Why Club Licensing?
Why Club Licensing?
ANDREW SOORIAN Club Licensing Manager Agenda 1. Why Club Licensing? 2. Implementation of Club Licensing in Malaysia • Club Licensing for AFC Competition • Club Licensing for National Competition 3. Core Process 4. Emphasis & Shift to E-Governance - CLAS 5. Main Challenges – Case Study 6. Visit to Clubs – 1to1 with Super League & Premier League Clubs 7. AFC Updates Why Club Licensing? To improve the overall fabric of the game in Malaysia Why Club Licensing? The criterias’ in the FAM Club Licensing System aims to: • Safeguard the credibility and integrity of club competitions; • Improve the level of professionalism within the football family; • Promote transparency in the finances, ownership and control of clubs. Why Club Licensing? For the Clubs 1. P r o f e s s i o n a l i s e f o o t b a l l c l u b m a n a g e m e n t a n d administration of competitions; 2. Promote financial viability and stability; 3. Promote transparency in the finances, ownership and control of clubs; 4. Safeguard the credibility and integrity of club competitions; 5. Promote sporting values in accordance with the principles of fair play. Why Club Licensing? For the Players 1. Enhance youth development, including nonfootball education; 2. Enhance transparency in the contractual/legal relations with clubs; 3. Competitive football; 4. Guarantee medical care. Why Club Licensing? For the League 1. Increase Commercial viability and attracts investors; 2. Competitive league for every stakeholder; 3. Integrity of the competition is upheld; 4. Promotes financial credibility. Why Club Licensing? For the Fans 1. Promote secure match environments and enhance match-day experience; 2. Ensure attractive football competitions and brands. Why Club Licensing? For FAM 1. Youth development programme produces talents for the senior national team. 2. Competitive football for all stakeholders. Implementation of Club Licensing – AFC Competitions Principle: 1. Licensing Regulations (“FAM CLR”) was approved by the FAM Executive Committee on 28 June 2014. Art 1.2 FAM CLR – The Regulations comes into force on its approval by the FAM Executive Committee and applies for the AFC Club Competitions (AFC Champions League) Implementation of Club Licensing – National Competition 2015 All Super & Premier League Clubs to submit documents (as per existing FAM CLR). • CLD to review and provide feedback. • Inspection. • Monitoring. 2016 All Super & Premier League Clubs to submit documents for assessment. • CLD to review and provide feedback. • Follow up. • Inspection. • Monitoring. • FAM CLR to be amended to reflect the changes brought under AFC Club Licensing 2015 and introduce CL for National Level. 2017 All Super League Clubs to submit documents in accordance with the FAM CLR. • License issued by FIB for the 2018 season. 2018 All Super League Clubs to be licensed for the 2018 season. 2019 All Premier League Clubs licensed for the 2019 season (TBC). Core Process • To have regional meetings with clubs where the CLM presents the draft deadlines to the applicants and based on the club feedback submission dates are finalized. • FAM CL workshop with the applicant clubs before the document submission deadline. This will helped to improve the efficiency & efficacy of the licensing system • Timelines are prepared for the 5 criteria’s, as to avoid congestions • As a general practice no late submissions are entertained unless prior intimation is provided by the club. Emphasis & Shift to E-Governance • In order to make the entire system more transparent, faster and easier for all stakeholders we will introduce an online licensing system • All stakeholders have their logins and submissions are made through the system. This includes the FAM Club Licensing assessors who file their reports in the system based on the documents uploaded by the clubs and field inspection. • Key Features include: System generated notification to clubs including and not limited to reminder of submission deadlines, expiry of contracts etc automated submission reports and other reports for the Club licensing Manager. • CLAS online system is clas.afc-link.com CLAS Club Licensing Administration System CLAS Club Licensing Administration System Case Study – Visits to Clubs 2015 Criteria Challenges Moving forward Spor5ng Criteria Lack of Youth Programme, Double Player Contracts Establishing an efficient Youth Programme. Eliminate double contracts. Infrastructure Criteria Inadequate stadium facili@es Provide safer and beBer facility stadium for spectators Personnel & Administra5ve Criteria Lacking of sufficient personnel Have proper and qualified personnel. Appointment of a Club Licensing Officer Legal Criteria Improving manual and procedure Enhancement Financial Criteria Overdue payments Eliminate overdue payments and improve the fiscal health Note: •Financial criteria, always had problem to get the information on time. •Submission of document by the deadline. •A lot of changes happen in club between the submission time. Ripple effect by enhancing infrastructure Have ripple effect by strength of financial discipline Visit to Clubs 2016 1to1 with Super League & Premier League Region Clubs Visit Period Northern Region Perlis FA, Kedah FA, Penang FA 1 March – 15 March Middle Region Kuala Lumpur FA, Felda United FC, Selangor PKNS 16 March – 15 April FC, KL Sime Darby FC, KL DRB-‐Hicom FC, ATM FA East Coast Terengganu FA, T-‐Team FC, Kuantan FA, Uitm FC 16 April – 30 April East Malaysia Sabah FA, Sarawak FA 1 May – 15 May Southern Negeri Sembilan FA, Melaka FA, JDT II 16 May – 31 May Clubs that has been assessed in 2015 Perak FA, Selangor FA, PDRM FA, JDT FC, Pahang FC, Kelantan FA Information Club Rankings 2015 2014 2013 2012 Total Calculated Updates MA Rankings November 2014 1 Preliminary Slot - ACL 1 Playoff Slot - ACC November 2015 ? Slots – AFC Champions League THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION