HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD
HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD
HERSTORY //doc /// pdf// / Nov 7 / / 15 // 21/. 30 // / October 7 // 15 // 21 // 31 // SEPTEMBER 7 / 15 / 21 // 30 // WAMPUM, REAL PENNIES ACCEPTED. / COOP TRADE BARTER /// usuryfreeusall // / 2012 MANUAL / pt 2 / CONTACT DANA // 416 419 9023 // HUMAN HELP // TorontoStreetNews // SERENITY-GLOBAL-Barter-Trade-COOP- /// NEWSLETTER // LIVE STREAM in YOUR FACE SUNday 11 18 2012 SUNNY SOL LITE RAINBOW WARRIORs in NEW YORK YORK REGION OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII literitesolsonsun - http://www.7thfire.biz/literitesolsonsun.htm http://www.scribd.com/doc/94989803/Helios-is-NOT-ATON-Gorilla-199LIES Apollonius of Tyana - Born February 16, 2 AD in Tyana, Cappadoccia, Greece. Original founder of true Essene Christianity, whose precepts originate in Buddhist India and China(Himalayas). http://7thfire.biz/11212012.htm LIVE STREAM in YOUR FACE! https://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski Replaced by Yeshai Beth Halachmee(pseudo-crucified Essene of 4 BC), Jehoshua Ben Pandira(the Jesus of 100 BC) and Christna(the avatar of 3000 BC) by the priests of Constantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The New Testament is a distorted account of his life and teachings. MARdi 11 20 2012 DEDICATED to all the RAINBOW WARRIORS. http://www.librarising.com/spirituality/apollo.html Documentary (The Deception of Christianity) All the CHILDREN of the LITE of AGAPE AMOR. -Apollonius showed astonishing gifts for healing and clairvoyance, as well as amazing eagerness to acquire the Hermetic knowledge He let his hair grow, abstained from the flesh of animals and from wine, and walked barefoot, clad only in linen clothes, giving up all that were made of wool. Be BLESSED. BE BLISS my BEAUTIES. victoriavictory -http://7thfire.biz/victoriavictory.htm VICTORIA VICTORY KANATA REPUPLIC http://7thfire.biz -"I have seen men who inhabit the earth, yet do not live on it, who are protected on all sides though they have no means of defense, and who nevertheless possess only what all men possess." MOONday 11 19 2012 ( SIN god, ATON, SATURN/ MOLOCH are the DARK SUNS) hellenchaosinfiltrated http://7thfire.biz/hellenchaosinfiltrated.htm -Apollonius had no difficulty in escaping Nero's persecution of philosophers, and his admirers said that when confronted with the tribunal that was to try him, he was able, through his Hermetic art, to erase the writing on the document on which his indictment was written. Imprisoned by the evil Emperor Domitian but unexplainably acquitted by the court which tried him, Apollonius disappeared in front of everyone in the court, possibly by using some trick of collective suggestion. Once, when in a garden in Ephesus, Apollonius saw by clairvoyance the murder of Domitian in Rome. "Strike the tyrant, strike him!" he cried joyfully, as though to encourage the distant murderer. HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated - http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/ When in Rome; don't be a Greek If the philosophers glorified Apollonius, the Christian world contrasted him with his contemporary, Jesus. While the ecclesiastical historians for centuries, even down to our own times, have made his name a 1 2 synonym for charlatan and trickster -- with such a tenacity that should suffice to prove his greatness of soul! -Apollonius never entered a temple without saying this prayer: "Grant, 0h gods, that I may have little and feel the need of nothing." For contempt of riches is a wonderful touchstone of man's sincerity and virtue. For him wisdom was "a sort of permanent state of inspiration." To attain that state, he prescribed chastity, a diet of herbs and fruit, and clothes as pure as the body and soul. Apollonius was a sincere man who labored to separate the spiritual essence of his being and unite it with the divine spirit. They were the heirs of an ancient knowledge, of which the teaching was oral, which came from the old Orphic mysteries, and the secret of which had to be jealously guarded by the disciple who received it. The school of Pythagoras formed at that time a secret community with several stages of initiation. The members recognized one another by certain signs and used a symbolical language in order that the doctrine might remain unintelligible to the profane. Music, geometry, and astronomy were the sciences recommended by the Pythagoreans as best adapted to prepare the soul for the reception of suprasensory ideas. Wherever he went he attracted large crowds and held them spellbound by his words and deeds. Kings, rulers, and common folk constantly sought him for advice and he gave freely. He travelled the world and always stood his ground and was regarded by many as a god in the flesh. He compiled the epistles, and retired to the isle of Patmos where he wrote the book of Revelation. Little is known about his death, but it is thought he lived past the the age of 100, and shortly thereafter ascended to the inner earth paradise. Temples and statues were built in his honor, and for the first three centuries AD he was regarded as a demi-god and saint. The popularity of Apollonius' teachings became a threat to the decaying Roman Empire, so in 325 AD, At the Cuncil of Nicae, emperor Constantine and his bishops devised the New Christianity which would turn attention away from Appolonius, to a Judean carpenter by the name of Jesus. All records of Apollonius and his Essene Christianity were destroyed and this meant burning the libraries, including the most famous one at Alexandria. The mobs who enforced the new changes met stiff resistance from the people, and some fifty million were eventually killed or martyred in the process. Important changes in the biblical texts occurred ever since then, such as the removal of the doctrines of reincarnation, astrology, and vegetarianism; to be replaced by their opposites -a mortal soul, a hellfire for diviners, and permission for meat-eating and wine drinking.. http://www.librarising.com/spirituality/apollo.html /// http://www.alchemylab.com/apollonius.htm // http://www.adolphus.nl/xcrpts/xcphilostratus.html //http://www.theosophical.ca/books/ApolloniusOfTyana_GRSMead.pdf // / http://thriceholy.net/Texts/Apollonius.html // http://www.alchemylab.com/apollonius.htm // http://www.theoi.com/Cult/ApollonCult5.html // http://www.theoi.com/Cult/ApollonCult.html // http://www.livius.org/ap-ark/apollonius/life/va_5_11.html // http://www.davidicke.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-3649.html /// http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Apollonius+of+Tyana // http://www.sacredtexts.com/cla/aot/laot/laot16.htm /// http://thriceholy.net/Texts/Apollonius.html // /// http://www.adolphus.nl/xcrpts/xcmead.html /// http://www.philaletheians.co.uk/Study%20notes/Buddhas%20and%20Initiates/Blavatsky% 20on%20Apollonius%20of%20Tyana.pdf /// http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=102 &topic_id=2018214&mesg_id=2019103 // http://www.sciforums.com/Was-Paul-ofTarsus-really-Appolonius-of-Tyana-t-43123.html /// http://www.truthbeknown.com/apollonius.html // http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/portrait/religions.html // http://www.hellenicgods.org/bay-laurel---daphne---daphne // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollonius_of_Tyana /// http://www.angelfire.com/in4/alchemy2084/apollonius.html They taught detachment from material things, the doctrine of the transmigration of souls through successive human bodies, the development of spiritual faculties through courage, temperance, and fidelity to friendship. They discovered the relation of numbers to the phenomena of the universe, and they communicated with the souls of the dead and the spirits of Nature by means of ceremonies and incantations. The aim of their teachings was the enlargement and the purification of the inner man, his spiritual realization His mission began by going to Antioch where he taught certain disciples, as well as learning the mysteries of that city's temple, Apollo Daphne. He also traveled to India and Egypt, bringing back with him the doctrines of Krishna and Buddha, which then became the foundations of the Christian religion. As a Roman citizen, he travelled freely within the Roman empire acquiring the reputation of a social and political reformer. He was fearless and spoke out against the tyranny of Nero and Domititian for which he was jailed but later released. His most recounted incident was at the court before emperor Domitian, where he dissapeared into thin air before they could lay any kind of charge on him. Planet Earth The Way It Should Be - [One Day - Matisyahu] [Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang] AMENO ERA http://8thfire.biz 3 4 SATURNday 11 17 2012 Oh Kanada !!! BYE BYE to LOGGING for the LIZARD QUEEN and HELLO to COMMUNIST CHINA?? DARK SUNs ATON and SIN saturnaliasun http://7thfire.biz/saturnaliasun.htm // nazicommieinvasion http://www.7thfire.biz/nazicommieinvasion.htm UNREPENTANT: KEVIN ANNETT AND CANADA'S (NATIVE PEOPLES) GENOCIDE: 1 of 1 FULL http://www.7thfire.biz/tworowwampumworld.htm Canada's Dirty Secret //FRENCH HWK // Veil_of_Invisibility // PISTIS SOPHIA Hidden from History: Upper Canada Rebellion 1837 Secret China treaty threatens Canada's National Sovereignty UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide Award-winning documentary film on Canada's Dirty Secret - the planned genocide of aboriginal people in church-run Indian Residential Schools - and a clergyman's efforts to document and make public these crimes. CALGARY - A soon-to-be ratified investment treaty between Canada and China has the potential to wrest control of natural resources away First-hand testimonies from residential school survivors are interwoven with Kevin Annett's own story of how he faced firing, "de-frocking" , and the loss of his family, reputation and livelihood as a result of his efforts to help survivors and bring out the truth of the residential schools. This saga continues, as Annett continues a David and Goliath struggle to hold the government and churches of Canada accountable for crimes against humanity, and the continued theft of aboriginal land. UNREPENTANT took nineteen months to film, primarily in British Columbia and Alberta, and is based on Kevin Annett's book Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust. The entire film was a self-funded, grassroots effort, which is reflected in its earthy and human quality. from the provinces, the leader of the federal NDP said Tuesday. "I think one of the things that we have to know is that this can cause huge upheaval in the province's ability to control their natural resources and real problems for Canada's sovereignty long-term," Tom Mulcair said in an interview with The Canadian Press. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/ndp-leader-china-treaty-threat-provinces-control-over-024917110.html // http://ca.news.yahoo.com/ottawa-investigating-foreign-worker-permits-chinese-miners-b-203050247.html // http://ca.news.yahoo.com/alberta-labour-group-slams-fast-tracking-foreign-workers-201228053.html // http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/imported-chinese-coal-miners-b-c-labour-unions204615459.html // Official Site: http://HiddenFromHistory.org NativeTube: http://natube.magnify.net BYE BYE eCONoMEE http://7thfire.biz http://hiddennolonger.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/No-Longer-Hidden-1.pdf FRIAday 11 16 2012 FREE us FROM the LIZARD QUEEN and PEDOPHILE VAMPIRE PRIESTS of BAAL vaticanbaalbbq - Endorsements of ITCCS and Kevin Annett by native eyewitnesses http://7thfire.biz/vaticanbaalbbq.htm http://hiddenfromhistory.org VAMPIRE BBQ GRIZZLY BEAR BREW 7thfire.biz Endorsements of ITCCS and Kevin Annett by native eyewitnesses // The International Common Law Court: Genocide in Canada // http://7thfire.biz/11152012.htm THORsday 11 14 2012 KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS- PARALLEL = SOLOMONs first wife is LILITH, then ESTHER as EVE / Magdala FREE us from the DRACO VATICAN VAMPIRES of SATURN and SONs. SATURN (lord of the rings 9 ) and his 2 kingsolmagda http://7thfire.biz/kingsolmagda.htm 5 6 You Are My Hiding Place ( With Lyrics ) /// doc /// pdf /// Free Your Mind of the Beast • Dana Horochowski ANTICHRIST EMAIL LIST for sure Naomi Astral thank you Wade...i saw this in my news feed but is not on my page [just yet] - been having probs when peeps tag me in pics, either turns up a day late or not at all....very much appreciated a few seconds ago · Like 2 hours ago · Like · 1 <3 • Dana Horochowski thank you WADE perfect timing my angel ox about an hour ago · Like · 1 • Wade Booth July 23, 2011 Jewel Del Core the forces Asmodai, Metatron and nomenclatures that end with –IEL, including Michiel, Gabriel, sachiel, Aeriel under the general characterization “Tetragrammaton YHWH, equilateral upward looking triangle” are forces that emanate from Levan (moon) or Levanhiah are criminals of the Universal Organism. On your timeline · Hide Saint Michael the Archangel. Defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, o prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world, for the ruin of souls. Amen. — with Naomi Astral,Stanley North and Dana Horochowski. • • about an hour ago · Like • Tag PhotoAdd Location Unlike · · Unfollow Post · Share You and 6 others like this. Dana Horochowski 3rd heaven angels are not imposters in 5d. about an hour ago · Like • Wade Booth Let go the chains that bind you • <3 July 25, 2011 at 8:16pm · Like · 4 Dana Horochowski I know the angels on EARTH in 3d and they ain't NO DEVILS. LEVAN and LILITH and MICHAEL NOEL PRESCOTT play the dark angels. WHITE SQUARES BLACK SQUARES. Duality in play 7 8 about an hour ago · Edited · Like about an hour ago · Like • • Jewel Del Core there is no heaven, just a moon with holographs, these are not 5 dimensional beings but 4th dimensional criminals Dana Horochowski If I die...I am there. EASY about an hour ago · Like about an hour ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski SCIENCE - I have a degree in that. USELESS PAPER isn't it Dana Horochowski Hellen and Chaos NOW REEKS with the NERO government. I showed you who was linked to that blog now. It ain't Perseus LIKE before. These guys are going to bring in your DRACOVASSILAS about an hour ago · Like about an hour ago · Edited · Like • • Jewel Del Core you are in luna parks woman, be careful...dont be played this late in the game Dana Horochowski HORUS Antichrist about an hour ago · Like about an hour ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski I am SPIRIT Dana Horochowski then you will never see HEAVEN. I am always in those realms more than here now. about an hour ago · Like about an hour ago · Like • • Jewel Del Core we have stated publicly that kavasillas is a manipulator, show where we have supported his work....this is a complete lie, cant believe you of all people is saying this.... Jewel Del Core that's complete nonsense dana, and a distortion, like I told you before not going to argue, see if you can punch holes in the scientific facts instead of these empty accusations 9 52 minutes ago · Like 10 • • Jewel Del Core if you think we are disinfo, state your case and accusation and make sure you back up your claims, would be a great topic in the group....bring it girl Wade Booth *spanks you* 47 minutes ago · Like · 1 50 minutes ago · Edited · Like • • Wade Booth Kavasillas is an idiot Please don't argue in pics! Thanks! Jewel Del Core whos arguing, we have been accused of being disinfo agents so all I ask is for you to clarify your accusations 48 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 1 46 minutes ago · Like :P • • Dana Horochowski I have taken my SCIENCE off ARCH MIKIE to give him a BREAK Wade Booth Dana is just drunk or something .. she does this ... sometimes. 48 minutes ago · Like 45 minutes ago · Like :P • • Dana Horochowski see MY PAGE. GOOD NIGHT MIKIE my angel Jewel Del Core I have allot of respect for her and what she has done for our country 47 minutes ago · Like · 1 44 minutes ago · Like · 1 • • Wade Booth Dana, Jewel knows her shit, so hush! Jewel Del Core the forces Asmodai, Metatron and nomenclatures that end with –IEL, including Michiel, Gabriel, sachiel, Aeriel under the general characterization “Tetragrammaton YHWH, equilateral upward looking triangle” are forces that emanate from Levan (moon) or Levanhiah are criminals of the Universal Organism. 47 minutes ago · Like · 1 20 minutes ago · Like 11 12 • • Jewel Del Core if you are going to remove my initial comment and edit what I have said remove everything and not select increments that dont suit ill cells Dana Horochowskihttps://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski/posts/432483933485788?comment_id=3976513¬ if_t=share_comment 19 minutes ago · Like a few seconds ago · Like • Wade Booth I didn't remove anything Dana Horochowski :( about an hour ago · 18 minutes ago · Like • I have been blocked from posting anymore comments about the INFILTRATED NERO NAZI WEBSITEhttp://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/ • HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics Wade Booth Just letting you two fight it out hellenandchaos.blogspot.com 18 minutes ago · Like All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... • Like · · Unfollow Post · Share Jewel Del Core ok o 18 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski PERSEUS who I spoke to in 2010 is NO LONGER there. I will show you that the CHAOS is coming from GREECE NOW. All in the BOOK of REVELATIONS to bring in DRACOVASSILAS and ignore the real culprits as in TONYA KANE ( LILITH) LEVAN ( PINDAR) and MOLOCH. SATAN is the father of ALL LIES. SHAME on you ALL who continue to bring in GENOCIDE and NOT unconditional LOVE. • Wade Booth there are 32 comments here, haha wow .. was just a pic. about an hour ago · Like 17 minutes ago · Like · 1 13 14 about an hour ago · Like o o Dana Horochowski MICHAEL NOEL PRESCOTT says he is ARCHANGEL MICHAEL METATRON . He is an IMPOSTER THELEMITE DEVIL. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE the truth but BLAME GOD for causing this mess. Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb1jv_IqfBM&list=PLfrI6zP_rY5tZUWP9WoWXhEo13RhfEm4G& feature=player_embedded about an hour ago · Like o Dana Horochowski I LOVE all the COLOURS of the RAINBOW and all have a chance to COME HOME to AGAPE LOVE. about an hour ago · Like When in Rome; don't be a Greek o www.youtube.com Dana Horochowski To hell with NERO. Print your own CURRENCY and on with SERENITY. Justin Trudeau's father pledged to the club of Rome. So we are in ROME, whole en...See More about an hour ago · Like about an hour ago · Like · Remove Preview o o Dana Horochowski GOVERNMENT all the WAY Dana Horochowski If you couldn't read greek, then you wouldn't have the truth? Heaven help the CHILD who will be GOING to HEAVEN. 57 minutes ago · Like about an hour ago · Like o o Dana Horochowski GoLive Sault Ste Marie will be HEAVEN on EARTH after the CLEANSE. Which is coming from GRECO ROMA. 15 Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] More 16 57 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski I am a teacher. I must stay NEUTRAL. 42 minutes ago · Like o Seanchai Seance They're not Omnipotent Dana believe me the more you work the more tired they get they have no life as long as they try to steal the precious lives of others, They don't have the compassion to turn around and amend their ways o 46 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 Seanchai Seance She yodels well but is she bound where she can't speak truth 41 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 o o Dana Horochowski GOVERNMENT WHITE TRASH VAMPIRE SLOTH 42 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski I have been into prophecy my whole life. I can dance around the DEVILS 40 minutes ago · Like o o Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] More Dana Horochowski Perseus posted my stuff in 2010 and then he disappeared like the rest of the good guys. The website is a different address now. ca. not com. 39 minutes ago · Like 42 minutes ago · Like o o Dana Horochowski Jewel knows this...she is covering it up. Will not use the term ANTICHRIST Dana Horochowski My websites have been stolen too. They can easily set up under old sites now. 41 minutes ago · Edited · Like 39 minutes ago · Like o o 17 18 Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] More [email protected] [email protected] 32 minutes ago · Like 38 minutes ago · Like o o Dana Horochowski DEVILS 31 minutes ago · Edited · Like Seanchai Seance I remember how they hammered Jewel about her well endowed figure and made fun of her dentures despite how beautiful she was In such a vulnerable state they may have taken advantage of her with negative influence 17 minutes ago · Edited · Like o Dana Horochowski NERO SLAUGHTERED CHRISTIANS and this SOUNDS like the SAME ROUTINE AGAIN o 31 minutes ago · Edited · Like Seanchai Seance Just how anti-biotics and so called medicine gives our Immune system the jump start to HealThyself I believe the Inter-active Internet Is just a projective 3d projection to activate our once latent and dormant ability for thoughts to transverse space, time and distance WE ARE UNITED o 33 minutes ago · Edited · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] o Dana Horochowski GOD LIKE PRODUCTION is on the GRECO ROMA LIST too [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 19 20 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] o Seanchai Seance They know as we assemble a united Alliance " LOOK AND BEHOLD THEY HAVE BECOME AS ONE WITH ENOUGH FAITH TO COMPUTER CRASH PLANETARY PRISON NETS NOW THEY ARE FREE TO DO AS THEY WILL(God's plan) 24 minutes ago · Like o 30 minutes ago · Like o Dana Horochowski GOVERNMENT VAMPIRES 30 minutes ago · Like o Seanchai Seance Remember the dying are not really dead they use this visualization to disrupt your Ascension process and awareness that WE CREATE WORLDS 28 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 21 Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 22 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] o Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 6 minutes ago · Like 15 minutes ago · Like o o Dana Horochowski HEAVEN HELP the Little CHILDREN The INNOCENT. They need to be taken out of HARMS way. They are not accountable for this POLLUTION, these PARASITES. BLOOD SUCKERS Dana Horochowski ANTICHRIST EMAIL LIST for sure 4 minutes ago · Edited · Like 14 minutes ago · Like o o Dana Horochowski 10 years with good tutors Waldorff style and we have a new generation of ANGELS Seanchai Seance It's safe to say Let's bypass Shiva's/Sita's eight arms and lets just open our 8 eyes with our third eye In the center 4 minutes ago · Like 11 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 23 24 o o Dana Horochowski all colours. Seanchai Seance Thant's my Dana/DANU A Star Is Born 4 minutes ago · Like a few seconds ago · Edited · Like o o Dana Horochowski Let the TARES DIE in the CITY from their WARS. I am going to get tanned, make pee batteries, DOME HOMES and FISH FARMS with the CHILDREN of the LITE. My RAIN|BOW WARRIORS who know how to COEXIST Dana Horochowski COuncil on Foreign relations haha look at the MEDIA and government links a few seconds ago · Like 2 minutes ago · Edited · Like o o Seanchai Seance Love these thought Think It and Will It and It Is done All's Well ends Well 3 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 o Seanchai Seance Alright Hon relax and enjoy yourself U deserve It 2 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 o Dana Horochowski I am going to work out, get outside today. Too much inside DRAMA MATRIX BABBLE for my HEART about a minute ago · Like 25 Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 26 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] a few seconds ago · Like a few seconds ago · Like Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] a few seconds ago · Like • Agape Amor [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 27 28 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] a few seconds ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://www.scribd.com/doc/94989803/Helios-is-NOT-ATON-Gorilla-199-LIES Like · · Share • Dana Horochowski http://7thfire.biz/whiteblacksquare.htm 911 YOU ARE A LIAR GORILLA199- Gorilla199 -HE IS DANGEROUS. MASSIVE DISINFO HERE. BLOCKING my comments!. 7thfire.biz AMENO ERA http://8thfire.biz DOCPDF2012 MANUALURGENT AUDIOJUNO 1-7 20128-1516-21 22-3081516-23 // 24- 30MARC...See More about a minute ago · Like · Remove Preview 29 30 Aton (Egyptian god) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia www.britannica.com in ancient Egyptian religion, a sun god, depicted as the solar disk emitting ray...See More a few seconds ago · Like · Remove Preview LOVELY! http://8thfire.biz/ • Dana Horochowski Alternative MEDIA FAILS to DEFINE the 2 paths to FREEMASONRY - WHITE ( + ) and BLACK ( -). whiteblacksquare http://7thfire.biz/whiteblacksquare.htm Gorilla199 -HE IS DANGEROUS. MASSIVE DISINFO HERE. BLOCKING my comments! He DEMONIZES and FAILS to DEFINE BOTH FORMS of MASONRY. EVE ( GODDESS TRADITION/ HUMAN/ OLYMPIAN) vs LILITH ( EVITA/ DEMIURGE/ YALDABAOTH/ Nephilim/ MOLOCH) http://www.youtube.com/user/gorilla199 555 – Adam Kadmon – Keys Of Enoch – light body in physical form http://5dterra.wordpress.com/2012/05/27/555-adam-kadmon-keys-of-enoch-lightbody-in-physical-form/ http://5dterra.wordpress.com/2012/05/27/gorilla199-he-is-dangerous-massivedisinfo-here-blocking-my-comments-he-demonizes-and-fails-to-define-bothforms-of-masonry-eve-goddess-tradition-human-olympian-vs-lilith-evitademiurge/ Helios ( MERCURY/ HERMES/ GOOD SUN/ Wednesday) is NOT ATON Like · · Share • YOU ARE A LIAR GORILLA199- Gorilla199 -HE IS DANGEROUS. MASSIVE DISINFO HERE. BLOCKING my comments!. Eli Legend and Ardeliza Lim like this. 7thfire.biz • • Dana Horochowski gotta keep the head protected from soul scaling entities Dana Horochowski http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/41851/Aton 10 hours ago · Like 31 32 • Seanchai Seance Aye, And for men going bald do head stands over some cornmeal with a pinch of Roman Alum salt as a back-up precaution, Just a thought 9 hours ago · Like SUNNY SOL LITE RAINBOW WARRIORs in NEW YORK YORK REGION OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII literitesolsonsun - http://www.7thfire.biz/literitesolsonsun.htm Apollonius of Tyana - Born February 16, 2 AD in Tyana, Cappadoccia, Greece. Original founder o f true Essene Christianity, whose precepts originate in Buddhist India and China(Himalayas). Like · · Share • Replaced by Yeshai Beth Halachmee(pseudo-crucified Essene of 4 BC), Jehoshua Ben Pandira(the Jesus of 100 BC) and Christna(the avatar of 3000 BC) by the priests of Constantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The New Testament is a distorted account of his life and teachings. http://www.librarising.com/spirituality/apollo.html Dana Horochowski http://www.7thfire.biz/literitesolsonsun.htm SUNNY SOL LITE RAINBOW WARRIORs in NEW YORK YORK REGION OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII-Oh Kanada !!! BYE BYE www.7thfire.biz pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall 2012 MANUALpt 2CONTACT DANA HUMAN HELPTorontoStreetNews SERENITY-GLOBAL-Barter-Trade-COOP- NEWSLETTER // 33 34 Seanchai Seance shared Seanchai Seance's photo. caravans. At twenty-six he married his employer, who was fifteen years older than he. about an hour ago "In 610, after fourteen years of marriage, Muhammad heard a voice speak to him; shortly thereafter he began to preach his newfound creed focusing on Allah and male dominion over nature and women. After twelve years of antagonizing his fellow men and women with his heretical ideas, he was cast out from his tribe, leaving Mecca on June 15, 622, an occasion that marks the first day of the Islamic calendar His teachings fell on receiving ears among the men of Medina and the surrounding vicinity; he returned to Mecca with an army of followers and conquered the city. Apparently tired of having his life ruled by women and goddesses, Muhammad destroyed all "false idols" of the sacred shrines, with the exception of the most holy, the sacred black stone that had once fallen from heaven. an except from the book The Yoni: Sacred Symbol of the Female Creative Power "In his work The Apology, the Arabian philosopher and alchemist al-Kindi (810-872) let the world of the ninth century know that it was the moon goddess Al'Uzza who was enshrined in the Kaaba, and it was her residence that made this site a sacred place. It may be for this candidness as well as other writings that al-Kindi, once first among the Islamic philosophers, lost all influence on Muslim thinkers only a century after his death. This is of great interest considering that the Kaaba at Mecca is the holy of holies of Islam, a truly monotheistic religion not especially friendly toward women and one that is centered on the male Allah as the Supreme Being, certainly not on a woman or a goddess. However, the moon goddess identified by al-Kindi is now known to be one aspect of the Triple Goddess known as Al'Lat*, the Great Goddess of the nomadic peoples of Arabia. In pre-Islamic times, it was she who was worshiped at the Kaaba. Here at her sacred place, a great stone in the shape of her Yoni, Al'Lat was served by seven priestesses, and her worshipers-in total nudity-circumambulated the sacred black stone seven times, once for each of the seven ancient planets "As with all triple goddesses, a religious concept found worldwide, Al'Lat has three manifestations, each one connected to a phase of the moon and simultaneously to a phase in a woman's life. The waxing, crescent moon is represented by the maiden Q're or Qure, the young girl and virgin (the Greek Kore); Al'Uzza (A: "the strong one") is the full moon or mother aspect (the mature woman corresponding to the Greek Demeter); and Al'Menat is the waning moon or the crone, a wise old woman concerned with fate and skilled in prophecy and divination. "The Goddess's sacred place, with its life-giving well next to it, attracted pilgrims and worshipers from all over the Arabic peninsula and its neighboring regions. Here, with the sacred black stone as a symbol of her Yone and in an oasis of life-giving waters, the Goddess resided in her aspect of Earth Mother, creatrix of life and helper of women in childbirth. To this image and gocus of energies people came to pray, to ask for offspring and protection, and to celebrate life. It was to this place that the great patriarch Abraham (c. 1900 B.C.E.) came with his wife, Sarah, who was barren for many years. He knowingly chose this place of the Goddess and her fertile powers as the place where he would like with Hagar, the young and beautiful Egyptian slave who was to bear his first son. For millennia the Kaaba was a place of power where men and women worshiped the Goddess in the form of her Yoni "In the sixth century the male revolution in the form of Judaism and Christianity that was sweeping through the Near East and Europe reached the tribal peoples of the Arabian deserts. With this revolution came Muhammad, a native-born prophet and the founder of Islam. Muhammad was born in c. 570 as a member of the Quraysh, a tribe dedicated to the goddess Qure and the official guardians of the Kaaba. Having lost his parents in early childhood, Muhammad grew up under the guidance of his uncle and his fellow camel herders. Muhammad somehow caught the attention of a rich woman who eventually employed himi; after he proved himself successful, she proceeded to educate him in her business affairs. In due time he became a well-known trader in charge of the largest 35 "Such pieces of meteorites that crashed through the atmosphere were regarded as true gifts from heaven, held in the highest esteem everywhere in the Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures. Above all other things, it was the precence of the sacred black stone that made Mecca the place of power it was at the time "By now a truly experience leader and accepted prophet, Muhammed changed the divine name of Al'Lat into Allah.*** By inventing his own history and mythology, he also transformed the Goddess's stone into a symbol of God-the right hand of Allah. Such a transformation of the Goddess into a male god figure certainly must have been unwanted by the general population. "There are those who claim that woman and the Goddess never had the exalted status in the Near East that I here state-scientists and scholars who simply cannot and will not admit that there has ever been a matriarchy in earlier human communities, and steadfastly state that goddesses have always played only a minor role in the human communities, and steadfastly state that goddesses have always played only a minor role in their respective pantheons. However, even from within the ranks of patriarchal observers we have witnesses for our case. An open and clear testimony to the fact that in pre-Islamic Arabia both the Goddess and women played a superior role can be found in the following statement by Omar, a faithful desciple of the prophet Muhammad. Omar states, "When we came among the Helpers, they proved to be a people whose women dominated them, and our wives have come to copy the habits of the women of the Ansar." "After all this, what else can be said? In fact there are a few more pieces of information to ponder. Is it perhaps significant that the Koran is writen in Arabic as Qur'an, suggesting that the original title meant "the word of Qure"? Is it a coincidence that the priests who serve the shrine are still today known as beni shaybah, the "sons of the Old Woman?" Is it also a coincidence that Islamic pilgrims who visit the Kaaba during the hajj circle it seven times, just as did the nude worshipers of Al'Uzza? "In the final analysis, no one except the pilgrims themselves can know what they see and feel when finally arriving at the stone, the Yoni of the Goddess or a Hand of God. Whatever it may be, it is the most exalted aim of the pilgrimage to touch or kiss the black meteorite." *The name Al'Lat simply means "goddess," similar to calling the Judeo-Christian god 36 Jehovah, the Islamic got Allah, or both simply "God" or "the Lord." **Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn-the planets visible to the unaided human eye ***This is agreed upon by most non-Islamic sounrces. Author M.JH. Vermaseren points out that, grammatically, the name Allah is simply the male version of Al'Lat. ****Helpers is the name of the Ansar tribe of Medina. Like · · Share Dana Horochowski 4 hours ago Like · · Share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njpI2VfB_vk&feature=related Like · · Share WE MUST REMEMBER PERSIA the UNITY of MAN The Muslim Jesus (ITV Documentary) www.youtube.com A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam: http://www.scribd.com/doc/91540928/A-Brief-Illustrated-Guide-To-Understanding-Islam Christ, Christianity, h... Like · · Share • Henry Coop, Del Pittman and Roland Mingan Hugihard like this. 37 38 • • Dana Horochowski A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam: http://www.scribd.com/doc/91540928/A-Brief-Illustrated-Guide-ToUnderstanding... Dana Horochowski MONA LISA AMON l"ISA 4 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4kTNS18ses&feature=related A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam www.scribd.com This colorful book is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims, and other facets of Islam. 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • The Secret Family of Jesus - Full Documentary Dana Horochowski ISA is the SUN of MARY www.youtube.com 4 hours ago · Like Professor Robert Beckford explores the forgotten history of the Family of Jesus. 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski BORN without a father. 4 hours ago · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWexxUOkmlc&feature=related 39 40 • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jK75Nag8II&feature=related The Secret of Bible & Jesus. Beyond The Da Vinci Code www.youtube.com The Secret of Bible & Jesus. Beyond The Da Vinci Code 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Secret Lives Of Jesus Christ - "King Of Kings and Lord of Lords " • www.youtube.com Secret Lives of Jesus Christ by National Geographic Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_9MfFewdTo&feature=related 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz9cuRxN4Ug&feature=relmfu The Lost Gospels www.youtube.com Documentary presented by Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones which explores the huge...See More 4 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview 41 42 The Lost 40 Days of Jesus - Full Documentary www.youtube.com A documentary detailing the Lost 40 Days of Jesus of Nazareth 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Jesus The Real Story Episode 1 The Early Years BBC4 documentary www.youtube.com Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNz2YuUv2wc&feature=related Lịch sử thật về Chúa Giêsu. 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyS4yoEH5nA&feature=related BBC The Story of Jesus 1/2 www.youtube.com Part 1 of a BBC Documentary titled "The Story of Jesus." N.T. Wright, Ben Wither...See More 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Mysteries of the Bible - Heaven Hell • www.youtube.com Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drthwjszOpI&feature=related For more great documentaries visit www.DocumentaryList.NET and c1ick an a.d. to support the site 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 43 44 • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDl34jatM5U&feature=related The Gospel of Judas www.youtube.com The Gospel of Judas "The Gospel of Judas" is a documentary examining the recentl...See More 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Jesus: The Man (National Geographic) www.youtube.com • He was born in a manger, died on a cross, created a new religion and became the ...See More Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njpI2VfB_vk&feature=related 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSe5PTPl0nQ&feature=related ENIGMA - PUSH THE LIMITS www.youtube.com Superar nuestras dificultades, vencer las injusticias y ser fuertes, pero fundam...See More 45 46 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSf7qWgFFPw&feature=related Enigma - Silent Warrior www.youtube.com www.yusuf-yusuf85.blogspot.com Enigma - Silent Warrior Lyrics The Cross of Chang...See More 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview ENIGMA THE CHILD IN US • www.youtube.com Esta é a melhor canção já feita pelo projeto Enigma. Mistura de Sâncrito, Latim ...See More Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPd9be8R5bA&feature=related 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB_qsKGjTrg&feature=related sacred spirit - Yeha Noha www.youtube.com native american indian chanting nature -natuur animals -dieren 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 47 48 • • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pF5bai_44s&feature=related Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP_347dZl9Q&feature=relmfu Medicin for mother earth Terra Papers 2 pt 4b, Reptilian, Romans, Egypt, Iesu, Yeshua, Hindu see Canadastreetnews.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com dream native american/spirit,world,friend Terra Papers 2 pt 4b, Reptilian, Romans, Egypt, Iesu, Yeshua, Hindu see Canadast...See More 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview KAVASSILAS and RMSKY are NOT HUMAN ANYMORE.....that is why I don't buy the BULLSHIT anymore • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTDM27jWgQc&feature=relmfu WARNING of GRAND DECEPTION coming Terra Papers 2 INTRO Canadastreetnews.com pt 1 Source: www.youtube.com http://www.canadastreetnews.com/indexnov15to2109.htm Terra Papers 2 INTRO Canadastreetnews.com pt 1, Rapture, Aton, RA, NESARA, ANTICHRIST deception, Sheti Lizards took over after RA and the RA-Legions (religion), IESU, can to free the human race. Like · · Share 49 50 Terra Papers 2 pt 1 Nov 18 2009 http://www.canadastreetnews.com/indexnov15to2109...See More 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ0SjiBQeE0&feature=relmfu Terra Papers 2 Pt 5, ROME, FREEMASONS, SECRET SOCIETIES, WWARS, ET'S, USA, BLACK OPS www.youtube.com Terra Papers 2 Pt 5- Canadastreetnews.com after ROME, FREEMASONS, SECRET SOCIETI...See More 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Terra Papers 1 Canadastreetnews.com- Pt 1 November 11, 2009 Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7hr5N2hk38&feature=related www.youtube.com Children of the Feather, Robert Morning Sky, EA from Pleiades, Enlil ( Yahewh) b...See More 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Red Race, Ascension, Ascended Masters, Greys, Reptilians and Terra Papers 2 pt 1 www.youtube.com Love N Truthfulness I know what you mean dana. The last RM Sky talk on Veritas, I believe, was so frustrating to listen too. I could only listen to the first hour of him blubbering about him being "So Fortunate" over and over. Has to be a drone or clone now for sure having to repeat the same things so many times like it did. 5 hours ago · Unlike · 1 51 52 Dana Horochowski PLASTIC CLONED SHAMAN http://robertmorningsky.com/starelder.html#top • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5vf9C72cI&feature=relmfu star elder story robertmorningsky.com Synopsis of the Star Elder Story by Robert Morning Sky 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Terra Papers 1 pt 2- AnAn, Anu, Zeus, Ea, Enlil, Eridu, Adapus Dana Horochowski RMSKY 1965 -he was in college? His grandfather was 15yrs old in 1946. Do the math www.youtube.com 5 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1 Terra Papers 1 pt 2- AnAn, Anu, Zeus, Ea, Enlil, Eridu, Adapus, http://www.canad...See More 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski HE STOLE the STORY from the inDIANs 5 hours ago · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski RMSKY keeping truth from us because I did the TERRA PAPERS for FREE on video and he is sucky babying now cause he can't SELL his ERIDU papers and get LAID by some tantric succubus all night. • 5 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2 Seanchai Seance HaHa Now you know hitting that low below the belt leaves a bruised wee wee • 5 hours ago · Unlike · 1 53 54 • Dana Horochowski WHAT WEE WEE clones don't need wee wees 5 hours ago · Like Enigma -- Temple Of Love. • www.youtube.com enchanting... Seanchai Seance Okay Dana I guess you're right they're gonna miss their succubus 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 5 hours ago · Unlike · 1 • • Seanchai Seance My kind of video Ty Dana Seanchai Seance Oh I just posted researched Information on there are goddesses remains and essence inside The Black stone of The Kaaba It's a good read 5 hours ago · Unlike · 1 5 hours ago · Unlike · 1 • • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJTLZcS0Es&feature=related Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZpnQ0gGIGA&feature=related 55 56 Enigma - Principles of lust (Full version) Enigma The Eyes Of Truth www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Enigma at their best... Good Quality Sound And Best Footage For The Music 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Seanchai Seance Hmmm...can i say It again Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm O yea Dana Horochowski REAL LOVE and LUST is not DIRTY 4 hours ago · Like 4 hours ago · Unlike · 1 • • Seanchai Seance Thank God my right head keeps my love from turning Into succubus/Incubus lust or I would be knee high in sweat salt Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57VU6HxC3Vo&feature=related 4 hours ago · Unlike · 1 • Dana Horochowski YOU ARE YOUR BEST LOVER i hope 57 58 n influences and a revival of the old religion. This would be achieved by advancing a competitive figure, a pagan divine man, a personal model of ethical and religious conduct. Considering the similarities between VA and the scriptures, and the unmistakable ideological overtones of that biography, from the mid-19th century till today research has continued to study its links with New Testament literature. Without going into its complexities, I only want to mention that from the early 19th century it became fashionable to compile comparisons between Apollonius and Christ, their miracles, ethical virtues, piety, and wise counsel. 4 hours ago · Like • Seanchai Seance LoveThyself Is loving All, Women are beautiful beings to observe 4 hours ago · Unlike · 1 • Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO36MjiPzjM&feature=related Like · · Share • Dana Horochowski http://www.mountainman.com.au/Apollonius_Inscription.htm Truth About illuminati Documentary-Luciferian Conspiracy www.youtube.com An Ancient Inscription to, and Epigram on Apollonius of Tyana Visit my site for more information: http://goo.gl/vUlSz Some people really cant ...See More www.mountainman.com.au 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview An Epigram on Apollonius of Tyana C. P. Jones The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Greek magus and philosopher who pursued the wisdom of the East. http://www.history.snn.gr/apollonius.html Vol. 100, Centennary Issue. (1980), pp. 190-194. An inscription of major importance, now in the New Museum of Adana, contains an epigram on Apollonius of Tyana. Almost simultaneously, a preliminary text has been prov... It was believed that in the face of the growing popularity of Christ and his teaching, the people needed a protection from Christia 6 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 59 60 • Dana Horochowski 'This man, named after Apollo, and shining forth Tyana, extinguished the faults of men. The tomb in Tyana (received) his body, but in truth heaven received him so that he might drive out the pains of men (or:drive pains from among men) .' Like · · Share • 6 hours ago · Like William Edward Tuttle III likes this. • • Dana Horochowski Apollonius' divinity. However, there is another element of his posthumous reputation which might provide a clue: his use by the opponents of Christianity. [37] It is worth recalling the more notable allusions to Apollonius in the pagan literature of the third and fourth centuries, and asking if they help to date the present epigram. Porphyry, in his work Against the Christians, cited Apollonius together with Moses and Apuleius as great thaumaturges. [38] An oracle preserved in the 'Tubingen Theosophy' is a reply to one who asked if a pure life could bring a man 'near to God'; Apollo replied that such a privilege was granted to very few, Hermes Trismegistos, Moses. [38] 6 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski KAVASSILAS and RMSKY are NOT HUMAN ANYMORE.....that is why I don't buy the BULLSHIT anymore http://www.history.snn.gr/apollonius.html 61 Dana Horochowski Apollonius of Tyana and His Historicity Flavius Philostratus of Lemnos, a distinguished man of letters and sophist of the first half of the third century AD, describes in book four of his biography of Apollonius of Tyana (The Life of Apollonius of Tyana = Vita Apollonii Tyanensis) a wondrous miracle that Apollonius performed while in Rome under emperor Nero. He raised from the dead, on her burial day, a girl in a prominent consular family who had died just in the hour of her marriage. Seeing the despair of her groom and of all those attending the funeral - and all Rome was there - he stopped the procession saying: Put down the bier, for I will stay the tears that you are shedding for this maiden. He then asked what her name was, stooped over her and touched her. He also whispered in secret some spell over her and at once woke up the maiden from her seeming death. The girl rose, spoke out loud, and returned to her father's house. Philostratus comments that whether the magus had detected some spark of life in her, which those who were nursing her had not noticed, for it is said that although it was raining at the time, a vapor went up from her face - or whether life was really extinct and he restored it by the warmth of his touch is a mysterious problem which neither I myself nor those who were present could decide. (VA IV. 45) Although Philostratus compares the event with Hercules restoring to life Alcestis, the wife of Admetos, king of Pherae, we have reasons to suspect that the biographer, although he makes no reference to Christianity and its scriptures in 62 VA, borrowed the story from the gospel. A clear parallel suggests itself between the story and the evangelical account of the raising of the daughter of Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue in Galilee (Mt 9, 23-26; Mk 5, 35-43; Lk 8, 49-56) or of the young man of Nain, also in Galilee (Lk 7, 11-17). Philostratus must have known the New Testament and perhaps other evangelical writings (the Acts and New Testament apocrypha). 6 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/georgekavassilas-shapeshiftig-reptilian-deceiver/ 6 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski Apollonius traveling to Thessalians on a mission, on behalf of the hero Achilles (IV, 23). During his stay at Troy, Apollonius had raised the spirit of Achilles and spoke with him about topics relating to the Trojan war (IV, 16). On this occasion, Achilles complained to Apollonius about the Thessalians, who neglected his tomb and failed to offer him the sacrifices due to the dead. They had forgotten that the homeland and kingdom of Achilles was Phthia in Thessaly (Achaia Phthiotis) and there also was his tomb, Philostratus want us to believe. Moreover, the great Greek hero warned the Thessalians that by making him angry they were risking a fate similar to that he helped inflict on the Trojans. And so Apollonius arrived at a congress at Thermopylaea, where twice a year assembled the Amphictiony, a council supervising the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, and presented Achilles' message to representatives of Thessaly. The Thessalians, Philostratus assures us, were frightened by the threat they heard and passed a resolution for the resumption of the ceremonies at the tomb. (IV 23) Unfortunately, despite the vivid account, we have no source evidence to believe that Apollonius really visited Rome or Thermopylaea, nor can we put much faith in his other travels and exploits listed at length in Philostratus's work. George Kavassilas: Shapeshiftig Reptilian Deceiver formerwhitehat.wordpress.com George Kavassilas is not a human, he is a shapeshifting lizard boy, and has been...See More 5 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • George Kavassilas: Shapeshiftig Reptilian Deceiver formerwhitehat.wordpress.com http://www.librarising.com/spirituality/apollo.html 6 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski KAVASSILAS and RMSKY are NOT HUMAN ANYMORE.....that is why I don't buy the BULLSHIT anymore 63 64 • Dana Horochowski Wherever he went he attracted large crowds and held them spellbound by his words and deeds. Kings, rulers, and common folk constantly sought him for advice and he gave freely. He travelled the world and always stood his ground and was regarded by many as a god in the flesh. He compiled the epistles, and retired to the isle of Patmos where he wrote the book of Revelation. Little is known about his death, but it is thought he lived past the the age of 100, and shortly thereafter ascended to the inner earth paradise. Temples and statues were built in his honor, and for the first three centuries AD he was regarded as a demi-god and saint. The popularity of Apollonius' teachings became a threat to the decaying Roman Empire, so in 325 AD, At the Cuncil of Nicae, emperor Constantine and his bishops devised the New Christianity which would turn attention away from Appolonius, to a Judean carpenter by the name of Jesus. All records of Apollonius and his Essene Christianity were destroyed and this meant burning the libraries, including the most famous one at Alexandria. The mobs who enforced the new changes met stiff resistance from the people, and some fifty million were eventually killed or martyred in the process. Like · · Share • 7 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://www.librarising.com/spirituality/apollo.html • Dana Horochowski Important changes in the biblical texts occurred ever since then, such as the removal of the doctrines of reincarnation, astrology, and vegetarianism; to be replaced by their opposites -a mortal soul, a hellfire for diviners, and permission for meat-eating and wine drinking. Apollonius of Tyana -the Real Jesus of the New Testament www.librarising.com 7 hours ago · Unlike · 2 Replaced by Yeshai Beth Halachmee(pseudo-crucified Essene of 4 BC), Jehoshua Ben Pandira(the Jesus of 100 BC) and Christna(the avatar of 3000 BC) by the priests of Constantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. • 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Seanchai Seance As we begin to imitate Art and as Sacred Art Imitates our lives we begin to live again 65 66 7 hours ago · Unlike · 2 • • Dana Horochowski http://www.scribd.com/doc/112421514/Interview-With-TonyBushby-Author-of-the-Bible-Fraud Dana Horochowski http://www.scribd.com/doc/28694727/Bible-Fraud-Part-1 Interview With Tony Bushby, Author of the Bible Fraud Bible Fraud-Part 1 www.scribd.com www.scribd.com Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 7 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview 7 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF250CA5E25BAE04D Dana Horochowski http://www.scribd.com/doc/28334017/Bushby-Bible-FraudRabbi-Jesus-Bloodline-and-Outline Holy Conspiracy 01 Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall www.youtube.com Bushby Bible Fraud Rabbi Jesus Bloodline and Outline "Holy Conspiracy 01 Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall", a playlist created by 3168angel www.scribd.com 7 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 7 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview • 67 68 http://www.canadastreetnews.com/index0722to312010.htm The top of the pyramid hie...See More Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYG0olUl98s 7 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview • Seanchai Seance A good reading DANU 7 hours ago · Unlike · 2 YESHUA, EMMANUEL, GNOSTIC BIBLE, Sophia NOT YAHWEH Jesus • www.youtube.com http://www.canadastreetnews.com/index0722to312010.htm The top of the pyramid hie...See More Seanchai Seance I think Facebook fans would love to see more photos of your fine features Dana It tells a womanly HerStory 7 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview 7 hours ago · Like · 1 • • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZCMeDxQHzA Dana Horochowski YES the VAMPIRES on the MOON, MARS and in the MIDDLE EARTH are still sliming away. Lets hope not EVERYONE gets FOOLED by this VAMPIRE SHROUD OF TURDin 7 hours ago · Edited · Like • False Prophets for Profit. Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers Seanchai Seance Amen www.youtube.com 7 hours ago · Like 69 70 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski INDEED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkZkekS8NQU Dana Horochowski THE LEVAN LILITH MOLOCH OUR FATHER is very similar except they use HELL not HEAVEN 7 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oqABkyNQL0&feature=related ERA - Ameno www.youtube.com ERA - Ameno 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.livius.org/ap-ark/apollonius/life/va_1_16.html The Devil's Bible www.youtube.com It's a mysterious book that in its day was believed to contain all human knowled...See More 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Flavius Philostratus: The Life of Apollonius of Tyana www.livius.org • And there it is that the earth sends up a shoot of cypress, they say in honor of...See More 71 72 Dana Horochowski It's a mysterious book that in its day was believed to contain all human knowledge. But why did medieval people believe that the author sold his soul to the devil to be able to write it? The "Devil's Bible," a behemoth volume weighing in at 165 pounds, believed to have been produced by a single monk over the course of decades in the 13th Century, is the focus of a documentary that was featured on the National Geographic Channel. The "Devil's Bible," a behemoth volume weighing in at 165 pounds, believed to have been produced by a single monk over the course of decades in the 13th Century, is the focus of a documentary that was featured on the National Geographic Channel. Aleister Crowley - The Wickedest Man In The World www.youtube.com Video from: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/mysteries-of-the-bible-devil From: http://www.youtube.com/user/Federaljacktube4 Video upload courtesy of http...See More http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/devil-s-bible-3619/Overview 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2008/12/17/devil_bible/ • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5mYFJ4irxM&feature=fvwrel National Geographic Channel channel.nationalgeographic.com National Geographic Channel 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • The History of the Devil Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3pJn5xyP2w&feature=related www.youtube.com 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 73 74 • Dana Horochowski http://www.theoi.com/Cult/ApollonCult5.html Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZCMeDxQHzA CULT OF APOLLON 5 : Ancient Greek religion www.theoi.com Ancient Greek Religion and Cult 6 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • False Prophets for Profit. Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers Dana Horochowski APOLLON was the god of prophecy, oracles, music, poetry, youth, healing, and protection from harm and plague. This page describes his cult in the Greek colonies of Asia Minor, Italy and beyond. His most important shrines in the area were undoubtedly the oracles of Didyma (near Miletos) and Klaros (near Kolophon), and also the curious temple of Apollon Smintheus (of the mice) in the Troad. www.youtube.com http://www.canadastreetnews.com/index0722to312010.htm The top of the pyramid hie...See More 6 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 6 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski The strongly anti-Christian Eunapius declared that Philostratus should have called his work not The Life of Apollonius but A Visit of God to Mankind. [44][FN:44 VS 2.1.4 (Loeb p. 346); the reference 1s presumably to VA i 9.] Eunapius also compares his teacher, the Neoplatonist Chrysanthius, with Pythagoras, Archytas of Tarentum, Apollonius, 'and those who revered (npoo~vvjoav~cs) Apollonius', 'all of whom merely seemed to have a body and to be men'. [45][VS 23.1.8]. 6 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski KAVASSILAS and RMSKY are NOT HUMAN ANYMORE.....that is why I don't buy the BULLSHIT anymore 6 hours ago · Like • • 75 76 George Kavassilas: Shapeshiftig Reptilian Deceiver school gym. I know of the foot soaking suggestion but found that I don’t have the time. I sifted the cornmeal to get a real fine powder then placed some into a Tupperware covered sheet cake container. I wear work boots and my feet sweat a lot. Therefore, when I get up in the morning I stick my feet into the cornmeal box, put on my boots and go about my day knowing that my feet will soften and soak the cornmeal all day long and I’ve saved myself a lot of time. Besides, the cornmeal is working on the fungus that my be hiding in my boots all night long just waiting to hit me again. I’ve been doing this for the past 3-4 months and the fungus is gone and my old feet (6o years) have never been so smooth and the calluses are gone too. One drawback: I have to cut my toenails more often. These are just my observations. I will mail in my Ground Crew membership this week. formerwhitehat.wordpress.com Feedback from Scott Brown: George Kavassilas is not a human, he is a shapeshifting lizard boy, and has been I heard Howard talking on his show about the benefits of cornmeal as an antifungal agent for plants. I was intrigued, however, to hear the benefit to the individual who had been treated for leukemia. I am 30 years old and have always had the equivalent of acne on my back. My doctor had recently prescribed to me a lifetime use of antibiotics to keep the acne in check. I put two and two together and tried the cornmeal bath. When I emerged, I immediately had softer skin. Within two days, most of the acne was gone. I took one more cornmeal bath a few days later and it has all but disappeared. I’m excited to continue to learn the natural ways that God has given us to stay healthy. Thanks for the idea. I listen every time I get a chance. Dana Horochowski http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/georgekavassilas-shapeshiftig-reptilian-deceiver/ seen shifting live. He was, however, once human and true. But he was taken and replaced much in the same way as Bill... Seanchai Seance shared a status. 8 hours ago Cornmeal: Organic Fungus Control for Plants, Toenails & Skin Problems Report from Kevy Rae: Feedback from Annette Carey: I want to let you know how cornmeal has helped me with a skin problem. For a couple of years I’ve been suffering with eczema on the back of my scalp. This causes severe itching, flaking, oozing and scaling of the skin. I tried literally every kind of medicated shampoo one could buy to solve the problem but could only get some very temporary relief. I did a lot of research to try to find out what I have and how to solve it for good. Most sources didn’t know the cause, but one thought it was caused by a fungal infection in the scalp’s sweat pores. Well, I remembered what you said about cornmeal on nail fungus so I thought I’d try it on my head with my shampoo. It’s a lot cheaper than the other products I’d tried, so why not? First, I put the shampoo on my head, then a palmful of regular grocery store cornmeal. I lathered it all together and made sure to rub it down to my scalp really well. It feels gritty but rinses out easily. After three days of this, my sores were drying out and barely itching. I’m getting much better results than with the expensive shampoos! It’s one week later now and my flaking is gone as well! I intend to keep this up until my scalp feels normal, then I’ll stop to see if this could be a permanent solution. Even if it’s just a better and less expensive treatment, I’ll be happy. Feedback from Mark Jenschke: Here is what I have found that works for me regarding cornmeal. I remember my mother using cornstarch on me for under arm aroma. Second: The step-in powder box in the 77 Experimenting with cornmeal and cold sores. After suffering for 10 days with a vicious ulcer in my mouth, I thought “I’ve got nothing to lose” and put a pinch over the sore like chewing tobacco. I expected the texture to bother, but the cornmeal was very fine, and amazingly, almost instantly the pain totally ceased. Before I went to bed I brushed and reapplied and reapplied the next morning. I’ll keep you posted. I figure the effect on the pain is similar to oatmeal in its ability to soothe irrigations, but now I want to see if the sore clears faster since the problem is viral and not fungal. It seems to adhere to the lesion. I’ll keep you posted. Feedback from Carla McQueen: My husband listens to your show. He happened to be listening when you spoke on cornmeal and fungus. I’m insulin dependent and have had fungus under one of my big toe’s nails. I’ve had it for a few years and unable to get rid of it. It didn’t bother me much until the nail became ingrown. My doctor referred me to a podiatrist and said they would cut or remove the nail. As a diabetic, I’m reluctant to have any cuts including surgery. We do not heal very well and it takes much longer to recover. After my husband listened to your show he went out and bought cornmeal and had the “bath” waiting for me when I got home from work. We’ve been doing this for several months off and on. Eventually the fungus dissipated enough that I is nearly gone and the 78 nail is no longer ingrown. I will not require the podiatrist or medications that cost too much. My doctor also informed me that the fungus would return. In any case, I’ll stick to what works for me. And the cornmeal works! Thank you so much. Now perhaps I can return the favor. Insulin, when applied topically, can promote healing surface “booboos”. I just put the last drop from my shot on the cut, burn or scratch and within days it is healed from the surface. It doesn’t promote internal healing but it helps. Cornmeal – it’s not just hog feed anymore, The Peanut Farmer, May 1996. Aquaculture Engineering (1990) 175-186. P.S. Cornmeal only works in an organic program. When toxic chemical products are used, the effect of the cornmeal will be lost. Tip From Robert W. Willcutt: Got yellow leaves on your photinia, brown patch in your St. Augustine grass or algae in your pond or water feature? You don’t have to use toxic chemicals like the synthetic fungicides or heavy metal products like copper sulfate. There’s a terrific solution to these problems that is totally natural. Cornmeal – and it’s now available from the garden centers and feed stores in 25 pound bags. Cornmeal controls diseases better than any of the toxic chemical pesticides. Report from Jerry in Lakewood: When I had athlete's foot, I soaked my feet in a couple of big handfulls of horticultural cornmeal and warm water. Within one day, I could see the fungus clearing up. Faster than any medicine I have ever used. DISEASE CONTROL Use cornmeal for root or soil borne fungus problems at 10-20 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Cornmeal works as a disease fighter in the soil by providing and stimulating existing beneficial microorganisms that feed on pathogens such as rhizoctonia, better known as brown patch in St. Augustine. Cornmeal at about two pounds per one hundred square feet also works on seedlings to prevent damping off, also on any other soil borne fungal diseases on both food and ornamental crops. One application may be all that is needed, but multiple applications are okay if necessary because cornmeal serves as a mild organic fertilizer and soil builder. The cornmeal needs moisture to activate. Rain won’t hurt cornmeal’s efficacy because, like all organic products, it is not water soluble. ALGAE CONTROL For floating paint-like and filamentous algae in water, use cornmeal at 5 pounds per 1,000 square feet or 150-200 pounds per surface acre. The cellulose in the cornmeal helps to tie up the excess phosphorous in water, balances the water chemistry and thus kills off the algae. The organic carbon in the cornmeal enables the beneficial bacteria in the water to flourish at the expense of the algae. Then the decomposing algae provide a source of carbon for the bacteria. One or two treatments is usually enough to control the algae for several months. Caution: any fast algae kill from any product can cause an oxygen depravation and result in fish kill. My dog Roxina, had a wet area between folds of skin on her neck. I put cornmeal on the area. The next day it was a lot drier but it still stunk. I reapplied dry cornmeal and a week later it no longer smells and seems to be completely healed. Tip From Duke Burnett: I had bumps come up on my head, like small pimples. They would turn to sores if left alone or scratched. I started rubbing cornmeal on my head when taking a shower. I stopped after about 2 weeks when I ran out of cornmeal and the bumps which had diminished came back. I began using cornmeal again, using it about twice a week. The bumps are totally under control, sometimes disappearing completely. I simply rub about a teaspoon onto my scalp, sometimes rinsing right off and sometimes leaving on while I finish showering. Another Cornmeal Tip/Report: Howard: Though I have never been to the doctor, other folks suffering from the same skin problem as I indicated I had dermatitis, and that frankly, there was no cure, just topical ointments that could "ease" the symptoms. One thing I have discovered, as far as I am personally involved, stress magnifies the problem and makes it much worse. Last week, I had a flare up of my dermatitis that literally kept me in the house. I refused to go outside. I had reached the point where concealers and make-up couldn't even do the trick. My problem is focused mainly around my mouth, but last week even moved to go over my upper lip, then up the sides of my nose and another spot between my eyebrows and a couple of other areas. In addition to the usual redness I had severe itching and burning. I had had enough. While some urged me to go to the doctor, I decided it was time to get out the horticultural cornmeal. And I did. Here's what I did: Put some cornmeal in old panty hose and tied off the panty hose, filled a container with tap water, set the cornmeal filled panty hose in the water to soak and left it for 1 1/2 hours. Additional information can be obtained from the following publication: I held the poultice to my face for about 20 minutes on each of the major areas, then I 79 80 proceded to "wash" my face in the "cornmeal juice" left in the container. I repeated the process later in the evening; again only keeping the poultice on my affected areas for 20 minutes. After the first application, I felt some relief but still looked pretty bad. After the 2nd application, all the burning and itching was gone. The following morning, ALL the redness and bumps were gone! That area of my face had not been that clear in YEARS! Literally. I had every intention of repeating the application a couple of times in the past week, but have not done so. Amazingly, however, the problem has not returned. I plan to now use the cornmeal as a "preventive" product on occasion to keep this situation at bay. 1Like · · Share • I truly wish I had taken pictures, because without having seen what my face looked like, it is hard to get people to understand the drastic difference - but what a difference it is. I've even been going out without make-up! Cornmeal is now my new "hero" product. Dana Horochowski http://gematria.mysticalinternet.com/lookup.php?system=naeq Tip from Dan Hands: Mysticalnet Web Gematria Server Mix 2 parts cornmeal and 1 part petroleum jelly. Spread it on your infected toenail everyday until the infected nail is grown out and infection is gone. It takes 60 to 90 days. And much easier than soaking in water and cornmeal. gematria.mysticalinternet.com 8 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview From: G. Rigg After reading last month's Dirt article about the various cornmeal treatments, I had a thought that my 15 year old daughter, Haley, might try it for her continued problem with minor facial acne. Like many teenagers, she has been plagued with acne for a couple of years. My wife, daughter and I did some further research into other "organic" cures for acne as well. • Dana Horochowski http://8thfire.biz/HUman%20Support%20services.PCB.pdf After weeks of experimenting with a paste "mask" consisting of various combinations of cornmeal, witch hazel, sugar, tea tree oil and peroxide, our daughter's acne is completely gone! Haley's friends are dying to try it, based on her results! We're trying to refine the formula before we tell anyone. It's not a pretty mask, nor does it smell that pretty, due to the tea tree oil (not a bad smell, but as my daughter says, it has a "strong motor oil smell"). And, of course, there will be different results for each individual. Like · · Share Kanata = 50 A CROWN^ * OF GLORY DO THE "ELECT BRIDE OF CHRIST RECEIVE UPON DEATH"! (THE 144,000) Refer to # 60 #60 for INSIGHTTT http://jrgenius.ca/ 81 8 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski http://7thfire.biz/COMMUNITY%20CURRENCY,%20WAMPUM,%20REAL% 20PENNIES%20and%20OLD%20MONEY%20ACCEPTED.htm 82 SERENITY GLOBAL Barter Trade COOP saultstemarie.kijiji.ca COMMUNITY CURRENCY, WAMPUM, REAL PENNIES and OLD MONEY ACCEPTED.doc Tutoring, homecare, petcare, childcare, cleaning, odd jobs, handy men, gardeners...See More 7thfire.biz 8 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 8 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski http://serenitystreetnews.com/2%20pg%20NEWPARADIGM-TORI-NATION-VICTORIA-SQUARE-OTTAWA-T-PARTYVAMPIRE-BBQ-NEW-YORK-YORK-REGION-OTTAWA-KANATAKINAKWI.pdf Dana Horochowski http://7thfire.biz/usuryfreeusall.htm http://serenitystreetnews.com/2%20pg%20NEW-PARADIGM-TORINATION-VICTORIA-SQUARE-OTTAWA-T-PARTY-VAMPI serenitystreetnews.com http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ Cyberclass Network USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE- FREE us from USURY, SLAVERY, 666, ALIENS, DRACO VA 7thfire.biz DOCPDF2012 MANUAL JUNO 1-7 2012 8-1516-21 22-30MAYDAY MARCH 2012AQUARIUS 2...See More 8 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://saultstemarie.kijiji.ca/c-jobs-cleaning-housekeeperSERENITY-GLOBAL-Barter-Trade-COOP-W0QQAdIdZ416138481 83 84 • Dana Horochowski Go into the SUN SON SOL 8 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski Ariel's SPACE LAB-the moon is full of VAMPIRES and VRILL currently. Invasion of LEVAN LILITH MOLOCHITES 8 hours ago · Edited · Like • 1Like · · Share Dana Horochowski Canada = 36 • % HEAD * SYMBOLICAL for "DICKHEAD"! *MAN *#36 #36 #36 A CROW * AS IN "THE MYSTI CAL WHITE CROW, WHITE BRILLIANCE, CORVUS COR ONE 111, CARRI ON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>REFER TO "PENNAE" #105 # 36 "QYL" #229 "A WHITE CROWS FEATHER " for INSIGHTTT A CROW * AS IN "THE MYSTI CAL WHITE CROW, WHITE BRILLIANCE, CORVUS COR ONE 111, CARRI ON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>REFER TO "PENNAE" #105 # 36 "QYL" #229 "A WHITE CROWS FEATHER " for INSIGHTTT Aghora Double of the Hindu god Shiva. air what we braethe, alchemical element AIR* *ONE OF THE FOUR ELEMENTS USED FOR THE CREATION OF THE WORLD! CORRESPONDS TO THE HEBREW LETTER "VAV" #6 WHICH REPRESENTS "THE SON', IN THE TETRAGRAMMATON"! Aiwaz The Devil akhus shining ones ALWHSDOZ * "FIRST EIGHT LETTERS of THE NAEQ CODE"! Dana Horochowski Stairway to HEAVEN? 8 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski New Earth is WAY BIGGER 8 hours ago · Like 85 86 Amn Asgard In Norse myth, the home of the Aesir gods ASURA From The REAL Neverending Story, a creature who was Atoh (Heb.) Thou Art canada land of beer and hockeysticks Daath the false sephirah DAATH* * SHERE # 11 IN THE QABALISTIC TREE OF LIFE! "THE ABYSS", RANDOM CHAOS OF THOUGHT & CONCEPTION! THE MYSTI CAL CROW IS "DESTROYING"-------DAATH! Dio the italian word for god drawn DRAWN* *OUT zeal excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end ZEAL* *"THE CROW (CORVUS COR ONE 111) WHITE BRILLIANCE"! O RLY? Know Your Meme www.youtube.com What was the weirdest/funniest answer you ever put on a test? http://forums.some...See More 8 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview HEAD* "THE MYSTIC NUMBER of HOD is # 36, 8x8= 36"! Refer to # 17 "HOD" for INSIGHTTT HEAD^ * " THE HEAD OF EVERY MAN IS THE CHRIST, IN TURN THE HEAD OFA WOMAN, IS THE MAN, IN TURN THE HEAD OF THE CHRIST------------IS GOD"! 1Cor 11:3 YAHWEH ALMIGHTY, (FATHERMOTHER) CREATO GOD is THE "HEAD" OF ALL! (IHVH ALHIM # 769) 1Cor 15:20_28^^^^ HEAD^^ * CORRECTION! CORRECTION! CORRECTION! 8 X 8 = 64 "MYSTIC NUMBER of HOD, # 64 "! Kill KILL* * CHAOS! "WE OPPOSE DECEPTION & CHAOS"!*****************>>>>>>>>>>> • Dana Horochowski Kanada = 32 *GM *GHOULISH MONSTER - GARGOYLE LIKE, GROTESQUE! ajna third eye (chakra), the eye of Shiva etc Anu Sumerian Deity of Uranus Ardra The Hindu goddess of misfortune. A\\\'raf islamic purgatory bowl a dish that is round and open at the top for serving foods; roll (a ball), as in bowling CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CLOAK *A SLEEVELESS OUTER GARMENT That USUALLY FASTENS at The NECK & Hangs LOOSELY from the SHOULDERS! SOMETHING THAT CONCEALS; A PRETENSE; DISQUISE ; SINISTER! (NOT A CAPE)!!! data a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn; all the stuff you keep in your computer DATA^ * "ALL THE SPIRITUAL INFO COMING THROUGH THE DOOR of THE EMPRESS/ THE MYSTI CAL WHITE CROW / THE PROPHET/THE SCARLET WOMAN. THEY SHALL GATHER MY CHILDREN INTO THEIR FOLD; THEY SHALL BRING the GLORY of THE STARS ( YAHWEH THE ALMIGHTY CREATO GOD IHVH ALHIM) INTO THE HEARTS opf MEN"! Liber Al Vel Legis 1:15 "LET THE GOOD ONES BE PURGED by THE PROHET"! Refer to # 60 for MORE INSIGHTTT. Refer to # 769 for "IHVH ALHIM" and # 666 for a REAL EYE OPENER"! Dolly rhymes with folly but is seperated by R door DOOR* *JESUS The CHRIST is "THE DOOR" of The SHEEP! Matt 7:1. John 10;1 O Rly ? Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kcWRu2XC_A odi (Latin) to hate our QYL * THE SHAFT OF A "FEATHER" FROM WHICH THE PENS of ANTIQUITY WERE MADE! SUN* * SUN^ * "THE REAL - BECAUSE and LORD HAD IT, YAHWEH ALMIGHTY, THE SUPRTNAL SUN"! Psalm 84: 11 91:1-16 Deut 10:17 1Cor 11;1-4 (IHVH ALHIM) Refer to # 769 swoon talk Vali Norse god who avenges Balder's Death Vata Ayurvedic term for air Vata* Persian god of the wind WALK ON *WITH US! PSALM 91:1-16 John 17:3,4 1Tim 2;5 WOC - C *WOKE -SEE! "WOC--C"! WOKE--SEE! works worn affected by wear; damaged by long use Yahavah Hmmm think about it 87 88 DOOR^ * "THE EMPRESS is A DOOR or CHANNEL ( AS REPRESENTED BY the HEBREW LETTER DALETH) by which THE MAGUS (JESUS the CHRIST, SPEAKS HIS WORD. ( THE MAGNETIC FORCE of THE DIVINE and HIS SON, PERMEATING HUMANITY). THE EMPRESS POINTS THE WAY # 72 to NEW LEVELS OF CONSCIOUS AWARENESS (A REBIRTH of CONSCIOUSNESS in MANY CASES) as well as REFLECTING THE SUPREME HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS as was also REFLECTED IN THE HOLY LOGOS, JESUS the CHRIST. WITH LUMINOUS INTELLIGENCE, THE EMPRESS REFLECTS the LIGHT OF THE ONE , ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, IHVH ALHIM, RADIATING GOLDEN LIGHT. IN FACT THE WORD GOLD IN HEBREW, also has a NUMERIC VALUE of 14 (AS IN PATH 14) and the INFERENCE HERE, IS THAT THE EMPRESS is the GOLD OF THE PHILOSOPHERS. THE IMPORTANT KEY WORD HERE BEING ' BRIDGING"! (AS IN BRIDGING the GAP). Eo Goddess of the Dawn, Aurora GM *GARGOYLE MONSTER GM* *AS IN ALEISTER CROWLEYS CODE:4638 ABK (ABACK) 24AL (ALL) GM NACH* *ROOT of THE WORD "NACHASH" HEBREW WORD for SERPENT! SATAN THE SERPENT Has A "NACH" (KNACK) That leads to ASH (DISSOLUTION & DEATH) HE SHALL BE ABYSSED at the SECOND COMING of CHRIST Rev 20: 1-3. odor the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form OH - NO * "OH YES"! READ # 1047 #1047 # 1047 #1047 #1047 oil salt SALT* *HAS A HARDENING, MATERIALIZING, CRYSTALLIZING , PRECIPITATING & PERSERVING AFFECT! YOU MUST BECOME :THE SALT OF the EARTH"! MATT 5:13 Swank . Syr Name for Freya in her aspect as the Golden Sow tao "the way" UH OH * WELL* *A POOL OF WATER in a SHAFT, FED BY A SPRING of WATER. WELL^ * AS IN: "HEALTHY, IN GOOD or PROPER MANNER; RIGHTLY. BETTER, BEST. PROSPEROUS and AFFLUENT"! James 5:15; "YAHWEH, A WELL of LIFE"! Proverbs 14:27 Rev 22:1,2 ".... THE LEAVES of THE TREES WERE FOR, THE CURING of THE NATIONS"! Dana Horochowski http://gematria.mysticalinternet.com/lookup.php?system=naeq Mysticalnet Web Gematria Server gematria.mysticalinternet.com 8 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski Kanata = 50 A CROWN^ * OF GLORY DO THE "ELECT BRIDE OF CHRIST RECEIVE UPON DEATH"! (THE 144,000) Refer to # 60 #60 for INSIGHTTT ad astra (Latin) to the stars adult a fully grown person or animal again all wins AWAKEN AND ALL WILL BE REVEALED ...GODS DIVINE PLAN IS ABOUT TO UNFOLD^^^YOU GOT FRONT ROW SEATS....YOU READY FOR THE RIDE FISH^ * "A SYMBOL FOR CHRIST and HIS FOLLOWERS"! ( ICHYTHS #88) HERALD^ * THE MYSTI CAL CROW "HERALDS THE COMING KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH"! Refer to # 60 #60 for INSIGHTTT IHShVH yod-he-shin-vav-he IHShVH^ * HEBREW NAME FOR JESUS! LAST CALL* * THE "CAW" (CALL) OF THE MYSTI CAL CROW! "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE"! Rev 17:5 ,6 S5S5S5S5S5S5S5S5S5S * note the sinilarity between letter "S"AND # 5 WHAT COULD IT MEAN??????????? SIX IS WHERE ITS AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6 6 6 6 6 6 666666666666666666666666666 SHUSHAN * HEBREW WORD FOR "THE GOLDEN GATE OF SOLOMONS TEMPLE, LOCATED IN THE EASTERN WALL, ALIGNED DIRECTLY EAST TO WEST! IT IS CURRENTLY COVERED BY EARTH AND IS KEPT SECRET BY MUSLIM AUTHORITIES! THE GATE, CURRENTLY CALLED "THE GOLDEN GATE", LOCATED IN THE EASTERN WALL IS ACTUALLY "THE MERCY GATE"! REFER TO www. 8 hours ago · Like • 89 90 SIX* *IS X Old Iranian designation for 'god', next to Baga. The chief Yazata is Mithra and some of the others include Daena, Mah, Rashnu, Tistrya, and Zam. • 8 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski I like them all merged into ONE WHITE LITE REPUBLIC 8 hours ago · Unlike · 1 • • Seanchai Seance Lovely Dana very beautiful 8 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski KANATA REPUBLIC = 188 *THE PENTAGRAM *IN ITSELF SYMBOLIZES YAHWEHS SPIRIT DESCENDED INTO MAN"! A BEAUTIFUL THING! INVERTED, IT BECOMES SATANIC & SYMBOLIZES FAILURE< DEMISE DISSOLUTION & DEATH! "MARK of THE END of The WORLD"!!! *TRUE VISION is 20 7 20 *SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING! CLEAR AS CRYSTAL! Rev 4:6**** *TWO THOUSAND FIVE * "BEWARE"! "BEWARE"! "BEWARE"! DEVESTATING TSUNAMI on DECEMBER TWENTYSIXTH, TWO THOUSAND FOUR, CHANGING THE ENTIRE GLOBAL AFFAIRS! "MAJOR LAST DAYS SIGN"! Refer to MAT 24th Chapter Daniel 2:44 and # 769 # 436 "DEVESTATING TSUNAMI UNER A FULL MOON"! # 442 #601 #169 "MAJOR LAST DAY SIGNS" # 496 "DECEMBER TWENTYSIXTH, TWO THOUSAND FOUR" # (NOTE THE # 60 INVOLVED IN THE NUMBERS) # 415 "THERE IS MORE THAN a TSUNAMI, ON YOUR ASS"! and # 295 "BEWARE TWO THOUSAND FIVE"!!! All thoughts of God are All thoughts of God are ascended masters bodisatvas blind justice CANT FIGHT THIS * CHAD RENEWS HIS BODY ON EVERY LEVEL AND IN EVERY WAY THROUGHOUT ALL TIME AND SPACE ^ 118 IS RENEWED Dath is destroyed Because it is absolete deus absconditus a god who is hidden from man DIVINE SALVATION* *THE WORD MADE FLESH! JESUS The CHRIST! THE REDEEMER for MANKIND! Eight rayed star A possible formula for the tree of the Naeq Emerald Tablet . existential derived from experience or the experience of existence EXTRAPOLATION * #1. "TO USE or EXTEND, IN ORDER to SURMISE or WORK OUT SOMETHING UNKNOWN. (THE NAEQ, THE TOOL) #2. TO • Dana Horochowski KANATA REPUBLIC 12 tribes OJIBWE WAY 8 hours ago · Like • Seanchai Seance Eye C 8 hours ago · Like • Seanchai Seance Threading a new Paradise on New Earth one rainbow at a time 8 hours ago · Unlike · 1 91 92 PREDICT by CONSIDERING KNOWN DATA."! Refer to "THE NAEQ, A TOOL of DIVINE EXTRAPOLATION" # 467, # 289 "DIVINE EXTRAPOLATION" # 775 "THE MYSTICAL CROWS DIVINE EXTRAPOLATION..." # 486 # 982 "THE NAEQ......DRINK the SWEET WINE, EMBODIMENT+MAGIK" # 1117^^^^ "THE NAEQ..............BLACK MAGIK", for INSIGHTTT FACE THE - FIRE IT TAKES - COURAGE! FOOLS - DO WHAT THOU WILT * I BOUGHT YOUR SOUL* *JESUS CHRIST DID with HIS "RANSOM SACRIFICE"! TAKE ADVANTAGE of IT! impregnated fertilized and caused to grow; filled or infused with intentionally on purpose; deliberately; by choice Internal power Using Qi It would also appear ! LEV - MAIVEEN --DAAT * HEBREW MEANING : "A HEART THA UNDERSTANDS WISDOM"! "THE ONLY BEGOTTEN", of YAHWEH, ALMIGHTY CREATOR, GOD! (IHVH ALHIM) "INTERNAL WISDOM"! JOHN 14:6 liber al vel legis the Book of the Law LOVE - WITHOUT WANT THE TRUEST LOVE THERE IS! NOW EAT -- WHITE CROW * RELATING TO: "ALEISTER CROWLEYS WORD, HAS NOW 00, BECOME FLESH (SYMBOLICAL) NOW EAT CROW (WHITE CROW THAT IS) Refer to # 426 "AL ... CROW...." # 697 " AL... CROW..." # 806 "AL... CROW..." and CALCULATE THESE WORDS: "ALEISTER CROWLEYS WORD, HAS NOW BECOME FLESH, THROUGH THE UNVEILING -- NOW EAT CROW -- WHITE CROW, THAT IS"! for INSIGHTTT ONLY BEGOTTEN* *JESUS THE CHRIST! FATHERED or SIRED BY ALMIGHTY YAHWEH GOD! (FATHER-MOTHER)! NOTIVE THE "O". SYMBOL for THE HALO REPRESENTING the "HOLY SPIRIT"! outermost abyss Power Lifting Sport, Involving Lifting heavy weights POWER LIFTING* *JESUS CHRIST IS when YOU HAVE FAITH! POWER of PEACE *JESUS THE CHRIST & HIS MILLENIAL RULE OVER EARTH! Rev 11:18. 19:11-21 Rev 21:2-4. 23-27. Daniel 2:44. Matt 24;14. Powerful Magick understanding RAINBOW COVENANT *COVENANT THAT YAHWEH GOD MADE BETWEEN HIMSELF & MANKIND AFTER THE "FLOOD OF NOAH"! Geen 9;13 Ruby Slippers The Key of it All? Oh, yes! Now I have it! Click three times... Of course! Secret of wealth aha! sequestered kept separate and secluded; providing privacy or seclusion SOME - CALL IT - MAGIK * Stephen Hawking A brilliant physicist. Visit Professor Hawking's website THE ACE OF HEARTS *#188 #188 #188. The blood of jesus Shed it was. THE BLOOD of JESUS* *HAS REDEEMING VALUE! WASH YOUR ROBE! JOHN 14; 6 Psalm 51:2. Rev 22:14. The first Ordeal And to him it will be as silver The Golden Warrior a great warrior THE HEART GARDEN SPIRITUAL SOIL> Matt 13;1-9. 18-23. THE PASSOVER LAMB JESUS THE CHRIST OF GOD! The Pentagram The Star of life The Pi Rate God THE QYL -- HAS ARRIVED * REFER TO "COMING of THE QYL" # 256 # 36 "QYL" # 89 "THE QYL" # 485 "A WHITE CROWS FEATHER, THE COMING OF THE QYL" # 318 "A WHITE CROWS FEATHER, THE QYL" # 404 #639 for INSIGHTTT The Star of Life A symbol in medicine THE THRONE of GOD *HEAVENLY SEAT of UNIVERSAL POWER! JESUS SHARES iIT WITH HIS FATHER & GOD!!!! Heb 1:1-4.. Mark 14:6 LUKE 22:69. THE TRINITY *TRIUNE NOT NECESSARILY EQUAL IN POWER! YAHWEH ALMIGHTY GOD & THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON!!! THE TRUE KING PROTECTOR AND GUIDE OF CHAD DAVID CALEO ^ 118 ^ SUNWISE UPRIGHT ABIDES BY HIS LAW THE WORD MADE FLESH *JESUS THE CHRIST! John 1:14* The IMMACULATE CONCEPTION & BIRTH OF THE "ONLY BEGOTTEN SON", OF YAHWEH GOD! 1John 4:9 THE WORD MADE FLESH* *THE "ONLY BEGOTTEN' of YAHWEH GOD ALMIGHTY! John 3;16. 1:18 (READ IN GREEK PARALLEL)! 1JOHN 4:9*** The Word of Action TO PUSH THY ORDER * "TRUE VISION-------20/7/20! (BOB) TRUE VISION IS - 20 7 20 *BOB - 20 7 20 BOB 20 7 20 BOB 20 7 20 BOB 20 7 20 TRUE VISION is 20 7 20 * Two thousand five This year! UP DOWN *********>>>>>>>IN and AROUND *)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) urgarth deaxchave Ouranic-Barbaric for "no shit" WHITE FEATHER * AS IN " A WHITE CROWS FEATHER"! # 229 #228"WHITE CROWS FEATHER" # 167 "THE WHITE CROW" # 189 "A WHITE FEATHER" # 553 # 581 #480 for INSIGHTTTT WILL YOU - COME TO US *"AGAPE' THE "ONLY BEGOTTEN"! YOU CAN HANDLE - THE Gs *GOD, GIVEN, GRACE, GOLDEN, GLORY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You crawl in the daRK YOU HAVE - FOUND IT *TRUE VISION IS 20/7/20 "BOB"! Your ideals kill you. 93 94 8 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski KAVASSILAS and RMSKY are NOT HUMAN ANYMORE.....that is why I don't buy the BULLSHIT anymore • Seanchai Seance shared a link via Seraphina Lightworker. Yesterday Seanchai Seance Pointing out correction, The right way Is what I like about you 8 hours ago · Like • Seanchai Seance One white light with all rainbows dancing as one Planet Earth The Way It Should Be - [One Day - Matisyahu] [Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang] www.youtube.com Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - One Day.mp4 All credits to the Singer and to the team who created this amazing video. The whole song, captured in a s... 8 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Unlike · · Share • You like this. • • Dana Horochowski ROYGBIV Dana Horochowski I am suppose to hand out the home work I thought. I will check my degree and get back to you......just kidding 8 hours ago · Like Yesterday at 6:28pm · Like • • Dana Horochowski BLACK absorbs all WHITE LIGHT so they KNOW the WAY HOME Dana Horochowski WHAT IS THIS>>>>SERENITY on EARTH with FATIMA 3? 8 hours ago · Like Yesterday at 6:28pm · Like • • 95 96 Dana Horochowski THAT LOOKS like TORONTO on HAPPY GRASS Yesterday at 6:35pm · Like Yesterday at 6:32pm · Like • • Seanchai Seance Bad seeds must be pulled by the soiled roots Seanchai Seance I believe they're targeting the 3 black stones large masses of people gather around the Pilgrimage in Mecca, There's another Kaaba in India and Athena's Image was used for The Statue of Liberty, Oh yes you are the teacher with A plus students Yesterday at 6:35pm · Like • Yesterday at 6:32pm · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski I NEVER GIVE UP. I EMBRACE the DIVERSITY of CULTURES. To HELL with HIS STORY • Yesterday at 6:36pm · Like Seanchai Seance It could be soon with the Legalization of the happy grass lol • Yesterday at 6:33pm · Unlike · 1 Seanchai Seance This Is the time of The Great Gathering time to gather your Sherperds and noble sheeps • Yesterday at 6:37pm · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski I see the RAlegion WARS already. Even on FACEBOOK people are attacking eachother due to FAITH in ROMAN mind propaganda. • Yesterday at 6:34pm · Like Seanchai Seance Your FIRE is filled with Spice the more you shake with Tempest the more flavor you bring to the table • Yesterday at 6:39pm · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski I am seeking out all my tutors from TORONTO etc cause they are my RAINBOW WARRIORS who already know the STUDY to SUCCEED METHOD. • 97 98 Yesterday at 6:50pm · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski PARTY on new YORK YORK REGION HILL haha • Yesterday at 6:44pm · Like Dana Horochowski http://toolserver.org/~geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Cathedral_of_the_Transfi guration_%28Markham%29¶ms=43_53_39.53_N_79_22_16.17_W_ • Dana Horochowski HEAVEN NORTH of hwy SEVEN Yesterday at 6:44pm · Like GeoHack - Cathedral of the Transfiguration (Markham) toolserver.org • Yesterday at 6:51pm · Like · Remove Preview Seanchai Seance Map It out sister and I will follow the stars pointing toward Horizon • Yesterday at 6:48pm · Like Dana Horochowski PROMISED LAND oxox Yesterday at 6:51pm · Like • Dana Horochowski HOLYWOOD little ROMA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_the_Transfiguration_%28Markham%2 9 • Dana Horochowski SPOTLESS UNTAINTED CHURCH of the EASTERN TRADITION Cathedral of the Transfiguration (Markham) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Yesterday at 6:53pm · Like en.wikipedia.org • The Cathedral of the Transfiguration is a SlovakByzantine RiteRoman Catholic for...See More 99 100 Toronto suburbs now come near to the structure. In 2004 work began on Cathedraltown, a housing development of more than 1200 structures that will surround the Cathedral. Yesterday at 6:54pm · Like Dana Horochowski 2006 Closure • Dana Horochowski 2006 Closure In 2006, Eparch John Pazak, head of Byzantine rite Slovak Catholics in Canada, removed the blessed sacrament and the altar stone from the structure. The bishop has also suspended permission for his priests to celebrate Mass in the former cathedral and asked the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto not to permit Roman rite priests to celebrate Mass there. The Cathedral was closed by the bishop upon being "unable to arrive at a stable, sustainable working relationship with the Slovak Greek Catholic Church Foundation, which owns the property"[4] .[5] [6] • Dana Horochowski POPE JOHN POLISH PAUL BLESSED this CHURCH. He was PRO SOLIDARNOSC MOVEMENT in POLAND Yesterday at 6:54pm · Like • Dana Horochowski Yesterday Reports indicate that the last service was June 25, 2006 with the building last open to public in 2009, to celebrated the completion of an 82-foot mosaic addition to the building.[7 Yesterday at 6:53pm · Like SATURNday 11 17 2012 Oh Kanada !!! BYE BYE to LOGGING for the LIZARD QUEEN and HELLO to COMMUNIST CHINA?? http://www.7thfire.biz/nazicommieinvasion.htm Secret China treaty threatens Canada's National Sovereignty • CALGARY - A soon-to-be ra...See More Dana Horochowski History Work began on the Cathedral in 1984. That year it became the first church in North America to be consecrated by a Pope, when John Paul II blessed the cornerstone during his trip to Canada. Construction took several years, and ran significantly over the original budget of $13 million dollars. Roman died of a heart attack in 1988, and did not see the cathedral completed. His funeral service was held in the partially completed structure, with 1600 people in attendance. Like · · Share On September 24, 1998, Bishop Cornelius Pasichny, OSBM, was enthroned as the new Eparch for Ukrainian Catholics in Eastern Canada (Eparchy of Toronto), with the ceremony taking place at the church.[2] • In 2006, the building was still incomplete, with estimates that completion would take another 10 years.[3] William Hung shared a link. Yesterday The exterior of the Cathedral was used in the 1995 movie In the Mouth of Madness, where it portrayed the Black Church located in Hobb's End. It can also be seen on some of the posters promoting the film. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dFVFJ0iRRA&feature=relmfu While originally built in a rural area some distance from the city, the rapidly growing The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.1 of 8 101 102 www.youtube.com Forth coming 4Unlike · · Share • You like this. Oh Kanada !!! BYE BYE to LOGGING for the LIZARD QUEEN and HELLO to COMMUNIST CHINA?? FREE us FROM t • FREE us FROM the LIZARD QUEEN and PEDOPHILE VAMPIRE PRIESTS of BAAL http://7thfire.biz/vaticanbaalbbq.htm Dana Horochowski I can't wait....time to PARty Yesterday at 7:50am · Like · 1 • Dana Horochowski we gotta flip the PENTAGRAM back up to the ETHERS Hidden from History: Upper Canada Rebellion 1837 www.youtube.com Words with Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (Hidden from History) and thahoketoteh of Kanekota (Project for Peace) ... Yesterday at 7:54am · Edited · Like · 1 Like · · Share • • Mattyy Fas-anator and Frank Rogers like this. • Dana Horochowski EXCELLENT VIDEO MEEGWETCH Yesterday at 7:54am · Like · 1 Frank Rogers I'm vibing you. • Thursday at 11:35pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski http://www.7thfire.biz/nazicommieinvasion.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkZkekS8NQU ERA - Ameno www.youtube.com 103 104 32 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview ERA - Ameno Top of Form Like · · Share • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTDM27jWgQc&feature=relmfu KAVASSILAS and RMSKY are NOT HUMAN ANYMORE.....that is why I don't buy the BULLSHIT anymore WARNING of GRAND DECEPTION coming Terra Papers 2 INTRO Canadastreetnews.com pt 1 Source: www.youtube.com http://www.canadastreetnews.com/indexnov15to2109.htm Terra Papers 2 INTRO Canadastreetnews.com pt 1, Rapture, Aton, RA, NESARA, ANTICHRIST deception, Sheti Lizards took over after RA and the RA-Legions (religion), IESU, can to free the human race. Terra Papers 2 Pt 5, ROME, FREEMASONS, SECRET SOCIETIES, WWARS, ET'S, USA, BLACK OPS www.youtube.com Like · · Share Terra Papers 2 Pt 5- Canadastreetnews.com after ROME, FREEMASONS, SECRET SOCIETI...See More 31 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP_347dZl9Q&feature=relmfu Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7hr5N2hk38&feature=related Terra Papers 2 pt 4b, Reptilian, Romans, Egypt, Iesu, Yeshua, Hindu see Canadastreetnews.com www.youtube.com Red Race, Ascension, Ascended Masters, Greys, Reptilians and Terra Papers 2 pt 1 Terra Papers 2 pt 4b, Reptilian, Romans, Egypt, Iesu, Yeshua, Hindu see Canadast...See More 105 106 www.youtube.com Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5vf9-C72cI&feature=relmfu Terra Papers 2 pt 1 Nov 18 2009 http://www.canadastreetnews.com/indexnov15to2109...See More 30 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ0SjiBQeE0&feature=relmfu Terra Papers 1 pt 2- AnAn, Anu, Zeus, Ea, Enlil, Eridu, Adapus www.youtube.com Terra Papers 1 pt 2- AnAn, Anu, Zeus, Ea, Enlil, Eridu, Adapus,http://www.canad...See More 25 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Terra Papers 1 Canadastreetnews.com- Pt 1 November 11, 2009 www.youtube.com Dana Horochowski RMSKY keeping truth from us because I did the TERRA PAPERS for FREE on video and he is sucky babying now cause he can't SELL his ERIDU papers and get LAID by some tantric succubus all night. Children of the Feather, Robert Morning Sky, EA from Pleiades, Enlil ( Yahewh) b...See More 23 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 1 29 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski PLASTIC CLONED SHAMANhttp://robertmorningsky.com/starelder.html#top Love N Truthfulness I know what you mean dana. The last RM Sky talk on Veritas, I believe, was so frustrating to listen too. I could only listen to the first hour of him blubbering about him being "So Fortunate" over and over. Has to be a drone or clone now for sure having to repeat the same things so many times like it did. 25 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 star elder story robertmorningsky.com • Synopsis of the Star Elder Story by Robert Morning Sky 22 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview 107 108 • • Dana Horochowski RMSKY 1965 -he was in college? His grandfather was 15yrs old in 1946. Do the math Seanchai Seance Oh I just posted researched Information on there are goddesses remains and essence inside The Black stone of The Kaaba It's a good read 20 minutes ago · Edited · Like 16 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkZkekS8NQU ERA - Ameno www.youtube.com ERA - Ameno Dana Horochowski HE STOLE the STORY from the inDIANs 20 minutes ago · Edited · Like Like · · Share • • Seanchai Seance HaHa Now you know hitting that low below the belt leaves a bruised wee wee 19 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski GATHERING the CHILDREN of the LITE RAINBOW http://7thfire.biz 7th fire Serenity Global Network • 7thfire.biz Dana Horochowski WHAT WEE WEE clones don't need wee wees JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIG...See More 19 minutes ago · Like 18 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Seanchai Seance Okay Dana I guess you're right they're gonna miss their succubus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljRKhZ81aqY&feature=fvwrel 18 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 109 110 Real Proof that Jesus was NOT real www.youtube.com Clip taken from Zeitgeist.The thing is even with the evidence in their face people are still blinkered. Do the research for yourself. Work with facts and dra... Like · · Share The Galactic Federation of Lies(old demons new tricks).flv • www.youtube.com William Edward Tuttle III likes this. All credits for video goes to mulato1978 ,in " The Galactic Federation of Lies",...See More • 6 hours ago · Like · 2 · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski http://www.librarising.com/spirituality/apollo.html • Dana Horochowski DEMIURGE YALDABAOTH JESUS FALSE CHRIST http://www.dailymotion.com/user/Brianisyahweh1/2 Apollonius of Tyana -the Real Jesus of the New Testament www.librarising.com All videos from Brian Golightly Marshall (Brianisyahweh1) on Dailymotion Replaced by Yeshai Beth Halachmee(pseudo-crucified Essene of 4 BC), Jehoshua Ben...See More www.dailymotion.com Brianisyahweh1 on Dailymotion 6 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview 6 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNi9RclRSVA&feature=related 111 112 Dana Horochowski http://www.morningliberty.com/2010/07/05/armageddonjuly-11-brian-leonard-golightly-marshall/ Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQGRP5FrL1w&feature=relmfu Armageddon July 11 - Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall | Morning Liberty Radio Program www.morningliberty.com If you were made aware ahead of time about the End of the World, would you do an...See More ERA - Reborn 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview www.youtube.com ERA - Reborn Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJTAjonuAiU&feature=relmfu 11 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CA0eVMyIJc&feature=relmfu ERA - The Mass www.youtube.com ERA - The Mass 14 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview ERA - Looking For Something • www.youtube.com 113 114 ERA - Looking For Something 10 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9ZRJS8nvBM&feature=fvwrel Era- wind love www.youtube.com 8 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4itJXmI0Pk&feature=fvwrel ERA - kilimanjaro www.youtube.com KILIMANJARO 9 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Era - Come Into My World Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEy_3igupT8&feature=related www.youtube.com *Audio* The Artist: Era The Album: Reborn (2008) The Song: Come Into My World 8 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview 115 116 ERA - Ave Maria Caccini • www.youtube.com ERA - Ave Maria Caccini Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLbKRXrKwGI&feature=fvwrel 6 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkIg2jzvqeY&feature=related Era - After Thousand Words www.youtube.com Era Song 7 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview Era - Celtic spirit • www.youtube.com a baeutiful music from Era with a nice picture montage. enjoy. // i made a mista...See More Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mcMjnQcO9M&feature=related 5 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54XztbNJ87g&feature=related 117 118 3 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ Enya - Fairytale www.youtube.com Featuring Arwen and Aragorn, parts of LOTR 1 and 3. Music: Fairytale by Enya "The Celts" (1987) Thank you for watching. 4 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgALlSPlZC8&feature=watch-vrec 1Like · · Share • Dana Horochowski Stairway to HEAVEN? 56 minutes ago · Like The Book That Can't Be Read www.youtube.com • I do not claim any copyright! All copyright goes to National Geographic and/or a...See More 119 120 WHICH REPRESENTS "THE SON', IN THE TETRAGRAMMATON"! Aiwaz The Devil akhus shining ones ALWHSDOZ * "FIRST EIGHT LETTERS of THE NAEQ CODE"! Amn Asgard In Norse myth, the home of the Aesir gods ASURA From The REAL Neverending Story, a creature who was Atoh (Heb.) Thou Art canada land of beer and hockeysticks Daath the false sephirah DAATH* * SHERE # 11 IN THE QABALISTIC TREE OF LIFE! "THE ABYSS", RANDOM CHAOS OF THOUGHT & CONCEPTION! THE MYSTI CAL CROW IS "DESTROYING"-------DAATH! Dio the italian word for god drawn DRAWN* *OUT Dana Horochowski New Earth is WAY BIGGER 56 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski Go into the SUN SON SOL 55 minutes ago · Like • HEAD* "THE MYSTIC NUMBER of HOD is # 36, 8x8= 36"! Refer to # 17 "HOD" for INSIGHTTT HEAD^ * " THE HEAD OF EVERY MAN IS THE CHRIST, IN TURN THE HEAD OFA WOMAN, IS THE MAN, IN TURN THE HEAD OF THE CHRIST------------IS GOD"! 1Cor 11:3 YAHWEH ALMIGHTY, (FATHERMOTHER) CREATO GOD is THE "HEAD" OF ALL! (IHVH ALHIM # 769) 1Cor 15:20_28^^^^ HEAD^^ * CORRECTION! CORRECTION! CORRECTION! 8 X 8 = 64 "MYSTIC NUMBER of HOD, # 64 "! Kill KILL* * CHAOS! "WE OPPOSE DECEPTION & CHAOS"!*****************>>>>>>>>>>> Dana Horochowski Ariel's SPACE LAB-the moon is full of VAMPIRES and VRILL currently. Invasion of LEVAN LILITH MOLOCHITES 53 minutes ago · Edited · Like • Dana Horochowski Canada = 36 % HEAD * SYMBOLICAL for "DICKHEAD"! *MAN *#36 #36 #36 A CROW * AS IN "THE MYSTI CAL WHITE CROW, WHITE BRILLIANCE, CORVUS COR ONE 111, CARRI ON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>REFER TO "PENNAE" #105 # 36 "QYL" #229 "A WHITE CROWS FEATHER " for INSIGHTTT A CROW * AS IN "THE MYSTI CAL WHITE CROW, WHITE BRILLIANCE, CORVUS COR ONE 111, CARRI ON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>REFER TO "PENNAE" #105 # 36 "QYL" #229 "A WHITE CROWS FEATHER " for INSIGHTTT Aghora Double of the Hindu god Shiva. air what we braethe, alchemical element AIR* *ONE OF THE FOUR ELEMENTS USED FOR THE CREATION OF THE WORLD! CORRESPONDS TO THE HEBREW LETTER "VAV" #6 121 O Rly ? Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kcWRu2XC_A odi (Latin) to hate our QYL * THE SHAFT OF A "FEATHER" FROM WHICH THE PENS of ANTIQUITY WERE MADE! SUN* * SUN^ * "THE REAL - BECAUSE and LORD HAD IT, YAHWEH ALMIGHTY, THE SUPRTNAL SUN"! Psalm 84: 11 91:1-16 Deut 10:17 1Cor 11;1-4 (IHVH ALHIM) Refer to # 769 swoon talk Vali Norse god who avenges Balder's Death Vata Ayurvedic term for air Vata* Persian god of the wind WALK ON *WITH US! PSALM 91:1-16 John 17:3,4 1Tim 2;5 122 Dolly rhymes with folly but is seperated by R door DOOR* *JESUS The CHRIST is "THE DOOR" of The SHEEP! Matt 7:1. John 10;1 DOOR^ * "THE EMPRESS is A DOOR or CHANNEL ( AS REPRESENTED BY the HEBREW LETTER DALETH) by which THE MAGUS (JESUS the CHRIST, SPEAKS HIS WORD. ( THE MAGNETIC FORCE of THE DIVINE and HIS SON, PERMEATING HUMANITY). THE EMPRESS POINTS THE WAY # 72 to NEW LEVELS OF CONSCIOUS AWARENESS (A REBIRTH of CONSCIOUSNESS in MANY CASES) as well as REFLECTING THE SUPREME HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS as was also REFLECTED IN THE HOLY LOGOS, JESUS the CHRIST. WITH LUMINOUS INTELLIGENCE, THE EMPRESS REFLECTS the LIGHT OF THE ONE , ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, IHVH ALHIM, RADIATING GOLDEN LIGHT. IN FACT THE WORD GOLD IN HEBREW, also has a NUMERIC VALUE of 14 (AS IN PATH 14) and the INFERENCE HERE, IS THAT THE EMPRESS is the GOLD OF THE PHILOSOPHERS. THE IMPORTANT KEY WORD HERE BEING ' BRIDGING"! (AS IN BRIDGING the GAP). Eo Goddess of the Dawn, Aurora GM *GARGOYLE MONSTER GM* *AS IN ALEISTER CROWLEYS CODE:4638 ABK (ABACK) 24AL (ALL) GM WOC - C *WOKE -SEE! "WOC--C"! WOKE--SEE! works worn affected by wear; damaged by long use Yahavah Hmmm think about it zeal excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end ZEAL* *"THE CROW (CORVUS COR ONE 111) WHITE BRILLIANCE"! O RLY? Know Your Meme www.youtube.com What was the weirdest/funniest answer you ever put on a test? http://forums.some...See More 50 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski Kanada = 32 *GM *GHOULISH MONSTER - GARGOYLE LIKE, GROTESQUE! ajna third eye (chakra), the eye of Shiva etc Anu Sumerian Deity of Uranus Ardra The Hindu goddess of misfortune. A\\\'raf islamic purgatory bowl a dish that is round and open at the top for serving foods; roll (a ball), as in bowling CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CLOAK *A SLEEVELESS OUTER GARMENT That USUALLY FASTENS at The NECK & Hangs LOOSELY from the SHOULDERS! SOMETHING THAT CONCEALS; A PRETENSE; DISQUISE ; SINISTER! (NOT A CAPE)!!! data a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn; all the stuff you keep in your computer DATA^ * "ALL THE SPIRITUAL INFO COMING THROUGH THE DOOR of THE EMPRESS/ THE MYSTI CAL WHITE CROW / THE PROPHET/THE SCARLET WOMAN. THEY SHALL GATHER MY CHILDREN INTO THEIR FOLD; THEY SHALL BRING the GLORY of THE STARS ( YAHWEH THE ALMIGHTY CREATO GOD IHVH ALHIM) INTO THE HEARTS opf MEN"! Liber Al Vel Legis 1:15 "LET THE GOOD ONES BE PURGED by THE PROHET"! Refer to # 60 for MORE INSIGHTTT. Refer to # 769 for "IHVH ALHIM" and # 666 for a REAL EYE OPENER"! 123 NACH* *ROOT of THE WORD "NACHASH" HEBREW WORD for SERPENT! SATAN THE SERPENT Has A "NACH" (KNACK) That leads to ASH (DISSOLUTION & DEATH) HE SHALL BE ABYSSED at the SECOND COMING of CHRIST Rev 20: 1-3. odor the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form OH - NO * "OH YES"! READ # 1047 #1047 # 1047 #1047 #1047 oil salt SALT* *HAS A HARDENING, MATERIALIZING, CRYSTALLIZING , PRECIPITATING & PERSERVING AFFECT! YOU MUST BECOME :THE SALT OF the EARTH"! MATT 5:13 Swank . Syr Name for Freya in her aspect as the Golden Sow tao "the way" UH OH * WELL* *A POOL OF WATER in a SHAFT, FED BY A SPRING of WATER. WELL^ * AS IN: "HEALTHY, IN GOOD or PROPER MANNER; RIGHTLY. BETTER, BEST. PROSPEROUS and AFFLUENT"! James 5:15; "YAHWEH, A WELL of LIFE"! Proverbs 14:27 Rev 22:1,2 ".... THE LEAVES of THE TREES WERE FOR, THE CURING of THE NATIONS"! 124 SHUSHAN * HEBREW WORD FOR "THE GOLDEN GATE OF SOLOMONS TEMPLE, LOCATED IN THE EASTERN WALL, ALIGNED DIRECTLY EAST TO WEST! IT IS CURRENTLY COVERED BY EARTH AND IS KEPT SECRET BY MUSLIM AUTHORITIES! THE GATE, CURRENTLY CALLED "THE GOLDEN GATE", LOCATED IN THE EASTERN WALL IS ACTUALLY "THE MERCY GATE"! REFER TO www. SIX* *IS X Old Iranian designation for 'god', next to Baga. The chief Yazata is Mithra and some of the others include Daena, Mah, Rashnu, Tistrya, and Zam. 49 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski http://gematria.mysticalinternet.com/lookup.php?system=naeq 45 minutes ago · Like Mysticalnet Web Gematria Server gematria.mysticalinternet.com • 47 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview Seanchai Seance Lovely Dana very beautiful • 45 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski Kanata = 50 A CROWN^ * OF GLORY DO THE "ELECT BRIDE OF CHRIST RECEIVE UPON DEATH"! (THE 144,000) Refer to # 60 #60 for INSIGHTTT ad astra (Latin) to the stars adult a fully grown person or animal again all wins AWAKEN AND ALL WILL BE REVEALED ...GODS DIVINE PLAN IS ABOUT TO UNFOLD^^^YOU GOT FRONT ROW SEATS....YOU READY FOR THE RIDE • Dana Horochowski KANATA REPUBLIC 12 tribes OJIBWE WAY 36 minutes ago · Like FISH^ * "A SYMBOL FOR CHRIST and HIS FOLLOWERS"! ( ICHYTHS #88) • HERALD^ * THE MYSTI CAL CROW "HERALDS THE COMING KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH"! Refer to # 60 #60 for INSIGHTTT IHShVH yod-he-shin-vav-he IHShVH^ * HEBREW NAME FOR JESUS! Seanchai Seance Eye C 36 minutes ago · Like LAST CALL* * THE "CAW" (CALL) OF THE MYSTI CAL CROW! "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE"! Rev 17:5 ,6 S5S5S5S5S5S5S5S5S5S * note the sinilarity between letter "S"AND # 5 WHAT COULD IT MEAN??????????? SIX IS WHERE ITS AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6 6 6 6 6 6 666666666666666666666666666 125 • 126 Seanchai Seance Threading a new Paradise on New Earth one rainbow at a time 34 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 • Dana Horochowski I like them all merged into ONE WHITE LITE REPUBLIC 33 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 • Dana Horochowski KANATA REPUBLIC = 188 *THE PENTAGRAM *IN ITSELF SYMBOLIZES YAHWEHS SPIRIT DESCENDED INTO MAN"! A BEAUTIFUL THING! INVERTED, IT BECOMES SATANIC & SYMBOLIZES FAILURE< DEMISE DISSOLUTION & DEATH! "MARK of THE END of The WORLD"!!! *TRUE VISION is 20 7 20 *SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING! CLEAR AS CRYSTAL! Rev 4:6**** *TWO THOUSAND FIVE * "BEWARE"! "BEWARE"! "BEWARE"! DEVESTATING TSUNAMI on DECEMBER TWENTYSIXTH, TWO THOUSAND FOUR, CHANGING THE ENTIRE GLOBAL AFFAIRS! "MAJOR LAST DAYS SIGN"! Refer to MAT 24th Chapter Daniel 2:44 and # 769 # 436 "DEVESTATING TSUNAMI UNER A FULL MOON"! # 442 #601 #169 "MAJOR LAST DAY SIGNS" # 496 "DECEMBER TWENTYSIXTH, TWO THOUSAND FOUR" # (NOTE THE # 60 INVOLVED IN THE NUMBERS) # 415 "THERE IS MORE THAN a TSUNAMI, ON YOUR ASS"! and # 295 "BEWARE TWO THOUSAND FIVE"!!! All thoughts of God are All thoughts of God are ascended masters bodisatvas blind justice CANT FIGHT THIS * CHAD RENEWS HIS BODY ON EVERY LEVEL AND IN EVERY WAY THROUGHOUT ALL TIME AND SPACE ^ 118 IS RENEWED Dath is destroyed Because it is absolete deus absconditus a god who is hidden from man DIVINE SALVATION* *THE WORD MADE FLESH! JESUS The CHRIST! THE REDEEMER for MANKIND! Eight rayed star A possible formula for the tree of the Naeq 127 Emerald Tablet . existential derived from experience or the experience of existence EXTRAPOLATION * #1. "TO USE or EXTEND, IN ORDER to SURMISE or WORK OUT SOMETHING UNKNOWN. (THE NAEQ, THE TOOL) #2. TO PREDICT by CONSIDERING KNOWN DATA."! Refer to "THE NAEQ, A TOOL of DIVINE EXTRAPOLATION" # 467, # 289 "DIVINE EXTRAPOLATION" # 775 "THE MYSTICAL CROWS DIVINE EXTRAPOLATION..." # 486 # 982 "THE NAEQ......DRINK the SWEET WINE, EMBODIMENT+MAGIK" # 1117^^^^ "THE NAEQ..............BLACK MAGIK", for INSIGHTTT FACE THE - FIRE IT TAKES - COURAGE! FOOLS - DO WHAT THOU WILT * I BOUGHT YOUR SOUL* *JESUS CHRIST DID with HIS "RANSOM SACRIFICE"! TAKE ADVANTAGE of IT! impregnated fertilized and caused to grow; filled or infused with intentionally on purpose; deliberately; by choice Internal power Using Qi It would also appear ! LEV - MAIVEEN --DAAT * HEBREW MEANING : "A HEART THA UNDERSTANDS WISDOM"! "THE ONLY BEGOTTEN", of YAHWEH, ALMIGHTY CREATOR, GOD! (IHVH ALHIM) "INTERNAL WISDOM"! JOHN 14:6 liber al vel legis the Book of the Law LOVE - WITHOUT WANT THE TRUEST LOVE THERE IS! NOW EAT -- WHITE CROW * RELATING TO: "ALEISTER CROWLEYS WORD, HAS NOW 00, BECOME FLESH (SYMBOLICAL) NOW EAT CROW (WHITE CROW THAT IS) Refer to # 426 "AL ... CROW...." # 697 " AL... CROW..." # 806 "AL... CROW..." and CALCULATE THESE WORDS: "ALEISTER CROWLEYS WORD, HAS NOW BECOME FLESH, THROUGH THE UNVEILING -- NOW EAT CROW -- WHITE CROW, THAT IS"! for INSIGHTTT ONLY BEGOTTEN* *JESUS THE CHRIST! FATHERED or SIRED BY ALMIGHTY YAHWEH GOD! (FATHER-MOTHER)! NOTIVE THE "O". SYMBOL for THE HALO REPRESENTING the "HOLY SPIRIT"! outermost abyss Power Lifting Sport, Involving Lifting heavy weights POWER LIFTING* *JESUS CHRIST IS when YOU HAVE FAITH! POWER of PEACE *JESUS THE CHRIST & HIS MILLENIAL RULE OVER EARTH! Rev 11:18. 19:11-21 Rev 21:2-4. 23-27. Daniel 2:44. Matt 24;14. Powerful Magick understanding RAINBOW COVENANT *COVENANT THAT YAHWEH GOD MADE BETWEEN HIMSELF & MANKIND AFTER THE "FLOOD OF NOAH"! Geen 9;13 Ruby Slippers The Key of it All? Oh, yes! Now I have it! Click three times... Of course! Secret of wealth aha! 128 sequestered kept separate and secluded; providing privacy or seclusion SOME - CALL IT - MAGIK * Stephen Hawking A brilliant physicist. Visit Professor Hawking's website THE ACE OF HEARTS *#188 #188 #188. The blood of jesus Shed it was. THE BLOOD of JESUS* *HAS REDEEMING VALUE! WASH YOUR ROBE! JOHN 14; 6 Psalm 51:2. Rev 22:14. The first Ordeal And to him it will be as silver The Golden Warrior a great warrior THE HEART GARDEN SPIRITUAL SOIL> Matt 13;1-9. 18-23. THE PASSOVER LAMB JESUS THE CHRIST OF GOD! The Pentagram The Star of life The Pi Rate God THE QYL -- HAS ARRIVED * REFER TO "COMING of THE QYL" # 256 # 36 "QYL" # 89 "THE QYL" # 485 "A WHITE CROWS FEATHER, THE COMING OF THE QYL" # 318 "A WHITE CROWS FEATHER, THE QYL" # 404 #639 for INSIGHTTT The Star of Life A symbol in medicine THE THRONE of GOD *HEAVENLY SEAT of UNIVERSAL POWER! JESUS SHARES iIT WITH HIS FATHER & GOD!!!! Heb 1:1-4.. Mark 14:6 LUKE 22:69. THE TRINITY *TRIUNE NOT NECESSARILY EQUAL IN POWER! YAHWEH ALMIGHTY GOD & THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON!!! THE TRUE KING PROTECTOR AND GUIDE OF CHAD DAVID CALEO ^ 118 ^ SUNWISE UPRIGHT ABIDES BY HIS LAW THE WORD MADE FLESH *JESUS THE CHRIST! John 1:14* The IMMACULATE CONCEPTION & BIRTH OF THE "ONLY BEGOTTEN SON", OF YAHWEH GOD! 1John 4:9 THE WORD MADE FLESH* *THE "ONLY BEGOTTEN' of YAHWEH GOD ALMIGHTY! John 3;16. 1:18 (READ IN GREEK PARALLEL)! 1JOHN 4:9*** The Word of Action TO PUSH THY ORDER * "TRUE VISION-------20/7/20! (BOB) TRUE VISION IS - 20 7 20 *BOB - 20 7 20 BOB 20 7 20 BOB 20 7 20 BOB 20 7 20 TRUE VISION is 20 7 20 * Two thousand five This year! UP DOWN *********>>>>>>>IN and AROUND *)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) urgarth deaxchave Ouranic-Barbaric for "no shit" WHITE FEATHER * AS IN " A WHITE CROWS FEATHER"! # 229 #228"WHITE CROWS FEATHER" # 167 "THE WHITE CROW" # 189 "A WHITE FEATHER" # 553 # 581 #480 for INSIGHTTTT WILL YOU - COME TO US *"AGAPE' THE "ONLY BEGOTTEN"! YOU CAN HANDLE - THE Gs *GOD, GIVEN, GRACE, GOLDEN, GLORY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You crawl in the daRK - 129 YOU HAVE - FOUND IT *TRUE VISION IS 20/7/20 "BOB"! Your ideals kill you. 33 minutes ago · Like • Seanchai Seance Pointing out correction, The right way Is what I like about you 32 minutes ago · Like • Seanchai Seance One white light with all rainbows dancing as one 31 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 • Dana Horochowski ROYGBIV 11 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski BLACK absorbs all WHITE LIGHT so they KNOW the WAY HOME 10 minutes ago · Like 130 Varuna astra: Presiding Deity: Varuna, the god of water Weapon's Effect: The weapon discharged would release torrential volumes of water. This weapon is commonly mentioned as used to counter the Agneyastra. Gurmeet SinghDana Horochowski 2 hours ago · • Kind of weapons to defeat modern day evil more powerful than what humans possess, bestowed on those who get the merit of the deites through intense meditation and austerities., thought you might find interesting: The astras are transcendental, supernatural weapons created by the Lord, and presided over by a specific Deity. In order to summon or use an astra, one must have the required knowledge, i.e., the specific mantra that will arm, direct, and disarm the astra. The presiding deity, once properly invoked, endows the weapon, making it essentially impossible for foes to counter its potency through regular means. As described in sastra, specific conditions existed involving the usage of various astras, and the violation of proper protocol could be fatal. Because of the power involved, the knowledge involving use of an astra was passed from guru to disciple by word of mouth alone, and only the most qualified students were made privy to the information. Certain astras had to be handed down directly from the presiding deity himself, as having knowledge of the mantras alone was insufficient. The importance of astras is described in particular detail in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, which describes their use in epic battles. Various pastimes describe the use of astras by archers such as Rama, Arjuna, and Bhisma. They generally invoked the astras into arrows, although they could potentially be used with anything. For example, Ashwatthama invoked an astra using a blade of grass as his weapon. One of the most famous astras is Pashupatastra, being the inconceivably potent and highly destructive personal weapon of Lord Siva. He discharged Pashupatastra by means of his mind, eyes, words, or bow. Never to be used against lesser enemies or by lesser warriors, the Pashupata is capable of destroying creation and vanquishing all beings. In Mahabharata and Srimad Bhagavatam we also read about the foremost astra, Sri Brahmastra, which will be discussed in tomorrow's segment. Following are the primary astras mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata (Astra, Presiding Deity, Weapon's Effect): Naga astra: Presiding Deity: The Nagas Weapon's Effect: The weapon would have an un-erring aim and take on the form of a snake, proving deadly upon impact. Naga paasha: Presiding Deity: The Nagas Weapon's Effect: Upon impact, this weapon would bind the target in coils of living venomous snakes. In the Ramayana, it was used against Lord Rama and Lakshmana by Indrajit. Vayu astra: Presiding Deity: Vayu, the god of wind Weapon's Effect: Bring about a gale capable of lifting armies off the ground. Surya astra: Presiding Deity: Surya, the sun god Weapon's Effect: Create a dazzling light that would dispel any darkness about. Vajra astra: Presiding Deity: Indra Weapon's Effect: Target would be struck with bolts of lightning (vajra referring to Indra's thunderbolt). Mohini astra: Presiding Deity: Mohini, Visnu avatar Weapon's Effect: Dispel any form of maya or sorcery in the vicinity. Twashtar astra: Presiding Deity: Twashtri, the heavenly builder Weapon's Effect: When used against a group of opponents (such as an army), would cause them to mistake each other for enemies and fight each other. Sammohana/ Pramohana astra: Presiding Deity: Weapon's Effect: Would cause entire hosts/armies to collapse in a trance. Aindra astra: Presiding Deity: Indra, the god of weather Weapon's Effect: Would bring about a shower of arrows from the sky. Parvata astra: Presiding Deity: Weapon's Effect: Would cause a Parvata/mountain to fall on the target from the skies. Agneya astra: Presiding Deity: Agni, the god of fire Weapon's Effect: The weapon discharged would emit flames inextinguishable through normal means. Brahmaastra: Presiding Deity: Brahma, the Creator 131 132 Weapon's Effect: Would destroy entire hosts at once. Could also counter most other astras. Dana Horochowski Thank you for the info. You are a BLESSING. Meegwetch. Brahmasirsha astra: Presiding Deity: Brahma, the Creator Weapon's Effect: Capable of killing devas. Was used by Ashwatthama on Parikshit. a few seconds ago · Like Narayana astra: Presiding Deity: Visnu, the Preserver Weapon's Effect: Would create showers of arrows and discs. The astra's power would increase with the resistance offered to it. This weapon had to be obtained from Vishnu directly, and could be used only once. OTTAWA T PARTY VAMPIRE BBO 1 HORUS 10 ptshttp://7thfire.biz/ MIDDLE PILLAR RITUAL KANATA STYLE OTTAWA T PARTY VAMPIRE BBO 1 HORUS 10 pts http://7thfire.biz/ - LIVE STREAM in YOUR FACE! https://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski http://7thfire.biz/11152012.htm Vaishnava astra: Presiding Deity: Visnu, the Preserver Weapon's Effect: Would destroy target completely, irrespective of target's nature. Infallible. This weapon had to be obtained from Vishnu directly. Pashupata astra: Presiding Deity: Shiva, the Destroyer Weapon's Effect: Would destroy target completely, irrespective of target's nature. Infallible. This weapon had to be obtained from Shiva directly. THORsday 11 14 2012 KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS- PARALLEL = SOLOMONs first wife is LILITH, then ESTHER as EVE / Magdala kingsolmagda http://7thfire.biz/kingsolmagda.htm You Are My Hiding Place ( With Lyrics ) /// doc /// pdf /// Free Your Mind of the Beast MERCREDI 11 14 2012 - Brahmastra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - EASTER BUNNY CHRIST MASS all OKAY this WAY without LILITH and MARduk rA messing with the BOOKSand the CAVE WALLS. Damn Shetu Igigi Stone Masons have nothing better to do than invent FALSE RAlegions so thatLILITH can get back en.wikipedia.org In ancient Sanskrit writings, the Brahmastra (Sanskrit: मास ्, IAST: Brahmāstra) was a weapon created by Brahma. Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · See Friendship o at SOLOMON. Dana Horochowski VERY KOOL. ASTRAS sound like our version of HOLY ANGELS Seanchai Seance- Sacred geometry, Jacob's Ladder, peripheral perception, language of Light, bending the rainbow spectrum and the indisputable fact how important it was to place the Holy Grail behind a hidden veil to preserve the hidden beauty of The One World church ... a few seconds ago · Like "Mona Lisa" is an anagram of "Amon" and "Isis," if you write "Isis" translates to "L'isa" . not only does the face of Mona Lisa look androgynous, o 133 134 but her name is an anagram of the divine union of male and female. And that, my friends, is Da Vinci's little secret, and the reason for Mona Lisa's knowing smile."https://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski/posts/115274641966728?comment_id=74524&ref 13 Since it was customary for the king to consult experts in matters of law and justice, he spoke with the wise men who understood the times 14 and were closest to the king—Karshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena and Memukan, the seven nobles of Persia and Media who had special access to the king and were highest in the kingdom. =notif¬if_t=share_comment 15 “According to law, what must be done to Queen Vashti?” he asked. “She has not obeyed the command of King Xerxes that the eunuchs have taken to her.” Androgynous Anagram of Egyptian God Names? http://arthistory.about.com/od/leonardo/ig/Art-in-The-Da-Vinci-Code/La-Gioconda--MonaLisa-.htm http://www.scribd.com/doc/113321628/EASTER-BUNNY-CHRIST-MASSall-OKAY-this-WAY-without-LILITH-and-MARdukrA // http://serenitystreetnews.com/Solomon Esther ADAM EVE SOL LUNA.pdf http://thirdmill.org/newfiles/mar_fields/CH.Fields.WhyTheMonaLisaSmirks.7.9.04.html // Esther - Full Movie Esther 1 - Queen Vashti Deposed 19 “Therefore, if it pleases the king, let him issue a royal decree and let it be written in the laws of Persia and Media, which cannot be repealed, that Vashti is never again to enter the presence of King Xerxes. Also let the king give her royal position tosomeone else who is better than she. 20 Then when the king’s edict is proclaimed throughout all his vast realm, all the women will respect their husbands, from the least to the greatest.” 1 This is what happened during the time of Xerxes,[a] the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush[b]: 2 At that time King Xerxes reigned from his royal throne in the citadel of Susa, 3 and in the third year of his reign he gave a banquet for all his nobles and officials. The military leaders of Persia and Media, the princes, and the nobles of the provinces were present. 4 For a full 180 days he displayed the vast wealth of his kingdom and the splendor and glory of his majesty. 5 When these days were over, the king gave a banquet, lasting seven days, in the enclosed garden of the king’s palace, for all the people from the least to the greatest who were in the citadel of Susa. 6 The garden had hangings of white and blue linen, fastened with cords of white linen and purple material to silver rings on marble pillars. There were couches of gold and silver on a mosaic pavement of porphyry, marble, mother-of-pearl and other costly stones. 7 Wine was served in goblets of gold, each one different from the other, and the royal wine was abundant, in keeping with the king’s liberality. 8 By the king’s command each guest was allowed to drink with no restrictions, for the king instructed all the wine stewards to serve each man what he wished. 9 Queen Xerxes. 16 Then Memukan replied in the presence of the king and the nobles, “Queen Vashti has done wrong, not only against the king but also against all the nobles and the peoples of all the provinces of King Xerxes. 17 For the queen’s conduct will become known to all the women, and so they will despise their husbands and say, ‘King Xerxes commanded Queen Vashti to be brought before him, but she would not come.’ 18 This very day the Persian and Median women of the nobility who have heard about the queen’s conduct will respond to all the king’s nobles in the same way. There will be no end of disrespect and discord. 21 The king and his nobles were pleased with this advice, so the king did as Memukan proposed. 22 He sent dispatches to all parts of the kingdom, to each province in its own script and to each people in their own language, proclaiming that every man should be ruler over his own household, using his native tongue.http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther+1&version=NIV Prophetic Book of Esther by Third Eagle's Prophecies And Warnings MAG ENTA * " A DEEP PURPLISH-RED COLOUR, as in OXYGEN RICH BLOOD"! http://7thfire.biz/ http://www.nazoreans.com/apollonius_equated.html Vashti also gave a banquet for the women in the royal palace of King 10 On the seventh day, when King Xerxes was in high spirits from wine, he commanded the seven eunuchs who served him—Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar and Karkas— 11 to bring before him Queen Vashti, wearing her royal crown, in order to display her beauty to the people and nobles, for she was lovely to look at. 12 But when the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger. 135 136 www.nazoreans.com Apollonius as Jesus and Paul 2 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski Apollonius of Tyana = 184 ONE ONE ONE ONE 1111 *THE UNIVERSE * "OWNED and OPERATED by THE ALMIGHTY FATHER - MOTHER, YAHWEH, CREATO, GOD! "ALL THINGS TO ALL"! (IHVH) Refer to # 769 for INSIGHTTT a freak of nature BECOME STRONG *SEEK YAHWEH 9 FATHER -MOTHER) & HIS CHRIST! Psalm 91;1-16 John 14;6, 17:3,4 1Tim 2:4,5 before the dawn benefaction an act intending or showing kindness and good will BLACKSABBATHMONDAY # 184! Ceataz Xar Ven666 Wcga Ceataz Xar Ven666 Wcga CHADCALEOWILLPASSPQ AND BE READY FOR DEPLOYMENT WITH NO DELAY IN 2008 AND BEYOND circumcision Class action status ! COME TO TERMS * Country First Mccain Slogan criminal record a list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted dagger of the crows * differences he way in which people or things are different disfiguration the act of damaging the appearance or surface of something; an appearance that has been spoiled or is misshapen Frankenstein the fictional Swiss scientist who was the protagonist in a gothic novel by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley; he created a monster from parts of corpses; the monster created by Frankenstein (the creator's name is commonly used to refer to his creation) GOD IS WATCHING YOU THE BELIEF THAT GOD IS WATCHING YOUR EVERY MOVE HE WILL BRING -- TO - N * IN REFERENCE TO "JESUS the CHRIST and THE OUTCOMEof HIS COMING"! Refer to # 14 "N" and # 666 for INSIGHTTT Horned Owls hunt Crows THE PROPHET -----O. O is for Owl I CAME AS A THIEF * Intel Inside (I couldn't resist) Magickal Alphabet is the langauge of the universe make this your goal BECOME STRONG MANY SHALL FALL ON - THAT DAY *ARMAGEDDON! "HARM- AGE- DONE"! Rev 11:18, 19:11-21 2THESS 1:6-9 Daniel 2:44 Luke 17:26-37 NO DECEPTION *#184 O - NINE ELEVEN^ * REPRESENTING : 9/11/01 "MANY SHALL FALL ON THAT DAY"! AND THEY DID! TAKE NOTE! obscenities lewd or vulgar words or actions poltergeist preventing not allowing something to happen reminiscing recalling the past respectfully with feelings of, or manifesting veneration; with regard for peoples' feelings Robert Gilliland A.k.a. Tristan Trismagistus saved by the bell (slang) to be saved from a troublesome or difficult situation SMOKE JUMPER *AVOID THE SMOKE OF DESTRUCTION--- JUST AHEAD! ARMAGEDDON & THE SECOND OF CHRIST! ************>>>>>>>>> Rev 11:18 19:11-21 2THESS 1:6-9* Steven Siro Vai * Tainted Ground Like · · Share • Dana Horochowski Apollonius of Tyana Equated with Both Paul and Jesus 2 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowskihttp://www.nazoreans.com/apollonius_equated.html Apollonius equated with Jesus and Paul 137 138 technosphere intermediate stage between the biosphere and the noosphere the book of thoth The 22 Atu and 56 Small Cards are the "Foundation" of the "Magickal Alphabet" and the "Universe" The Destroyer The Conqueror , The One Thus Gone THE DOUBLE KNOT *SUMBOL of "TWIN SOULS" & COLUMN BIND with YAHWEHS SPIRIT! THE EIGHTH HOUR * 8888888888888888888888888888 THE DOUBLE KNOT! the Exorcist AL II:7 THE FINAL CROSSROADS * "MANY WILL FALL ON THAT DAY"! The Foundation THE FOUNDATION* * "THE FINAL CROSSROADS WILL MARK THE "FOUNDATION OF THE KINGDOM"! ( X MARKS THE SPOT ). THE JOKER - IS WILD *IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE! THE PROPHET -----O * REFER TO # 60 "THE O"! #88 "THE HOLY O"! #208 # "THE O IN O HOLY NIGHT"! #235 #132 #59 "HOLEM"! #256 #291 for INSIGHTTT THE TENTH HOUR * 10 10 10 10 THE FOUNDATION! The Universe A very big place The Universe* Atu XXI (Thoth Tarot) the wounded angel title of a painting by Hugo Simberg THELEMA IS A - DOWNFALL_______ *A "GRAVE MISTAKE"!!!! A "GRAVE MISTAKE"!!! unbelievable having a probability too low to inspire belief unconsciousness a state lacking normal awareness of the environment UNION of THE --- T O * "AS ABOVE , SO BELOW"! Want to be here ! Two choices Waspstingstohead Multiple-as A Child white powder gold monatomic gold, mana YAHWEHS TRUENESS *"THE UNIVERSE"! YEIAEL --- SCORPIO * - orderly mind negative aspects of indigo :-) - inability to trust intuition scattered mind - inconsiderate - blinkered vision 5 minutes ago · Edited · Like • ;) Dana Horochowski Magenta: is the eighth colour in the colour spectrum and is a combination of red and violet, thus it combines our earthly self and spiritual self, thus balancing spirit and matter. It is uplifting and helps us to gain a feeling of completeness and fulfillment. about an hour ago · Like • 2 hours ago · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski Among the Nazoreans ressurection did not mean coming back from the dead, but reincarnation. • Now, according to the Christian scriptures Jesus died was resurrected and ascended. There is no mention of his having visited any of these places. However, it is noted that Paul was in Damascus shortly after the crucifixion. It is also noted that Apollonius revisited Jerusalem c 35 CE before embarking on his first trip to Taxila, c 36-38 CE, which is located in Punjab to the west of present day Islamabad. Dana Horochowski INDIGO governs the BROW chakra or third eye, in the centre of the forehead. INTUITION, MYSTICISM, UNDERSTANDING 5 minutes ago · Like Related organs: eyes, lower head and sinuses Endocrine gland: pituitary gland. Associated problems: tension headache, migraine, visual defects, short-sightedness, long-sightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, sinus problems, ear problems. • Personality Traits: Intuitive, fearless, practical, idealistic, wise, and a truth seeker. Indigo relates to self responsibility - being responsible for one's own life, responsible to oneself to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. (the ability to see things from a 'higher' viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort.). The indigo energy connects us to our unconscious self, and gives us the experience of being part of the whole universe. Strengthens intuition, imagination, psychic powers, and increases dream activity. positive aspects of indigo - highly intuitive - faithful - clear sighted - integrity Dana Horochowski "...it is a remarkable, if not a suspicious circumstance that should not be passed unnoticed, that several Christian writers, while they recount a long list of miracles and remarkable incidents in the life of this Cappadocian Savior (Apollonius), extending through his whole life, and forming a parallel to similar incidents of the Christian Savior, not a word is said about his crucifixion."—Kersey Graves, "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors" 4 minutes ago · Like 139 140 Indigo: Sedative. Helps to open up our intuition. The colour of divi ne knowledge and the higher mind. • Blue: Calming, relaxing and healing. Not as sedating as indigo. Also the colour of communication. Dana Horochowski While Christians have long claimed that Jesus was the one and only true resurrected crucified savior, antiquity reveals that there were a whole host of such savior figures. Christians believe that Jesus' miracles were performed through God, and that the miracles of the others were the work of the devil. However, to followers of Mithras or Osiris it would be their deeds that were the act of God and Jesus' the act of the devil. The only difference in all of these religions is belief. 3 minutes ago · Like Green: Balancing, harmonizing and encourages tolerance and understanding. Yellow: Stimulates mental activity, feeling of confidence. Helpful for study as it helps us to stay alert. Orange: Warming and energizing. Can stimulate creativity. Orange is the colour of fun and sociability. Red: Energizing, exciting the emotions, stimulates appetite. • Dana Horochowski In the Arab world, there were numerous reports of Jesus having been seen in Damascus and other Middle Eastern locations after the crucifixion. In Islam, Jesus is considered a prophet, it is mentioned that someone else was crucified in his place. Persian historian Mir Kawand, states that a site close to Damascus is called Maqam-Isa or Mayuam-i-isa, which means "the place where Jesus lived." The Talmud of Jmmanuel (Jesus) concurs, stating that Jesus went there following his final meeting with his Apostles and stayed there for two years, which includes the time that Paul had his conversion on the road to Damascus. Other historians record that Jesus, Mary and Thomas (Judas-Thomas, presumably) having traveled to Nisibis (Nasibain) near Edessa, now Urfa in southeast Turkey just north of Syria, where Jesus preached to the king. In 1417 Mir Muhammad bin Khawand Shah Ibn-i-Muhammad, also known as Mir Khawand bin Badshah, wrote of the journey of Jesus away from the Jerusalem area to Nisibis. In the former, Jesus and Mary first go to Syria; in the latter, they and Thomas have some confrontations with the king of Nisibis. Magenta: is the eighth colour in the colour spectrum and is a combination of red and violet, thus it combines our earthly self and spiritual self, thus balancing spirit and matter. It is uplifting and helps us to gain a feeling of completeness and fulfillment. Turquoise: Cool and calming and good for the nervous system and immune system. Pink: This colour soothes and nurtures. It helps to dissolve anger and encourages unconditional love. Black: Used with another colour enhances the energy of that second colour. Black gives us the space for reflection and inner searching. White: Contains all the colours. It emphasizes purity and illuminates our thoughts, giving us clarity. 2 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski the story of the savior's youth is taken from accounts from either the life of Yeshai and his sibling John, or the Essene Teacher, but all the events starting with the baptism of Jesus represent events from the life of Paul or Apollonius. While Paul makes claims of a miraculous baptism on the road to Damascus, those events are strongly contradicted by the Gnostic Mandaeans: "The Jordan in which Messiah Paulis was baptized, have I made into a 'trough.' The bread which Messiah Paulis receives, have I made into a 'sacrament.' The drink which Messiah Paulis receives, have I made into a 'supper.' The head-band which Messiah Paulis receives, have I made into a 'priest-hood.' The staff which Messiah Paulis receives, have I made into a 'dung [-stick]."—"Gnostic John the Baptizer." a few seconds ago · Like Violet: Calming for body and mind. Good for meditation and prayer. Enhances purpose and dignity. Heightens our awareness and helps us to give of our very best. Purifying. 141 142 Like · · Share Like · · Share 1. KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS- PARALLEL = SOLOMONs first wife is LILITH, then ESTHER as EVE / Magdala http://7thfire.biz/kingsolmagda.htm "Cleopatra of Mauretania Dana Horochowski shared Dana Horochowski's photo. Cleopatra of Mauretania or Cleopatra IX…could have been a possible daughter of Greek Ptolemaic princess and later queen Cleopatra Selene II and African king Juba II. The possible evidence of her existence is: MILKY WAY BLU MOTHER TIAMAAT LUNA SOL+ LUNA= SUNs + MOONS children ANGELS * In Athens, there are 3 inscriptions dedicated to the children of Juba. These descriptions name Juba, however there is one inscribed ‘daughter of King Juba’, whose name is not given. Ptolemy of Mauretania (Juba and Cleopatra's son) dedicated an inscription for himself. * An Athenian epitaph, is dedicated to the memory of a daughter of a king of Libya. The name of the attendant is lost. Libya or Libyan in ancient Greek, is a loose description of any part or anybody from North Africa. The ancient Greek traveller Pausanias states that Juba was known in Athens as ‘Juba the Libyan‘. * Cleopatra Selene was patriotic of her Egyptian and Greek heritage. Cleopatra wanted to retain and continue the Ptolemaic Legacy. She named her son Ptolemy (known as Ptolemy of Mauretania, 1 BC - 40) and if she had a first born daughter, Cleopatra would have given the child a Ptolemaic name (i.e. Cleopatra IX). Her only known daughter with Juba was Drusilla of Mauretania (born 5 ACE), whom Cleopatra named in honor of the Roman Empress Livia Drusilla or her late son, the Roman general and politician Nero Claudius Drusus. http://kemetichistoryofafrikabluelotus.blogspot.ca/2010/03/origins-and-mystery-of-beings-pt-2.html 143 144 positive aspects of green - compassion - generosity - harmony/balance - loving negative aspects of green - indifference - jealousy - miserly - bitterness 2 hours ago · Edited · Like TRU BLUE HOLY SPIRIT FIRE DRAGON TIAMAAT MOTHER MAAT HET HERU http://pillarandfire.wordpress.com/topics/mary-part-1/mary-part-2/ Like · • Dana Horochowski IMMACULATE HEART FIRE SPIRIT + SOL UNION 2 hours ago · Like • 1Like · · Share • Dana Horochowski GREEN governs the HEART chakra. BALANCE, LOVE, SELF CONTROLRelated organs: heart and breasts William Edward Tuttle III likes this. Endocrine gland: thymus gland Associated problems: heart diseases, diseases of the Immune system eg.AIDS and ME (myalgia encephalomyelitis,sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome); other problems related to the immune system, allergies, cancer of the breast. TURQUOISE also has a helpful effect on the immune system and also helpful in relation to the throat chakra. PINK also relates to the heart chakra being the colour of love. • Personality Traits: Understanding, self-controlled, adaptable, sympathetic, compassionate, generous, humble, nature loving, and romantic. Dana Horochowski BLUE governs the THROAT chakra. KNOWLEDGE, HEALTH, DECISIVENESS Green chakra relates to love/self love - the ability to give and take unconditionally. When balanced we are able to give love and also to love and nurture ourselves. Helps relax muscles, nerves, and thoughts. Cleanses and balances our energy, to give a feeling of renewal, peace and harmony. Green connects us to unconditional love and is used for balancing our whole being. 145 Related organs: throat and lungs Endocrine gland: thyroid gland. The upper digestive tract can be affected by imbalance in this area.TURQUOISE can also be helpful for both the throat and the heart chakra. 146 Like · · Share Associated problems: Thyroid problems - over active/under active; Anorexia nervosa (this is a multi-chakra problem but has a strong connection to the throat chakra); asthma; bronchitis; hearing problems; tinnitus - may also be connected to problems with the brow chakra; problems of the upper digestive tract; mouth ulcers, sore throats, tonsillitis. • Personality Traits: Loyal, tactful, affectionate, inspiring, inventive, caring, and cautious. • Seanchai Seance, Eli Legend and Mattyy Fas-anator like this. Blue is the colour of the spirit and relates to self expression - speech, communication, the ability to communicate our needs and requirements; Spirit of truth and purpose. This is a mentally-relaxing colour. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation - ideal for sleep problems, and hyper-active children. Connects us to holistic thought, and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech. Dana Horochowski ROYGBIV RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE INDIGO VIOLET= RAINBOW COLOURS of the CHARKRAS aka LITE CENTERS positive aspects of blue - loyal - trustworthy - tactful- calm 3 hours ago · Edited · Like negative aspects of blue - unfaithful - untrustworthy - self-righteous - cold • Mattyy Fas-anator All those colored bloods? 2 hours ago · Edited · Like 3 hours ago · Like MAG ENTA * " A DEEP PURPLISH-RED COLOUR, as in OXYGEN RICH BLOOD"! http://threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html#violet • Dana Horochowski O2 RICH BLOOD = MAGdala GENTLE LOVE + LITE + CALM + SUN + H20 MAGENTA IRON RING 3 hours ago · Like · 1 • Dana Horochowski HEMOGLOBIN IRON ABOUND in -EARTH WATER AIR FIRE ETHER 5 pts 3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1 • Dana Horochowski Pentagram Positive Upright. STAND UP!!! CONNECT to SOURCE 147 148 3 hours ago · Like · 1 • • Dana Horochowski CLEAN WATER, CLEAN AIR, CLEAN SOIL, CLEAN MIND, CLEAN SPIRIT ( FIRE) Dana Horochowski SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. 3 hours ago · Like 3 hours ago · Like · 1 • • Dana Horochowskihttp://threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html#violet Dana Horochowski ANCHOR your ROOT into the EARTH 3 hours ago · Like · 1 CHAKRA COLORS AND MEANINGS threeheartscompany.com • Associated problems: depression, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, s...See More 2 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski FEED the MOTHER. ACCEPT the FATHER. 3 hours ago · Like · 1 • • Dana Horochowski There are seven main energy centres (chakras) of the body. These chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. Using the seven colours of the spectrum, Colour Therapy aims to balance and enhance our body's energy centres/chakras and also to help stimulate our body's own healing process. Colour Therapy uses colour to re-balance the Chakras that have become depleted of energy. Dana Horochowski 5 555 D EDEN awaits WITHIN YOU Colour therapy can be shown to help on a physical level; however there are deeper issues around the colours on the psychological and spiritual levels. Colour has a profound effect on us on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If our energy centres become blocked or depleted, then our body cannot function properly and this, in turn, can lead to a variety of problems on any level. 3 hours ago · Like · 1 2 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski 100% PURRFECT LITE and AGAPE LOVE. CLEAR your AURA. BE PURGED of the TOXINS of the MIND BODY and SOL 3 hours ago · Like · 1 149 150 Dana Horochowski Our well being is not purely a physical issue. Many more practitioners are now treating patients in a holistic manner. That is to say, we are body, mind and spirit and none of these areas function entirely alone; each has an effect upon the other. This is why Colour Therapy can be so helpful since colour addresses all levels of our being. details of any planned events for this by sending an email to: [email protected] with “Eighth Annual UsuryFree Week” in the Subject line. All life experiences have an affect upon us. Some experiences will be positive and some negative. It is these negative experiences which can manifest themselves physically over time as dis-ease. For example, perhaps over the years we have been in a situation where we have felt unable, for one reason or another, to speak our mind, or to express our needs and feelings. This can manifest as a problem in the throat chakra. The throat chakra relates in the spiritual aspect to self expression. Thus, if our self expression has been blocked, the energy in this area will not be free flowing. Working with the appropriate colour/colours can help to dispel negative feelings, free blocks and re-balance the body. Listed below is each of the spectrum colours and the chakra which it relates to. 2 hours ago · Like RED governs the BASE chakra situated at the base of the spine. VITALITY, COURAGE, SELF CONFIDENCEhttp://threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html#violet There are those which follow in the ways of Darkness but deny that they do. But yet show the world openly that they do. Some Like the Late Anton LaVey. He Founded the Church of Satan but yet denied that he even Believed in Satan, but only he believed in Self. There was no God and no satan. But He talked out of both sides of his mouth. If it walks like a duck it ain't no cat.http://www.exposethedevil.com/the_weeds.html 888USURYFREEWEEK http://7thfire.biz/888usuryf reeweek.htm CYBERCLASS.NET // usuryfree.blogspot.ca // UsuryFree Radio // Email Tom Kennedy 1-888-nousury //1-888-668-7879 // facebook.com/tommy.usuryfreekennedy • Dana Horochowskihttp://www.7thfire.biz/tworowwampumworld.htm Children of the Rainbow Warriors will come before all destroyed and they will love the trees and the www.7thfire.biz Eighth Annual UsuryFree Week - Please forward 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 151 152 Dana Horochowski http://7thfire.biz/COMMUNITY-CURRENCY-WAMPUM-REAL-PENNIES-and-OLD-MONEYACCEPTED.pdf • 4 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski https://www.facebook.com/pages/JrGenius-INTERnationALSchools/261130010582710?ref=hl • Dana Horochowski the ONLY DELAY is COMING FROM the VAMPIREs and VRILL. We are ready to dance. http://8thfire.biz 7th fire Serenity Global Network JrGenius INTERnationAL Schools www.8thfire.biz 7thfire.biz 8thfire.biz BARTER TRADE COOP TIME BANKS jrgenius interNATIONa...See More JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIG Page: 151 like this HTED) Wašícu - Lakota word for "taking the fat" and it is used by natives to refer to non-Natives who rob tribes of their resources. (SOS ALERT TO VIRAL THIS! emailer edition // cramnote // NOV 2011 doc // 8thfire.info /... 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 4 hours ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski http://en.gravatar.com/danahorochowski Dana Horochowski http://7thfire.biz/888usuryfreeweek.htm danahorochowski, SIOUX OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII - Gravatar Profile gravatar.com CYBERCLASS.NET // usuryfree.blogspot.ca // UsuryFree Radio // Email Tom Kennedy 1-888-nousury //1- Gravatar allows you to manage all of your online identities in one place on the web. You should sign up and create your own profile, or log in if you already have an account. 7thfire.biz 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall2012 MANUALpt 2 CONTACT DANA HUMAN HELPTorontoStreetNews SERENITY-GLOBAL-Barter-Trade-COOP- • 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 153 154 Dana Horochowski SSS or 555 is not ZZZ SAW LAW * IN REFERENCE TO THE LAW of THE LAND, YOU WOULD SEE IT IN THE COURTROOM. IN REFERENCE TO YAHWEHS LAW, YOU WOULD SEE IT @ THE KINGDOM HALL! Sow Female Pig SOW* *TO "SOW" SEED! 2Cor 9:6, LUKE 8:5. SSS * THE GREAT SYMBOL OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES! THE LETTER " S " , OF THE GREEK ALPHABET WAS THE SYMBOL FOR THE FIGURE # 6, THUS "S S S" was " 6 6 6 ". THE LETTER ' S ' , STOOD FOR THE WORD "STIGMA", OR MARK, AS IN BRAND MARK! BEWARE! THE REAL POSITVE # 666 IS YET TO COME! REFER TO # 666 SSS^ * THE EGYPTIAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CALLED, SISTRUM , USED IN THE WORSHIP OF ISIS , CONSITED OF THREE FRETS in the SHAPE of THE EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPF of the LETTER -- S. THE THREE FRETS WOULF THEREFORE CONSTITUTE -- SSS or 666"! Refer to #107 fro INSIGHTTT walk travel by foot WALK* *BEFORE IT Is TOOO LATE TO RUN!!!!!!! WHOA* *SUDDEN STOP! HARMAGEDON! (HARM-AGE-DONE)! Rev 11:18, 19:11-21, Daniel 2:44, Matt 24:14 2Thess 1:6-9*** Y Y* *"WHY"???? BECAUSE WE - LOVE YOU!!! Y** the 25th letter of the Roman alphabet; a silvery metallic element that is common in rare-earth minerals; used in magnesium and aluminum alloys (yttrium) Y*** atomic number 39 ZO * "OZ" BACKWARDS! THERE REALLY IS A "LAND OF OZ"! (GODS KINGDOM ON EARTH) Refer to # 239 for INSIGHTTT 4 hours ago · Like 4 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski ALL HAVE FREE WILL. CHOOSE WISELY OWLy. PURGE the OLD and REBIRTH or 0.666 BYE BYE 3d REALITY. 0.666- 2/3 MAN before GOD. 1/3 fallen ANGELS unHOLY TRINITY - HOLLYWOOD. LESS THAN ONE. 4 hours ago · Edited · Like • • • Dana Horochowski SSS = 15 *Y 00 * CODE! AGLA Hebrew prayer; Thou art great forever, my lord. al whs Acronym for: All Whites? allow permit ALLOW* * Allow^ * "ALLOW the MYSTI CAL WHITE CROW, WHITE BRILLIANCE, CORVUS COR ONE 111 (A VISIONARY, VATICINAL) WHITE BRILLIANCE, to SHOW YOU, THE WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT, THE TRUTH, SO HELP ME GOD"! "AWAKEN" Refer to # 60 for INSIGHTTT"! also ALWHS * "FIRST FIVE LETTERS of THE NAEQ CODE"! an An* Sumerian god of heaven, son of Nammu, father of Enlil, and spouse of Ki ask to request ASK* *THE FATHER IN The NAME of JESUS! 1JOHN 5:14. James 4:3.****** HHO * *WATER - H2O! LAW HALL * "THE LAW OF YAHWEH GOD and HIS CHRIST @ THE KINGDOM HALL! Loas Deities in the religion of Voodoo NA * TAKE NOTE! "SYMBOL for SODIUM (SALT) ON THE PERIODIC CHART"! Mat 5:13 "YOU ARE the SALT of THE EARTH but IF the SALT LOSES ITS STRENGTH, HOW WILL ITS SALTNESS BE RESTORED? IT IS NO LONGER USABLE FOR ANYTHING, BUT TO BE THROWN OUTSIDE to BE TRAMPLED ON by MEN. YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.........."! (THELEMA WAKE UP) "HE WHO DISOWNS ME BEFORE MEN, I SHALL DISOWN BEFORE MY FATHER,,,,,"! Mat 10:32,33 2THESS 1:6-9 Refer to # 60 for MORE INSIGHTTT old OLD* *NEGATIVE ASPECT of the NUMBER 15 DUE to THE "FALL" in the GARDEN of EDEN which RESULTED IN SIN LEADING to "OLD AGE & DEATH"! JESUS is GOING to REDEEM the RIGHTEOUS OUT of this CONDITION at HIS SECOND COMING! THE LAST ENEMY DEATH will BE DONE AWAY WITH! Rev 19:11-21. 1Cor 20-28. ESP. VERSE #26***** 155 Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElVC6rfX3Z8&feature=related You Are My Hiding Place ( With Lyrics ) www.youtube.com You Are My Hiding Place ... I will Trust In You ... I will Trust In You ..Let The Weak Say Um Strong In The Strenght Of The Lord ..... 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 156 ALHIM) #666 HE WILL -- BRING TO NOTHING -- ALL GOVERNMENT -- ALL AUTHORITY and - ALL POWER * 1COR 15:24 1COR 15:24 1COR 15:24 1COR 15:24 1COR 15:24 HE WILL BRING to NOTHING - ALL GOVERNMENT - ALL AUTHORITY and - ALL POWER *THE REAL 666! THE REAL 666! THE REAL 666! 1Cor 15:20-28. KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS! Rev 19:16! he will bring to nothing all government, all authority and all power I hope so!! Government, authority, and power are the things that have this world in such dire straits right now. OF COURSE CHRISTIANS CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT AN AUTHORITY FIGURE BECAUSE THEY'RE TOO SCARED TO MAKE THIER OWN DECISIONS. AFRAID OF RESPONSIBILITY, AVOID IT BY HAVING A SCAPEGOAT!!! I FLAP -- MY WINGS - IN THE FACE OF -- THELEMIC LAW -- AND PECK -- IT OUT > > * "HE WILL BRING TO NOTHING, ALL GOVERNMENT, ALL AUTHORITY and POWER", INCLUDING ALL FALSE RELIGION! Listen ThySelf, Tahuti! Silent Masters granted an Illusion. What Thoth's teacher replied, when Thoth claimed his dog ate his homework. one shot, one kill defeated crow, shut up you stupid cawing crow! God does not Caw. ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN - HAD * #666 AS IN , " HAD IT '. IF YOU RECIEVE THE "MARK OF THE BEAST - 666" YOU WILL HAVE "HAD IT', @ ARMAGEDDON! Rev 13:11-18 14:9-12 19:11-21 WHAT IS THE MARK????? REFER TO # 283 #321 & # 356 for INSIGHTTT one two three four five six seven eight nine ten HAD HAD = 11 With her there is no defeat, one shot, one kill defeated crow Ye Shall know. Thus was dealt the final blow YE SHALL KNOW - IF THE TEACHING OF - THE MYSTI CAL CROW - COMES FROM GOD * #666 THE "POSITIVE ASPECT"! Refer to ABOVE ENTRIES! • Dana Horochowski Value entered: 555 *Its so unbeIieveable , its unbelieveable You know.... *THE SEALING -- COMPLETED -- THE BRIDE PREPARED * ALLOW US TO AIDE YOU -- IN COMING THROUGH -- THE FIRST ORDEAL * And in His woman called the SCARLET WOMAN is ALL POWER GIVEN ! "They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men". Liber Al vel legis 1:15 BECOME RELEASED FROM -- THE BONDAGE OF SIN and DEATH * ACCEPT THE "SAVIOUR JESUS THE CHRIST" ! "I AM THE WAY & THE TRUTH & THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH ME"! John 14:6 "FOR GOD LOVED THE WORLD SO MUCH, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. IN ORDER THAT EVERYONE EXERCISING FAITH, MIGHT NOT BE DESTROYED (CUT OFF) BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE-----EVERLASTING LIFE>>>>>>>>>>" "DEATH IS THE ENEMY" Refer to # 60 #60 for INSIGHTTTT COPPERHEADS - THE EYES OF TRUTH - INITIATION *GOT THAT "COPPERHEADS"!!!!!!!!!! (Copperheads is slanf for "SNAKE FOLLOWING PAGANS)! Dost thou fail? Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart? Liber AL vel Legis II:46 GODS TRUMPET does NOT MAKE an - INDISTINCT SOUND *#555 I CONQUERED AND SAT DOWN WITH MY FATHER - ON - HIS - THRONE *AND "MY ENEMIES", SHALL BECOME A STOOL FOR MY FEET! Heb 1:1-14 I\\\'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT - ALL MY LIFE *THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST! 1Thess 5:2. Rev 16:15 MY WORK IS STELLAR STYLE & EPOCH QUALITY - CORVUS COR ONE *Visionary Teacher "WHITE BRILLIANCETHE CROW (CORVUS COR ONE 111) OF Sacred MannA Ministeries. SACRED MANNA MINISTERIES IS - WHITE BRILLIANCE *NO MISTAKE! THE MYSTICAL "WHITE CROW" (CORVUS COR ONE 111). THE DAY THAT IS COMING - WILL CERTAINLY - DEVOUR THEM *ARMAGEDDON! (HARMAGEDON)! Mal 1:1-5 Rev 11:18, 19:11-21 Daniel 2:44** Rev 11:15*** THE ELECT HAVE THE DAY STAR - RISE IN THEIR HEART *1 PETER 1:19 THE GREATEST COSMIC EVENT for PLANET EARTH *I CONQUERED and SAT DOWN with MY FATHER ON - HIS THRONE, as HIS RIGHT HAND MAN! Rev 3;21.22 Heb 1:1-10 THE TRUE - REVELATIONS - OF THE NAEQ - ARE DIVINE * "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANT DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! This that thou writest is the threefold book of Law. Liber AL vel Legis I:35 4 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski Value entered: 666 *THY LIGHT -- IS IN ME & ITS WHITE FLAME -- IS A SWORD -- TO PUSH -- THY ORDER ******************>>>>>>>>>>>>>O<<<<<<<<<<<*********************** aquire stronger writing penned, do uplift powerful Law. write & find ecstasy in writing & promulgate Our Law. CURRENT -- SIX NINETY SIX -- NUMERIC TOTAL ---- TWENTY ONE * "CURRENT -- SIX NINETY SIX, REBIRTH OF CONSCIOUSNESS"! THE NUMERIC TOTAL of # 21 HAS TO DO WITH, "THE VAV"! Refer to # 21 "VAV" # 144 "VAV IS THE STAR"! # 236 "TZADDI IS NOT THE STAR" # 696 "THE OLD WAYS HAVE DIED............."#212 #215 #332 #427 #117# 630 # 725 #1057 and # 693 "WE ALL HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE.............."! for INSIGHTTTT "AWAKEN"! Refer to # 60 60 GET YOUR FACTS - ALL LINED UP - IN A ROW - LISTEN TO - THE MYSTI CAL CROW * WITHOUT "PROPER AUTHORITY, THERE IS "NO TRUE DIRECTION"! THE CREATOR IS THE "PROPER AUTHORITY BECAUSE HE IS "THE CREATOR"! OMNIPOTENT! OMNISCIENT! ETERNAL! IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT! ( IHVH 157 4 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski ZZZ = 24 *dog GOD spelled backwards! Why?? *god a word, nothing more. But a backwards (i.e. retarded) dog is quite accurate! A.I. abbreviation for artificial intelligence AGLOW * WITH THE SPIRIT! ANSh (Heb) Man Bala Hindu mother goddess claws dawn daybreak DAWN* * DODAH * dog DOG* *ONE WHO is OPPOSED to GOD that is WHY DOG is DoG^ " OUTSIDE are THE DOGS and THOSE WHO PRACTICE SPIRITISM and THE FORNICATORS and THE MURDERS and THE IDOLATERS and EVERYONE LIKING and CARRYING ON, A LIE" ! Rev 22:15 Rev 21:8 1Cor 6:9,10 g O d^ * AS IN "THE ONE and ONLY YAHWEH ALMIGHTY, FATHER-MOTHER, CREATO. THE "O" REPRESENTS "ONE as IN ABSOLUTE UNITY as well as, ETERNAL< as SYMBOLIZED BY THE "O"! Deut " gOd of gOds and LORD of LORDS"! JoHn 17:3,4 "THIS MEANS LIFE ETERNAL, THEIR TAKING IN KNOWLEDGE of YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD< and OF THE ONE WHOM YOU SENT FORTH, JESUS CHRIST"! (NOTE: THAT A LOWER CASE REPRESENTATION of thew WORD: "GOD" DOES NOT APPLY. EXAMPLE; JOHN 1:1) Gaga Sumerian name for the planet Pluto glass God GOD* * Kan Mayan symbol for Iguana, Flower lady gentleman Lam Crowley's Contact loan the provision of money temporarily (usually at interest); give temporarily; let have for a limited time 158 Now NOW* * IS THE TIME TO "COME OUT OF PAGAN FALSEHOOD"! "LET THE GOOD ONES BE PURGED BY THE MYSTI CAL CROW-WHITE BRILLIANCE, THE PROPHET! Refer to # 60 #60 #60 & # 444 #332 #333 #466 #776 #826 #716 #1181 #1776 #10676 #666 & # 769 for DEEP INSIGHTTT odds oswald A Patsy. own SAF Special Armed Forces shallow lacking depth; not deep shy wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things; easily startled or frightened; lacking self-confidence T T* * T** the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet; hormone produced by the thyroid glands to regulate metabolism by controlling the rate of oxidation in cells - thyroxine is 65% iodine; thyroid hormone similar to thyroxine but with one less iodine atom per molecule and produced in smaller quantity; exerts the same biological effects as thyroxine but is more potent and briefer (triiodothyronine); a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms (tonne); one of the four nucleotides used in building DNA; all four nucleotides have a common phosphate group and a sugar (ribose) T^ * THE LETTER REPRESENTS THE NINTH LETTER IN THE HEBREW ALPHABET! (TETH) DEFINITIONS: SOMETHING ROLLED UP or TWISTED TOGETHER; CROSS WITHIN THE CIRCLE (ASTRONOMY SYMBOL for OUR EARTH) #3 CROSSROADS! #4 COILED SERPENT! THIS LETTER "T" is also THE INITIAL LETTER of the 22nd LETTER of the HEBREW ALPHABET (TAV---TRANSLITERATION: TH as in TRUTH). THE JERUSALEM CROSS is a COMBINATION of this LETTER! (SYMBOLIZING A "POTENT") MOST IMPORTANTLY, THIS LETTER is the TRUE CROSS SYMBOL, NOT THE EQUAL ARMED CROSS or RENDITIONS THEREOF! wand ways WAYS* * THERE ARE MANT WITHIN "THE ONE WAY"! "I AM THE WAY & THE TRUTH & THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH ME"! JOHN 14:6 YOU STILL RETAIN YOUR INDIVIDUALITY AS A UNIQUE SOUL! Refer to #72 "THE WAY & # 260 "THE WHITE BROTHERHOOD"! won was a winner WHO are DISGUSTING IN THEIR FILTH and MURDERS and FORNICATORS (DO AS THOU WILT) and THOSE PRACTICING SPIRITISM and IDOLATERS and ALLL THE LIARS, THEIR PORTION WILL BE IN the LAKE that BURNS WITH FIRE and SULPHUR. THIS MEANS the SECOND DEATH"! Rev 21:8 1Cor 6:9,10 Rev 22:14,15 Mat 25:34-41 "BE LEFT" # 114 Refer also to # 60 for "AWAKENING"!!! courted curtain piece of fabric used to cover a window or door Dane Is Will * delusions what the... *ALL!!!CAPS!!!!!!* etc guy is having. Forget to take your medication? detached no longer connected or joined; showing lack of emotional involvement diaphanous so thin as to transmit light; like gossamer draining the act of drawing out liquid or energy gradually; having a debilitating effect; tiring DRY BONES A MESSAGE IN CODE FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE SINCE IN FACT THERE IS NO GRAVE ONLY EVERLASTING LIFE AND ETERNAL EXPLORATION AND VITALITY FOR THOSE WITH EYES TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR ^ 118 CLXXIX roman numeral for 179 convict one who has been convicted - a prisoner CONVICT^ * "WILL YOU BE -- CONVICTED or SAVED @ ARMAGEDDON & THE SECOND COMING of JESUS the CHRIST"! ??????? NOTE THIS SCRIPTURE: " BUT AS FOR the COWARDS and THOSE WITHOUT FAITH and THOSE Essenes They were not limited to a single religion, but studied all of them in order to extract the great scientific principles. Read more ESSENES* * AN ELITE GROUP OF MONASTIC JEWS OF UTMOST RELIGIOUS ARDOUR TO THE TRUE GOD, YAHWEH! "MARY", MOTHER OF JESUS THE CHRIST WAS OF THIS GROUP! exists is FACE IT * "DEATH IS THE ENEMY"! Rom 5;12 Heb 2:9 1Cor 15:21,26,53-55 Isa 25:8 Rev 21:3-27 Daniel 2:44 Isa 35:1-10 61:1-11 65:17-15^^^^^ Mat 5:5 Psalm 37:9,10 Faerie small, human in form, playful, having magical powers Fenrir Alternate spelling for the name of the Fenris Wolf Hoor-pa-kraat Hope for all *#104 Huang-lao-jun An important deity of early Taoism and main god of the Way of Supreme Peace (dai-bing dao). I AM - READY *TO ACCEPT TRUTH & REALITY!!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I AM WHO I AM *YAHWEH GOD Exodus 10:14 I AM WHO I AM* *CORRECTION ON THAT SCRIPTURE Exodus 3:14 3:14 3:14 Incest sexual relations between persons who are closely related inflame arouse or excite feelings and passions insect small air-breathing arthropod insight perception into the true or hidden nature of things INSIGHT** *OF Sacred MannA Ministeries, Visionary Teacher "WHITE BRILLIANCE- THE CROW" (CORVUS CORONE)! Invengo Los Angeles Based Record Label And Production Company Run By Joshua Rumer junkie a narcotics addict just say no kathleen proper name Kickstand A Swiveling Metal Bar For Holding A Bicycle, Motorcycle, Or Other Two-wheeled Vehicle Upright When It Is Not Being Ridden. KNOCK KNOCK *WE WANT------ YOU. leviathan serpent of the abyss LOOK - ABRAHADABRA*^ *"HAD IT"! "HAD IT"! ALEISTER CROWELY BLESSES THE DEAD! "ARMAGEDDON", YOU WILL HAVE "HAD IT. THELEMA"! lord keph ra ccxxxi lose touch ...with reality or with a person (slang) - lose contact with maculate make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air, of metals; also used metaphorically; spotted or blotched; morally blemished make out kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion Marttanda The sun in Vedic mythology meander to wander without clear purpose. also me/ander, not man? melancholy a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed Mildendo Capital Of Lilliput mine--and mystical MYSTICAL* * I SHALL PROVE TO BE! nakedness state of being without clothes or coverings Nathan of Gaza A false prophet in the 1600s who spread his theology like wildfire nocturnal of, pertaining to, done or occuring in, the night 159 160 4 hours ago · Unlike · 1 • Dana Horochowski Apollonius = 104 *YAHWEH IS GOD *NOW THAT Is " A BIG TEN FOUR 10 4"! @ ARMAGEDDON *WHEN IT MANIFESTS IT WILL BE "A TEN FOUR"! #104 ABCDEFOOLS * ALL OF A SUDDEN* *"SUDDEN SWOOP"! CHRIST COMES LIKE A THIEF! 1Thess 5:2 2Thess 1:6-9 Rev 16:15 Luke 17:26-37 Ambriel Angel over June annoyance something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness; anger produced by some annoying irritation Armageddon . ARMAGEDDON*** *HARM-AGE-DONE! YOU GOT THAT?? Daniel 2:44, Rev 11:18, 19:11-21 Matt 24;14 GET PREPARED NOW! NOT MUCH TIME LEFT! SEEK YAHWEH & HIS CHRIST! THE SWORD OF ZION**********>>>>>> SHALL STRIKE!!!! BIRD EARS DISTINCT HEARING observe to watch passively without interfering Of course ! ophidian limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous (a snake) optimal most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied optional possible but not necessary; left to personal choice our chosen AL II:19 overthrow planter a decorative pot for house plants; the owner or manager of a plantation; a worker who puts or sets seeds or seedlings into the ground psychics people with extra sensory perception, precognition, or clairvoyance pyramid triangular thing PYRAMID* *MYSTICAL, SECRET! PYRAMID* 104 *TEN FOUR! TEN FOUR! TEN FOUR! redneck a poor (and sometimes implying uncultured) white person in the southern US return secret SECRET* * SECRET^ * "RELATES to THE EMPRESS, PATH 14 and DALETH ( Hebrew Letter Meaning DOOR which has a numeric VALUE of 14 in HEBREW). Refer to # 136 "SECRET DOOR" # 189 "THE SECRET DOOR" # 255 "THERE IS A SECRET DOOR" # 361 "THE EMPRESS, THE SECRET DOOR" # 32"DOOR" # 96 "DATA-DOLLY-DOOR" # 172 "THE EMPRESS" and # 72 "THE WAY" for INSIGHTT SHE BENDS * "UPON THEM"! sightless blind silliness a ludicrous folly SIXA - YOU - WAKA * HEAR! solstice astronomical/astrological occurrance SOME One You are all unconscious and fractured, more than willing to believe anything. sprint the most abyssmally fucked up worthless company on Earth stainless (of reputation) untarnished stranger person you do not know subhumans british punk band succeed victory teacher teacher TEACHER* *"WHITE BRILLIANCE-THE CROW" (CORVUS CORONE)! THE CODE *#104 "TEN FOUR"! THE DOORWAY *JESUS IS THE "DOOR" of THE SHEEP! GO IN THROUGH THE DOOR! John 10:1, 7** the many the womb thriller a suspenseful adventure story or play or movie Thyatira 4th Church in Revelation timshel "thou mayest" motto of a Missourian of Squire degree; a Father's Blessing. tinder material for starting a fire Tistrya The Persian god associated with the rains and fertility, the personified deity of Sirius the Dog Star. He shows some similarities with the Armenian god, Tir. tolkien author of "Lord of the Rings" Tribe A unit of sociopolitical organization consisting of a number of families, clans, or other groups who share a common ancestry and culture and among whom leadership is typically neither formalized nor permanent TRUE GOLD THE ETERNAL NATURE OF SUNWISE UPRIGHT ^ THE REWARD FOR INSIGHT AND SACRIFICE ^ THE FINAL DESTINY OF THE CLEAR DRAGON BEREN VARDAMIR ^ ALLWAYS HOLY AND JUST undines elemental beings (water) victory VICTORY* *GODS KINGDOM ON EARTH SHALL HAVE! Rev 11:15. VORPAL ONE THE VICTOR OR CONQUEOR. "ALICE" = 64 SEALED HEIR! "THE VORPAL ONE " = 157 waking up becoming conscious wise crack (slang) a sarcastic comment wonderful WONDERFUL* *PARADISE EARTH: LOVE>JOY>PEACE>HAPPINESS>NO SICKNESS>NO DEATH>NO WAR>NO MURDER>NO THIEVES>NO LIARS>NO HOMOSEXUALS (Rom 1:25, 1Cor 6:9)>ABUNDANT FOOD>CLOTHING>SHELTER>HEALTH>WEALTH>VITALITY>YOUTH>BEAUTY>EXCITEMENT>UNLIMITED LEARNING & KNOWLEDGE>TRAVEL>PERFECTION>ETERNAL LIFE>>>>>>>>>>GODS PROMISES NEVER FAIL>>>>>>>>> 161 worldliness the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated through cultivation or experience or disillusionment worthlessly (adverb) doing something that would render no value or merit XCIII roman numeral for 93 YAHWEH IS -- GOD* *A BIG TEN FOUR #104 TEN FOUR #104 2 hours ago · Like • 2Unlike · · Share You and William Edward Tuttle III like this. • Dana Horochowski MIDDLE PILLAR RITUAL KANATA STYLE 7 hours ago · Like • 162 Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i3o4kQwDZQ 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski Yaldabaoth= LILITHs MOLOCH- the DEMIURGE AIN'T NO BLU DRAGON. It is a LION HEADED SNAKE. 5 hours ago · Like Occupy the Spiritual [Astral] Dimensions • www.youtube.com Occupy the Spiritual [Astral] Dimensions: Commentary with Bear Heart and The Gra Dana Horochowski red dragons suck your root loosh into the abyss. nd Order of Draco Slayers The Grand Order of Draco Slayers is a Magickal Orde... 5 hours ago · Like 7 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski ROYGBIV Green Heart CONNECT. BLUE TRU MAAT FIRE- SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. OPEN your HEART and SPEAK your truth. Get your energy out of the ROOT and the ORANGE GUT carnal needs. Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw5EDg-Df0s&feature=relmfu 5 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski RAISE your vibration. Sing into the heart lungs and out thru the throat, but AIM focus on the PINEAL GLAND. OMIT the BRAIN. The BRAIN is not NEEDED for SOUL CREATION. MATRIX = BRAIN CONstructs 4 hours ago · Edited · Like Free Your Mind of the Beast www.youtube.com • Free Your Mind of the Beast: Commentary with my Very Good Friend Jesse: Black-Ea rth Productions. So me and this Dude Grew up from across the Street from one ... 163 164 Dana Horochowski BRAIN controls your MATTER. ELECTRONS surrounding protons. FILL orbitals with LIGHT PHOTONS +++ to allow for Ascension within each ATOM. EXCITE your BODY ELECTRONS. LITE your FIRES. Would you not emit light upon descent into the lower orbital. As above so below As MACRO as MICRO Annie Olivo-Champagne NICE!! A CHILD SHOULD NOT BE DOING SUCH!!! 5 hours ago · Like 4 hours ago · Edited · Like • • Dana Horochowski you bet they should!!!! PARENTS aren't taking CARE of THEIR NEEDS Dana Horochowski CATNIP TEA....PET STORES have better weed for cats here than for HUMANS 5 hours ago · Edited · Like 5 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski GREEDING VACCINATING SLOTHS Dana Horochowski smoke catnip OPEN the HEART BREATHE 5 hours ago · Like 5 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski HEAD in the SAND. SOLD their children to SATAN. ABORTED them for EGO SELFISH CARNAL CONVENIENCES Dana Horochowski ARTSY SMARTSY time. OFF the ELECTRONS. PHOTONS PROTONS SOL LITE UV LITE HIGH FREQUENCIES. OUT of the ROOT and the GUT. DANCE SING you won't be hungry. 5 hours ago · Like 5 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski FILL yourself up with LITE Dana Horochowski all for 666 $$$ SHAME. HYPOCRITS. PHARISEES. SINNERS over 18 with a SIN number pushing their STUPID EDUCATION SEWER SYSTEM and VACCINATIONS and BULLSHIT on these CHILDREN. They are PISSED. GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!! 5 hours ago · Like 4 hours ago · Edited · Like • • 165 166 Dana Horochowski The meek shall inherit the EARTH. Not the WEAK 5 hours ago · Edited · Like • • Dana Horochowski FOCUS on the EVIL. Set your children free. EXPRESS yourself. 5 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski rise up CHILDREN of the LITE. OUR TIME Is NOW 5 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski BE FREE TO SPEAK YOUR TRU BLUE DRAGON MAAT MOTHER GOD GIVEN FIRE TRUTH 5 hours ago · Like Annie Olivo-Champagne Right Dana!!! 5 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowskihttp://threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html#violet Dana Horochowski http://jrgenius.ca CHAKRA COLORS AND MEANINGS 7th fire Serenity Global Network threeheartscompany.com jrgenius.ca Associated problems: depression, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, s...See More JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIG...See More 4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 5 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview OTTAWA T PARTY VAMPIRE BBO 1 HORUS 10 ptshttp://7thfire.biz/ MIDDLE PILLAR RITUAL KANATA STYLE OTTAWA T PARTY VAMPIRE BBO 1 HORUS 10 pts http://7thfire.biz/ • Dana Horochowski ANGER is a FORCE. IT CAN HEAL and DESTROY the LEGIONS of SATAN 5 hours ago · Like 167 168 • Unlike · · Share You like this. • Unlike · · Share You like this. o Dana Horochowski ah JOY PICTURES to NEUTRALIZE the SHills with! o 8 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Bucky with BEERs • 8 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Family Photos of the HORSEchowski family perhaps? o 8 hours ago · Like 1. Gurmeet Singhposted toDana Horochowski Dana Horochowski looks like a POLISH CANADIAN PONY 10 hours ago 8 hours ago · Like 169 170 Unlike · · Share You like this. o o o Just uploaded EASTER BUNNY CHRIST MASS all OKAY this WAY without LILITH and MARduk rA http://t.co/qG68PjOl via @Scribd EASTER BUNNY CHRIST MASS all OKAY this WAY without LILITH and MARduk rA scribd.com - KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS- PARALLEL = SOLOMONs first wife is LILITH, then ESTHER as EVE / Magdala kingsolmagdahttp://7thfire.biz/kingsolmagda.htm<br />- EASTER BUNNY CHRIST MASS all OKAY this WAY without LILITH and MARduk rA messing with the BOOKSand the CAVE WALLS. Damn Shetu Igigi Stone M… 2. Gurmeet Singhposted toDana Horochowski 10 hours ago 3. Gurmeet Singhposted toDana Horochowski 10 hours ago 171 172 Like · · Share • Craig Dagenhart likes this. • Dana Horochowski RED governs the BASE chakra situated at the base of the spine. VITALITY, COURAGE, SELF CONFIDENCE Related organs: kidneys and bladder, the vertebral column, hips and legs are also areas related to this chakra. Endocrine gland: adrenal gland. Associated problems: constipation, diarrhea, piles, colitis, Crohn's disease, cold fingers and toes, frequency of urination, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney stones, impotence, hip problems, legs and feet. PINK can also be used here when a more gentle energy is required. Personality Traits: Courageous, confident, humanistic, strong-willed, spontaneous, honest, and extroverted. Red relates to self awareness. It is the area of survival and stability and your place on this earth. The colour red provides the power from the earth and gives energy on all levels. It connects us to our physical body. Everything that is to be commenced needs the life vitality of red. 173 174 Associated problems: depression, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, s positive aspects of red: - security - courage - strength of will - pioneering eniledementia, Alzheimer's, many mental disorders, confusion, and dizziness. 2 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview negative aspects of red: - insecurity - self pitying - aggressive - fearful • 2 hours ago · Edited · Like Dana Horochowskihttp://www.7thfire.biz/tworowwampumworld.htm • Children of the Rainbow Warriors will come before all destroyed and they will love the trees and the www.7thfire.biz 16 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski Colour Breathing A lovely and very helpful exercise is Colour Breathing - or breathing in the rainbow. The purpose of this is to heighten our awareness of colour and to encourage a balance of all the seven main chakra colours for our well being. • Dana Horochowski https://www.facebook.com/pages/JrGenius-INTERnationALSchools/261130010582710?ref=hl 2 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski First breathe in red from the earth, imagine it rising up through your whole body giving you strength and courage. Make an affirmation to suit your situation as you breathe in and experience the colour filling your body. Allow the colour to travel up t...See More JrGenius INTERnationAL Schools 7thfire.biz 8thfire.biz BARTER TRADE COOP TIME BANKS jrgenius interNATIONa...See More Page: 151 like this 15 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • 2 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://en.gravatar.com/danahorochowski • Dana Horochowskihttp://threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html#violet danahorochowski, SIOUX OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII - Gravatar Profile gravatar.com Gravatar allows you to manage all of your online identities in one place on the ...See More 15 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview CHAKRA COLORS AND MEANINGS • threeheartscompany.com 175 176 Dana Horochowski http://7thfire.biz/COMMUNITY-CURRENCY-WAMPUM-REALPENNIES-and-OLD-MONEY-ACCEPTED.pdf 14 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski the ONLY DELAY is COMING FROM the VAMPIREs and VRILL. We are ready to dance. http://8thfire.biz 7th fire Serenity Global Network www.8thfire.biz JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIG... See More 13 minutes ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://7thfire.biz/888usuryfreeweek.htm CYBERCLASS.NET // usuryfree.blogspot.ca // UsuryFree Radio // Email Tom Kennedy 1-888-no-usury //17thfire.biz October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall2012 MANUALpt 2...See More 12 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski ALL HAVE FREE WILL. CHOOSE WISELY. PURGE the OLD and REBIRTH or 666 BYE BYE 3d REALITY. 11 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski SSS or 555 is not ZZZ 10 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski SSS = 15 *Y 00 * CODE! AGLA Hebrew prayer; Thou art great forever, my lord. al whs Acronym for: All Whites? allow permit ALLOW* * 177 Allow^ * "ALLOW the MYSTI CAL WHITE CROW, WHITE BRILLIANCE, CORVUS COR ONE 111 (A VISIONARY, VATICINAL) WHITE BRILLIANCE, to SHOW YOU, THE WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT, THE TRUTH, SO HELP ME GOD"! "AWAKEN" Refer to # 60 for INSIGHTTT"! also ALWHS * "FIRST FIVE LETTERS of THE NAEQ CODE"! an An* Sumerian god of heaven, son of Nammu, father of Enlil, and spouse of Ki ask to request ASK* *THE FATHER IN The NAME of JESUS! 1JOHN 5:14. James 4:3.****** HHO * *WATER - H2O! LAW HALL * "THE LAW OF YAHWEH GOD and HIS CHRIST @ THE KINGDOM HALL! Loas Deities in the religion of Voodoo NA * TAKE NOTE! "SYMBOL for SODIUM (SALT) ON THE PERIODIC CHART"! Mat 5:13 "YOU ARE the SALT of THE EARTH but IF the SALT LOSES ITS STRENGTH, HOW WILL ITS SALTNESS BE RESTORED? IT IS NO LONGER USABLE FOR ANYTHING, BUT TO BE THROWN OUTSIDE to BE TRAMPLED ON by MEN. YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.........."! (THELEMA WAKE UP) "HE WHO DISOWNS ME BEFORE MEN, I SHALL DISOWN BEFORE MY FATHER,,,,,"! Mat 10:32,33 2THESS 1:6-9 Refer to # 60 for MORE INSIGHTTT old OLD* *NEGATIVE ASPECT of the NUMBER 15 DUE to THE "FALL" in the GARDEN of EDEN which RESULTED IN SIN LEADING to "OLD AGE & DEATH"! JESUS is GOING to REDEEM the RIGHTEOUS OUT of this CONDITION at HIS SECOND COMING! THE LAST ENEMY DEATH will BE DONE AWAY WITH! Rev 19:11-21. 1Cor 20-28. ESP. VERSE #26***** SAW LAW * IN REFERENCE TO THE LAW of THE LAND, YOU WOULD SEE IT IN THE COURTROOM. IN REFERENCE TO YAHWEHS LAW, YOU WOULD SEE IT @ THE KINGDOM HALL! Sow Female Pig SOW* *TO "SOW" SEED! 2Cor 9:6, LUKE 8:5. SSS * THE GREAT SYMBOL OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES! THE LETTER " S " , OF THE GREEK ALPHABET WAS THE SYMBOL FOR THE FIGURE # 6, THUS "S S S" was " 6 6 6 ". THE LETTER ' S ' , STOOD FOR THE WORD "STIGMA", OR MARK, AS IN BRAND MARK! BEWARE! THE REAL POSITVE # 666 IS YET TO COME! REFER TO # 666 SSS^ * THE EGYPTIAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CALLED, SISTRUM , USED IN THE WORSHIP OF ISIS , CONSITED OF THREE FRETS in the SHAPE of THE EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPF of the LETTER -- S. THE THREE FRETS WOULF THEREFORE CONSTITUTE -- SSS or 666"! Refer to #107 fro INSIGHTTT walk travel by foot WALK* *BEFORE IT Is TOOO LATE TO RUN!!!!!!! WHOA* *SUDDEN STOP! HARMAGEDON! (HARM-AGE-DONE)! Rev 11:18, 19:11-21, Daniel 2:44, Matt 24:14 2Thess 1:6-9*** Y 178 Y* *"WHY"???? BECAUSE WE - LOVE YOU!!! Y** the 25th letter of the Roman alphabet; a silvery metallic element that is common in rare-earth minerals; used in magnesium and aluminum alloys (yttrium) Y*** atomic number 39 ZO * "OZ" BACKWARDS! THERE REALLY IS A "LAND OF OZ"! (GODS KINGDOM ON EARTH) Refer to # 239 for INSIGHTTT 9 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElVC6rfX3Z8&feature=related You Are My Hiding Place ( With Lyrics ) www.youtube.com You Are My Hiding Place ... I will Trust In You ... I will Trust In You ..Let The Weak Say Um Strong In The Strenght Of The Lord ..... 7 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview Dost thou fail? Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart? Liber AL vel Legis II:46 GODS TRUMPET does NOT MAKE an - INDISTINCT SOUND *#555 I CONQUERED AND SAT DOWN WITH MY FATHER - ON - HIS - THRONE *AND "MY ENEMIES", SHALL BECOME A STOOL FOR MY FEET! Heb 1:1-14 I\\\'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT - ALL MY LIFE *THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST! 1Thess 5:2. Rev 16:15 MY WORK IS STELLAR STYLE & EPOCH QUALITY - CORVUS COR ONE *Visionary Teacher "WHITE BRILLIANCE- THE CROW (CORVUS COR ONE 111) OF Sacred MannA Ministeries. SACRED MANNA MINISTERIES IS - WHITE BRILLIANCE *NO MISTAKE! THE MYSTICAL "WHITE CROW" (CORVUS COR ONE 111). THE DAY THAT IS COMING - WILL CERTAINLY - DEVOUR THEM *ARMAGEDDON! (HARMAGEDON)! Mal 1:1-5 Rev 11:18, 19:11-21 Daniel 2:44** Rev 11:15*** THE ELECT HAVE THE DAY STAR - RISE IN THEIR HEART *1 PETER 1:19 THE GREATEST COSMIC EVENT for PLANET EARTH *I CONQUERED and SAT DOWN with MY FATHER ON - HIS THRONE, as HIS RIGHT HAND MAN! Rev 3;21.22 Heb 1:1-10 THE TRUE - REVELATIONS - OF THE NAEQ - ARE DIVINE * "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANT DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! This that thou writest is the threefold book of Law. Liber AL vel Legis I:35 5 minutes ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski Value entered: 555 *Its so unbeIieveable , its unbelieveable You know.... *THE SEALING -- COMPLETED -- THE BRIDE PREPARED * ALLOW US TO AIDE YOU -- IN COMING THROUGH -- THE FIRST ORDEAL * And in His woman called the SCARLET WOMAN is ALL POWER GIVEN ! "They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men". Liber Al vel legis 1:15 BECOME RELEASED FROM -- THE BONDAGE OF SIN and DEATH * ACCEPT THE "SAVIOUR JESUS THE CHRIST" ! "I AM THE WAY & THE TRUTH & THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH ME"! John 14:6 "FOR GOD LOVED THE WORLD SO MUCH, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. IN ORDER THAT EVERYONE EXERCISING FAITH, MIGHT NOT BE DESTROYED (CUT OFF) BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE-----EVERLASTING LIFE>>>>>>>>>>" "DEATH IS THE ENEMY" Refer to # 60 #60 for INSIGHTTTT COPPERHEADS - THE EYES OF TRUTH - INITIATION *GOT THAT "COPPERHEADS"!!!!!!!!!! (Copperheads is slanf for "SNAKE FOLLOWING PAGANS)! 179 Dana Horochowski Value entered: 666 *THY LIGHT -- IS IN ME & ITS WHITE FLAME -- IS A SWORD -- TO PUSH -THY ORDER ******************>>>>>>>>>>>>>O<<<<<<<<<<<*********************** aquire stronger writing penned, do uplift powerful Law. write & find ecstasy in writing & promulgate Our Law. CURRENT -- SIX NINETY SIX -- NUMERIC TOTAL ---- TWENTY ONE * "CURRENT -- SIX NINETY SIX, REBIRTH OF CONSCIOUSNESS"! THE NUMERIC TOTAL of # 21 HAS TO DO WITH, "THE VAV"! Refer to # 21 "VAV" # 144 "VAV IS THE STAR"! # 236 "TZADDI IS NOT THE STAR" # 696 "THE OLD WAYS HAVE DIED............."#212 #215 #332 #427 #117# 630 # 725 #1057 and # 693 "WE ALL HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE.............."! for INSIGHTTTT "AWAKEN"! Refer to # 60 60 GET YOUR FACTS - ALL LINED UP - IN A ROW - LISTEN TO - THE MYSTI CAL CROW * WITHOUT "PROPER AUTHORITY, THERE IS "NO TRUE DIRECTION"! THE CREATOR IS THE "PROPER AUTHORITY BECAUSE HE IS "THE CREATOR"! OMNIPOTENT! OMNISCIENT! ETERNAL! IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT! ( IHVH ALHIM) #666 HE WILL -- BRING TO NOTHING -- ALL GOVERNMENT -- ALL AUTHORITY and 180 - ALL POWER * 1COR 15:24 1COR 15:24 1COR 15:24 1COR 15:24 1COR 15:24 HE WILL BRING to NOTHING - ALL GOVERNMENT - ALL AUTHORITY and ALL POWER *THE REAL 666! THE REAL 666! THE REAL 666! 1Cor 15:20-28. KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS! Rev 19:16! he will bring to nothing all government, all authority and all power I hope so!! Government, authority, and power are the things that have this world in such dire straits right now. OF COURSE CHRISTIANS CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT AN AUTHORITY FIGURE BECAUSE THEY'RE TOO SCARED TO MAKE THIER OWN DECISIONS. AFRAID OF RESPONSIBILITY, AVOID IT BY HAVING A SCAPEGOAT!!! I FLAP -- MY WINGS - IN THE FACE OF -- THELEMIC LAW -- AND PECK -- IT OUT > > * "HE WILL BRING TO NOTHING, ALL GOVERNMENT, ALL AUTHORITY and POWER", INCLUDING ALL FALSE RELIGION! Listen ThySelf, Tahuti! Silent Masters granted an Illusion. What Thoth's teacher replied, when Thoth claimed his dog ate his homework. one shot, one kill defeated crow, shut up you stupid cawing crow! God does not Caw. ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN - HAD * #666 AS IN , " HAD IT '. IF YOU RECIEVE THE "MARK OF THE BEAST - 666" YOU WILL HAVE "HAD IT', @ ARMAGEDDON! Rev 13:11-18 14:9-12 19:11-21 WHAT IS THE MARK????? REFER TO # 283 #321 & # 356 for INSIGHTTT one two three four five six seven eight nine ten HAD HAD = 11 With her there is no defeat, one shot, one kill defeated crow Ye Shall know. Thus was dealt the final blow YE SHALL KNOW - IF THE TEACHING OF - THE MYSTI CAL CROW - COMES FROM GOD * #666 THE "POSITIVE ASPECT"! Refer to ABOVE ENTRIES! 4 minutes ago · Like • Dana Horochowski ZZZ = 24 *dog GOD spelled backwards! Why?? *god a word, nothing more. But a backwards (i.e. retarded) dog is quite accurate! A.I. abbreviation for artificial intelligence AGLOW * WITH THE SPIRIT! ANSh (Heb) Man Bala Hindu mother goddess claws dawn daybreak DAWN* * DODAH * dog DOG* *ONE WHO is OPPOSED to GOD that is WHY DOG is DoG^ " OUTSIDE are THE DOGS and THOSE WHO PRACTICE SPIRITISM and THE FORNICATORS and THE MURDERS and THE IDOLATERS and EVERYONE LIKING and CARRYING ON, A LIE" ! Rev 22:15 Rev 21:8 1Cor 6:9,10 g O d^ * AS IN "THE ONE and ONLY YAHWEH ALMIGHTY, FATHER-MOTHER, CREATO. THE "O" REPRESENTS "ONE as IN ABSOLUTE UNITY as well as, 181 ETERNAL< as SYMBOLIZED BY THE "O"! Deut " gOd of gOds and LORD of LORDS"! JoHn 17:3,4 "THIS MEANS LIFE ETERNAL, THEIR TAKING IN KNOWLEDGE of YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD< and OF THE ONE WHOM YOU SENT FORTH, JESUS CHRIST"! (NOTE: THAT A LOWER CASE REPRESENTATION of thew WORD: "GOD" DOES NOT APPLY. EXAMPLE; JOHN 1:1) Gaga Sumerian name for the planet Pluto glass God GOD* * Kan Mayan symbol for Iguana, Flower lady gentleman Lam Crowley's Contact loan the provision of money temporarily (usually at interest); give temporarily; let have for a limited time Now NOW* * IS THE TIME TO "COME OUT OF PAGAN FALSEHOOD"! "LET THE GOOD ONES BE PURGED BY THE MYSTI CAL CROW-WHITE BRILLIANCE, THE PROPHET! Refer to # 60 #60 #60 & # 444 #332 #333 #466 #776 #826 #716 #1181 #1776 #10676 #666 & # 769 for DEEP INSIGHTTT odds oswald A Patsy. own SAF Special Armed Forces shallow lacking depth; not deep shy wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things; easily startled or frightened; lacking self-confidence T T* * T** the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet; hormone produced by the thyroid glands to regulate metabolism by controlling the rate of oxidation in cells - thyroxine is 65% iodine; thyroid hormone similar to thyroxine but with one less iodine atom per molecule and produced in smaller quantity; exerts the same biological effects as thyroxine but is more potent and briefer (triiodothyronine); a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms (tonne); one of the four nucleotides used in building DNA; all four nucleotides have a common phosphate group and a sugar (ribose) T^ * THE LETTER REPRESENTS THE NINTH LETTER IN THE HEBREW ALPHABET! (TETH) DEFINITIONS: SOMETHING ROLLED UP or TWISTED TOGETHER; CROSS WITHIN THE CIRCLE (ASTRONOMY SYMBOL for OUR EARTH) #3 CROSSROADS! #4 COILED SERPENT! THIS LETTER "T" is also THE INITIAL LETTER of the 22nd LETTER of the HEBREW ALPHABET (TAV--TRANSLITERATION: TH as in TRUTH). THE JERUSALEM CROSS is a COMBINATION of this LETTER! (SYMBOLIZING A "POTENT") MOST IMPORTANTLY, THIS LETTER is the TRUE CROSS SYMBOL, NOT THE EQUAL ARMED CROSS or RENDITIONS THEREOF! wand 182 ways WAYS* * THERE ARE MANT WITHIN "THE ONE WAY"! "I AM THE WAY & THE TRUTH & THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH ME"! JOHN 14:6 YOU STILL RETAIN YOUR INDIVIDUALITY AS A UNIQUE SOUL! Refer to #72 "THE WAY & # 260 "THE WHITE BROTHERHOOD"! won was a winner Seanchai Seance At first Dana many multitudes will think It's Tiamat or mother Loch Ness awakening from the deep blue sea. ( RA)ther it will be DawnStar the Rising Phoenix star looping from Orb 2 Orb (alignment) growing in Stella power traveling all the way from beyond Orion carrying the Supreme element Harvested under a Blue Star(Ambrosia). The prison net over Planet Earth(Gaea, Tamara, Twin Earth, and Planet X) will vaporize and the Illusion of Defect(aging)gene,Disease, and Death(forsaking Long Life) will all dissolve AUM AmenAmunAmon Om the Orb word is out Om I am out Om Ian Ion-oon about a minute ago · Unlike · 1 Seanchai Seance 6 hours ago · • AgapE AMor MorE Moor MoorE Agape Amor¿♥? :))) XOX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE18Gagtt5k I fall in love many times but the love which stuns me Is the love of distant minds Like · · Unfollow Post · Share o Aioaska - The Awakening Of The Shaman (HD) www.youtube.com Album: Into The Cosmic Jungle (2011) To artists/labels: Uploads are for promotional purposes! If you wish your copyrighted material to be removed, send me a ... Dana Horochowski likes this. o 1Like · · Share • Agape Amor I think I know who you are thinking about William Edward Tuttle III likes this. 2 hours ago · Like · 1 • View all 9 comments o • Seanchai Seance It's not anyone from my past but a future 2 come a fire bird and a hot blue star GALACTIC Agape Amor http://youtu.be/ElVC6rfX3Z8 about an hour ago · Unlike · 1 17 hours ago · Like o • 183 184 Dana Horochowski SWEET DREAMS 12 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw5EDgDf0s&feature=relmfu 6 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski stinkin thinkin leads to drinkin 6 hours ago · Like 1Unlike · · Share Like · · Share • William Edward Tuttle III likes this. Dana Horochowski shared Dana Horochowski's photo. 3 hours ago • OTTAWA T PARTY VAMPIRE BBO 1 HORUS 10 ptshttp://7thfire.biz/ MIDDLE PILLAR RITUAL KANATA STYLE OTTAWA T PARTY VAMPIRE BBO 1 HORUS 10 pts http://7thfire.biz/ Dana Horochowski MIDDLE PILLAR RITUAL KANATA STYLE 3 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i3o4kQwDZQ 185 186 Dana Horochowski Yaldabaoth= LILITHs MOLOCH- the DEMIURGE AIN'T NO BLU DRAGON. It is a LION HEADED SNAKE. 44 minutes ago · Like • Occupy the Spiritual [Astral] Dimensions Dana Horochowski red dragons suck your root loosh into the abyss. www.youtube.com 44 minutes ago · Like Occupy the Spiritual [Astral] Dimensions: Commentary with Bear Heart and The Gra...See More 3 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Dana Horochowski ROYGBIV Green Heart CONNECT. BLUE TRU MAAT FIRE- SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. OPEN your HEART and SPEAK your truth. Get your energy out of the ROOT and the ORANGE GUT carnal needs. 41 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw5EDg-Df0s&feature=relmfu • Dana Horochowski RAISE your vibration. Sing into the heart lungs and out thru the throat, but AIM focus on the PINEAL GLAND. OMIT the BRAIN. The BRAIN is not NEEDED for SOUL CREATION. MATRIX = BRAIN CONstructs 6 minutes ago · Edited · Like Free Your Mind of the Beast • www.youtube.com Free Your Mind of the Beast: Commentary with my Very Good Friend Jesse: Black-Ea...See More Dana Horochowski BRAIN controls your MATTER. ELECTRONS surrounding protons. FILL orbitals with LIGHT PHOTONS +++ to allow for Ascension within each ATOM. EXCITE your BODY ELECTRONS. LITE your FIRES. Would you not emit light upon descent into the lower orbital. As above so below As MACRO as MICRO 2 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 3 minutes ago · Edited · Like • 187 188 • • Dana Horochowski CATNIP TEA....PET STORES have better weed for cats here than for HUMANS Dana Horochowski you bet they should!!!! PARENTS aren't taking CARE of THEIR NEEDS 38 minutes ago · Like 31 minutes ago · Edited · Like • • Dana Horochowski smoke catnip OPEN the HEART BREATHE Dana Horochowski GREEDING VACCINATING SLOTHS 38 minutes ago · Like 30 minutes ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski ARTSY SMARTSY time. OFF the ELECTRONS. PHOTONS PROTONS SOL LITE UV LITE HIGH FREQUENCIES. OUT of the ROOT and the GUT. DANCE SING you won't be hungry. Dana Horochowski HEAD in the SAND. SOLD their children to SATAN. ABORTED them for EGO SELFISH CARNAL CONVENIENCES 37 minutes ago · Like 30 minutes ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski FILL yourself up with LITE Dana Horochowski all for 666 $$$ SHAME. HYPOCRITS. PHARISEES. SINNERS over 18 with a SIN number pushing their STUPID EDUCATION SEWER SYSTEM and VACCINATIONS and BULLSHIT on these CHILDREN. They are PISSED. GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!! 36 minutes ago · Like about a minute ago · Edited · Like • • Annie Olivo-Champagne NICE!! A CHILD SHOULD NOT BE DOING SUCH!!! Dana Horochowski The meek shall inherit the EARTH. Not the WEAK 31 minutes ago · Like 28 minutes ago · Edited · Like 189 190 Dana Horochowski FOCUS on the EVIL. Set your children free. EXPRESS yourself. 27 minutes ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski rise up CHILDREN of the LITE. OUR TIME Is NOW 28 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski BE FREE TO SPEAK YOUR TRU BLUE DRAGON MAAT MOTHER GOD GIVEN FIRE TRUTH 26 minutes ago · Like • • Annie Olivo-Champagne Right Dana!!! 28 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowskihttp://threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html#violet • CHAKRA COLORS AND MEANINGS Dana Horochowski http://jrgenius.ca threeheartscompany.com 7th fire Serenity Global Network Associated problems: depression, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, s...See More jrgenius.ca 8 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIG...See More 28 minutes ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/george-kavassilas-shapeshiftig-reptiliandeceiver/ • LAURA EISENHOWER 11:11 DRACO VAMPIRE UFO VRILL ZOMBIE RAPTURE satanic portat fake SOUL SCALPING WORLD PUNJA POSSESSION of the HIVE MIND from the ABYSS and MARS - Nov 11, 2012. $40 Beasts for one Sol scalped, $75 for TWO demonic possessions Dana Horochowski ANGER is a FORCE. IT CAN HEAL and DESTROY the LEGIONS of SATAN VAMPIREDRACO RAPTURE http://7thfire.biz/VAMPIREDRACORAPTURE.htm 27 minutes ago · Like • 191 192 • Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_CYB0tclsKQ • Like · · Share PROOF AT LAST! BARACK OBAMA REPTILIAN SHAPESHIFTER! Love N Truthfulness, Mattyy Fas-anator and William Edward Tuttle III like this. www.youtube.com OVERSEAS NEW LINK TO TRY:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44213116/ns/politics-white...See More • 10 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski George Kavassilas is not a human, he is a shapeshifting lizard boy, and has been seen shifting live. • He was, however, once human and true. But he was taken and replaced much in the same way as Bill Ryan, who were both replaced while in Australia around the same time. They are not the only ones to have been replaced by shapeshifters, rather than clones, Down Under in Oz, because of a large shapeshifter base in Mt Ziel and fortified by Cabal US/UK military. HisRoyalslyness Gozaimasu Stone Very interesting re. George & Bill 10 hours ago · Unlike · 1 10 hours ago · Like · 2 • • Dana Horochowski RMSKY Email grabber Agape Amor Are the real Bill and George still alive? They may be and if they are, they are being tortured, used as sex slaves for perverted reptoids, and their souls being drained under Mt, Ziel. 9 hours ago · Like 10 hours ago · Like • 193 194 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dana Horochowski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 9 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski all in the DRACO DEN together 9 hours ago · Like • 195 This comment has been removed. You can Undo this action, Report it as abusive, or Block Agape. You may also give Agape feedback. 196 9 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • • Stanley North where the hell did you get this from? 9 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski black rose on eisenhowers boob same as sangrailians 9 hours ago · Like • • Stanley North Dana...my favorite year has always been 1976...Alsace is a VERY beautiful place of the world...as well as Lorraine...wouldnt you agree? Dana Horochowski Black roses (roses of black color) do not exist in nature. They are often featured in fiction with many different meanings and titles such as black magic, barkarole, black beauty Tuscany superb, black Jade," and baccara and death varieties of roses. The flowers commonly called black roses are actually a very dark shade of red, purple, or maroon. The color of a rose may be deepened by placing a dark rose in a vase of water mixed with black ink. 9 hours ago · Like • 9 hours ago · Like Stanley North Dana...1976 was a WONDERFUL yet WEIRD year....i remember i had a meeting that year with 8 of my BEST friends...we couldnt agree on a certain matter...so we SPLIT in 2 factions :( • 9 hours ago · Like Stanley North Dana...why dont you like the year 1976? i do :/ 9 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowskihttp://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/george-kavassilas-shapeshiftig-reptiliandeceiver/ • Dana Horochowski I don't have issues with 1976 9 hours ago · Like George Kavassilas: Shapeshiftig Reptilian Deceiver • formerwhitehat.wordpress.com George Kavassilas is not a human, he is a shapeshifting lizard boy, and has been...See More 197 198 Stanley North i have PLENTY of issues with 1976 Dana Horochowski NEPHILIM FEMALES :/ 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski the black rose represents the dark side of a person's soul. The Black Rose Duelists are the friends of the series' protagonists who have been turned against them by their ignorance, selfish desires and passions Dana Horochowski HIGH MOTHERs of DARKNESS 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski LILITH LOYALISTS Dana Horochowski fire away Stanley North what about 1976 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowskihttp://www.ascendedmastery.com/Resources/guid-incorrwhitemagic.pdf Stanley North wanna go back in time Dana...some history lessons of '76? 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowskihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_White_Rose_of_Finland Stanley North the Black Rose is quite significant with FEMALES...wouldnt you say so Dana? 9 hours ago · Like Order of the White Rose of Finland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org • The Order of the White Rose of Finland (Finnish: Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun ritarik...See More 9 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 199 200 9 hours ago · Like • • Stanley North Zeth Draco....Alpha Draco...Nordic...Blue.....shazam! 9 hours ago · Like Stanley North 1976 Miss Horochowski...a very significant year....8 "people" had a BIG fallout...which triggered a HUGE chain reaction 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski Order of the White Rose of Finland (Finnish: Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun ritarikunta; Swedish: Finlands Vita Ros orden) is one of three official orders in Finland, along with the Order of the Cross of Liberty, and the Order of the Lion of Finland. The President of Finland is the Grand Master of all three orders. The orders are administered by boards consisting of a chancellor, a vice-chancellor and at least four members. The orders of the White Rose of Finland and the Lion of Finland have a joint board. Dana Horochowskihttp://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_dragoncourt02.htm 9 hours ago · Like The Bloodlines of the Dragon: Introduction www.bibliotecapleyades.net • 9 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Stanley North yes yes i read all that • 9 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski A Closed Fraternity • When the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was reconstituted by King Sigismund in 1408 as the Societas Draconis, it was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition which Sigismund assumed that he had inherited from his presumed Egyptian and Scythian ancestors through the Pictish, Dragon Princess Maelasanu of Northumbria and the Ancient and Original Angevin Royal House of Vere of Anjou, the Imperial Dukes of Angiers. Dana Horochowski BLUE DRAGON is TIAMAT MAAT This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks. 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski WHITE ISIS /// BLACK LILITH 201 202 Dana Horochowski Dynastic Deceptions 9 hours ago · Like The genealogy of the House of Drakul, Dracula or Basarrab is well known and widely documented. Descending from Attila the Hun, this family was established in Central Europe by the sons of Ghengis Khan. No bloodline with which the House of Basarrab was associated or allied in marriage at that time had any affiliation with any extraction that was remotely related with the dynasties of Egypt. • It is obvious, therefore, that Draculea or Dracula must have been claiming an apostolic succession, a spiritual priestly lineage deferring to the Egyptian Dragon Court of Sobekh Nefru through Sigismund’s assumed descent from Melusine. Her ancestry actually can be traced back to the Scythian Dragon Princess Scota, Queen Sobekh Nefru and the Egyptian Cult of the Dragon. Stanley North i was 7 years old 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski Gr 6- started messing with the OUIJA BOARD and then all hell broke loose that is all Stanley North what does all this have to with 1976? 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski CATHARS- ESSENES DANU tribe of FAIRIES and ELVES Today, however, the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court itself exists as a closed fraternity, a collective of individuals, comprising those who, unlike Sigismund, can trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient, pre-Christian Elven, Grail and Dragon families via Anjou. The Court retains the traditional three tier degree system that Sigismund borrowed and to which he appended three separate representations of the alchemical Ouroboros emblem for the distinct ranks of the Court. A fourth emblem, configured in the form of the Egyptian Ankh or Albigensian Cross, was used by the family officers of the Inner Temple. Dana Horochowski Got dark after that 9 hours ago · Like • The tripartite system was peculiar to the Scythians and Celts, whose Druids incorporated a similar structure within their orders and colleges. It later found expression within the Cathar fraternity of Languedoc and also with the Witches. Dana Horochowski Now I am like a PHOENIX rising It was developed within the Hierarchical Rule of the Knights Templars with whom the Court had a strong historical connection. 9 hours ago · Like 20 minutes ago · Edited · Like • • Dana Horochowski lotus flower Dana Horochowski I was 11 years old in 1976 9 hours ago · Like 203 204 • • Dana Horochowski born again Stanley North whatever 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Stanley North i need to know the fucking connection between the 8 of 1976...and 6 collective Projects...and I CANT do it on my own Stanley North you go on about dragon bloodlines and shit...and here i am trying to find a critcal connection,and you are telling me to lay off the coffee...CHARMING 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I KNOW Dana Horochowski YES FUCKING CHARMING I learned it from YOU dearest 9 hours ago · Like 9 hours ago · Like • • Stanley North never mind' Dana Horochowski you lower my vibration and I will have to block you. ASK LADY LIBERTY DRACO KROLL EISENHOWER BLACK BOOB ROSE DRAGON LILITH SUCCUBUS SOUL SCALPER. SHE SAYS she is MAGDALENE. HAHA 9 hours ago · Like 8 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski you gotta lay off the coffee there DUDE Dana Horochowski My page needs to stay PURE. PLEASE, so do not use the FUCK word EXCESSIVELY...you make wake the FAIRIES 9 hours ago · Like 205 206 8 hours ago · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski 555 8 hours ago · Edited · Like • • Stanley North i lower your vibration hey? well maybe you should've risen from the ashes a hell of lot quickerthan you did Dana Horochowski BYE BYE BAR CODE HELLO HEAVEN ON EARTH BOO HOO for YOU 8 hours ago · Like 8 hours ago · Like • • Dana Horochowski or piss off my ALGONQUINS and that would be DECAPITATING Mattyy Fas-anator Look at his hand! 8 hours ago · Like 4 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1 • • Dana Horochowski BYE BYE STAINLY PAINLY Dana Horochowski NOT HUMAN shine a pen laser light at him and he will melt. 8 hours ago · Like about a minute ago · Like • Dana Horochowski BUT I DID RISE FROM YOUR ABYSS and I AM GONNA KICK the SHIT out of YALDABAOTH / DEMIURGE LILITH and the SUCCUBUS INCUBUS RA LEGION DEMON BAND of SOL SCALPING RAPING MOTHER FUCKERS who are GRIZZLY BEAR BBQ BEEF JERKY for our EARTH PARTY in NEW YORK YORK REGION of FAIRIES and INdians 8 hours ago · Like • 207 208 • Dana Horochowski “Instead of the coitus which reaches the orgasm, sweet caresses, amorous phrases and delicate touching should be lavished reflectively, keeping the mind constantly separated from animal sexuality, sustaining the purest spirituality as if the act were a true religious ceremony. Nevertheless, the man can and should introduce the penis and keep it inside the feminine sex to bring about a divine sensation upon both, full of joy, that can last for hours, withdrawing it at the moment the orgasm is near to avoid the ejaculation of semen ... The transmission of magnetic fluids is ordinarily done through the hands or through the eyes, but it is necessary to say that there is no greater and more powerful conductor, a thousand times more powerful, a thousand times superior to others, than the virile member and the vulva as receptive organs." 18 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski In order to enter in to the mysteries only Baphomet can give you that peace because you had to work with the sexual forces of God in the very sexual act, not as the ordinary people do but as a Templar. 18 hours ago · Like Like · · Share • • Dana Horochowski http://gnosticteachings.org/courses/the-true-identity-of-moshe-moses/3104-moses-themystery-of-baphomet.html Dana Horochowski Tetragrammaton which is a word written precisely around the Pentagram, which is the symbol that also explains what we are addressing here, given that the Tetragrammaton also relates to the four element; we also find in the very center of this symbol, the Caduceus of Mercury, which in the Baphomet is the phallus, in other words, the Caduceus of Mercury, is exactly pointing the sexual force, it is above the upside down letter Ω Omega of the Greek alphabet. 18 hours ago · Like Moses, the Mystery of Baphomet • gnosticteachings.org We are following the sequence of lectures about the book of Genesis. Now we are entering into the third chapter that relates with the mystery of the serpent, that you can see in first graphic of the PDF Moses the Mystery of Baphomet is in the staff of Moses. On the right appears Baphomet, which is a... 18 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 209 Dana Horochowski Adonai means Lord and is the name of God in Malkuth, a symbol of Adonia, the feminine physical divinity. But the Tetragrammaton, or the Star of Five Points, the Pentagram, it is stated very clear, is the symbol of the Perfect Man, the self-realized Adam. And that self-realized man in Kabbalah is not Adonai, is אדם Adam. Because in Kabbalah we see many names, as I said, Gibor means male and man as well, Ish also means male, human been is Enoch. But Adam represents the Perfect Man because it is written: 210 18 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://www.scribd.com/doc/100352421/5dterra-Homework-July-2012-jrgenius-ca-7thfire8thfire-VAMPIRE-BBQ 18 hours ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjJtAA_eQy8&feature=fvsr Like · · Share • Dana Horochowski http://www.scribd.com/doc/55160777/JrGENIUS-International-Schools-ProblemReaction-Solution 5dterra Homework July 2012 jrgenius.ca, 7thfire, 8thfire, VAMPIRE BBQ www.scribd.com Homework for the 7thfire VAMPIRE BBQ or 8thfire SIOUX BATCHEWANA Posted on July ...See More JrGENIUS International Schools Problem Reaction Solution 18 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview www.scribd.com There are those which follow in the ways of Darkness but deny that they do. But yet show the world openly that they do. Some Like the Late Anton LaVey. He Founded the Church of Satan but yet denied that he even Believed in Satan, but only he believed in Self. There was no God and no satan. But He talked out of both sides of his mouth. If it walks like a duck it ain't no cat.http://www.exposethedevil.com/the_weeds.html http://www.canadastreetnews.com/indexcanadacorpse.htm<br />Tori Nation, Ojibwe,...See More 18 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowski http://www.scribd.com/doc/78401192/Jrgenius-interNATIONal-sCOOLs-2012-Newsletter Jrgenius interNATIONal sCOOLs 2012 Newsletter www.scribd.com Jrgenius interNATIONal sCOOLs, 2012, Newsletter, TORI NATION, 555, USURY FREE, SERENITY GLOBAL, CANservatives, GLOBAL COOP, 1horus, 10 pts 18 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • 211 212 • Dana Horochowskihttp://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/2983296.Anton_LaVey Anton LaVey Quotes (Author of The Satanic Bible) www.goodreads.com 43 quotes from Anton LaVey: 'It has been said, 'the truth will make men free.' ...See More 18 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview • 1Like · · Share • Paul A Sonnenholzner S likes this. Dana Horochowski ASMODEUS 18 hours ago · Like · 2 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7RIuukDINc Dana Horochowski http://occultlibrary.info/aleister-crowley-and-modern-satanists/ Above All -- Kaitlyn Maher -- 5yo • Like · · Share Paul A Sonnenholzner S and Del Pittman like this. Aleister Crowley and the modern Satanists | The Occult Library » The Occult Library occultlibrary.info Part two of a two part series examining Aleister Crowley and his links with Satanism. This article looks at the views of three major Satanic groups. • 18 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview 213 214 Dana Horochowski They said to him, "Do you hear what these children are saying?" Jesus replied, "Yes, I do. Have you never read, 'From the mouths of little children and infants, you have created praise'?" http://bible.cc/matthew/21-16.htm Matthew 21:16 "Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him. "Yes," replied Jesus, "h bible.cc New Living Translation(©2007)They asked Jesus, "Do you hear what these children ...See More Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength 19 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview www.youtube.com Psalms 8:2: Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength ...See More • 19 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.http://bible.cc/psalms/8-2.htm • Psalm 8:2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJo9JpZJYJY&feature=fvsr bible.cc New Living Translation(©2007)You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. 19 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Calling all Rainbow Warriors Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuKL759G9sk www.youtube.com http://www.canadastreetnews.com/indexmouthsofbabes.htm Out of the Mouths of BABE...See More 19 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • 215 216 Dana Horochowski Someone once said: "I'd rather die believing and find there was nothing, then believe there was nothing, die and find out otherwise." I say that God gives ample evidence of his existence now (by his Holy Spirit) and that only the fool says in his heart that there's no God. In the end, we all will see for ourselves. Dana Horochowski Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 18 hours ago · Like ( Isaia5:7 ) • 19 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways ofdeath • 18 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Satan is the god of this sinful world (2nd Corinthians 4:4) and as such demands allegiance from those who desire fame, fortune and power. In Luke 4:6 and 7 Satan said to Jesus... "All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine." Although Jesus declined Satan's offer, wicked men and women have been accepting Satan's offer throughout history, worshipping the Prince of Darkness. It's simple... if you want to be massively successful in this sinful world, then you've got to sell your soul to the Devil. It's no coincidence that our highest politicians are all going around flashing Satanic hand signs. How do you think they got into power? • Agape Amor http://youtu.be/ElVC6rfX3Z8 19 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski http://www.exposethedevil.com/the_weeds.html You Are My Hiding Place ( With Lyrics ) www.expose-the-devil.com-The Weeds www.youtube.com www.exposethedevil.com You Are My Hiding Place ... I will Trust In You ... I will Trust In You ..Let The Weak Say Um Strong In The Strenght Of The Lord ..... the weeds are tares in the bible that Jesus spoke in parables some are burned up 17 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 19 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview He also wrote. I serve my great Master Satan’, he wrote in one of his franker confessions, ‘and that august Council composed of Beelzebub, Lucifuge, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Baal, Adrammelech, Lilith and Nahema.’”Crowley wrote of being the serv ant of Satan, “the Devil, our Lord … whose number of magick is 666, the seal of his servant the Beast” in his ritual for the Attainment of Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel (Shaitan-Aiwaz). Kenneth Grant, another student of Crowley, wrote that: “this whole ritual is an • 217 218 invocation of Shaitan (Satan) or Set”. It is easy to see how The Great Beast 666 gained the reputation as a Satanist and hardcore anti-Christian. Jesus said " He who is not for me is against me" ( Matt 12:30) Crowley was initiated to the highest level of Freemasonry and high priest of the Golden Dawn a 33rd Degree. Crowley was known to sacrifice Children. He said"A white male child of perfect innocence and intelligence makes the most suitable victim." There is a very frightening reason why so many celebrities have joined Ron Hubbard's religion of Scientology, which took me a while to discover. That reason is that Ron Hubbard was a student and associate of THE MOST WICKED MAN IN THE WORLD, as proclaimed by Aleister Crowley himself. His own mother referred to him as “The Beast 666.”http://www.exposethedevil.com/the_weeds.html • Dana Horochowski Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in Him (1 John 2:15). 19 hours ago · Like • Agape Amor For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works (Titus 2:11-14). 19 hours ago · Like • Agape Amor Did you know that Barbra Bush is the daughter of the late Great Aleister Crowley. 19 hours ago · Like • Agape Amor ( 1st Pet1:23) Being born not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the word of God that lives forever Like · · Share • 19 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski A person can defend against worldliness by turning themself over to God and refusing to be molded to our present world system and the devil Dana Horochowski http://gnosticteachings.org/courses/the-true-identity-of-moshemoses/3104-moses-the-mystery-of-baphomet.html 19 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God (James 4:4). 19 hours ago · Like 219 Moses, the Mystery of Baphomet gnosticteachings.org We are following the sequence of lectures about the book of Genesis. Now we are entering into the third chapter that relates with the mystery of the serpent, that you can see in first graphic of the PDF Moses the Mystery of Baphomet is in the staff of Moses. On the right appears Baphomet, which is a... 19 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 220 Dana Horochowski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcwhSpJfcTU • Dana Horochowski And another Infamous and most devious in our time is Aleister Crowley Born Edward Alexander Crowley on Oct 12 1875 -1947 Warwickshire England. He died at the age of 72 Satanists claim Crowley as one of their diabolic brethren. He is noted to be the father of modern Satanism He claimed to be Satan's Chief man here on earth. He even called himself "THE BEAST 666". He was concidered a Prophet of Thelema In Crowley's holy book for Thelema we find these ungodly quotes aimed toward all religions. 51. With my Hawk’s head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross. Canada's Human Trafficking, RCMP Crimes, Corporate Criminals, SOLUTION, Canadastreetnews.com www.youtube.com RCMP Crimes, Corporate Criminals, Human Trafficking, SOLUTION, Canadastreetnews....See More 52. I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him. 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 53. With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din. 54. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds. • 55. Let Mary inviolate be torn upon wheels: for her sake let all chaste women be utterly despised among you!” 19 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://www.exposethedevil.com/the_weeds.html Agape Amor shared a link. 20 hours ago http://7thfire.biz/ www.expose-the-devil.com-The Weeds HUMAN TRAFFICKING CANADIAN CORRUPTION, RCMP MURDERS, Snuff Films, Canadastreetnews.com www.exposethedevil.com the weeds are tares in the bible that Jesus spoke in parables some are burned up youtu.be 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview HUMAN TRAFFICKING CANADIAN CORRUPTION, RCMP MURDERS, Snuff Films, Canadastreetnews.com, http://www.canadastreetnews.com/kevinannett.htm, http://www.hiddenfro... Dana Horochowski shared a link via YouTube. 20 hours ago 1Like · · Share GREAT ATTITUDE 10 pts for the CAMERA MAN!!! • 221 222 www.scribd.com PROBLEM = PO LICE, poli TICS, PSYOPS MEDIA. BLACK ROBE SATANISTS have their GREASY DONUT PAWS all over these GUNS! dracotrash http://7thfire.biz/dracotrash ///// http://serenitystreetnews.com/hitlerharpernwo.doc ALL THESE MEDIA PSYOPS SATANIC RITUALS attack the MOTHER GODDESS TIAMAT ( MAAT/ MAYA/ m... 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Woman molested by cop Cameraman arrested for calling cops Nazis p 1 Source: www.youtube.com Woman molested by cop Cameraman arrested for calling cops Nazis p 1 Like · · Share Dana Horochowski ANGER is a FORCE 20 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski shared a link via YouTube. 21 hours ago Dana Horochowski http://7thfire.biz/dracotrash.htm WELL O F- DEEP WISDOM PROBLEM = PO LICE, poli TICS, PSYOPS MEDIA.BLACK ROBE SATANISTS have their GR 7thfire.biz doc /pdf JULY 1-78-15 16-2122-31 JUNO 22-30MAYDAY MARCH 2012AQUARIUS 2012 JANUS 2012http://www.scribd.com/jrgeniusDEACTIVATE ARCHONSCanada's Dirty Secret //FRENCH HWKPISTIS SOPHIA WAMPUM, REAL PENNIES ACCEPTED.COOP ... 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE....but it is TRUE PEDOPHILE PERVERT SATANIC MOTHERFUCKING BASTARDS are gonna lose their PENSION soon and trade it for a MICROCHIP 666 YIPPEE Wrongful Arrest-Stripped Naked Woman Hope Steffey case Source: www.youtube.com October 20, 2006 will be embedded in Hope Steffey's mind, body and soul for the rest of her life. Never to minimize Hope Steffey's illegal experience with officers of the law.....females are being victimized by law enforcement officers every damn Dana Horochowski If they can't kill the PRINCES and PRINCESSes of the GRAIL, they will use a SUBSTITUTE 20 hours ago · Like 1Like · · Share Dana Horochowski VICTORIA STAFFORD - VICTORIA SQUARE MARKHAM ONTARIO, TORI - TORONTO - AGE OF AQUARIUS - WOODSTOCK - broken purple 8 TORI NATION HAARPer HITLER 20 hours ago · Edited · Like Like · · Share Del Pittman likes this. Shayna Rivelle Thompson Whattttttttttttttttt what is this!!!!???? 21 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski SCARBORUGH NOW. NO SERIOUSLY, there was a SHOOTING cause everything is occult and it was directed at killing a SHAYanne and JOSHUA. That was a ritual sacrifice HIT on the NEW PARADIGM. BOTH you and JOSHUA and people very close to me. Then we have AURORA SHOOTINGS...etc. I will post the link my dear Shayna Rivelle Thompson 20 hours ago · Like Seanchai Seance Nothing will be kept in the dark all secrets will be made known complete full exposure is going to incriminate them all 20 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AyyUBYP3clY Dana Horochowski not related to this video, but it is related to YOU YOU YOU and my JOSHUA!!!!! http://www.scribd.com/doc/100478638/Joshua-Yasay-6-Shyanne-Charles5-Rob-Ford-Dalton-McGuinty-Danzig-Shooting-Bill-Blair-NWO-Police-State-TorontoStreet-Party Victoria aka Tori Stafford was an Illuminati Occult Ritual SACRIFICE for the NWO www.youtube.com http://www.canadastreetnews.com/indexjuly15to2209.htm Human remains found in Mount Forest Ontario. OPP cops saying it could be Tori Stafford. (Ritually Sacri... 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Joshua Yasay, 6, Shyanne Charles, 5, Rob Ford, Dalton McGuinty, Danzig Shooting, Bill Blair, NWO,. Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OHb4tJOK9s&feature=watch_response 223 224 Canada's Child Crimes Kid's Next Door www.youtube.com The Recycled Teenagers Group - news.streetkids.ca The Kid's next door ended up in BC State Foster care do to the abuse of a Canadian Mounted Police Officer. ... 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski the children will JUDGE them 20 hours ago · Like WELL O F- DEEP WISDOM PROBLEM = PO LICE, poli TICS, PSYOPS MEDIA.BLACK ROBE SATANISTS have their GR 7thfire.biz doc /pdfJULY1-78-1516-2122-31JUNO22-30MAYDAYMARCH 2012AQUARIUS 2012JANUS 2012http://www.scribd.com/jrgeniusDEACTIVATE ARCHONSCanada's Dirty Secret//FRENCH HWKPISTIS SOPHIAWAMPUM, REAL PENNIES ACCEPTED.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall//2012 MANUAL 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Shayna Rivelle Thompson No I was between 9-10, I was very big for my age lol 20 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhnTB6z5Sbo&feature=watch_response Canadastreetnews.com Black Pope Pt 5 - October 09, 2009 www.youtube.com Canadastreetnews.com, BLACK POPE pt 5 pg 20 to 23, Romanism, NEW WORLD ORDER, NEW AGE AGENDA, Antichrist, Commission in New York, Federal reserve, Queen Liza... 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski Shayna Rivelle Thompson- 14 years old...was that your age when I was tutoring you? Joshua is about 23 now. He is on my facebook but no under his name 20 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski 14 and 23 5 5 5 20 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski 555 attack you were 14 years in the mind at gr 4 20 hours ago · Like Seanchai Seance Dana they're inviting Karma of purgatory punishment on themselves ( spontaneous combustion ) their corrupt bodies and poison minds are already contaminated with combustible alcohol the hate will be their lighting match 20 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski (MARS WAR RAW RA MARDUK RA ) terrorterra http://7thfire.biz/terrorterra.htm Shayna Rivelle Thompson Yeah pretty much, now I have been told that I am supposed to be 29 rather than 19 *shrugs* and these acts of deviation sigh I can't keep up with these abominations and blasphemies... 20 hours ago · Unlike · 1 BILL BLAIR, ROB FORD and DALTON MCGUINTY = VATICAN VAMPIRE THREE STOOGES = CROCODILE TEARS in SCARBOROUGH RITUAL MURDER... SLOTHs can't ACT worth a SHIT! Dana Horochowski Shayna Rivelle Thompson = 247 http://5dterra.wordpress.com/2012/07/17/bill-blair-rob-ford-and-dalton-mcguintyvatican-vampire-three-stooges-crocodile-tears-in-scarborough-ritual-murder-sloths-cantact-worth-a-shit/ 555 symbolism = TORONTO SCARBOROUGH SHOOTING on CTV, by satanic lizard queen masonic KING COP BLAIR. 555= OFFICIAL BELIAL BLAB at 11 am in MARS = 14 yr old girl dead, 23 year old man dead, 23 shot in TORONTO STREET PARTY.http://serenitystreetnews.com/cramnotescarboroughterroristscrookedlicetics.pdf // http://www.scribd.com/doc/100335076/555-OFFICIAL-BELIAL-BLAB-BILLBLAIR-ROB-FORD-DALTON-MCGUINTY-VATICAN-VAMPIRE-THREESTOOGES // http://www.scribd.com/doc/100335218/555-POLICE-STATEScarborough-Terrorists-Crooked-Lice-Tics 225 The word "Shayna Rivelle Thompson" is not in the English dictionary. Do you want to add it to the online English dictionary? Other words in the Naeq system with the value of 247Transliteration Definition Word A CAPTIVE - AUDIENCE * ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR * AND GODS WRATH - ROSE - ARMAGEDDON *JUST AHEAD! Rev 11:18, 19:1121 DANIEL 2:44 Be Indifferent BE SEPARATED - TO ME * BLOOMING IDIOTS - ARE OK * IT'S THE ONES THAT DON'T & WONT BLOOM, THAT WE WORRY ABOUT! BURNING and YEARNING * CRITICAL CONDITIONS *AHEAD, ARMAGEDDON! DO YOU FEAR - EXPOSURE *??????????? ELECTRAMAGNETISM * 226 Shayna Rivelle Thompson Those extra terrestrials at a 1000% will be buried in the depths of the abyss when Christ comes for I have no fear that the evil that consists in this world is not of humanity but of another dimension. I know my place in society and chose to be the outcast amongst them even now that I reside in a different country. For those whom don't know their place, WAKE THE FUCK UP.......either you becomes a brainwashed molested sheep following the shepherd or be the most lonely stray around..... 20 hours ago · Edited · Unlike · 1 FIERCE WEATHER - AHEAD * garbage in, garbage out GOD ANSWERED MY - PRAYERS *AFTER A DEMONSTRATION OF SINCERITY & PATIENCE &FAITH! Listen to HIS servant ! ON --- THE TIME IS SHORT * ONE OF DISTINCTION *"THE MYSTI CAL CROW - WHITE BRILLIANCE, (CORVUS COR ONE 111) ONWARD - CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS *WITH US , THROUGH ETERNITY! PAGANS WALLOW IN THE - MIRE ___________________ REDEFINE - YOUR BODY * SEEK MY FATHERS - HOUSE * Spiritual Theocracy Armageddon is Christ's belief, believe in Christ and DIE Suddenly in an instant ! the big picture a broader view THE BIG PICTURE^ * REFER TO # 60 #60 "AWAKENING" for "THE BIG PICTURE"! CHOW! THE BOILING POINT * THE CIRCUMPOLAR STARS * THE MEANING OF - DEATH * THE ONE TRUE FAITH PROTECTS 118 Tsunami south east asia FIERCE WEATHER - AHEAD WOE TO YOU DESTROYING * YOU - REJECTED MY SON * Your bad dreams have awoken! YOUR WORLD IS GOING - TO R O C K *FEAR ARMAGEDDON! 20 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski YA BABY BLOW THAT TRUMPET 20 hours ago · Like Shayna Rivelle Thompson Mi ah forever rate yuh Dana Horochowski with respect that yuh nuh let crapo smoke yuh pipe(A trini saying meaning that you never let people catch you a bad corner!) 20 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Seanchai Seance If I have to fast for 40 days many wretched corpse shall be laid to fade 20 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski 555 is the NARROW GATE of AGAPE AMOR. FEW will find it. 20 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Value entered: 555 Dana Horochowski GATHER your WHEAT Shayna Rivelle Thompson for the EARTH PARTY....it shall be in SERENITY. Gotta find you a DANCING PARTNER!!! 20 hours ago · Like · 1 Dana Horochowski http://gematria.mysticalinternet.com/lookup.php?system=naeq Mysticalnet Web Gematria Server gematria.mysticalinternet.com 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Seanchai Seance By thine own decree of a royal degree of a loyal creed creed of a blue starseed Aum the Orb word is out 20 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski A CAPTIVE - AUDIENCE * favourite homesCOOLer Shayna Rivelle Thompson 20 hours ago · Like · 1 ---indeed you were my 227 *Its so unbeIieveable , its unbelieveable You know.... *THE SEALING -- COMPLETED -- THE BRIDE PREPARED * ALLOW US TO AIDE YOU -- IN COMING THROUGH -- THE FIRST ORDEAL * And in His woman called the SCARLET WOMAN is ALL POWER GIVEN ! "They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men". Liber Al vel legis 1:15 BECOME RELEASED FROM -- THE BONDAGE OF SIN and DEATH * ACCEPT THE "SAVIOUR JESUS THE CHRIST" ! "I AM THE WAY & THE TRUTH & THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH ME"! John 14:6 "FOR GOD LOVED THE WORLD SO MUCH, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. IN ORDER THAT EVERYONE EXERCISING FAITH, MIGHT NOT BE DESTROYED (CUT OFF) BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE-----EVERLASTING LIFE>>>>>>>>>>" "DEATH IS THE ENEMY" Refer to # 60 #60 for INSIGHTTTT COPPERHEADS - THE EYES OF TRUTH - INITIATION *GOT THAT "COPPERHEADS"!!!!!!!!!! (Copperheads is slanf for "SNAKE FOLLOWING PAGANS)! Dost thou fail? Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart? Liber AL vel Legis II:46 GODS TRUMPET does NOT MAKE an - INDISTINCT SOUND *#555 228 I CONQUERED AND SAT DOWN WITH MY FATHER - ON - HIS - THRONE *AND "MY ENEMIES", SHALL BECOME A STOOL FOR MY FEET! Heb 1:1-14 I\\\'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT - ALL MY LIFE *THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST! 1Thess 5:2. Rev 16:15 MY WORK IS STELLAR STYLE & EPOCH QUALITY - CORVUS COR ONE *Visionary Teacher "WHITE BRILLIANCE- THE CROW (CORVUS COR ONE 111) OF Sacred MannA Ministeries. SACRED MANNA MINISTERIES IS - WHITE BRILLIANCE *NO MISTAKE! THE MYSTICAL "WHITE CROW" (CORVUS COR ONE 111). THE DAY THAT IS COMING - WILL CERTAINLY - DEVOUR THEM *ARMAGEDDON! (HARMAGEDON)! Mal 1:1-5 Rev 11:18, 19:11-21 Daniel 2:44** Rev 11:15*** THE ELECT HAVE THE DAY STAR - RISE IN THEIR HEART *1 PETER 1:19 THE GREATEST COSMIC EVENT for PLANET EARTH*I CONQUERED and SAT DOWN with MY FATHER ON - HIS THRONE, as HIS RIGHT HAND MAN! Rev 3;21.22 Heb 1:1-10 THE TRUE - REVELATIONS - OF THE NAEQ - ARE DIVINE * "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANT DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! "BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT"! This that thou writest is the threefold book of Law. Liber AL vel Legis I:35 20 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://jrgenius.ca NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP and you will NEVER FAIL 7th fire Serenity Global Network jrgenius.ca JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIGHTED) Wašícu - Lakota word for "taking the fat" and it is used by natives to refer to non-Natives who rob tribes of their resources. (SOS ALERT TO VIRAL THIS! emailer edition // cramnote // NOV 2011 doc // 8thfire.info /... 20 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Seanchai Seance Lets love those who love others so that those without hearts may learn to become lovers 20 hours ago · Like · 1 Seanchai Seance Athena and Kali are putting on their kick ass boots, anybody got a mop that will soak up all the stains and blood spots 20 hours ago · Like · 1 Agape Amor SARA KALI 19 hours ago · Like Seanchai Seance Okay gotta go play my online game Egyptian" Hide and Secret" thanks Dana SARA KALI and PALLAS ATHENA, Phoebus Apollo has left the building 19 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Shayna Rivelle Thompson has an AWESOME GRASP of CREATIVE WRITING as you can see oxox 19 hours ago · Like · 1 Dana Horochowski https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=332385986859800&set=a.153756961389371 .30968.100002652030546&type=1&theater Timeline Photos Kālī (Sanskrit: काल, IPA: [kɑːliː]), also known as Kālikā (Sanskrit: कालका), is the Hindu goddess associated with empowerment, shakti. The name Kali comes from kāla, which means black, time, death, lord of death, Shiva. Since Shiva is called Kāla—the eternal time—Kālī, his consort, also means "Time" or "Death" (as in time has come). Hence, Kāli is the Goddess of Time and Change. Although sometimes presented as dark and violent, her earliest incarnation as a figure of annihilator of evil forces still has some influence. Various Shakta Hindu cosmologies, as well as Shākta Tantric beliefs, worship her as the ultimate reality or Brahman. She is also revered as Bhavatārini (literally "redeemer of the universe"). Comparatively recent devotional movements largely conceive Kāli as a benevolent mother goddess By: Seanchai Seance 19 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview http://drakenberg.weebly.com/templars.html Shayna Rivelle Thompson I HOPE SOME FUCKING DEMON SPAWNS COME FOR THEM AND EAT AWAY THEIR FLESH......SEE SHIT LIKE THAT NOW ITS GOING TO GIVE TERRIBLE INCENTIVE FOR OTHER ETHNICITIES TO MAKE RACIAL COMMENTS ABOUT CAUCASIAN ETHNICITIES. I WONT EVER FEEL SORRY FOR NONE OF THOSE BITCHES(POLICE) IF SOME IGNORANT ASS THUGS SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD AND YOU BECOME IN A VEGETATIVE STATE.....BUN ALL ALLYUH MOTHERF******.... 20 hours ago · Like · 1 229 230 • Dana Horochowski Bran the Blessed Elements of the Baphomet story are quite obviously Celtic in origin. The Celts believed that the soul resided in the head, and therefore they would sever the heads of their enemies, preserving them as magical talismans. The most well-known severed head among the Celts was that of the legendary giant Bran the Blessed, which is said to be buried outside London, facing France. It was put there to ward off the plague, to ensure fertility and to protect the city from foreign invasion. Similar powers are also attributed to the head of the Green Man, the Celtic fertility God, as well as the head of Merovingian King Dagobert II. 22 hours ago · Like • Dana Horochowski Levi’s Baphomet Baphomet was sometimes described by the tortured Templars as having a human form, with wings, cloven feet, and the head of a goat. From this came the nineteenth century occultist Eliphas Levi’s well-known depiction of Baphomet, now incorporated into the Waite tarot deck as “the Devil.” This popular image, sometimes referred to as “the Sabbatic Goat�,” was made to embody symbols of conflicting dualities. Thus the beast bears the breasts of a woman and the organs of a man. He is poised between the waxing and waning moon symbols, with his right and left hands pointing up and down, respectively. Levi, who was obsessed with dualities, was the first occultist to come up with the idea of “good”� (upward-pointing) and “evil” �(downward pointing) pentagrams, and his version of the “evil”� pentagram included Baphomet’s goat face super-imposed onto it, from whence came the “Sign of Baphomet”� used by Satanist Anton LeVey. Levi believed Baphomet to be the symbolic form of the absolute supreme being, and claimed that all occultists, including Templars and Freemasons, actually worshipped the Baphomet. He even believed that the name “Baphomet”� was a code for Solomon’s Temple, because if you spell it backwards you get the letters: “TEM-OH-AB�,” which he said stood for: “Templi omnivm hominum pacis abbas�,” meaning “the Father of the Temple of Peace of All Men.” Despite this, Levi’s characterization of the Baphomet led to the popular conception of the Devil as we know him today, and gave fodder to the theories that Freemasonry is Satanic. Like · · Share • Hugh Mullen likes this. Like · · Share • Hugh Mullen likes this. • 22 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Wisdom • In Holy Blood, Holy Grail the authors point out that when run through a certain cabalistic cipher known as “Atbash�,” the word “Baphomet”� (written in Hebrew) renders “Sophia�,” the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom. This makes sense, for the Templars were known to be the keepers of an ancient “wisdom tradition,” and a logical representation of wisdom is the human head. Interestingly, Aleister Crowley, who adopted the name “Baphomet”� upon joining the Ordo Templi Orientis, believed the name to derive from two Greek words joined together which mean “baptism of wisdom” or “absorption into wisdom.” Indeed, the experience of “absorption into wisdom”� could be considered an ego death, and the skull and crossbones became a well-known symbol for death. Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykF8b3TYwXU 22 hours ago · Like 231 232 • http://atwhistler.wordpress.com/ Phosphoros (l. Lucifer), the Morning star and his brother Hesperus (l. Vesper), the Evening star holding Olympic torches. One hails the morning with the arrival of their mother Eos (l. Aurora, e. Dawn). They are grandsons of the Titan, Hyperion also known as Orion. Abraham-Hicks: Teachings of Abraham in a Nutshell www.youtube.com -☼☼- See more Abraham-Hicks videos at: https://www.facebook.com/TapIntoEFT/vide os -- This Abraham-Hicks recording (5/12/05 Philadelphia, PA - copyright below... 22 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview • Dana Horochowskihttp://www.youaretrulyloved.com/enlightenment/the-teachings-of-abraham-hicks-in-anutshell/ Like · · Share • The Teachings of Abraham-Hicks in a Nutshell | You Are Truly Loved unity of listening to Abraham speak about the Law of Attraction. It clicks on an Dana Horochowski http://www.echoofeden.com/bias/luciferButwhere did the word Lucifer come from? Is it in the Hebrew manuscripts? Where the King James says Lucifer, son of the morning, the Hebrew is heilel ben shakhar. Heilel is a shining thing or something that shows off brightness.This is the same word used by the writers of the Septuagint to translate heilel in Isaiah 14:12 and is the name of the planet Venus in Greek. If Lucifer is a correct rendering in Isaiah 14:12, then it is correct in 2 Peter 1:19 also (just as Jerome translates it). And so we have the first place where scripture calls Yeshua Lucifer. But that is not the only place. 21 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 23 hours ago · Like www.youaretrulyloved.com So I went to an Abraham-Hicks workshop this weekend and had the wonderful opport 233 234 Faith Charity • Justice Sagacity Dana Horochowski http://atwhistler.wordpress.com/ Prudence Temperance Resolution Truth At Whistler Liberality atwhistler.wordpress.com Diligence (by At Whistler) Hope 23 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Valour 23 hours ago · Like · 1 Like · · Share William Edward Tuttle III and Hugh Mullen like this. Dana Horochowski Picture Baphomet: The Severed Head That Wouldn’t Die By Tracy R. Twyman Dana Horochowski http://drakenberg.weebly.com/templars.html Originally written for Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine, Copyright 1998 (Does not necessarily represent author’s current viewpoint.) Templars drakenberg.weebly.com Friday the 13th, October, 1307 – a dreadful day. Especially if you happened to be a Templar knight. For on that dreadful day, just as the Sun was rising, King Philip IV’s seneschals descended upon all of the order’s French holdings, arresting the members and seizing their property. The king had owed the order a lot of money, and he had hoped to get his hands on the rumored Templar treasure that had made them fabulously rich. But they had been forewarned, and had moved the treasure, along, perhaps, with some mystical artifacts, to their preceptories in Scotland, where the atmosphere was much more pleasant for them. DRAGON Labyrinth 2012<br /> 23 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Knights Code of Chivalry described by the Duke of Burgandy The chivalric virtues of the Knights Code of Chivalry were described in the 14th Century by the Duke of Burgandy. The words he chose to use to describe the virtues that should be exhibited in the Knights Code of Chivalry were as follows: Dana Horochowski Nevertheless, with the assistance of Pope Clement V, his so-called “puppet,” King Philip had the knights tortured and executed by the Inquisition. They were accused, among other things, of heresy, necromancy, homosexual practices, and conducting a bizarre ritual that involved spitting on, defecating on, or in some way desecrating the cross (which, if true, is perhaps evidence that they did not believe in the crucifixion). Under extreme physical duress, most of them confessed. In fact, many of their confessions were remarkably similar in 235 236 detail. By far the most popular theme of the confessions was the worship of an idol called “Baphomet.” Sometimes described as a cat or a goat whose anus was ritually kissed, Baphomet was most often referred to as a severed head. A list of charges drawn up by the Inquisition on August 12th, 1308 reads: 22 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Item, that in each province they had idols, namely heads. Item, that they adored these idols. Item, that they said that the head could save them. Item, that it could make riches. A common claim by historians is that the name “Baphomet”� was derived from “Mahomet”� an Old French corruption of the name of the prophet Muhammad. Others have said that it comes from the Arabic word “abufihamet�,” meaning “Father of Understanding.” Whatever the specific derivation, the idea that the Baphomet legend was influenced by Islam is quite logical. The Templars were known to have cavorted with Sufis and other unorthodox Muslims while stationed in the Middle East, as well as in Spain and perhaps even Jerusalem, where they were supposed to be fighting the “infidel”� during the Crusades. This would have given them ample opportunity to pass on the legend of Baphomet, if not the actual item. In his book The Sufis, Idries Shah argues that Baphomet was really the head of a mystic revered by a number of Sufi sects called “Hallaja�,” who was executed for testifying about his spiritual experiences. After he got decapitated, the Caliph’s Queen Mother had the head embalmed, and it later came into the possession of certain Sufi masters, who revered it for its magical powers. Shah claims that Hallaj, a “son of a widow” was not only the source of the legend of Baphomet, but also the model for the Masonic figure of Hiram Abiff.= He, of course, was the architect of Solomon’s Temple who, in Masonic legend, was killed by his underlings with three ceremonious blows to the head for not revealing the secret words, grips and signs of a Master Mason. 22 hours ago · Like Item, that it could make the trees flower. Item, that it made the land germinate. Item, that they surrounded or touched each head of the aforesaid idol with small cords, which they wore around themselves next to the shirt or the flesh. In light of the probability that these charges were true, it would bid us well to examine the possible origins and meanings of the famous dreaded head. 22 hours ago · Like The Knights Code of Chivalry and the legends of King Arthur and Camelot http://drakenberg.weebly.com/templars.html The ideals described in the Code of Chivalry were emphasized by the oaths and vows that were sworn in the Knighthood ceremon ies of the Middle Ages and Medieval era. These sacred oaths of combat were combined with the ideals of chivalry and with strict rules of etiquette and conduct. The ideals of a Knights Code of Chivalry was publicized in the poems, ballads, writings and literary works of Knights authors. The wandering minstrels of the Middle Ages sang these ballads and were expected to memorize the words of long poems describing the valour and the code of chivalry followed by the Medieval knights. The Dark Age myths of Arthurian Legends featuring King Arthur, Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table further strengthen the idea of a Knights Code of Chivalry. The Arthurian legend revolves around the Code of Chivalry which was adhered to by the Knights of the Round Table - Honour, Honesty, Valour and Loyalty. Dana Horochowski Where did it come from? The Templar legends regarding the head’s origin are numerous and confusing. Some said it was a man’s head, and some said that it was a woman’s head. Some said that it was bearded, and some said that it was cleanshaven. Some said that it was made of glass or crystal, and some said that it had two faces. A popular tale held that it was the head of the Templars’ first Grand Master, Hughes de Payens. Others said that it was made of gold and called “Caput LVIII�,” meaning “Head 58�,” combined with the symbol for Virgo. One recurrent story that kept popping up in several confessions says that a Templar called “the Lord of Sidon” was in love with a young woman named “Yse”� (possibly derived from “Isis”�) who died suddenly. On the night of her burial, the knight dug up her body and copulated with it. Nine months later a voice “from the Void”� told him to go back to the grave, where he would find his son. There he discovered a head resting on a pair of leg bones (perhaps the origin of the Templar’s famous “skull and crossbones”� symbol). The voice told him that if he was careful to guard the head, it would be “the giver of all things.” He took it with him, and for the rest of his days it protected him. Later on the Templar order got a hold of it and incorporated it into their rituals. Asmodeus or Asmodai (Hebrew: אשמדאיAshmedai) (see below for other variations) is a king of demons mostly known from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist.[1] The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends, for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon. He was supposed by some Renaissance Christians to be the King of the Nine Hells. Asmodeus also is referred to as one of the seven princes of Hell. In Binsfeld's classification of demons, each one of these princes represents one of the seven deadly sins (Pride, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Wrath). Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people's sexual desires. It is said in Asmodeus; Or, The Devil on Two Sticks that people who fall to Asmodeus' ways will be sentenced to an eternity in the second level of hell.[2] Many Babylonian deities, myths and religious writings are singular to that culture; for example, the uniquely Babylonian deity, Marduk, replaced Enlil as the head of the mythological pantheon. 22 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Islamic Origins 237 238 He is described as 'the worst of demons'. When the young Tobias is about to marry her, Asmodeus proposes the same fate for him, but Tobias is enabled, through the counsels of his attendant angel Raphael, to render him innocuous. By placing a fish's heart and liver on red-hot cinders, Tobias produces a smoky vapor that causes the demon to flee to Egypt, where Raphael binds him (Tobit 8:2-3). According to some translations Asmodeus is strangled. 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Asmodeus would thus seem to be a demon characterized by carnal desire; but he is also described as an evil spirit in general: "Asmodeus loved Sarah," implies that he was attracted not by women in general, but by Sarah only. 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Ashmedai in the Talmud is less malign in character than the Asmodeus of Tobit. In the former, he appears repeatedly in the light of a good-natured and humorous fellow. But besides that, there is one feature in which he parallels Asmodeus, inasmuch as his desires turn upon Solomon's wives and Bath-sheba. But even here, Ashmedai seems more like a Greek satyr than an evil demon.[original research?] 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Another Talmudic legend has King Solomon tricking Asmodai into collaborating in the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem.[citation needed] Like · · Share Another legend depicts Asmodai throwing king Solomon over 400 leagues away from the capital by putting one wing on the ground and the other stretched skyward. He then changed places for some years with King Solomon. When King Solomon returned, Asmodai fled from his wrath.[citation needed] 23 hours ago · Like Irk Dah Nerv likes this. Dana Horochowski According to the Kabbalah and the school of Rashba, Agrat Bat Mahlat, a succubus, mated with King David and bore a cambion son Asmodeus, king of demons.[6] 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asmodeus Dana Horochowski An aggadic narrative describes him as the king of all the shades (Pesachim 109b–112a). "Shadim" (plural of "shade") can fly because they have wings. It is also stated[who?] that they have chicken claws as opposed to toes. 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Another passage describes him as marrying Lilith, who became his queen.[7] Asmodeus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org Asmodeus or Asmodai (Hebrew: אשמדאיAshmedai) (see below for other variations) ...See More 23 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview He has also been recorded as the off-spring of the union between Adam and the angel of prostitution, Naamah, conceived while Adam was married to Lilith. 23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski In the Book of Tobit The Asmodeus of the Book of Tobit is attracted to Sarah, Raguel's daughter, and is not willing to let any husband possess her (Tobit 6:13); hence he slays seven successive husbands on their wedding nights, impeding the sexual consummation of the marriages. 239 Dana Horochowski In the Testament of Solomon, a 1st–3rd century text, the king invokes Asmodeus to aid in the construction of the Temple. The demon appears and predicts Solomon's kingdom will one day be divided (Testament of Solomon, verse 21–25).[8] When Solomon interrogates Asmodeus further, the king learns that Asmodeus is thwarted 240 ReuelorRaguel(Hebrew:רעוּאֵל,Modern ְ Re'u'elTiberian Rəʻûʼēl ; "Friend ofEl") meaning "friend of God" or "one who is intimate with God"[1], is a Hebrew name associated with several Biblical and/or religious figures. 23 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview by the angel Raphael, as well as by sheatfish found in the rivers of Assyria. He also admits to hating water and birds because both remind him of God. 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski In the Malleus Maleficarum (1486), Asmodeus was considered the demon of lust.[9] Sebastien Michaelis said that his adversary is St. John. Some demonologists of the 16th century assigned a month to a demon and considered November to be the month in which Asmodai's power was strongest. Other demonologists asserted that his zodiacal sign was Aquarius but only between the dates of January 30 and February 8. 23 hours ago · Like المطــر یدالـــنo means tanya2kyab win yah hood hood .o grwraw. 21 hours ago via mobile · Like Roland Mingan Hugihard what a creepy looking bastard! lol 19 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1 http://gnosticteachings.org/courses/the-true-identity-of-moshe-moses/3104-moses-the-mysteryof-baphomet.html Dana Horochowski He has 72 legions of demons under his command. He is one of the Kings of Hell under Lucifer the emperor. He incites gambling, and is the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell. Some Catholic theologians compared him with Abaddon. Yet other authors considered Asmodeus a prince of revenge. 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Asmodeus is depicted with the breast of a man, a cock leg, serpent tail, three heads (one of a man spitting fire, one of a sheep, and one of a bull), riding a lion with dragon wings and neck, all of these animals being associated with either lascivity, lust or revenge.[citation needed] The Archbishop of Paris approved his portrait.[4] 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski CAIN 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski ] Also, he sits upon an infernal dragon, holds a lance with a banner and, amongst the Legions of Amaymon, Asmoday governs seventy two legions of inferior spirits.[10] 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski Asmodeus was widely depicted as having a handsome visage, good manners and an engaging nature; however, he was portrayed as walking with a limp and one leg was either clawed or that of a rooster. He walks aided by two walking sticks in Lesage's work, and this gave rise to the English title The Devil on Two Sticks[4] (also later translated The Limping Devil and The Lame Devil). Lesage attributes his lameness to falling from the sky after fighting with another devil.[18] 23 hours ago · Like Like · · Share • • Dana Horochowski http://gnosticteachings.org/courses/the-true-identity-of-moshe-moses/3104moses-the-mystery-of-baphomet.html Dana Horochowski http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raguel_%28name%29 Reuel (name) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org 241 242 Moses, the Mystery of Baphomet gnosticteachings.org • We are following the sequence of lectures about the book of Genesis. Now we are entering into the third chapter that relates with the mystery of the serpent, that you can see in first graphic of the PDF Moses the Mystery of Baphomet is in the staff of Moses. On the right appears Baphomet, which is a... Dana Horochowski central nervous system is what we call the Throne of God, the Throne of the Father. This is something very important that we have to address in relation with Binah, because we are addressing here the World of Yetzirah, the World of Formation, where we find these creatures, symbols that only the initiates know about. Yesterday at 5:54pm · Like · Remove Preview Yesterday at 5:57pm · Like • • Dana Horochowski That light descends through the sephirah Kether, which in Hebrew means “crown,” and which is related to the Sahasrara Chakra, the crown chakra. Dana Horochowski The light of Kether descends through what we call the cerebrospinal fluid. You know that we have a fluid in the cerebral spinal nervous system; the brain and spinal medulla float in a liquid, in a fluid. That is what is called the Positive Force of Binah, the Positive Force of the Father. That, in Alchemy, is called Adam, for that force descends through the brain to the end of the spinal column, Yesod, and this is precisely what we call the Light of the Father. So when we say "May peace be with you" we are saying: “May the Light of the Crown Chakra, which captures the light of Kether, descends through your brain and through your all spinal column to all men / manas in the temple.” That crown that is always protected in different religions. To begin with, in Judaism you observe the use of the Kippah, while the Sikhs use the turban, and in many other religions you see that they always keep a covering on top of their head, which symbolizes the covering of the light of the crown of the Father that everybody has in different tonalities, according to the power of the pineal gland. Yesterday at 5:55pm · Like Yesterday at 5:58pm · Like • • Dana Horochowski That light is what we call peace, which descends from the Superior Worlds, and settles in the pineal gland in the center of the brain. The Chakra Sahasrara, the crown chakra, relates to the pineal gland. In the pineal gland we have the atom of the Holy Spirit, Binah, Shiva. So therefore, the light of the Father descends into the pineal gland, in the very center of the brain. That light is what we call “the Peace of the Father to All Men.” Dana Horochowski “And when Abram was ninety and nine [99 = 18 = 9, Yesod] years old, Iod-Havah appeared to Abram, and said to him, I am אל שדי- El Shaddai; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” – Genesis 17: 1 Yesterday at 6:01pm · Like Yesterday at 5:56pm · Like • • This is the only way to understand this mysterious Baphomet, a symbol that scares the ignoramuses. Indeed, Baphomet is just a symbol, that as you can see, is related with the forces of the sexual energy. Dana Horochowski addressing “men,” we are addressing manas, mind, that mind that utilizes the brain as a vehicle in the physical world in order to act. The brain is the physical vehicle of the mind, of the manas, of the “man” (Adam). Yesterday at 5:56pm · Like 243 244 Templi omnium hominum pacis abbas Pacis abbas: “peace of the Father.” What Father are we addressing here? The Father is represented by the sephirah Kether, the first Sephirah of the Tree of Life. The Father unfolds into the mysterious Tree of Knowledge, Daath, which is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and becomes the Father as the sephirah Binah. In Christianity, the sephirah Binah is called the Holy Spirit, which is Shiva, that receives the strength of the first triangle of the Tree of Life. Shiva, in Daath, has his kingdom in Yesod, which is the sexual energy. Yesterday at 5:50pm · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski In Kabbalah, the sephirah Binah is called Abba and Aima, Father and Mother, the duality of God that is hidden in the Hebrew word Elohim. But this power also is in the holy name of God Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei, which is translated as Jehovah. Yesterday at 5:51pm · Like Dana Horochowski The feet of this symbol symbolize the forces of the earth, since the calf is the symbol of earth, and it is the sephirah Malkuth, the earth, that which receives the Peace of the Father. In Gnostic axioms we say, "May peace be with you so that you can be heirs of the light!" Yesterday at 5:51pm · Like Dana Horochowski What peace are we addressing here? When we say "May peace be with you so that you can be heirs of the light," we are addressing the light of the sephirah Kether, which is peace. 1Like · · Share • Garrett Laye likes this. “May peace reign in all hearts; let us not forget that peace is light. Let us not forget that peace is an Essence emanated from the Absolute. It is light emanated from the Absolute [Ain Soph Aur]. This light is the light of the Ancient of Days [Kether]. Christ said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.” John 14:27. – Samael Aun Weor Yesterday at 5:53pm · Like Like · · Share Garrett Laye likes this. Dana Horochowski http://gnosticteachings.org/courses/the-true-identity-of-moshemoses/3104-moses-the-mystery-of-baphomet.html Moses, the Mystery of Baphomet gnosticteachings.org We are following the sequence of lectures about the book of Genesis. Now we are entering into the third chapter that relates with the mystery of the serpent, that you can see in first graphic of the PDF Moses the Mystery of Baphomet is in the staff of Moses. On the right appears Baphomet, which is a... Yesterday at 5:44pm · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski Caduceus of Mercury, this is making his phallus. This indicates that the energy that the initiate works with is the sexual energy in activity. [In Spanish, the word for temper is 'temple' related to the word for temple; and the Spanish word 'templar' means 'to temper'.] 245 Dana Horochowski Baphomet was a mysterious Kabbalistic symbol that was used by the Templars, and the ignorant people thought they were worshiping Satan, Lucifer. Indeed, Baphomet is related with Lucifer, because here we are addressing the Cherubim, the Shedd, the sexual power of God. Yesterday at 5:58pm · Like Dana Horochowski Solomon was carried aloft by the power of the Shedd. In Latin, Lucifer means "Light Bearer" (luce-fer), the bearer of the light, and that is precisely the cerebrospinal fluid that carries the light of the Father that we are talking about here. That carrier of light is Lucifer, that eventually, through the metabolism, will settle in the sexual organs, which is the other polarity of the sexual energy. Yesterday at 5:59pm · Like 246 lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people's sexual desires. It is said in Asmodeus; Or, The Devil on Two Sticks that people who fall to Asmodeus' ways will be sentenced to an eternity in the second level of hell.[2] 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski The first polarity, the cerebrospinal fluid, is Adam, and the genitalia fluid is called Eve. Adam and Eve have many symbols, but we are addressing the fluids; Eve is the sexual fluid that is called semen. In Alchemy semen refers to both the female and male fluid. So, Eve is the feminine sexual force that descends and becomes female or male sexual energy in Yesod. Yesterday at 6:00pm · Like Dana Horochowski POSITIVE or NEGATIVE= DUALITY in 3d 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski BAPHOMET points to the GOOD MOON Yesterday at 6:04pm · Like Our temple is the physical body where the energy of the Father descends and gives us strength through Lucifer, which is the giver of Light, which is synthesized in the Four Elements. So, each one of us has his own Lucifer. When we use the e nergy of Lucifer, the sexual energy, in the wrong way, that is, in order to feed our own animal appetites, then that Lucifer is transformed into Satan, the adversary. So the light of the Father could be transformed into Satan, all depends how we use the sexual energy. Dana Horochowski ASMODEUS is the MIRROR OPPOSITE and POINTS to the BAD MOON first. DEMIURGE= ASMODEUS Yesterday at 6:05pm · Like Dana Horochowski Baphomet is now a potent symbol, see in this idol a representative of the Universal Principle, Azoth or theFifth Element which to alchemists is the key to turning lead into gold. This is probably what it meant to the Templars too. But to their interrogators, the tortured knights were confessing Devil worship, and they were punished accordingly. The Order was disbanded, the Grand Master burnt at the stake, and the offending knights sent to do penance at various monasteries. The power of the Templars was crushed. 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://drakenberg.weebly.com/templars.html Moses, the Mystery of Baphomet (Updated on Sep 13, 2012 02:15) gnosticteachings.org Templars drakenberg.weebly.com DRAGON Labyrinth 2012<br /> 23 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview On the right appears Baphomet, which is a word that has to be read backwards “Tem-o-h-p-ab”. It means in Latin templi omnium hominum pacis abbas, "Peace of the Father to all men in the temple." We have to understand that when we address Baphomet, we are addressing the Cherubim that is mentioned in the book of Genesis as the guardian of the gate of Eden. Dana Horochowski http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asmodeus • Asmodeus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org Asmodeus or Asmodai (Hebrew: אשמדאיAshmedai) (see below for other variations) ...See More 23 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Unlike · · Share You like this. • Dana Horochowski Asmodeus or Asmodai (Hebrew: אשמדאיAshmedai) (see below for other variations) is a king of demons mostly known from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist.[1] The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends, for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon. He was supposed by some Renaissance Christians to be the King of the Nine Hells. Asmodeus also is referred to as one of the seven princes of Hell. In Binsfeld's classification of demons, each one of these princes represents one of the seven deadly sins (Pride, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Wrath). Asmodeus is the demon of 247 Donald William Crockett Sure suits your banner there Dana! Some good free lectures and articles on that site you will like a lot. Yesterday at 6:28am · Unlike · 1 • 248 Dana Horochowski I AM SOOOOOOOO overwhelmed with HOMEWORK. I hope someone else is learning it too... we need a FREE sCOOL Yesterday at 2:40pm · Like • Dana Horochowski looks good...I will check out in my next train of thought meegwetch Yesterday at 2:42pm · Like • Dana Horochowski I KNOW BAPHOMET is SOPHIA and YALDABAOTH came in and made himself goD...the LYING LIONSNAKE DEMIURGE Top of Form Yesterday at 2:43pm · Like Like · · Share Bottom of Form Garrett Laye likes this. • Dana Horochowski maYA is a woMAN Yesterday at 2:43pm · Like http://gnosticteachings.org/courses/the-true-identity-of-moshe-moses/3104-moses-the-mysteryof-baphomet.html Dana Horochowski Tree of Life with symbols of the Cherubim of Ezekiel and also the serpent in the left to indicate that the serpent, according to the book of Zohar , relates to the left side of the Tree of Life. On top of the left column of the Tree of Life we find the Sephirah Binah, which is the Holy Spirit. The Sephirah Binah, the Holy Spirit, rules from Yesod, the third world which is called Yetzirah. So underneath Binah we find Geburah, justice, which is ruled by סמאלSamael. The book of Zohar addresses Samael many times. Our Patriarch, the founder of this Gnostic Movement in this day and age is named Samael Aun Weor; he is the Dhyani Bodhisattva of that genie of Geburah. ‘ און ואורAun Weor,’ is the strength and light of Samael, is also the light of the sexual force of everybody, because ‘Aun Weor,’ is the sexual force and light of the Logos of Mars, is a cosmic force that relates to all human beings, even beasts, plants, minerals, life. Thus, when the book of Zohar addresses Adam, it does it in relation with Geburah, and this is because in the world of Atziluth, Geburah receives the name of Elohim Gibor. Gibor, in Hebrew means man, male force, virility. So, when we are addressing Geburah, Samael, Gibor alchemically, we are addressing the cerebral, spinal nervous system, the head, Aries. 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski The Knights Code of Chivalry described in the Song of Roland and an excellent representation of the Knights Codes of Chivalry are as follows: To fear God and maintain His Church 249 250 To serve the liege lord in valour and faith To protect the weak and defenceless To give succour to widows and orphans To refrain from the wanton giving of offence To live by honour and for glory To despise pecuniary reward To fight for the welfare of all To obey those placed in authority To guard the honour of fellow knights To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit To keep faith At all times to speak the truth To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun To respect the honour of women Never to refuse a challenge from an equal Never to turn the back upon a foe Of the seventeen entries in the Knights Codes of Chivalry, according to the Song of Roland, at least 12 relate to acts of chivalry as opposed to combat. 23 hours ago · Like Dana Horochowski http://drakenberg.weebly.com/templars.html Templars drakenberg.weebly.com DRAGON Labyrinth 2012<br /> 23 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview Many ignoramuses take the symbol of Baphomet and play with it, though they ignore its profound significance, thus they make a mess of it. In this day and age you see in many websites in the Internet many individuals that utilize the symbol of Baphomet in order to scare the ignoramuses who ignore that the goat, besides having the right side up pentagram on its forehead, is making the symbol of the positive pentagram in each hand, which means, how to work with the moons, namely, one moon below and one moon above. The forces of the moon are the forces of the woman, which in the Zohar is explained in different ways, as we are explaining here. Your own woman is your physicality but if you are male you will need a woman, a female force, in order to enter into the temple and to receive the peace of the Father, and this is why Baphomet is the mystery that the Templars hide to all of those who enter into their temple; the ones who entered were receiving the doctrine of Chastity. There was a great initiate that the Master Samael Aun Weor knew in South America whose name was Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller, a great physician, doctor from the University of Berlin. His inner name was Huiracocha, he knew the mystery of Baphomet. Master Samael Aun Weor mentioned Huiracocha in his book The Perfect Matrimony and he said: FULL MOON TONIGHT. COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION to EDEN. PRAY it FORWARD! http://7thfire.biz/edenalive.htm 251