“Studio” shots - Lawrence Upton


“Studio” shots - Lawrence Upton
Dialogue with Bob Cobbing
Guy Begbie & Lawrence Upton
“Studio” shots, July 2012
The studio in this case was a teaching room at Goldsmiths, University of London on
12th July 2012. Guy Begbie and Lawrence Upton took in a collection of prints which
had been made over the previous weeks from imagery which had been made over
the previous months.
That imagery was largely photographic and digital, but there was also some
deliberate maltreatment of the paper during and after printing.
Thus the work had arisen from previous activities and encounters and discussions;
and it had developed out of discussion and thought. The primary purpose of the day
was to complete this work to a point where it was ready for exhibition display.
They worked for the greater part of the day, not quite side by side but near to each
other, sometimes commenting on what the other was doing, sometimes helping. As
each “folio” was completed, it was placed wherever was convenient on a line of
tables; and photographs were taken by Upton at various points. A “folio” might be
several sheets of paper, perhaps of different kinds and weights.
Sometimes changes were made to a “folio” later on in the day, generally to improve
its assembly as an artefact rather than to change the 3d image itself. Each folio is
made without any glue, sewing or sticky tape and can be disassembled and laid flat
quite easily, to be reassembled later.
In this document, multiple shots tend to appear first. Then come shots of solo folios.
Towards the end of the set, there are pictures of Guy Begbie at work.
When we assembled the show in September – see Guy's photographs – we did
make a few changes; and, of course, we composed the two cases which contained
Dialogue with Bob Cobbing, one of the new works we showed in September
You can see Guy's photographs of the actual Hendon show at
and writing about it at
An index to these pages and others can be found at
All photographs in this document by Lawrence Upton, the works themselves joint
copyright the artists.
Lawrence Upton
October 2012