK (GB) SONG (GB) BREAKAWAY (GB) CATHERINE HOWARD (GB) Racing Performance: Raced and placed in Qatar, ran twice in the UK and unplaced both times. Horse currently not in training. 1st Dam: NAHARNOOK (GB), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age:DA PONTE (GB) (2008 c. by Librettist (USA), won 1 race at 2 years, 2010 and placed once. 2nd Dam: Breakaway, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, and placed 7 times including second in Bonusprint Champion Two Year Old Trophy, Ripon, (L); Own sister to CHANTACO; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingFIREBREAK (GB) (c. by Charnwood Forest (IRE), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in France, in Hong Kong and in U.A.E. including Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Dubai Duty Free Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Godolphin Mile, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.2 (twice), Charlton Hunt Supreme Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3 and Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, placed 9 times including second in Victor Chandler Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Great North Eastern Railway Park Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Coventry Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.3, Derrinstown Stud UAE 2000 Guineas, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3 and Al Shindagha Sprint, Nad Al Sheba, L.; sire. Sharplaw Venture (GB) (f. by Polar Falcon (USA), won 2 races at 2 years and placed 6 times including second in Sandringham Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of a winner. DEVER DREAM (GB), 6 races at 3 years, 2010 including Japan Racing Association Sceptre Stakes, Doncaster, L., EBF National Stud Boadicea Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed twice viz second in EBF Flying Fillies' Stakes, Pontefract, L. and third in Eternal Stakes, Warwick, L., from only 9 starts. Stop Out (GB) (f. by Rudimentary (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and £6829 and placed twice including second in Enza New Zealand Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, L.; dam of winners. Saint Etienne (IRE), 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Canada and placed second in Royal North Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3. TAMINO (IRE), 5 races and placed 17 times. ROMA CAVEAU (GB), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in Italy, placed 10 times. SUPER WINFIELD (GB), won 3 races at 4 years in Australia and £13,689. HIPPY (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 5 times. SIRENE (GB), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times. BREAK OF LIGHT (GB), won 1 race at 4 years in Japan and placed 3 times Thoroughbred Lot No. 91 GHAZWAN (IRE) g. ch. 11 Apr. 2009 Property of: Al Murqab Stud SADLERS WELLS (USA) MONTJEU (IRE) FLORIPEDES (FR) HURRICANE RUN (IRE) SURUMU (GER) HOLD ON (GER) HONE (GB) GHAZWAN (IRE) DAMASCUS (USA) PRIVATE ACCOUNT (USA) NUMBERED ACCOUNT (USA) LAURENTINE (USA) LAW SOCIETY (USA) LA SKY (IRE) MARYINSKY (USA) Racing Performance: Ran twice in the United Kingdom on All Weather and unplaced on both occasions. Horse currently not in training. 1st Dam: Laurentine (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed 3 times including third in G. P. Inter Regional Trophee Ville La Teste, La Teste Buch, (L); Dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGoblet of Fire (USA) (1999 g. by Green Desert (USA), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 15 times including third in Winter Derby, Lingfield Park, (L); also won 3 races over hurdles and won 1 race over fences. Gibb River (IRE) (2006 g. by Mr Greeley (USA), placed 4 times at 3 years; also won 4 races over hurdles, third in December Handicap Hurdle, Sandown Park. APOLLO MAHAL (USA) (2005 c. by Cozzene (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in Japan and placed 4 times. Forestina (USA) (2001 f. by Forest Wildcat (USA), placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. Imply (USA) (2004 c. by Dixieland Band (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A. Bishop Wulstan (IRE) (2011 c. by Oratorio (IRE). She also has a 2012 colt by Yeats (IRE). Covering Sires (Qatar) for the Entered Broodmares in Foal. WINDSOR PALACE (IRE) Bay Horse by Danehill Dancer (IRE) out of Simaat (USA), won 2 races including High Chaparral EBF Mooresbridge Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed third in Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, Gladness Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Trigo Stakes, Leopardstown, L., Heritage Stakes, Leopardstown, L., Vincent O'Brien Ruby Stakes, Killarney, L. and fourth in International Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. NAMID (GB) 1996 Bay Horse by Indian Ridge out of Dawnsio (IRE). At 2 Years old he won the Anglesey Stakes (Gr3) at the Curragh over 6 furlongs, finished 2nd in the Jean Kennedy Smith Railway Stakes, (Gr3). At the age of 4 Years he was Champion Older sprinter in Europe and Ireland. Won the Prix de l’Abbaye at Longchamp (Gr1) over 5 furlongs. KING OF WESPHALIA (USA) 2005 Bay Horse by Kingmambo (USA) out of Quarter Moon (IRE), won 1 race (10f.) at 3 years, 2008 including Atlantic Homecare Derby Festival Handicap, Curragh, placed 5 times. Finished second in Three Rock (C&G) Maiden Stakes, Leopardstown, third in Coolmore Aussie Rules (C&G) Maiden Stakes, Navan, Glenville Bar & Lounge Maiden Stakes, Wexford, fourth in Brophy Farrell Real Estate Alliance Handicap, Naas and Meld Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3.