the message - michigan narcotics anonymous
the message - michigan narcotics anonymous
THE MESSAGE APRIL/MAY 2011 Oakland County “Hospitals and Institutions” needs your willingness!! Oakland County Jail has two men and three women volunteers to cover one meeting every week. There are also H&I meetings in Eastwood Clinic, C.P.I (Community Program Inc.) and Irvine Neurological Center. Oakland County H&I meets every first Wednesday of the month at the Fernwood Tonight meeting at 6:30pm. Please spread the word. We need volunteers to carry the message to the addict that still suffers! -Marty K. Metro Detroit Regional H&I Chair …The first thing to do is to stay clean. This makes the other stages of recovery possible. As long as we stay clean, no matter what, we have the greatest possible advantage over our disease. For this we are grateful. …We share from our own personal experience what is has been like for us. The temptation to give advice is great, but when we do so we lose the respect of the newcomers. This clouds our message. A USING DRUGS ARE BAD simple, honest message of RECOVERY IS FREEDOM recovery from addiction I’M GRATEFUL TODAY -Rich S. rings true… Page 51 Basic Text (12th Step) Hugging the Newcomer The first NA meeting I ever went to was at Eleven Mile RD and John R. I remember feeling awkward and uncomfortable as I walked into the church and found a place to sit at one of the tables. When I got up to get a white surrender key tag, I was overcome with emotion and had to choke back the tears. Relief finally came when someone from my table got up to hug me. I finally felt accepted. And it’s for this reason, no matter what I’m doing at a meeting, I always hug the newcomer. Mike F. Page 84 Basic Text (Recovery and Relapse) SURRENDER Although this program is based on anonymity, I will remember him for the rest of my life. The first time I hugged him I thought he was someone who held an important position at the meetings. I would point him out and tell people who he was, not realizing he was just one of many. When he stood at the front of the room I truly thought he was speaking directly to me. He went on for what seemed like hours but it was only a few minutes. And when he finally offered a new way of life with a key tag and a hug I raised my hand high, jumped out of my seat and started crying like a baby. I haven’t seen him in years but he represents the beginning of my recovery. I am grateful he had the willingness to do “key tags” that day, grateful he took the ceremony seriously and gave it all he had. -anonymous ELECTIONS : THE OAKLAND COUNTY AREA SERVICE COMMITTEE OF NARCOTIC ANONYMOUS st MEETING TOOK PLACE ON MARCH 31 . ELECTIONS WERE HELD AND POSITIONS WERE FILLED AS FOLLOWS: CHAIR: Sheldon S. CO-CHAIR: Open SECRETARY: Mike F. CO-SECRETARY: Open TREASURER: Steve S. CO-TREASURER: Open AREA SERVICE REP: Todd F. CO-AREA SERVICE REP: Open MSO BOARD REP: Rita T. HOSPITALS AND INST: Bunny B. HELPLINE: Mike M. POLICY AD-HOC: Mike F. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Mindy E. NEWSLETTER: Donna B. MARATHON MEETING: Syrus H. ACTIVITIES: Open OUTREACH: Open LITERATURE: Open POLICY: Open ADDITIONAL NEEDS: Open THE NEXT TWO DATES AREA WILL BE MEETING ARE: th SUNDAY, MAY 15 th SUNDAY, JUNE 12 SAINT JOSEPH HOSPITAL WOODWARD AVENUE PONTIAC, ROOM 4C MEETING BEGINS AT 1:00PM. HUMILITY ISN’T THINKING LESS OF YOURSELF, IT’S THINKING OF YOURSELF LESS. CLEAN DATE ANNIVERSARY If you would like your clean date to be in the newsletter then please give it to your GSR or send it to [email protected]. Celebrating increments of clean time shows the “newcomer” that this program works! In 1986 I got in trouble with the law, and the Judge gave me a choice of treatment or ten days in jail, you know which one I chose. Because I wasn’t ready to surrender, I continued to go in and out of treatment more than twenty times, that’s not including the psych wards. My addiction continued to progress and my life continued to go downhill, more trouble with the law, my sister had to put me out, and I still didn’t want to quit. And this went on for twenty two years: homelessness, felonies, fired from GM, living in three quarter houses, beat left lying in the street for dead and I still didn’t want to surrender. Lapeer would always tell me you haven’t had enough pain, and I would say yes I have and go use again. I was fired from GM in 2000 and I went to jail and treatment, and got my job back in 2002 on a last chance agreement through the UAW and GM and still didn’t stay clean. In 2008 GM was offering an early retirement and as much as I didn’t want to take it my sister and a friend in the program kept suggesting that I go and sign up for it because I was headed down the same road again. So I did. I continued to use for a few more months after I came out in June of 2008. Something finally clicked in this thick head of mine and I didn’t want to live the way I was living anymore. I finally got sick and tired of not having food to eat, eviction notices every month, and it just wasn’t fun anymore. So I surrendered. I didn’t have to go to treatment this time, I surrendered to the program. I always went to meetings, did service work, but I didn’t stay clean. I believe it was because I wasn’t ready. I was given a sponsor in the other fellowship and he immediately started working the steps with me. Am I working them perfectly, no? But finally I’m getting the first step right one day at a time. I truly thank God for his grace and mercy because I don’t know where I would be if he had not kept me. I’m still here because of grace. -Rodney R. (12/07/2008) AUTHOR’S RELEASE: This signed release must accompany all submissions. I hereby grant permission to THE MESSAGE (Oakland County Newsletter), their successors, assigns and those acting on their behalf, authority to publish the attached original material titled ___________________________________. I understand that this material may be edited or reprinted in other Narcotics Anonymous journals. I possess legal capacity to authorize this and release THE MESSAGE from any liability thereof. Signed:____________________________________________. Date: ______________________________ From the Editor: Hello All! I am the Newsletter Chair for the upcoming year for THE MESSAGE. I need your help for this newsletter to be successful. Do you have an experience, strength or hope you would like to share? Is there a step that has special meaning to you? Have you written a poem or have a piece of artwork that carries a message? Is there an upcoming activity? All I ask is that it is NA or recovery related and no more than 300 words. You can email it to me or if you see me in person, hand it to me! I would greatly appreciate your help and I know others in the program would too! The newsletter subcommittee meets the first Sunday of every month at 7:00pm, just before the “Survivors” meeting. Thanks! Donna B. ([email protected]) Living in the present means not having conversations with people who are not in the room… Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past… The symptom is physical The problem in emotional The solution is spiritual “A SECOND CHANCE TO LIVE” I came to the program of NA in 1987 and stayed clean until 1999. Yes, relapse is part of my story. I quit going to NA because I relapsed and had been drinking for many years. I was ashamed and didn’t want to face my addiction again. This time was worse than in the past. My relapse took me to places that I never dreamed I’d reach or ever wanted to go to. After having destroyed my entire life I asked for help and entered into a treatment facility on April 24th, 2010. I was reintroduced to the fellowship of NA and was happy to be home again. I could not explain why or how I managed to make it to recovery again. I had given up on myself and the belief that I would ever get or deserve a second chance at recovery. During the past year I have learned many things about myself as a person and as an addict with the disease of addiction. I have learned that as stubborn or as full of false pride as I can be, that I must always ask for help and not make major decisions alone and unadvised. I have learned that we are here to help one another. We need a sponsor and need to work and apply the steps in our lives. We do need a "personality change". We don’t have to do everything alone. If we can get ourselves to reach out and be honest and ask for the help that we need, we will receive it. I’ve learned that therein lies the miracle of recovery. We ask for help, we receive it, and then we give it away to the next person who needs it. I believe that it is my higher power’s will to help others with their lives so they can stay clean and be happy. I will be celebrating a year clean on April 24th, 2011 and am so filled with happiness that it brings me to tears. Having to come back through "those doors" after having 11 years clean and another 11 years of complete horror using was not an easy thing for me to do. But it was necessary and it was a must. You see, I am not the same recovering addict today that I was 22 years ago when I first came here. Today I am ready and I want this thing called recovery. Today I place my recovery first. I don’t want to build my recovery around my life. I tried that and life took over. Today I’m trying to let my higher power guide me and I have a new found confidence in myself that has been a direct result of coming back here. I have had to be humble so as not to be humiliated. I have had to realize that this is a second chance at happiness for me. Before, I tried to intellectualize my way through recovery. Today I just want to stay clean, follow instructions and feel the spirit of recovery hold me. Today, I am living my "Second Chance". –Leo E. EMPTY CHAIR Oakland County has an empty Activities Chair!! Are you outgoing, fun and adventuresome? Do you have some creative ideas for Oakland County’s Events and Activities? We need you! Come to the next Area meeting to learn more about the position and clean time requirements.