Spring 2016 - Masonic Villages


Spring 2016 - Masonic Villages
Simple Living
The Tiny House Movement Has
Inspired De-cluttering Nationwide,
Including at the Masonic Villages
A publication of the Masonic Villages
Spring 2016
Vol. 26, No. 2
In this Issue
Cover Story: Simple Living ... pp. 12-15
Beyond the Call........................................................... p. 3
Fresh Air, Open Fields and Farming...................pp. 4-5
Outside the Lines.................................................. pp. 6-7
Village Happenings..............................................pp. 8-9
A Valuable Decision................................................ p. 10
Health Update............................................................p. 11
A Vision for the Future........................................pp. 16-18
A Majestic Memorial................................................ p. 19
Masonic Villages’ Wish List...................................... p. 20
For the Love of Angels Gifts.............................. pp. 21-28
Memorial Gifts................................................... pp. 29-31
Honorarium Gifts........................................................ p. 31
The Masonic Villages include locations in Dallas, Elizabethtown,
Lafayette Hill, Sewickley and Warminster.
Submissions for the summer issue of the Village Voice are due June 8.
Public Relations Department
Masonic Village, One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022
For more information, call 717-367-1121, ext. 33383 or email [email protected]
The Masonic Villages is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Admissions to the Masonic Villages are approved or disapproved primarily on the basis of need.
Decisions concerning admission, the provision of services and referrals of residents are not based upon
the applicant’s race, color, religion, disability, ancestry, national origin, familial status, age, sex, limited
English proficiency or any other protected status.
the Call
As a security officer, Greg Pugliese realizes anything is
possible when he’s at work. No one plans an emergency
ahead of time.
Much of his shift is spent patrolling the 1,400-acre
Masonic Village at Elizabethtown campus, responding to
requests and, if a call is made to 911, escorting emergency
personnel to the location. He never knows what to expect
when he gets a call, as was the case when he arrived at
a cottage to find black smoke pluming from a bathroom.
“When this call was dispatched, as always, we
worked as a beautician and raised her four daughters.
Teresa and her husband, Roy, frequented Greg’s bakery.
responded with urgency and didn’t think it was anything
Two years ago, when Teresa began experiencing
more than a smoke detector being activated for a burnt
signs of dementia, her family knew Masonic Village was
piece of toast or bacon,” he said. “I always attempt to
the best place to address her needs. Greg began visiting
be vigilant, as do my co-workers, and am so grateful
her, easing the adjustment into her new home. Sharing
there were no serious injuries or major property loss. The
an affinity for the Italian language – and the country’s
response from my partner, Jack; staff members; and
pastries – the two transitioned between Italian and English,
outside agencies was very professional and appreciated.”
discussing her hometown and family life during the war.
Once a Baker
“Greg, while not in direct patient care, has gone
Greg’s grandparents were Italian immigrants, and
above and beyond his duties to help her cope …,”
growing up, he often heard Italian spoken among his
Douglas Zima, Teresa’s son-in-law, wrote in a thank you
family. A nod to his heritage, he opened an Italian bakery
letter to Greg’s supervisor. “My family and I appreciate his
in Lancaster.
doing this and contributing to her sense of belonging in
“My biggest achievement was owning and operating
the act of visiting her and for those memories, taking her
my bakery, which was a vision that I had for many years,”
back to what is for her a long lost time.”
he said. “Although I’m not in business anymore, the bakery
Teresa passed away on Feb. 29.
business is still on my mind.”
“I’m grateful to have met Teresa and know she is at
To satisfy his need to bake, he cooks and bakes at
home and always seems to be drawn into a kitchen at
restaurants, visiting friends in the business or sometimes
helping out.
Italian Connection
peace,” Greg said. “The residents at Masonic Village share
a wealth of history. I enjoy and appreciate their insight.”
It’s not unusual for Greg to spend his time brightening
someone’s day.
“My mantra, which I strive to live is, ‘kindness is not an
After falling in love with an American soldier stationed
act, it’s a lifestyle,’” he said. “In this hectic, crazy world, I
in Italy during World War II, Teresa Herr moved to the
believe we all get caught up in everything and forget to
United States in 1945. She adjusted to life in a new country,
show respect or kindness to others.”
Fresh Air,
Open Fields
and Farming
distance, of course. They are often the first to report new
births. “It can be a challenge for me to always keep
everything in tip-top shape, so I appreciate all the help I
can get,” Frank said. “I always say, I have about 1,900 pairs
of eyes helping me farm.”
Frank can also keep a close eye on things from his
home, which sits atop a hill on the Masonic Village campus,
perfect for watching over the pastures.
For Frank, who has been managing the farm for more
than 30 years, farming is in his blood. Born and raised on
a farm, Frank always knew the lifestyle was the right fit for
It’s close to 6 a.m., and while most people are still
him, even though at times the work can be back-breaking.
fast asleep, Frank Stoltzfus has arrived at Masonic Village
Prior to his time at Masonic Village, Frank, his brother and
Farm’s feeding lot.
their wives owned and operated a livestock and grain farm
Every day is a different adventure, but each starts
with feeding breakfast to his prized cattle. After all, it’s the
land and animals.
most important meal of the day for the herd, next to lunch,
Taking Opportunities to Educate
dinner and “snacks.” Unbelievably, the 500-plus head of
Ask Frank a question, any question at all, and he will
cattle eat through more than 4 million pounds of stored
take the time to answer carefully. Education, he believes, is
feed each year.
one of the best parts of being in his position. “It’s teaching
Since 1910, Masonic Village at Elizabethtown has been
others that is so rewarding,” Frank said. “We’re fortunate to
raising cattle, and now the fresh, never frozen beef supplies
have a well-oiled operation here. It’s nice to be able to
several on-campus restaurants, the Masonic Village Farm
spread knowledge and help others be successful, too.”
Market and 39 fine-dining restaurants in New York City. The
The Masonic Village Farm contributes to local
over 600 acres of crop land on-site is also under Frank’s
communities by offering tours and educational opportunities
jurisdiction. Crops include various grains, a portion of which
including internships for high school and college students.
goes into making feed for the cattle.
together, continuing their family passion for working with
In February, Frank volunteered for the ultimate teaching
The entire farm is run by Frank, agricultural production
experience and traveled to the small village of Sikalongo,
supervisor; Scotty Miller, herdsperson; and the volunteerism
Zambia with his church’s mission group. He spent five days
of a few interns. Residents also assist in farming, from a
in the village developing plans to install a water system.
After a plan is constructed, the group will take a five-week
acres of pasture for every cow/calf pair, and the cattle are
trip back to Sikalongo to complete the labor. Frank will also
never kept inside unless they’re due for vaccination or show
educate the people of the village on building sustainable
symptoms of illness.
agriculture and proper animal husbandry, including
National Award-Winning Beef Quality
breeding and feeding.
“They don’t use cattle the way we do in the United
States. They don’t treat farming like an enterprise,” Frank
Masonic Village and Frank were awarded for
demonstrating such exceptional animal care with the 2016
National Cow/Calf Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) award.
said. “It’s about taking the way they already do things,
According to the National Cattlemen’s Association,
understanding and respecting that way and giving them
which distributes the award, winners are “exemplary
ideas to improve their processes.”
models for promoting beef as a quality product from the
You could say Frank has farming down to a science,
local to the national level and work diligently to implement
but that may be an understatement. It is almost a paternal
the newest, safest, most efficient animal health, handling,
instinct. He seems to know what every stance, look and
daily management and record-keeping practices.”
movement means from his cattle. As a newborn calf finally
“It’s truly an honor to be recognized for what we do,”
gets to her feet after lying in the grass watching him, Frank
Frank said. “We take extreme measures in our care from
notes, “That’s how you know she’s feeling good, when she
birth to market. It’s not about what happens right before;
stands up and stretches.”
it’s what happens throughout the life of the animal. We
Farming can be all about paying attention to the small
strive to make beef better, not just better beef.”
things. The importance of allowing sufficient feedlot time,
Spring is a busy time of year for the Masonic Village
creating a low-stress environment and housing the herd
Farm, as up to 180 calves are born within 50 days. With
outside year-round to improve herd health can all add up
the rolling slopes and bright green grass of this season, the
to make a big difference. “All those practices have been
pastures, along with the newborn calves, are certainly a
instilled at our farm since day one,” Frank said.
sight to be seen.
At the Masonic Village Farm, there are one-and-a-half
Outside The Lines
next to the others and what makes a balanced picture.”
While working toward her master’s degree in
professional counseling at Carlow University, Terri Jones,
social services caseworker, personally experienced the
therapeutic benefits of art therapy and saw its potential
for all populations.
“As a student, I participated in various activities and
learned different techniques to help clients relax and
improve mindfulness – full attention and concentration,”
she said. “Art therapy is a technique used in therapy
Betty Toney
The pieces hanging on the walls of the art studio
at the Masonic Village at Sewickley are intricate and
could see increased socialization occur as conversations
started between classmates while they doodled, colored
and painted.”
chromatic. While the designs are the same, each one
According to goldencarers.com, other benefits of
displays different colors, some blended with great finesse.
coloring include increased hand-eye coordination,
More than just pretty, these colored pages are a creative
feelings of accomplishment and reminiscing. Individuals
outlet for residents.
with dementia may experience decreased agitation and
Joann Hawes’ mother was an artist, and Joann’s
bedroom wall displays two of her paintings. While Joann
never painted herself, she appreciates art and enjoys
After taking a job with Masonic Village, Terri noticed a
coloring book on the table in Joann’s home.
visiting art museums in Pittsburgh. After reading an article
“She told me how much she enjoyed coloring,” Terri
about Johanna Basford, who created the coloring book,
said. “It made my experience in class become more real.
“Secret Garden,” which has sold more than 1.5 million
I thought this would be a great activity for our residents.”
copies, Joann found her artistic calling. She bought
herself the book and some colored pencils.
sessions, yet I found it promoted relaxation within myself. I
Joann brought up the idea to residents Ralph Dukstein
and Will White, who run the art studio. After working with
“I just love it,” she said. “It’s not relaxing for me, but
Karen Hammond, recreation supervisor/concierge, they
stimulating. I just want to finish the page. I like to use bright
organized a class which meets Tuesdays, from 1:30 to
colors. You use your brain to decide what color looks good
3 p.m., and is always filled to capacity. Colored pencils
and coloring books are provided. The books feature
coloring pages and hung them on their walls. They have
everything from nature themes to lighthearted fantasies
a work of art they are proud of and can be displayed for
to intricate geometric patterns.
all to enjoy. All who participate say it is very relaxing, and
“We’ve been coloring happily ever since,” Joann said.
it takes their mind off other things they have going on in
their lives.”
independently and in a group setting. Richelle DiVito,
recreation coordinator, plays soothing nature or ocean
In the Sturgeon Health Care Center, Jody Pickens,
recreation assistant, started a bi-weekly coloring class.
sounds in the background, adding to the calmness of
“You can hear a pin drop, they are so focused on
the activity. Megan Zulauf, music therapist, and DeeDee
coloring and doing it right,” Jody said. “They enjoy looking
Evans, music therapy intern, made a slide show of colored
at what the other residents’ pages look like.”
pictures to which they choreographed a song for the
chimes group.
“Often times when I visit residents, I find them coloring,”
“It is a worthwhile hobby that I’m sure anyone would
very much like, either to relax or to be inspired,” Joann
Richelle said. “A few of the residents have framed their
Village Happenings
Go Red!
In support of the American Heart
Association’s Go Red For Women
movement, residents and staff in
Lafayette Hill wore red every Friday
in February to spread awareness
of women’s heart health.
Car Comrades
Residents of Lafayette Hill attended
the Philadelphia Auto Show.
Flight of a Lifetime
A former licensed private pilot, Clyde
Jordan, of Elizabethtown, took a
flight to remember thanks to Masonic
Village Hospice staff and volunteer
Masons Larry Derr, Rick Hamm and
Wayne Laughner. His wife, Eva, also
joined to watch the special moment.
Happy Birthday!
Residents of Sycamore North
Apartments in Elizabethtown
threw a party to celebrate Harold
Hartdung’s 100th birthday.
Carving Out Smiles
Using their time and talents to benefit
patients at the Shriners Hospitals
for Children - Erie facility, Sewickley
woodworkers Jim Johnson (above
right) and his son, JD (above left),
crafted 995 wooden toys in 2015 for
children to engage their creativity
and decorate. Resident Bob Herbert
delivers them to the hospital, which
uses more than 75 toys each month
and even recognized the group with
a volunteer service award. This project
has been ongoing for several years.
Masonic Service
R.W. Grand Master Raymond Dietz
presented Masonic awards to
residents for their years of service.
Slumber Party
A comfy occasion, residents and
staff in Warminster wore their coziest
pajamas and enjoyed slumber party
snacks and movies while reminiscing
about late nights and sleepovers.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Go Green!
Residents celebrate St. Patrick’s
Day in Lafayette Hill.
Valentine’s Day in Elizabethtown
included special dinner
menus planned by the Food
Services Department.
Spring Social
Egg-citing Event
Despite the late start of warm
weather, residents in Sewickley
celebrated spring with a night of
entertainment and a delicious meal.
Elizabethtown residents hand-dyed
more than 100 dozen eggs for
the annual Easter Egg Hunt which
attracted 160 eager children.
Enchanted Evening
Mardi Gras
Residents took in some New
Orleans-inspired music and treats
in Lafayette Hill.
Fun with Flyswatters
As part of the second annual
Flyswatter Volleyball tournament in
Elizabethtown, staff and residents
took their best swats at a balloon
and had a blast. Coming out
victorious were the Blue Bombers
resident team and the Mad Swatters
of Human Resources staff team.
As part of the 9th Annual Enchanted
Evening in Sewickley, themed
“Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend,”
120 ladies residing in the Star
Points personal care Building and
the Sturgeon Health Care Center
enjoyed a night of “star treatment,”
gourmet food and entertainment.
After having their photo taken, ladies
were escorted to dinner by DeMolay
and Rainbow Girls youth members,
Brothers of the Trowel members
from Crawford County and Master
Mason’s Club members. Men had
fun at a beer, pizza and poker party.
Thanks to all who made the evening
a success and provided generous
financial support: Masonic Lodges,
Order of the Eastern Star Chapters,
Valley of Pittsburgh and New
Castle Scottish Rite, Master Mason’s
Club, residents from the retirement
living area, staff, and relatives and
friends of the Masonic Village.
Helping Heroes
As part of Volunteer Recognition
Week in April, volunteers in
Elizabethtown and Lafayette Hill
enjoyed celebrations. Thanks
to the close to 1,000 volunteers
who make a difference at
Masonic Villages every day!
A Valuable
The Masonic fraternity focuses on “making good men
better.” Each man has his own reasons for joining and his
own ideals of what “better” means.
The fraternity offers members a chance to surround
themselves with others who have similar values and
opportunities to serve their community. It also provides
guidance for balancing life’s responsibilities, referred to
as the 24-inch gauge (an instrument used by operative
Masons to measure and lay out their work), which
represents the 24 hours in a day. One third of the day
should be reserved for work, one third for service to God
and one third for refreshment and sleep.
For one newly-made Mason, the right reasons and
the right timing made his decision to join a simple one.
After 40 years with the Philadelphia Fire Department,
Jay Cooke retired as a fire lieutenant and first line
Do You Know Someone
Who Would Be an Excellent Mason?
supervisor in June 2014.
By August 2014, he had moved to the Masonic Village
at Elizabethtown with his wife, Cathy, and his mother,
Rita. The move offered Cathy and Jay the support they
If you have identified worthy men whom you know
needed to care for Rita at home while they explored their
would be excellent Masons, wait no longer to invite
own interests, which include discussion groups and Jay’s
them to be part of the Masonic fraternity.
service with the Bainbridge Fire Company. The country
As part of R.W. Grand Master Raymond Dietz’s New
lifestyle was easy to embrace.
Membership Incentive Program, after a candidate
Jay’s career was fraternal in nature, and after years
receives his First Degree, the first-line signer will be
of admiring Masons and living by similar principles, once
credited with 60 points. He can accumulate his points,
he was settled into his new home, he was ready to make
immediately receive merchandise displayed on the
a commitment to the Masonic fraternity in February 2016.
Pennsylvania Masons’ Incentive Program website
“It was a natural fit, but I never had the time before,”
(www.pamasons.org/incentives/), or may donate the
he said. “Many of my values are Masonic, although I
points to the Masonic Children’s Home.
didn’t always know that.”
In addition to the selection of merchandise from
Being a Mason is not a requirement to live at the
the website, a member will receive a new Masonic
Masonic Villages, although Jay has found himself in good
tie for each of the first four petitions on which he is a
company with a close-knit community.
first-line signer once the candidate receives his Third
“Masons are exactly as they appear,” he said.
“Living amongst the Brothers and Sisters, it’s an everyday
illustration of the worthiness of the organization.”
Non-medicinal Responses to Pain
1. Understand your condition and its
cause - When do you have the pain?
What is the character of the pain?
What makes it worse? What makes it
better? How much does it limit your
function in daily life? What interventions
have you tried? Analyze your pain
as best you can, and then schedule
an appointment with your medical
provider to review.
Don’t Settle for Pain
By Leon Kraybill, M.D., C.M.D., medical director,
Masonic Village at Elizabethtown
True or False?
• Chronic pain is an inevitable part of the human aging experience,
so we should just accept and live with it.
• Pain pills are the only significant intervention for chronic pain.
• Taking pain medicine is “giving in” to the pain, so we should delay
taking medication as long as possible.
• Most pain medications are similar in benefit and side effects.
If you believe these statements are false, you are correct. Pain is
a common experience for older adults (25-50 percent of those in a
community setting), but should not be ignored or accepted without
consideration. The severity of pain can usually be decreased and
sometimes eliminated. There are options for treatment and intervention,
but the intensity and safety of these treatments must be evaluated.
Individuals who have not lived with chronic pain are challenged to
understand its full effect on physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing. Untreated pain can result in significant suffering, impairment of
life functioning, depression and social isolation.
Types of Pain
There are several different types of pain, and each may benefit
from a different type of treatment. Your medical provider can help you
figure out what type of pain you’re experiencing, which will then help
to determine the best intervention.
• Somatic pain – often described as a throbbing, aching or sharp
sensation in soft tissue or bone (think of a sprained ankle or knee
• Visceral pain – a cramping, dull or aching discomfort in deeper
body structures (think of abdominal cramps from an intestinal virus)
2. Regular activity has been shown to
decrease pain scores, improve mood,
augment function and stabilize walking
- This may include exercise programs,
tai chi, water aerobics, yoga and
stretching disciplines. Ease into these
activities slowly (over weeks), so as not
to unnecessarily escalate the pain. A
formal physical therapy program can
be helpful. Even people who are bedbound appear to benefit from regular
positioning, range of motion and
gentle massage.
3. Application of heat/ice can give some
relief - Use whichever intervention gives
the most benefit. Heat often works the
best for chronic arthritis pain when the
joints are stiff or aching (such as waking
with pain). Ice may give more relief for
pain after working a joint (like pain
after walking all day). Some people
find alternating heat and ice is best.
4. Management of depression, anxiety
and mood changes - If you understand
your pain and the thoughts/actions
which result, then you may be able
to learn how to use positive coping
strategies. Sometimes antidepressant
medications may help you deal with
the consequences of pain, as may
support groups and counseling.
5. Pain clinics use an interdisciplinary
team approach to manage pain This may include massage therapy,
music, nerve blocks or injections with
Novocain/cortisone. Ask your medical
provider for a referral.
• Neuropathic pain – a burning, numb, or “pins and needles” pain
from irritation of nerves (like when your foot falls asleep)
Simple Living
A new trend has captivated the country, even though
But, simple living, the core idea behind the Tiny House
it’s considered “tiny.” The Tiny House Movement has taken
Movement, can be a motto for anyone looking to organize
Americans by storm, encouraging simplicity, financial
and de-stress their home life.
stability and easy living.
The Tiny House Movement describes the architectural
500-square-foot “tiny” house, but was still a little nervous
and social trend that advocates living simply in small or
when picking out her brand new apartment at Masonic
“tiny” homes. Frugal home owners who are sick of the
Village at Lafayette Hill. Frankly, the term “downsize”
clutter are buying “tiny” homes, which have 500 square
gave her the willies. Although she was getting a little
feet (or less) of living space – quite a comparison to the
overwhelmed at home, she wasn’t ready to give up all
average American home, which is 2,600 square feet. Tiny
her space, and most importantly, her things.
homes are often comprised of one room and a loft space
“I was wondering what I would do with all my stuff,”
and are usually built on trailers to allow the flexibility to
Debbie said. “I began to worry if I had enough space to
move from one location to another.
host family holidays without all my big pieces of furniture.”
According to TIME magazine, the average size of new
As soon as Debbie moved in, her fears disappeared.
American homes has swelled by 50 percent since 1970,
She used her apartment’s floor plan to see which
despite the fact the average family size has decreased
furniture would fit and ended up keeping her most-used
within the same period. More space equals the ability to
items from her previous home. She let her children choose
accommodate more stuff, but the Tiny House Movement
what they wanted, and even purchased new items to fit
has shaken up this cluttered residence trend.
the modern yet homey look she desired for her apartment.
Which age groups are catching onto this trend? It
may not be who you think.
Debbie Amoroso wasn’t planning to move into a
“I realized, even though my living room is spacious
and has just enough room for when my family visits, I don’t
Aging baby boomers are finding themselves to be
have to host holidays anymore. I can do what I want and
empty nesters, having already raised their children (with
be free. Not like I didn’t enjoy doing it before,” she laughs.
countless useless items stored away to prove it) and are
The lights of Debbie’s life, her 5-year-old granddaughter
ready for a change. Also, those in their late 20s and early
and 9-year-old grandson, visit a few times a month. She
30s are catching onto the Tiny House Movement, spending
prepares their favorite dish, macaroni and cheese, and
their money on experiences rather than a home.
the kids love her big comfy couch and spinning bar stools.
As her family dines and toasts together at her breakfast bar,
Debbie smiles and knows she made the right choice in selecting
her apartment. “I’ve got the perfect amount of space for me and
my favorite possessions, including my little balls of energy.”
A “little ball of energy” could be used to describe both her
grandchildren and Debbie herself.
Room to stow away trinkets and things she’ll never use again
seems less important to Debbie now that she’s active with Masonic
Village’s theater club, residents’ association and dining with
friends. “I couldn’t believe all the activities that were available
when I first moved here. It’s like a cruise ship. There’s always
something to do,” Debbie said, “I would know. I cruise a lot.”
“By far, one of the most common objections we hear is ‘What
am I going to do with all my stuff?’” Bridget Harris, director of sales
and marketing at Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill, said.
“Sometimes de-cluttering is harder than you think. We have
some people who live out of boxes for months.”
“Three Rules of Work:
Out of clutter find simplicity;
From discord find harmony;
In the middle of difficulty
lies opportunity.”
-Albert Einstein
come with additional storage units for items such as
luggage or holiday decorations. Items that are still valued
can be stored without clogging up living space.
“Take all the brand new things you are saving – the
fancy nightgown, the new sheets, the gourmet jelly, the
Masonic Villages marketing staff know it can be
cashmere gloves – whatever it is that you have had for
hard to simplify home life and do their best to help with
years but have not used because it was too good, and
room planning by providing suggestions, floor plans and
start using it,” said Rochelle Welkowitz, active adult
and seniors transition specialist for Berkshire Hathaway
“Sometimes, it’s just getting someone else’s opinion
that makes all the difference,” Bridget said, “even if you
don’t have the same taste.”
to incoming Masonic Village at Elizabethtown residents.
As a bonus, a smaller living space can actually help
reduce clutter. If a home doesn’t have “extra rooms”
through what the space could become with their own
or a large basement or storage area where things can
personal flare can really open their minds,” Kelly Eakin,
accumulate, the incentive is much greater to stay
director of sales and marketing at Masonic Village at
organized and tidy. There isn’t space to shut doors on
Elizabethtown, said. “There’s a certain amount of relief
boxes of old paperwork, unused furniture and tubs of
to that. It encourages people to consider getting rid of
their clutter. De-cluttering usually starts with the mind and
Ultimately, de-cluttering is good for any sized home. At
varying locations, Masonic Villages offers a wide range of
Sometimes, all it takes is a little creativity.
living options including apartments (ranging from studio
“Purchasing organizational containers that can fit
to three-bedroom), cottages and villas.
on tall shelves, which would normally be unused, or
In the end, both Bridget and Kelly agree, most residents
underneath beds can be a huge space saver,” Bridget
are relieved and extremely satisfied with the space they
said. “Buying additional shelving for closets can also allow
have chosen.
you to be creative. I’ve seen two residents make their
walk-in closet into a home office.”
Plus, most living options across the Masonic Villages
Homesale Realty in Lancaster. Rochelle provides advice
“It’s a new beginning,” Bridget said. “No matter the
size of the new home, if it has order and organization, it
can be a pride piece to show off.”
5 Minute Tips
For De-cluttering Your Space
papers anywhere but that spot. Plus, it may prove helpful
when you’re looking for a receipt or piece of mail later.
Pull Out Some Old Clothes You Don’t Wear
Spend a few minutes pulling out clothes from your
Leo Babauta, blogger and author of “The Effortless Life”
closet that you haven’t worn in a few months. If they’re out
and other books, shares tips for those who want to de-
of season, store them somewhere else. If you know you’ll
clutter but don’t know exactly where to start. He suggests
never wear it again, donate or consign it. This will leave your
beginning with five-minute sessions. You may only make a
closet with plenty of space for the things you actually wear.
small dent in your mountain of collected items, but in no
Schedule a De-cluttering Weekend
time, you’ll be on your way to simple living.
Mentally prepare yourself to de-clutter. Maybe you
Spend a Few Minutes Visualizing the Room
don’t feel like taking on the big project now, but if you take
Take a moment to look at one of your rooms and
the time to schedule a weekend next month, you can find
visualize how you want it to look. Concern yourself with
more hands to pitch in, get donation boxes and trash bags
three areas: furniture, flat surfaces and floors. Look for
ready and plan a trip to a charity to drop off your things.
unneeded furniture, things cluttering the floor and papers
One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!
and other randomized items that are covering surfaces
Have a Conversation with Family
such as tables and counter tops. Once you’ve visualized
Sometimes the clutter doesn’t come from just us – it’s
the room uncluttered, you may have all the motivation
from the people we live with or the people who visit. An
you need to start!
uncluttered home is your vision of simplicity. If you take
Designate a Spot for Incoming Papers
a few minutes to explain that to family and frequent
According to Babauta, papers often account for a lot
of clutter. Designate an in-box tray, and don’t put down
visitors, you have a better chance of maintaining your
A Vision for the Future
Masonic Village at Elizabethtown has greatly evolved
“With the bigger projects, it is why we share them so
since a plan was laid out for a village in a cornfield more
far ahead of time. We always allow for input and want
than 100 years ago. With a population that has grown
to know what’s important to them,” Cindy said. “We also
from 11 residents to more than 1,800, Masonic Village has
meet with staff to ensure they are informed as we go.”
seen many changes over the years as more individuals
call the community home.
Much has changed in the way of building methods,
trends and technology, but at the core of every decision
As part of plans announced in spring 2015, renovations
to Grand Lodge Hall and the Freemasons Cultural Center
have begun. Projects this year will lead to bigger changes
in subsequent years.
is the care, services and enjoyment of residents. Several
major projects are underway in 2016, with more in the
works for 2017.
After relocating to the Freemasons Cultural Center
“While master planning is designed to take a long-
in 2014 for what was to be a temporary period, staff at
term view, we define the most detail in the next five years.
the Masonic Wellness Center heard from many members
What drives decisions is what we hear from our current
that it was a convenient location for them. The center
residents and what we anticipate as the needs of the
will undergo renovations to remain within its current
future,” Cindy Phillips, executive director, explained. “We
location and better accommodate members beyond just
constantly ask ourselves: ‘What changes are needed?
providing an outlet for exercise.
What is the right use of our space on campus, and can
we use it differently?’”
Masonic Wellness Center
In addition to men’s and women’s locker rooms, the
center will receive new equipment geared for all levels of
Cindy and other leadership staff share plans with
fitness, including pieces which assist in functional mobility,
residents early in the process to allow for their feedback
fall prevention, flexibility and range of motion. New cardio
and reactions.
equipment will feature personal televisions, and two
10/16/2015 3:20:52 PM
Masonic Wellness Center
GRAPHIC SCALE - 3/32" = 1'-0"
Cyber Cycles will have a virtual ride screen where
riders Increased
have to steer and change resistance according to the
path they’re biking.
0' 2' 4'
With a total of approximately 45 new spaces for
residents and staff, two parking lots will be added
A new massage and Healing Touch room, personal
across from the Human Resources building and next to
training room, and nutritional and healthy lifestyle changes
the Berks building, near the heating/cooling plant. The
coaching will provide for spiritual, physical and emotional
second lot will provide easy access to the Grand Lodge
wellness. A lounge area with educational opportunities will
Hall Restaurant. Additionally, several new handicap
address intellectual wellness.
parking spots will be placed west of the Formal Gardens.
During the renovation, the wellness center will
Construction will begin this summer, with completion in
temporarily relocate to the Brossman Ballroom in the
September. Walking paths will be adjusted, and trees will
Freemasons Cultural Center from the end of May through
be relocated or avoided.
Sept. 24. Hours will remain the same, and classes will
“As we grow programming in Grand Lodge Hall and
continue as scheduled. The new wellness center will re-
the Freemasons Cultural Center, it will become the hub
open on Sept. 26 in memory of Harry F. Baird and Nelson M.
of campus once again,” Cindy said. “With increased
Baird, thanks to Elsie Longacre Baird’s generous $2.1 million
activity, these new lots will provide added parking ahead
donation to provide others the opportunity to live well.
of future changes.”
“We’re excited to be a social center, offering people
assistance in addressing their health and happiness across
all dimensions of wellness,” Stacy Schroder, director of
wellness and prevention, said.
“I believe it will be one of the nicest and most modern
shops in any of the retirement communities in the state, if
not the country,” Dean Miller, president of the woodshop,
said. “Three of us from the shop, Bob Umbaugh, Clarence
Brockman and myself, have attended all the design
meetings. We had a lot of input, and the final design is
based on what we told them.”
A woodshop was originally established at the
Masonic Village in 1963, and in 1991, the Rooster’s Corner
Grand Lodge Hall porch
Grand Lodge Hall Main Entrance
To replace the worn green awning, a new stone
Woodworking Shop officially opened in a former chicken
house. Any residents interested in joining may drop by
the woodshop. The showroom is open for sales Monday
through Saturday, 8 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m.
structure will provide permanent coverage for those
waiting for a shuttle or wanting to sit outside overlooking
The Future and Beyond
the Village Green. Automatic doors will also be added
New Cottages
to this entrance. The project will begin in June, with
completion by Autumn Day in September.
To keep up with the demands of Masonic Village’s
current waiting list, the Board of Directors has approved the
pre-marketing of approximately 68 cottages to be built off
Rooster’s Corner Woodworking Shop
Commandery Road where the current Landscape Shop
Work has already begun to prepare for the
and the resident garden plots sit (the garden plots will be
construction of the new woodshop, located down the
relocated). If sufficient interest is shown, construction will
hill from the Brossman Pool. The 8,700 sq. ft. building is
begin in April 2017.
expected to be completed in early fall.
It will be named in honor of resident Robert Umbaugh,
who donated funds for its construction. It will feature 56
To accommodate the potential cottage project in
the area, the Landscape Department will relocate to its
new home this summer.
workbenches with 37 assembly tables and up to three
Freemasons Cultural Center and Grand Lodge Hall
storage rooms.
Lots of windows will enhance lighting, and high
To encourage more interaction and take advantage
ceilings will control noise. The addition of a centralized
of the beautiful Formal Gardens, renovations to Grand
dust collection system and air conditioning will create
Lodge Hall are in the planning process. Based on a
a comfortable work area for the woodworkers, some of
“Main Street” concept, the first floor may include a new
whom spend eight hours a day in the woodshop. A paved
multimedia center, a pub with billiards and updates to
parking lot will provide 50 spaces. A showroom on the
the library, post office, gift shop and restaurant, including
ground floor will make it easily accessible to customers.
outdoor dining options. The Three Loaves Café and atrium
will be refreshed to meet residents’ and visitors’
Progress is a tribute to the founders of Masonic
Village, who declared in the 1913 Annual Report of
the Committee on Masonic Homes: “In the creation
of this home, the dominating purpose was to build
not only for today but for the years to be ...”
New Woodshop
All renderings by RLPS Architects
A Majestic Memorial
At the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown, residents,
and gifts made through the Masonic Charities.
staff and visitors enjoy 400 acres of woodlands, an 80-acre
The Masonic Charities Office of Gift Planning works
orchard with 10,000 fruit trees and a huge assortment of
with donors who would like to remember or honor a loved
ornamental and shade trees including the biggest Mexican
one with a gift of $250 and above for a garden plaque
pine north of the Mason-Dixon line. The ancient oaks lining
placed at the base of a tree in a public area.
Freemason Drive, the solemn sentinels standing guard in
Don Bogart worked with David Whitenack, director of
the Veterans Grove and the large brothers extending their
gift planning – central region, to select a tree and a garden
arms over the Village Green are central to the Masonic
marker with a special inscription in memory of his wife,
Village’s identity as a beautiful place to live, work and visit.
Deborah. Deb worked for more than 30 years as a nurse
Unfortunately, nature can occasionally be harsh on
in the Masonic Health Care Center and was loved and
trees, and just like humans, the health of a tree declines
appreciated by her co-workers and the residents whom
over time. In February, shear wind severely damaged or
she served. In her final days, Deb was in turn cared for by
destroyed 35 trees throughout the Elizabethtown campus.
the Masonic Village Hospice staff and volunteers. This past
The number of trees lost on this single day was exceptional,
spring, Timothy Nickel, hospice chaplain, arranged for a
but even before the winds arrived, there were already
gathering of family and friends in the Masonic Health Care
plans this year to purchase 15 to 20 new trees. To maintain
Center courtyard to dedicate a yellow butterfly magnolia
the beauty of all five Masonic Villages of Pennsylvania,
and remember Deb.
trees are purchased and planted every year.
Anyone interested in making a gift to the Masonic
Villages General Fund to help support the maintenance
Elizabethtown, oversees 32 full-time gardeners and two
and beauty of any of the campuses may do so online at
certified arborists. He says costs vary from $250 to replace
www.masoniccharitiespa.org/donate-now/ or by using
small ornamental trees to $1,000+ for large oak trees.
the enclosed business reply envelope. To learn more
Funds to support the maintenance and operations of
about dedicating trees with garden markers created in
the Masonic Villages, as well as assist in the care of adults
memory or in honor of loved ones, contact the Office of
and children residing there, are provided by resident fees
Gift Planning at 800-599-6454.
Financial information about Masonic Charities can be obtained by contacting us at 800-599-6454. In addition, Masonic Charities is required to file financial information with several states. Colorado: Colorado residents may obtain copies of registration and financial
documents from the office of the Secretary of State, 303-894-2680, http://www.sos.state.co.us/. Florida: SC No. 00774, A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING
TOLL-FREE, WITHIN THE STATE, 800-HELP-FLA. Georgia: full and fair description of the programs and activities of Masonic Charities and its financial statement are available upon request at the address indicated above. Illinois: Contracts and reports regarding Masonic
Charities are on file with the Illinois Attorney General. Maryland: For the cost of postage and copying, documents and information filed under the Maryland charitable organizations laws can be obtained from the Secretary of State, Charitable Division, State House,
Annapolis, MD 21401, 800-825-4510. Michigan: MICS No. 11796 Mississippi: The official registration and financial information of Masonic Charities may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office by calling 888-236-6167. New Jersey: INFORMATION FILED WITH
GENERAL BY CALLING 973-504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/ocp.htm#charity. REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. New York: A copy of the latest annual report can be obtained from the
organization or from the Office of the Attorney General by writing the Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271. North Carolina: Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch
at 888-830-4989. Pennsylvania: The official registration and financial information of Masonic Charities may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 800-732-0999. Virginia: Financial statements are available from
the State Office of Consumer Affairs, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218. Washington: The notice of solicitation required by the Charitable Solicitation Act is on file with the Washington Secretary of State, and information relating to financial affairs of Masonic Charities
is available from the Secretary of State, and the toll-free number for Washington residents: 1-800-332-4483. West Virginia: West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston,
Qty. Capital Need
Masonic Village at Elizabethtown
12 Digital Cameras
114 Silent Alarm Systems
13 Hair Dryer Stations for Spas
Computer Tablets
Espresso Machine
Electric Lift Recliner
Bose Stereo Systems
Shower Chairs
Eva Pneumatic Platform Walker
Portable Sound System
22 Vital Signs Machines for AOD
Piano (Roland - acoustic)
Wheelchair Glider Swing
Tickets to Local Baseball Game
Gift Card to Local Diner
Gift Card to Local Restaurant
Donation for Transportation Cost
Gift Cards to Local Spa
Hospitality Cart Supplies
Special Events Bus Trip Cost
Week at the Shore
Bleiler Cottage Needs
Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill
LifePack CR Plus
District of Columbia Museums with
Lunch and Transportation
Harvest Ball Event
Drama Lessons/Activities
for Residents
Masonic Village at Sewickley
Hand Rail Tilt and Roll Scale
ARJO Sit to Stand Lift
4 Channel E Stimulation (electric)
Occupancy Sensors for
Apartment Hallway
Masonic Village at Dallas
Cot or Roll Away Bed
Sound System
Awnings (retractable)
Masonic Village at Warminster
10 Wood Working Kits
Pergola with Awning
Cost Per Item
Thank you to the following individuals who
have recently provided for items:
Masonic Village at Elizabethtown:
Joseph H. Brown Lodge No. 751: Computer Tablets
Margie Brown: Wheelchair Cushions
Robert and Eileen Duckett: TVs for spas
Friendship-Williams Lodge No. 400: Wheelchair
Patti Kinder, Dawn Roser, Ann Anstadt, Debi Hoover,
Martha Hodges, Pam Fogle, Kenneth and Kay
Matthews, Jennie Taylor: Musical Instruments
Mozart Lodge No. 436: Wheelchairs
Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill:
Anonymous: Hospital Pillow, Yoga Blocks
and Mats, Foam Roller
Masonic Village at Sewickley:
Margaret Headland: Music Therapy
William and Marlene Moisey: Dining Room Food
Cart and Birthday Linens and Centerpieces
Richard and Michelle Muth: Piano Dollies
Masonic Village at Warminster:
Friendship-Williams Lodge No. 400: Woodworking Kit
There is an all-inclusive wish list posted on the Masonic
Charities website at www.MasonicCharitiesPA.org,
or feel free to contact the Office of Gift Planning at
800-599-6454. Please note that if funds donated for
any item listed are over- subscribed, the funds will be
used for additional wish list items or needs in the same
service area.
Love of Angels
Thank you to all who contributed to the Masonic
Charities 2015 Holiday Appeal, For the Love of Angels,
in support of our Masonic Villages. Listed below are
the names of those individuals and couples who
have made contributions from Nov. 1, 2015 through
Jan. 31, 2016. Great care has been taken to ensure
the accuracy and thoroughness of the names
listed below. We regret any errors or omissions. If
an error has been made, please contact the Office
of Gift Planning at 800-599-6454; 717-367-1121, ext.
33003; or by emailing [email protected].
Thank you.
Edward G. Gollhofer
Sophia T. Miller
Robert and Despina Grimes
Walter J. Morris
Laverne and Bonnie Hauck
Janette Morton
Cynthia Kroepil
John M. Pope
Mary Ann Krotzer
David I. Shields
Robert and Martha Ladley
James R. Silvius
Margaret Ann Lewis
Jeff Strayer
Shirley P. Matheny
Margaret K. Weidman
Joyce A. McElhaugh
Howard R. Wykoff
Listed below are memorial gifts made in memory of one individual or couple (names shown in blue)
John W. Albaugh........................... Suzanne R. Wojewodzki
All Veterans.................................................Bill and Pat Vohs
Helen Allen............................................................Scott Allen
Kathleen (Kitty) Ambrozates............... Valerie Ambrozates
Frank and Danny Amoroso...................Deborah Amoroso
Charles A. Anderson......................... Suzanne E. Anderson
Hans Dieter and Ruth Andrae.................Renate A. Hylinski
Alice Susanah Andrews............................Beatrice M. Flory
Charles (Jim) Andrews.................................Ginny Andrews
Mary Angelo................................................. Harold Honath
Janet Louise Anstine............................................Jane Ruby
Arlene Armour...............................................Eleanor L. Wolf
Jack Armstrong......................................Geraldine, Jennifer
and Scot Armstrong
Helen M. Arnold.........................................Palmer H. Arnold
Richard and Carla Arnold
Jane Arnold........................................ Suzanne E. Anderson
Mary Lambert Atkins................................Charlotte M. Betz
Francis W. August............................... Elizabeth Ann August
Betty J. Auker............................................Bonnie L. Conrad
Claire W. Aurentz........................Terry and Barbara Lenker
Anne K. Baker........................................Bob and Kay Sutch
James G. Baker............................... Walt and Diane Berger
Joan R. Baker....................................................... Jill Wagner
Margaret M. Balmer......................................Eleanor L. Wolf
William and Margaret Balmer...........Catherine McSherry
Donald W. Banzhof.......................................Patricia A. Ruth
Lillian E. Banzhof........................... Robert and Alberta Fritz
Earl R. Baringer............................................ Paul D. Baringer
Carol Barkley....................................................John Barkley
Petrea S. Barley......................................... Virginia B. Rainey
William J. Barnhart.................................. Theon A. Barnhart
Karen L. Nye
Philip and Sara Barsky................. Marilyn Barsky-Boccella
and Freydel Barsky
Arthur H. and Ada B. Barth...............................James Barth
Judy Neideigh
Joyce Vuxta
Ruth Dull Beane................................... Kenneth F. Beane, Sr.
Thomas A. Beaty........................... Mike and Joanne Beaty
George C. Bellamy, Sr. .......................... Ginny Winderman
LeRoy (Duke) Bennett.................................Barbara L. Racki
Michael Bergbauer, Jr. ........................... Barbara E. Shields
Michael Bergbauer, Sr. .......................... Barbara E. Shields
William E. and Ruth K. Best, Sr. ....................Linda B. Muller
Arthur E. Betz..................................................Sandra Zippler
Russel E. and Ruth Bilheimer............ Douglas M. Bilheimer
Truman W. Bittenbender................................. Gail Fairchild
Richard and Betty Black......................Anne Dunkelberger
George W. Bowns, Sr. .......................................Judith Street
and George Bowns, Jr.
William Boyer.............................................. Carole L. Shadle
Sarah Louise Braden.......................Larry and Cindy Strong
Lynn G. Brandt................................. Russell and Faye Baker
Carol A. Brandt
Earl H. Brinser................................................ Mary E. Calvert
James F. and Helen M. Brookhart........................... Donald
and Patricia March
J. Glen Brossman.............Jay Brossman and Sarah Kinzey
Jane Brower..............................William and Marion Brower
Barbara G. Brown............................................. Stuart Brown
Joseph V. and Arlene Brown..................Kenneth E. Patrick
Richard (Dick) Brown....................................Sarah H. Brown
William (Bill) Brown.........................................Margie Brown
Ann F. Brubaker....................................... Beverly B. Holliday
Anna F. Brubaker.............................................Ann L. Boylan
Jacquelyne M. Brubaker.....................................Lin Roussel
David C. Bryan.............................................. Avis Ann Bryan
James S. and Joan C. Bryner.....James and Sheryl Bryner
Scott Burcaw..................................Karen Check and Sisters
Harold E. and Betty C. Burgess, Jr. ....... Ronald K. Burgess
Frank M. Burton.......................................... Sharon R. Burton
Paul and Stacie Lewis
Arthur R. and Glenna D. Bush.......Margaret Ann Hummel
Ruth Cagnoli............................................. Doris M. Novinger
Roy G. Calvert.............................................. Mary E. Calvert
Elsie Naomi Carmichael.................. James D. Carmichael
Larry and Diane Carmichael
Florence P. Carroll..................................... Patricia A. Barker
Richard F. and Margaret D. Case............................. Dennis
and Sylvia Ulion
Gaylon C. Cathcart......... Michael and Barbara Cathcart
Martha C. Cederstrom.....John and Pamella Cederstrom
John H. Chard............................................ Martha J. Chard
Carson and Ruth Christman.....................................Lamont
and Nancy Richardson
Nancy L. Ciaburri......................................Robert L. Ciaburri
Christine B. Clay..............................................Henry A. Clay
J. Larry Cocklin......................................... Nancy J. Cocklin
George W. Coder........................................... Nancy Coder
Joseph G. Cook..............................................Edith M. Cook
Clyde D. Cooper, Sr. .................Frances Cooper Schmuck
William and Cornelia Cooper.... Windell E. Cooper Porter
Frances Billmeyer Cooper........Frances Cooper Schmuck
John H. and Mary L. Cooper......John and Kathie Cooper
Carol A. Crawford...................................James T. Crawford
Clarence W. Crider........................................Becky Thomas
James and Isabella Cromie................... Barbara E. Shields
James and Margaret Cromie................ Barbara E. Shields
Catherine F. Crouch......................................... Kate Crouch
Edward L. Crow................................................Carol J. Crow
Winifred J. Crum.......................................Kenneth E. Patrick
Albert Cunningham..........................Lillian J. Cunningham
Miriam B. Custer.....................Ted and Meg Lichtenwalner
Allen B. Cutright............................................Kinuko Cutright
Charles (Bud) E. Daniel...............................Helen G. Daniel
Frank E. Daniels........................................ Carolyn F. Daniels
Jean Daube........................ David and Sandra Lee Daube
Jeannette Decker...................Roger and Stephanie Traub
Earl A. Deibert.............................................. Betty L. Deibert
Francis (Bud) Deibert.......................................Hilda Deibert
Walter G. and Nancy H. DePrefontaine.................... Walter
and Leslie DePrefontaine
Marian E. Derk...................... Chester A. and Barbara Derk
Chester A. Derk, Sr.
C. James Devlin........................Harris and Barbara Bucklin
Joseph M. Dickey, Jr. .......................................... Sue Dickey
Mary Kathryn Dietrich...................Morris and Ann Farnum
William L. Diffenderfer........................ Jean A. Diffenderfer
James E. Dillon.............................................Lois V. McDevitt
James J. Donnon...................................Cynthia H. Donnon
Elizabeth Donnon
Robert L. Douty.......................................... Barbara B. Douty
James L. Eakin......................................Jacqueline R. Eakin
Carl and Mary Eastridge......... Harry and Peggy Wheeler
Harry and Carrie Eberhart............................Alice F. Mason
LeRoy and Nancy Eberly............................Jeffrey S. Eberly
Edna Edsall.................................Mark and Maureen Edsall
Alan Edwards....................................................Sue Edwards
Alfred W. and May I. Egge.......................... Robert P. Egge
Elizabeth F. Egge........................................... Robert P. Egge
George S. Engle...............................................Irene L. Engle
James T. English..................................Margery B. H. English
John H. and Marjorie A. Enterline..............Lou Ann Mylott
Grace Evans...............................Richard and Carla Arnold
Ted Ewing................................................... Roberta E. Ewing
Don and Sally Eyer....................... Mark and Christine Eyer
Nicole Marie Falbo.....................................Mary E. Sardello
Family and Friends...........................Walt and Sally Gerber
Kenneth R. Faux.......................................... Beatrice B. Faux
Rodger Fegan............................................Patricia L. Fegan
Ruth E. Fehr...........................................................Russell Fehr
Rhoda B. Feister....................................... Deborah J. Linton
Dwight G. and Mary A. Fetterhoff........... Donna Robinson
Charlotte Feurer.............................................Irene D. Feurer
Albert J. and Irene T. Firth.............. Charles and Joan Firth
Christian S. Fisher...................................... Paulette A. Fisher
Glen David Fisher..................... John and Barbara Kolchin
J. William (Bill) Fisher......................................... Fern I. Fisher
Raymond N. Fisher......................................Martha Ann Fry
Ruby Jane Fisher...............................................Melvin Fisher
Vernon L. Fisher.................................................Melvin Fisher
Jean Fister............................ Lawrence and Nan Ksanznak
Douglas L. Fitzwater....................................Arlene Fitzwater
Joseph A. Fletcher..................................Marianne L. Lacey
Amanda H. Flick............................................... Dale W. Flick
Alfred E. Flowers...................................................Pat Flowers
Mary Ann Foler...................................................Angie Leed
Ida Ford..................................................John and Ida Donis
Ellie Forney............................... Robert and Marilyn Forney
LeRoy W. Fox........................................ Jean A. Diffenderfer
Nancy J. Fox.......................................................Oscar E. Fox
Rebecca Wood Fox...........................................Oscar E. Fox
Woodrow W. and Ruth A. Frank......Woodrow W. Frank, Jr.
Charles E. and Ruth B. Frederick ............Nancy A. Bogert
Merle A. Frey.................................................. Jane L. Ziegler
L. Marie Fry....................................................Connie McKee
Robert J. Fulton, Sr. ............. Robert and Deborah Williams
Richard C. Funk............................................Shirley F. Mason
Rudolf and Mary Galli............. Nicholas and Andrea Galli
Laura Gamble.......................................... Sandra L. Greene
Catherine G. Gardner...............Robert and Karen Luderer
Thomas M. Garrett.................................Rosellen M. Garrett
Pamela Geary..........A. Preston and Brenda Van Deursen
Doris L. Gerlach.........................James and Mary Gerlach
Robert L. Gerlach
Robert and Mildred Germann................... Patricia L. Bixler
John W. and Margaret S. Geyer...............Natalie J. Geyer
Jack L. Gillmore.......................................... Vicki L. Gillmore
Mildred K. Ginther................George and Patricia Ginther
Robert D. Gleichert......................................... Barbara Walti
Rosanne Glod.............................................Robert E. Wetzel
Joe S. Goff.........................................James and Jane Goff
Hugh Goodhart..........................Floyd and Carolyn Sowers
Robert S. Goodwin.............................. Marguerite E. Ziegler
Martin and Doris Mae Gotsch......Joe and D. Jane Bruton
James L. Graveline........................................Janelle L. Krais
Elizabeth J. Greenawalt.....................................Kay E. Duffy
Richard and Sherry Greenawalt
Harry E. Greenawalt...........................................Kay E. Duffy
Kenneth Greenawalt........................Marian L. Greenawalt
Robert J. Griffith.................................. Geraldine M. Griffith
Paula J. Gross............................George and Beverly Gross
Delmar R. Grove................................. Harold and Jill Bucks
Paul H. Grove..............................................Pauline H. Grove
Richard C. Guise............................................Judith L. Guise
Glenn G. Guth.............................................Mary E. Sardello
Pamela Halbleib................. Troy, Holly and Noah Halbleib
Ralph and Dorothy Hamm.........Dennis and Elaine Hamm
William L. Hammer................ James and Nancy Hammer
Eva S. Hardy............................................Harold A. Hardy, Jr.
Joel and Diane Harrar.................... James and Ann Harrar
Smokey Harvey....................James and Cynthia Hossman
Mal and Bee Haubenstein................Catherine W. Dattola
Earl J. and Anna Haverstick.................. Janice R. Johnson
Robert G. Johnson, Jr. and Margaret A. Liu
Miriam G. Haws........................ Russell and Mary Ann Wert
John P. Healey.........................................Tim and Lisa Bright
Heavenly Class of 2015.........................................A. Preston
and Brenda Van Deursen
Gladys R. Heisey.............................Lloyd and Laura Heisey
Eugene K. Herr...............................................Marion C. Herr
Wilbur R. Herr......................................................Doris A. Herr
Rita H. Herting............................ Robert and Patricia Edge
Herb and Edna Hess................................ Barbara E. Shields
Paul W. Hess...................................................... Paula K. Hess
John W. Hetrick.................................................. Judy A. Acri
George W. Heysek.......................................Irene M. Heysek
Elaine Hileman........................................ William P. Hileman
Edward C. Hill........................Sheldon and Patricia Kaplan
Les Hinden...................Jay G. Brossman and Sarah Kinzey
Henry Donald Hineman..................... Florence S. Hineman
Clifford L. Hoag............................................... Janet M. Poth
Bryan Hoch....................................................... Mae R. Hoch
Harry Hoch....................................................... Mae R. Hoch
Anna M. Hocker..........................................Julie Newcomer
Lee and Mabel Hockersmith.. Harry and Peggy Wheeler
Harold Hoerner.......................................... June C. Hoerner
Paul and Mary Hoffines............ Robert and Linda Hoffines
Ronald and Amelia Hoffman......Eugene and Jane Smith
James and Cynthia Whitall
Samuel E. Hoke..............................................Kathy H. Bayer
Virginia S. Holt............................................... Richard A. Holt
Mary Holthaus...................................................Carol Bickert
Marty and Nancy Hrivnak
William Homisak........................... Eleanor Patton Homisak
Kenneth F. Hoover......................John and Patricia Watson
Emma V. Horne.....................................Mary Anne Cooling
Ralph C. Horne......................................Mary Anne Cooling
Virginia O. Hotchkiss................................ Linda M. Viglianti
Jeannette I. Houseknecht...................... Ron Houseknecht
Charles C. Hughes....................................... Hilda L. Hughes
Helen B. Myers
Roy A. Hughes...............................Ronald L. and Jo L. Boltz
Glenn and Joanne Hummer............. Bob and Vicki Dolan
Frederick (Bud) B. Hummler.......................... Nanci Bicking
Robert and Jean Hailstone
Margaret T. Hummler
Carol E. Hunter..............................Jeffrey and Mary James
Catherine Hunter..................................... Barbara E. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter.........Jeffrey and Mary James
Daniel Stump Hursh and Grace Irene Hursh......... George
F. Reitz
Martha Hutchinson......................................... Joan Williams
Carl W. and Elizabeth Jackle................................... Donald
and Barbara Jackle
Carl and Hazel Johnson.....H. Richard and Marilyn Briggs
Elaine Umstead
Jack W. Johnson....................Ted and Meg Lichtenwalner
Ralph H. Johnson..........................................Linda Patrician
Robert G. Johnson, Sr.......................Robert G. Johnson, Jr.
and Margaret A. Liu
Ruth H. Johnson
William T. Johnson......................................Stella J. Johnson
Russ and Mary Jo Remaley
Marvin H. Jones.................................... Geraldine G. Jones
Laura Mamula Karlo...................................... Milana K. Bizic
Doris G. Katsonis................................................ Mary Moyer
Ana Katzenmoyer.................................... Olin Katzenmoyer
Walter P. Keely............................................Pauline H. Grove
Kathleen Kegris.......................................Dennis L. Kegris, Jr.
Bertha Kennedy........................ Robert and Linda Hoffines
John I. Kesselring.......................Jim and Paula Dougherty
Agnes L. Kesselring
Patrick and Betty Kiernan..................Doris Wardell Nichols
Ronald Kimberlin.................................. Nancy A. Kimberlin
Gracie Fay Kinney....................................Reuben E. Kinney
Francis E. Kinter....................................... Bob and Kim Rose
Roger and Stephanie Traub
Barbara L. Kitner..........................................Robert H. Kitner
John J. Kling............................................... Jeanette S. Kling
Robert M. and Joyce R. Kling..............................Joan Kling
Helen Knelly........................................ Denise S. Dougherty
Virginia Knight........................................Robert W. Knight, III
Julia D. Knox...........................................Cynthia H. Donnon
Elizabeth Donnon
Dick and Mary Knox........................................Mary J. Knox
Teresa F. Kornsey...............................Tom and Carol Fanelli
Thomas P. Kornsey
Dorothy (Dottie) L. Koser.............................. Robert L. Koser
Steven and Stacy Koser
Max and Diana Murphy
Anne Kula........................................... John and Eileen Kula
Orvis S. Kustanbauter......................Helen C. Kustanbauter
Rachel Kyler................................................. Gerald W. Kyler
Louis F. La Noce......................................... Gloria F. La Noce
Vince and Peggy Lachimia................... Barbara E. Shields
Charles H. Lacquement.................Connie J. Lacquement
Dolores Lafferty........................................ Barbara E. Shields
Wilber D. Lambert.....................................Charlotte M. Betz
Mel and Beth Lancione..............................................Warren
and Helen Heidelbaugh
Marjorie McCormick Langell.......... Joann C. McCormick
Arlene R. Laubach........................................Mary L. Yeager
Grace E. Laubach.........................................Mary L. Yeager
Mary Ruth Lauck.........................................Charles L. Lauck
Ronald M. Lawhead....................................... Julia L. Siipple
Preston J. Layfield......................................Anna M. Layfield
Thomas Learn..................................................Susan K. Shildt
Walter and Elsa Lee......................Richard and Sylvia Parks
Leis and Wishman Families......... Charles and Norma Leis
Mary H. Leisey............................................ Alvin L. Leisey, Jr.
Katherine Leneyel...................................... Virginia L. Haupt
Dorothy (Dotty) Lenker........James and Cynthia Hossman
Ruth M. Lenker.............................Terry and Barbara Lenker
John S. Levan..................................... John and Cleo Levan
Jacqueline Levy...............................................Richard Levy
Grace Lichtenwalner............Ted and Meg Lichtenwalner
Catherine Liddick..............................Kenneth E. Liddick, Jr.
John W. and Louise S. Lindberg................John T. Lindberg
John (Jack) W. Linn, Jr. ......................................J. W. Linn, III
Julia E. Linn
Robert E. Lippert................................ Eric and Irene Lippert
Robert Lippert
Edward R. and Dorothy P. Lloyd..............Christine Petrucci
Edna Kay Loichinger......................Raymond J. Loichinger
Paul M. Long...................................................James R. Long
Paul S. Long........................................Janicemarie W. Long
Thelma G. Long............................................ Ronald D. Long
Loved Ones....................................Bob and Ruth Emberger
Loved Ones.................................................... Beverly Lowery
Sandra (Sandee) G. Lower.... Richard and Dorothy Lower
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Luby....................... Barbara E. Shields
Richard and Doris Lukens..........................Bonnie Thornton
Irene Lutz..................................................... Susan E. Wagner
Esther M. Lux....................................................William G. Lux
William (Bill) F. MacIntire..............................Ralph C. Davis
Angeline R. MacIntire
Norman C. and Elona A. MacMath.........................Wayne
and Maureen MacMath
John W. Maiden....................................Denise M. Boschetti
Robert and Robina Mailey................. Marlene M. Dobson
Anne Mamay............................................. Ralph R. Mamay
Geoffrey and Jeanne Mann.................................... Horace
and Prudence Mann
Kenneth C. and Pauline L. March............................ Donald
and Patricia March
Kay Marion................................................... Ginny Gargiulo
Merle Markley...........................................Robert L. Markley
Joseph C. Martin...................................Francine Desmarais
Frank S. Matesevac.......................... Thomas S. Matesevac
Donald S. Mayes...................................Josephine E. Mayes
Margaret Lambert McAllister..................Charlotte M. Betz
Lu McArthur......................................................L. F. McArthur
Robert B. and Eva McBeth......................R. Blair McBeth, Jr.
William M. and Winifred C. McCain......James A. McCain
Clair E. McCall.................................................... Eva McCall
Ken and Sandy McCall
Warren (Pat) B. McCarty........................Joyce M. McCarty
June A. McCormick......................... Joann C. McCormick
Richard H. McCormick, Jr. .....................Linda McCormick
Richard H. McCormick, Sr......................Linda McCormick
W. Donald McCulley...........................S. Andrew McCulley
Walter D. McCulley, Jr.
Albert J. McDevitt.............................. Albert J. McDevitt, Jr.
Lois V. McDevitt
R. Dale McDowell..............................Lavonna T. McDowell
Robert P. McGinnis.................................... Marian McGinnis
Paul and Mary McGrath................... Austin E. McGrath, Jr.
Anna Kolchin Mellin................. John and Barbara Kolchin
Philip and Adele Mendelsohn...... Larry and Judy Marcus
Barbara A. Menear................................ Donald E. Menear
John Mentzer................... Richard and Sherry Greenawalt
Ruth Merritt.................................... Jack and Carole Welch
Thomas (Tom) S. Merwin.........................Frances M. Comly
Rosemary M. Merwin
Roland B. Messick............................... Marguerite E. Ziegler
Earl R. Mezoff...................................... Margaret M. Holman
L. Robert Miller.................................................Linda L. Miller
Louis D. Miller, Jr. .......................................... Sophia T. Miller
Marion J. Miller............................................ George E. Miller
Phyllis A. Miller...........................................Howard W. Miller
Roy W. Miller............................................. Florence M. Miller
Samuel L. Miller.........Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Zimmerman, III
Krissy Millin.............................................................. Jan Millin
Harry A. Minehart....................................Verna S. Minehart
Rollin E. Minnich, Jr. .........................................Ty E. Minnich
Grant V. Mitchell..................................Becky Mitchell Perry
Cheryl Moisey....................... William and Marlene Moisey
Edward H. Monefeldt........................... Anne E. Gaglianese
Kermit Moore.............................................. Joseph J. Moore
Loretta J. Morton.................................. Barbara A. Aldinger
Monica Moyer...........Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Zimmerman, III
Myrtle Moyer...................................................... Mary Moyer
Archie and Myrtle Muir...........David and Joanne Roberts
Frank (Pops) Murawski...........................James P. Murawski
Lorraine J. Murawski
Grace Murken............................................... Robert Murken
Moses C. Murphey.................................. Janice T. Murphey
Ethel M. Myers....................................... Joyce Myers-Brown
J. Richard Myers.............................................Helen B. Myers
James O. Nelson......................................Donna N. Thomas
Nellie B. Nelson.................................................Kathryn Kelly
Frank A. Nickel......................... Timothy and Tammy Nickel
James C. Nickle......................Thomas and Terry Kamerzel
Ginger Nock...............................................Bonnie N. Getkin
Howard Nolf................................Richard and Nancy Talley
James (Jim) G. Novinger........................ Doris M. Novinger
Paul F. Nye......................................................... Karen L. Nye
Bridget O’Brien................................ Louis and Rose O’Brien
Gregory and Helen O’Brien.......... Louis and Rose O’Brien
Janet O’Brien................................... Louis and Rose O’Brien
Mary Jeanne O’Connell...................................... Jan Pinkos
Kurt H. Osberg.................................... Albert J. McDevitt, Jr.
Our Grandmother - Barbara ...................... Grandchildren
Our Mothers................................... Howard and Edith Kane
Robert L. Owens............... Fred Owens and Judith Mueller
Anthony J. Palermo.......................................Marie G. Diem
Parents of the Sobotka Family.. Bernie and Judy Sobotka
Edward and Evelyn Parks............Richard and Sylvia Parks
Guy Parmer, Jr. ...................Jean Parmer and Mike Cairns
Paul M. Peet................................................Florence G. Peet
Anita L. Pence......................................George J. Pence, Jr.
Michael and Sarah Pence
Victor E. Pessano............................................Joan Pessano
Vicki L. Pessano
George W. Peters............................................ Doris B. Peters
Frank G. Petrucci........................................Mary E. Sardello
Ruth J. Phillips............................................. James W. Phillips
James (Jim) R. Phipps...................................... Anne Phipps
Pifer and Spisak Families........... Richard and Edna Spisak
Richard K. Plummer, Sr. ..................... Margaret S. Norman
Rose A. Poley............................................Robert P. Poley, Sr.
Florence I. Poxon.............................................Robert Poxon
Ann Fox Price......................................................Oscar E. Fox
J. Gordon Price................................................Dorothy Price
Elizabeth Putt.......................................................... Lloyd Putt
Robert L. Raetz.................................................Viola E. Raetz
Herb and Mabel Ragan.......Edward and Nancy Maguire
Al and Theresa Ranzinger............ Mark and Christine Eyer
Louise C. Ray.......................................................Blair M. Ray
Robert E. Reader.......................................... Mary S. Reader
Joanne C. Reber..........................................Helen G. Daniel
Richard M. Reber
Paul C. Reber................................................Helen G. Daniel
Richard M. Reber
Kay S. Reed................................... James and Ginger Miller
Virginia H. Reed........................... James and Ginger Miller
Robert H. Reidenbach......................... Dennis Reidenbach
Mildred O. Reilly...........................................Virginia Cosgriff
Robert and Patricia Edge
Ann Champney Reinhart.............................. Beth R. Mansh
George F. Renoe............................................ Doris B. Renoe
Jeffrey and Ethel Renoe
Residents that touched our hearts..........................Edward
and Kay Horst
William (Bill) and Doris Reynolds.........Robert A. Reynolds
Herbert W. Reynolds.................................... Lois R. Reynolds
Robert A. Reynolds
Alda Roach...................................... Charles and Joan Firth
John H. Roach.........................................Deborah Amoroso
Cynthia Keesey Robinson........David and Juanita Keesey
Betty J. Rohrback.................Robert and Sharon Rohrback
Ethel Lambert Rosenbaum......................Charlotte M. Betz
Peggy W. Rosol........................................... Frank J. Rosol, Jr.
Edith Rother......................................................Dorothy Price
Thomas (Tom) F. Rothwell.......................... Lillian J. Rothwell
James E. Rowley........................................... Ruth A. Rowley
Walter F. and Elizabeth P. Ruffer................Carolyn L. Ruffer
Charles and Elinore Ruhl........................... Mary R. Berlage
Charles L. Rush................ Stephen and Patricia Gombocz
Sue C. Rush
Harold Ruth...................................................... Carol M. Ruth
Edward and Ruth Rutter.................................... Anonymous
David E. and Joan E. Samuel.........Barbara Samuel Loftus
Carl A. Sandberg.....................................Joan R. Sandberg
Margaret (Margie) Sanderlin..............Valerie Ambrozates
Georgia B. and Lillian B. Sanders...C. Vernon Sanders, Jr.
Ann Satchell.................................... Charles and Joan Firth
Billie J. Savickas..............................................John Savickas
John M. and Adeline B. Savickas.................John Savickas
Nicole A. Schiavoni.................................. Roberta E. Ewing
Robert Schlosser................. Robert and Deborah Williams
John W. Schneck.....................Bill and Catherine Schneck
William H. Schroder................................ Stacy M. Schroder
Cathy Schulte................................ Larry and Carol Wolford
Margaret Sculti.............................................. Robert Murken
Charles H. Seekamp.............................Faye L. Loughridge
James L. Segmiller................................... Jane W. Segmiller
Perryne B. Service.......................Walter and Susan Service
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Service..........Walter and Susan Service
Frank Shadle............................................... Carole L. Shadle
Denise J. Shank................Maynard and Edna Rosenberry
Herbert D. Shaub.......................................Pauline H. Shaub
John M. Shaud. Jr. ....................................... Mary H. Shaud
Bonnie M. Shellenhamer......................................A. Preston
and Brenda Van Deursen
Joanna S. Sherman............................ Christian E. Sherman
Herb Shields.............................................. Barbara E. Shields
Miriam K. Showalter........................... Jean A. Diffenderfer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shuller.......................................... Barry
and Donna Zimmerman
James E. Siipple.............................................. Julia L. Siipple
James (Jim) Size............................................ Mary Ann Size
Joseph J. Slemenda.............................Esther C. Slemenda
Charles E. Slingland....................................... Barbara Lane
George and Delores Sload........................Phyllis J. Kepner
Frederick H. Smedley, Jr. .................. Elizabeth R. Smedley
Betty N. Smith.............................................Karen L. Boehner
Glen A. Smith................................ Bob and Marilyn Forney
Lester V. Smith.................................Doug and Gloria Smith
Marie Smith................................................... Kenneth L. Swift
Richard E. Smith, Sr. ....................................Alethia N. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith...................... Barbara E. Shields
John P. Smuck..................................Melissa A. Frankhouser
Vera S. Solodky...........................................Jay Reichenthal
Sally S. Sowden........................................ Clinton D. Spiegel
D. Lester Sowers..........................Floyd and Carolyn Sowers
Kenneth Spangenberg................ Larry and Carol Wolford
Robert Spangenberg................... Larry and Carol Wolford
Pauline Spangler..........................Delbert and Fern Skinner
Laurence and Caroline Spencer........... Barbara E. Shields
Harold C. Sperry..................... Kenneth and Joan Fawcett
Ruth K. Sperry
Norman A. Spiegel.................................. Clinton D. Spiegel
George Staiger..............................Bill and Donna Jamison
Bernie and Adeline McFadden and Family
Henry K. Staiger........................................................... Bernie
and Adeline McFadden and Family
Donald and Betty Steel...........................................Jeff Steel
Jean M. Steely............................................... Debra J. Steely
John C. Stevens........................................... Phyllis E. Stevens
William C. and Carol A. Stevenson............. Carol Norman
Erma V. Stichter.................................................. Betty Barker
Deborah L. Brisset
Charles O. Stine............................................... Doris W. Stine
Vivian E. Stoll.................................................Tracey A. Killen
Kenneth L. Strohm, Sr............................Don and Sue Beam
Gerald and Suzanne Brightbill
Larry, Mark and Bruce Briody
Carl and Kathleen Elser
Donald and Susan Sedam
Jean L. Strohm
Kenneth L. Strohm, Jr.
Tom and Kathy Strohm
Waggoner, Frutiger & Daub
Robert L. and Irene M. Stuebner..........Constance S. Firing
John N. and Betty H. Swan............. John and Vivian Swan
Cheryl Sweitzer.................................................Melvin Fisher
C. Marie Swift.....................................Sandra M. Bingaman
Deborah Kula Swope........................ John and Eileen Kula
Samuel M. Taggart................................Dianna M. Taggart
Donna Lynn (Gish) Teter......................................Shara Teter
Harry C. Thomas....................................Carolyn A. Thomas
Will Thomas..........................................Doris Wardell Nichols
Theresa R. Thompson........................Edward A. Thompson
Eugene and Marjorie Tierney.............................. Raymond
and Annette Tierney
Judith C. Toner............................ William and Nancy Toner
Henry A. Trautman................George and Patricia Ginther
Herman (Ben) Turpin....................................Jeanette Turpin
Ruth E. Turpin
Charles W. Twesten, III...................................... Judith Rehm
Gertrude M. Tyler.................................John and Linda Rutt
August H. Vandermer........................... A. Hale Vandermer
Doris E. Wagner............................................ Nancy J. Kaper
Joseph and Rose Walsh................. Louis and Rose O’Brien
Elvin M. Warner, Jr. ................................ Leatrice A. Warner
Elvin M. Warner, Sr................................. Leatrice A. Warner
John Warner............................ Howard and Larene Castor
Richard (Ricky) A. Watt.......... Richard and Dorothy Lower
Yolanda N. Weider....................................... Wanda E. Roth
Alice Weigel................................... Mark and Beryl Bradick
Gregory W. Weigel
Kay E. Wenrich...........................Allen and Nancy Wenrich
Carroll and Ada Wentz.....................Catherine W. Dattola
Todd A. Wert................................. Arthur and Dorothy Wert
Alan C. Wetzel.............................................Robert E. Wetzel
Jane C. Wetzel............................................Robert E. Wetzel
M. Verna Wetzel...................Harry and Doris Longenecker
Brenda Wheeler........................ Harry and Peggy Wheeler
Clair and Dorothy Wheeler..... Harry and Peggy Wheeler
Kenneth M. and Beatrice A. Whitmer.........................Marc
and Ann Falcinelli
Kenneth A. Whitsel...........................................Ginny Whitsel
Margaret (Marge) Widger...........................Robin E. Canell
Jane A. Jones
Charles W. Wiener.................................. Ginny Winderman
William J. Wilbert.........................John and Martha Moore
Henry M. Wildasin........................................Ann A. Wildasin
Amy Keller Wilhelm...................Richard and Jo Ann Keller
Warren W. Willard..............Michael, Fred, Pat and Wendy
William N. Willard....................................... Ann Marie Ulrich
Chester W. and Clare T. Williams.................. Joan Williams
Doree K. Williams........................ Donald and Carole Light
Herman C. and Florece E. Willis...............................William
and Irene Reaghard
Suzzanne Morrison Wimer................................Oscar E. Fox
Charles Winnemore....................................... Janet M. Poth
Anne K. Wolf.................................................. Melissa Hanley
Paul J. Yargats..................................... Margaret M. Yargats
Luther W. and Mary E. Yerger.........................Mary Jo Daly
Your Dad.................................................... Marian McGinnis
Your Parents................................Richard and Jo Ann Keller
Janet W. Yost...................................................Donald L. Yost
Helen T. Zerfoss...................................................Carol Knight
Robert H. Zima......................................................Doug Zima
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Zimmerman............................... Barry
and Donna Zimmerman
Elizabeth Zimmerman.............. George E. Zimmerman, Jr.
Chester A. Zitter.................................. Marguerite E. Ziegler
Listed below are honor gifts made in honor of one individual or couple (names shown in blue)
3rd Floor Clinics Hallway Co-workers....... Donna Hershey
60th Wedding Anniversary.........Chris and Joan Reynolds
Margaret M. Adams...........Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Adams
All Veterans.................................Walter and Susan Service
John P. Ambrozates..............................Valerie Ambrozates
Betty Aurandt........................................David R. Whitenack
Elizabeth R. Bakeoven................................. Kathy Mininger
Mary Baratta....................................................Frank Baratta
Madelyn H. Bardes....................................Robert H. Bardes
Frances M. Baringer................................... Paul D. Baringer
William A. Barnett................................. Patricia L. Sourbeer
Bev Bates...............................................David R. Whitenack
Barbara Beaty...............................Mike and Joanne Beaty
Miriam Bennett............................................Barbara L. Racki
Milton M. Bergey..........................................Roger L. Bergey
Bert the Wonderdog................................... Ellis C. L. Adams
Charlotte (Shirley) Betz....................... Marilyn Steigerwald
Melissa Binder................................................ June K. Binder
Elaine K. Bleiler......................Ted and Meg Lichtenwalner
Kathryn Boone........................... Ed and Betty Jane Green
Anna Borek........................................... Josephine A. Prince
Don Brindisi................................................... Donna Hershey
Christine Brunn..............................................Denise I. Grove
Darlene Buchel.............................Dianna R. McCommons
David and Jane Cale..............................Michael J. McKee
Mina F. Case......................................Tony and Emily Wright
Ruth Cielewich.........................Scott and Jamie Cielewich
Clinics Staff................................................... Donna Hershey
Jane Conti........................................................ Mark S. Conti
Jim and Claire Davis.............................. Jim and Sue Davis
Jim and Cheryl Deibert.............................. Betty L. Deibert
Anna K. Deik..................................................Robert Deik, Jr.
Chester A. Derk, Sr. ..................Chester and Barbara Derk
Charles and Julia Diez......................Todd and Judy White
Employee Bake Sale Volunteers......... Masonic Village at
Elizabethtown Employee Bake Sale
Masonic Village at Elizabethtown Therapists
Kathy, Kim, Angela and Liz......................Ann L. Dinsmore
Masonic Villages Employees.................. Brenda L. Gibson
Employees of Terrace View Dining Room..........Dolly Junk
Sharon Enck.................................................. Donna Hershey
Suzanne Felegy.............. Rose Croix Chapter No. 235, OES
Oscar E. Fox.....................Warren and Helen Heidelbaugh
Catherine M. Frasca................................. Marian McGinnis
Mary S. Frey.................................................... Jane L. Ziegler
Doris George.................................Karen Check and Sisters
Gary George..........................Family of Ned Masenheimer
Robert L. Gerlach............................ Jim and Mary Gerlach
Nicholas E. and Stella C. Gianopoulos.................Dean N.
Marjorie Gleichert.......................................... Barbara Walti
Gertrude E. Goff................................James and Jane Goff
Jim and Diane Gordon............................... Betty L. Deibert
Rutheda L. Graveline...... Karen, Kevin and Janelle Grant
Liz Grosh.............................................. Rosemary M. Merwin
Georgia L. Hagy..........................................Myrle K. Hagy, II
Elizabeth V. Hahn................................................. Louis Hahn
Tamara Hake.........................................Anne Dunkelberger
Jill E. Hamme..............................................Donna J. Rentzel
Joan A. Hanley............................................. Melissa Hanley
Jane R. Harner................................Warren and Lisa Harner
Joan Hartman..................................... Patricia J. Weatherly
Health Services Response Team
Chris, Marie, Bernie ..................................Donna Hershey
Carol Ann Heckman................................ Michael C. Petak
Nick Hehnly...........................................Anne Dunkelberger
James H. Heidler.................................................Jane Strock
Elizabeth H. Hench........................................ Tana L. Parrett
Teresa Herr............................................................Doug Zima
Larry Hess..................................William and Marion Brower
Kathy Hoffman..............................Dianna R. McCommons
Harold F. and Mary A. Honath..................................Wayne
and Kimberly Honath
William B. Hornberger...........John and Cindy Hornberger
Robert M. Hotchkiss.................................. Linda M. Viglianti
Elizabeth Hunsperger..................................... Carol A. Nista
Neal and Carol Hurley and Family........ Marian McGinnis
John Irwin....................................Brian and Janet Hoffman
Martha J. Johnson........................................Linda Patrician
Ruth H. Johnson....................................... Janice R. Johnson
Robert G. Johnson, Jr. and Margaret A. Liu
Stella J. Johnson......................Russ and Mary Jo Remaley
Ruth S. Johnston......................................... Dorothy J. Peters
Alan A. Karr............................................Beverly R. Bowman
Loretta M. Kelly.....................................................Philip Abel
Joanne M. Kerridge.............................Beatrice A. Kerridge
Cindy Kidd.............................................David R. Whitenack
Thelma M. Kinter..................................... Bob and Kim Rose
Roger and Stephanie Traub
Mary Anne Klemkosky........................ Gregory Klemkosky
Robert N. Kratz................................................... Ann K. Kratz
Evelyn M. Kroepil..........................................Timothy Kroepil
Landscaping Department Staff......................Scott A. Ruth
Anna E. Lazur................................Stephen and Kathy Lazur
Marjorie Learn.................................................Susan K. Shildt
Carrie Leitzell.........................................David R. Whitenack
Roger M. Lewis................................................ Barbara Walti
Julia E. Linn...........................................................J. W. Linn, II
Marian Lippert............................................ Robert E. Lippert
Suzanne K. Long.................................................Larry F. Long
Lamont and Nancy Richardson
Adele Mace.............................................Patricia R. Aumen
Howard J. Mack........................................... Engracia Mack
Phyllis (Maggie) Magargee.................... Nancy J. Cocklin
Donna L. Martin
Masonic Children’s Home....................... Donald R. Brindisi
Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill
Staff and Volunteers... Raymond and Rose Mary Blaisse
Masonic Village at Sewickley Employees..................Chris
Mary Matlack................................... Patricia A. Bloodgood
Lois M. McCulley..................................S. Andrew McCulley
Walter D. McCulley, Jr.
Bill and Donna McGinnis......................... Marian McGinnis
Dave and Mary Jane McGinnis and Sons..............Marian
Queen Mother........................................... Marian McGinnis
Rob and Patti McGinnis........................... Marian McGinnis
Bob and Val McGinnis, Jr. and Family .. Marian McGinnis
Helen Merton............................................. Anne E. Antiskay
Elaine M. Miller......... Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Zimmerman, II
Sara M. Miller.....................................Scott and Lisa Hetrick
Lillian Milliron........................................................Eric Milliron
Arabella C. Minnich...... Rose Croix Chapter No. 235, OES
Ty E. Minnich
Marion Mitchell....................................Becky Mitchell Perry
Shirley J. Montross.................... Donald and Carol Werner
Kermit and Mary Moore and Family....... Joseph J. Moore
Hayden Muir.............................David and Joanne Roberts
Lorraine J. Murawski...............................James P. Murawski
Chris Nichter.............................. Robert and Shirley Nichter
Betty Nolf....................................Richard and Nancy Talley
William and Carol Northey............ Gary and Kristen Dunn
Nursing Care Staff
Masonic Health Care Center.............. R. Blair McBeth, Jr.
Nursing Staff on Lafayette West....Lloyd and Laura Heisey
Barry Q. and Joyce Olley............. Thomas and Beth Smith
Our Families......................... Richard and Barbara Fogarty
Marjorie D. Owens........... Fred Owens and Judith Mueller
Eileen M. Pagano....................................... Mark A. Pagano
Virginia Parker.................................................Joan P. Frizzell
Della Parmer........................Jean Parmer and Mike Cairns
Personal Care 1st Floor Nursing Staff.....................Ted and
Meg Lichtenwalner
Personal Care Department Staff................ Donna Hershey
Pharmacy Staff............................................. Donna Hershey
Cindy Phillips................................................ Donna Hershey
Stacey Piper................................................. Donna Hershey
Catherine F. Plummer......................... Margaret S. Norman
Cindy Poole...........................................David R. Whitenack
Wilma Pugh..................................................Natalie J. Geyer
Marguerite Reichenbaugh................Scott Reichenbaugh
Dottie Reifsnyder............................... Susan R. Ostermueller
Doris B. Renoe............................... Jeffrey and Ethel Renoe
Jean E. R. Ressel.........................................Dolores R. Landis
Chris and Joan Reynolds......................Robert A. Reynolds
Lois Reynolds........................ Robert and Virginia Reynolds
Robert Reynolds Family.............................. Lois R. Reynolds
Carroll and Mae Rickert........ Clarence and Nancy Bupp
Harold W. and Ruth Ann Risser, Jr. ................. Harold Risser
James and Betty Jane Rodisch............. James D. Rodisch
Nikki Ann Roll............................................ Michael C. Petak
Roosevelt 4 Staff............................................... Joann Cairns
Fran Rowley.................................................. Donna Hershey
Ted and Meg Lichtenwalner
Sample Great Grandchildren.......................Frederick and
Mary Jane Sample
Edward and Ruth Sattler...... Alan and Barbara Anderson
Esther L. Scheuermann.............................. Marion E. Cuttle
Lois M. Schoch..............................Family of Lois M. Schoch
John and Dottie Schoch
Bill and Nancy Schreffler................................. Debra Foote
Lynne M. Seachrist........................ Dean and Brenda Miller
David R. Whitenack
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Shafer........ JoAnn and Sherri Sutter
Maria (Big Ma) Silveri..................Lino and Winnifred Silveri
Kimber D. Smith.............. Rose Croix Chapter No. 235, OES
Francis (Stew) Snyder......................................Cindi Simone
Catherine H. Spangenberg......... Larry and Carol Wolford
Phyllis Speicher..................................Barbara S. Thompson
Staff on Lafayette West................................... Paula K. Hess
Staff on Roosevelt 4.........................Helen C. Kustanbauter
Staff on Washington 4................................. Peggy Hummel
Staff at Willow Place..................................Nancy J. Hrivnak
Cindy Stefl...................................... Sy and Deborah Beozzo
Grant Stetzler......................................................Trudy Wilson
John Stoll...........................................................Richard Hicks
Robert and Shirley Straub........James and Patricia Straub
Jane Strock...........................................................Jim Heidler
Jean L. Strohm.................................... Kenneth L. Strohm, Jr.
Thomas and Katherine Strohm
Nancy Summy................................................. Carol M. Ruth
JoAnn M. Sutter.............. Rose Croix Chapter No. 235, OES
Sherri A. Sutter................ Rose Croix Chapter No. 235, OES
Robert L. Swift............................................... Kenneth L. Swift
James and Mary Ellen Tarman....................... Ruth Y. Fishel
William A. and Margaret W. Thorpe..........................Daniel
and Caryl Waters
Filomena Troiano............................ Cecelia A. Jaworowski
Dave and Kathleen Troiano
Steve Tyler.................................................... April T. Perciballi
Deborah Valiton-Carnish.....Family of Ned Masenheimer
A. Preston Van Deursen........Family of Ned Masenheimer
Brenda L. Van Deursen................. A. Preston Van Deursen
Tammy Via...............................Ted and Ethel Cunningham
Dorothy Webster............................... Fred and Terri Koehler
Marie A. Willard.................Michael, Fred, Pat and Wendy
Mildred (Millie) Winnemore...................... Donna J. Geiger
Janet M. Poth
Lee Winter................................Ted and Ethel Cunningham
Larry and Carol Wolford.................................. Ruth Y. Fishel
Your Grandchildren, Jim and Katy Rowley.............Ruth A.
Your Granddad, Samuel Withers.................Becky Thomas
John Edward Ziegler.......................................... Janet Learn
Marguerite E. Ziegler
Memorial Gifts
November 1, 2015 - January 31, 2016
Below is a list of individuals (names are shown in red)
whose loved ones have made a gift in their memory to one
of the five Masonic Villages located at Dallas, Elizabethtown,
Lafayette Hill, Sewickley or Warminster. Great care has been
taken to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the names
listed below. We regret any errors or omissions. If an error
has been made, please contact the Office of Gift Planning
at 800-599-6454; 717-367-1121, ext. 33003; or by emailing
[email protected]. Thank you.
Anonymous.......................................... Edward and Ruth Rutter
Hoch and Jensen Family.................... Howard and Mae Hoch
Alvin J. and Betty B. Aaron.................Mark and Kareen Aaron
Arthur A. Agraphiotis................Franklin-St. John’s Trinity Lodge
No. 221
Ronald C. Anderson......................................Carol A. Anderson
Catherine A. Anstine........................Roland and Carol Anstine
Pheobe J. Babel......................................................... Allen Babel
Harriet Z. Bachman..................................... Allen S. Zimmerman
Lester F. Baer..................................Ted and Meg Lichtenwalner
Alexander Bahur, Sr. ................Franklin-St. John’s Trinity Lodge
No. 221
William D. Baker, Sr. ..............................................Jane A. Baker
Donald and Lillie Banzhof.......... James and Donna Benedict
William E. and Ruth K. Best............................. Barbara R. Bauer
Stanley S. Black............................................. Leatrice A. Warner
Matthew P. Boyd........................ Edward and Jeanne Messner
Irwin and Merial Brenner................................ Linda B. Latschar
Bill and Ronnie Bright...................................... Michelle S. Bright
and Edward M. Fluhr
Merville C. Broadbent................. Bruce and Joyce Broadbent
Allen L. Brodie............................................Doric Lodge No. 630
Barbara G. Brown................................................ Stuart L. Brown
Frederick R. Brown............................Carlton and Gloria Brown
William F. Brown.............................................. Kathryn Z. Walson
William (Bill) Brown................................................Margie Brown
Scott Brown
Jackie, Vickie and Suzanne Williams
Paul and Verna Brubaker.......Kenneth and Pamela Brubaker
Walter E. Burger........................................ Jim and Barbara Kehl
Harold E. Burgess, Jr. ....................... Ronald and Alice Burgess
Catherine T. Burns.......................Cummins Power Systems, LLC
Kathleen E. Carroll........................................Mary M. Fitzpatrick
Philip H. Chamberlin..................................Alice R. Chamberlin
James L. Clink.................................Martin and Gabriele Bayer
Howard W. Clontz.............................................Donald E. Clontz
Robert T. Clough, Sr. ............................................. Dale H. Haller
John A. Coburn, Jr. .....................................M. Darlene Coburn
Alva and Martha Cochran..........Thomas and Carol Cochran
Walter S. Conrad...........................................C. Richard Conrad
Edythe S. Conville.................... James and Marlene Ledbetter
Clyde D. Cooper, Jr. ........................David and Margie Stumpf
Donald G. and Irma M. Davidson...................................William
and Nancy Davidson
Deceased Members.............................Pocono Lodge No. 780
Deceased Past Masters of Lodge No. 135..................................
Palestine-Roxborough Lodge No. 135
Jacob DeHoff....................................................William H. Walter
Jacob R. DeHoff................................................William H. Walter
Marjorie DePoe................................................ Stuart D. Broberg
Marian E. Derk..................................Chester and Barbara Derk
John R. Dubs, III...................... Irvin and Carolyn Baumgardner
Craft Mechanical Contractors
Darlene E. Dubs
Bob and Sandy Dunham
William F. Hoffmeyer
George and Pat Kelbaugh
Members of the 117th Session Committee
of the Grand Chapter of PA, OES
Ruth Minello
Bruce and Judith Quickel
Theresa L. Ruppert
Michael and Judy Rutter
Marlene T. Sloat
Robert and Audrey Youmans
Archie Dunn........................................................ William A. Dunn
Mildred Dyke..........................Friendship Chapter No. 551, OES
John and Laura Enie...................................Carl and Carol Willis
James L. Ernette...................Marvin and Rosalie Cunningham
Kurt F. Fago......................................Martin and Gabriele Bayer
Randy Fago.....................................Martin and Gabriele Bayer
Kenneth R. Faux, Sr. ..........................................Beatrice B. Faux
Elwood E. Fink.............................................Carl V. Dreisbach, Jr.
Given Family
Paul and Mary Ann Hadginske
Phyllis J. Kohr
Daniel and Kay Louise McGarry
John and Marcia McHenry
Kevin and Carolyn Mosser
Michael and Debra O’Connor
Jerry and Sharon Potter
Psychological Associates of Pennsylvania, PC
Jay and Debbie Sherman
Kim and Jennie Taylor
Donald and Marian White
Barbara L. Frantz................................................ Robert A. Frantz
Barbara Freeman..................................................June M. Smith
Joseph V. Gantz................................. Joseph and Janet Gantz
Catherine (Kay) G. Gardner...................... Richard H. Dechant
John and Chris Drayer
Stuart and Vivian Estes
Richard and Betty Jo McMillen
Jim and Barb Puckett
Edward J. Gaul.....................................................Edward T. Gaul
James H. Gaul......................................................Edward T. Gaul
Julius Gelbstein..... Hackenberg-Mount Moriah Lodge No. 19
Donald E. Getz......................................................... Gail M. Getz
Jack L. Gillmore................................................. Vicki L. Gillmore
Melvin E. Gittins..........................................Doric Lodge No. 630
Richard Givre ............................................................ Julie Givre
continued on next page
Marie C. Godkins ..................................................... Bonnie Ley
Richard and Harriet Medwid
Joan Owens
Walter O. Goehring..................................... Robert L. Goehring
Julia Goetz .......................................................George A. Goetz
Gilbert L. Goudy....................................................... Diane Biglin
Mildred J. Laudenslager
Paul and Veronica Ann Supan
Foster S. Griffith..................................................... John F. Griffith
Harold and Jo Griffith........................................Pamela G. Quin
Ernest F. Grothe.................................Houseman Lodge No. 211
Edwin E. Harnett.......................... Thomas and Elizabeth Bowes
Barry Lee Hassinger........................................ Joan L. Hassinger
Jean L. Herb....................................... Dennis and Cheryl Meek
Thomas and Jean Olcese
Kathy (Kate) L. Herr.......................................... Charles F. Snyder
Funeral Home and Crematory, Inc.
Wilbur R. Herr............................................................ Doris A. Herr
Sidney S. and Sylvia M. Hersh............................... Joel H. Hersh
Rita H. Herting....................................... Marguerite B. Bernstine
David and Martha Herting
Janet Musarra
Philip and Constance Russell
William B. Sabey
Mary Anne Williams
Ray and Margaret Wilson
William and Cornelia Wolf
John D. Zimmerman
Paul W. Hess............................................................Judith A. Hess
Justus M. Hogeland..........................Houseman Lodge No. 211
Bertha D. Hollinger....................................... R. Dennis Hollinger
J. Richard Hollinger..........................David and Jane Hollinger
Ruth Hostetter............................Sam and Michelle Cannarella
Charles H. Hunter, Sr. .......................Charles and Lorah Hunter
Margaret A. Hunter........................................... Abigail L. Collins
Robert T. Jameson............. McKinley-Stuckrath Lodge No. 318
Helen M. Jaymes..................................................Carl F. Jaymes
Charles S. Jenkins.............................Houseman Lodge No. 211
William Benjamin Jenkins, Jr. .. Reese and Catherine Jenkins
Gerald E. Johns.....................................................Irmgard Johns
Alan L. Jumper...............................Robert and Sandra Jumper
Patricia (Patty) D. Kile.............................. Ken and Elaine Bleiler
James R. Heckman
Bruce and Joan Howarth
William and Edwina Letcher
Albert and Mary R. Kling....................Albert and R. Glee Kling
Anthony L. Knez...................................................... Ellen M. Knez
Sheila Konieczka............................................................ Pin Club
Arlene M. Koppenhaver........................Dean E. Koppenhaver
Teresa F. Kornsey............................................ Thomas P. Kornsey
Dolores Lafferty...............................................Barbara E. Shields
George and Viola Lance......................... Lester and Mary Moll
John G. Lane..................................................Alvin S. Goodman
Britta Lennartson..................................... Sherwood Lennartson
Norman B. Leonard.....................................Norman J. Leonard
Charles P. and Lillian M. Ley................................. Charles L. Ley
Anthony B. Lisanti.................................... Sherwood Lennartson
Dominick Lizzi............................................. David and Alda Lizzi
Neil and Anna Lohoefer.......... Craig and Barbara McCollum
John R. Longabaugh............................ Marian S. Longabaugh
Richard Masters..................................Gary and Wendy Phillips
R. Wiley and Marian McElwain...................................... Claude
and Linda Gladfelter
William McMullan, Jr. ...................................Virginia McMullan
Edward J. Messner.....................Edward and Jeanne Messner
Raymond A. Metcalfe.............Robert and Rose Lee Metcalfe
George A. Metz.......................................................Alice J. Metz
Paul E. Meyers................................................Donald C. Meyers
William (Bill) Miller............................................ James D. Mayer
Daniel Milligan................................. William and Jane Staman
Harry S. Mills...................... H. Sinclair and Elizabeth Mary Mills
William A. Monahan.....................Frank and Virginia Hartlage
Berton H. Montgomery..............................Lake Lodge No. 434
Frederick E. Muller, Sr. ...............Frederick and Isabelle Muller
Robert M. Mullis.................................... James B. Thompson, Jr.
Gertrude K. Myers................................. Stephen L. Kiessling, Jr.
Leon C. Myers, Jr. ....................................Jay and Bonita Myers
James C. Neering............................Edward and Anne Tessaro
Hedy E. Noll................................... Hargis and Helen Knoechel
Roy H. Parker......................................Ronald and Susan Parker
Ronald W. Paul........... Franklin-St. John’s Trinity Lodge No. 221
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Paull.................... John and Shirley Wolfkeil
Andrew M. Pecuch.................................... Margaret H. Pecuch
Walter Perlstein......................... Albert and Madeline Hincken
Richard H. Piatt......................................... Sunset Lodge No. 623
Daniel J. Podolsky........... Marilyn Bocella and Freydel Barsky
Jean Poole............................. Friendship Chapter No. 551, OES
Daniel E. Price, Jr.................................................... Lillian E. Price
Harold A. Queen...................................................Ida M. Queen
Martha Jane Radcliff........................... Gregory J. Pasquarello
Mabel I. Ragan...............................................Barbara E. Shields
Louise E. Rapp...................................................George Endslow
Betty Harman
Doris Schmidt
Leatrice A. Warner
Paul Crowl Reber...........................................Joan B. Kirkpatrick
Richard M. Reber
Robert B. Reeder........................... Harold and Carolyn Hartley
Jonathan Reese........................................ Richard F. Maffett, Jr.
Lynne Regan.................................................Masonic Book Club
Mildred O. Reilly................................................ Barbara H. Myer
Russell W. Richert.......................................Doric Lodge No. 630
Israel and Malka Richter.....................................Lodge No. 126
Clarence B. Richwine.....................................David J. Richwine
Lynn D. Rogers..........................................Eureka Lodge No. 290
Joyce Romasco........ Co-workers of Mark Romasco at Aetna
Stanley H. Roth....................................................... Marlene Roth
Thomas F. Rothwell......................... Mark and Judith Townsend
Jonathan D. and Lynn A. Rutkowski.......... Daniel A. Rutkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Salter, Sr............ Theodore A. Salter, Jr.
Lillian B. Sanders..................................... C. Vernon Sanders, Jr.
William (Bill) Sayres............................................. Janet Beningo
Lynn M. Blum
Inge V. Neuhauser
Fern L. Schade................................. Robert and Judith Schade
Irma G. Schnabel.....................Richard and Mary Ann Schmitt
John P. Schneider.......................................Ronald E. Schneider
William R. Schuler, Sr. ...............................William R. Schuler, Jr.
Hugh R. Scott......................................... John and Audrey Scott
Samuel G. Seinberg.......................Hobart and Gerri Seinberg
Henry S. Seitz.......................................... John and Louann Seitz
Elizabeth (Betty) Shade........................................Dorothy Miller
John M. Shaud, Jr. ............................................... Mary H. Shaud
Georgette Shelling................Friendship Chapter No. 551, OES
Leonard G. Siegel..Hackenburg Mount Moriah Lodge No. 19
Maria Silveri................................................. Raymond W. Blaisse
Tom and Carol Longacre
Joe and Rita Murphy
Joan and Pat Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. George Sims................David and Veronica Sims
Florence I. Sinkler............................Southampton Slipper Club
Millie Sinopoli.................................Henry and Jocelyn Sinopoli
Hugh W. Smith....................................................... June M. Smith
Opal Smith................................... Richard and Rosemary Smith
Roberta (Bobbie) Smith......................Homer and Janis Hetrick
Ruth E. Spalding......................................... George W. Spalding
William L. Stark................................................ Knut Riebensahm
James H. Staver, II...............................................Nellie D. Staver
Stormy.........................................................Walter and Jill Kudas
Jacqueline S. Swika.......................................Stephen Swika, Jr.
Zolenig Terzian................................................... Karen Jehanian
Helen J. Walker.................................. Little Oaks Campground
George D. Walter..............................................William H. Walter
Russell Walters, Jr. ................................................. Phyllis Walters
Russel Ward.....................................................Barbara E. Shields
Donald Wassinger................................ Marie Virginia Andrews
Ronald K. Waugh............................................ Donna D. Waugh
Dorothy (Dot) G. Wedeen...................... Sherwood Lennartson
Billie Sherman
Marvin M. Wedeen
Inez M. Wertz.............................. Robert and Geraldine Kessler
Millard E. Wertz.................................................... Elizabeth Wertz
Paul R. West................................................Andrew S. Vandegriff
Kenneth M. Wetter............................ Houseman Lodge No. 211
Albert W. White......................................... Sunset Lodge No. 623
Pearl C. White.............................................. Bob and Ana Slover
Margaret (Marge) Widger.............................. Mary A. Luberda
Edwin A. Williams................................ Barry Wilson Van Rensler
Herman and Florence Willis......................Carl and Carol Willis
Gerald M. Wills.......................................................Shirley A. Wills
Ethel Winter.................................... Richard and Dorothy Winter
Saundra M. Wise....................... Hershey Chapter No. 509, OES
Richard E. Wise, Jr.
Walter L. Wolf..............................Michael and Marjorie Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wolfkeil..............John and Shirley Wolfkeil
Arthur Wood.......................................................Mark A. Bennett
Bette J. Yanik................................................... Thomas R. Francis
Gary J. Zerbe.................................. Forrest and Dorothy Shadle
Elizabeth Zimmerman..................... George E. Zimmerman, Jr.
Honorarium Gifts
November 1, 2015 - January 31, 2016
Below is a list of individuals (names are shown in red) whose
loved ones have made a gift in their honor to one of the five
Masonic Villages located at Dallas, Elizabethtown, Lafayette
Hill, Sewickley or Warminster. Great care has been taken
to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the names
listed below. We regret any errors or omissions. If an error
has been made, please contact the Office of Gift Planning
at 800-599-6454; 717-367-1121, ext. 33003; or by emailing
[email protected]. Thank you.
Robert C. Black.................................................. Robert W. Yates
Burgess Family.................................. Ronald and Alice Burgess
Chester A. Derk, Sr. .........................Chester and Barbara Derk
Pat Doherty............................................................ Billie Sherman
Robert and Ruth Emberger.............................. James S. Seibert
Bernard Featherman..........................Gilroy and Lillian Roberts
Charitable Foundation
Rodney (Rod) W. Gartner................................. Billie R. Sherman
George E. Tannehill
Charles and Jane Hafer...... Warren and Helen Heidelbaugh
James Williams Johnson.......................... Ossea Lodge No. 317
Stephenie Manon................................ Bill and Marlene Moisey
Masonic Village at Warminster
Nursing Staff...................................................Craig B. Beaman
Lois M. McCulley..................... S. Andrew and Susan McCulley
Joyce Miller.......................................................Jo Anne Malone
Tracy H. and Sandra Miller...................Brian and Tracey Harris
Nursing Team
Roosevelt 2 (Michele’s Team)......Lee and Edythe Kuperstein
Past Masters of Lodge No. 135.............. Palestine-Roxborough
Lodge No. 135
Physical Therapy Department......N. Robert and Joan Hurdle
Ruth M. Rissmiller............................... Edward and Ann Horting
William M. and Gilda B. Sayres...........................Wendy Riggall
Esther L. Scheuermann........................................ John E. Letsch
Lynne M. Seachrist...............................Dean and Brenda Miller
John M. Seifarth.....................................................Billie Sherman
Staff on Lafayette East......................................... W. Scott Muller
Staff on Roosevelt 2......................... George E. Zimmerman, Jr.
William T. Staman................................... Paul and Peggy Leitzel
Charles E. Steever............................................. Louis S. Bellanca
Rowena Surloff................................... Paul and Francine Surloff
William C. White.....................................................Billie Sherman
Masonic Villages
One Masonic Drive
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Mechanicsburg, PA
Came the spring with all its splendor.
All its birds and all its blossoms.
All its flowers and leaves and grasses.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Our caring communities and services assist individuals, families and children in realizing their
potential and enjoying the highest possible quality of life through the traditions of Freemasonry.
Our Values: Quality of Life, Respect for the Individual, Quality Service and Outreach.