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Health begins with
proper food intake
Page 9
Worried About
Protein Intake
Page 15
Friend or enemy?
Page 28
Vitamins and
Page 19
Yoga news
Page 1
Swami Guru Devanand
Saraswati Ji Maharaj...
What does he teach?
e all have personalities and we would
like to do something
to change or transform our personality. Although we
have been trying for many years, we
have not succeeded in becoming the
way we would like to be. Let us examine what can be done from the stand
point of the Yoga Philosophy. The Yoga
Philosophy is a very systematic philosophy with different techniques and
methods for helping the individual to
bring a change in their lives, physically,
mentally, intellectually and spiritually.
We have a physical body which is an
instrument we use 24 hours a day every day as long as we live. This body
is special and fully automatic in some
ways. It is resistant against many disorders, diseases, aches and pains. But
if we continue to abuse the body, then
it is natural that we will not get the
service we would like to receive from
it. Abusing the body does not only
mean using marijuana, cocaine, heroine, crack or LSD. Alcoholic beverages
Page 2
are also very dangerous to our system.
There are also certain foods, which are
not conductive to the overall maintenance of our body. This physical body
allows us to perform our daily activities: getting up in the mornings, studying, and working hard because we
need to progress economically. If the
body becomes a problem with differtent types of aches, pains and diseases,
then we cannot achieve the goals that
we would like to accomplish. This is
why we would like to introduce some
of the Yoga methods and disciplines.
We need to learn how to discipline
ourselves to maintain our body functioning marvelously and synchronized
by using the minimum amount of effort to get the maximum amount of
As we all know, our physical body is
made up fo bones, muscles and blood.
We also have a very intricate and sophisticated nervous system. The food
wee eat must be fresh, soft and easy to
digest since it will maintain the functioning of our body. If the food is not
right, if the combination of the food
is not proper, then the body will not
receive the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional
food values to maintain our body functioning for so many hours. In addition,
our drinks should be conducive to give
the body not only energy but to cleanse
our system. If we do not drink a certain amount of liquids, fruit juices and
natural clear mineral or natural water
then the body would not be irrigated
and cleansed as we would like it to be.
We must take in at least 7 to 8 glasses
of liquids daily wether it may be milk,
fruit juices or just natural clean water.
The body manufactures waste matter
and if this wate is not eliminated, there
will be an excess. This excess causes
nervous, mental-psychosomatic problems as well as problems in our organs
and glands. When our glands do not
function properly, many other problems begin to manifest. Our life seems
to be a continuous stream of difficulties, aches, pains, worries, tensions,
and nervousness. If we do not carry
Yoga news
out the proper type of discipline, then
it is only natural that we would have to
carry on with these problems until we
find something that can help us.
As our physical body begins to be
taken care of then it begins to function better. We are fortunate that the
Great Creator, while creating the human system, the body, including our
respiratory as well as our circulatory
system, made them automatic. Thank
God that the circulation of our blood
is automatic. If we needed to remember that the blood has to circulate
or that our herat needs to pump, we
would have died long ago with the bad
memory and concentration that many
of us have. Just as well as if we had to
remember how to breathe, the lack of
oxygen would have killed us long ago.
As you can perceive, the Great Creator
was taking into consideration the carelessness of human beings.
We need to be very conscious of
maintaining this system clean, pure
and very strong. We must eat the proper types of foods wich purify the body
and mind, drink the proper type of liquids and breathe the proper type of air.
The air we breathe must be of a very
high concentration of oxygen. Unfortunately, we do not have this type of air
in the metropolitan cities where there
are so many dust particles floating
around in the air and we have a pollution problem and a contamination
situation. The amount of oxygen that
we breathe or the volume of oxygen
that we breathe is not sufficient. Some
of this oxygen is being replaced by dust
particles and as we get less oxygen into
our system this interferes or handicaps
its normal or natural function. We
must always try to breathe fresh air. If
we live in an area that is highly contaminated with fumes of all types, we
need to take the weekends off. It is important to go to the country for a drive
to breathe clean, fresh oxygen released
from plants and trees that surround us.
Human beings must educate the
taste buds and prefer food that is nutritious, healthy, integral, natural and
Yoga news
organic. We should stay away from bad
habits and drugs. We should also keep
our minds positive with noble thoughts
and purify the intellect to learn how to
make better decisions. It is very difficult to be healthy without achieving
a spiritual development. Harmony
between body, mind and soul creates
an appropiate environment to prevent
and cure psychosomatic diseases. With
the regular practice of Hatha Yoga and
Mantra Yoga Meditation, we create a
favorable environment, achieve profound relaxation, obtain a positive
mind and secure a protective aura
against negative vibrations.
With practice of Mantra Yoga Meditation, in due course of time, the individual begins to experience subtle
states of thought and the corresponding changes at different levels. This refined mental activity is automatically
reflected in the body as well, by those
who practice Mantra Yoga Meditation
regularly. This state is physiologically,
psychologically, neurologically, spiritually and also socially exceptional.
During the practice of Mantra Yoga
Meditation the consumption of oxygen, the elimination of carbon dioxide,
the rhythm of our heartbeat as well as
our respiration, are reduced in a very
significant manner, while at the same
time the development and the resistance of our skin grows. The metabolic
rhythm of our body is notably reduced
and the conservation of oxygen and
carbon dioxide ratio is naturally balanced, calibrated.
The immediate result of the refining
process, obtained thru the practice of
Mantra Yoga Meditation, is that the
transformayion of the subtle levels
of thought by the soul, automatically,
takes one to the source of thought (the
state of pure consciousness), After the
appropiate instruction of the technique
and its regular practice, anyone can
familiarized himself/herself with the
subtle levels of thought which are so
pleasant and sublime. The practitioner
will enter into direct contact with the
Pure Being. Mantra Yoga Meditation,
as a naturally coordinated process, purifies the heart and mind. This development allows the spirit to manifest its
divine qualities. It does it in a balanced
manner, one of that automatically
brings about a natural integration of
the individual’s personality (spiritual,
mental, emotional and physical).
Swami Guru Devanand
Saraswati Ji Maharaj
Is the founder of the International
Divine Realization Society and
established many Devanand Yoga
Centers throughout the world.
His teaching have and continue to
transform the lives of thousands
of people around the world.
His main goal is to achieve world
peace through individual
peace with the practice of the
ancient technique
“Mantra Yoga Meditation”.
Page 3
begins with
proper food
About Protein
Sources of
Vitamins and
Friend or
Take Care
of Your
and more...
Page 4
Yoga news
Recommendations for a
Spiritual, Healthier
And Longer Life
Follow these instructions and you will feel happier,
healthier and more positive. We assure you.
Avoid weight gain and obesity. Walk!
Swim! Do calisthenics! Practice yoga!
Move! A sedentary life leads to many
physical and mental illnesses. If your
mind is lazy, drag it to do exercises. Shape up America! Obesity is a disease. Do not let it destroy you.
Don’t forget that exercise can lift your
willpower. You will look and feel great!
The key to fitness is to be active and to
eat properly throughout your life. Fitness is a lifestyle. It is not a matter of
size, it is about health, wellness, longevity, and peace. Don’t be discouraged!
2. Practice HATHA YOGA
One of the main anti-aging antidotes is
exrecise. We recommend Hatha Yoga
for its exceptional benefits. The continuous practice of Hatha Yoga will
help you acquire more energy, higher
resistance to diseases, relaxation, flexibility, strenght, and balance. It also
improves circulation and detoxifies the
body. The USA Devanand Yoga Center
has designed a Devanand Hatha Yoga
program to help the individual obtain
the highest training throught mental/
physical exercises, breathing, concentration, visualization, and relaxation.
3. Learn How To Breath
Proper breathing is an effective stress
reduction technique. The way we
breath affects our muscles, influences
Yoga news
our thoughts, feelings, and ability to
concentrate. Learn how to breathe and
you will be more relaxed and may be
able to live longer. Breathing correctly
means increasing the prana (vital energy) intake, absorbed by the body. It
increases the oxygen and carbon dioxide transportation, increases chest and
abdominal pressure, stimulates cardiac
efficiency, and increases the nutritional interchange of body, cells, tissues
and organs.
Fruits and vegetables have plenty of
relaxing and anti-aging qualities. Remember that the subtle part of of the
food you intake will form the mind.
Select food that can help you obtain
internal peace. A higher intake of fiber
will facilitate digestion, promoting efficient bowel function and preventing
constipation. Reduce fat and try to
eliminate animal fat. Foods like fish,
frozen and canned food, eggs, coffee,
chocolate, white sugar, bleached flour,
meat, and “most prepared and convenience foods” may lead to diseases.
Meat contains toxins, especially lactid
acid, which is a waste product of muscle metabolism, fat, cholesterol and
other substances that in excess are toxic to our bodies.
Eating is a physical activity. It is important what you eat and how you eat
it. Studies have proven that the combination of regular exercises, proper
nutrition and positive thoughts can
improve the quality of life.
If you don’t drink enough water, there
is a possibility of dehydration during
warm weather. Excessive heat during
the winter tends to dry out the skin.
Drinking eight glasses of clear fluids
daily (including plenty of water and
natural juices) will help you avoid
dryness. The lack of water decreases
the body capacity to eliminate waste
throught the skin, the colon, lungs,
etc. The body is made up of 70% water.
Almost 5 liters of water are eliminated
daily through urine, sweat, skin, and
breathing. we need to recuperate this
water waste.
Water helps to regulate body temperature, aids in breathing and in the
transportation of nutrients, avoids
waste, provides lubrication and gives
tissues their structure. The brain alone
is about 75% water! Drinking plenty of
natural fluids (without chemical additives, artificial colors, or preservatives)
seems to protect us against diseases
and medical conditions such as constipation and kidney stones. It also may
reduce the risk of cancer by essentially
washing carcinogenic substances out
of the body before they have a chance
to get in contact with vulnerable tissues.
If you eat three complete meals a day,
you should eliminate 2-3 times. ApPage 5
proximately 4/5 part of the quantity
you have ingested. Constipation can
create a fertile field for the development of many diseases. Health begins
in the colon. Make sure that your intestines work well.
central nervous system, particularly
the brain. Alcohol is known to stimulate and then shortly afterwards depress the central nervous system. It
also causes poor sleep, damages the
liver, stomach, and heart.
9. AVOID DRUGS Smoking causes aging. The skin quality changes and premature wrinkles
appear making you age at a more rapid
rate. Studies demonstrate that smokers are more likely to develop diseases including heart disease, cancer, and
emphysema. If you smoke, quit now.
Don’t worry, it’s never too late. “Five
years after stopping, ex-smokers have
about the same risk of developing
heart disease as someone who has never smoked” (The Johns Hopkins Prescription for Longevity).
Alcohol has an adverse effect on the
Page 6
Drugs destroy your nervous system,
weaken your mind and let you down.
Never destroy your mind... Discipline,
organize, strengthen and develop your
mind. Learn to awake all the mystical
power that lies within. Do not destroy
your life with drugs. It’s not clever...
nor healthy.
The excess of vitamins and nutrients
could be as detrimental as the lack of
them. Note that the need of vitamins,
minerals and others nutrients vary
according to age. Learn to eat healthy
avoiding the lack or excess of nutrients
and supplements in your diet. Learn
the facts! Over the counter medicines
like analgesics, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs that are used indiscriminately can harm you. Always
research the side effects of these products prior to using them.
The sun and bright light are needed to
produce vitamin D, but do not over expose yourself. Excessive sun exposure
will increase the risk of skin cancer,
promote the skin discoloration and
texture changes leading to the emergence of premature wrinkles.
Natural Medicine together with a balanced vegetarian diet can prevent and
eliminate many diseases. It detoxifies
Yoga news
Cultivate subtle, noble and positive
thoughts your life. Negative thoughts
intoxicate your life and make you
weak. Positive thoughts bring positive
things to your life creating a protective
aura or magnetism.
DEEP CLEANSING Choose a day to cleanse your body. Fast
once a weak if no medical contraindications apply. Eat plenty of well-combined fruits, drink fruit juices, and eat
raw salads with fresh vegetables. Drink
plenty of water. Do not starve yourself!... The results will amaze you. Take
it as a challenge and call it: “My Detoxifying Day”. (Ask your physician). the body... increases the efficiency of
the immune system ... stimulates the
functioning of the system... eliminates
toxins. Let’s use the magnetic power of
Mother Nature (sun light, clay, plants,
water therapy, air therapy, etc.).
Concentrate on your positive qualities.
If you concentrate on the negative, it
will make you weak. If you learn to
concentrate your mind on the positive,
it will make you stronger, happier and
more balanced. Then you will be ready
to fulfill your dreams. But, make sure
that those dreams suit you.
Learn to love, accept and respect yourself. The first step to change your negative behavior is to accept yourself by
making a conscious effort to improve.
If you reject yourself... who is going to
accept and love you?
Yoga news
initiative and creativity creating a favorable environment for your spiritual
development. Avoid music that interferes with your objectives and your inner space.
Get together with people who help
improve your life quality. Avoid relationships that might lead you to attachments and negative desires. Prefer
people who bring peace, harmony, and
tranquility to your life.
Never give free rein to your mind...
always keep it under control... Keep it
busy doing constructive chores. Never
cultivate negative thoughts nor let your
mind control you. Never think with
your heart... Think with your brain.
Love leads to longevity, decreases
stress and produces vitality and stamina. Pure love cannot be sold or bought.
True love those not expect anything
back. Profound love is unselfish, purifying those who give it as well as those
who receive it. Love is beyond gender,
race, religion, political partiesn, and
socioeconomic or intellectual levels.
Love relies on the essence and never on
the physical appearance. This type of
love is therapeutic and curative. True
love does not harm.
Challenge your mind! Learn to increase your concentration/memory
span. Mental stress leads to low concentration levels. Learn how to relax
your mind and be conscious of your
thoughts. The less thoughts you have,
the more mental energy will be available. Practice by keeping your mind
focused on specific idea, thought or
object for a certain period of time. This
will help you train the senses and improve the quantity and quality of your
Be careful when choosing the music
you enjoy. Prefer music that will bring
you relaxation, peace, harmony, and
tranquility. Music that motivates your
Take time for your spiritual development. Learn to integrate the three aspects of your personality: body, mind
and soul. Deepen your practice to
reach your essence, which is the state
of being, the internal fountain of peace,
love, wisdom and supreme bliss.
Practice Mantra Yoga Meditation on a
regular basis. It will help you integate
the three aspects of your personality:
the body, mind, and soul. Spirituality
is an integral part of your health. Learn
how you can contact the soul. Develop
all your mystical potential and discover the power that lies within.
Page 7
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• AḈAI Pulp • Fruit Pulp
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Daniela Ochoa
Rafael Montilla
Sarah Aponte
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Centro Cultural
Yoga Devanand Puerto Rico
Calle 13 SO #824-826
Caparra Terrace, San Juan,
PR 00926
Tel: 787-273-0236
USA Devanand
Yoga Center, Inc.
66-10 Woodside
Ave. Woodside, NY 11377
Tel: 718.426.4643
Yoga Devanand
Center Miami.
8300 West Flagler Suite 254
Miami FL 33144
Tel: 305 2621184
Coach de vida, escritora, educadora de
emociones, secciones personales para
ayudarte a salir de la cultura del sufrimiento
11275 NW 12 Street, Miami, FL 33171
Page 8
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Yoga news
Health begins with
proper food intake.
The food you prefer might produce diseases
or may prevent and cure them.
The secret is not eating what we want to. We must learn
to enjoy the food we need to eat to be healthy.
Educate your sense of taste and train your mind.
Choose healthy food and avoid foods that make you sick.
It’s your choice:
Work for you not against you!
Yoga news
Page 9
Stop!! Read the following information carefully,
it might help save your life!
Health begins with food. What you
eat will determined your health level. Diseases do not appear by chance.
They are the product of casuality.
When we eat, we are applying the
law of action and reaction, the law
of sowing and harvest. If we sow
health by eating healthy food, we
will harvest health. If we do not eat
a balanced and healthy diet, we will
get sick.
An English study that compared
the diets of 6,115 vegetarians and
5,015 meat eaters for 12 years found
that meatless diet yielded a 40% lower risk of cancer and a 20% lower
risk of dying from cause. According
to William Castelli, M.D., director of
the famed Framingham Heart Study,
vegetarians outlive meat eaters by 3
to 6 years.
In the most comprenhensive study
of diet and lifestyle ever made, China Project found that animal protein
is linked to chronic disease. The
Page 10
findings from this epidemiological
study are compelling since the data
collected allowed comparisons between populations with similar genetic backgrounds yet with non-homogeneous diets and lifestyles.
Every year, on average, each American becomes sick and 9,000 people die of something they ate. That
something was probably of animal
origin. The government’s strategy
in controlling dangerous bacteria is
to inspect meat during processing.
Except in rare instances, neither the
USDA nor the FDA has any regulatory powers on farms where pathogens originate. With the exception of
E. coli, dangerous bacteria are legally
considered “inherent” to raw meat.
It is up to consumers to neutralize
pathogens by coocking. Two of the
legal ones (campylobacter and salmonella) account for 80% of illnesses and 75% of deaths from meat and
poultry. One hamburger can contain
the meat of 100 different cows from
four different countries. one infected animal can contaminate 16 tons
of beef.
The best way to show a link between
disease and diet is to look at living
populations that eat differently from
one another. Any western doctor
who practices in areas of the world
where the people subsist primarily
on plant foods will quickly notice
that his/her patients are not suffering
from the same health problems and
deadly diseases such as heart disease,
gallstones, appendicitis and others.
Eating a plan-based diet guards
againts disease, first in an active
way, with complex carbohydrates,
phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber; then by default: The more plant foods eaten the
less room you have for the animal
foods that clog arteries with cholesterol, strain kidneys with excess
protein and burden the heart with
Yoga news
saturated fat.
The American Dietetic Association
(ADS) acknowledges the relationship between a vegetarian diet and
a reduced risk of coronary-artery
diseases, hypertension, diabetes and
certain types of cancer.
Animal foods are high in sodium,
which causes the blood to retain
water. They also cause plaque to
build up in the arteries, narrowing
the flow area for blood. Combine
these phenomena and you have a
recipe for a disease that afflicts about
50 million Americans: high blood
pressure. You can take calcium channel blockers and diuretics to control
it, but you risk losing intellectual
function abilities if you do, studies
warn. 8
Adult-onset diabetes is irrefutably
linked to fat in the diet. Researches have found that when diabetics
adhere to a low-fat, high-fiber, complex-carbohydrate (vegetarian) diet
they are often able to reduce or even
eliminate their insulin dosages.
As people around the world increasingly adopt meat-based diets, their
incidences of this disease rise dramatically leading to aggressive arteriosclerosis, gangrene, blindness and kidney
Animal foods are te main reason
for foodborne illness. When produce or drinking water are the direct
cause, the contamination is usually
found to have originated with animal
waste. Due to faster line speeds at
slaughterhouses today, fecal matteris
getting on carcasses a lot more often.
In 1984, 2,000 deaths were caused
by something a person ate. Only
ten years later, that number rose to
9,000. A mere 1 to 10 microbes of E.
coli in a hamburger can kill a child.
After reviewing 4,500 scientific
studies and papers on the relationship between cancer and lifestyles, a team of 15 scientists spon-
Yoga news
sored by two leading cancer reaserch
institutions advised that those interested in reducing their risk of many
types of cancer consume a diet that is
mostly fruits, vegetables, cereals and
legumes. They declared that up to 40
percent of cancers are preventable,
with diet, physical activity and body
weight appearing to have a measurable nearing on risk. In 1996 the
American Cancer Association released similar guidelines, including
the recommendation that red meat
be excluded entirely from the diet.
Though osteoporosis is a disease of calcium deficiency, it is
not one of low calcium intake. One
cause of the bone disorder is too
much protein in the diet. Excess protein extract leech calcium from the
bones. Famed diet innovator Nathan
Pritikin has noted that African Bantu women on low-protein diets take
in a third of U.S.-recommended daily allowances of calcium. “They bear
nine children during their lifetime
and breast-feed them for two years.
They never have calcium deficiency
[and] never break a bone.” The typical meat-eating American is eating
about five times as much protein as
An early ‘90s EPA report found
that 95 percent of human exposure to dioxin, a known carcinogen,
comes from consuming red meat,
fish and dairy products. Later, chicken and eggs were added to the list.
Dioxin builds cumulatively in fatty
tissue. The only way to flush it out is
through rigorous fasting or via lactation. When a batch of dioxin-contaminated soybean feed entered the
food chain in 1997, the FDA set
limits on concentration at one part
per trillion. If all animals foods were
held to this standard, it is likely that
many would not be cleared for human consumption.
Heart disease does not have to
be a death sentence or mean a
life of cholesterol-lowering drugs
and bypass surgery. By prescribing a
vegetarian diet, regular exercise and
spiritual nourishment for his heart
patients, Dean Ornish, M.D., proved
that the progression of this number-one killer can be halted and even
The iron in animal foods is
more readly absorbed than the
iron in plant foods. Once this was
thought to be an advantage of meat,
but researches have found that just
as much of a goog thing. Excess iron
can be a catalyst in the formation of
free radicals. Overloading on it can
lead to increased risk of cancer and
cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease,
arthritis, diabetes and infertility. A
vegetarian is likely to have safer levels of stored iron.
Clog up your arteries with a
diet loaded with saturated animal fat year after year and you’re
putting yourself at risk for the great
killers of the Western world: heart
attack and stroke. Of course you can
always opt to forestall the inevitable
with repeated angioplasty- a $16,000
medical procedure done with a ballon-tipped catheter that flattens
plaque against artery walls, thus
opening up passageways for blood
flow. But a vegetarian diet-along
with regular exercise-can have the
same effect and clear out the plaque
There are entire societies and
cultures, which have been predominantly vegetarian for thousands of years. They boast of high
levels of fertility and longevity, as
well as reduced incidences in their
populations of cancer, heart disease
and diabetes. This substantiated by
many international studies. India
and China, alone, numbering in
the billions, are deeply rooted with
vegetarian and vegan cultural instincts among specific populations.
One study posted on the University
Page 11
of California at San Francisco Hospital detailed a study
of vegetarian societies and osteoporosis. The conclusion
were that osteoporosis was significantly higher among
meat-eating populations and that vegetarians tended to
have less osteoporatic developments, more bone density
and quicker recovery from fractures.
As mentioned earlier, the health habits of the Hunza
of the Himalayas, bordered by China, Pakistan and
Afghanistan, are documented in several major publications. The Hunza eat a 99% vegetarian diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, eating meat only on occasional
holiday, if at all. Their diet is approximately 10% fat,
10%protein and 80% carbohydrate.
The distinguishing factor in
this type of diet, however, is not the mere ratios,
but more the quality
of the foods they eat,
organically grown, rich in
fed by glacier
streams of pure
water. Nestled
in the mountains,
Hunza area
with a pristine
with abundant amounts of
natural ozone. They enjoy a
social structure virtually free of
crime, strong family bonds and
a deep respect for natural order.
Hunza people are known to
live quite commonly to over
100, 120, even 140 years
of age. The remarkable
aspect is that they do
s o
without doctors, drugs,
hospitals or medical insurance. In
other words,
they have validated the truth of biogenic living by their
own cultural experience. Can we in America or European
cultures even dare to begin to compare health statistics?
The introduction of the high-protein diet seems to
paralell such a position in our social standarsds. The
“I come first” principle is evident in the lack of morality
in business tactics with the environment being sacrificed
for higher profit margins as well as human health put up
on the chopping block to service a medical and pharma-
Page 12
ceutical conglomerate. Road rage is clearly a statement on
“I come first” regardless of the violence it evokes. The animal does not consider the feelings of its prey. Rather, it
feeds upon it psychologically, sensing fear and weakness
as a green light for attack. As consciously evolving entities,
it is time we review the old practices in light of their true
nature and consequences.
The vegetable kingdom is evidenced to have older
origins than animals and is the direct link to solar
and universal energy fields through photosynthetic process and life-sustaining electromagnetic properties. The practice of eating animals has continued to keep us bonded to the animal nature of
territorial rights. We feel justified in killing other life forms to sustain our own, regardless
of the pain, suffering and destruction
it may cause, even to ourselves.
We are victimized by conditioned appetites rather than
freed by our higher instincts toward an ethical
shared existence.
Perhaps it
is time we
look past the necessity to defend the
and begin learning the valuable lessons that
nature has provided us within
terms of health, well-being, longevity and even, immorality. According to the statistics gathered
by Marvin L. Jones, registrar of the
Zoological Society of San Diego,
CA, some of the shortest-lived
animals on the planet are carnivores. An average lion
lives 25 years, a Bengali
tiger (26), a timber wolf
(19), a spotted hyena (36). In
contrast, the Asian elephant lives 69, a
horse (46), river hippopotamus (54), Sumatran orangutan
(59), and the African black rhinoceros (45).
Countless authorities have come to forefront in the
past 50 years to acknowledge the dangers of meat
eating diets. One of the more outstanding discoveries was
made by Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, author of The
Conquest of Cancer and primary researcher on the progenitor cryptocides microbe, shown clinically to cause
cancer in 100% of the animals tested.
Yoga news
Livingston-Wheeler surmised that
all chickens grown for consumption
in the United States are carriers of
the pathogenic form of the PC microbe, capable of generating tumors
and malignant growths. In contrast,
researchers at University of Alabama
in Birmingham found soybeans significantly slowed the spread of breast
cancer in rats. This coincides with
the common knowledge that Asian
women rank lowest among breast
cancer patients when ingesting their
traditional diet, rich in substances
with mimic the milder form of human estrogen known as estradiol.
In respect to meat consumption, the ingesting of flesh has
significant social, medical and spiritual ramifications. Several major
religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and
Islam, among others, require complete or partial abstinence from flesh
Sacred scriptures have recommendations regarding abstaining from
meat-eating and the ingestion of
Meat consumption is directly related
to cannibalism, in that the human
animal has been hunted and utilized
for food by both other animals and
other humans, the same as other animals prey upon each other.
This is regarded as the hierarchy of the food chain. cannibalism was outlawed by civilizations that found it a violation against
codes of health and morality. There
was something unsettling about the
savagery of eating another human
being. Not to mention the horrific health implications, which have
been found to cause genetic mutations and disorders. Why, then, is
it so difficult to understand that the
eating of any animal carriers with it
similar serious health issues?
To support this theory on a
scientific level, the mere fact
Yoga news
that the flesh of ann animal begins a
putrefaction process only moments
after the death of the animal, causing the bacteria count to rise into
the billions, is reason enough to suspect the deleterious effects of eating
such a substance. True carnivores
are equipped with an intestinal tract
one-third the lenght of a human’s,
allowing for rapid transport of the
waste products through the system
before putrefaction can take hold.
Carnivores often begin their meal by
eating the prey while it is still alive.
Living flesh and blood possess certain enzymes which help to detoxify
the tissues. Dead bodies are unable
to synthesize these metabolites and
the bacteria multiply profusely to
commence the catabolism of the
Modern day commercial meat
packing is notorious for the use
of noxious chemicals, solvents and
detergents which are used to help
detoxify the meat in preparation for
the consumer. From the inhumane
growing of cattle and fowl to the
slaughter practices to the packing
processes, meat consumption must
be held accountable for needless
wasting of farm lands for grazing
rather than growing, harmful antibiotics and growth hormones, and
the excess of pesticides, herbicides
and fungicides present in the animal
feed. There is strong suspicion linking these injected substances among
both women and men, creating a
more vulnerable metabolism toward
breast, uterine and prostate cancers.
There are plenty of studies that
attest on the advantages of vegetarianism over the meat-based diet.
This is a selected list of some of these
A BMJ 1996 Sep 28; 313(7060): 775-9
titled: Dietary habits and mortality in
11,000 vegetarians and health-conscious people: results of a 17-yr. follow-up. This study was conducted in
the UK with 4,336 men and 6,435
women. The published results in
the abstract stated: “Overall, the cohort had a mortality about half that
of the general population.” Another
study titled: The Oxford Vegetarian
Study: An overview, Am J Clin Nutr
1999 Sep; 70 (3 suppl.): 525S-531S,
involved 6,000 vegetarians and 5,000
non-vegetarians. After 12 years of
follow-up, “all cause mortality in the
whole cohort was roughly one half
that in the population of England
and Wales... deaths were lower in
non-meat-eaters than in meat eaters
for each of the end points studied
for all causes of death, for ischemic
heart disease and for all malignant
BAnother impressive study conducted in the UK, US and Germany, titled Mortality in vegetarians
and non-vegetarians: a collaborative analysis of 8,300 deaths among
76,000 men and women in five prospective studies (Public Health Nutr
1998 Mar. ((1):33-41) states “vegetarians had a 24% reduction in mortality from ischemic heart disease.
“Yet another study published in Prev
Med 2002 Apr:34 (4): 436-44 is titled: Lung cancer risk among Czech
women in case-control study. In this
study, 269 female lung patients were
compared with 1,079 controls. The
findings concluded: “Excess risk associated with the consumption of
red meat and poultry. Protective effects associated with intake of vegetables.”
A recently published study in cancer
Epidemiology Biomakers Prevention 2002 Jan;11 (1):43-9 is titled:
Phytoestrogens and thyroid cancer
risk: the San Francisco Bay Area
thyroid cancer study which states:
“The consumption of traditional and
non-traditional soy-based products
and alfalfa sprouts were associated
with reduced risk of thyroid cancer.”
C Of particular concern with the meat
Page 13
eating is the epidemic of parasitic and
fungal infestations in the human organism derived directly from yhe ingestion of raw or undercoocked meat
and fish. According to Phillip Goscienski, MD with the Infectious Disease Branch of Pediatrics at the Navel
Regional Center in San Diego, CA,
240 infectious diseases are transmitted by animals to humans. The most
commonly known infestations transmitted to humans through meat and
fish eating include trichinosis from
pork, beef tapeworm, fish taperwom,
anisakine larvae and flukes, particularly found in salmon, herring and
cod, eustrongylides worm from sushi,
liver and lung flukes from raw fish,
sheep liver flukes, intestinals flukes,
dog and cat roundworm, causing vis-
ceral larva migrans in children, and
dog heartworm along with seven other species of filariae, causing several
serious pathogenic disorders such as
lymph node infection, fever, elephantiasis and blindness. And we would
need a separate article to mention the
horrors of Mad Cow disease.
Fruits and Vegetables Build
Strong Bones. A new study
suggest that eating plenty of fruits
and vegetables may slow the development of osteoporosis in women.
The U.K. Food Standards Agency analized the diets of more than 3,000
Scottish women and measured their
bone density at the hip and spine,
finding a link between fruit and vegetable intake and stronger hip bones
before and during menopause. The
benefit may come directly from nutrients, from alkaline salts produced
during digestion, or from the way in
wich these salts counteract the acidic
effect produced by meats and cheeses, researchers say.
Very Important:
Many authorities in vegetarian
nutrition and natural medicine believe
that the amount of protein found in
meat isof low quality. It has millions of
bacteria per grams. Animals are sacrificed, live in very small spaces with little or no sun and air. they also receive
many hormones. The putrefaction that
animals undergo make meat as one of
the worst poisons on earth.
Eat Your Calcium!
Food Serving size
Calcium Mg
Yogurt, Nonfat Plain8-oz cup415
Yogurt Flavored8-oz cup345
Skim Milk8-oz glass300
Orange Juice, Fortified
1 cup300
With Calcium
Mozzarella Cheese, Part-Skim1-oz slice210
Cheddar Cheese1-oz slice205
Carob Frozen Yogurt 8-oz cup160
Turnip Greens, Cooked1/2 cup125
Tofu 4 oz110
Broccoli, Cooked1/2 cup90
Page 14
Yoga news
Worried About
Protein Intake?
f you just switched to vegetarianism and do not know how to
combine your diet, you may be
worried about staying healthy.
Perhaps you believed that meat was
necessary to be healthy and that without eating it, you will lose weight, get
sick, be weak or die of malnutrition...
It might be very difficult to delete or
update these thoughts or “computer
programs” from our brain. The truth is
that meat is not a healthy food nor is it
necessary to live.
In the United States, protein deficiency is not common. At any rate, many
strong and healthy animals (horses,
cows, buffalo, monkeys, giraffes, camels, elephants, etc.) only eat grass and
they never suffer from protein deficiency. The cow only eats grass and is able
to produce a complete product, rich
in protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins
and minerals: MILK. Vegetables and
fruits have all the necessary first-quality protein human beings need. The
average daily consumption of proteins
is of 8 grams per kg of weight per day
as suggested by the Food and Nutrition
Board of National Academic Science. 1
kg is approximately 2.2 lbs. This means
that a person that weights 70 kg (154
lbs) requires approximately 56 grams
of protein per day.
All of the following products provide 7 grams of proteins:
1. 1/2 cup of legumes (lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans, fava beans (pinto, navy, kidney, black
beans), split beans, lima beans, garden peas, soybean.
2. 1 cup of broccoli or brussel sprouts (50 cal.)
3. 7 ounces of milk or yogurt (80 cal.)
4. 1 ounce of cheese (100 cal.)
5. 1/4 cup of cottage cheese (55 cal.)
6. 2 tablespoon peanut butter (200 cal.)
7. 1-2 ounces nuts or seeds (200 cal.)
8. 1/4 cup tofu (75 cal.)
Each of these products provide about 3 grams of protein:
• 1 slice Brown Bread (80 cal)
• 1/2 cup most coocked cereals (80 cal)
• 1/3 cup coocked rice (80 cal)
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Page 15
more Protein...
Proteins are composed by chains of amino acids. There are
eight essential amino acids that the body does not provide
and needs to ingest.
A complete protein is one that has all essentials amino acids.
Choose from two or more of these columns to obtain a complete protein
BarleyDried Beans
BulgurDried lentils
CornmealDried Peas
RiceSoy Products
Whole-grain breads
Sesame Seeds
Leafy Greens
Sunflower Seeds Broccoli
Other nuts
Nut Butters
1/3 cup black beans + 2/3 cup rice = 9 g complete protein
2 slices bread + 1 tbsp peanut butter = 13 g complete protein
4 oz tofu + 1/2 cup vegetables + 2/3 cup rice = 15 g complete protein
The following vegetable
combinations provide a
complete protein
- Rice with beans/ lentils
- Tortillas with Beans - Pea soup and Bread
- Roasted seeds with soybeans
- Chick peas with sesame seeds
- Pasta with beans
Protein plays a critical role in
the growth and maintenance
of body tissue. There are important components of these
enzymes, hormones and antibodies that help regulate
fluids within the body. They
help in acid-base balance,
transport substances into and
out of cells, etc. Proteins build
muscle structure. The primary function of proteins is not
to produce energy. If you feel
you are a weak and without
energy, do not look for protein but for carbohydrates
(sugar, starch) found in fruits,
roots and tubercle like potatoes, yucca, yam, malanga or
natural cereals.
<<<< Warning >>>>
Control the ingestion of proteins. The deficiency as well as the excess of
protein may cause diseases. Keep protein ingestion under control.
Substances in food that are
essential for energy, growth, normal
functioning of the body, and
maintenance of life.
This is the sum of the processes
involved in taking food nutrients,
assimilating and using them to
maintain body tissue and provide
energy. It is the foundation for life
and health.
This is the sum of all the various
biochemical and physiologic processes
by which the body grows and
maintains itself (anabolism) and
breaks down and reshapes tissues
(catabolism), transforming energy to
do its work. Product of these various
reactions are called metabolites.
Page 16
Yoga news
Nutritional Update
ake sure that your diet is
healthy, natural, integral and
organic. It should also be
balanced, well-combined, moderate,
adequate, nutritious, and delicious.
Intake enough essential nutrients to
avoid diseases. Learn how to wisely
use the curative power of food while
enjoying a delicious meal. The following nutritional tips might help you.
1. Strengthen Your Immune
System The immune system protects the
body from bacteria, viruses, fungi and
other harmful organisms. Toxins in
food, the environment, poor and anti-natural diet and stress can all contribute to a decline in the immune system’s activity. If your immune system
is weak, your body is subject to fatigue
and illness and cannot ward off infections. Vitamins and minerals in fresh
whole natural foods strengthen the
immune system. Exercise also helps
to maintain good health by promoting
blood circulation and toxic elimination. Prefer fresh fruits and vegetables
and organic products. Immune cells can be damaged by
unstable oxygen molecules in the body
called free radicals that may be generated by poor and anti-natural nutrition, x-rays, alcohol, cigarette smoke,
and pollutants.
Make sure to eat a balanced diet.
Breathe deeply, since fresh air replenishes vital oxygen, and exercise regularly.
Practice Yoga relaxation techniques,
Mantra Yoga Meditation, and be positive! Those things can help to strengthen the immune system by neutralizing
the cell-damaging particles.
2.Try to eat organic
Yoga news
Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, genetically altered products, and waxed
foods are not healthy and may cause
many physical and mental diseases.
3. Excesses are
Avoid the excess of exercise as well
as sedentary life. The excessive consumption of salt, oil carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins, etc. can affect your
health. Avoid the defficiency or excess
of nutrients. 4. Train your scent of taste
as you train a child Learn how to train your mind.
The main purpose of your diet is to
be well-nourished. Eat a diet that is
healthy, varied, natural, delicious,
whole, organic, pure and well-balanced. 5. The body is the temple
of the soul. The health of the body depends on:
a) The quality of your diet; 2) the ability of the body to provide a complete
elimination of waste; 3) The quality of
your breathing; D) The quality of your
thoughts; E) Regular exercise; as well
as F)The capacity to manage stress. 6. Your diet should be
the source of first level
nutrients. It also should act a medicine to the
detoxify your body and to prevent
diseases. It should be delicious, nutricious, preventive and curative. 7. Discover the truth about
multivitamins and how
to naturally build optimal
According to the 12th edition of the
Merc Index (and similar sources) : -Many natural vitamins sold are
derived from petroleum (examples
include Piridoxine hydrochloride as
‘natural’ Vitamin 6). -Most minerals in supplements are
industrial chemicals from processed
rocks (normally called mineral salts),
such as calcium gluconate. -The main usage of mineral salts
(found in supplements) is to produce
paint, to decolor glass, to purify sewage, as fire-proof, etc. (Copper sulfate
is used as a drain cleaner; magnesium
oxide is used as a laxative; some are insectides). -Since they are industrial, nearly all
vitamins and minerals put in suppliments are not even in the same chemical form as found in food. 8. Eat food. -Rocks and petroleum derivatives
are natural foods for plants (which
can detoxify them), but are not natural
food for humans. -Optimal health is built upon natural foods, not synthetic substitutes -Americans eat mainly processed
and chemically grown foods. -Many of the United State’s 1400
vitamin companies call their product
‘natural’, yet they contain synthetic
industrial chemicals. If you are recommending these Doctors researched
products, the odds are the products
you recommend are synthetic too. 9. Nuts can prevent heart
disease. They are rich on saturated fat. Including mono-unsaturated fat as well
as Vit E, fiber, folic and other Vitamins.
Chose unsalted nuts and don’t eat huge
amounts. Walnuts are specially rich in
Page 17
heart-healthy oil. 10. It has been said that margarine is
bad for your health but it has been said
that margarine is bad for your health,
but some new margarine brands contain no transfat. Canola oil margarine
is a good choice. 11. Beware of salt. The more salt you eat the greater
your chances of getting high blood
pressure if you are sodium sensitive.
It is not possible to know who might
sodium sensitive in advance. Also
a high-sodium intake might reduce
bone density. Consume less than 2400
mg of sodium a day. A little more than
a teaspoon of table of salt. 12. Soy beans are a source
of protein “soy beans,
tofu, soy flower or soy
Soy protein may help lower cholesterol
and have empty-cancer effect. It can
also help lower the risk of heart disease.
But use it with moderation since as all
plans, it can bring potential effects to
the body which may not be beneficial. 13. Yellow corn is rich in such
carotenoids as lutein and zeaxanthin
which may help keep your eyes healthy. 14. The whole garlic family (which
also includes Leekes, chives, shallots,
and scallions) contain allylic sulfites,
and other compounds that may
work against tumor formation and
benefit the heart. Caution: Use it with
moderation when having low blood
pressure and \or when the mind is not
calm. 15. Tomato is rich in vitamin C,
which is an important carotenoids
including lycopene which appears to
help prevent prostate cancer. 16. Oranges and other citrus fruits
contain lots of vitamin C, but also
contain a wide range of important
phycochemicals that may help protect
cancer and strokes. 17. Cherries, blueberries, beets,
peppers and other deeply colored fruits
and vegetables tend to have the most
vitamins and minerals. Also, their
plant pigments may protect against
chronic diseases including cancer. Famous
18. Eat a fruit salad daily. Combine
acid fruits with acids and alkilines with
alkilines. (papaya, bananas, mango, or
pineapple with tangerine and grapes).
19. Allow your digestive system to
rest and to work in a proper way. Try
to allow at least four hours between
meals. Eating continuously throughout
the day weaknes the digestive system
and makes the mind restless. 20. Do not eat fruits for dessert or
combine fruits and vegetables in one
21. Try to go to bed with an empty
stomach. Allow two to three hours
after you have eaten a complete meal.
22. Try to talk about positive or
relaxing topics while eating. Include
special seasonings in your food like
love and positivity.
23. While you are cooking, try to
think about love and devotion. Do
not contaminate your food with stress,
resentment, anxiety or fear.
Albert Einstein
Benjamin Franklin
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Leo Tolstoy
Sir Issac Newton
H.G. Wells
Leonardo Da Vinci
Upton Sinclair
Swami Guru Devanand
William Shakespeare
Charles Darwin
Cloris Leachman
John Denver
Bob Dylan Paul Newman
Albert Schweitzer
Mahatma Gandhi
George Bernard Shaw
Jesus Christ
According to some recent
surveys, over 15 million of
the U.S. population practice
some kind of vegetarianism!
Page 18
Yoga news
Dietary Sources of
Vitamins and
Vitamin A
Red/Yellow Fruits
and Vegetables
Dark Green Leaf
Papaya, cantaloupe
mango, apricots
peaches, carrots
yellow squash
summer squash
pumpkin, yams
yellow, sweet peppers
red sweet peppers
lettuce, spinach
watercress, kale
turnip green
parsley, collar
greens, mustard
greens, escarole
chicory, alfalfa
B1 (Thiamin)
B3 (Niacin)
B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Yoga news
B2 (Riboflavin)
B6 (Pyrodoxine)
B5 (Panthothenic Acid)
Sprouted Seeds
Alfalfa, radish, mung
beans, lentils, green
peas, soybeans
psyllium, garlic
fenugreek, buckwheat, cabbage
onion, spelt
sunflower, chick peas
broccoli, clover
quinoa, rye
Other Sources
asparagus, lima
beans, green beans,
wax beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts,
green peas, green
peppers, chili
B Complex
Page 19
B Complex
All the B
vitamins except
B12 occur in:
A. Yeast and whole cereal
(specially wheat germ, whole
wheat, brown rice, whole corn,
whole spelt, whole kamut,
oatmeal, rolled oats, bulgar
wheat, quinoa, millet, wheat
bran, yellow corn).
B. Dark green leaf vegetables
(beet greens, lettuce, spinach,
watercress, kale, turnip greens,
parsley, collard greens, mustard
greens, escarole).
C. Seeds (fennel, flax, poppy,
pumpkin, sesame, sunflower),
sprouted seeds (alfalfa, radish,
mung beans, lentils, green peas,
psyllium, garlic, fenugreek,
kale, buckwheat, wheatgrass,
cabbage, onion, kamut, spelt,
adzuki, sunflower, chic peas,
broccoli, clover, quinoa).
Other sources are: whole grain
pastas and breads, legumes
(dried beans, lentils, chick
peas, soybeans, peas), soy milk,
whole milk, skim milk, cheese,
avocado, papaya, orange,
broccoli, bananas, onions,
grapefruits, carrots.
D.Nuts and Fruits (brazil nuts,
walnuts, cashews, pistachios,
pecans, almonds, macadamia,
bananas, avocado, papaya,
oranges, and grapefruits).
Vitamin B12: Good sources of
this vitamin are dairy products
(whole milk, skim milk, cheese,
yogurt, Lactaid, half and half
(heavy cream) miso, nutritional
yeast. Some vegetarians take a
daily tablet of vitamin B-12 to
prevent deficiency.
Page 20
B1 (thiamine)
Dried beans, brown rice,
peanuts, peas, rice bran,
soybean, wheat germ,
whole grains, asparagus,
broccoli, brussels, sprouts,
nuts, oatmeal, plums,
Dried Prunes/Raisins
B2 (Riboflavin)
beans, cheese, milk,
spinach, yogurt,
asparagus, avocado,
broccoli, brussels
sprouts, currants,
B3 (Niacin, Niacinamide,
Nicotinic Acid)
B5 (Panthotenic Acid)
Broccoli, carrots,
cheese, corn flour, milk
potatoes, tomatoes,
whole wheat
B6 (Pyridoxine)
Brewer’s yeast, carrots
peas, spinach, sunflower
seeds, walnuts, wheat
germ, avocado, banana,
beans, blackstrap
molasses, brown rice,
whole grains, cabbage,
beans, mother’s milk,
fresh vegetables,
whole wheat
B12 (Cyanocobalamine)
blue cheese, cheese,
milk, tofu.
b12 is not found in
great quantities in
vegetables; it is
available from animal
Milk, Soybeans, whole
grains, yeast
beans, lentils, lima,
pinto, soybeans, tofu
(omit 1 fat exchange),
split peas, other dried
beans/peas), milk,
whole grains
Folic Acid
Barley, beans, bran
brewer’s yeast, brown
rice, cheese, dates,
green leafy, vegetables, lentols, milk, oranges, split peas, root
vegetables, wheat
germ, whole grains,
whole wheat, and yeast
legumes (black-eyed
peas, chickpeas, kidney
fruits, vegetables
whole grains, and milk
PABA (ParaAminobenzoic Acid)
Molases and whole grains
Yoga news
Vitamin A
Red/Yellow Fruits
and Vegetables
Dark Green Leaf
Papaya, cantaloupe
mango, apricots
peaches, carrots
yellow squash
summer squash
pumpkin, yams
yellow, sweet peppers
red sweet peppers
lettuce, spinach
watercress, kale
turnip green
parsley, collar
greens, mustard
greens, escarole
chicory, alfalfa
The best sources of vitamin C are:
Fresh Acidic Fruits Salad Vegetables
Orange, lemon, lime,
grapefruit, raspberry,
blueberry, blackberry,
acerola (west indian
cherry-like fruit), guava
pineapple, kiwi
Sprouted Seeds
Alfalfa, radish, mung
beans, lentils, green
peas, soybeans
psyllium, garlic
fenugreek, buckwheat, cabbage
onion, spelt
sunflower, chick peas
broccoli, clover
quinoa, rye
Vitamin C
all green leaf vegetables
(arugula, beet-greens,
swiss chard, chicory,
dandelion, endive,
escarole, fiddlehead
fern, frisee, lettuce, mustard green, red, chard, savory, spinach, watercress).
other sources are: potatoes, radicchio, tomatoes, peppers, raw cabbage
Cholesterol is the nutrient precursor of vitamin D activated
in the skin by the sun. Milk and dairy products (whole
milk, skim milk, cheese, yogurt, lactaid, half and half milk,
heavy cream) are usually enriched with vitamin d. other
sources are enriched cereals (raisin bran, bran and corn
Important Sources
Other Sources
asparagus, lima
beans, green beans,
wax beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts,
green peas, green
peppers, chili
Other Sources
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Wheat germ, nuts
avocado, broccoli,
(brazil nuts, almonds,
grapes, parsnips, walnuts, cashews,
peaches, spinach,
hazelnut, macadamia,
tomato, brussels,
pine pistachios,
sprouts, margarine
pecans), seeds (fennel, flax, poppy, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), vegetable oil
(safflower, sunflower, canola, corn, avocado, olive, soybean), whole grains
Vitamin K
Some important sources of vitamin K are: Dark Green Vegetables (Beet Greens, Lettuce, Spinach, Watercress,
Kale, Turnip Greens, Parsley, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens,
Escarole); Oils From Green Plants, And Some Dairy Products.
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Page 21
Dairy foods, green leafy vegetables, almonds, blackstrap, molasses, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, buttermilk, cabbage, carob, cheese,
collards, dandelion greens, figs,
goat’s milk, kale, kelp, mustard
green, oats, parsley, prunes, sesame seeds, turnip greens, whey and
yogurt. Do not take more than 3
milligrams daily.
A) Dairy foods such as milk, cheese,
yogurt, buttermilk, goat’s milk.
B) Green leafy vegetables such as
broccoli, dandelion grass, kelp,
kale, mustard greens, parsley,
turnip greens, beet greens,
lettuce, escarole, chicory, spinach,
watercress, collard greens, and
C) Legumes such as: dried beans,
lentils, chickpeas, dried peas, and
D) Cereals: oatmeal and whole
wheat bread.
E) Fruits such as: almonds, oranges,
prunes, and figs.
F) Other sources are: tofu, sesame
seeds, brewer’s yeast, blackstrap
molasses and carob.
WARNING: Please note that over
consumption of oxalic acid found
in soybeans, kale, spinach, rhubarb; beet greens, almonds, and
cashews interferes with calcium
absorption by binding with calcium in the intestines and producing
insoluble salts that can not be absorbed. Page 22
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Green vegetables,
berries, citrus fruits,
asparagus, avocados,
beet greens, broccoli,
brussels sprouts,
cantaloupe, collards,
currants, grapefruit, kale, lemons, mangos, mustard green, onions,
oranges, papayas,
parsley, green peas, sweet peppers, pineapple, radishes,
rose hips, spinach, strawberries, swiss
chard, tomatoes, turnip
greens, and watercress
alfalfa, buttermilk,
oatmeal, sweet,
potatoes, vegetable
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vevetable oils, whole
grains, dark green leafy
vegetables, nuts, and
seeds, and legumes
(black-eyed peas,
chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, lima
beans, soybeans, including tofu (omit 1
fat exchange), split
peas, other dried beans and peas), dry beans, brown rice, cornmeal, milk, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and wheat
Alfalfa, broccoli, dark
green leafy
vegetables, and
soybeans, blackstrap
molasses, brussels
sprouts, cabbage,
cauliflower, oatmeal,
oats, rye, safflower oil
and wheat
Bioflavonoids (Vitamin P)
It is found beneath the peel of citrus fruits, peppers, buckwheat,
black currants, apricots, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, oranges, prunes, and rose hips
Yoga news
Excellent sources of chloride are
milk and dairy products such as:
whole milk, skim milk, cheese,
yogurt, and common table salt.
Important sources of chromium
are corn oil, whole grain cereals
such as brown rice, whole wheat,
whole corn, whole spelt, whole
kamut, oatmeal, rolled oats, bulgar wheat, quinoa, millet, wheat
bran, whole rye, whole teff. Other
significant sources of chromium
are brewer’s yeast, broccoli, grape
juice, potatoes, green beans, lettuce, mushrooms, maple syrup,
dried beans, corn, water which is
a variable source of chromiu, and
dairy products.
Good sources of cobalt are milk
and dairy products such as: whole
milk, skim milk, cheese, and yogurt.
Excellent sources of copper are all
whole grains such as brown rice,
whole wheat, whole corn, whole
spelt, whole kamut, oatmeal,
rolled oats, bulgar wheat, quinoa,
millet, wheat bran, whole rye,
whole teff. Other sources of copper are cashews, black-eyed peas,
molasses, sunflower seeds, tofu,
prunes, tahini, (sesame pasta),
almonds, avocados, barley, beans,
beet roots, broccoli, lentils, mushrooms, oats, radishes, soybeans,
and green leafy vegetables. Other sources: nuts, pecans, oranges,
and raisins.
WARNING: If cooper intake is
high, the levels of vitamin C and
Zinc will drop and viceversa. Yoga news
Sources of fluoride are drinking water,
rice, tea, soybeans, spinach, onions,
and lettuce.
Sources of germanium are: aloe vera,
comfrey, garlic, ginseng, shitake mushrooms, onions,and herb suma.
Sources of iodine are kelp, and other sea vegetables, asparagus, garlic,
lima beans, mushroom, sea salt, sesame seeds, soybeans, spinach, summer
squash, swiss chard, and turnip.
Other sources: water, and all vegetables
except those from the goitrogens family (such as cabbage, brussels sprouts
and mustard green).
WARNING: Some foods such as spinach block the uptake of iodine into the
thyroid gland when eaten raw in large
Important sources of iron are whole
grains such as: brown rice, whole
wheat, whole corn, whole spelt, whole
kamut, oatmeal, rolled oats, bulgar
wheat, quinoa, millet, wheat bran,
whole rye, whole teff. Other important
sources of iron are green leaf vegetables
such as beett green, lettuce, escarole,
chicory, kale, turnip, green, collsrd
green, spinach, watercress, mustard
green, parsley. Other significant sources of iron are fortified cereals, molasses, potatoes with skin, wheat germ,
apricots, peanuts.
Remember: Important sources of
iron are: green leafy vegetables, whole
grains, whole bread, cereals, almonds,
avocados, beets, blackstrap, molases,
brewer’s yeast, dates, kelp, lima beans,
lentils, millet, parsley, peaches, pears,
dried prunes, pumpkins, raisins, rice
and wheat bran, sesame seeds, and
WARNING: Excessive amounts of
Zinc and vitamin E interfere with Iron
Magnesium is an essential part of the
molecule of chlorophyll (green pigment of vegetables). It is abundant in
all vegetables. It is found in: fruits (apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, figs,
peaches, nuts), dairy products, cereals
(brown rice, millet, whole rye, wheat,
quinoa, whole teff, whole grains, wheat
germ, oats), legumes (dried beans, lentils, chickpeas, dried peas, soybeans,
etc.), green leafy vegetables (broccoli,
celery and cabbage), sesame seeds and
sunflower seeds.
WARNING: Alcohol diuretics, diarreah, the presence of fluoride, high
amounts of Zinc and vitamin D increase the body need of magnesium.
High intake of oxalic acid food inhibit
magnesium absorption.
Page 23
Important sources of manganese are:
Whole Grain Cereal
Brown rice, whole
wheat, whole corn
Kamut, oatmeal,
rolled oats, quinoa,
millet, wheat bran,
whole rye, whole teff
Dried beans
Brazil nuts
Pinenuts walnuts, etc.
Other sources: beet greens, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables.
Sources of molybdenum are:
Dried beans
Dried peas
Whole Grain Cereals
Brown rice, whole
wheat, whole corn,
whole spelt, whole
kamut, oatmeal,
rolled oats, bulgar
wheat, quinoa, millet,
wheat bran, whole
rye, whole teff
Dark Green Vegetables
Beet green, romaine lettuce, escarole, chicory, kale, turnip green, collard green,
spinach, watercress, mustard green, parsley
WARNING: High intake (over 15 milligrams daily) may produce gout. High intake of sulfur may decrease molybdenum levels. Excess amounts of molybdenum
may interfere with copper metabolism.
Good sources of selenium are:
Dried peas
whole soybeans
Milk and Milk products
Milk, skim milk, cheese,
yogurt, lactaid, half-
and-half, heavy cream,
ice cream, frozen yogurt
Page 24
Whole Grain Pasta and Bread
whole wheat, oatmeal, whole spelt, whole Kamut, teff, brown rice
Other Important Sources
Brazil nuts, wheat
cabbage, celery,
molases, sunflower
seeds, granola and onions
Yoga news
Potassium is a nutrient abundant in most vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals
such as dried beans, lentils, chickpeas, dried peas, and soybeans. It is also found
in dairy food, raisins, apricots, avocados, bananas, dates, figs, dried fruits, nuts,
garlic, potatoes, yams and winter squash.
WARNING: Stress decreases potassium and sodium levels. Diuretics, kidney
disorders, diarrhea, and laxatives all disrupt potassium levels.
It is found in: alfalfa, beets, brown rice, horsetail grass (as an herb), mother’s
milk, bell peppers, soybeans, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains.
Virtually all foods contains some sodium. In general, it is abundant in most food
sources except fruits. Best sources are common table salt, milk and milk products
such as whole milk, skim milk, cheese, and yogurt.
It is abundant in protein rich foods such as:
Milk and Milk products Legumes
Whole milk, skim milk,
Lentils, dried beans,
cheese, yogurt
chickpeas, dried peas, soybeans
Whole Grains
whole wheat, oatmeal,
Brazil nuts, cashews,
whole spelt, whole
chestnut, hazelnut,
kamut, whole teff,
macadamia, pecan,
brown rice, wuinoa,
pine, walnut
It Is Also Found In:
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, garlic, horsetail herb,
onions, turnips, and some aminoacids such as L-cysteine, L-lysene, L-methionine.
WARNING: Moisture and heat may destroy or change the action of sulfur in the
It is found in: vegetable oils and olives.
It may also be found in snap beans,
dill, radishes, and whole grains.
WARNING: Tobacco decreases uptake
of vanadium.
The most abundant source of zinc is
whole grains such as whole wheat,
oatmeal, whole spelt, whole kamut,
Yoga news
whole teff, brown rice, wheat germ,
pecans, tahini (sesame paste), peanuts,
and wild rice. Other sources are:
legumes, brewer’s yeast, lima beans,
mushrooms, pecans, pumpkin seeds,
seeds, soy lecithin, soybeans, sunflower
WARNING: Zinc in supplements
(over 100 mg) can depress the immune
system, under 100 mg can enhance
immune response.
Page 25
Yoga oses
Yoga references
American Naturophatic Medical
Association Magazine, 6.4.
BAllentine, R. Transition to Vegetarianism:
An evolutionary Step. Honesdale, PA:
Himalayan International Institute of Yoga
Science and Philosophy of the USA, 1987.
De Pee S., et. al. “Orange Fruit is
more Effective than are Dark-green,
Leaf Vegetable in Increasing Serum
Concentrations of Retinol and Beta_
Carotene in School Children in Indonesia”.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 68
(1998): 1058-1067.
Kantor, L.S. “A Dietary Assessment of the
U.C. Food Supply”. Nutrition Week. 29.3
(January 22, 1999): 4-5.
Page 26
Lin, B.H., et al. “Away-from-Home Foods
Increasingly Important to the Quality of the
American Diet” Nutrition Week 29.7 (Feb
1999): 4-5.
Mahan,K.L. & S.Escott-Stum. Krause’s Food,
Nutritional and Diet Therapy. PA: W.B.
Sanders, 2000.
McWilliams, M. Food Fundamentals.
Redondo Beach, Calif.: Plycon Press, 1998.
Messina, M.J. “Legumes and Soybeans:
Overview of their Nutritional Profiles and
Health Effects”.American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition 70 (Suppl.) (1999): 439S-450S.
Meyerowitz, S. Sprouts: The Miracle Food:
The Complete Guide to Sprouting. 6th.
ed. Great Barrington, MA: Sproustman
Publication, 1999
Milton, K “Nutritional Characteristics of
Wild Primate Foods: Do the Diets of our
Closest Living Relatives Have Lessons for
us? Nutrition 15.6 (1999) : 488-498.
Null, G The Vegetarian HandBook N.Y. St.
Martin’s 1987.
Rayner, M. “ Vegetables & Fruits are Good
for Us so Why Don’t We Eat more? British J
of Nutr 80 (1988): 119-120.
Reavley, N. New Encyclopedia of Vitamins,
Minerals, Supplements, and Herbs. New
York: M. Evans, 1998.
Rice, P 101 Reasons Why I am Vegetarian.
4th ed. Viva VEgie Society, 1998.
The Jhon Hopkins Prescription for
Longevity, Prepared by the editors of
Health After 50 and the Jhon Hopkins
Wellness Letter. Nutrition Fitness & Self
Care Newsletter, School of P. Health Univ. of
CA, Berkeley. 7.12 Sept. 2001.
Williams, S.R. Essentials of Nutrition and
Diet Therapy, St. Louis: Mosby, 1999.
Wolf, A.M.D. “Evidence-Based Use of
Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation.
“Hospital Medicine (Dec. 1998) : 53-54.
Wuatt, CJ, et al. “Tocopherol Content of
Selected Foods in the Mexican Diet: Effect
of Cooking Losses.” Journal of Agricultural
Food Chemistry. 46.11 (1998): 4657-4661.
Yoga news
Yoga news
Page 27
Friend or enemy?
What can we do to prevent hypercholesterolenia
or to reduce our cholesterol level?
- Snack on fruits instead of candy,
biscuits, cakes, bread or chips.
Do aerobics, swim, walk, do Hatha Yoga
four times per week for 45 minutes or
more. Brisk walking, running, cycling,
dancing, rope jumping, skating, etc.
- Drink skim milk or low fat milk.
BEat a healthy
diet, as
vegetarian as
Reduce saturated fat which raises the
level of harmful LDL cholesterol in
your blood (whole milk, cheese, ice
cream, meat, palm, kernel, coconut,
hydrogenerated soybean, and cottonseed oils).
- Read labels carefully and beware of
foods that contain large amounts of
hydrogenerated vegetable oils, cocoa
butter, coconut and palm oil or lard.
Page 28
- Eat low fat cheese. Such as part-skim
mozzarella. - Avoid eggs.
coockies, cakes and pies.
- Eat more water soluble fiber such as
oats, bran, legumes, and fruits which
may help lower cholesterol levels.
- Eat unsaturated fats. Monosaturated
fats lower LDL levels but leave the
beneficial HDL intact. These are
olive and canola oils.
- Make your own salad dressing.
- Use soft margarine (canola).
- Avoid fried foods.
- Control your body weight!!!!
Yoga news
Do You Know How
To Manage Your
Cholesterol Level?
a Heart
Cholesterol, a white, waxy fat found naturally
in your body is used to build cell walls and
make certain hormones. Too much of it,
though, can clog your arteries and eventually
choke off the supply of blood to the heart,
which is the reason high cholesterol is a
leading risk factor for heart disease.
Test your cholesterol if you are aged
20 or older. The test measures the
total amount of cholesterol in your
blood, the HDL or “good” cholesterol
which cleanses arteries, plus the LDL
or “bad” cholesterol, which builds up
and clogs arteries.
This table helps to read your test
Yoga news
Other factors that put you at risk:
1. High blood pressure
2. Smoking
3. Family history of heart disease
4. Being male
5. Diabetes
6. Obesity
Total cholesterol
Above 239
Below 200
Above 159
Below 130
Less than 35
Above 60
Note: If your cholesterol level places you in the borderline group and you
have two or more of the risk factors listed above, you’re actually at high risk
for heart disease.
Page 29
Thus Spoke Shri Adi Shankara Prasna-Uttara-Malika
“A Garland of Questions and Answers”
What is the best thing a spiritual aspirant can do? Carry out his Guru’s instructions.
What must be avoided? Deeds which lead us into greater ignorance of the truth.
Who is a guru? He who has found the truth of Brahman and is always concerned for
the welfare of his discipline.
What is the first and most important duty for a man of right understanding? To cut
through the bonds of wordly desire.
How can one be liberated? By attaining the knowledge of Brahman.
Who, in this world, can be called pure? He whose mind is pure.
Who can be called wise? He who can discriminate between the real and the unreal.
What poisons the achieved human birth, what is the most desirable objective? To realize
that which is his ultimate good and to be constantly engaged in doing good to others.
What deludes a man like an intoxicating drink? Attachment to the objects of the senses.
What are thieves? The objects which steal our hearts away from the truth.
What causes the bondage of wordly desire? The to enjoy these objects.
What is the obstacle to spiritual growth? Laziness
What is the best weapon with which to subdue others? Sound reasoning.
Where in lies strenght? Impatience
Where is poison found? Within the wicked.
What is fearlessness? Dispassion. What is the most to be feared? To become possessed by your own wealth.
What is most rarely found among mankind? Love for the Lord. What are the evils most difficult to rid oneself of? Jealousy and envy.
Who is dear to the Lord? He who is fearless and takes away fear from others.
How does one attain liberation? By practicing spiritual disciplines.
Who is most lovable? The knower of the Supreme Being.
How does one develop the power of discrimination? Through service to an elder.
Who are elders? Those who have realized the ultimate truth.
Who is truly wealthy? He who worships the Lord with devotion.
Who profits from his life? The humble man. Who is a loser? He who is proud.
What is the most difficult task for a man? To keep his mind under constant control.
Who protects a spiritual? His guru.
Who is the master of this world? The Lord.
How does one attain wisdom? By the grace of the Lord.
How is one liberated? Through devotion to the Lord.
Who is the Lord? He who leads us out of ignorance.
What is ignorance? The obstacle to the unfoldment of the Divine which is within us.
What is the ultimate Reality? Supreme.
What is unreal? That which disappears when knowledge awakens.
How long has ignorance existed? From a time without beginning.
Page 30
Yoga news
Delicious and Nutritious Veggie Recipe
with Onions
and Almond
• 1 eggplant sliced (round)
• 1 Tbs. salt
• 3 Tbs. olive oil
• 1/4 tsp. salt
• 1 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• 1 onion, thinly sliced
• 1/4 lb. almond cheese
Place eggplant in a strainer and sprinkle with 1 Tbs. salt. Cover and allow to
drain for 30 min. Meanwhile, prepare a
grill. Combine 3 Tbs. olive oil with salt,
rosemary, and garlic in a bowl.
Rinse eggplant to remove remaining
salt and dry. Lay out on a baking sheet.
Brush with the oil mixture. Set aside. Place onions in a pan grilling basket
Yoga news
and brush with remaining oil and grill
until browned on both sides.
Place eggplant slices in batches on
grill. Dot with almond cheese, cover
grill, and cook until bottom of eggplant is browned and tender, about 30
Transfer eggplant to serving dish,
spoon onions on top and serve warm.
Visit our USA Devanand
Yoga Center to learn
more about our Yoga
techniques. Most of
our activities are
free of charge. Our
certified Instructors
will be happy to
provide all the
information you need.
Page 31
Mantra Yoga Meditation
It is a profound and pleasant alternative to improve life quality, to achieve better health and to
cultivate our spiritual values.
Meditation is an ancient and philosophical practice, a path toward serenity, peace and spiritual
benefits. But Meditation may also have practical uses in the health field. Many Doctors,
Psychologists and Psychiatrics recommended it as a tool to reduce emotional stress, alleviate chronic
pain, lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduce the risk of heart disease and promote sleep.
Some hospitals and clinics offer Meditation classes and workshops. It has been shown to be useful in
treating stress, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome and PSM (premenstrual syndrome) as well as
in helping to control drug abuse.
Though many alternative practitioners recommended Meditation, the practice is increasingly a part
of mainstream medicine. Indeed, recent research tends to support Meditation Therapy for some
people. Through Meditation people can also seek to explore and make use of the power of the mind
to promote healing of body and mind.
Mantra Yoga Meditation involves repeating in silence a secret word or phrase called a Mantra. You
do not need any specific qualification to practice Mantra Yoga Meditation, and it has wonderful
To obtain more information, please contact the nearest
Devanand Yoga Cultural Center or call us at 718-426-4643
Centro Cultural Yoga
Devanand Puerto Rico
Calle 13 SO #824-826
Caparra Terrace,
San Juan, PR 00926
Tel: 787-273-0236
Page 32
USA Devanand
Yoga Center, Inc.
66-10 Woodside
Ave. Woodside, NY 11377
Tel: 718-426-4643
Yoga Devanand
Center Miami
8300 West Flagler, Suite 254
Miami, FL 33144
Tel: 305-262-1184
Yoga news