MAY ?8L6 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
MAY ?8L6 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
WEAR RED SUNDAY....Pentecost Sunday, Mav 15, 10:45 a.rn. Combined Servicel "When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.,." fActs2:1) Readon. Afterthatbrief staternent,"...allheavenbreaks loose!" [my words, not Luke's) Phrases like "violent wind" and "tongues as of fire" simply made the experience one for the agesl The phenomenon of people being able to talk in the language of their ancestry [this wasn't gibberish - it was understandable languages by many who were gathered that dayJ would be emblazoned on [heir hearts and in their memories foreverl 'Ihe day of Pentecost had been predicted by iesus fsee Jo]in 14:15-L7 , 2a). Could it even be that Iesus' cousin, lohn, preciicted this wonde rftri day in Mattherar 3:11? ".,.I baptize you with water for repentance, but One who is rnore powerful than I is coming after me. He will liaptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.'." would clarify things a little better in John 14 w'hen He i,vould assure His friends, ",,"I wilt not Ieave you orphaned,'," [r's. 1BJ TE{E NEW SENSE Jesus The Monthly Newsletter I il", tL "\ OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH 212 Sunset Dr. Johnson City, TN 37604 423.282-2313 staff .ou rsaviour@em ba rqma i Lco www.oslc m This moirth is a special time for OSLC. The Council has approveci suggestions from the Worship and Music Committee - and I concur totally - that rve have a r,veek of honor lor the vouth of OSLC. On Sunda,v, May B, we will offer first comnrLinron tc elght chiidrel, \','e t,.'il1 have one sert'ice at 10:45 a,m. to acknowledge this experience for them anci for their families. lt wil] also bc "Youth Sunday" with our young people taking a major role in the liturgy of this Holy Communion r,vorshipl Please be willing to come and celebrate. [As is our tradition of the last few years) on Sunday, May 15, Pentecost Sunday, we n,ill also have a one-Service Sunday to commend and acciairri the experience of the first Pentecost, wrth Connor Hall affirming his baptism during this service. This will be followed with the WELCA's annLtal Pentecost Tea - a wonderful occasion for fellowsilip' let us join togethcr especially on May B and May 15 and give thanks to God for His goodness, and, to praise the gift of youth! 0n Pentecost, which is also a tradition here, wear somethingred - symbolic of the fire of the day, that which adorned the hearts and minds of so many that first Pentecost, Gocl bless you in every good way. So, MAY ?8L6 Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jim I New /tAembers? Pastors Ed and Jim are interested in meeting with anyone who has an interest in OSLC. We would love to sit down with all potential new members and help you get acclimated with this new family! Speak to us if you would to meet soon ! Council Highlights + April 11, 6:30 p.m. Pastor Ed opened the meeting with devotions $2,0A1,.26 was raised for our Lenten project "Kathy's I3FF [for Breast Cancer support]." Appreciation and thanks was given to the "lligh Road Sunday School Class" for their support of this year's Easter Egg Hunt, and "Dreamscapes" Landscaping Company for their good work on our church yard. Approval of Monthly Reports and Minutes was given. Council approved May B and 15 as "one-service Sundays" to highlight our youth. May B will be "Youth Sunday" and First Communion for B children; May 15, Pentecost Sunday, wili be to recognize Connor Hall and his "Affirmation of Baptism" [the Rite of Confirmation). A plan has begun for a small garden just outside the office door in memory of Marjene Chapman. Council clecided to pursue the repair of the chancel organ rnstead of pursuing the replacing of the organ' Councilwill be offering back to the Vision Team and the Property Committee in May the "Top Three" plans of action for the initialrenovation of the building. They are: [1) make the church total]y handicapped; [2J do a necessary office overhaul/improvement/updates [including coniputers and phone system); (3J make the basement/downstarrs bathrooms more "child friendly" for PD0 We will be collecting information for our ne\\: database lor the 0ne Call' messaging s1'stem that we hope to start soon. Jay Stafford will have a card desrgn soon for us to distribute amongst the congregation' Council chose to give $2,000 from the Stafford-tlell lvlemorial Fund [a lunci lor those pursurng theological careers) to Mr, Daviti Holland. Pastor f im will contact him about how to appropriateiy send this to his seminary to help with his debts. [Yes, even seminary students incur dcbtl) Dr, Tedd Stephens, Pastors Jim and Ed willbe the voting delegates al the 2016 SE Synod Assembly, in I3irmingham, AL, May 27 -239,201.6. 'fhe team is: Marcy It rvas approved to proceed setting up a "search Team" to find a ner"v 0ffice Manager. Aaroen, Nick, Arredondo, Carolynn Bailey, Joni Cannon, Mitch King. pastor Ed is interviewing diff-erent companies to assist us with the oflice updates that are drastically needed. He hopes to report back to council very soon. Recently had to replace the "daily copier" [dry copier) because parts rvere no longer available. Counci] also approved for Pastors Jim and Ed to pursue the purchase a new ILisograph fcopier used for larger projects like bulletin and newslettersJ when she "finally goes out" - she also is on her "last legs" where parts are no longer available. Council was reassured that there is money in the budget to cover these needed expenses. We had to also pay $5,500 for new IIIAC units that were in need of replacement. "security for Faith Based 0rganizations" Program offered at Boone's Creek Christian Church will be attended by B-9 people from OSLC. Tammy Crawford has requested to be off on Mother's Day [May Bth) and for Sunday, August 21' We will be searching for volunteers for those days! Closed the meeting with praying the Lord's Prayer. EEmfrerUrrlEEsEffi The Underground Huddle, for our students in 6th -12th grades, meets on Wednesday nights. During our Huddle times we check-in on what's going on in life, and have some in-depth bible study/discipleship learning time. We've also been known to play a few games. May 4tt' - Dinner at 5 p.m., Huddle from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. May l1tr - Dinner at 6 p.m., lluddle from 6:30 p.m, to 7:30 p.m. May lBttt - Dinner r,vith the congregation for Feed the Souls at 6 p.m., Huddle from 7:00 p.m. to B:00 p.m. May 25s - Dinner 6 p.m., Iluddle from 6:30 p,m. to 7:30 p.m. Affirm (Summer Camp with students from across our Southeastern Synod) Registration is now open, You can register via the Southeastern Synod Youth websiie: wlnv.sesyouth,org. Everyone who has completed 6th - 1-2th grades is eligible to gol See Pastor Ed for details. To l-egisret- fnr',-\ffi'nr. go to \\.'r,\.a\I.sesvortth.ors. WffiW EJffiBAtr€ SfiINESE'RY WOW, [Win Our \\'orld), is an urban mission ministry experience in the heart of Cowntown Knoxville. It is a mission trip - but so much more! Youth Groups from across the region come to St. john's Lutheran Church to participate in five days of faith formation,leadership development activities and hands-on mission work with the homeless and less-fortunate folks in our neighborhood. It's an incredible opportunity for growth in our faith, our leadership, to serve others - and to have a lot of fun! To learn more about WOW and how to get involved please contact the Ministry Team, at 865.809.2405, or info( or visit their website at www. s j Icknox. org/mini stri es/wow.aspx ffi w rArTrr-FsrqcE We are also only a l Yz hours away from one of the greatest Lutheran Outdoor Camps in the world - Lutheridge. Lutheridge offers a wide variety of summer camps for all school age youth. To Iearn more about their many summer opportunities visit wvyw.lutheridge. com If you are interested in goingto Affirm . WOW, or Lutheridge. contact Pastor Ed. !r:Lr Saviour wants to help you fund your faith forming experience. ChrlstEcn ECucGtlcn Celebrotion SundoY -[paaHi;a -l I I I I t I Events I We will gother together on Sundoy, Mcy 22, io celebrote the closing of onoiher successful Sundoy School yeor. Pleose join us of 9:30 in Fellowship Holl os we recognize oll of the hordworking people who hove mode this yeor possible. Our Sundoy school closses will compete in our onnuol Kids vs. Grown-ups Bible Jeopordy ond enjoy root beer floots. AI,I. ARE WELCOME!! I I I Moy I I I Youlh Service & Firsl Communion I I I I I I I I Moy I Confirmotion 15 I I I I I I I I I Moy 22 II :.:'j'::'::: I .l2, _ -T through Thursdoy, Join us Sundoy, June Junel6, for our onnuol Vocotion Bible School. We will be tronsforming our church into the viltoge of Nozqreth in order to study whol Jesus's life might hove been like os o child. Pleose wotch the Christion Educotion bulletin boord for sign-ups ond volunteer opportunities. tf you hove ony questions, see Seon Golden or Morcy Aoroen. 1 Gdtffi[F a Dffietlqw VBS Naws Dates: Sunday, Juna 12, through Thursday, J&rm e g& Timaz 5:00-8:&0 p.'rrb. (light di,r,'r,ar enaludad] kF- '" lf etild(ranl altending, please check ont the 0hristian €duoaiiotr 'bdard inr the main halfrrap We hwcragistrailio; shccts tlrat can be frlled out and left the onvelape. Early registration makas it easier for us to shop for our lribe meffibers. you are planning 0n your in Ws have soveral oppofiuttitias for vduntwxs who wouU be mlling to shara thsir tiwe as well as thase who would ba willing to share their lreasrca like to witmass tha faith sf - lt you hava sosns time to spars aHd would our youngest ohwohne*trberrs, oonsider volunteeringfor the week tru* lta wepk wifh a renewed emthusiasm far tha We need adults to halp in tta kitoheil" or tha playgroumd, amd im our or aven a day. You will defimitely oofie away workimgs of the ohr,roh. rnarkatplaea (suparvising the kids as thay mako bod'y scrub, pot herbs, and wake jawelry,/toys)" of dohatiocrs if you would be willing to share your treasure [n thie outre,aeh event" Wa are in naed of all size of EMPTY tissue boxes for d*arating purposes- Thaea aan Wa are also im naad bele,ft in the oolleotioh bin in the hatlway. Wa also have sign-up sheets otr the Christiam €dueatiott bullatim boardin ths maim hallsvay for othar items wa naed. Vaoatiom Bible Sahoolsyithouf lt is diffioult to num tha gonerasis of oun ohuroh ffiawbors. [f you have arly qraest[oms, plaaso oomtaot Saam Goldam on Maney &aroem" gYtuslttss frorn tfie Organ Sencft My Dear OSLC Family: Here's a little "quiz" for you regarding the hymns during Holy Communion. Ready? Thinking caps on? Here goes. (Please check those you think apply.J -1. _2. _3. We have hymns during communion so that the noise from people going to and from the altar rail will be masked. We have hymns during communion because the choir needs something to do. We have hymns during communion so that the organist earns her pay. 4. We have hymns during communion so that members can meditate. 5. We have hymns during communion so that we might get our minds and hearts in sync with God's incredible love - manifested physically through the ;' sharing of the Holy lr{eal. if you checked #1-, #2, or #3 you need to schedule a time to talk with our pastors. fHaha - I really didn't think you would check those.] We11, If you checked # 4 you are getting closer to the "truth" but I offer you #5 as the "correct" answer. Please SING the hymns during communion. Okay - so yolr feel alone - but if everyone sings, that will not be an issue. Now I do take reality checks occasionally so I knon, that not everyone will sing the communion hymns. I suggest that even if you don't sing them, open your hymnal and read the lyricsl You will find that the words have deep meaning and relevance. Eric Routley, inspiring British churchman, lecturer, teacher, and composer, offers to us that the hymnal stands a little lower than the Bible. When going to hospital, Routley shares that many Brits take their hymnals for solace and comfort. How about it? Give it a try for a few Sundays and let me know what you think. Loving You in Christ, PRIME TIMERS Moy 4,11 o. m. in the Church librory. Lunch ot Logon's. Mqke reservotions with Barlq Smith (282-0508). Gentle Reminders: If you turn a light on for a meeting, etc., please turn it off. If you make coffee, please turn the coffee machine offwhen you leave. Treat your church like you do your home and we will all benefit. Thanks! If you are going to be out of town for an extended period of time, please let us know and we will hold your New Sense. We've received many back this year and we have to pay for them twice! Thanks! Remember to wear red to church on Pentecost May 15. RKS & RECREATION COED CHURCH EAST LEAGUE 1. GRACE FREEWILL BAPTIST 4. GRAY UNITED METHODIST 2. OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN 5. HIGHLANDS FELLOWSHIP 3, BETHLEHEM STARS 6. GRANDVIEW CHRISTIAN ALL CITY PARKS ARE TOBACCO.FREE ALL GAMES PLAYED ON WINGED DEER PARK FIELDS 1 AND 2 MON.WDP 1 MON.WDP 2 WEEK OF MAY 2 6:30 XX 1-4 7:30 2-6 3-5 Chonce Johnson's New Address: 8:301-23-4 9:30 5-6 XX WEEK OF MAY 9 6:30 XX 1-5 7:30 6-3 5-2 8:30 1-3 4-2 9:30 6-4 XX WEEK OF MAY 16 6:30 XX 1-o 7:30 3-5 1-4 8:30 2-6 4-5 9:30 2-3 XX WEEK OF MAY 23 TOURNAMENT STARTS 3rD 2016 C. Co 2-7 IN 1ABCT 3ID ATTN: pv1 johnson chonce APO AE 09016 WELCA NEWS HEALTH KITSr Thanks to everyone who contributed and/or helped assemble the Health Kits last month. Your efforts are much appreciatedl HANNAH CIRCLE will meet on Monday, May 16 at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Trudy Blackmer, j.60 Raven Cour! Telford TN. The next lesson from Healing: God's Forgotten Gifiby Dr' David Stewartwill be Presented KATIE CIRCLE will meet on Wednesday, May 25 at 10:30 a.m. in the Church library. The next lesson from the Bible study Embraced by God will be presented. rcolr REMINDER! The annual WELCA Retreat, "Garden Getatt-a\'," n'ilI be held at the Neas' Farmhouse in Parrottsville on Saturday, Ju]1' 9,201'6' \\'atch the \\'ELCA br'rlletin board for more information and to register for this special retreat' WELCA is no longer collecting Campbell soup labels or other merchandise coupons' cover girls meet the 2nd and 4th Monday beginning in May and through August. There are people in our church who shun the limelight and quietly carry out their ministries. BUT if they were not doing them, there would be a big and terrible gap in service. This month we highlight Patty Sorenson and her fine crew, who each month serve many people at the Melting Pot. If you are ever here when Patty is cooking, you will salivate' The food she serves is top quality, yummy good! Blessings Patty and all who helP her! May Products of the Month: Family Promise For the next tv/o months, we have designated Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) as our agency to receive donations. Family Promise sponsors a network of churches, volunteers and community members to assist homeless families with children. Through Family Promise, families can remain together while addressing the challenges confronting them to obtain housing. Families receive counseling and assistance to address their particular needs. Visit their website at: When a family leaves the program and goes to an apartment or a house, they need products to clean and "fix up" their new home. They also need personal items such as deodorant, soap, tooth paste, toilet paper, etc. As the 0SLC family, let's put together 3 laundry baskets filled with items to start therr homes. Tr,vo baskets lvill be in the narthex and one in the fellowshiphail. Let'sseeifwecangivethreefamillesaboostandlovewithagiftfrom OSLC. Food Fantny Always needed items are: Crockers Mocoroni & cheese Peonut butter Cereol Spoghetti souce Spoghetti Soup Conned Dry beons Jello Roisins Cornbreod Cookies Apple squce Conned veggies Conned meot fruit Rice Blood Drive for April was cancelled due to stckness antoilg the Marsh staff. The next bicod drive will be on F'amily Night [Feed the Souls) in ]une. Watch the June newsietter for detaiis. I#n,;,,s;, I ; r1,,. il,r-rh;be ] R"-Stor" of Habitat will I coming this summer and we want I, I to spread the word. They are in I g the office. Please take one! I -r r r - - r r r - Melting Pot Wednesday April 13 153 meals served Farish Nurse Happenings in May Psalm LlB:24- This is the daythe Lord has made. We will reioice and be glad in it!!l in the fellow,ship hall. IIeart healthy snacks will be provided. Speaker: Janey Owens MSN,CCRN,NP-C; Heart Valve CIinic coordinator at JCMC. checked. Very important and encouraged to do soll! Ministries in Motion: 4pm in fellowship hall. with you. fellor,r,ship hall. loving care from 0SLC, Please Lrse this ouireach rr,risii"'' tl io'.icir heartsl Heart Disease is a leading cause of death in both men and \\'omen, johnson Cin. Iledical Center provides services to our comnrunities to prevent or help controlthis catastrophrc life-changing disease. aney Owens MSN, CCRN, NP-C has graciously offered of her time to come educate our congregation on procedures provided at the Heart Valve Clinic at JCMC. She is the Valve Clinic Coordinator at this facility. Heart healthy snacks will be provided. OSLC Fellowship Hall; Tuesday, May 10,20L6 @ 6:30 pm. f Hesid EHd Ufiluss Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart's function as a pump is inadequate to meet the body's needs. Many diseases can impair the pumping efficiency of the heart. Aortic stenosis is abnormal narrowing of the aortic valve caused by many conditions. When the narrowing impedes blood flow from the Ieft ventricle to the arteries, heart problems develop. tghal'rill8 ilrnr,ilt r-ti{i! ir:1t Tr. Jlltj'vrl{ Lri !i3rrts F1.'drrtr*rr 1&tn EMPOWERING WHOLENESS CONNECT TO GOD THROUGH HIS WORD, WORSHIP, AND WELTNESS :+111, , WHEN: May 2L,2016; Z:OO-4:00 pM WHERE: OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH (feltowship hall; use back entrance) CONTACT: Melissa Malenda, RN, osLC parish Nurse (zr6-zL0-q6To) PTEASE BRII\IG YOUR YOGA MAT Amy Fitzpatrick MS, RD, R-HYI Nutrition j Yoga I Spirit Living GUEST SPEAKERS/TNSTRUCTORS BeckyWall BS, CRTS, LSH 423-765-7245 Empowering Wholeness p:423.367 .70 3 0 | e:amyfitzpatri ck@ holyyoga.ner w:https://holyyoga,net/stud i o/i n structor/amyafitz : beclryw@chartertn. net |oin us for a free event to learn about integrating scripture, healing oils and prayer/meditation into a yoga practice and your everyday lives. The spiritual disciplines of yoga, prayer and meditation and the use of essential oils are ancient practices that are confirmed by science as important tools for health and wellness. Come experience the benefit of gentle movemen! worship and aromatherapy for a natural lift to your saturday afternoon! coME EARIY To SIGN IN AND GET SETTLED IDOORS OPEN AT 1:30 pM) You Take the High Road and..' fun events The "High Road" sunday school class [5m grade and up) have some your planned fusually on the evenings of the third SundaysJ' Please mark calendars. |uneL2-16 Assist with Vacation Bible School : Swim/cookout at the Soikes fuly 17: August To be decided 21-: september l-B: Drive-ln Movie night outside at the church October 16: Fender's Farm November: Second Harvest holiday sen'ice project December 1B: Cap the Gap stocking stuffers and Christmas Party f amifies of tfte ^Week May 1-: Ivlarcy & Mark Aaron fJake & Gabe] Heidi Sutphin [Aubrey, Erik JulianneJ May t3: Joan & Mark Blackmer Christa Dison N'lay 15: Ella & Mike English Faith Akin May 22: Judi & Tim Boebel Lisa & Eddie Jones May 29: f oni & Dale Cannon Linda & Gene Maddox HOCRAYJ/ Library News This month's focus is on Christian Life. Our Iibrary has many books on this subiect, You can find them under the D ewey numb er 2 48, includ ing 248.4 through Z 48.8. Check out (puu intended) these . o . . . . . . t t t YOUB TIBBANY booktitles: If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat How to Hear from God, Learn to Know His voice and Make Right Decisions seven Things That steal Your Joy, overcoming obstacles to your Happiness From This Day Forward by Cokie & Steve Roberts For Everything e Seeson, Simple Musings on Living Well Have a Little Faith, a true story by Mitch Albom Here am I, Lord; Send Somebody Elsel Unlocking Your Legacy,25 Keys for Success Victory in Jesus, Running the Race You are Meantto Win standing on the Promises, Keeping Hope Alive for a Tomorrow we cannot Control Women of Honor, God's Incredible Plan for Fulfillment Sound interesting? These books rvill be on the table under the library bulletin board. please peruse them and others in the librarr', Thank vou to those of you rvho have checked out books, Please remember to return thsm so other.s can enjoy. Happy Readingl MaryAnn McGaughey Meet Marcy Aaroen: Council Person of the Month - Christian Education born and raised in a small-town farming community in central Wisconsin. My parents instiiled in my sisters and me the importance of family, education and hard work [as well as a love of the Green Bay Packers and Wisconsin BadgersJ. To this day, these are stiil some of my core values. Mark and I have been married for 27 years and have three boys [Drew, Jake, and Gabe), Raising the boys led me to develop other core va]ues - faith and Christian education. Just as I had to rely on my faith when raising them, I knew my children were going to need a solid faith foundation to become young men who cared about others and would be able to stand in the storms that life rvould bring. Helping them establish this foundation eventually grew to include their friends and other young people in our church. As Lutherans, we promise to support and nurture each child baptized in our church; and I believe this promise always needs to be at the root of our Christian Education programming. I was In Service This Month: Ushers: B:15 a.m. 5/1: L0:45 Bill Ewing, Carmen Paulson 5 /22: Bill Ewing, Brian Patteson, 5l29: Bill Ewing, Ronda Keffer a.m. 5/1: Ken Diehl, David Chalkley, Tedd Stephens, Dale Cannon 5/B: Ronda Keffer, Martha Montgomery, ]aneen and Travis Pennell 511,5: Mark Blackmer, Trudy Blackmer, Tom Marshall, Dale Cannon 5 /22: Tedd Stephens, Tom Marshall, Mark BIackmer, Dale Cannon 5129'. Janeen Penneli, Dale Cannon, Patricia & Tom Petti 8:15 Lectors: Library \anc'" Shilling 10:45 Donia \\-:ri:re-'' Volunteer: Mary Ann it'lcGaughey' 511: Alexander Hospital: 5/B: Holland 511,5: Farst 5122: Gugliotta 5/29: Blackmer Altar Guild: Financial Tellers: communion Marilyn Keys, Maggie Flint Ist Sunday: Debbie Seifert & Berla Smith Znd Sunday: |ean Loveday & Davrd Chalkley 3rd SundaY: ChristY Huff & Ken Diehl 4th SundaY: |oe & Lu Mattson 5t'Sunday: David Challder'& Jear-r Loveday [May 29J Phyllis Farst, Marcia Peters (B:15J SYlvia & Fred Beckelhimer [10:45J 5/B: Fred & SYlvia Beckelhimer 5115: PhYIlis Farst, Marcia Peters 5122: Phyllis Farst, Marcia Peters [B:15) Fred & SYlvia Beckelhimer (10:45J Assistants: 5 /L: I AltarFlowers: Heartsong /L: Carolyn & Randy Parrish honoring family April birthdays /B: Combined service in sanctuary 5/15: Maggie Flint to honor Harmoni's birthday 5 5 5/22: Denise and Traditional Jim Montag to honor Emma on her birthday 5/L: Marilyn & Bob Keys to the glory of God 5/B: Kasey Sorenson to honor Patty on their 26tn anniversary [5/5] 5/15: Maggie Flint to honor Harmoni's birthday MaryAlice & pastor Jim to honor Connor Hall 5 /22: lanet & Larry Ecklund on their 64th anniversary 5/29: Stepl-ranie & Bnan Patteson on their 44th anniversary When no flo\\rers are given for a Sunday, designated live plants will grace the altar. May Birthdays Beth Abel Ken Loveday Lisa Rye Jones 2 3 4 6 7 Marianne Simonson Aubrey Golden Kathleen Gray Kaitlyn Flynn John Paul Neas lV Brenda Whitson Linda Brooks 8 10 11 12 13 16 Fred Hossler Fred Beckelhimer Ben Garrison Ralph Keffer Katie Harris Stacy Nolan Hopper Carl Snyder May Moore 17 Brandi Flint 18 Laura Arredondo Emma Montag 22 Kylah Morris Pamela Ross William Brooks Debbie Bowman Mary Jane Paulson : I ;._ Otto Zinser c/o Chris Cox 4867 Springfield Dr. Dunwoody, GA 30338 Yoga [ThursdaysJ and..Waik and TaIk,, [Fridays). ''.Everyone,.getting fit,,with informative talk on Glaucoma' Aprii 2' ...Dr. Sara creekmore for offering a very to our WELCA Health kit project' we ...Everyone who gave money and/or supplies collected money for uP to 300 kits' kits' WELCA reach the goal of 300 health ...Thrivent for matching funds that helped '',WEI,CAforhostingthismonth,S..Feed.theSou]s,,meal,April20, .'.MarcyAaroenandherhelpwiththeFirstCommunionRetreatonApril24' Band' .,.the Chancel Choir and Heartsong .,Friends In Grief, that meets every other Tuesday, ..Staff Committee,,, and the Search Committee for getting things the .',the Mutual Ministry Committee, for finding a ne\\I 0fflce ivianager' '.'the started ...PastorEdforallthe"legr,trork"ongettingC'':o:€s':j;s'::-'::-=.'"'l---:eS''Sienl phone sYstem, etc.)' ,'.Phoebe Sand., and }iarcia Pere:s }oni Cannon, Deb Soike, Icomputerupdates' frr.their continuec gooo rr,ork in the church office. ...Everyonewhou,,asa':letoatiendthe"secu'ritlforFaithBased0rganizations"onApril23' ' can" messaging s)'ste.r' our new data base for the ne\'; ore for card info the designing for ,,.Jay stafford +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=!=r=i=- Day) F'irst Communion: May B (Mother's on the retreat "A prace Fo. You" [completed compreted have who year this students we have eight 7ft Sunday of Easter. communion on Mothel,S Dat., t]-re first their receive wili and 24J April Sunday, Adryana King' class: Aribrel- Golden, Easton Hopper, we are very proud of our 2016 First communion AudreyKing,owenKing,JamesMcAllister,LilyMcAllister,andCa]eb\\,i1cox' B. Please come and celebrate 10:45 a.m. youti'r Se^'ice or-r ){ay the during happen wil Their communion with our children of the congregation! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ yearl OurConfirxmation Class finishes out the test on the Ten commandments on end.s their studles with a finar year this for crass Our confirmation lunch for the ciass thanks to all the parents who provided services. late the folrowing 1_, May Sunday, 'ur through the Year' and connor HaIi' Hannah Baliard' Emma Montag' Thanks to our students: Hayden Estep, confirm his faith and affirm his 15, where Mr. connor Ha* will pentecost May sunday, to we rook forward baptisml His sponsor is Carolynn Bailey' h -o + tri E () q I cd 3 bo (h -Y, o -t tr- .d o oo* N E.i C'.1 vl (B F d tu = F > = d O a Fr a? md > N E a d\; C \c o r! \c f" C/ t;: d cd N3 ri> (nH; :--aJa; ./ ra \ ^= ^.= L! U F !-.1 !i -1 C\> E:rr_/_ trfq1o.l^ o IEA o,lo 94 r = d '.1, o o qo \om m = tl *> vt tr '-^,- i'- O O qt o\o z t-- C.] , E a ri d F t-- cd ! d cd cd -O 6^ L- E O | cl#o r --:o o, -E \ii ,ooE \. --;d.) i oo63t F.fqJ Arv O H T'H F<F-lZ r N,r -l E s: q O -=L a ri (JO >t '-- J'r @>- H d) v.-um ^ lL - ca 'c@ de \.(\ttr O F- i_Li \O r-i co a \c o E a z z loc-i >UN cri! ii! o.,z d () tl No.t d,t -i -9 c H a ,LO,a=EC ^ ba ed Es XJ .q L o\Eddd2 ^ ": @ l-i z a C U C tvf n AU=CU bA! d c! n aaoait :^E >- L Y AAJl >. o ts o i;:i^ F!]U I Lt,€ zzz2>! 4444A \: \ \F honno Hm++m* ddoidoGiF e3 oE t3() iv xx3 (\Q-A co ^^- ao d) v^ Eq i-iH c.)>o !,) C ! P ^ a) c7 -^T U ^r J ,li (/l !i it <-S A/aA noh aq1 n co"oot= -=!^ \o ao6 l\ / aJ @A *L fL: rta -.* <ts :,t., Ld P +-l (\I FI- e- iio !i B"h a'5 \OXE n .-5 to-t- 1O o \o = A-= tr"so ol .: d-u coc^ !U) ! h r\ vdv!AT\ '* "E €EdF3 .9 z' ='E xt E.iEEr; 6# Eh U;.qE; r >- d-v ; d Xf 'd "i'o tr E H PJ O 5 ,@'.j;E', l, # E7 (J iti 7) lllg F<< ZZA'r 444 IAOh ;-1i ?U rn:1tlYrE -'@6o! o cn F ZSHH.Y 4AZZ.P -</</</ !g Jonn& ..;++ O hr:r! (\oo::i.ji5 (\ "'==Q tv :5 E_B oo9>. oco u 9!D 3 h.E H-% '<d>r\ a r \ =a o J-Y o o u)av)d , ttcA,->. d zzzzE <<<<; hOhn o o.\::1?:r; n; N€o\Oo,S Ray Efrain Oseio retired, age 60 of Knoxville' died KNOXVILLE - Ray Efrain Oseio, sergeant First Class, Medical Center' Ray was a member Saturday, Aprii 2, 201,6 atthe University of Tennessee Honor Guard' Via de Cristo' of Messiah Lutheran Church, East Tennessee Veterans River Association' Appalachian Paddling Enthusiast and Tennessee Scenic by his in death by his parents, Nina and Albert Osejo' Ray is survived Bell stephanie Luchtefield, ioving children, Ryan and Naomi 0seio, Daniel 0sejo, Samantha partner, Larent Gregg' and c-hantell Osejo; brother, Dean 0sejo; friend and He was preceded April 6' at Messiah Lutheran A celebration of Ray's life will be held 5:00 PM Wednesday, pastor Eric Murray and Pastor Pauline Farrington-Pezzino church, Knoxville, with in the fellowship officiating, The farnily'u'ill recejve friends following the service cemetery, ]ohnson city' TN' hall. Interment $.rll take place al )'loLrntain National jlll'l:':.S -:= :'.:';e :; East Tennessee Veterans The family requests that ln iieu ci i-.':','.'e:s :l 3-t--'r :: :' l=::essee scenic Riyers Honor Guard, 7508 I-edgerrvoo,.l Rc.c l'';'..r..".-.. lli Association. Fsalm 23 (Klv) me tc lie dor"'n in green pastures; he The LOnO is rny shepherd; l shail notwant. He maketh soul: he leadeth me in the paths of Ieadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my through the iralley cf the shadow of righteousness for his name's sake" Yea, though I walk rod anC thy staff they comfort me' death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy enemies: thou anointest my head Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of.mine shail follow me all the days of with oil; my cup runneth over. surely goodness anci mercy rny life: ,na t *itt dwell in the house of the LoRo forever' Gale ReVilla passed away on former members of OSLC' April 1g,Z016in Morganton, NC' Gale and Ruth were Then I sow o new heoven and a new earth, for the first heoven and the first the seo wos no more' And t saw the holy city, new Jerusolem, earth hod possed oway, ond coming down out of heoven from God, prepored os a bride odorned for her husbond. And I heord o loud voice from the throne soying, ,,Behold, the dwelling ploce of God is with ntan. He witt dwelt with them, and they will be his people, ond God himself will be with them os their God. He will wipe owott every teor their from no more, neither sholl there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain onymare, possed owoy." Revelation Z1.:l-4 for eyes, ond the former A huge thank you to our 0sLC family for allyour prayers, love, and support poured out on our familv throughout Gary's battle with ALS deoth shat! be things have and after his passin g. Gary and I often commented that the only gift of ALS was experiencing the love and encouragement shown to us through countless cards, emails and Facebool< messages, visits to our house, and meals you provided. 0n top of that, many of you showed your love and support by walking with Gary at the Tri-cities walk to Defeat ALS or sharing a donation to the local ALS Association or the Gary shealy clemson Scholarship in memory of him. you shared God's grace with us again and again and lifted our spirits in thc midst of a verv difficult f o,-trne1r, After Gary's passing, your prayers and kindness provided much needed comfort to our family, and we're grateful, A very speciai thank you to all who helped with the memoriar service: especially carolynn Bailey and the Heartsong Band, all who herped with the fcod and reception after the service, and all who brought food for our famil,r, God's peace to you, Faith, ]ennifer, and Coie Thanks to everyone for all the visits, cards, and phone calls during my recent hospitalization. Thank you to Pastor Nipper, Pastor Ed and Melissa Malenda for your help and understanding, We have a very loving church family. May the peace of the Lord be with you all. Kathy Robinson