program brochure
program brochure
THE SPINE TECHNOLOGY & EDUCATIONAL GROUP ORGANIZATION 13th ANNUAL “ C a b o Meeting” State of Spine Surgery: A Think Tank JUNE 30- JULY 2, 2016 LOS C ABOS, MEXICO D I R E C TO R S : Frank M. Phillips, M.D. • Todd J. Albert, M.D. • Alexander R. Vaccaro, M.D., Ph.D. PROGRAM CHAIRMEN: Hyun Bae, M.D., • Gregory M. Mundis, Jr., M.D. This "Think Tank" explores current and controversial issues in spinal care with extensive discussion and interaction between the outstanding faculty, participants, and industry. Surgeons report on their experiences, are free to debate each other, challenge industry scientists and focus on the potential benefits and risks for their patients. In addition to clinical discussions, there are symposia dealing with many of the political-economic issues facing the spine community. No other area of musculoskeletal care is as unsettled as spine care, and the “Cabo Meeting” has gained a reputation as one of the most provocative, innovative and relevant educational gatherings of spine surgeons and all stakeholders in spine care. FACULTY Jean Jacques Abitbol, M.D. Todd Albert, M.D. Richard T. Allen, M.D., Ph.D. Neel Anand, M.D. Ali Araghi, D.O. Hyun Bae, M.D. Sigurd Berven, M.D. Donald Blaskiewicz, M.D. Thomas Cha, M.D. Matthew Colman, M.D. Walter Eisner Richard Fessler, M.D., Ph.D. Steven Garfin, M.D. Jeffrey Goldstein, M.D. Richard Guyer, M.D. Stephen Hochschuler, M.D. Wellington Hsu, M.D. Safdar Khan, M.D. Carl Lauryssen, M.D. Gregory Mundis, Jr., M.D. Alpesh Patel, M.D. Frank Phillips, M.D. Luiz Pimenta, M.D. Harvinder Sandhu, M.D. Rick Sasso, M.D. Juan Uribe, M.D. Alexander Vaccaro, M.D., Ph.D. Jack Zigler, M.D. • “Outstanding “Think-Tank” with most open, non-edited info on what works and where the future is” -- Stephen Hochschuler, M.D. • “This meeting is all about calling out the elephant in the room and then enjoying the discussion and debates that follow” -- Gregory M. Mundis, Jr., M.D. • “One of my favorite meetings due to its small size which fosters open discussion and camaraderie in a beautiful, relaxed setting” -- Richard Guyer, M.D. • “This meeting has always had the ability of providing an environment of candor and openness in a beautiful location, and is by far the best meeting that allows for industry and surgeons to get together and discuss how to provide the best solutions to our patients” -- Hyun Bae, M.D. “Post-Obamacare: Now What?” P R E L I M I N A RY P RO G R A M Walter Eisner, Senior Writer for Orthopedics This Week, interviews key players in an armchair opening session: • America’s healthcare landscape has changed dramatically during the Obama years. • Millions of uninsured received insurance and more money than ever flowed into industry pockets. Who were the winners and losers? How has spine care been impacted? Goodbye Fee-for-Service. Hello Pay-for-Performance. Goodbye independent spine surgeon owners. Hello healthcare systems. Goodbye to FDA off-label marketing prohibitions. Hello marketplace of truthful ideas. • When a new president takes office in 2017, the healthcare world will have changed for better or worse. How will this impact your practice, your independence and your ability to serve your patients. Clinical Dilemmas Blast From the Past: Is there a future for : Cervical Degeneration DEBATES: Severe cervical stenosis without myelopathy: If and when to recommend surgery Singlelevel degenerative spondylolisthesis with adjacent level stenosis: Include or not include adjacent levels in fusion? Cervical TDR: The evidence-based treatment Don’t throw away ACDF Does TDR truly reduce adjacent segment disease: A critical look at the evidence. Interbody Fusion: What the evidence says: Expanding cages: Clinical need or a marketing ploy. Do we routinely need interbody support? Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Decompression without fusion is usually enough Inter-spinous/ -laminar fixation Indirect decompression via lateral approach is ideal. TLIF vs postero-lateral fusion. Cortical screws make sense MISS: What the data shows: MISS for Spinal deformity MISS for spinal trauma MISS for spinal degenerative disease How to optimize the MISS learning curve Can MISS avoid spinal fusion? Can we make Spine Surgery more precise? Use of Navigation Use of Robotics Surgical planning tools Out-patient Spine Surgery Are we putting cash over safety? Financial win for all stakeholders (Patients, surgeons, payers) Patient selection? SI Joint Update Cervico-thoracic Deformity Where are we in 2016 understanding cervicothoracic deformity When a patient has 2 deformities, back and neck, which do you tackle first? CT deformity and myelopathy, do they both really need to be addressed? Can cervical deformity be addressed from the anterior column only? Lumbar TDR? Annular closure/repair? Nucleus replacement? Promising innovations that have failed and why? L5-S1 Low grade adult isthmic spondylolisthesis: Anterior alone Anterior and posterior fusion TLIF with direct decompression Cervical multilevel spondylosis with myelopathy and neutral alignment Laminoplasty Laminectomy and fusion Deformity surgery is just a way to place 20 screws, 2 rods, loads of biologics and fund your kids college education Pro surgery Con surgery Focal severe kyphosis Posterior osteotomies are tried and tested Anterior column release is the future SYMPOSIA: Practice models for the future This symposium will explore differing practice models, their advantages and disadvantages: Single practitioner or small private group is still viable? Single Practioner in a Hospital Based confederated MSO model Hospital employment: The future? Full time academic Privademic Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A value proposition MISS economics – does it make sense? Value based healthcare – A Hospital Perspective Evaluating MISS in terms of value-based healthcare Payment Models for Spine Care Perspectives from executives from insurance company, employers, ACO’s Materials in Spinal Fusion Enhanced Allografts Updates/Innovative Procedures Innovators will present on current development efforts underway to advance spinal surgery. Participants will gain appreciation for novel spinal technologies as well as future directions in spine care Free Papers – Research Presentations VI SI T our website for updated program and registration information: Contact us at (858) 279-9955 • [email protected]
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