Fourth Sunday of Lent Wednesdays in Lent, 10am Mass
Fourth Sunday of Lent Wednesdays in Lent, 10am Mass
Welcome to Eastern Hills Anglicans 18 March 2012 Fourth Sunday of Lent Mothering Sunday, Laetare Sunday & Refreshment Sunday 8am PowerPoint Mass Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. Simnel Cake Thanks to Pat Bowman who provided the simnel cake for this Sunday. Order your new Entertainment Book for 2012-2013 The new books are only $65 and can be used in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and the surrounds. the books contains hundreds of 50% off and 2 for 1 offers. You recoup your $65 quickly. If you order before 31 March there is an additional $180 of bonus offers. The Parish will receive $13 for each book sold. Robyn Casey is the agent 0402 898 567 This Week: 2012 Lent Study Programme Evangelium: A PowerPoint Presentation on the Christian Faith The Art of Christian Living Week 4: Virtues & vices 7.00pm Tuesday 13 March. Wednesdays in Lent, 10am Mass Followed with Stations of the Cross 1 | P a g e Eastern Hills Anglicans: One Community: Two Ways of Worshipping Fr Martyn’s Mutterings Christian Faith & Culture or How Many Names Can A Sunday Have? NAME 1: REFRESHMENT SUNDAY The Early and the Medieval Church helped ordinary people to remember the great festivals with popular names like, Refreshment Sunday, Thomas Sunday, Michaelmas and Candlemas, which helped indicate key times of the year. Refreshment Sunday marked the midway point of the Lenten season, when Lent meant no milk, eggs, cheese, fish or meat – it was quite an ordeal. Added to this, in the Northern Hemisphere, it was the beginning of Spring and people were lightening up after the dark grim winter, so mid Lent became an occasion to relax a little. This little bit of indulgence allowed flowers in Church, and the eating of the Simnel Cake, which is actually an Easter cake, as a sign that fasting was coming to an end as the Great Easter Festival was drawing ever closer. So, for this reason this day was called Refreshment Sunday. NAME 2: MOTHERING SUNDAY Added to this, in the liturgy, the opening verse of scripture for this day is, “Rejoice Jerusalem! Be glad for her, you who love her, rejoice with her”. Saint Paul called the heavenly Jerusalem “our Mother.” So another name was coined for this day “Mothering Sunday”, it is now occasion when we give thanks for our own mums. It also a memorial of our Mother Church and it reminds us that this Parish community belongs to a Diocese, a Province and a National Church and in turn, that belongs to the worldwide Anglican Communion of 80 million people. Last of all, we remember Mary, the Mother of the Lord. NAME 3: LAETARE SUNDAY The Latin word for ‘rejoice’, in “Rejoice Jerusalem...” is Laetare – so yet another nickname was added to this Sunday. With all this remembering, rejoicing and relaxing of the Lenten rules, the sombre dark violet colour of the priest’s vestments were changed to a rose colour. In the 1960s that custom was dropped, however the Church of England’s new prayer book has restored the tradition. All of these elements shows how worship and liturgy evolves and changes over the centuries – all so we can “Rejoice in the Lord”. Easter at Camp Hill: Times of Services Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Sunday 1 April 8.00am Family Service. 101 Watson Street Camp Hill PO Box 3493 Norman Park QLD 4170 Rejoice, Rejoice! Palm Sunday Ceremony 9.30am Palm -Passion Eucharist 6pm The Passover Celebration at Norman Park Church. An introduction to the significance of Last Supper and Holy Week The Three Holy Days / Sacrum Triduum Maundy Thursday 5 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.00pm. ‘The Watch’ from the end of mass to Night Prayers at 10.00pm Good Friday, 6 April 8am PowerPoint Way of the Cross for Children 9.30am Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion The Great Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter 6.00pm Saturday 7 April Easter Day Sunday of the Resurrection 8 April 8am Mass The Passover Celebration Palm Sunday 6pm 1 April. At the Norman Park Parish Church 40 Agnew Street PLEASE RSVP IN THE FOLDER PROVIDED Passover Celebration Catering & RSVP RSVP: You need to RSVP promptly as the celebration is also being offered to the Bulimba Parish, and other groups outside this parish. Catering: If you would like to prepare food according to the Jewish kosher rules for Passover then you can make your choice out of the recipe book and a photocopy of the meal will be provided. 2 | P a g e Eastern Hills Anglicans: One Community: Two Ways of Worshipping Regular Sunday Services. 8am PowerPoint Mass. 9.30am Sung Mass Contact Details: [email protected] (07) 3398-5944, 0418 177 785 Wardens: Wayne Duncan: 0414 706 402 Wayne Elliott 0412 996 434 e-mail [email protected] Treasurer: Allan Thomson: (07) 3399 6492. e-mail: [email protected] and from 1 Jan 2012 Robyn Elliott: 0412 996 434 e-mail [email protected] Parish Secretary: Robyn Casey 3395-1757 e-mail [email protected] Events & Promotions: Janelle Read: 3899 0967, e-mail [email protected] Wayne Elliott: as above, Robyn Casey, as above Safe Ministry Committee: Robyn Casey, Wayne & Robyn Elliott (see above) & Viv Cowie 3395-0087, e-mail [email protected] with Fr Martyn. Hall Bookings Go to our web page check the Hall Bookings Calendar for availability and then E-mail request to :Pat Bowman [email protected] or [email protected] COPYRIGHT DETAILS FOR: WORSHIP BOOKS & THE SUNDAY HYMNS & SONGS, READINGS FOR THE MASS & INFORMATION SHEET & POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Any items reproduced are for the worship purposes of Eastern Hills Anglicans. Not for sale or reproduced. Worship Licenses: CAL (Copyright Agency Limited) Worship Licence W 2143. CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International). Church Copyright Licence 204661/2012. Broughton Publishing 1995 Worship Licence 2012/279. The Hymns & Worship Songs of Canterbury Press Electronic Texts. License Number 1301 Acknowledgements for material allowed to be used for worship and not for profit Occasional items from Common Worship, copyright The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England, Printed for local non-commercial reproductions in printed Clip Art Publications: Free clip art by Hermanaleon, Franscicanos de Cruz Blanca, Spain. Purchased clip art: Sundays & Solemnities by Liturgy Training Publications, USA. Living Liturgy by Order of Saint Benedict, Liturgical Press Collegeville Additional copyright Details Rejoice Jerusalem! Be glad for her, you who love her, rejoice with her. 3 | P a g e Eastern Hills Anglicans: One Community: Two Ways of Worshipping