LifeLines April 2016 - Lord of Life Lutheran Church
LifeLines April 2016 - Lord of Life Lutheran Church
April 2016 LIFELINES The monthly newsletter of Lord of Life Lutheran Churc h 5 6 0 1 W a s h i n g t o n R d . • K e n o s h a , E-mail Address: [email protected] W I 5 3 1 4 4 Phone: (262) 656 -1995 Rev. Stacy M. Seger - Pastor In recognition of National Child Abuse Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness month, our Ministry of the Month collection for April will benefit Women and Children’s Horizons. The mission of Women and Children’s Horizons is to provide support, shelter, advocacy, education, training and healing services to victims of sexual and domestic abuse, their families, and the community. Just a few of the many services they offer are Domestic Abuse Support, Emergency Shelter, Transitional Living, Children's Services and Legal Advocacy. Our collection will support both the needs of their Emergency Shelter, as well as their clients who are moving into the Transitional Living program, where each household is expected to work towards self-sufficiency through employment, training, education, or accessing Social Security benefits if necessary or appropriate. The items we will be collecting are: - Sheets, blankets or comforters—Twin size only - New pillows, plastic pillow protectors, pillowcases—Standard size - Socks (birth to adult sizes) - Pajamas (children to adult sizes) - NEW Underwear (children to adult sizes) - Paper products; paper towels, garbage bags, Kleenex, toilet paper - Cleaning supplies; liquid laundry detergent, disinfectant wipes, sponges - Personal care; feminine products, diapers in size 4 and up, deodorant, shampoo Please place any donations in the wooden Ministry of the Month chest, located in the lobby through the end of April. Another easy way to support Women and Children’s Horizons is to shop at, or donate items to, Nifty Thrifty Resale Shop; 4200 39th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144 (the old Jockey Outlet Store). For more information visit Cindy Aasen - Interim Youth Director Sue Quever - Parish Nurse Angie Wollschlager - Office Coordinator Jodi Iorio - Connections Ministry Leader Claudia Murillo -Treasurer/Bookkeeper Tony Del Grosso, Dave Kapralian, Josh Robinson & Linda Ball - Music Staff Lynn Kancian - Nursery Coordinator Pat Skinner & Jennifer Johnson - Co-Financial Secretaries Church Council Jeff Wamboldt - President Lou Molitor - Vice President Anna Kersten - Secretary Jim Erickson Wendy Haugstad Norma Lundstrom Dan Sinnen Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Closed on Friday Our Website LifeLines deadline The 15th of every month Our mission is to transform lives through grace by being an accepting, serving, and caring community, empowered by the Holy Spirit to grow in faith. 2 W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G AT LOL? MAKING SENSE OF MY MEDICINES Join us on Thursday, April 28th from 6:30—8:00 p.m. for a free program sponsored by the Lord of Life Health Ministry Team. All medications have a time and place, but Drug Nutrient Depletion can lead to many uncomfortable side effects. Correcting this nutrient loss can improve how you feel and create a positive wellbeing that can lead to a better medication adherence. Our guest speaker is Sunday Muniz, a Pharmacist and Nutritionist from Nutritional Designs and Pharmacy, located in Racine. For space planning purposes, please let us know if you plan to come by Monday, April 25th. Contact the church office at [email protected] or (262) 656-1995. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LORD OF LIFE COOKBOOK The weekend of April 9-10th we will be recognizing all of YOU! The volunteers who help make our ministry and mission at Lord of Life possible. We will share a fun video and special treats, so don’t miss it! We are putting together the first ever Lord of Life Cookbook! Recipes are needed - share all of your favorites! Place recipes in the marked box in the lobby. Please include your name and phone number/email address in case we have any questions. Our goal is to have the cookbooks available for Rally Day (September 11th). Contact Carla Van Berg with any questions; [email protected] (262) 697-7408. HI-FIVERS EVENT GIGGLES PAINT NIGHT The Hi-Fivers will be going to see "XANADU'; a production of the KUSD Theater at Indian Trail High School on Sunday, April 17th, at 2:00 p.m. We will eat lunch at Baker Street on Green Bay Road at 12:00 p.m., then go to the musical. The tickets are $8.00 for Senior Citizens. Call Joyce Behlke 552-7939 to purchase tickets ahead of time and for more information. Join the Girls in God Growing Loving Eating Sharing group for a night of painting. This event is being held in the Art Room at Bullen Middle School; 2804 39th Ave, Kenosha on Friday, April 22nd from 6:00-8:00 p.m., or until we’re finished with our masterpieces. A donation of $25 to cover the cost of materials is required. Please sign up in the church lobby. We’ll be given step-by-step instructions by Melody Kaelber of Painting-N-Such with Melody. NO PREVIOUS PAINTING EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! Just come have fun! This is a sample of what we’ll be painting, but you can customize the colors to fit your like. Synopsis: Xanadu follows the journey of a magical and beautiful Greek muse, Kira, who descends from the heavens of Mt. Olympus to Venice Beach, California in 1980 on a quest to inspire a struggling artist Sonny, to achieve the greatest artistic creation of all time the first ROLLER DISCO! (Hey, it's 1980!) But, when Kira falls into forbidden love with the mortal Sonny, her jealous sisters take advantage of the situation and chaos abounds. Save the date for our May event, which is seeing “Fiddler on the Roof” at the Racine Theater Guild, followed by dinner @ Infusino’s Racine on May 15th. 3 COUNCIL’S CORNER March 14, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Lenten Soup Suppers so amazing! This was one of the best turnouts anyone can remember, and we’re so grateful for everyone who donated soup, bread, or desserts, as well as all of those that helped set-up and clean-up. We’ll be thanking all of our awesome volunteers the weekend of April 9 & 10th. Don’t miss it! One of our college students, Marissa Garretto, will help Lord of Life with graphic design as part of her senior project. We look forward to seeing what she can do for us. Our participation at the Kenosha Expo was a success. Fifty families indicated that they would like to receive more information about our VBS and Sports Camp programs. We will be seeking someone to replace some of the building maintenance duties that Marty, our janitor, performed. We have hired a cleaning company to come twice a week to take care of the cleaning, but are still in need of a very part-time person to perform duties such as setting up and breaking down tables and chairs, and doing light maintenance. F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 6 F I N A N C I A L S 4 YOUTH NEWS The weekend of March 11-13, eleven of our middle school students, along with nine high school, college, and adult chaperones attended Youth Quake in Naperville, IL for a weekend of music & worship. An amazing time was had by all! Sundays, April 3, 10, 17 & 24 9:15 a.m. WeB Wednesdays, April 6, 13, 20, & 27 6:00 p.m. Confirmation Saturday, April 9 8:00 a.m. Applebee’s Pancake Fundraiser Sunday, April 10 12:00 p.m. Mission Trip Meeting Sunday, April 17 10:30 a.m. Youth Team Meeting Sunday, April 24 12:00 p.m. FRoG 5 S U N DAY S C H O O L H A P P E N I N G S Our children have been very busy this month learning their Bible stories and helping out around church. Thank you to all our Sunday School students and parent volunteers who helped set up for our INNS guests the past few weeks. It was wonderful seeing them all do God's work. Thank you to our PK/Kindergarten & 1st grade students who participated in church last month. They did a great job! Our Sunday School offering collection will be donated this year to The ELCA Urban Outreach Center. - So far we have collected $518.14 plus miscellaneous personal items. - In February we collected clothing for the Outreach Center. We collected 23 bags of clothes weighing in at 273 lbs. - In April we are inviting the entire congregation to sponsor a Sunday School Student in our efforts to collect more money for our mission project this year. Our children will be asking you for pledges for the ELCA Outreach Center on May 1st. Please help us raise as much as we can to help local Kenosha families. The pledge forms were passed out in Sunday School on 3/13/16. If your child did not receive one please see a Sunday School Coordinator. - Thank you all for your continued support! Upcoming Schedule: 4/3/16: No Class KUSD Spring Break 4/10/16: Class - 2nd Grade Help with INNS 4/17/16: Class - Grade 3 Help with INNS 4/24/16: Class 5/1/16: Outreach Activity - ELCA Urban Outreach Fundraiser Activity Day - Dress for the weather, as we will be outside. All children should continue to work on their benchmarks. If you are unaware of what our child should be working on, please ask their teacher. Children should be able to recite their benchmark individually to their teacher. Benchmarks will be presented as a class at the 10:30 service on Sunday, May 15th. Any questions or concerns can be directed to a Sunday School Coordinator. Our Sunday School Coordinators are Tanya Brady 847-989-7056 or Lisa McCarthy 262-652-3581, or e-mail [email protected] 66 FROM THE PARISH NURSE Dear friends, Spring has sprung and new life can be seen in vegetation and baby creatures as we view God’s creation. We can be a part of the new beginning by choosing forgiveness as we clear the emotional clutter in our lives. Catherine Ponder writes, “When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” Forgiveness is not forgetting. We often will not forget a hurtful event, but we can still seek and grant forgiveness. Forgiveness is not having resolved all the painful feelings. Often the hurtful feelings will last. But we can still seek and grant forgiveness. Forgiveness is not absolving someone from the responsibility of what they have done. What they did was wrong; you are simply choosing to not let it negatively impact you (and your relationship) anymore. Forgiveness is not accepting being continually hurt. If you are in an abusive relationship or one in which you are regularly being hurt, then that pattern must change. You do not deserve to be hurt. This may require staying away from the offending person to protect yourself. Forgiveness does not mean the relationship is always back to where it was before. If the offense is minor, you might be able to go back to where you were. If the offense is serious, it may take time (even years) to rebuild trust in the relationship. Forgiveness is simply starting this healing process. Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for happiness, health and peace. Forgiveness can lead to: Healthier relationships Greater spiritual and psychological well-being Less anxiety, stress, and hostility Lower blood pressure Better digestion Fewer symptoms of depression Stronger immune symptoms Improved heart health Higher self-esteem Many mistakes that you have made in the past are over and done with now! Remember you are a work in progress and you have something to learn from the experiences. Forgiveness becomes a lifelong practice for those on the spiritual journey. Peace comes to those who live by grace and are forgiving. We can continue to pray to God to help us forgive and work through issues until we achieve a state of forgiveness and release. So do your mind and body a favor… forgive. Shalom, Sue Quever R.N., Parish Nurse Aurora Parish Nurse Program 7 THE CONNECTIONS CENTER “My One Word” Movement: Let it Morph Many of us have picked “One Word” as a so-called motto to deepen our relationship with God this year. The challenge we gave you was to pick a word to focus on, and over an extended time, position yourself for God to form your character into lasting sustainable growth. The year is now into its 4th month. How’s it going? Some picked words they hoped would direct their heart toward God. Others chose their word in hopes that it would characterize their year ahead. Still others picked words to represent their strengths. No matter what word you picked, God might have different, or additional, plans for you with that word. God may do more with that word than you imagined. What you will find is that God will work through your word according to His purposes and for your maturity. If you picked “WEALTH” thinking God will make you rich, well, don’t get too upset if that doesn’t happen. God is more likely to teach you the difference between earthly riches and spiritual riches. Furthermore, God may be teaching you to NOT put your trust in wealth. On the other hand, He may be challenging you to give it away! I am praying for this concept of your word morphing into something bigger and better to transform you! The word morph, is a verb that means “to transform” I bet you thought your word was about one thing. I pray that it turns out God has something more, or different, in mind. This is one of the best exercises of “The One Word Movement” You simply want to see what God is doing and where he is leading. Keep this Bible verse in mind; “We make our plans, but ultimately the Lord directs our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 Allow God to transform your word into something you didn’t even expect. Allow your word to have layers, that during this year, you peel away something new and fresh, something you didn’t anticipate. Begin to think creatively about your word. Just like a tree with deep roots, let your branches spread out. The author of “my One Word” gives us some good advice, “Making plans is prudent. Preparation is critical, and vision is vital. But all of our carefully crafted strategies and well-meaning intentions must be surrendered to God’s purposes.” Keep praying and ask God to use your word to show you what you are missing! Now that’s a challenge! Ask God what His motives are for you this year with your word and make sure it isn’t something that you overlooked. Don’t give up, let your word morph! “Change is possible but focus is required.” LOL FAMILY NEWS 88 April 2 Jim & Lynn Cimfel April 22 Don & Bev Estes April 4 Robert & Sandy Aker April 24 Ed & Tanya Brady April 8 Tim & Camren Owens April 12 Mike & Barb Menzhuber April 16 Brad & Wendy Haugstad April 19 Mark & Sherry Sinnen April 25 Jeff & Tricia Winden April 29 Karl & Jodi Erickson APRIL BIRTHDAYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Congratulations to the young people who completed the First Communion classes and joined the congregation at the Lord’s Table on Maundy Thursday: Nattan Degefa Collin Fowler Claire Giese Ryan Johnson Aaden Maedke Kylie McGovern Benjamin Menzhuber Sydney Meyer Cavan Paff The following young people also completed the classes, but were unable to be present on Maundy Thursday and will be receiving their First Communion at a future date. 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 Jaxon Haigh, Sydney Haigh, Daniel Kleutsch & Grace Kleutsch 19 May God bless you as you continue your faith journey! 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 Amber Swanson Matthew Swartz Eric Larson, Nathaniel McGuffey, Colin Freitag, Allison Stanislawski Gary Lundskow, Megan Wilke Brett Scheuermann, Barb Gray, Livy Schneider Kristin Hulbert, Tom Sepanski, Ellexis Block Laura Lynch, Ralph McCarthy, Bart Bender, Amy Loomis, Riley Dutton, Keith Kaspar Andrew Freitag Karen Knutson, Dustin Jacobson Nancy Haldeman, Jack Lynch, Koreynne Aull Jeff Wollschlager, Ronald Daniels, Shawn Banks Mike LeRoy, Brad Haugstad, Caleb Swisher Erin Zematis Dean Knutson, Gordon Lake, Melanie Landro, Luke Bondus Sue Schmidt-Decker Jeff Winden Lori Sullivan, Lisa Romano, Joshua Zematis, Cathy Forsyth, Kasey Lois Nicholas Lundgren, Neil Kersten, Maggie Pomerening, Elaine Lundgren Pamela Stogsdill, Jeff Garland, Grace Kleutsch, Helena Faraca, Brian Voss Jean Garretto, John Hobson Sandy Vidas Cavan Paff Tyler Vogel Kevin Ginnow, Kathy Dutton, Andrea Scheuermann, Sydney Parker Jackie Feldy, Adam Walden, Bonnie Hammerschlag Robin Evans, Donna Schaefer 9 VOLUNTEERS ARE OUR STRENGTH SATURDAY VOLUNTEERS Within our congregation there are many ministries to serve God and others. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact any of the following people: ACOLYTES Ministry Lead Needed ALTAR CARE Kathy Miller ................................. 697-9476 ASSISTING MINISTERS Pastor Stacy .................. 656-1995 BRASS ENSEMBLE John Whyte ......................... 656-1878 CARE MINISTRY TEAM Sue Quever................... 925-3822 CHOIR Dave Kapralian ................................... 497-3552 CONFIRMATION Pastor Stacy .......................... 656-1995 CONNECTIONS MINISTRY Jodi Iorio ................. 656-1995 COFFEE/TREATS Amy Giese ............................ 891-3259 COMM ASSIST Leslie Holloway ...................... 859-0479 COMM BREAD BAKERS Diane Schaeffer........... 496-0836 CHURCH COUNCIL Jeff Wamboldt .................. 697-3665 CUSH Joyce Behlke ......................................... 552-7939 FAITH TECH Jeff Wollschlager .......................... 697-4158 FLUTE CHOIR Laura Craemer Rasch ................. 909-7375 GREETERS Patti Molitor………………………...654-4013 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Tim Van Berg...........697-7408 HEALTH Sue Quever ........................................ 925-3822 HI-FIVERS Lynda Jobman ................................ 914-0660 Jan Marrelli .................................... 945-2987 INNS Tom & Leslie Sepanski ... [email protected] J & C BAND Tony DelGrosso ................... 847-209-2951 LADIES OF LYDIA Nancy Haldeman ................. 652-1261 MEN’S FELLOWSHIP John Whyte ..................... 656-1878 NURSERY Lynn Kancian................................... 948-0664 OFFICE HELP Angie Wollschlager ..................... 656-1995 PRAYING PARTNERS Dolores Arnett ................. 551-0561 PRAYER SHAWL MIN Chris Mifflin ................... 656-0333 PROPERTY Ed Gramza ..................................... 358-2405 READERS LouAnn Daniels ................................ 909-0375 SOUP KITCHEN Kathy Miller............................ 697-9476 SPECIAL MUSIC Marie Persinger ....................... 496-2835 STEWARDSHIP Dave Klimisch ......................... 656-1995 SUNDAY SCHOOL Tanya Brady .............. 847-989-7056 Lisa McCarthy .................... 652-3581 TELLERS Dave Klimisch .................................... 764-5689 USHERS Mark Sinnen ....................................... 859-2152 WOODWIND ENSEMBLE John Whyte ............... 656-1878 WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB Arlene Hall ................ 652-0143 YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM Cindy Aasen ............. 654-6353 April 2 April 9 April 16 April 30 April 23 Ushers Hallie Wolf, Frank & Jan Amber Addison, Marrelli, Aiden & Gordy Johnson Addison Funk Amanda & Mikal Robinson Jerry & Donna Plunkett Kris & Dan Cresco Sarah Remiker Elliott Sens Acolyte Abby Swihart Isabelle Deinhammer Nathan Klimisch Communion Judy Nevoraski, Judy Nevoraski, Sue SchmidtJeff & Deb Decker, Mary Wamboldt LeRoy Mary LeRoy, Cathy, Lauren & Kathy Sadowski, Colin Mossman Hallie Wolf Mary LeRoy, Julie Chase, Anita Cate Reader Sue SchmidtDecker Kim Emerson Julie Chase Peggy Zimmerman Aaron Sens Lauren Mossman Chris Daugherty Julie Remiker Carrie Anderson Greeters Trevor Wikstrom Kris Klimisch Janet Koroscik Coffee Libby Nelsen Chuck & Diane Pomerening Cheryl Weber Bread (both Sunday and Saturday services) Lynn Kancian Cindy Terrell Young Family Deb Wamboldt Chris Daugherty Chris Daugherty Karen Sens Travis Decker Brianna Daugherty Aaron Sens, Mary LeRoy Tim & Kristen Schiappacasse Altar Care Cole Weiss Tammy Skendziel Julie Chase A/V Travis Decker John Aasen Sara Klimisch SCRIP Sales Ashley Hanson, Aaron Sens Ashley Hanson, Deb Blonski Gordy Johnson, Kris Klimisch SUNDAY VOLUNTEERS April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 May 1 Ushers 8:00 a.m. Brewer Family, Andres Family Bob and Margie Raymaker, Cliff and Norma Lundstrom 10:30 a.m. Tim Schiappacasse Joe Harmsen John & Roberta Bloner, Bruce & Kathy Wilson Lein family, Wilma Jenewein John Iorio, Ron & LouAnn Daniels Dean Knutson, Cathy Lovingfoss Ed & Tanya Brady, Kristi Schaeffer-Kleutsch Joyce Behlke, Scott Fowler Weber Family, Mark Sinnen Acolyte 8:00 a.m. Drew Rasmussen Tyler Andrews Brittany Kugler Alyssa Vogel Dominic Arturi 10:30 a.m. Abby Giese Natalie Gardina Solan Degefa Emme Smith Joshua Schulz Assisting Minister 8:00 a.m. Chris Daugherty Marty Knight Marie Persinger Lori Vogel Jackie McCarthy 10:30 a.m. John Meyer Michelle Eisenhauer Michelle Eisenhauer John Whyte Leslie Holloway Communion Help 8:00 a.m. Cliff & Norma Lundstrom Terry Sorenson, Steve Miller DeEtta Iverson, Lisa McCarthy Laura & Katie Lynch Cliff & Norma Lundstrom 10:30 a.m. Greg Glista, Michelle Santelli, Mike McDowell, Scott Fowler, Michelle Eisenhauer Kristen Schiappacasse, Ron & Lou Ann Daniels, Cheryl & Jake Weber Steve Miller, Carla Van Berg, Jean Walrath, Amy & Abby Giese Greg Glista, Leslie & Matthew Holloway, Jean Walrath, Perry Claeys Lou Molitor, Karl, Jodi, Thomas & Lily Erickson Reader 8:00 a.m. Chris Daugherty Becky Brewer Deb Gonsalves Kristi Schaeffer-Kleutsch Brian Lynch 10:30 a.m. Deb Blonski John Meyer Leslie Holloway Brian Reining Lou Molitor Greeters 8:00 a.m. Cindy Lein Neil Kersten Ed & Tanya Brady Cliff & Norma Lundstrom Wilma Jenewein 10:30 a.m. Joyce Behlke Lynn Kancian Brian Reining Jean Walrath Mikenna Theisen Coffee 8:00 a.m. Giese Family Vogel Family Wendy Haugstad Cathy Rutkowski Ginnow Family 10:30 a.m. Giese Family Gardina Family Doni Degefa Marlene Nejedly & Charlene Clark Lou Ann & JoAnne Daniels Bread (for both Sunday and Saturday services) Lynn Kancian Cindy Terrell Young Family Debbie Wamboldt Chris Daugherty Tellers (after late service) Bruce Wilson Angie Wollschlager Jan Niederloh George Sorenson George Sorenson Rich Walasek Rich Walasek Ron Daniels Ron Daniels Peggy Zimmerman Altar Care 8:00 a.m. Anne Rasmussen Lori Vogel Mark Sinnen Wilma Jenewein Steve Miller 10:30 a.m. Alice Messenger Roberta Bloner Leslie Holloway Angie Wollschlager Jack and Cheryl Kasdorf A/V 8:00 a.m. Brianna Daugherty Ralph McCarthy Jackie McCarthy Brianna/Chris Daugherty Ralph McCarthy 10:30 a.m. Lori Capelli Chris Daugherty Lori Capelli Jeff Wollschlager Jeff Wollschlager Nursery 8:00 a.m. Lynn Kancian Jenn Sinnen Chris Daugherty Christi & Brian Wilke TBD 10:30 a.m. Maggie Harmsen Samantha Goodenough Lynn Kancian Lynn Kancian TBD Jean Garretto, Dan Lein Meghan & Tory Bilotta SCRIP Sales Lori Vogel, Dan Lein Becky & Emma Brewer Lori Vogel, Ron Daniels LOL CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY 3 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Education Hour 9:15 a.m. Woodwind reh. 10:30 a.m. Worship 12:00 p.m. Mission Trip Mtg. 6:00 p.m. INNS 10 MONDAY 4 TUESDAY 5 6:00 p.m. Ladies of Lydia 6:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:00 p.m. Leaders Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Diakonia WEDNESDAY 6 THURSDAY 7 12:30 p.m. Soul Food 1:00 p.m. OA Bible Study 7:00 p.m. AA 6:00 p.m. Choir 6:00 p.m. Confirmation FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 7:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship 8:00 a.m. Youth Pancake Breakfast fundraiser at Applebee’s in Kenosha 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship Volunteer Appreciation Weekend 11 12 Soup Kitchen 13 14 15 Newsletter Deadline 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Education Hour 9:15 a.m. Brass reh. 10::30 a.m. Worship 12:00 p.m. Mission Trip Mtg 6:00 p.m. INNS 6:00 p.m. Ladies of Lydia 6:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:30 p.m. Council Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Diakonia 12:30 p.m. Soul Food 1:00 p.m. OA Bible Study 7:00 p.m. AA 6:00 p.m. Choir 6:00 p.m. Confirmation 7:30 a.m. Men’s FellowshipBreakfast 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship Volunteer Appreciation Weekend 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Education Hour 9:15 a.m. Woodwind reh. 10:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Youth Team 12:00 p.m. FRoG 12:00 p.m. Hi Fivers event 6:00 p.m. INNS 6:00 p.m. Ladies of Lydia 6:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:30 p.m. Diakonia 6:30 p.m. New Member Class 8:00 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Ladies of 9:15 a.m. Education Hour Lydia 9:15 a.m. Brass reh. 6:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl 9:15 a.m. New Member Ministry Class 6:30 p.m. Diakonia 10::30 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. INNS May 1 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Education Hour 9:15 a.m. New Member Class 10::30 a.m. Worship 11:45 a.m. New Member reception 6:00 p.m. INNS 12:30 p.m. Soul Food 1:00 p.m. OA Bible Study 7:00 p.m. AA 6:00 p.m. Choir 6:00 p.m. Confirmation 12:30 p.m. Soul Food Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Choir 6:00 p.m. Confirmation 1:00 p.m. OA 6:30 p.m. Making Sense of My Medicines Program 7:00 p.m. AA 6:00 p.m. GIGGLES Paint Night 7:30 a.m. Men’s FellowshipBreakfast 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship 7:30 a.m. Men’s FellowshipBreakfast 3:00 p.m. J&C Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. Worship 12 A F E W W O R D S F RO M P A S T O R S TAC Y On Sunday, March 20, Fox aired a live show called “The Passion”. It was a live re-telling of the events of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday & Easter Sunday. The ‘twist’ was that they used mainstream, popular musicians singing contemporary, secular music to tell the story. It was good. Surprisingly so. I’ll be honest, I usually hold a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to TV shows and movies that try to ‘retell’ our beloved stories. But this was good. Well done. And to me, the most striking piece, was that their technique reminded me again of how important and relevant this story is today – some 2000+ years after it happened. The story of the grace of God that we find in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a story that speaks to our life every day. It is a story that reminds us of a love so deep, so wide, and so consuming that it compels us to love that way in return. The story of the grace of God that we find in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a story that reminds us of our call to share the story AND to share the LOVE. There has never been a more important time in the history of our world than right now to share the LOVE that God first shared with us. So often our temptation is to allow this story to stay 2000 years in our past. So often we celebrate the Easter story and are content to leave it in our history. But this Easter story is a story that demands action from us. While Easter Sunday marks the end of Lent and the end of Holy Week, it is just the beginning of our mission as Christians. Our mission is to help others feel the love that God already has for them – there’s no better story to illustrate that than the Easter story. So, as you heard me say on Easter Sunday, GO! Tell people the GOOD NEWS of Jesus being un-dead! GO! Tell people the too-good-to-be-true story of a God who loves them so much that he would die for them. GO! Show the love to your neighbors that God first showed to you; unconditional acceptance, forgiveness and grace. You will be surprised at the difference it makes in someone’s life. Your willingness to tell someone the story that you cherish just might awaken them to the treasure a life of faith is. So GO! Happy Easter, my friends. Thank you to everyone who was involved in the amazing dramas and music during our worship services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It helped create a wonderful worship experience. Joy & Celebration Contemporary Service Saturday evenings 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.