Newsletter May 2014 - the Canadian Academy of Sport and


Newsletter May 2014 - the Canadian Academy of Sport and
May 2014
Le bulletin officiel de l’académie canadienne de la médecine du sport et de l’exercice
The Official Newsletter of the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine
What’s Inside...
President’s Note
Page 2-3
New Position Paper
Page 4
Consensus Statement
Page 5
Call for Exam Application
Page 6
Upcoming Events
Page 7
Call for Games
Page 8
Docs in Motion
Page 9
FIMS Congress
Pages 10-11
Lee Schofield
for being selected as
CMO for the 2014 youth
Olympics in Nanjing, China
Toronto PanAm 2015
Page 12-13
Job Opportunities
Pages 14-15
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180 Elgin Street - Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2K3
T. 613-748-5851 or 1-877-585-2394
F. 613-231-3739
Dr. Pierre Frémont
CASEM President 2013-2014
Another great year for CASEM!
Prevention of ACL injuries, concussions, exercise for health, FIMS 2014: the members of CASEM are, more
than ever, leading the action!
Under the leadership of Cathy Campbell and Jim Carson, a team involving many other CASEM members recently published our most recent position statement on the potential of neuromuscular training to decrease the
incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in youth soccer players. I hope that many other CASEM members, guided by the key messages of this paper, will be leaders of change for the benefit of young athletes in
their community. BRAVO to the whole team!
When I accepted the role of president at the 2013 AGM, I said I would make the better management of concussions “at all levels of participation” a priority of my mandate. Through the leadership of CASEM within the
Canadian Concussion Collaborative (CCC), I feel that this objective was achieved. To find out more, visit the
CCC webpage on the CASEM website. Also, expect the publication of joint recommendations by the CCC
member associations in the upcoming months!
CASEM, represented by Renata Frankovich, is also a key player in the multidisciplinary initiative EXERCISE
IS MEDICINE CANADA (EIMC). With the financial support of CASEM and 4 other organisations (CCFP,
CSEP, CPA and RCCSS), EIMC has developed a tool that supports the evaluation and prescription of healthy
physical activity behaviour to adults in primary care. For more details and to access the exercise prescription
tool, consult the EIMC webpage on the CASEM website. A formal publication describing this tool was accepted by the Canadian Family Physician should be published in the upcoming months.
In just a few weeks, with the collaboration of the Association Québécoise des Médecins du Sport (AQMS),
CASEM will host the world community of sport medicine for the FIMS 2014 Congress! I hope to have the
pleasure to welcome you in my beautiful hometown, Quebec City! I want to congratulate the organising committee for bringing together an impressive group of Quebec, Canadian and international experts on the most
current topics in the field of sport and exercise medicine. For more details, visit the congress website:
As a good sportsman and approaching the term of my brief mandate, I feel I gave the best I could to sport and
exercise medicine… but it was only possible because my friends, the passionate members of CASEM, and the
head office team, under the fantastic leadership of Dawn Haworth, who instilled and nurtured in me a passion
for sport medicine!
THANK YOU ALL for your trust!!!
Dr. Pierre Frémont
CASEM President 2013-2014
Une autre belle année pour l’ACMSE!
Préventions des blessures au LCA, commotions cérébrales, exercice pour la santé, FIMS 2014 : les membres de
CASEM sont, plus que jamais, au cœur de l’action!
Sous le leadership de Cathy Campbell et Jim Carson, une équipe comportant de nombreux membres de l
’ACMSE a récemment publié dans le CJSM notre plus récent énoncé de position concernant le potentiel de
l’entrainement neuromusculaire pour réduire l’incidence des lésions du LCA chez les jeunes joueurs de soccer.
J’espère que plusieurs autres membres de l’Association, guidés par les messages clés de cet énoncé, seront des
acteurs de changement au plus grand bénéfice des jeunes sportifs dans leur communauté. BRAVO à toute
En acceptant le mandat de président lors de l’AGA de 2013, je m’étais engagé à faire progresser la cause de « la
gestion adéquate des commotions cérébrales à tous les niveaux de participation ». À travers le leadership de
l’ACMSE au sein de la Collaboration Canadienne sur les Commotions cérébrales (CCC), j’ai le sentiment
d’avoir atteint cet objectif. Pour en savoir plus, visitez la page web de la CCC sur le site de l’ACMSE. Soyez
attentifs pour la publication prochaine d’un énoncé de recommandations conjointes des associations membres de
la CCC!
L’ACMSE, représentée par Renata Frankovich, est aussi étroitement impliquée dans l’initiative multidisciplinaire L’EXERCICE : UN MÉDICAMENT CANADA (EIMC). Avec le support financier de l’ACMSE et de
4 autres associations (CCMF, CSEP, CPA et RCCSS), EIMC a développé un outil visant à supporter l’évaluation
et la prescription formelle de saines habitudes d’activité physique aux adultes en soins de première ligne. Pour
plus de détails et pour obtenir l’outil de prescription, visitez la page web de EIMC sur le site web de l’ACMSE.
Une publication récemment acceptée par le Médecin de Famille Canadien va présenter cet outil de façon plus
formelle au cours des prochains mois.
L’ACMSE, en collaboration avec l’Association Québécoise des Médecins du Sport (AQMS) est également sur le
point d’accueillir la communauté mondiale de médecine du sport à l’occasion du congrès FIMS 2014! J’espère
avoir le plaisir de vous accueillir chez moi dans le cadre enchanteur de la belle ville de Québec!!! Je souhaite
féliciter le comité organisateur qui a réuni un impressionnant groupe d’expert québécois, canadiens et
internationaux sur les sujets les plus actuels en médecine du sport et de l’exercice. Pour plus de détails, visitez le
site .
En bon sportif et à l’approche du terme de ce bref mandat comme président, je crois avoir donné « mon 110% »
pour l’avancement de la médecine du sport et de l’exercice… mais ce fut possible parce que mes amis les
membres passionnés de l’ACMSE et l’équipe de notre bureau chef sous la gouverne de notre fantastique
Dawm Haworth ont fait naitr e et ont entr etenu chez moi la passion de la médecine du spor t!
MERCI À TOUS pour votre confiance!!!
NEW CASEM Position Paper
Neuromuscular Training Programs Can Decrease
ACL Injuries in Youth Soccer Players
Campbell, Cathy J. BPE, MSc, MD, Dip Sport Med; Carson, James D. MD, Dip Sport Med; Diaconescu, Elena D.
MD; Celebrini, Rick PT, PhD; Rizzardo, Marc R. Dip Sports Physio, BScPT, MPE, BPE; Godbout, Veronique MD,
Dip Sport Med, MA, MedEd, BSc; Fletcher, Jennifer A. MD, Dip Sport Med; McCormack, Robert MD, Dip Sport
Med; Outerbridge, Ross MD, Dip Sport Med; Taylor, Taryn MSc, MD, Dip Sport Med; Constantini, Naama MD,
DFM, Dip Sport Med; Cote, Manon MD, Dip Sport Med, BScPT
ACL press release
ACL knee injuries – an ounce of prevention is priceless!
OTTAWA, 30th April 2014 - Nearly a quarter of a million anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur
each year in North America in athletes who participate in high demand sports such as soccer, football,
and basketball.
A major injury prevention position statement released today by the Canadian Academy of Sport &
Exercise Medicine (CASEM) and published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine (CJSM) concludes
that youth soccer players and their coaches can significantly decrease the incidence of ACL injuries by
incorporating neuromuscular training (NMT) into their warm-up routines. NMT involves doing specific
agility and strength training activities. NMT should be incorporated into routine practices and warm ups
and should begin, at the very latest, in the early teenage years. “These warm up exercises, carried out
correctly, will keep the athletes on the field instead of in our offices”, states Dr. Cathy Campbell,
co-author of the new position statement and team doctor for the Canadian women’s soccer team.
CASEM recommends a Canada-wide approach and advocates that all Canadian youth soccer players
should have NMT incorporated into their programs. The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA), the
governing body for soccer in Canada, endorses CASEM's position statement and supports this injury
prevention program aimed at protecting athlete’s health and allowing them to perform at the highest
level. Dr Robert McCormack, one of four orthopaedic surgeons authoring this position statement, is
also the medical representative on the CSA Medical Committee and Chief Medical Officer of the
Canadian Olympic Committee and he agrees that "there is an important need to address the epidemic
of these serious injuries".
FIFA, soccer’s international governing body, has adopted the FIFA 11+ program which mandates a
complete warm-up programme to reduce injuries among male and female football players aged 14
years and older. The use of this type of program has resulted in a 52-72% reduction in ACL injury in
girls and an 85% reduction in boys.
Dr. James Carson, who is also a co-author of this position statement and a physician for the Seneca
College Varsity Athletes program, sums it up by saying, "This is a bad injury which usually requires
major surgery, so it's important for soccer coaches across Canada to help save kids' knees."
Time for change: a roadmap to guide the implementation of
the World Anti-Doping Code 2015
Jiri Dvorka, Norbert Baume, Francesco Botré, Julian Broséus, Richard Budgett, Walter O Frey, Hans Geyer, Peter rex Harcourt,
Dave Ho, David Howman, Victor Isola, Carsten Lundby, François Marclay, Annie Peytavin, Andrew Pipe, Yannis Pitsiladis,
Christina Reichel, Neil Robinson, Grigory Rodchenkov, Martial Saugy, Souheil Sayegh, Jordi Segura, Mario Thevis, Alan Vernec,
Marjolaine Viret, Marc Vouillamoz, Mario Zorzoli
A medical and scientific multidisciplinary consensus meeting was held from 29 to 30 November 2013 on
Anti-Doping in Sport at the Home of FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland, to create a roadmap for the implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. The consensus statement and accompanying papers set out
the priorities for the antidoping community in research, science and medicine. The participants achieved
consensus on a strategy for the implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. Key components
of this strategy include: (1) sport-specific risk assessment, (2) prevalence measurement, (3) sport-specific
test distribution plans, (4) storage and reanalysis, (5) analytical challenges, (6) forensic intelligence, (7)
psychological approach to optimise the most deterrent effect, (8) the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP)
and confounding factors, (9) data management system (Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS), (10) education, (11) research needs and necessary advances, (12) inadvertent doping and
(13) management and ethics: biological data. True implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code
will depend largely on the ability to align thinking around these core concepts and strategies. FIFA, jointly with all other engaged International Federations of sports (Ifs), the International Olympic Committee
(IOC) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), are ideally placed to lead transformational change with
the unwavering support of the wider antidoping community. The outcome of the consensus meeting was
the creation of the ad hoc Working Group charged with the responsibility of moving this agenda forward.
For the full text click here:
Sport and Exercise Medicine Diploma Exam 2014
Exam Date: October 19, 2014
Location: Fortius Sport & Health, Burnaby, B.C.
The priority application deadline for the 2014 exam is May 31, 2014.
To download an application please visit the CASEM website:
New Members
Christopher Raynor
Eric Koelink
Ryan Hodgins
Eugene Maida
Colleen Kjelland
Sivakumar Gulasingam
Deborah Hill
Parambir Keila
Darryl Putzer
Raphael Vartazarmian
Sasha Carsen
Ben Cameron
Rajbir Klair
Olivia Cheng
Nouveaux Membres
Performing Arts Medicine Association
Have an idea for an article ?
CASEM head office is always on the look out for new and interesting
articles to put in the newsletter. I f you as a CASEM members think
something is interesting then chances are we will too—so don’t be shy and
send us your ideas. You can submit article for publication to
[email protected] with the subject line—Newsletter submission.
You can view the newsletter archive on the CASEM website:
For more information on the Games click on the logo or visit
Deirdre McLean
Physiatrist, Lacombe, AB
swinging away at the NY
Yankees baseball camp.
Ottawa Race Weekend 2014
Darrell Menard ran 22.12 for the 5K race at the
Ottawa Race weekend. This was good enough for
6th place in the 55-59 year old category and overall
he was 342 out of 8536 competitors.
Darrell considers this event to be simply a warm-up
for the most important race of the year "Dory versus Darrell" at the FIMS Congress 5k in
Quebec City!
After the race Darrell was busy with the rest of the
medical team providing finish line coverage for the
10k, 1/2 marathon and marathon events.
Head Office geared up for summer with a trip
to the Running Room for some new shoes.
Last Chance to Join us in Quebec City
for the Conference as well as Pre-Conference Courses
Visit the website to register or fax back the form included on the next page.
The XXXIII FIMS World Congress of Sport Medicine
will take place in Quebec City, QC, Canada - June 18-21, 2014.
The Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM) in collaboration with the
Association québecoise des médecins du sport (AQMS) is proud to be organizing
the 2014 edition of the congress.
Pre-Conference Courses will run June 15-18, 2014
MSK Ultrasound Course (FULL)
FIMS Team Instructor Course
FIMS Team Physician Development Course
Book your hotel room at the beautiful Hilton Quebec
Click here for the Congress rate
Porter Airlines is proud to offer a 15% discount on available base fares (with the exception of the lowest
class fare during a public seat sale) for travel to and from XXXIII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. The discounted fares are available for booking from March 7, 2014 to June 24, 2014 and
available for travel:
Dates of Travel:
From: Anywhere in
To: Quebec City
From: 06/13/2014
To: 06/21/2014
Canada or US
From: Quebec City
To: Anywhere in
From: 06/16/2014
To: 06/24/2014
Canada or US
Please book online at or through your travel agent using promo code FIMS14. Porter
offers complimentary in-flight snacks and beverages (including beer and wine), GatePorter service for
carry-on and access to the Porter Lounge in Toronto and Ottawa, where free Wi-Fi and comfortable,
leather seating is available.
XXXIII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine
Date: MM_______DD________YYYY________
Last Name: _________________________________________
First Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City:______________________________________________Province: ____________ PostalCode: __________________________
Country: ______________________________________
Email:(primary method of communication)__________________________________________________________________________
$ 675.00 FIMS / CASEM Members / AQMS
$ 850.00 Non Members
$ 450.00 Residents/Fellows
$ 750.00 Allied Health
$ 300.00 Medical Students / Undergraduate *
$ 350.00 One Day Fee (Please specify which day)
$ 85.00 Gala Ticket
Total $___________
Cheque # _______
Credit Card No: _____________________________________________________ Total Amount $____________________
Expiry Date:
month ____
Name on Card: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Authorized Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Please fax this completed form to 613-231-3739 or email it to [email protected]
Interested in multi-sport games?
Want to use your skills at an international event?
The 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am games are taking place in Toronto and the
Greater Golden Horseshoe Area from July 10- August 14. Toronto will host
41 countries from North and South America, competing in 49 sports and 16
para sport disciplines. With 19 venues, the medical team is recruiting 2500
volunteers to act in leadership and staff roles. Whether you’re interested in
working in the Polyclinic, or have a specific sport you’d like to cover in
mind, TO2015 will be happy to have you on our team.
Come by and see Julia Alleyne and Martin Schwellnus’ presentation
“Multi Sport Games—preparing for Toronto 2015” Saturday June 19, 2014
at the XXXIII FIMS World Congress of Sport Medicine
Formal volunteer recruitment begins in April 2014.
Applications can be found at
Resumes can be emailed directly to the medical staff at
[email protected].
Medical Venue Zone
5 Positions
Pre-Games/Games time
April 1, 2014-August 17, 2015
Key Responsibility
Polyclinic Manager
1 position
Pre-Games/Games time
March 1, 2014-August 17, 2015
Lead Medical Doctor
June 1, 2014
(meetings and orientation)
Games time– .8 FTE
PanAm June 15-July 25
ParapanAm August 1-August 14
Lead Medical Practitioner
Medical Volunteer
June 1, 2014
(meetings and orientation)
Games time– .8 FTE
PanAm June 15-July 25
ParapanAm August 1-August 14
Games time
Paid, full-time position
Planning, coordination and implementation of the medical services for zone of venues
Recruiting, selection, training and scheduling of medical volunteers, provision of equipment and supplies
Coordination with the entire Sport & Venues workforce
Paid, full-time position
Planning, coordinating, implementing multidisciplinary
medical services at the polyclinic and satellite villages
Oversee selection and training of polyclinic medical.
Administrative and pharmacy staff
Ordering and management of all supplies and inventory
for the polyclinic and satellite villages
Volunteer Position
Training and scheduling medical volunteers
Work closely with the Lead Medical Practitioner
Oversee delivery of medical services to accredited personnel for duration of Games at a venue
Implement medical policies and procedures
On-site clinic set-up and take down
Volunteer Position
Training and scheduling medical volunteers
Work closely with the Lead Medical Doctor
Oversee delivery of medical services to accredited personnel for duration of Games at a venue
Implement medical policies and procedures
On-site clinic set-up and take down
Volunteer position
Fulfill at least 8 shifts through duration of games at a
Provide medical care at the venue
Athlete's Care Sports Medicine Centres is looking for part-time and full-time primary care sport
medicine physicians to join our growing team of over 25 sport medicine physicians, physiatrists, rheumatologists, and orthopedic surgeons working in 16 multi-disciplinary locations across the Greater Toronto
Area, including a number of locations in downtown Toronto.
Patient caseload includes weekend warriors, professional, national, Olympic and elite athletes. Athlete's Care provides a friendly, collegial environment with an emphasis on education, inter-disciplinary, and high quality
Each position involves consultation and primary care sport medicine, performing arts
medicine, and team physician opportunities. Mentorship opportunities are also available. Athlete’s Care is an accredited teaching facility for the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine.
Join our group of over 150 health care practitioners and support staff working together to deliver
excellence in sport and exercise medicine.
Athlete’s Care offers excellent remuneration, full admin
support, a state of the art EMR, well-equipped, modern facilities, and a number of personal and
professional growth opportunities.
Please email your CV in confidence to [email protected]
About Shift Concussion Management:
 Only designated ImPACT® Center of Excellence for
concussion care in Canada.
 One of the most comprehensive concussion
rehabilitation and education programs available.
 Growing network of like-minded physicians and
rehabilitation practitioners across Canada.
 Widely recognized interdisciplinary approach to
concussion evaluation and management.
 Certification options available for rehabilitation
About ImPACT®:
 Most widely used, researched, and scientifically
validated computerized neurocognitive testing tool
 Important tool in the overall concussion management
process and used by majority of high level sporting
organizations; NHL, NFL, MLB, NCAA, NASCAR.
 A tool to help communicate post-concussion status to
athletes, parents, teachers, employers and clinicians.
 A tool to help track recovery of cognitive processes
following concussion.
PSI Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centres, a division of CBI Heath Group, is looking for
a Sport Medicine Physician to join our multi-disciplinary team. Located at the Canadian Tire
Centre (home of the Ottawa Senators in Kanata), PSI Sport Medicine Centre West is a premier
facility with a well-equipped gym, physiotherapy, registered massage therapy, exercise therapy,
running assessment, custom bracing, concussion management and retail sport medicine equipment
services. Our team currently consists of 3 Sport Medicine Physicians and an Orthopaedic Surgeon
joining us soon, 7 Registered Physiotherapists and 2 Registered Massage Therapists and a full
compliment of Administrative Professionals. If you are looking for a great opportunity to start a
practice or simply take on some part time hours, either option provides full administrative services;
we are very interested in speaking with you. We also have a fully funded electronic medical
record system.
For more information or to express your interest, please contact Carolyn Miller at [email protected].
Option 1
Placing an ad on the CASEM website under the section
“carriers/job opportunities” for 3 months and a 1/3 page ad in the CASEM newsletter (published Bi-monthly)
Price: $100.00 (plus HST)
Option 2
Same as Option 1 plus additional mail out, targeting a specific region or province to all CASEM members plus posting for 3 months on the CASEM website. Please let us know which region you are targeting and we can give you an
estimate of how many member e-mails are available.
Price: $100 (plus HST) plus $1.00 per e-mail up to a maximum of $250.00 (plus HST)
Information needed for Job Posting:
-Please provide detailed ad in Word document with contact information
-Company logo if available in jpeg format
-send information to [email protected]
Method of Payment:
1. Payment by invoice – please provide invoicing address and contact name
2. Payment by MasterCard or VISA –
please call CASEM office with your credit card information (613-748-5851)
or fax (613-231-3739)