Ministry Team: DEACONS Travis Crandall Johny Harris Larry


Ministry Team: DEACONS Travis Crandall Johny Harris Larry
Barry McDowell
Jimmy Neatherlin
J. R. Stroble
Our Door is Open
Anyone wanting to meet
with our Shepherds is encouraged to contact any of the
elders to set up a time.
Ministry Team:
Jill Crandall
Bruce Daughtry
Tammy Frintz
Brian McGonagill
Glen Moore
Eleanor Nelson
Mark Schinnerer
Charlie Weatherford
Volume 49 Issue 22
May 31, 2016
The beginning of Summer Break is such an exciting and busy time! With summer
camps, family trips, and vacations from hither and yon, we find that the summer
seems to be over just as quickly as it began, but the memories that we made will
remain with us for a lifetime.
Over the summer, we traditionally see large dips in attendance as our members go
out of town and spikes in attendance as they come back and visitors come in from
out of town. With these dips in attendance over previous summers, we have seen
drops in our weekly contribution of several thousand dollars from our average
amount. Historically, some of this drop is recouped in future weeks when people
come back and make up their missed contributions, but we never receive the full
amount that was lost. It is with this in mind that I would like to revisit our online giving options. With online giving, you can set up recurring contributions so your contribution will happen each week whether or not you are in town. You can also use
online giving to make one-time contributions if you prefer not to set up recurring
contributions. An option that I found to be my surprise favorite is text giving. Several times we found ourselves either out of town on Sunday or helping to prepare
for a pot-luck and not having an opportunity to give our contribution. I just had to
take out my phone and text our contribution amount to the text giving number
which is saved in my contacts. Almost immediately, I would receive a confirmation
of my successful contribution. If I ever want to review my text or online contributions I just go to the Simple Church Giving site (accessible from our church website)
and access my giving history.
Below is a quick review on how to access and use online giving and text giving:
Online giving – Go to and click on the “Simple Church Giving” box. From here, you will either sign in with your email and password that you
set up, or click on “First Time” in the upper left corner of the screen to get started.
When setting up your account, you can link your debit or credit card information to
your Simple Church account, and you can choose either a one-time contribution
with “Give Now” or “Scheduled Giving” for automatic recurring contributions.
Travis Crandall
Johny Harris
Larry Mitchell
Mike Owens
Virgil Smith
Glenn Wells
Text giving – Send a text of the dollar amount that you would like to give to 575265-4141. The first time you use text giving, you will receive a reply text with a link
to a one-time registration to link your debit or credit card to your phone number.
After filling out the one-time registration, you can text an amount to the text giving
number any time to make your contribution.
Thank you for your partnership in our quest of Building Bridges and sharing God’s
message of hope and love to the world. Have a phenomenal summer!
Aaron Irving
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Roof Repairs have started this week! The back
part of the building will be without air conditioning for a little while as they are having to reroute some lines. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Active Threat Response Training
Hosted by Kane Wyatt, who is a Sergeant
with the Eddy County Sheriff's Office
Saturday, June 4th
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Sunset Church of Christ
This training is designed to equip you with
the knowledge you need to survive an active threat incident
whether it occurs at your home, place of worship, school,
workplace, or at a restaurant or store where you are doing
business. The initial training is intended for members of this
congregation. We plan to offer another opportunity later in the
year where the training will be offered to the community.
Frank and Linda Burnside will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary
with a vow renewal ceremony on Saturday
June 11th at 4:30 pm at Sunset Church of
Christ and would love for you to come
and share in this special time with them.
There will be a dinner and reception immediately
following the ceremony.
Family Camp is June 22nd-26th this year.
Rex Boyles will be the speaker. Registration is
now open so please come to the office and talk
to Tammy to make your reservation. You must
pay the $25.00 registration fee to guarantee your
spot. The cost has been simplified and is as follows: R.V. Campers-$50.00 per R.V., Dorms-$75.00 per
dorm, Motel-$100.00 per room, and the White House$150.00 per room. Food is in these prices.
Vacation Bible School is June 27thJuly 1st from 9:00 am to 11:30 pm.
This is open to all kids ages 3 years
old to 5th grade. You may register
your children online at or come
to the church office. Jill is needing care leaders and
assistant crew leaders if you can help register
online or contact Jill. Also we will need help decorating June 19th through June 21st. Be watching for
more ways to help as we get closer.
Brian’s Corner
Gratefulness = Happiness
“Every time I think of you, I give thanks
to my God” (Philippians 1:3 NLT, second edition).
Study after study has linked gratitude to
happiness. Psychologists and sociologists have proven that the more grateful
you are, the happier you are.
If you want to have healthy relationships, then start with
an attitude of gratitude. You will be far happier and enjoy
your relationships more if you will develop the habit of
being grateful for the people in your life.
Paul says in Philippians 1:3, “Every time I think of you, I
give thanks to my God” (NLT, second edition).
This simple truth is the foundation of good relationships.
When you think of the people in your life, is your first
feeling gratitude? For too many of us, it can be, “What do
they need to do for me? What problems have we got?
What do we need to get done?” But Paul showed us a different way. His first thought for his friends was one of
gratitude, and it is the model we should follow if we want
relationships that last.
Here’s the challenge: The longer you know someone, the
more likely you are to take that person for granted. Isn’t
that true? The longer you know someone, the easier it is
to focus on that person’s faults and the bad times instead
of the happy times.
That’s why it takes effort on our part to choose to have an
attitude of gratitude for the people in our lives. When we
develop the habit of thanking God for people in our lives,
it will cultivate happiness and have a lasting and eternal
impact on those relationships.
On Sunday, July 24th we will be celebrating
60 years as a family. Make plans now for this
special family reunion as hopefully we will get
to see some of our family that we haven’t
seen in a long time, keep watching for more
details in the coming weeks.
The Children’s Home of Lubbock
has asked us to collect girls panties for their Big Heart Campaign.
They will be here in July for pickup. Also the New Mexico’s Christian Children’s Home has asked us
to collect cream of chicken or chicken broth and
they will be here for pick-up in August.
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Children’s Corner
Recently, I asked for your opinions on
children’s church and children in worship. I know this is a subject on
which we may have differing opinions. In my studies, I have not found
a lot on exactly how children are to
be involved in worship. I do know
that Jesus welcomed the children in a
situation where the disciples felt they
were a nuisance or at least a distraction to others. As long as I
have been at Sunset, I know that kids have always been welcome.
What I wonder now, as I am raising my own children in church, is
how visitors or new members feel about bringing their children to
church and the message we send to them. Are we showing them
the love that Jesus showed as he asked the disciples to let the
children come to him? How can we show them that same love
that Jesus showed?
Simple and Balanced
Sometimes, it seems that we try to develop more programs for
the kids to be involved in, and I think those are wonderful, and
even important for our kids. Other times, I wonder if we overcomplicate our worship times with too many programs that require a lot of work and a lot of workers. Where is the balance? As
I have prayed about this, I am beginning to think that there is not
only one right and one wrong answer. For our congregation right
now, I think maybe we need to simplify as we continue to seek the
best answer for our kids and any kids who come to us in the future. I also think that balance is key-we do need some times that
kids are able to learn to worship on their own levels, but if they
never watch us worship, how are they to learn to worship? Here
are a few solutions that I have come up with for now, and I would
love to hear any feedback or solutions you might have as well.
Prayer Requests
Curtis Cox is having health problems.
(203 N James)
Becky Cunningham received her 5th
round of chemo on Friday, May 27th.
The following people have cancer
and need prayers for healing: Becky
Cunningham, Lorraine White and
Dee Witherspoon.
Our shut-ins: Grace Autry, Daphna Brown, Bob & Velma Brown, Walter Carlson, Pauline Crisman, Jo Hyden,
LaRue Jackson, Wilma Kelly, Charlene Lundy, Lavonne
Neatherlin, and Keith Tidwell.
Wednesday Night Summer Series
Wednesday, June 1st-Jonathon
Crowell from Jefferson Street
Church of Christ in Hobbs, NM
Wednesday, June 8th-Michael Joiner from Hermosa Church of Christ in Artesia, NM
Wednesday, June 15th-Mike Joy from Hope,
Wednesday, June 22nd-Lance Havens from
Taylor Street Church of Christ in Hobbs
Busy Bags
After a lot of consideration as to whether we should have Children’s Church or not, I have decided that, for now, we just don’t
have the help needed to provide an effective Children’s Church
service. So, as an alternative, the ladies from Ladies’ Bible Class
have joined with me to help provide busy bags for the kids to
check out. I plan to have those bags available very soon to be
checked out during services. In these bags, there are a variety of
Bible-related activities for the kids to use during worship. There
are Bible lacing cards, and laminated sheets with Bible verse handwriting practice for kids of all ages. There are also laminated
“worship notes” pages that the older kids can reuse each week.
These are just a couple of the activities included in the bag. If you
have a child that could benefit from these bags, please check one
out from the information desk, and simply return it after services.
My prayer for the kids of Sunset is that they and their parents will
never feel as if they are a nuisance or a distraction to simply be
kept quiet during worship. We love our kids, and we just want all
of them to feel as special as Jesus made them feel when he drew
them close to him and loved them. Let’s share Jesus with our
Wednesday, June 29th-Charlie Weatherford
Wednesday, July 6th-Doug Crum from Taylor
Street Church of Christ in Hobbs, NM
Wednesday, July 13th-Josh Watkins from
Country Club Church of Christ in Roswell, NM
Wednesday, July 20th-Brian McGonagill
Wednesday, July 27th-Derrick Jones from
Capitan Church of Christ in Capitan, NM
Wednesday, August 3rd-Bruce Daughtry
Contribution & Attendance for Sunday, May 29th
Sunset Church of Christ
1308 W Blodgett
Carlsbad, NM 88220
Phone: 575-887-1278
Fax: 575-887-8078
[email protected]
Benevolence Ministry
Carlsbad Battered Families Shelter
Carlsbad Community Kitchen
Carlsbad Transitional Housing
Lakeview Chaplain
New Mexico Christian Children’s Home
Online Giving:
Weekly Budget:
Weekly + or (-)
Sunday Morning Bible Class
Sunday Morning
Sunday Evening
Small Groups
Wednesday, May 25 2016
Ladies Bible Class
Wednesday Services
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Sunset Bulletin (USPS 913-140) Published weekly, except the last two weeks in December, by the Sunset
Church of Christ meeting at 1308 West Blodgett Street, Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220. Periodicals postage
paid at Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220. POSTMASTER SEND CHANGE OF ADDRESS TO:
Sunset Bulletin
Sunset Church of Christ
1308 W. Blodgett St.
Carlsbad, NM 88220
Sunday, June 5, 2016 - 10:00 a.m.
Men To Serve Communion:
Mark Johnson
Mike Sims
Worship Leader:
Robert Stade
Mark Schinnerer
Cas Tabor
John Tigert
Alan Wood
Jeff Veilleux
Communion Service:
Cameron Wells
Mike Veilleux
Glenn Wells
Scripture Reading:
Rodney Williams
Dalton Stroble
Wednesday Night Summer
Jonathon Crowell
Green Team
Welcome Desk:
Marilyn Stade
Sunday Services
Sunday Bible Class 9:00 am
Nursery Attendant:
Morning Worship 10:00 am
Marisa DeAnda
Evening Worship 5:00 pm
Wednesday Fellowship
Ladies Bible Class 10:00 am
Bible Class 6:00 pm
Thank you for serving!
If unable to serve during
worship, please call:
Kelly Henry at 706-3304.