Reduction p potential and costs based on the IMAGE/TIMER/FAIR model Michel den El Elzen en Outline presentation 1. Methodology 2. Analysis • Low stabilisation scenarios • Carbon tax scenarios (OECD Environmental Outlook) 3. Conclusions www.mnp.nl¥fair 1.Baseline 1 Baseline and MACs 2. Global emission pathway, regional targets and costs 3. Energy and land use changes www.mnp.nl¥fair Va an Vuuren ett al, 2007, Sta abilising gre eenhouse ga as concentra ations, Clima atic Change Part of integrated IMAGE model to develop climate mitigation scenarios Regions www.mnp.nl¥fair Energy CO2 emissions from energy models TIMER and POLES accounting ti technological t h l i l iimprovements, t energy iinertia ti and d learning effects Manyy sectors and mitigation g options p ((inc. CCS,, renewables)) Non-CO2 emissions based on extended EMF non-CO2 MAC curves accounting technological improvements and removal of implementation barriers Avoiding deforestation based on MAC curves of GCOMAP model (LBNL), IIASA DIMA forest sector model Reforestation MAC based on IMAGE runs accounting difference in productivity between existing vegetation and new forests (at grid-level). www.mnp.nl¥fair de en Elzen et a al., 2007, Multi-gas emiss sion envelop pes, Global E Environmenttal Change Marginal Abatement Costs (MAC) curves Costs vary depending on what happened in previous years ITC – Induced Technological Change Inertia in energy system – lifetimes times for power plants etc Using static MACs does not capture this But FAIR tries to take into account by interpolating between 3 “standard” MAC curves,, based on 3 “standard” historical price p paths $/ MACCs construction in 2050 tCO2e MAC 1: cubic price path MAC 3: $ /tC 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2000 MAC 2: linear price path de en Elzen et a al., 2007, Multi-gas emiss sion envelop pes, Global E Environmenttal Change Path Dependency of MAC curves 2010 2020 2030 Linear cube Cubic (3) root Cube root price 2040 2050 path www.mnp.nl¥fair GtCO2e Abatement costs include direct costs for climate policy, but do not include: macro-economic effects, gains of ancillary benefits and cost/gains of changes fuel trade using Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) curves and calculating demand & supply curves Discount rate of 5%, but energy system also 10% (investments made by private parties) Include Transaction costs and CDM accessibility Emission trading full trading in case regions participate limited trading for non-participants (CDM) www.mnp.nl¥fair Va an Vuuren ett al, 2007, Sta abilising gre eenhouse ga as concentra ations, Clima atic Change Methodology Abatement costs model Baseline – developments without Climate Policy B2 Baseline and other baselines Central case B2: Population 2100: 9 billion ( (UN medium)) Emissions (GtC-eq q) 30 IMAGE 2.3 2 3 B2 IMAGE 2.3 A1b IMAGE 2.3 B1 20 GDP growth: 2% per year 10 Grey area indicates EMF21 range 0 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 Energy: gy near IEA until 2030,, conventional development 2100 after 2030 www.mnp.nl¥fair Va an Vuuren ett al, 2007, Sta abilising gre eenhouse ga as concentra ations, Clima atic Change 40 index(1990=1) Relative CO2-eq emisions(incl. LUCF CO2) 1.6 1.4 +35% 1.2 +20% 1 -5% 0.8 650 -35% 06 0.6 550 0.4 450 0.2 0 1990 2010 2030 2050 2070 2090 time(years) www.mnp.nl¥fair de en Elzen et a al., 2007, Multi-gas emiss sion envelop pes, Global E Environmenttal Change Pathways for stabilisation at 450,550 and 650 ppm CO2equivalent 700 600 Carbon tax 650 CO2-eq CO2 eq 550 CO2-eq 450 CO2-eq 500 400 300 200 100 0 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 2070 2090 Abatement costs (%GDP) 2.5 Mitiigaations costts (% GDP P Carbbon tax ($/tC-eq) 800 2.0 650 CO2-eq CO2 eq 550 CO2-eq 450 CO2-eq 15 1.5 1.0 0.5 00 0.0 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 2070 2090 Carbon taxes in the order of 200 (650) to 600-800 (450) $/tC Abatement costs as % of GDP vary over time – and peak around 2030-2050 2030 2050 www.mnp.nl¥fair Va an Vuuren ett al, 2007, Sta abilising gre eenhouse ga as concentra ations, Clima atic Change Global abatement costs for meeting 450ppm increase up to 2% of world GDP 1600 Baseline 1400 1200 1200 Renew Bio 1000 Energy use (EJ) 450 ppm CO2-eq 1400 Nuclear 800 NGas 600 Nuclear 1000 Energy use (EJ) E 1600 800 Bio Renew NGas+CCS Coal+CCS 600 Oil 400 400 Coal 200 200 NGas Bio Oil Coal 0 0 Nuclear Biofuels + CCS Oil+CCS Biofuels Oil Renewables Natural gas+CCS Coal+CCS Natural gas Coal Energy E use iin b baseline li vs. mitigation i i i scenario i www.mnp.nl¥fair Va an Vuuren ett al, 2007, Sta abilising gre eenhouse ga as concentra ations, Clima atic Change Major changes in the global energy system are required to meet 450ppm 25 E Emissions s (GtC-eq q) 20 15 10 Contributions of reduction measures Sinks/ avoided defor defor. Non-CO 2 Fuel switch CCS Bio energy Bio-energy Solar, wind, nuclear Energy efficiency baseline 450 ppm stabilization 5 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Main options short term: non-CO2, fuel switch and efficiency Main M i options i llong term: CCS CCS; Bi Biofuels, f l renewables bl & nuclear l www.mnp.nl¥fair va an Vuuren et al, 2007, Sta abilising gre eenhouse gas concentrations, Clima atic Change Energy efficiency improvements, bio-energy and CCS contribute the most in the reductions 450 ppm CO2-eq Forests Grass D Desert t Ice Tundra Agriculture A i lt Ext. grassland Bio-energy Bi C-plantation Land L d use pattern tt iin 450 ppm scenario i iin 2100 www.mnp.nl¥fair va an Vuuren et al, 2007, Sta abilising gre eenhouse gas concentrations, Clima atic Change Meeting 450ppm also leads to major changes in land use, i.e. bio bio-energy energy and C-plantations C plantations 450 ppm CC OECD CC Global CC global (phased) CC global (delayed) reduce emission in order to stay within 2oC with a 50% probability Increasing carbon tax in OECD only (2008) Increasing carbon tax in al countries (2008) Increasing carbon tax, all countries (but phased): OECD 2008; BRIC 2020; Rest of World 2030 Increasing tax, but all countries starting in 2020 Starting at 25 US$/tCO2, increasing with 2.4%/yr (Social C t off Carbon Cost C b (SCC) iin IPCC’ IPCC’s 4th A Assessmentt R Report) t) www.mnp.nl¥fair Bakkes e et al, 2008, B Background report to the e OECD Environmental O Outlook to 2030, MNP Carbon tax scenarios (OECD Environmental Outlook) The difference in implementation in 2008 and 2020 corresponds more or less to stabilization at 550 and 650 ppm CO2-eq. No carbon tax scenario meets 2 degree www.mnp.nl¥fair Bakkes e et al, 2008, Background report to the e OECD Environmental O Outlook to 2030, MNP Carbon tax scenarios (OECD Environmental Outlook) Reduction compared to 1990 emissions in 2020 (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 50 -60 -70 Equal MAC (0US$) Equal MAC (60US$) Equal MAC (150US$) Canada USA EU Russian Federation Japan Oceania Ukraine region Annex I Tax levels corresponds to baseline, and 20% and 30% Annex I reduction scenario No emissions trading www.mnp.nl¥fair De en Elzen et a al, 2008, Exploring comp parable post--2012 efforts s, MNP reporrt Comparable effort analysis: Mitigation reduction potential & Costs for 0, 60 and 150US$/tCO2 -reduction comp. 1990 level reductions dependent on the assumed Marginal Abatement Costs curves www.mnp.nl¥fair De en Elzen et al, 2008, Exploring comp parable post--2012 efforts s, MNP reporrt Comparable effort analysis: reductions for Annex I countries Conclusions Stabilizing GHG concentration at low levels (about 450 ppm CO2 ) iin order CO2-eq) d tto meett 2 degree d target t t technically t h i ll feasible f ibl possible with ‘known techniques’ P Portfolio tf li off options ti needed: d d substantial b t ti l contribution t ib ti CCS and d efficiency. Multi-gas approach. Abatement Abatement-costs costs for 450 ppm are in the order of a few percent of world GDP, strongly depending on baseline developments E Early l participation ti i ti off llarge emitting itti countries t i iis needed d d ffor meeting the low stabilisation levels www.mnp.nl¥fair Thank y you for y your attention Report (www.mnp.nl¥en): den Elzen, M.G.J, Höhne, N., van Vliet, J. and Ellerman, C., 2008. Exploring comparable post-2012 efforts for Annex I countries. Bakkes et al, 2008, Background report to the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2030. Paper: van Vuuren Vuuren, D D.P., P den Elzen Elzen, M M.G.J., G J Eickhout Eickhout, B B., Lucas Lucas, P P.L., L Strengers, B.J., 2007. Stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations. Assessment of different strategies and costs using an integrated assessment framework framework. Climatic Change Change, 81: 119 119-159. 159 Contact: [email protected] This research was p performed with the support pp of the Dutch Ministry y of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) www.mnp.nl¥fair Back-up Back up slides: for information www.mnp.nl¥fair Publications (www.mnp.nl¥fair): den Elzen, M.G.J. and Höhne, N.: 2008, 'Reductions of greenhouse gas emissions in Annex I and non-Annex I countries for meeting concentration stabilisation targets', Cli ti Ch Climatic Change, iin press htt http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10584-008-9484-z. //d d i /10 1007/ 10584 008 9484 den Elzen, M.G.J., Höhne, N. and Moltmann, S.: 2008a, 'The Triptych approach revisited: a staged sectoral approach for climate mitigation', Energy Policy 36 (3): 1107 1124 1107-1124. den Elzen, M.G.J. and Lucas, P., 2005. The FAIR model: a tool to analyse environmental and costs implications of climate regimes. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10(2): 115-134. den Elzen, M.G.J., Lucas, P. and van Vuuren, D.P.: 2008c, 'Regional abatement action and costs under allocation schemes for emission allowances for achieving low CO2-equivalent concentrations', Climatic change 90 (3): 243–268 den Elzen, M.G.J., Meinshausen, M. and van Vuuren, D.P., 2007. Multi-gas emission envelopes to meet greenhouse gas concentration targets: costs versus certainty of limiting temperature increase. Global Environmental Change, 17: 260–280. Lucas, P., van Vuuren, D.P., Olivier, J.A. and den Elzen, M.G.J.: 2007, 'Long-term reduction p potential of non-CO2 g greenhouse g gases', Environmental Science & Policy y 10 (2): 85-103. YOU van CAN Vuuren, D.P., den Elzen, M.G.J.,OR Eickhout, B., Lucas, P.L., Strengers, B.J., 2007. www.mnp.nl¥fair DOWNLOAD PAPERS CONTACT: [email protected] Stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations. Assessment of different strategies and DATASETS CLIMATE MODEL Historical emissions Climate assessment model Climate attribution model 1. Global emission pathway EMISSIONS ALLOCATION MODEL Baseline scenario Multi-stage approach Emissions pathways Per capita C Convergence Brazilian Proposal South-North di l dialogue proposall 2. Regional emissions targets Triptych approach h before emissions trading EMISSION TRADE & COST MODEL MACs Mitigation costs & Emissions trade 3. Regional GHG emissions after trade Abatement costs & permit price www.mnp.nl¥fair den Elzen, Lu d ucas, 2005, T The FAIR 2 m model, Enviro onmental Mo odelleing As ssessment FAIR 2.0 model: to assess regional emissions and costs for post-2012 mitigation regimes Objective Abatement costs model www.mnp.nl¥fair den Elzzen, Lucas and van Vuurren, 2005, Ab batement cos sts, Energy P Policy To calculate abatement costs and permit price (multi-gas) To T calculate l l t th the b buyers and d sellers ll and d fifinancial i l flflows on th the international permit market To distribute the global reduction objective over the different regions, gases and sectors following a least-cost approach, making use of the flexible Kyoto mechanisms Choice of MAC curves matters: POLES gives lower p prices till 2035-2040,, and higher g later Equilibrium Carbon Price [2005US$/tCO2] 250 200 450 POLES MAC CO2 TIMER MAC CO2 150 450 550 100 550 50 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 www.mnp.nl¥fair Global costs are manageable for POLES and TIMER MAC curves Global costs as %-GDP [2005US$] 2.0 1.5 POLES MAC CO2 TIMER MAC CO2 450 450 1.0 550 550 0.5 0.0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 www.mnp.nl¥fair