ptft pldr
ptft pldr
CHAPTER.2 R,EVIEW OF LITERATIJR.O code sh* dviroMdl! bel@ r[.y @ ua!|e to Dov. or chorp th€n habiral. A@!di!g to . prej.ctio4 trcBrd icld of l[ mjor .griculiEl cFp pldts k rEd@d de to €xposlr! !o dv* 6vi!1m@ts (B!j et al., 1999, Btty ^j e, dl, 2000). Dtuugh slr6s is oft of th. main orwmdial fa.l6 ihat "fre.l podudion (Bny u/., 2008) becau. al, 2000i M6iva!)ro,t {orldrid€ asricdnnal a weler is the most inpondt f&toi for plot grcqll| ed d€v€lopmcnt. Pl&tr idy PbDts barc ro lbe add €xpdi€M drcudt undd condition! tuch 3 low rainfall, hid salinily h $il or high t@FEtw in the smudinss (Zh!, 2002). Dreu8lt saia deficit in Plets *h'ch nltinrt€ly 6dts in a dc.rle r.Lrirc wat r mnlent in pbdrs sufrd d6ic.ali@ (tado,2010). ofliss to a How6, wld Equi@tut v&i6 I@l *b€t nom cop to os s@ dmusbr siBs fo. a c€rrab cop $te@, a dlt sF[ of nG f@ ! ek Dy mr crl5,c droue]t foruelher Np. Np- A few &)E *irbout dinfdl Goe6Uy, dmught is. ptft i5 2.1 pldr erewtb E(et De lo @ndilion DAy b qtich svrilobL [email protected] (Os@i., of drcughr soil ooi$'e i5 r.du.€d ro a poirt ar, !9E7). ltiar oBidenbL chdse in lh. wrld climt€ ed Bitfal Pan€d caed by .gssive firl bmine dd global Bmilg (Coy.l, 2004; Kim ed Byua 2009), ih.1o1al did ea of th€ world is ilclgidg spidly. ftis E@nt dobd chtugc in cljlale and incEding utq ehonlge e Lading to huge Gootnio 10$6 in creP Fduciion ieludi4 tbd of qlsr (zhu,2002i Wmg e/ al., 2003i Hong-Bo ./ at, 2005; Enc..t al,201A) Moft ebbol @ (tujar.o,2001: Ashsf, 2010). rh6 50% oG ihitd of in u.l* wh..l cutirttron is afic.t d by dtuughl slrcss I! b$ is vdy dc%ilting 3 eh€41is a slrple food rot of6. wrld popialion, mi{id climL (Alonymou, 2000). of lh. btal ?9.6 nilion h. of the coury, only 9dlo 6eiB nor iha 508 m 6i! !q eM. M()mEr, thh Binfall i5 Fediccd to cd@ turther i. tutur Kopt!., dl, 2004r Hone-Bo er 4l, oily 2006b; Kin ard BtlA 2009). Mor d& 70 % of thc 6i!&I i! P*istar M dwirc lhe @!s! Eortbs of I!., July ed Augun. Allho[gh $pdddd ini8alio. by 6d Mlcr t .Eilablc foi Me ad., howr, it is mt Gooud ro frilfill th. reds or P*&ia! ba d eid ro crops. This l€ads ro low !@nomic yi.ld ofdiftcdr cop6 including wh.d, Atve4 .fl..a, of dNlgbt rtra o! crcp lmwtb dd prod!.livily h ha b.a qidcly sMicd thr. hcobnn ellility, chloophyll pigndtr oilotic adjuhqt, wr.r r.l.lioEr rnd @t phordynrh.tic ot ofpl@rs gmeing undd dmughr condinc @€cted sNiDs r dccr.e h sowt! sld icld (B!se ad Tud, 19?6; B@j@i! dd Niclsrl 20{6; PEb. s, al, 2009). Drought str.$ l*ds to difreht 2.2. det$olic cheg€s in plet tissB (A.hrif.nd O'L.dy. Deniml@ ./ 41. 2010). Ih* my b. ir f@ 1996; Lwlor ard Cotuiq 2002i h srivity of c.d!i! dchlolit s 6d crzym6, ladirg 10 inLibi|d e[ dp.nsion ard r.duc.d gN*lh (AbEf ., 4r, 1995) or diltub@s in ga qch|.€! (Cohjc, 1994; NalE sd L.wlor, 2005) &d Fodudio! of hmtul @1ir oxygen sF.i.s (P.lra. er al, 2002) whjch afeci plmt nebholisn in diflqut wys dd cNse celhl& dmage (Rddy er 4t, 2004; Mal@j& md Tuicja, 2005). In sho4 dnD8hi sr6! c.Es ch&ees in trny all pbess vitat for gro*th md &v.lopDclt ofplets (Ctsv6 dr the of vuiarion a,, 2003; Farwq r, al., 2010). Dblght .ffects plsc ar all ere*tl slsg$ of rh.n ff. cyclc (Atmrd .r dl, 2oo9), holffi, 61ain $.g.s skh a g@iDtioa sNdlbg establishmor dd llowring e€ ih! non diticd pcnods (Arhftf dd Md4oo4 1990; Betoii .r 4a l999illti.s et a1.,20021 KhtrE€zh.d €r al, 2010). Ihe .dv!e .llel3 of dsuelt on s6d g@inrlio! ed s..dling srcw$ YN[i2Mi hrr! ben tboblgbly i!v61isrr!d t,!]ii'& et in !@y cbp 3pei6 (s.desbie rd al..2lt]9\. In r rccar stlldy, osoric arss in miz. sis fi@rty dcEaed gemiroion pdafaee, ldgth of ndicsl ed plMul. dong wirh bionss affiulalion of lecdlinss (Klayahezhad €r al, 2010). Hoycv.r, when $bFd€d b dewlt rl bLr sLg6 moddating both ceu n6,.i! plrd delrlop|M! pL.ts &tidy GF%m ilcn g@,rb by divisior ed .ell dpuion (Sknycz &d ri?e, 2Ol0) in order ro of .xdpl., Kla .r dt (200t) Fporrcd lha,r pl&t b.ishr, leaf @ ed st m dbseld of rnaie pler d..@ed signjfic&rty ufttcr dbughr 3tres. The d6liE iD pler lEigh of s@OoE bls b@r .tEibded Mirly io r<turi@ ir (Mdiv@tu sr ar, 200?a) dd @n nMbd (Ski.ycz et at.,2OtO\. Th. dcci.{s. i! ell flrDbq k eirh6 du. b Foldgcd duatiu of c.I divis'd d ndsc{t division de, Ii M Eported &!r rtrollghl atr€r.d lhe q to S phae tr.rsirior in AEbidoFis dd 3!dow (cdlid &<l Tldiqr l9r; stirye ?, al, 20t 0). @ll tugor. For FBh rnd dry bioll4 of pldrs sufails ton elt . srr33 i, cGidehlly d.d*.d (ArhEf aod O'l.ary, 196). Ewn a stighr dare in sGr @nr.n! m, lod to idibition of phat gbert (Taiz &d zci8d, 2006). Ku$t! .r 4l (2005) Fpon d ! consi&nble d.ficit!* i! dera!6 srcirt fr€sh widt of Fdt nil.r $bjetcd to dtoudt slr6s. war.r i.sfictins c.U dp€sion GDa, l9E5) l@dilg 10 i.duc.d b,oms productior (ahraf ard Matn@d, 1990). rn maize, tlroughi srE$ led to subsLdrrl iDp.imenr io 34% ar by biofri, s..muljrtio4 gain 6llin8 stas. ed 2 | % at maiuiry rbe E<tetion (Kmd er E lTyo ai si[ing i.gc, at, 2003). DnuCl-rclstcd Edudion of pbd gF*t! ed ietd ii @uscd bv photosyrlh$is. PhorosyDrh*is @nrefts ligbl dFey inro cbcDicat dcc6c tug)| in &d syiiL6i2.s ory.nic cdpo@d! fo! pLtrB (tawlor, I995aj Triz ed z.igd, 2ooo. Ir G cxtr.tuly $Biriv. to.lrowbl srr.s be€!I. v.ala is cfuid for rhc nbctionirg of rhis r[1)l* 0rwlor, 195.} Phorosyrthcab @fttatls with ptdt productiviv (Cifford ed Evs, l98ti tj*tor, 1995.). A <Lctle h pbororlrbGis dE 10 dreughr stEs my b. sfuiburql b srombt clore whi.h i.d|6 $ohatat condErarcc rcomic. 2000) Ladias to a d.qo!. ia rlEpir.tio. ald u}tarc of CO, (Cohic, 194: t99: Molnd !/ dt, 2002; PooFIi €r ul, 20t 0). Plorotrindb tuy d$ d.c@ d@ to @-nooarat f&1ol' (Ftcxs.r ol, 2004), wlt D rctltrc wrer contol <trcps bclow ?Oyq rh. rcd@{o! in phorosynrheis is g.n Elly loMtomid atuibut d io .ffdt (Kd*r, rubis .nzr@ &c@s urd.r Ml€r l9E7; Ennrfli .nd Eel, 2005). ntc eliviry of dcficn (Anin e, 41, 2009; DmiFvsta er 4a, *tlich cdu6 ncl pborosynthBis. Mosi of thc Gvide@ d dsudr,indk€d chdg.r ind,eG th.t rhc dour 6d &nviv of dbi$o @ftol photosyndaic ..rbor 2010) Cq sinit.tio! ol! (lhorosrlrhetic 6te) of b.e pldrs d.cEed dtuiGuy undd dreuchi (ZLtev dd Yordtuv, 2004). Lswtor (1995b) Eport d r 16 i! photcynileti. !4rivity udo dsugh d@ to rhc d€crtas ir i.Grirl Cq pc$w od lca in lbility of d€sophyU c.lls to photoslhthesize. Ir is Binilalion (Reddy .r ai., 2004). Na sc eporI.d tb,l rct photoaynt!.tic G, of diflq€ni 199; Yousf er mp dl, (PJ, ranspinriotr E& (E) ald nomLt oDdElsee sliccics d6rcr6ed uDdd drcudt 20r 0; Ali dd, 201 ondilioN (Pekovic a al, I). G.|mJy declin€ iI ss .xchag. (p- E, g,) ,oliliEly @relat\* silh rhe inten$ity of deuehi shcs (Cimi@ et at., t992). Ho@d, rhe cffer of dreushr @ ditr.Mr pb +oci6 vdi6. soBhm @utd photosynth*ize ar a Frc up to 25% oflAim@ ai s leafwar€r poretrtial of -t .2 Mta, At lhc @c !o&.ri.l, om lave silr.d lrd stow<l D pboroByntheis (BadL .r at, 1973). Me$@m6t of photoslnthesis hs b.m rcported u!.nrt in seniu plmis for doughl6istsrc. b6ae it E0ers rhc ovlBtl bchlvid ofa pt&r sbj.crcd to wt r dL$cn (S.bpi& aad plmhon, 1984; F.hina ed plmhoa 1994). Chlobphyll pign.nts dd "b' e pbe ro &. viiat io hwest dchrdnrio! 3rs (2001) thc cblorcphyll conient of plmt et at., t990. lidl (F.&oq for photoslhthBi!. Both chlobphylt ..a,, dr dl., 2009)_ d.q€66 ttraslic.lly R.ttuW et al.2005t Adjr .r zt, ,'@di4 b Chd6 ., a/. under drcuejr srcss 2009). This drc i, (Kwd. cl oopnyu conlent to disryeizarion of rhyLkoid l)@blecs (L!dj.l e/ dl, 2000) th4by, Gsult.g in l()M!e1ptoidynlh.iic 6la C 6pny[ |actinpl6nr g6e6ly de|las or r soDe c€g rcmiB bchaScd ude drcu€h sr6s dcFndins on lh. duration ed s.qity of dreudt (Kr?yo&isir ., dl, 1995; A{g ard KilrrM, 1995). for exmplq d@ueht stB cssld ! substaitrl de.ile in cht@phyU a cblorcphyll b md iolal chlobphyll @nt. i! sudflo$E pl&t (Mdivat|m s, zr, 200?a). wttE6, a{B md Kirkbd ob6d.d tu cfl6t oD 6c cnbbphyll @ror! of sulnowq Dl6ir subjot d to dDught stes nay b. d@ io nild drcught, On rh€ orhd had, Arhrf &tl (1996) K'rin (l9l) EF Ld s ilcr. !. in c[ooPhyU i! 3om. cltlim of bb.t 8m lnilc dc.rtls in olh6, 'nEy cofftl|d.d tld lbi. ditrawc ban@ diffqal cultild ott d@ to wiiio! in @yG iMlv.d i! t tytlh6i! of cblorePiyll af.cli!8 dtouSit rolcrldcc .blity of tbc g.ootypca, TL chlotlllyn conLnts of dt@ght l.siriet g.ooryF of sta!.dl e.,4 ew hiSba @DF !d lo {E .aitill SpnoDF utrds d$lgbr st* (Pntdi &d T&pi 199, 193). SiDiltly,lh. cbldqhyll6ntds of rlsiltot culiils of b.d!y tadcd ro b. hi8!d ttd lhd of &ouglt s.orilit o|g (Rdg-Hu r, 4r, 2()6l Stly rra .bility E fould to b. .!.sid.d *il! in'tllrd icld lDd trBpindon cfrcict y udcr d$uSht fBi i! sorghim (BotEll .r al20O0i H.Bt!4.r.l,2mD.nd *h.d (B.abclt.nd Pt'n!co, l9E). dNogbr sLr od.or, laf e.Lr &d oloolic Po!.oti.b G lb. orin cobloFls of plst $ld GLlioo! (Anjun,, ar., 201l). tt f*.Lr Potalid !!d oootic Po!6tirl of Erir. (^li!!d A$!.f,20lD et .r (Adjci ed K*b!', l9E0) rnd tbnow (Ad!d R.brivc ed O'L.{y, 2007). 1996) Cdrivc wilh .p.ei6 Fdu.d sisific&tly 'Edcr douSbl 3t* (Rodti .r ar' bishd ndrctio! in lofooolic poi6li.l e to Fqo5.d thd l..f sbc (dlnotic) Polalirl n vbc u$d a drought tlrin m. clcclio! dicriod (Sojt!.r dr., l9El i Crtr.r &d Prll.r3oi' | 9E5) Soil v!r.. poEltilt d.ct!.sd undd wlt r dcfcn cotdilids, 30 plrd! b&t to tlducc 6cir douglt 3lF$. I !$ ba ltd Eridrh nlsor. ni. k elidrcd ttlmogh tlE [email protected] of . vei.g of iloalnic &d oa.nic otaotkt ittcludiig @bFliblc $ld6 nl.h s fmli& ed dyci!. ttLilc GL.!d it llfar.d lo.3 ocnolic ldjuslt!.dt Gl!g, l9?9i Kcyvla 2010). Piolin i! lb non 3tudicd conpdiblc $lul! strch i5 lrDotud ro ircra. npidly uda ddgh (Anju ., ar., 201 l). fttu oldoic ldiNE cnt 6 *lil! lowrils of clll o6doic por.did urd.. dreugh h.lF i! pl&t gmelb &d osrolic poiaiid in ddd to rb€orb e/sa dcvdopn@l by prolidirg Bid!@ Pd.!tli, 199) by DdDat,lN of Ei @ducbF (DoMlo!, PGl.ti!. vd6 6 (Ddit!$16 ., ,r., cot &ficit (Ludlow rdd Mubow' 1990; plolotvltblic nL !!d hiSh 3tod.lal to srd.r l98ili OUF! dd BclowiE, l9E4 of k f tieaE i! dvc$.lv ! bv dsahl s!3e Ali .rd A!h6f. 201 l). RtldiE $rt6 cdiat of wll hvdlrlxl nvq 2010: tissB is !$ally b.t@ E5'95o,6 (P!rdo, 2010) cclls loF thcn nlgor sdq Lav6 declees. D!. ro dreu8ht wd. Bnich wi6 Guftr, l98O w[.n ia difcMr sp.ci6 Pbnt th€ Elatirc lds of *at r. .eU nenb@6 dIy ster 6nidr of up, bc.ome poios md be thcn pbla fiDctioaiDg (L.vit! l9E0). It h obs..v.d thrl rhe s!6i6 to dry dvionlrMl! minllin bigha RWC dp.r.d to th. ollcrs. A@tding ro m. studi.s, $drM suff.6 s smrllq d4rce in RWC p.t uil ch48e ir l4f w1c. Fot€nd.l {M @don dd miz *ha subjd.d ro &o!dI stB (Actm dd Kri& 1977i kvitt, l9E0). In a d6r s:rudy Yocf .r ar e0l0) EFn d thc cf€rs of urd rtEs @ *r&r r.latio6 oftvo Tuisie alfdfr (n&dic4g rdt'rd) populltios ftom did ard mi{id E8ioB. Tn y foud $ar wlGr deficil signi6@0y rcdE d rbc Fldiv. v.r.r @!tdt of both populrtioa tuiftd, how6, rh. d..@ *!l lolq in t!. dreudl lol.rdt populatior Maintcme of hid RwC ud€r linitcd waier b @Nidded a $islant neheisn 1o drougbl s1!.6s ,trd is lw.sLld 3 a *l@lion qit don for drou€h rolctle @ayd, 1980; Marin .r 41, l9E9; Riichic .r 41, l99q Gdt dd K.yomio, t992). A@rdi'g ro Foyr &d N6ror (2000), dreuebt sr* €lB d inb,tse h lidr eptlring dd ib utilizalio. duing phol$yntlBir. Tht .xca a.r$/ is hmtul for II b.c6w of o@rcducdon of the rcaction @nr€ (D.mj4 Adms ad Adm, 199), Pbor.syst o ll (PS tr) !.iiviry is doM-Fgulsr.d Bultle in chag6 ir qwtm icld, Excs clccrton Lir.g. @cN (ccen d 41, 1994; Asbhf,2009) lodins ro disipation of fre iadicals of tdked oxygctr in the cl o.oplNrs (Sminof, 1993). IR t!! Fdtqb e ..--o"ry cdlcd s '!*d!e oxygcn !p.ci6, (ROS) or '4tirc oxrs@ !p6i€s' (AOS). Th.s ROS inludc sin8l.r oxygen, erFrcxid. sion phoios'slen, hydrcxy Fdicals, alkoxy n<l,cals e, dr, 2010)- Th. knoM inj'ry caut d by 6 oxidatiE str* ard is @ and rhe hydrcgo Fbxid€ (Ashrd 2009; Csrelli Ros sh .! hydrc8@ Foride (rrrot is of thc Mjor drn S.lo pt nr.xp6ed to stEs 6 drclghl (Tartoua 2010). Mous od Abdel-Aziz (2008) Eponcd e incE6e in HrO, @Loi in tuize uldq drclght strs. Horwd, thcy obs€d lha1th. uowr of t!O2 Prrdrc.d in <lioughr rot@t cdrivG *6 ls onF&d ro thc drougbr eNidv€ such oDB. Sinild clulB wr€ Eloned by H. a at (20t l) in what. 12 @ .le piodald in pblts gDsirg dd€. ,orn l coqtrtioB Oone 2001), then Fodu.iiod is pDmor€d udd sa€s @ndiliois. Drought st€s es6 e i!.!!e ir pDdEdoa of @.tivc oxtt@ speics (IrFire, l99t; Ashnf ed F@tad, 2007) stich !q@ly ttamage ihc lipid contat of menbrc teading b th€n damage ard di$4rio! (Mirdq,2002; A!hsl20o9). MDA (hatoldilkt tyd.) b.i4 ! bypr.ducl ofihh m@btu dao.8c r.!.rion 0ipid p@nddion) @ b. N.d d ! n .sW ro de$ rhc mout of rhngc o!*.t ro eI @bturs (ZIdg er dr, 2007., Ftoog et ol., Although ROS 20t0). Ardond,ni! e prcduc.d i! r+oc. ro rh. ROS (A!bd,2009) ar v&ioB e[ t@rioB ir wh@vd Erc1ive oxyg€n spe'.s e podeed. Ihe @io ROS swnsins drjoxidats e tuFtonde disutas (SOB), a fdity of berattczloB ,!icb trE c{tartz€ rh. dilDutarioa of slperoxid. adical lo HrO, (Bowlq e/ at , t'{r'l 200t; AsbEf,2009). SuFuidc disiie. @4D. Equis corpd (cu), oalgh* (Mn) a @f&ros. wws .t al., zinc (ZD) or fte crrod@ic i$fom equic oprE, rhe Ejtocho!&ial o@ Equic brng&€$ qhile tle dra.ellule one rcquir.s Crrzn (Diplelq l9a; M{Uud t99O). SOD,ciiviiy c& te dcrmined on th€ b€lis of inlibilion o{ a }€Uop @mpoud niDbl@ ctraaliu. cata.l.g (CAT3) ud F@xi&€ (POD9 fou'd itr Frcxis@6 @ h@c pbreid l|!r cslllr% th. mov,l of H1O, by 64v.nidg ir ini! m1f (Asd4 1992; Dipt6t, 1994j Wilhrcw e, ot , r!{/1j. p@xi&* Thd e svcrd fo@ of CsldM cxisr in &c ba! iefo@: CATI. cAI2, ed CAT3 (Will€tds €r st, 199?). othd dzrraric elioxideis, !$Ibai! Fmxidd (ApD, Stulattion Edera& (cR) dd &ly&@rbare rcdrctas (DHAR) e invotv.d ir tbc s.ornatcglllrrion (Aod!, I94). Asolb.r. p.rexidrs @ pe*d i! cbrorcpllst jroiA cycte rhyLkoi&. microbodi*, crlosl, pcmxieDes ed niiochontrti& Tt€y lcrrliz€ thc e$aprng HrO, duiag pbotosynth6is lad pholoEspialioL Atrhough cdre ed ApX both Edw HlO, !o E o, rlE affniry of ApX for rLO, is doE rh@ thai of @tatdc (SDirnof ed vhcld, 2000). Ia addition ro rh.* crrrbaric iondats, rhft , c art i! @n_ dzyn lic otioxidots slh a $colbic aci4 .amLmid!, 0.@dds, lo@pltuk rld glulathione (N@lor ed Foyd, 1998; schdd.t at,2002; Ashnf,2009). All lh* tuytudc dd rcn- .MF.tic drioxidel3 prctccr pldts aSrinst oxiddiv€ dahage ca@d by ln. ROS (Niki cr 4t, 1994). ft. erivity of sdond,nt3 g*r.lly isltls udcr !tr6s @ndilioE (lrrrine et al-, try4iP$ttd et dl..2!A0} ftc .l.vat!d Lv.l ed hieh &tivit of &doxiddB povid.3 6id!M to plrlts assDll sts (Ca!@ ., dL, 2001). For cxmple, MoBs dd AbdelAziz (2008) obsflctl a subslgntial imte in lhe &rivitiq of SOD, POD 6d CAT in dia pLtrts subjer.d b dbuglt ct .d qiilt rEG eoly€ glycol). How.r, a &w rcMchc6 biv. Eponld a &cEde ii ilE &rivity of $m etioxidat Glzynd uda {ress. Fo. .}Mpl€, Hong-Bo .r ul (2005) epdr.d a d66e in N6bic &id h miz. lnd eh.!t pldtr subj..ted lo *al€r d.ncn. 'Iris nly b. du. 10 th. Mbic &id bciag ucd up by ih. APX wtte c Mtidly r.quiFd by Pld$ for ptoF gro{! dd Mintena@. Dcfici@y of €v.i t si.elc lutri€nt mv l.!d 10 d.ith of pldt Ma.oiut iats ruh s N, P, K MircEl upt*e fiom $v.rtly aff4ied by d&wht !d eit Ca aDd thc rcsFclive lran 3li6 vtic! lcdion wirhi! pbtis is lads to imP.itunl in phtrlgoleth (Taiz Dd z€isd, 2006). Ac@ding to Powe. (1990), dtought Fsults in r€du@d oxvgen $Pplv to lhe @q, lihiting .ulrie upLle ltd llspinlid W.l4 lnd nindal t9ltlc bv DldE se rclatcd besute *al€t it Mdsary for lhe ratuleation of nutri€nis inlo &d wirhin thc Dldt, nE av&labilily &d wtd.e of .ulri4ts g4nllv de.Ms undd wald d.ficit d@ to subst nti.l de.rt4 in trnspintio! rarc .nd inp.ircd a.tivc odpoa Poslr, 1990) TlF plant @t svstqi noduLt s iisclf uda drcuglt qhich Nl'idt @nditioE by loBilg its p.deabiliry ald ardvit (Alab, 194) dft to uprake is nutilaLd, A ddlirc b sil moistG hs h€cn rpdlcd io be posiliv€lv (lrv'r! 1980; assid..l *ith Pota$i@ dqle G) in flow of withi! pLnrs pl!,s poLdlial of ilE ens by aclivating .ls Ntrids edyG nom eil mt (Mis e ibpdblt oL .ttd Tvlq' 2000) t sulllid in the of o$bric ll ldlPindon A@ding b enlin involved in ceulalG sloMtsl oFniig, pboidtnlh.sis ald teports, a declede in Kr io spinlion and uptlic ws ob$lved ud.r dreugh slres photosvnlh6is (Baquc t' al 2C46) ' A d€ in CalciM K' lwel of { Dldis is hmftl for Pl6ts d may c.w stomatd 't kale!vit l nuti.rt i! plrli deittolis ltpLy3.6E lrelcilPL 90*l! &d c.U dit6'on (Taiz anl zei8d, 2006) c.[ [email protected] 6 sfered bv Ct7' ion 6rentr.tion. C.lciM is ds iovolv.d in cotollirg @[ 6db6n Fdcibili9 (giFhi, 2004). B€ins t onPone of ll6btag, it @ntdbuca to iI!. 64n&lD@ of fieir structe ud tunctid by L.eping lipids &d preteis bonded€r' [email protected], . sig!i6@t relc in aiiioxid&t .Mvnc sigMl ta$ddio! (Hitrhi. 200a. As!fl.l ?t.1.. 2005) A rcdkton i! Ca" densaLion Mder wrer sir.s hs b€r Epon d in *'trtl plsts (Khe .t al. t994; Ashdf tr 4r' CAr' bcirg a s.cond t|r.sgger, pl.ys 1998). NitroSd is an Mlirl @npoMt of adim &i&.nd lu.leic &ids rl w[ s I@v s.!w!v inlibits plmt gbstb. Siish ed Ush! @003) FFll.d a d6.d i! pldt N 6nr'nt undcr *dd strd' Oihq cs€dh.B rcPoncd siDil& tsulis .3rli€r (T&gunig et at' 198?) Pho'3Phoru' otls bio-nol..d* iFluding €izvnc& Nitrosen dcfciencv motnd mjor cl€odl involvc<t in ptdt grc*th aId aSdation, is ltso afrctcd bv lt drclght sitts. lttosphoN b.irg a pst of AT? Plary3 a k'v ole in elular Espiatid (Iaiz ed Ztig€r, 2006) Dcficidcv or P a pln of Ncl.ic eidr e.l t@v 64fet dirtttt@@ in o.t lolis of pblts Phosph@u u/ake h$ ben g.lently Fpon d ro decr* und.t wt{ $F!s in d'lTftnl Pld( sFcies qtcd (Khtt t' 41, 199) dd FpFr including Mize (Pffia.b4d6 4 d, 190) ! s@ 's [email protected],1985) beaw Vcgdrdrc gowrh ed treld u!d.t d.oleht f.@lly h't ! redivc dlthrioq gnin vield uda incFr!.d vegctrtive gro*'th uder good noistut€ condiions suppsss b ! @nPld ttit bdle ofh'ils ihc @bbiraion of (Hutd, 1976) Gain dreusltr vield yi'ld tcgddless of th€ s.v€sl pldl gre*tl @bFn d' W.ld 3t!.s t!d@s @p $8961 $at gre*lh stas. !t $'hi.h ii o@utr (J€M! ad Mogds'l! 1984) some s1udi6 dtrcsis (Austia 1987; higb tilldiig crpocity @v b. h.ffrci.l if dtought sLtu and 15 Im€s and Qwiq pbotoctnrblte l9E7). Ibis Bdd i! My be du. io th€ €nobiliztior of .lr@dv emdat d the stqD ro th. d.v.loping gnjn (A98.!wal dd Sin!!, 1984) rcirht ud* drcudt ste$ @nditions (Gqt, which nay @niributc up to 22% of edin Howa, HBd (1971) st 16 dal a br8h dldilg ability tuy be & u9ut d luuy in dry !16 bcew it i5 q6&tu1 ofsoil noistur, $dich my bc n cd.d lal€r on i! noe critical slagca of d@lopE .L Po6t-dnesis drcughr stt!33 M Gport d lo b. hdtul to sFin yi.ld ofb..lct tgddl* of lh. sr*s ld.l 4pli.d. satuj lrd WdtsaL (2000) epon€d tEt mdimm d.c@ ii yield @culcd std crcps we'e €xpoed io drcusht sEes ar tu nowitrg $49.. Drou€trt s.s inP.iB floE produdion ad tawr gnis e prcduc€d (Anjm e, al, 20ll). Reduction in elah nllnb€r pd sPike udd 1995). beaue sel D qnc.t is ensitirc io wrld str€s al or IF lo Dorrd d.iosis (Saini .!d AspDdl, 1981; l9E2). A@ding lo Fatooq et dl. \2009) wn r d.ncit subquntiaily r.du@s idd thirs by dktutbins Llf gs dchsge psm.tca etich trds drcueh also mt only dkturbs rhc ph@n|@ of phlo@ lo{dine atd Niniht t!!61@tro4 bul ale @ftlltion betw@ photosynilrcsis dd yield ws ob3d€d ir whotlldh udq dreudt (&ul, 1974). Accoding lo Nicol4 end Tu@ (1993), lal photosyntlGis datlls ryidly afie! rndcis itr s in 6P3 distupts th. dty datrq pdidoninS, A signi6@t subjecr€d to low dou8lft. DE to this, pldtr hiv. io g6in pldu.tion. 'Irtu, dreush sEes phrsiologicd modificltioB ir dl pler tly els on veg€htiv. r€€ryca leadiog d.lcidioN.ll4ts on.oF 10 rbrcu8h oryd d€ntudlv l.rding b dea..d sdin vicld (c@hdd cl dl. 2002r Dolarabadid .t al., 2010). rbqa 8tuwrh dd i6 Pblblo5f 23.1G$vlh rld bloDN &dindion is a v.ry critical ph* of qh.!t lif. cyclc s it is thc @3i .ftcitd 23 Efrat of dtu!8nl o! bv douelt (Davidsotr 4d Chav.lia, l9s7; Jajmi, 2009) Th. exftmal osodc poi€nlisl of $il b.ilg highd th& lbtt ofth. !€d pF6ts n AoF inbibins wl.r O,luillcAbldor €, aI,2002) $ s..d sm it hoisnE ltlss€d lcading to poof or no gemimtiotr al atl. Poor @p 6itN wb6 th. sedlinss e nor eil faes ibP.jr.d uLr.b$!lioo e€mimtio./sdling erotrth Mv le'd PloFlv 6t!btish.<l Th.EIor, siies lolcrde.t gcmi@lron dd $e{Iing st g. to (SolaDi dr 21,2006) is inPottalr for lhc wival of *n !t plan (Adjci ed KirUE! sdlilg imbib'lioA Smimtion rnd sh.s. Lald on, drough stslnd Btrile th.r !d.dt Iljldi ge l9E0). Ashnf ed Nrqli O95) [email protected] lh,r Croslh in she.t wF sev€ely (2009) @ndwt.d s similu snldy on 7 foud ild thc of si$vc oes !fr4t wt r d by <LouSltt $t€al'?€s wd.r 8ltDtvpe B 78%, 360r. Tttc snrdy tlso dealcd thsl gmidiion gEmiddonp.Md.€F re ed s*dlilg grosdt [email protected] wid inci4i4 oftold! int€srty of dreught d*loFndt ud6 dDugh! grev.i! d4@ de to de.1!e ir photosynthetic ni. dd @ll divisio! (Isuji .l 4r, 2003) Water d.ficit str€$ caucd Ai I.t4 stag6 of pl.rt signifi@i rdkrion b sh@t lelgth ofwh.ll (Arhnfer dl, 1996) Bhln ald Ra (2C$5) GFnld thal &di& i! ord.xpNio! dd due 10 low hciSh dt bc a{libuted io tlductio! i, ell dld$mcnt tusor ulder d!ou8!t Sill]re tr el, (193) g@ 5 $,ltdt 8etutt?6 in @ltsting soil moisG &d dry E,|!er @mulati@. viucgs ?t ul found th8t dtouglt @used @00l) slso studicd dffi loqlr lb. pllt m of biomrs ecmdalion in dltlm whcli SdoR!6. 'ftcy foud lhat dty wight rq plad EdE.d by 42 % t q dtuught ondili6. Mey oth€r studies Epoit lhat wat€r d€ $&lr!ti,lly Eds.d dry biotrN of rieal (A$4f 4 al, 199; SiDgb .nd Usha, 2003) Iltis r.dElion h bioltB ofsi.ll i. de io Edued *l phobsv n sis (Bhan ad Re' 2005). d..i€es dsidmbly uader both d.ought dd hal stles (Shd ald Pruls.4 2003). A .Lc1!e in Elativ. *ter @nt@t undd drcueld c.'M dosw of slo@i! wnich in lM rdlB ner Pboiottlthcric Ele (R.ddy e, al, 2004; Nct pholoslath$is of wir.5r Aljm.t dr,20tl). H n fid d dl (198) sfidi.d ihe.ftci ofdsud on sFilg s'lcai culti@ ard foud lhat nct CO, simiLlrior 6t t snd stomral' $bt ld,lly ilducld dE io dtoughr stB. Th.v @@hdd thll d dlv d@{* in phoiosrathlris w dE to hid stonatal Fsiet ne whil. contidEd wltq d€fcit l.d to rtduction in m€sophyu netlholism wlich d.crcased phoiosvndsis Ac.ording 10 Steven d. s€lation ?t al. 0990), hiSltd *tdl tEt pholo6Fth6is cddon fd &ought tsistan4. I ud6 d.olght mv b. u!.d ba b..n obw€d thit dou€hl Giso goot?.s or *t !r G6t [ave @dpendrcly bighd aod ftt phobsrrtl6is (O@i 6d Otui, ycyomto, 199). ILe nsultr of Ritchi. er zt (190) aDd Manin s, al. sho{ ihat ihe bioch.hical facloB @ntolling intenal CO, Bsinilarion.pptu 1983; (194) 10 b€ l€ss 6istd1* th& iD sl|eplibl. on6. A nuba of studja EFn aistee of wilbili9 i! @phylls for pholostrthAis ir EpoM to drolght fi* (Joh@E ., aa, 1987; CaJldguy .d Ma*nr4 | 992; S.wda ald Sugai, afecl€d by str€ss in dsught 194). Allen sd On, (2001) rcDorled thal tltought st $s adv€Ety.lLds photosynih6h by .leEon Ftulporr chlin ed inhibiting $e M.junda €r 41, (l99l) 3ndi€d lh. a.livity of Rubis ozrn closing stonai4 disturbing the thyl.loid c&bod ied@tion cyclc. R$is m dpidy lc! lading ro a d.ce* ia n t photortath.sis. It ir widcly FIDnd in liidtw rhrt th€ min @.slonaial caBe for or iihibitior of pholosynth.sis k thc reduction or los of unda dmughl sl!* &d found lt t ilE etivity of of @bon cycl€ .nzymcs; ihc hosr imporral o@ b.in8 dbulos t,t bisphcphlte wboxybs./oxys@ (t wlor !d CoDic,2o0Z R.ddy .t .t.,2W, Mt el a|'2ln{j Anin.t d!..2Cn9;[email protected] d-,2010)activ'1i.s 2.3J Ctlorcpbyu o.tdl! CNorcphyll pigm.nis &d thcn a@iat d proteia (Iaiz md z€i8q, 2005)- chlorcphyll bcing posilire Elaliochip doughr e itporla lads b d4@ 20ll). Hdcq plats with higha chloophyll nF deudl-induc€d [email protected] o4E E!'dly wh6 inlensily mmpondt ofchloepldts hs a of deughr in Er phot6ylrhcsis (Anjm €r al., cont€nls would show b.t&r Fi. of in th€ toial chlorophyll €ort nr of wh€ar sh* ill.ffi (krrys, 2010). fte .lecM* in st s rat6 pl@ du 10 ils phoio{ndrdoa ald udd eEta d€fcil decFdri@ ( njM ., ar, 20ll). Majdmd! cblomlhyn @D&nt fodd in chlor@lst nmblms *ith mtpholosy !.si!. Los of cblorcD[yll @r.nis of *tEr uldd stt* (M6hi, 20ll) photosynihsis. e ar 091) sMi.d rhe a.tiviis of chloophylla* &d p.oxidse uder drcu8hl slrlss ed fould that thc degnddioD ral€ of chlorcphyu wa flstcr $m iE synth6h. €r Lat€r on Mihiilovic er al (1997) also obwcd t3 s inw.5. in d$u8h1. lLe cblobphyla. &rivit in thc lec of *dqr Dl4ts srbjcLd !o Thi! slFs ihrn dsu€h 3a6s dcsF<Ls lhe chlobphyl @nlcnl of plea|5. Howvcr, dsughr Gistart g@tyFs of whcr! n.rntain ihcir chlorcphyll conLntt undd drousht shc$ (Pdtod .nd Tdppi, I993). vdiou fo@s iavolv.d i! sil-pldt{d)06ph.rc @ntinlm ed lpLtc .nd los of wld @lllituic rb. uG. lElatioN. wlra soil elrd po<itl deq.3s, Pldt olmonc Thc (ehnc) Ftcldd ad h ru lafwra pot nii.l tl$ dq:|!e (Bl'rd, 19?4i Aslnfdr 4i , sEs lelds to ! s6ttl d.c@ in lcaf osiriotic od w.r.r Fte id of ditrqtot ehcd g@oi}!6 qtilc higl* trdd dcficii l@ds to sv@ Fdutim in sLr Fl.t on pMct s (K!@a-chop6 &d S.loL, l92i MdE ./ da, 2002). ExFs@ io dld tEid dcficn ar, 0994) EFrt d vaiation h l€al Dl€l dd osnoiic Po&ntial in difr.Eot g.notlT.s $bj4t d to drought. Lvitt (1980) qpLjned th.t water Flnli.l b. !s.d 4 a elfttid qicrion to sEd gdoBFs ag.itst drcugnt !tr$ 2007). A3h6f e, [email protected] of sndt uldq &ou8trl b loeqtd dE lo higtr @uulrdon or conpdjbt. elul6 i! th. c€ll by Oe pbenon.M crU.d ocmiic (Asbnf &d F@b4 2007). nre tuin (Moiie or obFliblc solu16 4 tot l elubL .!ge, Pslie, Thc osmlic slyc'ft bctaire &d inorg&ic ioc swh s K' (RobiMn od Jor6, l98q Sakamoto ed MMi4 2002i Sabados ed s.vow, 2009; Silva er 31., 2010). Thes @nplliblc solut s help in Minlainug tle tugor potential of@lb. lt is ePoded t r whe.t Pl&tr rlalively lowr dmuLtion of th€e coftDltibL slutes dda drcudt (Navvar ed Walis, 2O0l), [ow.r &cuul lid of prclift hB b.€! Flornd 6 ihc fist EspoN or *h.d pbnis rubjcr.d to Mrd defcn (Aljun ., a/., 20ll) Hong-Do dt al (2006b) .x@iEd $c !!Ao@ of ter wnel SdtF 10 $il sl!. d€6cit in ! Poi qF.ind! Thcy Fponql tb!. K* ed poliE @cdtltion incB.d @der dtuoebt sss. show a of laf th!u. (Anjm er 44,2011).nd is adwly aifcctd in $tted uder dreugh (Saird er ,1,. 1998), llet Mler r€l6iio6 e impoirnt foi th. a.tivlrion of the mlioxiddl dcf6@ P\etltiv. mLt sysren undd @nl€!t (RvC) is co$id.tld dtoudr sEes (Mencod ,/ 41, $ n.6sN of pldt wld l95i Kh,@ {hop6 and stdtus scloi.' 2007). TIF RWC of *t|err plels wsi dorlscd by 43 % (Siddique a dl. 2001). Mliit n&e ofh'gh Rwc (tm ud* 88 10 a5 %) @dd dmughr wt r js @Bid€d as a E$siei hcchdis agaisr deught (St @., dt, t99o) be€@ n is obsry.d $rt &olghr Gi!|.d c' ivs of*tEt minrlined bighs Ft.tire h&. @nldr i! lof iises @dpaEd lo lle su@pribte oc (tuhrzf dd K.lD4 1990; Et Hafid ?r 4t, 198). Lo$ ofell whicb e's tiDited tugor dE to low RWC u.del dDuglt srrss @ulis in e uto dehydr.rion lN of idcgri9 ild mi-p..@Uc Ere of ttmbtu6 tedi4lo ruphft dd btaldoM (Tlipaiht 2000). A 3ignfi@t d.c@ in CMS (@lt tI@btue stabilily) of wh€at under dbughr stres ha b.e! rcpotud (KhM-ChoDF dnl Setor.. 2007; M@v6i 20lt). IhcFfoG, @ dabiliy Eflets a odb,e s lh'siotogicd indiqtor of dmught Gitsmc of a enlin pLnr g@type (Lvin, 1980; Btm &d Eb€M& t98l; Prrchedn ald ShiD|rtr 198?; psna.hedn ? | at., t992 "ftbat\y, Hidd rh. e[ b@ttrd slabiliry Edc. dewhl !!s, th. higha wodd b. thc dto!8ht Eiste@. CMS of wbet hs ben exploir.d !s ! srss lor@ indiqlor (Ashraf?r 4t, 1992; saim €/ dl, 2005). 2000). 23J M.ttbou McrioB Photored.ution ofo in rh. chloroptajrs unda drcugh conditios lezle to pmdurion &d ecuulation ofihe Eerivc oxygen sFcie& supetuxid€ ard H?O2 (Robin$n od Bbc., 2000). 'ftc lhyh&oid neEbE6 ofdloioplr,rs @npdliDg &e @aion @rB pSI &d e ir\. Mjd sir6 of FodEiion of ROS (It3ctive oxygd spei6). .nris Pncnonoon of chdges in pholo6yst€D eliviti6 LadinS b prcduciion of H:O, by PSn pholoEdultion of oxyg€r E&iiotr E ( $d4 199). TL of.l*lron di6@ved by Mehl{, l!@forc, ir is crlcd the M€hld doM,Egutalion of PSII ous.s a eft Bttiitr on l[c hr. !r..s*d l6v6 todins to fEc ,atticnl prcduclion. nse ie Edicals or r.acriv. oxygd spei* e prcdo.ed i! cNodpt cts, FDnm6 lrd diioclon&ia of pl&t e s (A$n4 2009). siE 0E RoS bave e cxft,up.ircd flow id drcught .l@tro4 thcir configuaiion is not stablc. Thcy i€nd !o th€m*lv6 sLbt by @ting wirh othd @leutcs ad !rod@in8 hoF fE n<rj.{b. h rhis wy, a cbain of @IioB is initiat d (Min|6, 2002). Hydrsen Frcndc is pbdued film lh. disur.lion of su!.rcnd. lh. m€sptyu or Ptotonqintioo @lls (Foy.t, 2001). (N.w Hrq h.i!s e .r aL, 2010) &d is !..@'nal€d in itrhibitor of Cdvin cvclq is a v€ry &d @ b. lcth.i for plmts (tunf, 2009) Ros ddtrp ldlv aI nj.@mlaules (Apcl at'd Hin,2004) and w@ly distutb nctabolic rcadio6 of @lls ddgeos ROS (AshFf, 2oO9} Fotein ft.y .ae svft dd ligid! (Aeda, 1999; Seloh (200?) r€poned subjecled b dnudl . Mitder, 2002; Jhonsn 3r ul . 2003) Kh'lm-chopd siSnitiol th. Hrq edent in wheal pL g in pLnts also incltes ud{ dtoudt ndbrssc! ed udulalion dd incl€ale in stess. MDA @nlcnt str€s du€ io oxidltivc damg. of ROS produdioD oxi.lalivc drnag. lo biolosical nol€cules! DNA, (Hong-Bo €r 41, 2005)- is conEollcd by th. .ffici€nt etioxidart sysren of pldrs Gnlm-clopa dd ScloL, 2007) @mFiring of lhc en2:ttatic md rcn' €nzyn'ric diioxid4rs. I! a<lditio! i! soD, PoD &d cAT, AlA (.slbic @id), GsH (Glutahi@) dd aPx is . pdr of thc rs6d. glulrlhioe cycl. (Mold, 2001). They pDvide pbl.ctid agaiNl ccUulu ald $b-ellubr dd!9. by d\etoxirying ln. Ros. sldi6 FDo.Ld @he!d 3ltB tolctu* doc b ovs Fodrclioo of SOD &d cAT in thc sirdt chlobplsrs (Foy.r,2002; LuD., ai.,20Ot). Drcuslt 6indt g@t!€ ofeiar showd hish.! a.tiviti6 of SOD, !OD, CAT 4d APX ud€r dsught Sderal (B ([email protected] selote,2004.'I!e a.4@ularior of &Or 6 [ighd in dmuSh sitirc g@tyFs of l!.d showing dEt rb€ ROS sdvcnging systcm of lhcs plor3 w inefrcidti padiculdly tb€ CAT and AIX €nzr@ etivity w lowd in thcF plots. H@s-Bo .t ,1. (2005) srr6s @o9aEd io lbar of rh. s4irirc obsen€d lb€ p€rfomdcc of i.n wh..t foud thal lhe drcusht rcsislad grcup SmtnB ud.r drourh srcs ll mt@tion ed dhibilld hid aclivitiA ofPOD. SOD, CAT md in tum low€r MDA conlert. Thir sho\rs that lhe m.mbm. damas€ due to lipid ws lowd. Anong ihe nonaztmtic mtioxiddts, .$$ic &id b v.ry impone!. wil[ rhe help of d@$aL Fmnd!* (APX) enzlm., a@ibic eid play! 6 min p6.t ir odondlrl defde stsld of plads (Ioyd ud Ha$i6o!, 1994; Noctor.nd rotq, 1998; Smimoff rnd vheld, Frexidsrior of wh4t plant! with €fiicient eiioxidel syst m 2000). 23.5 Ii tu Gni. rloded thai APX i@s6 in pldts subjec&d to dreugh Yield onPoMc in wh.aI (kluaf, l99s). ROS hN. ,n td\&r cfect or a of biolosical @rcnolcul6 lcltlins lo s@ cdus dtn gc, bhibition in pholostnth€is tnd hd. r.dsrion in yteld. Kld !r a/. (1990) nudi.d th€ apo@ ofnirc $lst cultivd &Id rpoi.d thai gttu yield of all vh€a1cultiv.6 de.rsed utd{ droudt condirioG' Drelgit st!c! *pciauy th. |mitlt drelgh Edu4 vi.ld eid lid yicld e $bj@t d ro [igh l@ls of deught stEs (Keyvsq 2010). Sire 80 v. yicld of*leat b dsivd &om photGrrth'sk du g mlurilioq thus dc.i*c in photosynihdi! educcs ield (shth dd Paulen, 2003) ll vlt !r ynl(t Edues $b6l&ti!Iy ha bc.n rcpott drcught n6 d lh!,t ptatu Laf pho$tnthBis d &! (AusM d.cEs o'r&'dlv b wlar a al lg82l Dougbl d EpmdstiE sge caM udc abonion ol kmcls du. to d.ctte in supplv of cebobvd!.tcs (Saini ald w€stgai', 2000) Nicols ad Tulq (193) tlcsi@rLd *bst pLdi usins h.g!di@ cblorate ar lb€ gtain fining Thev e,se lo inhibit phoGynthesis odd esd deuglt tol'lee of lh' 9@00T6 $g8d.d rhat drcught ioL6 stFlt Sdot!6 @uld b' el'cled bv llis ndhod a si4 tnd iedEli@ in pholxlntb6's .t 8nh 6uing ttlge ld b $b'st"tial los in eoin liercl widlt of drcurt ssitiE gs9p6. Th. &-r'!s in phdros,trh6is Lads 10 disorbe@ h othct bioohmicd od Phvsiolosictl Prccssd a! i! rloulh dd y,cld ofthc wlFlc ddt (cbiid!4 20{3)' wll lelding lo d6c0s Dblsil toldnce oehinilDt to oD. wtrh dtuorll rlla goeib' Gtulic potdiial Dtuuehi lalinadon is . mdbilation of.htneEs in linrcis' dd anboxith.r defeue! ol Planrs (Dw ?r 4r' 200?' Mosdv pluts 6dopt t\o eenedl i!' sEai.giq drcugltt avoidd@ dd &ou8hl tot'@@ rtouglt lvoid'ne is 2.4 ph.@n@! by whicn pblte miltai! hiSh sal4 poi'ltisl i' th'ir lqve ud'r 'Lou$t su'h d chegcs moDholoeical $rcueh &hi.v'd colditioN (Blm, 1988). h is usuallv Nl dtrc.d sloD,ral @d@ta!e, rd@lion i! laf I.!, dqelopEdt of dEdsile sy$.ms ard imEa* in Mlshool t lio (Kuftl|m, 1980i l'vitl' 1980) Drcu€ltl 22 tol.|r@ is rlE ability ofapla to @intrjn md.l net holic tmrioning ad alld wter pot riiafs (Dw et aL,20o7), DF sbiliry to roL@c dreug)rr 8tr.$ @y b. obwd in dl plaaq howd, ils v&is tom sFci6 to speies dd d€t cultivs of lhe tu€ sIei.s (Hong-Bo er al-, 2006; Yildiz-A}tss er al., 2009). DrcuCt tol@ of a phlt depcn& oD t!. gorilh srage 6 wll a dudj@ rnd sdity of tbe &oughr 3aB (D.niffL! nchdis againn .t al., 2@, I,l^ns hrE .volvld rol@@ stns dvircl'|mis offcn.r th. cosl of Frfollrrc. e vcry @npl€x. Edly rslons.s help plmts swive for e@ tinc whilc drcught tol@ nebois @ ldg tdn pbtc.liv€ MU6 ro Plel rspoNs io egulde pler droughl sr.s frsrjoE @dd dtuu8lr srs (Pirh.N er 4I, 2001). Pl&Is Espond !o *Era d.ficir @nditioa l!reD8h a wi.ty of Doipbologicd srd physiologic5l b4h&is includins Eol6uld t3ponlcs or chaled i! e.!. dpEsion. A gEdl d€.I of infodli@ on how plart! rcsFld to drcugh ar tlE mol@uld, physiological, @tomi€l ad nophological lcrcl h3! ben gath€rcd in thc past il@u8! exrBivc m@! on drcudt rolefue n@hois of plotr (Hutst tld .r ,r, 2004. ft. ..rt ooleulA Fspotg i! pl&ts &d lh6 adjusl th.m*lv.s @qdingly (P.rdo .r ul, 2010)- nE ditr nqphologicil and ovire'milal cucs Eiggq phtsiologi.d phrsiologic.l drcudt 211.1 MorpbololL.l tol€tue nabdis ir Dlmts e: n*nnis@ y6 ago, rhey ble b6 copirs siil dress corditis Cftoc, l99D by adlpdng ! vuicty of Ev( si@ ih. pl.nt6 lcn wa&r ard colo.iad rh. lard euad 400 millioi borphologicd adapLtioG to @ntilE dsushr hd Slut4l !{io6 (2004) rcponed a Sres1h ad swivsl, On of th. wly in pLais b clEnsc in oovsboot nrio Edw.d shoot (Tmd, 1979). Liu lrd mt gtuv1! ude. drcudt howvd, the m1 sn*,lh ws l.s df*&4 Avi@ er al. 099?) obsed ihal lcSrbes lilc alfalfa slorc C ard N llld.i in Mts sticl [.lp ir cgros{t of plrlt! an r dcfoliatior u d drouSht by sli6s, Alothd nDdm.ntal pldt nlrF.tion -eh""is is gowing dc.Fr @rs in@io8 Mt ttickns ad ldsrb willl in@ine drcudr in odd b avsiLbl€ wGr &d absoDtion cfi.i.ncy (Hur4 1976i Weg e, expbn 4i, 2003). Si@ d.fcil looi gosrh bccom.s mE dt6siv. u!dc. sreh @ditio6 (Bolq, 196) $ lhal plalt Lp t!@ *d.r .!d bilMls Gob ihc loM l.'6 of.oil, th€ uppcr laycrs of eil uurlly dry f$t l)I.Lr walo hr!.long qLciv. @ts *dich r.!.h lI€ qald taue e tt y @6 ft8aiv. qitd pot ials. Sl|ch pldts e cdlcd w&r sFrdel' (S.lisbury &d Ro$, 2007). T!.y ltid drcught ed lmfici.ndy s the lvoilabL soil wter. The D6.rt @hderale escale dreoSltt by rDainiry domdn dll So@ pldr3 sh a alfalfa rdd pd4 *Bt4 bc@n i svlilable dd thd cmpLt th.i! lif€ cycL in the short sl posible tim (P.rdo., al,2010). lol@t plslts @ I@Er Eom b.lot 10./. RII/C (Ona.t et a1.,20cot vi.. et al., 2004). Succuldl pldts sucb .3 @li dd othd CAM (crNd@e r'fid Meilbolis) pleis clos. th€ir stoo.ta duing the day &d @ wate. sarm b...N tbey 6 st@ wcr ir tleir lbick [email protected] tissB. sore s!ei6 6 sil.h AoD CAM ro Cr *l*n *d.r b4.lB avalablc (Sdbbury md Ps, 2007) Vdd sv$ ed wtlr sD.ndes d€ ef.ftd io d "D€sicdtiotr postponeB'(Taiz dd 28i86,2005). PBdion of elt r los fiob the swf... of da!. i5 .tlotbd drought lsid,G i4heisn in pldis- TtFy 6nnol w!l.r loss thrdgh trdsPiFtior by ddc6ing ldf dpsion sd leEf .m udd dreught @ndilioq th€Eby s.ving ihcrelva tun dcbydr.ri@ (Ricl'dr, 1983i MdeliE .r c/., l98i Liu ttrd St_utzel 2@2i ttlel et al , 200?). R.dlction in ldf a8 i! .ddilio! io pEv@ling *d.r los fton plsl surf@ de helps pler in mainlaining hisk! !.t photdynthcsis udcl .lroucrtl Gao9p€s havine sGls l6vd show high.r L.f *l photoeyrihdsis pd uit led .M (Condo! ed tuchads, | 993) *nicn @y bc de io sntlla ell siz. It n g.n nilv oberv.d thar pLnt vilh smdl.r c.tls tuy b. dmudl iolcet conp.Ed @lls b€cause srniller elh ce mai to lho$ h.ving ldgq .ffici.dily (Gupta ed Bdkowila @ly 6Po@ of plants to derghl slrss ain tugor morc d$ e by \riic.h th.y @ ninihir tt qF€ut of ldd lo dir*l sudrgbr (Lehcr, 1995) thftby lvoidins dcsi@tion. Inc6e in @idcdis ihictnds (Ashtm ald Bqlt!, 1994), 198?). Culing ad wiltirg of lav6 is thick$ ad $a,iy cuiicl€, hiiry lav.s @hling.r, 1980), sunko slomata (Ta'? dd Zeig4' l.lf.bFisio! ed xylm d.nsly (P!!sioE4 1983; scl lnd Holb@lq 2006) e ale aFn d to b. plet drcughl adrltire Bpo66. fte t:aits my be ruipua|d to improvc .ltought tolc@ of crcp pl&ts, 2000, 2.41 Pbrtiolo?iol Dahrbd Uidnsilrdine of ihc biochdjcd ed physioloSrcat spou* e inporir Eicri6 for dr dqelolc ph)siological rcspoE.s ofrldt of sf*bl.r. of pLlts to .lroudt stres (Reddr et .gainn dsudrt @ bn.ny d6crib.d at.,20{,4).W& a followingl $our.l .16!E dd pr.d!.tid ot r.B An inde6. in lesf-.i vapou pFsff difrd.rce is im.diately *Ecd 2.4e1 which Epidly closc lhen stomr[ (Asfu, dd ai.,2000). CiDrd @lk of lN trrgor whjch @t be l€d! 10 sloMtal ABA (Ab$isic aid) siodt d(xN d.F d&t .ow b..n cxi€sively studied thlr a if @ts dill or by pldt lav6 have sutrrcicnt ahilablc lo<{&d in th€.!id.djr of larcs, (T.,2 dd zciger, 2006). This $omiAl wtd qidly cloM ABA-'ld@dddl (YokoL., al,2006).It h6 @r-to.lcd sigEl is Muc.d by tlrouShr which is trdpnand stre. \r4!cn loil *!rd is dcplet d ad roots sr'n drying, thc sign l is !6si!.d to tbc ldv6 *tich dpidly doe lhcir 3toDrra Thjs chcnic.l sign l G knoM Io b. ihe hodo@'ABA' (Reddy ./ al, 2004). S@id er ar 099?) Elon d . dilet FLtion ben€n a!6ci3ic &id aDd don r.l @.d!.lae, ABA is syDt'6i4d & rdo tom xanihophyls edd drcu€lt stEss ed plays a main pdd i! the dtuught rol@ drpoN of pl&rs (Shilozki lnd Y@gtrchi-Shin@Ii, 1999) 0Nugt rcgulalid of stornd ondElmc. (wilki$n dd Dwi6, 2004 Sch&htne ed Goods.r,2008). Stoller at (2000) repod.d rhal & incrcae in xyld sp-A3A ed Laf ABA po6itirely coftld.d eilh a Edlxliotr in sroo!$l @ndEr!re. Lry siomlrl @nducld@ or hid stomatal Esist tre has ba Fpott d a o drol'd adaptitr pal2ftt . (Alla er 4t, l9?O b€aw it d.cFir€s th. dt of tr6pi6tion.It is eponed $at dought Bislant g@ltF hlE loe bospirarion nr! @np.r.d to rle su..ptible 0!6 (Blm, 1982). In@ed pDduclion of ABA udq drought slrc$ incMes stomatal Esislae to pw6t stc.los ed rcgah Nso. (Himn ad Wd8hl l9R). The goc .trcodi4 lbccisc atdchyde oxids& w foed to b. cxprcscd i! s!8d c€lls of ErdaLd by the ItaI@ lc!6 (Koiwi .. ar', 200a) AEA e@uhl6 in lb. o.soDhyl s $@ ar plrlt b dlt]drdd (I!iz .td ZiB.r, 2006). HiC ABA utdd &.rgh ha Dccn r.Eo.Ld to @id.i! bid t r Phoiottilt€i3 by t!&.ing laf 3izc &d luDb.t of [email protected] p.r lc|t (Qlttic (l9l) ABA i! .l& t!9od.d to Fgnbl. lh. dpBioo of tclttl drcugh oRN !.!dFoait (Kin8.rdl,192). d(t{/dllr'L.d 'lratrMrs .dlllhat TBior didde i! plrnt! ulda ddght tt t 2,all Ot.odc ttry iDlonor ro csry ost norDtl n talolis rId SroelL PLlts Dd .i! nrip. u!d.r &orth d.s |bol{l lh FqB of oootic ldjudn rt (Blu r, ar., 1983i McC\, ed Hanlo4 1990; ltolnb.rg &d Bulow, 1998). fti! tu & dqlivc o.ctoi3D of dl Pltlt3.g.i8t dtorgh ir* (Molte b .!d A!b.f, 20lD Phbtt .rnthaiz. aqt u@ul& vsiour @DFtiblc elutc.; lbiro ai& $d .! Foli!., 3uga3, polv.DiB .!d ldrhry ononium coDPoud! ruh l' g!4iE bdri!. ctc i! tlsPoos lo (!u$l ., ai., 2oo2i MrLjD .!d Tuqi., 2005i Ali $.h !5 K', Ni' !d Cr tlolg trith $cio!., $gu rlcohol3 .ttd digeaddid- @ .bo iEltd.d lnoog lh. @o!.liblc $lutB (I@E! ., ar, d..r SsEd imrgrnic iods ft.y @ .l$ cdlcd oooliq, odoltlB d oooDroLcnds, t{4i.h PLY o idporlllt Fl. i! in!i!. iriig lusor by is!.!iig *dd tpt l(., ptor.ciii€ cdb bv MtiE8 ROS (f.hod6 rld &db4 l99l; l(.utit.!il Bbl! 2003i TlDm., at, 2003; .r dr., 2005) dd ntbiliri!8 Mklo€ s s[ 3 ullitri'n g Flt i! @forD.liotr @d.r dlo||th tn3i n orStDic elu.t c!.dtl, cb.ticdly lcur.l.!d 2003). codp.libl. si6 cclubr FEB (Y@r ., ol, l9t2) 'Dty &cuduld. lo high l!v.b cllomp|s! .!d clrdol @d.r dftugh clodilioB (R.ddy d ar, 2C'@. r}cv d! mi' toric crto d mbr ccto'jio6 (Alodo ., 4r., 2ml). Tb.n cdc.ddi@ cs Ercb up to 200 DM i! Dhn! c.l| (Rlod6 rld ser$, 1994). Hosq, ib.d.6l of lh.i! in r.cedrtid vdi6 ( dr, 2005). tL 5e n . !.ldtid qil4i@ !d b.aH diftal cddla!tu@t i! rlFi.d lo bc ulcd of fd (bouglt |! i.l@ (i/o4rD, l9E4). A lin!| EbtiodhiP bauetn ocboli. ldjusto€o! ud d.hydrdid *s! ioldrG b! b.t! tu@d (Irllow ,l 41, l9E3)!s. it udt .ia nlsor (Mor.A |98a).rd hisl Rwc (noE.d LudLo*, 1986) 26 2,4.2.2J Pblift Preli!. is hdsic€Iy ldj\dmnt s ditu &id llodE d ir' 6nd pllts ! oajor ble d ! @patbl. elute !id6 incE4d to a gsr dt 2001; MoDt-Guadly rool&1,2007j nt e? dreleir stBl l! udd Mr.r d.ficit @ndirioc in osodc 'n @l|@t!lion dpidlt n6y pla sp@ics ([email protected], d,2001: Choudh.ry., at,2005; Kavisr aI,2005; Ashr.f ed M.niraM er dr..2008; Anju r/ dl.20ll). Prolift al$ @1s a a stistlB aid crl'M &tiviti6 of ccnlin .nzy@s. b dditior io its olc in Motic r.tjNtle (Ashnf ud F@lad ?007), polile noledd cbr!€mrc to For..t eis a d siFaring nol.cul. i! ceuLling mito.hon<tial rcactioN, ellpolif€ration dd h ne€$aty for Mov€ry nom stEs (Sabodc od Savow, 2009). Pblie is @nsidcEd ! poi.nlid pldt netalolitc wiih prctectir nDdiotu (sabados ad savoN, 2009). It !.rs d!l a ioxidr (P€ddy dr a./.,2004) by EdEing th. ,l.nigiig ellels of silSLl oxyCd rd hydrlryl on phorosys&d n (Ali. lad r.n expl€sion whjch bufiB ellulai r.dox po&rr,al ed nriDiB pholciilibilion of thc thyhkoid ndbme of chlooplasis by fte ndicd qwnching sd d.c@i!8 ROS ptodu.tion (AslEf ed Foola4 2007). HorS .r dr e000) obldld rhar preli@ iDctEs.d sv.nging of ROS prodt*.d by oxiddirc sir6s. Pblic biosl n6is ii a.tivdd wnib Moh&ry (197} Ir ils dcgtuLtion is i@tivat d udd sr!$ conditi@ (Morer-cu.dry e, a1., 200D_ Sabddos dd Savoe, (2009) argu€ ihil pr.lin€ bidyrhesis rarhq tha prelioe iielf my be invotved i! stEs adaptaliliry, 2.1-2rl Cly.irc b.a.i!. clyci'. b€l!i@ (GB) i! a N-n€rbyl (Rlrcd6 ed Hmon, sutEtirut d dlTivarirc of th. ditu @id gtycin o@ntdion in plalts comiddably ircE46 uder droqhr ard sarility stE$ (N.Ltuu et al'200l.1tata.t al-,200),Iokot^ et zl., m06, Muivllll@ ., dl, 2008) .!d h.lF lotct ell l)mbd6, Folcis dd .r4rd by 1993). Irs wt . baltue ben'M eI &d dvimmal. It is e .lcldcally rcun l ed Eadily disolv* in wt q th.cby 4ily inlqading wiih both hydrcphilic mainbining nol.cul. ed Muhr4 2002). It is sFihBiad tom cholin€ witb tbc h.lp ofe d4!e choliE ooF oxys@ (lsbitad d, al., 1995). ard hydbrhobic .lonaiN of pDreiN (Srkdoro Il is foud in hiSh coicdtalioN in rh. chlNpLst adjutrd! n d$ hclp, 2.423 Andorid.ll T[c ird&tid of ir st liliz.tion of PSII ed in ldditio! to o6@ric uldq ondatiE 'lr.$ (Pala€eorsiou ed ryrL6 iE s!6 itr plots u!d.. s?I.r (Plddy €r al., 2000i Mr!o, 2002). HiSh pmductior uDdq oxidadv. Blr.s is l*l hladoa of d.fcit b$ ROS bccD (@riv. w[ r€lond oxygc! spd4) ard toxic to pleis (Arada, l99q BoMi .r dl, 2001). They d.mlge cell tlmbtucs rad cas prcteb oxidllon. nrdfoE, cfficidt ddondrnt d€ftns srstm (c.npririig d4tudc eiioxi.lanrs) is ..iivaLd in pl4rs i! fts4ons. lo oxiddirc ed & mndzyn tic dGs (Rlddy cr al., 2004; tunrl I*1. Patori er 4t, (2000) Epollld th.t drcurh sr.$ qws e increlse in bbl foli& eliond@ir of lqvd. [email protected]!s to Mm (200?) . seq@ of ddb 1!les plee in pldls edd wt r .!.ficit sires. Fi$t tb. .nhft.d lrodeti@ of ROS lrd tb€D th€ Ashnf, 2009). Tluough lbb syst@ pb!t! cxpBio! of g€i.s ilvolEd ir prodsri@ sliqid, i ed ha|cc drolgb. rol@ Anju .r 4r (201l) Tbc ro tep tho. ROS ar a of etioxidets l€ding b !.bid€d Epon! lbll rh. &osdt dlioxiddr c!p&ity, Th@ dzyEric. h@g. be.@ td.fue abilit of ih. 10 highd lelds of .6ci.d elivily of of plerr d.p€lds or th.n e tlo SrorF of &rioxidlrts i! pldtsi 64ra1ic and !o& @ir a4D.ric otionddE @ sou PoD, cAT, GR &d Alx (Reddy Itu mnarlrric pldt erididlntr @ clNifcd fili!.r ilro $o sreqs; Ashc &id lit s€v.!sa, dd th. pistMtt tuch 6 c@t rcft|s, taveoF ed .r ai., 2004). dth@rdiG (Conklin, and 2001; MmeBosh ed Alege, 2002; Trbsi .t aL,2002i Apel Hi4 2004; AshFl, 2009). 28 2.4.3 Moleubr r6potrr.l Mey biochdic.l ard @l.cdd adlpr.iios se .xprss.d in pldts 3ubj4&d ro wtcr dcficit (R.ddy.r dr, 2004). Dbugh r€poBivc |Mbatis d th. mlQula rnd 8.n. @npLx and blvc mr ben nnlv wd.'sldd tet (aq 2002i qpe.icd to b. Chaitlrva er ot. 2003i Chav6 ?t al., 2003) A .ubd of gdes e bvolved in adapt lion of plants against dreudt lness. Tlt v cd@d. ptor€iN 6shr.d .xprsid l{.l e try Mtd cha@l piotcils ecb s aquporiN (M.ggio ard Joly, I95). Dehldris dd ddicelid sts pdt iB p.oduc.d bv sts Esporuivc gd6 e th. n6i @mon nd4uls adlltltios pluts apG3 whcn subj@t tl to drcught etrE s (cuhn& &d Bohtcn, 2000; Tai €/ dl ' 2000; zhu. 2002) Prot ins sh s d.hydriB (drcusht indu.d Fotetu) e v.ry impoiant ir c.uult with F.Eb|e t@sFn $.h !s AT?ts6 ttrd ttmblle pmi6lio! nd stalilizatio of c.rt in a4t6 uda droughl sts (Cloe' l97i SchwE./ dl,200|; Chowy et d,2cf1iLisg.t a|,2003:''l.iz a ztigd, 2006). 2.5 lupbvirs drc{tla ,oLtuc i! phntt hv .togdou or8di. .boiciL/Phll gn& regoLton !r. of il.rguic '!d or$d. $hG! eDh 6 bNiNlidt6, salicvlic &id, tduloF, Slycine b.tsin , Pmline ed agDic &id hav€ ben Fporred ro inFove drou8lrt tol@c. i! nMy plmt sFci€s $ch s whea! n!i4' blrl€v, sunllow.r and oka .!c. (It lf dd BiIglM, 193; Att€.4 l996i [email protected] 4l' 2000i sif{A.1 al '20oli Af-H.timi ord s.rrd.. 20oli Khd .r al., 2006; Ali et al., 2m8; Dola^belrfu' .I at., doscloc solutd @v be zOtO: Aaditu et ot.,2orr', Ni dd Ashr.f, 20l l) ft* n. .rog@ alpli.Elion of tqtrlmvs€d prining (WeeD a at 2006; Bashirld.b ed Hajrch@b"d|€ai), $ a folid spav (gusi! €r al 200E; Dolat lodid ., aL 2010; Khlu ., ai. 2ol0) d lhDush rh. @t D.diM (siten er al. 2OOl), All Eod6 of apPlicdi6 hae b@ fould etr*liv. i! @ut@tilg th. drce eftels of stes, howaet .pplicaiion duoud ih. rcoling m.diu hd been foud rlativcly norc efectirc (Atb& sr al., 2009) du. to continuou supplv of $hte b.ins applhd io Dl&re s a prc.$wins sating 2.5.I Alcorbi. .cld vi,roi! C (L*cotic vitdin @id) is a ubiquitiou tuoledc in eutlr}!l6. It is . sDdl *.1d- 3!ga. It ws fi6i islat d by Szed- Gyorgyi in 1928, Hc c{I.d i! t.'@iic &id. It M llld @!.d a$lbic &id by Harcrtb ald Sat- Gy6q/i ir 1932. It is fouod abudddy in all @ll compo&nls leh !s.po!la!ts, chlorcpl0sts, cltosol, va@l€, [email protected] dd D6nffi OinC@ ., al, 198). Gffilr laf solubL like C6 @lls @nLin 2.5 nM Mrbic @id; howvd ils @'c€nt6don cbl@plsti (Smi@tr, 2000). Sonc dics on 'nay reach ovd 20 DM in bi6ydhe& dd nD.rid of @rbic eid hw. bd publish.d $l'ich ddcdbe thc @nplelc paihwy of @rbic eid (Soimtred wtcdq,2000).Ino.di.t p6uer of @rb,c tuid is Lsal.ct\tm-€, *trich is fom.d froD DSluse6P via Dbarnos l-P .nd A$orbic &id pbys e import&t Fl€ ir 'My c.llular CDP-D- Foes6- ft involvq in c.ll divisid ald ell s"ll .xFEim (PicMlccni ud Fotq, 2003) lh6lby rcguldi4 grc*dr dd .t vclopbent of plels. Apopladic s@rbale is . ofetor for Pblyl acliv.l6 hy&oxy FotG glycoFoicin iquitld for eU [email protected] expdsion (Snimotr, 1996). FEUmoE, Asrbic aoid lcts s a @substa& of Fd diortgc@ rhi.h has s rcL i! !o$ tultktiotd @difieliotr of ell *![ prc&iN hrdtuxyle which (Anigoli,194). Asrbic &id h.i4 a lo$qful &lioxid&r sbg6 .!d c@Eols tbe @m.!t!ti@ of Irlor in pldts ( a al, 1998) with lhe hclp of 4 enzyme a@date Frcxid!&(APX). 'ftis .nzye tmlfd .L.toB fi@ Mritr. to ll1q OvdbSd peoxidc) Fodrc'ng dehydoMrbltc dd st t s (Rlvel! 2000). A$.!!ot + Hydogcn pdxidc C6ll.O6 + Asrbll. hs . - Dchyd$a*o6d. Hrq + Cdl5oi + 2It + wds O turge of APX iso@ztt6 thd calallu the r.ducdon of Hro! to E o ed MDth 'moN<l€hydro46rbd.' (Asada 199). Thce APX dzld6 w dcoliale d a substa& rnd oxidi4 n b d.bdMs.o$aL lhrcush tc H.Iiwll-A$da p.tlMv l0 via Dorcd.hy&odcdbai!. @ion @c6 in 'fte dehydroascoftalc is thc viciriry of PSI. In thb diBdy (Forq od N@lor, rhd r€duld ba.k to N!.orbale. Ilris wy, ROS (@1i!e oxyg.n sFci6) d€ 2000). h[m 6a b€! l@M siF ili dievay s . vilsui!. Ir5 duny |ptrl. b co6i&Fd r o6pu!$ry pan of hllD di€t fd preF h6lth Mid.I|a@ (Noctor and Foy.i, l99E; MulFBo*h 3!d Alg@,2003) I camr b. stdhdizcd in th. hl)lM body ad hE b be t!}d Aotu en€tuI $!Ms. Its inpod!@ for A@ding !0 BtH. (2006), e.bic &id (A&{) @nrent in vaiou pler! is e @tler: ArA (i! n!/r009) l l0 6 Malgo 20 7 Spi@h 30 t0 46 l0 53 l0 80 *te!t s€.dlings, !$6i. @id cdrdr is uslslly foud b.i@ 2.6 io 3 b8/100 8 wl$b n b 15.3 DE/100 I in !d8!m Its ddlr.tion incia56 wirh gdell (M.ion ., al, 2010). Aeording to ToIlKi .r ar. (200D r*ds of too ft is Epon d thlt in gtmospcm &d &giorFms only a linlc moDt e godally d.void of th. r.duc.d eorb!i., @nrajnjng of dehydrDs@6.&. Howd€r, or imbibitioo of wt r 6co$ic ldel sldtt inct,sing npidly {ith Semiiltion of sed prcb6bly duc to r..tirztior of its sFth6is od6 !o coF wilh lh. brmtul ROS. 'ft. stnlhBis and etivity of ihe APX 'n crzyE .swi.r.d wilh erbic &id .l$ gnduly $.ns i@€rin8 ei} sedli.g 31 ofl*orbi. |cid .€|iul rbiod. rtE i! pltult Rol. of Mrbic acid (@rb.te ion) in d.lioErirg oxidliilc stF$ ir plarts sreM urdd dviloffndts ba beer rcpon.d by FvEnl rs.Nh.u (Gillhm fld Dodge, r98?; Pstod sd Trippi, 1992i Bsisak ?r al., 1994i KbN et oL,2006t Atdt et 4t, 2009). Aelbic eid b.'!g & .liioxidrat (MigEl d, ,r, 2006) $ld di.d dogmuslt io plsl! SroM ir salirjty or drcuglt slrs, pdl&ls PreLiE and liPidr t,52 RoL rs'i.d on.htiE dmlgc G@bBi ., dl, 2000; shdala dd N.tfu, 200 | ) by &1i'8 6 a substni. for $.orbdle pddd.le which s.3vdges Hrq. M.nconi €, al (1995) foud ihat prep.r tunclioning of ricoft6i./8lutlthione clde Mintained Ros ai ile cod.ol lev€l in {hcd pletr subjwt is str* to sltcr d.ftcit ExogFno$ sPPlic.lio! oferbic pboLstnthdic Pigi.dls a.d gto*rn of plds Ed.t (Khs\ 2006: AsiD .t a1,20(4i Dolatu,iia .t al ,2010)- Astbic &id &id inprcB roEl dsughr d l4f de, ale rpon€d b rynth6i2! prelile which s.t 6 6 osoFsnlator udcr st6s (Sind et d|..2001). lr!8 aso, Xrist@yyr and Mluty (1979) Epon d $at .$lbic eid imned thc i.ld of de frp $bjet d tt st r d.ficit Ads $d Kiilhe (1996) gt * lutAoM s€edling3 in .uttiat $luion @Linirs loly.lbyLnc Epon d th't dog.nouly lpplied !$$ic 8ly@l (PEG) to ind@ osotic $6r It v &id i.hrbiLd nenbrane donage @!s.d bv Sind ., ar (2001) s:tudi.d ihc ctrd of alcorbic eid otr cd/. pl&b subjed.d ro -ft.y aid.d a$lbic lqd b $. $il !t ih. nL of l-7ng/kg a fou.d llat M$ic &id bad u ilsailg .fr@1 o! RrvC, ct ooDhvll @tenG. Dhotosrrtieti. 6& ed poline &cedition in thc plants $bjei.d to drougln irss dtuught slr6s in soil. &d N.unan (2001) ercw lonaro plots b hydrcponic culfut€ and added salt INaCD 10 the nuticnt ncdiM io indkc sdt srEs ir oft sel dnd PEC it th€ n'tri.nt m.diu ro ind@ osotic sEs ir ooibd et 'Ilcv obscd rhtt addition of Mibic Shalala &id (0.5 bM) lo lh. nutrie ncdia iftelcd 3..dlitg swi\El.d A!.b siSht d wll r.s ttcccs.d MDA conLnts, This pDv.d thc lbility of Mbic eil to rcd@ oxid.tit doEage udd drcught ond sI str6s, 32 gniu i! 0.6 DM eqlic &id elurion Fior 10 ewing h saline sh$cd soil sli obw.d by Al.H.lini dd Hd!d! (200t). I ws foud rhai wheal rldls grcM iom sEds pdbcd eiih sorbic eid solution slDwd hicld @Ido$, sl@t ud $luble s!g& @lrcar @mp{!d to th. M-tr.aild ons und.r slt slrs. Kbe.7 al (2006) stdi€d lb. .f@1 of.xog.noB alpli@lion of Mrnic eid or $ttat sdli!$ subj6r.d io NaCl stB in hydtuFdc culrft. Th.y lppticd 0, 50 dd 100 lptn Mrbi. &id a a folid sp6y which ircMed ct[obphyll "." colcoB of rh€ steal plads. Anin ,r al. (2009) foud thrt eo$ic eid in@d frcah ed d.y wi8ltl, l.dan4 polilc @nten( &d [email protected] lipid p@lidltid od ion lcabSe in ok6 plsrs subjdtcd to waicr d.ficit 1!.i. 6ult3 &d @lid Eports BeLd rhlr scooic &id ir a powin edqiddt (Anigoni ed Dc Tullio, (2002) elich oijidarbly allwidB Itre etrer or 6 h sdkins *beat onddiv. da@gc eu.d Ath& e, al by {irought stB, (2009) rcpoded th€ etrdr of pldis. They g.w rwo cullilgts, eorhic &id in implovitrs sdl tol€me of dd MH-97 (a modent€ly slt tol@i) i! s.liniz.d bydroFnic cdtE .rd appli€d @.bic &id at lnc ra& of too eg/L in Mling b.dju, s a foli& stny &d.F+ewirg s..d tr6tn nr As.bic &id BtEat dndE d S-24 (a golvth, gls qcheg. ch&a.r.ri$i6, aliviti.s of SOD, POD etins Eedim wa th! sludied th€ etrcct of dd stl tol€@1) Idf a$rbic CAT. Th.y concludcd th.l appli@rion of Mrbic &id on FdEilg rt MDA Miz. pl&rs udd drcudr strls, orcrt in taE. etioxidat eo$ic &id mosr etrdtive modc ofapptication. Dolarabadjan @rbic &id 6 a folilr A6y ed fould th.r il irco*d CAT, tLdt6y, tuid @r.nt dd d dl. .r al i2OO9a) They dpplied tLe &rivirics of SOD, Dotarabrdie in mD dd (2009b) rt$ a$ftic lcid sp6y ro @ob plet! $bjelcd to srr.$. Th.y apon€d th.t th. applation of eorbic &id Edeed MDA co!&nt by cfl4riv.ty couraa.tiog thc adveae effect of oxidalive sires. Anf! e, ar @009) ,Mied lor8hw udo salin€ stress. Awbic eid w6 .ppli.d G a $6ti!s/pF-$wing s€d haon nr .lon. d @nbincd *i$ folid a?plicllion- Then 6dts dqld rbd aglbic eid !.lp.d pls s llen laf ult! stlehr .d ami.ation urdd sfs @ndiric, rpplied 33 Hassan€in er al (2009) rcpon€d that ,9 io eid aPplied 4 a prc-sowing ed rratudt .nd folid sp6y to mize pla s under ltlitr€ strcs enhoc.d gto*th palntrlers, [email protected] th. IAA, c.4r. chlorcphyll piemcnt! .!d d..@ed ABA ld.l. SOD dd PoD incar.d, SiEi|fly Dolab!.di.n and Joucebai, (2009) stutlicd th. .fr@t of aslbic &id or @@on b@ greh urdd sll sEss tlEv add€d aMlbic sid (0,25, 50 .d l0o PPD) 10 Holgled3 elltio! u$d ir saline culie. A!@ibic &id [email protected] thc chloDphyll pigndB aad Educed ABA &lirity ders.d tt l vrhilc of cAT conienl of Dlsrs. folE applidtion of .elbic eid (50' l0O, 150 bg/L) d c@ ptdls $bjeLd !0.!rcugln s[s ar th. vcg.tni* &d EpDdudiw stg.3. BiotN &d gnh yi.ld of @m pb s sr v.setative ad Dolalabadis .r zl (2010) @nducted a $udy on GFodudirc phs6 wG obw€d. Irlcy itPodld that Mbic acid imrca$d E6h dd dry v€ight of lten &d s wll s grajn w.ighr pe planls lt was foud thal 150 mgll of dorii. eid s E ddig r!i[moc, tBh aod dry sighr5 folid spny ws tlF iost cff4dve in dlarcing gnin vield ofthe 100 Ds& of 8oftic eid solulion al lbc rcgEt B.frdtivc in iftMing n@ tir *tilc 50 68/L at dE ltprbdrclivc allgc Khn 4 a/. @0lO) lrplicd a$rbr eid I0. 50. 100 ds,4-) 4 t pcowing sed !E tuor in A/drica md obs.ded ihe Crosil of sc..liigs Eon pdn d e€ds undq ell str€s. They eponcd thal a$$ic @id dl6c€d gre\tfi, in@d shooi/ root ftsh wigln &d ctdorephyll cont s of satt st!€ss€d plaotr. Thcy foud lhat 100 mgr- asao6ic &'d w! Lkl in @lioElirg tlE adEts. €fcts of str.s Kl'lil d al (20i0) alpliql difrdl l@ls of !5.orbic eid (q 100, 150, 200 PPo) $ . folid anv 10 dNught slts.d bsil (o.tD@ ,6t/dn) alv.gcilrile ard loMing stage ltouehi th. non ctrctivc sienifi@tly d.cas.d a ed th€ so*th chloophvn pl4t! howv4, aswhc &id 'tcMs.d of plet! ft.v foud 100 ed 150 pPm ofscorbic of b @naits, RWC and Sros,lh ldel. R6!nrly, Anin ed Hajmh@mdt.@i (201 I ) have obwed tF .ffdt of ae|bic &id on oba pl4i5 groM in nurridt $lutior udet osolrc sfts by PEG.'nEy t!9ticd sscoibic eid s a led eddng lah€nt eid 10 b€ pdor ro lhe mosr cff@tive wirg. ft.y rcpod.d a sub{rntidlv ircm!.d ediMriotr m'! sh@i lmglh tm r,\e s€ed! prim.d wirh a$!bi. eid. Az.nirltr .t al. (2011) sbdi€d dudu qi..l eedlilgr in sslr sEs &d EFned ibrt dog6o!, ed biobrss of opplicjri@ of se.dlings Mrbic &id .nhdcing goslh 2.6 Breedilg crcp PL sil ibFoitd @ie s s wtl ar<l prolir. @ror trtril. dcccNing H1O! @!tor' pldb (O? mM) in to iDpmy. drou8hr cblomphyll .s toten!.e tol@ ofcrep ptdts. LneEtu. cPoris tnai dreught 1d-a@ in 6oF i! rt min f(s of ffit rserch (Matnje.nd $icnf6$ bsvc b.cD stiivilg to ioprevc drotghr 200t de ro dininihins wLr t3olrc€s aEitrbt. to coF. D€Etoptunr of dFldt st6s tol€m1 cullivEB cd bc &hicvcd thDugh d.ploying rEditional/mpinc.j breding s wll a gen Miputation by Dol@old brrdirg (Drbnva et ot.,2l1r, MU6 .r ar., 2003: Tatd. ,, ot , 2004; Alhni 2010). Tut ja, h thG pasi, fdn6 b.itq pleB Aom by hrrc the b6 bE ding mps *irtrcur toowLdg. of ea.tics by selecring popularior potcnri.t ofcdlivs inprcv.d 10 a ldge cxrenl utirg knowl€dg€ of g.ncti.s sFb .tron s to c@biE dc.ihblc planl trails th. godic Fi@iplca di*ov€Ed by Mcndcl. ![!gr ir ditrffit g@typ6 itrto rhe sam n. ptdt cNilg bcg.4 With rlr. dir@vdy of Walson &d cricl's Dodct of DNA i! l9Jt, g.ndic codc in 1960r Btricrior .nzyE r h 1970r dd rhe d€v.topmor of@onbimr DNA l4hnoloey in 1980 hs nad€ posibl. lo inirod@ a dcrnabb cde froE @y by ?J,l Convotio!.t bh.dllt .pp|@r6 Irnproving yield of croF to e!)lw food s.cuity udd varyins ovirom@B for rh€ leSc \reodd population hrs b€m ftc majn concm ofplanr brccds. Duing the Dsr y.rF, 50 cNiderable gmaic ioprov€incnr hs road. Birg conveotidst or bd taditiorEl brEeding rehniqu€s to d.vetop hiSh lelding cullivd wil|l dcsiEbtc combhalid of !"jrs i. diff.@t dop sFciB Aslnf (2010) condlct€d e srflsive rcview oD vdious &oudl iolcmr cultivan4in.s prcdE.d in diff€Ml dops through Brclding for drclghl r.sistdc. in the p6st *"s minlv do.c thrcugh emPirical bEdilg by !.l4ting plstts brscd on thcir phdotlTes. TFditional brceding to improve d$ught r€sisllt@ in vh.d !d olhd croPs l8 bcen Micd dn ainS iom sses*d cnviromcnt (Skovnand er ol ' 2001). Selftlion for bigh ield porcrnial udd drcughl ddilions ha lcd !o ibgovcndts in s1|n vicld of{h€at ed barley (tuau et dl, 2002). Cenetic variatio is imporlsd for ddirabl€ eenctic rc$urces t?it in thc populalid. Gsetic v.ri.tiotr wifiin sP.cis gocrallv qists, howver if vsiation in the poputan@ ofsotnc spdns .bB not cxist' thm wild rclalivd ce b€ .xploiled a3 a sule of vdi.rin. Widc do$in8 hB b.en dPloired lo iltlode tom wild rclati\ts (Valko!4 2001) PlaDr gprctic 6o'@s hav. ben cxplored for drcught Bist nt laiis ed thev hav€ been incoaoratcd ilrouglr cft3ring and Y&i€ti.i4in6 fd &ought ttrds €nviment! hlve b€'n sEBs Fisrant 8FD.s d€vcloped (Quicl "t al. 2001; xinglai er und.sird c.n6 @ aho h@fdEd haits. For ddDle- hliaL P at 2006; Tdruo 3r al, 2010) Howevei, lc qDssng two p6mts !o @obim d€siFblc has bcm d€vclop€d bv crossing wltdt ed ryc sP@i$ It qualirv i3 Eldtivelr drcught r$ist@t hoBEver; iB graio do€s trot contlin ddirable int'tution of envircmcnl *ith dulllplc ga.s so 8.retic inprevdd! in crop pla s for drought tole@4 ha, drcudt lolenncc 2.6.2 Brcdin! by ir a complex t sl and involves Mrld Asitt .l Seletlon tn crop pbnts. plant bEeders rced to n.DPulate q@titaliv' tals coniloll'd by in nunbd of g.G, Th.s. qMliLlirt d polvgdic tlits e dfrcult to Mipultte h.ding pbStu conPNd hisb dviioM€ t th'ir ltiScnic mnN antl Bv idddrying DNA ndtd link'd to th* l!!rrs' to ihc M€ndclim taits d@ x g.@ irtem.iior a b @ h. .4sily ruipulated ed ilcdPotlt d into conn'Eitl culiir"6 Zhao t' dl' (2008) ba d.$tib.d thc ptoc.dw for !)dk{ dsist d slslion odAS) in brc'ding; nsdy physiolos€l dtlysG of fF cop is studi€4 thd selation of g'rcnc @l'@ th.y (ohr&t vs lB@pliblc g6aic vdiarion Smplaln), enlblhhrcrn of based on Spmdic Lclslogi6 a s@nins cdEna, disdtion of (DNA @kedQTL ddvsit' fidilg thc rsposible g€n€s cultiw ed fbally uling lh. i omatior in lailoring deught GislrDl thhu8b bedine or s.netic .ngirenng vsi.tion in DNA s€qMe (5gndg. md|m, 2OO4). DNA odt6 h.y bG dctFt d by Non'PCR sEh 6 RFLP (Esfiction tuglMt ldgth polbdPbis) or by PCR betc{t techniqB sth 6 SSR (SiEplc s.qu.G EFats). In 1980s! RFLP E thc 6on @tunlv us.d in pldts ed DNA ea*6 deret poltsoahj$ b!s.d d eibals ro iddd-ry mlk6 fq tnidyinS dirttsity and @nsr.Etid of c.ndic naPs (Gdd e| dt. l9l; Mccouch a ai., 2OO2; UU@ ed Mediih., 2000; Kotu.t.'' Pdlbq.r 2ool; shstl tagsdts a/..2001r. In RFLP, S.nomic DNA is @l bv rsriclro.Mtd.s inlo of dif.Hl sift. Thce cln th.n b€ sepdted ihrcu8! el€cirophoFsir' Radiolabeled ereb€s @ .utodd'ognphy, The 6N ensiv. go{ic Mpr Ning hybddi4d with restict€d DNA toMlo (Bdalzky ard Te}sley, 1986) RFLP inrclB !d niia dd RFLP lhen visualiad bv w olBrucd (H€l@tdis., at, 1986). Howvcr' n<Lo!.tivity, is idbni.ltly ditrcul to u!. dd vi€lds low PolvnoipbisD. 'nF dilevdy of poltDc@ cbi! rali@ (PCR) bv M![is ad f.]@u dobnodzed DNA such s [M hcpatiris ald in Mltd tecbmlogy nol oldy in cre! b&.diDg but DNA fig.rFinting prlhity ale in oth.r 6clds h fot8ic atud€, dlv dcletid dis?utcs ci., Thc PCR is 4 @plitr (1987) rdid ofa of d*.g .g sp@ific Egion of dplified Bing a slEd pdmct ltc PCRbed n thods nDv eithd ue dbitry, sii-ebit.fy d gme sp.cific ptih6 The L.hlologis iNolving sinSlc aftirsry pine$ N tudom uplili.d Poltmahrc DNA (BAIDi wilids tr at' DNA thil @ h€ w.hh md Mccl€lland, 1990) and DNA mplificdiod 6ngdprinti4 @Ar; C@bno ADol€s., al, l9l). Ir'€e t chniqo* rc simpl.,6y to ue ard do not irvolvc ndj@tivily eiich hd Mde th€n v€ry poprld for mappilg .nd gd.dc dimity !tudie, RAPD ald DAF both e svnlh€tjc oligolucl@tid€s to idgEt s!6ifi. bln u.kmm ddom sire of gmnq DAI us v€ry shon pri!6 uu.Iy 5J ffi. ft. 6plif.d p@dats e lglitd d lolt$ler-b.ct d poly!4rylani.le sel ad d.l-Ld by 3ilvd sLinite @ass@ ed B.trtl€y, 195) RAPD 1990), dbitrsly pimed PCR (AP-PCR (RlDdoD rEplifi€d polrdoipbic DNA) i! lhc tinPlcd rcR bss€d tebniq@. L Fquil. l9l) ad involv$ short EndoE IGE dlitiry Fil!6 to dptry rh. DNA. RAID uplficdiod 6 b. $FnLd d aeaee lnrl sel quntity of DNA (Mic[clnoE ./ a1., (Dmiklt .r ol, l9a). c{@l RAPDS @ .tomiDtnt tur!.c dd h€letuzvlpB ildrviduds bc difreMtiated Aom homozygos o@s R-APD cchniqws hav. widelv (Bodkova.r zt, t95; Stubd, l95i [(rtl@ r,.L,2004; Thda d 4r,2006) HMvd, QTL adlysis ltd oappitg e t ldivcly not e slc6snn wih R-A.PD ort6 ls€d du. to non-Eltoduciblc .nd domiml Btun 'n!e n.tho& !.ni{bie&y PriEd e eplfi€d A.smdt ldgi! 'nwlving polForpbis (AILP; vos ., al-, 195), Eic|wLlil6 tq.d'pdm.d DNA (M]_rcq Sh,m .t al, 1995). s.lcciivc dplifidion of nicl@lellitc Poltooryhic l@i (SAM?L; Mo4et sod vogel, 1994) @d @domly @plifi€d micmstellit€ polvnorlhis dl, 194) .L. AILPS c b!.d on RFLP3 but slich{v d,frdt ln lhi5 te.b.iquc, rdapt 6 @ li8!t d to.!d! of Gtictior nagDGnB !d lhd uplificd with pdn€6. Anplification EeulB e E$lv.d or .lenaturing poll€crvlvnide gel. Th'e ML.6 !rc domiMt io Datw ard ths yid.l pd au.lic info@tiol Oth.t PCR bas'd (RAM!; wu rr labliques iftlude SSR (sibple s€q@c. rc!€l/dicos&[il6)' CAPS (clevcd @pli6cd polroorp[ic equ.!B), SCAR (scqEa chleLrit d uplificd eeio$) dd sN? Gingle nu.l6tid. polldorphirn) (VarslEv e, .r, 2006) SSR (mic.6d.llil6) rincs. ubiquirou in ou e 2-E neleotid. E!.alr FF&d otlroca o2sellfue., ar, in tttdd 1993) SsPs e up ro huldrEds th. g.none on €&h chroncotu (Lin aid Lutv, 1989). Di!@letid€ of distribnted rp.{r tuotifs pL!!i twh d Bt*t (Motsste ., dl' 2002) SSRS hde bccom rcry Fpulu beae of $cir cxrasirc g.mtu @v@sc (Ctpta and veslney, 2004)- ftey @ higlly polFotPhic, rcpodEiblc in 6ulrs, .nd locs s1rch 6 spdifi., AG/CT arc e mc filqMl v.ry infom.liv. od in rotc. @{oEiun in Dlu. @ dif.cnfDte lonozvgotes Aon hehzygoGs. Th€e MkGR cd be Hdily arobdld (Shdiflou .t al ' 2003) ed ts'd in divdsity studi4 s w.ll 4 nappirg of idPoda gen€s, Msjn soNd of gencotion of SsR nst6 33 whqt micGat€llires N John Idcs cent oIC) Norwich LK (StcPh4son " 41. I98), G€tudy (Ro<kr, l99E), wbst Ficlwt lliL oMni@ (vMC; v6hn y ., al. 20OO) 6d u,tFd SSR club (Ni6t .t at ' 2003) tPK (C'aleBlcbd ald tEhrqE involve foNsd ald dc Find ro dplifv tb' t3lgtr s'qu4c Ih6. Fib.6 @ d6'8ned fot nsrins csioN of itF Equired FqUE@ (Beka atd SSR 195). Ga€nlly, Flyldvleilc g.l is wd to visralize Mplified DNA bv sSR edtlm, howvd. asflose @ al$ be Led SSRS e considcr'd lh' nct id'd oatcrs crcP for D4ping stul,es (VNh!.y./ dl,2006) Thev !!vc b@ *id'lv ued in ruv sD6id b iddti& Q'ttr dd @Btst s€ldic b46 (Mccosb et al,2@2iLjntt a! al,2010; 2005; Z6g et a1.,2005; Tddd! et dL.2(nf; sornlin.t zl-' 2008; N'linj 'r veg .t .1., 201 1: Li a o/., 201 I ) 2.? QILM.ppirg Algaji (2009) defn d QTL 6!pDi!s 6 "tlE D,itd-hcilirstcd g€detic dissetion or vsiaiion of @Fdd Ph@lyFs ilbueh spPbpdat dF ibdttl ddign md statisical dul)s€s of segeeding mildals" It b t!. oo.r efrcidt tppm&h for sMving *eFeltid populalion from eencticdly ed pimtt?icsllv div€$e pdenls is ihe lEt siep fft QTL {Dlysis Th. .bili9 !o tteid QIrl is hi8!.r in F1 or Frndivd poPdatioN 4d poly8dic nars 3Eh c.onbind bDloid .&l $ dmughl loto"M D.aeloPf,€nt of a tb!Ppi!8 or inbr<t lircs, howvcr, oth€i nsPping Populalis such lar isos@ic lic 2.?J Popul.lioN lor QTL Two @ntrdtilg @ d backdo$, doubl' .ls 8cd. dPPbg pdnG @ q!6!.d to d.vcloP e rr hvbnd ehich is *lf'fcrtrliz€d to 8cl i! ecMrllv N€d in sded€ mPping sM''s (Mccouch Dd Dor8., 1995; H.tund.z .r al , 2oo2i fnsga .t 41 2o04i sofali$ €l al ' 2008; .t ai. 2Ol0) b4!s il is 6v !o d.rclop in a shon'r Fiod ot lim' MoF*r' il e F, pregdy. Ite F, popdarion NaliN naridiz3 the domarioi of co{oniMr ma*s Thc Gdonimt n!*s sSre$c 39 sI:2:!d ctb.dooin b!*6 fiat a.! *gFS!r. 8tug!€ $ individud is a @iqu. s 3:l- Mljor drastdlk .pplication of[, poptdion ofo dFdtnot i3 l d6isn md Gplicario! is not pcaible. Bak Mr poloLlio! Backctus populatior is dev€lop.d by @stin8 tPo contBling Pdelrts to gel e Fr which qnich b u*d itr is frfilF @$.d eilh @ of rbe pd.nl3 lo gd a tacrrc pregdy mppbs (Bo@a 2001; coPl!, 2002) It ed diedvdages. sgcgalcs ll in The only ba.kN jusl like th. F, lnd hd sinile advottgca difrftnce h tlat donimt lnd ccdooindt narkes bo{t Prc8dY. 2,7.13 DoubL brplold (DH) liB is lhd qe dd.lop.d by g.lmtirg hlPlo'd pdots fton hlploid cclls Doublc b4loid (Flld or c8s ells) followd tt cls@3om doublin& Doublc btPloid liG e dl l@i. TLy htlc b€n u!.d fo. i.lenti66iion drd nt4'ping of QTLS in (Qwie ./ dr,ls,4i\.@ et al ' 200q dtn veou oihd oop6 (Irip.lhy .t .1., 2000: Jing et al , 2{}04; chlouFt .t ut' 2006i KuM t' dl' 200?; Dtslii ompt.&ly honozygoE ., al 200n. Thc ody 2.?.r.4 at drsdwlag. of dolbL h4loid tiN is that 0!c1e 6{v 10 R@dbiNt bbl.d li!6 {Rlt!) s.lf-fttliliadon oflbe F bdividuds fd nve or moe g*nliotu. RtLs h.v. bcn usd exl.roivdv in QTLS n'pping stqdiA (HeN€ t/ 'IrFy e d€v.loped 0mush 0|c tFli.d at, 20ol; Yu d/ aL, 2005i Veg ct d , 2@7i clSN a 61. 2009; Wt!! 4r 4i 20l l) how€, R[r n €d lons tDe 1o ttevdop and sonciiM tbe PoPularios 3ho* erllgadon disiortion (S.ns 2.t,15 N.s Nd lt r.!i. NIL! litc i. ,l, 2006). lin6 (NUi) i$seDic lirca bde Th.y ditrq s/ de b.c! presme ot ! of tenbi.a inbtld (vith Fspd io a ert in sdctic @!Pin8 (JaEkongIw al , 2004) " sp..ific t{g€t How€v'r, d'v'lopMt of used for a liB is iiG @sMils lrc @ltatng pe !!io e cosscd sad ihd the pbgelv h boclc$ed s for 6 40 will hav. th. s. gtr1ic backSroud fo! a si4l. sdc lo@ d loci of @e chrcno$ne, oy pollboryhs DNA oelG tuy bc.o id.nd 6 fintcd *ithlhal p.nicule g@. goer.tions. Si@ the NlLs diffeE@ D t d.tectcd throud mkd A egrcgaing populadon, Th* p!fl.@ 6 udnEdioB the tclls .bour th€ allclic aianis of erch individual of ih€ *ge84io8 @ g.l oo ihe s.dd non gcl pictc cl6topho6ir. A gatic lirlog. E tlar h.lp ofgcnoit?ic Mkd be p @ lner Ming tb€ PCR th@ bc cdsmei.d with It pbvid.s informdion or thc gd€ric di$dc€ b.r@r b6is ofthet rccombb.tion fr.quocy (Kor'y dd Psny, 1996). or disr.!@ is tak6 Fcombi@tion. d cM (clnri Molge). A disrare of A ga.ric nup speifid tlE ordd of I each ft. uit cM ir cquiwt.d ro l% es*d ed thc iner,ndk r KeBy &d P@oy (1996) hlE deeib€d Eioc sieFr fo. corsirudio! of gdcric n ps: 6Bdy, ph.m9ping of tb. popuLlior for rlE quaffibriv! rtri! iho wnid8 of pam6 polporyhim, eenoq?ing @h of thc popuhdotr with th! polrroahic 'ndividual markds, sorilg of th. allclic of .$h irdividu.l of rh€ populstion aad flslly' 'l.rB ddmirlliotr oford* of8.n dc Er*.B sithin rle fnlrg. gm!p. ror Ato $oiing rh. data of altclic $ans of.ach individud fion gel ptoto8nphs. rh€ data h su.lly lubjet d io silri3ricil $ftwe 10 tu&e a g4ric Da! ed dctccr eILs. g@6lly red for thi5 pupo*. Ir consEsrs a g@cric Dap of ihc nark€a t$ted ba$d o. EcodbiMrio 6!qu€ncy. Ir us.s a nap tumtion rratdaE or Kosbi lo tr&slate dist n@ inb cM toh l@mbiMiion Ii€qllmy. An atgorirhn is us.d to o.dcr lei or ! Dlp b€$d m tOD (los of ihc odd!) atio. t-oD ffi is loc of MAPMAKER/EXP i5 odds of one 'fto hnotbBis (c.g linLge) v€s d .lrderiv. or ndl h,"orlEis (m Dnk!g.} pregm h u!.d ro QTLS on rhe gderic Mp. Q II" C.nogaph€r is the n$t populd $iwar.. Bsi@Iy .ll 6e sft,es id.ntify QII,s by f+sgEsation b<rv6 lle !l|16 .r Eria lai ad rhe all.l6 ar 6€ QTL (8rem4 20ol). a sbtistical ".alrsis 'Ite tuin s1a&1ical n rhods omposit€ iotcwd mppin& u$d @ sinSle mlq ealtsis, inrdat mppil8 ed singlc D!*a ealFis (SMA) neilod E IiBr inllodEld by Sd 0923) who dctect d s€ed pigodtation in bc8. Ir iJ siDpl. .rd doe mt th. first QTL fo. sad sia !d cquitc 8.n ordd. h ws ANOVA app@h ed is sonetim cau.d lnd*et rcgE$ion" at oe bi*.r l6i (SoId, 1976). The nuppils popu/.rion is gcnorr?ed wirh oE blrtd ed is cbsi6.d ph.en?icdly mqd into te ald @npoDd for. iadsticdly 3ignjftcdr, th. Mkq delelion mdbd is loq in pow QTL @y bc h sid to d l[.i! ed b€ finred of Bolurion stN iadividuals gootyrB. Tbc popddion is cqlli! q@rirllirc lair rrlc difctlc b a QTL g@lyFs e is fo. rhal i6ir. Th€ SMA bed$ whd tuk6 @ fe fiob th. dart6. S.puG 6tnatio. 6rcu8h tht method t5d6 g6up! brs€d widcty sD6..d, of QTL efer5 is nor posiblc mi$ing st a Da*d have to be etd Eots&in (1989) itrrodE d rhc Intemt Erppi!8 (n{) ndbod. Ir is noE .d@tag6!s rhe rhc SMA tuihod (Clpta 20()2). ft. IM appM.h ttquiB ! gdctic ba! md podre8 a cwc dd is ba$d on joint tlquaciB of a pair of ddj&cnt @tds ad a pubtiv. QI! flek d by ihe rwo ffi.k ts which nak s ir rusibl. ro prodM nd.ladai 6dD,r.r of ldlrio ald cfccr of eTL ft is llE mosr Dopuls, nethod ro detd QTrr. Elch l@tion of gmre i! co iil@d [email protected]. titu s lo.dio. of purariE QTL. LOD th€ $oF is calcul.t whol. gbup. LOD d ar @h incrdnot (lalking sE In46 ndr comoily u.d wa dsiglcd lo map a 3in8le QTL th. tr.i! *nich aankin8 Ddk6 s mcthodolory in eTL mlping. Howcvd. &d do.r dc@s i[. conposi| i!&rv.l tutping (CIM) B tho fo. ile sr.ngth ofth. d'den@ [email protected] of a eTL Allhough, IM is th. a.treting sr€p) ofrhe inr.rual i1 cosida othd linr€d or ulinlcd eTrr pok &d @lurion of lhis ncrhod. So, nor irrodwed 3 o@ of iB e(ensiod. Additionat @-vdiar.s Edu.e onfouding etr cis of l:eby eTl_s (Zou od zag,2008). ft is lh. molt infom.tive sppr@h. Aly nmb$ of eTk @ bc mlped adr.€ly th'ough a cue It rEdlB thc .r$'c of d.tarbg eTb M.jor &istqck of lM ard CIM n thods is rhlr thcy EquiF a nddad staiisticd pbstu speilly d6ign sratisiical d for DalpiDg QTL' eft{a.c using corelation *hL SMA mly be @i.d out vith &y sinple teclriqE. dnlgll toLn.c. h ctup pLol! 2.t.2 R.poned QTL' lor $c.g hs bcn n de i! n4piDg tuy agricuhElly inpondt g.m wirh DNA b'lc6 in crep ptots. QTIr fo! th. tiliG sE! 6 osotic adjrBtlr@l ir sufoE [email protected] (ltq\. .t al., 2oor', r,isi .t al., 20Oi!), wUE in ,9/oszn 2001), d€€p $il wd.r qploFtion 41., 2004), leaf gtoMh aod anlh6is{ilkiiS inLryal in chl@phyll '!" .nd of $did ooE 41., 201r', I\obin et el" 2003) Mt at et in bw. h.€! rie (Coqroi* et al,200A: etbd (Du., ar 2007J, 2009), Lngth (St€L dr ar, 2006) @1 ad ell ih,ctGs osnotic adju$ndt in n@ Epon€d. Although QTL mappine for drcught iolc@@ h!v. bdn @nducted in rEpons on tuire (W.l*$ ,, md icLd in @lton (S.m8! .t al. 2004), t*. ir etghm @orcll a ar' 2000), floMing tim i. botLv €n e, (Zhare er ot, 2001), ooi F@ttaiion (kicc .r 41, 2000) 88 et ., dr, "t', oootio poldtid beDbtue stabiliry (Triplthy .t dt. 2oo0), ( (Ihm in Ln!@ (Johren .r al. 2000), bot-ABA (Giulimi laf sqlc*.M 2r.,2005), s.d yicld rld dreush su!flibility iDdq o.*t r.r r.4r'4 IMy @p3; how.r lh@ re Z}@g .t d!-,2001. Krno6hita ,t ul, 2002; trftt! tr al, 2004; KllM et al ,2@'li B.tuq .l a/., 2008; Yd Ying .' at, 2008), wl4t b rh. l4t shrdied cmP in lhb FsD4t Babtr et al, 2003; Robi! 2.73 QTk dt for druuCt al, 2003; tol.r.oe ln wb.rt chonosm. subdtitutio! lifts &d populttroN d.riwd lion the c@ bet*ra a hiSrt-ABA ptodwi.s *tEt cultirli Ci@ 67 ald . IoFABA ptodEins Qwi. ., al. 1994 us.d Chilw SpdnS wicty to dder QTrr for ABA emuLli@ trdLr drcught slrcss ABA Gumlldon ud6 dtuugLl slBs lad! !o tionalal clore, *hich [email protected] Mtct 16 fton pL $rcugh ttll3pin id. AMrdiDg to thek rcs ts, th€ g.@ eocoding ABA prduction h prcs.nt on the chremosm. 5A. Morge and Td (1996) u!.d @ombimr ilbrEd lin6 ir dd EporLd ihit th. 8ft for osNgrlaliod wd l@&d o. chsm$N ?A. Thcy u$d l[. RFLP lehliqE .nd dplov.d linhge aElFis for .Ltection of QTL. Th.t apodcd iit leslioi on lh. short 1owlrds th. c.nnomrc &@ tbe RFLP tocu Xprtl 19. m of 7A clftn@@' 13 cM vdma rr al (2004) adoiad Ds linca dqivcd fton the cb$ of tm EwPce Wint'r wnols for QTL sntlttit of a.g |af scsme ed sdin vield Thcv us.d AFLP technieue dd detaled d QI! fd flag lcdf sd€edc. und€r drcugnt stre$ on EaFd Q'Es for spft. bngt! u&t drougbt st6 onclmm$n s IA,2D,3D, 5A, 58ed?A,tunmb€tof spfteblson lA'4B'5,A'6A &d 68, fd tml nMbq pd s?it &d l00O gnin wi8h on 2D, 5A 68 !d 78- Thev cpoiied thst th€ chronosm.s 2D, 54' 68 ed 78 pltved e inpoisl rcle in c&ryilg g6cs for inpond lgtumnic !!its i! *tcal. chsEoem 28. Jisg.t ai. (2004) gten QTtr for Ed@liou in dqs to hedilg, 8nl! fl dralior ed ie@sd dl. of filliog in a rtuobimi inbtd ltred populalion udq drcodl stcst k@ ide ified bv Knigwi et al. (2fi14) uilg SSR b,rtd Th. Eicr@tllit -fvm,a otr chremoen' 4.\ was foud ro be s@iaLd with a i\.duction in dlF to h€.dirs; in$*sed san nUine raG &d low dreurli ss..ptibility itrd.x. a popdnid of wd wd 96 <toubled for QTL rraits inLritcd ddlyst tqloid li6 by Dlshti €r diffdarlv in tod a cos b.l*a Chit@ s!fi!8 dl '[tev (200?). lrfitl ed st* suggesled @!dilio6, ard SQ I fiat mdt agremm'c So, QTL aldvsis is lav t.iis. TlFv deieted 6 QTk fof l0OO grainwis!! | fdp.d@Llengt!,I forSllinvicldond5 forNntdof sEi$Pa ed. n!.y d.t6t€d 3 QTLS for str* sleflibilitv hdd on chrcffiom.s 7A' 4B dd 68 dd 2 QTLS for si.!$s lol€tlM ind.x on ih. chbdose 5.4 ald 58 Diab d ar @008) id6ti6ed 63 QIr-s for @opy t mpesne, 43 for chtorcphvll coni'n! l2 for rd$ointion Fte, 3 for clatik mld co cnt &d 7 for osoiic adjusbndt i! a eoDbi@t ilbrEd popul'tio! of dtu *h.5 @&. drcugli std cfici€di in ud€stllding th. geielic.ont$l of th.s. QTL d.lysb h€bs pldt bltedeB to t ilot pDdwtiv€ uing dlrtd Q ll,ggcc 6sisn:d $l@tion (MAS). in MAS adds F@ision 't!c w i! $l*tio! and of DNA of ueftl as'iculrud c'ndvs bdt6 liltcd desinble of 'onbiittion h!v' b€n iddlift'd pldts *ith d.sinble gdca. QTL! for soN com@ially iFporttlt Fdits i! cop Plmrs and qploi.d in na*d dbr.d bt! ding pDgrds (Cldvelli .' a/ 2008) QTLS 10 Th identift'd will Dovidc sein iofmdon n) Plst noleuld biolosists for clonins 8cn6 udalying tlcs. tr.iis ed thcn @ipuhli@ in biot chmlosy/gmelic oSinding. 2.8 cl)ffiial cultim thtugh C.!dn Elrilertug ctsicat bre.ding nethods involw ctusi.g of !6@t! Mth dsinble Lsitt Howdd, in thsc .!Fo&l|s, pLli bc.dd ts to @Dptonisc for lhe inttodlclion of ud6idbL traib lirlcd lo th. dcsiEd o!.s, Thc dtat iniroduction of Equircd 946 iluough Scnelic dsindiie b e .mci. wy to ilEod@ ddiBblc ch68! (Cuhnll ed Bohn 4 somc e.neiic DdipuLtions ftr drcu*lt lol@cc have b.d und.nak{ (Csniv€lti er ai. 200E; Asbnf, 2010; Iipdm tld Buiitr, 2010) For qdple 2OO0). inE duciid of g.@ for biosldhcsis of osnropretec-r{is (Bohn.rr and shcvelda, E E .r dl., l99E; Mc@il ., 2010). al,2c,r',vu',j^et dl 2005i Z}no 4 srcngcs of Elive oxyga acics (Noclot ald foyer, induc.d ptuleic (ftomssbow, 1999i cnena et 41. 2002l' D6laI et g.ldic iryrelclMl for dDughl asi$Ee in Pnet ltd oD4 zl 6Dps l98j 41,2009: Ashtaq ad 1998) 2009) hs not stt s Howcr, ben vdv $cc6sntl by 8.ndic €ngiftding, Dowht Fsisld@ in *b@t and oth€r @P plels nav mr b. lchidcd by inlrodurim of [email protected] fd a single d!it, A lrrg. gtow of gcG @t sys16t, hid$ Flauv. w.1er @nrdr Educ.d v,l.r los, Sood omnc adjuthe4 cll ndb|le $.bililv' contolling a codbi@tion of tdits lik€ .xt€Nive Mulalim of &lioxidell in hidt anoul inboduc€d for inprcving Bisrse in 6p .ic udd dsuSlt wuld Ed b be pbtrts .xog€lou lpPli@tod of tutio{idots inplovs 'lrought 9m to hrE a d dtioFd,nt &id $ pldl! *nc4 lgdic irclditr8 bl.t!@ of c|op good polertial in m.lionring ihc [email protected] cls of oxidliiv. stress on cDp Pldis but tuind r€*eb on [email protected] lnd phtliologcsl bL of elbic &id in pldts $bier.d to drcuslt t!!s is FquiFd. MGI of lh qo* t lon d f@us€d on salt A! eeliq studica €pon ihat qdlid tol@c€ of pldt! rbrougi dogooN applic{tion of edbic acid Motov'r in sndi.s |tschcE sdc6lly 4pli.d d En&n d* of @tbic eid wirlour Pdor opiniation of its nost .f€cdve doe, High conc4tr.tion of a solute mlv be bxic lo platrt whle a loM ld.l @y b. nEfrdlivc so' th. .!sssi@t of oPtiDN ldcl of dcorbic &id ltplicliion @ droodt stEs!.d planB should bc died ou MoFE to.ll lbc dpdiodltl popuLtid Mv b. 4llicd in hvdoponic cultw by sins PEG (lolrdtyl@ 8ly@l) ii! contitst io eil cult@. L4.Nqfr et al. (1961) rpod.d th.r rEC @old be Ecd to nodify the molic pot nlial of nuiri4l elurio! snd ind@ drcuCt stlsr ir t.oftllLd ll|lrw Ir 1970's ald E0'3 the e of PEG of high (4000-8000) noleulat wiCt b€ec vdy PoPub .! hiShd ool.c'nd wigh PEG @fit Penct!& into plad lisc. Arnong th. dtoughl iodrcing olnoli€ cmFurdlj PEG i! pEf.nEd oE thc ot!.s (Irga*ff .t d' l lr Slloa 'r 4'' 200?). B€ing no&ioxic to planis it is widely ed to indw dloughl 3it s (Ch4n ed NMua I9'4; zhes ed KirklaD 1996 gaElru d/ .i , 2010). slFh,b ./ al (2010) ls€d 5, l0 .!d 15 % IEC ir nuticnt elulion for $dy i! ii.c viiL HrEltu t' 4' i2010) u*.t 8 ald 16 % PEC to ilduce dild and sv@ dtuuelt sLc$s 6p4!vdv for uifom dtourh sri6s pollmd ltodued i! a msc of tul@uld wistu. Thc cdibdtion cw. lle$od .€aiNr tb€ noled! wigbl ad @nc'ntialio! oI lEG M danonstal€d by Mon v (19E9) As PEG of ditr@1 mol@uh w'i8hls hd a dif.Flr omtic pollntial Pncd in $llni@ fm, thccf@' (!s'tml of tE optinM syb.!! pldts. PEG is a Dn-iolic "d.r Lv.l (do!8 vErying colc€ftr.tioB of PEC) for indebg dough '3tl's osolic pot rtial is ale vcry trnportdn, Thu, the trt$t crog@uslt spplicd io s. how it projdl w .sftic sil @nsidsinS the deigncd 1o .v.lutic thc nost cflddw l€rcI of d st6t PttDB ud.. o6mtic str4 @r'd bv PEc dl€viates the advee .ff@ts of &ought Funlcnot, identifi'adon of ro initir& QTb fd dm!8!t€ in ih. pc.rt Ptoj.ct rculd prcvidc t b6is war.b @ cloiing of g.tEs dd theii @iPulation for hjghd 'ldogclou Mbic &id