July 2015 Strensall Meet our new staff Preschool Graduation


July 2015 Strensall Meet our new staff Preschool Graduation
July 2015
Meet our new staff
one of them and wish them, and
you, every success for the future.
Nursery Painting
This month we welcome Fabiana
Fabiana has some knowledge of
Montessori from her studies in
her native Italy. She will be
working in preschool initially
whilst she becomes familiar with
the nursery.
Preschool has now be painted
and, I think you will agree, now
looks so much fresher.
Nursery Topics
Preschool Transition
Preschool Graduation
Thank you to Preschool parents
who attended the graduation
ceremony for our fabulous
leavers, some of whom we have
had with us since the Baby
Room. It was lovely to hear the
wonderful comments from Lizzie
and Naomi on behalf of the
children’s key person, it really is
as emotional for us as it is for
you and we will miss every single
As part of our transition to school
for our older children we have
started the use of ‘school’ dinner
trays with multi containers. As
you can see our leavers are able
to get used to this different way
of having their meals so that
when they start school it will be a
much easier transition. It has
been reported that the use of the
trays promoted a lot of
interesting conversations relating
to school, what to expect, the
differences between school and
nursery and how they felt about
the move. All excellent
information that can help us to
help them!
Preschool has been looking at
the subject of summer holidays.
They have received postcards
from the different Montessori
schools we have been in contact
with in the USA. They have also
looked at the signs of summer and
are about to look at themselves
and their bodies.
July 2015
Toddlers continue with the
theme of Summer. Little Olivia
from toddlers is going to
Australia for her holiday and so
the room is looking at the country
in some detail. They have all
been enjoying the sunshine in
the garden and all the outside
activities. They have also made
some excellent hand print crabs.
Babies have been enjoying the
Summer/ seaside theme. Playing
with the water and sand and
making sandcastles with different
tools. The babies have been in
the paddling pool filled with balls
experiencing displacement as
they get in and the balls fall out.
The display board in babies
shows a lot of their art work.
and some new ones to try. You
will find attached a copy of the
lunch, tea and snack menus. We
will start the new menus from 3rd
August commencing with week
1. The three nurseries will focus
on how the new meals are
received by the children. We
have tried to ensure that every
week there are two vegetarian
meals, one fish, one chicken and
one meat meal. The days for
chicken, for example, will vary
over the weeks allowing children
in on a Monday to have a good
variety of different proteins. We
are aware of the amounts of
protein that children need for
healthy growth and try to
encourage plenty of different and
nutritious vegetables in our
dishes. Lisa, our chef, has been
consulted in the process and will
delight the children, and staff, as
always with her meals. The
deserts are fruit or vegetable
based such as our chocolate and
courgette cake.
The office door is always open and
it really is lovely to meet up with
you all. We really do believe that
we work in partnership with you,
the parents.
Facebook and Twitter
Please follow us on Facebook
and Twitter. We provide a lot of
information and photos of the
children’s day to day activities.
We ask that you please respect
our policy to reduce illness
spreading and keep children out of
the nursery for 48 hours after their
last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.
This is to help prevent everyone
else from catching it, including
staff who offer the continual care
valued by your child.
Could you please ensure that all
voucher and Bacs payments are
made by the 7th of the month, in
line with our Terms and
Conditions. If you are changing the
way you pay, please let Head
Office know by the 15th of the
[email protected]
Parent Forum
New Nursery Menu
We have just completed the new
menus for the nurseries. We
based it on a survey done over a
5 week period looking at food
waste and preferences. The new
menus have many old favourites
If you wish to get in touch with
the parent forum please do look
at their noticeboards in the
entrance of the bungalow and in
the cloakroom of preschool.
Please do remember that Nicola
and I are also always ready to
listen to any issues you may wish
to raise. If we know of your
concerns we can sort them out!
Nursery Holidays for 2015
Summer Bank Holiday 31.08.15
Christmas 24.12.15 – the nursery
will close at 1pm and reopen on
Monday January 4th 2016
Best Wishes,
Helen C